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CENA Bulletin January 2016

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Bulletin of the Committee of Europe and North America - January 2016
INTRODUCTION In this issue we present the regional resolution resulted from the regional meeting of CENA that took place during the 19th General Assembly of the WFDY held in Havana, Cuba during November 2015. The 19th General Assembly of WFDY was under the framework of the campaign for 70 years of the federation, a campaign which it was launched a year before the Assembly, including many activities, a campaign which it was culminated in the best possible way with the event of the General Assembly. The 19th General Assembly brought together young people from all over the world, from every corner of the earth. They responded positively at the call of WFDY, to send the message that 70 years after, the young people of the world remain united against imperialism for lasting peace. At the Assembly more than 70 youth organizations were involved with their presence, with more than 160 delegates. During the works of the Assembly, serious and substantive discussions were made by analyzing the international situation, the challenges that the youth is called to deal with in relation with the youth and workers, the need of the unity and the massiveness of the struggle against our common enemy, which is imperialism. A significant event that took place during the Assembly was the special souvenir gift that it was given by the federation to Fidel Castro in recognition of his timeless support to WFDY, as well as his struggle against imperialism. Nobody can forget the historic decision of Fidel to host the 14th World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana, Cuba in 1997. In a time when the imperialists believed that the idea of this great event had gone out, Fidel and the people of Cuba despite the difficul- ties encountered due to the aggression of the imperialists, they rekindled the flame of WFYS giving the hope to millions of young men and women, and simultaneously strengthening WFDY as well. The General Assembly had also an electoral character since the new General Council along with the members of the head- quarters was elected. In the positions of the president and the general secretary unanimously EDON and the Young Com- munist League of Cuba were reelected respectively. In the position of the vice president for the region of Asia the Socialist Students Union of Sri Lanka was elected, in the region of the Middle East and North Africa the United Lebanese Democratic Youth was also reelected. In relation with the region of Africa the election will take place during the next General Council Meeting. The new leadership of WFDY along with all the members of the General Council stated their readiness to work and struggle. The history of WFDY is considered as guidance to the members of the General Council which will march together until the next General Assembly. The goal remains the same, our struggle is reinforced, and we invite all the young people of the world to unite their voice with us to defeat imperialism and build a world of peace and solidarity. Nikolas Papadimitriou President of WFDY

INTRODUCTIONIn this issue we present the regional resolution resulted from the regional meeting of CENA that took place during the 19th General Assembly of the WFDY held in Havana, Cuba during November 2015.The 19th General Assembly of WFDY was under the framework of the campaign for 70 years of the federation, a campaign which it was launched a year before the Assembly, including many activities, a campaign which it was culminated in the best possible way with the event of the General Assembly.

The 19th General Assembly brought together young people from all over the world, from every corner of the earth. They responded positively at the call of WFDY, to send the message that 70 years after, the young people of the world remain united against imperialism for lasting peace. At the Assembly more than 70 youth organizations were involved with their presence, with more than 160 delegates.

During the works of the Assembly, serious and substantive discussions were made by analyzing the international situation, the challenges that the youth is called to deal with in relation with the youth and workers, the need of the unity and the massiveness of the struggle against our common enemy, which is imperialism.

A significant event that took place during the Assembly was the special souvenir gift that it was given by the federation to Fidel Castro in recognition of his timeless support to WFDY, as well as his struggle against imperialism. Nobody can forget the historic decision of Fidel to host the 14th World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana, Cuba in 1997. In a time when the imperialists believed that the idea of this great event had gone out, Fidel and the people of Cuba despite the difficul-ties encountered due to the aggression of the imperialists, they rekindled the flame of WFYS giving the hope to millions of young men and women, and simultaneously strengthening WFDY as well.

The General Assembly had also an electoral character since the new General Council along with the members of the head-quarters was elected. In the positions of the president and the general secretary unanimously EDON and the Young Com-munist League of Cuba were reelected respectively. In the position of the vice president for the region of Asia the Socialist Students Union of Sri Lanka was elected, in the region of the Middle East and North Africa the United Lebanese Democratic Youth was also reelected. In relation with the region of Africa the election will take place during the next General Council Meeting.

