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« ^ K i£.-.fi,'.^ :. ,.s;v... . -..^v^..* -t&: -£5--.- THURSDAY, M A y 3, I W SajsZep Requiem »i**y^ T^y x.'^ir^f . ; 1_ • .^^}MNk ^K ^Bt ;J..~. '-ritv ^- - ALBANT^-Punds appropriated to the Boferd of Educa- i Hon for transportation of school chfldrea must bemsedto j^ jBXgtfjlfe e^ua^tjransp/jrl^tion for c&iidr^n attending public , jtsisves. Stw» eommwioneyot Eo>} I ucaUon ruled this weok ; The decision *«S made la order- ' Ing the. Board of Education of Hempstead, LOOK Island, to provide transportation for pupils of Our Lady of Loretta School under th- provulans of the lEteUyMiCccjo ^ i law. *" l 1\k» board at Hempstead prov - i loUsXf Bad refuseduu.jjnjvJ&e trans porlatlon (or Our Uuily of Loroila School pupils and tfto voters took . tne matter to Cammuuuwcr Craves , for a decision. Commissioner Graves is In charge of the' department at walctt Ernest 'E 'Cole^ls counsel and deputy com ' tmtaidoner ' ' -•<.-•• < »ta»t Accord fcqvat PsscsUtte*. > In ibis Hempstead case Pr Graves ruled that smcc transporta- tion had be*en provided by an up proprlotion of 13 SSO suthortsed tiy the voters and that the Board of Education had fixed a distance of a half mile beyond Wttlch children ed lo *JiJ Uuii),»4.tX<X'<, cauAl. Jauli i ties muil be afforded children ! whether they are _ attending pubti. or other schools In the district ! "Tbe." Board of Education and f "voters' of trrls disinsrt-are not<^>n»— plying with the niandnt* of ih*- Legislature as lon'aincd in the "statutes." r>r Graves stated He tadded ' ' ""* Certain elementary .'.uldfcn liv ing more than a aal ' f" 1 ' 0 from ihe public school arc receiving trans- portation thereto Upon this basis Isls'aiStiON S Cenh a 6>py-$2.50 a Year Readv.For C.I*. A. Meet \e\t Week x.»V\*. t>»iWw . *. i tr^a' •• i Sixaker For Stmnfehliftilts ice Probe CoutlrinsSus} . mrBev.:MiLM^^ at Convgan^Hau TPNfflw* •Aa-l±^i'feju iwi^cejf^.; itss*^ For U.S. Catholic Press Conyentioii PrGgraii* Is Announced •ii i mm a J in i i 'in I.I - u ' - , - „<•'. »Mij. i—w—»••• , jfSssjsja^|«r?ijffl^. , ^fe»f'ij Jost one yntr to the day on which pclln. HlodrnbarK, the Rev, Paul prltri. Ulndprbtirit. tin- Rev. Paul' Schuitp. nMU me'tlirtar padi*.*' orJebrs*^ RM)tll««n Maaa in %V»«MlT«tm. for (HMtr- faflk-rf ht 4lw> dirlilhi^ rrish ',| Lakl"hnr»t Father Hrholtc thlnhji the disaster tra* ratispd hy llirfitnini. HKssT Y arch tick A, ..AKEHURST BY REV R. A. MeSOWAN .'<••*>-jr? <i"»Mp_ -IH <i'tr g m »rt>r«ri noting •* ^*v! *^nrsi^ - hy l*> TV. i- »••• •n^tvf h i v n The rJtwT^'. **^-i»n i*-'p gnu IOUI'I .. _ . -Noilam waat.'t >»S«i •U I * * «tory T>.c reason . ijidt'Oie '"t , hlt^f^ Htate-^ vouldn-^ let Kv- ne-ltirro out o^ Lh.. ;^.»;—>- .t'. vu>u!4n '. he iiu»« tile helium might bp used in airships that would bomb our i ittra And t'i he surf wo shouldn't be bombed wc trept tfrc srp» 'mm h*v ',g hf uni rvpn for lommf-r . uii |.UI,«'.IH So }»»me JIJ persons If A jipr^nl has to Chooio bp- tw-ren at .lying ht androgen air «hlp and (hoir»anil3 djMnk^n cltle* there is'tme c&dlee oilfly#ppt tlwt uni the Vicice The nhol» tiling tsftocrs -how >-omp&et.>t&& t .i83& wvriA "ia. And ib show*. lu^Uiejj-^iiow- quvk -sandy arc ut» fouftdatlona of our. world now _L&^£»- h o n n from (;»-rn»anv to Hie I'rdtpd State*, though one* ft j*>oU firty- s o n » sSays." T h e n t»r>y «1*%f» X«m Jersey Just as Urry at landing bpo.iuso the rnltctL^>ta»* VtW not let anybody have Tfn Tfsaa Pan' handlr helium. ' We are certainly living hi an In- tratependpnt ivorltl. But so far are wr from organi^lna the Inter- dependence mat In the peace of an AsweUHlon Thur*da5 evening » T ^lauglili'f 30 prwptr, i^hB*- trying - to avoid a crrt&ln kind of calam- ity in a certain tuture war. But we do not try lo avoid the war It- «"lf by playius uur raks in the to- terdrpt'ndent world, Tiua XI said "It would be well If the various nations In common counsel and endeavor .strove to promote a . healthy economic co- - oper»i*no»- hs*-- •peudent'-pacto- asui' institutions, since tn economic matters they .are largely dependent one upon the other, and need one another's help" Heiwdict XV said: ". . . ail Statr^ should put—astdto- mutual c ••n-mnfi on Page 2) this dlstflrt Is "obliged hy this statute lo provide t fans tSDrttit Ion for clcrncntary * h.ldren l.vuiji more than a nail mils *£rom tb^ private srbool Appeal' Unstained "H^yJAfl bad rnoricjrs .app r ' n ?r' alcij therefor, the Board of hlduca tioh is elnpoivoreo t<» provide Irans- u/iruaion* hjt: W so;aoing t.nr JTBI-.- eya niusl be .used as far as'^liey will go to provide, equal transports]. tion f«?r children attending public and firi vale schools "The apnea] Is sustained U is ordered t b a l Uie ftoi^i Kd«eai<ao tjit, if:*! dttVf- lu iiUjuAt .LA IT .vJiSput'.A'.l;' n or olhervMe ' *.lBirT*'rhe llm Uie nfipfOpTlltion nvn(lc by ^-nrtrr •.:. ;dcr thol transppr*. ill n -HJ alw afforded for ID'- <s(hJdren / \i> p^iafOs And ClUicr*'Mivuturly united lo Uur l~^i<!