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HIP T, ; v#- T -T tTKs^»"fnr*1 fWam**-, '-St&em&*Kijlim^„n V , *^wSW*#a^WTW ^^^V^JW^M^-JV^ ictment 'HollowMockery' Washington - (IMC) — Sign- ed by the delegate "to whose ieounfiy not even the 'fteroic S j soldiers who fought far their l^ fatherland dare return for fear * Of torture or death." demands re ifbr" political annesty arid a free J* | society to Spate contained to the " United Nations sub-committee report on Spain, "can only sound/ .as a hallow mockery, a deliber- "^fate insult to the conscience*of *> i mankind, w the Spanish Embassy §* | here.,said in commenting on the Unreport., These demands "have long since been realized In Spain." the embassy added! • ' \ The sub-committee's report is characterized aa contradictory In' accusing §paln of being "a cause of international friction." white - at the same time admitting that' ":,o breach of peace has 'yet'- ocv;' curred, no act of aggression has been proved, no threat to peace has been established" ' ' Taking further exception to the report, the embassy charges n has been^maneavered'from^aTf c •»«*.* <^i«,_ Catholic Daughters Urg&^Fmfa St. lolits ...—• (NC) -Resolu- tions refleeiing the Interest of the Catholic Daughters of Ama> .lea In religion, education, social ; 'welfare, and world, affairs* were j adopted here by the doshtg ses? fsions of the 21st biennial rta- attended' by states" and tlonal contention, I delegates from 15 Puerto Rico and Alaska^ All Mary N. J, at-the altar of St, clmsalnat't, James Riley,* It, both sightless. Two of (tie - hrtd**- aee«M! ; stitutes an obvious Intervention' i tti the Internal affairs of a coun- ] try and violates the principles j ! embodied In the Atlantic Chart- ! er, tn the Dumbarton Oaks agree-' ; '_ ™ i ments, In those of the San Fran-1 _ _ _ _ «. _ _ _ . - ____ | « s c o Conference and rn the f l l T Ap STATF officers headed by Miss, C. Duffy, South Orange, were reelected, and five ne\v directors were named to tho h^ard, f President Harry S. Truman" arid Secretary of State James F*; Byrnes, according to a resoia-- lion adopted, are to be asked "to tokea Brm hand In dealing with Russia In'the .UJ9.,'Coun>' ell;because, of Its dictatorial at .tltude. VhJcb is contrary'to, ! ef- forts^for .peace" Another rec> , r ommendatton directed thai pffi- [; cjajs of the Department ofState; and other, goventraent agencies desist from their .attacks on the tite&M,, -ess Freedom ' rmmmmmm fmf# Spain be allowed to work out- its own internal -problems^.wlthpu't tnterferWee ; -•..••--.'. .;: The President and the Secre- tary of State are also to be, ask- ed to give consideration to the "WarHVait I \ tailed Nations' ov-n charter, L r own towv ; P * now at ColoaJa Santa Rosa, f _ 1 Leon. Mexico, whtf are stated to be able to meet all legal require- ments for entry into the United "TVW*,VfW;.TlSMttfcdWiil,? v a s tt» •««•». of tt# S l « WnnUI WB*«,tl«i «f the C*UtoUe Dauiht«r» of Aaterica. k*W l » « t Uaia, ' Pktarrf M thit e^Vilo*. kit t» riikt; MU» Mary C. r>fl7, Maiaistrator of tie AKM1OC«H «f SL Lo*ds; Miss rttsct* M, Maker. Kane, Pa-, 8uprtaie Vlte-Eegeati stajHUag, BWi«* Vinc«nt (;¥PW&' 2 Nuns for War Heroism .resStafe «l"th» ilSm'^-.^m 4l^ricto^^eaai|^. !»#»'-%& half #,tni!^.'i8i*|e*;iut^^iarJM-' .i^delisfeced- by, ^Q^WSm-tmc Roman ^Catholfe^uiehj \xwte h^'-fenjajrt»'to *" ,0m, Ata<Kicaj» «dltora «ad piih^,„„, ia# CQi^Ja},faiteia»aliajfe ft tel pftviitfl!«hidy* ww b u o ^ t^;» l e e | ^ ^ tok% that tfif, cphantso *8»&i ait ,*s: c««ar ift :«\m«Ut: mi, J»te|h«« tlonal relationahipa will triumph .•sw'ewWoerli.-", 5 '-',.»• '"'>-,,"•.-' The Pope referred ': wettspi: times to his visits to America fc^^.hja eleva|ion:aj tittilar lae^dolth^thuxich, ani«S«pH*s> ,*S. deeftejit- iippr^attoh; tsk ,WhS(l fcfe lataea "?A|»£rt«»tt Jhvc iai ;iw**«sfl^tt tmmt-jsmp^ii- •|Wt\»ap,-jceeo*fr>« •,>';> ^\--^.'.J. C-^fie«plh> ^m>ti^^^T(i^mi- hfetlngf that tfce>JPoge'* Mjfitftk jreflccti tt»e eiiQwnout strwft' $V Sigion; the fdhtllt «^ra^L^fte f- ? waiea^"prehlbir tnieTfV<mtr6rj"""ln i « the Interna! affairs of a,>y state." I [ Fasclian Denlr< }• The Embassy statement also f .; pnlnts out thnt the whole a.Talr' h—r t* a "trayesiy of 1r^^_proe.vt + ^ I ypp«* because the "£' .N ."delegate^ ~" ~ \ con\*lcted tho "accused ! giving him s chance to defend GRANT PERILS INDIA SCHOOLS .State* buuare-unable to-recelve , j^paj-ts•-.. itiCr~-m?^W^im~®W^*~livs$i$ I vlaa& - 1 priests and tan Nuns have re-. !