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Career Center Plan Book

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CAP 220 Final Campaign Plan Book
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Career Center Campaign Plan Book Campaign Plan Book Lauren Supron Grand Valley State University
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Career Center Campaign Plan Book

Campaign Plan Book

Lauren Supron

Grand Valley State University

April 2014

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Campaign Plan book: Career Center

Table Of Contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………………......pg. 3

Secondary Research…...……………………………………………………......…pg. 6

Primary Research………………………………..………….…………........……..pg. 9

Campaign Action Plan……………………………………....…………..…………pg. 13

Budget/Timeline Evaluation……………………………………………………….pg. 20

Appendix…………………...………………………………………………………pg. 25

Digital 1 Pager……………………………………………………………………..pg. 42


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Grand Valley State University’s Career Services headed by Susan Proctor is not

having the success that is expected. Career Services as a whole has had a significant lack

of attendance events and have seen few students take advantage of their other resources.

The problems GVSU faces are not problems that are impossible to fix. Students come to

GVSU to pursue not only an education but a career as well. College students jump at the

word “free” so for students to not utilize the free and helpful resources they are given

appears out of character. Students at GVSU are failing to utilize Career Services and

attend their events, specifically Student to Professional Conference. This lack of

participation may not be purposefully or because they don’t feel they need the skills and

networking these events and services provide, but rather because they do not know they


In order to increase attendance to both the free eservices and the events that

Career Services provides there must be an increase in recognition and awareness of the

center, their brand and their services. Career Services as a whole must increase their

brand and awareness of their services throughout campus, to both students and faculty.

They must take the initiative to stand out among the other services, clubs, departments

and organizations that GVSU has to offer and create staple to their brand that will help

them differentiate themselves from the rest.

This project focuses on the client of Career Services and Susan Proctor, Employer

Development Manager. Susan Proctor is the coordinator of the Student to Professional

Conference. Career Services has offered the Student to Professional Conference for two

years and has netted 120-150 students per year out of the 25,000 undergrad students that


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GVSU currently has (Proctor). The goal of this project/campaign is to inform, change

current attitudes, and increase awareness of the GVSU Career Services menu available to

undergraduate students. The situation Career Services is in is a situation that many

services, products, and companies face; it is one that is focused on lack of awareness.

This problem most likely exists because Career Services provides a service that basically

all college students need or could benefit from; because of this, with services such as

these you would think the benefits and services they offered would speak for themselves

and students would utilize them. The problem is that while GVSU students have a need

for these services the Career Center are not able to satisfy these need if students don’t

know they exist. Another contributing factor to this problem is that the career services are

expecting students to go out of their way to utilize them when Career Center should be

meeting them halfway.

This campaign is focused on objectives, the first being the increasing of

registration and attendance at the Student to Professional Conference by 50%. This

objective will be a platform for students to experience the benefits of the Career Center

first hand. The second objective is to have Career Services become a staple of GVSU

campus such as the Student Organization Center, and to tie the services that students do

know about (Laker Jobs) back to the Career Services Center itself to gain recognition.

This project is important because the success of GVSU undergraduate students can be

increased through the utilization of the Career Center; students can acquire the necessary

skills and resources they need to become successful post-graduation from the Career

Center and this project is going to increase awareness and therefore utilization of these

crucial skills and services.


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While the Career Center is currently struggling, its strength are the valuable

services it has to offer and its availability to university students. Services such as career

testing, career advising, job/internship postings, resume assistance and simulated

interviews are one of kind services that no one else, especially on campus, has to offer.

Career Center weaknesses include the awareness that GVSU students currently have

about it, its events and its services, is little to none.

To measure the campaign goal students will be presented with online surveys as a

way to gauge attitudes and awareness towards the Career Center in addition to next years

Student to Professional Conference there will be a focus group held to discuss not only

the event but the awareness of not only the event but also the Career Center. The

transitional period first and second year college students face lead them to seek help in

order to succeed. Undergraduate students are learning the importance of utilizing a wide

variety of tools and networks in order to bridge the gap between student to professional

and the Career center has the possibility to bridge that gap quickly, affordably,

conveniently and most importantly, successfully.