> of L^urett.) SiHoot" HOLY SEE ANSWERS GERMAN PROTEST; NAZI PLOT BARED VA+ICAN tITY "Pie H o l y Se«- « rtpty to Ihf < tenrn^«prot«»t agsia»i,. "{fie' EWcyCHMT U t r * * rm t*r» eotrrii-^ tiorr of the nturrn m «tefrrnifly *-«« handed'to the Cermau Crobassy at . l i e H o l y S e c . on T"u6*fliry '" ' .' The contents or the reply have been reserved absolutely by Uie Vatican. 0LB3 <X>UttJKR ^BisiJaftSlfWsi! miuis* to piovt *Utwwtw«V-- . • r,> Th* Sirttop trf^lp^^-twtliSiptii wiUidrew. ^l idioiiitJct^.tsCutiXitltl.: from Father 0^i»ni«ii« In Aprtla jtSSJl, and they aevtr fi*v«h»tt ?•*{.] \ stored. •'., >j . ;ttl If tether U^miitmttm u»« ***1 ;»mn}D -,T»CJ3JS:- m* B»»'. JW^feSfcrl' other cities, lie will deny MK (.js^updw ..auiptaatfii,..,..--;•,, \<..„ If that a»n!rt : comitu 'J&pi... O U C C O U R l t a ch»lt«»Ht««' Kajtktr, Opera '•• TwaT8th^y;• , "w ,K '^1>^nr' , ta-»:.• frptwiTi'inr^iwirt iiatloival tour tft »Pli»»l for ffli4lo»l a i d f o r t h * ISpsutlsh X ^ f U l W . » n 4 4tnat At Banquet % itt P o w e r s Many difforenl phases of Die work , of the ('ulhoiic Pr«sa will be (lis- , , cu«sed by speakers from different' parts of. t h e country at the 27th Treaa Aasoclali,on StM*ea h> «w> t w M J i e o i Mtn M le.2A.\: Tits program h«i 4u»t been made pubfte. . Tfete m w U n g y ^ l j ^ M n a Thure; : I day- Hiorn|n«, jyjgjr,.^ vim ne«S*,* -tngiTtsrf« J ^^tt^&a^s^ei»»»tistti>iy and rjrwca: oa; fjaturjay. 1» •»(nWted'J io nrove tn many w«ar» tho most the hlsiorj' *f M"Cf T A; "Hit ITrat dfftcMj" Nnlional Cathbifd Press KxhtWl will t>e » teature of IStwe me*B*t« of f%e WUerafchy vrtl addreia the twne HMtpn, (he Idtoner Frltfa> evfnrrig- P«?^*F e i, | tho Most toxrt." Archtilxliop Edward"' •tgetw r w. ; .-tfMyii^ 7 t^ J ^"%sa^i »aJ; AuaKailps^lUtM^^^f ttou « f » ttl(iln.Upi i -•- - ~-^ T»«hs«-fyrtotiiir ysy..iii '"«'ijl]ii'Hl''I l , l .l | ll' Moomy, Bishop of- Rochester «nd Most Itov John Jttsth CJanniin, , host to the R P A, <j%*mp«oft^th* J— -.*--•*• x—«--«• -«• ---^=-,^^5- -,--, L&KSr^"^it»r , ^ms , *TSpB«sp«t 5^»w»ftHr*'nf^^)rt#sMt(^ 1 0 f tn* N*tu>h*i Otthniie. w*w««* . ^jmm^ik^M qanm with W* CftJww^nttHff^iteMri oHh»-fooVitltil~ flrirtc's <!. fSjqy;-«uiboi> of^»kl» noma City a n d 'l"uls.v The very Rev MtgT Mlrti.lcl 3 Read* Ckmaral Sflcrctgry of the lifittojUT CaiHQ] ence, will addi gVonp-»rrr«s.r^^tSat#« l KM »Mt,,1Dtct*ti>ft**•* 7' I'teft. >"»iO«rS. Qt .ftto.'vJHgfi&nllOtt, fane <ii Uie regu- At'f defe-l« A191V-' WWsfw —- - m - ^1 l#eiit-uhch«Itfn4t*oJprs>'*l»| h»4^.»o r i^»l^fc4ik>ssE* f virtually overs .session the dele ]wtth a V<%V^t^^lfpffm^n^' - gSUsmutiWP *5«H>P»; nrowtpioTtd- --•••- PstHiii ^iiiWr IHsJira^r^ ,l^^.«r'i»^IIU«l».en*jy,arte| r 1^.-JMH-«s* . '. onal and even International rep- jical Bureau t* Aid '?*!Vifi'M&)^i*|iH frfiS 3 ... Kaa»f#^ ylMist^issy^A' MsMMi'JsV. '44EiSC>s1as^»tW^iriL.M^itM^is«Hli utaUons a* waiters and orators, joetscy, 1 Address* el President «orib»a Vlacont (3» Paul ^UipaUlcj*. I I>* trIot Misnaming itthtor «< Tim taiuoltc. It'Triw. Baiilmore, "*oU l*r«sWcti( of Uie Citlsollc Press AssociaUon, will call the J!7th annual meeting to order Thuridsy morning, and, following the opening prayer, will tlr iver a brief adarcas of welcome fc... ^Dilj.^reiniiirider. pf tllls.sisSJllOi) 1 will ho concer'ned" with the report 1 of tho . Asaoclauona Clroulatlon I Vijrilance CQffinjjiu» to be present SM^'^it^W^ teadijuartex*atBagamore Hotel,pictured above. At left Is abown St. Palriclts Cathedral, Rochest«r. fc AJrron»'tt^,j83,rt^««i«-i B a«.JWBflon»,a« lu^iK.Mtt?%^i»^^_^*jy ^ . ^ ^ ^ A ^S&l*?* ^al Secwfacry, S i g n a l CathoBc WafsOTCSHlfeTerieer -wto -svHT «aoWsM' Q » •g*tiw«!J^-«» WBri *U*jr. feter. M. H. Wyiihoven, editor, "Catholic Action of.fhe South," flew Orleans, wt» wlM respond to Arch- htsbaipJ«ooney , s<addreai of -Kckome,, JBtv. J««aa».W. JJeBeacto, O.S.M., eiUtOt. "Mother or Sorrows,". magsame, <3Hcago> Vtc* President 01 the C. r»*A., Who will a^sesdeat t£« fcls^ialnf Sectieo-silnBf« Icat}" Or. Thomas P. Hart, Managing Editor, "Catholic Telagnpa." Oncinnatl, the oldest Catholic newspaper Jit tbe Halted States aad one. of tht foxmdtrt of tH« C, I?. A, ^ter, 0SJ«., Editor oi-Mte SloJhnr isf Sor«a«KB magazto* and Vice- f t»r»»tdent pi jjte - Af9^^itaik«_«s« ruthir OTl»flat»n (» d« as,« *yi#»a*sttirtwt:^t3;jit}j and utt mntral fljtra.t»ry RIGHT OF MEXICAN DENIED h.SS.^es* 1 *fts- :j " - V^aa»likiK' „.. .._ .. ****« ;'|»-H. tortra* '4i»» • # ~wa*j: fm*Hv ^a»v-—' """"" .';JKa#i|^ i f CetilsllssfliaeM iSsra^raMs^irsssssisssi^i^rsjy^'ss^rsrssj .