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Caproiu - ACADEMIA ROMANA · Web view“Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti...

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Academia Română Centrul de Chimie Organică "Costin D. Neniţescu" Splaiul Independenţei 202B, 060023 Bucureşti 15, C.P. 254, ROMANIA Tel. +(4021) 31 67 900 ¸ 902; Fax. +(4021)31 21 601 Raport 2013 set I: Criterii din HG 551/6.06.2007 privind atestarea institutelor de cercetare Criteriul Punctaj NR. Punctaj cumulat A REZULTATELE ACTIVITĂŢII DE CERCETARE- DEZVOLTARE : A1 CRITERII PRIMARE DE PERFORMANTA 1 Lucrări ştiinţifice/tehnice in reviste de specialitate cotate ISI* . 30 67 2010 2 Factor de impact cumulat al lucrărilor cotate ISI. 5 124.36 621.8 3 Citări in reviste de specialitate cotate ISI. 5 666 3330 4 Brevete de invenţie. 30 1 30 5 Citari in sitemul ISI ale cercetarilor brevetate. 5 - 0 6 Produse, servicii, tehnologii rezultate din activităţi de cercetare, bazate pe brevete, omologări sau inovatii proprii. Studii prospective si tehnologice si servicii rezultate din activitatea de cercetare- dezvoltare, comandate de beneficiar 20 - 0 A2 CRITERII SECUNDARE DE PERFORMANTA 1 Lucrări ştiinţifice/tehnice in reviste de specialitate fără cotaţie ISI . 5 3 15 2 Comunicări ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale. 5 35 175 3 Modele fizice, modele experimentale, modele functionale, prototipuri, normative, proceduri, metodologii, reglementari şi planuri tehnice noi sau perfecţionate, realizate in cadrul programelor nationale sau comandate de beneficiar. 5 - 0 B PRESTIGIUL PROFESIONAL 1 Membri in colectivele de redacţie ale revistelor recunoscute ISI (sau incluse în baze internaţionale de date) şi în colective editoriale internaţionale. 20 5 100 2 Membri in colectivele de redactie ale revistelor recunoscute national (categoria B in clasificarea CNCSIS). 10 - - 3 Premii internaţionale obţinute prin 20 - - 1
Page 1: Caproiu - ACADEMIA ROMANA · Web view“Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti evaluatin of new agents from benzamides clas” Farmacia, 2013, 61(5) p. 966-974 0.669

Academia RomânăCentrul de Chimie Organică "Costin D. Neniţescu"

Splaiul Independenţei 202B, 060023 Bucureşti 15, C.P. 254, ROMANIATel. +(4021) 31 67 900 ¸ 902; Fax. +(4021)31 21 601

Raport 2013

set I: Criterii din HG 551/6.06.2007 privind atestarea institutelor de cercetare

Criteriul Punctaj NR. Punctaj cumulat


A1 CRITERII PRIMARE DE PERFORMANTA1 Lucrări ştiinţifice/tehnice in reviste de specialitate cotate

ISI* . 30 67 2010

2 Factor de impact cumulat al lucrărilor cotate ISI. 5 124.36 621.83 Citări in reviste de specialitate cotate ISI. 5 666 33304 Brevete de invenţie. 30 1 305 Citari in sitemul ISI ale cercetarilor brevetate. 5 - 06 Produse, servicii, tehnologii rezultate din activităţi de

cercetare, bazate pe brevete, omologări sau inovatii proprii. Studii prospective si tehnologice si servicii rezultate din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, comandate de beneficiar

20 - 0

A2 CRITERII SECUNDARE DE PERFORMANTA1 Lucrări ştiinţifice/tehnice in reviste de specialitate fără

cotaţie ISI . 5 3 15

2 Comunicări ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale. 5 35 175

3 Modele fizice, modele experimentale, modele functionale, prototipuri, normative, proceduri, metodologii, reglementari şi planuri tehnice noi sau perfecţionate, realizate in cadrul programelor nationale sau comandate de beneficiar.

5 - 0

B PRESTIGIUL PROFESIONAL1 Membri in colectivele de redacţie ale revistelor

recunoscute ISI (sau incluse în baze internaţionale de date) şi în colective editoriale internaţionale.

20 5 100

2 Membri in colectivele de redactie ale revistelor recunoscute national (categoria B in clasificarea CNCSIS).

10 - -

3 Premii internaţionale obţinute prin proces de selecţie. 20 - -4 Premii ale Academiei Române. 20 - -5 Număr conducători de doctorat, membri ai unităţii de

cercetare. 10 3 30

6 Număr de doctoriin stiinta, membri ai unităţii de cercetare 10 44 440

Total 1 = 6741.8Total 1/cerc.atestati = 6741.8/45 =149.81

Set II: Criterii suplimentare

1. Capitole in carti monografice (coordonate de persoane din alte institutii)(nu se considera lucrarile publicate in Proceedings-uri)

a) din tara 20p/capitolb) din strainatate 30p/capitol 1 capitol = 30 p

2.Participare la elaborarea de lucrari de amploare: atlase, dictionare, enciclopedii, alte lucrari similare


Page 2: Caproiu - ACADEMIA ROMANA · Web view“Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti evaluatin of new agents from benzamides clas” Farmacia, 2013, 61(5) p. 966-974 0.669

a) din tara 20p/lucrareb) din strainatate 30p/lucrare

3. Carti de autor publicate (nu cursuri universitare, culegeri probleme, note de laborator, sau editari proceedings-uri conferinte)a) la edituri din tara 40p/carte 1 carte = 40pb) la edituri din strainatate 60p/carte

4. Carti coordonate (editate) inclusiv Proceedings-suri a) in tara 20p b) in strainatate 30p

5. Un contract extrabugetar obtinut de catre institut - de la organizatii int. 3puncte/10000 lei - de la organizatii nat. 1punct/10000 lei - 746000 lei - 74 p

6 Bonus (pentru diferentierea lucrarilor la pct. A2.1) lucrari in reviste non-ISI din strainatate sau reviste ale Academiei se adauga 3 pct -

Total 2 = 144pTotal 2/Cerc. Atestati = 144/45 = 3.2

Total general (1+2) = 6885.8Total general/cerc.atestati = 153.01

Precizari:- pentru articole se indica toti autorii, titlul lucrarii, titlul revistei, vol, pagini (interval), an.- pentru carti se indica autorii, titlul, editura, localitatea de publicare, nr. pagini si anul.- pentru carti si capitole se indica autorii capitolului, titlul, coordonatorul volumului, titlul volumului, editura,

localitatea de publicare, paginile si anul.- se includ doar cartile si lucrarile stiintifice publicate in reviste de specialitate. Nu se includ lucrarle didactice realizate in insitutii de invatamant, articolele din ziare, eseuri, etc. care nu au caracter de cercetare


Page 3: Caproiu - ACADEMIA ROMANA · Web view“Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti evaluatin of new agents from benzamides clas” Farmacia, 2013, 61(5) p. 966-974 0.669

Plan 2013 - Proiecte

PROGRAMUL DE CERCETARE Nr. 1“Chimie organică teoretică “ – Program prioritar al Academiei Române

resposabil - dr.ing. Petru Filip 1.1.Studiul adiţiei cetenelor la epoxizi şi sisteme nesaturate. Stereo- şi regioselectivitatea reacţiilor. Studiul teoretic al

suprafeţelor de reacţie.

