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Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010

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  • 8/2/2019 Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010


    Commanders Corner

    As Memorial Day approaches I want you

    o remember that Memorial Day is more

    han a day off from work where we can

    hold barbecues and head for the

    hopping mall to buy stuff that is put on

    ale. Memorial Day is a day in which wehould remember our nation's valiant

    oldiers who, since the founding of this

    great nation, went in harm's way to

    protect our nation, our citizens, and our

    way of life. We owe these men and

    women a debt that we can never fully

    epay. It has been said that, "Freedom is

    not free!" Freedom has been paid for

    with the blood, sweat, and tears of our

    men and women in uniform. All toomany laid down their lives, knowing full

    well the dangers they accepted in

    performing their duties for our nation.

    Others have returned with debilitating

    njuries, physical, emotional or both, for

    having defended our nation and our


    I would ask that in addition to keepingthem in your thoughts and prayers andmaking contributions to various charitiesthat support these American heroes, thatyou honor them, their valor and, all toooften, their sacrifices in another way. Youmust be the best American that you can!By taking our responsibilities as seriously

    as have our soldiers, we will honor oursoldiers, our law enforcement officers andour firefighters- all of our fellowAmericans who put their lives on the linefor all of us and, all too often make the"ultimate sacrifice" to protect us, ourfamilies and our nation in the mostimportant manner possible, butpracticing the tenets of democracy thatthey have defended for all of us.Certainly we should keep our soldiersand their families in our thoughts and

    our prayers. But we most certainly shouldalso honor their valor and sacrifices bybecoming the best possible practitionersof democracy each and every day! Youare either part of the solution or you are apart of the problem! Democracy is not aspectator sport!

    As school is winding down to anotherclose to the school year, it is time to relaxand take a short break from your hardwork. Remember to take time out for

    yourself and your family, keep in mindthough, you have a CAP family here atthe squadron. Keep on top of your CAPstudies and promotions, now is theperfect time to get those needed tests outof the way, the courses you need to go outon Training and Real Missions, and tokeep your mind and bodies sharp.Summer can be fun, but it also a time toadvance and get to go to different placesand see what the world has to offer you

    when you graduate and become adulTake a moment to relax, catch yourbreath, then get into your CAP studieand get promoted this summer, becauthe summer wont last too long andbefore you know it, its time to go bacschool and if you do not push yourselthe summer, you will be all that much

    behind this fall. Preparation is the keyI am happy to see that many of our caare planning on attending BasicEncampment this year. Have fun, learand enjoy it; it will prepare you for yoCAP career. Make us all proud bygraduating and bringing back tales ofyour adventures. This is your first mastep to becoming a CAP cadet andadvancing beyond your presentaspirations, and this will open manymore doors for you to pass through tomore adventurous existence.

    I certainly hope that we will see you ayour families at Friends and FamilyNight, we hope to have severalpromotions to present then and we haa couple of Special Awards to hand ouwell. This is a good time to relax, eat,have your family be there and watch yand be proud of you. See you June 18


    Major Kevin L. Barstow, Sr.


    NER NJ-009

    A Shore Thing

    Major Kevin L. Barstow, Sr

    Commander, NER NJ-009

    JUNE 1, 2olume 4 Issue 6

  • 8/2/2019 Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010


    C I V I L A I R P A T R O L



    Upcoming Events

    une 18 - Family and Friends

    une 19-20 - GTM3 Weekend


    Capt Thomas Callahan III

    C/A1C James Loftus

    SM James Romano


    2nd Lt Fred Boyle

    Chaplain Joseph Coffey

    SSgt William Gradwell

    2nd Lt Victor Hartley III

    2nd Lt Evan Kooker

    Welcome New Member!

    C/AB Patrick Vendetta

    From the ChaplainSummer has started and the sky iscalling us to go fly the MT-7 235

    Maule or gliders! Pre-flight has a

    check-list. You use it with what

    you learned in Moral Leadership

    class; even if the instructor doublechecks it with you. You have

    integrity! Your attitude of

    integrity and honesty grows every

    time you practice it, even when

    nobody is there to see your action

    or non-action. This June in all ourtraining missions and flights lets

    look at the way the lessons we

    practice in Civil Air Patrol impact

    our lives at home even whennobody is around to see us. How

    do you see your own integrity

    helping others take the high moral

    ground instead of a short cut or

    dishonest road? Why not invite

    another friend to join CAP and

    find a way to spend some timehaving fun flying high with

    integrity - as they practice ahealthy ethical life they will built

    an attitude that will serve them

    and others for years to come.

