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Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50...

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Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications
Page 1: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts”


Page 2: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping body…charter signed 26.Jun.45-became arena for competition between 2 superpowers, US and USSR..(see aims in Europe-p.604)

Page 3: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 2. Yalta Conference-(see number 234)

• 3. Potsdam Conference-Stalin, Churchill and Truman…war reparations would be taken by Allies from individual zones of occupation…Truman continued to fight for new world order with self-determination by nation-states.

Page 4: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 4. satellite nations-Stalin installed Communist governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland—countries dominated by the Soviet Union…Stalin speech (’46)-communism & capitalism were incompatible-another war was inevitable.

Page 5: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

5. George F. Keenan-American diplomat in Moscow, in Feb.1946 proposed a policy of

6. Containment-taking measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries…became guide for Truman administration’s foreign policy.

Page 6: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 7. “iron curtain”-Mar.1946, Winston Churchill at Westminster College, in Fulton, Missouri-gave a speech that described the political division of Europe (page 605)…coined the term “iron curtain”.

• 8. the Cold War-conflict between the US and USSR in which neither nation directly confronted each other on the battlefield…dominated foreign policies from 1945-1991.

Page 7: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 9. Truman Doctrine-”it must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”…Mar.47-asked for $400M in economic/military aid for Greece and Turkey…reduced danger of communist takeover.

Page 8: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 10. the Marshall Plan-Jun.47, Sec of State George Marshall proposed US provide aid to all Europe nations that needed it…4+ years, 16 countries received $13B in aid…by ’52, western Europe was flourishing and Communist Party had lost most of its appeal.

Page 9: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 11. the Berlin Blockade/Airlift-Jun’48, Stalin closed road/railway routes into West Berlin…2.1M residents short of supplies.

• For 327 days, planes flew 24/7-227T flights brought in 2.3M tons of supplies to West Berlin…Berlin saved + US prestige increased…May’49-USSR lifted blockade.

Page 10: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 12. NATO-Apr’49…US, Canada & 10 European countries (map-p.624) formed defensive military alliance…pledged to support one another if any member was attacked..FIRST TIME US HAD ENTERED PEACETIME MILITARY ALLIANCE WITH ANOTHER NATION…Cold War had ended any hope of US return to isolationism…key member of NATO.

Page 11: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 13. Warsaw Pact-1955, USSR joined with 7 East European countries in military alliance to oppose NATO.

• 14. Chiang Kai-Shek-led nationalist Chinese forces against Chinese Communists…supported by US (’45-’49--$3B in aid)…courage vs. corruption…’45 much of northern China had been lost to Commies led by

Page 12: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 15. Mao Zedong-Communist leader…gained strength in China by winning peasant support.

• 16. Taiwan-May’49, Chiang and supporters fled to island of Formosa, losing China to Mao and Commies (People’s Republic of China—not recognized by the US).

Page 13: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 17. the Korean War-end of WWII, Japanese troops left Korea…USSR occupied north of 38th parallel, US south-two nations…’48-Republic of Korea established (capital, Seoul)-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (capital, Pyongyang)…500 US troops in Korea…Jun’50 N.Korea invades south..US called on UN to stop invasion…Truman sends troops and American fleet…16 nations send 520T troops to aid S.Korea (90+% American)…Douglas MacArthur.

Page 14: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 18. 38th Parallel-boundary line between

North and South Korea.

Page 15: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 19. MacArthur vs. Truman-Mac ordered counterattack which drove N.Koreans back (Inchon & Pusan)…UN army continued across 38th parallel to Yalu River…Nov’50-300T Chinese troops attacked UN army…Jan’51-Chinese had reached Seoul…”entirely new war”…2 years fought standoff…

Page 16: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• Cont-MacArthur: wanted “total war”-full scale attack against China, ie., atom bomb

• Truman: wanted “limited war”-negotiate settlement

• Truman fired MacArthur when Mac went “over his head” to press, writers, politicians…many Americans outraged over firing of hero…speech to Congress-”Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”…investigation revealed that Truman was right.

Page 17: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 20. stalemate in Korea-USSR suggested ceasefire in Jun’51…negotiations until Jul’53-38th parallel dividing line and a DMZ to divide the two countries…US COST: 54T killed +$67B in cost…renewed fear of communism in US & hunt for American Communists…public turned to Republican Party in next election…Dwight D. Eisenhower elected in 1952.

Page 18: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 21. Fed. Employee Loyalty Program-H.T. accused of being soft on communism…Mar’47-issued E.O. setting up FELP (included Loyalty Review Board- to investigate govt employees & dismiss those disloyal to US)…’47-’51 investigated 3.2M employees/dismissed 212 as security risks…2900 resigned to avoid investigation.

