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Change management-28477

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Page 1: Change management-28477

Change Management

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Key Features of Successful Transformational Change

• It is designed around the business drivers

• It wins emotional and intellectual support

• It models and reinforces the new way of working

• It puts significant investment into communications

• It creates experiences that shape future behaviour

• It aligns all the dimensions of management behind the change

• It releases talent, creativity and ingenuity – often in unexpected ways

• Incorporate the drivers into the project plan

• Develop clear engagement / involvement strategies

• Accomplished before, during and after implementation

• Communicate from the very start of the project

• Align and engage all levels of management behind the change

• Allow for processing resistance and conflict – natural during change

• Provide processes that emotionally support people through all parts of the change

Key Features Implications

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Ten Points of Potential Failure1. A continued discrepancy between top management statements of values or styles

and their actual managerial behaviour – Saying one thing and doing another

2. A big programme of activities without any clear goals for change

3. Confusion between ends and means – the question of ‘training for what’ must be answered

4. Short-term perspective. Three to five years is a realistic time framework for organisational change

5. Lack of coordination between a number of different activities aimed at increasing organisational effectiveness

6. Overdependence on others – either outside consultants or inside specialists

7. Large gap between the commitment to change at the top of the organisation and the transfer of this interest to the middle of the organisation

8. Trying to fit a major organisational change into an old organisational structure

9. The constant search for cookbook solutions

10. Applying an intervention or strategy inappropriately. The tendency to apply someone else’s package

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The Need for a Compelling Business Case

Strong data-driven rationale

• A specific research-based reason for change

• Linked directly to performance goals

Clarification and communication of visionCompelling reason and urgency behind change activities

Focused strategy for stakeholder engagementIdentification of critical audiences and gap analysis

Realistic understanding of organisational implicationsFormal; informal; people; tasks

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The Need for a Burning Platform

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The Need for a Strong Foundation

Create a shared, defined and robust view of the imperatives for change and performance


Decide on the vehicle for change (e.g. process

redesign, cost reduction, culture change, closer

alignment with customers)

Assess the organisation’s readiness and capability for


Identify stakeholders

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The Change Equation(Beckhard)

Information about what is happening to

the IFC and me, and why

Changing individual behaviour requires both new information and new experiences

Vision Dissatisfaction 1ST Steps Costs$$$Emotional

++ >

Information Experience Behaviour+ =PerceptionX( )Experience of doing my work

in new ways which reinforces the change and

engages me potentially

My perceptions of the

organisation, its management and my own


A shift in my

behaviour and


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Moving one or more people from where they happen to be to some other place

Clear committed leadership is vital to the success of any change

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Key Features ofLeading Change

• Making the journey and destination compellingly attractive• Helping people see a future they want to be part of• Helping people find a purpose and meaning for themselves• Requesting commitment





• Helping people see possibilities for their contribution• Challenging self-limiting beliefs• Setting (together) stretching targets• Building self-esteem, confidence and trust• Putting into action

• Building and sustaining people’s energy• Celebrating successes• Giving recognition• Expressing optimism

• Demonstrating the behaviours and values that are being required of others

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Key Features ofLeading Change

• Explain the basic purpose behind the outcome

• ‘What was the problem?’

• Who said so and on what evidence?

• What would have occurred if no one had acted to solve it?

• What could have happened to us if that had occurred

Purpose Picture Plan Part

• Paint the picture of how the outcome will look and feel

• What is the outcome going to look, feel and sound like?

• How are people going to get their work done and interact with each other?

• How will a day be organised?

• Lay out the plan for phasing in the outcome

• Outline steps and schedules in which people will receive information, training & support they need to make the transition

• People oriented to tell employees how and when their worlds are going to change

• Start with where people are & work forward to leave the past behind and emerge with new attitudes, behaviours & identity

• Establish each person’s part in both the plan and the outcome

• Show employees the role & their relationship to others. Until they see it they can’t adjust hopes & fears to the new reality

• Show employees what part they play in the outcome & the transition process

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Transformation Process

Set the direction

Create the desire & will

to change




PartUnfreeze Mobilise Realise Reinforce Sustain

Make early changes & build


Secure widespread

shift in behaviour

Underpin with

changes in structure &

people processes

Strive for continuous

performance improvement

Break with the past

Build the


Perform-ance lift-off

Embed new


Push the


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Plan from the Perspectiveof the Recipients of Change


Senior Mgmt Team • Where do we want them to be?

