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RESEARCH 918 Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 8, No. 9, September 2002 Characterization of Flagella Produced by Clinical Strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Doroti de Oliveira-Garcia,*† Monique Dall'Agnol,‡ Mónica Rosales,‡ Ana C.G.S. Azzuz,§ Marina B. Martinez,†§ and Jorge A. Girón‡ Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an emerging nosocomial pathogen associated with opportunistic infec- tions in patients with cystic fibrosis, cancer, and HIV. Adherence of this organism to abiotic surfaces such as medical implants and catheters represents a major risk for hospitalized patients. The adhesive surface factors involved in adherence of these bacteria are largely unknown, and their flagella have not yet been characterized biochemically and antigenically. We purified and characterized the flagella produced by S. maltophilia clinical strains. The flagella filaments are composed of a 38-kDa subunit, SM FliC , and analysis of its N-terminal amino acid sequence showed considerable sequence identity to the flagellins of Serratia marcescens (78.6%), Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Shigella sonnei (71.4%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (57.2%). Ultrastructural analysis by scanning electron microscopy of bacteria adhering to plas- tic showed flagellalike structures within the bacterial clusters, suggesting that flagella are produced as the bacteria spread on the abiotic surface. tenotrophomonas (formerly Pseudomonas and Xanthomo- nas) maltophilia is a widespread environmental microor- ganism that has become an important opportunistic pathogen associated with nosocomial colonization and infection (1–7). These organisms have been recovered from water faucets, water traps, respirometers, sinks, suction catheters, and occa- sionally, from cultures of the hands of hospital personnel (5,8). Infection and colonization of implantable medical devices such as catheters and intravenous cannulae represent a major risk for hospitalized patients. S. maltophilia can cause septice- mia, endocarditis, conjunctivitis, mastoiditis, meningitis, post- operative wounds, abscesses, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia (6,9–11). The isolation rates of S. maltophilia from the respiratory tracts of patients with cystic fibrosis and from cancer and HIV-infected patients with opportunistic infections is increasing (4,12,13). Adhesion of these bacteria to abiotic surfaces such as those of medical implants and catheters sug- gests the development of a biofilm that protects bacteria from natural immune defenses or from the action of antimicrobial compounds. Biofilms are made up of a community of bacteria immobilized and embedded in an organic polymer matrix composed of polysaccharides and proteins of bacterial origin (14–16). Management of infection and successful clinical out- come by means of antimicrobial therapy are complicated by the intrinsic resistance of the bacteria to multiple antimicrobial agents, including carbapenems, and to the natural protection that biofilms confer to the enclosed bacteria (8,14). Besides the ability to adhere to plastic, to survive and multiply within total parenteral nutrition and other types of intravenous infu- sions, and to produce extracellular enzymes (4,8), little infor- mation is available regarding virulence factors associated with the pathogenesis of these bacteria. Production of a protease and elastase appears to be important in the pathogenesis of S. maltophilia–associated infections (5,17). While for some bacteria the expression of flagella does not clearly relate to pathogenesis, for a variety of bacterial patho- gens, such as Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella enterica, and Yer- sinia enterocolitica, the participation of flagella in adherence and invasion has been documented (18–20). In addition, the role of flagella in the formation and development of biofilm has recently been investigated in Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio cholerae (21–24). Jucker et al. reported that nonspecific adhesion and biofilm formation by S. maltophilia to glass and Teflon may be attributed to the net positive sur- face charge of the bacteria (23). As with a variety of microor- ganisms, other surface determinants may confer the adhesive attributes necessary for S. maltophilia-specific adhesion. Although biofilm formation by S. maltophilia has been docu- mented, no surface molecule or structure such as flagella or fimbrial adhesins implicated in adherence to plastic or eukary- otic cells has yet been characterized in detail (4,23,25). To characterize the surface appendages produced by S. malto- philia, we purified flagella from a clinical isolate and used specific anti-flagella antibodies to test for the presence of these structures in a collection of clinical isolates. In addition, we studied the kinetics of adhesion and performed ultrastructural studies by scanning electron microscopy of bacteria adhering to plastic. These studies showed structures resembling flagella, suggesting that these structures may be important for the adherence phenomenon. *Laboratório Clínico do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, São Paulo, Brazil; †Departamento de Microbiologia do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; ‡Bene- merita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México; and §Depar- tamento de Análises Clínicas da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil S
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918 Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 9, September 2002