-egioi of Honor «ras bestowed Housing Bill Appjcosed. , ., ^.cclvia^tatiDJis from the French I *$?? *?*&•• Oagiifli|,.'Vteae Gen- A resolution requesting thst extra prayers be said at each Society meeting for the conver- 'slort of,.Russia and,another.com-t ^fu'„:. Waahlniton «NC) "Bishop mending and pledging Oftf'fUp- nvnw nun > cnance TO defend 1 Josc Alvernaz of Cochin, India, P?" °, f l memberahlp In the h msllf "^ddtnl th« «al)l£» , who is tn this country for a brief JST l "„ C<dlp f P 1 ?" of f^.T m^ntary e v t S L dWprJSng^e vlaH deuxiled the difficulties faced I «** - U » ° ' » •» ^ 1MM » '» ,h * Presidrai of the Untied StateSs trumped-up charges against, g ^ ™ ™ f .^.^JSS^ 1^ jnrginr-hhn~to-*dopt ^ ^ « y e * ^J»tUsuadtag-caur««e-«rKi> <}ev .!^4lus-wwale*oJe-«t«t -wn«ortu> I^SlEWrfrm^etTohlinT^froTif^ te tto lie nrttrt betorV each^5e»wtion,- who showed 'during tKc ««lcs who were held faere m g o v e r n m e n t s dlscrtmlmtory , rf#m nt , K- 11V , ong ^^^ of thc wif ^ ^ dfr''truly Inhuman eotldltior* l^taaiyTHt«rtatJaHrt*^r|^ ^KaU«a»»Go^aitiuO*Jh3tfiis k .and. nol also received thc Crobs ido Father Podevlgne. O.MJ^ ai? Guecre. iforce chapiafiu, received fh« Rfr Abbe Raul Vulllcmln. of the tStince Medal with the I^aielte. Diocese of Belley has been nam- Father* Parawrd, djrectbf , o l aft ed chevalier oi tho LegJortiof orphan-airylam recelvedT Uft The Embassy has also^"feprttf'|*poilcyr*" i ed the protest delivered by the Bishop Xlvernaz stated that his J Spanish Government some *1 weeks ago to diplomatic repre- sentatives of the nations which •re members of the V.N. Securt- Dlocese of Cochin has a Catholic population ot some 200,000. in the Latin and Eastern rites within the total CochlA population of The delegates appTwed*the > We" Wagner Eaiendcr Taft Housing Bin, opposed the Murray-Wagner- Dingell public health bin, opposed also the Equal Rights Amend- ty Councfl and have diplomatic some 400.000. territorially, he " ^ ' : JJSJS^^f'SlfclWaf : tHatiotw with Spain. This pro- said. Cochin Is one of the small- ™ * ^ S J ^ ^ ^ h°.^i f M | rejected the assertion of the ' est dioceses |„ IndU-. but from' [ r W a s h l r S I r f ^ t ^ S suthcpmmiltee that ,Ui.e, Spanish, the standpoint ot, C»u*>lie~pobu-1 f i,*-^t»<C^,,.i,i _#„*& *%r ti.r ; (;overnment is "a Nazi-Fasclst lation It is one of tne la k >gcsL Sg^uoa! " «M Pr" 0, i£J'' ear3 - ,he bishop A n o ^ T c s o l u t t a directed to m fU!5 ^ 2 ZJfl* 1 ** te ; States, wtth the request that w# W # B 2 nl " T^5* ^ k **? ^coP^s be sent to the Seowar» . si* 1 !*• teachR'a of Sute ^ , hc B ^ U ^ ^ 1 , ^ regime" stating that thp Spanish Oovernment "has nothing in common with a totalHarian re- elm*-, be it patterned after the 'Russian ar the r,crman mod>t." Spain's political system, the protest note asserted. Is founded of Christian <$lvjea citations, from, the, French, Government for theh rotes dur- Consignor Daguzan was tfae of log the war. tho most audactou* «nd courage- Abbe Fernand-aolien-Augmto torn organtscra of-the dajrdcstine iSign^v^or'af TfES18&&- t^aMwnc©' agtnn^-'^ho-opsTes.. Vcrcors. was made a chevalier S S t l ' J f a e S ! ! Z£frJ%L*£ ,;.£.. , „ ««. , ^ nt > to Dachau camp where, by of the Legion of Honor. The d y , pewoaai cqurago and tho Ullon spcaka ol him as a "priest- \ wannth of his words, ke kept Honor. TIHJ citation'states tjiat "ho -was the eoul of the French Resistance in the valley, of the Muhster auTiflig- fnttryearr^AT" rested and- submitted to the worst violences, he magnificently underwent cuch trials with the elevation of soul of a patriot and priest. He made possible the escape from {Germany of hdn- " V W i y K ' * ° d e x t e ' <led Qth " ! MdorT* made" atemt'ee to" the! *£• of ^^^'.J^JLl™? aid Textbooks, he said, ohrays I^orp than L00O.O00 displaced ,n » >to n- aeeompanfwi the C¥olx de sance fraucalse. Sister dtfarle de* Salftti-ScfVf 1t«^of<mtrC0Wgr38p«6»'*6t"Our Ladj of a t e Stmffl^<mrost»,,iaut been made chevalier ot the) Or- nn the doctrines or c n r w i a n . w w . gubJec , , 0 g^^r^^i ^ >ptT|gn Iww ,„ Ilaly tna "- ( proval. but Catholic educators, ono Germany, who decline ._ •were able to cot alonw weU |re tuin to the countries of their' public law." "upholds the c-r of the Spanish people as Austria * <3uPTW * wuh ,h ' Patm-Branch P^aliine, oL the arplang* ta the Rue de Dognevffle here/ has been nutfle* a cheraller of the Legion of: Honor and hu rccelv. cd the Croix do Guerrs and the l Medal of; the Resistance. Sister the State itself, have to con- form." Is composed of "Independ- ent courts of lustlce." has "au- tonomous municipal administra- tion," and possesses "a cultural and social legislation which can stand comparison with the most advanced and most liberal of the world." Pontiff Blesses The Philippines ?,f^H*2'^fJ?