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P P o o s s i i t t i i o o n n T T i i t t l l e e : : A A i i r r O O p p e e r r a a t t i i o o n n s s B B r r a a n n c c h h D D i i r r e e c c t t o o r r ( ( A A O O B B D D ) ) Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Air Operations Branch Director 9/2007 Co mpetency: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Air Operations Branch Director and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG) Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete assignment. Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources. Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr ((AAOOBBDD))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Air Operations Branch Director 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Air Operations Branch Director and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr ((AAOOBBDD))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Air Operations Branch Director 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr ((AAOOBBDD))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Air Operations Branch Director 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr ((AAOOBBDD))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Air Operations Branch Director 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. (Proficient for


• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AASSGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Air Support Group Supervisor 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Air Support Group Supervisor and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AASSGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Air Support Group Supervisor 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AASSGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Air Support Group Supervisor 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AASSGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Air Support Group Supervisor 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Ensure functionality of equipment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaaccttiiccaall GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AATTGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Air Tactical Group Supervisor 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Air Tactical Group Supervisor and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Ensure ability to use tools necessary to complete assignment.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaaccttiiccaall GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AATTGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Air Tactical Group Supervisor 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaaccttiiccaall GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AATTGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Air Tactical Group Supervisor 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaaccttiiccaall GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((AATTGGSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Air Tactical Group Supervisor 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Coordinate and manage the use of multiple frequencies.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaannkkeerr//FFiixxeedd WWiinngg CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AATTCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

− Ensure readiness for assignment. − Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. − Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. − Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. − Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. − Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaannkkeerr//FFiixxeedd WWiinngg CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AATTCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

− Model leadership values and principles. − Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. − Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. − Emphasize teamwork. − Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaannkkeerr//FFiixxeedd WWiinngg CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AATTCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors − Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. − Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. − Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAiirr TTaannkkeerr//FFiixxeedd WWiinngg CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AATTCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Air Tanker/Fixed Wing Coordinator Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors − Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. − Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. − Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. − Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. − Provide logistical support as necessary. − Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations. − Coordinate and manage the use of multiple frequencies. − Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. − Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaanndd AAvviiaattiioonn CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AACCAACC))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Area Command Aviation Coordinator 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Area Command Aviation Coordinator and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaanndd AAvviiaattiioonn CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AACCAACC))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Area Command Aviation Coordinator 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaanndd AAvviiaattiioonn CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AACCAACC))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Area Command Aviation Coordinator 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaanndd AAvviiaattiioonn CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((AACCAACC))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Area Command Aviation Coordinator 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliibbaassee MMaannaaggeerr TTyyppee 11&&22 ((HHEEBB11&&22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Helibase Manager Type 1/Type 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Helibase Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliibbaassee MMaannaaggeerr TTyyppee 11&&22 ((HHEEBB11&&22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Helibase Manager Type 1/Type 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliibbaassee MMaannaaggeerr TTyyppee 11&&22 ((HHEEBB11&&22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Helibase Manager Type 1/Type 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliibbaassee MMaannaaggeerr TTyyppee 11&&22 ((HHEEBB11&&22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Helibase Manager Type 1/Type 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations. • Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations. • Ensure functionality of equipment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. •

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliiccoopptteerr CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((HHLLCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Helicopter Coordinator Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Helicopter Coordinator and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Ensure ability to use tools necessary to complete assignment.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliiccoopptteerr CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((HHLLCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Helicopter Coordinator Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Emphasize teamwork.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliiccoopptteerr CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((HHLLCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Helicopter Coordinator Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: HHeelliiccoopptteerr CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr ((HHLLCCOO))

