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Changing Urban Environment old

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  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222


  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old





    Changing UrbanEnvironments

  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    Changing Urban Environments

    Urbanisation is the physical growth of r!an areas as a reslt of rral

    migration into cities" particlarly the #ery largest ones$ The process ofr!anisation happens at #arios rates and times depending on the area ofwhich it is ta%ing place in" happe ning in &ondon in the late 18 th and 19th

    centries and has #arios cases$

    This particlar process has led to the rise of the now e#er'changing" comple(transportation system in the city of &ondon" ranging from the ndergrond" ri#er!ses and cycle hire" to the )&R" ri#er !ses and pri#ate transport sch as cars$There are also se#eral pro!lems cased !y r!an transportation" inclding the isseof the increasing polltion and congestion within central areas$ *ome soltionsinclde congestion charge and the encoragement of sing greener methods oftra#el" sch as the +arclays +i%es$ , will !e in#estigating the +arclays +i%e cycle hirescheme to find ot if it is an effecti#e soltion$

    &ondon is located in the continent of -rope" in the ./" more specifically inthe soth east of -ngland and is the chosen location for my in#estigation deto its di#erse range of transportation as shown a!o#e$ The hypothesis , will!e in#estigating is:

    The closer people get to Central &ondon" the more they will se the+arclays cycle hire scheme$

    The reason , ha#e chosen this hypothesis and the aim of my in#estigation isto e(pand my %nowledge on the sage of transportation in &ondon"particlarly the +arclays +i%es" which is #ery commonly sed in this city andwhether they sol#e the pro!lems of congestion and polltion within central&ondon$ , will !e specifically in#estigating in central &ondon" since this areaapplies to my hypothesis" and also the ots%irts of &ondon in order for therele#ant comparisons , need to ma%e with the data fond in central &ondon$


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    and + !eing i%e -nd and hitechapel" the areas frther away from central &ondon" with C and )!eing Tower ill and -m!an%ment respecti#ely" the areas closer to central &ondon$


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222



    Global scale map of study area

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    National hand drawn map of stdy area


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222


    Hand drawn map of regional study area

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    +arclays Cycle ire is a form of a p!lic !icycle sharing system in &ondon"created in 5ly 2010 with a total of 670 doc%ing stations and 8000 !icycles$The scheme was created !y +oris 5ohnson" with the highest nm!er of cyclehires in a day !eing 47"106$ s well as this" the &ondon ndergrond !eganoperation in 5anary 183" and has 270 stations across &ondon" some partsof -sse( and ertfordshire$ The daily ridership on wee%days is arond 3$



  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222



  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    ,n order to in#estigate my hypothesis: the closer people get to Central&ondon" the more they will se the +arclays cycle hire scheme effecti#ely" ,sed a #ariety of methods" which are rele#ant to my in#estigation$ ore(ample" , created a ;estionnaire to sr#ey people a!ot their opinions andsage of +arclays +i%es" consisting of 4 ;estions that , as%ed 30 mem!ersof the general p!lic$ The areas of which this was carried ot were arondmy stdy area" &ondon" in the ots%irts and central areas" as spo%en ofpre#iosly" specifically ile -nd" hitechapel" Tower ill and -m!an%ment$

    satellite image of the stdy areas in the ots%irts of &ondon" ile -nd and hitechapel$


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    satellite image of the stdy areas in central &ondon" Tower ill and -m!an%ment


  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222dgementa!ot peoples opinions of the !i%es$ copy of the ;estionnaire is shown!elow$

    nother part of the fieldwor% that , carried ot was the method ofphotography$ This is also primary data since the data collected was my own"where , too% photos of the nm!er of people at the !i%e stations" the nm!er

    of !i%es a#aila!le and the area of which the !i%es were in: whether they arein central &ondon or in the ots%irts$ , too% 4 photos in the stdy areasaforementioned" ile -nd" hitechapel" Tower ill and -m!an%ment" dringthe daytime$ , chose this method to test my hypothesis since , thin%photography is an effecti#e #isal method to demonstrate the data , ha#efond and can appropriately illstrate the nm!er of people in a direct way$ ,sed these photographs to create an image of what , ha#e in#estigated andshow my findings effecti#ely$

    hile , was carrying ot the a!o#e fieldwor%" , also made se#eralo!ser#ations in the stdy areas$ This is also primary data" considering that ,

    made the o!ser#ations first hand$ , o!ser#ed the nm!er of people at the!i%e stations" the nm!er of !i%es ta%en ot at the stations" the nm!er of!i%es still in the doc%ing stations and the people sing the !i%es$