* h ?^^^ for reasons of race, re-; e ^ fi*J^ ^t»eSSS? ^ riB * 5ald t m ta "• moccse Wori ->r poUtleal beliefs and of law to which V£*^*™± alone there «-ere 78 parocmal j who are bemg denied rights of as well as the authorities, and ctemcnt ary schooK nine Junior asylum airf rtghta of freedom! hjgh schools and 9 senior high of choice sehooK foBMta.™ «. ^onirr™, jteafla - (NO — In a mest- ago of felicitations on thc inde- pendence of the Philippine*, His Houhew Popo Pius JOI Irrjipart- ed to President Manuel Rosas and the peoplo of the near nation His Apostolic blessing, with the hope of "bounteous divine guid- ance and assistance" for the fut- ure The text ©f the Bsiy Fatten message follows: "On the aus- picious occasion of the Inaugu- . „.. ^ ration of the complete Indepen- *. o-_> ,\u\rr r y S H ^ * 2 *"» * * PWHpptaes uriuer the^e<rftr£Goodaiep^eanJ ux . pwsWency of Your Excel- tuition may be^charged in the J gtoot^ «Tff o S 2 £ | a S » ? ^ l A S S"^".,*^ *?" Wgh 9chools - h d Nortl * CawMna missions: S S S t ^ d S S W said that there are some 10.- $200 each for the Rosary HID «Vd W hS coSv lmnaS 000 children attending elemen- Hawthorne Home foTtaSorable " r Af^HcBSdlffirS tery schools in his diocese and cancer, for the Missionary Serv- \™ '$$*£nSVnZrS ed^S < .^^r^^»TTCri"' Sra i l , &r ^H tenesota , rac « ttel «« asststaaw to the direction ed^ the Bishop said, "that it will schools; S300 each for the re- of the ereat nation «hn«. /icstf take over the Catholle schools, (pository for the records of Bless-1 % ^ S . " ^ ^W upSi mm*.- *$ fe *m IsMi^j'^' rfS Tfe--*' >.v ^•v.-.^- ++>n «tf*l * 0 « Ji v*¥<«. »«-iWl «>*«« c^ sir* <"• <* a .^if -'*tf*t*^ JU'* £\*|**y< ,- ^ ^ » / f i-« Th«n»>irt«l«foieai»w»tt^* (Ke*a(j Italy) H w l * «a«fe'>«li'K«lr fatMf,. t# aaaeiaatog, lata coateataa^, x«atia|«4 rt ^^;#***f ****"* it*H«a|- W«. INF. <*\ »•> to #»:»aiy;,'4Btfr -jftta* in^ftit.ltMHlKtH'tmrflf tt»' «Wara aternil wWch i« reaertrtf 4t inhamaa J "-"^ ^ J forMtfrb^Qti*-. ^ : -\ % c '" •- ""KrcMorntofthe;tfrtitt,Jteelliijr wieBlr^ihotitfe^l* l W # l 4 t agilc^lll^en.itnA^wtqla,, _ _ wreatjied 4ft art fhf^tlpui nalJe <3urin| -the e | f u i | ea^Siftfcii* Cardinal Modhey .'# t?et^ir Jul! " ' " thatfc--3Q«W>KArcii^o&hp* prevailed. & » % ajppni, the htJoV) recoveredtlfffini hi* recent iilne** iteW-*^ ftUtth'IAW^Kl Www lefif aa tuspWon, dattmat. antf ahamefttl afrMttaw Mawatl Hat ltiu(li &*•» th**a^*1»a sM.tMt^-: M 10 toow it f«r the eaatcwa HlioH* .ffim «1 thiytdwi* wad « » » , . - ' * - ' ' - aiairiat iMlng ahaekjed by ina> ed'-Miin* ( i^-i^4aiso'.« niucji^jii- | ^ ^ | 4 ^ K k ! ^ ^ * ? * , «a ; .l*lUr ;;: pt&gm: twam&; : J^^^^^*;>rt«»?*k*tr^ rort C, %sUt, ea^tc*^tM edJv ten J&pwtom- $L m A««^. ' .^M*J«l^^ : tWt:'.tr^,PoiHj- Mr#t>^jttbefv*tttjt,^,it,inlt*. .oleialilf. ,*'-«.'• ,.-.-,..* ,,,'War iorth* ti#mi)i'm*fr. mm, thf: PApt « « d 'n, apeiiuly- gftbaj** stateroent iiii^nif felnr « t r t » A w * * * * wm-spmiwra ioc •aiMSa Arassealie, » ,oFjuatic^i««t l ^ p l « ^ |r^-i*ra«i"|C«aaii|f#-' Prions . . Cltnwood 646 Sam Gottry Carting Co. 47 Parkway LOtM AMD SSftS MateW |M««a» MlUtt '.M»CWM» Y 1 SAFES I0II.EKS Kifl*** No Tuition Allowed Under the policy which the) Travancore govemannent n o * has put Into effect he explained, the Stare has cut off all grants to school*. It can pay the faB salaries of ail teachers and ex- tend other aids under the policy, the Bishop explained. butaaMervea the power to deterrnm* trhaf shall be taught In the schools. Repreacntavtvcs of Congress were asked b> another resolu- tion to use nluttever legislative powers may be •>eaulre4 to se- cure from the President of the United States a proclamation set- ting aside Good Friday oJ every y*«r as 1 national holkay. Other resolutioTW condemned racism attd ant]-9eniitisK% and urged .fusiheranse ef fair sad just treatment of the Negro. Includes in donations voted i*y Bishop Alvernaz said there Is the convenflen was an aHotmerrt a Ttavatieore law which pro- hibits the charge of any tultite for children attending elemen- tary schools, but that a smafl of $3,000 towards Axsmmt. rwbttsher. ftowfijB* t^mi fnsnj.' *,. vl*it tfc\fi$eu# /eottntrjtsk -•.' " *• -, • • . " " ' ,. „._.;''^»^- : «toW'i^.