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Thesis for inventory system
PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG VALENZUELA Poblacion II, Malinta , Valenzuela City Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The Computer nowadays is a basic need for Companies and Institution. It hel a lot in such a way that it is an important thing that company should have to ma worked more progressive and productive. It is important thing that a company sho have because it helps a lot in many ways such as organizing, storing and manipul data. Having computer programs may help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of the business world. The companies nowadays uses computer literate very competitive in the business. Having recognized the importance of computer as a part of b transactions, the proponents conducted a study to develop a web-based applicatio the oreign !ervice Institute. This will improve the process of manual inventory monitoring of IT e"uipment and providing technical services for the said Institu propose system will use the device I# and name of IT e"uipment. This will be use part of audit trail records for the condition monitoring of IT e"uipm management system for tracking inventory records of office supplies and e"uipmen distributed to different office. This will organize all the inventory records of such as transaction re"uest, number of stocks and stocks replenishment that used stored in spreadsheets. or the technical support services, the system will also a message passing which can be use by the employee in sending their assistance re"uest and other related computer problems.

PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG VALENZUELA Poblacion II, Malinta , Valenzuela City Chapter I



The Computer nowadays is a basic need for Companies and Institution. It helps a lot in such a way that it is an important thing that company should have to makes worked more progressive and productive. It is important thing that a company should have because it helps a lot in many ways such as organizing, storing and manipulating data. Having computer programs may help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of the business world. The companies nowadays uses computer literate and very competitive in the business.Having recognized the importance of computer as a part of business transactions, the proponents conducted a study to develop a web-based application for the Foreign Service Institute. This will improve the process of manual inventory keeping, monitoring of IT equipment and providing technical services for the said Institute. The propose system will use the device ID and name of IT equipment. This will be use as part of audit trail records for the condition monitoring of IT equipment. Inventory management system for tracking inventory records of office supplies and equipment distributed to different office. This will organize all the inventoryrecordsof the Institute such as transaction request, number of stocks and stocks replenishment that used to be stored in spreadsheets. For the technical support services, the system will also provide a message passing which can be use by the employee in sending their technical assistance request and other related computer problems.Background of the StudyThe Foreign Service Institute under of Department of Foreign Affairs, since it started to offer different trainings and courses, computers used by the employee on the said Institute are issued by the General Services Section and monitor by Management Information System Section headed by Mr. Bienvenido S. Basal.

The General Service Section (GSS) is the office which provides all the office supply and equipment needs of the Institute. All IT equipment that was distributed to all offices is being monitored and recorded by the Management Information System Section. MISS Head has there scheduled to visit all offices such as division, section and employee offices to check and monitor the condition of IT equipment. They are also in charge in answering the questions regards to the technical problems that are encountered by the employees and other parts of the institute.

Setting of the Study The study took place in Foreign Service Institute was established on December 9, 1976 under the Presidential Decree 1060 as the career development arm of the Department of Foreign Affairs. It is located at 5th Floor DFA Building, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 1300. There are full time employee to handle the institute.

Theoretical Framework

Inventory ManagementMany Establishments use Inventory for their sales, expenses, financial records, record transactions and etc. All of this is recorded on the inventory of every company to monitor their needs. Until now Inventory is being studied by the companies how to come up with better inventory records. Inventory is formally a mathematical theory that is concerned with design of production /inventory systems to minimize the costs of every business establishments. This mathematical theory is being applied to the technology. Until know there are programmers and developers that creates a modern system for inventory. IBM produce a first accounting System would add the total of sales from each sales person. This system is the basis of many modern finance and inventory system. From this basis the UPC (Universal Product Code) was adopted by grocery industry. As the computer became more common and affordable since then writing inventory data by hand on paper was replaced by scanning products and inputting information into computer by hand. Also cloud based business software adaptation by the business establishment mark a new era for the inventory management software.