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Secondary Research

The Career Center provides students with the tools, connections and services they

need in order to succeed but in order to do that the service center must increase

recognition and awareness throughout campus and ultimately their target audience of first

and second year college students, of not only their existence but their services as well.

The audience we are speaking to are in direct need of our service; they are going through

drastic change, they are looking for a source of direction at their disposal upon leaving

home, and they are most importantly eager to succeed. The audience of both men and

women will often be living on campus with the majority not having transportation, this is

a positive point for the Career Center because of it’s on-campus location. The

methodology used in these secondary research findings are gathered and centered on

successful career service programs at other universities and other career services findings

that have the potential to guide GVSU’s the Career Center into the campus spotlight.

According to a study by Burns (2013) student-athletes who showed low self-

efficacy benefited from the career development programming. A lack of faith in

themselves led the student athletes to be more satisfied with the academic support

services. Grand Valley State University is a division 2 athletic powerhouse, an emphasis

on the Career Center to GVSU athletes could not only be beneficial to the athletes but it

could also raise awareness throughout the student body.

A different form of career counseling called Narrative Career Counseling has

shown to help underprepared college students make an informed career decision (Hughes,

2013). This approach reconstructs the client’s life story and consists of six steps: defining

the problem and setting the goal for counseling, encouraging the clients’ exploration of


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important life roles and domains using qualitative techniques, encouraging the clients to

view their stories from multiple perspectives, putting the problem into a new perspective

based on the retold story, and applying the new skills to the clients’ lives. If GVSU’s

Career Center adopted this method they could center their awareness campaign around

this new type of hands-on counseling. For underprepared and scared students the offer of

an in-depth look into their life story and it’s tie to their potential career path could be

extremely appealing (Hughes, 2013).

In order for the Career Center to create an identity on campus they should try

something new to help differentiate themselves from other organizations and services

GVSU has to offer. An article in Targeted News Service highlighted an event put on by

Career Services at Wilmington University titled Career Closet (Wilmington, 2009).

Career Closet was an event created to offer a helping hand to those struggling throughout

the university community. The Career Center had students; faculty and staff donate clean

professional-wear to be given to in need members of the community. An event

sponsorship like this one has the potential to reach outside of the GVSU campus and into

the rest of the community. This kind of event raises extremely positive awareness and has

a direct correlation with the services the organization, in this case, the Career Center,


The focus of career services must be directed at students at the beginning of their

college journey and job hunt. The point of career services is to prepare you for potential

employers and help to inform you about your future goals and career paths. An article in

The Times explains the point is not to come in a week before graduation seeking advice

or looking for a job (University careers services, 2004). In order to receive all of the


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benefits and success the Career Center has to offer they must put the focus of their

marketing and attention on first or second year students. GVSU has many new student

programs including transition, campus life night, and Meijer madness, etc. the Career

Center should capitalize on these new student events to get the word of their services out.

Based on the findings above it is clear that GVSU Career Center has some

changes and improvements to be made. While the GVSU career service website and our

client, Susan Proctor do offer many resources such as interview practice and resume

assistance they need to adopt what other careers services centers have implemented such

as philanthropy, new career advising techniques and focuses on specific types of students,

such as student athletes. With GVSU’s Career Center being little known the adaptation

and addition of these three main improvements along with the focus on public relations at

“new student” events will help to solve it’s current problem of awareness.


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Primary Research

A focus group was conducted on March 13th 2014 at 5386 Pierce Street Unit L1.

Of those attending five were girls and two were boys. All attendees were part of our

target audience, Grand Valley State University student’s years ranging from sophomore

to senior. Throughout this group there were student athletes, members of Greek

organizations as well as nursing students and other organizations. The purpose of this

focus group was to gauge and identify feelings and opinions regarding GVSU’s Career

Center which will ultimately allow the Career Center to meet this campaigns objectives

which are Create Brand Career Center, Increase campus involvement of first and second

year students, and lastly increase registration and attendance to the STP conference by


In order to gain the results needed, there were many questions that were

answered, topics discussed and a task that was to be completed. Surveys were created that

included information that created explanatory results for the topic, and a successful,

social discussion group was performed. With the discussions generated by the focus

group and its participating students, student perceptions could be explored concerning the

client the Career Center. These discussions reaped successfully analyzable results.

