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The Church of the Transfiguration The Little Church Around the Corner The Epiphany Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:00 A.M. The Right Reverend Andrew R. St. John, D.D. Rector One East Twenty-Ninth Street, New York, NY 10016 212 684 6770 www.littlechurch.org
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The Church of the Transfiguration

The Little Church Around the Corner

The Epiphany Sunday, January 6, 2013

11:00 A.M.

The Right Reverend Andrew R. St. John, D.D.

Rector †

One East Twenty-Ninth Street, New York, NY 10016

212 684 6770 www.littlechurch.org

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The Epiphany of Our Lord

“BCP” indicates the Book of Common Prayer, found in the pew.

The Mass Setting is the Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena by Healey Willan

Scene One

Amahl is a poor crippled shepherd boy living with his mother. He sees a bright star and tries to convince his mother that it

is over their hut. His mother, used to his habitual lying, grows angry and refuses to believe him. She complains that he is

always making up stories.

The Entrance Rite

Hymn 119, vv. 1–3 As with gladness Dix

Station at Crèche

Celebrant: We have seen his star in the East.

People: And have come to worship him

Collect and Censing of Crèche

Hymn 119, vv. 4–5 As with gladness Dix

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Glory Be to God Willan

Celebrant: The Lord be with you.

People: And with thy spirit.

Celebrant: Let us pray.

The Collect of the Day

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The Liturgy of the Word

The First Reading: Isaiah 60:1–6 (sit)

Reader: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 72:1–7, 10–14 Tone VI

Response: All kings shall bow down before him: and all the nations shall do him service.

The Epistle: Ephesians 3:1–12 (remain seated)

Reader: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Hymn 128, v. 1 (please stand, all), vv. 2–4 (solos) We three kings Three Kings of Orient

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The Holy Gospel Matthew 2:1–12 (face the reader)

Priest: The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew

People: Glory be to thee, O Lord.

(after the Gospel)

Priest: The Gospel of the Lord.

People: Praise be to thee, O Christ.

Hymn 128, v. 5 (all) We three kings Three Kings of Orient

Scene Two

Amahl and his mother are awakened by a knock at the door, to find the Three Kings and their page. They ask: May we

rest a while in your house and warm ourselves by your fireplace? Amahl’s mother goes to collect firewood while he

questions the kings. Amahl’s mother returns and sends Amahl to wake up the other shepherds as she has nothing to offer

the Three Kings.

The Creed (stand)

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Intercessions BCP/388

Let us pray for the Church and for the world.

After each petition:

Deacon: Lord, in your mercy

People: Hear our prayer.

The Peace (stand)

Celebrant: The peace of the Lord be always with you.

People: And with thy spirit. (You are invited to exchange the peace with your neighbors.)

The Eucharistic Liturgy

Scene Three

The Kings sing about the child they are seeking and the gifts they will bring him. When Amahl’s mother finds that the

gifts are for an unknown child, she becomes bitter and jealous. She cannot understand why the gifts cannot be given to

her own child. Amahl returns with the shepherds, who arrive with baskets of fruits and nuts for the Kings. The grateful

Kings sing their appreciation.

Greetings and Notices

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Hymn 109 The first Nowell The First Nowell

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The Great Thanksgiving

Holy, holy, holy Willan

Eucharistic Prayer II (kneel) BCP/341

The Lord’s Prayer

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Christ Our Passover

Prayer of Humble Access

We do not presume to come to this thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold

and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art the same Lord

whose property is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus

Christ, and to drink his blood, that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us. Amen.

Invitation to Communion

O Lamb of God Willan

The Communion

Please come forward to receive the Sacrament when the ushers reach your pew. All baptized Christians are welcome to

receive the sacrament. Non-communicants are welcome to receive a blessing.

Post-communion Prayer

Let us pray.

Almighty and everliving God, we most heartily thank thee for that thou dost feed us, in these holy mysteries, with the

spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ; and dost assure us thereby of thy

favor and goodness towards us; and that we are very members incorporate in the mystical body of thy Son, the blessed

company of all faithful people; and are also heirs, through hope, of thy everlasting kingdom. And we humbly beseech

thee, O heavenly Father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all such

good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy

Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.