1.1.1. Adiţia cetenelor la epoxizi aromatici şi spiranici şi aziridine

1.1.2. Adiţia ciancetenelor la sisteme dienice ciclice si policiclice

1.2. Modele QSAR-QSPR

1.2.1. Dezvoltarea de descriptori moleculari pe grafuri bazate pe descrieri de tip “valence bond”

1.2.2. Noi descriptori pentru proprietăţi moleculare şi programe de evaluare şi utilizare a acestora în calcule QSAR-QSPR

PROGRAMUL DE CERCETARE Nr. 2Chimia hidrocarburilor şi a derivaţilor lor funcţionali

responsabil - dr.ing. Alexandru Razuş

2.1 Sinteze şi proprietăţi în seria unor hidrocarburi nesaturate, cuprinzînd sau nu sisteme azulenice, ca atare sau condensate.

2.1.1. Condensari McMurry de compusi carbonilici azulenici

2.1.2. C omportare electrochimică a unor sisteme azulenice în condiţii oxidative şi de reducere [Cooperare cu Universitatea Tehnică din Darmstadt, Germania]

2.1.3. C ondenzarea bazelor Schiff cu compuşi care au în structura lor grupări metilenice active [Cooperare cu Universitatea Tehnică din Darmstadt, Germania]

2.1.4. Sinteza şi reacţiile unor alchene substituite cu grupări aril, heteroaril şi azulenil [Cooperare cu Universitatea Tehnică din Darmstadt, Germania]

2.1.5. Sinteze de saruri de azulenpiriliu

2.2. Studiul comportării olefinelor şi cicloolefinelor în prezenţa unor catalizatori de metateză. [Cooperare internaţională cu: Universitatea Ghent, Belgia; Academia Bulgara, Institutul de Polimeri; Universitatea Veszprem, Ungaria]

PROGRAMUL DE CERCETARE Nr. 3Chimia compuşilor heteroatomiciresponsabil - dr.ing. Petride Horia

3.1. Chiralitate. Inductie chirala si analiza prin RMN” - Proiect prioritar al Academiei Române

3.1.2. Studiul reactiilor N-ilidelor. Mecanisme de reactie, izomerie elicoidala

a. Sinteza de noi derivaţi de pirolofenantrolina. Determinarea necoplanaritatii sistemului pirolofenantrolinic prin analiza de raze X.

b. Cicloaditia 1,3-dipolara dintre 1,10-fenantroliniu N-ilide si olefine activatec. Endo si regioselectivitate în cicloaditia 1,3-dipolară dintre ftalaziniu N-ilide si maleimide substituite la dubla legatura

3.1.3. Compuşi heterociclici chirali:sinteză, discriminare enantiomerică, determinarea configuraţiei absolute

3.2. Compuşi heterociclici mezoionici


Page 4: Caproiu - ACADEMIA ROMANA · Web view“Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti evaluatin of new agents from benzamides clas” Farmacia, 2013, 61(5) p. 966-974 0.669

3.2.1. Sinteza si reactiile compusilor cu structura mezoionica

3.3. Compuşi organostanici cu acţiune potenţială biologică [Cooperare internaţională cu: Universitatea Libera Bruxelles, Belgia; Universitatea Konstanz, Germania.; Universitatea Bayreuth, Germania.]

PROGRAMUL DE CERCETARE Nr. 4Tehnici experimentale şi analiză instrumentală modernă

responsabil - dr.ing. Teodor Căproiu

4.1. Sonochimie.

4.1.1. Reacţii chimice organice în câmp ultrasonic.

4.1.2. Obtinerea membranelor sintetice prin iradierea cu US.

4.3. Oxidarea aminelor cu compuşi cu ruteniu [Colaborare internaţională Universitatea “La Sapientza” Roma, Italia]

4.4. Markeri şi sonde de spin derivaţi nitroxidici


responsabil - dr.ing. Mircea Vuluga

5.1. O bţinerea unor compozite organic-anorganic direct din sinteză prin reacţii pe suport heterogen [Colaborare internaţională cu Laboratorul de Chimie şi Procedee de Polimerizare LCPP-Lyon, Franţa. proiectul CNRS 17023]

5.2. Noi compusi cu proprietati tensioactive, bacteriostatice, de cristale lichide si anticorozive avand la baza saruri de (bis)-piridiniu substituite cu lanturi alchilice lungi.

5.3. Biofilm Imobilizat pentru Epurarea Apelor cu Incarcatura Organica, in proiectul internaţional Eureka E!3100, "Cell attachments in wastewater bioremediation"-CAWAB, parteneri externi Institute of Chemical Technology-Praga, Rep.Ceha si University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Slovenia, parteneri romani ICECHIM-Bucuresti, AVIS3000 srl-Mintia-Hunedoara si CCTI S.A-Bucuresti,

PROGRAMUL DE CERCETARE Nr. 6 Program interdisciplinar de prevenire a fenomenelor cu risc major la scara naţională.

Program Fundamental al Academiei Româneresponsabil - dr.ing. Petru Filip

6.1. Cataliză heterogenă selectivă în chimia organică

6.2. Sinteze organice catalizate de schimbători de ioni

6.3. Biocombustibili. Cicluri de producţie-utilizare cu emisie minimă de dioxid de carbon


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1. Lista de lucrări publicate.Nr. Autori, titlu, revistă Factor


1Fulvia-Ancuța Manolache, Anamaria Hanganu, Denisa Eglantina Duța, Nastasia Belc, Doru Ioan Marin, “The physico-chemical and spectroscopic composition characterization of oat grains and oat oil samples”, Revista de Chimie, 2013, 64 (1), 45-48.



Eugenia Andreea Dragu, Simona Nica, Victorita Tecuceanu, Daniela Bala, Constantin Mihailciuc, Anamaria Hanganu, Alexandru C. Razus, “Synthesis and electrochemical properties of carbocyclic and heterocyclic diazulenylethenes”Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 29, 6601-6610, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201300354.


3M. V. Bogăţian , G. Bogăţian, .A. Hîrtopeanu , C . Deleanu , A. Nicolescu , M. Maganu and P. Filip,“Reaction of pyrylium perchlorates having long alkyl substituents with aminoacids“, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2013, 8/19.02.2013, în publicare.



Camelia Elena Stecoza, Magdaléna Májeková, Pavol Májek, Miron Teodor Căproiu and Luminiţa Măruţescu, “Novel Dibenzothiepins with Antibiofilm Activity Demonstrated by Microbiological Assays and Molecular Modeling”Current Organic Chemistry, 17, pp 113-124, Nr. 24, 2013; DOI 10.2174/1385272811317020006



Anca Păun, Irina Zarafu, Miron T. Căproiu, Constantin Drăghici, Maria Maganu, Ani I. Cotar, Mariana C. Chifiriuc, Petre Ioniţă “Synthesis and microbiological evaluation of several benzocaine derivatives”Compt. Rand. Chim., 16, pp. 665-671, 2013.


6Anca Păun, Irina Zarafu, Miron T. Căproiu and Petre Ioniţă“Synthesis and structural characterization of a stable betaine imino-nitroxide free radical” Arkivoc, 2013 (iv), 144-151.



