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  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited

    Financial Accounting Configuration Document

    Version 1.0

    (FI CD Ver 1.0

    Volume 1 of !

    Tata Consultancy ServicesBANGALOREJune - 2003

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0

    A"out #A$ %' Financial Accounting configuration document


    Te )ur)ose of tis document is to descri"e te configuration settingsmaintained for te #A$ %' Financial Accounting ma))ing for TEIL.


    Tis document is intended for core users *o are familiar *it #A$ %'Financial Accounting module configuration activities.

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0

    +rgani,ation of Documents

    Orani!ed in four volu"es to help user access infor"ation easily

    Volume 1

    Deals *it - ca)ters Enter)rise structure and /lo"al settings. Theenterprise structure deals with creation and assin"ent of orani!ationstructure li#e co"pany$ co"pany %&$ 'usiness areas( The lo'al settins dealwith settins at the lo'al level ie$ fiscal year$ docu"ent settins$ postinperiods$ docu"ent types and nu"'er ranes$ ta)es on sales * purchases andwith holdin ta)( The volu"e in addition deals with %ndia specific settinsre+uired for C%,(

    Volume -

    Deals *it /eneral Ledger module settings li#e Chart of accounts$ cashournal$ 'an# accountin$ open ite" clearin$ financial state"ent versions$retained earnins and interation with other "odules

    Volume '

    Deals *it Accounts $aa"le and Accounts %eceiva"le module settingsli#e custo"er and .endor "aster records "anae"ent$ transaction postinsli#e invoices$ outoin pay"ents$ inco"in pay"ents$ che+ue "anae"ent$

    postins with alternative / accounts(

    Volume !

    Deals *it Asset Accounting module settings li#e chart of depreciation$interation with eneral leder$ depreciation$ and calculation and assettransactions(

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0

    Conventions sed

    T)efacesm"ol Indicates

    2old 1 here ever stress has to 'e "ade on aparticular point(

    Italic 4or reference notes 5)a"ple Note

    Tcode Transaction codes to o to particulartransaction

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0

    A""reviations and Acronms used

    A""reviations and Acronms used in tis document are listed "elo*

    A""reviations or Acronms Its e3)anded from

    Acct Account

    Amnt A"ount

    2# 7alance Sheet

    Clg Clearin

    Ct Country

    /L /eneral eder

    /) /roup

    I4 %ndia

    4o. ,u"'er

    $L 8rofit * oss account

    #t Status

    Trn T)e Transaction Type

    5it ld ith holdin

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0


    D+C6E4T %ELEA#E 4+TICE

    ,otice ,o( : 4%;C&;.er1(0

    Client : Triveni 5nineerin *%ndustries td(

    12A 8eenya %ndustrial Area

    7analore - 96009Add?del?ch


    8ae ,o(


    8ae ,o(



    Chane =eister serial nu"'ers covered: ,one

    The docu"ents or revised paes are su'ect to docu"ent control(

    8lease #eep the" up-to-date usin the release notices fro" the distri'utor of the docu"ent(

    These are confidential docu"ents( Unauthori!ed access or copyin is prohi'ited(

    Approved 'y: &ate:

    Authori!ed 'y: &ate:

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version1.0


    Document %evision List

    Client :( Triveni 5nineerin *%ndustries td(

    12A 8eenya %ndustrial Area

    7analore -96009 #elect standard line laout for document cange dis)la

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent ine %te" Select standard line layoutfor docu"ent chane ? display

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    -.-.!.10 Define document cange rules

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent ine %te" &efine docu"ent chane


    &etails of theconfiuration

    Standard Settins used

    -.-.!.11 Fast entr screens for /L account items

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent ine %te" 4ast entry screens for /?

    account ite"s

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 31 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    2.2.( %efault Values For )diting %ocuments

    -.-.:.1 Define document t)e and )osting 9e

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent &efault .alues 4or 5ditin &ocu"ents

    &efine docu"ent type and postin #ey&etails of theconfiuration

    Standard settins used

    -.-.:.- Ena"le fiscal ear default

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent &efault .alues 4or 5ditin &ocu"ents

