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Church Services March 2015

Church of the Epiphany Tockwith A member Church of the Parish of Marston Moor

Reading Reader 1st 10.00am United Parish Communion

Rufforth Preacher The Venerable Sarah Bullock, Archdeacon of York

4.00pm Messy Church Tockwith

8th 11.00am Holy Communion

Exodus 20 1-17 1 Corinthians 1 18-25 John 2 13-22

Rachel Kelly Janet Marriner Roy Shaw

Sides person: Karen Stobert

15th 11.00am Mothering Sunday Service

Special service sheet


Sides person: Stuart Coggrave and Jo Coggrave

22nd 4.00pm Evening Prayer

Jeremiah 31 31-34 John 12 20-33

Deryck Wilson Roy Shaw

Sides person: Susan & John Mckernan



Palm Sunday United Parish Communion

Askham Richard

29th 6.00pm Palm Sunday Informal Service

Mark 11 1-11

Janet Marriner

Sides person: Bev and Charles Greaves


The Marston Moor Parish Prayer

God our father help us to

Live for you

Love each other

Light the way ahead So that all our villages, and the world at large, may know you

In Jesus Christ our Lord.


10.00am 8


11.00am 15


11..00am 22


4.00pm 29



Sides person n/a Karen Stobert Stuart Coggrave Jo Coggrave

Susan & John Mckernan

Bev and Charles Greaves

Coffee n/a Diane Wakelin Jenn Waller

Marion Hainsworth Pam Williams

n/a n/a

Chalice n/a Neil Stobert n/a n/a n/a

Church Opening

Jenn Waller Porch only

Rachel Kelly Angela Jenkins Susan Mckernan

Deryck Wilson

Intercessions n/a

Mary Shaw Angela Jenkins n/a Deryck Wilson

Grass Cutting Peter Harris Keith Simmonds

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The Revd. Roy Shaw writes.........................

I‟ve had a small part – a very, very small part - in helping to cut the waste in the NHS. Unwanted and redundant pills and medicines to the tune of £700 million are reckoned to be thrown away each year- that‟s nearly £2million‟s worth, or nearly 25,000 items (at current prescription costs) a day! And elsewhere in the world, people are dying for lack of appropriate medications. But a national charity- Intercare - has been able to re-cycle our unwanted medications for the last 25 years, and send it to six African countries which are in desperate needs of basic, and indeed more sophisticated, medicines. It works like this; You take back to your surgery prescribed medications that you are no longer using. The staff there sort it, box

it up, and Intercare‟s courier service collects it. It‟s then forwarded to Africa from their base in Leicester. If it‟s not in date - that is, if it‟s got less than 15 months to its „use by‟ date, then it will be destroyed in the normal way your surgery uses. If you are registered with Springbank Health at Tockwith or Green Hammerton, thanks to some prompting and the enthusiasm of Dr. Tatham and the staff, you can now take back unwanted or redundant prescription medications to either surgery to be forwarded to Africa. I remember standing in a clinic in rural Kenya the first time I visited; the local nurse was so proud of her facility, and the shelves were empty. We can make life a little better for some by returning, rather than wasting, medicines and pills. Please do support this, which will give hope to many, and enable them to live fuller lives. And if you‟re not registered at Springbank Health, how about getting on to the Patient Participation Group at your doctor‟s, and persuading them to register with Intercare? Think what good could come of it! Your vicar,

Roy 01423 359003/ [email protected].

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As we enter March we are well into the season of Lent, a time in the church’s year when we think about self-denial, giving something up. This will most likely be giving up something that may cause us some discomfort. By this I mean such things as not drinking alcohol, eating chocolate, not eating cakes or biscuits, or even worse, giving up coffee.

Some of us are not too good at the self denial bit and I I don’t do it because I am not good at it! What I prefer to do is to take up more reading, usually of a spiritual nature. If you love this is not self denial either, but it is me attempting to go deeper into the heart of God. For this reason I recommend to you the Lent studies at Rufforth Church at 7.30pm every Wednesday of Lent if you can make it. The Parish of Marston Moor gets a very special visit on 1st March. It is The Venerable Sarah Bullock the Archdeacon of York. She will be the Preacher at the United Parish Service at 10.00am at Rufforth church. We would also like to commend to you the special Mother’s Day Service at 11.00am Sunday 15th March at Tockwith in praise of all mothers including those who are unfortunately no longer with us.

St crux




8am to 4pm

Can you help on the day or donate some baking Please contact Angela on 01423 358067

All proceeds to the Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith The VCC Annual General meeting will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th April. This is a really important meeting as we discuss community engagement. The church, in the last year, has done a lot of work to encourage young people to see how faith fits in with everyday living. The Christian faith has been very much a ‘soft sell’ but obviously it would be our hope as they move into teenage years that some of our young people develop a stronger faith. This is important, as faith is a necessary foundation and support for all further discoveries in our relationship with God. We want your ideas. If you say nothing how can we know?

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Messy church photos and text

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Youth Club photos and text

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Tockwith Festivals are taking a break in 2015.

Six years of continued growth led to 2014 being the best year yet for the Tockwith Festival. Winning the Duke of York Award for Community Initiative in 2013 spurred the organisers on but now it’s time for a well earned break. It takes a lot of people a lot of volunteer time to run the event, not only on the actual event day but in the year running up to it, whilst everyone else is getting into the ale and the music, a small army is making sure it all stays on track!

Taking a break this year will give trustees and the committee time to evaluate the Festival’s objectives and direction, whilst at the same time bring in new members to strengthen the main functions in the organising team. We are keen to get on board people from the community who are skilled or interested in IT, Social Networking and Marketing/Promotion or indeed anyone who is good at lugging heavy things and pulling pints! Those with connections or activity in the music world are very much welcome as the Festival is now known as much for the quality of the bands as the quality of the beer. Together we look forward to coming back better and stronger and delivering a quality event again in 2016. Mark your diaries; 14th May. So for now, keep an eye on our Facebook page for other Festival events throughout the year and we’ll be back after our break; mine’s a pint! If you would like to get involved with the festival please mail [email protected] for details

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TOCKWITH C of E. Primary School

The Christmas holidays seem an age ago now. It has been short but eventful

term. It has been a pleasure walking around our school and seeing the children

embracing their learning challenges in our Creative Curriculum. Key Stage 1 have

been to Africa and Year 5 and 6 have explored the invaders and settlers of

Viking times.