Carmen Limban, Alexandru Vasile Missir, Khairi Mustafa Salem Fahelelbom, Moawia Mohammad Al-Tabakha, Miron Teodor Căproiu, Bassem Sadek"Novel N-phenylcarbamothioylbenzamides with anti-inflammatory activity and prostaglandin E2 inhibitory properties’ Drug Design, Development and Therapy, , vol.7, pp 883-892, 2013.



Constantin I. Tănase, Constantin Drăghici, Miron Teodor Căproiu, Sergiu Shova, Christophe Mathe, Florea G. Cocu, Cristian Enache, Maria Maganu,“New carbocyclic nucleoside analogues with a bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane fragment as sugar moiety; synthesis, X-ray crystallography and anticancer activity”,Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry, (2013), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2013.10.056


9Camelia Stecoza, Corina Ilie, Miron Teodor Căproiu, “New O-acyl-oximino-dibenzo[b,e]Thiepines and their Sulfones. Synthesis and Characterisation”Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), 64(5), 529-533, 2013.


10Camelia Stecoza, Corina Ilie, Miron Teodor Căproiu, “New Dibenzothiepine Sulfones. Synthesis and Structure Elucidation”Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), 64(10), 1062-1066, 2013



L. Tarko, C. T. Supuran "QSAR studies regarding sulfamate and sulfamide inhibitors targeting human carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, IX and XII" Bioorg. & Med. Chem., 2013, 21(6), p. 1404 – 1409



Alina Nicolescu, Calin Deleanu, Emilian Georgescu, Florentina Georgescu, Ana-Maria Iurascu,Sergiu Shova, Petru Filip"Unexpected formation of pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline derivatives during the multicomponent synthesis of pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazoles"Tetrahedron Letters 54 (2013) 1486–1488



L. Birzan, V. Tecuceanu, C. Enache, A.C. Razus"Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometer of Some Phenylselanylated Azulenes and of the Corresponding Selenoxides and Selenones "Revista de Chimie, 2013, 64(7), 701-706.


14M.L. Soare, E.-M. Ungureanu, E. Georgescu, L. Birzan "Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of substituted indolizine carboxylates" Journal Of The Serbian Chemical Society, 2013, 78(6), 827-838.



G.O. Buica, E.-M. Ungureanu, L. Birzan, A.C. Razus, L.R. Popescu "Voltammetric sensing of lead and cadmium using poly(4-azulen-1-yl-2,6-bis(2-thienyl)pyridine) complexing films"Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry,   2013, 693, 67-72.  



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16S. Nica, L. Cristian, C. Deleanu, P.I. Filip, A.C. Razus "Extended pi-conjugated Chromophores based on Pyrilium Core Linked to Guiazulenyl Vinyl Moieties "Revista de Chimie 2013, 64(6), 658-662.


17Malina Raileanu, Ligia Todan, Mariana Voicescu, Crinu Ciuculescu, Maria MaganuA way for improving the stability of the essential oils in an environmental friendly formulation”, Materials Science & Engineering C, (xxx), 2013, C(33), 6, p. 3281-3288.


18Anca Dibla, Ana-Maria Albu, Alina Nicolescu , Maria Maganu,“Free-Radical Solution Copolymerization of N-Acryloylmorpholine” Polymer Journal, 2013, PJ2013178,  in press


19C. I. Tanase, C. Draghici, Miron T. Caproiu, Lucia Pintilie, Maria Maganu, Ccristian Enache., “Unusual course in a Grignard reaction of a mesyl substituted ketonic bicycle [2.2.1] heptane compound” Revista de Chimie, 2013 In press


20Teodorescu, F., Pălăduţă, AM., Pavel, OD."Memory effect of hydrotalcites and its impact on cyanoethylation reaction"Mat. Res. Bull., 2013, 6, 2055-2059


21Teodorescu, F., Deaconu, M., Bartha, E., Zăvoianu, R., Pavel, O.D."Addition of Alcohols to Acrylic Compounds Catalyzed by Mg-Al LDH"Catal. Lett., 2013, in press


22Matei, L.; Bleotu C., Baciu, I.; Draghici, C.; Ionita, P. ; Paun, A., Chifiriuc, M. C. ; Sbarcea, A.; Zarafu, I.“Synthesis and bioevaluation of some new isoniazid derivatives” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry ,2013, Volume: 21   Issue: 17   Pages: 5355-5361



Negru, I.; Teodorescu, M.; Stanescu, P. O.; Draghici, C.; Lungu, A.; Sarbu, A., “Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-N-t-butylacrylamide)-block-poly(ethyleneglycol)-block-poly(isopropylacrylamide-co-N-t-butylacrylamide) triblock copolymers: synthesis and thermogelation properties of aqueous solutions” Colloid and Polymer Science, 2013, Volume: 291   Issue: 11   Pages: 2523-2532.



Barbuceanu, S. F.; Bancescu, G.; Saramet, G.; Barbuceanu, F.; Draghici, C.; Radulescu, F. S.; Ionescu, A.; Negres, S.“Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New N-1-[4-(4-Chlorophenylsulfonyl)benzoyl]-N-4-(aryl)-thiosemicarbazides and Products of Their Cyclization" Heteroatom Chemistry, 2013, Volume: 24   Issue: 4   Pages: 309-321


25Morusciag Laurentiu; Draghici C.; Nitulescu, G. M., “Synthesis of new unsymmetrical 1,4-Dihydropyridine derivatives as potential anticancer agents”Farmacia, 2013,   Volume: 61   Issue: 3   Pages: 617-624


26Barbuceanu, S. F.; Saramet, G.; Bancescu, G. ; Draghici, C.; Apostol, T.-V.; Taran, L.; Dinu-Pirvu, C. E. ”Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Hydroxypyrazolines” Revista de Chimie , 2013,  Volume: 64   Issue: 4   Pages: 355-360



Negru, I., Teodorescu, M.; Stanescu, P. O; Draghici, C.; Lungu, A.; Sarbu, A.“Thermogelation Properties of ABA Triblock Copolymers of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (B) and Copolyacrylates of Oligo(Ethylene Glycol)s (A) in Aqueous Solution” Soft Materials, 2013,   Volume: 11   Issue: 2   Pages: 149-156



Stecoza, C. E.; Ilie, C. ; Draghici, C.; Caproiu, M. T. “Synthesis And Structure Elucidation of Some New O-Acyl-Oximino-Dibenzo[b,e]Thiepines And O-acyl-oximino-Dibenzo[b,e]Thiepine-5,5-Dioxides” Farmacia, 2013,   Volume: 61   Issue: 2   Pages: 378-389



Georgescu, E.; Dumitrascu, F.; Georgescu, F.; Draghici, C.; Barbu, L."A Novel Approach for the Synthesis of 5-Pyridylindolizine Derivatives via 2-(2-Pyridyl)pyridinium Ylides” Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2013,   Volume: 50   Issue: 1   Pages: 78-82  



Mihalcea, F.; Barbuceanu, S-F.; Socea, L-I.; Saramet, G.; Cristea, C.; Draghici, C., Enache-Preoteasa, C.; Saramet, I. "Synthesis and Preliminary Antimicrobial Screening of New 1,2,4-triazol-5-ones Containing 5H-dibenzo[a,d] [7] Annulene Moiety” Revista de Chimie, 2013, Volume: 64  Issue: 2   Pages: 127-131



Alexandru, M-G., Velickovic, T. C. ; Krstic, M.; Hrubaru, M-M.; Draghici, C. "Two complexes of Co(II) and Pd(II) formed in reaction with a mono-oxazoline derivative. Spectroscopic characterization and cytotoxic evaluation” Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013, Volume: 1041   Pages: 55-60


32Nuta D. C., Chifiriuc M. C., Draghici C., Limban C., Missir A. V., Morisciag L., “Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activyti evaluatin of new agents from benzamides clas” Farmacia, 2013, 61(5) p. 966-974



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33Uivarosi Valentina, Badea Mihaela, Olar Rodica, Draghici Constantin, Barbuceanu Stefania Felicia, “ Synthesis and characterizationof some new complexes of magnesium (II) and zinc (II) with the natural flavonoid primuletin” From Molecules, 2013, 18, p. 7631-7645.