#]rihV. tPauialrte coopaated to Wm et> M,^^m}m t Um iwbit iM gantzation of a center of Alli^ &yW&te^-taixto&1(i)^, taformatloa undertook inany M &W mfe .xmMdfi^Wmtk 1 ipcrilou* .n|Iisipna ; and aided :'^»tt4A%s**$.aM1»*tepd*. •--•-- ' • ~ • |^inriH e ''^'# i ^i^^M : a&aa of the mejs ahaplng Aese. cwntraft to •smmm mti»*#. Ildsalbte the cotMK!qw«fl«.«! fhf i i rawitaay, .'Vf ''Prntommx ^m^immi^ ^uchwoetf f&tmtt vfmm$ -Mbit* ScJaUjf} foe ihf a«rJaa*h^afti i^Sjacifafloiai^ rfcn. it_ig,* *-<S3n*|! dJtjon imught mm mpmm reiponttbllity.t *-«'.. 'The- few -mlttWei ml^<^- 4*3- poaal So not permit « fatiife tempt to analyz* lU o»t*tife yet Ml*obvloualjrIttriftsmifltiqI* otwerva that raaft mfcm&-w hit erector wilfc fiie ZjFee**h bi cholca between goo&ajHi evil, » ««r thereby gfvft^ thft T right to choose evil but he is 'privileged freely to cftoaae the goOtf whfch iraembeas af the Reajgiajaee, POPE TO SPEND SUMNER IN R O E .paying a nominal rental for the ed Katherine TekAkawltha, the j to shape' 1 buildings, and wfll pay the fufl chapel fund of the University of salaries of the teachers, but it North Dakota campus, and the , Insists that it shall decide what Sacred Heart Radio boor: and , Is to be taught in the schools. We another Sl.000 towards the pro- I can never agree to such an ar- motion of the proposed natlon- I rangmflnt It would mean t l » r^4e radio program of the Fam- I death of Catholic education." {ily Rosary. Rome — (RNS) — Pope Pitt* £3£ will not go to,tft« Papal sum- mer rejldcnce at Casus Gandol- fo this year because of condi- tions which make It netfeaary fep Mis is stay la Ssm^ Vat- ican officials announced. Qutle GonKolfo 1* 16 miles outside the &iy arid has been tho iuuinjer residence of tho Pope sine* l&Sk Chief reasons for the Pope's decision, ft was stated, axe the difficult international situation which requires him to keep Jij close contact with the Vatican diplomatic corps, and disturbed conditions in Italy caused b y In- creased unemployment and wlfifc spread Communist activities. Another reason is that worit at the Castle Condolfo palaas tov repair damages caused b y the ®*r has sot been completed, ~~ BruHmU»>t7RK.ta. ROEBUCK a n d Co. OPEN ALL DAY FRIDAY end SATURDAY From 10 A.M.nil 9 P.M. aasF ^F a » asw, Wtm <s» ^s^*^|M!ajiair UMHf ttcwr Haw ft aw uemnt nan waucra- «a ma am aaawriKB U> MMdMia.«to4SMato.lMltil,« MM. IHItln W ^iW«l.,Hfc.«J»»(t*Llab.K~IIHf.ln, Sri MfanictaVte,*. A****tSt*UHintmwf •»».«.«. a-i c«f.e.a*av ure«mM sr.«!-M»—nsa.««. S BSS5ffiSSS£&.. S BHSSaMfflSKST"- h|pMN: A laudaite purpoat »f iBJr'mhl aft*. : J k to 'have «*««B to tiruth. gpoa w wrrec •erwo oy tattar* •laMtna; oat yen au .ana ^:«s:.ilttjBi«|fcitk)if n*rW >*tti :t ' - -- •{- " ' -• thair riadtu ki tWa mitfir tin' geBtkmwt af A t pwia, awf%,M )wwrti«e wejttl«3E X ai'*lW & nortance to saaWl^ ik <fc* $4% (L exacting :d«mitWl*',yo|i artota a ftWrittwt to'^tkaf6ia» im tw»>aa|Wt. WH tvilly ;»twttl».tt< tynff in att . 4--- •-••••- aawi'VttAtert-r laotutiaM' w-ibft-'^MaM^iatsaiaM-.. ttBj- tfatlr MaMWlM- TTint vniT"iMaW iniW*""*i aa€fti^iiii~aii this - vocation 'ind * wtth" ~" ^_^^i' ^^^«^^ -"^t-n^^fc^—^ js^K a^^^^^a^^H aa%^^i|HB jiLttUft'-aVMaBfe A*^ |^^a>|aysV9'' 1 ac-°* ^^haaba^J•j> , ' ^I^^J^' ^^*^^ ^h«^«^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Mkkaiai^aVife ^•••••ft ' IpiiiiaJ Kail 1 If» taswii'ji •) i fiirtiia, 1 -rt >• ^ " anl^k^^k^X'sVtt-attHyk'Ma^BlstaBl'dHBf' 1a^ab^aa>'^MM^UuW Hp*M f / « #« latdd\iMf ^ H ^ W Thi itt#l liffip Al|'wijiy J »tf iHw*iTipi> ttt titt \ aiiiarii tfVi i i a i "# t'!%•%''-aiiitSt 1 Taiil'mi" >'< ' + " C; fViuB^A £jjb^ a^AJaaiiav *,^# ^ ^ ^ ^ j | ^ b u ^UBK^H- .^a^aMaef~ ^a«se i^aMLflbAt^ki -^d. J .'4. it 4 -4 1 (JK^I Klffrlr B**tt awew tad *», <# **N, aw W H^A,l(«r-,»«C»«»*<II,WT» r —Sli, J«. »tt 9»MU9<mk.mtfl»»r.miMm-«»lt*.$n. 9M rVwtrtMMHvUa - -- - a-j orfo.ih^7n«t THE GENESEE'BREWING 00. .TOCHErTffJ A M1W r _^ Vomefhill's diffitf$$* for yout mkt;$u?fy fick up th« ntxt iff) of Br*oU-0'-Chlckan fon«y, *o!!«i pack {Mp (i ||« ,»*• end t«rrnark if for party serving I Tht b?5 pi»c«« of choic», li|hl «•«« tv«« will sMignl g«»»li; SuppiSw ar# not ytf «nywrwr. « « « p j « i ^ ^ tw^mif ffoef i« b * ^ givw »vtfy i^t»tt^ ioitfirfw»fH»«i, \ ^ i * „| ^ ; > * *»- . f , - IS^'»i, ,., fgiii Make'•r^3«ifviili : ''ftJrrf'' -. -v-, I'-tr ••n , lii«iirf v rHiVi'i K,^a akwd ^^^^!> I V ; « Ht fr.« ivt>#.ftra*V«MM*> ^tnt" f ' ••',-; v ^ ^*"->^? v 4 "* J», ^ ^ '" W^Tf,A?| \H «;i'v<;,:r\ -rf >a * w * « A ^* -(%». -'^ *i"'V'^' "' ' '; i if^#s^ ; *i.ml^^.;,? ';•"•• .'.J^pt;;