On Thursday 29th January, Tockwith School embraced the world. With the seven

continents and the five oceans swirling

around the hall, we experienced many

cultures and enjoyed activities from

different parts of the world. From

dangling dream catch-ers, to fabulous

festival masks, magnificent Monet

masterpieces, to awesome African

animals. Pupils, parents and

grandparents enjoyed a fun packed day

full of crafts and games. It was lovely

to see both pupils and adults

embracing the traditions from many countries. Thank you to all those who came

to share the day with us. Following on from this successful day, I am pleased to

announce that Tockwith Primary School has been awarded the International

Foundation Award and over the coming year we will be looking to expand our

knowledge of other traditions and cultures.

Frozen Singalong

This term, we hosted a collection of Elsa’s and Anna’s. I didn’t see any Sven’s

though, although our risk assessment hadn’t covered reindeers wandering through

the hall. We had over 70 children to come and watch and singalong to frozen. It

was a lovely atmosphere and all of the children were in really good voice. All

children received ice pops, frozen products and a photo for only a £1. Thanks go

to the PFTA, staff and the office for creating and supporting such a lovely event.

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Sunday 1 Second Sunday of Lent (Purple/ Lent Array) Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22. 23-31;

Romans 4.13-25; Mark 8.31-38 Sunday 8 Third Sunday of Lent (Purple/Lent Array) Exodus 20.1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1.18-25; John 2.13-22 Sunday 15 Fourth Sunday of Lent (Purple/Lent Array) Numbers 21.4-9; Psalm 107.1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2.1-10; John 3.14-21 Mothering Sunday Service

Exodus 2.1-10; Psalm 34.11-20; 2 Corinthians 1.3-7; Luke 2.33-35

Sunday 22 Fifth Sunday of Lent (Purple/Lent Array) Jeremiah 31.31-34; Psalm 51.1-12; Hebrews 5. 5-10; John 12. 20-33

Sunday 29 Palm Sunday – Liturgy of the Palms (Red) Mark 11.1-11; Psalm 118.1-2,19-24;

Palm Sunday - Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 50.4-9a; Psalm 31.9-16;

Philippians 2.5-11; Mark 14.1-15.47

The Marston Moor Youth Club

Tockwith Church

Every Friday – during term time

7.00pm – 8.30pm

Year 6 to Year 9

Have Fun

Make Friends

Get Involved

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The first Sunday of each month at 4.00pm



March 7pm Tockwith Village Hall

A talk about the work of this local conservation body Tickets £3 Child £2


Led by Barry Bishop a walk on the Battlefield of Marston Moor – discover the birds who visit the moor in Spring and make it their home. Tuesday April 7th 9am to 12 noon The walk will be followed by refreshments in the Events Barn at Marston Grange, with a review of the birds seen. You can expect to see birds like the common buzzard, owls, sparrow hawk, grey heron, lapwing, corn bunting,

tree sparrow, great spotted woodpecker and yellow hammers. The walk will follow grass paths but stout shoes are recommended and waterproofs if necessary. Please bring your binoculars. The cost of the event is £3 to cover refreshments etc. and must be booked in advance by contacting Jo Smackman, Marston Grange, Tockwith Road, Long Marston. Telephone 01423 358283 or email [email protected]

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THOUGHT4TOMORROW Personal reflections by Henry Woods

The Church of England indulges itself in worrying about things of lesser importance to ordinary folk, rather than matters which Our Lord thought important. My first example is the question of Church attendance. The BBC and the independent broadcasters worry constantly about the ratings achieved by particular programmes, and in terms of Public Relations and advertising they are right to measure success by the numbers of viewers and listeners programmes attract. Our Church must also be concerned to attract a growing congregation and a growing number of parishioners whose planned giving not only pays the bills but also contributes generously to the Parish quota, and to support such charities as the Childrens‟ Society and the Bungoma Orphanage, all the worthiest of causes. Think what might happen without such support. The Church would crumble into ruins; the abusing of young children, already bad enough, would be worse, and the African orphans would be destitute. The community would be socially and spiritually inward looking and impoverished. We need to look at the example set us by Our Lord Jesus Christ when he talked about the one lost sheep and the Shepherd going in search, apparently leaving the 99 sheep to their fate. This parable is the reverse of being obsessed by numbers but is concerned about an individual. So we should be concerned about our recruiting and the quality of our appeal to individuals to think about faith and the world we live in. My second example is the relationship between faith and science. We hear the likes of a Cambridge professor telling us that God does not exist, while space exploration opens up new galaxies and lands on Mars. The scientific world is split between proponents of the Big Bang theory and those who see a more gradual theory of how the Universe began. When we reflect on the extraordinary developments of the last Century and how astonished our great grandparents would be if they came back tomorrow to find the gap between faith and science grows much narrower. The advances in telecommunications, the changes across the realm of medicine, the development of biological sciences are matched by man in space and the many new technologies which were spawned as a result. It is clear that the evidence of Faith is not contradicted by science; it may be that future scientific advances may confirm what we now believe. As far as numbers are concerned, we should be alert to possibilities of bringing people into the community of the Church, for nothing succeeds like success, while not becoming obsessed by numbers as a sole measure of success. We should always remember the parable of the lost sheep. See you in Church.

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Do you know anyone that has just moved into the village? Our aim is to make contact with them as soon as possible and tell them what we have to offer as a Church family. Our introduction is by way of delivering a Village and Parish News free of charge. Contact any member of the Church Council if you think someone may not have been seen.

From the Church of Epiphany Parish Register None this Month

Please note ALL items for the April magazine need to be with the Editor by 18TH March. This is slightly earlier than normal. This is to cover a well earned break by the compilers of this magazine. Thank you for your co-operation.

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Tockwith Church on the web www.tockwithchurch.co.uk Let us know the things you would like on the site. Email [email protected] or telephone 01423 358588


We have a scheme that allows families to donate a Bible to the Church dedicated to their children to recognize the date of their Baptisms. We would like to extend the scheme to anyone who might

wish to donate a Bible and dedicate it in memory of a loved one. If anyone would like to dedicate a Bible they are £15 each and we put the name inside the Bible cover. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067.

Did you know that Tockwith

Church has a Facebook page?

It is an excellent way to keep in touch

with the local community regarding what is

happening in church. It’s a great way to

keep in touch with busy mums and dads and

remind them of events that are coming to


We pop lots of photos on of various events at church - even

Elvis is on our page!!!