    5na'le fiscal year default

    &etails of theconfiuration

    4iscal year default for ST7/ has 'een ena'led

    -.-.:.' Define default value date

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent &efault .alues 4or 5ditin &ocu"ents

    &efine default value date

    &etails of theconfiuration

    8ropose .alue date is chec#ed(

    -.-.:.! Cange message control document )rocessing

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent &efault .alues 4or 5ditin &ocu"ents

    Chane "essae control docu"ent processin&etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    2.2.* Recurring )ntries

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent =ecurrin entries

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    2.2.+ C,anges %isplay

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"entChanes display

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 32 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    2.2.- Accounting %ocument Arc,iing

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent Accountin &ocu"ent Archivin

    &etails of theconfiuration

    standard settins used

    2.2./ Par0ed %ocument standard settings used

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    Settins&ocu"ent&ocu"ent 8ar#in

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o Confiuration

    2.2.1 a4es on Sales5Purc,ases "asic Settings

    -.-.10.1 Cec9 Calculation $rocedure ?

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.- Assign Countr to Calculation )rocedure

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    SettinsTa)es on Sales?8urchases 7asic settins Assin

    country to calculation procedure

    Ta'le .;009;5

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Ta)in assined to Country %,(

    -.-.10.' Cec9 and Cange #ettings for Ta3 $rocessing

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.! #)ecif #tructure for Ta3 @urisdiction Code

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.: Define Ta3 @urisdictions

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    SettinsTa)es on Sales?8urchases 7asic settins &efine

    Ta) urisdictionsTa'le .;TTEJ

    &etails of theconfiuration

    As iven 'elow(

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 33 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    The fre+uently used ta) urisdiction codes are %,00 in S& and 0200 in BB transactions(

    -.-.10.7 Cange 6essage Control for ta3es

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.< Cange Field Control for Ta3 2ase Amount

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.= #*itc +ff Ta3 Translation "et*een Local and Document Currenc

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.> E3ternal ta3 Calculation;

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.10 Fiscal %egional codes; #tandard #ettings

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.10.11 $lants a"road;

    ,o confiuration done

    2.2.11 a4es on Sales5Purc,ases Calculation

    -.-.11.1 Define Ta3 Codes for #ales and $urcases

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    SettinsTa)es on Sales?8urchases Calculation &efine Ta)

    Codes for Sales and 8urchases

    Ta'le T00A

    &etails of theconfiuration

    As iven 'elow(

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    Ta3 code Ta3 t)e Descri)tion

    A1 A AFA7A&-CST

    A2 A AFA7A&-ST

    A< A Service ite"s %nterstate - AF7&

    AD A Service ite"s %ntrastate - AF7&

    71 A 7analore ,or"al72 A 7analore ST

    7 A &7O %nterstate>CST

    79 A &7O %nterstate>ST

    76 A &7O Out side state>CST

    7 A Stoc# transport fro" 7analore plant

    7< A Service ite"s interstate

    7D A Service ite"s intrastate

    &1 A &5F%-CST

    &2 A &5F%-ST

    &< A Service ite"s %nterstate - &5F%

    &D A Service ite"s %ntrastate - &5F%

    51 A40 A 4ree of Chare

    F1 A Fydera'ad CST

    F2 A Fydera'ad ST

    F< A Service ite"s %nterstate - F&

    FD A Service ite"s %ntrastate - F&




    B2 A BUB7A%-BAF-ST

    B< A Service ite"s %nterstate - BAF

    BD A Service ite"s %ntrastate - BAF

    81 A 8U,5-BAF-CST82 A 8U,5-BAF-ST

    .0 . ero ta)

    .1 . 5)cise duty16I

    1 . ero Ta) for asset ac+uisitions

    A ero ta) code

    -.-.11.- Assign Com)an Code to Document Date for Ta3 Determination

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.11.' #)ecif 2ase Amount

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.11.! Cange Foreign Currenc Translation

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.-.11.: Define Ta3 Accounts

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    SettinsTa)es on Sales?8urchases 8ostins &efine Ta)