{ft ^ltalr>JnfiJt^R|9r. Pather De Pehcier »mi pisatarW'feourt ismiJ MlttpoS^^awaSfoff BUDAPEST Information re tcivej from Berlin M to the efT«M** I'aat the Nasi legime is planning to seiso administrative control of re- ligions houses throug'i the appoint- ment of Stale t ommiss.oners f o ' the amtmstration of the monaster les It Is also reporlad that there is a plan afoot in ttie Heich to plac-e the archives of tne murf-hes under the control of the State Should f.ns invasion of the man aster^n oearar it TS pnintied out. a t tr J^ 9 DR. BRUENIN6 JOINS HARVARD FACULTY f'AMBKlIwJK MAFW Beginning In 3<»piember i>r Hcinn^n "Bruen--. ;ng Oiancellor of 'iermihy frr m 1930 to 1932 and one of that ioun- mast distifix:utsfi«i C-atAioUcs.. >f way might be found to frame new "ft b e a member of the facu ty defacing accusauons against men ! Harvard University here^ staring ..." on International economic policies "Any hope that the Popes En- a "errrinar for advanced .Uidents in cyc4icai rmghl result in at least im-.government- and H « .-ng a. a, partial discussion of the Church- tutor in the ^>ivision of History 5fate mfflr»uiffc3 fn -nrTfWHfy sw>m»>EcMM»n"cs and Urt'eretnent^ ,* 1 ' , ..Air.,, Announcement was mad? follow- to te^adio*,^ ^ mg s meet}ng ot rtn, rt^rrsrt f o r ; Pope Ctmdols Hitler ' pf'Brae'hlna an c«fle from net-" On Dirigible Tragedy %^ — ^ J T S n T ££. ~~~~ , ' vard faculty, who arc now organ- VATICAN CITY In the name 1!yng a nPW Hazard ' Craduato of His Holiness Pope Pius XI. H<s' S< , h ool of Public- Adrnin.stration. Eminence Eugemo Cardinal Par- Ag Godkln i^ tur< , r he aflve elU. Papal Scr.:iary of Stite h»> 1BS ot ltuUljes ^ u arviirri laaX . sent to Chancellor Adolf Hitler o' Rpnng on -r^c hssontials of Kre( Uirmany a telegram expressing Government, and the Duties of the W* X EXT W K G K Tho second in the CATHOLIC - COURIER Scries of Better Home* \ for* Better Living iVitliolic V touiirr rondolenre over the tragi lion of the? dirigible Hindenbuxg at LAkehurst N ' Publishing news ot the disaster. ' Oise-rvaUsre Romano esttends tts ' aympal'.iy to the Ucrman people. 1 and siys it is cnarartoristlc of a strong n-ition to draw mow strength from trials. From tbe, James of the great airship- that has om;n destroyed mil rise one mdre, "perfect and more enterprising, as' tie imTnottal«s«uls of the lamented, victims rose after the fatal moment into eternal light and good, the paper adds. Cltizpn " He also game trie si» low ell Tnslltute lectures^at Harvard. last Aipril and May tney being I'.ie, . Srs? to be given en liermarty. - Loch Ness Monster Really Exists In Opinion of Abbot LONDON Firm believer in the e*iM«iici. o-f -ttic Loth Nes© monster U-vea'-old Ahhot Sir r>»vld Hunter Blair OSR Is trying to get the skeptics to taltc f-ttw smphibiaa aerifiusty "I have seen It.™ ho saya. "and I know more alwJtrt It t h a n any- body else " The Abbot says thot 2O0 wtt- n«»sses can tcstrfy to> the fa^* that a prehistoric monster In- h^olu \he Vitcfa 'of tne tioch "Much as- PEOpfe may aeofl." he told a reporter. "I shall go o n Kith, a>s £aiajsalga to scoiri? a^icntific recognition of t h e CJI- Jateocf- Of lljc jrrionatcr The evidene^ of Ulo m o t u l e f s existence • Is imttarputabJc It H an amphibian, a prehistoric plo- B-ossrus It *as bred In a iav- <•-n 700 feft beneitti llnT|H|irfn- r of the lrtrh and was drive>h Into mir sight by tnousands of ton« Of rocic br-nit trirmen i n t o t'ne ttVh during road building oper- at ions " ABP.CURLEY REVEALS NEW HOSPITAL PLAN th*- second ~»e*3i'o on" Tharsday fi%sn—«««-. ^*ec. -trf^jard, £ee»*|r.. «J:. nf * T O e r l c « - « { ^ » « a a ^ HpafaP- on "Our Ma***lnea and the C*th- Idattttfi JoRittan of the CaTSjoHof^ ^^fa' ^ ^ J M ^ W T S \ be allowed to oMoist* in thlt 8 a t « ; and that political pr .othttjlnla* ftd aclivlty of.ili* ei&fchifciii: telstloft to Articiv-lJy- af-thff-*ed- era! Con»tttatton t . '*^£k|b. a^iisls*: (hi* weak, malhurnmip. that -the must bt.cons^rrt : ,isr^4 K *^Ut||: |'Ue«fg« I University of America, Director of Ithei N.CWJG, Dsparunent, of Edu- I cation, and Secretary General ot the National Catholic Educational ! Association, will apeak on "Social 'justice or Communfani" I The Rev.. FrtderieJi M Lynk, BAI.TIMORK The Most Rev M>*ha*t J (.'ih-lay. Archbishop of Biflmore announced at com mencement exercises of the nars- k ing sebo»ls of the four Baltimore ] |an, _ C«Jtonr' hospttsl Irf ot near S«ll?- tfca- discuwftott of Ur. JotattSffl'»i|e,irtl, mim^-V&S^'Q^^mi under wry for the erection of a {paper j .-*!»-». TnthoTic h o s p i t a l Tn* ro TSBar B a t t t ' A meeting Of ^te ®»eaSvet more with hi#hly developed de-j Board of t h l C.P.A,'*wtll he heMt* 0 "*" 1 8 V D. of Hie CTtrtstiim Faiillly | regiilattt rfllglOui VrOTthip .)h J^. magasuie. Techny. IIL, will tead the j too *' ' * * ~~" diaewsion of ^»M^:*J*-t- -Vlk~iM~Vm per. while the Rev. tJonald F. H U - , M ^ . . ^ . . . ^ j - «E^ ic^i-1 ler. CSS R.. Editor ot The Liftiro- Oconomowoc, Wis., will load Court osljlnataiTlfV, J K | K s Chlhuahu'ft. Three prW0i 1: Dioict H. and JcJit 8, JBaffioA-M£ of the Cr-.A,<'wiii be hiw »*»>***tajaaotfom* H&uK tt* ^ partments for post-graddatffiuid re-'Thursday evening, at which time tt Statf daom of AptUIZS, 16S0,.WM^pri^p^ search work v wilt confer with and receive .a ihirited thu namoor o^ ^ptiFto-jfMffijj^etl , .The Archtruhop.said ibat SS^Oflv Jstaiemerit from Kranfc L H^l_^^^^Or^am^^^BiSm^&^-^i m h a v e beer, mad, avalUblo »*'"*« «>f the «x?.W<? ««W « a ^ | J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S L - »»U H*rpas« fferougi lagacle-s- huL-lca^ .mul TuJ.. Triinuln Birfa K^rlftlB that tho amount is n * enough "and] ^rchbUlmp'* OrecHns }^^.h. Ju i^:?