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Give me a sense of humour, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke,

To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk

Easter Bunny A man was driving down a country lane when suddenly a rabbit darted out into the road. The man couldn't stop and hit the rabbit head on. Soon a woman drove up and asked why he was crying in the road. The man said, "I have done something horrible, I‟ve run over the Easter Bunny". The woman told him not to worry, reached into her handbag for something and then walked over to the lifeless bunny. She sprayed something onto it and stood back. A moment later the bunny sat up, shook itself, and hopped slowly into the woods. Then it stopped, turned, and waved at the man and woman. Then it hopped on another 10 feet, stopped, and waved. It did this over and over until it was finally out of sight. The man was bewildered. "Whatever have you done to that rabbit?” The woman explained: “Used my harespray. It revitalises hare and adds permanent wave. In the month we celebrate Mothers Day here are some things my mother taught me My mother taught me LOGIC…. “Because I said so that‟s why.” My mother taught me RELIGION… “You better pray that stain will come out of the carpet.” My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION… “Just wait until your father gets home.” My mother taught me about my ROOTS… Do you think you were born in a barn?” My mother taught me IRONY… “Keep crying and I‟ll give you something to cry about!” My mother taught me about STAMINA… “You‟ll sit there until all that spinach is finished.” My mother taught me about JUSTICE … “One day you‟ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like YOU… then you‟ll see what it‟s like.”


Always face the sunshine and the shadows will fall


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Do you have information or a concern about something or someone that you think the police should know about then contact us on [email protected] alternatively call 101. For those callers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, the service can be accessed via text phone on 18001 101. The Parish Council has a permanent agenda item for Police Matters at every Parish Council meeting so if you have any matters to raise with the police you can also contact a Parish Councillor. Their contact

details are on Parish Noticeboards.


Some householders are reporting have received email notification from DVLA to renew driving licence after 10 years. The reportee followed their on-line instructions and put the website address into their Search Engine. This gave them a choice and picked 'renewal of driving licence'. From there they completed a very detailed form including a lot of personal information, including bank details, and ended with a summary of it all and a 'submit' button which would

have been pressed had it not been for the charges of £84 for the new license, which was felt were extremely high! After checking the DVLA form, found that the charge should be just £14.

Suspicions aroused, the reportee then phoned the DVLA who immediately declared it to be a fraudulent website, saying that as fast as they are closing them down, they are re-appearing! Clearly this is a dangerous threat to our communities and they need to be warned about it. DVLA said they would do something about it, but they also suggested contacting Trading Standards and Action Fraud, which has been done. The fraudulent website is: http://www.uklicenseservices.co.uk/pay.php It is advised by DVLA to always go through www.gov.uk to get to genuine government sites. Recent Crime Marston Moor Ward

010115 – Criminal Damage to Vehicle - rear window smashed – Tockwith 260115 – Burglary Dwelling – Jewellery and Cash stolen – Angram Road, Long Marston

North Yorkshire Trading Standards have received a number of calls concerning traders cold calling residents in the Harrogate, Skipton and Grassington area of North Yorkshire offering to do roofing work which is not needed, often stating there is further work to be done at an inflated cost.

Remember any quote exceeding £42 must be accompanied by paperwork offering a 14 day cooling off period.

Residents are advised not to accept cold callers and if they have any worries or concerns, to contact North Yorkshire Trading standards on 03454 04 05 06 ( Andy Fox - [email protected] ) or North Yorkshire Police on 101.

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Parish Council meetings are, as a rule, held on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are not normally held in August or December. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and they start at 7.30pm and are held in Tockwith Church. The minutes of previous Parish Council meetings can be found on its own web site at www.tockwith.gov.uk.

The new Parish Council web site is up and running. Some of the site is still under construction and new items are being added daily. The Parish Council is happy to provide links to local organisations, clubs or charitable bodies so that they can share information to the wider community. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a link. It would be a good time to update your contact telephone numbers and give details of your meeting times etc. We have already received a number of complimentary comments. We will use the web site to distribute important information about matters that effect the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish area. At the February Parish Council meeting Tockwith resident Andy Dyasson was co-opted on to the council. He has filled one of the places that was vacant for the Cowthorpe Ward. There remains two vacancies on the Council one each for the Cowthorpe and Wilstrop Wards. Local Builders Linden Homes held a public exhibition at the Village Hall last month regarding the development of land between Southfield Lane and Westfield Road. This is land that had been earmarked by Harrogate Borough Council for development so it is not new information to the Parish Council. The builders have not submitted full plans to Harrogate Borough Council yet!. The Parish Council will have an opportunity to comment when the full plans are submitted and when they are residents will be consulted regarding their views. You can still make a comment direct to Linden Homes by contacting www.signetplanning.com/consulation The obvious concerns already expressed is the current capacity of infrastructure being able to cope with the additional houses. Southfield Lane is another problem to address and the mix of houses proposed may be something you wish to comment on before they submit a detailed plan to Harrogate Borough Council. Their plan is to build a total of 121 dwellings with 49 (40%) of those houses being affordable housing. Included in the development will be a public open space and play area. There are no plans to open road access via Prince Rupert Drive or Lucas Road. The Parish Council would encourage you to make your comments known to Signet planning before they submit detailed plans.

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Baptisms take place within our normal services – usually a service which will be a Holy Communion plus Baptism. This is because Baptism signifies a welcome into the church, and the beginning of a Christian journey. It only makes sense therefore, if this sacrament takes place within the worshipping community, who along with the family, welcome the child into God‟s great

family. Baptism can only take place when a priest is present at a service, and if you are thinking of having your child baptized, you need to give a long „lead time‟ to the clergy. It may not be possible for a priest to be available on the Sunday you have in mind, and you may need to be flexible over the date, although every effort will be made to meet your wishes. In the first instance, please contact one of the Wardens to arrange a date. Please note: Allocated Baptism dates for 2015 - 12th April, 12th July and 13th September


Are you a not for profit organisation in the Tockwith Area ? Would you like a

link to the brand new Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council website - contact

[email protected]

Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editors, the Clergy, the

Village Church Council, or of any authoritative body of the Church of England

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Tockwith Village Hall MARCH 2015





For details and queries about any of our facilities contact

Audrey on 01423 359 378

Email [email protected]

We have Wednesday and Friday evenings and of course weekends free for parties, events, or club bookings just contact Audrey for details.

The Village Hall is a community facility and it needs the support of the community in order to make it sustainable. It is managed by a small group of hard working volunteers, were it not for them it would have to close.. It is in every resident‟s interest to make sure they do their best to support as many events in the Village Hall as possible. Never has the term „USE IT OR LOSE IT‟ been so true.

Why not book it for a party – contact Audrey

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Tempo FM 107.4 FM and internet via www.tempofm.co.uk is the Community radio station, staffed totally by Volunteers, for Wetherby and the surrounding villages. Tempo FM offers a range of easy listening programmes, both speech and music to suit all tastes. In addition we can

offer the promotion, by adverts and on air mention for local organisations, societies and charities who give us three weeks notice of their forthcoming events. Want to know more? then go to www.tempofm.co.uk. Want to publicise your club or society's event? then send us the details via [email protected].