o f

. { • • • . . .


T, ;v#-T -T tTKs^»"fnr*1

• fWam**-, '-St&em&*Kijlim^„n


, *^wSW*#a^WTW ^ ^ ^ V ^ J W ^ M ^ - J V ^

ictment 'HollowMockery'

Washington - (IMC) — Sign­ed by the delegate "to whose ieounfiy not even the 'fteroic

S j soldiers who fought far their l^ fatherland dare return for fear * Of torture or death." demands

re ifbr" political annesty arid a free J* | society to Spate contained to the

" United Nations sub-committee report on Spain, "can only sound/

.as a hallow mockery, a deliber-"^fate insult to the conscience*of *> i mankind,w the Spanish Embassy §* | here.,said in commenting o n the Unreport.,

These demands "have long since been realized In Spain." the embassy added! • ' \

The sub-committee's report is characterized aa contradictory In' accusing §paln of being "a cause of international friction." white

- at the same time admitting that' ":,o breach of peace has 'yet'- ocv;' curred, no act of aggression has been proved, no threat to peace has been established" ' '

Taking further exception to the report, the embassy charges n has been^maneavered'from^aTf


— • » « * . * < ^ i « , _

Catholic Daughters Urg&^Fmfa

St. lo l i t s ...—• (NC) - R e s o l u ­tions refleeiing the Interest of the Catholic Daughters of Ama>

.lea In religion, education, social ;'welfare, and world, affairs* were j adopted here by t h e doshtg ses? fsions of the 21st biennial rta-

attended' by states" and

tlonal contention, I delegates from 15 Puerto Rico and Alaska^

All Mary N. J,

a t - t h e altar of St,

clmsalnat't, James Riley,* I t , both sightless. Two of (tie - hrtd**-


; stitutes an obvious Intervention' i tti the Internal affairs of a coun-] try and violates the principles j ! embodied In the Atlantic Chart-! er, tn the Dumbarton Oaks agree-' ; '_ ™ i ments, In those of the San Fran-1 _ _ _ _ «. _ _ _ . - ____ |«sco Conference and rn the f l l T A p S T A T F

officers headed by Miss, C. Duffy, South Orange, were reelected, and five

ne\v directors were named to tho h^ard, f

President Harry S. Truman" arid Secretary of State James F*; Byrnes, according to a resoia--lion adopted, are to be asked "to tokea Brm hand In dealing with Russia In'the .UJ9.,'Coun>' ell;because, of Its dictatorial at .tltude. VhJcb is contrary'to,!ef­forts^for .peace" Another rec>

,r ommendatton directed thai pffi-[; cjajs of the Department ofState;

and other, goventraent agencies desist from their .attacks on the


-ess Freedom ' rmmmmmm fmf#

Spain be allowed t o work out- its own internal -problems^.wlthpu't tnterferWee ; -•..••--.'. .;:

The President and the Secre­tary of State are also to be, ask-ed to give consideration to the


I \ tailed Nations' ov-n charter,

L r own towv ; P * now at ColoaJa Santa Rosa,f

— _ 1 Leon. Mexico, whtf are stated t o be able to meet all legal require­ments for entry in to the United

"TVW*,VfW;.TlSMttfcdWiil,? v a s tt» •««•». of tt# S l « WnnUI WB*«,tl«i «f the C*UtoUe Dauiht«r» of Aaterica. k*W l » « t U a i a ,

' Pktarrf M t h i t e^Vilo*. k i t t» riikt; MU» Mary C. r>fl7, Maiaistrator of t i e AKM1OC«H «f SL Lo*ds; Miss r t t s c t * M, Maker. Kane, Pa-, 8uprtaie Vlte-Eegeati stajHUag, BWi«* Vinc«nt