**$»*. 5ii«l n "lS"9 we «r» grrtrrg to let it -grow, He; *^ r ^" "ZL£"£ui*deliver '»«*"the d f c r a V « « trocdiftJUt*tUoi«; add mat the Bon Seeours Sisters hts addrew of we»oma to BJO M H I ^ ' I ^ S S r S . , ) ' mstfacfor^fr itce«--r«Ilgiau»,J.JiB«yf'^_j»n(( -- -^- -" httteU t*Klif- : will be In charge of the new In atitulion "I am interested In the tfovcl- , tipmvnt of graduate work among the young men In the medical pro- fession and it n our plan to erect A hospital where men will be pre- • i«f*<i for special work In special fields." His Kjwellonry said The Archbishop Indicated thill Ihe sevo; exceeded tfto »rovHf$aw J Ar«fl»|~^^ ©gaics at the *S»st/Sn m TtiSay morning Thv "Hi HS^. BISST.. Soirth will respond w the Arch-1 mr offilacjfymBft.offfltt*r«a btanops address onlbehalf of tt. w})() . 8n8 officWto ,„ sag »*p«cUye .all and the J J ^ «"« •>*. ^ , nC oa B of Offete l o c a n W f mittces. Mr. FiUprttr.ck will deliver ^ guprcm , ^g^ Bl «s. JJOW i,ia presldontloi addross granted «jierwaneiit Iftjunctiosir t o * t ^*» fcWj^s^s^srf ^I^^^^^Jt ^^^ifc^asw ^^^^^p^^^ 'SM* * ,'• ,t^ga«»^i**««»Vp.* ^Hll'i' ??!' ' fii'tl^ttF^iiiiairtifr 2SS^sTSiS*3^f.f 1?|*Wf^^^f'-r^----^; : ; .^^ggytCpys^?;^^' ;"Wi.t?j#f " '* fc i^' Fordhtimbaw aat-.-r»i..s»aJs.'.v.g.- ty^^i^iii^&ii^ :-*>4t* IM ; «f ' ; " " ' " " * - if ««C4«4|J iflsttuotof M. \ Ait. w»»y»'j*'^«->*>^<'*«>~-^-^<-'--'-'' j *«.^ proiec, may not be rea.l^d for, Bishop Gannon «» will addrc- - « « - l ^ ^ l ^ l ^ ^ l t f Fflti y«ari}! 1 _i outmerd wi lane a iinoa. ~- - L ^ —"^— U.S. Catholic Population Up To 20,959,134; Increase of 223,945 Recorded During 1936 t^Thosv Franciscan Nan Jubiiarians . SAN FRANCISCO Three mem- • bcrs of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart win mark' jubi-' ^%es of tSieir entrance Into the Or- . , "- -'•».1.....,JI .!..-... ,VEW YORK I he ttathnlic .-"opu-1 and Sun Diego. Another change j Bight seminaries wen cstab- latien of tho United .States, imlud-lwas the new name given the for- , llshed in tfio yesar, making a total ing Alaska and the Hawaiian Isl- mer Diocese of Havannab, now anda ii placed at 20959.134 in the Known aa Savannah-Atlanta. "Official Catholic Directory for. Number of Cffiinrta 1037. published this week by P Kenedy & Sons This total showi a.i incr*nse 8er next Sunday, at cereroonias in 223 945 over the figures published in St. Josephs Hospital, here.. The.tho I93A edition. In 10 ye-u-s the Most Rev. John J. Mitty. Arch-: increase in Catholic population, ha» 'bishop of San Francisco, will pre-'amounted to 2.305.106 and In 20 side. They are:- Mother Aloysia. years to 4.649.834. Sister -Bonaventura and Sister Hya- '. This .year the General Summary cintfea. All three jobilarians are;shows a new archdiocese, that of natives of Germany. t the former Diocese of Los Angeles The Cardinals. Arcrrbisnops an<i f4i«hofu> j i o w Hum&er I2&, -csie l e s s than la«i» year The Seea of Op* t'oit. Leavenwortii and Syrtiruse are still va&ant. 'I^ie total numD«'* , uf priests is now 31.649, a n increase- of Ml. There are now 18.52(1 chorches. a n increase ot Iffy over the figure given last year- U New Hljrh Schools of 20S. with 21^77 seminarians at- londlrtg. Colleges for boya have In- cffffifipcl by three and acytdemicsi for gifts, bjr.n.. ,A total of 2&- now "hjgli «c£lools were e-atabltelicd. bringing tMe total liumher to W?&. with 207,767 pu- plla stt«ndtng. an tncrcase ovier the pupil figures given last' year of IV W>. Statistics for parochial schools show a decline tn the number of schools of 45.. .Thia is probably due to the fact that official* of th* dlo- b.- !• IIIITII-I iiiijJS.il iin.iir.M cexe arp naw giving more accaruto statistic* of hlgll-sctooolu afioMt quite probable t«at many of the.j rum high avbhooia were formg-ly listed as parochial schools, xbc mnnbBT of pupils attending ~tbe> ijarocDiai seBsate ®aajuit.juT.ra'r|!JlSrwes t70.oe«. Hampden lit Spanish Relief Meet lp|»»*i noted actor, will head Q cswf- Of over l^XXJ n f i r a o i l f ' . t * » pWfMk *yhe SacfiOca of t^UMTM ft* mi aanted at Uie mmfommlii-MW isofi Sijuaro <SaWt(atr. tatw fw^faf f.18 andei 1 the'*ta»ke» ot'tfiis Jsmm P«ef- * .Orphan asylufrus tottd 325,' an b- creaae of sia, with orphans "luitcd|41f!a«;ei at) totaling UJttto. an increase Of 683 over laift year. *th&!$ «*» iftow %?to Bonte*totha %«d and W% IrioMMs. One. aaw ho^lW ' waS opehedtfilfiinfthe ****•' tap oditors -dpAHMMrtt% mti^im $ #mjiUa*f- - v HUP! COMH a hi'ttjiXi- '^mMMm^^iL it in d«slBne<$ to «mphMi»*:tWi ^-^TfeSi^cAss"-
Page 1: For U.S. Catholic Preslib.catholiccourier.com/1937-april-1939-july-catholic-courier/catholic... · «^K i£.-.fi,'.^ :. ,.s;v... .-..^v^..*-t&: -£5--.- s» THURSDAY, MAy 3, IW SajsZep