Through this focus group we asked our target audience what they know about

career services, if they have used the services, and asked them to identify common GVSU

logos. The purposes for these questions were to firstly, collect in-depth data on specific

research questions regarding our topic that would help us identify the Career Center’s

success and struggles. The purpose of the logo activity conducted was to see how


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perceptive GVSU students are of branding and visual advertising used by campus


The focus group identified that while Career Services is not something that every

student is familiar with their main struggle is their lack of identity on campus. Members

of the focus group explained that career services is easily overlooked because it is seen as

a resource that you are informed at the beginning of your collegiate experience and are

seldom reminded of along the way. Aside from the lack of identity the focus group

wasn’t aware of the variety of resources Career Services had to offer. The group

expressed extreme interest in resources such as resume assistance and on-campus

interview but explained they had no idea they existed.

Of the services offered the group had extremely positive attitudes about both

Laker Jobs and Career advising although they did not realize that Laker Jobs was offered

through Career Services. Of the responses the most overwhelming throughout the group

was the lack of knowledge about the Student to Professionals conference. Of the 7

participants none were familiar with the conference or were even aware that it was put on

by GVSU. When explained what this event was members agreed that they most likely

would have attended the event if they had known about it or at least would have

considered attending.

When it came to GVSU news and events the group discussed that they gain most

event and news knowledge through social media accounts. Rarely do they check the

GVSU.com event calendar and most do not take the time to speak with promotional

tables. At the end of the focus group members participated in the logo identification

activity. This activity showed different GVSU logos used on campus as well as other


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noticeable identities such as the Lanthorn “L”. We showed the image and asked the group

to identify its corresponding affiliation. The group had an easy time identifying the


Of the information gathered and analyzed we have concluded that the majority of

this campaign focus needs to be on increasing awareness of not only Career Services, but

also on the services they provide; specifically the Student to Professionals conference.

The information gathered matters to the Career Center because through the identification

of the problems can come the execution of strategy and tactic, that will ultimately help to

meet all objectives for the campaign. The responses from the primary research showed

that students are interested in utilizing the services provided by Career Services, with that

the goal of the campaign is not to persuade, it is to inform. GVSU students are eager to

prepare themselves for the future but they are not being effectively reached. This

campaign should utilize both web and social media in order to inform students of their

services and events. The insight gained through this research is beneficial to Career

Services because it identifies exactly where the disconnect is between the students and

the available services. Research also shows highly attended campus events that leave

possibility for Career Services promotion such as Campus Life Night and the Transitions


This focus group helped narrow research questions to several specific focuses that

apply directly to campaign goals. Through the information gathered, the Career Center

campaign needs to put a focus on information-based advertising. Using the Grand Valley

website and social media accounts Career Services can get information about themselves

and their events out through a student friendly and visually appealing identity. Creating


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attractive incentives such as extra credit within GVSU classes, free food, networking

opportunity and prizes to be advertised at well publicized and attended events such as

Campus Life Night and the Transitions program, will increase awareness of the Career

Services and ultimately the attendance of the Student to Professionals conference.


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Campaign Action Plan

Based on research secondary research and primary research in the form of a focus

group and survey a public relations plan was created in hopes of affecting the target

audiences awareness, attitude and actions in regards to the GVSU Career Center. This

plan includes three objectives or measurable goals that will help solve the current Career

Services problem. Once the objectives have been identified there are 3 strategies derived

from research that will accomplish each objective. Lastly, there is a tactic for every

strategy, which explains how you will achieve your objective.

