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Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

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A list of various Chinese Dialect versions of scripture that exist throughout the history
compi1ed by HUBERT W. SPILLETT British and Foreign Bib1e Society, 146 Queen Victoria Street, London Ec4v 4BX 1975
Page 1: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

compi1ed by


British and Foreign Bib1e Society, 146 Queen Victoria Street,London Ec4v 4BX


Page 2: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

This catalogue was prepared by the Hev. H. W. Spillett. HubertW. Spillett gained a First Class Honours degree in Chinese Languageand Literature at London University, befo::,e going to China in 19~{)as a missionary with the Baptict HilOsionary Society. During thewar period he "as transferred to educational work in Ceylon. In 1947he returned to China and served there until 1952.

In the folloViing year he "as seconded to Hong Kong to work with theChinese Literature Council. He served as General Secretary of thatbody until retirement in 1967.

In 1968-70 he worl(ed in the archives of the B.H.S. and later in 1970began the revision of this catalog~e, completing it at the end of1973.'l'hecatalogue was edited dnu iEdexc:d uy the LilJrari",n of Lhe EritiCihand Foreign Bible Society, and typed by staff of the TranslationsDepartment.

All catalogues of this nature depend on the goodwill and help ofothers, and thanks are due to the librarians and other staff ofthe libraries and organisations consulted: The American BibleSociety, the Baptist Missionary Society, the British Library, theChurch Missionary Society, the Council for World Mission, theNational Bible Society of Scotland and the Studium BiblicumFranciscanum, Hong Kong. Advice was also given by Professor G. B.DOImer of the University of Leeds, in the section on the triballanguages of China.

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The cata~ogue is basically a catalogue of holdings in the Libraryof the British and Foreign Bible Society in London. It wasimpossible to include all the holdings in other libraries, but acheck was made of the British Library and the library of theCouncil for World Mission, and any editicns not in the BFBS wereincluded. Correspondence with the American Bible Soci,-,tyandthe National Bible Society of Scotland resulted in the inclusionof significant editions held by these libraries, but no attemptwas made to include all their holdings and variant editions. Muchuseful information on Roman Catholic editions was supplied by theStudium Biblicum Franciscanum in Hong Kong.

The catalogue is arranged in four sections: Chinese proper(including High Wenli, Easy Wenli and the Mandarin dialects);Chinese local dialects; tribal languages of China; and languagesof the Republic of China. Within each section the languages areo.lpho.betical. The nE.lJlesof the le-nguages follo"s traditionalterminology, even where this differs from modern usage, in orderto keep the languages in their historical context. For example,pre-1965 "Taiwanese'! editions will be found under Amoy; and thevarious Meo/Miao dialects are all under Miao.

Although this catalogue is generally confined to Scripture, a fewother books are included where these were of significance: notably,the Book of Common Prayer.

The catalogue is based on The Historical Catalogue of Printed Editionsof Holy Scripture by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule (BFBS 1903-11). Ingeneral the layout of the entries follows the pattern of the originalcatalogue, and is as follows:The name of the language stands at the head of each section. Any

"alternative forms are noted belOl;this, on the left-hand side.A brief note is given on the areas where the language is, or was,spoken. In certain of the tribal lar.guages of China it is difficultto be precise, as these peoples have migrated widely in the l~scquarter of a century and are now found in several areas of south-eastAsia. It can be taken for granted that most, if not all, theChinese local dialects are spoken by overseas Chinese.The entries are given in chronological order, with the date ofpublication standing on its 0\0;I1, follOl"edby the title and imprint.If the book is not in the BFBS Library these details are enclosedin square brackets. The titles are given in abbreviated Englishform and enclosed in round brackets. If a title-page is giveneither wholly or partially in roman character, whether English01' any other language, this is copied as it stands, with any pbrtsin Chinese character indicated by three dots. The publisherand place of public'Ctionand/or printing are given in English, but

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when this information has been supplied from a source other than thebook itself it is enclosed in square brackets. The size of theoutside frcnt cover of the book is given to the nearest half centimetre.The description includes the nBmes of the translators and, at thefirst mention, their missions. The missions are given the names inuse at the tima: for examFle, the Londor.Missionary Society laterbecame the Congregational Council for World Mission, and later stillthe Council for World Mission (Congregational and Reformed); theChina Inland Mission became the Overseas Missionary Fellowship.Various other missions either changed their names or )amalgamated.Details of illustration, pagination and other features are given. Manyearlier editions were foliated rather than paged, and this is indicatedin the description. Only brief historical notes are included in theentries, but an historical introduction has been included to give moreinformation(see p. ixff.). ) This is by no means exhaustive, andinterested readers are referred to the books listed in the bibliography.Extensive archival material in various libraries also awaits theserious student.At the end of each entry the running number is given at the right-handside, with the original Darlow and Moule Historical Catalogue numberin brackets. Below this is given the library which holds a copy ofthe book, if it is not in the BFbS Library.Indexes are provided for alterlmtive language names and spellings;translators, editors and versions; publishers and printers; placesof printing and publication; and a general index.

ABCFM, American Board ofCornr,i:5sioners f01' ForeignMissions

ABM(U), American BaptistMissiondry (Union)

ABS, American Bible SocietyABU, American Bible UnionAECM, Arnerican Episcopal Church

MissionAFBS, American and Foreign

Bible SocietyAMEM, American Methodist

Episcopal MissionAPE(C)M, American Protestant

Episcopal (Church) MissionA?M, American Presbyterian

Mission .ASBM, American Southern Baptist

MissionAS~~M, American Southern

Methodist EpiscoFal MissionASPM, American Southern Pres-

byterian MissionAV, Authorised (King James)

VersionBFBS, British and Foreign Bible

SocietyBFM, Board of Foreign MissionsBH, Bible House Library, LondonBM, British Museum (noH British

Library)EMS, Baptist Missionary SocietyBS, Bible SocietyBSs, Bible SocietiesCCWM, Congregational Council .

for World Mission (noH C0unclifor World Mission)

C of E, Church of EnglandCE2MS, Churcl, of EnEland Zenana

Missionary SocietyCf 0, compareCIM, China Inland MissionCMA, Christian and Missionary

AllianceeMS, Church Missionary SocietyCUL, Cambridge University LibraryEPM, English Presbyterian MissionFf., FoliosFr., FatherFMS, Foreign Mission SocietyKJV, King James (Authori.8ed)VersionLMS, London Missionary Society

LXX, SeFt~agint (Greek OT)MS, ~bnuc;cript/Mi3sj.orlClrySociEtyNo., NumberNBSS, National Bible Society of

ScotlandNEB, New English BibleNT, New TestamentOF~, Order of Friars Minor (i.e.

Franciscan Order)OMF, Overseas Missionary FelloHshipaT, Old TestamentPp., PagesPTL, Pocket Testament LeagueRC, Roman CatholicRTS, Religious Tract Soc:LetyRV, Revised VersionSDBM, Seventh Day Baptist MissionSGM, Scripture Gift MissionSJ, Society of JesusSPCK, Society for Promoting

Christian Kno;,ledge,TCV, Today's Chinese VersionTEAM, The Evangelical Alliance

MissionUBS, United Bible SocietiesUMCM, United Methodist Church

Mission~C, United Methodist Free ChurchUMM, United Methodist MissionUP, United PresbyterianUS(A) , United States (of America)Vol., VolumeWMMS, Wesleyan Methodist Missionary

SocietyWMS, Wesleyan Missionary Society

Page 5: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Bible in China.Mission. London.

China Inland1934.

Chinese versions of the Bible.Christian LiteraLure Societyfor China. Shanghai. 1934.

A history of Christian missionsin China. Society fo~ PromotingChristian Knowledge. London. 1929.

China Centenary Missionary Con-ference. Shanghai. 1907.

Retrospect of the first ten yearsof the Protestant Mission toChina. Anglo-Chinese Press.Malacca. 1820.

The Book of a Thousand Tongues.United Bible Societies. Londonand New York. 1973.

Catalogue of publications byProtestant missionaries inChina. ("Wylie's List"). 1876-. '

Memorials of Protestantmissionaries to the Chinese ••• 1867.

Note: No copy of nWylie~slistr1 could be found, but itwas quoted by Darlow and Moule and it was decidedto accept their use of its numbering as correct.

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In the soutt east of China, particularly in the coastalprovinces, there are large numbers of Chinese people who Usedialect~ differing from and often older than the National Language(Kuoyu). Among these are:

Wu (spoken in the provinces south of Shanghai, includingthe Har~ow, Kinhwa, Ningpo, Shanghai, Soochow, Taichow and Wenchevidialects):

Min (spoken in Fukien Province inclUding Amoy, Foechovl,Swatow dialects and North Min dialects of Kienning, Kienyang andShaowu):

Some of the versions in these dialects are in Chinesecharacter, others in roman script, and some in both.

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Amoy dialect is spoken in South Fukien and Taiwan.are generally in roman character.

St. John, transl".ted by Elihu Doty a missionary 'if the A.B.C.F .H. from1836-1858 and thereafter until 1864 an agent of the B.F.M. ofthe Dutch Reformed Church in U.S.A. Wylie (Memorials p.98)states that it was "translated by Mr. Doty in concert withDr. Young" - i.e. apparently James H. Young a Scottish doctor,connec ted with the E.P.M. frorl1850 to 1854.Apparer.tly without title-page.pre5s, Canto~. Double columns.the paper. Pp.46.

Printed at S. Wells Williams'Printed on both sides of

Ruth. Adapted fronttr~eDelegates' Wenli version by John VanNest Talmage, a missionary of the A.B.C.F.M. fron 1847. Issuedprobably at the expense of the A.B.S.

~1863 (St. Mark.)A.B.S.

Translated by Alvin Ostrom, a missionary ofthe Dutch ReformedChurch (U.S.A.) fro~ 1858 to 1860. Issued partly at the expenseof the A.B.S. Aocording to WylJ.e: Memorials p.250, it containedff.80.

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1867 Su-to'Her.g-toan.E-mng e Khiun_kh£u ...[A.B.S.J Amoy. 20.5 x 14.

The Acts. Translated by J.Stronach (see No. 51). Printedat the press of the A.R.M., Amoy: at the expense of theA.B.S. Pp.151. I

1867 Su-to·Her.g-toan. Chiang-chiu e Khioq-kruau•••[A.B.S.J Amoy. 20.5 x 14.

The Acts. The 8ame versior.as No. 601 but modified intothe Chiang Chiu dialect, considered by some to be the standardform of the ArnoyColloquial. Pp.151.

1868 •..Loka Hok-im Toan.[A.B.S.J Arnoy.

St. Luke.pp.148.

1868 P{-tek Chian Su [P{-tek Hd-SU.-7[A.B.S. Amoy.J 20.5 x 14.

1 and 2 Peter.pp.16.

1868? Thoan=to Iok=r~uBek=si=libk.[A.B.S. A1JJsJ:J-.J 20 x 14.5.


1• Su-to'Iok-han E Sam-suo[A.B.S.J Amoy. 20.5 x 14.5.

1871 ...1ok-han Hok-im Toan.[A.B.S.J Amoy.

St. John.Pp.65.

1871 Su-to' Po-lo Kta Ho'Ka-liap-th~i Chiah-~ Kau-hoe E Phoe.[A.B.S.J Amoy. 20 x 13.5.

Galatians-Colossians. Translated by J. V. H. Talmage.11, 10, 10.

1872 ••.M£-thai Hok-im Toan.LA.B.S.J Am,£1.

1873 Lan E Kiu-tsu 1a-Sd Ki~tok E Sin 10k. Tsoan Su.Glasgow. 19.5 x 12.5.

The New Testament. The earliest co~plete N.T. in Amoy Colloquial,translated by William Macgregor, William Sutherland Swanso~,Hugh COWie, James L. Maxwell, all of the E.P.M .• ar,dothers.missionaries of the A.R.M. and of the L.M.S.· .

Some of the portions already issued (e.g. Mark, Luke and Acts)were used in the pr"l'arationof this version. Printed fror.;stereotype plates at Glasgow, under the supervision ofJ. L.Maxwell, and at the expense of H. M. Matheson. Printed on bothsides of the paper. Pp.406.

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Various books of this N.T. were also printed as separateportions at Glasgow in 1873. Reprinted 1898 .


...Sin 10k •••B.F.B.S.

The New Testament. A new edition of No. 610 printed fromthe same plates, which had been presented to the B.F.B.S. byH. M. Matheson. pp.406.

Ku-iok E S~ng-keng •••B.F.B.S. London.

The Old Testament. The complete O.T., translated from teeHigh Wenli Delegates' Version by missionaries of the L.M.S. ,the E.P.M., and the A.R.Y. Printed under the supervisionof J. L. Maxwell.

Made up of various portions issued separately between 1880and 1884: Genesis 188~ Pp.106; Exodus, 1880, Pp.82;Leviticus, 1881, Pp.58; Numbers, 1881, pp.86; Deuteronomy,1883, Pp.81; Joshua, 1881, Pp.52j Judges, 1883, Pp.55;Ruth, 1882, Pp.8; 1 Samuel, 1881, Pp.68; 2 Samuel, 1881,Pp.59; 1 Kings, 1881, pp.66; 2 Kings, 1881, pp.65j 1 and2 Chronicles, 1884, Pp.139i Ezra-Esther, 1883, Pp.72; Job,1882, Pp.57; Psalms, 1882, Pp.148j Proverbs, 1880, pp.47jEcclesiastes and Song of Solomon, 1883, Pp.31; Isaiah, 1882,Pp.109j Jeremiah and Lamentations, 1884, Pp.138; Ezekiel,1882, Pp.100j Daniel-Malachi, 1883, Pp.132. With separatetitle-pages. Printed on both sides of the paper.

Bou~d in two volumes: (1) Genesis-2 Chronicles, (2) Ezra-Malachi.

B.H. also has COpiES of t1e following aeparate portions:-Exodus, Levi ticus , Nurr.bers,2 Kinfls,Proverbs and Druliec..-Malachi.

I. II. Thiap-sat-lo-n1-ka ...[B.F.B.S. Tainan.J 19.5 x 13.

I illldII Thessalonians. In 1885 a committee was formedof missionaries and Chinese assistants representing theL.M.S., the E.P.M., the A.R.M., and the C.P.M. of N.Formosa,to revise the Amoy version. J. L.MaJ{\,ell,ill.~·la.terT. Barclay acted as Secretary. Tentative editions ofvarious books, (of which the present edition of I and IIThessalonians is a specimen) were printed at the P .., r1.press, Tainan, and issued for criticismj but in 1893 theCommittee suspended its operations pending the publicationof the Union Versions in High and Easy Wenli. Withalternate blank pp. for "Annotations". Printed on bothsides of the paper. Pp.23.

B.H. also has copies of the folloVlir:gtentative eu.itions,all printed at the expense of the B.F.B.S.:- 1 Corinthians1886, Pp.75j Galatians, 1886, Pp.31j Acts 1887, Pp.87jPhilippians, 1887, Pp.11; 2 Corinthians 1888, pp.34jColossians, 1888, Pp.13; James 1888, Pp.19j I and IIPeter and Jude. 1888, Pp.31j Matthew 1889. Pp.114.The revisers' names are given as follows:- L.W. Kip,D.R.C., J. Macgowan, L.M.S., W. Thow, J. V. N. TalwBge.J. Watson, J.Sadler, W. Macgregor, H. Thompson, E.P:M.,and W. Campbell, E.P.M. besides Chinese assistants.Printed on both sides of the paper.


•.•Sin 10k •••B.F.B:S.

The New Testament. A reprint of No. 610, from the sameplates. Cf. No. 612. This edition and all after thisdate are printed on both sides of the paper. pp.406.

Page 10: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

·..Sin 10k ..•B.F.B.S.

Tne New Testament.616. Pp.406.

..•Si Phian.B.F.B.S.

The Psalms. A revision by J. Macgowan introducing manychanges. A tentative edition. After further revision byJ. Macgowan and otters, this version was incorporated in therevised O.T. of 1902 (No. 619). pp.86.

Ku_Iok •••B.F.B.S.