The new leadership of WFDY along with all the members of the General Council stated their readiness to work and struggle. The history of WFDY is considered as guidance to the members of the General Council which will march together until the next General Assembly. The goal remains the same, our struggle is reinforced, and we invite all the young people of the world to unite their voice with us to defeat imperialism and build a world of peace and solidarity.

Nikolas PapadimitriouPresident of WFDY


19th Assembly of WFDY – 9 to 12 de November 2015 – Havanna, Cuba

1. Political situation and struggle of the youth in Europe and North America 1.1 Political and social situation of the youth: Aggravation of exploitation, attacks against Public Education 1.2 The imperialist offensive and the danger of fascism and war 1.3 NATO: an aggressi of ve political-military block enemy of peace and of the peoples 1.4 The European Union and the USA: poles of imperialism 1.5 The struggle of the youth in Europe and North America

2. Activity of WFDY in the Region

1. Political situation and struggle of the youth in Europe and North America

Europe and North America (CENA), the region where is based two of the great poles of imperi-alism – the USA and the EU – has been marked in the period 2011-2014, by a brutal raise of the attack against rights and social achievements. It is a region where imperialism is in the offensive, trying to domain and influence the reality of the European and North American young people, whose rights are attacked by the institutions and by the governments that serve the monopolies. The great imperialist powers of USA and EU spread the barbarity, war and aggression to other peoples of the world. In these four years, the raise of the militarism presents features of great danger for Peace in the region and in all the world.

After the overthrow of socialism in the USSR and other socialist countries in Europe, imperialism became stronger and more aggressive, imposing a very large social regression, not only in the countries that constituted the ex-socialist block – that suffered an authentic social catastrophe with the capitalist recovery – but also in the other countries of Europe.

1.1 Political and social situation of the youth: Aggravation of exploitation, attacks against Public Education

The governments that serve big monopolies has been leading to the raise of the exploitation over workers, that affects particularly the young workers. Unemployment raised in the majority of the countries of the region, with devastating effects in the life of the youngsters. Due to this situation, millions of youngsters are forced to leave their countries and find jobs in the foreign countries. Emmigration, that occurs mainly from the economically less developed countries to the great powers, has serious consequences for the origin countries: thousands of young people, that are not allowed to contribute for the development of their countries.

Also the precariousness and low salaries affect more and more the young workers in the region. Under the umbrella of programs such as “Youth Warranty” of the EU and also policies of national governments, it has been promoted the generalization of the precarious labor bonds, that draw any possibility of stability. Through short-term contracts, temporary work enterprises, false pro-vision of services, permanent renovation of temporary contracts, as well as internships, there is the intent to impose precariousness and to isolate young workers, so that they can have less conditions to reclaim their rights.

The salaries are lowering in face of the raise of the cost of living, leading to the situation of even full-time workers being poor, at the same time as the profits of big business raise ex-ponentially. For this situation, has contributed the EU, as well as the national governments, where besides the more conservative forces, also social-democracy has heavy responsibil-ities in the promotion and application of such policies.

In the field of Education, it continues the path of its gentrification and privatization. The governments and imperialist institutions are to try to end with the concept of Education as a universal right, public and free, and develop the concept of Education as a business. In the USA, where the path of privatization is more advanced, the Education sector is more profitable than, for instance, the automobile sector. But beyond the search for more profit, what the great economic interests aim with the gentrification and privatization of Educa-tion is that the school be a reproducer of the social inequalities. In that sense, it has been promoted the end of the single curricular track, and the division of students in systems of “professional”/”vocational” branch or “regular” branch. With that, the goal is to push the sons of workers to the professional/vocational branches of education, so that they learn only the necessary to their exploitation (that starts often in the school itself, with the internships in enterprises), while the “regular” branch, that leads to the Higher Education, is only for those who can pay it.

Both in secondary and higher Education, privatization of services and schools occurs by diverse strategies according the countries: through the sell of schools to private sector; the subsidizing of private schools by the state; the transformation of public institutions in au-thentic enterprises in its form of management and goals; the chronic underfunding to pub-lic school to turn it obsolete; etc. The attacks to the right to Education is also done through the tuition fees and other costs; the reduction of scholarships and other social supports to housing, alimentation, transport; the attacks against democracy in the management of schools and universities.