Characterization of Flagella Produced by Clinical Strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Doroti de Oliveira-Garcia,*† Monique Dall'Agnol,‡ Mónica Rosales,‡ Ana C.G.S. Azzuz,§ Marina B. Martinez,†§ and Jorge A. Girón‡

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an emerging nosocomial pathogen associated with opportunistic infec-tions in patients with cystic fibrosis, cancer, and HIV. Adherence of this organism to abiotic surfaces suchas medical implants and catheters represents a major risk for hospitalized patients. The adhesive surfacefactors involved in adherence of these bacteria are largely unknown, and their flagella have not yet beencharacterized biochemically and antigenically. We purified and characterized the flagella produced by S.maltophilia clinical strains. The flagella filaments are composed of a 38-kDa subunit, SMFliC, and analysisof its N-terminal amino acid sequence showed considerable sequence identity to the flagellins of Serratiamarcescens (78.6%), Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Shigella sonnei (71.4%), and Pseudomonasaeruginosa (57.2%). Ultrastructural analysis by scanning electron microscopy of bacteria adhering to plas-tic showed flagellalike structures within the bacterial clusters, suggesting that flagella are produced as thebacteria spread on the abiotic surface.

tenotrophomonas (formerly Pseudomonas and Xanthomo-nas) maltophilia is a widespread environmental microor-

ganism that has become an important opportunistic pathogenassociated with nosocomial colonization and infection (1–7).These organisms have been recovered from water faucets,water traps, respirometers, sinks, suction catheters, and occa-sionally, from cultures of the hands of hospital personnel (5,8).Infection and colonization of implantable medical devicessuch as catheters and intravenous cannulae represent a majorrisk for hospitalized patients. S. maltophilia can cause septice-mia, endocarditis, conjunctivitis, mastoiditis, meningitis, post-operative wounds, abscesses, urinary tract infections, andpneumonia (6,9–11). The isolation rates of S. maltophilia fromthe respiratory tracts of patients with cystic fibrosis and fromcancer and HIV-infected patients with opportunistic infectionsis increasing (4,12,13). Adhesion of these bacteria to abioticsurfaces such as those of medical implants and catheters sug-gests the development of a biofilm that protects bacteria fromnatural immune defenses or from the action of antimicrobialcompounds. Biofilms are made up of a community of bacteriaimmobilized and embedded in an organic polymer matrixcomposed of polysaccharides and proteins of bacterial origin(14–16). Management of infection and successful clinical out-come by means of antimicrobial therapy are complicated bythe intrinsic resistance of the bacteria to multiple antimicrobialagents, including carbapenems, and to the natural protectionthat biofilms confer to the enclosed bacteria (8,14). Besides

the ability to adhere to plastic, to survive and multiply withintotal parenteral nutrition and other types of intravenous infu-sions, and to produce extracellular enzymes (4,8), little infor-mation is available regarding virulence factors associated withthe pathogenesis of these bacteria. Production of a proteaseand elastase appears to be important in the pathogenesis of S.maltophilia–associated infections (5,17).

While for some bacteria the expression of flagella does notclearly relate to pathogenesis, for a variety of bacterial patho-gens, such as Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella enterica, and Yer-sinia enterocolitica, the participation of flagella in adherenceand invasion has been documented (18–20). In addition, therole of flagella in the formation and development of biofilmhas recently been investigated in Pseudomonas, Escherichiacoli, and Vibrio cholerae (21–24). Jucker et al. reported thatnonspecific adhesion and biofilm formation by S. maltophiliato glass and Teflon may be attributed to the net positive sur-face charge of the bacteria (23). As with a variety of microor-ganisms, other surface determinants may confer the adhesiveattributes necessary for S. maltophilia-specific adhesion.Although biofilm formation by S. maltophilia has been docu-mented, no surface molecule or structure such as flagella orfimbrial adhesins implicated in adherence to plastic or eukary-otic cells has yet been characterized in detail (4,23,25). Tocharacterize the surface appendages produced by S. malto-philia, we purified flagella from a clinical isolate and usedspecific anti-flagella antibodies to test for the presence of thesestructures in a collection of clinical isolates. In addition, westudied the kinetics of adhesion and performed ultrastructuralstudies by scanning electron microscopy of bacteria adheringto plastic. These studies showed structures resembling flagella,suggesting that these structures may be important for theadherence phenomenon.

