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Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management - Primex Curriculum Year Planner... · Chief Directorate:...

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Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management 2012 PROVINCIAL CURRICULUM YEAR PLANNER 1 Chief Directorate Motto: Siyasebenzisana Working Together Samewerking 1 Final Draft Province of the Eastern Cape EDUCATION Directorate: General Education and Training (GET) Curriculum Directorate: Further Education and Training (FET) Curriculum Directorate: Assessment and Examinations Directorate: Tele-collaborative Learning and Technology Education
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Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management


Chief Directorate Motto:

Siyasebenzisana Working Together Samewerking 1 Final Draft

Province of the

Eastern Cape EDUCATION

Directorate: General Education and Training (GET) Curriculum

Directorate: Further Education and Training (FET) Curriculum

Directorate: Assessment and Examinations

Directorate: Tele-collaborative Learning and Technology Education

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to provide leadership and direction

for efficient curriculum management

and effective curriculum implementation

through policies, procedures, systems and structures

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1. This 2012/13 Curriculum Year Planner is intended to direct attention to priority national and provincial curriculum mandates in order to enable efficient planning for effective service delivery and quality budget expenditure.

2. The Year Plan applies to all curriculum events for the 2012 calendar year and the first quarter of 2013 available at time of print. Exact dates for some activities cannot be confirmed, as this will depend on the national Department of Basic Education’s programmes and other provincial mandates received during the course of 2012.

3. All curriculum activities and events indicated on the Curriculum Year Planner are informed by the Provincial Department of Education’s Strategic Plan: 2010 – 2014, namely the Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals. More specifically, teaching, learning and assessment activities are informed by the following Strategic Goals prioritised as follows:

4. The Curriculum Year Planner also takes into consideration the Department of Basic Education’s national mandates which include: Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) orientation and implementation, as well as the national Language and Mathematics strategies.

5. The Year Planner reflects the Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management Motto (Siyasebenzisana) and unfolds its Vision which is as follows:

6. Head Office and District Curriculum personnel should endeavour to adhere to the dates specified in the calendar as far as possible, given that there was joint planning by directorates and the necessary consultation was effected at various levels.

7. All Curriculum Personnel at Provincial and District levels are expected to plan for specific activities as per the timeframes indicated in the Curriculum Year Planner and include such in the individual work plans of relevant curriculum personnel.

8. As a Chief Directorate, our mandate to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment constitutes the “core business of Education” and therefore, we have a critical role to play in advancing certain key pillars of the Provincial Learner Attainment Improvement Strategy (LAIS), as well as relevant aspects of the provincial Turnaround Plan (TAP).

_______________________ Date: 27 January 2012 S.P. Govender CHIEF DIRECTOR: CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT

To provide leadership and direction for efficient curriculum management and effective curriculum implementation through policies, procedures, systems and structures.

Strategic Goal 4: Improved quality of teaching and learning at all educational institutions to develop them into thriving centres of excellence. Strategic Goal 6: Economic, effective, efficient and equitable resourcing within the education system to meet the key educational

outcomes and impact (i.e. access to equity and quality of Education).

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High Impact on Most Needy!

Delivery of Programmes: What’s new? What’s different?

Focus on Learner Achievement as a key priority. What are the top three priorities of each sub-directorate?

Key Deliverables for implementation: Subject Improvement Plans, ANA Improvement Plans, CAPS Training, Subject Committees, Mathematics and Science Strategy, School-Based Assessment, Progression and Promotion.


1. Schooling 2025 Mandates & Basic Education Targets for 2014: a. Improved Teacher Quality. b. Improved Languages and Mathematics (National Languages and Mathematics Strategy). c. Improved National Senior Certificate Performance. d. Early Childhood Development: Focus on Grade R. e. CAPS implementation: Foundation Phase and Grade 10. f. CAPS orientation: Intermediate Phase and Grade 11. g. Annual National Assessments. h. Life Orientation: Grade 12. i. National Teaching Awards. j. Ensuring the implementation of overarching Examination Security Norms and Standards Policy.

2. National Strategy for Learner Attainment (NSLA) Framework for 2012: a. Grade 12 NSC Results Analysis and Interventions b. MST Implementation Plan c. Literacy and Numeracy Strategy d. ECD Strategy and Implementation Plan e. Inclusive Education: Support services for Psychological and Social issues f. LTSM: Resource utilization g. Utilization of ICT for teaching and learning for improved learner outcomes h. Teacher development

i. Role of Subject Advisors

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1. Curriculum Delivery: Adherence to National Policies (NCS and CAPS: Subjects/Learning Areas).

Actioning Assessment Instructions & Curriculum Circulars.

Ensuring use of Lesson Plans and Pace-setters as guidelines.

Tracking Curriculum Coverage per week, month and quarter.

Developing Subject/Learning Area Improvement Plans & Monitoring thereof.

Sampled Analysis of Results (November) and Remedial Intervention Plans.

School Assessment Committee: Program of Assessment.

School-Based Assessment (SBA): Auditing of Assessment Tasks, Internal Moderation process by SMT & Subject Heads, Orals, Practical Assessment Tasks, Progression and Promotion, etc.

Establishing strong provincial examination and assessment co-ordinating structures.

Implementing Curriculum Turnaround Project Plans.

Advancing Language Policy Implementation, including Mother-Tongue Based Bilingual Education (MTBBE).

2. Curriculum Monitoring: Readiness for SBA Moderation at School, Cluster, Circuit, District, Provincial levels.

Verification of SBA implementation.

Readiness for implementation of CAPS (Grades R - 3 and Grade10).

Readiness for CAPS orientation: Intermediate Phase and Grade 11.

Readiness for implementation of FAL (Grades 1 - 3).

Utilisation of resources at school level.

Supervising Teachers’ Portfolios (per Subject/Learning Area).

Learners’ Evidence of work.

Readiness for External Assessment, especially Grades 3, 6, 9, 11 and 12.

All schools, grades, including Dinaledi and Technical High Schools.

Implementation of Progression and Promotion Requirements.

Implementation of the National Languages and Mathematics Strategy.

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3. Curriculum Support:

Teacher development and motivational programmes.

Teacher training and capacity-building: Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) orientation.

Identify teacher content gaps for Subjects/Learning Areas: Need for teacher support by District Curriculum Officials.

Learner Support Programmes: Grades R to 11.

Grade 12 support: Winter/Spring Schools, Extra Tuition for Curriculum Coverage & Remedial work, Learner Motivational Programmes, Exams Study Guidelines, Languages, Mathematics & Science, etc.

School libraries, Media Centres and resources for teachers and learners.

eLearning software and integration into Subjects/Learning Areas.

Career Guidance Exhibitions and Expos.

Learning Area/Subject committees.

On-site School Monitoring and Support using PCG 5/2006 and PCG 8/2007.

Functionality of Curriculum Structures: Districts and schools.

4. Curriculum Improvement Plans:

Evidence of Subject/Learning Area Improvement Plan per Subject/Learning Area for each school and district.

Monitor and evaluate extent to which improvement plans have been implemented.

Sample Analysis of Grades 3, 6 and 9 Provincial Common Tests, Grade 12 June & Trial Exams results and plan for remedial work, re-teaching.

5. Focus On Under-Performing Schools and Under-Performing Subjects/Learning Areas:

Intensify Monitoring & Support Programme for underperforming gateway subjects in FET Band.

Enhance focus on GET and FET joint school planning.

Target setting for underperforming schools.

Intensify implementation of remedial plans derived from Provincial Common Tests and ANA performance.