    Ta'le T030K

    &etails of theconfiuration

    The / accounts attached to a'ove ta) codes transaction type wiseis iven 'elow(

    Transactions Ta3 Code Accounts Descri)tion

    B3 Sales ta) 3

    A2 230233 (S(T(8aya'le - Allaha'ad &epot

    72 230231 (S(T 8aya'le - 7analore

    &2 230232 (S(T(8aya'le - &elhi &epot

    F2 230236 (S(T(8aya'le - Fydera'ad &epot

    B2 23023 (S(T(8aya'le - 8une &epot

    BS Output ta)

    A1 230203 C(S(T( 8aya'le - Allaha'ad &epot

    71 230201 C(S(T( 8aya'le - 7analore

    &1 230202 C(S(T( 8aya'le - &elhi &epot

    F1 230206 C(S(T( 8aya'le - Fydera'ad &epot

    B1 23020 C(S(T( 8aya'le - 8une &epot

    .S1 Sales ta) 1

    .1 230003 C5,.AT Clearin >BB

    .S2 Sales ta) 2

    .1 230003 C5,.AT Clearin >BB

    -.-.11.7 Define Account for E3cange %ate Difference $osting

    ,o confiuration was carried out(

    -.-.11.< Assign Ta3 Codes for 4onTa3a"le Transactions

    Benu 8ath %B/ 4inancial Accountin 4inancial Accountin /lo'al

    SettinsTa)es on Sales?8urchases 8ostins Assin Ta)

    Codes for ,on-Ta)a'le Transactions


    &etails of theconfiuration

    1 as input ta) * as output ta) codes have 'een assined withurisdiction code %,00

    -.-.11.= Transfer $osting of Ta3 for CrossCom)an Code Transactions

    ,o confiuration was carried out

    -.' 5itolding ta3

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    2.3.1 )4tended 6it,,olding a4

    -.'.1.1 2asic #ettings

    -.'.1.1.1 Cec9 5itolding Ta3 Countries

    Benu 8ath via %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M7asic SettinsMChec# ithholdin Ta) Countries



    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o confiuration

    ithholdin Ta) refers to ta) deducted at source( %n this step$ a country needs to 'e defined to ena'lefurther settins for T&S to 'e done(

    Current #stem #ettings

    Ct 5ct Descri)tion

    %, %, 5T %ndia

    -.'.1.1.- Define official *itolding ta3 codes

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M7asic SettinsM&efine Official ithholdin Ta) Codes

    Ta'le T09DO

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Section 1DF was confiured for the purpose of sales co""ission

    %n this step$ #eys need to 'e defined for each section under the %T Act( These #eys are in a later step

    attached to Ta) Types.

    Current System Settings

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 3 of 63

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.1.' Define reasons for e3em)tion

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M7asic SettinsM&efine =easons for 5)e"ption



    &etails of the


    ,o confiuration ill 'e "aintained 'y T5% as and when =e+uired

    %n this activity$ reasons for e)e"ption fro" withholdin ta) have to 'e defined$ for country N%,( Theseindicators can 'e entered in the vendor "aster record or in the co"pany code withholdin ta) "asterrecord infor"ation( These will 'e entered as and when needed(

    -.'.1.1.! Cec9 %eci)ient T)es

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M7asic SettinsMChec# =ecipient Types

    Ta'le T09DC


    &etails of theconfiuration

    =ecipient Types CO?OT?/o have 'een defined for Co"panies?Others ?/overn"ent e)cept in case of Section 1D% where distinctionhas 'een "ade as per law

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    Uncontrolled when printed

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  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    Types of recipients are defined for each Ta) Type$ for country N%,( The types defined are CO forCo"paniesP /O for /overn"ent * OT for Others(

    -.'.1.1.: Cec9 Income T)es

    ,o confiuration done

    -.'.1.1.7 Cange 6essage Control for 5itolding Ta3

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsM

    ithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M7asic SettinsMChane Bessae Control for ithholdin Ta)

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Bessae control has 'een confiured for vendors and custo"ers asshown 'elow

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 0 of 63

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.- Calculation

    -.'.1.-.1 5itolding Ta3 T)e

    -.'.1.-.- Define 5itolding Ta3 T)e for Invoice $osting)ament )osting

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsM

    ithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)MCalculationMithholdin Ta) Type-&efine ithholdin Ta) Type for %nvoice8ostin? &efine ithholdin Ta) Type for 8ay"ent 8ostin