It is also important to underline the role that the education system has, particularly in our region, to the spread of the values of individualism and conformism, in the spread of an-ti-democratic values, fascism, racism, xenophobia, anti-communism and other reactionary and obscurantist ideas, mainly through the curricular contents in school books. In the 70th anniversary of the defeat of nazi-fascism in the II World War, the falsification of history and the erasing of the role or USSR and of the peole’s resistance in the victory, will not pass.

Besides the issues of work and education, the European and North American youth faces great attacks against their rights in other areas. In the right of housing, in which the young are increasingly prevented from the right to have a house to live or are pushed to the suburbs of the cities; in the right of access to health, with the permanent attacks on the public health system; in the access to culture, with more and more attacks against the right to cultural creation and enjoyment; in the access to sports and to a healthy lifestyle; in the right to a healthy and sustainable environment, that is increasingly menaced by a system that doesn’t look at the means to achieve maximum profit; in the right to associativism and to the partic-ipation in society, with the youth associations being increasingly financially condicionated by the interests of great capital, and with great difficulties for the youth participation, due to the raise of the exploitation and oppression of the youth.

1.2 The imperialist offensive and the danger of fascism and war

In the year that we celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the victory against nazi-fascism and the end of the II World War, fascism is raising its head once again in the European continent. In Ukraine, a coup supported by the USA, the EU and NATO, took down a democratically elected govern-ment, introducing a Government with openly fascist elements. The Government of Ukraine held a policy of attack against the youth rights in that country; a racist and xenophobic policy, attacking and persecuting the russophonic population and other national groups; an anti-communist and anti-democratic policy of attack and persecution to the communists, trade-unionists and other Ukrainians that resisted to the fascist escalade. There were many attacks against militants of the Union of the Leninist Communist Youth of Ukraine, member-organization of WFDY, in that coun-try, as well as other cases of attacks and assassinations, as it is example the burning of the House of the Trade Unions of Odessa, where trade-unionists and other activists were burnt alive.

The raise of fascism in Ukraine serves the geoestrategical interests of imperialism of domination of Eastern Europe and siege to the Russian Federation – these pressures, together with the raise of militarism of NATO and its partners place new dangers for Peace in the region. We have to continue analyzing the situation and defend Peace.

Besides the situation in Ukraine, the fascist, racist, xenophobic and obscurantist ideologies are emmerging in other countries of Europe, raising serious dangers for the rights of the peoples and for democracy. In countries such as France, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Greece, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, and many others, extreme-right political parties and organizations have been increasing in the elections and in their social influence, with many examples of resistance against this raise. They are promoted and used by the system that creates them as its “armed hand” and as an “escape valve” for the legitimate discontent of young people towards the policies of exploitation and impoverishment and disrespect for national sovereignty caused by the EU itself. They aim to responsabilize the immigrants, the unemployed, the poor, for the social and economic crisis, bringing an agenda of deep social regression.

Also in Spain, the usually called “muzzle law” aims to criminalize and persecute those who struggle; in the USA, the abusive action of political forces promote racism and fear in the pop-ulation; in Canada and other countries, it is promoted persecutory policies towards immigrants and indigenous peoples; in Belgium, populist forces try to explore regional divisions to open a path of withdrawal of rights and social regression, among other examples.

The USA and the EU have been in the frontline of the aggression against the peoples in other regions of the world, mainly in the Middle East and Northern Africa, with the participation in the wars of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the military interventions in Mali and Central African Republic, among other examples.

In 2015, we have been witnessing to one of the greatest humanitarian crisis lived in the recent years. Thousands of refugees arrive to the coasts of Europe, running from the wars and destruction caused by imperialism – namely from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria – and also running from the most extreme poverty. They run from a situation that is the responsibility of NATO, the USA and the EU and its militarism, facing then great difficulties imposed by the same that forced them to leave their houses, their countries. The refugees face also the immigration laws of a “Europe fortress”, facing the inhumanity of the refugee camps, and the shameful “anti-immigration” walls (like in Hungary and other countries), facing the attacks of the extreme-right that stay unpunished, facing then poverty and oppression when they can overthrow all the above mentioned barriers.

