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Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio

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  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 1

    Central Public Information OcersDepartment

    Administrator Ofce

    Administrator Oce

    Advisor to the Administrator, UT Chd.

    Advisor to the AdministratorUT SecretariatSector 9 chandi!arh


    A!riculture"#A Sector $%Chandi!arh

    A!ricultural &ar'et Committee&ar'et Committee Sector ()

    Chandi!arhA!riculture Census*+ ,a-s buildin! .round /oor Sector $%Chandi!arh

    &ar'etin! ,oard*+ ,a-s buildin! .round /oorSector $% Chandi!arh

    Animal Husbandry

    Animal 0usbandr-Pet 0ospital Sector ((Chandi!arh

    Central Treasury

    Treasur- UTTreasur- Oce Sector $%Chandi!arh

    Chandigarh College o Architecture

    Colle!e of ArchitectureChandi!arh Colle!e of Architecture P1C CampusSector $(Chandi!arh

    Chandigarh Housing Board

    C0, 1n!ineerin! 2in!0ousin! ,oard3 4an &ar! Sector 9 DChandi!arh

    C0, Accounts 5 Admin 2in!0ousin! ,oard3 4an &ar! Sector 9 DChandi!arh

    Chandigarh ndustrial ! Tourism "evelo#me

    CITCOS6C6O6 $($7$(( Sector $% ,Chandi!arh

    Chandigarh Trans#ort Underta$ing

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 2

    Chandi!arh Transport Underta'in!CTU DepotIndustrial Area Phase I Chandi!arh



    *+ ,a-s ,uildin! Sector $%Chandi!arh

    "e#uty Commissioner Ofce

    DC Oce1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    8ood 5 Civil Supplies&6C6 ,uildin!Sector $%Chandi!arh

    SportsSports CompleSector :( Chandi!arh

    "e!istration and #icencin! Authorit-"e!istration 5 #icencin! Authorit-Sector $% Chandi!arh

    Sub Divisional &a!istrate ;C Construction Circle I(nd 8loorAddl6 Oces ,uildin!Sector 9 Chd6

    C P Division > Construction Circle IOld P2D ,uildin!Sector $9 , Chandi!arh

    C P Division III Construction Circle IISector $)Chandi!arh

    C P Division >I Construction Circle II(nd 8loorAddl6 Oces ,uildin!Sector 9 Chd6

    0orticulture Division II Construction Circle II0otriculture Div6 o6 (Sec7(* Chandi!arh

    P 0 Division I Public 0ealth Circle1ecutive 1n!ineer P606 Divn6 o6$Chandi!arh

    P 0 Division III Public 0ealth Circle1ecutive 1n!ineer P606 Divn6 o6*Chandi!arh

    P 0 Division >II Public 0ealth Circle1ecutive 1n!ineer P606 Divn6 o6%Chandi!arh

    P 0 Division >III Public 0ealth Circle1ecutive 1n!ineer P606 Divn6 o63Chandi!arh

    1lectrical CircleAddl6 Delue ,uildin!Sector 9 Chandi!arh

    1lectrical Division I 1lectrical CircleUT SecretariatSector 9 Chandi!arh

    1lectrical Division II 1lectrical CircleAddl6 Delue ,uildin!Sector 9 Chandi!arh

    1lectrical Division III 1lectrical CircleA 0ostelSector : Chandi!arh

    1lectricit- ;OP< Circleth 8loor UT SecretariatSector 9 Chandi!arh

    1lectricit- EOPE Division I 1lectricit- ;OP< CircleSector $% C0D

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 11

    1lectricit- EOPE Division II 1lectricit- ;OP< CircleInd6 Area Ph7I Chd

    1lectricit- EOPE Division III 1lectricit- ;OP< CircleSector $9 Chd

    1lectricit- EOPE Division I> 1lectricit- ;OP< CircleSector *: Chd

    Assistant Controller ;85A< "entsDelu ,uildin! U6T6 Secretariat Sector 9Chandi!arh

    &nvironment ! (orests

    8orest and 2ildlife DepartmentPar-avaran ,ha?an &ad-a &ar! Sector $9Chandi!arh

    1nvironment Department

    To?n 0all ,uildin! Sector $%Chandi!arh

    Chandi!arh Pollution Control CommitteeTo?n 0all ,uildin! Sector $%Chandi!arh

    &state Ofce

    Accounts ,ranch Cash ,ranch.roup I .roup IISin!le ?indo?1state Oce ,uildin! Sector $%Chandi!arh

    ,#A Audit1state oce ,uildin!

