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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 PowerPoint for Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
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Teaching with Software Tools: Beyond the Basic Programs Chapter 5
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Teaching with Software Tools:Beyond the Basic Programs

Chapter 5

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Software support tools offer benefits ofImproved efficiency and productivityImproved appearance of productBetter accuracy and timeliness of

informationMore support for interaction and sharing

Range from nearly essential to “nice to have”

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Recent developments in software toolsThese include increased use of PDA’s, more

web connectivity features, and more collections of tools available in software suites.

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Types of Software Support ToolsMaterials generators

Help teachers & students produce instructional materials.

Data collection and analysis toolsHelp teachers collect and organize information that

indicates student progress.Graphic tools

Allow manipulation of images to illustrate documents and web pages.

Planning and reference toolsLet students look up information in electronic versions

of encyclopedias, atlases, and dictionaries.Content-area tools

Support teaching and learning activities in various content areas.

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Desktop Publishing SoftwareThe control over the form and appearance

of the printed page.The term was coined by Paul Brainerd in

1984.Means the using of a combination of

software, microcomputers, and printers to allow individuals to be their own publishers.Ex) Students create their own letterhead;

brochures, flyers/posters, newsletters, newspapers, and books.

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Rules for Effective Desktop Publishing

1. Use a limited number of typefaces (fonts)-Too many different fonts on a page can be distracting.

2. Use different fonts for the title and text-To aid the reader use a font with small curves or “hands and feet” that extend from the ends

of the letters (serif typeface)

3. Use appropriate sizes for types-Make the type large enough to assist the reader.

4. Avoid overuse of type styles- Breaking up text with too many styles changes interferes with reading.

5. Match text and background colors-Use white or yellow type on a black block to add drama. Avoid color combinations that can

be difficult to read (orange on green or red on blue)

6. Use visual cues-Attract reader attention to important information on the page by using frames or boxes

around text

7. Use white space well-Don’t be afraid to leave areas in a document with nothing in them at all to help focus

attention on areas that do contain information. Create and use graphics carefully

-Use pictures and designs to focus attention and convey information

1. Avoid common text format errors-Common desktop design pitfalls include using irregularly shaped text blocks and angled type,

which are difficult to read Avoid common text breaks errors

-Using desktop software to control leftover single words and phrases at the tops or bottoms of pages

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Other forms of Software ToolsTest generators and rubric generators

Teachers create test item banks and generate various versions of tests from them’ they can administer tests online.

Worksheet and puzzle generatorsTeachers produce exercises and games for student skill

practice. IEP generators

Teachers create individualized education programs (IEPs) for special education students.

Graphic document makersTeachers and students create awards, recognitions,

flyers, cards, and other decorated documents.PDF and form makers

Teachers and student create PDF files to send formatted documents, and documents and web pages with forms that can be filled in on-screen.

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Data Collection and Analysis Tools

Electronic grade books Teachers keep track of and calculate student grades.

Class Action Grade book, Grade Pro, Gradekeeper Statistical packages

Teachers and students use statistical procedures to analyze data from experiments and research projects. SPPS Inc, XLStat, FlexPro, NCSS Stat System

Student information systems Teachers, administrators, and parents keep track of student and

class progress on required curriculum objects. PowerSchool, Pinnacle, Pearson Digital Learning

Computer-based testing systems Teachers have students take tests on a computer screen; software

grades tests and compiles data. LaserGrade, Exambuilder

Student response systems All students answer a question at the saem time, and the system

summarizes/displays results immediately, teachers use these systems to engage students and check comprehension Hyper Interactive Teaching Technology, Classroom Performance System

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Graphic ToolsDraw/paint programs

Teachers and students create their own drawings and illustration to show on-screen or to print.Adobe Illustrator, Kid Pix

Image editing toolsTeachers and students create, modify, and combine

images (e.g., clip art, photos, drawings) to illustrate documents, WebPages.Adobe Photoshop, Gimp

Charting/graphing toolsStudents create charts and graphs to illustrate and study

data summaries.Advanced Grapher, NetCharts Reporting Suite

Clip art, animation, sound, video and font collectionTeachers and students insert these into documents and

media they create.Graphics for Teachers, Microsoft’s Clip Art and Media Collection,

Flaming Text

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Planning and Organizing ToolsOutlining and concept mapping software

Help students organize their ideas in outline or concept map form to prepare for writing; help create story structures.Inspiration, VisiMap

Lesson PlannersHelp teachers prepare and document lesson plans

Centron’s Lesson Power, Freemind, Cmap, Teacher Planet

Scheduling and time management toolsHelp teachers organize their time and plan

activites.ThoughtManager for Teachers, Reel Logix

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Research and Reference ToolsElectronic encyclopedias

Help students research any topicEncarta, HighBeam Encyclopedia, Britannica

Electronic atlases and mapping toolHelp students learn local, national, world and

extraterrestrial geography.WorldAtlas.com, U.s. Atlas, Political World Atlas

Electronic dictionaries and thesaurusesGive definitions and synonyms.

Technology words: Webopedia, Any words: Merriam-Webster, Any words: Dictionary.com

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Content-Area Specific ToolsCAD systems

Students create visual models of houses and other structures as they study design concepts. AutoCAD

Music editors, sequencers, and MIDI toolsStudents create and revise their own musical pieces.

Apple GarageBandReading Tools

Support reading instruction Readability calculation software

Microcomputer-based labs, graphing calculators, and calculator-based labsStudents collect and analyze data from experiments.

TI graphing calculatorsGeographic Information Systems and Global Positioning

SystemsStudents study geographical and social studies information and

concepts. GPS Products for Education