34E. Georgescu, F. Georgescu, C. Draghici, L. Cristian, M. M. Popa, F. Dumitrascu, Fast and Green One-Pot Multicomponent Synthesis of a Library of Pyrrolo[1,2-c] Pyrimidines Under Microwave Irradiation, Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. 2013, 10, 851-857.


35Nitulescu George Mihai, Draghici Constantin, Olaru Octavian Tudorel, “New potential antitumor pyrazole derivatives: synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation“ International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 14 (11), p. 21805-18.


36F. Dumitrascu, E. Georgescu, F. Georgescu, M. M. Popa, D. Dumitrescu, Synthesis of Pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolines by Multicomponent 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition, Molecules 2013, 18, 2635-2645. 2.428

37L. Cristian, S. Nica, O. D. Pavel, C. Mihailciuc, V. Almasan, S. M. Coman, C. Hardacre, V. I. Parvulescu, Novel ruthenium-terpyridyl complex for direct oxidation of amines to nitriles, Cat. Sci. & Technol., 2013, 3(10), 2646-2653


38A. Ion, S. Nica, A.M. Madalan, F. Lloret, M. Julve, M. Andruh C3-symmetric trinuclear copper(II) species as tectons in crystal engineering CrysEngComm, 2013, 15(2), 294-301


39E. A. Dragu, S. Nica, V. Tecuceanu, D. Bala, C. Mihailciuc, A. Hanganu, A. C. Razus, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Diazulenylethenes,Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 29, 6601-6610.


40S. Nica, L. Cristian, A. Hanganu, A. E. Ion, E. A. Dragu, C. Deleanu, A.C. Razus, 4-Guaiazulenyl pyrylium salts 2- and/or 6-substituted with guaiazulenyl pendant arms, Revista de Chimie, 2013, 64, accepted.



A. Ion, S. Nica, A.M. Madalan, C. Maxim, M. Julve, F. Lloret, M. Andruh One-dimensional coordination polymers constructed from di- and trinuclear {3d–4f} tectons. A new useful spacer in crystal engineering: 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)azulene, CrysEngComm, 2014, 3, DOI: 10.1039/C3CE41592A, HOT ARTICLE FOR NOVEMBER, Inside cover for issue 3



Y. Sun, D. Sun,W. Yu, M.-C Zhu, F. Ding,Y. Liu, E. Gao, S. Wang, G. Xiong, I. Dragutan, V. Dragutan , “Synthesis, characterization, interaction with DNA and cytotoxicity of Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes containing pyridine carboxylic acid ligands” , Dalton Trans. 2013, 3957-3967.


43B. Dassonneville, L. Delaude, A. Demonceau, I. Dragutan, V. Dragutan, K.S. Etse, M. Hans, „Selected Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds with Olefin Metathesis as a Key Step”, Curr. Org. Chem. 2013, 17, 2609-2653. Invited paper, Hot Topic Thematic Issue on Olefin Metathesis.



I. Dragutan, V. Dragutan, A. Demonceau, L. Delaude, „Enabling access to diverse bioactive molecules through enyne metathesis concepts”, Curr. Org. Chem., 2013, 17, 2678-2720.Invited paper, Hot Topic Thematic Issue on Olefin Metathesis.



I. Dragutan, V. Dragutan, A. Demonceau, H.C.M. Vosloo, „Synthesis of Castanospermine and Epimers by Metathesis Routes”, Curr. Org. Chem., 2013, 17, 2721-2739.Invited paper, Hot Topic Thematic Issue on Olefin Metathesis.



E. Szajdzinska-Pietek, M. Steblecka, A. Liszewska, I. Dragutan, „ESR spectroscopic characterization of spin labeled procaine in homogeneous solutions and membrane mimetic systems”, J. Mol. Liq., 2013, 177, 306-312



F. Teodorescu, I.C. Man, C. Stavarache, J.-V. Naubron, A. Hirtopeanu, “Experimental and calculated vibrational circular dichroism of an iminosugar molecule (2R, 3R, 4R) 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-arabinitol-hydrochloride” Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (4), 351-354.



P. F. Vlad, A. Ciocarlan, M. Coltsa, C. Edu, A. Biriiac, A. Barba, C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, M. D’Ambrosio, A. de Groot, “Synthesis of (-)-albrassitriol and (-)-6-epi-albrassitriol from (+)-larixol”, Nat. Prod. Res., 2013, 27 (9), 809-817.



P. F. Vlad, A. Ciocarlan, C. Edu, A. Aricu, A. Biriiac, M. Coltsa, M. D’Ambrosio, C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, S. Shova, N. Vornicu, A. de Groot, “Regio- and stereoselective synthesis of (+)-6-ketoeuryfuran, (+)-6-ketowinterin and (-)-7-ketoeuryfuran from accessible labdane diterpenoids (+)-larixol and (-)-sclareol”, Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 918-926.



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C. Paraschivescu, M. Matache, C. Dobrota, A. Nicolescu, C. Maxim, C. Deleanu, I. Farcasanu, N. Hădade, “Unexpected formation of N-(1-(2-aryl-hydrazono)isoindolin-2-yl)benzamides and their conversion into 1,2-(bis-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)benzenes”, J. Org. Chem., 2013, 78 (6), 2670-2679.


51M. Balan, A. Nicolescu, C. Stavarache, M. Ciobanu, C. Deleanu, “Fast NMR juice identification based on sugars and other plant metabolites from fruits”, Rev. Roum. Chim., 2013, 57 (2-3), 175-182.



R. Somoghi, C.L. Nistor, C. Deleanu, D. Donescu, “Preliminary Studies on the Complex System: Surface-active Substances – Hybrid Silica Particles - Vegetable Oils”, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (5), 495-501.


53A. Nicolescu, M. Balan, E. Georgescu, F. Georgescu, L. Ursu, B. C. Simionescu, P. Filip, C. Deleanu, “Benzimidazolium-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes”, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (4), 451-455.



A. Ciocarlan, C. Edu, A. Biriiac, L. Lungu, A. Aricu, M. D’Ambrosio, S. Shova, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, N. Vornicu, “Synthesis of polyfunctional drimanes from drim-7,9(11)-diene and drim-8-en-7-one”, Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43 (22), 3020-3033.


55C. Andronescu, S. A. Gârea, C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, H. Iovu, “The influence of montmorillonite concentration and solvent polarity on the synthesis of benzoxazine monomers in the presence of montmorillonite”, Applied Clay Science, 2013, 86, 99-105.


56 A.D. Rusu, C. Ibanescu, E. Resmerita, B. Simionescu, M. Danu, V. Hurduc, S.-A. Ibanescu, „Stimuli Responsive Graft Polysiloxanes”, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (6), 667-671. 0.538

57M. Drobota, D.G. Dimitriu., B. Simionescu, I. Titorencu, M. Olaru, M. Aflori, “Cytocompatibility of PET films after DC helium plasma treatments and collagen immobilization”, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (7), 761-765.


