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C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFsDavitt ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . 1. 2. standard Form For Members ot the Leq:slature e of a. 1' 1 a L.I # \.U '1. ..... \-+ (!'t,1 Birthday and placi J)!lu ./ /'1J / (I Harriaq8 ( . ) date place 19[0 senator · ___ _ / ·./ lhx .. 3. Significant event. for example: ". Bus i n ... "/ £ ,, t;;;.-' --j 7/, & - .,h '.hf </t ,p". I ",.,t .y ", 'e I B. Civic r •• po naibiliti •• , _______________________________ __ 4. Church 1.1""'/.· " I' if, f /: S. Sessions .Irved r4 LAct/ /. I? l' /117 -/11 " 6. Public Offic .. " . Lo cal k ,'u 1 6' k".d';," B. State _______________________________________________ _ C. National ___________________________________________ __ , Nam •• of parents /?;,.:t Ib .I I _J.. -1ft _ / ,':1t'

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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1 .

2 .

standard Form For Members ot the Leq:slature

e of ' Represantative~ h.:{,~/ a. 1 ' 1

/) II(J " ~ a L.I# \.U '1. j;../-~ ..... \-+ (!'t,1

Birthday and placi J)!lu ./ /'1J / (I

Harriaq8 ( . ) date place

~r~ 19[0

senator· ___ _

/ ·./ lhx ..

3. Significant event. for example:

". Bus i n ... )£~/k;J.n1/' "/£ ,,t;;;.-'--j 7/, & -.,h'.hf

</t,p". I ",.,t.y", 'e

I B. Civic r •• ponaibiliti •• , _______________________________ __

4 . Church memb.r.hiP_~~~-7~~~~, ~/,L'~~-----------------------1.1""'/.· " I' if, f /: S. Sessions .Irved IP~ r 4 LAct/ /. 0~'1" I ? l' /117 -/11"

• 6 . Public Offic ..

" . Local k ,'u16' k".d';,"

B. State _______________________________________________ _

C. National ___________________________________________ __

, Nam •• of parents /?;,.:t Ib .I I_J.. -1ft _ / ,':1t'

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10.EdU C ati o 'l.~~Lfo~dvri~~ #'4- .---

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11. Degrees ____________ _


- -------------------_._---

---- -_._._-- -------.------- ------- --- ---------_.-

._-- -- ------------

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· .

Sources Log For Legislation Bntries


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J",.u "IF;,,! (y,;1Ia, 12$1-1 9.J''¢ I' i'7

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.. Page3A

l "Davitt's love of politics, people remembered •. Rolanda House or Representatives in ttlc 51h missed: ' one of those as he .



'. Y. ,. d I ",. hl.

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i District in 1984 and (or the Iowa Potitics wa:s one of Ihe loves of walked up 10 i h:l.nd , · ;

· from to un! majority leader and chair of Ihe have known I Davit! since · 1984, died Oct. House Ways and Means Commit· 1970s, and the two things he liked ' 21 of a heart toe. best wtre politics and people.~ she attack at his Davitt's death drew s urprise said. "He h::.d a lot of.ideas on how retirement home from U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin, D· to make government wort beUef for in Bella Vista, lowa.anati~orCumminginW3I' people. When he left th e Iowa AIL ren County. "I was swprlsed \0 hw .House to run for Congress. he

Davitl. who is about Phil's untimely de.th,R advised me on campaigning. He survived by his HaMn said in:l release. "My heart· . was one of the best camp.1.igners, a wife, Thea, six felt sympathy goes out to Thea and tireless worker who eould talk to children and PfIIIpDntn the rest of Phil's family. Phil was Myone. many other rela· my representative in the Iowa Leg· "Although we did not always tiVts.wu63. islature, and he was 'always agree on the issues, and Phil later

"He will be a tell loss to the forthright and diligent in doing the ran against me in the Demop'3tic · Democratic Party," said Warren ' people's w~: he represented Wac', . primary for state representative. I

County' Auditor Bev Dickerson. a ten County ' tremely weU. PIlil and admired his tenacious spirit ~ his IOIigtime friend of the family. I worked ethet on many issues. ability 10 innoence people

In addition loJetVing in the Iowa and I consi ered him a close friend Dickerson said Davill "never House, Davitt ' ran for the U.S. Qnd adviser. He will truly" be ,saw a stranger anywhere, Phil WlIS

Residents on list for IRS . refund checks

Bill. was almost

no to Phil Davill. said Davitt wn .