    LtCol Miles Barrett

    Moral Leadership and Character

    Development Officer, NJ-009

    Cadet ProgramCadets,

    I will not get off of m Encampm

    Soapbox until registration is

    closed. This leads right into this

    months topic: EncampmentRegistration.

    Registration is now open for Ba

    Encampment. To register, pleas

    visit the following website: http


    Right now there are only 175

    tickets remaining for basic cade

    (any cadet attending for the firs

    time). The cost for the

    Encampment is $165.00 which i

    very cost effective. I hope you w

    take the time to apply for and g

    to this fun filled Basic


    Captain Tony Simon,Deputy

    Commander for Cadets


  • 8/2/2019 Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010


    C I V I L A I R P A T R O L


    Personnel &AdministrationAs a reminder, all forms that areubmitted must be typed. The forms arevailable in MS Word format on the NHQ

    website. When printing a 2-sided form,print it on both sides of a single sheet of


    When submitting a completed form bymail, scan the form and save it in the

    Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

    ProfessionalDevelopmentThe CAP Senior OFficer CourseAFIADL-13) administered by the USAFs no longer available. It has been

    eplaced by the CAP Officer Basic Coursedministered by CAP NHQ. Enrollmentnformation can be found on the CAP

    University website http://members.gocivilairpatrol.com/ap_university/officer_basic_course.cfm

    This course is required for completion ofLevel II of the Professional DevelopmentProgram. Any officer who has notompleted the CAPenior Officer

    CourseAFIADL-13)hould sign up forhis course.

    Lt Col Richard A.Simon

    DPA, DA, IT, PDONJ-009

    Testingknow that this is the end of the year andll cadets are busy with final tests, but

    please do not forget about CAP.

    You need to test in order to promote, andou need to promote at least twice a year.

    You need at least the Curry in order tottend Basic Encampment. You need

    Encampment in order to receive theMitchell Award, which is the equivalent

    f Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts.

    Either 1st Lt Sandra Kooker or myself areat the meetings by 1800 hours for testing.Once again, if you are not able to be at thesquadron at that time, we are able tomake other arrangements for test takingif you just let us know.

    !I will be starting something new thismonth and will be listing all Cadets who

    have tested and passed for promotion.Going back to April we would like tocongratulate C/Clark for passing his

    Aerospace 4 Rocket module and !thus farin May C/Vendetta for passing his Curry

    Achievement. We still are lacking in thenumber of cadets who test and PASS. Letspick up the pace.

    As I am also the squadron assistantfinancial officer, I would like to gentlyremind all cadets that there is a $1 per

    week dues. For seniors the dues are $120per year. Seniors may pay at leastmonthly, or for as many months as theywould like at a time.

    We do need to have a fundraiser. The ideaof having a car wash sometime thissummer has been raised, and I think itwould be a fun time. What do you cadetsthink? We will need your full support onthis- so lets hear yourviews concerning

    where and when tohold it.

    SM Nancy Simon

    Testing Officer &Assistant FinancialOfficer



    Currently the NJWG is working veryhard to have all squadrons andincident commanders radio equipmentup to Air Force standards. A newmast will be installed once permission isgiven by the Lower Cape MayTownship. The location and frequenciesare to be kept secret. I am working hardto make Group 225 and Cape May the topcommunicators.

    There is no option of failure because tchance of a natural disasteris too high. As you know recent advenin NY makes Group 221 subjectto man-made disasters.

    Capt Charles Rambo

    Communications Officer, NJ-009

    Riots Squawk BoxFun at PSARC SAR-EX 2010

    1st Lt. Akeret and I attended thePennsylvania Search & Rescue CouncSAR-EX on Friday, April 30th throughSunday, May 2nd. This annual event at Pinch Pond Campground, ManheimPA started as a mock training weekenbut has developed into a 4 day traininopportunity with multiple workshops

    skills stations, and seminars in all SARdisciplines. There was record attendathis year, exceeding 200 participants.

