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Carving and Mogeling 78-79

Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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  • 7/25/2019 Carving and Mogeling 78-79



    Carvingis the act of using toolsto shape something from a material by

    scraping away portions of that material. The technique can be applied to

    any material that is solid enough to hold a form even when pieces havebeen removed from it, and yet soft enough for portions to be scraped

    away with available tools. Carving, as a means for making sculpture, is

    distinct from methods using soft and malleable materials like clayor

    melted glass, which may be shaped into the desired forms while soft and

    then harden into that form. Carving tends to require much more work than

    methods using malleable materials.

    Kinds of carving most important include:

    Ivory carving

    ood carving

    Ivory carving

    The !enus of "rassempouy, about #$,%%% "&

    ''th(century)nglo(*a+onivory cross reliquary of walrusivory

    Ivory carvingis the carving of ivory, that is to say animal tooth or tusk,by using sharpcutting tools, either mechanically or manually.

    umans have ornamentally carved ivory since prehistorictimes, though until the '-thcentury opening(up of the interior of )frica, it was usually a rare and e+pensive material

    used for lu+ury products. !ery fine detail can be achieved, and as the material, unlikeprecious metals, has no bullion value and usually cannot easily be recycled, the survivalrate for ivory pieces is much higher than for those in other materials. Ivory carving has aBRYAN LEOBALDO VIDAL URRUNAGA

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  • 7/25/2019 Carving and Mogeling 78-79


    special importance to the medieval artof urope and "y/antiumbecause of this, and inparticular as so littlemonumental sculpturewas produced or has survived.

    ood carving

    The making of sculpturein wood has been e+tremelywidely practicedbut survives much less well than theother main materials such asstoneand bron/e, as itis vulnerable to decay, insect damage, and fire.

    ood is light and can take very fine detail so it ishighly suitable for masks and other sculptureintended to be worn or carried. It is also much easier

    to work than stone.*ome of the finest e+tant e+amples of early uropean wood carving are from the 0iddle)gesin 1ermany, 2ussia, Italyand3rance,


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    Color modeling

    +tending the range of a color from light to dark determines its brilliance and contrast, aswell as the sense of depth in a painting.

    The lack of spatial illusion is not a problem to the contemporary spectator of the ilton4iptych. Typical of the late International 1othic style, the artist5s limited interest in realism is

    demonstrated in the details, such as the hite art badges and circlets of flowers that areminutely described. owever, the use of egg tempera has not preserved the original glory ofthese 2osa 1allicas, which were originally painted deep red in color and now appear pink.

    Color modeling is achieved by adding colored gla/es. ) light green or white paint layer is

    progressively and selectively darkened by superimposing layer after layer of tinted,transparent gla/es. Color is modeled light to dark and the result appears natural. Colorgla/ing does not muddy the colors. The full range of green light to dark gives the paintingdepth, adding a third dimension.

    The Arnolfini Marriage Portrait

    6detail7, 8an van yck, '99;il on wood. Color modeling,through the use of a series of gla/es,

    adds depth.

    Wilton Diptych6detail7,

  • 7/25/2019 Carving and Mogeling 78-79


    Color modeling is achieved by adding colored gla/es.


    Tallaes el acto de usar herramientaspara dar forma a algo de un material raspando partes de esematerial. >a t?cnica se puede aplicar a cualquier material que sea lo suficientemente s@lido comopara mantener una forma incluso cuando las pie/as se han retirado de ella, y sin embargo losuficientemente suave para porciones ser removida con herramientas disponibles. Talla, como unmedio para hacer escultura, es distinto de los m?todos que utili/an materiales blandos y maleablescomo arcillao fundida de vidrio, que puede estar en forma en las formas deseadas mientras suavey luego endurecerse en esa forma. Talla tiende a requerir mucho mAs trabaBo que los m?todos queutili/an materiales maleables.

    Tipos mAs importantes de la talla incluyen:

    Talla de 0arfil

    >a talla de madera

    0arfil tallado

    Talla de Marfiles el tallado de marfil, es decir, los dientes de animales o colmillo, mediante el uso

    de herramientas de corte afiladas, ya sea mecAnica o manual.

    >os seres humanos han tallado ornamental marfil desde prehist@ricosveces, sin embargo, hasta la

    apertura del interior de Dfrica del siglo '-, que era por lo general un material raro y caro utili/ado

    para los productos de luBo. 0uy buen detalle puede ser alcan/ado, y como el material, a diferencia

    de los metales preciosos, no tiene ningEn valor en lingotes y por lo general no puede ser fAcilmente

    reciclado, la tasa de supervivencia de pie/as de marfil es mucho mayor que para los de otros

    materiales. 0arfil tallado tiene una importancia especial para el arte medievalde uropa

    y "i/anciodebido a esto, y en particular como tan poca escultura monumentalfue producido o ha


    >a Talla de 0adera

    >a reali/aci@n de la esculturaen madera ha sidomuy ampliamente practicado, pero sobrevivemucho menos que los otros materiales principales, comola piedray el bronce, ya que esvulnerable a las caries, daFos por insectos, y el fuego

    >a madera es ligera y puede tomar detalle muy fino por lo que es muy adecuado para las mAscarasy otra escultura destinado a ser llevada o transportada. Tambi?n es mucho mAs fAcil de trabaBar quela piedra.


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    )lgunos de los meBores eBemplos e+istentes de principios de talla de madera de uropa son dela dad 0ediaen)lemania,2usia,Italiay3rancia

    0odelado de color

    )mpliar la gama de color de claro a oscuro determina su brillo y el contraste, asG como la sensaci@nde profundidad en una pintura.

    >a falta de ilusi@n espacial no es un problema para el espectador contemporAneo del 4Gptico

    ilton. TGpico de finales del g@tico internacional, limitado inter?s del artista en el realismo se

    demuestra en los detalles, como las insignias y diademas hite art de flores que se describen

    minuciosamente. *in embargo, el uso de temple al huevo no ha conservado la gloria original de

    ?stos 2osa 1allicas, que fueron pintados originalmente de color roBo oscuro en color y ahora

    aparece de color rosa.

    0odelado de color se logra mediante la adici@n de esmaltes de colores. a gama completa de lu/

    verde a oscuro da la profundidad pintura, aFadiendo una tercera dimensi@n.


    hat is a Carving=

    Carvingis the act of using toolsto shape something from a material by scraping awayportions of that material.

    ow got find color modeling=

    Color modeling is achieved by adding colored gla/es.


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