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Chronicling America...J Sflta Wlttdittjj 1111 JntclKqcnrir. I "rTjnr"n» .ir/'.TeTO. lorn *HEfclWft...

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J Sflta Wlttdittjj 1111 JntclKqcnrir. I "rTjnr"n» .ir/'.TeTO. lorn ^ * HEfclWft VA- **'UAt tTOTEMBEB 2, 1688. Y0LPME XXXVII-JUJMBEIi <8.~ Muted. thiT silly fraud story About Sccrct Republican Orgaulzitl ions in Itraxton County Exploded. AfllJavlt that Nails a Falsehood which was l'ujmshed I'or an Obvious Purpose. A PROTECTION VICTORY Is .Ism red in West Ylrginla if i'rotiictiouists Stand hy Tlioir Colors. Toters Warned to Keep Their Weather Eyes Open at a Critical Time. .1 ltoorlwi li of tlio Free Traders Publislicil u Hitj Too Soon llccoines a IJoouicraiig.The Democratlc Cry of "Stop Thief," is only a Blind. The West Virgiuos who believe in a Protective Tariff and desire that the voice of this State shall be so recorded should understand fully what the situation is. The poll of each party shows that u majority of the voters of West Virginia are on the Hide of Protection. This means thsit the State is lost to the party of Free Trade unless the managers of that organization can recover it between now and next Tuesday. They have no hope of accomplishing anything by argument.that efl'ort has exhausted and proved futile. The Lost Cause of the Freo Trade party covers everything in the State. The State ticket is gone, the Legislature and three if not all four of the Congressmen. This is the word that has reached Democratic headquarters, and this is the word that lias spread panic through the Free Trade ranks. This is what induced the leaders to make the urgent appeals which have brought into the State money to be used at the last hour in the hope of recoverI fag the lost ground. To juake sure of a careful distribution of the funds, Federal ollice-huldere, some of them residents of the State and some of them from other .States, have boon relieved of their public duties to go on missionary tours into the interior, carrying the money in their gripsacks, generally split up into convenient $2 bills. In other cases lump sums have been sent. Within a few days n man professing to have been n Republican has been sent to Charleston with $300 understood to be intended for use on the head of the State ticket. The Istklliukxcmi has the name of this as of other envoys extraordinary who have been sent on this business. Men are to be employed to remain away from the polls where thoy cannot be bought oughtright to vote the Free Trade ticket. Other men aro to bo bought, if they can be, with the cheaper circulating medium of promises, of which tbereisan abundance in the treasury. The promises of Government employment made in Wheeling ulonu could not I*' kept if West Virginia were to get ten times her share of the National spoils. Not one of these promissory notes will bo worth a cent alter election day. But the $- bills are good all the time, and these are the main reliance to hold in line a State which is proudly called Democratic. If Protectionists are in earnest they will watch every poll, get out every vote, Bee that it goes in as the voter intends and is counted as it is polled. _I( every Protectionist vote in the Stato goes into the ballot box and is counted as it is polled, tlio boodlo scheme will be thwarted. A VMjSEUOOD PROMPTLY NAILED. Thiu Aftlilnvit from Ilraxton County In Y®*-J lertL-i)'* UrglNter" Contradicted on" Oath by ii KnimtiibUi Cltiion.McDonnell Cnrp«iitcr Acknowlodg®* got lloodle frum DniioeriilH, but will Vole nil (tight. SfiKid Dltpateh to the InUUioctctr. Weston, \V. Va., Nov. 1..After seeing the JfrpwfT4* "Fraud" article in toJay's papur, your correspondent met two gentloraen from tho counties of Webster and Braxton, Messrs. W. S. lingle, of Replete, Webster county, and John M. Marple, one of the most prominent citizens of Holly River, Braxton county, and asked them concerning the statements of McDonnell Carpenter. They both denounced it as a tissue of falsehoods and a campaign dodge. They ®ay they are acquainted with the facts in the case, and Mr. Lingle especially *>. aa ho is a member of tho same club that Carpenter is. Tho matter looks npoa its face as one of the Democracy's last resorts prior to tho election. Below is tho sworn statement of Mr. Ltngle and a certificate from Mr. Marple M lohis veracity: Slate of Wat rirtftnfd, Leteti County, (o-tcti: W.S. Liogle this day personally appeared before me, J. M. ilayden, a Justice oi the Peace, of llackers Creek district» in Lewis county, and State afore "u«l. After being first duly sworn, upon his oath ho said: I am a member of too Harrison and Morton club of Hack* Valley, in tho county of Webster, meet regularly with tho Republican clubof Old lack Hun, of which McDonCarpenter is a member. Attianl further swears that ho was present a1 the meeting of tho club of 01(1 Lick Run *hich Carpenter alludes in bis state toetu' in the JUijiMer of November Island Democrats were present and ono o them iu*,U' a speech; also, that as far at any precaution as to secrecy is concerned it in without foundation, and neve burred; in fact said club has neve a secret session since its organixa tion. The only constitution and bylaws signed by any member of said club, Old Liclc, is the same as was printed in the IsTBLuaEKcxa as a lorm in lieu oi the failure of the National Leaguo to furnish copies to the ciubo throughout the State, and there was nothing as to the meetings to be held the night before the election at John M. Marple's and Silas Morrison's. Affiant further swears that the statcmentaof Carpenter in regard to the placing of meu at the palls ami tho purchasing of votes, etc., are a tissue of falsehoods throughout; and the affiant further Bweani that C. Lough says that Carpenter admitted to him that "he got the boodlo but would vnto nil riuhL" [Signed] w. 8. Linole. .Subscribed and nworn to before me this the first day of November, 1888. [Signed] J. M. Hatdxx, Justice. State oj Wat Virginia, county of Iticlt, to-wlt: After being duly swem, upon his oath John M. Marple says that heia acquainted with W. S. Lingle and can vouch for his truth and veracity. (Signed) Jno. M. Maui'le. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the fir*t day of November, 1888. (Signed) J. M. Ha yobs, J ustice. The originals of the al>ove documents are in possession of the Intelligencer's correspondent. GOFPS MAUXlFlChXl' CAMPAIGN. HoSeU Latvia County on Pirn With hi« KIo. <iuencc. \ tiruutl OvjitLiuat WcHtou.On to Jluckluuinou. Sixclal Vitimlch to the Intdlifjencer. Westo.v, w. Va., Nov. 1..Long before the arrival of the 10:10 a. m. train a great multitude assembled with brass bands and flyiug banners at tho Clarksburg, Weston & Glenviile depot, to meet General Goff, and the coach in which ho sat was filled by people, when it stopped on the grado beyond tho depot. He was compelled to speak in open air as the Opera House would not accommodate one-sixth of his audience. A stand was erected on the burnt district und some one remarked that they had to burn down part of the town to give his hearers room. lie spoke for two hours and the audience up to the hist crowded more closely to tho platform, which was endangered by the crowd, whereupou General Golf remarked that their weight might crush this platform, but enough men cannot be placed upon the platform of the Republican party to endanger it. It is estimated that there was fully 2,000 people present, this ueing tho lurgost political assemblage ever held in Weston. He was cheered to tho echo at frequent intervals from the time that ho took the stage until he closed. All tho seats pro- > » Ux. ln.li.,0 .,.,i »,. VIUl'U HUtC UVUUJIIGU I!J Ittuiuo uuu «uu hrndreds who drank iii his wisdom and eioquenco did not show fatigue from standing in the hot sun. J^ewis will givo a respectable majority forGen. Goff. A great number of Democrats called at his room aud pledged him theirsupport. He will bo accompanied to Buckhannon to-morrow by a largo delegation and the Weston Republican Cornet Band. EXCUUKAUIXU KKroTO Republican Meeting* Aoroitit the Mountain*.The Good Work by Republican Speakers. Spcclal Corrcfpondctwe of the InUUlgatecr, Maysvillb, Oct. 21) .The campaign in this section of West Virginia is, despite the inclemency of the weather, the most enthusiastic ever known. Meetings are daily and nightly being held in all parts of Hampshire, Hardy, Grant and Pendleton counties. At overy meeting crowds attend. Mrs. Jennie McClurkins, in favor of the Prohibitory amendment, spoke here to a very large meeting Sunday afternoon. .She radically disagreed with Col. Thomas It. Carskadon on the duties of Prohibitionists. She wisely said sue not advocate any political party. Democrats as well as Republicans could and should vote as they pleased on partisan matters, but hoped nil would vote lor her cause. Hou. George C. Sturgisa is in Hardy county this week awakening the echoes in his able manner. Mr. Thomas H. B. Staggers arrived here this morning from his campaign on the West Virginia Central railroad. Tiu spoke this afternoon at Burgess and to-night at tho Court House to the largest meeting of the campaign, except tho meeting had by Gen. Gotf. Fully 500 voters and many ladies greeted the speaker, and the utmost enthusiasm was manifested. Mr. Staggers has traveled nearly 200 miles and mado seven speeches since Thursday morning last. A considerable portion of this was through mud and rain in a buggy and on horseback. Republican meetings will be held at Williamsportanu Beymourvuie tomorrow, and at Petersburg and Lahmansi viUe next day. Hon. William L. Wilson is advertised for the South Branch Valley during the present week. Tho cause of Protection is gaining ground hero with amazing rapidity. The lumbermen along tho West Virginia Central, tho wool men of the interior and the coal miners at £Ik Garden are n practical unit for Harrison, Morton and Flick. General Goff will receive a large vote from the Democrats of this section who admire his straightforwardness in this campaign. Governor I'lcrpolnt to Colored Voters. Special Ditpatch to the IntelUocnccr. Fairmont, W. Va., Nov. 1..Er-Govnor Pierpoint made a ringing speech tonight to the colored voters of this vicinity. There was a large attendance of both colored and white voters. Judge King, of Ohio, and the Hon. W. P. Hubbard speak here to-morrow night JUDGE FLEMING AT GRAFTON. He Indulge* In the Purrot Cry "The Tariff U n Tax" to a Large Aiulltmco.Ouo of Gortnnu's Hiiatlem With lllm. Special Ditpalch to the Intelligencer. Grafton, W. Va., Nov- 1..Judge Fleming, Democratic candidate (or Governor, and Thomas C. Weeks, of Baltimore, spoke In tlio court house here last night, to an audience of about two-think Democrats and one-third Republicans. As tho Judge has been speaking in too "interior, nis ucarere hero have now tlio opportunity of knowing tor themselves the character o( the speeches he has been making, and may also compare him as a candidate for Gubernatorial honors with General Goff, who most people here know, and have heard speak. Judge Flemings ap' pearance hero to-night will certainly re- suit in good to tlic republican ticket, Ho devoted tho hour anil a half of bis speech to a discussion of the tarifi question and endeavored to make the iraprcs' sion that the people were burdened and 1 groaning uuder a high tariff tax. "Why,'"mid he, "the tariff is equal ton tax of all dollars on every inhabitant ol the United States. It is a robber tax, and this iniquitous Republican party U I responsible (or it all." In the next i breath ho exclaimed: "We are callo<! free traders. Wo are not free traders, we proposo a reduction ot only 6 pei r cent in the present rates," and whict ' according to tho Judgu's own argument P would still leave tho people groaning under a tax of $5 75 per capita. After bis labored and disconnected speech, Chairman Martin introducejliilheHon. Thomas A. Weeks" with the remark that4'All's well that ends well." Thomas at once launched out into an eulogy of Cleveland and wound up with the most virulent abuse of the Republican party. He referred to Grant and Hayes and charged them as well as the Republican party with being thieves and robbers: that they had stolen the earth; had stolen the navy; and that thero was no crime too great for them to commit. Ho frankly admitted that he knew nothing about the tariff, and said he realized that his audience was better informed on that question than himself. His sole and only miasion seemed to be the abuse of the Republican p«rty. The record of Weeks is that he is emI ployed in Bultiiuore in a public oilice and has the odor of McClellan's Alley clinging to his garments, for he was one of the prime movers in counting out J. Morris Harrison, of iiultimore, in 1884. lie spoke for over an hour. Mr. Hubbard in IVebnU-r County. Special DUixitch to the Int&Uocncer. Webster C. H., W. Va., Nov. 1.. Hon. W. P. Hubbard, Republican cauI ilidntn ftr flin nll'wn nf Atirtrnov (tpnnrnl. was hero to-day, according to appointment, and made a very able and telling speech upon tho tariff issue. A large and profoundly attentive audience greeted Mr. Hubbaj\l. Ilia visit and speech will do much to promote tho Republican cause in this county. State Senator Morrison and Mr. Bowers were both here and made speeches. Mr. Hubbard speaks, very liooefully of Republican success in the State, snd thinks the National ticket will be elected. Judge Jncktou .tlnkm n Murvelou* Speech. Hfacial Ui*iKitch to the-Inldliycnctr. Point Pheasant, \V. Va., "Nov. 1..J. M. Jackson and Senator Kenna spoke in the Rink here this afternoon to 500 people. Judge Jackson's speech was a marvel." lie attacked tho tariff and in two sentences is his whole speech. "Look what the tariff has done lor Jay r.n,,1.1 ..