The Old Testament. A revised edition of No. 613, preparedby J. Macgowan and others. Double colunms. Pp.801.

Some of the books had already appeared separately in 1900and 1901: Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, 1 and 2Samuel, Psalms (see No. 618) and.Proverbs.

B.H. has copies of Genesis, 1900, Pp.45j Exodus, 1900,PP.37j Numbers, 1900, Pp.39j Proverbs, 1901, Pp.22.

1902 •..Si Phian.B.F.B.S. 17.5 x 11.5.


6201908 •••Sin 10k ••.


The New Testament. A revision of No. 610 prepc:red by J.Mac~owan, H. Thompson, C. N. Moody, E.P.M., and A. L.Warnshuis, A. R. M. and Chinese assistants. With referencecompiled by A. L. Warnshius and others.

In double columns, with the references in a central column.With two coloured maps. Pp.290.

1908 Sin Ku. J:ok•••B.F.B.S.

The Holy Bible, made up of a reprint of No. 619 and No. 621.With four coloured maps. Pp.801, 290 .

Lo-ma-phoe I K1u VIII Chiun •••~. 21 x 14.

Romans Chapters 1-8. A literal translation, with a paraphrase,commentary, etc. by C. N. Moody. Printed at the E.P.M. Press,Tainan. Pp.120.

••.Sin 10k •.•B.F.B.S.

1916 ...Sin 10k •••B.F.B.S.

The New Testament. An extensive revision prepared by T.Barclay and three Chinese scholars with a company of assessors.A. L. Warnshuis was Secretary of the Revision Committee.

During the progress of tilework tentative editions of certainportions werp. issued. n.H. has copies of the following (all1913) (1) John cbs. 13-21; (2) 1 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, andJude; (3) Acts, Chs. 1-12.

With references, alternative renderings etc •.at foot of page.With two coloured maps. On India paper. Pp.462.

...Sin 10k ..•B.F.B.S.

The New Testament revised version, with improved referencesprepared by a Comrrittee. In double colunms, with the referencesin a central column. Pp.302.

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B.H. has a copy of a Selectio" fror.lGenesis and Psalmsprepared for private cjrculatior.. These were specimensa prc,posed revi:sed O.T. in Amoy, 1928.

1933 Ku-Iok .•.B.F.B.S.

The Old Testament, revised by ThorrasBarclay who in hisseventy-eighth year, and after being a missionary in Formosafrom 1875, returned to Formosa to undertake the wOl'k. .His collaborators were Lun Un-jin, Lu Iok-tia, and Ng Ma-Lu1.When proofreading was almost completed in 1932, the destructionof the press in the bombardment of Chapei, Shanghai, meanta resetting of the type. Dr. Barclay read the proofs.pp.1047.

1959 Sin Ku 10k ...B.F.B.S.

The Holy Bible. No. 627 and No. 626 first p'lblished in onevolume. References, maps. pp.1047, 302.

Sin-iok H~ Si-phib.n.Bible Societies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. (Taiwan printed.)

21.5 x 15.5.

The New Testament and Psalms. The first Amoy scriptures tobe printed in Taiwan, to commemorate the centenary of Presbyteri~Qmissionary work on the island. With some footnotes.Pp.470, 160.

The chief dialect of Kwangtung, but also spol<enin E. Kwangsiand Hong Kong. Editions are generally printed in Chinesecharacter but some are in rOffia:!character.

(St. Matthew.)A.B.~. Canton.J

Translated by Charles Fia~ey Preston, A.P.M. missionary from1854. According to Wylie: Memorials, p.226 the bookcontains ff.40.

1862 (St. JOM.)!..-A.B.S.J Canto"l. 24.5 x 14.5.

According to Wylie: Memorials p.226, C. F. Preston publishedin 1863 "Important selections from the Life of Ghrist, in theC3.nton dialect". Ff .108. "This consists of a hundred passagesselected from the gospels, giving in a consec:.ltiveform thevarious events in the history of our Lord."

1867 Das Evangelium des Lucas im Volksdialekte der PLUltiChinesen •••B.F.B.S. Ho~~. 20 x 12.

"Herausgegeben von den Missionaren der Rheinischen MissionsGegellschaft auf Kosten der Brittish and Foreign Bible Societyin England."

Trilllslatedby Wilhelm Louis, a missionary of the Rhenish M.S.from 1856: and transliterated according to Lepsius' system byE. Faber of the Basel M.S.

Uniform with No. 761.character, italic type.Pp.112.

Printed by D. Souza illldGo. RomanNote on Lepsius' standard alphabet.

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(St. LuJ<e.)[~.F.B~., ~'?I]A.J 20 x 13·5·

In 1368 committees '.ereappointed to prepare a Union versionin the CWlton Colloquial, based on the Greek Textus Receptus,the final version being entrusted to George Piercy (W.M.S.from 1352) C. F. Preston (see No. 630) and Adam Krolczyk(Rhenish M.S. from 1861).In May 1871 L~<e ~~j Colo3si~~s were completed snd presentedto the B.F.B.S. Corresponding Com~ittee at Hong Kong, who decidedto print t'leversions; and John Chalmers (L.M.S. see No. 173)and Henry Parkes (W.M.S. from 1864) were appointed to revisethe further work of the translators. Ff.36.

The A.B.S. seems to have printed editions of this wld otherportions of the Union Version with "Shen" for God, theseeditions being intended for the use of the A'llericanmissionaries.

1872 (Colossians.)[B.F.B.S.

1872 (St. Mark.)["B.F.B.S.

Union Version. Inscription on cover "Rev.G. Piercy, HongKong, 1872". Ff .21.

No. 978 in Wylie's list.

635 (2780)

1872 (St. Luke.)[B.F.B.S. !!.on€L!.'?':lli,.J 20 x 13·5·

Union version. A new edition of No. 633. Ff.36.

636 (2781)


Union version.Kong, 1872".

Inscription on cover "Rev. C.F. Preston, HongFf.33.

1872 (Galatians-Philemon.)Canton. 24 x 14.

Translated by G. Piercy. A tentative edition, privately pUblishedby the translator. The ~~glish preface, (dated Canton, 15March, 1872) states that Colossi~~s is the Union version, while1 Timothy is based 0n a translation made by Ro~.ell Hobart Graves,a missionary of the A.S.B.d. from 1856 (see No. 261).

1873 (Genesis.)Hon~ Kong. 20 x 13.5.

(St. Matthew.)[B.!.B.S.J

Union version. In 1872 A. Krolcz~, had died, and his p~aceWaS filled by J. Nacken. Printed with moveable type. Ff.33.

(St. John.)[B.F.B.S.J

In 1973 the four Gospels (Nos. 640, 635, 636 and 641) wld Acts(No. 637) were issued together in oIP.volume.B.H. has a copy.

(Psalms. )[B.F.B.S.J Hon&-J5:~.

TrWlslated by A. B. Hutchinson (C.M.S.). This version was basedmainly on SchereschewsKY's Peking Mandarin version (see No. 319)with constant reference to the Hebrew, the LXX, and variouscommentators, wld was revised by Ernst J. Eitel (L.M.S. see No.200) before publication.

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The Chinese title is da ted ~1,375,the fire;L part having appearedin that Year; but the English preface is dated Hong Kong,5 December 1876. Ff.149.

Bllalso has a copy of the first part, containing Psalms 1-41,fr".39.

(James and 1, 2 Peter.)[A.B.S. Shanghai?J

Translated by Henry V. Noyes (A.P.M. See No. 262), andrevised by A. P. Happel' (A.P.M. from 1844) and B. C. Henry(A.P.M. from 1873).

No title leaf. The printed label on the cover gives thedates of James, 1875, mId of 1, 2 Peter 1376. Ff.7, 7, 4.

(Romans-Revelation.)[Cilllton.J 22.5 x 14.

TrmIslated by G. Piercy and published by private funds. Theissue of this portion completed the publication of the N.T.

No title leaf. A printed label on the Cover gives the date1877. Ff.196.

J. R. Hykes A.B.S. China representative, also recordseditions of (1) Acts, prepared by C. F. Preston, 1877, and(2) Mark, revised by A. P. Happel', 1880.

1882 (St. Matthew.)~U_· Sharghai.

About 1830 a joint committee was appointed to revise theUnion version of the Gospels and Acts. This task wascompleted by H.V. Noyes, G. Piercy, and F. J. Masters (W.M.S.):and editions Were published by the A.B.S. illldthe B.F.B.S."Shen" edition. Ff.60

1882 (St. Mark.)~B.S.

Page 14: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

(St. ~'-ltthew.)[3.1" .B.S~


(St. ~lark.)[~?J 20.5 x 13.

Apparently translated by G. Piercy. Ff.36.647a

(St. Luke.)[B.F.B.S.

(St. John.)[B.F.B.S. Canton.7


(Psalms. )A.B.S.

...The Gospel by Luke.A.B.S. Shanghai.

English ~ld Canton Colloquial •14 x 10.5.

A diglot edition for use by Chinese wishing to learn Englishand especially for Cantonese i~nigr~~ts in USA. Texts inparallel columns. A "Shen" edition. Pp.231.

1886 (Romans-Revelation.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

A rev~s~on by H ..V. Noyes, A. P. Happer and B. C. Henry.Ff.15, 16, 93.

Some copies of this portion were bound with the revised Gospelsand Acts (1882-1884), to form a complete N.T. A "Shen" edition.



G. Piercy's version, revi3ed by R. H. Grave3, H. V. Noyesand B. C. Henry.

A further revision by H. V. Noyes and B. C. Henry appearedin 1895.

(Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.)A.B.S. Shanghai. J

The A.B.S. published one edition of Numbers, by the sametr~~slator, in 1889.

1892 (Joshua, 1 Samuel ~ld Daniel.)A.B.S. Shanghai. 19 x 13.

In 1890 the A.P.M. undertook to complete the Bible in CantonColloquial, and the work was entrusted to H. V. Noyes andB. C. Henry. The books appeared in separate portions between1892 and 189!+.

(St. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

Tr~~sliterated into romal,character. Published under thesupervision of R. H. Graves and A. Kenmure, B.F.B.S. agent,in an edition of 500 copies only.


Translated by H. V. Noyes mId B. C. Henry.A "Shen" edition. Pp.126.

Page 15: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

(2 Samuel-Job, Proverbs-So'ltjof Solo:non, Jere1niah-E:6e;del,Hosea-Halachi.)

A.B.S. Sha"1ghai. 19 x 13. JTranslated by H. V. Noyes ffi,dB. C. aenry. See No. 655.The publication of these portions completed the issue of theBible in C3nton Colloquial.

Pp.52.658 (2802)

St. Hark. Revised edition of No ..656 transliterated into roman charact·,rby O. F. Wisner and others and published under the supervisionof A. Kenmure. 1000 copies. Pp.75.- Another copy contains HS. corrections by W. Bridie (see No.662). According to a note by G. H. Bondfield these related toforms of spelling.

1895 (St. Hark.)A.B.S. 19 x 12.5


BH has an undated pamphlet (pp.56) published by Walter Paterson,Dunedin, N.Z., entitled "Key to the Romanised Ca."1toneseofMark's Gospel": this gives a word-far-word English translationof St. Mark as published by the B.F.B.S. Tais follows Chineseword order and gives one English word for each Chinese character.(The New Testament.)

A.B.S. Shanghai. J

·1····'.< ..


St..Mark, A ne"' edition of No. 659; revised, according to animproved system of romanization, by W. Bridie ffildhis wife.Pp.75·

L-1897 (St. LQ~e.)B.F.B.S.

(St. Luke.and St. John.)C.~I.S. PakhoL J

Transliterated into roman character from the "colloquialized"form of J. S. Burdon's Easy Wenli Version (see No. 254),by Edward Bernard and Fanny Esther Beauchamp, and E. CarolineHorder, C.M.S.

1899 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. ,c-Canton.J

A corrected edition, issued under the supervision of n. J.Stevens. The Gospels and Acts are the Union version of1882-4; Rom~ls-Revelation are G. Piercy's version of 1877(No. 644).

1899 .•.The Gospel according to St. Matthew in English ffildCantonese.A.B.S. Sha~ghai. 15 x 11.

A uniform edition of Mark appeared also in 1899;Bi:! has a copy.


Page 16: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue


f the A.B.S. versionTransliterated into roman character romat the C.M.S. Leper asylum at Pakhoi.

st: N~rk. Roman character. Fourch edition cO~rected.leaf, but half-title: see No. 662. Pp.97.

Similar editions appeared of Exodus 1901, ~~d of Leviticus-2 Chronicles, 1901-3.

Th G 1 accordin~ to St. Lw<e in English and Cantonese.••• e ospe _A.B.S. Shanghai. 15.5 x 11.

Sheng-keng ..•A.B.s. ~.

Pp.138.668 (2310)

TileHoly Bible, roman character. Tue O.T. was transliteratedfrom the A.B.s. Canton version and the N.T. fro:~the Burdonand Bloget Easy Wenli version at the C.M.S. Leper Asylum,Pill<hoi. See No. 667. Printed at the Pill<hoiMission Pressand apparently issued in 3 parts:-O.T. (1905): (1) Genesis-Psalms, (2) Proverbs-Malachi,and N.T. (1906). Genesis- 2 Chronicles, pp.690. Ezra-Malachi, pp.661, N.T. pp.411: Text in double columns.

Uniform editions of John ~~d Acts appeared also in 1900.Pp.107, 138.

Ma-t'aai Chuen Fuk-yam Shue.B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 23.5 x 16.

roman character; uniform with No. 662.

1901 (St. Mark.) _B.F.B.s. [ShanghaiiJ'

A literal tr~~slation into English of the "Pill<hoi"versionof St. Mark in Cantonese was made by C. G. S. Baronsfeatherand appears in his "Medical Missionary Language Study",Hong Kong, 1914.

1906 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. i-Yokohama printed. -7

A revision prepared by I. Genahr (Rhenish M.S.; see No. 261),assisted by Au Fung-chi, a Chinese in H.M. Civil Service,Hong Kong. The few corrections made in the Gospels ~ld theActs were approved by H. V. Noyes, representing the A.B.S.The remaining books, Romans-Revelation, (G. Piercy's version)were thoroughly revised by I. Genahr mld Au Fung-chi. Withcoloured maps. Pp.568.

St. John. Roman chardcter. Edited by Miss Noyes.with No. 662. Pp.95.

Testament in English roldA.B ..§.. Shanghai. J

Page 17: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1907 (The Holy Bible.)~. i-Yokoharc,aprinted.J

The first edition of the complete Bible illCantonese publishedby the BFBS.

The ABS permitted the use of the OT (revised by I. GenMhr)with the tern:s"Shangti" and "Sheng-shen" (for "God" and "HolySpiri t") to be substituted for the terms in the Ab:> version. Withcoloured maps. Pp. 130b, 400.

Ma T'aal Fuk-yam.LB.F.B.S. Shanghai.

St. Matthew in rorr.ancharacter, a corrected edition. No title-leaf. Pp.91.

Also in 1908 uniform editions of the other Gospels werepublished: Mark, pp.93-149; Luke, pp.151-248; Jor~, pp.249-324.BH has copies of Mark and Luke.

1909 5~-t'o Hang Chue~.B.F.B.S. i-Shanghai.

The Acts prepared in roman character by Miss H. F. North,(A.S.B.M.). Similar "to the Gospels issued in 1908, but withtitle-leaf. Pp.325-415.

1910 •••Sz Fuk Yam ue Sz T'o Hang Ch'uen.~. Shanghai. Yokohama printed.

The Gospels and Acts in roman character, in one volume.415.

.••The New Testament. Canton~se and Engllsh.B.F .B.S. Shanghai. / Yokohama printed.J



(St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. L-Shan~hai.J

With subject headings and "translational helps". (See No.226.) Printed on both sides of the paper. Pp.72.