Incident Command System Competencies Helicopter Coordinator Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAggeennccyy RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((AARREEPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Agency Representative Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Agency Representative and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAggeennccyy RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((AARREEPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Agency Representative Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAggeennccyy RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((AARREEPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Agency Representative Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAggeennccyy RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((AARREEPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Agency Representative Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr ((AACCDDRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Area Commander Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Area Commander and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr ((AACCDDRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Area Commander Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr ((AACCDDRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Area Commander Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr ((AACCDDRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Area Commander Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 33 ((IICCTT33))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Incident Commander Type 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Incident Commander and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 33 ((IICCTT33))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Incident Commander Type 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 33 ((IICCTT33))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Incident Commander Type 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 33 ((IICCTT33))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Incident Commander Type 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Ensure operations consider socio-economic, political and cultural aspects.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee11//TTyyppee 22 ((IICCTT11//IICCTT22))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 1 & Type 2 Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of incident Commander and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee11//TTyyppee 22 ((IICCTT11//IICCTT22))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 1 & Type 2 Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee11//TTyyppee 22 ((IICCTT11//IICCTT22))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 1 & Type 2 Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee11//TTyyppee 22 ((IICCTT11//IICCTT22))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 1 & Type 2 Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Develop appropriate information releases and conduct media interviews according to established protocol.

• Ensure operations consider socio-economic, political and cultural aspects.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 44 ((IICCTT44))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 4 Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Incident Commander and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 44 ((IICCTT44))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 4 Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 44 ((IICCTT44))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 4 Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmaannddeerr TTyyppee 44 ((IICCTT44))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Commander Type 4 Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Ensure operations consider socio-economic, political and cultural aspects.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInntteerraaggeennccyy RReessoouurrccee RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((IIAARRRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Interagency Resource Representative Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Interagency Resource Representative and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInntteerraaggeennccyy RReessoouurrccee RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((IIAARRRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Interagency Resource Representative Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInntteerraaggeennccyy RReessoouurrccee RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ((IIAARRRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Interagency Resource Representative Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Effectively advise and assist in resolving human resource issues that occur during the incident or event.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLiiaaiissoonn OOffffiicceerr ((LLOOFFRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Liaison Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Liaison Officer and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLiiaaiissoonn OOffffiicceerr ((LLOOFFRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Liaison Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLiiaaiissoonn OOffffiicceerr ((LLOOFFRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Liaison Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLiiaaiissoonn OOffffiicceerr ((LLOOFFRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Liaison Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into

account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr ((PPIIOOFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Public Information Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Public Information Officer and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. • Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr ((PPIIOOFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Public Information Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr ((PPIIOOFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Public Information Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr ((PPIIOOFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Public Information Officer 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess

Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Develop appropriate information releases and conduct media interviews according to

established protocol.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11 && TTyyppee 22 ((PPIIOO11//PPIIOO22))

Incident Command System Competencies Public Information Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Public Information Officer and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11 && TTyyppee 22 ((PPIIOO11//PPIIOO22))

Incident Command System Competencies Public Information Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11 && TTyyppee 22 ((PPIIOO11//PPIIOO22))

Incident Command System Competencies Public Information Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPuubblliicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11 && TTyyppee 22 ((PPIIOO11//PPIIOO22))

Incident Command System Competencies Public Information Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Develop appropriate information releases and conduct media interviews according to established protocol.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11//TTyyppee 22 ((SSOOFF11//SSOOFF22))

Incident Command System Competencies Safety Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Safety Officer and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11//TTyyppee 22 ((SSOOFF11//SSOOFF22))

Incident Command System Competencies Safety Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11//TTyyppee 22 ((SSOOFF11//SSOOFF22))

Incident Command System Competencies Safety Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr TTyyppee 11//TTyyppee 22 ((SSOOFF11//SSOOFF22))

Incident Command System Competencies Safety Officer Type 1 & Type 2 Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr,, LLiinnee ((SSOORRFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Safety Officer, Line 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Safety Officer and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr,, LLiinnee ((SSOORRFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Safety Officer, Line 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr,, LLiinnee ((SSOORRFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Safety Officer, Line 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSaaffeettyy OOffffiicceerr,, LLiinnee ((SSOORRFF))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Safety Officer, Line 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess

Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Ensure compliance with all legal and safety requirements relevant to air operations.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((CCLLMMSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Claims Specialist Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Claims Specialist and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((CCLLMMSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Claims Specialist Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((CCLLMMSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Claims Specialist Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmiissssaarryy MMaannaaggeerr ((CCMMSSYY))