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CAPS Orientation: Intermediate Phase

Provincial Centralized School Based Assessment (SBA)

Maths & Science Learner Support Grades 3, 6 & 9 Provincial Common Tests

Career Advocacy Learner Support Programme Recapitalization of Dinaledi Schools

External Examinations: Grades 11 & 12

Languages Strategy (Foundation Phase)

English FAL Management of Progression and Promotion Schedules

Mathematics Strategy (Foundation Phase)

Indigenous Languages Question-by-question analysis project for selected NSC subjects

Mathematics (InterSen) CAPS Orientation (Grade 11) Analysis of Results and Data Collection

Languages (InterSen) Technical High Schools’ Recapitalization

National Teaching Awards Teacher Development – ACE, PGCE and NPDE Programmes

LPIO: Language Implementation Project: Mother-Tongue Based Bilingual Education

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;

not only plan, but also believe.” (Anatole France)

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CAPS Orientation: Intermediate Phase

DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES ISP: M Tshofoti Provincial DCESs & District Subject Advisors: Intermediate Phase

Career Advocacy DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES ISP: M Tshofoti Provincial DCESs & District Subject Advisors: Life Orientation

Languages Strategy (Foundation Phase)

DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES FP: T Reddy Provincial Language DCES & District Language Subject Advisors: Foundation Phase

Mathematics Strategy (Foundation Phase)

DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES FP: T Reddy Provincial Mathematics DCES & District Mathematics Subject Advisors: Foundation Phase

Mathematics (InterSen) DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES ISP: M Tshofoti Provincial Mathematics DCES & District Mathematics Subject Advisors: InterSen Phase

Languages (InterSen) DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES ISP: M Tshofoti Provincial Languages DCES & District Languages Subject Advisors: InterSen Phase

National Teaching Awards

DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES PDS: FT Limekaya District CES: Curriculum, Provincial NTA co-ordinator, Adjudication members and District NTA Co-ordinators

Teacher Development – ACE, PGCE and NPDE Programmes

DIR GET: UB Nqandela CES PDS: FT Limekaya District CES: Curriculum, Provincial Teacher Development Co-ordinator and District Co-ordinators

FET Provincial Centralized School Based Assessment (SBA)

DIR FET: MPN Siwisa DIR Exams: EM Mabona

CES FET: VL Westphal CES Exams: A Ndzause

Provincial Subject Planners, District Subject Advisors, Exams SBA Co-ordinators and District SBA Co-ordinators

Learner Support Programme


CES FET: VL Westphal

Provincial Subject Planners

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English FAL DIR FET: MPN Siwisa CES FET: VL Westphal Provincial Subject Planner and District Subject Advisors (English FAL)

Indigenous Languages DIR FET: MPN Siwisa CES FET: VL Westphal Provincial Subject Planner and District Subject Advisors (Indigenous Languages)

CAPS Orientation (Grade 11)

DIR FET: MPN Siwisa CES FET: VL Westphal Provincial Subject Planners, District CES: Curriculum and District Subject Advisors

Technical High Schools’ Recapitalization

DIR FET: MPN Siwisa DCES Technical Subjects: TP Masenkane

FET CES Curriculum, District CES: Curriculum and District Subject Advisors for Technical Subjects

Tele-Collaborative Learning & Technology Education (TLTE)

Maths & Science Learner Support

DIR TLTE: N Mgoduka

CES: MSTE Provincial DCESs: MSTE, District CES: Curriculum and Subject Advisors (Maths and Science) and MSTE Co-ordinators

Recapitalization of Dinaledi Schools

DIR TLTE: N Mgoduka DCES: Mathematics Provincial DCESs: MSTE, District CES: Curriculum and Subject Advisors (Maths and Science) and MSTE Co-ordinators

Assessment & Examinations

Grades 3, 6 & 9 Provincial Common Tests

DIR Exams: EM Mabona DIR GET: UB Nqandela

CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES FP: T Reddy CES Exams: A Ndzause

District CES: Curriculum, District DCES Examinations, District Subject Advisors (Languages and Mathematics)

External Examinations: Grades 11 & 12

DIR Exams: EM Mabona

CES Exams: A Ndzause DEP DIR Exams: P Poovalingam

District CES: Curriculum, DCES Examinations District Co-ordination, DCES Instrument Development

Management of Progression and Promotion Schedules

DIR Exams: EM Mabona

CES Exams: A Ndzause District CES: Curriculum, DCES Examinations District Co-ordination, District DCES Examinations, EDOs and Subject Advisors

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Question-by-question analysis project for selected NSC subjects

DIR Exams: EM Mabona

DEP DIR Exams: P Poovalingam

DCES Certification, SES Examinations Support

Analysis of Results and Data Collection

DIR Exams: EM Mabona

CES Exams: A Ndzause DEP DIR Exams: P Poovalingam

DCES Certification, SES Examinations support, DCES Examinations District Co-ordination

Language Implementation Mother-Tongue Based Bilingual Education

CES: MTBBE: N Mbude-Shale

N Tyesi DCES: MTBBE, District CES: Curriculum

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”

(Joel A. Barker)

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JAN 20 25 - 26

FEB 28 10 8 - 9 23

MAR 15 23

APR 17 19 - 20 25 - 26

MAY 10 18

JUN 14 7 - 8 21 – 22 (Planning)

JUL 19 27

AUG 23 7 - 8 13 - 14

SEP 6 14 28

OCT 11 26 11 - 12

NOV 8 15 – 16 22 - 23

DEC 6 7


JAN 25

FEB 1 8 21 - 22 27 - 28 15

MAR 22


CD: EXCO (Executive Committee): Chief Director and four Directors CD: MANCOM (Management Committee): All Head Office Curriculum SMS and MMS staff members CD: PCCC (Provincial Curriculum Co-ordinating Committee): Head Office MANCOM and District CESs Curriculum CD: IDAEC (Inter-District Assessment & Examinations Committee): Head Office Exams SMS and MMS staff and District Exam Heads

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

ABET - Adult Basic Education and Training ICT - Information Communication Technology ABET L4 - Adult Basic Education and Training, Level 4 IDAEC - Inter-District Assessment & Examinations Committee ACE - Advanced Certificate in Education InterSen - Intermediate and Senior Phase ANA - Annual National Assessment ISP - Intermediate and Senior Phase BCM - Business, Commerce and Management Sciences IT - Information Technology CAPS - Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements LA - Learning Area CAT - Computer Applications Technology LPIO - Language Policy Implementation Office CD: CM - Chief Directorate: Curriculum Management MANCOM - Management Committee of Chief Directorate: CEE - Council for Economics Educators Curriculum Management (SMS and MMS) CES - Chief Education Specialist MANGO - Management and Governance CIMS - Curriculum Information Management Systems MSTE - Maths, Science and Technology Education DBE - Department of Basic Education MTBBE - Mother-Tongue Based Bilingual Education DCES - Deputy Chief Education Specialist NCTT - National CAPS Training Team Dep Dir - Deputy Director NPDE - National Professional Diploma in Education DIR - Director NSC - National Senior Certificate DSRAC - Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture NSLA - National Strategy for Learner Attainment EBB - Educators Beyond Borders NTA - National Teaching Awards ECD - Early Childhood Development PCCC - Provincial Curriculum Co-ordinating Committee EDO - Education Development Officer PCG - Provincial Curriculum Guidelines EGD - Engineering Graphics and Design PCTT - Provincial CAPS Training Team ELI - Education Leadership Institute PDS - Professional Development and Support EMS - Economic Management Sciences PGCE Postgraduate Certificate in Education EXAMS - Examinations SAMF - South African Maths Foundation EXCO - Executive Committee of Chief Directorate: Curriculum SAMUN - South African Model United Nations Management (SMS) SBA - School-based Assessment FAL - First Additional Language SciFest - Science Festival FET - Further Education and Training SES - Senior Education Specialist FFL - Foundations for Learning SGB - School Governing Body FP - Foundation Phase SMT - School Management Team GET - General Education and Training TLTE - Tele-collaborative Learning and Technology H/O - Head Office Education HEI - Higher Education Institution YCA - Young Communicator’s Awards

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“Managers at all levels must


Together Everyone Achieves


“Time on

Task, Task on


“Leadership is Action,



Create your own slogan:


“Leaders & supervisors must direct, guide and support!”

