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Chestnut Grove-Place

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( Chestnut Grove- Place ,-':,\\,llJl./ -;"':
Page 1: Chestnut Grove-Place


Chestnut Grove- Place


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For the Year cOJl1.111encing July 1st, 1878.

- .... -




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Stl~eets, Etc., In Ol1.icopee. _-11 ....... >---

Abbey, from junction of West, Center and Hampden, to mmball.

As]), from Center, opposite Chestnut, to South.

Bullens, from Exchange to School, be­tween Chestnut and West.

Cabot, from Front south to Center, oppo­site Union Canal.

Canal, from Front northerly and east­erly to Grape.

Center, from Market square southwest to Stevens.

Cbapin, from Springfield westward, be­tween South street and Newton avenue.

Chestnut, from Exchange, near Depot, and Newton avenue, to Center.

Chapman, from Springfield, opposite High, to School.

Cross, from Center, between School and Union, to Chapin.

Davenport A venue, from Spring­field to Hampden, south of Chestnut Grove place.

Depot, from Exchange to Front. Dublin, from West to C. R R., between

Emerald and Tremont. Dwight, from junction of Park and

Cabot to Front. East, from Springfield, opposite Sonth,

eastward. Elm, from Grape to Maple. Emerald, from West to C. R. R, near

junction depot. . Exchange, from Market square to Con­

necticut River bridge. Franklin, from Hampden to William. Front, from Exchange, following line of

. Chicopee Falls Branch H. R. to Center depot, thence east to Bemis's Brook.

Gaylord, from Springfield, near Chapin, to Grant.

Grant, from East south to Gaylord. Grape, from Springfield, near South, to

C. R. R. Grove, from Grape, near Springfield,

eastward. Hampden, from Center, opposite West,

southerly. . Higb, from Springfield, opposite Chap­

man to Grape. Howard, from Springfield to School, be­

tween Chapman and Pleasant. Kimball, from Emerald south to Abbey. Maple, from Front to Elm, east of Wint­

worth. Market Square, at junction of Spring­

field, Exchange and Center streets. Miller, from Exchange to School, be­

tween Center and Cabot.

lllonroe, from Springfield east, opposite Chestnut Grove plaC'e.

Newton Avenue, from Springfield to Hampden.

Parl{, trom Cabot, near Dwight, to West Perkins. from School, between Dwight

and Cabot, to Pronto Pleasant, from Springfield to School

near South. ' Prospect Avenue, from Springfield,

south of Davenport A venue, westward. Schoo1, from West, south of Exchange

to South. ' SbernUln Road, from Springfield,

southeast. South, from Springfield, opposite East, to

Center. Spring, from Springfield, near Market

square. to Front. Springfield, from Market square south

to ~pringtield line. Stevens, from Center north to Wyman. Spruce, from School to Park, between

Chestnut and West. Sunllller, from School to. Union. Tremont, from West, nearly opposite

Park, to C. R. R. Union, trom Center, opposite Cabot, to

South. Wintwortb, from Front to Elm, east of

Grape. West, from Exchange to Center,' opposite

Hampden. Willianl, from Hayden westward. Wyman, from Center west to Stevens.


Cabot Hall Bloclr, Market square, corner Exchange street.

Bullens's Block, corner Exchange and Cabot streets.

Excbange Block, corner Exchange and Miller streets.

Grandfield's Block, corner Perkins and Exchange streets.

lierlt's Block, Exchange street, near Center street.

Rendall's Block, west side Market square.

Leavitt's Block, Exchange street, near Center street.

Shaw's Block, Center street, near Ex· change street.

Union Block, corner Exchange and Cabot streets.

White's Block, between Center and Miller streets.

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Cllicopee In Detail. -+~.-...---

Town Officers.

The Annual Town Meeting is held the first Monday in April at the 'I'own Hall. The officers elected are qualified and sworn within seven days thereafter, usually the following Monday.

SELECTMEN - William R. Kentfield, Chairman; Silas Mosman, E. T. Page. Ter­rence Hogan, William White; Salary $100

each. TOWN CLERK AND 'TREAsuREB-I .. ester

Dickinson, office Town Hall; office hours, 830 A. M. to 12 M., and from 1 to 5 P. M. Residence, Grape street; salary, $1,000.

ASSESsoRs-Lewis M. Ferry, Chairman; Dwight L. Shaw, George W. Bray. Total compensation, $600.

COLLECTOR OF TAXEs-John B. Wood, residence Springfield street, second house from Third Congregational Church; salary, ~600.

SCHOOL COMMITTEE-George V. Whee­lock, Chairman; Henry J. Boyd, Francis F. Parker, William E. Dickinson.

OVERSEERS OF THE PooR-The select­men of the town act as overseers of the poor, but the more particular duties of the department are assigned to Josiah B. Fuller, Agent.

HIGHWAY SURVEYORS, Homer Hamil­ton. Willia~ F. Howard, Gilbert V. Bil­lings. JANIToR-Town Hall, Hiram Downing.


Justice; residence Grove Avenue, Chicopee Falls; salary, $1,600. Special Justices, S. G. South worth and Luther White. Court held daily (Sundays excepted) at 9 A. ~., in the Police Court room, basement of new Town Hall.


POLl CElli EN-Leonard C. Hill, George F. Williston, John E. Connor, Chicopee; Wil­liam A. Dunham, Chicopee Falls; salary $55 per month. Policeman of the Chicopee and West Springfield bridges, James Kave­ney; Police office in basement of Town hall.

Constab1es. William Dunham, Matthew McInerney,

P. J. Newell, William E. Wheeler, John E. Connor, Frank Morton, Edmund O'I(eefe, W. T. Powers, E. R. Hall, P. O'Callahan, George McQueen, Wilbur F. Smith, Simeon A. Jacobs, George F. Williston, Matthew Ryan, Ansel F. 'Vildes. N. Cutler.

Fire Department. The central fire district of Chicopee is

bounded by the Chicopee river on the north, "Bemis's brook" on the east,south by the Springfield line, west by Connecticut river.

'l'he following officers were elected April 30: Chief Engineer, James :K Hosley; First Assistant, Timothy Canty; Second Assistant, Robert Hickey, Third Assistant, S. L. Scribner; Fourth Assistant, John Lyons; Clerk, Matthew Ryan; Treasurer, John B. Wood; PrlldE!ntial Committee, S. S. Hodgkins, Michael McDermott and S. A. jacobs.

The working force of the department consists of 108 men, divided among the fol­lowing companies: Chicopee Steamer No. I, Pacific Hose Co. No.1, 0 wego Hook and Ladder Co. No.1, Fountain Extinguisher Co. No. I, and Inllependent Hose Co. No.2.

Banl{s. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-East side Mar­

ket square. Capital, ~lUO,OOO; surplus,

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$75,000. President, Jerome Wells; cashier, . F. B. Doten; teUer, Frank C. KendaH; di­rectors, Jerome Wells, E. O. Carter, T. W. Carter, Lewis M. Ferry, Emerson Gaylord, Erastus Stebbins, Arthur F. Gaylord.

CHICOPEE SA.VINGS BANK-West side Market square. President, Emerson Gay­Jord; vice-presidents, E. O. Carter, A. G. Parker, George D. Robinson, .T. B. Wood; trustees, J. A. Carter, J. A. Denison, Charles A. Taylor, N. Cutler, George M. Stearns, A. J. Jenks, E. Stebbins, Lewis M. Ferry, John Dixon, G. V. Wheelock, A. S. Hunter, A. F. Gaylord; secretary, George V. Wheelock: treasurer, Henry H. Harris. Deposits, $440,000. There are about 1,300 depositors. Bank opens from 9A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 to 3 P. M. ,Deposits commence interest once a quarter.


CHURCH-Rev. Edward S. Best, pastor; residence, corner Perkins and School streets. Loranus Hitchcock, Sunday-school superintendent.

Sabbath services: Preaching at 10~ A. M.; Sabbath school 2o'clook P. M.; prayer­meeting at 6~ P. M. Sacrament the first Sabbath in each month at 12 M. Prayer­meeting Wednesday evenings at 7~. Class meeting Thursday evenings at the same hour.

The Ladies and Gentlemens Social Cir­cle meets Thursday afternoon and evening, preceding the first Sunday in the month. Mrs. H. M. West is president.

Trustees: W. C. Wedge, President; R. T. Hendrick, George Babcock, W. L. Hitchcock, J. W. Perkins, S. F. Hamilton, AlgernGn Smith, H. W. Randall, Sexton.

FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-Chic­opee ·street. Rev. William E. Dickinson pastor; installed February, 1876; residence near the church. Deacons, William D. Chapin, Marshall Pease. Superintendent of Sunday. school, Phineas Stedman. Sun­day-school at noon. Meetings-Sunday lit

10~ A. M., and 2 P. M., with sermon. Prayer-meeting Thursday evening,

This is the oldest church in Chicopee; was organized as the "Second Church of Springfield," and bore that title until the new town of Chicopee' was set off from

Springfield in 1848. There are 72 membel'8 and the Sunday-school numbers 59. Be­nevolent contributions the past year about $240.

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURcn-Chicopee. Founded 1835. Membership 90. Rev G. W. ~~ulIer, pastor. Deacon, Henry Gatel. Prudential Committee, William Valentine Henry Gates, A. P. Soule. Sabbath eer: vices at 10.80 A. M., and 6.80 P. M. Sun. day-school at 12 M. Superintendent of Sun. day-school, Rev G. W. Fuller.

UNITARIAN CHURCH-At the junction of Cabot and Dwight streets. Founded in 1841. Rev.!. F. Porter, pastor; settled De. cember 8,1872; salary, $1,500; pastor'sfes, idence corner of Front and Grape streets. H. R. Burrington superintendent of Sun. day-school. Deacon, Charles McClaHan.

Meetings-Sunday at 107::1 A. M.,and at 6~ P. M. From June 1st to September 1st the evening service is usually omitted and the annual vacati.o~ occurs during th~ month of August, when no service at all is held. Sunday·school immediately after the morning service.

Parish Committee: George D. Robinson, A. S. Hunter, N. S. Field, Mrs. Mary B. Knapp, H. R. "Burrington, Mrs. Justin Spaulding, George V. Wheelock; clerk, Nelson Whittier; treasurer, F. B. Doten.

Choir: Director, George Stebbins; organ. ist, Miss Sadie Knapp; soprano, Miss liatie Bacon; alto, Miss Jennie King; tenor, George E. Stebbins; bass, John D. White.

THIRD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-On Springfield street. Was organized October 16, 183:l. Church edifice dedicated Septem. ber 9, 1837, taken down in April, 1868. Present edifice dedicated February 16, 1870. Pastors of church have been: Rev. David Cushman, stated supply; Rev. Amos Blan· chard, stated supply; Rev. Sumner G. Clapp, April 26, 1837, to January 22,1850; Rev. George A. Oviatt, October 15,1850, to December 17, 1855; Rev. L. H. Cone, sup' ply January 15, 1856, installed pastor Feb· ruary 19, 185;, to November 15, 1867i Rev. W. S. Karr, supply in 1858; Rev. Edwin B. Palmer, June 10, 1869, to March 31, 1876. P astor, Rev. William L. Gaylord, installed April 6, 1876. Deacons, Gamaliel Marsh a~d Joseph Stackpole; parish committee, J. W. Cumnock, S. G. Southworth, La· ther White; superintendent of Sunday·

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school, Roland T. Oakes; assistant superin­tendent, Melzar H. Mosman; librarian Ed­ward Smith; collector, C. O. Lincoln; treas­urer, A. C. Woodworth. Meetings-Sun­da.y, 10.30 A. M. and 6.30 P. M.; evening meetings on Monday and Thursday at 7.80. lfembership of church, 229. Membership of Sunday-school, 843. Clerk, D. Frank Hale.

GRACE CHURCH-Episcopal. Founded in 1876. At present without a rector. Wardens, Stephen Lamson, J. B. Ham­mersley ; vestrymen, G. W. Winchell, War­ren Smith, S. S. Hodgkins, John T. Lyon; clerk, John T .. Lyon; treasurer, Stephen Lamson. Meetings are held in Perkins Street M. E. Church. Sunday-school at 2 P. 11.;

Stephen. Lamson, superintendent. Preach­ing 3.80 P. M.

FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH-South side Market square. Founded 1835. Pas. tor, J. H. Weeks. Slinday·school superin­tendent, W. W. McClench. Meetings on Sunday, with preaching at 10.30 A. Jr. Sonday.school immediately after morning .ervice. Sunday-school is flourishing. There are 50 families in the parish. Trustees, J. E. Hosley, J. U. McClench, Edmund Van Horn, W. '1.'. Bostwick, W. W McClench ; James Hosley, treasurer; W. W. McClench, clerk.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS -Roman Catholic, South street. Pastor, Very Rev. Patrick Healy, vicar·general; Rev. David McGrath, assistant. Residence of the clergy, South street, next the church. Sunday services, low mass at 8, high mass at 10.30 A. M., vespers, 3 P. M.

Schools. HIGH SCHQOL-Grape street, Principal, --, $1,600; assistant, Miss Vila M. Bar­Ion, $600 ; Miss Helen M. Joslin, $600.

GRAMMAR SCHooL-Grape street. Prine cipal, ---, $1,100; assistants, first, Miss S. Ellen Robertson, $460; second, Miss Cara M. Lamson, $460.

INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL No.2-School Itreet. Miss Adeline E. Howard, $868. In­termediate school No. I-School street. Miss Fannie E. Reade, $368.

SECOND PRIl\IARY~Grape street. Miss Helen J. Bacon, $342.

FIRST PRlJIlARY - Grape street. Miss Alice E. Kendall, $342.

FIRST PRIMARY - Grape street. Miss Elizabeth Blaisdell, $342.

e FIRST PRIMARy-SprUce stre~t. Miss Lizzie P. Wood, $342; Miss Cora E. Mc­Clench, $1342.

UNGRADED SCHOOL- Chicopee street, Miss Eva M. Carlton, $368. .


ST. JOSEPH'S PAROCIlIAL SCHOOL-South street, adjoining the church of the Holy Name of Jesus, is under the general care of Very Rev. P. Healy. It has about 600 pupils. The girls' department being under the charge of the Sisters of Notre Dame.

Gas Company. CHICOPEE GAS Co.-Capital, $30,000.

J. W. Cumnock, agent; Nelson Whittier, treasurer j David Boyington, superintend­ent. All the stock in this company is owned by the Dwight Mfg. Co., and the Ames Mfg. Co., the former seven·eighths of the whole. There are 62 public lamps. Price, $3.50 per 1,000 feet.

CHICOPEE LODGE, F. & A. M.-Instituted 1849. Annual communication, second Tues­day in Novembers. Regulars. first Tuesday in each month. Specials, other Tuesdays. Officers-J. E. Ford, W. M.; L. E. Hitch­cock, S. W.; George A. Blaisdell, J. W. j

J. E. Hosley, T.; J. C. Bunkley, S.; W. M. Stebbins, S. D.; Orrin Nickerson, J. D.; Rev. G. A. Denison, C.; ~ames H. Collard, S. S.; William H. Bostwick, J. S.; A. O. Kenny, M.; G. V., Bangs, Tyler. Meets in Music Hall, Kendall's block.

ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 62, 1. O. OF O. F-Re·instituted, March 8,1870. Officers­N. G., E. S. McBride; V. G., Ezekiel Blake; Rec. Sec., E. H. Cook; Per. Sec., John D. White j Treas., Erastus Stebbins; Warden, James Collard; Conductor, C. J. McCoy; R. S. S., F. N. Graves; L. S. S., L. E. Wil­Iiams; I. G., W.illiam N. Engles; O. G., William T. Powers. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, Union block, Exchange street, every Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

FATHER MATllEW TOTAL AnSTINENCE AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETy-Pres., Michael McDermott; V. P., Michael Houlihan; Sec'y John Connell; Treas., Michael Dona­bue. Dues 25 cents a month.


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-Pre·~., James J. Regan; V. P., John E. Connors; Rec. Sec., J. J. Collins; Fin. Secy., John Donahue; Treas., James Mc­Dermott. Meets in White's block,Exchange street, every Friday evening. There are 65 members.

Library. CS:ICOPEE TOWN LIBRARy-Town Hail,

G. V. Wheelock, Librarian. Open Satur­day afternoons, 1.30 to 6, and 7 to 8, and Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8.30. It has about 5,000 volumes. Library committee, 1878-79, E. O. Carter, George V. Wheelock, George A. Denison.

Public Halls. TOWN HALL-East side Market Square,

has seats for 900 persons. Application

for it to be made to, Warren S .. Bragg, residence corner Springfiel~ and Spring streets.

CABOT ,HALL-Market Square, comer Exchange street. Application for it may be made to W. E. Wheeler's livery stable Exchange street, near Market Square. I

MUSIC HALL--Exchange block,Exchange street, has seats fot: 450 persons. Applica. tion for it may be made to C. A. Bullens grocer, in the block. '

Hotels. CABOT HOUSE - Front street, opposite

Town hall. W. II. Dickinson, proprietor. CHICOPEE HOUSE-Corner Front and

Exchange streets, opposite the Junction depot, Adrian Hatch, proprietor. .

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Chicopee Directol'Y . • • •

ABBEY ABNER B., dealer in coal and'wood, Chicopee Junction, h Exchange st Abbey C. C., coal and wood yard, Juction depot, h cor School and Summer sta Adams :Mrs. Ann 'V., house Cabot street Adams Mrs. Horace, house corner Exchange and Perkins street Adams John Q., emp A. M. Moore, bouse School street Adams Mrs. Sarah G., house Park street Ahern David, boards J. Calahan, School street

Allen Jonathan, Attorney at Law. Office Kent's block,' Exchange street. House Springfield street.

Allen Mrs. L. W., house corner Springfield and South streets Ames James T., house Front street Anderson B. B., student, boards B. Anderson, Chicopee street Anderson Benjamin, emp Ames l\Ianufacturing Co., house Chicopee street Anderson Jo~eph B., emp City, boards B. Anderson, Chicopee street Armstrong Mrs. Maria, house Chapman street Arnold Charles H., emp and boards B. Chapin, Chicopee street Ash Mrs. Hannah, house corner West and Exchange streets Ashdoron Jack, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms Mrs. S. M. Heath, Center street Asher Charles, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee street Ashley George A., (George A. Ashley &·Co.,) boards 44 Perkins street Ashley G. A. & Co., (G. A. Ashley, E. M.Clapp,) fish and oysters, Exchange st Ashley Miss Julia, boards M. S. Phetteplace, corner Front and Maple streets Austin Ransom H., teamster, house corner Park and Chestnut streets

BABCOCK GEORGE, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Union street Babcock John' W., clerk Carter & Spaulding, house Center street Babcock Sumner, manufacturer, house corner School and South streets Babcock William S.: emp and boards S. Babcock corner School and So~th ets Bacon Henry, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Canal street Baessaue Louis, emp Brightwood, house 21 Springfield street Bagg Henry R.o W., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., boards Orrin Bagg, Grape street Bagg Henry W., emp Gaylord l\.ffg Co., rooms S. W. Parshley, Front street Bagg Mrs. J.S.~ millinery rms Kendall's blk, Merchants row, bds Cabot House Bagg Orrin, harness-maker, shop Exchange street, house Grape street Bagg ?atrick, emp Dwight" Mills house Emerald street

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Bailey Albert" emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms Mrs. S. M. Heath Center street Baker Charles E., farmer house Chicopee street Baker Charles L., emp W. C.' Wedge & Co" house cor South and Ash sts Baker James J., emp S. Gaylord, house Springfield street Baker Joel, farmer, house Chicopee street Baker La Forest, peddler, house Grove street Baker William J., emp and boards Joel Baker, Chicopee street Baldwin John C., clerk Kent & Son, boards corner Front and Spring streets Baldwin John H., emp and boards E. A. Stoddard Chicopee street Ball George F., emp W. C. 'Vedge & Co., boards Mrs. L. Ball, School street Ball Mrs. Laura, house School street Ballard A. H., emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange at near Conn river bridge, Ballard Chester H., emp J. At.. Denison & Co., house Park stree~ Ballard Washington A., gas-fitter, house East street Bangs Gilbert V., overseer Dwight :Mills, house 57 Front street Bannister J~sse, porter and boards Chicopee House Bannister Mrs. Kate, house School street Bannister William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 74 Dwight'street Baragon Moise, laborer, house Abbey street Barnes Asa, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Wedge's block School st Barnes Charles C., emp W. C. Wedge & Co., Wedge's block, School street Barnes'Richard, house 87 Front steeet Barnes Miss Rouena, house over I. N. Bullen's store Barnes Warren 0., emp Ames Mfg Co .. rooms W. Valentine, Center street Baron Sam, emp Charles W. Mead, boards 4 Front street Barrett Edmund, barber shop and house Exchange street Barry Bartholomew, boots and shoes Exchange street, house Dwight street Barry Mrs. Ellen, house. Center street . Barry Frank, emp Dwight Mills, boards 95 Front street ~arry Mrs. Margaret, house 14 Cabot street I

Barry Patrick, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Barry Peter, house corner Exchange and Chestnut streets Barry William, emp, Dwight Mills, house' Exchange street Bartlett Martin R., carriage-maker Center st, h cor Springfield and High sts Bartlett Willia~ R., 1\1. D., office Cabot street, boards Cabot House Basterdes Ferdinand, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Center street ~asterdes George F., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 8 Front street Bateman Peter, emp Brightwood, boards 36 Perkins street Bates Homer W., mason & builder, house corner Summer and Union streets Baxter Mrs. Elizabeth, emp Dwight l\fills, house Cottage place Beckwith :Mrs. Ellen M., house Cross street Begley Mrs. Honora, house Abbey street Begley John, emp Dwight Mills, house Tremont street Begley Michael, farmer, house Abbey street Begley Tho~as, house Emerald street Belcher Miss H. A., house ,Miller street

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Belding Edward -E., station agent Junction ~epot, house Cypress avenue, City Bell Hiram W., book-keeper USA, City, boards T. J. Bell, Front street Bell Thomas J., farmer, house Front street ' Bellerive Gadfrois, emp Dwight 1\Ianufacturing Co., house School street Bellows Brigham, emp Dwight Mills, boards 36 Perkins street Bemis Robert W., farming, ice and coal yard, cor Ddpot and Front sls, h Front st Benn Gabriel, emp A. M. Moore, house Center street Bennett Albert., emp C R R, boards 2 Front street Bennett George, emp C R R, house 2 Front street Bennett Joseph S., machinist, house Wintworth street Benoit Arthur, (Benoit Brothers,) boards eorner School and Chestnut streets Benoit Brothers, (S. J. Benoit, A. Benoit,) market Granfield's blk, Perkins st Benoit George, clerk A. J. Jenks, boards corner School and Chestnut streets Benoit S. J., (Benoit Brothers,) house corner School and Chestnut streets Benway Henry, emp City, house 1 Springfield street Berger Louis, house Chestnut street _ Best Rev. E. S., pastor Perkins street M. E. Church, h cor School and Perkins 8t8

Betterly George S., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., boards Mrs. L. Betterley, Cabot st Betterley G. W., emp Smith & Wesson, City, bds Mrs. L. Betterley, Cabot st Betterley Mrs. L., -house Cabot street Bigelow Otis A., emp City, house corner Center and Hampden streets Bigelow Willia.m, farmer, house McKeag's avenue Biggue John, laborer, house Miller street Billings Arthur, emp City, boards 112 Exchange street Billings Gilbert, farmer, house Willimansett road Billings James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Bisbee Miss Phila, boards H. B. Kendall East street Bixby O. M., teamster, house Center street, Wedge's block Blackmer C. H., barber Center st, Temple's blk, rms E. Bullock, U aion s t Blackmer W. L., shoe store Union blk, Exchange st, h cor Spfd and South sts Blaisdell Charles M., (S. Blaisdell, Jr. & Co.,) h cor Springfield and Chapin sts Blaisdell George A., emp S. Blaisdell, 'Jr. & Co., boards Cabot House Blaisdell S. Jr. & Co., (S. Blaisdell, Jr., Charles M. Blaisdell,) dealers in

, paper stock, Junction depot Blakeslee Charles W., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., h Chapman's blk, Springfield st Blanchard George, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Blanchard Hiram, pattern-maker, house Pleasant street Blanchard H. H., book-keeper B. B. Hill, City, bds H. Blanchard Pleasant 8t Blanchfill John, emp Dwight Mills, house cor South street and Grove avenue Blasdale E. J., florist, greenhouse and house Front street Blasdale Samuel, machinist, emp City, house Chapin's block, Springfield street Blasdale Thomas W'J emp Ames Mfg Co., bds S. Hlasdale, SI,ringfield street Bliss Joel K., pattern-maker, emp Boston,'house East street Bloomingdale John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 42 Exchange street Blye Aleck, house West street .