«! " it-no mm the other was, "Whoever heard of a tramp before there was a protective tariff?" He made a piteous plea for the soldier vote, which is sadly against him in this county. John E. Kenna's speech was his old one. WILLlA.il L. SCO IT, ono of tlio authors of the Hills bill and President Cleveland's chief adviser and Free Trade cliumpion, refuses to pay his miners the five cents per ton advance agreed upon by the operators at the Columbus convention. Ho is the only operator who holds out against the scale. I * J Ih it Timoott? Special DUpateh tu the MclHyaiecr. ( Charleston, W. Va.'Nov. 1..The State authorities this morning received a telegram from Loch Laird, Virginia, an- nouncing that a man had been arrested at that point hist night, who answers closely to the description of Toscott, the supposed murderer of Snell, the Chicago millionaire. Ho speaks freely of the Ryan murder in Roane county, and it is *i..1 1.:.... lliwu^llb UO UJUjr nuuit ouuiuvuiug about it. MAY MEAN' A Mi STIilKIl Kanawha Mluer* %V111 Auk lor tho Same WtitfeN Puld In the Plttaburgh ilcglon. Pirrsuunuii, Pa., Nov. 1..Joseph Muise, of National District Assembly 135, who was delegated by the miners to visit the Kanawha region and get the miners there to make an effort to secure the same wages that are paid here, and thus enable the Pittsburgh operators to go into the Southern markets with equal advantages with the Kanawha operators, returned home to-day and made his re- port before National District Assembly 135. Ho says tho Kanawha miners are in favor of such a move and will co-op- erato with the Pittsburgh men. i Fire I,ari<li«* am! Uotlftgo Boy* in a Riot. Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 1..A serious dis- turbance occurred on the campus of Dickinson's College last night between tho students of tho collego and the flro department of this city. During the evening the students arranged to paint the city red and tore away the puling fenco which surrounded the college proper, placing it in a pit with other rubbish, to which they applied a match aud caused tho entire firt) department to respond. When the firemen reached the campus it was dis- covered that it was a Hallow E'en bon flri', which so enraged the firemen that they turned the hose on the students. Stones were thrown from both sides, resulting in at least a dozen injured, some severely. Mayor Carman has issued warrants aud several arrests will bo made. A Sad Kmlltitf to u Target Practice. Chicago,, Nov. 1..A sad accident occurred at the riile range at Highland yesterday. Company F, of the First Regiment, was at target practico. Several shots had been ffred without being marked, when one of tho men was sent to find out what was the matter. On reaching the rifle butts ho was horrified to find that one of shots had struck the marker, a young boy named Bolde, killing him instantly. Contrary to orders the boy was standing behind the target when a bullet struck the round axis about two or three feet above him, and glanced down, entering his left breast, guiiiiug; uiu lunci The parents of the dead boy exonerate tho members of Company F from all blame in the matter, it being an unavoidable accident. Seven Thou*nmt Dwllur* for u ISroktn Arm. Kansas City,Mo.,Nov.l..Miss Jennie Quick, formerly a sewing girl in the employ of Lewis Naylor, a dry goods dealer, was awaided $7,000 against him to-day. Some months ago Naylor tendered her a cheek in payment for her services. She wanted cash, and in the quarrel which ensued, Naylor ejected the girl, who ia only 17 years of age. Her arm was broken and she sued (or $10,000 damages. To-day the jury returned a verdict for $7,000, after ten minutes deliberation. Flr«<l Into a Itepubllcnn Train. Wabasii, Ind., Nov. 1..When the passenger train from tho west on the Wabash, duo here in the evening, was nearing the station in this city last night, some unknown person fired a revolver into a car which was crowded with men and women returning from tho Peru Kepubltam demonstration. Tho bullet shattered the gla«H iu one of llin Ananloifl nnil PPIfl'il tli»» faf>OH nf turn Huntington gcntleuun. Thopa&ongera wore panic stricken. A IDC rH«e *1«l« Arrongud. 64 s Fkascisco, No*. 1..Articles of agreement were signed at the rooms of the California Athletic Club lastevening lor a fight on November 27, between r John A. Hovlin.of Boston, and Tommy 1 Warren, of this city, featherweights, for , a purse of $1,000, the loser to receive [ $230 for expenses. ON A SHE_TEil Hang all the Hopes of the Dem ocratic Managers. NEW YORK IS A CONE STATE Local Democratic Factional Fljjlit will Reduce the Majority in the City to as.OUU-Bricc's Committee Feeling very Blue. Spccial Dlipaleh to the InUliigatcer, New Youk City, Nov. 1..Tlio resul of the voting in thin State next Tuesda; will largely depend upon the Democrat! plurality in this city. The condition a a(lairs here on the Democratic side i much worse now than it was in '80, whei the Democratic majority was about 30, 000 for the Presidential ticket. Each of the factions aro-bending everj euurt ut evrry uueu w ocuum mv- duuhdi of their local candidates, and each side i willing to trade votes for the Republi can Nutional candidates for votes foi their local nominees. How much trad ing can be done is impossible exactly t( state, but skillful politicians estimate that on a probable vote of 275,000 ai least 15,000 Democratic votes can be successfully traded. This would mean a low of 30,000 in what otherwise would bti the Democratic plurality. Upon this basic that close observers calculate that tin Democratic plurality on the Presidential ticket will not vary" much from :15,000 If this calculation be correct it would imply the certain defeat of the Democratic ticket in the State, as there is no probability of the Republicans coining to the Harlem river with a plurality ol less than 00,000 It is now known and openly stated that the administration is supporting the rammuny ticket. Cleveland don't like Hewitt, and although he is under the Jeepest obligations, yet is evidently usinij his influence indirectly to secure liis defeat. All ot the Democratic officeholders in this city, irrespective of their former affiliations, are supporting the Pain many ticket. Where they got theii word from or how they got their word, no one knows,but a sudden change came over the spirit of their dreams after Cleveland left. The word has been passed around nnongthe several hundred of inspectors of wares, watchmen and clerks in liis department that Grant, the Tammany candidate, is the one for whom they should cast their votes. To-day three Republican Inspectors, whose uames cannot be given unless to sacrifice their heads, stated severally that they had got an intimation which they liad regarded virtually as an order to rapport the Tammany candidate. This thing is going on all through the custom house ami the appraisers stores. \ prominent politician said to-night: "I know about this matter. It seems to me to be the very height of political folly mil it is one reason why tnose who are familiar with the inside of the campaign ire looking forward to the announce(lient of the vote next Tuesday night with bluencss. It means that if the *cm*mc ue earned out uio county winDcracy men will have to resort to desperate tactics in order to hold their end up. "It shows the basis of ingratitude on the part of the President, for it was the county Democracy that brought about liis nomination at Chicago in 1884. i'here is nothing in politics except faith, und when a prominent man loses the faith of his party followers, he loses 11 bout all of the political capital he ban jot. "IIow far this open warfare, which means trading by the wholesale on election day, will reduce the vote on the electoral ticket. I cannot state. That is problematical.!' Another gentleman said to-night, "If vou rely upon, this city to carry thia State and thid'Statu decides the National contest in favor of the Democratic ticket then the jig is up. My only hopes for Cleveland's re-election is that we are goiu£ to cany, as Chairman Brice says he is going to carry. Suites like Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. I know this is a pretty small tag upon which to pan a political hope. I can only add that I am just now not hotting on a hope supported by such a slender thread." c. 11. TUB B00D1.K TliATS COMING IN. Fifty ThounaiKl Dollars of tl»o Free Trailer*' Money Now In Weit Virginia. And Till* 1m llrlco'g "Campaign of Intel' led." S)xctal DUpatch lo the Intelligencer. New York City, Nov. 1..The situation in the doubtful States is giving the Democratic National Committee a good deal of uneasiness and putting them to their trumps to concoct iresh schemes to overcome what tbey are certain from present indications, is certain to be fail round majorities against them. In this dilemma, as to details to effect a reversal of public sentiment, they have resorted to their old time general and sweeping policy of broad-cast dissemination o! boodle. An enormous corruption fund, it is now known, has been set asido foi use in Connecticut, New Jersey and » e8i v irginm. ii wuy can mev iiuuiiu to buy the States outright, so Jesperatt is the situation in which they find themselves. Iu the small .Suite of \v est Virginii even, fifty thousand dollars is to be rite bursedand the mouey is now in ttu State. Larger sums are in hand in Con necticut which Chairman Barnum hat promised to give to the Democrats ant in New Jersey, where there are Severn thousand votes that can be bought. 11 comes from the very best authority thai thin corruption fund amounts to naif i million dollars. Positive information ii received from Baltimore by the Itepub jican National committee that a gang o ninety Democratic toughs left that citj for Indiana last night. Senator Gor man's methods are to bo carried intc effect in the far West. In the Fourtt Viminla diatrict n mnn nnmnil Stlmnlum lias commenced operations with th( view of perpetrating frauds on the ballo box by means of tissue ballots ant illegal additions to the list of voters. c. n. College StqdenU Jailed. Ann Ardor, Mien., Nov. 1..A raobo about 200 Btudents celebrated liallov E'en last night in a manner which land cd three of them in jail. They first at tempted to break ui> » procession bu were unsuccessful. They next went to meeting where W. L. Putman, of Maine was speaking aud raised sa disturbance They were ejected. They then raisei 1 tedium in the streets until three of then were jailed. When the rest went in mob to the jail and tried to effect theii release they were unsuccessful. Iluttcr Sinkers Should Hewnre. Boston. Nov. 1..The butter colo which nearly all tho farmers use in in creasing tho yellow tint of their produc is aunato boiled in cotton seed oil. Th New England Farmer of this week pul lishe8 a letter from the Commissioner c internal Revenue with tho decision the such u mixture, though containing a extremely small amouut of the cottoi seed oil, comes within the letter of th statute defining oleomargarine. "Mile-JELsd" Crotchet has no equal. "J THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. J Thumrtuy, November 30r8«t Apart for tlie Annual Day of Prayer and ThaakaglvlnE. Washington, Nov. 1..The following is issued from the White House: A proclamation by the President of the United States: Constant Thanksgiving and gratitude are due from theJAmericon " people to Almighty God, for His goodness and mercy which have followed H them since the day He made them a nation and vouchsafed to them a free government. With loving kindness He has constantly led us in the way of prosperity and greatness. He has not visited witltpwift punishmentour shortcoming?, but with gracious care. He has warned t us of our dependence upon His forbearance and has taught us that obedience to Y His holy law in the price of a continuance V-I»n »>f«wnnQ i»5Uii In noltnnwloib. f uicnt of all that God lias done for us as a Nation, and to tho end that on an appointed day the united 1 prayers and praise of a grateful country may reach the throne of grace, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart ' Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of