This crisis is the result of the political options of the EU, as the shameful creation of the “Returns Directive”, of the FRONTEX (UE’s agency for the control of external borders) and the raise of its financement and its police repressive character. The attempts, by some responsible of EU to try to justify, based on this crisis, more militarist adventures and interference in the Middle East and in Africa are very serious and deserve our condemnation. It is necessary an emergency assistance to the millions of refugees and an end to interference and imperialist wars of aggression of the US and its allies in the Middle East and Africa. They are easy prey for exploitation, which gives us the responsibility to explain to the youth and the people in each country the causes of immigration and refugees, and to express our solidarity to them in all forms.

The continuation of the illegal occupation of Cyprus by Turkey continues to deserve the condem-nation of WFDY. Going against the decisions of the UN and all states, Turkey continues to occupy the island in more than one third of its territory, corresponding to the plans of imperialism and NATO to divide the country and using its recourses and its geostrategical position to impose its agenda of militarization of the island and of the Middle East. We are solidary to the struggle of the Cypriot youth and people against the Turkish occupation, and for a unitarian Cypriot State, sovereign over the entire island, with the solution of a bi-zonal and bi-communal federation that respects the resolutions of UN and the aspiration of greek-cypriots and turkish-cypriots to a united and free fatherland.

Turkey is a country where the workers, people’s and youth rights are under attack by the ruling classes, expanding their interests in the region in alliance with imperialism. After so many years of support by the USA, NATO and the EU towards Turkey now, hypocritically, they condemn the ruling party, while continuing the collaboration.

1.3 NATO: political-military aggressive block enemy of peace and of the peoples

The role of NATO in the region continues to be the one of a political-military aggressive block, of imperialist concertation between the USA and the EU – that, together with militarist Japan, constitute the triad of its fundamental pillars – that has been giving qualitative steps in the last years in its bellicose escalade. The member-states of NATO represent about the 70% of the world military budget. With the recent revisions of its strategical concept in its several summits, NATO considers that it is legitimate for them to intervein militarly even in cases when none of its member-states is menaced, being enough any kind of pretext to proceed to attacks. Also the extension of NATO partnerships, such as the so called “Partnership for Peace”, that aims to extend the influence of NATO to the Eastern Europe, or the so called “Mediterranean Dialogue”; the extension of the NATO borders to the border of the Russian Federation; the military bases installed in the Mediterranean, the Artic, the Iberian Peninsula and in Eastern and Central Europe; are all elements that represent steps in the militarism and dangers for Peace in the region.

In this year of 2015, NATO realized one of the biggest military exercises ever done, with the participation of more than 36 thousand military from 28 states, in Portugal, Spain and Italy. At the same time, there were made military maneuvers in the Baltic Sea, in the North, South and Eastern Europe. We cannot disconnect all these maneuvers to the intention of NATO to create a perma-nent reaction force of 13 thousand to 30 thousand soldiers and a force of rapid intervention of 5 thousand soldiers; or to the inacceptable creation of a anti-missile system in Europe; or to the recent decision of the USA to use the base of Moron de la Frontera, in Spain, as the main base for the AFRICOM (its higher command for Africa); or to the recent brutal aggression to Lybia, that destroyed the country.

The combination of all these factors lead to the conclusion that these exercises of NATO in Por-tugal, Spain and Italy are a clear affront to the peoples of Europe, Middle East and Africa, serving the interests of domination of the USA and other imperialist powers. These maneuvers have to be denounced, particularly in a moment in which, at the same time as the youth in many countries – namely in the countries where these exercises are being held – faces budget cuts in Education and attacks against the youth rights, as the same time as the military budget with NATO continues to increase to serve imperialism.

The peoples of Europe don’t forget the aggression to Yugoslavia, a country that was destroyed and dilacerated by NATO, with consequences still present after more than 15 years.

1.4 The European Union and the USA: poles of imperialism

The European Union has been one of the main pillars of the policies of social regression, with-drawal of rights, attacks on democracy and subjugation of the peoples. The characterization of EU made in the last Assembly of WFDY revealed correct, and the general features of this union have deepen. Its imperialist nature and its irreformable character have been confirmed by the ac-tion of the EU, which over the years has deepened his federalist, militarist and reactionary path.

In the field of Education, the Bologna Process, the Agenda 2020 and other treaties are instru-ments of the EU to condition the policies of Education, aiming to gentrify the access and privat-ize Education, concentrating in the major capitalist powers of the EU the most advanced knowl-edge, culture, science and technology, while other countries are pushed to an economy of low technology and low wages. The abandonment of the perspective of the integral formation, and its replacement for the perspective of mere acquisition of skills, are other consequence of the directives of Bologna.