Boissean J. B., emp Dwight Mills, boards C. ~ercure, Perkins street

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Boland Mrs. Hannah, house Emerald street Bolster Mrs. Ellen, house 19 Cabot street Bohon Edward, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Bombardier Emilitis, emp and boards G. C. Tait, Chicopee street Bond Houghton, boards 44 Perkins street> Bonner Edward, pattern-maker, house Howard street Bonner Thomas, machinist, house corner Park and Chestnut streets Boodry Octave, emp Henry Gates, house School street Booth Mrs. Rufus, house Chicopee street Bostwick William T., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Park street Bowe Martin, emp City, boards T. Bowe Center street ;Bowe Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturing Co~, house Center street Bowlan William, boards D. Casey, Park· street Bowman W. E., emp Dwight Mills, rooms corner Exchange and Cabot streets Bo~man William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Boyle George A., emp and boards W. H. Gilmore, Summer street Boynton David, superintendent Gas vV orks, house Front street Bradbury Daniel 0.,· emp A.mes Manufacturing Co., house 14 Spring street Bradley John N., emp Dwight Mills, house 22 Springfield street Bragg Warren S., grocery and Hardware Market Sq, h cor Spfd, and Spring 8t8 Brady Mrs. Ann, house Center street Brady Francis, mason, house' Depot street Brennen John, emp and boards Patrick Kennedy, Chicopee Eltreet Brewe~ Eunice, house Spring street . Brewer Nancy 1\1., house Spring street Bromley Thomas F., hotel waiter, house Depot street· Brooks William, emp Dwight Mills, house 28 Front street Brothers Joseph, house 25 Cabot street Brown John, mason, house Dwight street Brown John, emp and boards Sumner Chapin, Chicopee street Brown Mrs. Margaret, house Depot· street Brown Mrs. Sally F. S., house ;Pleasant street Bryant Charles A., clerk J. Wells & Co., house Center street Buck Mrs. Catharine, house Dixon's block, Exchange street Buckley Eugene F., emp Ames Mfg Co., bds l\irs. Mary Buckley Chestnut st Buckley J. C., book-keeper Gaylord Mills, h Kendall's block, Merchants'row Buckley John J., emp Dwight 1\fills, boards Mrs. Buckley, Chestnut street Buckley Mrs. Mary, house Chestnut street Buckley Patrick H., emp Dwight Mills, bds Mrs. M. Buckley, Chestnut 8t Bugbee Webster, emp Dwight Mills, house 2 Front street Bullens Amaziah, g~ocer Exchange street, house corner Cabot and Park streets Bullens C. A., grocer corner Exchange and Miller streets, house Center street

BuZlens I. :Newton, Dealer in CboiceGroceries, Flour, Crockery, Glass-ware, and Housekeeping Goods. Goods delivered in all parts of the town, free of Charge. Exchange street, corner Cabot.

Bullens Mrs. I.M., house Cabot street

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Bullens Mrs. Isaac, house corner C~,riter alld Cabot streets


NewspaDBrs, Periodicals, Blant Books, St~tiollBry, SchoolBooks. Office Western Union Tel{>graph C01npany.

No. 1 Herchant8' Bow, next doo1' to the Post-Office. • BULLEN'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Books loaned for Two Cents a day.

Bullens William G., clerk C. A. Bullens, boards corner Cabot and Park streets Bullock Edward, emp Ames l\{anufacturing Co., house Union ~treet Burchum Frank, laborer, house corner Chestnut and Exchange streets Burchum Frank, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 3 Cabot street Burdick F. S., farmer, house Chicopee street Burge~s John W., emp Dwight Mills, house 92 Front street Burke Patrick, house corner School and West streets Burke Patrick T., farmer, house Chicopee street Burnett George H., house painter, house and shop Cabot street Burnham John, clerk Hatfield Honse, Chicopee road near Brightwood Burns James F., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards P. Burns, Park street Burns James F., emp Ames :M:anufacturing Co., h cor Chestnut and Center sts Burns John, farmer, house Depot street Burns Patrick, emp Ames Manufacturing Co .• house Park str~et Burrington Howard R., principal High school, house Grape street Burton }Irs. Lydia, house Chicopee road near Brightwood Bu~h Charles W., emp W. D. Manchester, house Chicopee street Buttrick ,E. A., emp Smith & Wesson, City, h cor Front and Wintworth sta Byrt Charles" tanner Junction depot, house School s~reet

CADWELL MRS. ANN C., house Cn bot street 9alahanJerry, house Chestnut street Calahan John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house School street Caliber l\latthew, emp Dwight mills, house Dublin street Callanan Mrs. Ellen, house West street Campbell Samuel, house Exchange street near C R H, hridge Canavan William J., emp Holyoke, boards corner Center and Ash streets Cannon Patrick, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house School street Canty Dennis, grocer School street, house Hampden street Canty Dennis, emp writ. K Wheeler, house corner West and Tremont streets Canty Dennis G., mason, boards D. Canty Hampden street Canty Timothy, emp Dwight mills, house South street Canty Timothy E., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards South street Canty Timothy W., emp and boards Dennis Canty, Hampden street Canty 'Villiam A., emp Dwight mills, boards T. CaIlty, Suuth street Carey Eben A., emp and boards A. A . Ward, Granby road Carney Mrs .. Ellen, house corner Chestnut and Exchange streets, Carrigan Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturfng Co., house South street


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'Carter -Toseph A., (Carter & Spaulding,) bouse Dwight street Carter William, emp Dwight Mills, house West street Carter & Spaulding, (Joseph A. Carter, Justin Spaulding,) grocerr:, Market sq Carver William, emp Ames 1\ffg Co., rooms E. E. Nichols Springfield street Casey,l\frs. Alice, house Granfield's block, Perkins street Casey Daniel, emp 'V. F. Howard, house Park street Casey Rdward, emp G. M. Atwater, house Chicopee road near B~ightwood Casey Thomas, laborer, house Abbey street Casey Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bouse Park street Caswell Cbarles emp Ames l\Ianufactuting Co., house School street Cavanaugh John, laborer, house 'Vest street Cavanaugh John, emp City, house Kimball street Cavanaugh Thomas, cmp Dwight l\lills, boards ,66 Dwight street Cavanaugh .Michael, laborer, house Abbey street Cavin' James, house Exchange street '

, Cavriveau Elzeor, emp Dwight Mills, boards 11 ,Cabot street Chabot Damase, cigar-maker, shop and house cor Exchange and Dwight streets Chamberlin Lyman, jobber, house Front street Chapin A. H., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., rooms cor 1\Iiller and Schoolsts Chapin.Albert B., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., rooms J. Church, Schoolst Chapin Bryant, farmer, house Chicopee street Chapin Charles E., farmer" house Granby road Chapin Edward'E., farmer house Granby road Chapin Edward E. C., gardener, house Chicopee street Chapin Frederick J., emp Ames l\lfg Co., boards cor Springfield and South sts Chapin George C., farmer, house Chicopee street Chapin George S., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Center street Chapin Giles S., farmer, bouse Chicopee street' Cbapin Horatio P., emp Ames Mfg Co., boards Sidney Chapin, Chicopee st Chapin Joh~ B., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Chicopee street Chapin Josephus, farmer, house corner Springfield and South streets Chapin Mrs. Levi, house Springfield street Chapin Lysander. farmer house Chicopee street Chapin }Irs. Neri, house Granby road Chapin Samuel, emp Ames Mfg Co., boards corner School and Cabot streets Chapin Sidney, broom-maker, house Chicopee street Chapin Sumner, farmer, house Chicopee street Chapin Mra. Theodore, house Chicopee street Chapin Theodore L., farmer, bouse Ohicopee street Chapin William, farmer, house Chicopee street Chapin William, emp and boards J. Chapin, cor Springfield and South streets Cbapman Mrs. George H., house corner Springfield and Chapman streets . Chapman & Folsom, (E. D. Chapman, David Folsom,) shoe-store, 6 ExcbaDgest Charter Morris L., emp Brightwood, boards Mrs. J. Pease, Cottage place Chase Mrs. Calvin, house Front street Chase Miss Lucy E., nurse house 11 Front street

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Chicopee post-office, I{endall's block Market square, Andrew Hunter, P M Chicopee Savings Bank, 'Kendall's block l\{arket square Chicopee Water Co., office Chapman street Chidley James G., house corner Grape and Grove streets Childs Charles E., clerk J. Wells & Co., boards J. M. Lane Chapin street Christman Arthur, emp Dwight mills, hou~e 31 Front street Christman Herman, emp Dwight mills, house Emerald street Church Joel, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Wedge's block School street Church Willis, emp J. U. McClencb, bouse Shaw's block Conter street Clancey John, laborer, house Abbey street Clancy ~Irs. Mary, bouse corner Maple and Elm streets Clark Mrs. Bridget, house 34 Perkins street Clark Cbarles R, emp Ames Ma~ufacturing Co., house Springfield street Clark Rev. Eli B., house Cbicopee street Clark Levi F., emp Jesse Porter, house nortb side river Clary Jobn, house Dublin street Clapp E. M., (Ashley & Co.,) house Spring street Cody JOQn', emp City, house Chestnut street Cogswell Henry, stoves and tin-ware, 8 Exchange street, house Front street Cogswell Henry J., clerk C. F. Kent, boards corner Front a~d Spring streets Cohn Max, emp Dwight Mills house Chicopee street Cole Henry, 'emp Jesse Porter, boards- 44 Perkins street Collins Cornelius, boards J. Collins, Kimball street Collins Jeremiah J., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., bds T. Collins, Chicopee street Collins Jobn, house Kimball street Collins Joseph S., emp Gaylord l\Ug Co., boards T. Collins Chicopee street Collins Micbael C., emp Dwight l\iills, house cor West and Park streets Collins Morris, emp Dwight l\{ills, bds T. Collins, cor Emerald and Kimball sts Collins 1\1rs. Rose, house School street Collins Ti~othy, house West street Collins Timotby, farmer, house Chicopee street Collins Timothy, house corner Emerald and Kim ball streets Collord Edward H"., emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms Mrs. S. M. Heath Center st Collord Isaac N., emp Ames Mfg Co., house corner Center and Cabot streets Collord James, emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house 13 Spring street Collord Walter R., emp F. O. & 'V. H. Dayton, house Center street Colton George, shoe-maker, house Exchange street Colton Horatio, shoe-maker, house Park street Corney Joseph, emp Dwight Mills, house Granfield's block, Perkins street Conder Samuel, emp L. Temple, boards Mrs. S. 1\1. Heath Center street Coney Martin, mason, house Center street Conley John, boards J. Granfield, Center street Conley Timothy, farmer, house corner School and SPiuce streets Conlon Mrs. Margaret, house 85 Dwight street CO!llon Patrick,,farmer, house Depot street Connel Patrick, emp Dwight :Mills, house Center street

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Connell Cornelius, emp Ames Mfg Co., house corner School and West streets Connell Jerry, shoe store, Granfield's block, Exchange street, h Chestnut st Connell John, emp S. Blaisdell, Jr. & Co., house Leonard street Connelly Thomas, carpenter, house corner School and Chestnut streets '90nno11y Patrick, emp Ames Mfg Co., house 1 Springfield street Connolly Timothy, house 39 Perkins street Connor David, emp Dwight Mills, house 51 Perkins street Connor Frank J., emp AmesMfg Co., boards P. Connor, Miller street Connor John, emp Dwight Mills, house 98 Front street Co'nnor John, house 4 Cabot street Connor J~hn E., policeman, boards P. Connor, Miller street Connor Mrs. Mary, house corner Bullens and Exchange streets Connors Patrick, emp Dwight .:.Mills, house Spruce street Connors Patrick, house Miller street Connors Thomas, laborer, house Dublin street Connors Morris, house corner Abby and Kimball streets Connors Patrick, house 9 Wyman street . Consadine Thom'as, emp Ames Mfg Co., house McKeag's block, Exchange st Conway James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 42 Exchange street Conway Mrs. Margaret, house 78 Dwight street Cook Mrs. Catharine, house corner Exchange and West .treets Cook Edwin H., emp Ames\Mfg Co., house Cabot street Cook Mary, emp Ames Mfg Co., house Cabot street Cook .William R , emp Ames Mfg Co., boards ,)1. Cook, Cabot street Cooley Ed ward S., house Canal street .Cooley George E., emp and boards C. E. Crehore, Chicopee street Cooley John' M., commercial traveler, house Springfield street Qooley Merrick H., emp and boards Sumner Chapin, Chicopee street Cooney ,Michael , laborer, house McKeag's block, Exchange street Corbett Mrs. Ellen, house Emerald street Corcoran John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Connell Andrew, emp Dwight Mills, boards 95 Front street ' Cornish Joel E., machinist, house ChapIn block, Springfield street Corrivean Raphael, house 81 Dwight street Cordon l\1ic~ael, emp Holyoke, house corner Kimball and Abbey streets Costello Michael, house West street Courtney 1\1rs. Ellen, house Granfield's block, Perkins st~eet Courtney Thomas, house Kimball street Cowing George W.,emp J. O. Stebbins, h Chicopee r~ad, near Brightwood Cox James, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms W. T. Powers, Cabot street Crane Morris, house Abbey street Crary Nathan, emp Dwight Mills, rooms J.J. L. Simmons, Front street Cnlw Mrs. Martha L., h~se corner Grape and High streets Crehorc Charles E., farmer, house Chicopee street

, Crehore George, farmer, house Chicopee street Crompton James, machinist, house Chicopee street

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Cronin Mrs. Catherine, house West' street Cronin Cornelius, laborer, house Emerald street Cronin Mrs. l\Iary, house BuiIens's court Cronin John, laborer, house Dublin street Cronin John, emp Dwight Mills, house Dublin stree t


Cronin P. T., barber, Cabot street, boards, cor Exchange and Dwight streets Cronin T. W., saloon and house corner Dwight and Exchange streets Croshier George J., shoe shop and house, cor West and Tremont streets Croshier Sylvanus, house painter, house corner West and Tremont streets Cross Mrs. Mene, house Cbicopee street Crowly John, emp Dwight Mills, house corner West and Exchange streets Cudahee Daniel, emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house north side river Cumnock J. W., agent Dwight Mills, boards Cabot House Curran Mrs. Catharine, house West street Curran James, houee Park street Curran Timothy, house Exchange street Curran William, emp Dwight Mills, house West street Curtis James 8., emp Ames Mfg Co., house Center street Cushi~g George, emp City, house Spring street Cushman Michael, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street Cutler Nathaniel, deputy sheriff, house High street

DALEY CHARLES emp J. W. Cumnock, house 72 Exchange street Dalton John, emp town, house Depot street Dalton Michael R., saloon and house Exchange street Dalton Patrick J., saloon and house Exchange -street Dame William, emp Dwight Mills, house Park street Damon Charles E., coal office Temple block, Center street, house Center stre~t Damon John H., emp and boards C. E. Damon Center street Damon Zachari, emp Charles E. Damon, house Center street Dame Dexter, broom-maker, house corner School and Dwight streets Dane George L., emp Dwight 1\iills, house Cabot street Danehy Dennis, farmer Chicopee street, house Abbey street Daniels Rev. William H., house Chicopee street Danks Lyman, carpenter, house Center street Danks Norman, carpenter, house corner Center and Chestnut streefl:l Danks Richmond, carpenter, house Springfield street Dapre Mrs. Susan, house Cabot street Daragon Maises, emp Giles S. Chapin, house Abbey street Dargenton Julius, emp Brightwood, house Wyman street ' Davenport Rev. John E., house Grape street Davidson William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Davis Mrs. Hannah C., house corner Front and Maple streets Day Albert W., overseer Dwight Mills, house 56 Front street D~yton F. O. & W. H., painters, ~xchange street D~yto,n F. 0., (F. O. & W. H. Dayton,) house South street

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Dayton F. W., farm,er; house Chicopee street , Dayton Henry E., emp Dwight Manufacturing Co., boards 112 Exchange st Dayton William H., (F. O. & W. H. Dayton,)h corner School and Dwight sts ~elil Eugene, emp Dwight Mills, boards Granfield's block Perkins 'street De Forge Louis, laborer, house Abbey street Degardner Joseph, emp Dwight l\fills, boards 61 Dwight street Deneef Martin, house West street Deneen Patrick, laborer house corner School and Chestnut streets Deneen Thomas, empDwight l\Iills boards corner Chestnut and School,streets Denief Michael, house 65 Dwight street Demers Frank, emp W. C. 'V edge & Co .• house cor School and Summer ~ts Demond Charles W., emp Smith & Wesson City, house Chapman street Demond Frank' E., clerk -C R B, boards C. W. Demond, Chapman street Denison Rev. George A., Chicopee Folding Box Co., City, house Center st Denison Mrs. Elvira H., house Center street Denison J. A. & Co., (C. H. Ballard, J. D. White, I. ,H. Elmer,) market

Cabot street Denison John A., house Center street Denison Mrs. T. A., house Center street Desilet Moses, emp and boards E. E. C. Chapin, Chicopee street Desilet Moise emp E. E. C. Chapin, Chicopee street, house Exchange street Devine Daniel, tailor, shop a~d house co~ner Dwight and School streets Deviney James, market and house Springfield street Deviney Michael, house Springfield street De Witt Richard D., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Howard street _ Diamond 'John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards cor Cabot and School sts Dickinson Edward M., house Grape street Dickinson Lester, town clerk, house Grape street Dickinson Sullivan, emp Ames, l\lanufacturing Co.; house corner Front and

Canal streets Dickinson Rev. ,William R, pastor First Congregational church, h Chicopee st Dickinson William H., 'proprietor Cabot House , Dilliber Gilbert M., machinist, house Chicopee street Dilliber Jesf.le,' blacksmith, house Chicopee street Dilliber William, emp Brightwood, house cor Wintworth and Elm streets Dillon Mrs. Bridget, emp Dwight Mills, house Center street Dinah John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Dineen John, laborer, house Dwight street Divine Mrs. Margaret, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street Divine John, emp Ames Mfg Co., boards Miss H. A. Belcher, Miller street Divine Michael, emp Dwight l\fills, house Tremont street, ])ivine Mrs. Thomas, house Granfield's block, Exchange street Dixon John, grocer corner Dwight and Exchange streets, houte Dwight street Dodge John S., butcher, house corner Miller and School streets -Dole Francis F., M. D., house and office corner Springfield and Howard streets Donahoe Daniel, emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street

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'Donahue Florence, emp B & A R R, house corner Leonard and West streets Donahue .J ohn, emp Dwight 1\1ills, house Depot street Donahue Michael F., mason, house Depot street Donegan Bartholomew, emp Dwight Mills, house Spruce street Donelan 1\1rs. Bridget, house McKeag'S block, Exchange street Donelan Edward, boards Mrs. Donelan, Exchange street Donlan Mrs'. Flora, emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange street Donlan Simon, farmer, boards P. 1\IcNamara, Depot street Donohue Michael, laborer house corner Emerald and Kimball, streets Donovan Dennis, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Donovan John, emp Ames Mfg Co., house COl" Bullens and Exchange streets Dontiny Benjamin, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Summer street Dooley Mrs. Catharine, house Dwight street Dooley :Michael, house Dublin street Doten F. B., cashirr First National Bank, house cor Springfield and Chapin sts Douglllss John. emp Woods grist mill, house 23 Springfield street Dow Eugene L., clerk, boa-rds James Dow Sch~ol street Dow .J ames, carder, house School street Dow Willillm, dealer in butter, house'South street Downing Hiram, janitor school houses, house Spring street Doyle James emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Doyle John H., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Doyle Miss Mary, house Exchange street Doyle Patrick, emp Dwight MitIs, house Emerald street Drake Edward G., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Center street Drake Guy, house Grape street Dresser George, 1\1. D., house and office Cahot street Drif;:coll Cornelius, student, boards C. O. Driscoll North side river Driscoll Cornelius 0., farmer, house North side river' Driscoll Daniel, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Tremont street Driscoll D: M., confectionery Granfield's bIle, Exchange st, h North side river Driscoll Mrs. Ellen, emp Dwight Mills, house Leonard street Drum~ey Mrs. Margaret, house corner Exchange and Chestnut streets Drummey Patrick, boards corner Chestnut and Excbange streets Drysdale Mrs. Henry, house Center street Duane John, emp Dwight l\1ills, boards 112 Exchange street Duberstein Daniel, emp Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street Dubuque Henry, emp and boards P. T. Burke, Chicopee street Duhy J obn, house Leonard street Duby John, Jr., emp Jenksville, house Leonard street Dudley Orrin, house corner Front and Grape streets Dugdall Edward, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards 112 Exchange street Duquette Amidee, baker, house Elm street Duquette Philias, clerk, bouse Elm street D,uley Melville, hostler and boards Chicopee House Dumas Mrs. Andre, house 9 Cabot street

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Dunlap George 0., emp Ames Mfg Co., house Pleasant street Dunnn Thomas, farmer, house West street Dupuis Moise, carpenter, house Front street

EDGERTON GEORGE A., clerk W. W. Johnson, house High street Edwards Robert, gardener, house East street. Edwards Thomas; emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house Granfield's blk, Perkins .street Eldredge Hiram, emp Ames l\1anufacturing Co., house Front street Eliot William P., cashier Holyoke l\fachine Co., house Front street Elmer Irving H., (J. A. Denison & Co.,) h cor Park st and McKeag's ave Emery Albert H., civil engineer, house Front street, corner Wintworth street Enright Patrick, laborer; house Depot street Etieu Philip, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Evans Charles H., Qmp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street

FABRY PETER, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Summer street Fahee William, emp Brightwood, house Center street Fahey John, mason, house Center street Fahey Michael, laborer, house 80 Dwight street Fahey Patrick, mason, house Exchange street Fair John, emp Dwight ,Mills, boards 112 Exehange street Fair William, farmer, house, W ~st street Fairbanks LaFayett M., carpenter, house Elm street Falvey Mark, emp Dwight Mills, house 71 Dtvight street Faro George, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Favreo Louis, emp Ames l\fanufacturing Co., house Center street Feehan Humphrey, emp City, house Chestnut street Fenton Thomas, emp Dwight l\lills, boards 112 Exchange street Ferry l\Irs. Addison, house Chicopee street Ferry Edward D., pattern-maker, house corner Grant and East streets Ferry Eli, farmer, house Chicopee street Ferry L. M., (White & Ferry,) houso Springfield street Ferry Rufus W., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house cor Cross and South sts Ferry William P., butcher, house corner Park and Dwight streets Ferry & White, insurance agents, Cabot Hall block Ferry Louis M., house Springfield street :Field Newton S., (Clark, Wells & Co.,) house corner Pleasant and School sts ,Filian Mrs. Angeline, house Exchange street Filian Frederick, emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange st, near jun~tion depot Filian Moses, boards Mrs. A. Filian, Exchange street ' First National Bank of Chicopee, Market square Fisher Leaman, clothing store Kent's block, h cor Central and Exchange sts Fitz Arthur ~., teamster, house Center street Fitz Mrs. George W., house Center street Fitz Mrs. Martha, house Center street Fitzgerald David, house Depot street

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Fitzgerald David, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Springfield at Fitzgerald Mrs. Ellen, house School street Fitzgerald l\Iiss E. M., millinery and fancy goods, Union block, Exchange st

house School street '" Fitzgerald Mrs. Johanna, house Exchange street Fitzgerald J oho, laborer, house Tremon,t street Fitzgerald John emp B & A R R, house Tremont street Fitzgerald Matthew, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street Fitzgerald Maurice, emp City, house West street Fitzgerald Stephen, emp B & A R R, house Chestnut street Fitzgerald Thomas, fIIhoe store, Exchange st, bds M. Fitzgerald, West street Fitzgerald Thomas, emp J. P. Buckingham, h Granfield's blk Exchange st Fitzgerald William, mason, house Depot street Fitzpatrick James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Fitzsimmons James, laborer, house Leonard street Fitzsimmons Robert, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, bds 66 Dwight 8t Flaherty Timothy, emp Dwight Mills, house West street Flanagan Mrs. Kate, house School street Flanagan Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Flanagan Mrs. Sarah, house Chestnut street Flanagan Thomas, carpenter, house Chestnut street FI~ming Mrs. Catherine, house corner West and Exchange streets Fletcher William J., emp Ames Mfg Co., house cor Wintworth and, Elm sta Flowers Mrs. Emma, house School street Flynn Daniel, house Kimball street Flynn James, emp Dwight Mills, house 47 Perkins street Flynn John. emp City, house corner Abbey and Kimball streets Fogerty John, emp C R R, house Spruce street Fogerty Richard, emp Dwight Mills, boards 42 Exchange street Foley Jerry. emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Park street Foley Patrick, house corner School and Spruce streets Foley Patrick, emp Brightwood, house 15 Wyman street Follis Miss Mary, house School street Follis Misses J. & M., millinery, Union block, Exchange street Follis Miss Julia, house School street Folsom David, (Chapman & Folsom,) house corner Gaylord and Grant sts Forbes Charles E., emp N Y, N H & H R R, bds G. L. Dane Cabot street Fortin Isadore, house School street Fortin Louis, farmer, house Chicopee street Fortin'Michael, farmer, house Dwight street Fortin :l\Iichael, laborer, house Leonard street Foss Austin, emp Dwight Mills, house 2 Front street Foster John M., emp and boards R. Stevens, Chicopee street Foster Peter, emp Dwight Mills,house 24 Springfield street Foster William H., boarding-house, 44 Perkins street Fountain Henry, emp Dwight Mills boards 61 Dwight street


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Fox~Joseph F.,: teache~, rooms Center street, o"'ier Wedge's bakery Foxy Edward, emp Edson Clark, bds C. Mercure, Granfield's blk, Perkins st Frary Joseph Rl, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Company" house East street Frazee William D., carriage~trimmer, house Chapin block, Exchange street French Charles H., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house High street French George E., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards C. French, Rig h st Fri~l James C., gardener, house School street Friel James, Jr., janitor High school, boards J. Friel, School street Friel Michael, emp and boards Henry McCann, Chicopee street Frost George H., cmp Dwight Mills, house Chicopee Junction Fuller Miss A. J., millinery and fancy goods, Exchange st, h cor School and

Center streets Fuller Rev. George W., pasto~ Central Baptist Church, house Howard street Fuller Josiah B., town almoner: office Cabot hall building, house cor Front and

Grape streets Fuller ·Lyman, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Fury \Villiam, emp C R R, house School street

GADERE MRS. 'AGELLE, house Abbey street Gahan Timothy, house School street Gahen Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street Gallagher Anthony, em p D~ight Mills, house Leonard street Gallivan Mrs. Honora, house corner South and Hampden streets Gallupe Elias A., jeweler post-office block, house South street GanonJohn, emp Dwight Mills, boards 42 Exchange street Gantley Patrick, house West street GantIey Patrick Jr., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards West street Garvey Michael, emp Dwight Mills, house Tremont street Gates Albert H., house Prospect avenue Gates Frank, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Gates Henry, blacksmith shop Center street, house Howard street Gates L. A., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards .l\filler street Gavin Brian, emp William H. Smith, City, house corner Center and Ash sts Gaylord Arthur F., treasurer Gaylord Mfg Co., h cor Springfield and East sts Gaylord Emerson, president Gaylord MJg Co., h cor Springfield and East sts Gaylord Sereno, house Springfield street Gaylord Rev William L., pastor Third Congregational church, h Pleasant st Geary .l\Iatthew, emp Dwight Mills, boards 34 Perkins street Gero Frederick, emp William H. Gilmore, board~ 95 Front street Gibbs E. B., machinist, house Cottage place Giblin James, mason, house corner Center and Ash streets Gibson George, clerk and bds John McKeag, cor School st and McKeag's ave· Gilbert Fred M., emp and boards F. B. Spencer, Perkins street Gilbert Maxim, boarding-house 61 Dwight street Gilchrist R~bert, emp Dwight Mills, boards 42 Exchange street Gill John, laborer, house Chestnut street

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Gilmore William H., carriage-maker, house and shop Summer street Gion 1\frs. Frances, house corner Grape and High streets Giroux David, emp Dwight Mills, boards 68 Dwight street Glancey Michael, emp A. B. Abbey, house Exchange street Glaster Morris, undertaker rooms and house West street Gleason David, house Maple street .


