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Chapter 3 Rigid Body

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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.0 Introduction

    Most bodies in elementary mechanics are assumed to be rigid,i.e., the actual deformations are small and do not affect theconditions of equilibrium or motion of the body.

    Forces acting on rigid bodies are divided into two groups:

    External forces

    Internal forces External forces generally cause translation i.e. linear motion

    and/or rotation (motion about a pivot) of the rigid body

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.1 Principle of Transmissibility

    Principle of transmissibility states that the condition of rest ormotion of a rigid body is unaffected if a force, F acting on a point

    A is moved to act at a new point, B provided that the point B lieson the same line of action of that force.

    NOTE: F and F are equivalent forces.

    Moving the point of application of

    the force F to the rear bumper

    does not affect the motion or the

    other forces acting on the truck.



  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.2 Moment of Force scalar formulation

    The effect of a force on a rigid body arethe moment of force (also called torque).This momentof a force provides ameasure of the tendency of the force tocause a body to rotate about the point oraxis.

    Consider horizontal force Fx, which actsperpendicular to the handle of the wrenchand is located dy from the point O

    Fx tends to turn the pipe about the z axis

    The larger the force or the distance dy,the greater the turning effect

    Torque tendency of

    rotation caused by Fxor simple moment (Mo) z

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    For magnitude ofMO,

    MO = Fdwhere d = moment arm or perpendiculardistance from the axis at point O to its lineof action of the force

    Units for moment is N.m

    Direction ofMO is specified by using righthand rule

    - Fingers of the right hand are curled tofollow the sense of rotation when forcerotates about point O

    - Thumb points along the moment axis togive the direction and sense of themoment vector

    - Moment vector is upwards andperpendicular to the shaded plane

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    MO is shown by a vector arrow with acurl to distinguish it from force vector

    Moment of a force does not alwayscause rotation

    Force F tends to rotate the beamclockwise about A with moment

    MA = FdA

    Force F tends to rotate the beamcounterclockwise about B withmoment

    MB = FdB Hence support at A prevents the


    Resultant moment, MRo = addition ofthe moments of all the forcesalgebraically since all moment forcesare collinear

    MRo = Fd

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.3 Cross Product (Vector Product)

    Concept of the moment of a force about apoint is more easily understood throughapplications of the vector productorcross


    Vector product of two vectors P and Q isdefined as the vectorVwhich satisfies the

    following conditions: Line of action ofVis perpendicular to

    plane containing P and Q.

    Magnitude ofVis

    Direction ofVis obtained from the right-hand rule.

    Vector products:

    - are not commutative,

    - are distributive,

    - are not associative,


    2121 QPQPQQP


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies





    Vector products of Cartesian unit vectors,







    Vector products in terms of rectangularcoordinates

    kQjQiQkPjPiPV zyxzyx






    A shorthand way to represent this calculation is

    by the use of the determinant

    Determinant = Sum of Products - Sum of


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.4 Moment of Force - vector formulation

    Moment of force F about point O can beexpressed using cross product

    MO = rX F

    where rrepresents position vector from O

    to any pointlying on the line of action ofF

    For magnitude of cross product,

    MO = rFsin

    where is the angle measured between

    tails ofrand F

    x y z

    x y z

    i j k

    A A A

    B B B


    x y z x y

    x y z x y

    i j k i j

    A A A A A

    B B B B B

    ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )y z z y z x x z x y y xA B A B i A B A B j A B A B k

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Treat ras a sliding vector. Since d= r

    sin,MO = rFsin = F(rsin) = Fd

    Direction and sense ofMO aredetermined by right-hand rule

    3.5 Principle of moments

    Also known as Varignons Theorem

    Moment of a force about a point isequal to the sum of the moments of theforces components about the point

    ForF = F1 + F2,MO = rX F1 + rX F2= rX (F1 + F2)

    = rX F

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Resultant moment of forces

    about point O can be

    determined by vector addition

    O x y z

    x y z

    i j kr r r

    F F F

    M = r F

    MRo = (rx F)

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.6 Moment of couple

    Two forces F and

    F are said toform a couple if they have thesame magnitude, parallel lines ofaction but directed in oppositedirection and separated by aperpendicular distance, d.