A. The first objective within the PR plan is to create and then increase

brand/image recognition throughout GVSU’s campus. Creating a solid brand for

Career Services includes a recognizable logo, slogan, and image around the

services center. This branding and image creation will help Career Services to

stand out on campus and differentiate themselves through other campus service

centers. By creating a brand and logo Career Services will be perceived as a large

part of the campus environment similarly to Campus Dining, GVSU athletics and

other organizations, departments and clubs that have recognizable branding.

i. For this objective the first strategy is to create a logo that stays true to

GVSU culture, history and image but stands out among other well-known

campus logos.

ii. The second strategy is to create social media accounts consistent with

the Career Center identity. Once the Career Center has an identity its

social media pages can mirror that by getting out clever and informative

messages to it’s target audience (social media users).


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iii. The third strategy is to popularize the Career Center location. The best

way to familiarize yourself with a company or departments identity is to

see it first hand. By popularizing Career Center location and making it a

“cool place to be” you are letting the branding and identity speak for itself.

For each strategy there is a specific tactic to aid the strategy in achieving the objective or


i. Strategy 1: Create logo

a. Hold a campus wide logo competition for students to

participate in. Students know the campus best and those

participating in this competition will be required to better know

the Career Center and it’s services to accurately create the


b. Include logo on all GVSU student promotional materials, such

as flyers, pamphlets, etc.

c. Create and enforce the wearing of clothing featuring the logo

by all Career Center employees, as well as create buttons and

stickers to be given away to career center visitors.

ii. Strategy 2: Social Media Accounts

a. Create a Twitter that can quickly and accurately share

information in a clever way consistent to the Center’s new


b. Create an Instagram featuring Career Center employee features

on their favorite aspect of Career Center.


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c. Create a Facebook page in order to PR upcoming events,

opportunities, monthly reminders and potentially new career

advising techniques.

iii. Strategy 3: Popularize Location

a. Place sidewalk decals leading students from largely populated

areas such as Kirkhof Center towards the Career Center with

attention grabbing copy such as “Wanna know the secret to

landing your dream job? Follow me” or “Your resume needs

work… let me help you with that”.

b. Have the Career Center feature a cool item (example pinball,

popcorn machine, churro maker) that could be the ticket to

popularize and encourage student visits.

c. Speak with student organizations who host campus wide

scavenger hunts in attempts to include Career Center on their


B. The second objective is to increase campus involvement of first and second

year students. This objective is crucial to student and Career Center’s success

because the majority of services available are directed towards underclassmen.

Right now upperclassmen look towards the Career Center in hopes of finding a

job. If students would come as underclassmen seeking help from the Career

Center they would be able to gain resume assistance, interview tips and many

even get help choosing a major.


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i. The first strategy for this objective is to secure a brief speaking spot

within the Transitions program. This program, which is for freshmen

students, will give the Career Center a chance to speak directly to their TA

in an informative setting. These students will be brand new to campus and

most likely have many concerns about their future, with that being said the

Career Center can speak directly to new students at very impressionable


ii. The second strategy is to secure a table at GVSU’s Campus Life Night

during the fall. This event gives new students a chance to be introduced to

a wide variety of clubs and organizations that campus has to offer. This

event speaks directly to Career Center’s target audience.

iii. One last strategy is to host miniature Career Center advising tables

within freshman dorms. These tables will put the Career Center in a

comfortable and informal setting for freshmen to talk and learn more.

For each strategy there is a specific tactic to aid the strategy in achieving the objective or


i. Strategy 1: Transitions Speaking Spot

a. Create a presentation playing right into new student worries

such as the concern they won’t find a major, they have no job

and may need internship credit to graduate

b. Play off the idea of “broke college students” etc. Use humor to

address this problem and explain how the Career Center has all

of the answers.


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c. Make the speaker be the face of the current academic year,

promoting him as your “go to” guy that students can see and

interact with on campus.

ii. Strategy 2: Campus Life Night Table

a. Give out free merchandise specific to the Career Center and

include its new identity. Possible ideas include a flash drive

with the Career Center logo, or a stress ball for the new

student’s stressful days to come. The target audience will love

the idea of free stuff and you will be able to explain the

services when they come over to get it.

b. Have the Career Center table live tweet silly tweets at fellow

organizations in order to cause a buzz around the center and


c. Have Career Center employees hosting tables give first and

second year tips and tricks to campus survival such as best

days to eat at fresh, best place to sit during football games, and

cheapest places to eat off campus. These conversations make

the employees relatable, knowledgeable and will encourage

students to come visit again.

iii. Strategy 3: Dorm Career Center

a. Focus on the major advising aspect of career center by hosting

tables within dorms where students can come to seek out

potential majors.