*Laboratório Clínico do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, SãoPaulo, Brazil; †Departamento de Microbiologia do Instituto de CiênciasBiomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; ‡Bene-merita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México; and §Depar-tamento de Análises Clínicas da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticasda Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


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Materials and Methods

Bacterial Strains and Growth ConditionsWe included in this study 46 clinical isolates of S. malto-

philia obtained from patients admitted to four institutions inthe City of São Paulo, Brazil: Instituto Dante Pazzanese deCardiologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Laboratório Fleury, andHospital Universitário (Universidade de São Paulo). Most ofthese clinical strains were isolated from respiratory tract secre-tions obtained from intubated patients with pneumonia; inmost cases, S. maltophilia was the only infectious agent found(25). S. maltophilia ATCC 13637 is a reference strain alsoused in our studies. For expression of flagella, bacteria weregrown on trypticase soy agar supplemented with 5% defibri-nated sheep blood (Oxoid, Basingstoke, England) at 37°C for48 h.

Transmission and Scanning Electron MicroscopyWe analyzed the presence of flagella by negative staining

and transmission electron microscopy. Bacteria were nega-tively stained for 2 min with 1% phosphotungstic acid (pH7.4) on carbon-Formvar (Electron Microscopy Sciences, FortWashington, PA) copper grids as previously described (26,27).For ultrastructural analysis, bacterial specimens were fixed in2% formalin and processed for scanning electron microscopy.Briefly, glass or plastic coverslips containing the adherent bac-teria were postfixed with 1% osmium tetraoxide, dehydratedby sequential ethanol concentrations, dried to critical point,and coated with a mixture of gold and paladium (27). Thespecimens were examined in a high-resolution Hitachi (Tokyo,Japan) scanning electron microscope.

Isolation of FlagellaFor purification of flagella, clinical isolate S. maltophilia

SMDP92 was grown on 100 blood agar plates and harvested in100 mL of 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4.The flagella were detached from the bacterial cells by vigorousshaking, and the supernatant containing the sheared flagellawas separated by centrifugation at 8,000 x g for 30 min (26).The flagella were separated from outer membrane proteins andother contaminants by precipitation with 60% saturation ofammonium sulfate for 18 h at 4°C. After centrifugation at12,000 x g for 30 min, the flagella were resuspended in PBS,and insoluble contaminants were removed by a similar centrif-ugation step. The supernatant was subjected to a second cycleof 20% ammonium sulfate precipitation (26). After dialysiswith distilled water to remove excess salts, the purity of thepreparations was monitored by sodium dodecyl-sulfate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (28) and electronmicroscopy (26).

Western Blotting and N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequence Analysis

For SDS-PAGE and Western blot, whole bacterial cellextracts or flagellar extracts were denatured and separated in

14% polyacrylamide gels and transferred onto polyvinylidenedifluoride (PVDF) membranes (Millipore Corp., Bedford,MA) (27). The blot was reacted with anti-flagella antibodiesand secondary anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (Ig) G conjugatedto horseradish peroxidase (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,MO). The reaction was developed with a mixture of diaminobenzidine and 30% hydrogen peroxide (Sigma). A 38-kDaprotein band of interest was excised from the PVDF mem-brane and subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequence analy-sis at the Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo.Sequence analysis and homology studies with publishedflagellin sequences were performed by using the EMBL/Gen-Bank (BLAST of National Center for Biotechnology Informa-tion, Bethesda, MD) software.

Anti-Flagella AntibodiesAntibodies against S. maltophilia flagella were raised by

immunization of New Zealand rabbits with the flagellin pro-tein (38-kDa band) excised from Coomassie-blue stained gels.The bands were dried and homogenized in complete Freund’sadjuvant for the first dose and in incomplete adjuvant for thesubsequent three weekly doses. Blood was collected at eachimmunization, and the presence of antibodies was monitoredby Western blot. Antibodies against flagella obtained from E.coli E2348/69 (O127:H6), Shigella flexneri, and S. sonneiwere available from previous studies (26,27,29).

Adhesion to Inert SurfacesAdhesion to abiotic surfaces was studied at different times

by using polystyrene 24-well plates (Nunc, Naperville, IL)with or without glass coverslips (21). Twenty microliters of anovernight culture of bacteria grown in Luria-Bertani broth wasadded to the wells containing 1 mL of Dulbecco’s minimalessential medium (D-MEM), supplemented with high glucose,and incubated for 15 and 30 min and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 48, and72 h. After three washes with PBS, the bound bacteria werefixed with methanol, stained with crystal violet, and visualizedunder a light microscope. Replica samples were fixed with 2%formalin for scanning electron microscopy as described. Allexperiments were conducted in triplicate and were repeated atleast three times.