No& wraber instant, oa a day of Thanksgiving 3 apt! prayer, to be kept and observed throughout tho land. On that day lot all our people suspend their ordinary f work and occupations, and in the sccus* torned piano of worship with prayer and ) songs of praise render thanks to God > for all his mereies, for the abundant barI vests which have rewarded the toil of tho husbandmen during the year that has pussed, and for the rich rewards that have followed tho labors of our peoplo in their shops and their marts of trade and traffic. Let us give thanks for people and social order and contentment with- in our borders, and for our advancement in all,.,that adds to national greatness. And mindful of the afflictive dispensa- tinn witU which n oortion at our land ^ has been visited, let us, while we hum- hie ourselves before the power of God, ac- knowledge His mercy in setting bounds to the deadly march of pestilence, and t let our hearts be chastened by sym- ] pathy with our fellow countrymen who i have suffered and who mourn. And as t we return thanks for all the blessings J which we have received from our > Heavenly Father, let us not forget that 1 He has enjoined upon us charity, and 1 on this day of Thanksgiving let us gen- a erously remember the poor and needy, S so that our tribute of praise and grati- * tude may be acceptable in the sight of <tho Lord. n Done at tho City of Washington on tho c liret day oi JNovemuer, ejgntecn nun- c dred and eighty-eight.' anu in the year [ of independence of the United States the one hundred and thirteenth. In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and caused the seal of the United States to he affixed. [seal] Giioveii Cleveland. By the President. T. l'\ Bay Aim, Secretary of State. A DISGUSTING EXHIBITION. A Itrutnl ntid Moody J'rlzo Fight.An Accident to Ouo or tli« I'nrticliiaulH. New Yokk, Nov. 1..Tonuy Flannagnn, of Cincinnati, and Pete McCaho, of Albany, fought a desperate battle, lasting ten rounds, for u purse of $300 in the dining loom of a hotel at City Island. The battlo was witnessed by thirty club men, who paid §10 a head for the privilege. tflannagan was dcclurcd the victor at the close of the tenth round, after almost demolishing McCabe. An accideut occurred in the sixth round which might have terminated in the death of one of the principals. Mc, Cube, while being rubbed down, asked liis seconds for a drink of brandy. One of hi* attendants handed him n bottle contain# ammonia instead of the brandy bottle. McCabe raised the Btuff to bis month and took a swallow, lie sent up n yell and dropped to the lloor and rolled around in intense puin. Ou the call of time for the seventh round, McCabe was upon his feet and continued the light, although his face bore an agonizing look that told of the pain the fellow was enduring. McCabe is 22 years old, five feet six inches high and weigns ii'« pounus. riannngan is the same age, five feet six inches high and weighs 130 pounds. The lighting was of the hurrienne order and was bloody from the start to the finish, l'lannngan showered blow after blow on the faro and neck of his opponent, while in return he received terrible punishment about tbo cbestaud face. McCabe was awarded first blood and first knock-down in tho second round. The battle became so wicked toward the finish that many of the spectators turned their heads away to avoid the sickening uiirht. At the end of the battle Mc- Cube's left eye was completely closed and his right cheek bone was laid bare from a two-inch cut. Flannagan's facc was also a sorry sight, his face being badly swollen and bleeding. The fight which was one of the gamest on record, lasted forty minutes. A Serious Nltuntloii in Caiuwln. Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 1..The railp way situation has become so serious that a proclamation has been issued calling the Legislature together for the (llopltlCll III UUWUCN uu liutl'iuwi V. A v in not yet known just how the governI merit proposes to dual with the ease. It > is understood, however, that the princi pal object of tho meeting is to retaliate i upon the Canadiau Pacific for its action in the present case. It is believed that ! the Legislature will repeal taxation, ex emptions and pass legislation taxing the * company's property in the province to 1 the utmost that the law allows. The I line is taken that if the Canadian Pacific t willfully injureB the Province, the govt eminent is justified in using similar i weapons against it. tlmn.1 > lliif Hint. f Chicago, Nov. 1..At a late hour last [ night several of the new North Side > street railroad employes were engaged 1 in playing pool in a saloon at Clybourn 1 and Racine avenues, when they were ' attacked by a number of the old men, j- the latter uwing chairs and whatever else 1 came handy. Then revolvers were drawn, and a number of shots were fired, Conductor Gannett shooting a man named Monte in the leg. Monte had , previously attacked Gannett with achair. Monte, was taken to the Alexian Broth' ers Hospital, where it was found that a bullet had broken a bone. Gannett was - the only one arrested. Tho atloir created t a good deal of excitement in the neigha horhood, and for a time it looked as if t, there was going to be a big riot. i A Fatal Kxploilou In an Iron Mill. o Pittsburgh, Nov. 1..Shortly before B noon to-Jny an explosion ol hot metal ' occurred at the Sable iron works of Zag A Co., on Thirteenth street, killing a workman, George Smith, aged 28 years, r and seriously burning Joseph Klein, i. aged 50 years, bis son, aged about 15 years, anil John Zutro, aged 27 years. The elder Klein is so badly injured that 0 be will die. The men were employed " in the furnace department, ana were engaged in pouring the molten metal 't into a buggy, or car, when itaeddentn ally upset. U Decrease or tfao Debt. WAsniNOTO*, Not. 1..Tho decrease of the public debt for October is estimated at HOOO.OOO. In BLAH'S II SHOT. His Effective Sarcasm Directed at the Administration. THAT SACKVILLE LETTER And tlio Wicked Republican Conspirators who Set tlio Trap.Ho Unco a Democratic Paper to Point a Moral. Norwich, Conn., Nov. 1..Dwellers *1 1 -f _1,1 Vnnlrnn ju inu euaivru uuuui una utu »ounuv Comm on wealth took to themselves a holiday to hear James G. Blaine speak upon the issues of tho campaign in this town to-day. Mr. Blaine was escorted to Williams' Park, whero an audience of 25,000 had gathered. When the orator mounted the stand and presented himself at the rail he was cheered by the thousands. After discussing the tariff question, Mr. Blaine said: "I have here a speech by Mr. Bayard, Secretary of State. Mr. Bayard is a peculiar gentleman. [Laughter.] He is a gentleman of very high sentiment. In fact, there, is no body who Bpeaksthe English language so farm I know, since Joseph Surface, who has so tine sentiments as Mr. Bayard. [Laugh- [jr.] He clothes everything with senti- ' rncnt. But, aside from joking, Mr. Buy- f ard's speech is devoted to the wicked > conspiracy of Republicans (they have all taken that word. Mr. Thurman has ! taken that word).the wicked conspiracy i jf Iiepublicans that entrapped Lord Suck- fi grille into writing that letter ' [Applause.] And he calls down the ' wrath of the country upon these most wicked conspirators who got up the let- " er that Lord Sackville answered. Now f [ must say that Mr. Bayard puts himself t n a very peculiar position, because if hero were u wicked conspiracy of lead- c ng Republicans to entrap Lord Suck- <j riile into writing un imprudent etter, those conspirators ought to t lave been punished; but iu- I itcud of that ho punishes Lord u sackville. They acknowledge that they o vere not quick to do it, but after tea t lays, and after they had received advices *1 ind telegrams from all parts of the } :ountry, that if they did not start Lord * iuckville, the Irish vote would start. Laughter] theu Lord SackviUe had J ogo. It will bo an ugreeable thing in ' England, to Lord Salisbury, the Prime Minister, to know that President Clcve- v and's Administration deliberately a weighed Lord Sackville against t he Irish vote and started him. f Applause.] I have another paper * iere, speaking of conspiracies and t wicked things.tho World, which I beieve is counted u good Democratic or- I ;un. It is opposing Abrain Hewitt, and 1 his morning it reproduces the 'Moray < utter that was forged eight years ago ' Lgainst the lamented President Garlivid f ft hen he was the Kepublican candidate, md now the World is belaboring Mr. I Hewitt because he said it was a true let- 1 ;er and aided in putting the forgery into v rirculalion. That iB pretty amusing. ^ ;Laughter and applause.] I did not ex- c sect to live to pea the day when one sec- t :ionof the Democratic party would want o swear the responsibility of the Morey r etter upon the other. When the Dem- ^ )crats all get to exposing cach other that « nill be a terrible day. [Great applause.] « [f they do that the Republicans would * lot need to have stump speeches, or miss meetings; the election would carry ( >n itself. The Democratic party never f ias conducted the aU'airs of the country t with Great Britain with dignity £ >r with advantage to this country. t lever. We owe to the Democratic party 1 md to its bad diplomacy tho loss of t British Columbia. To the bad diplomacy i md tho surrender of the Democratic c aarty we owe the'reciprocity treaty of ( 1854, in which we got about one article i o forty as compared with the Canadians; r lie reciprocity treaty which was thirtyline degrees on one side, which was our jpponents, and one degree on our side. «re owe that to them. Now, when Gen. jrant was our President wo had the most embarassing, the most trying, the innut rluliniito nnualtnn in (liu urrwld ( to settle with Great Britain.the { question of the Alabama claims, rho Democratic party could uot have set- tlod those claims, but, gentlemen, Gen. 1 Girant'sadministration settled thcrn with peace between both countries, and with the mutual respect of both countries. rho Democratic party, in the first place, has blustered with Great Britaiu and then surrendered. The Republican party never blustered aud has never had any- thing to surrender. [Great applause.] Mother and Duiightar llurned. Wichita, Kans., Nov. 1..While Mrs. Sallie Sieble was burning brush near this city yesterday, her clothing caught fire. Her little daughter ran to her and her dress also took lire. Both were fatally burned. "Diuilol Uooue" To-n'lght. Peck & Fureman's "Daniel Boone, or On the Trail," will bo presented at the Opwra House this evening. It is an unique play given by an unique com- pany, and carries its own brass band and orchestra. The companv wfll give a parade at 11:30 a. m. to-day. The procession will start from the Opera House and go up Market to Tenth, down Tenth to Main, down Main to Sixteenth, up Sixteenth to Market, down Market to Twenty-first, down Twenty-first to Main, down Main to Twenty-fourth, up Twenty-fourth to Chanliue, up Chapline to Twenty-second, down Twenty-second to Market, up Market to Sixteenth, out Six .1. ... W.wwl It-UIHU W IIUUU, UJ» »WU Ml X'lilCVUIrU, down Fifteenth to Eolf, up KuiT to Fourteenth, down Fourteenth to the Opera House. Committed to Jnll. Tuesday evening one of the visitors from Pittsburgh named Charles Hoffman while passing down Main street noticed a horse and buggy standing in front of Mansfield's saloon. Georgo Majors, who had hired the vehicle, was in the saloon, and when he caiue out his t(luipi,ueu wua K,,uu* nuurouu uuu taken it, and he was not satisfied with enjoying a ride, but attempted to sell the outfit at several placet*. Yesterday tho horse and buggy were found in Bella! re, the former much damaged and the latter jaded from over driving. Hollman was arrested by Officer Uuu lap and taken before Squire Ahkle, who sent him to jail in default of $1,000 bail. Iter. Dr. Cuililnc Here. Ti,n r\.r^n. «>.