In the work level, the EU imposes policies that generate high rates of unemployment, low wag-es, precariousness, promoting ideas such as “flexicurity” or “entrepreneurship” to increase the exploitation of young workers, as exemplified by the program “Youth Guarantee”. Hundreds of thousands of young are forced to move to another country because of unemployment and poverty.

In the plan of democracy, the EU has been giving steps in the sense of the reinforcement of the centralization of the political power in supranational entities, withdrawing powers and condi-tioning the action of the national parliaments and governments, to give more power to the EU institutions, attacking sovereignty and democracy. The Euro and the impositions regarding the public debt and the deficit (imposed by the Maastricht Treaty, the Lisbon Treaty, the “European Semester”, the Fiscal Compact, etc.), are used as means of pressure and blackmail, through the activity of the European Central Bank, of EU and IMF, supported by the global financial system and by the national governments and the monopolies, imposing rapine policies and memoranda over the youth, the workers and the peoples, as happened in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Greece, with serious consequences in the life of the young people.

We stand next to the Greek youth and their struggle, against the anti popular measures (3rd memorandum) that the current government signed with the EU, ECB and IMF. Measures that blow the right to social security, stable jobs and free education. We greet the struggles of the youth to defend their rights and to open the true hopeful future, against EU, the monopolies and the governments that serve them.

The European Union also promotes the anti-communist ideology, with the obscene equiparation between fascism and communism, that has been present in many of its activity and documents.

The role of the EU in the wars and aggressions has been very intense, collaboratng and promoting the military operations in the Middle East and Africa, collaborating with the interference, ecnom-ic pressures against countries that defy the imperialist order. The attribution of the Peace Nobel Prize to the EU in 2012 is an offense to all those that, in Europe and outside of it, are victims of its predatory and assassine policy.

In the framework of the imperialist concertation/rivalry, the United States of America continues being the country that leads imperialism. Through its aggressive external policy, where interef-erence, aggression, war, are the brand of its devastating action, the USA with its allies has been imposing to the rest of the world its political, economic, military, cultural and ideological hege-mony. With the biggest and more financed military in the world, with a great part of the industrial military complex based in this country, the USA feed with the blood of the peoples a gigantic war machine. Despite being the world’s major power, the USA face a serious economical cri-sis, that are consequence of the unsolvable contradictions of the capitalist system, and that is not more deep due to the wars and aggressions promoted by the USA and due to the artificial power of the dollar and its reproduction to face this crisis. A country where the privatization and mercantilization reaches the most diverse spheres of life, including Health and Education, result-ing in a country where multimillionaires and situations of extreme poverty, exist simultaneously. In the USA, the attacks against the democratic freedoms and rights have been one of the elements of a policy of social regression, of attacking to the worker’s rights. The rise of the struggle in this country, with a great expression on the race issues that have a clear class character, shows us that, even in the world centre of imperialism, it is possible to struggle and resist.

The recent launch of the so called “Transatlantic Pact of Partnership and Investment” (TTIP), be-tween the EU and the USA, is a very serious step in the dynamic of concertation between these two imperialist blocks. With TTIP, it is created an immense free trade zone, being characterized by some of its leaders as “an economic NATO”. So, to the political-military alliance, it is now added an economic alliance that will have very negative consequences on the life of the youth, the workers and the peoples and also to the world Peace, having in account other partnerships promoted by imperialism such as the Transpacific Pact (TTP).

In a framework that is not clear from contradictions, the TTIP was designed by the great powers of USA and EU, hiding it from the peoples, with the goal to eliminate any barriers to international commerce in this space for their benefit, as well as pressuring the salaries downwards, attacking social rights and introducing more elements of pressure over the peoples, attacking sovereignty and democracy, while liberalizing and privatizing the social functions of the state.

1.5 The struggle of the youth in Europe and North America

In a context of difficult deepening of the negative situation of the youth in the CENA, the youth has been resisting and struggling in defense of its rights and for new achievements. Despite being a zone of the globe where imperialism is in the offensive, in all countries there is struggle and there are potentialities open by the mass struggle of the youth, that gives us confidence in its strength.