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Scene Four

Overcome by despair, the mother tries to steal the gold for her child. The King forgives Amahl’s mother and offers to let

her keep the gold. The Kings prepare to leave on their journey. The mother, touched by their words, offers to give back

the stolen gold and wishes she had a gift of her own to offer the Child. Amahl impulsively offers his crutch, his most

precious possession, as a gift for the Child. A miracle occurs! When Amahl takes a step toward the Kings to offer his

crutch, he realizes that, through his offering, he has been cured.



Response: Thanks be to God.

Hymn 92 On this day earth shall sing Personent hodie

Postlude Postlude on Hark, the Herald Angels Sing David Willocks

† † †

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Amahl and the Night Visitors by Gian Carlo Menotti

Cast The Mother Zita Zimmerman

Amahl Matthew Griffin

King Melchior Alan Henriquez

King Kaspar Arthur Krieck

King Balthazaar Peter Van Derick

The Page Alexis Cordero

Shepherd’s Chorus: The Boys and Girls Choirs and Camerata

Musical Direction

Claudia Dumschat

January Notices

We welcome you to the Church of the Transfiguration. Thank you for visiting our parish. If this is your first time joining

us, please feel free to enter your name and contact information in our guest register or on the yellow cards at the end of

each pew. Everyone is invited to our Coffee Hour reception in the Parish Common Room.

Today, January 6, Feast of the Epiphany

8:30 a.m. Said Mass with Sermon

10:00 a.m. Christian Education does not meet this week but will resume next week with

Aging: a Christian Perspective and will continue into February. What do we do, as 21st-

century Christians, in order to conform our own process of aging to the will of God? An

in depth, practical exploration of getting older, from what preparations you might make

to what growing older as a person of faith actually means.

11:00 a.m. Solemn Mass, with scenes from Amahl and the Night Visitors

Healing prayer available after Solemn Mass in the Holy Family Chapel. Each Sun

day one of our clergy offers a time of personal healing prayer.

Our bookstore is open today following the 11:00 a.m. service.

All are welcome to browse and buy.

5:00 p.m. Informal Evening Eucharist (October to May)

Next Sunday January 13, Epiphany I: The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

8:30 a.m. Said Mass with Sermon

10:00 a.m. Christian Education resumes with Aging: a Christian Perspective and will continue

into February. What do we do, as 21st-century Christians, in order to conform our own

process of aging to the will of God? An in depth, practical exploration of getting older,

from what preparations you might make to what growing older as a person of faith

actually means.

11:00 a.m. Solemn Mass, Preacher: The Rector

Healing prayer available after Solemn Mass in the Holy Family Chapel.

Each Sunday one of our clergy offers a time of personal healing prayer.

Our bookstore is open today following the 11:00 a.m. service.

All are welcome to browse and buy.

5:00 p.m. Informal Evening Eucharist (October to May)

This week at Transfiguration:

Mondays-Fridays, 8:40 A.M. Morning Prayer; Midday Mass, 12:10 P.M. Evening Prayer, 5:10 P.M.

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Christmas flowers and greens are given to the greater glory of God by


Peter Baker

Carol Bowie

in loving memory of

Bruce Bowie,

John & Louise Smiley


Janet Bowie

Deshen Cao & W. Stephen Jeffrey

Rob Caruano

in loving memory of

Francis Caruano

Horace & Violet Felix

Mary Louise Flood

in memory of John Flood

Ann & William Guild

in loving memory of

Alexander Collins

Betty Howe

in loving memory of

Lilian Gaston,

Mary K. Howe,

the Moisand Family,


Nathaniel C. Nash V

Ann Hutchison

Gregory and Sophia Jedzinak

William Lemmon

in loving memory

of my parents,

Frieda and

William Lemmon, Sr.