Similar editions of the other Gospels appeared in 1914;Mark, pp.44; Luke, pp.78; John, pp.60. BH has copies ofthese; and also of another set of the Gospels dated 1916.A similar edition of Acts appeared in 1918, pp.72. BH hasa copy.San-yeukoShing-ki!!:g.Ts'uen Shue •••

B.F.B.S. i Shanghai. Yokohama printed. 7The New Testament prepared in rorr<Ulcharacter by W. E. H.Hipwell (C.M.S.) assisted by his wife, K. 1. Hipwell, who ""assuperintendent of the press at the C.M.S. Leper Comp0l.J1datPakhoi. The pagination is continuous with that of theGospels and Acts issued in 1910, which were corrected for thisedition. The remainder of the NT was transliterated from therevised B.F.B.S. version (see No. 275) with some assistancefrom H. F. North (see No. 278). Pp.739.

•••The Gospel according to St. Matthew. Cantonese and English.B.F.B.S. Shanghai. ~Yokohama printed.J 19 x 12.5.

Uniform editions appeared also in 1914 of Mark, pp.76, Lukepp.125, ffildJohn, pp.90. BH has a set of these.Shing-king Kau San Yeuk.,Ts'uen Shue .••

B.F.B.S. Shanghai. i-Yolmhama printed.J

The Holy Bible.a new edition in roman character prepared byK. I. Hipwell. Coloured maps: text in double columns.The OT was transliterated from the ABS revised v~rS10n andthe NT from the BFBS revised version (see Nos. 674 and 675).pp.1046, 312 .

Page 18: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1(St. Matthew.)

B.F.B.S. Shanghai.A dialect of Fukien province, spoken in and around Foochow,the capital. It is one of the Min dialects (name derivedfrom the Min River). Editions are generally in Chinesecharacter but some later editions use roman character orphonetic script.A revision prepared by P. Jenkins (CMS) and T. N. Won~ of the

Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui, assisted by W. H. Cheong (BaptistPublication Society). Mrs. -. Law (Presbyterian Girls' School),C. L. Cheong (L.M.S.), A. J. Fisher (A.P.M.), G. H. McNeur(N.Z. Presbyterian Mission). A tentative edition issued forcriticism. Wiel subject-headings and references. Pp.74• (St. Matthew.)

A.B.S. ~.JTranslated by Moses Clark White (A.M.E.M. 1847-1853). Thisedition is not recorded by Wylie (see Memorials p.166).1926 (The New Testament.)

A.B.S. & B.F.B.S.

Revised version. See No. 685.ject headings and references.

A tentative edition with sub-Pp.614. With finrolcialaid from the ABS various tentative versions of

separate books were issued by American missionaries atFoochow between 1852 and 1856. The following are notrepresented in BH: Matthew and Mark, by L. B. Peet (ABCFM)1853; Luke, by C. C. Baldwin (ABCFM), 1853; Genesis byL. B. Peet, 1854; John, by J. Doolittle (ABCFM), 1854:John, by R. S. Maclay (AMEM) , 1854; 1 Peter - 3 John, byR. S. Maclay, 1855; Acts - Revelation by L. B. Peet, 1856.

(The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

For these editions see Wylie "Memorials": -P.117 L. B. Peet: Matthew and Mark, 1853, ff.77; Genesis,1854, ff.75; Acts -Revelation, 1856, ff.207·1937 (Genesis.)

A.B.S. & B.F.B.S.

Tentative edition of a revised version prepared by P. Jenkinsand N. F. K'wang. Pp.66.

P.177 R. S. Maclay: John, 1854; 1 Peter - 3 Jor~, 1855(Foliation not given.)

1959 (The Holy Bible.)B.F.B.S. Hong Kong.

1852 (St. Mark.)I..-Foochow.J 27 x 14.

Translated by Willian Welton a CMS medical missionary atFoochow, 1850-1856. Based on the High Wenli Delegates'version. No title-page. With introduction (f.1), ff.40.Printed from wood-blocks.

Page 19: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

- Another copy. The cover is inscribed:-"The Gospel of St. Mark in the colloquial dialect of Foochowfoo,printed by aid of funds supplied by the B. and Foreign BibleSociety; W.W. 1854". W. Welton applied to the BFBS forassistance in 1853, after he had published St. Mark, and a grantof £20 was made on condition that no introduction should appearin any subsequent portion. This copy, which is printed onsmaller and inferior paper, may represent a reprint from thesame blocks, issued in 1854. The first leaf of the text ismissing, which was possibly cancelled by error in place of theleaf containing the introduction, which is retained.

1854 (St. Matthew.)[B.F.B.S.

Translated by W. Welton. This, and the translator's subse-quent editions were published with the financial aid of theBFBS. An edition of 130 copies. No title-page: uniformwith No. 692. Ff.64.

(St. John.)[B.F.B.S.

Translated by W. Welton.with No. 692. Ff.50.

(Acts and Romans.)B.F.B.S. Foochow.~

Translated by W. Welton. Acts - 200 copies.100 copies.

i-1856 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. Foocho•.-7

The ABS has copies of St. Mark and St. John 1862, and of Luke,Acts, Romans and 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1863, all published by~.the Methodist Episcop3.1Mission at Foocho'.lo

1863 (The New Testament.)[A. B.S. Foochm;.-7 20.5 x 12.5.

Translated mainly by L. B. Peet. The ABCFM version of the NTwas.completed in 1856. See No. 691.According to \l1ylie,"Memorials" p.11?, four editions of thisNT appeared before 1867. An edition of 550 copies. Printedfrom wood-blocks. Ff.48, 30, 50, lt1,46, 21, 21, 14, 7, 7, 5,5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 14, 5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 1, 2, 22. List ofbooks prefixed.No. 919 in Wylie's list.

1863 (Gospels and Acts.)i-A.B.S.~ Foochow. 21.5 x 13.

Ff.118.Translated by R. S. Maclay.No. 918 in Wylie's list.

The ABS also published in 1863 Romans by R. S. Maclay, and1 and 2 Corinthians by 0. Gibson (see No. 110).. Wylie"Memorials", p.177 records an edition of the NT "the jointwork of Dr. Maclay and other members of the Mission", printedat Foochow, 1863; ff.210.

(St. Matthew.)i-A.B.S.-7 Foochow.

Translated by Charles Hartwell, (ABCFM from 1853).edition of 600 copies. Printed from woodblocks.No. 917 in Wylie's list.


In 1863 the ABS published an edition (100 copies) of theearlier chapters of Genesis translated by C. Hartwell.

1865 (St. Mark.)i-A.B.S.-7 Foochow.

In 1864 the ABCFM and the AMEM united to prepare a revised NT.Some books appeared separately in 1865-66. All these editionshave introductions and chapter headings. LarGe type. Ff.52.

Page 20: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Luke, ff.90 was issued in 1865: No. 921 in Wylie's list.John, ff,91-195 (should be 165), Acts, ff.87 and Romans, ff,37 appeared in 1866; BH has copies of these.

1866 (The New Testament.)[A.B.S.J Foochow.

Revised edition, See No. 700. A MS note in the BH copy statesthat R. S. Maclay was responsible for Matthew, Romans and Hebrews;O. Gibson for Mark, Acts 15-28, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Galatians,C.C. Baldwin for Luke and James - Revelation; and C. Hartwellfor John, Acts 1-14, and Ephesians - Philemon.

In four parts. With introductions, chapter headings, and map.Parts 1 and 2 (Matthew - Acts), ff.388; parts 3 and 4 (Romans- Revelation), ff.187 (should be 287).

1866 (Job.)/..-A.B.S.J Foochow.

Translated by R. S. Maclay.No. 922 in Wylie's list.

1868 (Psalms.)[A.B.S.J

Psalms 1-75 translated by S. F. Woodin (ABCFM) and 76-150 byL. B. Peet. Large type. General introduction and a summarybefore eae!,psalm. Ff,2, 132.

(Pro vex--bs . )[A.B.S.J

Translated by S. L. Baldwin (AMD1). Large type. Ff.39.No. 928 in Wylie's list.

1869 (fhe New Testament.)/...-A.B.S.J Foochow.

(Joshua.)[A.B.S.J Foochow.

In 1874 the CMS joined with the ABCFM and the AMEM incompleting the translation of the QT. The various bookswere published at the expense of the ABS between 1874 and1884. Translated by J. R. "olfe (CMS). Ff,48.

(Ruth and 1 Samuel.)[A.B.S.J Foochow.

Translated by S. F. Woodin. Separate titles. ' Ruth is dated1874; 1 bamuel 1875. Introductions and subject'headings.Ff,8, 65.

(Genesis. )[A.B.S.J

(Daniel. )I...-A.B.S.J Foochm;. 23.5 x 14.

Page 21: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue


(Leviticus.)[~.J ~. 24 x 14.Translated by C. C. Baldwin. Subject headings.Ff.56.

1877 . (Judges.)[A.B.S.J ~.

Ff. 76.

710 (2833)

Translated by S. L. Bald"in. Introduction and subjectheadings. Large type. Ff.49.

(The New Testament.)~. Foochow.

A rev~s~on of No. 701 as reprinted in 1869 (see No. 705).Ff.251.

(Numbers. )L-A.B.S.J Foochow.

Translated by C. C. Baldwin.Ff.79.

(Deuteronomy. )~. Foochow.

Translated by C. C. Baldwin. SUbject headings.Ff.72.

1878 (Z Samuel.)[A.B.S.JTranslated by S. F. Woodin.Large type. Ff.53.

(St. Matthew.)~. 25 x 13.5.J

Foochow Committee's version. Text in leIge type withco~mentary in small type at bottom of page. Ff.100.


1879 (1 Kings.)A.B.S.

Translated by S. F. Woodin.Ff.63.

(Ezra - Esther.)A.B.S. ~.

Translated by C. C. Baldwin. Subject headings. Separatetitles. Large type. Ff.ZO, 29, 15.The rerrainingportions of the OT appeared as follows:-Z Kings, by S. F. Itoodin, 1880; 1 Chronicles by S. F. Woodin,1881; Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon by C. C. Baldwin, 1881;2.Chronicles by S. F. Woodin, 1882; Isaiah by C. C. Bald~in,1882; Ezekiel and Micah-Zephaniah, by C. C. Baldwin, 1883;Hosea-Jonah byLl. Lloyd (CJ.i5) (see No. 216), 1883; Haggai-Malachi, by S. F. "oodin, 1883;.Jeremiah and Lsmentations byC. C. Baldwin, 1584.Of these portions the BH has a copy of Isaiah only; ff.7118 x 11.5.Revised editions appeared in 1888 of Proverbs by J. E. Walker(ABCFM) (see No. 907), and of Daniel by C. C. Baldwin.

Page 22: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1881 lo!c-han.s.'hong Hok-iYlg Chu •..i B.F.B.S. Foochow.-7 20.5 x 13.5.

St. John transliterated into ro~~ character by Ll. Lloyd, aaccording, to the system used in the Foochow Colloquial Dictionary.Pp.66.

lok-h~ng Di6ng H6k-rng C~.B.F.B.S. ~. 21 x 13.5.

St. John transliterated into roman character according to theimproved system already adopted for the Amoy Colloquial, by R.W. Stewart (CNS). pp.63.

(Job.)i-A.B.S. & B.F.B.S. 7

Revised edition. A preliminary issue; see No. 729.headings. Ff.36.

(Psalms. )i-A.B.S. & B.F.B.S.-7 Foochow.

A revised edition by J. R. Wolfe and W. Banister.with No. 722. Ff.87.

1889 Ma-t.3.iDiong Hok-ing Cu.B.r.B.S. ~. 21 x 13.5.

St. Matthew transliterated into roman character.No. 721. Pp.79.

Seu-du H~ng Diong •.... B.F.B.S.--London.

Acts trmlsliterated into roman character.721. Pp.79.

1890 Ma-tai. ..Mdk~ •••La-giL .•16k-hang ...S~~-d{L Heng Diong.~. ~. 22x14.

The Gospels and Acts transliterated into roman character.Se~ No. 728. Made up of the following books, bound togetherwith a general title:- Matthew (1889), pp.79j Mark, (1889)pp.50j Luke (1889) pp.84; John (1889) pp.68j Acts (1890)pp.79. The title to the first Gospel is cancelled.

BH has Romans - Revelation bound in 1916 from sheets of the1890 edition. 20. 5 x 13.5. Pp. not numbered.(The New Testament.)

B.F.B.S. London.-7

Roman character edition prepared by various missionaries:Ll. Lloyd, R. W. Stewart, G. H. Hubbard (ABCFM), J. S. Collinsand Miss E. Bradshaw (AHEM), and edited in London by R. W.Stewart.

1891 (The Holy Bible.)B.F.B.S. & A.B.S.

In 1897 the BFBS and the ABS agreed to co-operate in a revisedBible, and the following missionaries formed the revisioncommclttee: C. C. Baldwin, J. R. Wolfe, Ll. Lloyd, W. Banister(CMS), and N. J. Plumb (AMEM).

Some portions were issued separately (see Nos. 722 and 723) ,and this earliest complete Bible in one volume was printedat the Methodist Press at Foochow, under the supervision ofN. J. Plumb. Subject headings. Printed on both sides ofthe paper. Pp.1265.

1891 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. & A.B.S.

See No. 729. Subject headings.the paper. Pp.530.

Page 23: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1892 SI-pieng [Crng-ng:Long J.B.F.B.S. Foochow. 21.5 x 13.5.

Psalms and Proverbs transliterated into rorrancharacter fromthe revised version. Separate titles. Printed on both sidesof the paper. Pp.194, 62.

1893 Chuang Sie Ge.B.F.B.S.

L"Chok Ai-gik Ge J.Foochow. 21.5 x 13.5.

Genesis and Exodus transliterated into roman character from therevised version. Separate titles. Printed on both sides ofthe paper. Genesis (1892), pp.132j Exodus (1893) pp.108.

(The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. Foochow.

A corrected edition. Subject headings. Ff.265.730, but printed on one .side of the paper only.

1900 •••Sing 10k Cu •••~~. Foochow.

The New Testament in roman character. A corrected edition ofNo. 728 conformed to the corrected edition in character of 1895(No. 733). Marginal references. Printed on both sides ofthe paper. Pp.354.

1901 (The Holy Bible.)B.F.B.S. Printed and bound in Japan.

Reprint of No. 729. Subject headings and maps. Printed onboth sides of the paper. Separate titles. Pp.1136, 346.

CllaungSieo Ge •..B.F.B.S. Foocho'f.

Genesis, roman character. Printed on both sides of thepaper. Pp.110.

Chok AI:-glk .••~.

Exodus, roman character. Printed on both sides of the paper.pp.88.

A similar edition of the Psalms appeared in 1902, and editionsof Joshua and Proverbs in 1904.

•••slng 10k GH •• o

B.F.B.S. Foochow.The New Testament roman character. A new edition of No. 734with chapter headings supplied. Printed on both sides ofthe paper. Pp.377.Bound with a copy of the OT (1906).

•••Go 16k Ciong Cu.,.~. F~ochO'.".22.5 x 15.

The Old Testament transliterated into roman character. Withchapter headings and references. Printed on both sides ofthe paper. Pp.1132.

1906 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Foochow.

BH has copies of similar editions of Mark (pp.65 - 104),Luke (pp.10J - 174). i.ndJohn (pp.175 - 230),

Page 24: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1909 (The Holy Bible.)~. [Japan printed.J 22.5 x 15·Revised edition, prepared by a Committee of missionaries andChinese representing the c~m, ABCFM, and AME}l. Subjectheadings~ Printed on both sides of the paper. Pp.1264, 386.

(The New Testament.)~. 20 x 13·

Revised ed~tion.of the paper only.

Subject headings.Pp.526.

BIlalso has copies of the Gospels and Acts issued as separateportions: Matthew pp.1 - 62; Mark, pp.63 -102; Luke, pp. 103 -170; John, pp.171 - 221+; Acts, pp.225 - 290.

1921 (St. Mark.)Shanghai.

In National Phonetic Script adapted to Foochow Colloquial.Prepared by Miss A. M. Hind (CI1S). An edition of 2000copies, privately printed. Ff.43.

1922 (St. Luke.)~.