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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222data !y reading #arios articles in newspapers and maga?ines to gi#e me thenecessary !ac%grond information on the +arclays Cycle ire *cheme anddetailed facts" figres and statistics that were incredi!ly sefl to me in orderto test my hypothesis$ , read 3 newspaper articles which were written withinthe past two years and were fond on the internet$ Newspaper sorces allowme to o!tain information easily to test my hypothesis accrately" and arereadily a#aila!le on the internet$ ith these newspaper sorces" , madenotes !efore , went ot to do my primary research and inclded them in myin#estigation data$ owe#er" secondary sorce information is always lessrelia!le than primary sorces" so , will !e ta%ing my primary research intoaccont more$


  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222




  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    Primary Data


  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    igre 1:

    Nm!er of people o!ser#edsing

    +arclays+i%es in certain areas (Figure


    Figure 3




    )istance from Charing Cross @most central part of &ondonA

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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    *econdary )ata:

    *orce 1: Bhttp:==www$standard$co$%=news=!oris'>ohnsons'!i%e'hire'scheme'gets'a'26m'!ons'from'!arclays'474867$html

    +oris 5ohnson annonced he had sold naming rights to the &ondon cycle hirescheme for D26 million$ +arclays +an% is to pay the sm in a 6 year deal$ Thescheme is !ased on +i(i" ontreals !i%e rental system" +arclays wants thescheme widened from central &ondon to Canary harf and the

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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    *orce 2: Bhttp:==www$!i%eradar$com=news=article=londons'!arclays'cycle'


    The scheme is aimed at impro#ing p!lic transport in &ondon as analternati#e to the t!e and !s networ%$ *ince mem!ership opened morethan 12"000 people ha#e signed p$ &ondon mayor said it was a new dawnto the !icycle in the capitalFmy crsade for the capital to !ecome thegreatest !ig cycling city in the world has ta%en a gigantic pedal powered pshforwards

    Diagram :


    rea where the+arclays Cycle

    ire is to !ee(panded

    rea where the+arclays Cycle

    ire is crrentlylocated

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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222

    )iagram 2: Choropleth map of poplation density in &ondon

    *orce 3: B!ttp"##all$indsofrandoms!it%blogspot%co%u$#213#7#c!oroplet!&maps&of&london&boroug!s%!tml


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222



    This pie graph illstrates the data o!tained from one of the ;estions in thesr#ey: old yo tend to se the +arclays +i%es more within central&ondon" in areas sch as -m!an%ment and Tower ill" or nearer to the

    ots%irts" in areas sch as ile -nd and hitechapel$

  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 1322230 people who were as%ed within the stdy areas shown pre#iosly" 2

    stated that they wold tend to se the !i%es more in central &ondon" while 4stated they wold se the !i%es towards the ots%irts$ This shows that a ratioof 2:13 of people who wold prefer to se the !i%es in the ots%irts of &ondonto the people who wold se them in the central areas$ This informationclearly spports my hypothesis since the ma>ority of the people sr#eyedwold se the !i%es more within the central areas of &ondon" as opposed tofrther away from central &ondon" towards the ots%irts$

    There are se#eral reasons as to why people wold tend to se the !i%escheme in areas more towards Central &ondon than towards the ots%irts of&ondon$

  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222!i%e scheme to easily tra#el arond central &ondon withot !eing charged forcongestion$ Congestion charge doesnt tend to e(ist in areas which arefrther away from central &ondon so the !i%es may not need to !e sed as as!stitte for pri#ate transport$ Congestion charge encorages people to sep!lic transport more often" and since there are more areas with congestioncharge the closer yo get to central &ondon" the nm!er of people sing the+arclays !i%es increases the closer yo get to central &ondon$