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1 JANUARY 2012 – 31 MARCH 2012



Public Holiday 2 Jan

Monitoring Grade 10 CAPS orientation in Districts 4 – 6 Jan CES FET: VL Westphal District CES: Curriculum

District Subject Advisors and Grade 10 Teachers

Release of 2011 NSC Results 5 Jan DIR Exams: EM Mabona Grade 12 NSC & ABET L4 Candidates

Schools reopen: Teachers 9 Jan

School readiness support visits 9 – 28 Jan Provincial Co-ordinator All schools

Schools reopen: Learners 11 Jan

National Strategy for Learner Attainment Lekgotla 16 - 19 Jan DBE Directorates: GET, FET, TLTE and Assessment & Exams

GET Monitoring of CAPS Implementation Clusters A, B and C

16 Jan – 3 Feb

CES FP: T Reddy

FP District Curriculum Officials & Teachers

CD EXCO 1/2012 20 Jan CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies in East London schools

22 - 23 Jan CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

District Visit: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

24 – 26 Jan CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Dutywa and Lady Frere

MTBBE training of teachers in implementing schools: East London

25 – 26 Jan CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Teachers, Subject Advisors, EDOs

CD: PCCC 1/2012 25 - 26 Jan CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs, Dep. Dir. and District Curriculum CESs

National Science Olympiad registration: closing date 27 Jan CES MSTE, DCES MSTE School Principals

Training on use of educational software: MSTE 30 Jan – 1 Feb CES MSTE District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools

District and school visits: Libraries 31 Jan CES Libraries: NP Jonas East London District Media Advisors and schools

9 January – Teachers report 11 January – Learners report

23 March – Schools Close

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Closing Date: Subject Changes Grade 12 NSC 2012 Examinations

31 Jan CES: Internal Assessment Schools

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies in Cofimvaba schools

31 Jan – 1 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)


Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies in Grahamstown schools

2 – 3 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

Closing Date: SAMF Maths Olympiads Registration 3 Feb CES MSTE, DCES MSTE School Principals

CD: CM Staff Meeting 3 Feb CD: SP Govender CD: CM – All staff members

Closing date: Marker Application Forms NSC Grade 12, ABET L4 and Report 550 Exams

6 Feb Deputy Director: Exams Educators

Grade 11 CAPS Orientation: National CAPS Training Team (NCTT)

6 - 8 Feb DBE, CES:FET VL Westphal, District CES Curriculum

FET Curriculum Planners & District Subject Advisors

DBE orientation on CAPS (NCTT) 6 – 8 Feb CES ISP: M Tshofoti District Subject Advisors

Monitoring and support visits: Dinaledi Schools (MSTE) 6 - 10 Feb CES MSTE, DCES MSTE District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools in KWT, East London and Butterworth

Foundation Phase Monitoring of CAPS implementation

6 Feb CES FP: T Reddy Foundation Phase Subject Advisors: Sterkspruit, Lady Frere, Cradock, Cofimvaba, Queenstown

Foundation Phase Monitoring of CAPS implementation

7 Feb CES FP: T Reddy Foundation Phase Subject Advisors: East London, KWT, Butterworth, Dutywa, Fort Beaufort

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

7 – 9 Feb CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Butterworth and East London

District and school visits: Libraries 7 – 9 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas Cradock, Cofimvaba and Fort Beaufort District Media Advisors and schools

IDAEC 1/2012 8 – 9 Feb DIR Exams: EM Mabona District DCES Examinations

Foundation Phase Monitoring of CAPS implementation

9 Feb CES FP: T Reddy Foundation Phase Subject Advisors: Libode, Lusikisiki, Maluti, Mthatha, Mbizana, Mt Frere, Mt Fletcher, Ngcobo, Qumbu

Grade 12 NSC Supplementary Exam 9 Feb – 25 Mar DCES Exams: District Co-ordination

Supplementary Examination Candidates

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CD: MANCOM 1/2012 10 Feb CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Monitoring of Library Week Activities 13 - 17 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas Districts & Schools

Foundation Phase Monitoring of CAPS implementation

14 Feb CES FP: T Reddy Foundation Phase Subject Advisors: PE, Uitenhage, Graaff-Reinet, Grahamstown

MTBBE training of teachers in implementing schools: Cofimvaba 14 - 15 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Teachers, Subject Advisors, EDOs

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

14 – 16 Feb CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Queenstown and Cofimvaba

Adjudication on concession applications: Grades 9 – 12 14 – 17 Feb CES: Instrument Development Schools

District and school visits: Libraries 15 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas Butterworth District Media Advisors and schools

Registration: Grades 11 NSC Candidates 15 Feb DCES Exams: District Co-ordination


FET support visits: (Cluster A – 15 Feb; Cluster B – 16 Feb; Cluster C – 17& 20 Feb)

15 - 20 Feb CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

FET Subject Advisors for all NCS subjects

District and school visits: Libraries 16 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas Queenstown District Media Advisors and schools

Primary Science Day inter-district competition 16 Feb CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Teachers and learners

Monitoring implementation of Senior Phase 2011 content gap workshop: Maths and Natural Sciences

20 - 24 Feb CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Senior Phase Teachers (King William’s Town, East London, Fort Beaufort and Grahamstown)

Mediation of training module for creative writing and reading 20 – 24 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas, CES FP: T Reddy

Media Advisors; ECD Curriculum Advisors & Leader teachers

International Mother-Tongue Day Celebrations 21 – 23 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Districts, schools and school communities

Bright Media Accounting Workshop (Fort Beaufort and King William’s Town)

22 Feb CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors and Grade 10 Accounting teachers

Bright Media Accounting Workshop (Uitenhage and Grahamstown)

23 Feb CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors and Grade 10 Accounting teachers

National Primary Science Day Competition 23 Feb CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Teachers and learners

GET: Orientation of Provincial CAPS Training Team (PCTT) 27 Feb – 2 Mar CES ISP: M Tshofoti Intermediate Phase District Subject Advisors

FET Level 1 CAPS Orientation: Provincial (PCTT) 27 Feb – 2 Mar DBE, CES: FET VL Westphal, District CES Curriculum

FET Curriculum Planners District Subject advisors

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Examinations Board Meeting 1/2012 28 Feb DIR Exams: EM Mabona Examinations Board Members

CD: EXCO 2/2012 29 Feb CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors


National Science Olympiads 1 Mar CES MSTE, DCES: MSTE Grades 10 – 11 learners

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies in Ngcobo schools

2 – 3 Mar CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

District and school visits: Libraries 2 Mar CES Libraries: NP Jonas Dutywa District Media Advisors and schools

Provincial Workshop: National Science Schools Debate (Grade 12)

2 Mar CES MSTE, DCES: MSTE Grades 9 – 11 Learners & Teachers

Release of 2011 NSC Remark/Recheck results 5 Mar DCES Exams: District Co-ordination

2011 Grade 12 NSC candidates

GET: Debriefing session for National CAPS Training Team 5 - 9 Mar CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Provincial DCES ( NCTT)

Creative Arts Week 5 - 9 Mar CES FP: T Reddy District Curriculum Officials, Teachers and Learners

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

6 - 8 Mar CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Grahamstown and Fort Beaufort

District and school visits: Libraries 6 – 8 Mar CES Libraries: NP Jonas Grahamstown, King William’s Town and Lady Frere District Media Advisors and schools

Johannesburg Stock Exchange investment Education workshop 8 Mar CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum (Fort Beaufort, King William’s Town, East London ,Dutywa)

Grade 10 BCM Teachers and Learners.