2 Nuns for War Heroism

.resStafe «l"th» ilSm'^-.^m 4l^ricto^^eaai|^. !»#»'-%& half #,tni!^.'i8i*|e*;iut^^iarJM-' .i^delisfeced- by, ^Q^WSm-tmc

Roman ^Catholfe^uiehj\xwte h^'-fenjajrt»'to *" ,0m, Ata<Kicaj» «dltora «ad piih^,„„, i a # CQi Ja}, faiteia»al iajfe ft tel pftviitfl!«hidy*

w w b u o ^ t^;» l e e | ^ ^ tok% that tfif, cphantso *8»&i ait , * s : c««ar ift :«\m«Ut: mi, J»te|h«« tlonal relationahipa will triumph .•sw'ewWoerli.-",5'-',.»• '"'>-,,"•.-'

The Pope referred ': wettspi: times to his visits to America fc^^.hja eleva|ion:aj tittilar lae^dolth^thuxich, ani«S«pH*s> ,*S. deeftejit- iippr^attoh; tsk ,WhS(l fcfe lataea "?A|»£rt«»tt Jhvc i a i ;iw**«sfl tt tmmt -jsmp^ii-•|Wt\»ap,-jceeo*fr>« •,>';> ^\--^.'.J. C- fie«plh> ^m>ti^^^T(i^mi-hfetlngf that tfce>JPoge'* Mjfitftk jreflccti tt»e eiiQwnout strwft' $V Sigion; the fdhtllt «^ra^L^fte

f- ? waiea^"prehlbir tnieTfV<mtr6rj"""ln i « the Interna! affairs of a,>y state." I [ Fasclian Denlr< }• • The Embassy statement also f .; pnlnts out thnt the whole a.Talr' h—r t* a "trayesiy o f 1 r ^ ^ _ p r o e . v t + ^

I ypp«* because the "£' .N ."delegate^ ~" ~ \ con\*lcted tho "accused ! giving him s chance to defend


.State* buuare-unable to-recelve , j^paj-ts•-.. itiCr~-m?^W^im~®W^*~livs$i$ Iv l a a &- 1 priests and tan Nuns have re-. !-egioi of Honor «ras bestowed Housing Bill Appjcosed. , . , ^.cclvia^tatiDJis from the French I*$?? *?*&•• Oagiifli|,.'Vteae Gen-

A resolution requesting thst extra prayers be said at each Society meeting for the conver-

'slort of,.Russia and,another.com-t ^ f u ' „ : . Waahlniton «NC) "Bishop mending and pledging Oftf'fUp-n v n w nun > cnance TO defend 1 J o s c Alvernaz of Cochin, India, P ? " °,f„ l * £ memberahlp In the h msllf " ^ d d t n l t h « « a l ) l £ » , who is tn this country for a brief J S T l " „ C < d l p f P1?" o f f ^ . T m^ntary e v t S L dWprJSng^e vlaH deuxiled the difficulties faced I « * * - U » ° ' » •» ^ 1 M M » '» , h *

Presidrai of the Untied StateSs trumped-up charges against, g ^ ™ ™ f . ^ . ^ J S S ^ 1^ jnrginr-hhn~to-*dopt ^ ^ « y e * ^J»tUsuadtag-caur««e-«rKi> <}ev .!^4lus-wwale*oJe-«t«t -wn«ortu>

I^SlEWrfrm^etTohl inT^froTi f^ tetto lie nrttrt betorV each^5e»wtion,- who showed 'during tKc ««lcs who were held faere m g o v e r n m e n t s dlscrtmlmtory , rf#m nt , K - 1 1 V , o n g ^^^ o f t h c w i f ^ ^ dfr''truly Inhuman eotldltior*

l^taaiyTHt«rtatJaHrt*^r|^ ^KaU«a»»Go^aitiuO*Jh3tfiisk.and. nol also received thc Crobs ido Father Podevlgne. O.MJ ai? Guecre. iforce chapiafiu, received fh« Rfr

Abbe Raul Vulllcmln. of the tStince Medal with the I^aielte. Diocese of Belley has been nam- Father* Parawrd, djrectbf ,ol aft ed chevalier oi tho LegJortiof orphan-airylam recelvedT Uft

The Embassy has also^"feprttf '|*poilcyr*" i ed the protest delivered by the Bishop Xlvernaz stated that his

J Spanish Government some *1 weeks ago to diplomatic repre­

sentatives of the nations which •re members of the V.N. Securt-

Dlocese of Cochin has a Catholic population ot some 200,000. in the Latin and Eastern rites within the total CochlA population of

The delegates appTwed*the>We" Wagner Eaiendcr Taft Housing Bin, opposed the Murray-Wagner-Dingell public health bin, opposed also the Equal Rights Amend-

ty Councfl and have diplomatic some 400.000. territorially, he " ^ ' : J J S J S ^ ^ f ' S l f c l W a f :

tHatiotw with Spain. This pro- said. Cochin Is one of the small- ™ * ^ S J ^ ^ ^ h°.^i fM| rejected the assertion of the ' est dioceses |„ IndU-. but from' [ r W a s h l r S I r f ^ t ^ S suthcpmmiltee that ,Ui.e, Spanish, the standpoint ot, C»u*>lie~pobu-1 fi,*-^t»<C^,,.i,i _#„*& *%r t i .r ;

(;overnment is "a Nazi-Fasclst lation It is one of tne lak>gcsL S g ^ u o a ! " « M Pr"0 , i£J'' e a r 3- , h e bishop • A n o ^ T c s o l u t t a directed to

mfU!5 ^ 2 ZJfl*1** te; States, wtth the request that w # W # B 2 n l " T^5* ^ k * * ? ^ c o P ^ s be sent to the Seowar» . s i * 1 ! * • teachR'a o f S u t e ^ , h c B ^ U ^ ^ 1 , ^

regime" stating that thp Spanish Oovernment "has nothing in common with a totalHarian re-elm*-, be it patterned after the

'Russian ar the r,crman mod>t." Spain's political system, the

protest note asserted. Is founded of Christian

<$lvjea citations, from, the, French, Government for theh rotes dur- Consignor Daguzan was tfae of log the war. • tho most audactou* «nd courage-

Abbe Fernand-aolien-Augmto torn organtscra of-the dajrdcstine iSign^v^or'af TfES18&&- t^aMwnc©' agtnn^-'^ho-opsTes..