Technology studiesTechnology is based on science that studied formal or informal education about human innovation, change, or modification of natural environment. Hewlett-Packard is founded in a Palo Alto California Garage which is become a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. Since then this work or discovered is used to different studies to come up with better technology innovation.

Technical ServiceTechnical Service or better known as Technical Support, that provides support or assistance to users of technology products such as televisions, mobile phones, computers, software products and etc. Technical service may be delivered to phone calls, email and live support. The First Technical support that handled mobile phones is AT&T. The AT&T technical support created for the wireless phones to support the needs of the mobile users.

System MonitoringIn early years monitoring is rarely used in business facilities or establishments. Monitoring is simply for collecting information or data. In the past years monitoring is manually conducted by the supervisor or technical staffs. First monitoring system was first adopted by the European market for luxury vehicles, and its a tire pressure monitoring using hollow spoke wheel system developed by PSK in 1980s. The system uses sensor s in the wheels and a driver display which can show tire pressure at any wheel, and includes warnings for both high and low pressure of tires. In the new era there are so many invented devices that can monitor all informations and data.

Conceptual Framework This study focuses on the relationship between the respondents, for the Administrator office supplies and equipment for borrowing request approval, update inventory, send technical support request which will act as the independent variables and towards to produce inventory report, produce condition report for IT equipment, notification for technical service for the dependent variable for the admin side of the system. MISS Head for the technical support side, monitor equipment connected to the computer, update user for monitoring and send office supplies or equipment request for the independent variables and production report for IT equipment, monitor user, notify if approved or sent about the item request for the dependent variables.For the Section Head and Division Head to request for technical support, send office supplies or equipment request for the independent variables. And notify for technical service, notify if approved for sent and view request for dependent variables.For the employee is to send request for technical support for independent variable and notify for technical service for the dependent variable. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Produce inventory report,Produce condition report for IT equipmentNotification for technical service

GSS/ Admin AccountApprove request for office suppliesand equipment for borrowingUpdate inventorySend technical support request

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Production report for IT equipmentMonitor equipment used by the userNotify if approved or sent about the item requestMISS HeadTechnical support sideMonitor equipment connected to the computerUpdate user for monitoring and send office supplies or equipment request

Section Head/ Division HeadRequest for technical supportSend office supplies or equipment request

Notify for technical service,Notify if approved for sent and view request

Notify for technical serviceEmployeeSend request for technical support

General problemsHow can Foreign Service Institute efficiently manage inventory records of office supply and IT equipment specially the General Service Section and the Management Information Section?

Specific problem What is the amount creation of the existing system inventory management, sending it in the following inventories of the monitoring?a. Proximityb. Generate reportc. Total amount of expensesd. Sorting of request2. What changes to the existing system in cause of the following?a. Total expenses for the monthb. Generate reportc. Audit traild. Record keeping of the itemse. Redundancy of item request 3. How can the General Service Section manage the large volume of office supply and IT equipment request?4. How can the Management Information System Section track offices with technical issues?

General ObjectivesThis study aimed to develop a system called inventory management of supply and monitoring of IT equipment which will use to efficiently manage the inventory system, large volume of office supply and IT equipment request and also to monitor the offices with technical issues?

Specific Objectives1. The propose thesis will have inventory management system of supplies, this will have a record of stocks which can be used to determine if the supply is insufficient and needed to request.2. The propose thesis will have a supply request system that can accept multiple request of a single user, list all records of request and save the record of request sorted by the date, only to find out what request is needed to approve first to avoid mismanage of distribution of request.3. The propose system will have an audit trail for all the office supplies and IT equipment. This audit trail will provide all the records such as the date of item was acquired, defected and replace so that it will help to speed up the monitoring process done by the MIS head of the FSI.


The researchers formulated three hypotheses for this study. These are as follows: a. The computerized sending of request for office supplies and IT equipment helps the General Service Section to record all request faster compared to the manual process they consumed a lot of time to record all of it.

b. The system give significant differences in the time used to finish the whole process of sending notifications compared to the manual process.

c. In computerized system the General Service Section can easily access all the information compared to it in the manual methods of file storage.