Model United Nations South Africa Workshop 9 Mar CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors and teachers from selected districts

MTBBE training of teachers in implementing schools support visits: Tarkastad

10 Mar CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Teachers, curriculum advisors, EDOs

Library/Reading Week 12 - 16 Mar CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES Libraries: Jonas, CES FET: VL Westphal

Districts & Schools

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

13 - 15 Mar CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: King William’s Town and Ngcobo

Scifest Africa 2012 14 - 20 Mar CES MSTE, DCES MSTE GET & FET Learners & Teachers

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CD: EXCO 3/2012 15 Mar CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

SAMF Maths Olympiads: First Round 19 Mar CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Learners

Human Rights Week 19 – 23 Mar CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES FET: VL Westphal

District Curriculum Officials, Teachers and Learners

Registration of Grades 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 and 12 Learners 19 – 26 Mar DCES Exams: District Co-ordination


Human Rights Day 21 Mar

Training of Provincial Teacher Moderators 21 – 23 Mar CES FET: VL Westphal Grade 12 Subject Teachers

Schools close 23 Mar

CD: MANCOM 2/2012 23 Mar CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Language Policy Training: East London and King William’s Town 24 Mar CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale EDOs, Curriculum Advisors

Grade 12 NSC Supplementary Examination Marking 26 Mar – 2 Apr DEP DIR Exams: P Poovalingam Appointed Markers, Chief Markers and Moderators

Closing Date: Minquiz Registration 30 Mar CES MSTE, DCES MSTE School Principals

Social cohesion through Arts and Languages (supporting Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture (DSRAC)

31 Mar – 1 Apr CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Curriculum Officials, Teachers and Learners

“Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.” (Anatole France)

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1 APRIL 2012 – 30 JUNE 2012



Maths Teacher Training on Problem Solving Skills 2 – 4 Apr CES MSTE, DCES Maths GET & FET Maths Teachers from Dinaledi districts

Technology Training for GET Teachers 2 - 4 Apr CES MSTE, DCES Technology GET Teachers

Verification of District and School Markers: Grade 12 NSC & ABET L4

2 – 14 Apr Deputy Director: Exams, CES: Curriculum FET

District Officials & teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

3 - 4 Apr CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Butterworth and East London

District and school visits: Libraries 3 – 4 Apr CES Libraries: NP Jonas Libode, Mthatha and Mount Frere District Media Advisors and schools

Training of Trainers: Invigilation for NATED 550 & ABET L4 exams

4-5 Apr CES: Internal Assessment District DCES & SES Exams

Good Friday 6 Apr

Family Day 9 Apr

Schools reopen 10 Apr

FET Provincial Subject Committee meetings 10 - 11 Apr CES FET :VL Westphal Subject Committee members

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

10 - 12 Apr CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Fort Beaufort; Grahamstown and King William’s Town

District and school visits: Libraries 10 – 12 Apr CES Libraries: NP Jonas Ngcobo, Port Elizabeth and UItenhage District Media Advisors and schools

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 10 - 13 Apr CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers

Cluster Verification of ABET L4 SBA marks 10 – 20 Apr CES: Internal Assessment District examination officials

Provincial Co-ordinating Meeting: National Science Week 11 Apr CES MSTE, DCES MSTE MSTE: SESs

Grade 12 SBA District Term 1 Moderation 12 – 26 Apr CES FET: VL Westphal CES Internal Assessment CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

10 April – Schools reopen

22 June – Schools Close

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Life Orientation Grade 12 National Examinations Guidelines Workshop

13 Apr CES FET :VL Westphal

District Subject Advisors: Life Orientation

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

16 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Mt Fletcher

Dinaledi schools on-site monitoring and support visits 16 – 20 Apr CES MSTE, DCES MSTE District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools

CD: EXCO 4/2012 17 Apr CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

17 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Maluti

Closing Date: Technology Olympiads Registration 17 Apr CES MSTE, DCES Technology School Principals & MSTE District Co-ordinators

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

17 - 19 Apr CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Lady Frere, Cofimvaba and Ngcobo

Materials Development: Life Orientation content gap 17 – 19 Apr CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Life Orientation SESs

Monitor and support Curriculum Co-ordinating Structures and Implementation of Mathematics / Languages/ Physical Education: Grades R - 3

17 – 25 Apr CES FP: T Reddy

GET District Structures and Forums & Foundation Phase Teachers

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 17 - 28 Apr CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale District officials (Curriculum and MANGO) SGBs, SMTs & teachers

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

18 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Mbizana

Selection of Markers: NATED 550 18 Apr Deputy Director: Exams CES: Curriculum FET

Chief Markers and Moderators

2011 NTA Provincial Ceremony 19 Apr (18:00) CES PDS: FT Limekaya Grades R - 12 teachers participating in NTA at Provincial level

CD: PCCC 2/2012 19 – 20 Apr CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs, Dep Dir and District Curriculum CESs

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

23 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Fort Beaufort

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World Book Day 23 Apr CES Libraries: NP Jonas, CES FP: T Reddy & CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Districts & Schools

Minquiz Provincial competitions 23 Apr CES MSTE, DCES MSTE School Principals

Grade 12 Teacher Support on Paper 1 Topics: Life Sciences 23 - 25 Apr

CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Life Sciences

Physical Sciences workshop on research project: Butterworth District

23 Apr CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Physical Science

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

24 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Grahamstown

Dance Studies Choreography and Improvisation Workshop 24 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Dance Studies

Design workshop on 2D and 3D media and techniques 24 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Design

Dramatic Arts workshop on SA Theatre, Directing and Stage Management

24 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal

Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Dramatic Arts

Visual Arts Workshop on link between Theory and Practical 24 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Visual Arts

Workshop on Sibelius, Jazz and African music 24 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Music

Physical Sciences workshop on research project: Mbizana 24 Apr CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Physical Science

FET CAPS orientation: Level 2 Medium Enrolment subjects 24 – 26 Apr CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Grade 11 Teachers of Medium Enrolment subjects

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

25 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: PE and Uitenhage

GET District CAPS Advocacy 25 Apr CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District DCESs and Subject Advisors (ISP)

IDAEC 2/2012 25 – 26 Apr Director: Exams District Heads of Exams

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

26 Apr DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Graaff-Reinet

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NPDE/PGCE District Co-ordinators’ meeting 26 Apr CES PDS: FT Limekaya PGCE/ NPDE District Co-ordinators

Physical Sciences workshop on research project: Sterkspruit 26 Apr CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Teachers: Physical Science

Freedom Day Provincial Debates 26 Apr CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors Grades 10 -12 Teachers and Learners

Freedom Day 27 Apr

School Holiday 30 Apr

Closing Date: Grade 11 subject changes 26 Apr Exams District- Co-ordination Learners

Worker’s Day 1 May

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

2 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Cofimvaba

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 2 - 3 May CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers

GET District EMS Quiz Competition 2 - 5 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

EMS Senior phase teachers and learners

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

3 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Sterkspruit

GET CAPS advocacy 3 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti EDOs

District Visits: Assessment & Examination State of Readiness 3 – 4 May DIR Exams: EM Mabona Provincial and District Management Teams: Assessment & Examinations

Quarter 1 FET Centralised District School Based Assessment (SBA) Moderation and Verification

3 – 13 May CES FET: VL Westphal CES Exams: A Ndzause

All Districts and Grade 12 schools

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

4 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Queenstown, Lady Frere

FET Provincial Grade 12 SBA moderation 4 - 6 May CES FET: VL Westphal CES Exams: A Ndzause CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

South African Model United Nations (SAMUN) Public Speaking Workshop

5 May CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

All participating FET Schools

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Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

7 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Ngcobo

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

8 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: King William’s Town

District training workshop on server administration 8 - 9 May CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead Teachers & SES eLearning: Queenstown, Lady Frere, Ngcobo, Cofimvaba, Cradock & Sterkspruit Districts

District and school visits: Libraries 8 - 10 May CES Libraries: NP Jonas Graaff-Reinet, Qumbu and Sterkspruit District Media Advisors and schools

Monitoring Cluster Moderation and Learning Area Committees: Cradock

8 - 10 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 6 and 9 teachers

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

9 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Dutywa

Dinaledi Principals Training 9 - 10 May CES MSTE, DCES MSTE School Principals

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 9 - 10 May CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers

District Visits: Assessment & Examination State of Readiness 9 – 10 May DIR Exams: EM Mabona

Provincial and District Management Teams

FET Tourism content gap training

9 - 11 May CES FET: VL Westphal

Tourism Subject Advisors and teachers.