The Players meet every Thursday night in the Village Hall between 8.00pm

and 10.00pm.

We are always on the lookout for new members both on and off stage

So why not come and join us!

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Marston Moor Walkers Fourteen people turned up outside the Ox to form the largest group since our first rendezvous a year ago. It was a beautiful bright winter’s afternoon with no wind. Ideal conditions for a 6 mile wander along little visited river meanders into a part of the parish which could be called wilder and more remote than we are used to. We made our way down Kendal Lane to its very end at New Farm, where we noticed a charming little copse filled with snowdrops just next to the track. We passed over a stile where there is a worthy notice exhorting all to leave nothing but footsteps etc., then turned left to cross another stile on our right to take us downstream along the river bank. “Ware wire!” is the watchword on this section as some of us were entangled briefly in a stray skein. After untangling we mounted the levee and progressed north with hints of the hills on the margins of our vision; the air was extraordinarily clear.

After a while, the path takes a right angle and leaves the river as it winds off towards Kirk Hammerton. We followed the hedge for some 300 yards and came to Wilstrop Hall. Here our old friend Nidd rejoined us after its extravagant mile and quarter detour. Planners of the future may consider creating a right of way along that mysterious section of the river. (Deryck, of course, knew it well, with a special expertise regarding fish. He pointed out a ruin in a field known to him and his boyhood pals as “Starling Castle”.)

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Wilstrop Hall is now a fine big farmhouse, but, though perhaps 250 years old, it belies the antiquity of the site where a moat is marked on the map and there is a record of a Roman settlement. We walked on through the farm buildings and found ourselves in the middle of the lost village of Wilstrop. There was once a thriving community here and it was only the whim of an over mighty landowner which brought about its demise. It is interesting to note that in the late 15th Century other local “high-ups” and senior clergy thought the eviction of the villagers an outrage. There was considerable civil unrest, but to no avail. Now all that remains is bumps in the ground, “with Wilstrop” and an extra churchwarden at Kirk Hammerton; and one friendly white pony. We reached the Harrogate-York railway line. In our own times there are changes we might regret. We had a chat with the signalwoman, in her high-viz yellow overalls, supervising the Wilstrop crossing. This Beeching (Boo!) survival will soon be “upgraded” and the gates will not need a human to open them anymore. So go and pretend you’re an extra in “The Titfield Thunderbolt” and use all the manned gates while you can. We waved to a passing train, the lady kindly took our photo, then we turned round and walked all the way back to Tockwith, our eyes filled with magical late afternoon light. Some of us then went into the pub… And this will be on 9th March (the second Monday of the month). Meet at 2.00pm. At Long Marston Village Hall, where there is parking. All welcome. Please come. Need a lift? Contact: Pete Pozman 01423 359731 07854313112

We now have full planning permission to expand our provision. Our aim is to provide full time care and education from September 2015 for children from 3


Our approach to early education promotes creativity, individuality and self confidence

If you would like further information to enrol for September

please contact Emma or Angela

On 0123359188 or email [email protected]

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Musicians/Singers needed.

I am hoping to re-form the music

group, we used to have, to lead our

worship at Parish services. So I

would like to hear from you if you

can competently play any portable

instrument and can spare at least an

hour per month to rehearse. Singers are also welcome, so that we

can make a joyful noise to the Lord!

For further information contact Ann Watson 01904 738786 or

[email protected]


We are welcoming you to come along and have a fun filled friendly afternoon, trying out the sport of Bowls. All you need is a pair of flat soled shoes and your self. Age is no barrier, whether you are 8 or 80. Come and learn a new skill, play socially or if you are competitive it would be totally up to you. You never know it could be the sport for you. If you enjoy our ‘come and try’ afternoon we will be running coaching sessions for a few weeks.

So get the ball rolling have a cup of tea and get a taster session. There is no commitment to join the club, but after having a go our membership for the year is from £15 Just turn up on the day. If you would like a word beforehand or cannot make the 3rd May my name is Ray Clark (Chairman) Tel : 01423 358939

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COWTHORPE COMMUNITY FORUM The indications are that 2015 is going to be an eventful year for Cowthorpe as we embark on projects aimed at being of benefit to the community.

One such project is based on St Michael and All Angels Church Cowthorpe, a Grade 1 historical building which dates back to 1458. It was made redundant by the Church and handed into the care of the Church‟s Conservation Trust in 1976.

It is well cared for by the residents of the village and is open every day for visitors; including Christmas Day. The cost of the upkeep of such a historical building is significant and we are advised that the CCT only have funds to provide for basic maintenance of St Michael‟s Church. The sustainability of the legacy to the village is important

and potentially in the long term, at risk. As the only public meeting place, the church is used by the village for some events in the year, but usage is limited due to a lack of heating in the building. We have secured the support of the Church‟s Conservation Trust to work in partnership on a project to make St Michaels a better used facility in our community, with a first step of investigating the prospect of heating the building having been scheduled within the next few weeks. Endeavour and hard work will be

ahead of us in 2015 and beyond... But without these first steps we will achieve nothing and have only a well-loved building that in time may be at risk.

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Do you or members of your family have any interesting stories about the plane crash in Marston Road on 9

th October 1945.

To coincide with the dedication of the Memorial in memory of those killed in the plane crash in Marston Road, Tockwith on the 9th October 1945 it is hoped to put on an exhibition in Tockwith Church on 10th October between 10am and 2pm detailing information about the crash, If you have a family story, perhaps with a photograph worth mentioning with any memories of the accident then please contact Norman Waller who is co-ordinating the exhibition. Please telephone him on 01423 358588 or email [email protected]

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NEXT HAMPSTHWAITE FILM DAY 10.00am-4.00pm Saturday 9th May 2015


Our theme involves looking at the careers of various stars of their day (like Cary Grant, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise) and what makes them so popular. Course leader Stephen Brown – broadcaster, author and journalist. [email protected] Tel. 01423 359142 / 07521 705350 Fee. £29.50. Means-tested benefit concessions: £15.00. Send fee to a/c no. 03741869, Sort code 52-30-11 but let Stephen know by email, using the tear-off slip below. Or post your tear-off slip and cheque payable to Stephen Brown, 88 Prince Rupert Drive, Tockwith, York YO26 7QS. Lunch, by our usual excellent caterers, includes a glass of wine/juice. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCREEN GODDESSES, MATINEE IDOLS. Please state below your name, address, phone, email & no. of places (+ names) for each fee category.

