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Career Changer Mindset, Strategy, Branding and Execution: Getting Your Ducks In a Row

Date post: 06-Nov-2014
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Making a career change is anything but child’s play. The soul searching involved with making a decision to change one’s livelihood is complicated by the challenges of learning new skills, going back to school, and being reconciled to accepting what’s often a lower salary to get started in a different profession. But the tools and means to make a new you have never been more readily at hand. An embarrassment of riches are available for the career changer who knows how to look.In this talk, Todd Nilson will present the potential and pitfalls of managing your job search as a career changer. This will not be a session about how to write a resume but will be a presentation-and-discussion format seminar that will address the underlying concerns of taking on a new career path along with the tools and techniques that can bring you to the attention of a new employer or help you to reposition yourself as the entrepreneur you always dreamed of becoming.In this presentation, you will learn:• How to get mentally prepared for a career change: three essential mindsets• Ways to better understand the careerscape you’re entering• Designing a transition plan that works which defines your goals and the people who will help you to achieve them• How to stay on target during the search
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Getting your ducks in a row... Career Changer Mindset, Branding and Execution by Todd Nilson
Page 1: Career Changer Mindset, Strategy, Branding and Execution: Getting Your Ducks In a Row

Getting your ducks in a row...

Career  Changer  Mindset,  Branding  and  Execution  

 by  Todd  Nilson  

Page 2: Career Changer Mindset, Strategy, Branding and Execution: Getting Your Ducks In a Row

A Paradox (Pair-a-ducks?)

Better  career  options  available  Challenge  of  learning  new  skills  Learn  a  new  industry  Need  to  return  to  school  Pay  cut  to  get  started  Fear,  uncertainty  and  doubt  Job  search  has  changed  

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Feeling overwhelmed yet? (While  it  can  seem  like  a  daunting  task  to  prepare  yourself  for  a  career  change,  it  is  possible  to  break  it  down  into  manageable  steps.)  

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OBSERVATION & ORIENTATION Have  you  heard  of  Col.  John  Boyd?  Think  O-­‐O-­‐D-­‐A  Loops  for  the  job  search...  





“Forty-­‐second  Boyd”  had  a  standing  bet  that,  from  a  position  of  disadvantage,  he  could  defeat  any  opposing  pilot  in  fewer  than  40  seconds.  He  is  the  originator  of  the  O-­‐O-­‐D-­‐A  loop  which  became  the  underpinning  of  modern  fighter  aircraft  combat.  (Source:  Wikipedia)  

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Getting mentally prepared

3  Essential  


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1. Attitude enables agility

Agility  Decision  to  change  (career)  

Decision  to  be  social  

Examine  motivation  

Release  negativity   Validate,  

enhance  skills  

Open  to  discovery,  challenge  

Accept  failures  =  learning  

Agility means readiness to act quickly

(A  fixed  attitude  is  the  enemy)  

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Fixed vs Agile Mindsets

Fixed  •  Ability  is  static,  like  your  height  •  Goals  make  us  look  good  •  Challenge  is  to  be  avoided  •  Effort  is  for  the  untalented  •  Paralyzed  by  challenge  

Agile  •  Ability  can  grow,  like  a  muscle  •  Goals  enable  learning  •  Challenge  is  to  be  embraced  •  Effort  is  the  path  to  mastery  •  Meets  challenge  with  resilience  

Source:  Linda  Rising  lindarising.org    

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Agile Manifesto (for the job search)

Individuals  and  interactions  over  processes  and  tools    An  active  job  search  over  sending  resumes  &  cover  letters  

 Collaboration  over  negotiation    Responding  to  change  over  (slavishly)  following  a  plan    

Adapted  from  http://agilemanifesto.net/    

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2. Change habits with small wins

The  Power  of  Habit:  Why  We  Do  What  We  Do  In  Life  and  Business  by  Charles  Duhigg  

In  The  Power  of  Habit,  Duhigg  talks  about  how  making  a  small  change  to  one’s  habits  can  cascade  into  many  positive  changes  over  time.  

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3. Get Organized Get  out  from  behind  the  8-­‐ball  •  Understand  your  targets  •  Formulate  your  message  •  Determine  an  approach  •  Measure  efforts  •  Revise  as  needed  

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Understand the Careerscape •  All  related  job  titles  •  Online  search  agents  •  Understand  requested  

skills  for  new  career  •  Information  interviews  •  Industry  chatter  for  target  

career  •  Internship  opportunities  •  Less  obvious  points  of  

entry  to  new  career  –  Staffing  firms  –  Professional  groups  –  Friends  and  neighbors  

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Define your target audience

You  have  the  qualifications  he’s  got  stored  in  his  head  

Your  personal  qualities  (and  aggressive  interest)  intrigue  him  

Hungry  to  hire  talent  

Speaks  your  language  (and  you  speak  his)  

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DECIDE How  will  you  enter  the  job  market?  What  will  your  approach  be?  

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Prepare your personal brand message

•  Know  your  assets  –  Highlight  new  skills  –  Relate  old  skills  to  new  

job  requirements  

•  Elevator  speech  •  Look  the  part  •  Supporting  documents  •  Your  online  self  

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What are your building blocks?

is  for  Affable    is  for  Brilliant  

is  for  Confident  

Great  story  demonstrating  


Great  story  demonstrating  


Great  story  demonstrating  confidence  

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Building the brand

Your  foundational  qualities  

Résumé,  LinkedIn  profile,  communications  

What  you  convey  face-­‐to-­‐face  

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MAKE ACTION HAPPEN! (AT LAST) Execution  is  the  fun  part  when  you’ve  got  a  plan.  

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Stay on target

The  job  search  is  a  full-­‐time  job  itself.  It  requires  discipline  to  stick  to  the  plan.  But  sticking  to  the  plan  will  yield  benefits.  Stay  on  target!  

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Forge ahead and adapt to the curves No  plan  survives  contact  with  the  enemy.  The  same  may  be  said  of  the  job  search.  Expect  delays  and  detours.  

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SUMMING UP Now  that  you  have  seen  how  the  O-­‐O-­‐D-­‐A  Loop  works,  start  cycling!  

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Take Aways •  For  the  foreseeable  future,  career  management  necessitates  

personal  brand  management  

•  Social  media  is  a  visible,  practical  way  to  establish  and  maintain  a  personal  brand  

•  Social  media  personal  branding  only  works  in  conjunction  with  your  other  career  management  efforts  

•  Start  with  stories  that  define  and  exemplify  what  you  stand  for  professionally,  then  build  messages  and  choose  channels  for  delivery  

•  Measure  your  efforts  critically  and  adapt  

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Todd  Nilson  [email protected]    


Thank You!

Connect!  @socialsyntax  
