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Challenges with single window implementation - The Ghana experience - GCNET

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GCNet Board Meeting April 2005

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges



SINGLE WINDOW EVOLUTION IN GHANAThe Idea of single window for Trade facilitation in Ghana was mooted in the late 90s through the Ghana Gateway project under the auspices of Ministry of Trade and Industry

This led to public private partnership to establish a company to lead and implement SW for Ghana

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges This PPP arrangement led to the birth of Ghana Community Network Services Limited (GCNet) in 2000 All institutional shareholders 38% public / 62% private

Started operations in 2003 Mandate to implement TradeNet and Ghana Customs Management System and operate the platform

TradeNet system enhanced to provide a platform for Government agencies and department for electronic issuance of permits and licenses needed for Trade processing

SW extended to Ghana Revenue Authority for electronic tax administration and also to Register General department for company registrationSW Implementation in Ghana Challenges SINGLE WINDOW EVOLUTION IN GHANA

Trade Facilitation Revenue Mobilisation Business Registration Tax Administration

GRA / RGDMDAsTrading Community / Logistics

Security / Government Agencies

Financial Institutions


GCNet Single WindowPlatform

Domestic Tax

Company Registration

Ghana Revenue Authority /RGD

Customs Clearance

Shipping Lines / GPHA / Terminals

Trading Community / Logistics

Destination Inspection Companies




Regulatory Processes


Cargo Monitoring


Revenue Protection

Security / Government Agencies

Clearing Agents / Importers

Insurance Companies




68 GRA Customs offices / DVLA / Banks GRA DTRD sitesTotal Number rolled out and TRIPS active: 22 Sites / 25 OfficesTotal Number roll-out / ready for TRIPS: 6 Sites / 8 OfficesTotal Number of Offices remaining: 36 Sites / 36 Offices (Mainly STOs4 RGD sites5 Data CentersWeb-enabled systems that can be accessed from anywhere in Ghana or globallyInfrastructure supported by GCNetNational reach of GCNet services

Countrywide Geographical Coverage

In 2015, Ghana government initiated Ghana National single window project, with the key objectives of:Conducting a needs/GAP analysis to help establish a National single window, a more compassing system to cover Trade, port management etcEstablish a Blue print and road map to direct GNSW implementation in Ghana following the needs/GAP analysisProvide the implementation and support for the GNSWThe GNSW policy and Roadmap has been developed and adopted by govt to guide all SW operation in Ghana.

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges Ghana National Single window Project GNSW

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges The GNSW ARCHITECTURE

Improve National Trade competitiveness through import/export/Transit procedures and document handling

Ghana to achieve complete implementation of WTO Trade facilitation agreement(Bali) checklist

Improve Ghana rankings in the World Bank Doing Business index

Reduce cost of business in Ghana.SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges Key Indexes of GNSW

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges

Challenges of single window implementation in Ghana

GNSW Blue Print adopted by Government proposes changes in key processes and workflow.

How to implement these changes carrying along all players in the Trade/logistic processes

Streamlining of existing arrangement in the operational SW as well as internal operations at some key Government agencies

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges Implementation of the new processes flow and procedural changes as envisaged by GNSW Blue Print.

Release and Clearance of Goods

Pre-arrival process- manifest submission from source, verification of trade document submitted by Trade operators

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges With the coming into force of TFA, how do we use the GNSW as a tool to effectively implement the requirement of the agreement as envisaged in GNSW blue print, major areas with difficulty will been the provision of parts of article 7 and 8 of TFA

TFA requires National border authorities/agencies to cooperate and coordinate border controls and procedures to facilitate trade

Ghana is surrounded by Francophone countries with quite different Customs regimes and practices.

Currently working on general ECOWAS protocol to harmonise transit procedures to ease passage of goods within the borders.

41st GCNet Board Meeting Accra. ConfidentialNational border cooperation

SW ultimate goal is to create an integrated workspace for data exchange and business processes for all trade related activities ..

To achieve this the single window technology deployment should be able to interface with all systems- interoperability of systems

Multiple players integration Adequate IT infra at Government agencies for proper integration into the SW for seamless workflow

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges Integrating of Different systems

Ghana like most developing countries drives about 50 % of its revenue from trade taxations

SW implementation is largely driven by Trade facilitation and this sometimes does not necessarily lead to revenue mobilization or increase in revenue for Government.

How do we balance TF implementation and Revenue mobilization with over reliance of Trade taxation in developing world.

SW Implementation in Ghana Challenges TF vrs Revenue prioritization by Government

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