« ^ K i£.-.fi,'.^ :. ,.s;v... .-..^v^..*

-t&: -£5--.-


SajsZep Requiem


T^y x.'^ir^f . ; 1 _ • . ^ ^ } M N k

^ K


;J..~. ' - r i t v

^ -

- ALBANT^-Punds appropriated to the Boferd of Educa- i Hon for transportation of school chfldrea must bemsed to j^

jBXgtfjlfe e^ua^tjransp/jrl^tion for c&iidr^n attending public ,

jtsisves. Stw» eommwioneyot Eo>} I ucaUon ruled this weok ; The decision * « S made l a order- '

Ing the. Board of Education of Hempstead, LOOK Island, to provide transportation for pupils of Our Lady of Loretta School under th -provulans of the lEteUyMiCccjo ^

i law. *" l 1\k» board at Hempstead prov -i loUsXf Bad refuseduu.jjnjvJ&e trans „

porlatlon (or Our Uuily of Loroila School pupils and tfto voters took

. tne matter t o Cammuuuwcr Craves , for a decision.

Commissioner Graves is In charge of the ' department a t walctt Ernest

' E 'Cole^ls counsel and deputy com ' tmtaidoner ' ' - • < . - • • < »ta»t Accord fcqvat PsscsUtte*. >

In ibis Hempstead case Pr Graves ruled that smcc transporta­tion had be*en provided by an up proprlotion of 13 SSO suthortsed tiy the voters and that the Board of Education had fixed a distance o f a half mile beyond Wttlch children

ed lo *JiJ Uuii),»4.tX<X'<, cauAl. Jaul i i ties m u i l be afforded children ! whether they are _ attending pubti.

or other schools In the district ! "Tbe." Board of Education and f "voters' of trrls disinsrt-are not<^>n»—

plying with the niandnt* of ih*-Legislature as lon'aincd in the

"statutes." r>r Graves stated H e tadded ' ' " " *

Certain elementary .'.uldfcn liv ing more than a a a l ' f"1'0 from ihe public school arc receiving trans­portation thereto Upon this basis

Isls'aiStiON S Cenh a 6>py-$2.50 a Year

R e a d v . F o r C.I*. A. Meet \e\t Week

x.»V\*. t>»iWw . *. i tr^a' ••

i Sixaker For Stmnfehliftilts

ice Probe CoutlrinsSus} . mrBev . :MiLM^^

at Convgan^Hau TPNfflw* •Aa-l±^i'feju iwi^cejf^.; i t ss *^

For U.S. Catholic Press Conyentioii PrGgraii* Is Announced

• i i i mm a J • in i i ' i n I .I - u ' - , - „<•'. »Mij. i — w — » • • •

,jfSssjsja^|«r?ijffl^. ,^fe»f'ij

Jost one yntr to the day on which pclln. HlodrnbarK, the Rev, Paul prltri. Ulndprbtirit. tin- Rev . Pau l ' Schuitp. nMU me'tlirtar padi*.*' o r J e b r s * ^ RM)tll««n Maaa i n %V»«MlT«tm. for (HMtr- faflk-rf ht 4lw> dirl i lhi^ rr i sh ' , | Lakl"hnr»t Father Hrholtc thlnhji the disaster tra* ratispd hy llirfitnini.


Y arch tick



. '<••*>-jr? <i"»Mp_ -IH <i'tr g m »rt>r«ri noting •* ^*v! *^nrsi^ - hy l*>

TV. i - » • • •

•n^tvf h i v n The rJtwT '. **^-i»n i*-'p gnu IOUI ' I . . _ .

-Noilam waat.'t >»S«i •U I * * «tory T>.c reason . i j id t 'Oie '"t,hlt^f^

Htate-^ vouldn-^ let Kv- ne-ltirro out o^ Lh.. ;^.»;—>- .t'. vu>u!4n '. he i iu»« tile helium might bp used in airships that would bomb our i ittra And t'i he surf wo shouldn't be bombed wc trept tfrc srp» ' m m h*v ',g hf uni rvpn for lommf-r . uii | . U I , « ' . I H So }»»me JIJ persons

If A j i p r ^ n l h a s to C h o o i o bp-tw-ren at .lying ht a n d r o g e n air «hlp and (hoir»anil3 djMnk^n c l t l e* there is'tme c&dlee o i l f l y#ppt t lwt u n i the Vicice The nhol» tiling tsftocrs -how >-omp&et.>t&&t.i83& wvriA "ia. A n d ib show*. lu^Uiejj-^iiow-quvk -sandy arc ut» fouftdatlona of our. world now _ L & ^ £ » -

h o n n from (;»-rn»anv to Hie I'rdtpd State*, though o n e * ft j*>oU firty-s o n » sSays." T h e n t»r>y «1*%f» X«m Jersey Just a s Urry a t landing bpo.iuso the rnltctL^>ta»* VtW not let anybody have Tfn T f s a a P a n ' handlr helium. '

We are certainly living hi an In-tratependpnt ivorltl. But so far are w r from organi^lna the Inter­dependence m a t In the peace o f a n AsweUHlon Thur*da5 evening » T ^lauglili'f 30 prwptr, i^hB*- trying -to avoid a crrt&ln kind of calam­ity in a certain tuture war . But we do not try lo avoid the war It-«"lf b y p lay ius uur raks in the to-terdrpt'ndent world,

Tiua XI said "It would be well If the various nations In common counsel and endeavor .strove to promote a . healthy economic c o -

- oper»i*no»- hs*-- •peudent'-pacto- asui' institutions, since tn economic matters they .are largely dependent one upon the other, and need one another's he lp" •

Heiwdict XV said: ". . . ai l Statr^ should put—astdto- mutual

c ••n-mnfi on Page 2 )

this dlstflrt Is "obliged hy th i s statute lo provide t fans tSDrttit Ion for clcrncntary * h.ldren l.vuiji more than a nail mils *£rom t b ^ private srbool

Appeal' Unstained "H^yJAfl bad rnoricjrs .appr'n?r'

alcij therefor, the Board of hlduca tioh is elnpoivoreo t<» provide Irans-u/iruaion* hjt: W so;aoing t.nr JTBI-.-eya niusl be .used as far as'^liey will g o to provide, equal transports]. tion f«?r children attending public and firi vale schools

"The apnea] Is sustained U is ordered t b a l Uie ftoi^i

Kd«eai<ao tjit, if:*! dttVf-lu iiUjuAt .LA IT .vJiSput'.A'.l;' n or olhervMe ' *.lBirT*'rhe llm Uie nfipfOpTlltion nvn(lc by ^-nrtrr •.:.

;dcr thol transppr*. ill n -HJ alw afforded for ID'- <s(hJdren / \i>

p^iafOs And ClUicr*'Mivuturly s « united lo Uur l~ i<!> of L^urett.) SiHoot"


VA+ICAN t I T Y "Pie Holy Se«- « rtpty to Ihf < tenrn^«prot«»t ags ia» i , .

"{fie' EWcyCHMT U t r * * rm t*r» eotrrii-^ tiorr of the n t u r r n m «tefrrnifly *-«« handed'to the Cermau Crobassy at

. l i e Holy Sec. on T"u6*fliry '" ' .' The contents or the reply have

been reserved absolutely by Uie Vatican.