Marjorie Martin

in loving memory of

Ruby Harvey,

Yvonne Levermore,


Alice El-Shawary

Clair and Connie McPherson

David Natoli

Eleanor Newton

in loving memory of

Michelle Loraine Lomax

and Emeric A. Moore

Constance Peirce

in memory of

Sylvia Dicton

Ann Ravenstine

Claire Ricketts

in loving memory of

Walter & Inez Ricketts


Herbert & Joyce Ricketts

Marianne Schenck

in loving memory of

Josef Schenk

Bishop Andrew R. St. John

in loving memory of

Reginald & Leila St. John

Richard St. John

in loving memory of

Louise St. John

St. Rita

Richard W. Thaler, Jr.

in loving memory of

James E. Gast


Richard W. Thaler

Christiane C. Tsakis

in loving memory

of Donald A. Tsakis

Maria Ureña

Maryann Wlock

in loving memory of

Michael & Anna Wlock

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Lee Alderson

in loving memory of

Gladys Campbell


Peter Baker

Terri Bush

Deshen Cao and W. Stephen Jeffrey

Bernadette Carrozza

Nathaniel & Elizabeth Carr

Rob Caruano

Horace & Violet Felix

Mercedes Fieulleteau

Pamela Glenn

in loving memory of

Mary Johnston and Rose Schultz

Ann & William Guild

in loving memory of

Frederick Weidner III

Betty Howe

in loving memory of

Andy Bloor, Vicky Brandt,

Victor De Lorenzo, Susan Wesley

Ann Hutchison

Gregory & Sophia Jedzinak

In memory of Walter & Irene Kent

married in this church in 1943

William Lemmon

Marjorie Martin

Constance Peirce

in memory of

Jean Marie Reese

Ann Ravenstine

Marianne Schenk

in loving memory of

Josef Schenk

Joan Seymour

Sheily & Chelsea

Joseph M. Thomas II

Christiane C. Tsakis

in loving memory of

Donald A. Tsakis

Patricia Anne Williams

Maryann Wlock

in loving memory of

Theodore & Michael Wlock

Donations for Christmas music are given to the greater glory of God by

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Carpenter’s Kids: This parish has supported fifty AIDS orphans in Tanganyika for the past five years through the

diocesan organization, Carpenter’s Kids (a joint program between this diocese and the Diocese of Central Tanganyika).

The Social Action Committee has recommended we continue this support for a further five years. $70 dollars per child

per year enables them to purchase their uniforms and books so that they may attend school. We need to raise

$3,500 to fulfill our pledge to these children!

City Harvest: We are collecting food for City Harvest to distribute throughout New York City. A basket is provided at

the rear of the church. Foodstuffs needed: canned fruits or vegetables, canned soups, peanut butter in plastic containers,

pasta, boxed cereal, boxed macaroni and cheese. Please note: City Harvest cannot accept your donation if the product is


Please pray for: Cindy and Jessica, Maggie, Marie, Jonathan Madrigano, Martin, Joanne, Carolyn Bell, Bucky Farnor,

Claire Malouf, Margaret, Steve Logan, Richard Duane.

Join us for our next Arnold Schwartz Memorial Concert

Sunday, January 27, 3:00 p.m.

Cornerstones & Overtones “TwoSense: the excellent duo” ~The New York Times

Formed in 2009, TwoSense (Lisa Moore, piano and Ashley Bathgate, cello) perform works by Beethoven,

Messiaen, and Bresnick. Described as the “new music equivalent of a special ops team” by New York

magazine, and “eloquent new-music interpreters” by The New York Times, the duo performs new cello

and piano works paired with mainstream classics. Tickets: $25/$15 Students & Seniors

Annual Pledge Campaign: To date we have received 44 pledges totaling $126,100. If you have not yet handed in your 2013 pledge, it is not too

late to do so. Please place it in the offering bowl. If you have mislaid your pledge form or did not receive one, there are

pledge brochures available on the table at the back of the church.

