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Case StudyNCL CS

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Overv iew: Communic ating for Qua lity Customer Service Employees on the “front line” who interact with customers on a regular basis can play a powerful role in shaping a company’s reputation in the minds of its customers. To ensur e a positive customer experience, recruiting best-in-class staff is crucial f or any compan y, in any ind ustry. One qualificati on that is sometimes hard for recruiters to measure when processing job applications is the candidate’s communication skills. An employee’s ability to effectively and appropriately communicate with customers can be the critical element that makes one company’ s customer service top-notch and another ’s second- rate. Language skills are o ften intricate and di fficult to master, especially when learned as a second language , which can further compound the recruiter’s job when making hiring decisions for a service industry. For Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), operated by NCL Corporation Ltd. , providi ng an excellent customer experienc e is a focus for their organiza tion. The level of English prof iciency of its staff was identifi ed as a key factor impactin g the overall quality of their customer service. Fifteen perce nt of customer comp laints were related to employees who did no t understand the needs of guests because of a language barrier. Background: Norwegian Cruise Line Discovers Recr uitment Need As a leading and innovative gl obal cruise company , NCL recruits on an ongoing basis and worldwide, often through 40 job fairs throughout the year.With the introduction of new ships to the fleet, thousands of posi tions need to be filled quickly , in addition to manag ing new hires to main tain servi ce on exist ing ships . In a given week, NCL interviews approxi mately 300 candidates – in per- son, over the telephone and online – requiring efficient hiring tools to identify talent who have the proper skill s et for the available positions and personality to fit into the company culture. Excellent customer service is paramount for NC L. To achieve this goal, it is important for employees to have the ability to commu- nicate clearly with passengers , particularly among the customer- facing staff. Since the majority of NCL’ s customers are American, they expect to communi cate in Engli sh. Therefore , emplo yees must have an appropriate level of English proficiency to manage guests’ needs and provide quali ty customer service. continued on back  Norwegian Cruise Line CASE STUDY: Versant was the right solution for us to ensure we hire high- quality applicants… Miriam Torres Director of Recruiting, NCL AT A Amer i c an T el eser v i c es Aw ar d 2 0 0 5 W  i  n n e r …because clear communication matters. Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.

7/29/2019 Case StudyNCL CS

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Overview: Communicating for QualityCustomer Service

Employees on the “front line” who interact with customers on a

regular basis can play a powerful role in shaping a company’s

reputation in the minds of its customers. To ensure a positive

customer experience, recruiting best-in-class staff is crucial for

any company, in any industry. One qualification that is sometimes

hard for recruiters to measure when processing job applications is

the candidate’s communication skills.

An employee’s ability to effectively and appropriately communicate

with customers can be the critical element that makes one

company’s customer service top-notch and another ’s second-

rate. Language skills are often intricate and difficult to master,

especially when learned as a second language, which can furthercompound the recruiter’s job when making hiring decisions for a

service industry.

For Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), operated by NCL Corporation

Ltd., providing an excellent customer experience is a focus for

their organization. The level of English proficiency of its staff was

identified as a key factor impacting the overall quality of their

customer service. Fifteen percent of customer complaints were

related to employees who did not understand the needs of 

guests because of a language barrier.

Background: Norwegian Cruise Line DiscoversRecruitment Need

As a leading and innovative global cruise company, NCL recruits on

an ongoing basis and worldwide,often through 40 job fairs

throughout the year.With the introduction of new ships to the

fleet, thousands of positions need to be filled quickly, in addition tomanaging new hires to maintain service on existing ships. In a

given week, NCL interviews approximately 300 candidates – in per-

son, over the telephone and online – requiring efficient hiring tools

to identify talent who have the proper skill set for the available

positions and personality to fit into the company culture.

Excellent customer service is paramount for NCL. To achieve this

goal, it is important for employees to have the ability to commu-

nicate clearly with passengers, particularly among the customer-

facing staff. Since the majority of NCL’s customers are American,they expect to communicate in English. Therefore, employees

must have an appropriate level of English proficiency to manage

guests’ needs and provide quality customer service.

continued on back 

Norwegian Cruise Line

C A S E S T U D Y :

“Versant was the right solutionfor us to ensure we hire high-

quality applicants…” Miriam Torres

Director of Recruiting, NCL

AT A Amer i c an T el eser v i c es Aw2 0 0 5  W  i  n n e r 

…because clear communication matters.

Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.

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Challenge: Quickly and Accurately Test ApplicantEnglish-language Skills

Because of the global nature of NCL’s recruiting efforts, being able

to measure English proficiency of its new hires and existing staff 

was a problem – particularly among those who speak English as

a second language.

NCL recruiters realized that for customer service and guest

satisfaction to improve, applicants must be screened for English

fluency during the hiring process.This presented a unique challenge

for NCL – to find a state-of-the-art English proficiency assessment

system that complemented and did not interfere with the current

recruiting process.The added step of evaluating applicant’s language

skills needed to be easy for recruiting staff to administer and providefast,automated results, while consistently and accurately processing

applicants from various countries in person,over the phone or online.

Solution: Integrate Leading Language Assessment

Tool into Recruiting Process

NCL recruiting found a solution in Versant™ for English – a quick,

objective and accurate assessment of spoken language skills –

powered by the patented Ordinate® technology, and provided by

leading test developer and publisher, Harcourt Assessment.The

tool is based on years of research in speech processing,statistical

modeling, linguistics,and testing theory.

Once an NCL recruiter determines they are interested in further

screening of a candidate, they will administer the Versant test to

measure the candidate’s level of English proficiency. Harcourt

Assessment developed a customizable benchmarking system

solution, based on the demands of NCL’s business, to establish an

acceptable test score that job candidates must meet or exceed.

Versant evaluates an individual’s ability to understand spoken

language on everyday topics and to respond appropriately at a

native-like conversational pace. The system generates scores

based on the exact words used in the spoken responses, as well

as the pace, fluency, and pronunciation of those words in phrases

and sentences.

 The Versant test fit NCL’s business needs because it can be conducted

over the telephone in 10 minutes with results provided directly to the

recruiter online within minutes after an applicant completes the test.

 The results provide NCL recruiters with the ability to evaluate critical

success factors for customer service satisfaction,such as:

• The applicant’s ability to accurately understand customers

• The applicant’s ability to communicate effectively with customers

• Consistent language proficiency levels across all staff 

• Objective identification of quality applicants

Results: Increased Customer Satisfaction and

Retention Rates

One year after implementing the Versant test as part of theirrecruiting process,NCL no longer receives complaints from guests

about the staff ’s ability to communicate in English.

“We received complaints in the past, but since implementing the

English assessment test, we haven’t received any,”said Miriam

 Torres, director of recruiting at NCL.“Versant was the right solution

for us to ensure we hire high-quality applicants, especially as we

introduce new cruise ships and continue to hire new staff.”

With Versant, NCL recruiters have been able to administer the tests

to their geographically dispersed applicants efficiently and have

improved customer service across the board.Versant has been used

for hiring and screening of more than 1,326 applicants since its

implementation, and employee retention has increased 20 percent

due to hiring staff with the right language skills.

C A S E S T U D Y :

Norwegian Cruise Line continued

For complete information,call 800-211-8378, or visit VersantTest.com …because clear communication matters

Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