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b. Have RA bring residents down to Dorm Center to show them

what it is about.

c. Have Dorm Center put personal invites under each dorm door,

personally inviting each student to check out the Dorm Center

and the ways it benefits students.

C. The third objective is increase registration and attendance at the Student to

Professional Conference by 50%. This objective puts a focus on the Career

Center’s event, which has had poor attendance in the past 2 years. This event

focuses on teaching students how to land their dream job and leaves room for

numerous networking opportunities.

i. The first strategy would be to do a press release within the GVSU

Lanthorn. This release would be a front page special that includes services

and events held by the Career Center with a focus on the Student to

Professional Conference.

ii. A second strategy is to create classroom incentive for attendance to

Student to Professional Conference. This event benefits students of all

majors so for classes to require participation to this would greatly increase


iii. Use campus locations with high traffic and student population to

advertise the Student to Professional conference.

For each strategy there is a specific tactic to aid the strategy in achieving the objective or


i. Strategy 1: Press release


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a. A tactic for the press release would be to publish this front page

special at the beginning of the school year when new students are most

likely to read the paper.

b. Include quotes and stories of past attendees that will be attending.

c. Focus on past attendees and GVSU alumnae who are now extremely


ii. Create Classroom Incentive

a. Have attendance to this conference benefit students through extra


b. Encourage teachers to offer actual class credit or homework points for


c. Have attendance to student to professionals substitute as one class day.

iii. Campus Advertisements

a. Advertise the Student to Professional conference in high traffic areas

such as Kirkhof center through use of banners.

b. Create an online promotional video featuring facts, perks, and past


c. Create major specific fliers pertaining to the conference and pass them

out in specific professor offices, classrooms, and study spots.


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Budget/ Timeline Evaluation


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The given budget and timeline evaluation is created in order to properly prepare

and execute the Career Center campaign. Each strategy and tactic has a researched price

to achieve the lowest cost for the campaign. The budget is implemented to better foresee

the most cost effective methods of achieving the campaign’s three objectives. Every cost

goes toward reaching the intended public of the target audience, GVSU students with an


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emphasis on first and second year students and incoming freshmen that happen to be

touring GVSU.

The tools listed are recommended and easily attainable through on campus and

online resources. Many strategies and tactics have flexible implementation dates;

therefore the Career Center has the choice of each of implementing certain strategies at a

later date based on budget and costs. In order to achieve the desired strategies and tactics

the Career Center must use their employees to the best of their abilities. Many tactics

require their employees to put in time that has the potential to make a difference in

GVSU students’ college career and future.

The current environment at GVSU is one that will mesh perfectly with this

campaigns desired strategies and tactics. The use of guerilla marketing, freebies, humor,

and outside the norm promotional activities will resonate well with GVSU students and

stay consistent to GVSU’s image. Many on campus organizations, clubs, and departments

are active on campus so the Career Center’s ability to stand out and think outside the box

will benefit them throughout to successfully achieve their objectives.

The strategies and tactics above will me evaluated and measured through primary

research. The Career Center will oversee a focus group similar to the one conducted at

the beginning of the Career Center campaign as well as distribute a campus wide survey

following the conclusion of the Student to Professionals conference and fall semester.

This survey will be distributed to students on campus and specifically to freshman dorms

in order to gauge the changed opinions and feelings towards this campaigns implemented

strategies and tactics. Objective number three will simply be measured through the

recorded attendance of the Student to Professionals conference.