Page 19: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 22. HUAC-’47 investigated communist influence in movie industry…pro-Soviet films…subpoenaed 43 witnesses to testify.

• 23. “Hollywood Ten”-”unfriendly” witnesses who refused to testify-said unconstitutional…sent to prison.

• 24. blacklist-Hollywood executives created list of people condemned for having Communist background..careers ruined.

Page 20: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 25. McCarran I.S.Act-Congress passed in 1950, unlawful to plan action for creation of totalitarian dictatorship in US…enacted over Truman’s veto.

• 26. Alger Hiss-former State Department official…charged of spying for Soviets…convicted of perjury-for lying about passing secret documents.

Page 21: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 27. Whittaker Chambers-former Communist spy-implicated Hiss in 1948 of giving secret documents to Soviets.

• 28. Richard M. Nixon-young conservation Republican congressmen became famous for pursuing charges against Hiss…elected V-President of US (with Eisenhower in 1952).

Page 22: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 29. Klaus Fuch-’50, German-born physicist admitted giving Soviets info about Atomic Bomb-enabling them to build their bomb.

• 30. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg-implicated in Fuch case, they were minor members of Communist Party in US…found guilty of espionage and executed in electric chair in June ’53—1st US civilians executed for espionage.

Page 23: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 31. Joseph McCarthy-famous anti-Communist US Senator…used people’s concerns about Communism, he made one unsupported accusation after another- “McCarthyism”-attacks on suspected Communists in early 1950’s…unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence—State Department, Army…his bullying of witnesses on national TV cost him national support…Senate condemned improper conduct…died several years later, a broken man

Page 24: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 32. H-Bomb-the hydrogen bomb…force of 1M tons of TNT (67 times more powerful than A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima)…exploded 01.Nov.52—Soviets exploded theirs in Aug.53.

• 33. Dwight D. Eisenhower-former military commander in WWII elected 34th President in 1952…Republican.

Page 25: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 34. John Foster Dulles-Sec of State for Ike…staunch anti-Communist…Cold War-”a moral crusade” against communism…prevent spread of communism by threatening to use all its force including nuclear weapons.

• 35. “brinksmanship”-willing of US under President Eisenhower to go to the edge of all-out war…trimmed army & navy and increased air force (which would deliver bombs) and nuclear weapons…SOVIET UNION DID THE SAME!!

Page 26: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 36. CIA-used spies to gather info outside the US…carried out covert (secret) ops to weaken/overthrow govts unfriendly to US.

• 37. Warsaw Pact-1955, West Germany was allowed to rearm and join NATO…a fearful Soviet Union joined with 7 east European countries to oppose NATO.

Page 27: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 38. Geneva Summit (’55)-Ike met with Soviet leaders…proposed “open skies”-US and Soviet Union would allow flights over each other’s territory to guard against surprise nuclear attacks…Soviets rejected-world hailed “spirit of Geneva” as step toward peace.

• 39. Suez War-’55, Egypt played US against USSR to get more aid…Egypt nationalized Aswan Dam on Nile River…GB, France & Israel outraged…sent troops to seize dam…UN persuaded them to withdraw their troops.

Page 28: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 40. Eisenhower Doctrine-to counter rise in USSR’s influence in Middle East…Jan ’57…warning that US would defend the Middle East against an attack by any communist country…

• 41. Nikita Khrushchev-Stalin died in 1953…N.K. assumed power in Moscow-believed that communism would triumph peacefully- favored policy of peaceful coexistence-with economic/scientific competition.

Page 29: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 42. Space Race-international prestige at stake…04.Oct.57-USSR launched…

• 43. Sputnik-world’s first artificial satellite…18T mph…orbited every 96 minutes…triumph for USSR-US shocked at being beaten…31.Jan.58, US launched its 1st satellite.

Page 30: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 44. U-2 & F.G. Powers-CIA made secret high-altitude flights over Soviet Union…U-2 took infrared photos of Soviet military installations…by 1960, US nervous about flights…too many people knew “secret”-including the Soviets…Ike wanted them stopped…authorized one last flight…May.60—Powers’ plane shot down; he was captured, tried and sentenced to prison.

Page 31: Chapter 18…”Cold War Conflicts” Identifications. 1. United Nations (UN)-02.Apr.45, reps 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish new peace-keeping.

• 45. Geneva Summit (1960)-Ike forced to admit that U-2 was a spy plane and agreed to halt future flights but refused to apologize to Soviets…Khrushchev called off planned summit meeting and 1960’s opened with tension between US & USSR.