The struggle that the youth fought in so many countries, in each school, in each workplace and in the streets, was determinant in many cases to defeat the intentions of the great capital and the governments at its service, was determinant for the raise of the consciousness in the youth that the struggle is the way.

In many cases, it was the member-organizations of WFDY that were in the forefront of the struggle in each country, mobilizing and organizing the youth for the struggle for their fair demands.

We also highlight the importance and the role of the youth in the reinforcement of the struggle for Peace and solidarity between the peoples, with great participation in the young in the demon-strations and other solidarity activities of the peace movement in many countries.

The reinforcement of WFDY in the CENA region will pass through the deeper connection of its member-organizations to the youth’s struggle, being certain that with the struggle it is possible to achieve a world of Peace and solidarity between peoples, free from imperialism!

2. The activity of WFDY in the Region

Since the last Assembly, that occurred in Lisbon, Portugal in 2011, there has been a reinforce-ment and regularization of the work of the Commission of Europe and North America of WFDY, despite the continuation of difficulties and aspects to improve.

The several CENA meetings (London 2011, hosted by YCL/GB; Lisbon 2014, hosted by JCP; Plou-fragan 2014, hosted by MJCF; Avilés 2015, hosted by UJCE, as well as the regional meetings made in the occasion of the meetings of the General Council) involved a great part of the organizations and constituted important moments of exchange of ideas and experiences of struggle, reinforce-ment of the solidarity and cooperation bonds between organizations, and reinforcement of the WFDY activity in the region. It is important to continue and improve the regularity of the CENA meetings and reinforce the participation of more member-organizations, as an important ele-ment to have more reinforcement of WFDY and a perspective of the several zones of the region.

The realization of the I and II Anti-imperialist Youth Camps of CENA/WFDY, respectively in Plou-fragan, France, in 2014 hosted by MJCF and Avilés, Spain, in 2015 hosted by UJCE, were import-ant moments of reinforcement of WFDY. The Camps emerged from the need to have initiatives that, besides involving the member-organizations, could have a larger participation of members and friends of the member-organizations, with a stronger connection to the reality of the youth in the hosting country. Its realization contributed to the exchange of experiences between an-ti-imperialist youth from different countries, besides the realization of discussions about issues very important for the reality of our region: in the first edition, we highlight the seminar about the 100th Anniversary of the I World War and the current imperialist offensive; and in the second edition we highlight the seminar about the TTIP, as well as the activities of celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory against nazi-fascism, of solidarity to the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine, and denouncement of the role of NATO. It is important to continue the work of reinforcement of the initiative of the Anti-imperialist Youth Camp of CENA/WFDY, holding it every time is possible in an anual basis, finding diverse solutions of organizations that can host the Camp, with a broad involvement of the youth movement in that country, as well as a greater participation of more delegations with more delegates to this important moment of solidarity and struggle, reinforcing its anti-imperialist character and its political context, framing it in the general activity of WFDY and in the agenda of each organization.

Also, the regular edition of the Bulletin of CENA, that was achieved from 2013 with a period when there were monthly editions, with the total edition of 9 bulletins, which constitutes an im-portant advance on the effectivation of the region’s decisions. The bulletin, for its content, with information about the political situation of the youth and its struggle in several countries and with references to the activity of WFDY, is an important element of the communication between the organizations, and is an experience that should continue, evaluating the better solutions in each moment to guarantee its editions, content and regularity.

The campaign of CENA/WFDY about the International Students Day, 14th November, in 2014, was an important element of connection between the student struggles in several countries, boosting the participation of WFDY member-organizations in the students’ struggle. The campaign was composed by the launching of a declaration of CENA, a poster and a bulletin regarding the history of the International Students’ Day and the student struggle nowadays, edited in several languages, and also the edition of documents and posters by each organization on the topic of students struggle and affirming WFDY in each country. Arround this campaign, it was held doz-ens of activities all around Europe and North America, namely in Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Greece, France, Russia, Serbia and Canada, with the compilation of photos and texts about these struggle that was afterwards put in a bulletin.

The several initiatives held in several countries on the topic of the campaign of the 70th Anniver-sary of WFDY and of the 70th Anniversary of the victory over nazi-fascism, as well as the prepara-tion and promotion of the 19th Assembly were important for the reinforcement of WFDY and for the struggle against fascism and war.