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Campaign Evaluation

In order to thoroughly assess the success of this public relations campaign we

must take a look at each objective to evaluate the success of the campaign. The first

objective of the campaign is to create and then increase brand/image recognition

throughout GVSU’s campus. In order to evaluate the success of the implementation of a

logo and branding following the Student to Professionals conference a focus group

similar to the one that took place in this plan should be held. In this focus group GVSU

students from all classes will participate in a logo activity where common GVSU logos as

well as the new Career Center will be placed on screen for students to identify. Following

the activity the focus group will be asked to explain what makes GVSU logos easily

identifiable and what could be improved on in order to make them better recognized. This

focus group will give easily measurable, qualitative information into whether this

objective was met. The objective has been achieved if members of the focus are able to

identify the logo and give feedback on areas that need to be approved.

The second objective that will be evaluated on it’s success following the Student

to Professionals conference is to increase campus involvement of first and second year

students. In order to evaluate the success of this objective you review the sign in sheet

from both the Dorm Center and the Career Center appointments as well as send out

surveys to freshmen students following the conference that will gather information on

who attended, how they heard about it, and if they plan on coming back. This objective

will be deemed in a success based off the number of first and second year attendance as

collected through sign in’s and survey evaluations. The third objective that will be

evaluated for success is to increase the registration and attendance of the Student to


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Professionals conference by 50%. This will be the easiest objective to measure based off

keeping attendance of the event and compare it the previous year’s attendance.

If objective one is not met the Career Center should use the focus group results

that focus on ways to improve logo recognition, and examine what makes easily

recognizable logos successful on GVSU’s campus and adopt the logo and it’s placement

based off the qualitative results. If objective two is unmet use an underclassmen survey to

examine why first and second year students are uninterested in preparing for the future

and leave a fill-in portion for them to explain what it would take to get involved with the

Career Center. Lastly, if the third objective is not met the Career Center should apply the

changes to objectives one and two as well as hold a focus group of those that previously

attended to gain useful and applicable information on necessary changes and

improvements for the Student to Professionals conference in upcoming years.


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Appendix A


Proctor, S. (February 9, 2014) Client Notes. Career Center and Student to

Professionals Conference. Grand Valley State University

Burns, J. N., et al. Academic Support Services and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy

in Student Athletes. Career Development Quarterly, 2013, 61 (June) pp. 161-167.

"GVSU Career Center." - Grand Valley State University. Grand Valley State University,

n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <http://www.gvsu.edu/careers/>.

Hughes, A. N., Gibbons, M. M., & Mynatt, B. Using Narrative Career Counseling with

the Underprepared College Student. Career Development Quarterly, 2013, 61

(March) pp. 40-49.

Proctor, S. (February 9, 2014) Client Notes. Career Center and Student to Professionals

Conference. Grand Valley State University

University careers services. (2004, Oct 07). The Times. Retrieved from



Wilmington university's career services sponsors career closet. (2009, Feb 24). Targeted

News Service. Retrieved from


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Appendix B

1. What's your class standing?


2. Have you ever heard of GVSU Career Center?


3. If yes, have you utilized any of their services? (check all that apply)

Career AdvisingLaker JobsResume AssistanceOn-campus Interview

4. How do you learn about campus news, organizations and events? (check all that apply)

Tables in KirkhofFlyers/PostersStudent EmailGVSU Event CalendarSocial Media

5. Are you apart of any student organizations?

AthleticsClub SportsGreek LifeIntramuralNoneOther (please specify)

6. Where do you notice campus advertising the most? (check all that apply)

BussesBannersLanthornClassroom whiteboards


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GVSU websiteHallway cork boardOther (please specify)

7. Do you know what you want to do post graduation?


8. Do you feel that GVSU has prepared you for your future profession?

YesNoOther (please specify)

9. Did you/Do you attend Campus Life Night and The Transitions Program?

Yes- CLNYes-TransitionsYes-BothNo- NeitherIf not, why?

10. Do you follow GVSU social media accounts? Both formal and informal?

YesNoI don't use social mediaIf "no", why?


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Appendix CModerators Guide


1. My name is Lauren Supron and I’m the moderator today.2. The purpose of this discussion is to obtain information about your views and

opinions on the Career Services Center at GVSU, and the Student to Professionals program.