58 B. Simionescu, S.A. Ibanescu, M. Danu, I. Rotaru, C. Ibanescu, „Rheology of gelatin – starch systems. I. Influence of system composition”, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (8), 909-913. 0.538

59M. Aflori, M. Drobota, D.G. Dimitriu, I. Stoica, B. Simionescu, V. Harabagiu, “Collagen immobilization on polyethylene terephthalate surface after helium plasma treatment”, Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 2013, 178, 1303-1310.



Aflori, A., Simionescu, B., Bordianu, I.-E., Sacarescu, L., Varganici, C.-D., Doroftei, F., Nicolescu, A., Olaru, M., “Silsesquioxane-based hybrid nanocomposites with methacrylate units containing titania and/or silver nanoparticles as antibacterial coatings for monumental stones”, Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 2013, 178, 1339-1346.


61 I. Ionita, A.-M. Albu, C. Radulescu, “Synthesis and Characterization of New Carbazole Derivative for Photorefractive Materials”, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 2013, 64 (6), 612-619. 0.538

62A.I. Badanoiu, A.-M. Albu, G. Voicu, C.A. Nicolae, „Influence of Dicyclopentadiene Co-Polymers on the Hardening Processes and Properties of Portland Cement Composites”, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polymers Mat. 2013, 23 (3), 499-509.



I.C. Popescu (Hostuc),P. Filip, D. Humelnicu, I. Humelnicu, T. B. Scott, R. A. Crane"Removal of uranium (VI) from aqueous systems by nanoscale zero-valent iron particles suspended in carboxy-methyl cellulose"Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (2013) 250–255


64Spiridon, M.C., Jerca, F.A. , Jerca, V.V., Vasilescu, D.S., Vuluga, D.M., "2-Oxazoline based photo-responsive azo-polymers. Synthesis, characterization and isomerization kinetics ", European Polymer Journal, (2013), 49, p452-463; doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2012.11.024.


65Jerca, F.A., Jerca, V.V., Kajzar, F., Manea, A.M., Rau, I., Vuluga, D.M., "Simultaneous two and three photon resonant enhancement of third-order NLO susceptibility in an azo-dye functionalized polymer film", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2013), 15, p7060- 7063; doi: 10.1039/c3cp50547b


66L.Todan, C.Andronescu, D.M.Vuluga, D.C. Culita, M.Zaharescu, "Thermal behavior of silicophosphate gels obtained from different precursors", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2013), 114, p91–99; doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2875-4



Alina Anghelache, Mircea Teodorescu, Paul O. Stǎnescu, Constantin Drǎghici, Dumitru Mircea Vuluga, "Novel crosslinked thermoresponsive hydrogels with controlled poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(propylene glycol) multiblock copolymer structure", Colloid and Polymer Science, (2013), Online First; doi: 10.1007/s00396-013-3128-1


Suma factori de impact 124.362Factor de impact mediu 1.856

1a. Lucrări publicate in 2012 si aparute cu intirziere - neprinse in raportul pe 2012


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A.C. Razus, L. Birzan, V. Tecuceanu, M. Cristea, A. Hanganu "Benzo- and Dibenzo-Crown Ethers Substituted With (Azulene-1-Yl) Azo Chromophores. Synthesis And Properties"Revue Roumaine De Chimie, NOV 2012, 57(11), 987-995.M.L. Soare, E.-M. Ungureanu, E. Georgescu, L. Birzan "Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Substituted Pyrrolo[1,2-c]pyrimidine Carboxylates "Revista De Chimie,  NOV 2012, 63(11),  1089-1095.

1b. Lucrări publicate in reviste non-ISI

Aurelia Bratu, Mihaela Mihalache, Anamaria Hanganu, Nicoleta-Aurelia Chira, Maria-Cristina Todaşcă, Sorin Roşca, “Quantitative determination of fatty acids from fish oils using GC-MS method and 1H-NMR spectroscopy”, U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, Seria B, 2013, 75(2), 23-32.


M. M. Popa, C. Draghici, F. Dumitrascu, E. Georgescu, F. Georgescu, F. Badea, The atropoisomerism of highly substituted pyrroles. Case study, UPB Sci. Bull. B 2013, 75, 109-116. BDI

D. G. Dumitrescu, F. Dumitrascu, F. Badea, New Helical Molecules via 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition, UPB Sci. Bull. 2013, 75, 18-22. BDI

1c. Listă de citări în 2011 ale unor articole publicate anterior (în curs de finalizare)

Articole publicate de CCO inainte de 2010 citate in 2010-2012

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Marc Antoniu Ilies1,4, William A. Seitz1, Miron T. Caproiu2, Melissa Wentz3, Robert E. Garfield3, Alexandru T. Balaban1

Pyridinium-Based Cationic Lipids as Gene-Transfer AgentsEuropean Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2003, 14, 2645–2655 2BIOMATERIALS  Volume: 34   Issue: 28   Pages: 6906-6921BIOMACROMOLECULES  Volume: 14   Issue: 8   Pages: 2750-2764


Marian Verziu, Bogdan Cojocaru, Juncheng Hu, Ryan Richards, Crinu Ciuculescu, Petru Filip and Vasile I. Parvulescu"Sunflower and rapeseed oil transesterification to biodiesel over different ; nanocrystalline MgO catalysts"Green Chemistry, 2008, 10 ,373-381


FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 116   Pages: 325-331RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS  Volume: 26   Pages: 216-223BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 139   Pages: 107-112APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL  Volume: 136   Pages: 210-217CATALYSIS LETTERS  Volume: 143   Issue: 5   Pages: 401-405MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS  Volume: 169   Pages: 112-119ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS  Volume: 35   Issue: 2 Pages: 184-192JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A  Volume: 1   Issue: 41   Pages: 12919-12925CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 3   Issue: 9   Pages: 2244-2251CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 3   Issue: 4   Pages: 900-911RSC ADVANCES  Volume: 3   Issue: 12   Pages: 4052-4058RSC ADVANCES  Volume: 3   Issue: 8   Pages: 2802-2811FUEL  Volume: 103   Pages: 742-748


Marian Verziu, Mihaela Florea, Simion Simon, Viorica Simon, Petru Filip, Vasile I. Parvulescu,Christopher Hardacre“Transesterification of vegetable oils on basic large mesoporous alumina supported alkaline fluorides—Evidences of the nature of the active site and catalytic performances”Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 263, 56-66


FUEL  Volume: 115   Pages: 443-451ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING  Volume: 1   Issue: 11   Pages: 1432-1439RENEWABLE ENERGY  Volume: 59   Pages: 23-29APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL  Volume: 136   Pages: 210-217REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS  Volume: 109   Issue: 1   Pages: 167-179JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA  Volume: 25   Issue: 4   Pages: 823-829JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A  Volume: 1   Issue: 46   Pages: 14592-14605CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 49   Issue: 73   Pages: 8006-8008RSC ADVANCES  Volume: 3   Issue: 24   Pages: 9070-9094


Alexandru T. Balaban, Adrian Beteringhe, Titus Constantinescu, Petru A. Filip and Ovidiu Ivanciuc"Four New Topological Indices Based on the Molecular Path Code"J. Chem. Inf. Model., 47 (3), 716 -731, 2007