Significance of the StudyThis study is significant to the following:

To the CompanyForeign Service Institute will greatly benefit with the proponents study because they dont need to hire any programmers to do the work in their system. The proponents will develop their system. So the proponents ask for the support of the company. This will lead in lessening the expenses of the company which can be used in their other expenses. They will also find it easier to do task with the system like the computerized inventory wherein they can assure that there have enough supplies for their work.

To the EmployeesThe Employees will benefit in the system. They will find it easier to monitor IT equipment since monitoring in the system is faster than one by one visiting of offices to check the condition of IT equipment. The inventory system will give them an easier time in tracking the amount of supplies and they dont have to worry for unexpected shortage because they can frequently monitor the supplies.

Scope and LimitationsScopeThe proposed system Inventory management of supplies and monitoring of IT equipment for Foreign Service Institute covers many aspects of inventory and monitoring process. This includes the office supplies and equipment requesting, inventory, monitoring and technical support services for all Divisions and Sections. The system will have computerized inventory system where it covers all the records of office supplies and equipment to the Sections and Division also cover the equipment monitoring which include an audit trail of records. This audit trail will provide all the records such as the date of item was acquired, defected and replaced so that it will help to speed up the monitoring process done by the MIS head of the FSI. The proposed system will also cover the technical assistance request for the IT department of the said Institute. The system aims to help employees in a much better way of requesting of office supplies, equipment and technical assistances.LimitationThe propose system can only use though the local area network so that the system cannot be access online and exclusively for all the employees in Foreign Service Institute. For the device compatibility concern the system is only tested to run smoothly in the desktop or laptop computers with the minimum system requirement of Windows XP (32 bit or 64 bit) other devices such as mobile phones and tablets could encountered compatibility issues when try to run it. The administrator of the system can only use or grant the default user roles that available in the system therefore the system cant generate another user having different user level access.

Definition of Terms Application- is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specific application. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system software to execute.AT&T- is an Americanmultinationaltelecommunicationscorporation, headquartered atWhitacre TowerindowntownDallas,Texas. is also the second largest provider ofmobile telephoneand the largest provider offixed telephone in the United States, and also providesbroadbandsubscription televisionservices.Audit Trail- is a security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event.It also record typically all the activities created inside the system.Computer- Is a general purpose that can be programmed to carry out set of arithmetic or operations automatically. It is most commonly used in business, companies, and etc.Data- is distinct information that is formatted in a special way.Itexists in a variety of forms, like text on paper or bytes stored in electronic memory.IBM- TheInternational Business Machines Corporation(commonly referred to asIBM) is an American multinationaltechnologyandconsultingcorporation, with headquarters inArmonk, New York, United States. IBM manufactures and markets computerhardwareandsoftware, and offersinfrastructure,hostingand consulting HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consultant"servicesin areas ranging frommainframeHYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainframe_computer" computers to nanotechnologyHYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainframe_computer" computers.Inventory- It is a record of all stocks, equipment, office supplies, money of the company. Inventory represents one of the most important assets that most businesses possess, because the turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of revenue generation and subsequent earnings for the company's shareholders/owners.LAN or Local Area Network- It is acomputer networkthat interconnects computers within a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building, using network mediaMicrosoft Windows- is a series ofgraphical interfaceoperating systemsdeveloped, marketed, and sold byMicrosoft.Proximity- It means nearness, and it is often qualified by the wordclose. It was hard not to see him cheating, when our desks are in such closeproximityto one another.Sensor- It is a device that detects events or changes in quantities and provides a corresponding output, generally as an electrical or optical signal.UPC(Universal Product Code)- is abarcode symbology that is widely used in stores for trackingtrade itemsin stores. Its most common form it consists of 12numerical digits, which are uniquely assigned to each trade item.Wireless- is thetransfer of informationbetween two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. Manipulated by airwaves.