<> vA» York Conference, appointed to the pastorate of the Fourth Street M. K. church of this city, in place of that popular man, the Rev. Dr. Randolph, transferred to the Conference from which Dr. Calling comes, and stationed at ButTalo, arrived in the city last evening. To-night the members of the church intend ^iviug him a hearty welcome and reception at the church, to which they invite the people of all denominations. TnE largest selections of Carpets at prices away under any house in the State. Stone & Thomas. Attend tho ball of the Windsor Ath* letic Society at Teutonia hall this evening. FOR WOKK1NGMEN. Do tliejr want a U*pr®»entative with aueh a ltfcord? Lut Evening'! Newt UUer. It may not be generally known among the workingmon of this county that Mr. A. D. Garden, one of 1he Democratic candidates for the Legislature, and who is posing as the warm and earnest friend of the workingman, voted for the passage of the miners' bill, which was known as Senate Bill No. 130, "A bill to regulate the working, ventilation and drainage of coal mines in this State, to provide for the appointment of mine inspectors, and to repeal chapter 70 of the acts of 1883," which measure contained the iniquitous conspiracy clause. The title of the bill conveys tbe im* pression that it is a very harmless meas- ure, not only that, but that it is wholly ( for tbe good and lasting welfare of the nmu wno worjcs id me mines, oomeoi J its provisions are beneficial to the miners, 1 but the conspiracy clause destroys what J benefits it insures to them. On page 580 * of the journal of the House of Delegates 1 will be found the full vote on the j)as- 1 sage of the bill, and among those voting 3 "aye" was Mr. A. D. Garden, of Ohio I county. Thoso absent on leave and not J voting were Messrs. N. E. Whitakerand I J. J. Woods. This is a matter of record f and not mere assertion. J Now for the conspiracy clause, for f which Mr. Garden voted, and which » tho Democratic Legislature made a part c A tho laws ot the State. It will be * found under the head of Chapter 50 of f the Acts of the Legislature, page 168, 1 jection 14. The clause reads: "Nor ' ihall any person or persons or corobi- ' lotion of persons by force, threats, v uenuce or intimidation of any kind, 11 prevent or attempt to prevent from ? vorking in or about any mine, any per- J1 ion or persons who have the lawful 11 ight to work in or about tho same and J4 vTjo desires to work." That was what Mr. Garden voted for M ind he now claims to be the special and P 'articular friend of the workingman and ** be zealous guardian of bis interests. P The penalty attached for auy violation c] if the foregoing provisions will be found tl n page 170 of the acts of 1887; it makes the CJ crime" a misdemeanor and, such person, J* he act says, "upon conviction, snail be « mnished by a fine of not less than $10 nor a uore than $100. In default of payment t] if such line and costs, for the space of tl en days, the defendant may, in the liscretion of the court, be imprisoned in he county jail for a period not exceed- c ng three months." And this was what Mr. Garden voted [>r, ami who now says he is the very dear riend of the laboring man. n Several miners in the Kanawha region " I'ere arrested under the provision of the j ct, but popular clamor was so great and he indignation of the community so " >rououneed that the prosecuting wit- tl U'tss failed to annear on thi* dav net for o< he trial and the miners were discharged. 0 Now let the workingman and the la- tl >orer consider what the Kepublican t< >arty, through its platform, adopted in \\ Charleston at the State convention of c Inguat 22,1888. pledges itself to per- ei orm. In regard to thw bill it save: tc "Whereas, Tho passagoof the Miners' u >111 by the Democratic Legislature of 887, containing the conspiracy feature, tl rus a direct blow at organized labor,and tl vaa passed with tho design and purpose h >f overawing those who are connected t< .1 rn.»i,..u "Jtoolvcd, That wo pledge Tour party to p opeal bo much of Chapter 00, of the tl lets of 1887, as refers to conspiracy, and r, ilso provide that the inspector shall bo Cl practical miner instead of a civil eugi- p leer, as is now required by law." d Isn't that plaiu enough? A.ud Mr. 0 Jarden, the "special and particular t| rieud of the workwoman," voted for p hat very measure which tho Republi:au party, through its representatives in he Legislature, is pledged to repeal. Ch'ere is food for reflection in these state- Y nents for the workingman. They are ncontrovertible facts, and not delusive, lap-trap, unsupported assertions. Mr. " harden, "the zealous guardian of tho ^ nteresta of the workingman," is on ecord. He cannot go behind it. u 0 + ii T11E HUh MHET1AU ti riio Ilncm on the State Fair Gronod Fin- | UUeri Yesterday. Tho two days' fall raco meeting on tlie J .rack of tho West Virginia State Fair e uid Exposition Association camo to n e :lose shortly before six o'clock lasteven- J ng. There was a larger crowd in at- j tendance than on the day before, and it c was their privilege to witness two warm- a ly gonteBtcd races. The first event on J Lue card was a pace for the 2:20 class, * with four nominations, all of which ® came to the score. The second heat was , about the liveliest and most interesting J af tho race. The summary is as follows: , ludso Lynch 113 4 1 Excelsior ^3 2 11 J Black Hurry 4 8 22 3] LJnclo Silo. 2 433 4 t Time.2:30K: 2:27)$; 2:31; 2:30}$; 2:31J<. j The second race was a 2:20 class trot, t This was also a five beat race and warm- 1 ly contested. By the time the last heat was finished it had grown so dark tho colors could scarcely he distinguished. Hie summary is as follows: , Frank P 12 2 11, Hurry Mlduight 2 112 2 2 Hob 3 6 3 3 3c loo Hooper 4 45 dli. Uraudxuotbcr - 5 3 4 dii. c Time.2.3UK, 2:33tf. 2:32.2:34,2:35. t Th« purses were $200 each. This c meeting was an enterprise gotten up bv e a few privato individuals not so much i for tho purpose of making money as to t afford some sport for themselves and < irienus auu any omens mm uugui. ueeiru j to attend. The meeting has been ] enough of a success to demonstrate that i if it had been given at any time but on t the eve of an exciting Presidential electing and been a little more judiciously talked up, it would have been a good paying enterprise. t A Nnwr Church Organ. * The St. John's German Independent * Protestant Church, at the corner of j Market and Seventeenth streets, of which < Rev. William Ulfert is pastor, has pur- i chased a new pipeorean from Roosevelt, the famous New York manufacturer. Professor Miller, sent out to set up the instrument, has been hero for two or c three weeks and has the organ about f ready to turn over to the congregation. The opening recital will probably take filace In about two weeks from now. The rame work of this new organ is the same as that that enclosed the old organ, but the interior.pipes, reeds, couplings and all.is new. The organ is guaranteed by the manufacturer to be the best and most complete in the city, next to the one in the Cathedral, whfoh was put in by the same manufacturer two or tbreo years ago. ' Cnrdinnl CJibbon* Coming to Wheeling. The Catholics of this vicinity are beginning to anticipate with great pleasure a visit that Iiis Eminence Cardinal Gib* bon» is to pay the city toward the latter part of this month. He will come hero for the special purpose of delivering a lecture for the benefit of tTie Church of the Irnmacculate Conception. It will be delivered at the Cathedral, and it Is nafe to predict that that large edifice will bo crowded to the very doors on that otvn-, inn fill i*i»nu r.tln.r than Put liriltnu will bo anxious to sec and hear this digtinguiahed prelate who has been so honored by the head of the church, and whose fame for culture and learning la ao wide snrenH CAPT. ABU Ml A Rhode Island Searcher for It is Partially Successful. HE FINDS BURIED WEALTH And While it is not Captain Kldd'e Treasure it was Hidden by a Pirate.A Story which Heads Like a Romance. Providence, R. I., Nov. 1..James If. Eddy, who has been digging for Captaip Kidd's treasurer, and who turned up in ron kettle full of Spanish silver coins m the beach adjoining his farm opposite tho summer resort Westport, ai ived home in Johnston yesterday with lis wealth. He denies tuas his grandather ever had anything to do with plates or that his father ever told him of he buried treasure. He said that two rears ago he became the possessor of a >iece of parchment that apparently had icrved as a drum head, and which had >een converted into a chart purporting o desciibe the location of three lots ol ....i ..I..,.i. iuucu onvcr buuuwci »aiuauico >idden by a pirate many years ugo. The ines were drawn as though with a sharpnod stick. On the chart were hree points designating the burial tlaces of the wealth. The start g place was a rock on Horse feck Point a wild piece of land. Vhen this parchment was found, Eddy nib confident it waa a va'uable docuaent. He determined that no one hould know of his plans, and without mparting a hint of what he wan about, ie begau operations at the place indicate!. He readily found the rock, but his ibors during the summer of 1887 rere not regarded. During the H«t summer ho continued his laore. He proceeded cautiously and fttientlv and worked his way in the Qurae directed and last Monday made be discovery. He declares it will be an isy matter to And the balance of tho ealth. The dates on the silver range oin 1760 to 1851, showing that it is not part of Capt. Kldd'n long sought reusure. Mr. Eddy will not tell his leory, bat says it is a pirate treasure. HOIVII STRIKES UEBJUJiV. oinment on tho Hackvlllo Inoldont and Our rrciideutiiil VmnpalK"* Berlin, Nov. 1..The National Zcilung% sferring to tho Sackvillo matter, gays: Tho frivolity with which international ifficulties are provoked by political lotions in the United States in order iat one party may snap up a few thouind votes from the other, is especially vident in the Sackvillo affair. After le Republicans had set a trap in order > catch the strikingly harmless Engsli Minister and to discredit Mr. leveland as a candidate of tho forigner, Mr. Cleveland himself is trying > cross this manouvre by an exaggera»d severity against tho iiritish Envoy. "This conduct appears comical from le fact that Cleveland does not leave lie British Government in doubt as to is aim. Tbo rage of party newspapers, >o, against Lord Sackville, is mere affec- ition. It is a peculiar characteristic of 'residential campaigns now-a-days that ley are carried on pretty quietly and espectably so far as home relations aro Diicerned, but that they continue to rovoke unpleasantness and noisy indents with foreign countries. This kind f thing is scarcely calculated to raise tie reputation of the trans-Atlantic Iieublic." CLEVELAND'S BLUSTER Chut ! Thought Over the Way.It was Only a Campaign Trick. London, Nov. 1..The Globe says: Unhappy for America in one sense, appily in another, tho character of ministerial and journalistic bluster durng an election is comprehended by poliicians of the saner sort better even han among the best informed persons icro. It is understood as a portion of a rent suam, wuicu eyeryuuuy ihicb hrough, but in which, nevertheless, iverybouy affects to believe. Whiehver party scolds England the loudest rill win. Lord Salisbury preserved Dngland's dignity by not indulging Mr. Javard's desire to hurry over whut is inly a niece of election strategy. As far a England is concerned, the. matter is >ver. Our only cause of shame is that hose we call cousins are capable of such hort sighted folly. Both of the leaders thosen work upon whatever antiSnglish feeling exists and bid for it by lompetition and bluster. If Mr. Cleveand is re-elected it will be as a FresU lent whose Secretary of State sent tho British Minister his passports and mapped his flHgere in the face of Downng Street. It will be a perilous characer ho will have earned, becauso it will lavo to be maintained." A D!dguat«<! MritUher. London, Nov. 1..-The&. James Gazette, eferring to tho action of the United >tat?s Government in the case of Lord tackvillo, says: "It would bo most creditable to English good senso if Secet&ry Bayard's insolence is treated with contempt. Tho American eaele is a icreechln'.let him screech. We are lot exactly prepared to send iron clads o Long Island because Mr. Bayard is mtrageously offensive. Respectable Americans, who stand in neither with fir. Cleveland nor Mr. Harrison, are learly as much disgusted with the affair is Englishmen are. King Georcn'it Annivernury. Atiiens, Nov. 1..The festivities yeserday in honor of the 25th anniversary >f King George's accession to the hrone were carried out on a grand icale. Tho weather was splendid. The >nilding8 of the city w6re profusely dectruted and the streets were thronged vith visitors. Exhibitor* fnka Notice. Paris, Nov. L.M. Le Grand, Minister >! Commerce, has informed the Cabinet hat the expenses of exhibitors in the exposition of 1888, will bo less than they were in the exposition of 1878. The siffcl tower built in connection with the exposition will bo finished in Jiinuurv. CnriUunl Nowiunn Ended. London, Nov. 1..The illness of Carlinal Newman is now reported to bo rery seriou*. He fell down, through weakness, while walking in his resi* lence recently, and knocked his head jgainat the wait. A Klug Dying. Tub Hague, Nov. 1..Condition of tlio King of the At berlands bus grown woree, and ia declared to be critical. hyrup of t If* la nature's own true laxative. It {a the moat canity taken, and the nioiit ollectivo remedy known to eleantm tlie eyHtem when bilioiiH or costive; to dfcgel headache*, colda, and fevera; to run- habituhI conatipation, indigestion, pdea, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig fcjyrup Company, San Francisco, OaU Sold by Logan & Co., Anton P. He88. K. B. Burt and C. Mcnkemeller. At Beliai., i «» * '
Page 1: Chronicling America...J Sflta Wlttdittjj 1111 JntclKqcnrir. I "rTjnr"n» .ir/'.TeTO. lorn *HEfclWft VA-**'UAt tTOTEMBEB2, 1688. Y0LPMEXXXVII-JUJMBEIi