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M. Vinatoru, M. Toma, O. Radu, P. Filip, D. Lazurca and T. J. Mason,"The Use of Ultrasounds to Extract Bioactive Principles from Plants and their Constituents", Ultrasonics Sonochem., 1997, 4, 135

4CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS  Volume: 98   Issue: 1   Pages: 199-207CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS  Volume: 98   Issue: 1   Pages: 412-420INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS  Volume: 50   Pages: 803-808JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING  Volume: 117   Issue: 4   Pages: 426-436


Dragutan V., Dragutan I. et allDalton Trans. 2013, 42, 3957-3967 2Inorg. Chim. Acta 2013, 404 , 13-22Energy Environ. Sci. 2013, 6, 3229-3234   

7Dragutan V., Dragutan I. et all.Curr. Org. Synth. 2012, 9( 6),779-790 1Curr. Org. Chem. 2013, 17, 2749-2763   

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47Dragutan V., Dragutan I. et all.Platinum Metals Rev. 2000, 44, 58-66 1Adv. Org. Synth. (Bentham), Vol. 3, 2012, 3-34 (Ch. 1)

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Căproiu M.T. et all.REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 53 Issue: 7 Pages: 513-518 Published: JUL 2002 1FARMACIA Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 617-624 Published: MAY-JUN 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 205-210 Published: MAR 2010



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LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN & DISCOVERY Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Pages: 444-452 Published: JUN 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 53 Issue: 11 Pages: 742-746 Published: NOV 2002 1FARMACIA Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 617-624 Published: MAY-JUN 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE Volume: 46 Issue: 8 Pages: 893-898 1RSC ADVANCES Volume: 3 Issue: 38 Pages: 17260-17270 DOI: 10.1039/c3ra41911h Published: 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Pages: 393-396 1POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 98 Issue: 1 Pages: 241-245 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.10.006 Published: JAN 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 56-59 Published: JAN 2011 1ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Pages: 599-611 DOI: 10.1039/c2ob27000e Published: 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 41-42 Pages: 6-12 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2011.12.003 Published: APR-JUN 2012 1COMPTES RENDUS CHIMIE Volume: 16 Issue: 7 Pages: 665-671 DOI: 10.1016/j.crci.2013.03.012 Published: JUL 2013


Căproiu M.T. et all.ARKIVOC Pages: 346-358 Part: 10 Published: 2011 1EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 2013 Issue: 28 Pages: 6379-6388 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201300784 Published: OCT 2013


1e. Brevete

Lista breveteTanase I Constantin, Cocu Florea, Draghici Constantin, Maria Maganu. “Compuşi prostaglandinici 9β-halogenati şi procedeu de obţinere a acestora” Cerere brevet depusa la OSIM, avand nr. de inregistrare A/01041/19.12.2012.

2. Carţi publicate şi capitole de cărţi

Lista cărţilor publicate în ţară în 2013Vasile Dinoiu

Lista capitolelor din cărţi apărute în 2013 în străinătate

1Pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinolines: Synthesis and biological activity, M.M. Popa, M.R. Caira, F. Dumitrascu, pp 19-40 in Bioactive Heterocycles. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation, Editors: K.L. Ameta, R.P. Pawar, A.J. Domb, NovaScience Publishers January 2013

Lista studiilor, rapoartelor publicate în 2012 pe internet1

3. Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe

Nr. Autori, titlu, conferinta


Brînduşa Bălănucă, Raluca Stan, Adriana Lungu, Izabela-Cristina Stancu, Anamaria Hanganu, Horia Iovu, “Bio-based nanocomposites from modified vegetable oil and three-dimensional inorganic/organic hybrids ”, Oral presentation, 18th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 4-7 September 2013, Sinaia, Romania.


Cristina Todaşcă, Aurelia Bratu, Mihaela Mihalache, Anamaria Hanganu, Carmen Buzea, Mihaela Radu, Sorin Roşca, “Improvement of the nutraceutical quality of grape seed oils”, Poster presentation, 8th International Conference of Chemical Societies from South-East European Countries on “Chemistry for the new horizon”, 27-29 June 2013, Belgrade, Serbia.


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A. Iordache, M. Iote, M. Ferbinteanu, M. Iovu, F. Dumitrascu, C. Draghici, M. Marinescu, and Ch Zalaru, „ New substituted N,N-bis-(1-methyl-3,5-dimethyl-4-nitropyrazole-1-yl)-4-aminobenzen with potential antibacterial and antifungal activity. Structural analysis ” The 15nd International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM-15 Septembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania.

4C. Zalaru, F. Dumitrascu, C. Draghici, M. Iovu, R. Tatia, L. Moldovan, M. Marinescu „Lipophilicity and cytotoxicity of novel amino pyrazole derivatives biologically active” The 15nd International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM-15 Septembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania.

5A. Iordache, C. Martac, M. Iote, M. Ferbinteanu, M. Iovu, F. Dumitrascu, C. Draghici,. Ch Zalaru, „ Novel substituted aminopyrazole biologically active. Structural analysis” The 18nd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Septembrie 2013, Sinaia, Romania.

6Lanthanides sensing using azulenes derivated chromophores. A.C. Razus, L. Birzan, M. Cristea, V. Tecuceanu, C.-A. Amarandei, E.-M. Ungureanu Fourth Regional South-East Europe SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROCHEMISTRY Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 26-30, 2013 (poster).

7 DNA and N-Substituted Amides Copolymers:Complexes or Bonding? A. Dibla, A. M. Albu, A. Nicolescu, V. Tecuceanu 44-th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC 2013, Istambul, Turcia, August 11-16, 2013 (prezentare orala).

8Kinetic Parameters Effect on Stereoregularity of N-Substituted Amides Copolymers A. Dibla, A. M. Albu, A. Nicolescu, V. Tecuceanu 44-th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC 2013, Istambul, Turcia, August 11-16, 2013 (poster).

9O.D. Pavel, R. Zăvoianu, E. Angelescu, F. Neaţu, R. Bîrjega, F. Teodorescu, Impact of hydrotalcite preparation methods onto 1,4-addition of saturated linear alcohols to acrylic compounds, 10th International Symposium of The Romanian Catalysis Society RomCat, 29-31 Mai 2013, Cluj-Napoca, România, poster

10D. Gheorghe, A. Neacsu, I. Contineanu, F. Teodorescu, S. Tanasescu, Thermochemical properties of L-alanine nitrate and L-alanine ethyl ester nitrate, Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 26-30 August 2013, Vilnius, Lituania, poster


S. Iancu, M. Duldner, Z. Vuluga, A. Sârbu, C. Nicolae, E. Bartha, D.F. Anghel, Oligoester ionomers from PET wastes as dispersing agents for nanocomposites, 8th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries - ICOSECS 8, 27-29 iunie 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, poster


M. Duldner, S. Iancu, A. Sârbu, S. Apostol, E. Bartha, “Green” method of obtaining polyester-polyols for rigid polyurethane foams with improved physico-mecanical and flame retardant properties, 8th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries - ICOSECS 8, 27-29 iunie 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, poster

13S. Iancu, M. Duldner, Z. Vuluga, C. Nicolae, E. Bartha, Quaternary ammonium salts of oligoterephthalates from PET waste, as organomodification agents for layered silicates, 18-th Romanian International Conference on chemistry and chemical engineering RICCCE, 4-7 septembrie 2013, Sinaia, România, comunicare orală