Lychgate Appeal Our current appeal is to raise $200,000 to pay for the restoration of our historic Lychgate at the entrance to the

church’s garden. As of the end of the end of November we have raised $115, 646 —contributions are climbing, but

we still need more help to achieve our goal! Work began on the restoration on August 21st and we ask members of the

congregation and our local community to please do what you can to help us raise the remaining $96,000. If you have

friends, family, or professional colleagues you can reach out to, will you do so for your parish? We are grateful for the

generosity of all of our donors to date and look forward to completing this fund raising project and celebrating with you

the newly restored Lychgate. Please let our Parish Administrator, Bill Nave, or Rosemary Mackey know if you have

ideas for individual or foundations that might be asked to give to this project to help maintain the beauty of the Lychgate

for future generations. You may speak to Rosemary or write to Bill at [email protected]

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Transfiguration’s Outreach Ministries

Our Chapel and Garden offer an oasis of peace and beauty to the local community both residential and

business as well as to many visitors each day.

The Episcopal Actors’ Guild, founded by the parish in 1923 as a charity for needy actors as well as a

fellowship for theater people, is located in Guild Hall above the Chapel. The Rector and several parishioners

serve on its Council.

Carpenters’ Kids is a diocesan program in partnership with the Diocese of Central Tanganyika. It supports

over 6,000 AIDS orphans to attend school through the provision of uniforms and books. Transfiguration

supports 50 orphans.

Ecclesia Ministries is a local interchurch program reaching out to the homeless through the provision of a

regular Sunday Eucharist in Madison Square Park at 2:00 p.m. Bishop Andrew and Fr. Fleenor are on the

regular roster of celebrants.

The Rector’s Discretionary Fund distributes charitable funds from weddings, funerals, and gifts to the

following: Holy Apostles’ Soup Kitchen; Episcopal Charities; Episcopal Social Services; Incarnation Camp;

Anglican United Nations Observer; Broadway Blessing at the Cathedral; AIDS Action International; LGBT

Pride March; Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing; The House of the Redeemer

City Harvest distributes food throughout our city. The parish collects non-perishable foodstuff for this


We host a regular Al-Anon group and other community groups as requested.

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The Church of the Transfiguration is a community committed to faith in action (Fides Opera),

embracing all who seek God’s inclusive love.

Dates for Diaries


Sunday, February 3

Ash Wednesday,

February 13


Weekday Services Morning Prayer, 8:40 a.m.; Mass, 12:10 p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:10 p.m.

Confessions. Confession to a Priest is available upon request. Please make an appointment with the Rector or

one of the associate priests. Confessions are often heard in the little Mary Chapel off the Holy Family Chapel.

Healing Ministry. At the 12:10 p.m. mass every Wednesday, Anointing and Laying On of the Hands for

Healing of mind, body, and spirit is available to all who come. In addition, that ministry is available upon

request especially before surgery or for other serious health concerns and may be administered at the church, at

home, or in a hospital.

Pledging. A pledge of a portion of our income be it small or great is part of our Christian duty and a sign of

our spiritual commitment to God and his Church. Pledge cards are always available from the office or at the

back of the Church. We also have an e-pledge facility.

Sunday Hospitality. Our supply of hospitality staples (cookies, crackers, juice, etc.) is dwindling. Donations

are greatly appreciated. Please contact Lee Alderson, head of hospitality. During the week she can be reached

by e-mail at [email protected], and on the weekend by phone at 212 889 3106. Lee also needs two

people each week to make his important part of our Sunday fellowship possible.

Parish Vestry

Alex Ellwood and Ann Ravenstine, Wardens, Alissa Abrams, Nanci Blaisdell, Paul Cardozo,

Horace Felix, Bill Glew, Carter Keithley, Aaron Jones, Rosemary Mackey, and Elizabeth Carr, Treasurer


The Right Rev’d Andrew St. John, Rector

Dr. Claudia Dumschat, Organist & Choirmaster

The Rev’d Dr. Clair W. McPherson, Associate Priest

The Rev’d David Fleenor, Associate Priest

The Rev’d Dr. Warren C. Platt, Associate Priest

The Rev’d Dr. Paul A. Metzler, Associate Priest

The Rev’d Dr. C. Don Keyes, Associate Priest

The Rev’d Deacon Ian Betts

John Allison, Seminarian

Sara Bates, Seminarian

Tyrone Campbell, Verger

Yaroslav Dyakiv, Verger

Bill Nave, Parish Administrator

Joe Ponessa, Bookkeeper

The Rev’d Norman J. Catir, Jr., Rector Emeritus