    &etails of theconfiuration

    - ithholdin ta) on %nvoice verification& -ithholdin ta) on Advance pay"ents

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 1 of 63

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    Current #stem #ettings

    5itld Ta3T)e

    5 D

    &escription ithholdin ta)on %nvoiceverification

    ithholdin ta)on Advancepay"ent

    7ase A"ount ,et a"ount ,et a"ount

    =oundin rules =ound w?ta)a"nt up

    =ound w?ta)a"nt up

    8ost w?ta)a"ount

    E E


    ,o accu"ulation 8er ear

    ?ta) 'ase"anual

    E E

    Banual w?ta)a"nt

    E E

    ,o Certificatenu"'erin


    &efine "in?"a)a"ounts L 7asea"ount

    ?ta) code level ?ta) code level

    Central %nvoice Central %nv(8rop(

    &efine "in?"a)a"ounts Lithholdin ta)a"ount

    ?ta) code level ?ta) code level

    ote 7

    4ollowin indicators "ust always 'e switched on :

    N8ost w?ta) a"ount - T&S deduction is activated only if this indicator is set

    N?ta) 'ase "anual - allows chanin 'ase a"ount

    NBanual w?ta) a"nt - allows chanin T&S a"ount

    To activate roundin rules for ta) types$ ta'le NT001=T needs to 'e updated with all ta) types$

    and the roundin up unit defined as N100(

    Additionally$ the chec#'o) Nia'le in the vendor "aster and N?ta) in the custo"er "aster "ust also 'eswitched on(

    %n this activity$ ta) types applica'le at the ti"e of postin of pay"ents to vendors need to 'e defined(These Ta) Types too "ust 'e stored in the vendor or custo"er "aster$ which are su'ect to T&S

    deductions( These Ta) Types are specially "eant for deduction of T&S at the ti"e of pay"ent of advanceto vendors(

    o*ever8 it ma "e noted tat if corres)onding Ta3 Codes (refer later ca)ter8 for tese Ta3T)es8 are entered at te time of invoice )ostings (along *it corres)onding Ta3 Codes for Ta3T)es for Binvoice )osting8 TD# *ill "e deducted "ot at te time of )osting invoice andoutgoing )ament

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    ence8 it is advised tat *ile Ta3 T)es "ot for Binvoice )osting and B)ament )osting ma"e stored in te vendor master8 corres)onding Ta3 Code must "e stored only for Binvoice)osting. 5ile ma9ing a do*n )ament to te vendor8 te Ta3 Code for B)ament )osting *illo"viousl a))ear "lan98 and needs to "e removed at tat )oint.

    -.'.1.-.' Define E3cange %ate T)e for 5itolding Ta3 T)e

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)MCalculationMithholdin Ta) Type-&efine 5)chane =ate Type for ithholdinTa) Type

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o confiuration done

    -.'.1.-.'.1 Define %ounding %ule for 5itolding Ta3 T)e

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)MCalculationMithholdin Ta) Type-&efine =oundin =ule for ithholdin Ta)

    Type&etails of theconfiuration

    As iven 'elow

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 3 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.-.! Assign Condition T)e to 5itolding Ta3 T)e,o confiuration done

    -.'.1.' 5itolding Ta3 Codes

    -.'.1.'.1 Define *itolding ta3 codes

    %n this step$ Ta) Codes need to 'e specified( These codes are attached to Ta) Types in the vendor andthe custo"er "asters( The codes contain the rates of ta)$ which includes the surchare ele"ent >e(( ifta) rate is 10(00I and surchare is 10I$ the rate to 'e specified in the field Nith?ta) rate is 11I(

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)MCalculationMithholdin Ta) Codes- &efine ithholdin Ta) Codes

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Confiuration done is as ta'ulated 'elow