• What initiatives will help them get there?

• Is the ‘load’ of change reasonable & within capabilities?

• What projects do we need to provide the initiatives

Customer Facing Staff

Front-line Managers

Middle Managers

Support Teams

PartUnfreeze Mobilise Realise Reinforce Sustain

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Plotting Shifts in Commitment(Example)

Line Managers

Senior Team




Project Sponsor

Key Players No Commitment Let It Happen Help It Happen Make It Happen

Key:X = Present stateO = Minimum commitment needed













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Surfacing PotentialBarriers Early On

• Strategy

• Structure

• Process

• Operating principles

• Culture/behaviour

• Jobs

• People

• Change gets bogged because barriers are not dealt with soon enough or openly enough to keep the change process moving

• Barriers may exist anywhere and everywhere – even the difficult-to-see places…

• Leadership

• Management

• Resources

• Systems

• Rewards

• Values/Beliefs

• Capabilities

Consider: How will this change effort affect…?

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Identify Strategies for Closing Critical Gaps

Organisational Dimension Gap Strategy




Operating Principles








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Importance of Leadership Communication

• Actions speak louder than words• Day-to-day behaviour and signals need to live the vision

Why should I change my

behaviour or go the extra




Systems & Processes


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The Transition Curve:How Attitudes & Feelings Change





“I’m not sure I know what’s going on”

“I feel overwhelmed”

“I can handle this”

“We can’t do this. It won’t work. We’re not allowed”

“Actually, things might get better”

“This could be a better way of doing it”

“This way is more effective”

“S/he really made the effort to help us implement this change”

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Making Sense of the Journey

The information they receive

Their work and how they do it

The context in which they do their work

The needs of the organisation

To change their behaviour, employees need to see the link between:

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Link between desired result & communication approach


l of c



Level of involvement

Tell Sell Consult Join


Understanding(and Action)



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Choosing the Right Communications Tools & Channels


l of c



Level of involvement

Tell Sell Consult Join


Understanding(and Action)



Newsletters, emails, memos, letters, notices

Booklets, plenary sessions, presentations,

videos, intranets

Focus groups, working parties, suggestions

schemes, consultative presentations

Working sessions, 1-to-1 conversations, workshops,


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Information + Involvementto Build Commitment & Change

Increasing Commitment

Awarenessof desired change

Understandingof change direction

Translationto the work setting

Commitmentto personal change

Internalisationof new behaviour

“Yeah, I saw the memo”

“I understand where we need to go”

“I know how we need to do our jobs differently”

“OK, I’m ready to do it the new way”

“This is the way we do things here”

Stages of Individual Behaviour Change

Information with some involvement sufficient here

Significant involvement needed

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Ten Strategies for Employee Involvement

1. Meet regularly with employees and openly discuss the organisational changes and why they occurred

2. Recognise that employees understand that you may not have the answers to everything, but it’s important for them to feel the communications are open and honest

3. Constantly communicate clear goals and vision of the new situation

4. Encourage people to discuss fears and concerns in teams

5. Open ‘suggestion boxes’ for employees to raise questions in anonymity

6. Set up weekly lunches or other informal meetings to discuss the progress of the restructuring process

7. Whenever possible, assign roles and responsibilities in line with peoples interests

8. Develop rituals and marker events that allow people to connect

9. Involve employees affected by the changes in making decisions about what’s best for them

10. Discuss realistic career options with employees and ensure training is available for any new skills that are needed

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Coaching Others in Building Employee Commitment

1. Identify individuals or groups whose commitment is necessary to the success of the change effort

2. Create and follow a departmental plan to increase commitment of all players

3. Continually encourage and enable employee involvement

4. Continually communicate the goals of the change process

5. Turn covert resistance to overt resistance and then to commitment


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What People Pay Attention To:

1. Leader attention, measurement, rewards and controls

2. Leader reaction to critical incidents

3. Leader role modelling, coaching

4. Criteria for recruitment, promotion, retirement and excommunication

5. Formal and informal socialisation

6. Recurring systems and procedures

7. Organisation design and structure

8. Design of physical space

9. Stories and myths about key people and events

10. Formal statements, charters, creeds, codes of ethics etc

Between 80-90% of behaviour is determined by the first three points

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• Presenter :

Vishvas Yadav

Senior Manager Codoca Mtvcola Marketing Advertising

and Outsourcing Private Limited .

Mail id : [email protected]

Mobile : 08884782639