Incident Command System Competencies Commissary Manager Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Commissary Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmiissssaarryy MMaannaaggeerr ((CCMMSSYY))

Incident Command System Competencies Commissary Manager Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmiissssaarryy MMaannaaggeerr ((CCMMSSYY))

Incident Command System Competencies Commissary Manager Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonn--ffoorr--IInnjjuurryy SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((IINNJJRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensation-for-Injury Specialist Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Compensation-for-Injury Specialist and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonn--ffoorr--IInnjjuurryy SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((IINNJJRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensation-for-Injury Specialist Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonn--ffoorr--IInnjjuurryy SSppeecciiaalliisstt ((IINNJJRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensation-for-Injury Specialist Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonnss//CCllaaiimmss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensations/Claims Unit Leader Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Compensations/Claims Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonnss//CCllaaiimmss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensations/Claims Unit Leader Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonnss//CCllaaiimmss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensations/Claims Unit Leader Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommppeennssaattiioonnss//CCllaaiimmss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMPP))

Incident Command System Competencies Compensations/Claims Unit Leader Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Follow established and safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoosstt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOSSTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Cost Unit Leader Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Cost Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoosstt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOSSTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Cost Unit Leader Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoosstt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOSSTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Cost Unit Leader Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoosstt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOSSTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Cost Unit Leader Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((EEQQTTRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Time Recorder Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Equipment Time Recorder and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((EEQQTTRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Time Recorder Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((EEQQTTRR))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Time Recorder Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFiinnaannccee//AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((FFSSCC11//FFSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Finance/Administration Section Chief and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFiinnaannccee//AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((FFSSCC11//FFSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFiinnaannccee//AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((FFSSCC11//FFSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFiinnaannccee//AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((FFSSCC11//FFSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPeerrssoonnnneell TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((PPTTRRCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Personnel Time Recorder Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 11:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Personnel Time Recorder and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPeerrssoonnnneell TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((PPTTRRCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Personnel Time Recorder Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 33:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPeerrssoonnnneell TTiimmee RReeccoorrddeerr ((PPTTRRCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Personnel Time Recorder Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 44:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPrrooccuurreemmeenntt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((PPRROOCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Procurement Unit Leader Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 11:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Procurement Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG) • Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPrrooccuurreemmeenntt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((PPRROOCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Procurement Unit Leader Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 22:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPrrooccuurreemmeenntt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((PPRROOCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Procurement Unit Leader Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 33:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPrrooccuurreemmeenntt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((PPRROOCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Procurement Unit Leader Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy 44:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Follow established and safety procedures relevant to given assignment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTiimmee UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((TTIIMMEE))

Incident Command System Competencies Time Unit Leader Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Time Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTiimmee UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((TTIIMMEE))

Incident Command System Competencies Time Unit Leader Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTiimmee UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((TTIIMMEE))

Incident Command System Competencies Time Unit Leader Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTiimmee UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((TTIIMMEE))