In National Phonetic Script adapted to Foochow Colloquial.Prepared by a Committee representing C~~, AHEM and ABCFM.Fr,82.

(St. John.)~ ..


~ 1924 (St. Matthew.)A.B.S. Shanghai. 20x'12._7

In N",tionalPhoneti·~Script ad3.ptedto Foocho" Colloquial. Ff .65.(A.B.S.)744b

1ns (Acts.)i-A.B.S •..} Foocho,,"


A d,ialectspoken in the island of Hainan.roman character.

Nag Kai Kiu-tu Je-su Ki-dok Kgi Tien-iok •••B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 23 x 14.5.

St. Matthew. Translated by C. C. Jeremiassen a DanishCustoms official in China, who began work as a~ independentmissionary in Hainan in 1881. From 1885 - 1899 he wasconnected with APM. He died in 1901. Printed at APM PresShanghai. Pp.77. s,

1893 10k-hag Fok-im Toag •••B.F.B.S. Hainan.

St. John. Translated by C. C. Jere~iassen. This and thetwo following editions were printed at the Hainan MissionPress. Pp.73.

1894 LU-kia Fok-im Toag •••B.F.B.S. Hainan.

Ma-khe Fok-im Toag. "B.F.B.S. Hainan.

In the preparc,tionof some of the follo',lingeditions C.C.Jeremiassen was assisted by hi" colleague F. P. Gj.lman,andothers.

Page 25: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Mo-si Doa-it Tu Sag-sl-ki •..B.F.B.S. ~. 21 x 13.5.


Translated by C. C. Jerewiassen.Pp.61.

Tai-tai-nag KaI Tu Hoh-kai Kau Ma-lah-ki ...B.F.B.S. ~. 21 x 13.5.

Haggai-Malachi.in double columns.

Translated by C. C. Jere:r.iassen.Uniform with No. 750. pp.18.

Tai-hu Heg-toag ...B.F.B.S. London.

Acts. Translated by C. C. Jereiiuassen.columns. Uniform with No. 75C. pp.40.

" ", . ". r, "J~ d' J-1899 •••Kia-lah-h8.iKau Foe-hb-mu~'L J~a-kok Kau ~u- a •..•B.F.B.S. ~. 20.5 x 13.5.

Ma-kho Fok-im Tong ••.(~.) ~.

St ..Mark.Large type.

A revision of No. 749 edited by F. P. Gilman.pp.146.

Ma-kho Fok-im •.•B.F.B.S. ~.

St. Mark transliterated from the Mandarin Union version forthe use of Hainan by Miss K. L. Schaeffer (APM). Pp.54•

LU-kia Fok-im .••B.F.B.S. Hainan.

1916 Tai-h~ Kla Toang ..•B.F.B.S. Hainan ~Yokohama printed.-7 18.5 x 12.5.

Galatians-Philemon and James-Jude. Translated by C. C.Jeremiassen. Separate titles. Uniform with No. 750.Pp.38, 20.

1899 T~g-keg K~ Tak-lok. Hai-nam Baeh-oe •••Copenhagen. 17.5 x 11.5.

Parts 1 and 2 of an OT History prepared by C. C. Jeremiassen.Pp.39, 40.

1899 Teg-keg Kai Tak-lok. Hai-nam Baeh-oe.Bui.

Part 10f a NT History prepared by C. C. Jeremiassen.witt No. 754. pp.87.The BH copy has a MS correction in the title from "Doa-ji" to"Doa-it".

Page 26: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Hakka Colloquial dialect (Hav-kameaning strangers oraliens) is spoken in S. China. It is thought that "heHakkas migrated from the North during the 13th to 15thCenturies. Editions are in both Chinese and roman character.

Das Evangelium des Matthaeus im Volksdialekte der Hakka-Chinesen •••

i-Basel M.S.J Berlin. 18.5 x 11.

St. ~atthew translated by Rudolph Lechler, (Basel M.S. from1847). In italic roman character (Lepsius' system), withnote on orthography. Pp.91.

1865 Das Evangelium des Lucas in Volksdialekte der Hakka Chinesen •••B.F.B.S. Hong Kong. 19.5 x 13.

St. Luke translated by R. Lechler.system). Uniform with No. 632.Hong Kong. pp.108.

Italic roman character (Lepsius'Printed at the LMB Press,

1866 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Basel. 22 x 14.

A revised edition of No. 760 edited by R. Lechler and hiscolleague Philip Winnes. Roman character. Pp.109.

1866 The G02Pel of Luke.i~. Basel.J 22 x 14.5.

Revised by R. Lechler and P. Winnes.Roman character. Pp.115.

No. 996 in Wylie's list, where it is ascribed to E. J. Eitel(see No. 200).

1(St. Mark and Acts.)

B.F.B.S. Basel.

Mar~, translated by R. Lechle~ and Acts, translated by CharlesP. Piton. Roman character.The previomtranslations were made from the High Wenli version.The present and all later editions were made from the originallanguages. Pp.63, 106.

No. 995 in Wylie's list, where it is described as Mark only,and is assigned to T. Ltlrcher (Basel M.S.).

. .Sin-su Kai' S' Sit.Evangelical Missionary Society.

"Biblical Histories in the romanised colloquial of the HakkaChinese in the Province of Canton". OT & NT Stories.Illustrated. Pp.206.


(St. John and Romans - 2 Corinthians.)B.F.B.S. Basel. 22.5 x 14.

Translated by C. P. Piton and Kong Fat-lin, so ordained Chinese.Roman character. Separate titles. pp.83, 121.

(St. Luke.)i-B.F.B.S. Cantcn.J 22.5 x 13.

In 1881 it was cecided to issue the Hakka Scriptures inChinese character. C. P. Pi ton prepared this edition of Luke.~rinted on one side of the paper only. Ff.73.

(Galatians - Colossians.)B.F.B.S. Basel. 22.5 x 14.5.

Translated by Kong Fat-lin, and revised by R. Lechler ~ndothers. Roman character. Pp.54.

Page 27: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1833 (The New Testament.)L-B.FoS.S. Canton. ~ 2).5 x '5·

An edition in Chinese character prepared hy C.P. Piton.(See No. 767). In two parts: (1) Matthew - Acts, ff.63,43,73: 59,71; (2) Romans - Reve13tion, ff. 31, 5','"10, S, 7, 11, 15, 4, 2, 24, (\, 15, 12, 3, 36.loiatthe\.,Mark and Luke \'/ereelso issued as separateportions. Matthew, ff.68, Mark, ff.43, Luke, ff.73.B.H. has copies.

1883 (1 Thessalonians - Revelation.)B.FoBoS. Basel. 22 x 14.5.

Translated by C. P. Piton, and revised by R. Lechler.Roman character. Pp.178.

The issue of this portion completed the pUblication ofthe NT in roman character.

(Genesis and Exodus.)B.F.B.S. Canton.~

1887 (St. Matthew.)B.FoB.S. Basel. 22 x 14.

Revised by Li Shin-en, who was educated at Basel. Romancharacter. Pp.101.

L,890 (Psalms.)B.FoB.S.

Tr:mslated by G. HOl';::enroth(Basel M.S.) Chinesecharac ter.

1892 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. ~.

In 2 volumes. Volume 1 comprlslng Nos. 763, 766 (John only) ,722, 755, 776. Volume 2 comprising Nos. 766 (Romans - 2Corinthians only), 768, 770.

1892 (St. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

"Second revised edition", prepared by R. Lechler and C. P.Piton. Roman character. pp.63.

1892 (Acts.)B.FoB.S. Basel.

"Second revised edition", prepared by R. Lechler and C. P.Piton. Roman character. Pp.100.

1892 (St. Luke.)[B.F.B.S.

"Second revised edition" probably by R. Lechler and C. P.Piton. No title-page. Roman character. pp.104.

1896 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Basel.

"3rd edition", revised by Li Sherr-en.Pp.101.

1897 (Ioaiah.)CB.F.B.S.

Translated by G. Morgenroth. With short chapter headings.Chinese title states that the plates were kept at Basel Mission,Hong Kong, but a note gives Canton as place of printing illldbinding. Ff.86.

Page 28: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1(Genesis at1d .Beodus.)

B.F.B.S. [Cant£~.J 26.5 x 17.

(Psalms. )B.F.B.S.

A reprint of No. 774.character. F!. 95.

(The Gospels and Acts.)China Baptist Publication Society, Canton. 1903-5·

21 x 14.A Baptist version, prepared on the basis of the CantoneseColloquial version by E. Z. Simmons, (ASBM, Canton), with thehelp of Hoh Kap-shu. Chinese character. This version wasused by the Baptist Mission in the district north of Cantonbetween the N. and E. Rivers. The volume is made up of fiveportions as follows: (1) Matthew, (1903), ff.45; (2) Mark,(1905), ff.28; (3) Luke, (1903), ff.48; (4) John, (1903), ff.37; (5) Acts, (1904), ff.45. Separate title-pages.

(Proverbs. )B.F.B.S.

Translated by O. Schultze, (Basel M.S.). Chinese character.Printed on both sides of the paper. Chapter headings. Pp.45.

Reprinted in 1908. BH has a copy.(The New Testament.)

~.S. {Jap~ printed.J 18.5 x 12.5.

A revision prepared by A. Nagel (see No. 232), G. Gussmann andW. Ebert, (Basel M.S.). Chinese character. Printed on bothsides of the paper. Pp.518.

Matthew pp.60, and Luke, pp.66, ~ere issued as separateportions in 1908. BH has copies.

(The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. [Sh~ghai.J 19x 12.5.

Revised by A. Nagel.sides of the paper.

Chinese character. Printed on bothWith subject headings. Pp.536.

(The Holy Bible.)B.F.B.S. [Shanghai.J 22 x 14.5.

The rerna~n~ng books of the OT were translated by variousmissionaries of the Basel M.S., including G. Gussmann, A.Nagel, and O. Schultze. A. Nagel again revised the NT, andthis edition of the complete Bible was seen through the pressby O. Schultze in 1916. Chinese character. Printed on bothsides of the paper. With subject headings and coloured maps.Pp.1356, 412.

(The New Testament.)China Baptist Publication Society.

A Baptist vel'sion (see No. 782).Chinese character. Pp.311.

(St. Matt;'lew.)B.F .B.S. Shanghai.

A revised version prepared by A. Nagel fu'1dothers. Atentative edition issued for criticism. Chinese character.Subject headings. pp.68.

(St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

The tentative edition of 1930 (No. 788) was not satisfactory,and this further revision was made through a representativecommittee. Issued for criticism and suggestions. Chinesecharacter. Pp.70.

Page 29: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

(St. Luke.)Hong Konz Bible House.

An edition prepared forlhkka-speakers in VlestMalaysia. Chinesecharacter. With subject headines. Pp.70.

H~~-fa Yok-hon Fuk-yim-su.Bible Societies in Hong Kong ~ld Taiw~~.

St. John, translated by a cot:unittee. A diglot liithHakka(rom9J1character) and KuoyU (Chinese character) in parallelcolu~s. Pp.72.

The form of Hakka spoken in E. and N.E. Kwangtung.Editions are in roman character.

Shi-pien Tsh£i-tship ...L-E.P.M. Press.-7 Wukingfu.

Selected PsalnlS translated by M. C. Mackenzie and PhangKhi-fung. Psalms Nos. 1,2, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19,23,24,25,27,32,34,36,40,42,43,46,51,62,63,65,67,72,73, 84, 86, 90, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 104, 110, 111, 115,116, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 130, 139, 143, 145, 147, 148.pp.49.

~1916 Sin-yak Shin-shu Khak-va.E.P.M. Press. Wukingfu. 21.5 x 14.-7

The New Testament translated by missionaries of the E.P.M.assisted by Phang Khi-fung. Pp. 75, 48, 80, 64, 77, 34, 32,21,11,11,8,8,7,4,8,6,4,2,24,8,9,6,10,3,38•An edition of 500 copies was originally proposed, but of someportions only 200 copies were printed. In 1918 part of theedition was taken over by the BFBS and re-issued.

- Another copy.21 x 13•

. 1924 •••Sin::'y0kShin-kin •••L B.F.B.S. Shanghai.-7 22.5 x 14.5.

The New Testament.M. C. Mackenzie.

A revision of No. 793 prepared byPrinted in Swatow. Pp.588.

Page 30: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

He.ngc~o·,o'Collol1uio.lis the \>Iudinlect spoken in the Hangello',-!area of N.Chekiang province. Editions are in Chinese ~.j roman character.

1877 (Selections from the N.T.)i-Hano:chow.J 22.5 x 12.5.

Translated by Arthur Evans Mo~le (afterwards Archdeaco~ in Mid-China: see No. 228), and his wife E. A. Moule, CI-f.smissio:J.ariesfrom 1861. Privately printed. Con ~ains Matthew Chapters 5and 6; Mark Chapters 14-16; L~ke Chapter 2;1-20, and Chapter15; John Chapter 3. a,d Chapter 10:1-13; 1 CorinthiansChapter 13:1-13; 2 Corinthians Chapter 5; Revelation Chapter21:1-8 and Chapter 22. Chinese character. Ff.43.

An Sen Iah~an Dzun Foh-in Stl.S.P.C.K. London. ["1379.J

St. John. Prepared in Hangcho'"Colloquial on the basis ofPeking Mandarin by a Chinese schol~ and tra~sliterated intoroman character by Geor'geEvans Maule (consecrated Bishop inMid-China in 1880) a missionary of the CMS from 1858.

Prefatory note dated September 1878 states that the version usesShin-ming (Zen-min) for Shang-ti (Za~g-ti) in agreement withthe wishes of Dr. Russell, Bishop in N. ChiLa. pp.86.

G. E. Moule had already translated part of the Book of CommonPrayer, containing vaZ'iousportions of Scripture. This W&sprinted in Chinese character in 1874 and partly republished inroman character by the SPCK in 01877.

An Sen Ma-t I aiDzun Foh-in So.S.P.C.~. ~. ["1880.~7 21.5 x 14.

St. Matthew. transliterated into roman character by G. E.Moule. Uniform with No. 797. Pp.103.

1• The Hankow Colloquial dialect is spoken in Hankow,one of the WuhcJU ci ties in E. llupeh province.

1921 St. Mark's Gospel in Kuan-hua Tzu-mu. (Hankow Mandarin.)London Mission. Tsaoshih, Hupei. 21.5 x 17.

A transliteration into Wang Chao script byJ.L.H. Paterson, L.M.S. English title, Chinesetitle. With word list of 50 phonetic symbols.Pp.78.

Page 31: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Hinghua Min Chinese dialect is spoken in the Putien(formerly Hinghua) area of E. Fukien province. Editionsare.in ronan character.

(St. John.)A.B.S.

All the Bible translatio!lin the Hinghua dialect was dO!leby W. N. Brewster (AMID1)and his colleagues, Gnd was basedon the Foochow Colloquial versio!l.

Other NT portions appeared as follows:-Mark, 1893; Matthew and Acts, 1894; L~<e, 1895. - all at Foochow.Romans - 2 Corinthians, 1898; Galati~s - Jude, 1899;Revelation, 1900 - all at Hinghua.

Gu loh Cheoh Ai-gik Seng Chu •••A.B.S. Foochow. 19.5 x 13.5.

Other portions of the OT appeared as follo~s:-Genesis, 1897; Daniel - Malachi, 1900; Joshua - Esther,and Psalms, 1902; lsai~~, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, 1903;Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, 1904;JolJ,-1905;Lev:i:ticus and Deuteronomy, 1906 - all at Hinghua.

(The New Testament.)~. ginghua.J

In 1902 a large-type edition was issued of the Gospels andActs.

Gu-ioh.Seng-di I-~e-a Gau I-s?-.-geh.•.~. Hinghua. 19.5 x 12.

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations fu~dEzekiel.side of the paper only. Pp.95, 112, 90.

Gu-io~Cing-nging, D~ng-d§. Ng~-g? •••"~. Hinghua. 19.5 x 12.5·

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.

(Job •.)~. Hin~hua.

(The Pentateuch.)~. Hinghua.