0 L B 3 <X>UttJKR ^ B i s i J a f t S l f W s i !

miuis* to piovt *Utwwtw«V-- . • r,> T h * Sirttop t r f ^ l p ^ ^ - t w t l i S i p t i i

wiUidrew. ^ l idioiiitJct^.tsCutiXitltl.: from Father 0 ^ i » n i « i i « In A p r t l a

jtSSJl, and they a e v t r fi*v«h»tt ?•*{.] \ stored. •'., >j . ; t t l

If t e t h e r U^miitmttm u»« ***1 ;»mn}D -,T»CJ3JS:- m* B»»'. J W ^ f e S f c r l ' other cities, lie will d e n y M K

(.js^updw ..auiptaatfii,..,..--;•,, \<..„

If that a»n!rt: comitu 'J&pi... O U C C O U R l t a ch»lt«»Ht««' Kajtktr,

Opera '•• TwaT8th^y;•,"w,K' 1>^nr',ta-»:.• frptwiTi'inr^iwirt

iiatloival tour tft »Pli»»l for ffli4lo»l a i d f o r t h * ISpsutlsh X ^ f U l W . » n 4

4 t n a t

A t Banquet %itt P o w e r s Many difforenl phases of Die work

, of the ('ulhoiic Pr«sa will be (lis- , , cu«sed by speakers from dif ferent '

parts of. the country at the 27th

Treaa Aasoclali,on StM*ea h> «w> t w M J i e o i M t n M le.2A.\: Tits program h«i 4u»t been made pubfte. . Tfete m w U n g y ^ l j ^ M n a Thure;:I day- Hiorn|n«, j y j g j r , . ^ vim ne«S*,* -tngiTtsrf«J^^tt^&a^s^ei»»»tistt i>iy and rjrwca: oa; fjaturjay. 1» •»(nWted'J io nrove tn many w«ar» tho most

t h e hlsiorj' * f M"Cf T A; "Hit ITrat df f tcMj" Nnlional Cathbifd P r e s s KxhtWl will t>e » teature o f

I S t w e m e * B * t « of f%e WUerafchy vrtl addreia the t w n e HMtpn, (he

Idtoner Frltfa> evfnrrig- P « ? ^ * F e i , | tho Most toxrt." Archtilxliop Edward"'

•tgetwrw.;.-tfMyii^7t^J^"%sa^i »aJ; AuaKai lps^ lUtM^^^f

ttou « f » ttl(iln.Upi i -•- - ~-^

T»«hs«-fyrtotiiir ysy..iii

'"«'ijl]ii'Hl''Il,l.l|ll' Moomy, B i shop of- Rochester «nd Most Itov John Jttsth CJanniin,

, h o s t to the R P A, <j%*mp«oft^th* J— -.*--•*• x—«--«• -«• - - - ^ = - , ^ ^ 5 - -,--,

L&KSr " it»r,^ms,*TSpB«sp«t 5 »w»ftHr*'nf )rt#sMt( 1

0f tn* N*tu>h*i Otthniie. w*w««* . ^jmm^ik^M qanm

with W* CftJww nttHff iteMri oHh»- fooVitltil ~

f lrirtc's <!. fSjqy;-«uiboi> o f ^ » k l » n o m a City and 'l"uls.v

T h e very Rev MtgT Mlrti.lcl 3 R e a d * Ckmaral Sflcrctgry of the

l i f i t tojUT CaiHQ] ence , will addi

g V o n p - » r r r « s . r ^ ^ t S a t # « l

KM »Mt,,1Dtct*ti>ft**•* 7'

I'teft. >"»iO«rS. Qt .ftto.'vJHgfi&nllOtt, f a n e <ii Uie regu-

At'f defe-l«

A191V-' WWsfw

— - -m-^1

l#eiit-uhch«Itfn4t*oJprs>'*l»| h»4^.»o r i ^» l^ fc4 ik>ssE* f

virtually overs . s e s s i o n the dele ]wtth aV<%V^t^^lfpffm^n^' -g S U s m u t i W P * 5 « H > P » ; nrowtpioTtd- - - • • • - PstHiii ^ i i i W r IHsJira^r^

, l ^ ^ . « r ' i » ^ I I U « l » . e n * j y , a r t e | r 1^.-JMH-«s* . '. ona l and even International rep- j ical Bureau t * Aid



K a a » f # ^ ylMist^issy^A' MsMMi'JsV.


utaUons a* waiters a n d orators, joetscy,1

Address* e l President «orib»a Vlacont (3» P a u l ^ U i p a U l c j * . I I>* t r I o t

Misnaming itthtor «< Tim taiuoltc . I t 'Tr iw. Baii lmore, "*oU l*r«sWcti( of Uie Citlsollc P r e s s AssociaUon, wi l l call t h e J!7th annual meeting to order Thur idsy morning, and, following t h e opening prayer, will tlr iver a brief adarcas of welcome

fc... ^Dilj.^reiniiirider. pf tllls.sisSJllOi) 1 wi l l ho concer'ned" w i t h the report 1 of tho . A s a o c l a u o n a Clroulatlon I Vijrilance CQffinjjiu» to be present

SM^'^it^W^ teadijuartex*atBagamore Hote l ,p ic tured above. A t left Is abown S t . P a l r i c l t s Cathedral, Rochest«r .

fcAJrron»'tt^,j83,rt^««i«-iB a « . J W B f l o n » , a « l u ^ i K . M t t ? % ^ i » ^ ^ _ ^ * j y ^ . ^ ^ ^ A ^S&l*?* ^ a l Secwfacry, S i g n a l CathoBc WafsOTCSHlfeTerieer -wto -svHT «aoWsM' Q » • g * t i w « ! J ^ - « » WBri *U*jr .

f e t e r . M. H. Wyiihoven, editor, "Catholic Act ion o f . f h e South," flew Orleans , w t » wlM respond t o A r c h -htsbaipJ«ooney ,s<addreai o f -Kckome,, JBtv. J « « a a » . W . JJeBeacto, O.S.M., eiUtOt. "Mother or Sorrows,". magsame, <3Hcago> Vtc* Pres ident 01 the C. r»*A., W h o will a^se sdea t t £ « fcls^ialnf S e c t i e o - s i l n B f « Icat}" Or. Thomas P. Hart , Managing Editor, "Catholic T e l a g n p a . " Oncinnatl , the oldest Cathol ic newspaper

Jit tbe Halted States aad one. of tht foxmdtrt of tH« C, I?. A,

^ter, 0SJ«., Editor oi-Mte SloJhnr i s f Sor«a«KB magazto* and Vice-f t»r»»tdent pi jjte - Af9^^i ta ik«_«s«

ruthir OTl»flat»n (» d« as,« *yi#»a*sttirtwt: t3;jit}j and utt mntral fljtra.t»ry



h.SS.^es*1*fts-: j " - V^aa»likiK'

„.. . . _ .. ****« ;'|»-H. tortra* '4i»» • # ~wa*j: fm*Hv ^ a » v - — ' """"" . ';JKa#i|^ i f CetilsllssfliaeM

iSsra^raMs^irsssss i s s s i^ i^rs jy^'ss^rsrss j

.{ft ^ltalr>JnfiJt^R|9r.