Vcrcors. was made a chevalier S S t l ' J f a e S ! ! Z£frJ%L*£ , ; . £ . . , „ ««. , ^nt> to Dachau camp where, by

of the Legion of Honor. The d y , pewoaai cqurago and tho Ullon spcaka ol him as a "priest- \ wannth of his words, ke kept

Honor. TIHJ citation'states tjiat "ho -was the eoul of the French Resistance in the valley, of the Muhster auTiflig- fnttryearr^AT" rested and- submitted to the worst violences, he magnificently underwent cuch trials with the elevation of soul of a patriot and priest. He made possible the escape from {Germany of hdn-

" V W i y K ' *° d e x t e ' < l e d Q t h " ! MdorT* made" atemt'ee t o " t h e ! * £ • o f ^^^'.J^JLl™? aid Textbooks, he said, ohrays I^orp than L00O.O00 displaced , n » > t o n- aeeompanfwi the C¥olx de

sance fraucalse. Sister dtfarle d e * Salftti-ScfVf

1t«^of<mtrC0Wgr38p«6»'*6t"Our Ladj of ate Stmffl <mrost»,,iaut been made chevalier ot the) Or-

nn the doctrines or cnrwian .ww. g u b J e c , ,0 g^^r^^i ^ > p t T | g n I w w ,„ I l a l y t n a " - ( p r o v a l . but Catholic educators, ono Germany, who decline ._

• w e r e able to cot alonw w e U | r e t u i n to the countries of their ' public law." "upholds the c-r of the Spanish people as

Austria *<3uPTW* w u h , h ' Patm-Branch

P^aliine, oL the arplang* ta the Rue de Dognevffle here/ has been nutfle* a cheraller of the Legion of: Honor and hu rccelv. cd the Croix do Guerrs and the

l Medal of; the Resistance. Sister

the State itself, have to con­form." Is composed of "Independ­ent courts of lustlce." has "au­tonomous municipal administra­tion," and possesses "a cultural and social legislation which can stand comparison with the most advanced and most liberal of the world."

Pontiff Blesses The Philippines

? , f ^ H * 2 ' ^ f J ? * h ? ^ ^ ^ for reasons of race, re-; e ^ f i * J ^ ^ t » e S S S ? ^ r i B * 5 a l d t m ta " • moccse W o r i ->r poUtleal beliefs and

of law to which V£*^*™± alone there «-ere 78 parocmal j who are bemg denied rights of as well as the authorities, and c t e m c n t ary schooK nine Junior asylum airf rtghta of freedom!

hjgh schools and 9 senior high of choice sehooK • foBMta.™ «. ^onirr™, jteafla - ( N O — In a mest-

ago of felicitations on thc inde­pendence of the Philippine*, His Houhew Popo Pius JOI Irrjipart-ed to President Manuel Rosas and the peoplo of the near nation His Apostolic blessing, with the hope of "bounteous divine guid­ance and assistance" for the fut­ure

The text ©f the Bsiy Fa t t en message follows: "On the aus­picious occasion of the Inaugu-

. „ . . ^ ration of the complete Indepen-*. o - _ > ,\u\rr r y S H ^ * 2 * " » o £ * * PWHpptaes uriuer the^e<rf tr£Goodaiep^eanJ ux . pwsWency of Your Excel-

tuition may be^charged in the J g t o o t ^ « T f f o S 2 £ | a S » ? ^ l A S S"^". ,*^ * ? " W g h 9 c h o o l s - h d N o r t l * CawMna missions: S S S t ^ d S S W said that there are some 10.- $200 each for the Rosary HID «Vd W h S c o S v l m n a S 000 children attending elemen- Hawthorne Home foTtaSorable " r A f ^ H c B S d l f f i r S tery schools in his diocese and cancer, for the Missionary Serv- \™ '$$*£nSVnZrS

e d ^ S < . ^ ^ r ^ ^ » T T C r i " ' S r a i l , & r ^ H t e n e s o t a , r a c « t t e l « « asststaaw to the direction ed the Bishop said, "that it will schools; S300 each for the re- of the ereat nation «hn«. /icstf take over the Catholle schools, (pository for the records of Bless-1 % ^ S . " ^ ^ W upSi

mm*.- *$ fe

*m IsMi^j'^'


Tfe--*' >.v


«tf*l *0« Ji


»«-iWl «>*«« c^

sir* <"• < *


.^if - ' * t f * t * ^ JU'* £\*|**y< , - ^ ^ » / f

i - « Th«n»>irt«l«foieai»w»tt^*

(Ke*a(j Italy) Hwl* «a«fe'>«li'K«lr fatMf,. t# aaaeiaatog, lata coateataa , x«atia|«4 rt^^;#***f ****"* it*H«a|- W«. INF.


»•> to #»:»aiy;,'4Btfr -jftta* in^ftit.ltMHlKtH'tmrflf tt»' «Wara aternil wWch i« reaertrtf 4t inhamaa J"-"^ ^ J

forMtfrb^Qti*-. ^:-\%c '" •-""KrcMorn tof the;tfrtitt,Jteelliijr

wieBlr^ihotitfe^l* l W # l 4 t

agilc^lll^en.itnA^wtqla,, _ _ wreatjied 4ft art fhf^tlpui nalJe <3urin| -the e|fui| ea^Siftfcii*

Cardinal Modhey .'# t?et^ir Jul!