Incident Command System Competencies Time Unit Leader Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Follow established and safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr LLooggiissttiiccss ((AACCLLCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander Logistics Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Assistant Area Commander, Logistics and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr LLooggiissttiiccss ((AACCLLCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander Logistics Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Emphasize teamwork.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr LLooggiissttiiccss ((AACCLLCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander Logistics Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr LLooggiissttiiccss ((AACCLLCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander Logistics Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: BBaassee//CCaammpp MMaannaaggeerr ((BBCCMMGG))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Base/Camp Manager 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Base/Camp Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. • Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: BBaassee//CCaammpp MMaannaaggeerr ((BBCCMMGG))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Base/Camp Manager 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: BBaassee//CCaammpp MMaannaaggeerr ((BBCCMMGG))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Base/Camp Manager 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: BBaassee//CCaammpp MMaannaaggeerr ((BBCCMMGG))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Base/Camp Manager 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Communications Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Communications Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Communications Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Communications Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((CCOOMMLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Communications Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure functionality of equipment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt MMaannaaggeerr ((EEQQPPMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Manager Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Equipment Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt MMaannaaggeerr ((EEQQPPMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Manager Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt MMaannaaggeerr ((EEQQPPMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Manager Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: EEqquuiippmmeenntt MMaannaaggeerr ((EEQQPPMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Equipment Manager Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFaacciilliittiieess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFAACCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Facilities Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Facilities Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFaacciilliittiieess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFAACCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Facilities Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFaacciilliittiieess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFAACCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Facilities Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFaacciilliittiieess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFAACCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Facilities Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFoooodd UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFDDUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Food Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Food Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFoooodd UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFDDUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Food Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFoooodd UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFDDUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Food Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: FFoooodd UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((FFDDUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Food Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: GGrroouunndd SSuuppppoorrtt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((GGSSUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Ground Support Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Ground Support Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: GGrroouunndd SSuuppppoorrtt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((GGSSUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Ground Support Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: GGrroouunndd SSuuppppoorrtt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((GGSSUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Ground Support Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: GGrroouunndd SSuuppppoorrtt UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((GGSSUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Ground Support Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure functionality of equipment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCeenntteerr MMaannaaggeerr ((IINNCCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Communications Center Manager Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Incident Communications Center Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCeenntteerr MMaannaaggeerr ((IINNCCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Communications Center Manager Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCeenntteerr MMaannaaggeerr ((IINNCCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Communications Center Manager Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCeenntteerr MMaannaaggeerr ((IINNCCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Incident Communications Center Manager Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss TTeecchhnniicciiaann ((CCOOMMTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 3 Incident Communications Technician 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Incident Communications Technician and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. • Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss TTeecchhnniicciiaann ((CCOOMMTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 3 Incident Communications Technician 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: IInncciiddeenntt CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss TTeecchhnniicciiaann ((CCOOMMTT))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 3 Incident Communications Technician 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLooggiissttiiccss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22((LLSSCC11//LLSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Logistics Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Logistics Section Chief and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLooggiissttiiccss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22((LLSSCC11//LLSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Logistics Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLooggiissttiiccss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22((LLSSCC11//LLSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Logistics Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: LLooggiissttiiccss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22((LLSSCC11//LLSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Logistics Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements. • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

(Proficient for NWCG)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: MMeeddiiccaall UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((MMEEDDLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Medical Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Medical Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: MMeeddiiccaall UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((MMEEDDLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Medical Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: MMeeddiiccaall UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((MMEEDDLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Medical Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: MMeeddiiccaall UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((MMEEDDLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Medical Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOrrddeerriinngg MMaannaaggeerr ((OORRDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Ordering Manager Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Ordering Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOrrddeerriinngg MMaannaaggeerr ((OORRDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Ordering Manager Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment Behaviors • Ensure all relevant information is exchanged during check-in, briefings and


• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOrrddeerriinngg MMaannaaggeerr ((OORRDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Ordering Manager Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReecceeiivviinngg//DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MMaannaaggeerr ((RRCCDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Receiving/Distribution Manager Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Receiving/Distribution Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReecceeiivviinngg//DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MMaannaaggeerr ((RRCCDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Receiving/Distribution Manager Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReecceeiivviinngg//DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MMaannaaggeerr ((RRCCDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Receiving/Distribution Manager Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReecceeiivviinngg//DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MMaannaaggeerr ((RRCCDDMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Receiving/Distribution Manager Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeerr ((SSEECCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Security Manager Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Security Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeerr ((SSEECCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Security Manager Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeerr ((SSEECCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Security Manager Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeeccuurriittyy MMaannaaggeerr ((SSEECCMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Security Manager Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given


• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeerrvviiccee BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Service Branch Director Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Service Branch Director and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeerrvviiccee BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Service Branch Director Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeerrvviiccee BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Service Branch Director Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSeerrvviiccee BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Service Branch Director Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSuuppppllyy UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSPPUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Supply Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Supply Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSuuppppllyy UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSPPUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Supply Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSuuppppllyy UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSPPUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Supply Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSuuppppllyy UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSPPUULL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Supply Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDiivviissiioonn//GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((DDIIVVSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Division/Group Supervisor 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Division/Group Supervisor and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDiivviissiioonn//GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((DDIIVVSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Division/Group Supervisor 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDiivviissiioonn//GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((DDIIVVSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Division/Group Supervisor 8/2007

C Coommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDiivviissiioonn//GGrroouupp SSuuppeerrvviissoorr ((DDIIVVSS))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Division/Group Supervisor 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into

account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Operations Branch Director Page 1 of 49/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Operations Branch Director and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete

assignment. • Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment. • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel. • Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of

assigned resources. • Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Operations Branch Director Page 2 of 49/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Operations Branch Director Page 3 of 49/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss BBrraanncchh DDiirreeccttoorr

Incident Command System Competencies Operations Branch Director Page 4 of 49/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Provide logistical support as necessary. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((OOSSCC11//OOSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Operations Section Chief Type 1 & 2 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: AAssssuummee ppoossiittiioonn rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess

Description: Successfully assume role of Operations Section Chief and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((OOSSCC11//OOSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Operations Section Chief Type 1 & 2 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((OOSSCC11//OOSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Operations Section Chief Type 1 & 2 8/2007

C Coommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: OOppeerraattiioonnss SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((OOSSCC11//OOSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Operations Section Chief Type 1 & 2 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Prepare clear and concise assessments regarding hazards, hazard behavior, weather, and other relevant events.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa MMaannaaggeerr ((SSTTAAMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Staging Area Manager 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Staging Area Manager and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa MMaannaaggeerr ((SSTTAAMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Staging Area Manager 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa MMaannaaggeerr ((SSTTAAMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Staging Area Manager 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaaggiinngg AArreeaa MMaannaaggeerr ((SSTTAAMM))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Staging Area Manager 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Utilize information to produce outputs. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTaasskk FFoorrccee LLeeaaddeerr//SSttrriikkee TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Task Force Leader/Strike Team Leader 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: AAssssuummee ppoossiittiioonn rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess Description: Successfully assume role of Task Force Leader/Strike Team Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTaasskk FFoorrccee LLeeaaddeerr//SSttrriikkee TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Task Force Leader/Strike Team Leader 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTaasskk FFoorrccee LLeeaaddeerr//SSttrriikkee TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Task Force Leader/Strike Team Leader 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: TTaasskk FFoorrccee LLeeaaddeerr//SSttrriikkee TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerr

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Task Force Leader/Strike Team Leader 8/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks.

• Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation. (TFL only)

• Anticipate, recognize and mitigate unsafe situations.

• Follow established and safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Provide logistical support as necessary.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr,, PPllaannnniinngg ((AACCPPCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander, Planning Page 1 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Assistant Area Commander, Planning and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr,, PPllaannnniinngg ((AACCPPCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander, Planning Page 2 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. (Proficient)

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Emphasize teamwork.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr,, PPllaannnniinngg ((AACCPPCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander, Planning Page 3 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: AAssssiissttaanntt AArreeaa CCoommmmaannddeerr,, PPllaannnniinngg ((AACCPPCC))

Incident Command System Competencies Assistant Area Commander, Planning Page 4 of 4 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. (Proficient)

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. (Proficient)

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDeemmoobbiilliizzaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDMMOOBB))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Demobilization Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Resource Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDeemmoobbiilliizzaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDMMOOBB))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Demobilization Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDeemmoobbiilliizzaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDMMOOBB))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Demobilization Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDeemmoobbiilliizzaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDMMOOBB))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Demobilization Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Utilize information to produce outputs. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDOOCCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Documentation Unit Leader Page 1 of 4 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Documentation Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDOOCCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Documentation Unit Leader Page 2 of 4 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDOOCCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Documentation Unit Leader Page 3 of 4 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((DDOOCCLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Documentation Unit Leader Page 4 of 4 9/5/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information.

• Utilize information to produce outputs.

• Ensure functionality of equipment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPllaannnniinngg SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((PPSSCC11//PPSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Planning Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Planning Section Chief and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPllaannnniinngg SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((PPSSCC11//PPSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Planning Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles.

• Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel.

• Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback.

• Emphasize teamwork.

• Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPllaannnniinngg SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((PPSSCC11//PPSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Planning Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

• Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of command and across functional areas.

• Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: PPllaannnniinngg SSeeccttiioonn CChhiieeff TTyyppee 11 && 22 ((PPSSCC11//PPSSCC22))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Planning Section Chief Type 1 & 2 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Administer and/or apply agency policy, contracts and agreements.

• Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Modify approach based on evaluation of incident situation.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into

account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity. [not in task book]

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed. (Proficient)

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReessoouurrcceess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((RREESSLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Resources Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Resource Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReessoouurrcceess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((RREESSLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Resources Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReessoouurrcceess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((RREESSLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Resources Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: RReessoouurrcceess UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((RREESSLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Resources Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Utilize information to produce outputs. • Take appropriate action based on assessed risks. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSiittuuaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSIITTLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 1 of 4 Situation Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Resource Unit Leader and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment. (Proficient for NWCG)

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Establish organization structure, reporting procedures, and chain of command of assigned resources.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSiittuuaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSIITTLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 2 of 4 Situation Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: LLeeaadd aassssiiggnneedd ppeerrssoonnnneell

Description: Influence, guide, and direct assigned personnel to accomplish objectives and desired outcomes in a rapidly changing, high-risk environment. Behaviors

• Model leadership values and principles. • Ensure the safety, welfare, and accountability of assigned personnel. • Establish work assignments and performance expectations, monitor performance,

and provide feedback. • Emphasize teamwork. • Coordinate interdependent activities.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSiittuuaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSIITTLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 3 of 4 Situation Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings. • Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate. • Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient. • Communicate and ensure understanding of work expectations within the chain of

command and across functional areas. • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the


PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSiittuuaattiioonn UUnniitt LLeeaaddeerr ((SSIITTLL))

Incident Command System Competencies Page 4 of 4 Situation Unit Leader 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and make

recommendations for setting priorities. • Make appropriate decisions based on analysis of gathered information. • Utilize information to produce outputs. • Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given

assignment. • Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and

taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaattuuss//CChheecckk--IInn RReeccoorrddeerr ((SSCCKKNN))

Incident Command System Competencies Status/Check-In Recorder Page 1 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: Assume position responsibilities Description: Successfully assume role of Status/Check-In Recorder and initiate position activities at the appropriate time according to the following behaviors. Behaviors

• Ensure readiness for assignment.

• Ensure availability, qualifications, and capabilities of resources to complete


• Gather, update, and apply situational information relevant to the assignment.

• Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel.

• Ensure ability to use tools necessary to complete assignment.

• Understand and comply with ICS concepts and principles.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaattuuss//CChheecckk--IInn RReeccoorrddeerr ((SSCCKKNN))

Incident Command System Competencies Status/Check-In Recorder Page 2 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: CCoommmmuunniiccaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy Description: Use suitable communication techniques to share relevant information with appropriate personnel on a timely basis to accomplish objectives in a rapidly changing, high risk environment. Behaviors • Ensure relevant information is exchanged during briefings and debriefings.

• Ensure documentation is complete and disposition is appropriate.

• Gather, produce and distribute information as required by established guidelines and

ensure understanding by recipient.

PPoossiittiioonn TTiittllee:: SSttaattuuss//CChheecckk--IInn RReeccoorrddeerr ((SSCCKKNN))

Incident Command System Competencies Status/Check-In Recorder Page 3 of 3 9/2007

CCoommppeetteennccyy:: EEnnssuurree ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff aassssiiggnneedd aaccttiioonnss ttoo mmeeeett iiddeennttiiffiieedd oobbjjeeccttiivveess Description: Identify, analyze, and apply relevant situational information and evaluate actions to complete assignments safely and meet identified objectives. Complete actions within established timeframe. Behaviors • Gather, analyze, and validate information pertinent to the incident or event and

make recommendations for setting priorities.

• Follow established procedures and/or safety procedures relevant to given assignment.

• Transfer position duties while ensuring continuity of authority and knowledge and taking into account the increasing or decreasing incident complexity.

• Plan for demobilization and ensure demobilization procedures are followed.