    Sector $% Chandi!arh,uildin! ,ranch1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    1nforcement ,ranch &isuse ,ranch1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    Colon-;AFcs ?in!1state oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    Colon-;Allotment ?in!< "ehri #icensin! ,ranch1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 12

    Oce store CIA7I .roup7>I1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    1stablishment ,ranch .roup7>II1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    0ousin! ,ranch &otor &ar'et #oan "ecover-,ranch1state oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh.roup7III .roup7I> CIA7II1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    Petrol PumpFBerosene auction and &isc6 ,ranch1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    Central "ecord "oom Diar- Section DespatchSection1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arhPeripher- ,ranch1state Oce ,uildin!Sector $% Chandi!arh

    &)cise ! Ta)ation

    1cise And TaationAddl6 To?n 0all ,uildin! Sector $%Chandi!arh

    *overnment +edical College ! Hos#ital

    .overnment &edical Colle!e 5 0ospital

    .&C0 Sector *(Chandi!arh

    *ovt. college o artArts Colle!e.ovt6 Colle!e of Art Sec7$+Chandi!arh


    Assistant Director &alariaSector 9Chandi!arh

    "e!istrar ,irths 5 Deaths.6&6S6067$)Chandi!arh

    Pro@ect Director AIDS


    District 8amil- 2elfare OcerD82O Sec7((Chandi!arh

    Inchar!e Pro!6 OH6 of concerned pro!6Fsoc6F1SIDisp6.6&6S6067$)Chandi!arh

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 13

    #ocal 0ealth Auth6 I.6&6S6067$)Chandi!arh

    Dru!s Inspectors;ailla!e Industries Plot no6 *9Phase IIndustrial Area Chandi!arh6normation Technology

    Information Technolo!-th 8loorAdditional Delue ,uildin!Sector 9 Chandi!arh


    #abour Department#abour DepartmentSector *+ Chandi!arh

    /a0 and -rosecution

    #a? DepartmentUT Secretariat

    Sector 9 Chandi!arhDistrict Attorne-District Court Sec 7 $%Chandi!arh

    District Attorne- Consumer ProctectionDistrict Attorne- Consumer Protection Sec7$9Chandi!arh

    /egal 'ervices Authority

    State #e!al Services Authorit-Additional Delue ,uildin!Sector 9 Chandi!arh

    /ocal (unds

    #ocal 8unds1aminer #ocal 8undUT SecretariatSector 9 Chandi!arh

    +unici#al Cor#oration

    A!enda ,ranch Colon- ,ranch 1stablishment,ranch&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arhPublic "elation Department&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    1nforcement&unicipal Corporation

    Sector $% Chandi!arhSub Oce &anima@ra&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    S4S"=&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 17

    "oad I&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    "oad II&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Pub 0ealth Div 7 I&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Pub 0ealth Div 7 II&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Pub 0ealth Div 7 III&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Pub 0ealth Div 7 I>&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    #e!al ,ranch&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Paid Par'in! Tai Stand Cable T> ,ranch&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Accounts ,ranch Pension 5 Provident 8undPropert- Ta ,ranch&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    8ire 5 1mer!enc- Services&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    &edical Ocer of 0ealth&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    ,irth 5 Deaths&unicipal CorporationSector $% Chandi!arh

    Circle Oce ;, 5 "AID PrincipalPh N ()+++9+

    Sh6 06S6 Sohi6 PrincipalPh N (%9(%:

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 26

    Dr6 Charan@it Baur Sohi PrincipalPh N (%9(%%

    &rs6 4-oti BhannaPh N ()+*(:$

    Smt6 &eera &odiPh N ()+*:9%

    &rs6 Indra ,eni?alPh N (%:+$:)

    &rs6 Anu@it BaurPh N (%++$3)

    Smt6 irupama BrishanPh N (%++(*%

    &rs6 Su'hneer Se'honPh N (%++(9

    &r6 irmal Sin!hPh N (%++$+3

    &rs6 4asbir BaurPh N (%++$+$

    &rs6 Promila BumariPh N (%+++3(

    Sh6 San@a- 2aliaPh N (%++++9

    &rs6 Darshan@it BaurPh N ()%)++:

    Sh6 Surinder Sin!hPh N ()%)+((

    &rs6 "avi "a@ BaurPh N ()%)++

    Smt6 Indira Dhin!raPh N ()%%++

    Smt6 "a@inder BaurPh N ()%%++$

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio


  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 28

    Sh6 .urmu'h Sin!hPh N ()$%++(

    Smt6 Amita BhannaPh N (%:++(

    Smt6 "avinder BaurPh N ()%9++$

    Smt6 Usha BiranPh N (%+++3)

    "a@esh "anchanPh N (%+++9)

    &rs6 Sudesh &ittalPh N (%++$*9

    Smt6 "a@ni .ar! ;OH!6atsPh N (%9+($+

    Smt6 Asha 4oharPh N ()%9+$%

    Sh6 Dharam PalPh N ()%9+$

    Smt6 Susham #ataPh N ()%9+$3

    Sh6 "amesh BumarPh N ()+:*)9

    Smt6 .eeta >ermaPh N ()%)++*

    &r6 "a'esh SoodPh N ()%)+$:

    &rs6 Chander BantaPh N ()%%++%

    Sh6 Srinder BumarPh N ()%%++(

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 29

    Smt6 Surinder BaurPh N ()%%++)

    Smt6 eelamPh N ()%%+$(

    Smt6 >ibha SareenPh N ()%)+:(

    Smt6 Parminder BaurPh N ()%)+(+

    Smt6 &ohinder@it BaurPh N (%:++*

    &rs6 "eenu ChopraPh N (%$++*

    &rs6 "avi Banta ;OH!inod ,handariPh N (%():(3

    0eadmasterPh N (%:+)

    Sh6 "a@esh BumarPh N (%%+++

    Smt6 Amita BhannaPh N (%:++(

    Smt6 Amita ChadhaPh N (%:++*

    Smt6 Prem BaurPh N ()%9+(+

    Sh6 ,al@inder Sin!hPh N ()$%++(

    Smt6 Amita BhannaPh N ()%)+*3

    Sh6 Sadhu "amPh N ()%9+($

    Sh6 "amesh BumarPh N ()%9++$

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 31

    Smt6 eena BaliaPh N ()%)+*:

    Smt6 &an@it BaurPh N (%$+++

    Smt6 Sushma 4ainPh N (%$++$

    77Ph N ()%9+$9

    &r6 0armail Sin!h ,hattiPh N ()%9+((

    &r6 Dhanna Sin!hPh N (%:++*

    Smt6 "avi "a@ BaurPh N (%++(%:

    Sh6 Chanchal Sin!h D-6 Director Adult 1ducationPh N (%++%:

    Smt6 Suman Sharma Asstt6 Director >616UnitPh N (%:+9$:

    &rs6 &an@it Baur ,rarPh N ()%))%+

    Dr6 46S6 "a!huPh N (%:+9%

    Sh6 Devi Ditta aib Tehsildar ;1lectionin Dosa@h PrincipalPh N (%:+:%)

    Sh6 06S6 Balra Principal

    Ph N ()%$%(

    Sh6 "a@an Do!ra PrincipalPh N (%:+(+

  • 8/10/2019 Chandigarh Gov in Admn Cpio



    Page 43

    >i@a- Bumar Tourist Ocer ;1stt6