S. Iancu, M. Duldner, A. sarbu, A.M. Zaharia, A.M. Florea, S.O. Dima, E. Bartha, Investigation of two synthetic routes for developing biodegradable, water dispersible copolyesters, starting from pet wastes and renewable materials, Priorities of chemistry for a sustainable development – PRIOCHEM 9-th edition, 24-25 octombrie 2013, Bucureşti, România, poster

15M. Duldner, S. Apostol, S. Iancu, A. Sârbu, T. Sandu, A.L. Ciripoiu, E. Bartha, Recycled polyols from „split-phase” glycolysis of polyurethane integral skin foams, Priorities of chemistry for a sustainable development – PRIOCHEM 9-th edition, 24-25 octombrie 2013, Bucureşti, România, poster

16Monica Iliş, Marin Micutz, Teodora Staicu, Florea Dumitraşcu, Iuliana Pasuk, Yann Molard, Thierry Roisnel, Viorel Cîrcu, Room-temperature emissive liquid crystalline materials based on palladium(II) imine derivatives containing the 2-phenylpyridine core, ROMPHYSCHEM 2013, September 11-13, Bucharest.

17Amalia Pana, Laura Badea, Monica Iliş, Marin Micutz, Florea Dumitraşcu, Iuliana Pasuk Viorel Cîrcu, Nematic ionic liquid crystalline materials based on silver-carbene complexes, ROMPHYSCHEM 2013, September 11-13, Bucharest.


Alexandra Iordache, Marinela Iote, Marilena Cimpoesu, Mircea Iovu, Florea Dumitrascu, Constantin, Draghici, Maria Marinescu, Christina Zălaru, New substituted N,N-bis-(1-methyl-3,5-dimethyl-4-nitropyrazole-1-yl)-4’-aminobenzen with potential antibacterial and antifungal activity. Structural analysis, ROMPHYSCHEM 2013, September 11-13, Bucharest.

19Mino R. Caira, Marcel M. Popa, Denisa Dumitrescu, Florea Dumitrascu, Constantin Draghici, Reactions of tetrahydro-isoquinoline N-ylides with non-symmetrical dipolarophiles, 8th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries (ICOSECS 8) 2013, 27-29 June, Belgrade, Serbia

20Liliana Lungu, Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu, Manuela Savoiu, Claudia Valentina Popa – Biological activity of alcoholic Rhus leaf extracts, International Conference on Natural Products Utilization (ICNPU) „From plants to pharmacy shelf”, November 3-6, 2013, Bansko, Bulgaria.


Liliana Lungu, Vasile Bercu, Maria Marinescu, Manuela Savoiu, Ana Emandi, Claudia Valentina Popa, Study of antioxidant activity of some seed extracts by EPR and DPPH spectrophotometric methods , 8th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South East European Countries, „Chemistry for the New Horizon”, ICOSECS 8, Belgrade, Serbia, June 27-29, 2013


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22Vasile Bercu, Maria Marinescu, Ana Emandi, Liliana Lungu, Claudia-Valentina Popa, EPR studies on antioxidant activity of Calendula officinalis extracts, International Workshop „Challenges in Food Chemistry”, May 31- June 1, 2013, Constanta, Romania.- best poster award

23Emilia Ocnaru, Liliana Lungu, Vasile Dinoiu, Luiza Jecu, Mihaela Badea-Doni, Influence of the extraction method on the antioxidant activity of various aromatic herb extracts, Simpozionul International „Prioritatile Chimiei pentru o Dezvoltare Durabila” PRIOCHEM, editia IX-a, 24-25 Octombrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania.

24Liliana Lungu, Maria Marinescu, Victorita Tecuceanu, Andrei Florin Danet, Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu, Claudia Valentina Popa, Antioxidant activity of some Calendula officinalis sp. extracts, International Workshop „Challenges in Food Chemistry”, May 31- June 1, 2013, Constanta, Romania


Liliana Lungu, Andrei Zbuchea, Victorita Tecuceanu, Valentina Alexandru, Rodica Tatia, Claudia Valentina Popa, Preliminary analyses of an ointment with increased wound healing activity and some of its natural ingredients, Simpozionul International „Prioritatile Chimiei pentru o Dezvoltare Durabila” PRIOCHEM, editia IX-a, 24-25 Octombrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania

27C. Stavarache, "Toward iminosugars using ultrasounds: faster, easier, better", Workshop "Unconventional synthesis and characterization of chiral biologically active compounds", Centrul de Chimie Organica, Bucuresti, 10-11 octombrie 2013. (Comunicare)

28 N. Usurelu, S. Gareava, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, I Tarcomnicu, D. Stambouli, L. Sznoyi, “Interferente endocrine in fenilcetonurie”, Controverse in endocrinologia pediatrica, Timisoara, 23-26 Mai 2013, Vol. Rezumate p. 43.

29N. Usurelu, S. Hadjiu, A. Stamati, C. Boiciuc, C. Magdei, V. Sacara, S. Garaeva, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, I. Tarcomnicu, V. Plaiasu, D. Stambouli, L. Sznoyi, “Maladiile metabolice ereditare implicate in epilepsia cu debut precoce”, Scoala Medicala Pediatrica cu participare internationala, Iasi, 16-19 aprilie 2013.

30N. Usurelu, S. Hadjiu, A. Stamati, C. Boiciuc, C. Magdei, D. Rotaru, V. Sacara, S. Garaeva, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, I. Tarcomnicu, V. Plaiasu, D. Stambouli, L. Sznoyi, “Depistarea erorilor innascute de metabolism in perioada neonatala”, Scoala Medicala Pediatrica cu participare internationala, Iasi, 16-19 aprilie 2013


R. Vulturar, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, J. Häberle, “Clinical and biochemical aspects in a newborn with classical MSUD, and report of a novel mutation in BCKDHA gene”, International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (ICIEM), Barcelona (Spania), 3-7 September 2013. Abstracted in J. Inherit. Metab. Dis., 2013, 36 (Suppl. 2), pp. S158. (ISSN: 1573-2665).


N. Usurelu, A. Nicolescu, V. Sacara, S. Garaeva, L. Sznoyi, C. Deleanu, “Urinary 2-oxoglutaric acid detected by NMR Spectroscopy in the diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism”, International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (ICIEM), Barcelona (Spania), 3-7 September 2013. Abstracted in J. Inherit. Metab. Dis., 2013, 36 (Suppl. 2), pp. S184. (ISSN: 1573-2665).


C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, E. Georgescu, F. Georgescu, S. Shova, P. Filip, “Fine tuning a multicomponet reaction to proceed towards either pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline or pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazole ring formation”, European Magnetic Resonance Conference (EUROMAR), Hersonissos (Grecia), 30 iunie – 5 Iulie 2013. Book of Abstracts, pp. 623TH.

34A. Nicolescu, N. Usurelu, M. Balan, M. Ciobanu, L. Stefan, C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, N. Usurelu, M. Balan, M. Ciobanu, L. Stefan, C. Deleanu, “Urinary metabolites – possible markers for the geographic region”, Controverse in endocrinologia pediatrica, Timisoara, 23-26 Mai 2013. (Poster)


M. Balan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, B. C. Simionescu, M. Balan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, B. C. Simionescu, “Aspecte experimentale in caracterizarea RMN a complecsilor de incluziune ai ciclodextrinelor", Zilele Academice Iesene, a XXIV-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice a Institutului de Chimie Macromoleculara „Petru Poni” Iasi, 3-5 Octombrie 2013, Vol. Rezumate p. 35.