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1st 2nd Sunday of Lent

_____________10.00am PARISH HOLY COMMUNION – RUFFORTH (RS)__________________________________ Preacher: The Venerable Sarah Bullock, Archdeacon of York 3.30pm 4.00pm Messy Church Messy Church 6.30pm Evening Prayer (LT)

8th 3rd Sunday of Lent

10.00am Morning Praise (CE)

9.00am Holy Communion (RS)

11.00am Morning Worship (LT)

9.15am JaM Club 11.00am Holy Communion (AD)

11.00am Holy Communion (RS)

15th 4th Sunday of Lent/ Mothering Sunday

10.00am At Bilbrough

10.00am Mothering Sunday Service (CR)

11.00am Morning Prayer (CE)

11.00am Mothering Sunday Service of Family Holy Communion (RS)

11.00pm Mothering Sunday Service (SB)

22nd 5th Sunday of Lent

9.00am Holy Communion (RS)

10.00am Praise Service (LT)

11.00am Thanksgiving and Holy Communion (RS/DB)

11.00am Morning Praise (LT)

4.00pm Evening Prayer (1662) (RS)

29th Palm Sunday

_______________10.00am PALM SUNDAY PARISH COMMUNION – ASKHAM RICHARD(RS)_____________________ 6.00pm Informal service(LT)

DB The Venerable David Butterfield CR Ms Carole Ross

RS Revd Roy Shaw DW Mr Deryck Wilson

SB Revd Stephen Brown LT Local Team

AD Revd Canon Alastair Dunn CE Mr Chris Elliott

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Then and Now

Continuing the story of story of Prospect House After the closure of the school, Prospect House became a shop for a grocers and a corn merchants business jointly run by Menotti and Thomas Woods as Wood Bros., Tockwith. This was in 1882. In 1892 John Edwin Jun. and Arthur Woods who were the joint executors of the Woods estate sold associated premises to Menotta and Thomas in March 1908. In 1908 Thomas sold his portion of the property to Menotta who became the sole owner. It became a typical village store – everything was sold other than vegetables, as the village was self-sufficient in such goods. Other provisions were mostly sold in bulk from warehouses in York. All the goods were stored in ample warehouse space at the rear of the shop (entrance in Kirk Lane). A horse drawn vehicle was used to take out the orders and this was eventually replaced with a motor vehicle.

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The shop opened at 8 a.m. and closed at 7 p.m. with a one hour break for lunch and half-an-hour for tea. Half day closing was on Wednesdays and on Saturdays the shop stayed open until 9 p.m. The shop was sold in 1939 to William Todd of Tadcaster for the then not inconsiderable sum of £1,425. Mr Todd employed various local girls in the shop including policeman’s daughter Ruth Sagar, who went on to marry local blacksmith Ken Gosley. The shop was sold in 1965/66 and had various owners, until it finally closed in the 1970’s and was altered into living accommodation.

Prosect House circa 1964

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The Stranger

A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on. As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mum taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger... he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to our first FA Cup final. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind. Sometimes, Mum would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.) Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honour them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home - not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.. I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked ... And NEVER asked to leave. More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' lounge today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. His name?.... We just call him 'TV.' He has a wife now....we call her 'Computer.' Their first child was "Mobile Phone". And not forgetting a Grandchild born last year "IPAD"

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Lois-z-Art Watercolour Workshops

Beginner's Thursday 1:00- 3:00

Improver's Thursday's 10:00 - 12:00

For further details see http:/loizart.tripod.co.uk

or ring 01423 358264


Food is still being collected for the Food Bank. You can drop it of in the church porch prior to a church service or any Sunday between 12pm and 4 pm.

When you are shopping please remember to add something for those who are relying on the food bank for support. You can pick up a book to read at the same time as leaving whatever you donate.


Last year's display of Spring flowers and daffodils was so beautiful that we would like to repeat such a display again this Easter. We would, therefore, very much appreciate donations of vases of Spring flowers or daffodils.

These should be delivered to Tockwith church on Saturday 4th APRIL between 10.00-11.00am where Sara Sonley and Barbara Harris will be there to meet

you. Any help to adorn the church would be well received! The vases could then be removed (if desired) after the service.

Please ring Sara Sonley on 358100 if you are either able to contribute flowers or help

to arrange them on the Saturday.

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Purchase your ticket

now 01423 358387

Westfield Road, Tockwith, York YO26 7PY

01423 358387

We are also on Facebook


The Spotted Ox

The Spotted Ox News


Returning by popular

demand Saturday 21st


Tickets £8.50

Includes supper

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The change of name to the Tockwith Singers has given us the

opportunity to explore a greater range of music and song options.

We have also recently welcomed some new members to the choir

and are enjoying our exciting repertoire of Spring songs. We are

also practicing hard for our up coming gigs at a couple of local

Residential Homes.

We are waiting to welcome you to our group.

Every Tuesday evening - 7.45pm – Tockwith Church.

No experience of choir singing necessary!

Come along and join in the fun and meet some friends along the


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Do you enjoy painting or drawing? Perhaps you like the idea, but have never got round to trying it. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced you will be most welcome at TOCKWITH ART GROUP.

We are a small diverse group with a common interest in producing pictures. Some paint in oils, watercolours or acrylics, others prefer pastels or collage. Whatever your preferred medium, you are sure to fit in.

We also host occasional demonstrations and workshops by professional artists. So why not join us for two free 'taster' sessions

We meet on Monday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at TOCKWITH VILLAGE HALL

For more information contact: Janet 01423 358253 or Dorothy 01423 358642 Or just call in Monday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Tockwith Village Hall

Ainsty Conservation Society

The society continues to have work days on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of most months at which all comers are welcome.

A dedicated band of volunteers also check local footpaths and assist in keeping them clear.

ACS is a local organisation dedicated to nature conservation and is a registered charity No 1000038

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Registered Charity 105149


We do still need to do a certain amount of fund raising pre-show so we will be holding a Car Boot sale on Monday 4th May. If you are a seller then please contact Sally Anne Hannington on 07702 624817 to book your pitch. Free admission to buyers but would appreciate a donation on exit. Also there will be a Cake stall, and refreshments, including hot sausage and bacon sandwiches.

Speaking about 70th Birthday celebrations we would like to invite as Guests of Honour anyone who attended the first ever Tockwith Show in August 1945. Please contact the Secretary Steve Ross.