    The moment produced by acouple is called a couple moment.

    A couple moment is a free vectorthat can be applied at any pointwith the same effect.

    ( ) ( ) 0net

    F = F F












  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Two couples are equivalent if they

    produce the same moment For resultant moment of two

    couples at point P,

    MR = M1 + M2 For more than 2 moments,

    MR = (rX F)

    The combination of the force and

    couple is referred to as a force-

    couple system.

    The three forces may be replaced by

    an equivalent force vector and couple


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Equivalent Force-Couple

    O AF = FO A OA AM = M r F

    A system of forces may be replaced by a collection of

    force-couple systems acting a given pointO

    The force and

    couple vectors may

    be combined into aresultant force

    vector and a

    resultant couple




  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.7 Reactions at Supports and Connections

    For a rigid body in static equilibrium, the external forces and moments are balanced andwill impart no translational or rotational motion to the body.

    The necessary and sufficient condition for the static equilibrium of a body are that theresultant force and couple from all external forces form a system equivalent to zero,

    Resolving each force and moment into its rectangular components leads to 6 scalarequations which also express the conditions for static equilibrium,

    For two-dimensional problem, the moment about the z-direction must be zero in order topreserve the static equilibrium condition.

    00 FrMF O







  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Reactions equivalent to aforce with known line of


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Reactions equivalent to a

    force of unknown direction

    and magnitude.

    Reactions equivalent to a

    force of unknown directionand magnitude and a

    couple of unknown


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    First step in the static equilibrium analysis of arigid body is identification of all forces acting

    on the body with a free-bodydiagram.

    Select the extent of the free-body and

    detach it from the ground and all other


    3.8 Free-Body Diagram

    Indicate point of application, magnitude,

    and direction of external forces, including

    the rigid body weight.

    Indicate point of application and assumed

    direction of unknown applied forces.These usually consist of reactions through

    which the ground and other bodies oppose

    the possible motion of the rigid body.

    Include the dimensions necessary to

    compute the moments of the forces.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.9 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Two Dimensions

    For all forces and moments acting on atwo-dimensional structure,

    Ozyxz MMMMF 00

    Equations of equilibrium become

    000 Ayx MFF

    whereA is any point in the plane of

    the structure.

    The 3 equations can be solved for no

    more than 3 unknowns.

    The 3 equations can not be augmented

    with additional equations, but they can be


    000 BAx MMF

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.10 Statically Indeterminate Reactions

    More unknowns

    than equations

    Fewer unknowns

    than equations,partially constrained

    Equal number unknowns

    and equations but

    improperly constrained

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    3.11 Equilibrium of a Two-Force Body

    Consider a plate subjected to two forces F1and F2

    For static equilibrium, the sum of moments

    aboutA must be zero. The moment ofF2must

    be zero. It follows that the line of action ofF2

    must pass throughA.

    Similarly, the line of action ofF1 must pass

    through B for the sum of moments about B to

    be zero.

    Requiring that the sum of forces in any

    direction be zero leads to the conclusion that

    F1 and F2must have equal magnitude but

    opposite sense.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter 3 Rigid Body


    Chapter 3Static of rigid bodies

    Consider a rigid body subjected to forces acting

    at only 3 points.

    3.12 Equilibrium of a Three-Force Body

    Assuming that their lines of action intersect, the

    moment of F1 and F2about the point of

    intersection represented by D is zero. Since the rigid body is in equilibrium, the sum of

    the moments ofF1, F2, and F3 about any axis

    must be zero. It follows that the moment ofF3about D must be zero as well and that the line of

    action ofF3 must pass through D.

    The lines of action of the three forces must be

    concurrent or parallel.
