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Chapter 3 physical development 3.4

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Physical Development 3.4
  • 1. Physical Development 3.4

2. 3.4 NUTRITION 2 3. Nutrition (Group Work) What do you know about proper nutrition? Where did you learn it? Do you think what you know is common knowledge? How did your family eat? Did you all eat together? Did you eat in front of the TV? Was there plenty of junk food in your house? Was nutrition ever discussed? Were you told to eat everything on your plate? 3 4. Nutrition Children born this century may not live as long as their parents Why? Poor childhood nutrition is associated with later Obesity Diabetes Heart Disease Today 3 taller than in 1776 4 5. Nutrition More nutrients More involved with peers Expressed more positive emotions Less anxiety More curious Persistent Self- confident More alert Better energy 5 6. Nutrition Poor nutrition Less energy Less physical activity Less exploration Less attention to environmental stimuli Diminished cognitive involvement Diminished development 6 7. Nutrition Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? 7 8. Nutrition Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Positive effect Memory Increased: Concentration Reasoning ability Problem-solving Creativity 8 9. Nutrition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5xQi-vMQ_c 9 10. Nutrition Habit forming important Children who eat breakfast: More healthful food choices More likely to keep proper weight Create lifetime of better food choices 10 11. Nutrition Adolescent and breakfast More independent choices Mean number of days eating breakfast drops 25% Translates: Greater weight in early adulthood Males after 6 yrs. of no breakfast 37% risk of overweight 11 12. Nutritional Needs Parents worry Child eating enough? Dont worry Provide healthy choices Toddlers & preschoolers Good at regulating nutritional intake How do parents Encourage overeating Reward overeating Problems? What should you feed your children? 12 13. Nutritional Needs Daily basis kids need: Low in fat & high in fiber Protein Lean meats such as chicken (low in fat) Meat, rice, soy, beans, dairy and peanut butter. 13 14. Nutrition Daily basis kids need cont.: High in Iron to prevent anemia Dark leafy Vegetables Iron fortified cereal Meat Seafood Calcium-rich Diary, soy, vegetables, nuts, fish Bones Teeth 14 15. Has eaten only instant noodles since she was 5. (now 18) 53 & 98 lbs. 15 16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi_DaJKsCLo To eat or not eat processed food? 16 17. Nutrition Children follow nutritional habits of parents. Snacks in moderation Adolescents Poor eating habits Additional healthy calories to support accelerated growth High need for calcium beginning age 9 17 18. Overweight & Obesity in Childhood Obesity: 20% higher than normal for height. 17% US children & adolescents obese Since 1960s tripled Younger & younger children diagnosed Breastfeeding may reduces risks Overweight children susceptible in adulthood 18 19. Overweight & Obesity in Childhood Health issues later: Cardiovascular diseases Pulmonary Endocrine Orthopedic problems Risk of psychological problems Lower self-esteem, tired, less attractive Peer relations; rejection & withdrawal 19 20. Overweight & Obesity in Childhood Motor development connected to brain development Causes long-term effects of being overweight. Overweight infants may create excess fat cells Causing possible life long overweight Late motor development Cause of being overweight Nature or nurture? Help? 20 21. Overweight Children Treatment: Combination of Diet, weight loss programs Exercise, calorie-burning activities Behavior modification, lifestyle changes Daily diary Parents are very important for change Activity levels are not hereditary What Are Central Issues in Childrens Health? 21 22. 22 23. 23 24. 