" ' " that fc--3Q«W>K Arci i^o&hp* prevailed. & » % ajppni, the htJoV)

recoveredtlfffini hi* recent iilne** iteW-*^ ftUtth'IAW^Kl Www

lefif aa tuspWon, dattmat. antf ahamefttl afrMttaw Mawatl Hat ltiu(li &*•» th**a *1»a sM.tMt^-: M 10 toow it f«r the eaatcwa

HlioH* .ffim «1 • thiytdwi* wad

« » » , . - • ' * - ' • ' - •

aiairiat iMlng ahaekjed by ina>

ed'-Miin*(i -i 4aiso'.« niucji^jii- | ^ ^ | 4 ^ K k ! ^ ^ * ? * , «a;.l*lUr;;: pt&gm: t w a m & ; : J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ; > r t « » ? * k * t r ^

rort C, %sUt, ea^tc*^tM edJv ten J&pwtom- $L m A«« . ' .^M*J«l^^:tWt:'.tr^,PoiHj-Mr#t>^jttbefv*t ttjt,^,it, inlt*.

.oleialilf. , * ' - « . ' • ,.-.-,..* ,,,'War iorth* ti#mi)i'm*fr. mm, thf: PApt ««d 'n, apeiiuly-gftbaj** stateroent iiii^nif felnr « tr t» Aw**** wm-spmiwra ioc

•aiMSa Arassealie, » ,oFjuat ic^i««t l ^ p l « ^


Prions . . Cltnwood 646

Sam Gottry Carting Co.

4 7 Parkway


SSftS M a t e W | M « « a »

MlUtt ' . M » C W M » Y 1




No Tuition Allowed Under the policy which the )

Travancore govemannent n o * has put Into effect he explained, the Stare has cut off all grants to school*. It can pay t h e faB salaries of ail teachers and ex­tend other aids under the policy, the Bishop explained. butaaMervea the power to deterrnm* trhaf shall be taught In the schools.

Repreacntavtvcs of Congress were asked b> another resolu­

t i o n to use nluttever legislative powers may be •>eaulre4 to se­cure from the President of the United States a proclamation set­ting aside Good Friday oJ every y*«r a s 1 national holkay.

Other resolutioTW condemned racism attd ant]-9eniitisK% and urged .fusiheranse ef fair s a d just treatment of the Negro.

Includes in donations voted i*y Bishop Alvernaz said there Is the convenflen w a s an aHotmerrt

a Ttavatieore l a w which pro­hibits the charge o f any tult i te for children attending elemen­tary schools, but that a smafl

of $3,000 towards

Axsmmt. rwbttsher. ftowfijB* t^mi fnsnj.' *,. vl*it tfc\fi$eu# /eottntrjtsk -•.' " *• -, • • .""'

,. „ ._ .; ' '^»^- :«toW'i^.#]rihV. tPauialrte coopaated to Wm et> M,^^m}mtUm iwbit iM gantzation of a center of Alli^ &yW&te^-taixto&1(i)^, taformatloa undertook inany M &W mfe .xmMdfi^Wmtk1

ipcrilou* .n|Iisipna; and aided :'^»tt4A%s**$.aM1»*tepd*. • - - • - - ' • ~ • | ^ i n r i H e ' ' ^ ' # i ^ i ^ ^ M :

a&aa of the mejs ahaplng Aese. cwntraft to •smmm m ti» *#. Ildsalbte the cotMK!qw«fl«.«! fhf i i rawitaay, .'Vf

''Prntommx m^immi^ ^uchwoetf f&tmtt vfmm$ -Mbit* ScJaUjf} foe ih f a«rJaa*h^afti i Sjacifafloiai rfcn. it_ig,* *-<S3n*|! dJtjon imught mm mpmm reiponttbllity.t *-«'..

'The- few -mlttWei ml < - 4*3-poaal So not permit « fatiife tempt to analyz* lU o»t*tife yet Ml*obvloualjrIttriftsmifltiqI* otwerva that raaft mfcm&-w hit erector wilfc fiie ZjFee**h bi cholca between goo&ajHi evil, » ««r thereby gfvft^ thftT right to choose evil but he is 'privileged freely to cftoaae the goOtf whfch

iraembeas af the Reajgiajaee,


.paying a nominal rental for the ed Katherine TekAkawltha, the j to s h a p e ' 1 buildings, and wfll pay the fufl chapel fund of the University of

salaries of the teachers, but it North Dakota campus, and the , Insists that it shall decide what Sacred Heart Radio boor: and , Is to be taught in the schools. We another Sl.000 towards the pro-I can never agree to such an ar- motion of the proposed natlon-I rangmflnt It would mean t l » r^4e radio program of the Fam-I death of Catholic education." {ily Rosary.

Rome — (RNS) — Pope Pitt* £3£ will no t go to,tft« Papal sum-mer rejldcnce at Casus Gandol-f o this y e a r because of condi­tions which make It netfeaary fep Mis i s stay l a S s m ^ Vat­ican officials announced. Q u t l e GonKolfo 1* 16 miles outside the &iy arid h a s been tho iuuinjer residence o f tho Pope sine* l&Sk

Chief reasons for the Pope's decision, ft was stated, a x e the difficult international situation which requires him to keep Jij close contact with the Vatican diplomatic corps, and disturbed conditions in Italy caused by In­creased unemployment and wlfifc spread Communist activities.

Another reason is that worit at the Castle Condolfo palaas tov repair damages caused b y the ®*r has s o t been completed,

~~ BruHmU»>t7RK.ta.



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