1912 Gu-sing-i~h c~~-c~ •••~. Hinghua. 24 x 16.





The Holy Bible,revised edition. Translated mainly on the basis.of the Wenli versions, by Lin Hung-wan, Chen .Ching-hsen, Y~~gShao-hsun and ChellChu-ying, fu~drevisec:with the help of theAmerican R.V. by W. N. Brewster. "Foreword" (in English andHinehua). Separate titles and lists of books. Pp.1140, 333.

~1934' The New Testament.)A.TI.S. Shanghai.

Another copy, bound with Psalms (pp.151) and omittingpreface.


Page 32: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Kienning Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in the Kienning"re" of W Fukien province. Editions are in roman character.

Sene; 19. CHing S~ •••B.F.B.S. London.

The New Testament. Translated by Louisa Jane Bryer (C.E.Z.M.S.)and others, and edited by Benjamina Eliza Newcombe (C.E.Z.M.S.)Actually published 1897. Funds for publication privatelyraised. The roman character follows the system used forFoochow Colloquial. Pp.655.

1897 Ig-huing Hu-eng.B.F.i3.S. London.

1900 Chong Sl GI.B.F.B.S.

Genesis. Translated from the English R.V. by L. J. Bryerand Harriet Rashleigh Rodd (C.E.Z.M.S.). Pp.120.

1900 Ch~ Ai-gl Gi.B.F.B.S.

Exodus. Translated by L. J. Bryer and H. R. Rodd. Uniformwith No. 808. Pp.113.

1905 S{ Ping.B.F.B.S.

Psalms. Translated by L. J. Bryer, a~d revised by HughStowell Phillips (C.M.S.). Pp.176.

l•Dang-i-ll: Su.



Seng 19. C~ing SH' ..B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

New Testament. Revised by a Committee, under the directionof H. S. Phillips. With references (in outer margins).Proofs were read in Japan by L.J. Bryer. Pp. 618.

1912 r-so-nga SH'B.F.B.S.

Page 33: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Kienyang Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in theKienyang region of N. Central Fukien province. Editionsare in ro~n ch~racter.

1898 Ma-ko Rho-fng.["Foochml.J 23.5 x 15.5.

St. Mark. Tr~~slated by Hugh Stowell and Minnie Phillips(CMS) roldbased on Peking Mandarin ann Kienning versions.No title-page. Privately printed. Pp.55.

., '1900 Ma Hu~i Hh~ lng •••B.F.B.S. Foochow.

Kinhwa Colloquial is the Wu dialect common to the Kinhwaarea of Central Chekiang province.

1866 I A-da Kyiu-cu Yae-su-geh Sin-yi Kyiao Shu. 1••.11-' aen Dj ua Foh.-ingShu.

St. John. Translated by Horace Jenkins (A.B.M.U.) missionaryat Ningpo from 1860. (See No. 143). Printed on one sideof the paper. Ro~~ character. Pp.118.

Page 34: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1•N~ngpo Colloquial is the Wu dialect spoken in and aroundN~ngpo, N.E. Chekiang province. Editions are generaly inroman character.

~1852 (St. Lake.)~.

Translated by William Armstrong Russell (consecrated Bishopin Mid-China in 1872, CMS missionary from 1848), and DivieBethune McCartee, medical missionary of the APM from 1844;and revised by a comoittee of Ningpo missionaries. Thetranslators were afterwards joined by William A. P. Martin,(APM from 1850, see No. 290) and Henry Van Yleck Rankin(APM from 1849). Work was co~menced on the NT·chiefly byW. A. Russell and H. V. Rankin.

This edition of Luke appeared in 1852, Matthew and John in1853 (Nos. 818 and 820), Mark in 1854, Acts in 1855 followedby the other books, the whole NT except Revelation beingcompleted by 1861.

The system of romanization, said to have been devised byW. A. P. Martin, R. H. Cobbold and F. F. Gough, was usedhere for the first time in a Chinese ColloquiaL

1853 MB-t'8£.DjiinFoh-ing Shu.!.. A.B.S. Ningpo.J 23.5 x 15.

St. Matthew. Translated by Ningpo missionaries.817. Printed from woodblocks. No title-page.o~ one side of the paper. Large type. Pp.223.w~th copies of Nos. 824, 819 ~~d 820.

See No.PrintedBOillld

Ah-lah Kyiu-cll Yiae-su-go Sing-yi Tsiao-Shu. Lu-kyiic3D jiinFoh-in,gShu.

t.. ~.J Ningpo. 23.5 x 15.

St. L~<e. Apparently a new edition of No. 817.type. Pp.170.Bound \·,ithcopies of Nos. 818, 824 and 820.

819 (2903)

1853 •.•I~~-'en Djun Foh-ing Shu.~A.B.S.J Ningpo. 24 x 15·

St. Jo~~~ Translated by Ningpo missionaries. See No.817,Printed from wood-blocks. Pp.168.

(St. Mark.)A.B.S. Ningpo.J

(The Acts.)~. NingEo.J

1856? Iah-'e£ •••Di-ih Fong Shu-sing •••Fi-lih-pi Shu-sing.!.. A.B.S. Ningpo.J 24 x 15.

1 John and Philippians. Translated by Ningpo missionaries.Large tJpe. (See No. 819). Printed on one side of the paper.No title-pages or foliation. Fi.16.

1857 ••.Mo-!<!oDjun Foh-:-ingshii.LA.B.S.J Ningpo. 23.5 x 15.

·St. Mark. Translated by Ningpo missionaries.in smaller type.Bound in one volume \"ithI:os. 818, 819 and 820, as the firstpart of a N.T. complete except for Revelation. See note onNo. 827. Pp.57.

(Selected Psalms.)A.B.S. Ningpo.J

Psalms 1-34 and twenty-four others; translated by W. A. P.Martin. The earliest printed OT portion in Ningpo Colloquial.

825 (2906)

Page 35: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

(Genesis and Exodus 1-20.)A.B.S.? Ningpo.J

Translated by H. V. Rankin. Wylie "Memorials", p.195 recordsedttions of Genesis (pp.86) and Exodus (pp.72) translatedby H. V. Rankin. No date.

1861 (Acts-Jude.)L.A.B.S.

Translated by Ningpo missionaries. See No. 817. Acts-,Jude printed uniformly, Hithout title-pages or'foliation. Printed on one side of paper. Bo~~d in onevolume, second part of a N.T. complete except for Revelation.See note on No. 824. Ff.152.

1865 •••Sing Iah Shii: Peng-veng Faen Nying-po T'u-wS ••• S Foh-ingTeng S-du Ying Djun.

B.F.B.S. ~. 22.5 x 14.5.

Gospels and Acts. A revision, with marginal references,chiefly made by Frederick Foster Gaugh (CMS from 1850) atthe suggestion of James Hudson Taylor (see No. 581) (1832-1905) 3 missionary of the Chinese Evangelization Societyfrom 1~54, and subsequently the founder and Director ofthe China Inland Mission. Printed in double columns. Pp.226.

1868 •••Sing Iah Shu •••B.F.B.S. ~.

The New Testament. In the earlier books the text wasthoroughly revised; but in the latter portion only obviousmistakes were corrected. This work begun by F. F. Gough,was completed from Hebrew;7 by G. E. M0ule (see No. 797).References. Pp.394.


i, IIliil

11,.1,•.•..,•. IIu "II:


"YO "1_.11-;38 e-liQ.

A.B.S.Lo 3-ti ?~en-:·ih•Shanghai. 19 x 13.

Isaiah. Translated by E. C. Lord (AEHU; see !;0.83). Aprefatory note in English states that the original draft of theversion was made by Bausum Lord, wife of E. C. Lord. Pp.2,187.

In 1870 also appeared at Shanghai ~~ edition of Job possiblytransl~ted by E, C. Lord.

S Foh-ing Teng S-du Ying DjUn.C.I.M. Chinkiang. 28.5 x 21.5.

Gospels and Acts. A reprint in large type edited by J. H.Taylor and issued at the expense of the CIM. References.pp.28z.


•••Ts'£ng-shu Kyi L-C'ih 1iae-gyih Kyi.7L A.B.S.J Shanghai. 23.5 x 11+.5.

Genesis a..~dExodus. Translated by H. V. Rankin. Apparentlya revision (and completion) of his work published in 1860(see No. 826). Pp.164.

1874 The New Testament in Chinese Ningpo Colloquial. Revised forthe American Bible Union, byRev. E. C. Lord.,D.D., 1873.

A.B.U. Shanghai. 20.5 x 14.

The current version (No. 829) slightly revised and adapted tothe use of Baptists. English and Chinese titles. Pp.412.

Page 36: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

(Psalms. )~.

Other OT portions, published by the ASS or the ABU andnot in BH, appeared as follows:- Job and Proverbs, byE. C. Lord, 1880; Leviticus by J. Butler, (APM) , 1880;Esther, by E. C. Lord, 1886; Ecclesiastes and Song ofSolomon, by E. C. Lord, 1887•

•••Sing-ming-kyi •••Shanghai. 22 x 14.

Deuteronomy. Translated by Matilda Laurence (CMS) andpublished at her own expa~se. Pp.92.

1887 •••S Foh-ing Djun Shu.B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 22 x 14.

The Gospels. A revision, prepared by J. C. Hoare (consecratedBishop of Victoria, Hong Kon~ in 1898), and J. Bates, bothof .the CMS, and F. Galpin (UMFC). Marginal references.Pp.167.

The complete NT of this revision appeared in 1889, thoughthe title is dated 1887.

[1894 (St. John.)Shanghai?J

An independent versio~ by H. Jenkins (ABMU; see No. 816).Chinese cbarp.cter.

-[1895 (Numbers. )B.F.B.S.

In 1891, the BFBS agreed to publish certain books of the OTtranslated by M. Laurence (see No. 835). After revision bya committee, they were pUblished under the supervision ofJ. R. Goddard (ABMU from 1868).

,Iah-shu-uo Kyi ••.

B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 21 x 14.

Joshua. Translated by M. Laurence.given o~paper cover. Pp.75.

Z-s Kyi Teng Lu-teh Kyi ••.B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 21.5 x 13.5.

Judges and Ruth. Translated by M. Laurence.Pp.76, 11.

Sah-meo-r Zin-shu •••B.F.B.S. Shanghai;

838. Pp.99.

841 (2920)

1897 (St. Matthew.)Shanghai. 20 x 13.5.

Translated by H. Jenkins. A Baptist edition. See No. 837.Chinese character. Ff.48.

1897 (St. John.)Shanghai. 20 x 13.5.

H. Jenkins' version. A revision of No. 837. Chinese.•character. Ff.39.

1898 •••Sing Iah Shu •••~. Shanghai.

The New Testament. A revision by Chinese scbol~s under thesupervision of J. R. Goddard and J. C. Hoare. Marginal.references, coloured maps. Pp.395.

Page 37: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

A special edition of this NT was also published by theBaptists, containing the terms for "baptism" etc. preferredby them.

1898 (Romans.)Bantist Mission Press.

Translated by H. Jenkins.character. Ff.20.

1899 (Hebrews.)Shaoshing. 20 x 13.5.

Translated by H. Jenkins. See No. 837.character. Ff.15.

1899 (Messianic passages from Isaiah.)Baptist Mission Press. Shaoshing. 20 x 13.

Translated by H. Jenkins.. See No. 837. Chinesecharacter. Ff.17.

Gyiu Iah Sh:i•••B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

The Old Testament. Translated by J. R. Goddard, assistedby J. N. B. Smith (APM) (see No. 894), and W. S. Moule (CMS) •.Earlier translations of OT portions were thoroughly rev~seafor this edition. Marginal references and coloured maps.The issue of this volume completed the Bible. pp.1181.

BH also has copies of the following OT portio~s: 1899,Genesis, Exodus and Joshua; 1900, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel,1 and 2 Kings, and Psalms; 1901 Genesis and Proverbs.

1902 (Ephesians.)Wayland Academy.

Translated by H. Jenkihs.character. Ff.7.

(1 and 2 Timothy.)Wayland Academy.

Translated by H. Jenkins.Ff.6, 4.

1906 ••.Sing Iah Shii••.:. _~:F.B.S. !.. Shanghai.,J

The New Testament. Revised version (see No. 844). "Secondedition with corrections". Marginal references and colouredmaps. Pp.395.

1923 Gyiu Iah Shu •••B.F.B.S. ~Shanghai.-7 22.5 x 15.

The Old Testament. A revised version prepared by W. S. Moule.K. Y. Mo, and A. MOIddison (CNS), G. W. She:JpOlrd, (UMCH), J.Palmer, (CIM), Pastor Tsih, (ABFMS), Pastor Zie, and J. E.Shoemaker (APM), Pastor Chow, G. E. Metcalfe, and Joseph Wong,Christians' Mission. With references, prepared by C. B. Day(APM). Pp.1139.

.••Mo-ko, ••Foh-ing-shu.B.~".B.S. Sh.3.nghai.

St. Mark, Mandarin Union version (Chinese character) interlinearwith Ningpo. See No. 489. Pp.90.

Page 38: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue


ISankiang Colloquial is the dialect spoken in the Lienchowarea of N. W. Kwangtung province.

1904 (St. Matthew.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

Translated by Eleanor Chestnut (APM) . Large ty-pe. Ff.68.

8541905 (St. Mark.)

~. Shanghai. 20 x 13.5·Uniform with No. 854. Large type. Ff.46.

8551905 (St. Luke.)

A.B.S. Shanghai • 20 x 13.5.Uniform with No. 854. Large type. Ff.77.

8551905 (St. John.)

A.B.S. Shanghai. 19.5 x 13·5.Uniform with No. 854. Ff.62.


Shanghai Colloquial is the Wu dialect spol(en in Shanghai andadjacent areas of S. E. Kiangsu province. Editions aregenerally in Chinese character, with some in rom~1 character.

(St. John.)Sh!U1l';hai.

Translated by W. H. Medhurst (LMS; see No. 37). Accordin6to Wylie "Memorials", p.34, the book contains Ff.91 , but thelast leaf is numbered 90. Th~ closing verses of somechapters are printed in smaller type.

In 1848 W. C. Milne (L~ffi; see No. 51), published at Shanghaia version of Matthew. According to Wylie, "Memorials", p.124, the book contains Ff.133. "This is a translation in theShanghai dialect, the successive chapters of which were printedweekly, and used in the chapel service on Sunday".

1848 (St. Luke.)LNingpo.J 22.5 x 13·5·

.'T. MeCla tchie's edihons of Mark and John were printed atShanghai in 1852.

(St. Matthew.)A.B.S. Ningpo.J

Translated by W. J. Boone; (see No. 51), Edward W. Syle a~dPhineas p. Spalding, all APEl1. According to Wylie, "Memorials",p.101, the book contains Ff.8S.

Page 39: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Gospel of Saint John in the Chinese language, accordingto tha dialect of Shanghai, expressed in the ro~an alpha-betic character. With an explanatory introduction andvocabul.~y. By James Su~~rs.

W. W. Walls. ~. 18.5 x 11.The editor was Chinese Professor in King's College, London.Dedication to Sir George T. Staunton. Includes preface,introduction and a vocab~lary of Chapters 1 and 2.Pp. v - xii, 7, 94.


The ABS also published in 1854 at Shanghai another versionof Genesis by Robert Nelson (APEM). Pp.94. (Wylie"Memorials" p.213.)

Wylie "Memorials" p.193 records a Gospel Harmony preparedby Charles Taylor (AMEM, South) and printed at Ningpo in1854: ff .164.

1856 (St. Matthew.)[A.B.S.J Shanghai. 23 x 14.

A revision of No. 861 by Chao Yin Sung.wood-blocks. Ff.80.

Rep~blished, tr~ls1iterated into roman character, at Shanghaiin 1861. Pp.12lt. (Wylie "Memorials" p.211).

(St. Luk.e.)A.B.S.


1859 (St. Luke.)[A. B.S. Shanghai.J 22 x 13.

C. Keith's version transliterated by A. B. Cabaniss (ASBM) intoT. P. Crawford's phonetics. Printed from wood-blocks. Withsubject headings. Ff.106.