The Show Society are offering a specially reduced Friends membership in celebration of bringing 70 years of Agricultural and Horticultural education to the community and are offering a specially commissioned Members badge and discounted Friends membership providing the offer is taken up before 31st March 2015. Please see overleaf for the special application form.

Stuart Coggrave has chosen

Macmillan Cancer Support as his

President’s Charity. Please support

any events that are held in support of

this worthwhile charity.

Please note a three day event is

planned from Saturday 23rd May to

Monday 25th May in support of this charity at Church Farm, Tockwith.

There will be open gardens, teas, plant stall and lots more to be announced in the

coming months. Make a note in your diary now!

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FRIENDS OF THE SHOW If you would like to become a ‘Friend’ for the 2015 Show please complete the form below and return it to

Norman Waller enclosing a cheque made payable to Tockwith and District Show Society for £53 Joint or £29.50



Entrance ticket(s) for the Show – with Special Commemorative badge

Quality Lunch in the Members Marquee included

(guest adult and child lunch tickets available for purchase by Friends)

Members Car Park

Marquee open throughout the day for refreshments.

Members-only enclosure, bar and toilets

Periodic newsletters and members only link to show web site

Admittance to Showman’s Marquee at Great Yorkshire Show

If you would like further information please contact Norman Waller Holmsdale, 3 Kendal Gardens Tockwith

York YO26 7QR Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


TH July 2015

Cut here


I enclose my annual subscription of £……………….Joint/Single* TICK HERE FOR SPECIAL OFFER


Names(s) as you would like them to be printed in the schedule / correspondence




Post Code………………………………………Telephone number……………………………………………..………

E-mail address (please print clearly)………………………………………………………………………………………

I/We are willing to receive Newsletters and other information by email Yes/No*

(email is our favoured method of communication as it considerably reduces costs to the Show Society )

*please delete as appropriate

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The Craft Club – Tockwith Village Hall The craft club meets in the Village Hall every Monday afternoon during school term between 1pm and 3pm. We enjoy a wide range of crafting activities (whilst having a good natter) learning new skills in a friendly atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, and you don‟t need to be an experienced crafter to join. Come and have a go! Just £2 per week including tea/coffee and biscuits. Forthcoming Events include

2nd March – Folk Art

For more information telephone Fiona 01423 358808

‘Subscriptions Due’

If you are a subscriber to the Parish and Village News your subscription is now due. The average number of pages and news content has increased considerably in the last year, but I am pleased to say that the annual subscription for this year will remain at £7.00 and will be delivered through your door FREE OF CHARGE. We are only able to keep the costs down because more people are taking the magazine and to the support of our advertisers. There is still scope to increase our circulation and you can do your bit by encouraging people to purchase the magazine. If you know someone who does not subscribe to this magazine please encourage them to do so. It is the only village publication which offers details of every single event and news of every organisation in the village. A year‟s subscription for the equivalent price of a couple of pints of beer or a bottle of wine must represent excellent value for money. Please pay your subscription promptly to your distributor which helps to keep our costs down.

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Registered charity no: 1115563


Email: [email protected]

March 2015 – Spring

Who’s Who:


Hatty Wood



Sue Cook


Emily Penn


Kathryn Bye

Playgroup Leader

Nina Copely

Opening Times

We meet once a week on

Tuesday mornings 09.30-



Babies Birth -1 year


Toddlers 1-5 £3 (the £3

covers families/carers

multiple children) First

visit is free!

Tockwith Children’s Partnership Your community working together:

Tockwith Under 5s, TickTock Daycare and Tockwith School

Baby Sensory Sessions

We are excited to share that we will be running 3 baby sensory taster sessions, free to all babies (birth – 13mths) coming to toddler group. The sessions will start on 14th April and will run for 3 consecutive weeks. The sensory sessions will be 45 minutes long and once finished, everyone is welcome along to experience toddler group. The classes will be:

Creative Play - includes action songs

Ooby Dooby - Lively class with music

Light Show - amazing visual activities

The activities in the class will combine a variety of sensory activities and experiences all of which are designed to encourage baby development. The sessions will be jam packed with sensational activities and ideas

for play at home....there's always something new to


Craft Events


– Going Potty

10th – Mothers Day Craft

17th – Easter Craft

24th – Easter Egg Hunt

31st – Closed

Committee Members

We’re always looking

for new members to join

our team, from a new

Playgroup Leader (from

Sept 2015) to

fundraisers. You can be

involved as much or as

little as you like. Come

and ask at the next

toddler group.

TCP – Easter Egg Hunt

We’re pleased to announce that we will be

joining Tick Tocks and the Reception Class

for the Easter Egg Hunt. This will be held at

the Tockwith School on the 24th March.

Please come along with a basket and join the

search for this year’s Easter eggs!! There

will be a raffle with fabulous prizes to be won

and the Easter bunny may even put in an


Going Potty

Going Potty will be visiting us again

on the 3rd

March, just in time for

Mothers Day (and Fathers Day for

those that are very well prepared!)

Come along and get your little ones

hand or foot print on a pot, or just let

them paint a picture on a cup.

Going Potty provide a wide range of

pots to paint and also any assistance

you may need when trying to get that

all important hand or foot print placed


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Choice of 4 Starters, Mains

and Sweets

3 COURSES for £17.95

SUNDAY 15th March

12-2p.m. Bookings only

Tel 01423358387

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At their meeting on Tuesday 27th January 2015 Mr John Buxton introduced Mr Colin Senior to give his talk “With Courage Anything Is Possible”. Mr Senior is a Fund Raiser and Volunteer Presenter for the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) which was founded in 1824. Most people have heard of the RNLI but perhaps not the extent of their work, all done with funds of which 99% is raised by the Public. 97% of the RNLI staff are volunteers and nowadays only 1 in 10 have any maritime experience. Volunteers need physical fitness and the ability to work in a team and are trained at the RNLI College at Poole in Dorset.

There are 346 lifeboats stationed around the UK and the Republic of Ireland and on average they rescue 23 people per day. There are also four hovercraft for use in shallow waters such as Morecambe Bay and The Wash. There are four Lifeboat Stations on the River Thames and that at the Tower of London is the RNLI‟s busiest. The RNLI also have Lifeguards on more than 200 beaches and in 2013 they assisted 21,938 people. Mr Senior showed 2 DVDs showing the work of the RNLI in action and then he answered questions. Members thanked Mr Senior in the usual manner. The speaker‟s talk was followed by the AGM at which minor changes to the Constitution and the 2015 subscription were approved. The existing Committee were unanimously re-elected to Office. The Club normally meets on the morning of the last Tuesday of the month in Long Marston Village Hall, which has a good car park. New members and guests are welcome, contact the Secretary, Mr Bob Ellis on 01423 358 393.