J Sflta Wlttdittjj 1111 JntclKqcnrir.I "rTjnr"n» .ir/'.TeTO. lorn ^ * HEfclWft VA- **'UAt tTOTEMBEB 2,1688. Y0LPMEXXXVII-JUJMBEIi <8.~

Muted.thiT silly fraud story

About Sccrct Republican Orgaulzitlions in Itraxton County


AfllJavlt that Nails a Falsehoodwhich was l'ujmshed I'oran Obvious Purpose.

A PROTECTION VICTORYIs .Ismred in West Ylrginla if

i'rotiictiouists Stand hyTlioir Colors.

Toters Warned to Keep TheirWeather Eyes Open at a

Critical Time.

.1 ltoorlwi li of tlio Free Traders Publislicilu Hitj Too Soon llccoines

a IJoouicraiig.The DemocratlcCry of "Stop

Thief," is onlya Blind.

The West Virgiuos who believe in a

Protective Tariff and desire that thevoice of this State shall be so recordedshould understand fully what the situation

is. The poll of each party showsthat u majority of the voters of West Virginia

are on the Hide of Protection.This means thsit the State is lost to the

party of Free Trade unless the managersof that organization can recover it betweennow and next Tuesday. Theyhave no hope of accomplishing anythingby argument.that efl'ort has exhaustedand proved futile.The Lost Cause of the Freo Trade

party covers everything in the State.The State ticket is gone, the Legislatureand three if not all four of the Congressmen.

This is the word that has reachedDemocratic headquarters, and this is theword that lias spread panic through theFree Trade ranks.This is what induced the leaders to

make the urgent appeals which havebrought into the State money to be usedat the last hour in the hope of recoverIfag the lost ground. Tojuake sure of a

careful distribution of the funds, Federalollice-huldere, some of them residents ofthe State and some of them from other.States, have boon relieved of their publicduties to go on missionary tours intothe interior, carrying the money in theirgripsacks, generally split up into convenient$2 bills. In other cases lumpsums have been sent.Within a few days n man professing to

have been n Republican has been sentto Charleston with $300 understood to beintended for use on the head of theState ticket. The Istklliukxcmi hasthe name of this as of other envoys extraordinarywho have been sent on thisbusiness.Men are to be employed to remain

away from the polls where thoy cannotbe bought oughtright to vote the FreeTrade ticket. Other men aro to bobought, if they can be, with the cheapercirculating medium of promises, of whichtbereisan abundance in the treasury.The promises of Government employmentmade in Wheeling ulonu could notI*' kept if West Virginia were to get tentimes her share of the National spoils.Notone of these promissory notes will boworth a cent alter election day. But the$- bills are good all the time, and theseare the main reliance to hold in line a

State which is proudly called Democratic.If Protectionists are in earnest they

will watch every poll, get out every vote,Bee that it goes in as the voter intendsand is counted as it is polled. _I( everyProtectionist vote in the Stato goes intothe ballot box and is counted as it ispolled, tlio boodlo scheme will bethwarted.

A VMjSEUOOD PROMPTLY NAILED.Thiu Aftlilnvit from Ilraxton County In Y®*-J

lertL-i)'* UrglNter" Contradicted on"Oath by ii KnimtiibUi Cltiion.McDonnellCnrp«iitcr Acknowlodg®* !» got lloodlefrum DniioeriilH, but will Vole nil (tight.

SfiKid Dltpateh to the InUUioctctr.Weston, \V. Va., Nov. 1..After seeingthe JfrpwfT4* "Fraud" article in toJay'spapur, your correspondent met

two gentloraen from tho counties ofWebster and Braxton, Messrs. W. S.lingle, of Replete, Webster county, andJohn M. Marple, one of the most prominentcitizens of Holly River, Braxtoncounty, and asked them concerning thestatements of McDonnell Carpenter.They both denounced it as a tissue offalsehoods and a campaign dodge. They®ay they are acquainted with the factsin the case, and Mr. Lingle especially*>. aa ho is a member of tho same clubthat Carpenter is. Tho matter looksnpoa its face as one of the Democracy'slast resorts prior to tho election.Below is tho sworn statement of Mr.

Ltngle and a certificate from Mr. MarpleM lohis veracity:Slate of Wat rirtftnfd, Leteti County, (o-tcti:W.S. Liogle this day personally appearedbefore me, J. M. ilayden, a Justiceoi the Peace, of llackers Creek district»in Lewis county, and State afore

"u«l. After being first duly sworn, uponhis oath ho said: I am a member oftoo Harrison and Morton club of Hack*

Valley, in tho county of Webster,meet regularly with tho Republican

clubof Old lack Hun, of which McDonCarpenteris a member. Attianlfurther swears that ho was present a1the meeting of tho club of 01(1 Lick Run

*hich Carpenter alludes in bis statetoetu' in the JUijiMer of November IslandDemocrats were present and ono othem iu*,U' a speech; also, that as far at

any precaution as to secrecy is concernedit in without foundation, and neve

burred; in fact said club has nevea secret session since its organixa

tion. The only constitution and bylawssigned by any member of said club,Old Liclc, is the same as was printed inthe IsTBLuaEKcxa as a lorm in lieu oithe failure of the National Leaguo tofurnish copies to the ciubo throughoutthe State, and there was nothing as tothe meetings to be held the night beforethe election at John M. Marple'sand Silas Morrison's. Affiant furtherswears that the statcmentaof Carpenterin regard to the placing of meu at thepalls ami tho purchasing of votes, etc.,are a tissue of falsehoods throughout;and the affiant further Bweani that C.Lough says that Carpenter admitted tohim that "he got the boodlo but wouldvnto nil riuhL"[Signed] w. 8. Linole..Subscribed and nworn to before me

this the first day of November, 1888.[Signed] J. M. Hatdxx, Justice.

State oj Wat Virginia, county of Iticlt, to-wlt:After being duly swem, upon his oath

John M. Marple says that heia acquaintedwith W. S. Lingle and can vouch forhis truth and veracity.

(Signed) Jno. M. Maui'le.Subscribed and sworn to before me

this the fir*t day of November, 1888.(Signed) J. M. Hayobs, Justice.The originals of the al>ove documents

are in possession of the Intelligencer'scorrespondent.

GOFPS MAUXlFlChXl' CAMPAIGN.HoSeU Latvia County on Pirn With hi« KIo.<iuencc.\ tiruutl OvjitLiuat WcHtou.Onto Jluckluuinou.

Sixclal Vitimlch to the Intdlifjencer.Westo.v, w. Va., Nov. 1..Long beforethe arrival of the 10:10 a. m. train

a great multitude assembled with brassbands and flyiug banners at tho Clarksburg,Weston & Glenviile depot, to meetGeneral Goff, and the coach in whichho sat was filled by people, when itstopped on the grado beyond tho depot.He was compelled to speak in open airas the Opera House would not accommodateone-sixth of his audience. A standwas erected on the burnt district undsome one remarked that they had toburn down part of the town to give hishearers room. lie spoke for two hoursand the audience up to the hist crowdedmore closely to tho platform, whichwas endangered by the crowd,whereupou General Golf remarkedthat their weight might crush thisplatform, but enough men cannot beplaced upon the platform of the Republicanparty to endanger it. It is estimatedthat there was fully 2,000 peoplepresent, this ueing tho lurgost politicalassemblage ever held in Weston. Hewas cheered to tho echo at frequent intervalsfrom the time that ho took thestage until he closed. All tho seats pro-> » Ux. ln.li.,0 .,.,i »,.VIUl'U HUtC UVUUJIIGU I!J Ittuiuo uuu «uu

hrndreds who drank iii his wisdom andeioquenco did not show fatigue fromstanding in the hot sun. J^ewis willgivo a respectable majority forGen. Goff.A great number of Democrats called athis room aud pledged him theirsupport.He will bo accompanied to Buckhannonto-morrow by a largo delegation and theWeston Republican Cornet Band.

EXCUUKAUIXU KKroTORepublican Meeting* Aoroitit the Mountain*.TheGood Work by RepublicanSpeakers.

Spcclal Corrcfpondctwe of the InUUlgatecr,Maysvillb, Oct. 21) .The campaign in

this section of West Virginia is, despitethe inclemency of the weather, the mostenthusiastic ever known. Meetings are

daily and nightly being held in all partsof Hampshire, Hardy, Grant and Pendletoncounties. At overy meetingcrowds attend.Mrs. Jennie McClurkins, in favor of

the Prohibitory amendment, spoke hereto a very large meeting Sunday afternoon..She radically disagreed with Col.Thomas It. Carskadon on the duties ofProhibitionists. She wisely said sue notadvocate any political party. Democratsas well as Republicans could and shouldvote as they pleased on partisan matters,but hoped nil would vote lor her cause.Hou. George C. Sturgisa is in Hardy

county this week awakening the echoesin his able manner. Mr. Thomas H. B.Staggers arrived here this morning fromhis campaign on the West Virginia Centralrailroad. Tiu spoke this afternoonat Burgess and to-night at tho CourtHouse to the largest meeting of the campaign,except tho meeting had by Gen.Gotf. Fully 500 voters and many ladiesgreeted the speaker, and the utmost enthusiasmwas manifested. Mr. Staggershas traveled nearly 200 miles and madoseven speeches since Thursday morninglast. A considerable portion of this was

through mud and rain in a buggy and on

horseback. Republican meetings will beheld at Williamsportanu Beymourvuietomorrow,and at Petersburg and LahmansiviUe next day.Hon. William L. Wilson is advertised

for the South Branch Valley during thepresent week.Tho cause of Protection is gaining

ground hero with amazing rapidity. Thelumbermen along tho West VirginiaCentral, tho wool men of the interiorand the coal miners at £Ik Garden aren practical unit for Harrison, Morton andFlick. General Goff will receive a largevote from the Democrats of this sectionwho admire his straightforwardness inthis campaign.

Governor I'lcrpolnt to Colored Voters.Special Ditpatch to the IntelUocnccr.Fairmont, W. Va., Nov. 1..Er-GovnorPierpoint made a ringing speech tonightto the colored voters of this vicinity.

There was a large attendance ofboth colored and white voters. JudgeKing, of Ohio, and the Hon. W. P. Hubbardspeak here to-morrow night

JUDGE FLEMING AT GRAFTON.He Indulge* In the Purrot Cry "The TariffU n Tax" to a Large Aiulltmco.Ouo of

Gortnnu's Hiiatlem With lllm.Special Ditpalch to the Intelligencer.Grafton, W. Va., Nov- 1..Judge

Fleming, Democratic candidate (orGovernor, and Thomas C. Weeks, ofBaltimore, spoke In tlio court househere last night, to an audience of abouttwo-think Democrats and one-third Republicans.As tho Judge has beenspeaking in too "interior, nis ucarere

hero have now tlio opportunity of knowingtor themselves the character o( thespeeches he has been making, and mayalso compare him as a candidate forGubernatorial honors with GeneralGoff, who most people here know, andhave heard speak. Judge Flemings ap'pearance hero to-night will certainly re-suit in good to tlic republican ticket,Ho devoted tho hour anil a half of bisspeech to a discussion of the tarifi questionand endeavored to makethe iraprcs'sion that the people were burdened and

1 groaning uuder a high tariff tax."Why,'"mid he, "the tariff is equal tontax of all dollars on every inhabitant olthe United States. It is a robber tax,and this iniquitous Republican party U

I responsible (or it all." In the nexti breath ho exclaimed: "We are callo<!

free traders. Wo are not free traders,we proposo a reduction ot only 6 peir cent in the present rates," and whict

' according to tho Judgu's own argumentP would still leave tho people groaning

under a tax of $5 75 per capita. Afterbis labored and disconnected speech,Chairman Martin introducejliilheHon.Thomas A. Weeks" with the remarkthat4'All's well that ends well." Thomasat once launched out into an eulogy ofCleveland and wound up with the mostvirulent abuse of the Republican party.He referred to Grant and Hayes andcharged them as well as the Republicanparty with being thieves and robbers:that they had stolen the earth; hadstolen the navy; and that thero was nocrime too greatfor them to commit. Hofrankly admitted that he knew nothingabout the tariff, and said he realized thathis audience was better informed on thatquestion than himself. His sole andonly miasion seemed to be the abuse ofthe Republican p«rty.The record of Weeks is that he is emIployed in Bultiiuore in a public oilice

and has the odor of McClellan's Alleyclinging to his garments, for he was oneof the prime movers in counting out J.Morris Harrison, of iiultimore, in 1884.lie spoke for over an hour.

Mr. Hubbard in IVebnU-r County.Special DUixitch to the Int&Uocncer.Webster C. H., W. Va., Nov. 1..