    We arrived Friday evening, in time topitch the tent before nightfall. Then wheaded off to the Wilderness K9 SearcArea for Night Problems. Of course Ifound my subject within a minute (yeIm that good!).

    Saturday we attended the K9 Water

    Search Class. This was my firstexperience searching for human remafrom a boat. It was a little confusingkept hitting scent in the air, but the bokept moving around. And then a famof Canadian Geese along the shore lincaught my attention. Well, my secondout on the boat was a bit better, as Ifigured out the scent source wasoverboard. I also got to find someremains along the creek line. That wa

  • 8/2/2019 Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010


    C I V I L A I R P A T R O L


    un because I goto cool off in thereek and do theearch with myeet on the grounds usual.

    aturday night myhandler attended

    he PSARCmeeting.boringime in the truck for me. Then we got topend some time around the campfire

    with our friends from West Jersey K9AR.

    unday my handler attended the CanineAggression Management class. Although

    think they should have a HumanAggression Management class instead.We canines resolve our differences

    quickly; its the humans that holdgrudges! 1st Lt. Akeret said that she didearn a lot about canine behavior, evenhough she doesnt have any aggressiononcerns with me.

    We were back on the road Sundayfternoon. I cant wait to see what otherraining opportunities she has lined upor this year. And I look forward tooming back to PSARC SAR-EX nextpring!

    st Lt Diana Akeret & Riot

    Assistant Emergency Services OfficerNJ-009

    Emergency Services

    This month I would like to talk aboutomething different than Emergency


    would like to talk about MemorialDay! Memorial Day, which falls onhe last Monday of May,ommemorates the men and women

    who died while serving in theAmerican military. Originally known

    s Decoration Day, it originated in theyears following the Civil War andbecame an official federal holiday in

    971. Many Americans observe

    Memorial Day byvisitingcemeteries ormemorials,holding familygatherings andparticipating inparades. We in

    the Civil AirPatrol are very fortunate to be able toparticipate in many of the areaMemorial Day ceremonies. I wouldlike to ask that all of you take amoment this Memorial Day andhonor those men and women whohave given the ultimate sacrifice. Atthis time, when our nation is at warwe are too often reminded that manyof our young men and women are

    making the ultimate sacrifice. Soweather it is participating with theCivil Air Patrol at a local MemorialDay event or just taking a momentout of our lives to honor those whogave all. Lets be sure to honor thosewho help keep us safe and free.

    2nd Lt Evan Kooker

    Emergency Services Officer NJ-009

    Health Services

    If you give a cadet a good squeeze you'llcome up with a handful of salts and a fewgallons of water. We are mostly water andwe can't survive very long without adaily healthy supply. In fact during WorldWar II in the pacific theater when bloodand plasma were unavailable Navysurgeons successfully used direct seawater transfusions on seriously woundedpatients.

    With the camping and hiking seasonupon us, here are a few guidelines frothe red cross for field water disinfectio

    If a community or well water system clean water is not available, it isimportant to find safe water or disinfewater for drinking, cooking, andbrushing teeth. U.S. federal agencies a

    the Red Cross recommend these samefour steps to disinfect drinking water an emergency:

    1. Usebottled water that has not beenexposed to flood waters if it is availab

    2. If you dont havebottled water, youshould boil water to make it safe. Boilwater will kill most types of disease-causing organisms that may be presenthe water is cloudy, filter it through cl

    cloths or allow it to settle, and draw othe clear water for boiling. Boil the wafor one minute, let it cool, and store itclean containers with covers.

    3. If you cant boil water, you candisinfect it using household bleach.Bleach will kill some, but not all, typedisease-causing organisms that may bthe water (Chlorine and iodine may nbe effective in controlling more resistaorganisms like Cryptosporidium). If twater is cloudy, filter it through cleancloths or allow it to settle, and draw othe clear water for disinfection. Add 1teaspoon (or 8 drops) of regular,unscented, liquid household bleach foeach gallon of water, stir it well, and lstand for 30 minutes before you use itStore disinfected water in cleancontainers with covers.