To quantitate bacterial adherence over time (from 30 minto 72 h), we performed an adherence assay in 96-well plates asdescribed and measured the uptake of crystal violet staining byreading optical density at 620 nm (22).


Characteristics of S. maltophilia FlagellaGrowth of the bacteria in blood agar plates at 37°C

resulted in a condition favorable for flagella expression. Anal-ysis by electron microscopy demonstrated that while someorganisms had only one polar flagellum, others had severalflagellar structures (Figure 1). The flagella filaments, ~45 nmin width and >15 µm long, are indistinguishable from other

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920 Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 9, September 2002

unsheathed flagella such as those produced by E. coli or Sal-monella (30,31). After purification of flagella by repeatedammonium sulfate precipitations, a peptide band that migratedwith an apparent mass of 38 kDa was visualized in SDS-PAGECoomasie blue-stained gels (Figure 2A). Antibodies obtainedagainst the excised 38-kDa putative flagellin reacted with thispolypeptide in immunoblots (Figure 2B). The flagella prepara-tion was rich in flagellar filaments as determined by negativestaining and electron microscopy (Figure 2C).

Sequence and Antigenic Relatedness of S. maltophilia Flagellin to Other Flagellins

These results suggested that the 38 kDa is the major struc-tural component (FliC) of the flagella filament. Thus, thispolypeptide was subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequenceanalysis, which showed that the 38-kDa protein is in fact theflagellin structural protein, which is highly homologous toother bacterial flagellins. The S. maltophilia FliC protein,SMFliC, showed considerable identity in its first 14 amino acidresidues to the flagellins of E. coli, P. mirabilis, and Shigellasonnei (71.4%), and 78.6% identity to the flagellin of Serratiamarcescens. The flagella produced by P. aeruginosa showedthe lowest level of identity (57.2%) with SMFliC (Figure 3).

Because of these sequence similarities, we were then inter-ested in determining if SMFliC shared any common epitopeswith the other flagellins. This antigenic cross-reactivity wasinvestigated by using several antisera against flagellins of E.coli, Shigella, P. aeruginosa, and P. mirabilis. Among these,

only antibodies against flagella of P. mirabilis and anti-FlaAand anti-FlaB of P. aeruginosa reacted in immunoblots withthe s. maltophilia flagellins, although to differing levels ofreaction (Figure 4). Anti-SMFliC antibodies reacted with theSMFliC proteins produced by both S. maltophilia strains tested(Figure 4).

Expression of Flagella by Clinical S. maltophilia IsolatesWe investigated SMFliC in fresh isolates of S. maltophilia.

Forty-six S. maltophilia clinical isolates and S. maltophiliaATCC 13637 were studied by immunoblot, with antibodiesagainst SMFliC of SMDP92. A preparation of purified flagellawas used in all reactions as a positive control. All the isolatestested produced the ~38-kDa flagellin that reacted with anti-bodies against SMFliC (Figure 5). However, the molecularmass of the flagellin produced by some of the isolates differedslightly, and doublet bands were seen in some cases. We alsoperformed negative staining and transmission electron micros-copy in these isolates to confirm expression of flagella (Figure1). These results show that the production of the 38-kDaflagellin and flagella is a common feature of reference andfresh clinical isolates of S. maltophilia.

Kinetics of Adherence to PlasticAs early as 30 min, individual bacteria were seen attaching

to the glass surface and forming small clumps (Figure 6A). Asthe incubation time extended to 1, 2, and 4 h, the number ofattached bacteria increased throughout the abiotic surface(Figure 6B–D). At 6 h, the adhering bacterial monolayer pro-gressed into three-dimensional bacterial clumps (Figure 6E).After 18 h, extended areas of the glass surface were coveredwith large bacterial clumps (Figure 6F). No obvious

Figure 1. Electron micrographs showing expression of flagella bySMDP92. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strains can have one (A) toseveral flagella (B,C). The flagella on these bacteria show a polar dis-position. Bars, 0.5 µm

Figure 2. Analysis of flagella purified from SMDP92. (A) sodium dode-cyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified flagella, show-ing the 38-kDa flagellin subunit. Lane 1, molecular weight standards;lane 2, purified SMFliC. (B) Immunoblotting and reactivity of purified fla-gella with anti-SMFliC antibodies. The 38-kDa flagellin is indicated by anarrow. (C) Electron microscopy of purified flagella visualized by nega-tive staining. Bar, 0.37 µm.