Gleason Dennis J., carpenter, house corner Chestnut and Exchange streets Gleason Miss Ellen, house 13 Cabot street Gleason Michael W., undertaker Perkins street, house cor Center and Ash sts Gleason Philip, laborer, house Exchange street Goff Mrs. Mary E., boarding-house 112 Exchange street Goldthwait Mrs. Catherine, house High street Goode Charles, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., rooms Center street Goodell Charles D., emp Smith & Wesson, City, h cor South and Union sts Goodell Rufus N., emp Dwight Mills, house 1 Front street Goodwin Mrs. Aurelia, emp Dwight Mills, house north side river Goodwin Charles F., emp Dwight Mills, house cor School and Chapman streets Goodwin John, millwright, house Center street . Gordon Mrs. Benjamin, house corner Cross aod South streets Gould Rufus, emp Dwight Mills, house South street Gove Quincy F., emp Dwight Mills, house Maple street Graham Mrs. Rhoda, dress-maker, rooms and house Parker's blk Front street Graney Michael, emp J. W. Adams, City, house Abbey street Graney Thomas, house Tremont street Granfield Mrs. Catherine, house Abbey street Granfield John, emp Brightwood, house Center street Granfield Maurice, saloon and house Exchange street Granfield Robert, farmer, house corner Kimball and Tremont streets Granfield Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house Tremont street Grant Alexander, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Graves Albert, (Graves & Kenney, brass.founders, Holyoke,) house Cabot st Graves Lorenzo D., emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Greeley James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 91 Front street Greeley William, emp Dwight Mills, house 91 Front street . Greenleaf Chester A., emp Dwight Mills, house Depot street Greenwood Richard, house over Stoddard's market Springfield street Greenwood Simeon, emp Dwight Mills, house School street Greenwood William, house 8 Cabot street Gregory John, farmer, house Dublin street Gregory Robert, emp Dwight Mills, house Center street Griffin Edward M., emp Holyoke, house 88 Front street Griffin John, emp Dwight Mills, boards J. NihiH, Dublin street Griffin Mrs. Mary, house 34 Perkins street Griffin Michael, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Griffin Patrick, house Abbey street Griffin Patrick, house West street

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Griffin Richard, emp Dwight Mills, house Park street Griffin Timothy, emp C. E. Damon, house Exchange street Grinnells John H., farmer, boards C. C. Leonard, Chicopee street Grise Esther, dress-maker rooms and house Exchange street Grise Joseph, emp C. McOlallan & Son, house Grove avenue Grise Mitchell, farmer, house School street Grooms George H., barber Cabot Hall block, house City Gross Hermann, emp Dwight Mills, rooms Mrs. E. Pratt, Cabot street Grout Austin, house Gaylord street Grout John W., emp W. C. Wedge & Co., house Wedge's blk, School street Guilnette Peter, emp Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street near Exchange

HADLEY CHARLES F., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 12 Front stre~t Hadley Moses C., emp Ames Mfg Co., house cor Front .and Wintworth streets Hagerty Daniel, emp B & A R R, house West street Hagerty Daniel, house Park street Hagerty Florence, emp City, boards corner Spruce and Park streets Hagerty James, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bds cor Spruce and Park sts Hagerty Mrs. Margaret, house corner Spruce andoPark streets Hagerty Michael, house West street Hagerty Patrick, laborer, house Emerald street Hagerty Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, house Park street Hale D. F., merchant, City, house corner Springfield and Howard streets Haley Cornelius, emp Edson Clark, boards P. Fahey Exchange street Haley Michael, farmer, house West street Hall E. R., nurse, house Chapin street Hall Fred, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Hall L. F., shoe store, Chicopee Falls, house Springfield street Hall Wellington W., paymaster O. McClallan & Son, bds E. R. Hall Chapin st Hamilton Simeon F., overseer Dwight Mills, house Prospect avenue Hammersley J. B .• merchant, store ap.d house Nos. 7, 8 & 9 Merchants' row Hanley D. F., saloon and house Exchange street Hargadan Timothy, emp W. C. Wedge & Company, house School street Harnin Dennis, laborer, house Depot street Harrington Thomas, laborer, house Emerald street Harris Calvin, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Company, house Wintworth street Harris Frank, cigar-maker, emp and boards corner Dwight and Exchange sts Harris H. H., treasurer Chicopee Savings Bank, house Gaylord street Harris Neville, boards O. W. Worden Chicopee street Harroh Robert, emp Dwight Mills, house railroad track, near Chicopee Junction Harvey Mrs. P. F., house Cabot street Haskin Abel, emp Ames Manufacturing 00., house cor East and Grape streets Hastings Abijah, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee street Hastings Charles A., emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Hastings Mrs. Emma F., dress-maker, room and house corner South and Ash


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Hatch Adrian, proprietor Chicopee House Hatfield Charles H., proprietor Hatfield House, Chicopee road near Brightwood Hawks Charles A., emp C R R freight office, rooms C. A. Hawks Grape street Hawks Theodore C., station agent Chicopee Center, house Grape street Haynes John J., emp Dwight Mills, house 29 Front street Hays H. S., reed-maker, Front street, house Center street Hazen Ralph, house 17 Cabot street Healy John, house Kimball street Healey Rt. Rev. Patrick, pastor church of Holy Name of Jesus, h South st Hearlie Daniel, emp W. L. Blackmer, house Exchange street Heath Clinton E., clerk, boards E. G. Heath Chestnut street Heath E. G., overseer Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street Heath Gus E., clerk Bullen's cash store, bds Mrs. S. M. Heath Center street Heath Mrs: Sarah M., boarding-house, Center street Heathcote Frederick W., emp Dwight Mills, house 101 Exchange street Heathcote 'William, overseer Dwight Mills, house 104 Exchange street Heathcote William, emp Dwight Mills, house 28 Front street Hefferman Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Hendrick Charles E., peddler, house Union street Hendrick Charles. T., peddler, house Wintworth street Hendrick Horace L., emp Dwight Mills, hou~e 56 Dwight street Hendrick John M., farmer, house Union street Hendrick John 0., farmer, house Union street Hennessey Mrs. Mary, house corner West and Exchange streets Herrick Henrj S., carpenter, house Chicopee street Hetherman Thomas, laborer, house Front street Hibbard Louis, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Miller street Hickey Daniel W., saloon and house, corner Exchange and Depot streets Hickey Mrs. Mary, emp Dwight Mills, house Depot street Hickey.Michael, mason, house Dwight street Hickey Timothy, emp Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street Hickey Robert, mason, house Dwight street ' Hill Leonard C., chief police, house East street Hill S. B., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 5 Front street Hinman George W., emp Dwight Mills, house 55 Front street Hitchcock Harvey, soap works Prospect avenue, house Summer street Hitchcock Harvey, (Hitchcock & Hosley,) house Cross street Hitchcock ·L. E., (Robinson & Hitchcock,) house Gaylord street Hitchcock William L., shoe-maker Merchants' row, h cor Spfd and Pleasant sts Hoague John H., tool-maker, house Granby road Hoar Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house West street Hodgins John, emp, Dwight Mills, house Depot street Hodgkins S. S., superintendent Dwight Mills, house cor Front and Grape sts Hogan Mrs. Johanna, house Park street Hogan Terrence, carpenter and builder, house Center street Holland Mrs.' Ellen, house West street

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~ eady ~ade ClotltiI\g, GENT'8 F(JRNI8HING GOOD8,

Hats, Caps, Boots' and Shoes. EXCHANGE ST •• NEAR CORNER CABOT STREET.


Holland Henry, emp Dwight MiUs, boards 52 Perkins street Hollis Mrs. Sarah, dress-maker,. rooms and house, Kent's blk, Exchange street Hornbrook M., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards Mrs. Merrill, Miller st Horigan Jerry, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Dwight street Hosley Dexter P., jobber, shop Springfield street, house Prospect avenue Hosley Harlan P., overseer Dwight Mills, house 103 Exchango street Hosley James P., (Hitchcock & Hosley,) house Gaylord street Houlihan John, emp C RR, boards M. Houlhan'oDublin street Houlihan Mrs. Julia, house 14 Cabot street' Houlihan Mrs. Margaret house School street Houlihan Michael, house ,V ~st street Houlihan Michael, emp C R R, house Dublin street Houlihan Michael, Jr., emp Dwight Mills, house Dublin street Houlihan Patrick, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., h cor West and Exchange sta Houghton Irving B., brick-maker, house Front street -Howard ChIllIes F., emp Ludlow Mills, house Chapin street Howard E. D., peddler, house School street Howard George D., emp Dwight Mills, house 27 Front street Howard Henry, emp and boards C. W. Mead, Front street Howard James, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Dwight street Howard James E., civil engineer, boards R. S. Oakes, High street Howard John M., carpenter, house Grape street Howard Ransom, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Grape street Howard S. A., emp City, boards 112 Exchange street Howard William F., highway surveyor, house Front street Howe James M., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Chapman street ~ubbard C. Leavitt, bobbin maker, boards Chapin's blk, Springfield street Hubbard Delos V., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Gaylord street Hubbard \yillard J., bobbinmakcr, house Chapin blk, Springfield street Hunter Andrew S., postmaster, house Springfield street Hunter Charles, clerk, boards cor Park street and McKeag's avenue Hunter George, emp Ames Mfg Co., bds cor Park st and McKeag's av HUIl;ter Moses H., emp Ames Mfg Co., h cor Park st and McKeag's av Hunter William, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms cor Miller and School sta Hunter William. W., emp Ames Mfg Co., bds cor Park stand McKeag's av'

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Hunt Oscar, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Hurley Michael T., saloon and house Exchange'street Hyde Chauncey H., brick-maker, house South ,street

INSHAW MRS. R. B., house Springfield street Irwin Thomas, house 52 Perkins street Issabel John, house over Stoddard's market, Springfield street

JACKSON MRS. ELIZABETH, house 74 Dwight street Jackson William "., emp Dwight l\lills, boards 64 Dwight street


Jacobs S. A., fruit and confectionery 19 Exchange street, house Miller street James George W., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Wintworth street Jaseph John B., gardener, house School street Jeannott Mrs. Lucy, house 26 Front street Jeffers James, shoe-maker, house and shop Leonard street

Jenks A. J., Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, corner Exchange and Center streets. Residence Front street.

Jenks George L., clerk A. J. Jenks, rooms John Warren, Pleasant street Jenks Otis, emp Ames :Manufacturing Co., bds E. E. Nichols, Springfield st Jenness Mrs. W. W., house Cabot street . Jepson G. H., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house School street Jewett B. F., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Cottage place Jiroux David, house 11 Cabot street Johnson Rev. A. C., pastor Advent church, rooms corner Grape and East sts Johnson Mrs. Allen, house Chapman street. Johnson Ambrose C., emp I;>wight Mills, house Fr~nt street Johnson Miss Catherine, house corner South and Hampden streets Johnson Mrs. Michael, house West street Johnson Richard, emp S. Blaisdell Jr. & Co., house Leonard street Johnson ~obert, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Park street Johnson Thomas M., harness-maker, house Center street




No~ 9 Merohants f Row, opp. 1J.fown Hall House Springfield street.

Joice Mis~! Christy, emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street Jones George H., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bds Mrs. Merrill, Miller st Jon~s He~lrY, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perk,ins street

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Jones Hugh T., emp J. P. Buckingham, house Front street Jones Lewis,. emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee street .Joselyn George E., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house East street Judd J\irs. S. A., boarding-house 95 Front street Judge Patrick M., emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street

KANE JOHN, farmer, house corner Chestnut and Exchange streets Karlgerhardt Carl, draughtsman Ames Mfg Co., bds R. T. Oakes High street Kathan Mrs. Candice, house Summer street

• Kaveney James, bridge-keeper, house near Connecticut river bridge Kaveny James, policeman, house 51 Perkins street Keating James, laborer, house Dublin street Keating John, house Leonard street Keefe John, farmer, house Chicopee street Keefe Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, boards John Keefe~ Chicopee street Kelliher Michael J., saloon and hou~e Park street Kelly Henry C., farmer, boards J. P. Kelly, Front street Kelly .James, emp S. Blaisdell Jr. & Co., house SprJngfield street Kelly J. P., emp. Ames Manufacturing Co., house Jrront street Kelly Martin, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Tremont street Kelly Martin, emp :pwight Mills, house West street Kellyhouse Charles, emp Dwight Mills, house 67 Dwight street Kelty Michael, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms J\Irs. S. M. Heath, Center street Kendall Frank C., teller Chicopee National bank, house Springfield street Kendall Henry B., harness-maker, house East street.

; Kendall Madison, emp Ames Mfg Co., house Kendall's block, Merchants' row Kennedy James, emp Holyoke, house Abbey street Kennedy John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 86 Dwight street Kennedy John, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Abbey street Kennedy John, empGaylord Mfg Co., boards John Kennedy, Abbey street Kennedy John, house West street Kennedy John, farmer, house Hampden street Kennedy John, laborer, house corner West and Tremont streets

. Kennedy l\Irs. l\lary, house Tremont street Kennedy Michael, house Park street Kennedy Patrick, house corner Abbey and Kimball streets Kennedy Patrick, farmer, house Chicopee street Kennedy Thomas, emp Josephus Chapin, house corner Dublin and Kimball sts Kennedy Thomas, house corner Dublin and West streets Kenney Amos 0., (Graves & Kenney, brass founders, Holyoke,) h Cabot st Kenney lHichael, laborer, house Park street Kent C. F. & Son, druggists, Union block, Exchange street Kent Cyrus F., (C. F. Kent & Son,) house corner Front and Spring streets Kent Eddie, .emp Dwight Mills, boards 3 Cabot street Kent George M., (C. F. Kent & Son,) boards C. F. Kent, Spring street Kent Myron, emp Dwight Mills, house 58 Frontstreet

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Kerby Micbael, carpenter, bouse Center street Key ,\Villiam, laborer, bouse Center street Kienns Micbael, laborer, bouse Front street Kilkelly Michael, emp C.' McClallan ~ Son, bouse Grove avenue Kimball Miss Carrie, bouse Cabot street Kimball E. P., house corner Springfield and Pleasant streets Kimball Miss Sarab, canvasser, house Cabot street King Edward H., emp Dwight Mills, bouse 30 Front street King John G., emp E. Clark, house Front street King Louis, emp Dwight Mills, house river bank


King Mrs. Mary A., house 41 Perkins street King Nelson, superintendent Ames Mfg Co., b~ards L. L. Simmons, ~"ront st Kinna Jobn S., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., boards corner Kimball and Dublin sts . Kinna Patrick, emp City, bouse corner Kimball and Dublin streets Kirby Mrs. Catherine, bouse Dixon's block, Exch,ange street Kirby Mrs. Catherine, bouse Depot street Kirby Edward, laborer, bouse Willimansett road Kirby Jobn, farmer, house Chicopee street Kline Peter, emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street Knapp Mrs. M. B., house summer street Knight Albert, emp Dwigbt Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Knox Charles, machinist, boards Mrs. M. Fitz, Center. street

LA ROCK ALFRED, emp Dwight Mills, bds C. Mercure, Perkins street La Rock Lewis, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bouse Springfield street Lacoste Simon, emp Ames 'Manufacturing Company, bouse Springfield street Lacroke Alfred, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Ladd George H., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Grape street Ladd Mrs. Lydia A., house Wintworth street Lafond Mazaire emp Dwight MillEl, boards 8 Cabot street Labee Mrs. Honora, house corner Dublin and West streets Lahec Mrs. J\lary, house Tremont street Lahee Morris, emp Cabot House, house corner West and Tremont streets Lamarche Joseph, emp pwight Mills, bouse 23 Springfield street Lamson Frank, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Wintworth street Lamson· Stephen. emp Dwight Mills, house corner Front and Grape streets Lamson W. K., emp Ames ,Mfg Co., bds S. Lamson, cor Front and Grape sts Lanckton S. B., (Lanckton & Pond,) bouse Springfield street Lanckton & Pond, groceries, Kendall's block, Merchants' row Landers Garrett M., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., bds M. Landers, near Chapin 8t Landers John, emp Dwight Mills, house Tremont street Landers Maurice, florist, house and greenhouse near Chapin street Landers Patrick J., emp and boards M. Landers, near Chapin street Landers Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Center street Landregan Mrs. Hannah, house 20 Cabot street Lane Mrs. Eliza, house School street


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Lane James, farmer, house Emerald street Lane John J., emp Dwight Mills, boards J. Lane, Emerald street Lane Julius M., tailor, house Chapin street Lane Thomas S., emp Dwight Mills, boards J. Lane, Emerald street Laparl William, emp J. T. Ames, boards E. S. Cooley, Canal street Lardner Timothy, emp Ames Mfg Co., bds Mrs. Courtney, Perkins st Larned Luman M., carpenter, house Chicopee street Larn~d William M., carpenter, boards L. 1\1. Larned Chicopee street La Sheppeal l\-Irs. Louise, house Emerald street Latiecy Leander, house 82 Dwight street La Valley Mrs. Catherine, house cor Bullens and Exchange streets Lavalley Jonas, emp Dwight Mills, boards O. J. Vincent, Exchange street Lawrence, Philip, laborer, house Doyle's block, Exc,hange street Lawrence Philip A., emp Ames Mfg Co., boards 112 Exchange street Lawt';?n John, laborer, house Bullens street Leary Charles, emp Cabot House, boards J. Leary, Kimball street Leary. George, emp Ames Mfg Co., boards J. Leary, Kimball street Leary James, house Kimball street Leavitt Mrs. Benning, house Front street Leavitt Mrs. Daniel, house Front street Leclare Leon, house Depot street Ledoux Joseph, laborer, house Emerald street Ledoux Loui@, emp Dwight Mills, boards J. J.Jedoux, Emerald street Lee Dennis, blacksmith, house Center street Leeming John, emp Dwight Mills, house 50 Perkins street Leighton Augustus, peddler, house School street Leland Charles A., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Canal street Leonard Henry, emp Dwight Mills" house Leonard street Leonard John, emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house McKeag's block, Exchange st Leonard John G., farmer, house Chicopee street Leonard Lewis D., emp Dwight Mills, house 1 Front street Leonard Patrick, house Leonard street

Leppens Mrs. Ann, house Exchange street Libby George W., overseer Dwight Mills, house 101 Exchange street Lihill Michael, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Company, house Park street Linahen John, emp City, house Emerald street Lincoln Charles 0., house Howard street Linehan Patrick, saloon and house Exchange street Linehan Cornelius, laborer, house corner Bullens and Exchange streets Linehan Mrs. Eliza, house Abbey street Linehan Mrs. Johanna, house corner Bullens and Exchange streets Linehan John, laborer, house South street Linehan John, emp Brightwood, boards 49 Perkins street Linehan Patrick, cmp Charles Byrt, house Leonard street Lines John, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Company, house School street

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Lines Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street· , Lines William, emp Gaylord Mf~ Co., boards J. Lines, School street Littlefield Lewis, farmer, house Willimansett road Littlefield Mrs. Nancy F., house Willimansett road Lodge Joseph, overseer Dwight Mills, house 99 Front street Logan Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Lomnae Samuel, house 76 Dwight street Loncto Alexander, laborer, house 13 Wyman street Long John, farmer, house 96 Front street Long John, emp and boards Giles S. Chapin, Chicopee street Long John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 66 Dwight street Long John, Jr., emp Giles S. Chapin, boards 96 Front street Long Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, boards 96 Front street Long Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, boards 66 Dwight street Loomis Mrs. Laura, house Park street' . Loomis Miss Lucy, house Chicopee road near Brightwood Loring Henry M., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Granby road Loughman Martin, truckman, house West street


Loveland Charles, emp W. C. Wedge & Co., boards cor School and Cabot sts Ludwig Frank, photographer, rooms and house Exchange street Luney Michael, emp Dwight Mills, boards P. Fahey Exchange street Lynch Mrs. Ann, house 26 Front street Lynch Daniel, emp City, house West street Lynch Edward, emp and boards A. A. Ward, Granby road Lynch Miss Margaret, emp.and boards Mrs. S. M. Heath, Cente.' street Lynch Michael J., boards D. Lynch, West street Lynch Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house 26 Front street Lynch Thomas, laborer, house Leonard street Lyon James L., house Ash street Lyons John, emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange street Lyon John T., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Company, house Ash street Lyon Mrs. Mary, house corner Center and Ash streets

MACK JAMES, emp E. Gaylord, boards J. Calahan, School street Maddan James, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Dublin street Madison Mrs. Loisa, house Parker's block, Front street Maher Micha~l, saloon and house Exchange street Mahew Edward, emp Dwight Mills, house corner Bullens and School streets Mahogany Dwight H., emp F. O. & W. H. Dayton, boards Miller street Mahony James, laborer, house West street Mahoney Patrick, laborer, house Dublin street Malane .Martin, emp Henry Gates, house Park street M~llon Michael, emp Dwight Mills boards 41 Perkins street Manchester A. Frank, emp Gaylord MEg Co., h cor Center and Hampden sts Manchester C. N., restaurant, Center street, boards Chicopee House Manchester Elliott J., emp W. D. Manchester, bds cor Center and Hampden sts