Hon. W. P. Hubbard, Republican cauIilidntn ftr flin nll'wn nf Atirtrnov (tpnnrnl.was hero to-day, according to appointment,and made a very able and tellingspeech upon tho tariff issue. A largeand profoundly attentive audience greetedMr. Hubbaj\l. Ilia visit and speechwill do much to promote tho Republicancause in this county. State SenatorMorrison and Mr. Bowers were bothhere and made speeches. Mr. Hubbardspeaks, very liooefully of Republicansuccess in the State, snd thinks the Nationalticket will be elected.Judge Jncktou .tlnkm n Murvelou* Speech.Hfacial Ui*iKitch to the-Inldliycnctr.Point Pheasant, \V. Va., "Nov. 1..J.

M. Jackson and Senator Kenna spokein the Rink here this afternoon to 500

people. Judge Jackson's speech was amarvel." lie attacked tho tariffand in

two sentences is his whole speech."Look what the tariff has done lor Jayr.n,,1.1 ..«! " it-nomm

the other was, "Whoever heard of a

tramp before there was a protectivetariff?" He made a piteous plea for thesoldier vote, which is sadly against himin this county. John E. Kenna's speechwas his old one.

WILLlA.il L. SCO IT, ono oftlio authors of the Hills bill andPresident Cleveland's chief adviserand Free Trade cliumpion,refuses to pay his miners the fivecents per ton advance agreedupon by the operators at theColumbus convention. Ho is theonly operator who holds outagainst the scale. I

* JIh it Timoott?

Special DUpateh tu the MclHyaiecr. (

Charleston, W. Va.'Nov. 1..TheState authorities this morning received a

telegram from Loch Laird, Virginia, an-

nouncing that a man had been arrestedat that point hist night, who answersclosely to the description of Toscott, thesupposed murderer of Snell, the Chicagomillionaire. Ho speaks freely of theRyan murder in Roane county, and it is

*i..1 1.:....lliwu^llb UO UJUjr nuuit ouuiuvuiugabout it.

MAY MEAN' A Mi STIilKIlKanawha Mluer* %V111 Auk lor tho SameWtitfeN Puld In the Plttaburgh ilcglon.Pirrsuunuii, Pa., Nov. 1..Joseph

Muise, of National District Assembly135, who was delegated by the miners tovisit the Kanawha region and get theminers there to make an effort to secure

the same wages that are paid here, andthus enable the Pittsburgh operators to

go into the Southern markets with equaladvantages with the Kanawha operators,returned home to-day and made his re-

port before National District Assembly135. Ho says tho Kanawha miners arein favor of such a move and will co-op-erato with the Pittsburgh men.i

Fire I,ari<li«* am! Uotlftgo Boy* in a Riot.

Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 1..A serious dis-turbance occurred on the campus ofDickinson's College last night betweentho students of tho collego and the flrodepartment of this city. During theevening the students arranged to paintthe city red and tore away the pulingfenco which surrounded the collegeproper, placing it in a pit with otherrubbish, to which they applieda match aud caused tho entirefirt) department to respond. When thefiremen reached the campus it was dis-covered that it was a Hallow E'en bonflri', which so enraged the firemen thatthey turned the hose on the students.Stones were thrown from both sides, resultingin at least a dozen injured, someseverely. Mayor Carman has issuedwarrants aud several arrests will bomade.

A Sad Kmlltitf to u Target Practice.

Chicago,, Nov. 1..A sad accident occurredat the riile range at Highlandyesterday. Company F, of the FirstRegiment, was at target practico. Severalshots had been ffred without beingmarked, when one of tho men was sentto find out what was the matter. Onreaching the rifle butts ho was horrifiedto find that one of shots had struck themarker, a young boy named Bolde, killinghim instantly. Contrary to ordersthe boy was standing behind the targetwhen a bullet struck the round axisabout two or three feet above him, andglanced down, entering his left breast,guiiiiug; uiu lunci

The parents of the dead boy exoneratetho members of Company F from allblame in the matter, it being an unavoidableaccident.Seven Thou*nmt Dwllur* for u ISroktn Arm.

Kansas City,Mo.,Nov.l..MissJennieQuick, formerly a sewing girl in the employof Lewis Naylor, a dry goods dealer,was awaided $7,000 against him to-day.Some months ago Naylor tendered her acheek in payment for her services. Shewanted cash, and in the quarrel whichensued, Naylor ejected the girl, who iaonly 17 years of age. Her arm wasbroken and she sued (or $10,000 damages.To-day the jury returned a verdict for$7,000, after ten minutes deliberation.

Flr«<l Into a Itepubllcnn Train.Wabasii, Ind., Nov. 1..When the

passenger train from tho west on theWabash, duo here in the evening, was

nearing the station in this city lastnight, some unknown person fired a revolverinto a car which was crowdedwith men and women returning fromtho Peru Kepubltam demonstration.Tho bullet shattered the gla«H iu one ofllin Ananloifl nnil PPIfl'il tli»» faf>OH nf turn

Huntington gcntleuun. Thopa&ongerawore panic stricken.

A IDC rH«e *1«l« Arrongud.64 s Fkascisco, No*. 1..Articles of

agreement were signed at the rooms ofthe California Athletic Club lasteveninglor a fight on November 27, between

r John A. Hovlin.of Boston, and Tommy1 Warren, of this city, featherweights, for, a purse of $1,000, the loser to receive[ $230 for expenses.

ON A SHE_TEilHang all the Hopes of the Dem

ocratic Managers.NEW YORK IS A CONE STATE

Local Democratic Factional Fljjlitwill Reduce the Majority in the

City to as.OUU-Bricc's CommitteeFeeling very Blue.

Spccial Dlipaleh to the InUliigatcer,New Youk City, Nov. 1..Tlio resul

of the voting in thin State next Tuesda;will largely depend upon the Democrat!plurality in this city. The condition a

a(lairs here on the Democratic side imuch worse now than it was in '80, wheithe Democratic majority was about 30,000 for the Presidential ticket.Each of the factions aro-bending everj

euurt ut evrry uueu w ocuum mv- duuhdi

of their local candidates, and each side iwilling to trade votes for the Republican Nutional candidates for votes foitheir local nominees. How much trading can be done is impossible exactly t(

state, but skillful politicians estimatethat on a probable vote of 275,000 aileast 15,000 Democratic votes can be successfullytraded. This would mean a lowof 30,000 in what otherwise would btithe Democratic plurality. Upon this basicthat close observers calculate that tinDemocratic plurality on the Presidentialticket will not vary" much from :15,000If this calculation be correct it wouldimply the certain defeat of the Democraticticket in the State, as there is noprobability of the Republicans coiningto the Harlem river with a plurality olless than 00,000

It is now known and openly statedthat the administration is supporting therammuny ticket. Cleveland don't likeHewitt, and although he is under theJeepest obligations, yet is evidentlyusinij his influence indirectly to secureliis defeat. All ot the Democratic officeholdersin this city, irrespective of theirformer affiliations, are supporting thePainmany ticket. Where they got theiiword from or how they got their word,no one knows,but a sudden change cameover the spirit of their dreams after Clevelandleft.The word has been passed around

nnongthe several hundred of inspectorsof wares, watchmen and clerks inliis department that Grant, the Tammanycandidate, is the one for whomthey should cast their votes. To-daythree Republican Inspectors, whoseuames cannot be given unless to sacrificetheir heads, stated severally thatthey had got an intimation which theyliad regarded virtually as an order torapport the Tammany candidate.This thing is going on all through the

custom house ami the appraisers stores.\ prominent politician said to-night: "Iknow about this matter. Itseems to meto be the very height of political follymil it is one reason why tnose who arefamiliar with the inside of the campaignire looking forward to the announce(lientof the vote next Tuesday nightwith bluencss. It means that if the*cm*mc ue earned out uio county winDcracymen will have to resort to desperatetactics in order to hold their end up."It shows the basis of ingratitude on

the part of the President, for it was thecounty Democracy that brought aboutliis nomination at Chicago in 1884.i'here is nothing in politics except faith,und when a prominent man loses thefaith of his party followers, he loses11bout all of the political capital he banjot."IIow far this open warfare, which

means trading by the wholesale on electionday, will reduce the vote on theelectoral ticket. I cannot state. That isproblematical.!'Another gentleman said to-night, "If

vou rely upon, this city to carry thiaState and thid'Statu decides the Nationalcontest in favor of the Democratic ticketthen the jig is up. My only hopes forCleveland's re-election is that we are goiu£to cany, as Chairman Brice says he isgoing to carry. Suites like Michigan,Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Iknow this is a pretty small tag uponwhich to pan a political hope. I canonly add that I am just now not hottingon a hope supported by such a slenderthread." c. 11.

TUB B00D1.K TliATS COMING IN.Fifty ThounaiKl Dollars of tl»o FreeTrailer*' Money Now In Weit Virginia.And Till* 1m llrlco'g "Campaign of Intel'led."

S)xctal DUpatch lo the Intelligencer.New York City, Nov. 1..The situationin the doubtful States is giving the

Democratic National Committee a gooddeal of uneasiness and putting them totheir trumps to concoct iresh schemes toovercome what tbey are certain frompresent indications, is certain to be failround majorities against them. In thisdilemma, as to details to effect a reversalof public sentiment, they have resortedto their old time general and sweepingpolicy of broad-cast dissemination o!boodle. An enormous corruption fund,it is now known, has been set asido foiuse in Connecticut, New Jersey and» e8i v irginm. ii wuy can mev iiuuiiu

to buy the States outright, so Jesperattis the situation in which they find themselves.Iu thesmall .Suite of \v est Virginiieven, fifty thousand dollars is to be ritebursedand the mouey is now in ttuState. Larger sums are in hand in Connecticut which Chairman Barnum hatpromised to give to the Democrats antin New Jersey, where there are Severnthousand votes that can be bought. 11comes from the very best authority thaithin corruption fund amounts to naif imillion dollars. Positive information iireceived from Baltimore by the Itepubjican National committee that a gang o

ninety Democratic toughs left that citjfor Indiana last night. Senator Gorman's methods are to bo carried intceffect in the far West. In the FourttViminla diatrict n mnn nnmnil Stlmnlum

lias commenced operations with th(view of perpetrating frauds on the ballobox by means of tissue ballots antillegal additions to the list of voters.

c. n.

College StqdenU Jailed.Ann Ardor, Mien., Nov. 1..A raobo

about 200 Btudents celebrated liallovE'en last night in a manner which landcd three of them in jail. They first attempted to break ui> » procession buwere unsuccessful. They next went tomeeting where W. L. Putman, of Mainewas speaking aud raised sa disturbanceThey were ejected. They then raisei1tedium in the streets until three of thenwere jailed. When the rest went inmob to the jail and tried to effect theiirelease they were unsuccessful.

Iluttcr Sinkers Should Hewnre.Boston. Nov. 1..The butter colo

which nearly all tho farmers use in increasing tho yellow tint of their producis aunato boiled in cotton seed oil. ThNew England Farmer of this week pullishe8 a letter from the Commissioner c

internal Revenue with tho decision thesuch u mixture, though containing aextremely small amouut of the cottoiseed oil, comes within the letter of thstatute defining oleomargarine.

"Mile-JELsd" Crotchet has no equal.

"J THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION.J Thumrtuy, November 30r8«t Apart for tlie

Annual Day of Prayer and ThaakaglvlnE.Washington, Nov. 1..The following

is issued from the White House: A proclamationby the President of the UnitedStates: Constant Thanksgiving andgratitude are due from theJAmericon

" people to Almighty God, for His goodnessand mercy which have followedH them since the day He made them a nationand vouchsafed to them a free government.With loving kindness He has

constantly led us in the way of prosperityand greatness. He has not visitedwitltpwift punishmentour shortcoming?,but with gracious care. He has warned

t us of our dependence upon His forbearanceand has taught us that obedience toY His holy law in the price of a continuance>» V-I»n »>f«wnnQ i»5Uii In noltnnwloib.

f uicnt of all that God liasdone for us as a Nation, and to tho endthat on an appointed day the united

1 prayers and praise of a grateful countrymay reach the throne of grace, I, GroverCleveland, President of the UnitedStates, do hereby designate and set apart

' Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of No&wraber instant, oa a day of Thanksgiving3 apt! prayer, to be kept and observed

throughout tho land. On that day lotall our people suspend their ordinary

f work and occupations, and in the sccus*torned piano of worship with prayer and) songs of praise render thanks to God> for all his mereies, for the abundant barI

vests which have rewarded thetoil of tho husbandmen duringthe year that has pussed, andfor the rich rewards that havefollowed tho labors of our peoplo intheir shops and their marts of trade andtraffic. Let us give thanks for peopleand social order and contentment with-in our borders, and for our advancementin all,.,that adds to national greatness.And mindful of the afflictive dispensa-tinn witU which n oortion at our land ^

has been visited, let us, while we hum-hie ourselves before the power ofGod, ac-

knowledge His mercy in setting boundsto the deadly march of pestilence, and tlet our hearts be chastened by sym- ]pathy with our fellow countrymen who ihave suffered and who mourn. And as twe return thanks for all the blessings J

which we have received from our >

Heavenly Father, let us not forget that 1He has enjoined upon us charity, and 1on this day of Thanksgiving let us gen- a

erously remember the poor and needy, Sso that our tribute of praise and grati- *

tude may be acceptable in the sight of <thoLord. nDone at tho City of Washington on tho c

liret day oi JNovemuer, ejgntecn nun- c

dred and eighty-eight.' anu in the year [of independence of the United Statesthe one hundred and thirteenth. Inwitness whereof I have hereuntosigned my name and caused the sealof the United States to he affixed.