24 25. Anorexia Nervosa Potentially life-threatening eating disorder Primarily in adolescent & young adult females Intense fear of becoming fat Distorted body image Self-starvation 25 26. Anorexia Nervosa Potentially life-threatening eating disorder Intense fear of becoming fat Distorted body image Self-starvation Primarily in adolescent & young adult females 10% die in 10 yrs. 20% die in 20 yrs. Recovery about 1.7 yrs. 26 27. Anorexia Nervosa Highest mortality rate of any mental disorder Starvation Cardiac arrest Suicide Depression 27 28. Anorexia Nervosa Pro-anoerxia web sites Tips & Tricks Make yourself a snack, but instead of eating it throw it away. Leave the dirty dishes where your parents can find them. They will think you ate. Prepare a list of excuses as to why you can't eat - You're sick, you're a vegetarian, allergic, etc. You'd be amazed at how many good excuses there are. Get out of your house! If you're not sitting around then people can't start shit with you about not eating. Join a pro-ana group or start your own website. Anything that will keep you motivated. 28 29. Anorexia (died 2010 age 38) 29 30. 30 31. Bulimia Nervosa 31 32. Bulimia Nervosa Eating disorder Characterized by binges of eating followed by self-induced vomiting. Binges Vomiting May after every meal Each morsel of food or water 32 33. Bulimia Nervosa Exercise 3 hours a day Self-medicate Speed Enemas Laxatives (whole box) Diuretics 33 34. 34 35. Dangers Associated with Bulimia Foreign Objects: Objects used to induce purging. (rupture) Teeth rotted away from stomach acid. Acid / food damage to esophagus. Finger skin & nail damage from acid. Red spots around the eyes. Subconjunctival hemorrhage Prevent absorption of needed vitamins & minerals Skin ages. 35 36. 36 37. Bulimia Cause? Treatment Behavioral Cognitive Family 37 38. Binge Eating Disorder Usually overweight Rapidly eat unusually large amounts of food several times week. Binge when alone Most common eating disorder among adolescents 1.6% Cause unknown? Depression Brain chemicals Hormones 38 39. 39 40. PUBERTY 3.5 40 41. Puberty Puberty Most important marker of beginning of adolescence Ends before adolescence ends 41 42. Puberty Rapid physical maturation Hormonal Bodily changes Most noticeable changes Signs of sexual maturation Increases Height Weight 42 43. Age of Puberty Boys 11 Girls 9 -13 Affect pubertys timing & makeup Nutrition Health Other environmental factors? 44 44. Hormones Affect Hormones Suppress or activate Behavior Moods Stress Eating patterns Exercise Sexual activity 45 45. Puberty Girls Early adolescence Outweigh boys Tall or taller than boys Mean age growth spurt at 10 yrs. Boys Mean age growth spurt 12 yrs. Can be 5 or more yr. 46 46. 47 47. Puberty in Girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECVT0MymH5o 48 48. Increase in estrogen Hormone associated with development of: Widening of the hips (wider birth canal) Breast Uterus & vagina Skeletal Distribution of fat Hips, legs, & breast Skin becomes softer Puberty in Girls 49 49. Puberty in Girls Breast budding 1st visual sign of sexual development Menarche (period) follows in 2 3 yrs. Ova becoming mature enough to be fertilized Puberty ends in 2 - 6 yrs. 50 50. 51 51. Early Puberty in Girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH5ZJPtOacQ 52 52. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yItmI6xgbY 53 53. Gonads: Testosterone Hormone associated with development of: Genitals Increase in height Deeping in voice Enlargement of Adams apple Increased muscle mass Facial & body hair Broadening of shoulders Skin coarser 54 Puberty in Boys 54. 55 55. 56 56. Puberty Girls 8-year-olds puberty: 15% of white girls 50% of African-American girls Rise in early puberty linked to: Rise in obesity in U.S. children Environment Genetics Concerns of breast cancers in these girls later 57 57. Gender Differences in Body Image Adolescents preoccupied with their bodies Develop images of what their bodies are like Girls less happy with their bodies more negative body images 58 58. Boys More satisfied with their body Probably due to muscle mass increases Gender Differences in Body Image 59 59. Early and Late Maturation Mature earlier or later perceive selves differently In what ways? 60 60. Early maturation increases vulnerability to problems More likely to: Attention from older boys Greater rates of delinquency Drink Depressed Do poorly in school Anxious Drug use Earlier sexual experiences Early and Late Maturation 61