In 1859 there appeared at Shanghai a version of Romans by H.Blodget (ABCFM; see No. 249). Ff.35. (Wylie "Memocials"p. 229.)

L-1860 (St. Luke.)A.B.S.

C. Keith's version transliterated into roman character.(Wylie "Memorials" p.211.) Pp.128.

An edition of C. Keith's version of the Acts transliter9tedinto roman character was also published in 1860 at Shan~l~i.(Wylie "Memorials" p.211.) Pp.112

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(Romans-Revelation.)24 x 14.5.J

P~t 2 of NT. Part 1, Gospels - Acts, missing.type. No title. Ff. 1- 196.

(Exodus.)~.Translated by C. Keith. Roman character."Memorials" p.211.). Pp.l03.

1861 (St. John.)L.A.B.S.

Translated by W. J. Boone.Ff.64.


An edition of St. John, transliterated into roman character,was printed at Shanghai in 1861. Pp.l00. (Wylie "Memorials"p.102. )

1864 (Rolllans-ZCorinthians.)L.A.B.S. ShanghaLJ 24x 14.

Romans waS translated by Elliot H. Thomson (APEM), afterwardsArchdeacon. Corinthians was translated by Samuel R. Gayleyand revised byJ. S. Roberts (both of APM). Ff.22, 22, 14.

No. 834 in Wylie's list.

Acco~ding to Wylie "Memorials" p.z46, 1 and 2 Corinthiansappeared also in roman character.

(Galatians-Revelation.)[A.B.S.J ShancjhaLJ

'rranslated by J. M. W. Farnham (A.°M).

1870 Sing Iak Long Ka-la- t'e' 'C'e-du Tau' Mul,-z'-lOk 1Jing. Zon:;'-'hae'T'oo-bak.

LA.B.S.J Shanghai. 21.5 x 14.Galatians-Revelation. J. M. W. Farnham's version, transliter-ated into roman character. pp.14, 14, 11, 10, 10,6,12,9,6, 3, 31, 11, 12, 8, 12, 2, 2, 4, 48.

(The Gospels.)[A. B.s.J Shanghai.

A revision by W. J. Boone.Ff.57, 34, 59, 47·

In 1871 the ABS also issued a revision of W. C. Milne's versionof Matthew (see No. 859).

(The New Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.J

Partly translated, and partly revised, by J. M. W. Farnham.Roman character. Ff.408.

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Sing Iak 'Mo-t'a' Tau' Muk-z'-lok ••••Shanghai .:7

New Testament. Shanghai Committee's version. Romancharacter. Pp.102, 65. 110, 88, 100, 47, 47, 30, 14, 14, 11,10, 10, 6, 12, 9, 6, 3, 31, 11, 12, 8, 12, 2, 2, 4, 48.

(B.M. )883

(St. Matthew.)i-A.B.U.-7 Shanghai.

A Baptist translation by Matthew T. Yates, (A.S.B.M. from1847). Ff.62.

Other N.T. portions translated by M. T. Yates were publishedby the A.B.U. as follows: Acts, 1877; Luke, John andRomans, 1881; Mark, 1882; 1 Corinthians - JUde, 1888.

(The ~ospels and Acts.)L"A.B.S.-7 Shanghai.

In 1876 the A.B.S. requested the missionaries to revise theN.T. in preparation for a new edition. A revision Committeewas formed consisting of E. H. Thomson, J. S. Roberts, J. M. W.Farnham, and J. W. Lambuth (A.M.E.M.). J. S. Roberts soonresigned on account of ill health, and J. W. Lambuth wastransferred to Japan; but the revision was completed byE. H. Thomson and J. M. W. Farnham. A tentative editionof Matthew had appeared in 1878. Each book was issuedseparately. With subject headings. Ff.40, 25, 43, 33, 39.

BH has copies of Matthew,Mark and Luke only.

(The New Testament.)[R.T.S.-7 Shanghai.

A fresh translation, with a commentary in Easy Wenli, byWilliam Muirhead (L.M.S. from 1847,see No. 151). Intwo parts. Each of the books, with a few exceptions, hasits own title-page. Matthew and Mark are dated 1879;Luke - 1 Corinthians, 1880; 2 Corinthians - Revelation, 1881.With introductions, notes, subject headings, and map. Inlarge type. Ff.62, 37, 63, 51, 61, 28, 26, 17, 10, 9, 6, 6,5, 4, 7, 6, 4, 2, 21, 8, 7, 5, 13, 33.

The Gospels were also issued together in one vulume, andseparately as portions; and Acts was also published as aseparate portion with a map inserted. BH has copies of theGospels (in one volume), Matthew, and Acts.

(The New Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai. 18 x 12.

Revised by E. H. Thomson, J. M. W. Farnham, and J: W. Lambuth.See No. 885. With subject headings. Ff.40, 25, 43, 33, 39,17, 17, 11,6,6,5,4, 4,3,5,4,2, 1, 13,5,5,3,5, 1, 1,2, 20.

1882 (The New Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

A large type edition of No. 887, embodying typographical andother corrections. Edited by E. H. Thomson; published byprivate funds, and with the help of the A.B.S. In two parts.Ff.64 , 40, 68, 53, 63; 28, 28, 18, 10, 9, 7, 7, 6, 4, 8, 6,4,2,21,7,8,5,8, 1, 1,2,32.

(The Psalms.)[B.F.B.S.


Under the auspiees of the A.B.S. the translation of the O.T. wasundertaken by E. H. Thomson and J. M. W. Farnham, with theassistance of D. H. Davis (S.D.B.M.), A. P. Parker (A.S.M.E.M.see No. 262), and G. F. Fitch (A.P.M.). Genesis was theearliest portion published, and was a revision of No. 863.Ff.77.

(Exodus. )A.B.S.

Uniform with No. 890. Ff.66.891 (2952)

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(Deuteronomy.)~. Shanghai.

(The Psalms.)~. Shanghai.

The Committee's editions of Isaiah and Daniel appeared in1888.

(St. Matthew.)~. Shanghai.

In 1893 a committee of American and English missionarieswas appointed to prepare a Union version of the Bible.This committee was composed of the following members:E. H. Thomson, J. M. W. Farnham, D. H. Davis, W. MuirheadC. F. Reid (A.S.M.E.M.), J. N.E. Smith (A.P.M. see No. 848),J. Ware (Foreign Christian M.S.), and J. A. Silsby (A.P.M.).It began with the revision of the N.T., and published Matthewand Mark in 1893. A "Shen" edition. With subject headings.Pp.70.

An edition transliterated into romml character, prepared byJ. A. Silsby, appeared in 1896.

1893 (St. Mark.)~.Union versior.."Shen" edition. See No. 894.


1894 (St. Luke.)~.

With sUbject headings. Pp.74.897 (2957)

The Union version of John also appeared in 1894, followed byActs in 1896.

(The New. Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.J

In 1897 a volume containing selections from the N.T. translatedby Father Garnier, was published by the Jesuit Mission atZikawei, near Shanghai.

(Genesis - Ruth.)A.B.S. Shanghai.J

Union version. See No. 894. The revision and translation ofthe books of the a.T. were begun in October 1897, and in 1901 apreliminary issue of Genesis - Ruth (500 copies) was publishedas a first instalment.

(St. Mark.)A.B.S.

In 1902 the following joined the Committee (see No. 894):W. B. Burke (A.S.M.E.M.), E. Box (L.M.S.), G. E. Partch (A.P.M.),and E. F. Tatum (A.S.B.M.). The Committee then divided into twosections, one - including E. H. Thomson, J. M. W. Farnham, A. P.Parker and J. Ware - for the further revision of the N.T., and'the other - comprising the remaining members - for the completionof the O.T. With subject headings. Pp.42.

A revised edition of Matthew was also published in 1903, andsimilar editions of Luke, John and Acts appeared in 1904.(1 Samuel - Job.)

A.B.S. ShanghaLJ

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1905 Sing Ia}:S FOk-iung SuoA.B.S. Shanghai.

Zaung-he Kheu-iung ••.•21.5 x 14.

Th~ Gospels transliterated into romrolcharacter. Pp.75. 47,81, 63.

~1906 (St. Matthew.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

Similar editions of Mark, Luke and John appeared in 1906, andof Acts and Romans in 1907.

1908 (The Old Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

The translation of the Bible was finished in August 1907,and in the following year editions were issued of the completeO.T., and of the final revision of the N.T.

The O.T. is divided into four parts: (1) Genesis - Deuteronomy;(2) Joshua - Esther; (3) Job - Song of Solomon; (4) Isaiah -Malachi. With SUbject headings. Ff.40, 34, 24, 36, 30;21,21,3,28,23,27,25,25,29,9, 13, 7; 22,55, 17,7,4;43, 49, 5. 42, 14, 7, 3, 5. 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 3.

1908 (The New Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

Final rev~s~on. With subject headings.sides of the paper. Pp.618.

Shaowu Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in and around Shuowu,a city of N.W. Fukien province.

8 5' 2 4 1Se -t'u Nga -ko Shu •~A.B.C.F~. Foocho\~.J

James. Translated by J. E. Walker (A.B.C.F.M.: see No. 719).Roman character. No title page. Numbers are used to indicatetones. Pp.10.

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Soochow Colloquial is the Wu dialect spoken in and aroundSooc!.ow, Kiangsu province.

~1879 (Th~ Gospels and Acts.)(American-Chinese Publish in" House.)

908(A.B.S. )

(The Gospels and Acts.)~. ShanghaLJ

The Soochow version of the N.T. was based on the ShanghaiColloquial version. Prepared by G. F. Fitch and A. P.Parker (see No. 890).

~1881 (The New Testament.)Shanghai. 19 JC 12.5.J

The complete N.T. in the Soochowby G. F. Fitch and A. P. Parker.headings. Printed on one side of34, 40, 17, 18, 11, 6, 6, 5, 5, .4,5, 1, 1,2,20.

Committee's version, preparedSee No. 909. With SUbjectthe paper. Ff.41, 25, 43,3,5,4,2, 1, 13,5,5,3,

910 (2962)(B.M. )

1892 (The New Testament.)~. [Shanghai.J 19.5 x 13.

A revision of No. 910 prepared by A. P. Parker J. W. Davis(A.S.P.M.: see Eo. 2(2), and D.N. Lyon (A.f.1-!.). Withsubject headings. Ff.40, 25, 43, 34, 40, 1~, 1~, 12, 6, 6,5, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 1, 13, 5, 5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 20.

- Another edition. 20 x 12.5.style; with maps. With pages50, 86, 68, 80; 36, 36, 24, 12,26, 10, 10, 6, 10, 2, 2, 4, 40.

Printed and bound in foreignnumbered, not folios. ·Pp.80,12, 10,10, 8, 6, 10, 8, 4, 2,

(Genesis - Ruth.) _~. Shanghai.-!

The Soochow version of the O.T. is partly translated, and partlyadapted Trom the Shanghai version. The first ~ortion pub-lished was Genesis - Ruth prepared by J. W. Dav~s, D. N. Lyon,J. H. Hayes (A.P.M.), and T. C. Britton (A.S.B.M.).

912 (2965)

(The Old Testament.)~. Shanghai.

The complete O.T. translated by G. F. Fitch,A. P. Par~er, J. ·W.Davis (see No. 912) in 4 volumes. (1) Genesis - Deuteronomy,ff.40, 34, 24,37, 31. (2) Joshua - Esther, ff.21, 21, 3, 27,22, 27, 25, 25, 29, 9, 13, 7. (3) Job - Song of Solomon;ff.22, 56, 17,7,4. (4) Isaiah - Malachi, ff.44, 49, 5, 41,14,7,3,6, 1,2, 4,2,2,.2,2, 8,3.

1913 (The New Testament.)A.B.S. Shanghai.

A new edition. Printed and bound in foreign style. With maps.Printed on both sides of the paper. Pp.586.

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Chaochow, Tiechiu.

Swatow Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in and aroundSwatow, E. Kwangtung province. Editions are in bothChinese and roman character.


Translated by S. B. Partridge (A.B.M.U.). Printed fromwood-blocks. No title-page. Chinese character. Ff.10.

LU-kia Kh HOk-im-tng. Tie-chiu De. ~["B.F.B.S. Glasgow.J 18.5 x 12.

St. Luke. Translated from the.Htgh Wenli Delegates' version,by W. Duffus (E.P.M.). Roman character. Pp.77.

["1877 (Acts.)A.B.M.U.

Translated by S. B. Partridge. Chinese character. This andother A.B.M.U. translations were based on E. C. Lord's revisionof J. Goddard's High Wenli version. (See No. 143.)

(Genesis.)["A.B.M.U.J Foochow. 24 x 14.

Tranclated by W. Ashmore (A.B.M.U.) assisted by Miss A. M.Fielde (A.B.M.U.). Large type. Chinese character. Ff.106.

(Romans.)["t...B.M.'J.J Foochow.

Translated by W. Ashmore and A. M. Fielde.Chinese character. Ff.33.

(1 Corinthians.)[A.B.M.U.J

Translated by W. Ashmore and A. M. Fielde.Chinese ·character. Ff.34.


Translated by W. Ashmore and A. M. Fielde.Chinese character. Ff.24.

In 1880 the A.B.M.U. published a Gospel Harmony. Chinesecharacter. Ff.209. BH has a copy.

1882 (st. Matthew.)[A.B.M~.J Foochow. 25 x 14.5.

Translated by S. B. Partridge.character. Ff.73.

1882 (St. Luke.)LA.B.M.U.J Foochow. 25.5. x 14.5.

Translated by S. B. Partridge.character. Ff.76.

(Acts.)LA.B.M.U.J FoochOl'. 24.5 x 14.5.

Translated by S. B. Partridge. A rev~s~on of No. 917.With table of contents and chronological table. Large type.Chinese character. Ff.5,71.

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(St. Hark.)A.B.M.U.

Translated by W. Ashmore Jr.character.

Other N.T. portions translated by S. B. Partridge or W. AshmoreJr., and not represented in BH, appeared as follows:John, 1883; Matthew (revised), 1 and 2 Timothy, 1,2, and 3John, and Jude, 1884; Philippians, 1 and 2 Thessaloni~~s,Titus, and 1 and 2 Peter, 1886 - published at Foochow or Swatow.The following editions by the same trmlslators appeared later,printed at Shanghai: 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,Colossians, James and Philemon, 1895; Revelation" 1896.


KU-i\"h Tshimg-sl-kl Tshuan-tau ••••[B.F.B.S.J S~atow. 23.5 x 17.

Genesis. In 1887 the B.F.B.S. agreed to publish a newversion in roman character, to be prepared by a Committeeappointed from the members of the English Presbyterian Missionat Swatow. The Committee consisted of W. Duffus, GeorgeSmith, J. C. Gibson (see No. 261), and H. L. Mackenzie. Asa rule the books were issued in two forms: (1) in large type,without references, (2) in smaller type, with marginal ref-erences. They were printed at the Swatow Mission Press.

This edition of Genesis, translated by W. Duffus, and J. C.Gibson, was the earliest portion published. Pp.229.

The work of translation was carried out mainly by W. Duffusand J. C. Gibson, who were later joined by P. J. Maclagen(E.P.M.). The references were prepared by various memhersof the E.P.M., and one member of the A.B.M.U.

1888 - Another edition.outside margins).

Smaller type,with references (in the19.5 x 14. Pp.138.

Jonah •• Translated by J. C. Gibson.character. Pp.9.

1888 - Another edition. 19 x 13.Smaller type, with references. Pp.6.

1888 Sin-ieh Ia-kok Tsu-sln •.••[B.F.B.S.J'· Swatow. 24 x 17.5.

- Another edition. 19.5 x 13.5.Smaller type, without references.

- Another edition. 11.5 x 8.Miniature edition, without references.

1889 3in-ieh Ma-th:3i Hok-im Tng ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24 x 17.5.

St. Matthew. Translated by W. Duffus and J. C. Gibson."Price, 30 cents". Roman character. pp.146.

1889 - Another edition. 19 x 13.5.Smaller type, with references. "Price 15 cents".