:tboul rurnl 'and urban issues. tried to be a com· mon groLind bellll'een urban lind rural" and between the weallhy and thepoor.H . •

Outside of politics, Davill farmed . in Wllrren CQun ty ' and owned floral shops in Indianola. Bodford. Villisca and Clarinda. He retired in 1990, moving to Be lin Vista. A memorial service will be .~. held at SI. John's Catholic Church ~ in Cuml!'ingon Fric:'ay,Nov. ~5. He . t~. was buned Oct. 24 In Arkansas. • ~ . \ An obituary IlPpears on page 9p>.. . :: ... \ . '.

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dety :aiJ ... ,.n. 710 .... '" goo! lOW

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,eW· lresi·

The Internal Revenue SerVice is trying 10 locale !\1710wans who are due federal tax refunds including several Warn:n County ruidenl$ .

"These refund checks were returned as undeliverable by the Postal Service," said Stephen J. Stalcup. IRS dislrict director for the state. "Every year hundreds of cheeks are returned because the addruses on the t/IX returns were

· nOt legible or the lupayers -rnbved." .

He suggested thai people avoid these !dnds of problems by using the peel·off label that comes wilh their tax package or by filing Form 8822, "Change of Address" when· ever they move. . Anyone whose name appears on

the Ii$! should call the IRS at (800) 829·1040 o r write to: .IRS. 210

· Wa1Ji.ut St., Ann: Tupayer Service Division, SlOP 31·1, Des Moines, IA !I0309, and establish their iden· tity and right to receive the check.

. Local residents whose names ~ on the list include: Lisa.M. Carter, Benjamin J. Clarke, Jeff D. Johnson and .Lori E.· Mallett. all' of '.'

· Indianola: and Shane P. Johnson o'r , Norwalk.

~u"enCou-nty . '. ,"

where we ,. . ace our ..

Storming the sidewalks Simpson. College sfudents (from left) Angle Heller, Jill Beyer and Alison lumdsen took advantage of the mild weather to JOin In the'

sidewalk palntln; Oct. 20 In preparatIon for homecoming weekend. .

RHT pholtVt.tdlHl Roland.

yKing • Kay It Ken Kii1g and their two daughters

have lived in Warren CoUnty for 24 year.;. , .. • Small Business owner, ~ years. ' . . .' ..

. Kay King Will: ., .. '. ,\VM'toward change ~ the:it)heritlnce taxi~"~t ":,,' . WTns can be pa~d on to future generations. '

· ·Work to ~prove 9ppartuniiies'(or bpsinesses,in . · . ." . " ... rural toWns to ~eep people in those loCationS; ~.: :. • Work t~ provide incentives (or young ~armers to re~in on the fatm, or begin'..

· farming their own land.. .." ','.

·Vote KayKing on_November,8.· rio . , _' ''' ___ .1.. _ T"\!.t.-!'-L Ae


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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' ) Page9A

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. former low:! ' Means : his 'wife, " . '

ee of Idaho, .. : a heart . County, where he' was··born, and, .: . and Lyle Jr. 1994, at his owned n oml shops in Indianola. ;hters, Rose- ' home. Funeral" .. Bedford. Villisca and Clarinda. He IOola, Vicki services . were retired in 1990 and moved to Bella " ,'. heila Spencehe'ld Oct. 24 at Vista. He had been amemberof i :· . U'a Harris of ' SI. ~ Stephen's Knighrs ofColumbus. ' ; hers, Ed of catholic Church . Survivors inClude .his wife. [arion, Gay' '. in ' BentonvilIe;: . . Theo: four sons . Mark of Pleasant : . . ' nd Darrell of : Ark" oC-which he. Hill : Mik e. ofSt.Marys . Joe of • . ' Jane Carter was a member ; Johns ton andJ ily Of Bella Visia: .. '"