    5itld Ta3T)e






    Descri)tion agesu"ect to ta3



    &1 &1 1DC T&S on contractors - 2(I

    100 1 2((10I

    &2 &2 1DC T&S pay"ent Advertiser1(02I

    100 1 1(09I

    &3 &3 1DF T&S pay"entco""ission

    100 1 9(29I

    & & 1D% T&S 8aya'le on =ent-Co"panies - 20I

    100 1 19(9I

    &9 &9 1D% T&S 8aya'le on =ent-%ndividuals - 19I

    100 1 21(0I

    &6 &6 1DJ T&S 8aya'le on 8rof ?Tech Ser - 9(I

    100 1 9(29I

    & & 1D9 T&S 8aya'le on Others30I

    100 1 19(9I

    1 C1 1DC T&S 8aya'le onContractors - 2(2I

    100 1 2(10I

    2 C2 1DC T&S 8aya'le onAdvertise"ent - 1(1I

    100 1 1(09I

    3 C3 1DF T&S 8aya'le onCo""ission

    100 1 9(29I

    C 1D% T&S 8aya'le on =ent-

    %ndividuals - 19(I

    100 1 19(9I

    9 C9 1D% T&S 8aya'le on =ent-Co"panies - 20I

    100 1 21(0I

    6 C6 1DJ T&S 8aya'le on 8rof ?Tech Ser - 9(I

    100 1 9(29I

    C 1D9 T&S Others 100 1 19(9I

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.'.- Define Formulas for Calculating 5itolding Ta3

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)MCalculationMithholdin Ta) Codes- &efine ithholdin Ta) Codes

    &etails of theconfiuration

    ,o confiuration done

    -.'.1.! 5itolding Ta3 2ase Amount

    -.'.1.!.1 Define $rocessing Ge for 6odified 4et Amount (4o Configuration

    ,o confiuration was carried out

    -.'.1.!.- Define $rocessing Ge for 6odified Ta3 Amount (4o Configuration

    ,o confiuration was carried out

    -.'.1.!.' $ortra De)endencies 2et*een 5itolding Ta3 T)es (4o Configuration

    ,o confiuration was carried out

    -.'.1.: 6inimum and 6a3imum Amounts

    -.'.1.:.1 Define 6in6a3 Amounts for 5itolding Ta3 T)es

    Certain %T sections specify that no T&S should 'e deducted if the total invoices posted for the vendor donot e)ceed a 'ase a"ount( >e(( under sec(1DC$ T&S should not 'e deducted if the total of invoicesposted durin a year for a particular vendor does not e)ceed =s(20$000( %f it e)ceeds the 'ase a"ount$T&S "ust 'e deducted on all invoices posted till date(

    %n this step$ the "ini"u" 'ase a"ount "ust 'e specified( %t "ay 'e noted that the accu"ulation >of

    invoices per year is set in the ithholdin Ta) Type >L indicator under headin NAccu"ulation Type(

    Confiuration done is as ta'ulated 'elow



    Valid from Currenc 6inimum"ase amount

    &1 &1 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    &2 &2 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    &3 &3 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    & & 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    &9 &9 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    &6 &6 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    & & 01(0(2001 %,= 1(001 C1 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    2 C2 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    3 C3 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    C 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    9 C9 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    6 C6 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    C 01(0(2001 %,= 1(00

    Uncontrolled when printed

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.:.- Define 6in6a3 Amounts for 5itolding Ta3 Codes

    4o configuration done.

    -.'.1.7 Com)an Code

    -.'.1.7.1 Assign 5itolding Ta3 T)es to Com)an Codes

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M Co"pany Code M

    Assin ithholdin Ta) Types to Co"pany Codes

    &etails of theconfiuration

    &etails are as under

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 6 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    %n the a'ove activity$ the followin specifications "ust 'e "ade for each Ta) Type:

    %ndicators Nith?ta) aent and NSu'ect to w?t) "ust 'e clic#ed to activate deduction of T&S

    on vendors and custo"ers$ respectively(

    .alidity period "ust 'e specified for each Ta) Type$ under the vendor data( As reard

    custo"ers$ the validity period is specified in the custo"er "aster itself(

    %n the field N?ta) nu"'er$ the TA, nu"'ers for each section have 'een stored(

    Confiuration done is as ta'ulated 'elow

    Vendor data


    5itoldta3 t)e





    +"lig. to*ta3 until

    5ta3 num"er #u"ectto *t3

    ST7/ & E 01(09(2001 31(12(DDDD TA, ,o T0063A>S 7/


    ST7/ E 01(09(2001 31(12(DDDD TA, ,o T0063A>S 7/


    -.'.1.7.- Activate E3tended 5itolding Ta3

    Benu 8ath %B/ L4inancial Accountin-4inancial Accountin /lo'al SettinsMithholdin Ta)--5)tended ithholdin Ta)M Co"pany Code M

    Activate 5)tended ithholdin Ta)

    &etails of theconfiuration

    5)tended ithholdin Ta) has 'een activated for Co"pany ST7/

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.'.1.< $ostings


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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.! India Locali,ation 6enu

    2.#.1 Preparatory Actiities

    -.!.1.1 Activate 2usiness Transaction Events

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL8reparatory Activities-Activate 7usinessTransaction 5vents

    &etails of theconfiuration

    &etails are as under

    Activate 7usiness Transaction 5vents

    1( Choose Settins -> %dentification -> 8artners.2( Ba#e sure that there is an entry for partner %,&%A and that it is active(3( /o 'ac# to the SA8 7usiness 4ra"ewor#: 7usiness Transaction 5vents screen(( Choose Settins -> 8roducts -> ((( of a partner-> edit(9( Ba#e sure that there is an entry for product TS in conunction with partner %,&%A(6( Ba#e sure that there is an entry for product 5T in conunction with partner %,&%A

    ( Choose Settins -> 8roducts -> ((( of a partner->activate( ((( of a partner.13( Ba#e sure that there is an entry for event 00001120$ function "odule J;1%5T;&U5&AT5with partner %,&%A and product 5T(

    2.#.2 8lo!al Settings

    -.!.-.1 Com)an #ettings

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    -.!.-.- E3cise %egistration IDs

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services D of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.-.' $lant #ettings

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    -.!.-.! E3cise /rou)s

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 90 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.-.: 6aintain #eries /rou)s

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    -.!.-.7 E3cise Defaults

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    -.!.-.< Ta3 indicator maintenance

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 91 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    2.#.3 Accounting

    -.!.'.1 6a9e #ure Tat $rocessing Ges Are Deducti"le

    Standard settins "aintained

    -.!.'.- Define /L Accounts for Ta3es

    Sa"e as 2(2(11(9(

    -.!.'.' 6aintain Transaction Accounts

    ETT #u" TrnT) DC ind Acct name

    94C 01 C= 8A75&

    94C 01 C= =/2375&

    94C 01 &= C5A=

    9,= 01 C= C5A=

    9,= 01 C= 8AA5&

    9,= 01 C= 8A75&9,= 01 C= 8AS5&

    9,= 01 C= =/23A5&

    9,= 01 C= =/2375&

    9,= 01 C= =/23S5&

    9,= 01 &= =5.5=S

    CA/= C= C5A=

    CA/= &= O,FO&

    CA85 C= O,FO&

    CA85 &= O,FO&

    CA85 &= =/23A5&

    CA85 &= =/2375&

    CA85 &= =/23S5&

    C5%. C= BSUS8

    C5%. &= 8AA5&

    C5%. &= 8A75&

    C5%. &= 8AS5&

    C5%. &= =/23A5&

    C5%. &= =/2375&

    C5%. &= =/23S5&

    &%5E C= C5A=

    &%5E &= O,FO&

    &%5E &= =/23A5&

    &%5E &= =/2375&

    &%5E &= =/23S5&

    &4C C= 8AA5&

    &4C C= 8A75&

    &4C C= 8AC5SS

    &4C C= 8AS5&

    &4C C= =/23A5&

    ETT #u" TrnT) DC ind Acct name

    &4C C= =/2375&

    &4C C= =/23S5&

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 92 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    &4C &= BSUS8