Grade R Content Gap and Assessment Workshop: Clusters A, B & C

9 - 18 May CES FP: T Reddy

District Curriculum Advisors and Cluster Key Teachers

CD: EXCO 5/2012 10 May CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

10 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Mthatha

District Training workshop on server administration 10 - 11 May CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead Teachers & SES eLearning: East London, King William’s Town. Butterworth, Grahamstown, Fort Beaufort Districts

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Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

11 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Lusikisiki

NPDE monitoring visits 11 - 12 May CES PDS: FT Limekaya District Co-ordinators and teachers studying NPDE

FET Literature workshop: Indigenous Languages 11 - 12 May CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors: Indigenous Languages

Grade 12 NSC Supplementary applications for remark & re-check 11 May CES: Internal Assessment Grade 12 NSC Supplementary candidates

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

14 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Qumbu

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

15 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Libode

District Training workshop on server administration 15 - 16 May CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead Teachers & SES eLearning: Maluti, Bizana, Lusikisiki & Mt Fletcher Districts

Workshop: District Resource Centre Plans 15 - 17 May CES Libraries: NP Jonas TLTE DCESs, District Media Advisors

GET workshop on Creative Writing: Clusters A, B, C

15 - 17 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Language Subject Advisors and Lead teachers (Intermediate and Senior Phases)

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

16 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Butterworth

Meeting of HEI co-ordinators (NPDE) 16 May CES PDS: FT Limekaya HEI co-ordinators

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

17 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Mt Frere

MTBBE training and support visits: Tarkastad

17 May CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Teachers, curriculum advisors, EDOs

District Training workshop on server administration 17 - 18 May CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead Teachers & SES eLearning: Mthatha, Libode, Qumbu, Mt Frere, Dutywa Districts

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Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

18 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: East London

CD: MANCOM 3/2012 18 May CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

FET Provincial Young Communicators Awards finals 19 May CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors, teachers, and learners

Selection of Grade 12 NSC & ABET L4 markers 19 – 20 May Deputy Director: Exams CES FET: VL Westphal

Chief Markers and Marking Moderators, FET Subject Planners

Road Show: Registration, Promotion and Progression related issues (Grades 1-12)

21 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination, Deputy Director: Exams

Principals in the district: Cradock

Registration of Grade 11 Candidates 21 – 30 May DCES Exams: District Co-ordination


National Take a Girl Child to Work Programme 21 - 23 May CES MSTE, DCES MSTE, District CES Curriculum

School Principals & MSTE District Co-ordinators, Grade 12 learners

GET District CAPS monitoring and support visits 21 - 25 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District trainers

District Training workshop on server administration 22 - 23 May CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead Teachers & SES eLearning: Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Graaff-Reinet

GET Physical Education Content Gap Training 22 – 24 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Life Orientation SESs and lead teachers

Provincial Exhibition of Library materials 22 - 24 May CES Libraries: NP Jonas GET and FET Directorates, Districts & Schools

Foundation Phase Workshop on English First Additional Languages (FAL): Cluster A, B and C

22 May - 8 Jun CES FP: T Reddy

Foundation Phase Subject Advisors, Leader Teachers and Grades 1 - 3 teachers

Life Sciences Grade 12 Teacher support: Paper 2 Topics

22 - 24 May

CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors and Grade 12 Life Sciences Teachers

SAMF Mathematics Olympiads: Second Round 23 May CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Grades 8 - 12 Learners

District Cluster Heritage Celebrations 23 - 25 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

DCESs: Arts & Culture and Social Sciences Subject Advisors, Language teachers and learners

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FET Consumer Studies Practical Workshop 23 - 25 May CES FET: VL Westphal

Consumer Studies Subject Advisors and Teachers

FET Indigenous Languages Speech Competition 24 May CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors Grades 10 - 12 teachers and Learners

GET Content Gap Workshop (LO 1 and LO 4): EMS 30 – 31 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

EMS Subject Advisors

International Play Day: Libraries 31 May CES FP: T Reddy CES Libraries: NP Jonas

District & Schools

District EMS Quiz Competition 31 May CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Senior Phase teachers and learners

South African Computer Lecturers Association meeting 31 May CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Planner and Subject Advisors

Meeting of HEI Co-ordinators (PGCE) 31 May CES PDS: FT Limekaya HEI Co-ordinators

NSC Grade 12 Supplementary Exams Re-mark and Re-check results

1 Jun DEP DIR Exams: P Poovalingam Candidates

ABET L4 June Exams 1 – 23 Jun CES: Internal Assessment DCES Exams, ABET L4 candidates

Dinaledi schools on-site monitoring and support visits 4 - 8 Jun CES MSTE, DCES MSTE District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools

World Environmental week 4 - 8 Jun CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, Teachers and learners

PGCE Monitoring visits 5 Jun CES PDS: FT Limekaya PGCE student teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

5 - 7 Jun CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Cradock and Graaff- Reinet

District and school visits: Libraries 5 – 7 Jun CES Libraries: NP Jonas Maluti and Mbizana District Media Advisors and schools

IDAEC 3/2012 7 – 8 Jun DIR Exams: EM Mabona District Heads of Exams

Computer Applications Technology (CAT) Training: Delphi programming Level 1 and CAT Level 2

9 - 13 Jun CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Teachers

Content Gap Training: Engineering Graphics and Design - AUTOCAD

9 - 13 Jun CES FET: VL Westphal Subject Advisors and Teachers

Workshop: Language in Education Policy 12 - 13 Jun CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Strategic Planning, Shared Legal Services, IDS&G Directorates

Issuing of Grade 12 NSC Supplementary Exam Certificates 13 Jun Deputy Director: Exams 2011 Candidates

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Provincial EMS Quiz Competition 13 Jun CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Senior Phase Teachers and Learners

CD: EXCO 6/2012 14 Jun CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Youth Day 16 Jun

NTA Adjudication workshop by DBE 20 Jun CES PDS: FT Limekaya NTA District Co-ordinators

CD: CM Staff Meeting 21 – 22 Jun CD: SP Govender CD: CM – All staff members

Schools close 22 Jun

Nab’ubomi Film Camp 22 - 24 Jun CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Subject Advisors and Teachers And Learners of winning films

District Intermediate phase CAPS Orientation 22 Jun – 13 Jul CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Subject Advisors and Intermediate Phase teachers

Aptitude Tests: Prospective Examination Assistants 25 - 29 Jun Deputy Director: Exams Applicants

Training workshop on ICT integration with collaboration with Education Beyond Borders

25 - 29 Jun CES CIMS: HP Greeff

ICT Lead teachers

Teacher Training: Grade 10 Dinaledi Maths & Science 25 - 29 Jun CES MSTE, DCESs MSTE Grade 10 Teachers

Level 3 Provincial CAPS Orientation: Grade 11 Teachers

25 Jun – 13 Jul CES FET: VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Grade 11 teachers

FET Provincial Monitoring of CAPS Orientation 25 Jun – 13 Jul CES FET: VL Westphal

Grade 11 teachers

Examinations Board Meeting 2/2012 26 Jun DIR Exams: EM Mabona Examinations Board Members

Marking: NATED 550 Examinations 26 Jun - 6 Jul Deputy Director: Exams Appointed Markers

Creative Art Workshop (Grades R - 3): Clusters A, B & C 26 Jun - 12 Jul CES FP: T Reddy District Officials and Cluster Leader Teachers

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger that the brain cell it occupied.”