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Manchester William D., painter Center street, h School street opp Miller st Manigan William 0., emp Ames Mfg Co., bds )Iiss H. A. Belcher, Miller st Manning John, emp City, house Abbey street Manning Thomas, emp W. E. Wheeler, house Leonard street Mansfield Miss Caroline, house corner School and Howard streets Marzourillier Raphahel, emp Dwight Mills, house 8 Cabot street Marcy Hubbard S., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Summer street Marcy Samuel H., emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms H. S. Marcy, Summer street Maroney Mrs. Bridget, house 32 Perkins street Marquett Israel, emp Edson Clark, house Emerald street Marvie Alphonse, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Marsh Gamaliel, emp A. M. Moore, house Pleasant street Marshall Harry, emp Dwight Mills, boards 44 Perkins street Marshall H. H., emp Dwight Mills, house 29 Front street Martin Edward, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., boards 16 Spring street Martin Frederick P., clerk I. N. Bullens, house Cabot street Martin Mrs. W. H., house 16 Spring street Masser George, emp Dwight Mills, boards Granfield's block, Perkins street Mattoon George W., gardener, house Chapin street Maxwell Matthias, emp Terrance Hogan, house Dixon's block, Exchange st Mayo Rufus, emp Chicopee Falls, house Emerald street, river bank McAuliff John, emp S. S. Hodskins, house 47 Perkins street McAuliff Patrick S., saloon and house corner School and West streets McAvoy Mrs. Mary A., emp Dwight Mills, house Depot street McBride Eli, emp Dwight Mills, boards 36 Perkins street McBride Elias, emp Dwight Mills, rooms Exchange street, opp Miller street McCaffrey Charles, emp Brightwood, house Bullens street McCann Henry, farmer, house Chicopee street McCann Miss Kate, house Exchange street McCarthy James, blacksmith Center street, house Chestnut street ~IcCarty Brothers, (F. J. ]\IcCarty, D. F. McCarty,) market 'Vest street McCarty Mrs. Ellen, emp Dwight Mills, house Emerald street McCarty Daniel, emp E. Clark, saloon and house corner West and School sts McCarty Daniel, market West street, boards Mrs. M. McCarty, West street McCarty Dennis, house Spruce street McCarty Florence, market West street, boards Mrs. M. McCarty, West street McCarty James, emp Dwight Mills, house 18 Cabot street McCarty James Jr., emp Dwight Mills, boards 18 Cabot street McCarty Jeremiah, blacksmith, house corner Kimball and Dublin streets McCarty Jeremiah, emp Dwight Mills, house West street McCarty John, farmer, house Leonard street McCarty John, emp Dwight Mills house 77 Dwight street McCarty John, emp Dwight mills house 83 Dwight street l\lcCarty Mrs. Julia, house Emerald street McCarty Mrs. Margaret, house West street McOarty Owen, emp Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street

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McCarty Thomas, peddler, house Chestnut street l\fcClallan Charles, (McClallan & Son.) house High street


McClallan C. & Son, (C. McClallan, W. C.l\fcClallan,) contractors, Chapman st l\fcClench John W., book-keeper J. D. McClench, boards Springfi"ld street l\IcClench Joseph D., market Exchange st, h cor Springfield and Pleasant sts l\fcClench William W., law student, boards cor Springfield and Pleasant sts McClone John, laborer, house Summer street McClane Owen, emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange street McCune Joseph B' t farmer, house Exchange street McCune William W., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street McCormick John, emp R. Bemis, house Front street McCoy Charles, emp Dwight lVlills, boards 44 Perkins street l\fcDermott James, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Dwight street McDermott Michael, mason, house Spruce street McDonald Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house 15 Exchange street

McDonnell James, moulder, house Exchange street Mc Donneil Thomas, saloon Exchange street, bds J. McDonnell, Exchange st McGill .J ohn, emp E. Stebbins, house 16 Wyman street McGinn James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 36 Perkins street McGlinn James, saloon and house School street McGowan John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house School street McGrath Rev. David, pastor, church of the Holy Name of Jesus house South st l\IcGrath Edward, emp A. G. Parker & Son, house Chicopee street McGrath Edward, emp S. Blaisdell Jr. & Co., h cor School and Bullens stl:! l\IcGrath Thomas A., shoe-maker, house and shop Exchange st McGrath William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street McGrath William, laborer, house Emerald street Mcintire David, emp Brightwoo.d, bds M. Deviney, Springfield street McKeag John, grocer, Exchange street, house cor School st and McKeag's av McKennan John, emp Ames Mfg Co., 'house 26 Canal st McKennan Lewis, emp Brightwood, h 26 Oanal street McKenney Daniel, house Bullens street McKenney Robert C., emp Greenfield, house Exchange street McKennon William, emp Dwight Mills, bds Mrs. E. A. Popple, School st McKennon William, emp Dwight Mills, bds 112 Exchange street McKinnon J. R., emp Dwight Mills. rooms Mrs. E. A. Popple, School st McKinstry Alfred L., farmer, house Chicopee street UcKinstry A. W., farmer, house Chicopee street McKinstry Edgar G., farmer, house Chicopee street McLaughlin James, emp Dwight Mills, house West street McLean B. F., bobbin manufacturer, bds Mrs. B. Leavitt, Front st ~fcLean Henry J., bobbin maker, bds Mrs. B. Leavitt, Front st UcMahan Thomas, teamster, house Oenter street McMann Mrs. Bridget, house Exchange street M.cMann Owen, emp Dwight Mills, house Exchange street

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1\IcManus Mrs. Mary, house Center street McManus Thomas, dry goods peddler, bouse Center street McMullen Mrs. Margaret, bouse 50 Perkins street l\.fcNamara Daniel, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bouse School street McNamara Patrick, laborer, bouse Depot street 1\lc Vicar, Mrs. Eliza A., house Wintworth street McVicar Robert R., clerk J. B. Hammersly, house Wintwortb street McVicar William, house painter, rooms cor Center and Union streets Mcad Charles W., concrete pavement, house 4 Front street Mead Charles W., saloon Miller street, house cor Miller and School sts lUellen l\Irs. Margaret T., house School street Mellen 'V m. M. E., M. D., hQuse and office School street Mellor Daniel, emp Dwight Mills, bds 91 Front street Mellor Francis, emp Dwight Mills, house 91 Front street Mellor George H., emp Dwight l\-lills, bds 91 Front street l\'Ienard Frank, emp Dwight Mills, bds C. Mercure, Granfield's blk, Perkins st Mercure Charles, boarding-house, Granfield~s blk, Perkins street ]\:[ercure Louis, emp Ames l\f£g Co., bd,s C. Mercure, Granfield's blk, Perkins st Merrick Charles H., commercial traveler, house Center street Merrick Samuel 0., farmer, house Chicopee street l\:[errill Mrs. C. C., boarding house Miller street Meserve George S., emp Am'es Mfg Co., h Center st, over Wedge's bakery Messervey William W., emp Ames Mfg Co., h cor Cross and South sts Miller Charles A., emp Dwight Mills, bds 6 Cabot street Miller John, house Cabot street Miller Mrs. Loisa, house 6 Cabot street Miller Mrs. Mary, house Leonard str,eet Miller M. T., emp W. H. Dickinson, house Miller street Miller William F., carpenter, house corner School and Dwight streets Milne Thomas, emp Dwight :Mil1s, house 89 Front street Milner George, emp Dwight Mills, house 31 Front street Milner Richard, mason, house Chestnut street Miner A. A.., flour dealer, boards 42 Exchange street Miner A. B., market and house Center street Miner Mrs. Mary Ann, house 42 Exchange street Miner Charles, house corner West and School streets Miner Millard A., (A. B. Miner & Co.,) boards 42 Exchange street Miner Thomas, house School street Miner Warren E., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Howard street Mlcahy Edward, house School street Moody Elizur S., carpenter and builder, house South street Moody Henry S., carpenter and builder, boards E. S. Moody, South street Moody Stillman, emp Cabot House, house Front street Moore Mrs. Augusta, house Wintworth street Moore Charles, clerk Ames Mfg Co., bds Mrs. A. Moore, Wintworth street Moore Mrs. D. M., house corner Center and School streets

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]Jfoore A. M., Manufacturer and Dealer in Stoves, Rang~~, Furnaces, Sinks, Pumps, Lead.pipe, Plumbing and Plumbing Materials, Tin, Copper, Galvan­ized and Sheet Iron Goods, Drive Wells, Tin Roofing and General Jobbing; Exchange street.

Moore Francis, carpenter, bouse Front street Moore John, farmer, house Front street Moore Mrs. Mary, house 69 Dwight street Mordo Frank, emp Ames Mfg Co., bds C. B. Woodworth, north side river Moriarty John. emp Ames Manufacturing Company, boards 44 Perkins street Moriarty Patrick, laborer, house Abbey street Moriarty Thomas, house 23 Cabot street Morrill Lewis, emp T. Chabot, boards Chicopee House Morris Patrick, emp Rev. P. Healy, bouse School street Morrison Mrs. Radmond, house Wyman street Morse Amos S., emp Dwight Mills, house 27 Front street Morse Austin H., clerk Carter & Spaulding, rms cor Springfield and Spring sts Morse Henry C., clerk Carter & Spaulding, rms cor Springfield and Spring sts Mortell Dennis, carpenter, house Maple street Mosey George, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Mosman Mrs. D. F., house Grape stre,et Mosman George, grading and gardener, house cor School and Pleasant streets Mosman 1\:1. H., emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Center street Mosman Silas, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Grape street Moulton Mrs. Nancy, house East street Moynahan Patrick, laborer, house Park street Mulcahey Mrs. Ann, house Trenlont street Mulcahey Patrick, carpenter, house Grove avenue Mulcahey Hichard, emp Ames Mfg Co., boards P. Fahey, Exchange street Mulcahey William, saloon West st, bds Mrs. Ann Mulcahey, Tremont street ~{urphy Anthony, mason, house Chestriut street I

Murphy Dennis: saloon and house Exchange street ~Iurphy Dennis, carpenter, house corner School and Chestnut streets Murphy'Mrs. Hannah, house West street Murphy James, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Chestnut street Murphy James, laborer, house Center street ~rurphy Jeremiah, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Park street ~Iurphy Michael, polisher, house School street Murphy Michael, emp Dwight l\Iills, boards 95 Front street Murphy Michael, emp Ames Mfg Co., house corner School and Summer sts i\furphy Michael, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., boards 112 Exchange st Murphy Patrick, laborer, house Emerald street Uurphy Patrick, house 22 Cabot street i\furphy Timothy, house Elm street lIurphy Timothy, emp Chapman & Folsom, h cor Bullens and Exchange sts Murray Gideon, emp Ames lUanufacturing Co., house Spring street ~Iurray Patrick, emp eRR, house Tremont street

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Murray Timothy, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms corner Cabot and school streets Myers Charles, laborer, house Leonard street Myers John, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms corner Cabot an,d Schools streets

NASH ALLEN .E., emp W. C. Wedge & Co., bds cor Cabot and School sts Neagle lVIrs. Mary, house 79 Dwight street Nealley John F., farmer, house Springfield street Neligan Dennis, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Nelligan Mrs. Catherine, house Depot street Nelligan Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street NichoJs Edward E., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., h~use Springfield street Nicholson Miss Abbie, house School street Nichols l\lrs. Harriet, house Chapman street Nihill John, laborer, house Dublin street Nickerson Charles A., emp Ames Mfg Co., hds Orrin Nickerson, Spring st Nickerson Orrin, emp Ames Mfg Co., house Spring street Norton Elisha C., carpenter, house Grant street

. Norton Francis H., emp Dwight Mills, house Grant stree~ Norton Frank E., clerk Dwight Mills, house 55 Front street Norton James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Norton John, emp Harvey Hitchcock, house School street Norton Miss Mary, house, 5 'Cabot street Noyes l\irs. Julia A., house 97 Front street

OAKES ROLAND T., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house High street 'O'Brien Daniel grocer, saloon and house Exchange street O'Brien Edward, emp .A. Bullens, house Tremont street O'Brien Mrs. Hannah, house Dublin. street O'Brien James, emp Dwight Mills, house 40 Perkins street O'Brien James, emp Dwight Mills, boards 95 Front street O'Brien James, emp and boards J. Kirby, Chicopee street O'Brien John, bouse 19 Cabot street O'Brien John, emp Dwight Mills, house corner Exchange and Depot streets O'Brien Michael, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house 17 Spring street O'Brien Morris, emp Dwight Mills, house 16 Cabot street O'Brien Patrick, emp eRR, bds MrlS. O'Brien, Dublin street O'Brien Thomas, house Chicopee street O'Brien Timothy, emp Dwight Mills bds Mrs. Courtney, Perkina street O'Brien William, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Maple street O'Connell Mr~. Bridget, house 12 Cabot street O'Connell Charles, emp Gaylord Mfg Co .• house Taylor blk Chestnut street O'Connell Jeremiah, farmer, house river bank O'Connell Jeremiah, Jr., emp .Ames Manufacturing Co., house river bank O'Connell Patrick, emp Wason Mfg Co., h Chicopee road, near Brightwood O'Connor Cornelius, emp City, bouse corner Bullens and Exchange streets O'Connor Daniel, house Chestnut street

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O'Connor Daniel, emp Dwight Mills, bouse corner Dwight and School streets ,O'Connor John B., farmer, house Tremont street O'Con,nor Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, house Springfield street O'Connor Roger, emp J. W. Adams, City, house Emerald street O'Connor Timothy, emp Dwight Mills, hou~e Tremont street

. Ogden George, emp and boards D. Cabot, cor Dwight and Exchange streets O'Heron Patrick, emp Gaylord Mfg Co., boards 49 Perkins street Olds Charles R., emp Ames Mfg Co., boards O. P. OIds, Chapman street Olds Hiram L., emp Dwight Mills, house corner Center and Union streets OIds Oliver P., emp .A.. B. Miner, house Chapman street Olds V. C., second-hand iurniture, house and shop Center street Olds William S., emp Ames Mfg Co., house Center street O'Leary Cornelius, laborer, house corner Spruce and Park streets O'Leary Jeremiah, emp C. McClallan & Son, house Center street Oliver Frank, emp Dwight Mills, boards 61 Dwight street Ordway George A., emp Chicopee li'alls, house cor School and Howard streets O'Regan Mrs. Eliza, house Park street O'Regan James, emp H. Cogswell, house Park street O'Regan John, reed-maker, house cor Summer and Cross streets Ostigny Alexander, emp W. H. Gilmore, house 14 Wyman· street Oviatt Franklin V., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house Grape street

PABOURIN CHARLES, house West street Page Nathaniel, farmer, house Chicopee street Page Mrs. R. A., dress-maker, house and rooms Cabot Hall block Paine George W., farmer, house East street Palmer ~rs. Cinthia, house Willimansett road Palmer William B., farmer, house Willimansett road Palmer Rev. 'Villiam R., house Chicopee street Parker A.: G., (A. G. Parker & Son,) house Chicopee street Parker A. G. & Son, (A. G. Parker, J. A. Parker,) boot manf, Front st Parker F. F., M. D., house and office cor 'School and Center streets Parker Frank, farmer, house Chicopee street Parker Henry, emp Dwight Mills, bds 61 Dwight street Parker Josiah A., (A. G. Parker & Son,) house Chicopee street Parshley S. W., boots and shoes, hats and caps, cor Exchange and Cabot sts,

house Front street Parsons Benjamin F., carpenter and builder, house Union street Patrick Joseph E., (W. C. Wedge & Co.,) bouse South street Patten Charles, emp Belcher & Ta.ylor, Chicopee Falls, bds 44 Perkins street Payne S. F., emp Gay lord Manufacturing Co., house Grove street Pease Christopher H., farmer, house Chicopee street Pease Daniel P., clerk Chapman & Folsom, bds M. Pease, Chicopee street Pease Mrs. E. K., house Spring street Pease James L., agent Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Springfield st Pease Mrs. John, house Cottage place


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Pease John L., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Cottage place Pease Marshall, farmer, house Chicopee street Pendleton 1\frs. A. C., house cor School and Howard streets Pepper Charles JJ., paymaster Ames Mfg Co., h cor Summer and Cross sts Pepper Mrs. C. L., house Grape street Perkins Mrs. Julia A., boarding-house cor School and Cabot streets Perkins J. W., house cor Center and Cross streets Perkins Orrin N., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bds cor Cahot and School sts Perry Charles W., emp Dwight Milltl, house cor Cross and South streets Perry Jacob, emp W. C. Wedge & Co., bds cor Cross and South streets Perry Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, bds cor Cross and South streets Perry William lVI., emp Dwight Mills, bds B. F. Jewett, Cottage place Personne Narcise, painter, house Exchange street Phetteplace Marvln S., grocer, house cor Front and Maple streets Philbrick George R, emp Ames l\Ifg Co., house Front street Pierson Robert, farmer, house Chicopee street Pillsbury Clarence E., emp Dwight Mills, house 102 Exchange street

,-Pillsbury Marcellus E., emp Dwight Mills, bds 1 02 Excha~ge street Pischof John, emp Ames Mfg Co., bds G. Murray, Spring street Pisillor Mrs. Liebe, house Springfield street Plent Paul, emp Dwight Mills, bds 33 Perkins street Plimpton J. D., manufacturel' of leather belting, Junction Depot, h South st Pomeroy, Mrs. Mary, house Grant street Pond O. A. H., (Lanckton & Pond,) house Springfield street Popple Mrs. E. A., house School street Porter Rev. I. F., pastor Unitarian church, house Front street Porter Jesse, dentist Exchange st, house Chapman blk, Springfield street Porter Wm. G., emp Ames l\1fg Co., house cor School and Chapman streets Potter Joseph, overseer Dwight Mills, house 108 Exchange street Potvin Gilbert, dry goods and millinery Exchange street, house Holyoke Powers Michael, emp Dwight l\Iills, house 70 Dwight street Powers Nicholas, laborer, house 21 Cabot street Powers William T., emp Dwight Mills, house Cabot street Pratt Miss Caroline, house Grant street I

Pratt Mrs. Etelrise, house Cabot street Prendivle John, house Center street Proctor John, emp Dwight Mills, house 35 Perkins street Punch James E., hou~e Emerald street

QUIGLEY MRS. BRIDGET, house South street Quigley Patrick, emp Dwight Mills, house Ab~ey street Quinlin Patrick, farmer, house Emerald street Quinn Mrs. Bridget, house Center street Quinn Frederick, cmp Dwight Mills, house Chicopee street Quinn Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house Center street

Quinn Thomas, Ames Manufacturing Co., house 22 Cabot street

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Quirk John, emp Dwight Mills, house Dublin street Quish Michael, emp Ames Mfg Co., house cor South street and Grove avenue Quish William, house 18 Spring street

RAIL MORRIS, emp Dwight Mills, house 24 Cabot street Randall Henry W., emp Ames Manufacturing Co .• house Front street Ray Samuel, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Raymond Joseph, emp Henry Cogswell, house 23 Springfield street Reardon William H., emp Dwight Mills, house Wedge's block, Center street Reddin Patrick, house Emerald street Redman Alonzo, emp Dwight Mills, house corner Exchange and Cabot streets Reed Mrs. Nancy, house 15 Exchange street Reed Nicholas, emp Dwight Mills, house West street Reed Philip, burnisher, house Chicopee street Remelard Charles,. emp and boards P. Stedman & Son, Chicopee street Reynard Benjamin, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Grape street Rice 1\1rs. Eliza, house Leonard street Rice Mrs. Emery, house Miller street Rice Henry N., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 6 Front street Rice James, emp Dwight Mills, boards P. Fahey, Exchange street Rich Mrs. Hattie L., dress-maker, rooms and house 21 Springfield street Richardson William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 'Exchange street ' Richmond James E., machinist, emp Holyoke, house Chicopee street Richmond John, emp A. G. Parker & Son, house cor Park and Chestnut sts Richmond Thomas, building mover, house cor Exchange and Chestnut streets Ricker Burtis M" carpenter, house Front street Risser Mrs. Rosa E., house South I!Itreet Robbins Clarence A., boards 10 Front street Robbins Edward J., emp Dwight Mills, house Chestnut street Robbins George W., emp Holyoke, house 10 Front street Robbins George W. Jr., emp Holyoke, boards 10 Front street Roberge Israel, emp Dwight Mills, house 68 Dwight street Roberts George H., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., bouse Grape street Robertson R. E., harness-maker Shaw's block, Center street, house Summer st Robinson Abram, emp W. D. Manchester, house Exchange street Robinson Charles, emp Dwight Mills, hoards 112 Exchange street Robinson D. W., clerk S. A. Jacobs, boards R. Robinson, Springfield street Robinson George D., Cl!obinson & Hitchcock,) h cor School and Howard sts Rob.inson George P., emp Dr. Jesse Porter, house Center street Robinson Mrs. Mary, house Miller street Robinson Nelson, barber, rooms and boards A. Robinson, Exchange street Robinson Robert, soda manufacturer, house Chapman's block, Springfield street

Robinson & Hitchcock, (George D. Robinson, L. E. Hitchcock,) Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Chicopee, Mass.' Office Cabot Hall building.

Robson William H., clerk Carter & Spaulding, rms L. L. Simmons Front st Rogers John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards Mrs. Goldthwait High at

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Root George E., house Wedge's block, School street Root Mrs. Phebe H., house Front street Ross A. M., dentist cor Cabot and Exchange sts, bds Mrs. S. Adams, Park st Ross Thomas D , emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Wintworth street Rourke Mrs. Catherine, house Grove avenue Rourke Edward A., .emp and boards P. Rourke, West street Rourke Henry, emp Dwight Mills, house 38 Perkins street Rourke James J., emp Rev. P. Healy, boards Mrs. C. Rourke, Grove avenue Rourke John, boards Mrs. C. Rourke, Grove avenue Rourke Mrs. Mary, house 13 Cabot street

Bourke P., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, and Crockery. Corner of West and Emerald streets.