35A. Nicolescu, R. Vulturar, N. Usurelu, L.-I. Stefan, C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, R. Vulturar, N. Usurelu, L.-I. Stefan, C. Deleanu, “The geographical region influence on 1H-NMR urine metabolomics based diagnosis”, SMASH NMR 2013, Santiago de Compostela (Spania), 22-25 Septembrie 2013, Book of abstracts, pp. 187.

3. Lista conferinţelor invitate

Nr. Autori, titlu, conferinta

1 V. Dragutan, “Applications of Metathesis Catalytic Systems in Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules”. Conferinta prezentata la Institut de Chimie,, Université de Liège, Belgique, Sep. 20, 2013

2 I. Dragutan, “Microwave-assisted Olefin Metathesis in Azasugar Chemistry”. Conferinta prezentata la Institut de Chimie,, Université de Liège, Belgique, Sep. 9, 2013.

3V. Dragutan, I. Dragutan, E. Mata, S. Testero, “Modern Trends in Design and Synthesis of Transition Metal-Based Metathesis Catalysts”. Conferinta prezentata la Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina, Nov. 11, 2013.

4V. Dragutan, I. Dragutan, E. Mata, S. Testero, “Efficient Application of Metathesis Reactions in Synthesis of Target Organic Molecules”. Conferinta prezentata la Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina, Nov. 14, 2013.

Lista manifestărilor ştiinţifice organizate în 2010 de institut (denumire, participare, perioada, locul de desfăşurare)


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1 Workshop "Unconventional synthesis and characterization of chiral biologically active compounds", Centrul de Chimie Organica, Bucuresti, 10-11 octombrie 2013. Participare Internaţională.

4. Contracte de cercetare câştigate în baza expertizei acumulate şi aflate în derulare în 2012

Lista GRANT-urilor în derulareNr. Coordonator Proiect

1 Carmen Stavarache

Tinere Echipe: TE-0298/5.10.2011“Sinteza de iminozaharuri biologic active utilizând metode neconvenţionale-iradiere cu ultrasunete şi microunde”AZASUGARS - 2011-2013 -750000lei - 200000 lei pt. 2013

2 Petru Filip LIGSALCHEM - Parteneriate -Coordonator Universitatea Bucureşti - 2012-2015- 700000 lei - 138000 lei / 2013

3 Petru Filip BIOBUILD - Parteneriate - Coordonator CCO - 2012-2015 - 800000 lei - 210000 lei/20134 Petru Filip Biofuel 2G - EUREKA - Coordonator IUCT Spania - 2012-2015 - 264000 lei - 105000 lei/2012

5 Florina DumitruCalin Deleanu

“Idei Complexe”: PN-II-ID-PCCE-2011-2-0028; Contract Nr. 4/30.05.2012. - Coordonator "P. Poni"- Iaşi, “Sisteme de inspiraţie biologică pentru entităţi proiectate structural şi funcţional” Perioada de derulare: 2012-2015. Finanţare Total: 443.734 lei; Din care: 73000 lei pt. 2013

6 Ileana Dragutan

„Mise au point de réactions catalytiques assistées par micro-ondes pour une chimie plus verte” Cooperare bilaterala MEN-UEFISCDI - Wallonie Bruxelles International, Belgia. Contract 586/2012 Parteneri: Centrul de Chimie Organica si Universitatea Liège, Belgia - 20.000 lei/2013

7 Ileana Dragutan

„Engineering Organometallic Compounds for C-C Coupling Reactions Designed for Fine Chemical Synthesis and Production of Commodity Functional Materials”Cooperare bilaterala MEN-UEFISCDI - Ministry of Science and Technology, China. Contract 632/2013 Parteneri: Centrul de Chimie Organica si Wuhan University of Technology, China48.700 lei/2013

8 Ileana Dragutan

„Extending Metathesis Concepts and Techniques to Synthesis of Advanced Organic Molecules and Nanostructured Architectures” Cooperare bilaterala MEN-UEFISCDI - MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION OF ARGENTINA. Contract 727/2013 Parteneri: Centrul de Chimie Organica si Instituto de Química Rosario (CONICET–Universidad Nacional de Rosario), Argentina28.000 lei/2013

5. Membrii în colectivele de redacţie ale unor revuste ISI

Petru Filip - Editor Sef - Revista de chimie Căproiu Teodor - Membru colegiu de redacţie - Revista de Chimie

Vuluga Mircea - Membru colegiu de redacţie - Materiale \plasticeValeriu Drăguţan: Editorial Board of International Journal of Organic Chemistry (SCIRP, USA; since 2011) Editorial Board of Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (SCIRP, USA; since 2011) Editorial Board of Journal of Chemical Science and Technology (Hongkong, since 2012) Editorial Board of International Journal of Chemistry and Material Science (USA, since 2012) Editorial Board of Advances in Chemical Science (China, since 2012) Editorial Board of Studies in Chemical Process and Technology (ASSE, USA, since 2012)

7. Cooperări internaţionale

1 Dragutan ValerianDragutan Ileana

Colaborare cu Univ. Liege, Belgia, la tema « Microwave-assisted organic synthesis »

2 Dragutan ValerianDragutan Ileana

Colaborare cu Univ. Ghent, Belgia, la tema «Applications of transition metal catalysts for synthesis of fine chemicals » 

3 Dragutan ValerianDragutan Ileana

Colaborare cu Univ. Milano, Italia, la tema «Sustainable Approaches to Ancillary Ligands and Applications in Transition Metal Complexes Involved in Organometallic Catalysis» 

4 Dragutan ValerianDragutan Ileana

Colaborare cu Univ. de Tehnologie Chimica Shenyang, China, la tema «Modern Catalysts for Metathesis Reactions and Applications in Related Industrial Processes» 



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Dr.ing. Petru Filip


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TABELcu rezultatele institutelor Academiei Romane in 2013

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în 2013




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EAR înţară



1 CCO 58 3 44 13 3 42 21 2 - - 1 - - 666 36 - 1

Lucrări deosebite:C. Paraschivescu, M. Matache, C. Dobrota, A. Nicolescu, C. Maxim, C. Deleanu, I. Farcasanu, N. Hădade,“Unexpected formation of N-(1-(2-aryl-hydrazono)isoindolin-2-yl)benzamides and their conversion into 1,2-(bis-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)benzenes”, J. Org. Chem., 2013, 78 (6), 2670-2679. Factor Impact 4.564

L. Cristian, S. Nica, O. D. Pavel, C. Mihailciuc, V. Almasan, S. M. Coman, C. Hardacre, V. I. Parvulescu, Novel ruthenium-terpyridyl complex for direct oxidation of amines to nitriles, Cat. Sci. & Technol., 2013, 3(10), 2646-2653 Factor Impact 3.758

Jerca, F.A., Jerca, V.V., Kajzar, F., Manea, A.M., Rau, I., Vuluga, D.M., "Simultaneous two and three photon resonant enhancement of third-order NLO susceptibility in an azo-dye functionalized polymer film"Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2013), 15, p7060- 7063; doi: 10.1039/c3cp50547b, Factor Impact 3.829