(Arnold Glasgow)

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1 JULY 2012 – 30 SEPTEMBER 2012



MSTE Skills Development Course: Mentoring & Coaching 2 – 6 Jul CES MSTE, DCES MSTE FET schools, Maths & Science Heads of Department

Grades 11 & 12 Dinaledi Maths & Science Teacher Training 2 - 6 Jul CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Grades 11&12 Teachers

GET Technology Teacher Training 9 – 13 Jul CES MSTE, DCES MSTE, CES ISP: M Tshofoti

GET Technology Teachers

PACE Career Training 9 -13 Jul CES FET: VL Westphal

FET Life Orientation teachers

Schools re-open 16 Jul

Monitor and support Curriculum Co-ordinating Structures and Implementation of Mathematics / Languages (FAL) / Creative Art (Grades R – 3): Clusters B and C

16 – 18 Jul CES FP: T Reddy

GET District Structures and Forums for Foundation Phase Teachers

Grade 12 SBA District Term 2 Moderation 16 – 27 Jul CES FET: VL Westphal CES Internal Assessment CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

Cluster Verification of ABET L4 SBA marks 16 – 27 Jul CES Internal Assessment ABET District officials

GET Foundation Phase Advisors’ Indaba 17 - 18 Jul CES FP: T Reddy GET Foundation Phase Subject Advisors

Libraries Indaba 17 – 18 Jul CES Libraries: NP Jonas District Media Advisors

Assessment and Exams: State of Readiness District Visits 18 – 19 Jul DIR Exams: EM Mabona District & Provincial Management Teams

CD: EXCO 7/2012 19 Jul CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

District eLearning & CIMS Indaba 19 – 20 Jul CES CIMS: HP Greeff District DCES TLTE & eLearning/Research SESs

Release of Grade 12 NSC 2012 Supplementary Results 20 Jul Deputy Director: Exams Candidates

Provincial Contest (Science Grades 9 -11): National Schools Debate

21 Jul CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Grades 9 – 11 Learners & Teachers

16 July – Schools reopen

28 September – Schools Close

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Monitor and support Curriculum Co-ordinating Structures and Implementation of Mathematics / Languages (FAL) / Creative Art (Grades R – 3): Cluster A

23 Jul CES FP: T Reddy

GET District Structures and Forums for Foundation Phase Teachers

Libraries Workshop: Management of Resource Centres, Literacy Celebrations, Monitoring and Support: Cluster A

24 - 26 Jul CES Libraries: NP Jonas District SES Media advisors & Lead Teachers from Cluster Schools

Foundation Phase Workshop: Mathematics Content Gap Clusters A, B and C

24 Jul – 3 Aug CES FP: T Reddy

Foundation Phase Advisors and Cluster Key Teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

25 - 27 Jul CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Mt Frere, Mt Fletcher and Maluti

GET: ISP Subject Advisors Indaba

26 - 27 Jul CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District DCESs and Subject Advisors (ISP)

CD: MANCOM 4/2012 27 Jul CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Provincial Launch: National Science Week 27Jul CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES MSTE, District CES Curriculum CES FET: VL Westphal

MSTE Teachers and Learners

Release of NATED 550 Exam Results 27 Jul Deputy Director: Exams Learners

National Finals: FET Young Communicator’s Awards (YCA) 29 – 31 Jul CES FET: VL Westphal

Provincial winners

EMS Content gap workshop (LO 2 and 3) 30 – 31 Jul CES ISP: M Tshofoti

EMS Subject Advisors

GET Workshop: Visual Arts and Crafts 30 Jul - 3 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

A&C Subject Advisors and Senior Phase Lead Teachers

National Maths and Science Week 30 Jul – 3 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES MSTE, CES FET: VL Westphal, District CES Curriculum

Grades 4 – 12 Teachers & Learners

FET Subject Advisors Indaba 31 Jul – 1 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal FET Subject Advisors

Libraries Workshop: Management of Resource Centres, Literacy Celebrations, Monitoring and Support: Cluster B

31 Jul – 2 Aug CES Libraries: NP Jonas District Media advisors

District GET Mental Maths Competition (Grades 4 - 6) 1 - 10 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 4 - 6 Mathematics teachers and learners

GET Grade 9 Mathematics project exhibitions 1 - 10 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 9 Mathematics teachers and learners

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 1 – 30 Aug CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers

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Quarter 2 Centralised District School Based Assessment (SBA) Moderation and Verification

1 Aug - 7 Sept CES: Internal Assessment All Districts and Grade 12 schools

MSTE Indaba 2 - 3 Aug CES MSTE, District CES Curriculum, DCESs MSTE

District MSTE Co-ordinators

Regional Science Expo for Young Scientists Competition 3 - 4 Aug MSTE, District CES Curriculum, DCESs MSTE

GET & FET Learners

FET Provincial Grade 12 SBA moderation 3 – 5 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal CES Exams: A Ndzause CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

Libraries Workshop: Management of Resource Centres, Literacy Celebrations, Monitoring and Support: Cluster C

6 - 8 Aug CES Libraries: NP Jonas District SES Media advisors

FET Final Grade 12 Oral Moderation 6 - 23 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, FET teachers and learners

CD: PCCC 3/2012 7 - 8 Aug CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs, Dep. Dir. and District Curriculum CESs

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 8 - 9 Aug CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

Women’s Day 9 Aug

School Holiday 10 Aug

MSTE Role modelling campaign (Career education) 10 -11 Aug CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Grades 11 – 12 learners

IDAEC 4/2011 13 – 14 Aug DIR Exams: EM Mabona District Heads of Exams

GET Content Gap Workshop: Intermediate Phase Map Work Techniques

13 – 17 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Social Sciences Subject Advisors & Lead teachers

Monitor and Support Creative writing competitions and Mathematics Week ( Grades R – 3 ): Clusters A, B and C

13 – 31 Aug CES FP: T Reddy District SAs & Teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

14 – 16 Sept CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage

Materials development workshop: Intermediate Phase text based approach to language

14 – 17 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Languages SESs

GET provincial Science Seminar 15 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti Natural Sciences Subject Advisors and teachers

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 15 – 16 Aug CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

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Provincial Grade 6 Mental Maths Quiz Competition 16 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grade 6 Mathematics learners

Grade 12 NSC Preparatory (Trial) Examinations 16 Aug – 27 Sept CES Exams: A Ndzause FET Schools

SEK MQHAYI day essay writing and speech competition 17 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal

Indigenous Languages Subject Advisors, Teachers and learners

Provincial SAMUN debates 18 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, Teachers and learners

District Heritage Celebrations 20 – 24 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

A&C, Social Sciences and Languages, Subject Advisors, teachers & learners

Monitoring PAT moderation – Services subjects Cluster C

20 – 24 Aug CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, Grade 12 teachers & learners

District Cluster Entrepreneurial Week 20 – 30 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

EMS Teachers and learners

Intermediate phase Content gap training: Mathematics and Natural Sciences

20 – 30 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Maths and NS Subject Advisors and Intermediate Phase Leader teachers

Intermediate Phase workshop: Text-based approach to Language Teaching and Learning

21 – 23 Aug CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Language District Advisors and Cluster Leader Teachers

Grade 10 Life Sciences Teacher Support: Practical Examinations 21 – 23 Aug

CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors & Grade 10 Life Sciences Teachers

CD: EXCO 8/2012 23 Aug CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

National Science Schools Debate: National Finals 24 – 26 Aug CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Grades 9 – 11 Teachers & Learners

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

28 – 30 Aug CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Mthatha, Qumbu and Dutywa

District and school visits: Libraries 28 – 30 Aug CES Libraries: NP Jonas Mount Fletcher and Maluti District Media Advisors and schools

Inter-departmental Indaba: Ratification and adoption of Departmental Language Policy

29 – 30 Aug CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Strategic Planning, Shared Legal Services, IDS&G Directorates, other government departments, HEIs, NGOs, etc.