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When is £1 worth £1.25?

When you visit Church and you put some money in the collection – why not put it in a Gift Aid Envelope. It won‟t cost you anything extra but it will benefit the Church 25p extra for every £1 you donate.


The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu is to post a daily reflection online to encourage people to use the next 40 days of Lent by turning towards God‟s love. He will also tweet daily messages from @JohnSentamu.

The Archbishop of York said: “I love Lent. As well as a fast, it is a feast – a time to revel in God‟s goodness! Lent is a time to get to know God better and to find out what he has in store for us. You know what they say – if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans…..well now is the time! It doesn‟t matter if you are new in faith or have no faith at all, God draws near to us when we turn to him. I encourage you to find moments of stillness in Lent. Find a time and a place each day. Make the most of this space – it will help you to refocus your vision on what is important as opposed to what is urgent. Prayer changes things. Prayer changes us.”

The online reflections will be available throughout Lent, until Saturday 4 April 2015.

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#Washday #washday is a new Church of England project for Lent 2015. Partly inspired by last summer‟s highly popular “ice bucket challenge” where people nominated each other to have a bucket of icy water poured over them for charity, #washday is all about taking part in practical social action during Lent and Holy Week #washday is a new take on Maundy Thursday. Traditionally, church people have washed people‟s feet – or more recently offered free shoeshining on the streets – on Maundy Thursday, as a way of telling the story of the Last Supper. So with #washday, go and help your community by washing anything and everything – it could be washing windows for people who would find that difficult, cleaning cars, washing clothes for homeless people, or washing up mugs in an office. You can do your washing on Maundy Thursday itself, during Holy Week, or at some other point during Lent if that is easier.

It's a chance to use your imagination and think how you can make a real difference in the community. You may like to connect the campaign with fundraising for a water-based charity such as WaterAid. You can share photos or videos of what you are doing on www.washday.org, and also Tweet using the hashtag #washday. #washday is a great opportunity to tell the Easter story in a fun and creative way, showing that Christians are willing to get their hands dirty in the service of others. It‟s a simple idea and works for all ages. There are suggestions of how to get involved on www.washday.org.

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Covering the villages of Askham Richard, Bilbrough, Long Marston, Rufforth and Tockwith. THE PARISH OFFICE The PARISH OFFICE is usually open on Tuesday from 12.15pm to 4.15pm and on Thursday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The telephone number is 01904 738262 (only during opening hours please) and the email is [email protected].

The United Parish services are every first Sunday and, when there is one, every fifth Sunday at 10.00am. These services are an ideal opportunity for the parishes to get to know one another and to worship together in a larger congregation.


1 March 10.00am Parish Holy Communion at Rufforth

President and Preacher: The Venerable Sarah Bullock, Archdeacon of York

29 March 10.00am Parish Holy Communion

for Palm Sunday at Askham Richard

President and Preacher: The Revd Roy Shaw

I do enjoy a cuppa! Yes, he really does!

This is our opportunity to meet each other, and for me to hear about you and yours! I’d like to come and meet you, so why not invite me round for a cuppa? I’m setting aside Wednesdays from 4 till 5, and hope you’ll phone me and fix a date- 01423 359003

Roy (the vicar)

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Tickets for York Minster The parish has an allocated number of free passes to York Minster for the use of parishioners. They may be borrowed for a day, and then returned to your local church. Details from the church secretary, or one of the churchwardens.

Rufforth Church from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each Wednesday of Lent -February 25, March 4, 11,18, and 25,

Agenda; the diocese’s ‘5 mark of growing’

Wk 2 4th March - commitment

Wk3 11th March - partnership

Wk4 18th March - influence

Wk 5 25th March – numbers

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP The group will meet:

11th March TBC 25th March TBC Please come along and join us for fellowship, bible study, prayer and a cup of tea and cake. Details from Jenny Tham 01423 359794.

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Kirk Hammerton Methodist Church Serving the villages from Great Ouseburn to Tockwith

Minister Rev Gail Hunt - Tel 01423 863298

Worship every Sunday at 10am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 1st March – Rev Gail Hunt

Sunday 8th

March – Rev Christine Gillespie ( Service to include Holy Communion )

Sunday 15th March (Mothering Sunday) - Mr Martin Lightfoot

Sunday 22nd

March – Rev Gail Hunt & Rev Paul Spurgeon ( Joint service with St Johns

at the Chapel)

Sunday 29th March – Rev Brian Hoar – Joint service at Gracious street Knaresborough

Tockwith Fellowship group -

Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month in various homes

Thursday 5rd

March - 2:30pm – Mrs Rachel Watson

“A trip to Bruges”

Please telephone Rev Gail Hunt - 01423 863298 for details.

'Wild About Gardening’ is a new gardening social club which meets

monthly in the Events Barn at the rear of Marston Grange at 7.00pm around the second Wednesday of the month.

Anyone is welcome, irrespective of garden or gardening experience, and the format is an informal talk followed by an „over the garden gate‟ discussion for everyone to share the latest news and gardening information

. Coming up in March we will be looking at Daffodils and Snowdrops, then more about cut flowers and year round vegetable production in April and May.

The meeting is free and includes tea/coffee and cake, but there is a suggested donation of £3 if you are able to help the running of the club. There is no membership fee.

For more information or directions to the Barn please see www.marstongrange.co.uk

Or contact Jo Smakman Marston Grange, Tockwith Road, Long Marston, York, YO26 7PL

Telephone: 01423 358283 / E-Mail: [email protected]

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Tockwith AFC

February Fixtures

Date KO


7th Feb 14.30 1st Team v F1 Racing Away

14.30 2nd Team v Selby Olympia Res Home

14th Feb 14.30 2nd Team v Wilberfoss Res Home

21st Feb 14.30 1st Team v Heslington Home

14.30 2nd Team v Civil Service Res Away

28th Feb 14.30 1st Team v F1 Racing Home

14.30 2nd Team v Strensall Res Away

Club News

Martin Knox & Co. Sponsorship

Tockwith Football Club are delighted to announce that Martin Knox has kindly sponsored

vital ground maintenance work.

A Club spokesman wishes to thank Mr Knox for his most generous donation.

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The Village Diary Are you planning an event? Then why not use this page to give advance notice of it. All that is required is the name of the organisation, date and time and type of event and contact number for more information. Please forward your information to the editor by email [email protected], telephone 01423 358588 or write to him at Holmsdale, 3 Kendal Gardens, Tockwith, York. Don’t forget you can also supply more details of your event nearer to the time.