1889 Sin-ieh Sai-thu Heng-tng .••.B.F.B.S. Swatow. 23.5 x 18.

Acts. Translated by J. C. Gibson."Price 30 cents". Pp.151.

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1889 - Another edition. 20 x 13.5.Smaller type, with references.

Sin-ieh Ma-kho Hok-im Tng ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24.5 x 18.

St. Mark. Translated by W. Duffus and J. C. Gibson.type. "Price,20 cents". Roman cl:aracter. Pp.95.

1890 - Another edition. 20 x 13.5.Smaller type, with references. "Price, 10 cents".

Sin-ieh Iak-han Hok-im Tfig••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24.5 x 18.

St. John.character.

Translated by J. C. Gibson."Price, 25 cents". Pp.124.

1891 - Another edition. 19.5 x 13.Smaller type, with references. "Price, 12.5 cents".

Kih-tsu Ig-sou Ki-tok Kai Sin-ieh Tshuan-ts~ ••••)

Gospels and Acts. St. Luke in this edition is a rev~s~on ofNo. 916 prepared by W. DUffus, J. C. Gibson and P. J. Maclagan.The other books are reprinted frem the editions of 1889-91.Roman character. Pp.275.

Sin-ieh LU-ka Hok-im Tng ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24 x 18.5.

St. Luke.character.

Reprinted from No. 943. Large type."Price, 30 cents". Pp.159.

Sai-thu Pau-lo Kia Hui-lip-p{ Kua Ko-lo-si .•.•~. Swato\;. 24 x 18.5.

Philippians and Colossians. Translated by J. C. Gibson.Large type. Roman character. "Price, 10 cents". Pp.31.

••.Thiap-sat-lo-nl-ka••.•B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24.5 x 18.5.

1 and 2 Thessalonians.type. Roman character.

Translated by P. J. Maclagan."Price, 5 cents". Pp.22.

1894 Si-phien •••.San-tsap-ngou Fhien.N.B.S.S. Swatow. 17 x 10.5.

Thirty-five Psalms translated by J. C. Gibson and P. J.Maclagan. Roman character. "Price, 10 cents". Pp.33.

•••Thl-mo-thai Tsoin Au Kua Thl-to Hui-li-mng ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24 x 18.

1 Timothy - Philemon. Translated by J. C. Gibson. Largetype. Roman character. "Price, 10 cents". Pp.41.

•••Hui-lip-p{ Chi HUi-li-~~g.B.F.B.S. Swatow. 19.5 x 13.5.

Philippians - Philemon. A reprint of Nos. 945, 946 and 948,in smaller type, with referer,ces. Roman character. "Price,10 cents". Pp.59.

',ilsu-sin ...•")"J~ ~p "'r7 C"-, .A I ( • .,J.

1, 2 and 3 John translated by J. C. Gibson and H. L. Mackenzie:Jude, by P. J. Maclagan. Roman character. "Price, 5 cents".Pp.26.

Page 48: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1895 ••• Eap-ld, Sot-Joa-lT a KUB !'la-lclh-ki.••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 23.5 x 17.5.

Haggai, Zechariah - Malachi.Large type. Roman character.

Translated by J. C. Gibson."Price, 15 cents". Pp.65.

1895 Sal-thG P{-tit Ts~in Au No-tsu .•••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 24 x 18.

1 and 2 Peter.Roman character.

Translated by J. C. Gibson."Price, 10 cents". Pp.31.

1896 ••.Ka-l~-thai, in-hut-so ••••B.F.B.S. SwatoH. 24 x 18.

Galatians and Ephesians. Translated by J. C. Gibson.Large type. Roman character. "Price, 10 cents". Pp.23, 23.

(The New Testament.)L~.B.M.U.-7 Shanghai,

Revised by W. Ashmore Jr. and S. B. Partridge. With subjectheadings. Chinese character; printed on one side of thepaper only. Ff.306.

In 1902 the A.B.M.U. published a new edition of Genesis (No. 918)revised by W. Ashmore Jr. Chinese character.

••.San-bu-z~ E-kllg•.••B.F.B.S. Swatow.

2 Samuel. Translated by J. C. Gibson."Price, 25 cents". Pp.132.

1900 .••Mit-si L6k ..•B.F.B.S. Swatow.

Revelation. Translated by J. C. Gibson and P. J. Maclagan.Roman character. Printed in double columns. "Price, 10 cents".Pp.34.

•••Ko-l'tm-toNiillg Au-tsu ..••B.F.B.S. Swatow." 21 x 14.

2 Corinthians.Roman character.pp.18.

Translated by J. C. Gibson and P. J. Maclagan.Printed in double columns. "Price, 5 cents".


Translated by J. Steele (E.P.M.), and revised by J. C. Gibsonand P. J. Macle.gan. Roman character.

Si-phien Tshai-ch:l.p•••San-tdp-ngou Phien ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 16 x 10.

Thirty-five Psalms. A reprint of No. 947. A printed slippasted over the former imprint gives the name of the B.F.B.S.The date 1894 is retained on the title-page, but the date 1904appears below it. This edition was probably issued in 1906.Roman character. PP.33.

(1 Corinthians.)B.F.B.S. Swatow.-I

Translated by J. C. Gibson and P. J. Maclagan, Romancharacter.

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... Sin-ieh i3iall-kiann ....~B.F.B.S.J Swatow.

The New Testament. For this edition of the complete N.T.ali the books previously issued as separate portions wererevised. Roman character. Pp.550.

1913 Si-phien Tshai-chip •••sl-tsbp-k~u Phien ••••B.F.B.S. SwatO\I. 16.5 x 10.

A new and enlarged edition of No. 960 containing 49 Psalms."Fourth edition, 1040 copies". Roman character. Pp.49.

1915 Ku-ieh Lu-tit Ki Kua S~-b~-zu Ki •.••B.F.B.S. Sw~tow. 21.5 x 14.

Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel. For Ruth see No. 959, and for2 Samuel see No. 956. This voluffiewas issued in 1917.Roman character. Pp.4, 62.

1916 (Pentateuch.)China Baptist Publication Society.

A.B.F.M.S. version, prepG~ed by W. Ashmore, Jr. Withsubject headings. Chinese character. Pp.276.

Ku-ieh Tsap-ji Th~i-thuan KBi Tsu HC~-si Kau M~-la-ki. •••B.F.B.S. S\'atm·l. 20.5·x 14:'

Hosea - Malachi. Tra~slated b~ J. C. Gibson. In Hoseathe translator used a 14S.version prepared by J. Steele,end in Amos and Obadiah versions prepared by P. J. Maclagan.Roman character. Pp. 57.

Si-phien Tsheri-chip•••i~k-tdp-nJl:C;uPhien ••••B.F.B.S. Swatow. 16 x 10.

Selected Psalms. See Nos. 947, 960 and 963. A new enlargededition containing 65 Psalms. Roman character "Fifthedition .•.1270 copies". Pp.71.

(Psalms.)i-China Baptist Publication Society.

A.B.F.M.S. version, prepared by W. Ashmore Jr. With subjectheadings: Chinese character. Pp.gS.

(The Holy Bible.)~A.B.F.M.S.

Translated by W. Asl~ore Jr.character. Pp.1304, 400.

Page 50: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Taichow Colloquial is the Wu dialect spoken in the Linkai(formerly Taicho>flarea of E. Chekiang provinee. All theeditions are in roman character.

1893 Gyiu-iah Daen-yi-li-keh Shu •••C.I.M. ~. 21 x 13·5.

Daniel •. Translated by W. D. Rudland. With references.Large type. Pp.57·

1880 Mo-t'a DjUn Foh-ing Shu. T'e-tsiu T'u-\·/s•.C.I.M. Taichow. 22.5 x 15·

St. Matthew. Translated by W. D. Rudland (C.I.M.). Largetype: double colu~s. With list of O.T. and N.T. booksprefixed. Pp.96.

1897 •..Sing-iwl Shu ....~.~.The New Testament. A revision ofRudland, with the help of T. UrryC.I.M., and Chinese assistants.in paragraphs and double columns.N.T. books. Pp.342•

No. 972, prepared by W. D.and C. Thomson, both of theSmall type. Text arranged

With list of O.T. and(St. M~k, St. Luke and St. John.)

L~. Taichow.-7 21.5 x 14.Trruls1atedby W. D. Rudland. Printed in 1880 or possibly1881. No title-page. Uniform with No. 970" Pp.97 - 334. 1905 Gyiu-iab Shu Ts'iang-si Kyi ..••

B.F.B.S. ~. 21.5 x 13·5.Genesis. Between 1897 and 1905 no books of the Bible wereprinted, but Bible Histories and similar works were preparedand issued. W. D. RUdland revised the existing versions,adding references, and prepared a draft translation of thePentateuch. In 1905 the systematic publication of the a.T.was begun by the printing of Genesis and a revised editionof Psalms.

•••Sing lab Shu ...•C.I.M. Taichow.

The New Testa~ent. The complete N.T. translated by W. D.Rudland. W~th map. Uniform with No. 970. Pp.756.

In translating the O.T. W. D. Rudland was for a time assistedby E. H. Thompson and W. J. Wallace of the C.M.S. ru1dJ. G.Kauderer, of the C.I.M. and also received help from his wifeand daughter, but he carried the main burden himself. Inparagraphs and double columns. This, and the uniform editionsdown to 1908 were described as tentative editions. pp.69·

Gyiu-iab lab-ne-keh Shu ••••C.I.M. Taichow. 21.5 x 14.

Jona.'>. Translated by W. D. Rudland. Large type. Withlist of a.T. and N.T. bookS, preface,a fev notes and marginalreferences. pp.14.

Gyiu-iab Shu S-p' in ••••B.F.B.S. Taichow.

...S-p'in •.••~.~.

Psalms. A revised edition, with references. Text printedin single columns, with references in a column on the righthand. Bound with a copy of No. 983. pp.15a.

Psalms. Trar~lated by W. D. Rudland from the Mandarinversion, with references to other Chinese vers~ons, theEnglish A.V., and R.V., ffildrev~sed by Chinese ass~stants.Large type. Pp.259.

Page 51: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

•••C I ih Yi-gyih Teh Li-vi Kyi ••••B.F.B.S. Taichow. 22.5 x 14.5.

.••Ming-su Teh Iah-shu-o, Z-s Teh Lu-teh Kyi ••.•B.F.B.S. ~. 22.5 x 14.5.

Numbers and Joshua-Ruth.edition". Pp.128.

•••Sing-ming Kyi ••••B.F.B.S. Taichow.--- ---


Saeh-meo-z Zin~'eo Shu:B.F.B.S. Taichow.

Teh Li~-w~ng Zin-'eo Shu ••••22.5 x 14.5.

1909 ••.Sing Iah Sh~ .••Di Saen-t'ao Ing •••B.F.B.S. Taichow. 22.5 x 14.5.



The New Testament. A revised edition, with references.Text printed in double columns with references in centralcolumn. With two coloured maps. Bound with a copy ofNo. 978. pp.406.

Lih-de Ts-liah Zin-'eo ShG ....B.F.B"S. L-Taicho\:.J 22.5 X 14.5.



Yi-se-6, Yia-li-mi, Teh E-ko•...B.F.B.S. /-'raichow.J 22.5 X 1Lf.5.

Yi-si-kyih, Ta~ Mo-laeh-kyi .•..B.F.B.S. LTaichow.J 21.5 x 14•


9861914 •••Yi-z-laeh Kyi, Nyi-hyi-:.:iKyi, Yi-z-t'ih Kyi. ••Iah-pah Kyi.

B.F.B.S. LShanghai.J 22 x 14.

Ezra - Job. Before his death in January 1912, W. D. Rudlandhad finished the translation of the O.T. with the exceptionof Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and part of Job.The work was taken up and completed by C. Thomson (see No.976). In 1914, the remaining books of the O.T. were printedin two parts.Uniform with No. 977, with the exception of Job, the greaterpart of which is printed in single columns. Pp.105.

1914 •••Tseng-nyin, Dj~-dao, Ngo-ko ••••B.F.B.S. Shanghai. 22 x 14.

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Translated byC. Thomson. The publication of this portion completed theissue of the Bible. Proverbs and the Song of Solomon

.'are printed in single columns: Ecclesiastes is uniform withNo. 977. Pp.74.

1914 Gyiu Iah Shu ••.•B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

The Old Testament.. The completed O. T. consis'ting of thevarious parts bound together in one volume, with a generaltitle, list of books, and coloured maps. The part-titlesare cancelled. pp.69, 96, 56, 50, 57-128, 169, 87, 105,150, 74, 158, 155.

- Another copy. Bound with a copy of No. 983 to forma complete Bible.

Page 52: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The dialect spoken in the Tingchow area, south-west-centralFukien province. The dialect is a mixture of Mandarin andHakka. The edition recorded below is in Amoy roreancharacterwith certain variations.

The Wu dialect spoken in the ;Ienchowarea of south easlernChekiang province. All the editions are in romancharacter.

1892 Ng-da-ko Chao-chi_Yi-sQ Chl-tuh-geSilllgIah Slng Shl.B.F.B.S. !... Shanghai.J 24 X 15.5.

1919 Ma-tha:lFti-yeng chhoA Tingchow.B.F.B.S .. [Shanghai.J 19 X 13.

St. Matthew.Large type.Pp.120.

Translated by W. E. Soothill (D.H.F.G.).With list of a.T. and N.T. books prefixed.

St. Matthew. Translated by Katharine Hughes, Eva MarjorieRainey and other missionaries of the L.M.S. mainly on thebasis of S. I. J. Schereschewsky's Easy Wenli version (seeNo. 263). It uses the forn of the colloquial spoken atTingcho~/fu. Pp.91.

1894 ...Sz Fuh-iang Ta Sz-du 'Ae-dj~e••.•B.F.B.S. London. 17 x 11.5.

The Gospels and Acts.Pp.564.

1902 Ng-da-ko Chao-chi Yi-s~ Chi-tuh Sang-icl1Sing-shi.B.F.B.S. Wenchow. 18.5 x 12.5.

The New Testament. For thistranslated by W. E. Soothill,revised. Text in pa~agraphsat the G.I.H. Press, Wenchow.

edition of the complete N.T.,the Gospels and Acts wereand double columns. Printed


1902 Mo-k '0 Fuh-iang Shi. '~. Wenchow. 18 x 12.5.

St. Mark.Wenchow.

Revised edition.Pp.56.

Page 53: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

A~ong the mountains of the west and south west of Chinaare to b~ found the descendants of ancient peoples who onceinhabited areas now occupied by Chinese. These tribespeoplespeak a variety of languages, classified in the following groups:Tai, Tibeto-Burman and Sino-Tibetan. The tribes had no writtenlanguages until missionary work was begun at the end of the 19thcentury. S. Pollard devised a syllabic script which was used formost of these languages.

Page 54: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Ch~g-chia or Pu-yi, are Chinese names for non-Chineseinhabita.'1.tsof South \;estern K~leichow. Chung-chia isa Tai language. The following edition is in romanscript.

1904 F~ {n Ms-tsi.B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

St. Matthew. Translated by S. R. Clarke (c.r.M.l (seeNo. 387l with the assistance of nationals. Based on Greektext underlying English R.V. Pp.166.

Page 55: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Kado are a tribal group of S. Yu:..nan province, China,and adjacent Laos. The language is related to Lolo, withinth~ Tibeto-Burman language family. Pollard Syllabic script.

The Keh-deo are one of the Miao tribes in Kweicllou provir,ce.Chu Yin Phonetic script.

1937 (St. Mark.)N.B.S.S. Shanghai. 20.5 x 14.5.

Tra.'1slatedby M. H. Hutton (C.r.M.). Pp.120.997

1937 (St: Jolm.)N.B.S.S. Shanghai. 20.5 x 14.5.

Translated by M. n. Hutton. Pp.154.

1939 .•.St. Luke's GospeL ..B.F.B.S. & A.B.S. ~Shanghai.-7 21.5 x 14.5.

Page 56: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Kopu in a Lolo language in the Tibeto-Burman family, andspoken in the mountainous Luchuan area of N. Yunnan province.P~llard Syllabic script.