Readathon and Monitoring Literacy EXPOs: Clusters A,B,C 1 – 28 Sept CES Libraries: NP Jonas, CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti

All Districts & Schools

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Intermediate Phase content gap training: District roll out 1 – 30 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Languages, Maths and Natural Sciences Subject Advisors and leader teachers.

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 3 – 6 Sept CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs & Teachers

Dinaledi schools on-site monitoring and support visits 3 – 7 Sept CES MSTE, DCES MSTE, District CES Curriculum

District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools

Monitoring of Literacy Week, CAPS Implementation and SBA Moderation: Grades R – 3 (Clusters A , B and C)

3 – 21 Sept CES FP: T Reddy Subject Advisors , Schools and Teachers

Mathematics Methodology workshop: “How I Teach” 5 – 7 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti Mathematics Subject advisors and teachers

CD: EXCO 9/2012 6 Sept CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

SAMF Mathematics Olympiads: Third Round 6 Sept CES MSTE, DCES MSTE, CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 8 – 12 Learners

Closing Date: May/June NATED 550 applications for remark & recheck

7 Sept Deputy Director: Exams NATED 550 Candidates

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies in schools 10 – 13 Sept CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers, district officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

FET Practical Assessment Tasks moderation monitoring: Services subjects: Clusters A & B

10 – 14 Sept CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, Grade 12 teachers and learners

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

11 – 13 Sept CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Libode, Lusikisiki and Mbizana

GET On-site District/ School Monitoring and Support Visits: Cluster A

11 – 13 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Subject Advisors and Teachers

CD: MANCOM 5/2012 14 Sep CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Due Date: Submission of Grade 12 NSC Oral Mark Sheets 14 Sept DCES Exams: District Co-ordination

FET Schools

National Technology Olympiad Competition 15 Sept CES MSTE, DCES MSTE, CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 7 – 9 Learners

GET: District Entrepreneurial Day activities 17 – 21 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti EMS Teachers and learners

Monitoring Cluster Moderation and Learning Area Committees: Cluster B

17 – 21 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Grades 6 and 9 teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

18 – 20 Sept CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Queenstown and Sterkspruit

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Provincial Heritage Celebrations: Arts and Culture, Social Sciences and Languages

19 – 21 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES FP: T Reddy CES Libraries: N Jonas

Foundation Phase and InterSen: A&C, Social Science, Languages, Subject Advisors, teachers & learners

National Tourism Careers Expo 21 – 23 Sept CES FET: VL Westphal

Tourism Subject Advisors Teachers and Grade 11 Learners

Heritage Day 24 Sept

Heritage Month: Multilingualism Awards for Districts and Schools 25 - 26 Sept CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale Districts, schools and school communities, other Government Departments, HEIs & Publishers

Cluster Verification visits: Grade 12 NSC SBA marks 25 – 28 Sept CES: Internal Assessment FET Schools

Provincial FET Provincial Subject Committee Meetings 26 - 27 Sept CES FET: VL Westphal All Provincial Subject Committee members

Examinations Board Meeting 3/2012 27 Sept DIR Exams: EM Mabona Examinations Board Members

NTA Provincial Ceremony 27 Sept CES: PDS FT Limekaya NTA District Co-ordinators and Cluster Finalists

Training of Grade 12 NSC and ABET L4 Chief Markers & Marking Moderators

27 - 28 Sept Deputy Director: Exams

Chief Markers, Deputy Chief Markers and Marking Moderators

CD: CM Staff Meeting 28 Sept CD: SP Govender CD: CM – All staff members

Closing Date: Registration of Exam Centres for 2013 28 Sept CES: Internal Assessment Schools

Schools close 28 Sept

National Science Expo for Young Scientists 28 – 29 Sept CES MSTE, DCES MSTE Learners

Environmental Education Youth Summit 28 – 30 Sept CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES FET: VL Westphal

Grades 8 - 10 Life Orientation teachers and learners

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MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 1 - 2 Oct CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs & Teachers

Council for Economic Education (CEE) Workshop 1 – 4 Oct CES FET: VL Westphal

Grades 10 &12 Economics Teachers

Dinaledi Grades 11 &12 Maths & Science Teacher Training 1 - 5 Oct CES MSTE, DCESs

Grades11&12 Teachers

Library and Information Association of South Africa Sponsored Conference

1 - 5 Oct CES Libraries: NP Jonas District Media Advisors

Submission and capturing period: Grade 12 NSC and ABET L4 oral, practical and SBA mark sheets

1 – 31 Oct Deputy Director: Exams District CES

District Exams officials

Practical examination and moderation: FET Art Subjects 1 Oct – 9 Nov CES FET: VL Westphal

Grade 12 Arts Teachers and Learners

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 4 - 5 Oct CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs & Teachers

Grade 12 Learner Intervention and Support Workshops (Subject Specific)

5 – 7 Oct CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

Grade 12 Learners

Schools reopen 8 Oct

Career Dress Up Day 8 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti Teachers and Learners

Monitoring and Support of Dinaledi Schools 8 – 12 Oct CES MSTE, DCESs District CES Curriculum

District MSTE SESs, Dinaledi schools

Grade 12 SBA District Term 3 Moderation 8 – 18 Oct CES FET: VL Westphal CES Internal Assessment CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

GET Workshop on Natural Sciences Practical Tests 8 - 21 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES MSTE

Natural Sciences Subject Advisors and Leader Teachers

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

9 - 11 Oct CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Lusikisiki, Libode, Mt Fletcher and Maluti

GET Technology Exhibitions 9 - 12 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES MSTE

Technology Subject Advisors, Teachers and learners

8 October – Schools reopen 7 December – Schools Close: Learners 11 December – Schools Close: Teachers

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CD: EXCO 10/2012 11 Oct CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

IDAEC 5/2012 11 -12 Oct Director: Exams District Heads of Exams

Grade 12 NSC Final Examinations 15 Oct – 30 Nov DIR Exams: EM Mabona Grade 12 NSC Candidates

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

16 - 18 Oct CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Cradock and Sterkspruit

Workshop: Promoting career choices through Languages 17 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Life Orientation and Languages Subject Advisors, Teachers

South African Model United Nations (SAMUN) National finals 18 - 22 Oct CES FET: VL Westphal District winners

GET Provincial Entrepreneurial Exhibition 19 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti EMS Subject Advisors, Teachers and Learners

Results release: NATED 550 May/June 2012 remark/recheck 20 Oct Deputy Director: Exams NATED 550 Candidates

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

23 - 25 Oct CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Graaff-Reinet and Mthatha

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 23 - 26 Oct CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, Teachers & District Officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

Monitor Foundation Phase CAPS implementation and SBA Moderation

23 Oct - 8 Nov CES FP: T Reddy

Subject Advisors , Schools and Teachers

Grade 11 NSC Final Examinations 24 Oct - 27 Nov CES: Internal Assessment FET Schools