Location Contact

MARCH 2015

Friday 6th 7.30pm Ebenezer Quiz – Tockwith School

Sunday 22nd 7.00pm ‘Interactive Quiz’ £6 adults £3 child light supper included

Fiona 01423 358808

Friday 27th 7pm Yorkshire Wildlife Presentation Illustrated talk by Alan Redden Tockwith Village Hall

Tickets £3 Child £2 Keith Pope 01423 358603

APRIL 2015

Tuesday 7th 9am – noon RSPB - Battlefield Walk – Marston Moor – Marston Grange

£3 to cover refreshments Jo Smakman 01423 358283

Tuesday 7th 7.30pm Village Church Council – AGM Angela Jenkins 01423 358067

Saturday 16th Junior Football Club Annual Dinner Caroline Gardner: [email protected]

MAY 2015

Sunday 3rd May 2pm onwards

Tockwith Bowls Club – Open Day Ray Clark 01423 358939

Monday 4th Tockwith Show – Bank Holiday Car boot sale

Sally Anne Hannington 07702 624817

Saturday 16th Tockwith Festival C a n c e l l e d

Saturday 23rd to Monday 25th

Three day Event in aid of The Macmillan Cancer Support (Tockwith Show President’s Charity – Open Gardens, Tea and Plant Stall. Church Farm Westfield Road Tockwith.

Stuart and Pam Coggrave 01423 358351

JUNE 2015

Sunday 14th Family Games and Barbeque Afternoon – Tockwith Village Hall

Details to be notified

Sunday 21st Long Marston Open Gardens Details to be notified

JULY 2015

Friday 3rd July Sealed Knot Society – Family Event Tockwith Village Hall

Details to be notified

Sunday 5th July Sealed Knot Annual March and Service

Saturday 11th July Concert Tockwith Church – Elysian Singers 7.30pm

Angela Jenkins 358067

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Monday 20th July to Wednesday 22nd July

Tockwith Church – Summer Holiday Club Karen Stobert 358979


Sunday 2nd Tockwith & District Show

Steve Ross 01423 339863


Saturday 26th 7.30pm An Evening of Entertainment – featuring the best of local entertainment

Fiona 01423 358808


Saturday 10th 10am-2pm

Stirling Air Crash Commemorative Exhibition Tockwith Church

Norman Waller 01423 358588

Sunday 11th 11.00am Stirling Air crash Memorial Service and Unveiling of monument

Norman Waller 01423 358588


Saturday 21st Irish Folk Night - the Róisín Bán

Internationally acclaimed folk band Details to follow

A reminder if you are planning events notify me as

soon as possible so that it can be included in the

Village Diary this will hopefully prevent duplication

of events which benefits no-one……..Ed

Tockwith Players

Don’t forget!

The Players meet every Thursday night in the Village Hall between 8.00pm and 10.00pm.

We are always on the lookout for new members both on and off stage

So why not come and join us!

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Jottings from the Methodist Manse …… From the Methodist Minister Gail Hunt

It was about this time last year that David and I took a walk

through a country park in Sedgefield when we came across a

beautiful sight of a mother duck and her babies. Ten balls of

fluff bobbing about in procession behind mum. Two needing

to be coaxed out of the protection of the reeds; others

more adventurous but all being constantly cared for and

rounded up by their mum, anxious to keep them from harm.

It reminded me of something I was told a little while back

about how animals have developed various ways to protect their offspring

depending on the environment they are in.

Fire can be a great hazard to animals and instinctively they try to escape; but

if they can’t, some species have found selfless ways to save their young. After

such a disaster in farm yards those clearing up after have found mother hens,

scorched and blackened by the fire, but with live chicks sheltering under their

wings. The mother hen has quite literally given her life to save them.

As we continue to move through lent this is a vivid and thought provoking

picture for us to hold alongside the image of Jesus gazing over Jerusalem and

proclaiming “ How often have I longed to gather your children, as a hen gathers

her brood under her wings.” (Matt 23:37)

Just a thought...

Every blessing


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Revd Roy Shaw

01423 359003 [email protected] Roy blogs at http:/revroyrambles.tockwithchurch.co.uk/#home

As far as possible, Roy keeps Friday as

his day off.

Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith

Village Church Council Members (VCC)

Church Warden Angela Jenkins - 358067

Deryck Wilson - 358364

VCC Secretary Marion Hainsworth

VCC Treasurer Peter Harris - 358416

VCC Members Don Hale / Rachel Kelly / Susan McKernan / Neil Stobert

/ Jenn Waller/ Major General Henry Woods / Imogen

Woods /Joanna Worth

Tockwith Church Groups

Weddings and Baptisms


Church Flowers

Gift/Aid Donations

Companions Drama Group

Messy Church

Church Music Group

Children and Youth Leader

Remembrance Book

Angela Jenkins / or

Deryck Wilson

Deryck Wilson

Sara Sonley

Peter Harris

Don Hale

Karen Stobert

Angela Jenkins

Karen Stobert

Angela Jenkins











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Parish and Village News

Magazine Editor: contact Norman Waller 358588 –

[email protected] Parish News Advertising at very reasonable rates: contact Susan McKernan –

358831 or [email protected]

Distribution Lists

All magazines are distributed by a team of eager volunteers, who are located around the

parishes, appropriately.

Please find a list of current distributors to whom you may contact with regards your

Subscription, but also to “drop off” your copy and advertisement requirements!


Janet Marriner, 212 Prince Rupert Drive

Audrey Gough, Bluecoats, Fleet Lane

Diane Wakelin, 50 Prince Rupert Drive

Susan McKernan, 32 Kendal Gardens

Chris Leggott 8 Farfax Crescent

Jean Birchill 7 Fairfax Crescent

John Wardle, School Bungalow, Southfield Lane

Bev Greaves Fleet Lane Tockwith (delivers Kirk Lane)

Sue Bird 36 Westfield Road

Bickerton & Bilton

Julie Davies – 9 Westlands Bilton-in-Ainsty

This magazine is NOT just for

Church News. We want to include

information about events and

organisations within our community,

so if you want any news put in next

months Parish and Village News then

forward it to the editor Norman

Waller Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens

Tockwith Tel 01423 358588

Before Wednesday 18thMarch or

email [email protected]

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Tockwith Church

Notice Board

St Crux York

Thursday 5th March

Special Mothers Day Service

Sunday 15th March at 11.00am

Book swop – Books are available

in the entrance to Church

to swop or buy for 50p.

'Don't forget the Food Bank',


can also be left in the entrance of the Church Tockwith Church is open every Sunday

between 12 Noon – 4pm