[seal] Giioveii Cleveland.By the President.T. l'\ BayAim, Secretary of State.

A DISGUSTING EXHIBITION.A Itrutnl ntid Moody J'rlzo Fight.An Accidentto Ouo or tli« I'nrticliiaulH.New Yokk, Nov. 1..Tonuy Flannagnn,of Cincinnati, and Pete McCaho, of

Albany, fought a desperate battle, lastingten rounds, for u purse of $300 in thedining loom of a hotel at City Island.The battlo was witnessed by thirty

club men, who paid §10 a head for theprivilege.tflannagan was dcclurcd the victor atthe close of the tenth round, after almostdemolishing McCabe.An accideut occurred in the sixth

round which might have terminated inthe death of one of the principals. Mc,Cube, while being rubbed down, askedliis seconds for a drink of brandy. Oneof hi* attendants handed him n bottlecontain# ammonia instead of the brandybottle. McCabe raised the Btuff to bismonth and took a swallow, lie sent upn yell and dropped to the lloor and rolledaround in intense puin.Ou the call of time for the seventh

round, McCabe was upon his feet andcontinued the light, although his facebore an agonizing look that told of thepain the fellow was enduring. McCabeis 22 years old, five feet six inches highand weigns ii'« pounus. riannngan isthe same age, five feet six inches highand weighs 130 pounds.The lighting was of the hurrienne

order and was bloody from the start tothe finish, l'lannngan showered blowafter blow on the faro and neck of hisopponent, while in return he receivedterrible punishment about tbo cbestaudface.McCabe was awarded first blood and

first knock-down in tho second round.The battle became so wicked toward thefinish that many of the spectators turnedtheir heads away to avoid the sickeninguiirht. At the end of the battle Mc-Cube's left eye was completely closedand his right cheek bone was laid barefrom a two-inch cut. Flannagan's faccwas also a sorry sight, his face beingbadly swollen and bleeding. The fightwhich was one of the gamest on record,lasted forty minutes.

A Serious Nltuntloii in Caiuwln.

Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 1..The railpway situation has become so seriousthat a proclamation has been issuedcalling the Legislature together for the(llopltlCll III UUWUCN uu liutl'iuwi V. A v

in not yet known just how the governImerit proposes to dual with the ease. It> is understood, however, that the princi

pal object of tho meeting is to retaliatei upon the Canadiau Pacific for its action

in the present case. It is believed that! the Legislature will repeal taxation, exemptions and pass legislation taxing the

* company's property in the province to1 the utmost that the law allows. TheI line is taken that if the Canadian Pacifict willfully injureB the Province, the govteminent is justified in using similari weapons against it.

tlmn.1 > lliif Hint.

f Chicago, Nov. 1..At a late hour last[ night several of the new North Side> street railroad employes were engaged1 in playing pool in a saloon at Clybourn1 and Racine avenues, when they were' attacked by a number of the old men,j- the latter uwing chairsand whatever else1 came handy. Then revolvers were

drawn, and a number of shots were fired,Conductor Gannett shooting a mannamed Monte in the leg. Monte had

, previously attacked Gannett with achair.Monte, was taken to the Alexian Broth'ers Hospital, where it was found that a

bullet had broken a bone. Gannett was- the only one arrested. Tho atloir createdt a good deal of excitement in the neighahorhood, and for a time it looked as ift, there was going to be a big riot.

i A Fatal Kxploilou In an Iron Mill.o Pittsburgh, Nov. 1..Shortly beforeB noon to-Jny an explosion ol hot metal' occurred at the Sable iron works of ZagA Co., on Thirteenth street, killing a

workman, George Smith, aged 28 years,r and seriously burning Joseph Klein,i. aged 50 years, bis son, aged about 15

years, anil John Zutro, aged 27 years.The elder Klein is so badly injured that

0 be will die. The men were employed" in the furnace department, ana were

engaged in pouring the molten metal't into a buggy, or car, when itaeddentnally upset.

U Decrease or tfao Debt.WAsniNOTO*, Not. 1..Tho decrease

of the public debt for October is estimatedat HOOO.OOO.

In BLAH'S II SHOT.His Effective Sarcasm Directed

at the Administration.


And tlio Wicked Republican Conspiratorswho Set tlio Trap.HoUnco a Democratic Paper to

Point a Moral.

Norwich, Conn., Nov. 1..Dwellers*1 -» 1 -f _1,1 Vnnlrnn

ju inu euaivru uuuui una utu »ounuv

Commonwealth took to themselves a

holiday to hear James G. Blaine speakupon the issues of tho campaign in thistown to-day.Mr. Blaine was escorted to Williams'

Park, whero an audience of 25,000 hadgathered. When the orator mountedthe stand and presented himself at therail he was cheered by the thousands.After discussing the tariff question, Mr.Blaine said: "I have here a speech byMr. Bayard, Secretary of State. Mr.Bayard is a peculiar gentleman. [Laughter.]He is a gentleman of very high sentiment.In fact, there, is no body whoBpeaksthe English language so farm Iknow, since Joseph Surface, who has sotine sentiments as Mr. Bayard. [Laugh-[jr.] He clothes everything with senti- 'rncnt. But, aside from joking, Mr. Buy- f

ard's speech is devoted to the wicked >

conspiracy of Republicans (they have alltaken that word. Mr. Thurman has !taken that word).the wicked conspiracy ijf Iiepublicans that entrapped Lord Suck- fi

grille into writing that letter '

[Applause.] And he calls down the '

wrath of the country upon these mostwicked conspirators who got up the let- "

er that Lord Sackville answered. Now f[ must say that Mr. Bayard puts himself tn a very peculiar position, because ifhero were u wicked conspiracy of lead- c

ng Republicans to entrap Lord Suck- <jriile into writing un imprudentetter, those conspirators ought to tlave been punished; but iu- Iitcud of that ho punishes Lord usackville. They acknowledge that they o

vere not quick to do it, but after tea tlays, and after they had received advices *1ind telegrams from all parts of the }:ountry, that if they did not start Lord *

iuckville, the Irish vote would start.Laughter] theu Lord SackviUe had Jogo. It will bo an ugreeable thing in '

England, to Lord Salisbury, the PrimeMinister, to know that President Clcve- vand's Administration deliberately a

weighed Lord Sackville against the Irish vote and started him. fApplause.] I have another paper *

iere, speaking of conspiracies and twicked things.tho World, which I beieveis counted u good Democratic or- I;un. It is opposing Abrain Hewitt, and 1his morning it reproduces the 'Moray <utter that was forged eight years ago '

Lgainst the lamented President Garlivid fft hen he was the Kepublican candidate,md now the World is belaboring Mr. IHewitt because he said it was a true let- 1;er and aided in putting the forgery into v

rirculalion. That iB pretty amusing. ^

;Laughter and applause.] I did not ex- csect to live to pea the day when one sec- t:ionof the Democratic party would wanto swear the responsibility of the Morey retter upon the other. When the Dem- ^

)crats all get to exposing cach other that «nill be a terrible day. [Great applause.] «[f they do that the Republicans would *lot need to have stump speeches, ormiss meetings; the election would carry (>n itself. The Democratic party never fias conducted the aU'airs of the country twith Great Britain with dignity £>r with advantage to this country. tlever. We owe to the Democratic party 1md to its bad diplomacy tho loss of tBritish Columbia. To the bad diplomacy imd tho surrender of the Democratic c

aarty we owe the'reciprocity treaty of (1854, in which we got about one article io forty ascompared with the Canadians; rlie reciprocity treaty which was thirtylinedegrees on one side, which was ourjpponents, and one degree on our side.

«reowe that to them. Now, when Gen.jrant was our President wo had themost embarassing, the most trying, theinnut rluliniito nnualtnn in (liu urrwld (

to settle with Great Britain.the {

question of the Alabama claims,rho Democratic party could uot have set-tlod those claims, but, gentlemen, Gen. 1

Girant'sadministration settled thcrn withpeace between both countries, and withthe mutual respect of both countries.rho Democratic party, in the first place,has blustered with Great Britaiu andthen surrendered. The Republican partynever blustered aud has never had any-thing to surrender. [Great applause.]

Mother and Duiightar llurned.

Wichita, Kans., Nov. 1..While Mrs.Sallie Sieble was burning brush near

this city yesterday, her clothing caughtfire. Her little daughter ran to her andher dress also took lire. Both werefatally burned.

"Diuilol Uooue" To-n'lght.Peck & Fureman's "Daniel Boone, or

On the Trail," will bo presented at theOpwra House this evening. It is an

unique play given by an unique com-

pany, and carries its own brass band andorchestra. The companv wfll give a

parade at 11:30 a. m. to-day. The processionwill start from the Opera Houseand go up Market to Tenth, down Tenthto Main, down Main to Sixteenth, upSixteenth to Market, down Market toTwenty-first, down Twenty-first to Main,down Main to Twenty-fourth, up Twenty-fourthto Chanliue, up Chapline toTwenty-second, down Twenty-second toMarket, up Market to Sixteenth, out Six

.1. ... W.wwlIt-UIHU W IIUUU, UJ» »WU Ml X'lilCVUIrU,down Fifteenth to Eolf, up KuiT toFourteenth, down Fourteenth to theOpera House.

Committed to Jnll.Tuesday evening one of the visitors

from Pittsburgh named Charles Hoffmanwhile passing down Main streetnoticed a horse and buggy standing infront of Mansfield's saloon. GeorgoMajors, who had hired the vehicle, wasin the saloon, and when he caiue out hist(luipi,ueu wua K,,uu* nuurouu uuu

taken it, and he was not satisfied withenjoying a ride, but attempted to sellthe outfit at several placet*. Yesterdaytho horse and buggy were found in Bella!re, the former much damaged and thelatter jaded from over driving. Hollmanwas arrested by Officer Uuu lap andtaken before Squire Ahkle, who senthim to jail in default of $1,000 bail.

Iter. Dr. Cuililnc Here.Ti,nr\.r^n. «>.<> vA»

York Conference, appointed to the pastorateof the Fourth Street M. K. churchof this city, in place of that popular man,the Rev. Dr. Randolph, transferred tothe Conference from which Dr. Callingcomes, and stationed at ButTalo, arrivedin the city last evening. To-night themembers of the church intend ^iviughim a hearty welcome and reception atthe church, to which they invite thepeople of all denominations.

TnE largest selections of Carpets atprices away underany house in the State.

Stone & Thomas.

Attend tho ball of the Windsor Ath*letic Society at Teutonia hall thisevening.

FOR WOKK1NGMEN.Do tliejr want a U*pr®»entative with aueh a

ltfcord?Lut Evening'! Newt UUer.