FET Provincial Grade 12 SBA moderation 25 - 28 Oct CES FET: VL Westphal CES Internal Assessment CES District Curriculum

Grade 12 Teachers and Learners

CD: MANCOM 6/2012 26 Oct CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 29 - 31 Oct CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, Teachers & District Officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

ABET L 4 Examinations 29 Oct – 23 Nov CES: Internal Assessment ABET L4 Learners

GET Provincial Technology Exhibitions 31 Oct CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES MSTE

Technology Subject Advisors, Teachers and Grades 6 & 9 Learners

Co-ordinate opening of CD’s for CAT and IT Practical Examinations

1 Nov CES: Instrument Development

CAT and IT Candidates

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 5 - 8 Nov CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, Teachers & District Officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

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District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

6 - 8 Nov CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Qumbu, Mt Frere, Mt Fletcher & Maluti

CD: EXCO 11/2012 8 Nov CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Road shows: Formulation of School Language 12 - 15 Nov CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, Teachers & District Officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

Modification of Creative Writing module 13 – 15 Nov CES Libraries: NP Jonas & M. Tshofoti

DCES: GET & Media advisors

Grades 3, 6 & 9 Common Tests: Administration and Monitoring 14 – 28 Nov CES Exams: A Ndzause, CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, DISTRICT CESs

Grades 3, 6 & 9 Learners District CES, DCES,SESs & Grades 3,6 & 9 Teachers

CD: MANCOM 7/2012 15 – 16 Nov CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Monitor marking of Grades 3, 6 and 9 common tests 19 – 30 Nov CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES FP: T Reddy

Subject Advisors, Teachers and Grades 3, 6 and 9 Learners

Road shows: Formulation of School Language Policies 20 - 21 Nov CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, Teachers & District Officials (Curriculum and MANGO)

CD: PCCC 4/2012 22 – 23 Nov CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs, Dep. Dir. and District Curriculum CESs

Nab’ubomi Film Competition Awards Evening 30 Nov CES FET: VL Westphal

Subject Advisors, Teachers and Learners from winning FET schools

Marking of Grade 12 NSC and ABET L4 Examinations 1 – 15 Dec Deputy Director: Exams Grade 12 NSC and ABET level 4 candidates

CD: EXCO 12/2012 6 Dec CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

CD: CM Staff Meeting 7 Dec CD: SP Govender CD: CM – All staff members

Schools close for Learners 7 Dec

Closing date: 2013 Grades 9 to 12 concession applications 10 Dec CES: Instrument Development Schools

Schools close for Teachers 11 Dec

Submission Date: Promotion/Progression Schedules 14 Dec CES: Instrument Development District DCES Exams

Day of Reconciliation 16 Dec

Christmas Day 25 Dec

Day of Goodwill 26 Dec

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1 JANUARY 2013 – 31 MARCH 2013



Release of Grade 12 NSC and ABET L4 Results 3 Jan DIR Exams: EM Mabona Grade 12 NSC Candidates

Schools re-open for Teachers 14 Jan

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 14 - 25 Jan CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs & Teachers

Provincial School Readiness visits 14 – 30 Jan All schools

FET Monitoring of CAPS Implementation: Grades 10 - 11 14 - 31 Jan CES FET: VL Westphal District CES: Curriculum

District Subject Advisors & Grades 10 and 11 Teachers

GET Monitoring of CAPS Implementation: Foundation and Intermediate Phases

14 Jan – 22 Mar CES ISP: M Tshofoti CES FP: T Reddy

District Curriculum Officials & Teachers

CD: CM Staff Meeting 15 Jan CD: SP Govender CD: CM – All staff members

Schools reopen for Learners 16 Jan

CD: EXCO 1/2013 25 Jan CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

29 - 31 Jan CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Uitenhage and Maluti

Library Week Preparations: Monitoring and support visits 28 Jan – 28 Feb CES Libraries: NP Jonas Districts & Schools

Grade 12 Teacher Orientation: National CAPS Training Team DBE to confirm dates DBE

FET Curriculum Subject Planners, District Subject Advisors

Senior Phase Teacher Orientation: National CAPS Training Team DBE to confirm dates DBE

FET Curriculum Subject Planners, District Subject Advisors

FET Level 1 CAPS Orientation: Provincial CAPS Training Team (PCTT)

DBE to confirm dates DBE ,CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

FET Curriculum Subject Planners, District Subject Advisors

GET: Orientation of Provincial CAPS Training Team (PCTT) DBE to confirm dates CES ISP: M Tshofoti District Subject Advisors for Senior Phase (PCTT)

CD: EXCO 2/2013 1 Feb CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 4 – 8 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs & Teachers

GET 1st Quarterly Subject Advisors’ Meeting 5 - 7 Feb CES ISP: M Tshofoti

CES FP: T Reddy GET Subject Advisors

14 January – Teachers report 16 January – Learners report

28 March – Schools Close

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District Visits: Monitor & support implementation of e-Learning/CIMS Programmes

7 - 9 Feb CES CIMS: HP Greeff

eLearning/Research SESs: Port Elizabeth and Mbizana

Dinaledi School Principals Meeting 7 - 9 Feb MSTE CES, DCESs School Principals

CD: MANCOM 1/2013 8 Feb CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs & Dep Dir

Materials Development Workshop: Content Gap for Senior Phase 12 - 14 Feb CES ISP: M Tshofoti

Languages Subject Advisors

Annual FET Subject Advisors’ Workshop 13 - 15 Feb CES:FET VL Westphal District CES Curriculum

FET Subject Advisors

Grade 12 NSC Supplementary Examinations 15 Feb – 23 Mar DIR Exams: EM Mabona Qualifying Candidates

International Mother-Tongue Day 21 Feb CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale

Districts, schools and school communities

CD: PCCC 1/2013 21 - 22 Feb CD: SP Govender H/O Curriculum Directors, Curriculum CESs, Dep. Dir. and District Curriculum CESs

Release of Grade 12 NSC Remark Results for 2012 23 Feb Deputy Director: Exams Grade 12 Candidates

GET Content Gap Workshop: Senior Phase Literature 26 - 28 Feb CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Languages Subject Advisors and Leader Teachers.

IDAEC 1/2013 27 - 28 Feb DIR Exams: EM Mabona District DCES Examinations

District Senior phase Literature Content Gap Training 1 - 31 Mar CES ISP: M Tshofoti

District Languages Subject Advisors and Leader Teachers

Monitoring Library/ Reading Week and Literacy EXPOs 5 – 15 Mar CES Libraries: NP Jonas, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES FP: T Reddy

All Districts & Schools

Preparatory Workshop: FET Young Communicators Awards (YCA): Cluster A & B

8 - 9 Mar CES FET: VL Westphal DCES English, Indigenous Languages, Participating Grade 12 Learners, Teachers and Subject Advisors

MTBBE support visits to implementing schools 11 – 15 Mar CES LPIO: N Mbude-Shale SGBs, SMTs, teachers

Preparatory workshop: FET Young Communicators Awards (YCA): Cluster C

15 –16 Mar CES FET: VL Westphal

DCES English, Indigenous Languages, Participating grade 12 Learners, Teachers and Subject Advisors

Human Rights Week 18 – 22 Mar CES FP: T Reddy, CES ISP: M Tshofoti, CES:FET VL Westphal

District Subject Advisors, Teachers and Learners

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CD: EXCO 3/2013 22 Mar CD: SP Govender Curriculum Directors

Schools close 23 Mar

Scifest Africa 2013 23 – 31 Mar CES MSTE FET & GET Teachers & Learners

“Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered,

and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.”

(Orison Swett Marden)

“When it’s all over, it’s not who you were, it's whether you made a difference.”


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