Figure 3. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. The first 14 resi-dues of SMFliC showed considerable identity to other flagellins. Thehighest degree of identity was found with the Serratia marcescensflagellin (78.6%). Stenotrophomonas maltophilia flagellin also showedidentity to flagellins of Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli, and Proteusmirabilis (71.4%), and the lowest identity was found with Pseudomonasaeruginosa flagellin (57.2%). The numbers on top indicate the aminoacid position.

Figure 4. Reactivity of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia flagellin with dif-ferent antibodies. Lane 1, SMDP92 strain; lane 2, ATCC 13637. Blotscontaining whole cells extracts of SMDP92 and ATCC 13637 werereacted with antibodies against SMFliC, flagella of Proteus mirabilis, andanti-FlaA and anti-FlaB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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differences were observed at incubation periods >18 h ofinfection (data not shown). The kinetics of adhesion were alsomonitored by quantification of crystal violet–stained-bacteriaadhering to the 96-well plates. In correlation with the lightmicroscopy micrographs shown above (Figure 6), a time-dependent adherence profile was obtained that reached a max-imum level at 18 h (Figure 7), with no substantial increase inadherence beyond this period (data not shown).

Furthermore, analysis by scanning electron microscopy ofSMDP92 adhering to the plastic showed structures resemblingflagella on the adhering bacteria (Figure 8). These filamentswere seen protruding from the bacteria, apparently formingphysical bridges between them. Thus, these filaments may playsome yet-undefined role in adherence to plastic. High-powermagnification of adhering bacteria showed flagella-like fila-ments (40–50 µm in width) and thin fibrillar structures (5–7 µmin width) resembling pili interconnecting bacteria and mediat-ing adhesion of the bacteria to the abiotic surface (Figure 8).

DiscussionAlthough adherence to abiotic surfaces is a property of

both environmental and clinical S. maltophilia isolates, littleinformation has been available to elucidate the nature of thesurface factors involved in this phenomenon. Flagella have

been associated with biofilm formation in other bacteria(18,20–22), where they can perform three basic roles: a) act asan adhesin promoting intimate attachment to the surface; b)generate force to subjugate the repulsive forces between bacte-ria and surface; and c) promote spread of the bacteria through-out the surface (20). In 1983, Montie and Stover purifiedflagella from several pseudomonads, including P. maltophiliastrain B69 (now referred to as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)(32), and found that B69 produced a flagellin and had a molec-ular mass of 33 kDa. They found that antisera against flagellaof P. aeruginosa and P. cepacia did not agglutinate P. malto-philia bacteria, suggesting absence of antigenic cross-reactiv-ity between these flagella. No further biochemicalcharacterization of S. maltophilia flagella has been done. Inthis paper, we describe the purification and characterization ofS. maltophilia flagella; we raised specific antibodies to studythe production of flagella in a collection of clinical isolates.The flagella produced by S. maltophilia strains are composedof a 38-kDa flagellin subunit, SMFliC. The identity of thispolypeptide was demonstrated by N-terminal amino acidsequencing analysis and by immunodetection assays usingantibodies raised against the purified flagellin. The discrep-ancy between the molecular mass of SMFliC and the flagellin(33 kDa) found previously in B69 could be attributed to differ-ences in the electrophoresis conditions and molecular massstandards used, as well as to differences in the strains per se.Nevertheless, we did find molecular mass differences amongflagellins produced by clinical isolates.

The comparison between the N-terminal amino acidsequence obtained from this 38-kDa polypeptide (14 residues)showed that SMFliC shares important identity with severalknown flagellins: 71.4% identity to FliC of E. coli, P. mirabi-lis, and S. sonnei, and 78.6% identity to FliC of Serratiamarcescens. Stenotrophomonas was previously considered apseudomonad (2,3); however, the identity between the FliC of

Figure 5. Identification of the 38-kDa flagellin protein SMFliC in clinicalisolates of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Lane 1, SMDP14; lane 2,SMDP275; lane 3, SMHC176; lane 4, SMHC181; lane 5, SMDP315;lane 6, SMDP314; and lane 7, SMHC179. Lane 8, the purified SMFliC,was used as positive control. The immunoblot shows the presence ofthe 38-kDa flagellin protein in all the isolates. Doublet bands were seenin some of the isolates. Molecular weight standards and the 38-kDaflagellin protein are indicated by arrows.