Rourke Patrick J., emp Dwigh~ Mills, boards Mrs. C. Rourke, Grove avenue Rowe Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house 7 Cabot street Rumrill John S., emp B & A R R, house East 'street Rumrill William B., clerk Lanckton & Pond,· house East street Russell Ernest C., emp Wason Mfg Co., house corner Grape and Elm streets Russell Frank, emp Ames Mfg Co., rooms over Hitchcock & Hosley's store ~ussell Patrick, junk dealer, house Dublin street ' Russell Theodore, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards 112 Exchange street Russell Theodore S., emp Ames 1\Ianufacturing Co., house Exchange street Rust Mrs. Rosanna M., lious~ Cross street Ryan David, emp City, house Tremont street Ryan Miss Ellen, house Taylor's block, Chestnut street Ryan James, emp Gaylord Mfg Co., boards Mrs. C. Granfield, Perkins street Ryan John, emp Chicopee Falls, house Front street Ryan Mrs. Mary, house West street Ryan Matt, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house McKeag's avenue Ryan Matthew, clerk, rooms J. Miller, Cabot street Ryan Peter, house 48 Perkins street Ryan Timothy, emp Dwight Mills, boards Granfield's block, Perkins street Ryan William J., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house School street

SAMEIN AMABLE, house Emerald street Samein Cyprian, emp Dwight Mills, boards A. Samien, Emerald street Samon Napoleon, emp Dwight Mills, boards 11 Cabot street Samson Cyprian, house Depot street Samson Mrs. Edeste, house 11 Cabot street Sanborn l\lrs. Martha, house Center street Sanford C. S., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Cabot street Santo Peter, laborer, house Center street Sayres John, emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house 5 Cabot street Sayres John, house 10 Cabot street Scammon Samuel ~"., (J. Stackpole & Co.,) house School street Scanlon Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, boards 95 Front street Scribner Sprague L., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 11 Front street

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Searle Mrs. ~rary A., house 39 Perkins street Sexton Bart'iolomew 8., emp on public roads. house Dixon's blk, Exchange st Sexton Henry P., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Cross street Shanahan Edward, emp Dwight Mills, house 73 Exchange street Shanahan Mrs. Margaret, house Exchange street Shanahan :Michael, machinist, house 10 Cabot street Shapron Peter, emp and boards E. E. Chapin, Chicopee street Sharp Mrs. Johanna, house 17 Cabot street Shaw Ed ward, mason, house School street Shaw Elliot D., florist, greenhouse and house Chicopee street Shaw Dwight L., carpenter house Chicopee street Shay James, house West street . Shea Jerry, laborer, house Emerald street Shehan Thomas, laborer, house Dublin street Shehan Thomas, house Wyman street Sherman Andrew. L., emp S. D. Stoddard, house Summer street Sherman Harvey U., farmer. house Chicopee street Sherwin J. Willis, emp W. C. Wedge & Co., rooms J. E. Patrick, South st ShiQkwin Thomas, house Emerald street Shinners Mrs. Mary, emp Dwjght Mills, house Leonard street Shore Edward, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house East street Shumway Herbert H., emp~~ight 1\iills, boards 112 Exchange street Simmons l\irs. Fanny,.hou~e Park street Simmons L. L., boarding-bouse. Front street Skehan James, emp·C. W. Mead, house Bullens street Skillings Enock, overseer Dwight Mills, house 92 Front stre~t Slattery Mrs. Ellen, house· Exchange street Slattery James, emp Ames -Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Slattery John, laborer, house Springfield street Smeddy John, emp Brightwood, h~use Abbey street Smith Charles N., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Grant street Smith D. M., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards 112 Exch~nge street Smith Dwight, emp Gaylord l\ffg Co., boards corner School and Cabot streets Smith Edgar M., emp Smith & Wesson, City, bouse Cottage place Smith Edward, emp S. Blaisdell. Jr. & Co., house Emerald street Smith Edwin, emp Dwight Mills, boards 36 Perkins street Smith Edwin S., clerk and boards S. W. Parshley, Front street Smith Frank A., (F. W. Wilson & Co.,) house Chicopee street Smith George, emp Dwight Mills, house 7 Cabot street Smith Henry C., overseer Dwight Mills, house 100 Front street Smith James M., civil engineer, house Front street Smith .J. Ely, (F. W. Wilson & Co.,) house Chicopee street Smith Josiah, mason, house Summer street Smith Oliver E., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Smith Warren, druggist, store 9 Exchange street, house South street Smith W. G., M. D., house and office Cabot street

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. Snow Dexter, florist, house and greenhouse Grape street, garden East street Snow E. N., house Howard street Snyder Andrew, emp Dwight Mills, house 33 Perkins street Solon John, house Tremont street Soule Albion P., emp Ames Manufacturing Co .• house 15 Spring street Soule Elmer W., emp Charles Byrt, boards 15 Spring street Southworth Simon G., emp Ames Mfg Co.: house cor Grape and High streets Spaulding Justin, (Carter & Spaulding,) house corner Center and Cross streets Spellman Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house 18 Cabot street Spencer Frederick B., yeast peddler, house Perkins street Splane Miss Mary, house Chestnut street Sposto Antonia, emp Dwight Mills, boards. 36 Perkins street Stack Patrick, house corner West and Tremont streets Stackpole Joseph, (Stackpole & Co.,) house School !treel· Stackpole J. & Co.,.(Joseph Stackpole & S. F. Scammon,) news and variety

store Center street Stacy N. W., emp Holyoke, house Cabot street Stannard l\Iilton, telegraph operator, house Center street Stearns George M., attorney at law, City, house Springfield st .. Stebbins Albert W., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house School street Stebbins Charles E., ticket master Junction Depot, bds Springfield street Stebbins Erastus, farmer, house Springfield street Stebbins George E., emp and boards E. Stebbins, ~pringfield street Stebbins Joseph 0., farmer, house Chicopee road, near Brightwood Stebbins Mrs. Margaret, house corner Center and South streets Stebbins W. M., emp J. P. Buckingham, house School street, opp Miller st Stedman Edward P., (P. Stedman & Son,) farmers, house Chicopee street Stedman Frank E., caterer, house Grant street Stedman Frank· F., house Grant street Stedman Phineas, (P. Stedman & Son,) farmers, house Chicopee street Sterling Louis, emp Brightwood, house Cabot street Stevens George E., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house :Front street Stevens George G., carpenter, house Park street Stevens Reuben, farmer, house Chicopee street Stimson Daniel W., emp Dwight Mills, house Miller street St. Lawrence Mrs. Ellen, house Emerald street St. Lawrence Patrick, emp Gaylord Manufa~turing Co., house Grove avenue Stoddard E. A., hulled corn and hominy, house Chicopee street Stoddard :Edwin, boards J. Stoddard, Summer street Stoddard Elmer A., emp and boards E. A. Stoddard, Chicopee street Stoddard Frank S., book. keeper S. D. Stoddard, bds S. D. Stoddard, Front st Stoddard M;:rs.J ane, fruit and toys, store and h Kendall's blk, Merchants'row Stoddard Joseph, cmpGaylord Mfg Co., house cor Summer and Cross streets Stoddard S. D., market Springfield street, house Front street ~tratton E. J., emp G. V. Wheelock, rooms Union blk, Exchange street Streeter Aurelius, tinsmith, emp H. Cogswell, h cor ·Park and Chestnut streets

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Streeter Luther, broom dealer, house School street Strong Josepb, house Dwigbt street Sullivan Mrs. Alice, house 49 Perkins street


Sullivan Daniel J., fancy and variety stor~ Excbange street, boards Miller st Sullivan Dennis, house Tremont street Sullivan Mrs. Elizabeth, house corner 'Vest and Leonard streets Sullivan Miss Ellen, emp D!Vigbt Mills, house 38 Perkins street Sullivan Eugene, student, boards Mrs. Courtney, Granfield's blk, Perkins st Su11ivan Mrs. Honora, house Emerald street Sullivan James, emp C. McClallan & Son, bouse Wyman street Sullivan James. laborer, house corner West and Leonard streets Sullivan James, emp City, bouse West street Sullivan Jerry, emp Dwight Mills, bouse Tremont street Sullivan Jobn, broom-maker, shop and house Excbange street Sullivan J obn, emp George M. Atwater, b Chicopee road, near Brigbtwood Sullivan .J obn, laborer, bouse Chicopee street Sullivan John, emp P. Stedman & Son, house Chicopee street Sullivan John, emp Dwi~bt Mills, boards corner West and Leonard streets Sullivan Mrs. Margaret, house < Sohool street Sullivan Mrs. Mary, house 84 Dwight street Sullivan Michael, hostler, house Parker's block, Front street Sullivan Michael J., organist and music-teacher, house Springfield street Sullivan Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house Abbey street Swart David, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house 3 Front street Sweeney Charles, farmer, house School street

TAIT GEORGE C., milk peddler, house Chicopee street Tait James, market gardener, house Chicopee street Taylor John, emp R. W. Bemis, house Dublin street Taylor John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Dwight street Taylor 1\Irs. 1\'1. A.,· house corner School and Cabot streets Temple Lafayette, undertaker Market square, h cor Springfield and High sts Temple Oscar W., emp Lafayette Temple, bouse Wedge's block, Center street Terry Mrs. :Margaret, house Leonard street Thomas Robert, emp City, house Kimball street Thomaston Mrs. Martba, house 35 Perkins street Thompson Charles P. S., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Canal street Thompson Charles W., emp Ames Mfg Co., bds C. P. S. Thompson, Canul st Thompson G. W.,emp Smith & Wesson, City,bds T. J. Thompson, Cottage place Thompson Jeff T., emp Dwight Mills, house Chicopee street Thompson T. J., house Cottage place Thornton William, laborer, house Abbey street Tighe John, stone-mason, bouse Excbange street Tilley Norris, reed manufact.urer, house Springfield street Tobin David, cmp Edson Clark, boards Granfield's block, Perkins street Tobin Edward, saloon Exchange street, boar~s Granfield's block, Perkins street

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Tobin Glanvill, emp Dwight Mills, boards Mrs. Mary Tobin, Depot street Tobin James, emp D~ight Mills, bds Mrs. C. Granfield's blk, Perkins street Tobin James, house Exchange street Tobin l\1rs. Mary, house Depot street Tobin Michael, saloon Exchange st, boards Granfield's block, Perkins street Tobin M. J., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house Taylor's block, Chestnut street Tomlet Oliver, emp Dwight Mills, house 14 Wyrqan street Tomlin John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Tone Philip, emp Dwight Mills, house 2 Front street Toohill John, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Exchange street Toomey Lawrence W., emp Brightwood, house Chapman street Toomey Thomas, emp Dwight Mills, house 'Vyman street Topia Joseph, emp C R R, house Emerald street Torrence Albert I., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house C~bot street Tracy Charles H., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Canal street Trask Orrin C., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards E. S. Cooley, Canal st Trehey David, laborer, house Springfield street ~rehy Michael, house 66 Dwight street Trudell Frank, emp T. Chabot, boards Chicopee House Tuck Arthur E., medical student, boards J. M. Tuck, Chestnut street Tuck John 1\1., confectioner, house Chestnut street Tully W~lliam, emp Dwight Mills, house corner Chestnut and Exchange streets Tuper Peter, boards G. Murray, Spring street Tuper Timothy, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Spring street Tye William, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Chapman street Tyldesley.Richard, emp Dwight Mills, house 30 Front street

UNDERWOOD ALPIIEUS, weaver, house corner Park and Chestnut streets Underwood Charles M., jeweler, shop and house cor Cross and Center streets

VALENTINE WILLIAM, principal grammar school, house Center street Vanasse David, farmer, house 24 Springfield street Vanglet Philip, emp Dwight Mills, house corner West and Leonard streets Van Horn A. W., emp Ames 1\1fg Co., bds S. Van Horn, Springfield street Van Horn Mrs. Cordelia, house Pleasant street Van Horn Edmund, farmer, house East street Van Horn Edward A., clerk Meekins & Packard, City, bds Springfield street Van Horn Lyman, farmer, house East street yan Horn Sumner, machinist, house Springfield street Vigant Frederick, carpenter, house Emerald street Vincent Charles E., carriage painter, boards corner School and Bullens streets Vincent Frank X., student, boards corner School and Bullens streets Vincent John B., carpenter, house corner School and Bullens streets Vincent John B. Jr., attorney Exchange street, bds cor School and Bullens sts'

Vincent O. J., emp G. A. Ashley & Co., house Exchange street Vinton Eugene, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Abbey street Vinton Thomas, cmp Ames Manufacturing Co., house Abbey street

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WAIT ALONZO, farmer, house Pleasant street Wallace Richard, emp Dwight Mills, house' 86 Dwight str,eet Ward Mrs. Alice C., house Wintworth street Ward Avery A., farmer, house Granby road, Ward Bartholomew, farmer, house Depot street Warmsley Charles, emp Holyoke, house School street Warner P. W., emp Gaylord Manufacturing Co., house Wintworth street W arner John, emp W. C. Wedge & Co., house Pleasant p:;treet \Varriner Miss Orpha E., emp Dwight Mills, house South street


Wedge W. C., (W. C. Wedge & Co.,) house corner Center and School str~ets Wedge ,V. C. & Co., (W. C. Wedge, Joseph E: Patrick,) bakers, Center st Weeks J. H., pastor Universalist church, bds cor Springfield and Pleasant sts Welch Mrs. Catherine, house Tremont street Welch James J., brick mason, house Chestnut street Welch John, laborer, house 13 Wyman street Welch Michael, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house School street Welch Thomas, emp A. L. McKinstry, house Corbin road Welch William, shoe-maker, house and shop Exchange street Welch William,'house Tremont street Welch 'Villiam 0., emp Dwight Mills, house 19 Spring street Wells. Jerome, president First National bank, house Market square Wells Jerome & Co" dry goods and hardware Market square 'tV ells William, house Park street West George M., emp Ames :Manufacturing Co., bds cor Grape and High ets West John, carpenter, rooms J. Miller, Cabot street West William H., carpenter, house corner Grape and High streets Wetherell Willia'm F., engraver Meriden, Ct., house Union street Wetsel J. H., agt Amerioan Express Co., office 1 Merchants' row, h Cabot st Whalen Edward, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards 95 h~ront street Whalen Thomas, emp Ames Manufacturing Co., boards 95 Front street Wheeler William E., liTary stable Exchange street, h Union blk, Exchange st ,V heeler & Evarts, (Mrs. T. Wheeler, Mrs, E. M. Evarts,) dress-makers,

rooms and house Union block, Exchange street

Wheelock Geo'Pge V. , Card and Job Printer, Cabot block, Merchants Row. House Gaylord street.

Wheelock Henry, soap-maker, house School street near Junction Whitaker George A., emp Gaylord Mfg Co., house cor Grape and Elm streets Whitaker William A., bracket-maker, house East street White Alfred, carpenter, house corner Dwight and School streets White Andrew, farmer, house Front street White Edward A., emp Dwight Mills, house Cottage place White Jeremiah L., emp Chapman & Folsom, rms Mrs. S. M. Heath, Center st White John D., (.J. A. Denison & Co,,) house Chapin street .

White Luther,- Attorney at Law, Office Cabot Hall block. House Front stre,Jt.


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White Robert G., emp Ames Manufacturing Company,bouse Springfield streat White William/farmer, house Chicopee street White William G., (Buckland & White,) boards W. White, Chicopee street Whitely William, emp Dwight Mills, house 64 Dwight street Whitney Mrs. C. W., house corner Summer and Union streets Whitney Elisha J.J., carpenter, house corner Center and Union streets Whitney George W. H., emp Dwight Mills, house Granby road Whittemore Mrs. H. C., house corner Park !treet and McKeag's avenue Whittemore H. G., emp A. G. Parker & Son, house East street Whittemore William P., emp A. G. Parker & Son, bds Mrs. A. Ferry Chicopee st Whittemore Willie, emp C R R, boards corner Park street and McKeag's ave Whittier Nelson, paymaster Dwight Mills, house Union street Whittier Mra. Rufus, house Union street Wieprecbt Bernbard, farmer, house near old Springfield road Wiggins AlIIahel C., house South street Wiggins Jerome N. B., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., bouse South street Wilbur Charles H., broom-maker, house East street ,Wild Joseph, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Wilkins Arthur, emp Ames Mfg Co., boards corner Exchan~e and Dwight sts Williston George F., policeman, house Chapman street Wilson C. A., emp C R R, boards Mrs. J. Pease, Cottage place Wilson Frederick W., (F. W. Wilson & Co.,) house Chicopee street Wilson F. W. & Co., market Kent's block, Exchange street Wilson John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 52 Perkins street Winchell George W., overseer Dwight Mills, house 90 Front street Winchester William, emp Dwight Mills, boards 19 Spring street Wing Mrs. John G., house Springfield street Winkley William P., farmer, house Chicopee !treet Wise Francis G., carriage painter Front st, boards John F. Wise. West street Wise Henry A., ump Junction depot, house Cottage place Wise John, emp town cemetery, bouse Leonard street

. Wiseman Edward, emp Dwight Mil1s, boards 95 Front street Witham Albert Z., machinist, house Wedge's block, School street Wood Daniel J., moulder, house corner West and Tremont streets Wood David, house 54 Front street Wood Edmund, miller, house and mill Chicopee street Wood Ephraim, emp Dwight :\lills, house 108 Exchange street Wood George, emp J. B., Hammersley, boards J. Strong, Dwight street Wood John B., tax collector, house Springfield street Wood John F., weaver, house Summer street Wood Joseph, laborer, house Depot street Wood Michael D., boards D. J. Wood, corner West and Tremont streets Wood M. L., miller, house Front street Wood Rufus M., emp Brightwood, boards Mrs. A. Ferry, Chicopee street Wood Warren S., emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Ee,st street Woodward James W., house Dwight street '

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Woodward W., emp Ames Mfg Co., boards corner Cabot and School streets Woodworth A. C., president Ames Manufacturing Co., house Front 'street Woodworth Charles B., emp Ames Manufacturing Co., house north side river Worden O. W., emp Dwight Mills, house Chicopee street Wren David, emp Dwight Mills, house Taylor's block, Chestnut street Wright John, emp Dwight Mills, boards 112 Exchange street Wright William 0., emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Center street Wyman Seth, farmer, house 36 Perkins street

YELL MATTHEW, emp Ames Manufacturing Company, house Emerald street

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Business Directory-Ohicopee . • • •

Artist. Moeman M. H., rooms Ames Co. works

Artists' Material. -Dayton F. O. & M. H., Exchange street

Attorneys. Allen Jonathan, office Kent's block Exchange st Robinson & Hitchcock, Oabot Hall block Vincent John B. Jr., Exchange street \'Whlte Luther, Cabot Hall block

Baker •• Wedge W. C. &, Co., Center st

Banks. Chicopee Savings bank, Kendall's ,block, Market

square First Natioual, Springfield street

Barbers. Barrett Edmnnd, Exchange stree1i Blackmer Charlel H., Temple block, Center st Cronin Patrick, Cabot street Grooms George H., Cabot Hall block

Blacksmiths. Gates Henry, Center street McCarthy James Center street

Boarding.Houses. Foster William H., 44 Perkins IItreet Gilbert Maxim, 61 Dwight street Goff Mrs. Mary E., 112 Exchanie street Heath Mrs. Sarah, Center street Judd Mrs. S. A., 95 Front street Mercure Oharles, Granfield's block, Perkins lit Merrill Mrs. O. C., Miller street Perkins Mrs. Julia A., cor School and Oabot sta Simmons L. L., Front street

Boot and Shoe Makers and Repairers .. Beasley George, cor Miller and Exchange sts Blackmer W. L., Union block, Exchange st Chapman & Foleom, 6 Exchani'e street Colton George, Exchange street OoltonHoratio, Park street Connell Jerry, GranA.ld's old block, Exchani'e

street Croshier George J., cor West and Tremont sts IDtchcock W. L., Merchant.' row Jeffers James, Leonard street: McGrath Thomas A., Exchange .treet

Parker A. G •. & Son, Front street Welch William, Exchange street Barry Bartholomew, Exchange street

Boot and Shoes. Beasley George, Exchange street Blackmer W. L., Union block, Exchange st Chapman & Folsom, 6 Exchange street Connell Jerry, Granfield's old block, Exchange

street Fitzgerald Thomas, Exchange street Hitchcock & Hosley, Exchange street Parshley B. W., cor Exchange and Cabot sta

Broom Manufacturers. Chapin Sydney. Ohicopee street Dane Dexter, cor School and Dwight atB • Btreeter Luther, School street SuUlvan John, Exchange street Wilbur Charles H., Eaat street

Bracket lrlaker. Whittaker William A., East street

Bras, Oastings. Amea Mannfacturlng Co., Front street. Gaylord Manufacturing Co., Front street

Building Mover. Klchm,ond Thomas, cor Exchange and Chestnut


. Butt~r Dealer. Dow Wlllfam, Bouth street

Oabinet Locks. Gaylord Manufacturing Co., Front lit

Oarpenters and Builders. Hogan Terrence, Center atreet Moody EUzur S., South street )(oody Henry S., South street Paraons Benjamin F., Union street Shaw Dwight L., Chicopee street

Oarpets, Oil Oloths, Etc. Wells Jerome & Co., Market square

Oarriage-Makers. Bartlett Martin R., Center street GIlDlore William H., Sammer street

Oarriage Painters. Vlnoent Charles E., cor School and B'lllen" lite

Page 49: Chestnut Grove-Place


Wise Francis G., Front street

Caterer. stedman Frank E., Grant street

Cigar Manufacturer and Dealer. Chabot Dema,se, cor Exchange and Dwight Its

. Civil Engf,·neers. Emery Albert H., cor Front and Wintworth stl Howard James E., High street Smith James M., )'ront street

Clothing Store,. Fisher Leaman, Kent's block, Exchange IItreet Hitchcook & Hosler, Exchange .treet

Coal Dealers. Abbey Abner B., Chicopee Junction Bemis Hobert W., cor Depot and and Front stl Da.mon Charlell E., office Temple block, Center


Coal and Wood Dealer. Abbey Charles C., yard Junction Depot

Concrete Pavement. Mead Charles W., 4 Front street.

Oonfectionery and Fruit. Driscoll D. M., Granfield's block, Exchange st Ja.cobs S. A'I 10 Exchange street Stoddard Mrs. Jane, Kendall's block, ~ercha.nt'l


Confectioner. Tuck John M., 9hestnut street

Oontractor., McClaHan C. & Bon, office Chapma.n street

Cotton Goods Manufacturers. Dwight Ma.nufacturing Co., Front street

Orockery and Glassware. Bullens I. Newton, Exchange street • Rourke P., cor West and Exchange streets

Dentist •. Porter Jesse, Exchange street Ross A. M., cor Cabot and Exchange streets

Die Sinking. Gaylord Manufacturing Co., Front street

Dress-Makers. Graham Mrs. Rhoda, Pa.rker's block Front st Grise Esther, rooms Exchange street Hastings Mrs. Emma F., cor South and Ash Its Hollis Mrs. Sarah, Kent's block, Exchange st Pa.ge Mrs R. A., Cabot Hall block Rich Mrs. Hattie L .• 21 Springfield street Wheeler & Evarts, Union block, Exchange st.

Drive Wells. Moore A. M., Exchange street

Druggist •. Johnson W. W., 9 Merchant's row KentC. F. &Son, Union block, Exchange st Smith Warren, .9 Exchange street

.Dry Goods. Hammersley J. B., 1, 8 and 9 Merchant.' row Jencks Albert J., cor Exchange and Center sts Potvin GUbert, Excbange street ~ Wells Jerome & Co., Market square

Engraving . Gaylord Manufacturing Co .• Front street

Fanc!! Dr!! Goods. Jencks Albert J.,.cor Exchange and Centersts

Fish and O!lst~r Mark~t. ABhley G. A. & Co., oor Exchange and Perkins


Florists. Blasclale E •• J., )'ront street Lander. Morris, near Chapin street Shaw ElUott D., Chicopee street Snow Dexter, Grape street

Furnitur~ (Second Hand) Dealer. Olds V. C., Wedge's block, Center street

Gardener. Mosman George, cor Bchool and Pleasant streets

Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Fisher Leaman, Kent's block, Exchange street Hltcllcock && Hosley, Exchange street

Grading. MOlma.n George, cor Bchool and Pleasant streets

Gr£st Mill. Weod Edmund, Chicopee street

Grocers, Bragg Warren B., Market .quare BulleD8 Amazlah, Exchange street, Bullen. C. A •• cor Exohange and ::\11l1er streets Bullens I. Newton, Exchange street Canty Dennis, Schooll.ltreet Carter & Spaulding, Market square Dixon John, cor Dwight and Exchange streets Lanckton & Pond, Kendall's block, Merchants'

row McKeag John, Exchange street O'Brien Daniel, Exchange street Phetteplace Marvin S., cor Front and Maple sts Rourke Patrick, West street

Hardware Dealers. Bragg Warren S., Market square Wells Jerome & Co., Market square.

Harness-Makers. Bagg Orrin, shop Exchanire street Jobson Thomas M., Center fltreet Kendall Henry H., h East street Robertson R. E., ShfLw's block, Center street

Hats and Oaps. Hitchcock & Hosley, Exchange street Parshley S. W., cor Exchange and Cabot streete

Hotels. Cabot House, Front street Chicopee House, cor Exchange and Front sts

Page 50: Chestnut Grove-Place


House Painters. Burnett George H., Cabot street Crosbier Sylvanus, cor West and Tremont sts Manehester William D., Gates's building, Center

t;treet McVicker William, cor Center and Union sts

Hulled Corn and Hominy. Stoddard E. A., Chicopee street

Ice Dealer. Bemis Robert W., cor Depot and Front ste

Insurance Agents. Ferry & WWte, Cabot Hall block

Jewelers. Gallupe Elias A., Post-Office block Kent Cyrus F., 5 Exchange street Underwood Charles M., cor Cross and Center ste

Junk Dealer. Russell Patrick, Dublin street

,Livery Stable. Wheeler William E., Exchange street

Machinery and Machinists' ·Tools. Ames Mannfacturing Co., Front street

Manufacturing Oompanies. Ames Manufacturing Co., Front street Dwight Manufacturing Co., Front street GaylordManufacturing Co., Front street

Market Gardeners. Chapin Edward E. C., ChIcopee street Talt James, Chicopee street

Ma son and Builder. Bates Homer W.,cor Summer and Union ate

Markets. Benoit Brothers, Granfield's block, Perkins at Denison J. A. & Co., Cabot street Deviney James, Springfield street McCarty Brothers, We!!t street McCarty Daniel, West street

Meat Markets. McCarty Florence, West street McClench Joseph U., Exchange atreet Miner A. B., Center street Stoddard S. D., Springfield street Wilson T. W. &, Co., Ken't's block, Exchange st

Milliners and Millinery Goods. Bagg Mrs. J. S., rms Kendall's block, Merchant's

row Fitzgerald Miss E. M., Union blk., Exchange st Follis Misses J. & M., Union block, Exchange st Fuller Miss A. J., Exchange street Potvin Gilbert, Exchange street

J.l1ilitary Accoutrements. Gaylord Manufacturing Co., Front etreet

Millwright. Goodwln John, CentElr street

Music Teacher. Sullivan Michael J., Springfield street

Newsdealers: Bullens Lewis C., Post-Office block Stackpole Joseph & Co., Center street

Nurses. Chase Miss Lucy E., h 11 Front street Hall E. R., house Chapin street

Painters. Dayton F. O. & W. H., Exchange street

Printer. Wheelock George V., Cabot Hall block

Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Dayton F. O. & W. H., Exchange street

Paper Hangers. Dayton F. O. & W. H., Exchanae etreet

Paper Hangings. Dayton F. O. & W. H., Exchange street

Paper Stock. Blaisdell 8. Jr. & Co., opposite JunbUon depot

Photographer. Ludwig Frank, Exchange street

Physicians. Bartlett William R., office Cabot street Dole Francis F., cor Springfield and Howard Bt. Dresser George, office Cabot street Mellen William M. E., School street Parker F. F., cor School and Center streets Smith W. G., Cabot street

Press and Oard Board. Blaisdell S. Jr. & Co., opposite Junction depot

Prov","sion Dealers. Denison J. A. & Co., Cabot street

Reed Manufacturers. Hays H. S., Front street O'Regan John, cor Summer and Cross streeta Tilley Norrl~, Springfield street

Restaurant. Manchester C. N., Center street

Saloons. Barry Bartholomew, Exchange street Cronin T. W., eor Dwight and Exchange sta Dalton Michael R., Exchange street Dalton Patrick J., Exchange street Granfield Maurice, Exohange street Hanley D. F., Exchange street Hickey Daniel W., cor Exchange and Depot stl Hurley Michael T., Exchange street Kelliher Michael J., Park etreet Linehan Patrick, Exchange street Maher Michael, Exchange street McAulUfPatrick S., cor School and West st. McCarty Daniel, cor West and School streets McDonnell Thomas, Exchanl:e street Mead Charles W., cor Miller and ~chool street8

Page 51: Chestnut Grove-Place


McGlinn James, School street Mulcahey Wil1iam, West street Murphy Denna, Exchange street O'Brien Daniel, Exchange street Tobin Edward, Exchange street Tobin Michael, Exchange street

Sign Painter. Manchester William D., Gates's building, Center


Sz'lver and Plated Ware. Ames Ma.nufacturIng Co., Front street

Soap J.lfanufacturers. Hitchcock Harvey, Prospect avenue Wheelock Henry, School street, near Junction

Soda Manufacturer. Robinson Robert, Chapman block, Springfield st

Stone Mason. Tighe John, Exchange stree\

Stoves and Tinware. Coggswell Henry, 8 Exchange street Moore Albert M., Exchange street

Sword Manufacturers. Ames Manufacturing Co., Front street Gaylord Manufactnring Co., Front street

Surveyor. Howard William F., Front street

Taz·lor. Devine Daniel, oor Dwight and School streets

Tanner and Currier. Byrt Charles, near Junction depot

Tin Roofing. Coggswell H., Exchange street Moore Albert M., Exchange street

Undertakers. Glaster Morris, West street Gleason Michael W., Perkins street Temple Lafayette" Market square

Variety Stores Stackpole Joseph & Co., Center street Sulllvan Daniel J., Exoha.nge street.