It may not be generally known amongthe workingmon of this county that Mr.A. D. Garden, one of 1he Democraticcandidates for the Legislature, and whois posing as the warm and earnest friendof the workingman, voted for the passageof the miners' bill, which wasknown as Senate Bill No. 130, "A bill toregulate the working, ventilation anddrainage of coal mines in this State, toprovide for the appointment of mine inspectors,and to repeal chapter 70 of theacts of 1883," which measure containedthe iniquitous conspiracy clause.The title of the bill conveys tbe im*

pression that it is a very harmless meas-ure, not only that, but that it is wholly (for tbe good and lasting welfare of thenmu wno worjcs id me mines, oomeoi J

its provisions are beneficial to the miners, 1

but the conspiracy clause destroys what Jbenefits it insures to them. On page 580 *

of the journal of the House of Delegates 1

will be found the full vote on the j)as- 1sage of the bill, and among those voting 3"aye" was Mr. A. D. Garden, of Ohio Icounty. Thoso absent on leave and not Jvoting were Messrs. N. E. Whitakerand IJ. J. Woods. This is a matter of record fand not mere assertion. JNow for the conspiracy clause, for fwhich Mr. Garden voted, and which »

tho Democratic Legislature made a part c

A tho laws ot the State. It will be *found under the head of Chapter 50 of fthe Acts of the Legislature, page 168, 1

jection 14. The clause reads: "Nor 'ihall any person or persons or corobi- '

lotion of persons by force, threats, v

uenuce or intimidation of any kind, 11

prevent or attempt to prevent from ?vorking in or about any mine, any per- J1ion or persons who have the lawful 11ight to work in or about tho same and J4vTjo desires to work."That was what Mr. Garden voted for M

ind he now claims to be the special and P'articular friend of the workingman and **

be zealous guardian of bis interests. PThe penalty attached for auy violation c]if the foregoing provisions will be found tln page 170 of the acts of 1887; it makes the CJcrime" a misdemeanor and, such person, J*he act says, "upon conviction, snail be «

mnished by a fine of not less than $10 nor a

uore than $100. In default of payment t]if such line and costs, for the space of tlen days, the defendant may, in theliscretion of the court, be imprisoned inhe county jail for a period not exceed- cng three months."And this was what Mr. Garden voted

[>r, ami who now says he is the very dearriend of the laboring man. nSeveral miners in the Kanawha region "

I'ere arrested under the provision of the j

ct, but popular clamor was so great andhe indignation of the community so "

>rououneed that the prosecuting wit- tlU'tss failed to annear on thi* dav net for o<

he trial and the miners were discharged. 0Now let the workingman and the la- tl

>orer consider what the Kepublican t<>arty, through its platform, adopted in \\Charleston at the State convention of cInguat 22,1888. pledges itself to per- eiorm. In regard to thw bill it save: tc"Whereas, Tho passagoof the Miners' u

>111 by the Democratic Legislature of887, containing the conspiracy feature, tlrus a direct blow at organized labor,and tlvaa passed with tho design and purpose h>f overawing those who are connected t<.1 rn.»i,..u

"Jtoolvcd, That wo pledge Tour party to popeal bo much of Chapter 00, of the tllets of 1887, as refers to conspiracy, and r,ilso provide that the inspector shall bo Clpractical miner instead of a civil eugi- p

leer, as is now required by law." dIsn't that plaiu enough? A.ud Mr. 0

Jarden, the "special and particular t|rieud of the workwoman," voted for phat very measure which tho Republi:auparty, through its representatives inhe Legislature, is pledged to repeal.Ch'ere is food for reflection in these state- Y

nents for the workingman. They arencontrovertible facts, and not delusive,lap-trap, unsupported assertions. Mr. "

harden, "the zealous guardian of tho ^nteresta of the workingman," is onecord. He cannot go behind it. u

0 + iiT11E HUh MHET1AU ti

riio Ilncm on the State Fair Gronod Fin- |UUeri Yesterday.

Tho two days' fall raco meeting on tlie J.rack of tho West Virginia State Fair euid Exposition Association camo to n e

:lose shortly before six o'clock lasteven- Jng. There was a larger crowd in at- jtendance than on the day before, and it cwas their privilege to witness two warm- a

ly gonteBtcd races. The first event on JLue card was a pace for the 2:20 class, *

with four nominations, all of which ®

came to the score. The second heat was ,about the liveliest and most interesting Jaf tho race. The summary is as follows: ,ludso Lynch 113 4 1Excelsior ^3 2 1 1 JBlack Hurry 4 8 2 2 3]LJnclo Silo. 2 4 3 3 4 tTime.2:30K: 2:27)$; 2:31; 2:30}$; 2:31J<. jThe second race was a 2:20 class trot, t

This was also a five beat race and warm- 1ly contested. By the time the last heatwas finished it had grown so dark thocolors could scarcely he distinguished.Hie summary is as follows: ,Frank P 12 2 11,Hurry Mlduight 2 112 2 2

Hob 3 6 3 3 3cloo Hooper 4 4 5 dli.Uraudxuotbcr - 5 3 4 dii. cTime.2.3UK, 2:33tf. 2:32.2:34,2:35. tTh« purses were $200 each. This c

meeting was an enterprise gotten up bv ea few privato individuals not so much ifor tho purpose of making money as to tafford some sport for themselves and <irienus auu any omens mm uugui. ueeiru j

to attend. The meeting has been ]enough of a success to demonstrate that iif it had been given at any time but on tthe eve of an exciting Presidential electingand been a little more judiciouslytalked up, it would have been a goodpaying enterprise. t

A Nnwr Church Organ. *

The St. John's German Independent *

Protestant Church, at the corner of jMarketand Seventeenth streets, of which <Rev. William Ulfert is pastor, has pur- ichased a new pipeorean from Roosevelt,the famous New York manufacturer.Professor Miller, sent out to set up theinstrument, has been hero for two or cthree weeks and has the organ about fready to turn over to the congregation.The opening recital will probably take

filace In about two weeks from now. Therame work of this new organ is the same

as that that enclosed the old organ, butthe interior.pipes, reeds, couplings andall.is new. The organ is guaranteed bythe manufacturer to be the best andmost complete in the city, next to theone in the Cathedral, whfoh was put inby the same manufacturer two or tbreoyears ago. '

Cnrdinnl CJibbon* Coming to Wheeling.The Catholics of this vicinity are beginningto anticipate with great pleasure

a visit that Iiis Eminence Cardinal Gib*bon» is to pay the city toward the latterpart of this month. He will come herofor the special purpose of delivering alecture for the benefit of tTie Church ofthe Irnmacculate Conception. It will bedelivered at the Cathedral, and it Is nafeto predict that that large edifice will bocrowded to the very doors on that otvn-,inn fill i*i»nu r.tln.r than Put liriltnu will

bo anxious to sec and hear this digtinguiahedprelate who has been so honoredby the head of the church, andwhose fame for culture and learning laao wide snrenH

CAPT. ABU MlA Rhode Island Searcher for It is

Partially Successful.

HE FINDS BURIED WEALTHAnd While it is not Captain Kldd'eTreasure it was Hidden by a

Pirate.A Story which HeadsLike a Romance.

Providence, R. I., Nov. 1..James If.Eddy, who has been digging for CaptaipKidd's treasurer, and who turned up inron kettle full of Spanish silver coinsm the beach adjoining his farm oppositetho summer resort Westport, ai

ivedhome in Johnston yesterday withlis wealth. He denies tuas his grandatherever had anything to do with platesor that his father ever told him ofhe buried treasure. He said that tworears ago he became the possessor of a>iece of parchment that apparently hadicrved as a drum head, and which had>een converted into a chart purportingo desciibe the location of three lots ol

....i ..I..,.i.iuucu onvcr buuuwci »aiuauico

>idden by a pirate many years ugo. Theines were drawn as though with a sharpnodstick. On the chart werehree points designating the burialtlaces of the wealth. The start

gplace was a rock on Horsefeck Point a wild piece of land.Vhen this parchment was found, Eddynib confident it waa a va'uable docuaent.He determined that no onehould know of his plans, and withoutmparting a hint of what he wan about,ie begau operations at the place indicate!.He readily found the rock, but hisibors during the summer of 1887rere not regarded. During theH«t summer ho continued his laore.He proceeded cautiously andfttientlv and worked his way in theQurae directed and last Monday madebe discovery. He declares it will be anisy matter to And the balance of thoealth. The dates on the silver rangeoin 1760 to 1851, showing that it is notpart of Capt. Kldd'n long sought

reusure. Mr. Eddy will not tell hisleory, bat says it is a pirate treasure.

HOIVII STRIKES UEBJUJiV.oinment on tho Hackvlllo Inoldont and

Our rrciideutiiil VmnpalK"*Berlin, Nov. 1..The National Zcilung%sferring to tho Sackvillo matter, gays:Tho frivolity with which internationalifficulties are provoked by politicallotions in the United States in orderiat one party may snap up a few thouindvotes from the other, is especiallyvident in the Sackvillo affair. Afterle Republicans had set a trap in order> catch the strikingly harmless EngsliMinister and to discredit Mr.leveland as a candidate of tho forigner,Mr. Cleveland himself is trying> cross this manouvre by an exaggera»dseverity against tho iiritish Envoy."This conduct appears comical fromle fact that Cleveland does not leavelie British Government in doubt as tois aim. Tbo rage of party newspapers,>o, againstLord Sackville, is mere affec-ition. It is a peculiar characteristic of'residential campaigns now-a-days thatley are carried on pretty quietly andespectably so far as home relations aroDiicerned, but that they continue torovoke unpleasantness and noisy indentswith foreign countries. This kindf thing is scarcely calculated to raisetie reputation of the trans-Atlantic Iieublic."

CLEVELAND'S BLUSTERChut ! Thought Over the Way.It was

Only a Campaign Trick.

London, Nov. 1..The Globe says:Unhappy for America in one sense,appily in another, tho character ofministerial and journalistic bluster durngan election is comprehended by poliiciansof the saner sort better evenhan among the best informed personsicro. It is understood as a portion of arent suam, wuicu eyeryuuuy ihicb

hrough, but in which, nevertheless,iverybouy affects to believe. Whiehverparty scolds England the loudestrill win. Lord Salisbury preservedDngland's dignity by not indulging Mr.Javard's desire to hurry over whut isinly a niece of election strategy. As fara England is concerned, the. matter is>ver. Our only cause of shame is thathose we call cousins are capable of suchhort sighted folly. Both of the leadersthosen work upon whatever antiSnglishfeeling exists and bid for it bylompetition and bluster. If Mr. Cleveandis re-elected it will be as a FresUlent whose Secretary of State sent thoBritish Minister his passports andmapped his flHgere in the face of DownngStreet. It will be a perilous characerho will have earned, becauso it willlavo to be maintained."

A D!dguat«<! MritUher.

London, Nov. 1..-The&. James Gazette,eferring to tho action of the United>tat?s Government in the case of Lordtackvillo, says: "It would bo mostcreditable to English good senso if Secet&ryBayard's insolence is treated withcontempt. Tho American eaele is aicreechln'.let him screech. We arelot exactly prepared to send iron cladso Long Island because Mr. Bayard ismtrageously offensive. RespectableAmericans, who stand in neither withfir. Cleveland nor Mr. Harrison, are

learly as much disgusted with the affairis Englishmen are.

King Georcn'it Annivernury.Atiiens, Nov. 1..The festivities yeserdayin honor of the 25th anniversary

>f King George's accession to thehrone were carried out on a grandicale. Tho weather was splendid. The>nilding8 of the city w6re profusely dectrutedand the streets were throngedvith visitors.

Exhibitor* fnka Notice.Paris, Nov. L.M. Le Grand, Minister

>! Commerce, has informed the Cabinethat the expenses of exhibitors in theexposition of 1888, will bo less than theywere in the exposition of 1878. Thesiffcl tower built in connection with theexposition will bo finished in Jiinuurv.

CnriUunl Nowiunn Ended.London, Nov. 1..The illness of CarlinalNewman is now reported to bo

rery seriou*. He fell down, throughweakness, while walking in his resi*lence recently, and knocked his headjgainat the wait.

A Klug Dying.Tub Hague, Nov. 1..Condition of tlio

King of the At berlands bus grownworee, and ia declared to be critical.

hyrup of t If*la nature's own true laxative. It {a themoat canity taken, and the nioiit ollectivoremedy known to eleantm tlie eyHtemwhen bilioiiH or costive; to dfcgel headache*,colda, and fevera; to run- habituhIconatipation, indigestion, pdea, etc.Manufactured only by the California Figfcjyrup Company, San Francisco, OaUSold by Logan & Co., Anton P. He88. K.B. Burt and C. Mcnkemeller. At Beliai.,i «» * '