    This choropleth map displays the poplation density in the cityof &ondon$ ,t clearly shows that the poplation density is mchhigher within the central areas of &ondon" since these areas areshaded mch dar%er than the areas in the ots%irts$ Thepoplation is higher in the stdy areas -m!an%ment and Towerill than the areas in the ots%irts sch as ile -nd and

    hitechapel$ This may !e one of the reasons why more peopletend to se the +arclays !i%es within central &ondon" simply !ecase thereare more people in those areas in general" and so to a#oid traffic andcongestion" more people are encoraged to se the +arclays +i%es$

    This do!le !ar graph illstrates my o!ser#ations of the!icycle stations and the nm!er of !i%es that were a#aila!le"or ta%en ot dring the period of time which , in#estigated$ s


    'efer to

    )iagram 2

    'efer to

  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222shown in the graph" 8$G of the !i%es a#aila!le at ile -ndwere still a#aila!le" while 7G were a#aila!le in hitechapel$ ,naddition to this" 0G of the !i%es at Tower ill were stilla#aila!le" while the nm!er of !i%es a#aila!le in -m!an%mentfalls to 63G$ This clearly shows the decrease in the a#aila!ility

    of the !i%es the closer yo get to central &ondon" since -m!an%ment is mchcloser to the most central area of &ondon than Tower ill" hitechapel andile -nd" as mentioned in the pre#ios line graph and their relati#e distancesfrom Charing Cross$ This decrease in the a#aila!ility of the !i%es shows theincreasing sage of the !i%es the closer yo get to central &ondon$

    The do!le !ar graph also shows the nm!er of !i%es ta%en ot from thestations and the patterns they fit into the closer yo get to central &ondon$or e(ample" in ile -nd" the percentage of !i%es ta%en ot was >st 13$4"which in hitechapel was 24$4G" increasing to 40G ta%en ot in Tower ill"and increasing frther to 47G in -m!an%ment$ This also spports myhypothesis since more !i%es are !eing ta%en ot the closer yo get to central&ondon" so more people are sing the +arclays !i%e hire scheme the closeryo get to central &ondon" lin%ing directly to the hypothesis$ +oth the photos

    and the do!le !ar graph spport the data , fond pre#iosly" where ,o!ser#ed that less !i%es were ta%en ot frther away from central &ondon$

    The reason why there are more !i%es a#aila!le in the areas which are closerto central &ondon may !e !ecase of the tro!le with finding par%ing spacesin these areas$ ,t is mch more difficlt to find an area to par% a car in central&ondon than it is in areas frther away from central &ondon" so discoragespeople from sing pri#ate transportation and draws them to sing #ariosmethods" one of them !eing the +arclays !i%e hire scheme$ ,t is mch easierto pay a ;ic% fee to tra#el arond with doc%ing stations all arond &ondon"than to spend time loo%ing for a par%ing space in central &ondon for a car$Eeople also find the !i%es mch simpler to se than a car" since the ma>orityof the poplation are a!le to ride a !i%e" and so the !i%e scheme is


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222accessi!le to e#eryone" whereas it is more difficlt to gain the correct;alifications to !e a!le to dri#e a car$ The reason why more !i%es area#aila!le in areas frther away from central &ondon may !e !ecase it ismore con#enient to se pri#ate transportation" sch as cars here" since thepar%ing spaces are not as limited as they are in central &ondon$

    y photographs sggest whether +arclays !i%es ma%e a significant changeto the polltion pro!lems in central &ondon$ *ince !i%es were pro#en !y myphotographs to !e more poplar in central &ondon" sing a lot of them willhelp to redce the amont of polltion emitted from #ehicles li%e cars$ Carsand #ans are a hge sorce of the polltion that is contri!ting to theen#ironmental pro!lems we ha#e today" so replacing them with !i%es dringcommtes or general tra#el will ensre to help redce the amont of polltionin central &ondon$


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222



  • 8/13/2019 Changing Urban Environment old


    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222To conclde" the data , ha#e fond and analysed all spport the originalhypothesis that states The closer people get to central &ondon" the morethey will se the +arclays cycle hire scheme$ This is shown throghot thedata o!tained from the #arios methods , sed to test my hypothesis" schas the sr#eys" o!ser#ations" photography and newspaper sorces$ -achsorce flly spports the idea that more of the +arclays !i%es are sed thecloser yo get to central &ondon and effecti#ely gi#e the rele#ant information, need to test whether or not my hypothesis is accrate$ The data , presenteddemonstrates the methodology in my in#estigation and lin%s to thehypothesis directly withot pro#iding any irrele#ant information that is not todo with the confirmation of my hypothesis$