Weaver. Underwood Alpheus, oor Park and Che.tout sta

WOQd Dealer. Abbey Abner B., Chicopee Junction

W"apping and Baling Paper. Blaisdell S. Jr. & Co., opposite Junction Depot

Yeast Peddler. Spencer Frederick B., Perkins street

Page 52: Chestnut Grove-Place





Ran ufacturing Ita tfoners • .

. Particular attention given to the careful printing of

III u~tra.ted Catalogues,

. "W'oed Cut JPr:Lnti:a.g,

• Railway Supply Printing,




Page 53: Chestnut Grove-Place







C~:IR:lRIACEIS ~ ( \ . /


One and Two Seat Side Bar and Side Spring Open and Top Carriages, Phretons, Carryalls,

Beach Wagons, Canopy Top Two-Seat, Etc., Etc. Also, Light

Express and Farm Wagons;

, ,



Page 54: Chestnut Grove-Place

----------~----~~ -- --~-- --------:- ~




R~[nlatinn an~' Soci~ty Swor~~, BRONZE STATUARY,




BM(!}NZB C;fIHHON dlND Jf;fl((JlJlINN (l;lIINS. o-Send for Price List.


Ga~lor~ Manufacturing Com~an~, CHICOPEE~ MASS.,




SWORDS AND BELTS, Cartridge Boxes, Scabbards, and other

MILITARY ACCOQTREMENTS. Designing, Modeling, Die Sinking, Engraving, Etc.

BRA~S CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER.' .cQ-Send for Prfce List.

Page 55: Chestnut Grove-Place



Wholesale Dealers in

. ~otton, Cotton an~ Wool Wa~t~~, And all Grades of Washed, Bleached and Ma ..

chined Wiping Wastes, Cotton and Cotton Stocks for Felt Manufactu~ers a Spec-

I ialty. Gunny and Kentucky ! Stock, and all kinds of Wrapping and Baling Pa­

pers" Press and Card-Board.

Office, Opposite Jztnction JJepot, Gltz"copee, lJ£ass. ! ' '


Stevens' Patent Bre~Gh·Loadin[ Pocket Pistols and Pocket Rifies.

Also, New Sporting Rifles, and Single and Double Barrel Breech-Loading Shot Guns, Superior Spring Calipers and DiTiders, including the New Pat-

ent Coil Spring Calipers, Double Lip Counter Sinks, and Hathaway's Patent Combination Gauge.


Page 56: Chestnut Grove-Place




Agricultural Tool . Company, CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS.



LION PLOWS, the Best Smooth Land Plow in the Ya.rket. The Noted CYLINDER PLOW, formerly made at Greenfield. Also the CONICAL PLOW.

In addition to our olh~r Side Hill Plows, wo are introducing

I The Oneo~ ta Clipper. 1'hls Plow contains the most lemarkable illl­

provements made in Swivel Plows, and which the best New England inventors have failed in all their efforts to dillcovt'r. It is the only Swivel Plow behind which the plowman can walk comfortably with both feet in the furrow while plnl\;ing. 'The SHIFTI:SG II ANDf.ES, vi-

~ brating from the centt'r or the beam. hringing the coulter Into pOl'lUion at each turn or the mold-board ,enJi bles the operator to walk IIq uartl bebind the plow, in the furrow. The Hook or Latch is 01.erate.1 by thH foot, 1'0 that the Plow ill turned rellrly fM u!'c without takill{l the hands .from the handle··. It iR eaRY to hanrlle, light to draw, tirm, strong and durable. Also,

PR01JT'S HOEING MAOHINE. Something new, and worth double its cost to !Lny farmer.

Wo have the exclul'ive right for the manufacture,arid i'ale of the Famous RANDALL WHEEL­HARROW, with Frank Bramer's Improvements, for lhe Uiver Counties in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.

THE NEW YORK FEED CUTTER. All Dealers and Farmers should beware

or buying Lever Cutters infringing upon this patent.

We ask particular at.tentlon to the Self­Sharpening Feed Cutter, of which we have made and sold over Thirty-Six l'hoUJ!and, and is more popular to-day tIlan ever be­fore. Perry's Shear and Look Feed Cutter, II. new Cutter and rapidly gaining in popu­lar favor. ,One new and valuable feature is its lock,wbich prevents accidents to chil­dren when not in me. Gale's Junior Feed Cutter, a very popular Cylinder Feed Cut­ter. The New Lion Cutter. whicb was first Introduced last April, is giving good satis­faction, ItS it ~an be easily ehanged from .one lenglh to another.

The RIGHT HAND CORN SHELLER, with which Ol1e man can sheH corn as eaSily and as rapidly ,as twa with the common Sheller. 'l'he Conical orSflver Medal Plow, the bestlPlow for general use in the market,

Also manufacturers of all kinds of AGRI­CULTURAL bIPLEIUENTS, amonr which are Cultivators of all kinds. Horse Hoes, Share's Tobacco Ridger, Harrows, Corn ~hellers, Vegetable Cutters, Road Scrap­ers, and Warehouse Trucks.

arar- HaVIng facllitieR for be~t of tim bel', we take pleasure in saying that we war-rant all goods made by us to be of best material aud workmanship. We invite the attention of Farmers and uthers needing Agricultural Implements to our stock. Circulars and prices sent on application. Address, "




Page 57: Chestnut Grove-Place








For the Year commencing July 1st, 1878 .

• • •



1878. 69

Page 58: Chestnut Grove-Place

Streets in Ohicopee Falls . • • •

Bay View A. venue, from Bridge street northwesterly.

Belcher, from Front to Pine. Bingham, from Granby street eastward,

north of Eastern avenue. Bridge, from Frorit, crossing Chicopee

'river, northward; also called Willi­mansett road.

Canterbury Avenue, from Front; north of Bridge, to Munger court.

Centre, from Front, to junction of Oak and Grove.

Chestnut, from Church Ilouth~asterly to Springfield.

Chicopee Road, from Grove to Front street, Chicopee Village.

Church, from Front to Grove. Cochran, from Springfield eastward to

Muzzy. Court, from Belcher to West. Eastern Avenue, from Granby, near

Summit avenue, east.' . East, southeasterly trom junction of

Springfield and Belcher. East Street Avenue, from East, near­

ly opposite Muzzy, northward. Fuller, from East northward and east­

ward to East Street avenue. Front, from West east to Springfield line. Granby, from Bridge easterly and north­

easterly to Granby line. Grove, southeasterly from junction of

Center and Oak. Grove Avenue, from Grove to Pine. High, from Chestnut to Pine, east of Bel­

cher. Maple, from Belcher to Spring, between

Front and East. Market, from West to Church, between

Front and Court.

Munger Court, foot of Canterbury av enue.

Muzzy, from East to Cochran. Oak, from junction of Center and Grove

to West. Pine, from Belcher to Springfield. Rumrill A venue, eastward from

Bridge nearly opposite Wells aveuue. South, from Center to West, between

Court and Oak. Spring, from East to Main. Springfield, from Front southward to

Springfield line. Summer, from Springfield to Pine. Summit Avenue, from Granby, near

Eastern avenue, northward. Wells Avenue, from Bridge to Bay

View avenue. West, from Front south, east side C. R.

R. to Oak.


Chicopee Falls Block, north side Market street, between Center and Church streets.

Munn's Block, north side Front street, opposite Wildes's Hall.

Wallace's Block, north side Front street, opposite Wildes's Hotel.

Lucas's Block, north I!lide Front street, head Church street.

Masonic Hall Block, north side of Front street, near Connecticut River R. R.Depot.

Hubbard's Block, north side Front street, opposite Wildes's Hotel.

Rumrill's Block, south side Chestnut street.

Page 59: Chestnut Grove-Place

Chicopee Falls In Detail. --_ .... -Churches.

FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHU'RCH-Cor­ner Church and Court streets. Organized July 3, 1830. Rev. Samuel J. Austin, pas­tor, installed Dec. 5, 1877; residence,cor­ner Belcher and Court streets. Deacons, George S. Taylor, Russell S. Furney, Miner Kelley. Sunday-school superin­tendent, Miner Kelley. •

Meetings-Sunday at 10.30 A. H., and 6.30 P. H., with preaching. Sunday-school 12 1\1. 'The Lord's Supper is administered on the first Sunday in January, March, May, July, September and November at 2.30 P. H. Thursday evening social wor-8hip. The church membership is 200, and there are 145 members of the Sunday­school.

Assessors of the parish: John Anderton, E. O. Carter, A. B. West; treasurer, H. E. Munn; clerk, Arthur B. West.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-Corner Springfield and East streets. Pastor, Rev. A. C~ Manson, appointed April, 1876; Sun­day-school superintendent, P. W. Smith; assistant superintendent, Franklin Keyes. Stewards, William Blake, P. W. Smith, O. E. Darling, E. Blake, William B. Fay, Otis Thayer, Samuel Drake. Leader of the choir, Joseph Morgan. Class leaders, Wil­liam B. Fay and Frank Bartlett.

Meetings-Sabbath, 10.30.A. M., with preaching; Sunday-school immediately after morning service; 6 P. H., prayer -meeting; Tuesday evening, class-meeting, and Thurs­day evening regular church prayer-meeting at 7.30 o'clock.

Trustees-William Blake, William B. Fay, O. E. Darling, Moses Godwin, H. S. Newell, P. W. Smith, Moses Marshall, Julius P. Bosworth, George W. Bray.

BAPTIST CHURCH-Founded in 1828. Rev. R. K. Bellamy, pastor, settled in 1848 ; residence, Church street, Deacons, John Herrick, H. O.9hapin. Sunday-schoolsu-

perintendent, John Herrick. The society has recently completed a handsome brick church on the corner of Springfield and Belcher streets, and which was dedicated February 20th. The church cost about $16,000, and has a seating capacity of about 400.

Meetings-Sabbath, 10.30 A. H. and 6 P. H., with preaching; Sunday-school im­mediately after morning service; Thursday evening, prayer-meeting. There are 185 members. Parish committee, M. H. Boy­den, H. O. Chapin, Russell Markham.

THE SECOND ADVENT SOCIETY was or­ganized in 1870. It has no settled minis­ter, but meetings are held regularly at the chapel on Maple street. Deacon, A. B. Howard.

Meetings-On Sunday at 10.30 A. H. and 2 P. H. ; at 6 P. H , social meeting; Wednes­day enning, prayer-meeting I}t 7.30 o'clock. Committee, A. B. Howard, Z. Foster, A. Wilbur.

St. PATRICK'S CHURCH, Roman Catho­lic-Granby street. Founded December 15,1872. Pastor, Rev. P. D. Stone.

Sunday services-Low mass, 8,% A. M., high mass, 10,% A. H.; Sunday-school at 2 P. H., vespers, 3 P. m.

There are about 1,500 souls in the parish, and 400 children in the Sunday-school.

St. Patrick's Library Association, started for the benefit of members of the parish, has about 350 volumes.

FRENCH CATHOLIC CHURCH"':'Organized 1871. Church edifice located midway be­tween Chicopee Falls and Chicopee, was built in 1877 at a cost of about $15,000, with a seating capacity of about 700. Father H. Landry of Indian Orchard, pastor, resi- . ence, at Indian Orchard.

Uhic~pee Falls Schools. HIGH SCHOOL-Church street. Princi­

pal, Elliott S. Miller, ~1,200.

Page 60: Chestnut Grove-Place


GRAMMAR SCHOOL-High School build­ing, Church street. Principal, Miss Mary A. Paige, $600, assistant,--$368.

INTERMEDIATE No.2-New school build­ing, corner Springfield and Chestnut streets. Miss Belle Canterbury, $368.

INTERMEDIATE No.2-Granby street. Principal,---, $800.

INTERMEDIATE ;No. 1- Granby street. Miss Alice Bullock, $368.

INTERlUEDIATE. No. I-New school build­ing, corner Springfield and Chestnut streets. Miss Georgie Morse, $368.

PRIMARY SCHOOLs-High school build­ing-Teachers, Miss Lottie Fay, Miss Ida E. Smith, Miss Laura Woodhall.

PRIMARY No.2-New School building, Miss Lizzie Canterbury, $342.

PRIMARY No. I-New School building, Miss Georgie Thayer, $342.,

PRIMARY SCHOOLS - Granby street. Teachers-Miss Belle B. Chapin, Miss Ellen S. Dooley. .


opee Falls. Business office in Paige's drug store; office hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. President, J .. W. Osgood; vice-presidents

,George S. Taylor, T. U. Page, W. P. McFarfand; treasurer, E. T. Paige; trustees, J. E. Taylor, N. R. Wood, M. Dunn, A. P.Chapin, Eugene Munn, G. W. Bray, W. R. Kentfield, A. W. Page, O. E. Darling, M. Houlahan, G. M. Morton, J. R. Wilbur, E; Trembly, George Rumrill, Jon­athan R., Whittemore. Interest commences once a quarter.

Hotel. WILDES'S HOTEL-Corner Front and

Church streets,' Chicopee Falls. Anson F. Wildes, proprietor.

Chicopee Falls Fire ~istrict. Chief Engineer, George McQueen; first

assistant engineer, Andrew Gale; second assistant engineer, Michael Dunn; third aa­sistant engineer, Russell Markham; clerk, Henry N. Lyon; prudential committee, William Blake, Jr., N. R. Wood, George M. Morton. '

TORRENT ENGINE Co.-Corner Market and Church streets, has a Waterman' hand engine, with ,about 1,260 feet of hose, and

45 men. Foreman, J. Sullivan; clerk, Cor. nelius McInerney.

AGRICULTURAL HOSE Co.-Located at the Belcher & Taylor Agricultural Tool Co's works on the north side of Chicopee river, has a Fales &; Jenks force pump with 600 feet of hose.

OWEGO HOOK AND LADDER CO.-Corner Market and Church streets. This company recently organized, has one Hook and Lad. der truck and 20 men. Hiram Munger fore. man.

Societies. BELCHER LODGE F. & A. M.-Instituted

1870. Annual communication the first Monday in October; regulars, the first Mon. day in each month; specials, other Mon. days; meets in Masonic Hall, .Front street. W. M., James Flint, Jr.; S. W., Henry Conklin; J. W., Charles O. Shaw; Secre. tary, Nathaniel Clark; Treasurer, Eugene Munn i S. D., Albert Longeway; J. D., E. Blake; S. S., .A. R. Martin; .T. S., J. W. Burgess; chaplain, C. S. Stiles; organist, A. McFarland; I. S., Lyman Blood; Tyler, John Longeway.

UNITY CHAPTER ROYAL ARCH MASONS. -Instituted December 7, 1875. Annual convocation the first Wednesday in Septem. ber. Regulars, first Wednesday in each month; specials, every Wednesday. Offi· cers : M. E. H. P., ; E. K, Benjamin Belcher; E S., A. C. Hancock, Treasurer, E. Munn; Secretary, A. McFarland; C. H., J. W. Belcher; P. S. C. O. Shaw; R. A. C., E. T. Paige; 3d Vail, James Crowther; 2d Vail, H. S. New· ell; 1st Vail,· G. E. Root; S. B. Cook and J. H. Bennett, Stewards; John Longeway, Tyler.

FATHER MATHEW TOTAL ABSTINENCE AND MUTUAL BENBVOLENT SOCIETT.-Or­ganized in 1869. Officer s-President, Ed­ward Foley; vice-president, George Mc· Queen; recording secretary, J. M. Boyd; corresponding secretary. William F. Bolin; directors, P. O. Callahan, Thomas Fitzger. aId, Cornelius Mclnery, Cornelius O'Neil, Michael O. Lawton, James O'Brien; chap· lain, Rev. P. D. Stone. Meets in Wildes's Hall everT Sunday at 6 P. M. Its memo bers receive $4 per week in sickness, and on the death of a member, $30 are provided and funeral expenses paid by the society.

Page 61: Chestnut Grove-Place

Ohicopee Falls Directory .

•• •

ADAMS ARTHUR J., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 16 West street Adams Mrs. Fanny, house 16 West street Adams Herbert H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 16 West street Adams Jared ,F.,' emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co.., house Front street Adams Jerry, house 43 Centre street Adams John Q., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" house 20 West street Adams 1\1rs. Olive, boards Daniel Griffin, Maple street Adams William, school.house janitor, house East street avenue' Allen Miss Eliza R., house Maple street Allen Levi, house Maple street ' Alvord Mrs. Jemima, boards Dr. Samuel Alvord, Church street Alvord Samuel, M. D., office and house Church street , Anderson Henry, emp Chicop'ile Manufacturing Co., house Centre street Anderton John, (Anderton & Dunn,) house Court street _ Anderton & Dunn, (J. Anderton, M. Dunn,) Hampden Bleachery, Granby st Archambeault Joseph, emp Chicopee Manuf.'lcturing Co" bds Joseph King Ash Bartholomew R., house Bridge street

'Ash Mrs: Catherine, house Granby street Ash John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bi~gham street Ash John 1\1., grocer, house and store Granby street Ash 'J.1homas emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Eastern avenue Ash Thomas 1\1., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Hingham street Ashworth Richard, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 12 West. street Aspin Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 l~ront street Atkinson Fred W., emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., boards 23 Front street Austin Ed ward, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 37 Centre street Austin Rev. Samuel J., pastor Congregational Church, house corner Court and

Belcher streets

BACHANKL MRS. MARY, bouse 53 Center street Bagley Michael, emp Chicopee 'Manufacturing Co., house 25 Centre street Bagley Michael, ,Jr., laborer, boards 25 Centre street Bagley Thomas J., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Cochran street Banister James, emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Centre street Barnes David J., boards Horace C. Barnes, East street avenue

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Barnes Horace C., emp Wason Manufacturing Co., house East street avenue Barnes Mervin H., merchant tailor Front street, house East street Barry James, boards Thomas l)arry, :Bingham street Barry Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 18 Centre street Barry Thomas, house Bingham street Bartlett Franklin, emp J. Stevens & Co., house Gowe;"'s avenue Bartlett George D., telegraph and news Front street, boards 18 Market street Bartlett George J., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 18 Market street Bartlett John W., medical student boards 18 Market street~, Bartlett Miss Mary, dress-maker, boards 18 Market street Bascomb Lovin, tin-peddler, house Front street Batchelder John, house Centre street Batchelder Orlando K., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house 1 Market st Beauchamp E., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 6 West street Beauchamp Z., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 6 West street Beaudoin Frank, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 12 Centre-street Belcher B. B., boards .r. W. Belcher, corner Front and Belcher streets

, Belcher Benjamirll, (B. & J. W. Belcher,) house Front street '--Belcher J. W., (B. & J. W. Belcher,) house corner Front and Belcher streets Belcher Miss Margaret, house corner Belcher and Springfield streets Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., Bridge street Beleveau Mrs. E., house 26 West street Beleveau Narcisse, boarding-house, 19 Market street Beliveau Mrs. David, house 21 Centre street Bellamy C. J., attorney 475 Main st, City, bds Rev. R. K. Bellamy, Church 8t Bellamy Edward, boards Rev., R. K. Bellamy, Church street Bellamy Rev. Rufus K., past(')r Baptist Church, house Church street Bellmore Mrs. Emma, house 23 Center street Bennett Anthony, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 21 Market street Bennett Joseph H., emp Chicopee :Manufacturing Co., house 32 West street Bennett \Villiam A., machinist, house East street -Berry L. )\1., 1\1. D., office Front 8treet Berry William L., clerk and boards Stephen W. Knox Bethume Joseph, emp Beicher & Taylor Tool Co., boards 17 Market street Bidwell Charles E., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Grove street Bidwell Mrs. Sarah, house Grove street Billard Mrs. Desire, boards 1 Centre street Birney Miss Mary, dress-maker,. boards 24 West street Bisneth Maglore, house 12 Front street

, Blake Ezekiel, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house East street Blake James E., boards William Blake East street Blake William, house East street Blake William, .Jr., livery stable, house and. stable Centre street Blaisdell Samuel, dealer cotton waste, Chicopee, house Grove street Blanchard Alphonse, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Market st Blanchard Avmidose, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., bds 21 Middle street

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Blanchard Demas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 29 Centre street Blanchard Jm;eph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 15 West street Blasius Nicholas, emp Chicopee Manufaeturing Co., 'house Bridge street Blood Lyman, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Chestnut street Bly Arthur.J., emp R. W. Bemis, boards James 1\1. Bly, Front street Bly James 1\1., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Front street Bly Jeremiah, boards James M. Bly, Front street Bogardus Charles A., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 3 Front street Bohen Timothy, laborer, house Granby street Boler Mrs. Michael, house. Granby street Bolin Michael, laborer, house Summit avenue Bolin William, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Summit avenue Borvin Telesphore, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., boards 5 West street Bosworth J. H., emp grist mill, house East street. Bourden Francis, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Canterbury avenue Bouregard 1\Irs. Matalie, house 21 Middle street Bourget John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Belcher street Boutelle William, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., boards 23 :Market street Bowen Bartholomew, farmer, house Bridge street Bowen Michael, laborer, house Bridge street Bowen Peter, farmer, house 'VeIls avenue Bowen Timothy, shoe-maker, boards Bartholomew Bowen, Bridge street 'Boyd Henry J., coal-yard, house East street Boyden Moses, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., h cor Court and Belcher sts Boyden Silas, boards M. H. Boyden, Court street Bradley Dennis, laborer, house Bridge street Bradley Mrs. Honora, honse 2 South street Brassard Esimair, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 6 West street Bray George W., dry goods, groceries and furniture Front street, house corner

C~estnut and High streets Brick Mrs. Maggie, boards 17 Middle street Briggs William H., emp Maynard Rifle Co., house Front street Britton Mrs. Rose, boards Henry F. Moriarty Brodenr Alfred, emp and boards J. R. Whittemore" Brooks G~orge W., farmer, house East street Brown Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 4 Court street Bl'Uton Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 10 South street Buckley Daniel, laborer, house Bridge street Burby Mrs. J. K., house 24 Market street Burby John W~, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 24 Market street Burdett Albert J., emp Belcher & Taylur Tool Co.,. house Bridge street Burgess JosephW., druggist, house 9 Church street Burnett Alexander· L., cooper, house Maple street Burns Da~iel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Eastern avenue Butler Charles E., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 3 Market street Butler Edward, farmer, house near Granby street

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Butler John, emp G. M. & F. H. Morton, boards 23 Middle street Butler John, house 14 West street Butler Moses, emp Chicopee Manufac~uring Co., house 27 West street Butler Patrick, farmer, house near Granby street . Buxton Mrs. John C., boards 17 Court street Buxton Salem P. carpenter, house East street