: ~ othy Hallam wi th burial ' at . two daughters. Maria .. Robison .and . ong ofOsce- . ··Bella Vista :Ceme- ·Phli· '0'" Julie Haskins . . both of 'Bella Vislll: · ___ "_ ri: and four tery. Ari addition: . . IP . 8VI . . his mother; Barbara 'Davin or-Nor-

. al memorial se rvice ' will be held ·, walk : a bro ther. Robert of Des "ial ·Park in . . Friday. Nov. 25, at 7 p.m . . at S't. 'M oines:' five ·.sisters. Mary Stcin- .' . ; led arrange- · JQhn :s Catholic Church iri Cum- .. : hau ser ·of·· Parnell ; · Mo'. , Joann ' ... ..

. . ·ming. . . ·D eat sch o f 'Lake ' Ha vas u City. ' eMf. Davitt, ·a· Democrat,was a · Ariz:., Dorothy Thomas 'orMorlon:'

s ta te represeniativefo'rWarren ·111. ; Jane.McCurnin ·ofNorwalk 'and . County and paris of Dallas, Madi-- . · Helen .Ripperger:of [ndianola: and

cher~Dallas, .. son . Adair and 'C1arke counties ' 16 grandchildren'. . . .i!o., and Ron from i 976 through 1984. He served. . Memorial contributions may be three daugh- .. as assistant 'majority leader .and · ·made to St. St ephen's .Catholic onnie Craw- . chairman of the House Ways and . Church in Bentonville. Ark : 'iffith, all of '. . . ' . r, Faye Van- C I R' 1i . '. lOde h i1dren : ' . ar . - U rne r--.-",-. -------""---,-.,..-"'----'-',--tildren. . Carl R. TUfner; 70, . of Indianola of the Nazare~e, . . neinMelch- . . ·died Monday, Oc t. 17 ; 1994. 'of Survi vors include ) iis wife. Igements. ' . complications after a. stroke. Sere . Georgia: ·three sons/ Cml. Danny ioris may be , viceswere held~1.20 "I'.overto.n. and Larry. and. adaughler,Lois "' . ,nlia1 Iowa or . Funeral Home, Wtth bunnI atIndt- ·.Enga:. all .of In'di'anola: a brother; . ;eue Squad. .' anoIa IOOF Cemetery;:.' . . 'Roy of Kansas City, Kan.; a sister, ',

Mr. Turner wils born in Stock- .. Marx Neely q f Stockton; . .10 gl1lfld­ton,Mo., and moved to'lndianola in . cnildren : and two great,'grahdchil-

. 1946. l:Ie retired 'as a ,machinist for dren. . . .. . • . : . . ' , Mid Central Plastics and was a . Memorial contribiJtions may be '. '." '."


J c!aughters, .. member of.Indi~nola FirSt Ctiitrih · made·to hiS-Church.. . . ,- ;

., ~fac~e():~; Dorothy E. Donahue .... _ '---:---:--'-:-"'-,-' ,~ __ . ...,;< -:-"---,-"-,-' _. ...:;

o · ..,agle :of Dorothy E . :r>oilahue ; 73. of Frank: a" son , 'Michael 'ofTemPc( .' .; ' ,. Qir Aoden of WeslDes Moines. died Sunday" Adz. ; three' daughters. Patricia . ' • dchildrei1; 21 ' Oct. 16: 1994, at Norwalk Manor . Rogers·ofWest .Des.Moines, JoAnn ridfour great- . ·Care .Ce'nterOf complications of . Burgess of Blair. Neb,; and DOrothy ' . . ' Alzheimer's disease. Gravesideser- Campbell of Clive; a .sister; Mary .. .

,1.Hnme. h"n~ · ·vices· .were held Oc t. 19 · at . McConnell ' of Allel , 11' o",nt!·r.h; l_

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