The la~guage of an aboriginal tribe in northern YunnanProvince akin to the Miao (cf. Lisu and Kopu). Thefollowing editions are in Pollard Syllabic script.

1913 CSt. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

1912 (St. Mark.)~. Shanghai. (YokorEma printed.) 22.5 x 15.

Translated by A. G. Nicholls and Gladstone Porteous,(C.r.M.). Pp.96.

Translated by A. G. Nicholls, C.r.H., and A. Evans, U.M.C.M.Pp.75. 1936 (St. John.)


Page 57: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue



Lisu is spoken in upl~~d areas of Yunnan province, and south-ward into Thailand and Burma. The Lisu are generallydi~ided into three groups based on differences of dress:Pai (White), He (black), and Hwa (flowered). Two dialectsoccur (1) Eastern, (2) Hwa or Wester~.

Lisu is classed linguistically with Akha and Laka in the Lologroup of languages, related within the Tibeto-Burman familyto Burmese, Kachin and Kuki-Chin.

(St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

(St. Luke.)B.F.B.S.


(St. John.)B.F.B.S.

(The New Testament.)China Bible House.

A revised version prepared by G. E. Metcalf, with Lisuassist~~ts. pp.852.

The Hwa Lisu, also known as South·?rn or ',IesternLiEiu,Lu~zu, or Yawyin, live along the Salween River in theUpper Shan States of Burma, in N. Thailand and in Yunnanprovince, China.

1921 M->tO.l.O:d:B.F.B.S.

St. Mark, translated by J. O. Fraser, C.r.M. assisted bySara Ba 'rhaw, a Karen. Pp.I$O.

BH also has copies of Cathechism 1915, 1917; Hymnbook, 1916,Cathechism and Hymnbook, 1922. All published by AmericanBaptist Mission Press, Rangoon •.

Yo-V .!-O:,:B.F.B.S.

•.•The Gospel of Luke ••.B.F .B.S. Rangoon.

The Gospel of Mark •••B.F.E.S. Shanghai.



ABS has copies of St. Matthew (pp.102), 1932,and of St. Mark (pp.65), st. Luke (pp.112), St.John (pp.75) and the Acts (p~.101), all 1933.Revised by A. B. Cooke, C.r.M., and publishedby B.F.B.S., Shanghai (Chefoo printed).

(A. B. S.)1011a

Page 58: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

New Testament •••B.F.B.S. A.B.S.

wu-S S1 XY.l..O ., }Ii: XI1: .1.0..,Xnj- BE MU GW LO 1•••China Bible House. Hong Kong. 19 x 13.5.

New Testament and Psalms. NT revisedW. Crane and a Lisu assistant, Moses.by A. B. Cooke and Lisu assistant Jobdouble columns. pp.666.

by A. B. Cooke, AllanPsalms were translated

(all C.r.M.). Text in

WU-S S1 XY .1..0-,.Bible Society of Burma. Hong Kong printed.

23 x 15.5.The Holy Bible. The OT (excluding Psalms) translated byA.B. Cooke A.W. Crane, L. Evelyn Crane (all O.M.F.),Joshua Fish, Job Fish and Zim Wa Garn,assisted by a Lisucommittee. NT and Psalms is a further revision ofNo. 1013. Glossary, footnotes, references, maps.Pp. 1368, 424, 12.

The Miao, whose numbers are unknown, are scattered through-out Kweichow, Hunan, Kwangsi, Szechwan and Yunnan provincesof China, and also in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

The different Miao groups are usually referred to by theircharacteristic colour of dress, e.g. "Blue", "White","Flowered". The Chuan Miaos live in Southern SzechwanProvince and adjacent Kweichow Province of China.

(St. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

Translated by H. Parsons, United Methodist Mission.Printed in the Pollard script. Pp.98.

(St. Mark.)B.F.B.S. and A.B.S. Shanghai. 21.5 x 15.-7

1016(A. B.S.)

Page 59: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

Spoken in the Province of Kweichow, especially round thePanghai district in the east of the province. The peopleall themselves Pho.

Chu Yin Phonetic Script with the addition of three extrasymbols.

1928 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

Trw~slated by M. H. Hutton, C.r.M. and Yang, a Miao teacher.Pp.136.

A similar edition of Mark(pp.S8) was also published in1928. Copy in Ba.

1932 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

1932 (St. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

1932 (St. Luke.)B.F.B.S.

1932 (St. John.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

Translat~d by M. H. Hutton.

1932 (Acts.)~. Shanghai.

(The New Testameni·) 7~. L Shanghai-_

Translated by M. H. Hutton.

1935 (Romans.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

22.5 x 15.5.Pp.1304.

Page 60: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

"1910 MAO-CO MAO-RAO.L-N.B.S.S.-7 C.r.H., Anshunfu. (Taichow printed.)

20.5 x 1;;.5.S~oken in western Kweichow province of China and southward asfar as Vietnam and Laos.

Some editions are in a syllabic script developed by SamuelPollard especially for the Miao language: other editions arein roman script.

st. Mill'ktransliterated from S. Pollard's version and pUblishedby J. R. JAam, C.I.M. Roman script. Pp.67.N.B.S.S. met the cost of pUblishing this and other C.r.M.editions.

(St. Mark.)[B.F.B.S.

Translated by Samuel Pollard (Bible Christian Mission) withthe assistance of Stephen Lee, a Chinese pastor. Theexpense was defrayed by B.F.B.S. from special contributions.

1910 rOR-RAN DAEO-MAO.[N.B.S.S. -7 C.I.M., AnshlUlfu. (Taichow printed.)

20.5 X 14.

S. Pollard had already published at Canadian Mission Press,Chengtu in 1905 a pamphlet (pp.16), containing selectionsfrom the Gospels ,wi th the Decalogue, the Lord's Prayer,and a few hymns (copy in B.R.).

1, 2 and 3 John, translated and published by J. R. Adam.Uniform with No. 1028. Roman script. pp.16.

Printed from woodblocks, on one side of the paper only.No title leaf. Pp.6}.

MA-TAr MAO-RAO.L.N.B.S.S.-7 C.I.H., Anshunfu. (Taichow printed.)

20 x 14.

St. Matthew, translated by J. R. Adam.Roman script. Pp.113.1908 (St. John.)


Translated by S. Pollard. Photolithographed from thetranslator's MS. Pollard script. Pp.124.

~rOR-RAN MAO-RAO.[N.B.S.S. -7 (Taichow printed.)

20.5 x 14.St. John, translated by J. R. Adam.Romml Script. pp.89.1910 (St. Mark.)


A slightly revised reprint of No. 1025. Pollard script.Printed on both sides of the paper. Pp.84.

This and subsequent B.F.B.S. editions were printed frommetal types specially supplied from London.

Romans and Galatians, translated by J. R. Adam. Uniform withNo. 1028. Roman script, separate titles. Pp.50, 17.

Page 61: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1912 (St. Matthew.)B.F.B.3. Shanghai.

Blue Miao, Green ~iao, Hmong Njwa,Miao of Thailand, ~tri~ed Meo

T;anslated by A. G. Nicholls, C.r.M. and revised by S.Pollard and Gladstone Porteous, C.I.M. Uniform \,ithNo. 1028 • Pp.142.

Spoken in th; north of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam by Miaos whooriginally emigrated from China.

Thai character was used for the 1932 edition, but later editionsuse roman script.

(Acts.)B.F.B.S. (St. Mark.)

~'Translated by S. Pollard, with the help of A. G. Nicholls~~d others. Uniform with No. 1028. Pollard script.Pp.106. Translated by Fran~ois, a Vietnamese, and C. K. Trung, a

Presbyterian missionary. Thai character. pp.69, followedby one page evidently describing the sounds tQ be given tothe Thai characters.

1917 (The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

Transla ted by S. Pollard and colleagues. Books alreadypublished were revised for this edition. W. H. Hudspeth(U.M.M.) who assisted in the work saw the volume throughthe press in Japan with the help of a Hwa Miao teacher.Pollard script. Pp.575.

malako lug noob nruab. The Gospel according to Mark.O.H.F. Chiengmai. 17 x 21.5.

St. Mark, revised by Otto Scheuzger and Donald Rulison,O.M.F. Pp.75.

(The New Testament.)B.F.B.S. Shanghai.

Acts 1-9 cuv quastshab ua Ie num. (zaa! 1 txug zaag 9)•.2.:!!.:!. ChienEmai. 17 x 21.5':'/

A revision of No.1035 by w. H. Hudspeth and A. G. Nicholls.With coloured maps. Pollard script. pp.854.

The Acts chapters 1-9, translated by O. Scheuzger andD. Rulison. Pp.42.


Thessaloniano and the Epistles of John. Thexalonike(2 tsaab ntawv yohaa 3 tsaab ntawv). _

O.M.F. Chiensmai. 17 x 21.5':'/

I-II Thessalonians and 1-3 John, translated by O. Scheuzgerand D. Rulison. pp.16, 16.


Page 62: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

yonaa lu" moab nruab. ::'heGospel accorctin,;toJohn •••

.st. John, translated by O. Scheuz~er and D. Rulison.Pp.91.


•••'fheActs of the A~-,ostles•••O.11.F. Chi2~~ai. 34.5 x 21.5~


Spoken in the north of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam byMiaos who originally emigrated from China. Editionsto 1967 are in generally roman script, worked out inLaos by G. Linwood Barney, C.M.A., Fr. Bertrais, andW. Smalley, C.M.A. (later A.B.S.). From 1967 bothThai and Lao character are used.

yoha Ii tsab ntawy Ius hmoob dawb ..•The firstEpistle of John in the White Hiao dialect ofThailand •••.

Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Chiengmai.

I John, translated by Ernest.Heim\::e,ch'and DorisWhitelock, O.M.F., and Ying. Mimeographed on oneside of the page only. Pp.20.

'\038(A. B.S. )

malako Ius hmoob dawb ••.• The Gospel according toMark. White 14iao Dialect, Thailand ••.•

O.14.F. Chiengmai. 17 x 21.5.J

St. Mark, trans12ted by E. Heimbach, D. Whitelockand Ying. Mimeographed. Pp.71.


yexu khito Ii txojlus zoo uas tus thwjtim yauhasau Ius hmoob dawb ••••The Gospel According toJohn. White 14iao dialect, Thailand .•••

O.M.F. Chiengmai. 20.5 x 15.5._7

St. John,and Ying.

translated by E. Heimbach, D. WhitelockMimeographed. Pp.~01.

1040(A. B.S. )

1, 2 ~~exalDunike. 1,2,3,Chi::-n!fr.tai" 16 x 10.5 ..

Kala tj.a • Khsulau:;,:oi.C.I.M., a.H.F.

Gala tians, ColossiClns, I-II Thessalonians and I-III John,tronslated by E. Heimbach, D. Whitelock and YinC.Mimeographed. Pp.116.

Page 63: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

1970 (The Acts.)i-Bible Societies in Thai.lond and Laos. Eanr;kok.J 30 X1964 Chivkeeb (1-11). Ntsib lawm (Luke 15). Noj tus Tswv Ii mov.

(I Khauleethau 11) •••C.LM., O.M.L Chiengmai. 16 x 10.5. Translated by D. Whitelock. Mimeographed in Thai character.

Pp. 100.

Genesis 1-11, Luke 15, 1 Corinthians 11: 23-32 and BibleStories, translated by E. Heimbach, D. Whitelock and Ying.Mimeographed. Pp.97. 1970 (Romans.)

~Bible Societies in Thailand and Laos. Bangkok. 716.5 x i1.5.

1965 Yauha •.•Thailand Bible House. Bangkok. 18.5 x 13.5.

Translated by D. Whitelock. Mimeographed in Thai character.Pp.91.

St. John, translated by E. Heimbach and corrected froman earlier mimeographed edition. Illustrated. Pp.155.

(Galatians end I-II Thessaloniafis.)[-Bible Societies in Thail~ld and Laos.

Mas Tais Ntawv Moo Zoo.Vientiane. 21 x 16.

St. Matthew, translated by Roman Catholic missionaries.Mimeographed •. Pp.117_

Translated by D. Whitelock.character. Pp.54.

1970 (I Timothy-PLilemon.)[-Bible Societies in Thailand ~ld Laos.

Translated by D. Whitelock.ter. Pp.52.(St. Mark.)

(Bible Societies in Thailand and Laos.) LBa."'lgkO~.J25.5 x 1 .

Translated by D. Whitelock, assisted by pastors, Bible Schools~ude~ts and.C.M.A. missionaries in Laos. A diglot withMlao ln Thal Character (large type), and Laotian in smDIItype at foot of page. Illustrated, pp.162.

1970 (James-Jude.)~Bible Societies in Thailand and Laos.

Translated by D. Whitelock.character. P2.101.

(St. Mark.)(Bible Societies in Thailand and Laos.) [Bangkot·J

21 x 1 .5.

Bangkok.J16 x 21.

~angkok.J1 x 21.

Bangkok.J16.5 x 21.

Translated by D. Whitelock assisted by pastors, Bible School"tudents and missionaries in Laos. A diglot with Miao inThai character a~d ThP.itext, not evenly paged. Illustrated,pp.196.

The BH Library has a copy of the Sermon on thp Mount andParables, translated by D. Whitelock. Mimeographed inThai character by [".:BibleSocieties in 'rhailandand Laos,Bar.gkok.J Pp.53.

1969 (Literacy Cards Series A1-L and Bl-4 (F).)S.G.I1. London. 20.5 x 12.5.

1971 (I Corinthian:>.)[-Bible SocietiiO'sin Thailand and Laos.

E>:tractsfrom St. Mork, translRted by Leono Bair, O.N.F., anda cOtr.mittee. Ser;es A each pJ-l.2:series Beach pp.lt.Ro,~anscript.

Translated by D •.Vlhitelock.character. Pp.91.

Br~kOk.J1 >.j X 21.

Page 64: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

A Tibeto-Burman langua[;e, closely related to Lolo and spoke'lliD' north west Yunnan.

1932 CSt. Mnrk.)B.F.B.S.

Translated by Elise Schapten, Dutch Protestant N.S •.Pollard script. Pp.139.

Nosu is spokerl in south west Szechwon province andsouthward into L:]os "nu Vietnam. Th" NOGU arecalled Lolo, and "re linguisticolly rel",tod to theother Lolo groups of Yunnan ond K\<eiohow. Nosu isa-Tibeto-Burman language_

1923 (St. Luke.)B.F.B.S.

1926 (Acts.)B.F.B.S.

Translat"d by G. Porteous. Uniform with No. 1056.Pp.200.

(The New Testament.)Chin" Bible House. ~Shanghai.-7 19 x 13.5.

Translated by G. Porteous. pp.869.

Page 65: Chinese Dialect Versions BFBS Catalogue

The Chinese Shans live in south west Yunnan province, China,though SO~e are found in north Burma. They are known asEastern, or Tayok, Shans. The Tayok dialect is related toBurmese Shan.

The principal language of the island ~Tai~ainese) isderived .from tLe Amoy Chinese dialect alhtough ~t d~ffers from thatdialect in several ways. In addition there are a number of otherlanguages found in the island. 17th century Dutch missionariestranslated two Gcspels, into an aboriginal language (now ext~nc t)which they called "Formosan". Languages in current use includeKuoyu (spoken by about 1.5 million); some Hakkaj and var~ous.indigenous Malay-stocK languages e.g. Am~s, Bunun, Pa~wan, Sed~q,Tayal and Yami spoken by about 200,000.

(St. Mark.)B.F.B.S.

Translated by E. Johansson, Swedish Free Mission, assistedby Kong, a Yunnanese Shan. A photographic reproduction fromthe original MS. Pp.63.

A Tai dialect spoken in the Ya and Chung districts ofthe Yuankiang area of south-central Yunnan province.

1922 •••Mat!hew in Qolloquial Ya and Chung, Southern China./.. ~ •...I (Chiengmai.) 20 x 11.5.

Translated by Belle E. Dodd, A.P.M.200 copies printed at A.P.M. press. Laotian character.