CADWELL MrssELIZABETH, rooms Pljney Ca~weU, Front street Cadwell Pliney, house Front street ' Callaghan James P., rooms Patrick CaUaghan, corner Bridge and Front streets Callaghan Patrick, shoe store Front street, house cor Bridge and Front streets CaJIahan Mrs. Johanna, house Court street Callahan John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 24 Centre street Canahan Mrs. Mary, house Court street Callihan James, lahorer, house Rumrill avenue Campbell James, meat market and house Church street Campbell Robert, emp James Campbell, house Front street Cannule Octave, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 5 Centre street Canterbury Nathan, meal, flour and feed. Bridge st, house 8pringfield street Carey Mrs. Betsey, boards Mrs. Sidney R. Lueas Carmody Thomas, emp J. Stevens & Co., house cor Bridge and Granby sts Carpenter Mrs. Jennet, boards Charles H~ Seaver Carrigan John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 11 West street Carter E. 0., justice police court, house Grove street . Carter T. W., house corner Church and Grove streets Carter William, emp Jo~eph Clough, house Springfield street Cavanaugh Edward, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Middle street Cavanaugh John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Middle street Cavanaugh Mrs. Mary M., house Bingham street· Cavanaugh Michael, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co .• house Wells avenue Cavanaugh Morris, grocer, house and store Bridge street Cavin James, emp Charles McClallan & Son, house Chicopee road Cavin Thomas, laborer, house Bingham street " Cayaux Louis, emp Wason Car Mfg Co., Brightwood, boards 1 Centre street Chaff Charles, emp and boards Guenther & Pabst, Front street Chambers Horace W., brakeman C R R, boards Wildes's Hotel Changnon Charles, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 15 Middle street Changnon Mrs Poline, boards 15 Middle street Chapin Miss Belle B., teacher First primary school, north side river Chapin Mrs Sarah A., "house East street Chase 'Villiam P., house Belcher street Chester Miss Mary, assistant teacher Grammar school, bds Wm.P. McFarland Clairmont David, house Canterbury avenue Clalk Dwight A., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Springfield st Clark George A., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Chestnut street Clark Henry, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house ~ Church street

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Clarke Nathaniel, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Springfield street Clearey James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 17 West street Clough George C., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Clough Herbert, house painter, boards J oRcph Clough, Springfield streeet Clough Joseph, carriage-maker, house Springfield street Cobb George W., house East street Cobb John A., barber, house Springfield street Cobb 'Villiam P., emp J. Ste~ens & Co., bds George W. Cobb, East street Cole Asa B., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 8 West street Collins Mis. Charles R., house East street Collins Mrs. Mary, house 35 Centre street Congabell Frederick, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Front street Conkey George, emp J. Stevens & Co., boards 22 West street Conklin Henry, emp Chicopeo Manufacturing Co., house 22 ~'ront street Connor Mrs. Betsey, house c!->rner Bridge and Granby streets Connor Michael, laborer, house Court street Connor Patrick, laborer, house Springfield street Connors John, house Granby street Connors Mn. Mary, house 19 Centre street Conway Mrs. Julia, boards 17 Centre street Conway Michael, farmer, house Springfield street Conway Patrick, laborer, house near Bridge street Cook Mrs. Anna, dress-maker, boards and rooms Franklin Bartlett, Gowens av Cook D. M., meat market Centre street, house Pine street Cooper Mrs. vVilliam, boards Amos A. Johnson. East street Corey Reuben H., livery stable Chicopee, house Market street Coughlan Daniel, house Court street Couty Andrie W., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Canterbury ave Cowperthwaite Jeremiah, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" house Front st Cox Samuel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 8 Front street Crahan John, laborer, house Bridge street Crahan Thomas, laborer, bouse 16 Centre street Crehan John, laborer, house Court street Creihari Dennis, laborer, house Front street Crene Orson, emp Chicopee. Manufacturing Co., house Church street Urocker Miss Lucretia B., emp William H. Southwick, East street Crowley Mrs. :Mary, bds 31 Centre street Crowley Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 25 Centre street Crow ther Benjamin, emp Chicopee Mfg Co., house Springfield street Crowther Edward I.J.,emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 16 Front street Crowther James, emp Chicopee :Manufacturing Co., house 4 Front street Crowther James 'E., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 17 Front street Crowther \Villiam, emp Chicopee Mfg Co., boards Springfield street Cummings James, painter, bouse Cochran street Curran Mrs. Johanna, boards Mrs. Margaret NeJey

Curtis Eugene C;, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" house 25 West street


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Cutler John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards ~ 2 West street

'DADY DANIEL, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 11 Centre street Dady Mrs. Daniel, honse 11 Centre street Dady Miss Mary, house 11 Centre street Danforth Mrs. Elizabeth, nurse, house Front street Danforth MiAS Hattie, dress-maker, boards Mrs. Elizabeth Danforth, Frontlst Dana George C., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 Market street Danahy Mrs. Mary, house 49 Centre street Darby Norman A., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Chestnnt street Darling O. K, (Darling & Morgan,) house Springfield street Darling & Morgan, dry goods, Centre street Davis Hector, condu~tor C R R, boards Wildes's Hotel Default Charles, carpenter, house Canterbury avenue Default Charles, Jr., carpenter, house Canterbury avenue Default Henry, carpenter, house Canterbury avenue Default Joseph, carpenter, house Canterbury avenue De Gazelle Leon, house 3 Market street De Gray Joseph, clerk Wildes's Hotel De Slaurier D., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Company, boards 5 Centre street Dernise Mrs. Bertram, dress and cloak-making, rooms and house Front street Desotell Victor, clerk Alfred Desotell, boards Simon Remillard Devino ~1rs. Mary, boards 45 Centre street Dezotell Abrah~m, bo~rds Alfred DezotelI, Chestnut street Dezotell Alfred, groceries, Front street, house Chestnut street Dickinson John H.) emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Cochran street Dillon Mrs. Mary, house Summit avenue Dillon Thomas, emp C. McClallan & Son, house near Bridge street Dion Isadore, carpenter, house corner Bridge and Front streets DonoYan Daniel, shoe-maker, house East street Dooley Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co.: house 28 West street Door Peter, emp and boards Albert Guenther, Front street Doran l\<Irs. Ellen, boarding-house, 7 Centre street Dore Edward, emp G. M. & F. H. Morton, house Belcher street Dougherty John, laborer, house Granby street Dowd Edward, laborer, house near Granby road Dowd Jeremiah, laborer, house Court street Downey John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Drake Samuel H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 2 West street Driscoll Stephen. emp Chicopee Mfg Co., house Bay View avenue Drollette Duffill, carpenter, house Front street Dubour Frank, emp H. & J. W. Belcher, house Gowen's avenue. Dubour Frederick, emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Gowen's avenue Dubuque Joseph B., barber under Wildes's Hotel, bds cor Front and Center ata Dufresne Mrs. J obn B., boards Mrs. Bertrand Demise Dumas Charles, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 1 Center street

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Dunham William, policeman, house corner Chestnut and High streets Dunn Daniel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bay View avenue Dunn Keyran, engineer Anderton & Dunn, house Bay View avenue Dunn Michael, (Anderton & Dunn,) house East street Duprez Peter, laborer, house Canterbury avenue


Dutton Elisha H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Dwine Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 25 Centre street

EATON M,RS. MARY, house corner Bridge and Front streets Eaton Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 Front street J1Jldridge Orin, farmer, house Muzzy street Elliott Asahel N., cmp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Springfield street Elliott .1\1rs. Clarissa, boards Asahel N. Elliott, Springfield street Ellsworth Alfred B., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Springfield street Ellsworth Ira A., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., boards Alfred B. Ellsworth Ellsbree Edmund S., emp H. S. Newell, house Chcstnut street ' Elsbree Ephraim B., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., Qouse 18 Front street Engle Hiram, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Pine and Belcher streets Engle Peter H., painter, house 1 Market street Engle William M., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 21 Front street Engles Samuel, emp and boards Wildes's Hotel Enwright John, farmer, house Bridge street Evans Mrs. John, house near Bridge street Evarts Charles W., house Front street Evarts Warren G., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards C. W. Evarts

FARLEY CHARLES, laborer, house near Summit avenue Farley Mrs. Eliza house Bridge street Farley James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Summit avenue Farley Mrs. Mary, house Summit avenue Favro Adolph, emp Dwight Manufacturing Co., Chicopee, boards John Favro Favro John, emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Front street Fay Arthur H., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Front street Fay David, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 17 West street Fay Hamilton, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Front street Fay William B., emp J. Stevens & Co., house East street . Fay William F., boards William B. Fay, East street 'Fay William F., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 20 Front street Fenecy Mrs. Margaret, house 2 South street Ferriter James, laborer, house Bingham street Finnegan John A" emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Summit avenue Finnegan Mrs. Mary, boards Summit avenue Finton Mrs. John, house Rumrill avenue Fitzerald Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Fitzgerald Daniel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Granby street Fitzgerald Mrs. Ellen, boards 13 Middle street

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Fitzgerald Eugene, lahorer, house near Bridge street Fitzgerald Mrs. Johanna, bouse Bridge street Fitzgerald John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 3 Centre street Fitzgerald Mrs. Julia, bouse Granby street Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary, house Rumrill avenue Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary. bouse near Bridge street Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary, boards Nicholas Fitzgerald Bridge street Fitzgerald Nicholas, emp William Wallace, house Bridge street Fitzgerald Patrick, emp Cbicopee Manufacturing Co., house 13 Middle street Fitzgerald Tbomas, emp Chicopee" _Manufacturing Co., boards 10 South street }i~itz~rald Thomas emp G. M. & F. H. Morton, boards 7 Centre street Fitzgerald Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Fitzpatrick Edward, laborer, house Chicopee road Fitzpatrick Hugh, emp Samuel Blaisdell, bouse Cbicopee road Fitzpatrick James, emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Bridge street

. Fitzpatrick John, tinner, house Bay view avenue Flagg George W., carpenter, house Fuller street Flaherty John 0., grocer, house and store Granby street Fleury David, emp D. B. Griggs, house Front street Flint George H., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Flint James, Jr., loom harness manufacturer, bouse and pIill Front street Flint Jjlmes, gardener, boardslHiram A. Stokes Fogg Jerry, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., bouse Canterbury avenue Foisey Mrs. Godfrey, bouse 3 Market street Fqley Edward, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bay View avenue Foley James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., bouse 3 Middle ~treet Foley .J erry ,emp C. McClaUan & Son, bouse Chicopee road Foley John, laborer, bouse Granby street Foley Patrick, emp Wason Mfg Co., bouse near old Chicopee Falls road Fontaine Crisologue, boarding-bouse.! Centre street Fontaine Fred, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., bouse 13 Centre street Foran Peter, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 12 Front street Forbes Henry G., M. D., office and house Springfield street Forent William, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 7 Middle street Foster Zavud,house Cochran street Foule John, emp and boards Albert Guenther Front street Fridgen Timothy, house 26 West street Frink John, engineer C R R, boards Wildes's Hotel Fuller Mrs. Diana, house 22 West street Fuller Heman, house East street Fuller Henry A., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 22 West street

. Furney Russell S., emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Springfield street

GABRIEL ANDREW L., emp Dwight Mills, CI..Jicopee, boards Chicopee road Gabriel Charles, house Chicopee road Gabroul Paul, laborer, house Gowen's avenue

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Gadin Eugene, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 21 Middle street Gale Andrew, sup't Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house East street Galen Cornelius, boards 23 Front street Gallivan James, laborer, house Summit avenue Garrity Patrick, farmer: house near Bridge street Garrity Peter, laborer, boards Patrick Garrity


Garrity Thoma~, emp Belcher & l'aylor Tool Co., house Bridge street Garvey Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 14 Centre street Gassner George, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Gassner .James C., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Maple street Gault Henry, emp Joseph Clough, boards John Longeway Gette Frank, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house 23 l\fiddle street Gilbert Henry W., coffee and spices, 13 Lyman street, City, house Oak street Gilbert Horace W., boards Henry vy. Gilbert, Oak street Gill Napoleon, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Fulton street Gilmore Thomas, saloon, house Rumrill avenue Glastor John, laborer, house Granby 8tre~t Gleason Mrs. Mary, house near Bridge street Goddu Joseph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 5 Center street Goff Arthur C., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house 5 Market street Goff Lucius W., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Chestnut street Goldsmith Mrs. Catherine, house 14 Front street Goldsmith William H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 6 Front street Gonier Mrs. Louis, house Canterbury avenue ' ,

Gorton Osmund, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Pine and Summer sts Gowin Moses, emp J. Stevens & Co., house Gowen's avenue Goyette Miss Rosa, dress-maker, boards Mrs, Bertrand Dernise Grady John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 16 Centre street 'Granfield Michael, laborer, house Granby street Graves Franklin N., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 2 West street Graves Wallace H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" house 3 West street Grelette Antoine, emp J. Stevens & Co., boards Wildes's Hotel Griffin Daniel, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Mllple stl'eet Griffin Harry D., emp Smith & Wesson, City, h cor Court and Church streets Griffin 1\1rs. Honora, bouse near Bridge street . Griffin John, laborer, bouse Wells avenue Griggs Brothers, (M:. D. Griggs, Fred B. Griggs,) gas burners Pine stl'~et Griggs D. B., contractor and builder, house cor Pine street and Grove avenue Griggs Fred B., (Griggs Br()thers,) bds D. B. Griggs, cor Pine st and Grove ave Griggs M. D., (Griggs Brothers,) bds D. B. Griggs, cor Pine st and Grove ave Guenther Albert, (Guenther & Pabst,) house Front street Guenther & Pabst, (A. Guenther, A. Pabst.) bakery under Wildes's Hotel Guhnn Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 11 Middle street Guile Mrs. Delia, house 2 Market street

HADLEY ETHAN, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Belcher street

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Hadley George W., emp Mass Arms Co., house 1\Iaple street Hagerty Cornelius, machinist, house Bay View avenue Hagerty M 1'8. 1\Iary, house Bridge street Hale Henry C., fi~h and oysters, under Wildes's Hall, house Springfield. street Haley William, emp .J oseph Clough, boards 23 Front street Hamill John, laborer, house Bridge street Hamilton Arthur P., clerk B & A R R office, City, boards Peter H. Engle Hamilton Homer, highway surveyor, house East street .Hancock Albert C., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Belcher street Hanefin John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Middle street Hanefin Mrs. Kate, boards Daniel Coughlin Hanefin Michael, laborer, house Court street Hanefin Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Court street Hanefin Micli'ael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Court street Hanefin Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 20 Centre street Hanefin William, laborer, house 2 Court street Hanley William, emp Ohicopee Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee ro'ad Hannon Mrs. Sarah, boards Patrick Conway near Bridge street Haraghy Michael, emp J. Anderson, house Court street Harrington Mrs. Mary, house Bay View avenue Harrison J. F., dog trainer, house Chicopee road Hart Newton A., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house East street Hartin Daniel, emp IJamb Knitting Machine Co., house Granby street Hassett Mrs. Oatherine, house Bay View avenue Hatch Warren J., emp J. Stevens & Co., house 23 Front street Hatfield William, clerk T. P. Watson, house Front street Hathaway Addison, machinist, house Front street Hathaway Jason C., boards A. Hathaway, Front street Hathaway Mrs. LetheI', house Front street Hay Alden 1\1., emp Chicopee Manufaoturing Co., house 24 West street Hayes David, emp Joseph Clough, boards John Longeway .l-:taynes 1\lrs. Mabel S., boarding-house, 23 Market street Hayward Lyman F., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 31 West street Hederman Edmund, laborer, house Chicopee road . Hederman Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 31 West street Hendrick J abez, farmer, house Granby street Hendrick Joseph H., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house Springfield street Hendrick Reuben T., farmer, house Springfield street Hennefin Patrick, emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Bingham street Henry Milford, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool 00., boards 17 Market street Hernehy Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing"Co., house 24 Centre street Herrick John, emp Ohicopee Ma.nufacturing Co., house Belcher street Herrick William T., musician, house corner Pine and Belcher streets Hibbard Henry, emp Ohicopee Manufacturing 00., house 39 Centre street Higgins Michael, emp Belcher & Taylor·Tool Co., house Bridge street Hill N. C., blacksmith, housel1 Front street

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Hines John, saloon and house 8 Court street Hines William C., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 5 Front street Hixon James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 1 ¥iddle street Hoisington Miss Marcia, house Chestnut street Hoisington Mrs. Maria, house Chestnut street Holcomb E. V. B., insurance agent, house High street Holihan Mrs. Catherine, house Court street Holihan James, house Granby street

: Hopkins James M., house Chestnut street . . Holihan .John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 47 Centre street Holihan :l\1ichael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 45 Centre street Holihan Patrick, boards 45 Centre street Holland Daniel, emp J. Stevens & Co., boards John Longeway Holmes John, emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Front street Holt Edwin P., house East street avenue Hook Henry S., emp Belcher & Taylor !fool Co., boards 23 Market street Hopkins Andrew, laborer, house Bridge street Hopkins James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards James 1\1. Hopkins Horr O. W., emp J. Stevens & Co., house Fuller street Houghton George A., emp J. Stevens & Co., house Chestnut street Howard Ansel B., plough-maker, house Maple street Howe David F., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Maple street Huot Felix, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Hubert Plante Huot Herbert, boarding-house 21 Market street Huot Joseph, boards 21 Market street Huot Napoleon, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 21 Market street ·Huotte Charles, house 5 Centre street

JENNER LEWIS .J., silver·plater Front st, house cor Church and Chestnut sts Jenner Mrs. L. S., millinery, rooms corner Church and Chestnut streets Jette James, painter, boards 53 Centre street Johnson A.mos A., emp J. Stevens & Co., house East street Johnson Mrs. Anna, house High street Johnson George W., house Maple street, rear Advent chapel Johnson 1\1rs. Lovina, boards James C. Gassner, Maple street .Johnson Noyes N., farmer, Granby street Johnson Mrs. Phebe, house 14 Centre street .Johnson Miss Phila, boards Richard D. Johnson, house East street Johnson Richard D., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house East street Jones Amos B., house Cochran street Jones George H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 21 West street

KEATING MRS. MARY, house Eastern avenue Keating Thomas, laborer, house Granpy street Kellehar Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Wells avenue Kelleher Murty W. J., laborer, house Granby street

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Kelley Mrs. Betsey, boards Miner Kelley Kelley Mrs. Julia, boarding-house, house 19 Middle street Kelley l\falachi, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co.

" house Eastern avenue

Kelley Miner, emp J. Stevens & Co., house East street Kennedy Mrs. Catherine M., house Granby street Kennedy Daniel, carpenter, boards 7 Centre street Kennedy D. T., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards 18 Centre street Kennedy James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Kennedy Mrs. Johanna, house Granby street ' Kennedy John, boards 8 South street Kennedy Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Granby street Kennedy Michael, laborer, house Court street Kennedy R. F., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 18 Centre street Kennedy Mrs. Thomas, house Summit avenue Kennedy Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 18 Centre street Kennedy Timothy, laborer, house 8 South street Kennedy William, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Granby street Kentfield Alphonso, house Gowen's avenue Kentfield William 0., book-keeper Chicopee Mfg Co., bds Springfield street Kentfield William R., mason, house Springfield street Kenworthy Joseph, emp R. W. Bemis, house Cbicopee road Keyes Miss Delia, dress-maker ,Front street, boards W m. P. McFarland Keyes Frank P., farmer, near Front street Keyes George A.., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Gowen's ave Kilbride Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Philip Kilbride Kilbride Philip, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street King Mrs. Ann, house Granby street King E. Dwight, foreman Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Summer street King Henry H., emp A. F. McFarland, boards John Longeway King Joseph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" house Church street Knight Franldin R., farmer, house East street Knox Joseph C., peddler, house Spring street Knox 1\1rs. M. D., millinery and dress-making, shop Front street Knox Stephen W., druggist Front street, house Springfield street LABRIE EDMUND, IVL D., office and boards 19 ,Market street

Lacoste Auguste, emp Belaber & Taylor Tool Co., boards 1 West street Lamonte Peter, farmer, house Front street Lamonte Peter Jr., emp J. Steven!:! & Co., boards Petar Lamonte Lamotte Asa, emp Mass Arms Co., house Centre street Lamotte Timothy, emp J. Stevens,& Co., house cor Court and Church streets Lamoureux J. N., house Chestnut street "~ Landers l\lrs. Ellen, house near Bridge street Landers l\Iorris, laborer, house near Bridge street Lane .John, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Bridge street Lane Thomas, emp C R R, house Front street

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Langlin Miss Phebe, rooms corner Bridge and Front streets Langlois Elex, blacksmith, bouse Market street Langvin Peter, boards 37 Centre street Langvin Peter, laborer, bouse' Granby .stIeet Lanphear Marcius, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house East street Lapage Mrs. Antbony, house 12 Front street


LaPalme Joseph, clerk N. R. Wood, house corner Court and Church streets Lawley Thomas, farmer, bouse Granby street J.Jawton Michael, laborer, bouse Bridge street Leach Albert A., emp J. Stevens & Co., house cor Belcher and Springfield sts Leach Mrs. Luoy R., house corner Belchor and Springfield streets Leary Mrs. Johanna, house Wells avenue Leary Morris, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bay View avenue. Leary Patrick, emp Belcher & Taylor 'rool Co., house Bay View avenue LeMay & Fosey, (Mrs. Virginia LeMay & Miss Mary Fosey,) millinery and

dress-making, Front street Lemotte ,Joseph, emp J. Stevens & Co., house Front street Leonard Henry H., clerk Mass Mutual Life Ins Co., house Springfield street Leonard Joel A., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house 5 Market street Leonard Mrs. Mary A., house Springfield street Lewis James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 Front street Little Frank, carpenter, house 51 Contre street Livermore Charles H., emp J. Stevens & Co., house Pine street Loomis Charles, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 9 West street Loomis George A., emp The Clark W. Bryan Co., City, boards 9 West street Longeway Alfred, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards John Longeway Longeway John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Springfield street Lucas Andrew, omp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 10 West street Lucas Mrs. Sidney R., milliner Front street, house East street Lucius Jerry, harness-maker, house East street Lynch Mrs. Julia. house Bingham str~et Lynch Michael. laborer, house Granby street Lyon Henry N., hook-keeper, Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Court street Lyons lVlrs. Bridget, boards 9 South street J.Jyons James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Eastern avenue Lyons .John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street, Lyons John J., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 9 South street J.Jyons Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co" ~ouse 12 Centre street

MAHANEY JERRY, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 17 Centre street Mahaney Mrs. Mary, boards 10 South street Mahaney Michael, laborer, house Bridge street Maher Mrs. Mary, boards Thomas Maher, Market street Maher 'fhomas, house Market street Maley Mrs~ Ann, house Granby street Maley Mrs. John, house Bridge street


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Maley John A., boards J.lrs. Ann Maley, Granby street Mallory O. D., farmer, house Gra.nby street Maloney John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house near Bridge street Managin Miss Ann, boards 1 South street Manning Daniel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Front street Manning John, farmer, house near Granby street Manning lVlrs. Mary, house Granby street Manson Rev. A. C., pastorM. E. church, house Springfield street Markham Abram K., painter, boards 27 Centre street Markham Orin, house 27 Centre street Markham Orin Jr., farmer, boards 27 Centre street Markham Russell, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Maple street Mllrsh Mrs. Adaline, house Muzzy street Marsh Mrs. Calista B., houso Maple street. Marsh Nelson T., emp Chicopeo Manufacturing Co., house 2 Front street Marshall Moses, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co" house Front street l\lartin Adolphus R., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Belcher street Mathewson Henry S., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 20 Market st Maxwell Mrs. Rosanna, boards 31 West street 'Maynard Joseph, emp 'B. & J. W. Belcher, house Spring street Maynard l\irs. Louis, boards 7 Middle street McCarty Callahan, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Wells avenue McCarty Timothy, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 3 Centre street Mc Donald Mrs. Elizabeth, house 12 South street McDonald James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 4 South street McElegat John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street McElligatt Patrick, laborer, house Cochran street McEvitt Felix, emp Musgrave Alpaca 00., house Summit avenue McFarland Albert, post-master, books and stationery, house Church street McFarland William P., superintendent Massachusetts Arms Co., h Front st McGlin John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing, Co., house 13 F~ont street

, McGuire John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 Front street McGuire Mrs. Kate" house Front street McKellegat Mrs. Ellen, boards 17 Middle street McKenzie Kenneth, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house East street McLaughlin, Michael J., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., bds 33 Centre st McI.Jean Mrs. Harriet, house East street McLean Miss Vienna, dress-making, rooms Mrs. Harriet McLean, East street McMahon John, houEe near Summit avenue McNeil John, cmp Lamb Knitting Machine Co .• house Bridge street McNerney Cornelim:, emp Anderton & Dunn, hcor Court and Church streets MoNerney James J., emp Graves & Kinney, Holyoke, bds Patrick lUcNerney McNerney Patrick, laborer, house Eastern avenue McNutty John, cmp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 33 Centre street

. McQueen George H., house Centre street Miles Alanson, farmer, house near Indian qrchard road