Pather D e Pehcier »mi p i sa tarW'feourt i s m i J M l t t p o S ^ ^ a w a S f o f f

B U D A P E S T Information re t c i v e j from Berlin M to the efT«M** I'aat the Nasi l eg ime is planning to seiso administrative control of re­ligions houses throug'i the appoint­ment of Stale t ommiss .oners f o ' the amtmstration of the monaster les It Is also reporlad that there is a plan afoot in ttie Heich to plac-e the archives of tne murf-hes under the control of the State

Should f.ns invasion of the man aster^n oearar it TS pnintied out. a t

t r J^ 9


In 3<»piember i>r Hcinn^n "Bruen--. ;ng Oiancel lor of ' i e r m i h y frr m 1930 t o 1932 and one of that ioun-

mast distifix:utsfi«i C-atAioUcs.. >f way might be found to frame n e w "ft be a member of the facu ty

d e f a c i n g a c c u s a u o n s against m e n ! Harvard University here^ s t a r i n g . . ." on International economic policies

" A n y hope that the P o p e s E n - a "errrinar for advanced .Uidents in cyc4icai rmghl result in a t least i m - . g o v e r n m e n t - and H « .-ng a. a, partial discussion of the Church- tutor in the ^>iv i s ion of His tory 5fate mfflr»uiffc3 f n -nrTfWHfy sw>m»>EcMM»n"cs a n d Urt'eretnent^ ,* 1 ' , ..Air.,, Announcement was mad? follow-to te^adio*,^ ^ • m g s m e e t } n g ot rtn, rt^rrsrt f o r ;

Pope Ctmdols Hitler ' p f ' B r a e ' h l n a an c«fle from net -"

On Dirigible Tragedy %^ — ^ J T S n T ££. ~~~~ , ' vard faculty, who arc now organ- •

VATICAN CITY In the n a m e 1 ! y n g a n P W H a z a r d ' Craduato of H i s Holiness Pope Pius XI. H<s' S < , h ool of Public- Adrnin.stration. Eminence E u g e m o Cardinal Par- A g G o d k l n i ^ t u r < , r h e a f l v e „ elU. Papal S c r . : i a r y of S t i t e h»> „ 1 B S ot l t u U l j e s ^ u a r v i i r r i laaX. sent to Chancellor Adolf Hitler o ' R p n n g o n -r^c hssontials o f Kre( Uirmany a telegram express ing Government, and the Duties of the



Tho second in



Scries of

Better Home* \


Better Living

iVitliolic V touiirr

rondolenre over t h e tragi lion of the? dirigible Hindenbuxg at LAkehurst N '

Publishing news ot the disaster. ' Oise-rvaUsre Romano esttends t ts ' aympal'.iy to the Ucrman people. 1 and s i y s it is cnarartoristlc of a

strong n-ition t o draw m o w strength from trials. From t b e ,

J a m e s of the great airship- that h a s om;n destroyed m i l rise one mdre ,

"perfect and more enterprising, a s ' t i e imTnottal«s«uls of the lamented , victims rose after the fatal moment into eternal light and good, the paper adds.

Cltizpn " He also game trie si» l o w ell Tnslltute lectures^at Harvard . last Aipril and May tney being I'.ie,

. Srs? t o be g i v e n en liermarty. -

Loch Ness Monster Really Exists In

Opinion of Abbot LONDON F i r m believer in

the e*iM«iici. o-f -ttic L o t h Nes© monster U-vea ' -o ld Ahhot Sir r>»vld Hunter Blair O S R Is trying to get the skeptics t o taltc

f-ttw smphibiaa aerifiusty "I have seen It.™ ho saya. "and

I know more alwJtrt It t h a n any­body e lse "

The Abbot s a y s thot 2O0 wtt-n«»sses can tcstrfy to> t h e fa^* that a prehistoric monster In-h^olu \he V i t c f a 'of tne tioch

"Much as- PEOpfe may aeofl." he told a reporter. "I sha l l go on Kith, a>s £aiajsalga t o scoiri? a^icntific recognition of t h e CJI-

Jateocf- Of lljc jrrionatcr The evidene^ o f Ulo m o t u l e f s

existence • Is imttarputabJc It H an amphibian, a prehistoric plo-B-ossrus It * a s bred In a iav-<•-n 700 feft beneitt i llnT|H|irfn- r of the lrtrh and was drive>h Into mir sight by tnousands o f ton« Of rocic br-nit trirmen i n t o t'ne ttVh during road building oper-at ions "


th*- second ~»e*3i'o on" Tharsday fi%sn—«««-. ^ * e c . - trf^jard, £ee»*|r.. « J : . nf * T O e r l c « - « { ^ » « a a ^ HpafaP-on "Our Ma***lnea and the C*th-

Idattttfi JoRittan o f the C a T S j o H o f ^ ^^fa' ^ ^ J M ^ W T S \

be allowed to oMoist* in thlt 8at«; and that political pr .othttjlnla* ftd aclivlty of.ili* ei&fchifciii: telstloft to Articiv-lJy- af-thff-*ed-era! Con»tttattont. '*^£k|b. a iisls*:

(hi* weak, malhurnmip. that -the

must bt.cons^rrt :,isr^4K*^Ut||:

| 'Ue«fg« I University o f America, Director of Ithei N . C W J G , Dsparunent, of Edu-I cation, and Secretary General ot t h e National Catholic Educational

! Associat ion, will apeak on "Social ' j u s t i c e or Communfani" I T h e Rev. . FrtderieJi M Lynk,

BAI.TIMORK The Most Rev M>*ha*t J (.'ih-lay. Archbishop of B i f l m o r e announced at com mencement exercises of the nars-

k ing sebo»ls of the four Baltimore ] | a n , _ C«Jtonr' hospttsl Irf o t near S«l l?- tfca- discuwftott of Ur . JotattSffl'»i|e,irtl, m i m ^ - V & S ^ ' Q ^ ^ m i under wry for the erection of a {paper j .-*!»-». TnthoTic hospital Tn* ro TSBar B a t t t ' A meet ing Of ^te ® » e a S v e t more with h i#hly developed de-j Board of t h l C.P.A,'*wtll he h e M t * 0 " * " 1

• 8 V D . of H i e CTtrtstiim Faiillly | regi i lattt rfllglOui VrOTthip .)h J ^ . magasuie. Techny. IIL, will tead the j too *' ' * * ~~"

diaewsion of ^ » M ^ : * J * - t - - V l k ~ i M ~ V m per. while the Rev. tJonald F . H U - , M ^ . . ^ . . . ^ j - • « E ^ i c ^ i - 1 ler. CSS R.. Editor ot The Liftiro-

Oconomowoc, Wis. , will load Court osljlnataiTlfV, J K | K s Chlhuahu'ft. Three prW0i