    The data also flfils the aim and prpose of my in#estigation" which was toe(pand my %nowledge on the sage of transportation in &ondon" particlarlyp!lic transport" which is #ery commonly sed in this city and the

    effecti#eness and poplarity of +arclays +i%es and whether they sol#e thecongestion pro!lems within central &ondon$ , ha#e also flfilled the aim offinding ot whether +arclays !i%es ha#e redced the pro!lem of congestionin the city$ *ince congestion is a pro!lem within the more central areas of&ondon" and +arclays !i%es are sed more within these areas" there aredefinitely less #ehicles !eing sed in central &ondon$ These !i%es are aneffecti#e replacement for the #ehicles casing congestion in &ondon" and thepro!lem is !eing redced$ y data also spports the aim , had of finding otwhether +arclays !i%es ma%e a significant change to the polltion pro!lemsin central &ondon$ *ince !i%es were pro#en !y my photographs to !e morepoplar in central &ondon" sing a lot of them will help to redce the amont

    of polltion emitted from #ehicles li%e cars$


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222


    )ring my in#estigation" , encontered a few pro!lems while collecting mydata" one of them !eing how , o!ser#ed the !i%e stations at different times$ ,twold !e impossi!le for me to o!ser#e the nm!er of !i%es a#aila!le or ta%en


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222ot at each station at e(actly the same time" since , can only !e in one placeat a time$ This is the same pro!lem , had when ;estioning people with mysr#eys$ , did not as% people in each stdy area within a small enogh timeperiod and , too% photographs of each !i%e station at different times in theday" ma%ing some of my reslts nrelia!le$

    nother pro!lem , encontered was how the sr#ey ;estions did not pro#ideme with enogh data to specifically test my hypothesis in a way which woldma%e the in#estigation mch more relia!le" since , wold ha#e more data$This may ha#e inflenced the #alidity of the conclsion that , reached with mydata" since the less data , ha#e" the less relia!le my a#erages are$ Thismeans that e#en thogh , fond ot that the closer people get to central&ondon the more they will se the +arclays !i%es" since , only did the sr#eyacross a half an hor period" , may not ha#e gotten the most relia!le reslts"and shold may!e ha#e spent longer to as% more ;estions" so , wold ha#e

    gotten more reslts to calclate an a#erage$

    The ad#antage of the methods , sed was that most of the data , o!tainedwere from primary sorces" meaning that , in#estigated each sorce myselfthrogh the most accrate way of o!taining data withot any !ias orin#alidity$ The disad#antage of the methods , sed were the time periods ,carried them ot in" as mentioned pre#iosly and also the o!ser#ations$ ,recorded my o!ser#ations in a tally chart" which may !e inaccrate since ,may ha#e misconted" or not o!tained data from e#ery single station in aparticlar area$ This may ha#e also inflenced how #alid my data was" andmy conclsion may !e inaccrate as a reslt$

    None of the reslts , had re>ected my hypothesis so this shows that myconclsion is fairly accrate in the sense that my hypothesis is spportedflly$ , also shold ma%e sre that my data spports my hypothesis as mchas possi!le in order to increase the #alidity of my conclsion" and to ma%esre that my hypothesis is accrate$

    ,f , repeated this in#estigation" , wold ma%e sre to collecti#ely in#estigatewith a grop of people so that each one of s cold o!tain data in each stdyarea at one time" to increase the relia!ility of the methods sed and toincrease the accracy of the reslts$ y reslts wold significantly impro#e if

    , collected more data in order to test my hypothesis$ , wold inclde se#eralmore ;estions in my sr#ey to e(pand on the data , collected a!ot whetherpeople se +arclays !i%es more the closer they get to central &ondon$ ,wold also ha#e ta%en photographs of people sing the +arclays +i%es andthe area of which they were sing them in to demonstrate my o!ser#ations"whilst also o!ser#ing e#ery !i%e station in the stdy areas: ile -nd"hitechapel" Tower ill and -m!an%ment as opposed to only o!ser#ing 1!i%e station in each area$


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    Tasnim RahmanCandidate No: 9480

    Centre No: 13222