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Miller Andrew, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Maple street Miller C. H., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards 23 Front street. Miller Elliott S., principal High school, rooms Front street


l\-litchell Bcrnard. emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 13 South street Mitchell Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 3 Centre street

Molme Julius, painter, boards 23 Middle street Momnie Julius, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 5 West street Mongeau, Amabel, house 9 Centre street Mongeau John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 9 Centre street Monjeau Henry, emp J. R.Whittemore, house Church street Montmeny Theodore, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Canterbury ave Mooney Patrick, farmer, house Bridge street Moore Leander A., emp Dwight M. Cook, house Springfield street Moore l\Iichael, shoe·m~ker, house Rumrill avenue l\Iosher Amos, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 15 Court itreet Moran James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Granby street Moran James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 9 Middle street Moran John, saloon and house Bridge street Moran John D., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 5 South street Moran Mrs. Mary, boards 9 Middle street. Moran :Michael, market Bridge street, house Granby street Moran Patrick, cooper, house Rumrill avenue Moran Patrick, farmer. house old Chicopee Falls road Morey John, emp G. M. & F. H. Morton, boards 7 Centre street Morey Joseph, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards 21 Market street Morgan Joseph. (Darling & Morgan,) house corner Chestnut and High streets Moriarty Daniel, emp Robert W. Bemis, bds James Moriarty, Chicopee road Moriarty Mrs. Dennis, boards 49 Centre street Moriarty Henry F., mason, house Granby street Moriarty James, laborer, house Chicopee road Moriarty Mrs. Mary, house Bingham street Moriarty Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Morin Adelmore, emp D. B. Griggs, house corner Bridge and Front streets Morley Jesse, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Pine and Summer ats Morrissey Mrs. Ellen, house near Summit avenue Morse Miss Georgie A., teacher, boards John M. Morse, Church street Morse Henry, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee road Morse John M., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Church street Morse Nelson, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 3 West street Morton F. H .• (G. M. & F. H. Morton.) house High street Morton George M., (G. M. & F. H. l\Iorton,) h cor Chestnut and Belcher sts Morton G. M. & F. H., livery stable, Church street Morton Mrs. Morris, bds G. M. Morton, corner Chestnut and Belcher streets Munger Elder Hiram, circuit preacher, house Springfield street Munger Mitls Susan, boards Hiram Munger, Springfield street Munn Eugene, dry goods and groceries, store and house Front street

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J\1:unn Horace E., clerk and boards Eugene Munn', Front street Munsell Enos W., tin peddl~r, house Springfield street Munsing George D., clerk Lamb Knitting Machine Co., bds Chus. H. Seaver Murphy James, boards 17 Market street Murphy John, emp J. Stevens & Co., house Summit avenue Murphy Mrs. Margaret, house 1 Middle street J\lurphy Mrs. Mary P., house Granby street Murphy T,homas, boo't and shoe-maker, house Bridge street Murphy Timothy, laborer, boards Mrs. l\Iary P. Murphy, Granby street Musgrave Edward, (¥usgrave Alpaca Co.,) house East street Muzzy Benjamin, farmer, house Muzzy street

NADEAU N AZAORO, brick-maker, house Canterbury avenue Nadou Mrs. Mary, house 12 Front street N eley Mrs. l\largaret, house Court street Nelligan Mrs. Honora, house Summit avenue Newell Henry S., meat market ~'ront street, house East street Newton George, emp William G. 'VaUace, boards 17 Market street Nichols Mrs. Mary J., boards Dr. David H. Nutting Norton. Jerry, (Belcher & Taylor Tool Co.,) house Granby street Nutting David H" M. D., office and house Springfield street

O'BRIEN JAMES S., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 31 Centre street 0' Brien Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 55 Centre street O'Brien l\lichael, emp and boards Joel W. Rist, Cochran street O;Connor Mrs. Abba, house Bridge street O'Connor David, emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Bridge street O'Connor James, laborer, house Granby street O'Connor John, truckman, house Bay View avenue O'Connor J. J.~ grocer, house and store Bridge street O'Keefe Daniel, saloon Court street O'Keefe Dennis, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house South street O'Keefe Edmund, emp Chicopee .Manufacturing Co., house 3 Centre street O'Keefe Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 1 South street O'Keefe ~rimC?thy, emp Chicopee Ma~ufacturing Co., house 18 West street O'Laughlin Cornelius J., emp Anderton & Dunn, board8 Eastern avenue O'Laughlin Michael, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Eastern avenue O'Laughlin Patrick A., emp Anderton & Dunn, boards Eastern avenue O'Laughlin Anthony, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 7 Centre st O'Neil Mrs. Ellen, house Bridge 'street O'Neil Mrs. Johanna, house Bay View avenue O'Neil John, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Bridge street O'Neil Morris, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Eastern avenue O'Rourke John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Middle street O'Rourke Patrick, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 19 Middle street Osborn Lewis L., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., boards Aasahel N. Elliott

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Osgood Abbott M., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Grove street Osgood Josiah W., paymaster Chicopee Mfg Co., h cor Spfd and ~"ront sts Osgood William H., emp Chicopee Mfg Co., boards Josiah W. Osgood O'Sullivan Patrick, tailor, house 5 Middle street

PABST ADAM, (Guenther & Pabst,) boards Front street Page Amos W., machinist, house Grove street I

Page Mrs. Moses, house corner Springfield and Chestnut streets Page Thomas C., agent Lamh Knitting Machine Co., house East street Paige Edgar T., druggist, house East street Paige .J\Iiss Mary A., principal Grammar school, boards Benjamin Belcher Paine Wilson, (Paine Brothers,) house Front street Paro Samuel, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Canterbury avenue Parsons Sanford L., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 17 Market street Patterson George, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards Eugene Munn Patterson T. W., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Belcher and East sts Paul Mrs. Mary, house Gowen's avenue Pease Asa A., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Pelthere Joseph, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Pelthere Miss Julia, house Front street Peltier Napoleon, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Perkins Albert, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Church and Chestnut sts Perkins Miss Atsie S., dress-maker, rooms Wilson Paine -Pierce Frank B., book-keeper D. M. Cook, house Chestnut street Pierce Jonas, boards Dr. C. T. Stockwell~ Church street Pierson Ralph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 7 West street Plante Hubert, house. corner Bridge and Front streets Potter John J. L., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Company, house Granby street Powers Mrs. Bridget, bouse Summit avenue Prarie Joseph, emp B. & J. W. Belcher, house Front street Prarie William, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Bridge and Ihont sts

QUINN JOHN, laborer, bouse Eastern avenue

Rlnm MISS CATHERINE, house Centre street Reed David, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Company, house 23 \Vest street Reed George, emp Ames Mfg Co., bds James )1}. Reed, Chicopee road Reed James E., emp Dwight Manufacturing Co., house Chicopee road Remillard Simon, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Gowen's avenue Rich J. D., farmer, bouse East street Hichard John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing .co., house 22 Centre street Riley Phillip, laborer, house Granby street Bist Joel W., inspector Lamb Knitting Machine Co., bouse Cochran street Ritter Christian, emp and boards Guenther & Pabst Front street Robbins Henry L., farmer, house Front street Roberts Collis, saloon and house Market street

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Robertson R. E., harness-maker under Wildes's Hotel, house Chicopee Robinson David, carpenter, house Bridge street Rodd Adolphus, canvasser, boards 15 Front street Rodd John H., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co , house 1 West street Rourk Mrs. Margaret, house Bridge street Rou.rke John, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Front street Rumrill George, mason, house comer Church and Chestnut streets Rumrill George, Jr., mason, boards George Rumrill Rumrill James B., paper-hanger and painter, house Chestnut street Russell David, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Bridge street Russell Richard A., emp ~amb Knitting Machine Co., house Grove street Russell Samuel W., emp Joseph Clough, house Front street

SANBORN WILLIAM, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., bds Moses Marshall Sawin Mrs. W. J., house Front street .Sayers 1\11'8. Ellen, house Granby street Sayers John W., laborer, house Bridge str~et Sayers Mrs. Johanna, boards 3 Middle street Scanlin James, laborer, house Bingham street Scanlin Morris, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Eastern avenue Scharland Samuel, emp Lamb ~itting Machine Co., house Centre street Scott Horace W., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house East street Scripture Mrs. Sarah B., house East street Sears John T., laborer, house Bay View avenue

" Seaver Charles H., emp Lamb Kitting 1\lachine Co., house Springfield street Senieul Elie, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Canterbury avenue Shattuck Mrs. Abbie, house Market street Shaw Alfred K., emp Smith & Wesson, City, house East street Shaw Charles, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., h cor Chestnut and High stB Shaw Mrs. Maggie, house 29 West street Shea Andrew, laborer, house Bridge street Shea Mrs. Bridget, boards 17 Middle street Shea Mrs. Catherine, house near Bridge street Shea Mrs. Ellen, boards 49 Centre street Sbea Jerry, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bingham street Shea Mrs. Johanna, boards 49 Centre street Sbea 1\1:l's. Johanna, boards James Lyons Eastern avenue Shea John, laborer, house Granby street Shea John, emp and boards Reuben T. Hendrick Shea John. emp Charles McClallan & Son, house Chicopee road Shea John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 11 South street Shea John C., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Summit street Shea John D., farmer, house Bridge street Shea 1\1:rs. Mary, hous'e near Bridge street Shea Mrs. Mary, house Bingham street Shea Michael, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 57 Centre street

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Shea Patrick, laborer, house 6 South street Shea Peter, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 19 West street Shea Mrs. P. M., dress-maker, rooms and house Bridge street Shea Thomas, labor.er, boards Mrs. Margaret Neley


Shehe Cornelius, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 7 South street Sherman Nathaniel E., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Grove street Simpson George, emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Front street Simpson Mrs. Robert, boards Hiram Munger, Springfield street Smaldy A., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Joseph King Smith Andrew temp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Smith Andrew, Jr., emp Chicopee Manufacturing-Co., boards Andrew Smith Smith Mrs. G. L., boards Sylvester Taylor Smith John, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards Andrew Smith Smith John, farmer, house old Chicopee Falls road Smith John, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards 7 Centre street Smith Nathaniel, emp Chicopee Manufacturing. Co., house 17 Court street Smith Phineas W., furnishing goods Front st, h cor Belcher and Chestnut sts Smith S. A., emp John R. Whittemore, boards 23 Front street Smith 'fheodore, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 Front street Snow Mrs. Churchill, house on Cooley brook Snow l~liab, farmer, house Granby street Snow Nathan, farmer, house on· Cooley brook Southwick William H., farmer, house East street Sowles Ira S., emp Lamb Kitting Machine Co., boards 23 l\'}arket street Spaulding Cyrus, house Spring street Spencer Bichard A., emp Lamb Knitting ~lachine Co., boards Peter H. Engle Squier Edwin L., station agent C R R, house cor Belcher and Maple streets Squier Eugene A., baggage master C R R, house Belcher street Steele William D., machinist, house Maple street Sterling Miss Eliza, boards Theodore \Villiams, East street Stevens Jo~hua, (J. Stevens & Co.,) house Springfield street Stevens & Co., (J. Stevens, James E. Taylor,) manufacturers of fire arms,

Bridge street Stewart Miss Christina, house corner Bridge and Front streets Stewart Willard H., emp and boards Dr. Samuel Alvord Church street Stiles Charles S., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 22 Market street Stilwell Mrs. 1\1. L., boards 1\1rs. A. C. Taylor East street St. John Mrs. Lebert, house 12 Front street . St. 1\lary I.Aouis, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 41 Centre street St. Mour 'Vilfred, emp Eugene ~unn, boards Joseph Lemotte Stockwell Dr. C. T., dentist, City, house Church street Stokes Hiram A., emp Lamb Knitting Machine 00., house Front street Stone Andrew, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Canterbury avenue Stone Rev. P. D., pastor St. Patrick's Church, also St. Matthew's Church,

Indian Orchard, house Granby street Sorm· Lewis, house Church street

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, Stoughton .oeClaney, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 17 Market st Sullivan Daniel, house Wells's avenue Sullivan Mrs. Daniel, boards 19 West street Sullivan Mrs. Johanna, house 3 South street Sullivan John, laborer, house Granby street Sullivan Mrs. John, house Granby street Sullivan l\Irs. Mary, boards Daniel Sullivan Wells's avenue Sullivan Michael, laborer, house Rumrill avenue Sullivan Michael, laborer, house Granby street Sullivan Patrick, boards 1\1rs, Julia Lynch Sutliff William S., emp Musgrave Alpaca Co., house Springfield street Sweatland Mrs. P., house High street

TAIT JOHN, superintendent almshouse, Chicopee road Taylor Mrs. A. C., house East street Taylor Charles A., manufacturer U S Spring Beds, houseCburch street Taylor Cbarl~s M., house corner Belcher and Springfield streets Taylor Edward S., amp Musgrave Alpaca Co., boards George S. Taylor Taylor Edwin E., emp Smith & Wesson, boards Elisha H. Dutton Taylor Elmer R., clerk and boarqs George W. Bray . Taylor Frederick 0., emp Guenther & Pabst, bouse Maple street Taylor George S., (Belcher & Taylor,) house corner Church and Court streets Taylor James E.,.(J. Stevens & Co.,) house Church street Taylor Sylvester~ house Church street Temple Mrs. Eliza, house Centre street Tetlow James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing ,Co., house Spring street Thayer Miss Georgianna, teacher First primary school, bds W. P. McFarland Thayer Mrs. L. E., house 2i West street Thayer Otis, emp I .. amb Knitting Machine Co., house Spring street Thompson Mrs. Laura H., boards 21 West street ~~ongue Edwin F., emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co, boards 23 Front street Topgue Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 13 West street Tracy George D., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Springfield street Trahy Michael, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Bay View avenue ~'ravis James, farmer, house Granby road Trehee John, emp Cbicopee Manufacturing Co., boards.3 Centre street Tremley Eucher, emp Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Granby street Trihans Fred, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 30 West street Trumbull Joseph, emp Belcher & Taylor 'rool Co., house near Granby street Tupor Gilbert E., emp Musgrave Alpaca 00., boards Elix Langlois rfuper Peter, jobber, boards 23 :Market street r

'futtle C. R., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., boards Wildes's Hotcl Tyler L. E., painter, house 7 Front street

V ALCOUR FRANK, CtllP Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., house Eastern avenue Valentine Mrs. Mary, boards JOIsiah W. Osgood

Page 81: Chestnut Grove-Place


Valley Edmund, tin peddler, hom;e Oanterbury avenue Vanslyke H. S., emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., h cor Chestnut and High sts

W.lLLACE 1\1RS. GEORGE, house East street Wallace William G., tinner Front street, boards Mrs. George Wallace, East st Warfield Oliver D., emp and boards Henry S, Newell, East street 'Varner H. Eugene, emp Smith & Wesson, City, boards Springfield street Warner Julius, farmer, house Front street 'Vatson Thomas P., confectionery Front street, house Springfield street Wattles T. B., superintendent Chicopee Falls Mfg Co., h cor Oak and Centre sts Welch· Daniel, emp G. M. & F. H. Morton, house Court street Welch :M:artin, laborer, house Bridge street Welch Michael, laborer, house Court street Welch Patrick, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Eastern avenue Welch Patrick, farmer, house Bridge street . Welcome Napoleon, laborer, house Eastern avenue Well Peter, house Canterbury avenue Wells James, house Chicopee road. V\Yells John, boards 7 Centre street West Arthur B., teller Chicopee Nat JJank, City, boards Mrs. Bailey West 'Vest 1\1rs. Bailey, hou~e Church street West James T., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 9 Front street West James H., boards Mrs. Bailey West Church street • West Mrs. Lydia, house 10 Front street Whalen William, laborer, house Bridge street Wheeler Curtis B., contractor and builder, house Pine street White Andrew, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Spring street White Mrs. Lydia, boards Andrew White, Spring street Whitehead James, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 4 West street 'Vhitebead Joseph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 4 West street Whittemore John R., manf agricultural implements, house Church street Whittemore Jonathan R., dealer in fertilizers, h cor Springfield and Belcher sts Wilber Alvah; house Chestnut street Wilbur J. R., M. D., office and house Centre street Wildes A. F., proprietor Wildes Hotel, Front street Willey, Mrs. Mary A., boards E. Dwight King, Summer street Williams Charles J., painter Market street, house Belcher street Williams Mrs. Henrietta, house 5 Front street Williams Miss Jeannette W., assistant teacher High school, bds Springfield st Williams J erome~ boards Robert Williams, East street Williams L. E., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 10 Front street Williams Michael, laborer, house Wells avenue Williams Robert, house East street Williams Theodore, farmer, house East street . Williams W. C., emp Smith & Wesson, .City, house '9 Church street ,Willis Charles M., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 32 West street


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Willis Eugene, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 23 l\.farket street Winegar John A., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 15 Front street

. Withrel F. N., book-keeper, Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., bds Charles H. Seaver Wood Norris R., grocer Front street, house Church street Woodhall Peter, emp Lamb Knitting Machine Co., house Maple street Woods Patrick: emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house Bridge street Woods Thomas, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co~, house 17 Middle street Woodstock Frank, clerk George W. Bray, rooms Wm. R. Kentfield Woolson J. D., house Chicopee road \Yright Aaron S., emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., house 15 Centre street Wright Mrs. Mary, boards 18 Centre street

YEARLY JOHN S., farmer, house East street Young Joseph, emp Chicopee Manufacturing Co., boards 43 Centre street

Page 83: Chestnut Grove-Place

Business Directory-Chicopee Fal1s . •• •

Agricultural Implements. Belcller B. & J. W. Belcher & Taylor Tool Co. Whittemore John R.

Attorney and GfJunselor at Law. Bellamy Charles J., Church street and 475 Main

street, City

• Bakers. Guenther & Pabst. under 'Wildes's Hotel

Bank. Chicopee Falls Savings

Barbers. Cobb John A., Springfield street Dubuque Joseph B., under Wildes's Hotel

Bleachery. Anderton & Dunn, Granby street

Boarding Houses. ..Beleveau Narcisse, 19 Market street Doran Mrs. Ellen, 7 Centre street Fountain Crlsologue, 1 Centre street Haynes Mrs. Mabel S., 23 Market street Huot Herbert, 21 Market street Kelley Mrs. Julia, 19 Middle street

Books and Stationery. McFarland Albert

Boots and Shoes. Callaghan Patrick l Front street Smith Phineas W., Front street

Boot and Shoe-Makers and Repairers. Donovan Daniel, East street Moore Michael, Rumrill avenue Murphy Thomas, Bridge street

. Oarpenters and Builders. Griggs D. B., cor Pine and Grove st ave Wheeler Curtis B., Pine street

Carriage Manufacturer. Clough Joseph, Springfield street

Coal Dealer. Boyd Henry J., East street'

Oonfectionery and Fruit. Watson Thomas P., Front street

Coopers. Burnett Alexander L., Maple street Moran Patrick, Rumrill avenue

Crockery and Glassware. Darling & Morgan, Centre street

Dog Trainer. Harrison J. F., Chicopee road.

Dress-Makers. Bartlett Miss Mary, 18 Market I5treet Birney Miss Mary, 24 West street Cook Miss Anna, Gowen's avenue Danforth Miss Hattie, Front street Goyette Miss Rosa. Front street Keyes MIss Delia, Front street Knox Mrs. M. D., Front street McLean Miss Vienna, East street Perkins Miss Atsie S., Front street Shea Mrs P. M., Bridge street

Dress and Cloak-Makers . LeMay & Fosey, Front street Dernlse Mrs. Bertrand, Front street

Druggists. Burgells Joseph W., 9 Church street Knox Stephen W., Front street Paige Edgar T., Front street

Dry Goods. Bray George W., Front street Darling & Morgan, Centre street Munn Eugene, Front street

Fertilizer Dealer. Whittemore Jonathan R., cor Springfield and

Belcher streets

Fire Arms Jfanufacturers. Stevens J. & Co.,

Fish and Oyster Market. Hale Henry C., under 'Wildes's Hotel

Furnishing Goods. Smith Phineas W., Frent street

Furniture Dealer. Bra.y George W., Front street

Gas Burners. Griggs Brothers Pine street

Page 84: Chestnut Grove-Place


Grist Mill. Canterbury Nathan, Bridge st, near the bridge

Grocers. Ash John M., Granby street Bray George 'V., Front street Cavanaugh Morris,'Bridge street Darling & Morgan. Centre st.reet Dezot.ell Alfred, Front street Flaherty John 0., Granby street, Munn Eugene, Front street O'Connor J. J., Bridge street Wood Norris R., Front street

Hardware. Darling & Morgan, Centre street

Harness ... Wakers. Lucius Jerry, East street Robertson R. E., under Wildes's Hotel

Hats and Gaps. Smith Phineas W., Front street

Hotel (Wildes). ,Wildes A. F., (proprietor) Front street

House Painter. Clough Herbert, Springfield street

Insurance Agent. Holcomb E. V. B., High Itraet

Livery Stables. Blake William Jr" Centre street Corey Reuben H., Chicopee. Mass

Li~'e'ry, Boarding and Feedz'ng Stable. Morton G. M. & F. H., Church street

Manufacturing Oompanies. Belcher & Taylor Tool Co., Bridge street, near

bridge Stevens J. & Co., (Fire Arms) Bridge street

Meat ,JJiarkets. Cambell James. Church street Cook D. M., Centre street Moran Michael, Bridge street Newell Henry S., Front street

Merchant Tailor. Barnes Mervin H. Front street

Miller and Loom Harness Maker, Flint James Jr., Front street

Milliners andMiliinery Goods. 'Jenner Mrs. L. S., cor Church and Chestnut st! Kuox Mrs. M. D., Frontstreet Lemay & Fosey, Front street Lucas Mrs. Sydney, ~'ront street

1lfusician. Herrick William T., cor Pine and Belcher sts

Newsdealer. Bartlett George D., Front street

Nurse, Danforth Mrs. Elizabeth, Front street

Painters. Rumrill James B., Chestnut street Williams Charles J., Market street

Paper Hanger. Rumrill James B., Chestnut street

Physicians . • Alvord Samuel, Church street

Berry L. M., Frout street Forbes Henry G., Springfield street Labrie Edmund, 19 Market street Nutting David H., Springfield street Wllbur J. R., Centre street

Saloons. Gilmore Thomas, Rumrill avenue Hines John, 8 Court street Moran John, Bridge street O'Keefe Daniel, Court street Roberts Collis, Market street

Silver Plater. Jenner Lewis J., Front street

Surveyor. Hamilton Homer, East street

Tat'lor. O'i3ulliTan Patrick,/) Middle street

Telegraph (Western Union). Bartlett George D., opera.tor, Front street

Tinner.' Wallace William G., Front street

Page 85: Chestnut Grove-Place

, I I


'7" ~



Printers, Book-binders, STATIONERS, ELECTROTYPERS,


And Publishers of the


!lAILY BJ WEEKLY :v ~ION, 299 & 301 Main Street,





Page 86: Chestnut Grove-Place



s , i


Introducetl in a quiet way in 1860. In 1875, THOUSANDS OF GROSS had been sold to as fiue a clnss of Deall'r8, Hotel Landlord", Confectioners, Famllies, etc., as there 18 in till!; country, and In every

CITY, TOWN AND HAMLET, WhE're thorougbly mtroduceif, theIr DELICIOUS PUIUTY and GREAT STRENGTH have made them the FAYORI'l'ES with those who prize tile best and most econonlical.

MANY DEALERS 'Vho ha\'e for years sold other Flavormg "Extracts, caUed best, (abo those who 'lave 80111 cheap extracts,) TREBLE THEUt SALES wItb COLTON'S SELECT FLAVORS, and place them 111 tile FltONT RANI~, as ncknowledged

THE FINEST \ IN THE MARKET. IT IS NOT CLAIMED that tbey are sold at the lowest prices per bottle, but IT IS VLAIlUED that ONE-THIRD of Ule quantIty i8 llIORE THAN EQUAL to th~ or­(Unary Flavoring Extracts, and they are the

TRUE DELICIOUS FLAVORS OF THE FRUITS. TheRe Flavols c08t but llttle mOle thau other Flavoring extracts. They are

STIUCTLY PURE, a great snving in tbe Actual COllt. and you GET THE BE~T.

+ SOLD BY GROCERS AND DEALERS. At 'Vbole8a1e In Splingfield, 1\Iass, by WEST, STONE & CO., and wholesnle Dealers In Choice Flavoring Extracts.

New York Agency, Bogle & Lyles, 87 and 89 Pnrk Plnce.


NERVINE STRENGTHENING BITTERS! Tile gre!l.t Appetizer, Strengthener, and regulator of tile Nervous, Rllio-us, Dys­peptic, 'Veak, and cure for Headache. Also to purIfy and Enrich the Blood.


JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., New York; GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston, Wholesale llledicine Dealers ~verywhere.