Figure 6. Kinetics of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia adherence to plas-tic. (A) As early as 30 min, individual bacteria have attached to the plas-tic surface and formed small clumps (arrows). (B–D) As incubation timeproceeds for 1 (B), 2 (C), and 4 (D) h, the number of attached bacteriaincreases throughout the abiotic surface. (E) At 6 h, the bacterial mono-layers progress into three-dimensional microcolonies (arrows). (F) After18 h, the microcolonies have formed true bacterial communities. Noobvious differences were noted beyond this incubation period. Magnifi-cation 400x.

Figure 7. Graph showing kinetics of adherence by SMPD92 and ATCC13637. Bacteria were allowed to bind to the plastic for 72 h and thenwere stained with crystal violet. Bacterial uptake of the dye was mea-sured at 620 nm. Closed and open circles represent SMDP92 andATCC13637, respectively.

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S. maltophilia and P. aeruginosa was 57.2%, which is lowerthan that observed with enterobacterial flagellins. In spite ofthe similarity between SMFliC and these other flagellins, theyare antigenically distinct since only antibodies against P. mira-bilis flagellin, FlaA and FlaB of P. aeruginosa reacted withSMFliC in immunoblots. We do not yet know the biologicalrelevance of this finding, but based on these data, we can spec-ulate that the flagellin gene of S. maltophilia was probablymodified through the evolution of the organism, yielding aFliC protein with different antigenic properties but similar bio-logical functions.

Visualization by high-resolution scanning electron micros-copy of bacterial monolayers adhering to plastic showedflagellalike filaments connecting bacteria to each other and tothe inert surface, suggesting that these structures are involvedin adherence, along with other thin fibers, resembling pili. InP. aeruginosa, the flagella appear to act as structures that pro-mote the initial interaction of the bacteria with the abiotic sur-face during early stages of biofilm development, asdemonstrated with flagella mutants that are unable to producebiofilm (18). While the definitive role for flagella in adherenceby S. maltophilia needs to be supported by the use of definedmotility-lacking and flagella-deficient constructs, the presenceof flagella at late stages of adherence on bacteria adhering tothe plastic suggests that flagella may play some role in thisevent.

Much remains to be understood concerning the virulencemechanisms of S. maltophilia. The adherence of these bacteriato plastic may be important for the establishment of opportu-nistic infections in hospitalized and immunocompromisedpatients. Elucidating the surface factors that allow S. malto-philia to adhere to inert surfaces will contribute to the develop-ment of effective antimicrobial strategies for controlling theseinfections.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Angelo Geraldo Gambarini and Izaura Nobuko Toma

for N-terminal amino acid sequencing and Harry T. Mobley andArora Shiwani for antisera against flagella of Proteus mirabilis andPseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. J.A. Girón thanks James B.Kaper for support during preparation of this manuscript and RichardL. Friedman for critical discussions.

This study was supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa doEstado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (98/15415-0). JAG received supportfrom Conacyt Grant 32777-M.

Dr. Garcia is a microbiologist working as a scientific researcherat Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, Brazil. Her main interests are thevirulence factors and molecular epidemiology of nonglucose-fer-menting Gram-negative bacilli isolated from the respiratory tract ofpatients with or without cystic fibrosis.

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Figure 8. Ultrastructural analysis of Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaadhering to plastic. (A) Scanning electron micrographs showing thetight adhesion of SMDP92 to the plastic surface. (B) Structures resem-bling flagella seem to be protruding and interconnecting bacteria(arrowheads) or connecting bacteria to the plastic (arrows). (C) In addi-tion to the flagellalike filaments (arrowheads), high-power magnificationshows the presence of thin fibrillar structures connecting bacteria to theabiotic surface. Bars: A 10 µm, B 1 µm, C 2 µm.

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Address for correspondence: Jorge A. Giron, Centro de Investigaciones enCiencias Microbiologicas, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Edi-ficio 76, Ciudad Universitaria, CP 72000, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico; fax: 52 22244 45 18; e-mail: [email protected]

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