3. I am a GVSU student, I do not work for a company nor am I attempting to sell you something. I am here to lead an unbiased discussion and nothing more.

4. You are free to leave this room at any time; bathrooms are located down the hall to the right.


1. This session will last about 50-60 minutes2. This session is being audio taped and after the first few minutes I won’t be

taking notes. Does anyone have any issues with the recording?3. I am a GVSU student, I do not work for a company nor am I attempting to sell

you something. I am here to lead an unbiased discussion and nothing more.

4. There are no wrong answers in this discussion. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinions.

5. Everyone needs to talk but each person doesn’t have to answer each question.6. Please talk one at a time and in a clear voice, avoid side conversations. It is

distracting to the group and I don’t want to miss any of your comments.7. Exchange points of view with each other – you don’t need to address all

answers to me.8. Does anyone have any questions before we begin?


1. Please take the first few minutes to get to know the person seated next to you. 2. I’m going to ask you all to introduce yourself to the group. Tell us your name,

major, and hometown. Following these basic facts I would like you tell the group two truths about yourself and one lie, make sure not to identify what on is a lie and what is a truth.

IV. Previous Experience - General

1. When did you first decide your major?2. Did you have any help figuring out what major suited you best?3. Did you change your major ever?4. If yes, what made you change your major?


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V. Previous Experience- Specific

1. How knowledgeable do you consider yourself regarding the Career Services Students to Professionals event at Grand Valley?

2. What kind of reputation or image does it have?3. What do you value most about students to professionals?4. If any, are you satisfied with the help and information you received? 5. Would you recommend the service to others? Why or why not?6. How loyal do you consider yourself to the Student to Professionals event?

What could they do to make you more loyal?7. If you haven’t attended the event, why?8. Is there anything that would encourage you to attend the event?9. How do you learn about campus news, organization and events?

10. Are you apart of any student organization?

11. Do you feel GVSU has prepared you for your future profession?

12. What do you think GVSU could do to prepare you better for your future?

13. Did you attend Campus Life Night and or the Transitions Program?

14. Do you follow GVSU social media accounts? Both formal and informal?

15. Lastly we will show you a few GVSU service or organization identities and we would like you to try to identify them


1. Where do you get information about the students to professionals’ event?2. How well does the career center communicate to students on campus?3. What’s the best way for the career center to communicate with you about



1. Have you seen any advertising/PR for the Student to Professional event? What type of advertising/PR have you seen?

2. What kind of advertisements do you think would help attract students?


Thank you for your comments and your time. This has been a very helpful focus group for the information being researched. Have a great day.


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Appendix D

Focus Group Activity


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Appendix ELogo


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Appendix F


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Dorm Flyer

Appendix G


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Press Release

Media Contact:Lauren [email protected]


Make the Transition from Student to Professional

Grand Valley State University’s Career Center Holds A Free Conference- Student to


Allendale, MI: The transitional from high school to college is one of the most pivotal

and stressful times for any young adult. Grand Valley State University’s Career Center is

hosting a free conference titled Student to Professional that aims to help students bridge

this pivotal gap and help prepare students for their professional future. This event gives

students the opportunity to listen to numerous keynote speakers, get a professional

headshot, network and even receive food and drink- all free of charge.

The conference is hosted by GVSU’s Career Center in partner with the Office of

Multicultural Affairs, Future Alumni Association and Alumni Association, Career

Center, Amway, Herman Miller and Haworth. This conference was created in efforts to

help students learn what it takes to pursue the dream job and dream life. The goal of this

conference is to teach young professionals how to market themselves, through tips and

teachings on how to write a get-noticed resume, interview techniques and much more.

This event takes place at GVSU’s Kirkhof center, January 24th from 9:00 a.m.

until 3:30 p.m. GVSU and it’s sponsors hope to assist students on their journey from

students to professionals as well as make a difference within the GVSU community.

Start preparing now to get the future you’ve always wanted and deserve by taking

advantage of the GVSU Student to Professionals conference.

Go to https://www.gvsu.edu/careers/ to register and for more information on GVSU

Career Center.

Appendix H


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Survey Results


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