Dioict H. and JcJit 8, JBaffioA-M£ of the Cr-.A,<'wiii be hiw »*»>*** tajaaotfom * H&uK tt* ^

partments for post-graddatffiuid re-'Thursday evening, a t which time tt S t a t f d a o m o f AptUIZS, 1 6 S 0 , . W M ^ p r i ^ p ^ search work v wil t confer with and receive . a ihirited thu namoor o ^ ^ptiFto-jfMffijj^etl

, .The Archtruhop.said i b a t SS^Oflv Jstaiemerit from Kranfc L H^l_^^^^Or^am^^^BiSm^&^-^i m h a v e beer, mad , avalUblo » * ' " * « «>f t h e «x? .W<? « « W « a ^ | J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S L

- »»U H*rpas« fferougi lagacle-s- huL-lca^ . m u l TuJ.. Triinuln Birfa K^rlftlB that t h o amount is n * enough "and] ^rchbUlmp'* OrecHns }^^.h.Jui^:?**$»*. 5 i i « l n"lS"9

• we « r » grrtrrg t o let i t -grow, He; * ^ r ^ " " Z L £ " £ u i * d e l i v e r ' » « * " t h e d f c r a V « « trocdiftJUt*tUoi«;

add m a t the B o n Seeours Sisters h t s addrew of w e » o m a to BJO M H I ^ ' I ^ S S r S . , ) ' mst fac for^fr

itce«--r«Ilgiau»,J.JiB«yf'^_j»n(( • - - - ^ - -" httteU


: will be In charge of the n e w In atitulion

"I a m interested In the tfovcl-, tipmvnt of graduate work a m o n g

the young men In the medical pro­fession and it n our plan to erect A hospital where men will b e pre-

• i«f*<i for special work In special fields." His Kjwellonry said

The Archbishop Indicated thill Ihe sevo;

exceeded tfto »rovHf$aw J A r « f l » | ~ ^ ^

©gaics at the *S»st/Sn m TtiSay morning Thv "Hi HS^. BISST..

Soirth will respond w the Arch-1 mr of filacjfymBft.of ffltt *r«a btanops address o n l b e h a l f of tt. w } ) ( ) . 8 n 8 „ o f f i c W t o ,„ s a g »*p«cUye

. a l l and t h e J J ^ « " « •>*. ^ , n C oa B of Offete l o c a n W f mittces. Mr. FiUprttr.ck will deliver ^ g u p r c m , ^ g ^ B l « s . JJOW i,ia presldontloi addross granted « j i e r w a n e i i t Iftjunctiosir t o

*t^*» fcWj^s^s^srf ^I^^^^^Jt ^^^ifc^asw ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ ' S M * * , ' •

,t^ga«»^i**««»Vp.* ^Hll'i' ? ? ! '

' fii'tl^ttF^iiiiairtifr •

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.^^ggytCpys^?;^^' ;"Wi.t? j # f " ' * f c i ^ '


aat-.-r»i..s»aJs.'.v.g.- t y ^ ^ i ^ i i i ^ & i i ^

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if lsttuotof M. \

Ai t . w»»y»'j*'^«->*>^<'*«>~-^-^<-'--'-''

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proiec, may not be r e a . l ^ d for, Bishop Gannon « » will a d d r c - - « « - l ^ ^ l ^ l ^ ^ l t f Fflti y«ari}! 1_i outmerd wi lane a iinoa. ~- - L ^ —"^—

U.S. Catholic Population Up To 20,959,134; Increase of 223,945 Recorded During 1936


Franciscan N a n Jubiiarians . S A N FRANCISCO Three mem-• bcrs of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart win mark' jubi-'

^%es of tSieir entrance Into the Or-

— . — , " - — -'•».1.....,J I . ! . . - . . . ,VEW YORK I he ttathnlic .-"opu-1 and Sun Diego. Another change j B igh t seminaries wen cstab-

latien of tho United .States, i m l u d - l w a s the new n a m e given the for- , llshed in tfio yesar, making a total ing Alaska and the Hawaiian Isl- mer Diocese of Havannab, n o w anda i i placed at 20959.134 in the Known aa Savannah-Atlanta. "Official Catholic Directory for. Number o f Cffiinrta 1037. published this week by P Kenedy & Sons

T h i s total showi a.i incr*nse 8er next Sunday, at cereroonias in 223 945 over the figures published in

• St. Josephs Hospital, here. . T h e . t h o I93A edition. In 10 ye-u-s the Most Rev. John J. Mitty. Arch- : increase in Catholic population, ha»

'bishop of San Francisco, will pre - 'amounted to 2.305.106 and In 20 side. They are:- Mother Aloysia. years to 4.649.834. Sister -Bonaventura and S i s ter Hya- ' . T h i s .year the General Summary cintfea. All three jobilarians a r e ; s h o w s a new archdiocese, that of natives of Germany. t the former Diocese of Los Angeles

The Cardinals. Arcrrbisnops an<i f4i«hofu> j i o w Hum&er I2&, -csie l e s s than la«i» year T h e Seea of Op* t'oit. Leavenworti i and Syrtiruse are still va&ant. 'I^ie total numD«'*,

uf priests is now 31.649, a n increase-of Ml.

There are now 18.52(1 chorches. a n increase ot Iffy over the f igure g iven last year -

U New Hljrh Schools

of 20S. with 21^77 seminarians at-londlrtg. Colleges for boya h a v e In-cffffifipcl by three and acytdemicsi for gifts, b jr .n . . ,A t o t a l of 2&- now "hjgli «c£lools

were e-atabltelicd. bringing tMe total liumher to W?&. with 207,767 pu-plla stt«ndtng. a n tncrcase ovier the pupil figures g i v e n last' year o f I V W>.

Stat ist ics for parochial schools show a decline tn the number of schools of 45.. .Thia is probably due to the fact that official* of t h * dlo-


! • I I I I T I I - I iiiijJS.il i i n . i i r . M

c e x e arp n a w giving more accaruto statist ic* of hlgll-sctooolu afioMt t» qui te probable t « a t many of the.j rum h igh avbhooia were formg-ly l i s t ed a s parochial schools, x b c mnnbBT of pupils attending ~tbe> ijarocDiai seBsate ®aajuit.juT.ra'r|!JlSrwes t70.oe«.

Hampden lit Spanish Relief Meet lp|»»*i

noted actor, wil l h e a d Q cswf- Of over l XXJ nfiraoi l f ' . t* » pWfMk *yhe SacfiOca of t^UMTM ft* mi aanted a t Uie mmfommlii-MW isofi Sijuaro <SaWt(atr. tatw f w ^ f a f

f.18 andei1 the'*ta»ke» ot'tfiis Jsmm

P«ef- *

.Orphan asylufrus tottd 325,' an b -creaae of s ia , wi th orphans "luitcd|41f!a«;ei at) total ing UJttto. an increase Of 683 over laift year.

*th&!$ «*» iftow %?to Bonte* to tha %«d and W% IrioMMs. One. aaw ho^lW ' waS opehed tfilfiinf the ****• '

tap oditors -dpAHMMrtt% mti^im <»

$ #mjiUa*f- -v


a hi'ttjiXi- '^mMMm^^iL

it in d«slBne<$ to « m p h M i » * : t W i