    4. If you have a well that has beenflooded, the water should be tested andisinfected after flood waters recede. you suspect that your well may becontaminated, contact your local or sthealth department for specific advice.

    Major RichardFellows

    Health ServicesOfficer NJ-009

  • 8/2/2019 Cape May Squadron - Jun 2010


    C I V I L A I R P A T R O L



    Cape May County Composite Squadron Activities

    Over the past month or so, the cadets have been busy with color guard and honor guard rifle drill practice under the

    upervision of C/CMSgt Dylan Rutherford. Cadet Rutherford has proven to be an excellent instructor, and all cadet

    re learning new skills and progressing nicely. In addition, Emergency Services night brought a new challenge that

    most of the new cadets have not seen: a compass course courtesy of Maj Barstow. Any training with Maj Barstow is

    lways rewarding, challenging, and a learning experience for all (senior members included)! After ensuring all cadeknew how to correctly read a compass, Maj Barstow and C/CMSgt Craig Coughlin assisted cadets in the proper way

    measure their pace count-an essential skill for navigating a compass course. Next, cadets broke into groups and took

    he compass course. All cadets successfully completed the course, making it back to the squadron after dark, in time f

    quadron debrief and a well-earned snack.

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    C I V I L A I R P A T R O L


    From the Cadetsam looking forwardo the upcomingctivities that we will

    be doing. Hopefully I

    an attend them.Right now it's a littleiffy" so.... ! I have

    had trouble thinkingof something to writeor this newsletter sohis is why it is not asong as it is normally.

    See everyone soon.C/Amn MadisonPeteani

    State testing is finallyover! School iswinding down, thetemperature!is goingup and summer iscoming. I'm hoping tohave a lot of fun withCAP this summerbetween meetings, O-Flights, andEncampment. I can'twait!

    C/Amn Benjamin


    We have beenpracticing drill forcolor guard before thepast few meetings. !Iam carrying thesquadron flag for theparade and VFWceremony coming up. !I am excited for thisbecause it's beenmonths since we havedone an outsideactivity. !Outsideactivities are a greatway to show what

    Civil Air Patrol is

    about and is good forrecruiting. !I enjoy itwhen our squadrongoes out, has fun, and

    utilizes what we havelearned.!C/A1C Dylan Rhile


    Public AffairsAttention Cadets, Senior Members, and squadron friends:

    Family and Friends night is coming quickly- June 18thope everyone will be able to attend. Family and Frieis a nice night to enjoy the company of the squadron our family and friends. We have a potluck dinner andessert, and take time to recognize the achievementsour members over the past year. Please save the dateyour calendar! I am coordinating food and refreshmevia email, so please let me know what you would likbring. We need main dish items, sides, desserts, anddrinks. Hope to see you there!

    1st Lt Sandra Kooker

    Public Affairs Officer

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Cadet StaffThe past few weeks of Civil air Patrol have been great. As

    he weeks move on I gradually progress toward my

    equirements for my next promotion. In a week our

    quadron is sending a color guard for a VFW ceremony. So

    ar the color guard practices have been going very well

    and the cadets are learning a lot about drill anderemonies. As for the cadets who are not in the color

    guard, they worked on honor guard rifle drill movements.

    am very pleased with the outcome of "our all drill"

    meeting we had the other night. Hopefully more of those

    nights will occur more often.

    C/CMSgt Dylan Rutherford

    hope everyone is excited to get their ICS courses

    ompleted so that they can participate in the upcoming

    SAREX and GTM 3 school. Summer is upon us, and this ishe time when all SAR events in Civil Air Patrol begin to

    pick up. It will be an honor to work along side my ownquadron members as we work to solve problems out in

    he field and practice to save lives, but that can only

    happen if you make it happen.

    C/CMSgt Craig Coughlin

    Major Barstow congratulates 1st Lt Edward Wuerker for receivinCommanders Commendation from NJ Wing for his tireless efforts

    glider tow-pilot during the glider encampment.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