We also highlight other activities of WFDY that happened in the region: an international seminar about the Bologna Process in January 2012 in Cyprus, and an international seminar against the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, in July 2013 in Cyprus, both hosted by EDON; an international seminar about the 40th anniversary of the 25th April Revolution, in Lisbon in April 2014, hosted by JCP; the regional meeting of preparation of the 18th WFYS, in July 2013 in Vienna, Austria, hosted by KJÖe; the organization of the 2nd International Preparatory Meeting of the 18th WFYS by the Spannish NPC, organized by UJCE; the representation of the CENA Coordination in an international conference about the 15th anniversary of the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia, or-ganized by the Belgrade Forum and the World Peace Council, among others. It is important to continue to work so that the organizations of the region can organize these kind of seminars and activities of WFDY.

We also point out the increasing cooperation of the organizations of the region, with the par-ticipation of many organizations in the Congresses, conferences, camps and festivals of other organizations, which constitutes a form of reinforcement of WFDY and of the bonds of friendship and solidarity between the youth of different countries. Also the participation of the region in the meetings of the General Council, in solidarity brigades, conferences, seminars and other ini-tiatives of WFDY, the creation of the NPC’s and the region’s participation in the World Festivals of Youth and Students, have to be valued, being important to work so that more organizations can participate regularly in the general activity of WFDY.

We value the work of the Coordination of CENA in the articulation of the work in the region, being necessary to improve its articulation with the member-organizations. We also value the role that many organizations had in the activity of WFDY, presnting ideas, solutions, being available to as-sume tasks, hosting and participating in the activities, being necessary to raise the level of partici-pation and responsabilization of the organizations that have been participating, and also to bring more organizations to the activity in WFDY. The growing number of candidacies to become a member of WFDY, attest the growth and the prestige of WFDY. It is necessary to continue to work so that more organizations genuinely committed to the anti-imperialist struggle and deeply con-nected to the youth masses and its struggle can associate themselves to the Federation, through membership or through the recognition of WFDY as their international reference, reinforcing the anti-imperialist broadness in the region.

There is still a lot to do in the regularization of the work of WFDY in the region. Despite the ad-vances, several decisions of CENA were not effectivated, such as the realization of a campaign around the issues of the young workers, a caravan for Peace in the region, a great initiative of sol-idarity towards the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine, among others. A lot of the delays, irregularities and miscarries were most of all consequence of the great difficulties that many of the organiza-tions in the region face. It is necessary to find forms of involvement of the organizations that face more difficulties – for instance, the Bulletin can allow organizations that don’t have conditions to travel abroad to be involved in the preparation of texts and its promotion. It is necessary to find ways to have more participation of the organizations of Eastern Europe, Northern Europe and North America, despite the even greater difficulties faced due to the distance. It is necessary to involve all the organizations in the activities, with more discussion and more responsabiliza-tion. We will make a campaign against anti-communism, against the penalization, illegalization of communist and progressive ideas, the persecution of political parties and youth organiza-tions, emprisionments of militants, against fascism, racism and xenophobia. The realization of the campaign, decided in the last CENA meeting, around the issues of TTIP, the preparation of new bulletins of CENA and of a new edition of the Anti-imperialist Youth Camp, the realization of new activities that might be decided, namely the possible recuperation of the idea of a great campaign around the situation in Ukraine; should be seen as an opportunity to overthrow the difficulties and involve the member-organizations in the work of the Federation right after the Assembly and throughout the next four years, with the goal of reinforcing the anti-imperialist struggle in the region, bringing WFDY to the youth of each country!

The Commission of Europe and North America of WFDY salutes the 19th Assembly of WFDY, ex-tending its solidarity and friendship to Cuba and the Cuban youth, reaffirming our commitment to, in our countries, broaden the solidarity towards Cuba, demanding the end of the blockade and all interference of the USA. The European and North American organizations present at the 19th Assembly of WFDY leave this Assembly with more strength to, in each country and in the in-ternational level; continue to develop the anti-imperialist struggle of the youth and the friendship between peoples, reinforcing the World Federation of Democratic Youth, today as 70 years ago, under the motto “Youth unite! Forward for lasting Peace!”

Havana,Cuba, November 2015