    58O C= C5A=

    58O &= =/23A5&

    58O &= =/2375&

    58O &= =/23S5&

    /=8O C= C5A=

    /=8O &= O,FO&

    /=8O &= =/23A5&

    /=8O &= =/2375&

    /=8O &= =/23S5&

    B=& C= 8AA5&

    B=& C= 8A75&

    B=& C= 8AS5&

    B=& C= =/23A5&

    B=& C= =/2375&

    B=& C= =/23S5&

    B=& &= C5A=

    B==& C= 8AA5&

    B==& C= 8A75&

    B==& C= 8AS5&B==& C= =/23A5&

    B==& C= =/2375&

    B==& C= =/23S5&

    B==& &= C5A=

    B=O C= 8AA5&

    B=O C= 8A75&

    B=O C= 8AS5&

    B=O C= =/23A5&

    B=O C= =/2375&

    B=O C= =/23S5&

    B=O &= C5A=

    OTF= C= 8AA5&OTF= C= 8A75&

    OTF= C= 8AS5&

    OTF= C= =/23A5&

    OTF= C= =/2375&

    OTF= C= =/23S5&

    OTF= &= BSUS8

    T=6C C= 8O,F&

    T=6C &= 8AA5&

    T=6C &= 8A75&

    T=6C &= 8AC5SS

    T=6C &= 8AS5&

    UT C= 8AA5&UT C= 8A75&

    ETT #u" TrnT) DC ind Acct name

    UT C= 8AC5SS

    UT C= 8AS5&

    UT C= =/23A5&

    UT C= =/2375&

    UT C= =/23S5&

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 93 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    UT &= C5A=

    -.!.'.! Assign /L Accounts to Transaction T)es and E3cise /rou)s

    The followin settins have 'een "aintained(







    6od.Clear$LA 2EDCE4VAT+


    $LA +nld


    01 9CB 000013100 000013101 0000230003 000013103 000013102 00003

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    03 &%5E 000013100 000013101 0000230003 000013103 000013102 00003

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    details for the 7usiness 8lace need to 'e "aintained( hile the T&S Circle and =ane need to 'eentered in the search field otherwise they will not 'e printed in the certificate(

    -.!.:.- 5itolding Ta3 on Clearing Accounts and Adustment of Ta3 Items

    -.!.:.-.1 Assign Document T)es

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)-ithholdin Ta) on Clearin Accounts andAdust"ent of Ta) %te"s-Assin &ocu"ent Types

    &etails of theconfiuration

    &etails are as under

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 96 of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.:.-.- #)ecif 5ic Clearing Accounts Are Lia"le to 5itolding Ta3

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)-ithholdin Ta) on Clearin Accounts and

    Adust"ent of Ta) %te"s-Specify hich Clearin Accounts Are ia'leto ithholdin Ta)

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Account 230006 /=?%=-Clearin - 5)ternal 8rocure"ent has 'eenassined to Co"pany code ST7/

    -.!.:.-.' #)ecif 5ic /L Accounts to $ost 5itolding Ta3 and Losses to

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)-ithholdin Ta) on Clearin Accounts and

    Adust"ent of Ta) %te"s- Specify hich /? Accounts to 8ostithholdin Ta) and osses to

    &etails of theconfiuration

    &etails are as under

    -.!.:.' Calculation of #urcarges

    -.!.:.'.1 6aintain #urcarge Calculation 6etods

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)-Calculation of Surchares- BaintainSurchare Calculation Bethods

    &etails of theconfiuration

    4or co"pany code ST7/ the surchares have 'een co"'ined withthe withholdin ta) codes

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 9 of 63

  • 8/13/2019 Cin Fi Config


    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.:.'.- 6aintain #urcarge Ta3 Codes (#e)arate Ta3 Codes (4o Configuration

    ,o confiuration done

    -.!.:.'.' 6aintain #urcarge %ates (#urcarges Com"ined *it 2asic 5 Ta3 Codes

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)-Calculation of Surchares- BaintainSurchare =ates >Surchares Co"'ined with 7asic F Ta) Codes

    &etails of theconfiuration

    4or co"pany code ST7/ the surchares have 'een co"'ined withthe withholdin ta) codes and such the 'elow confiuration does notaffect the transactions

    -.!.:.! Determination of Ta3 Due Dates

    -.!.:.!.1 Assign Factor Calendars to 2usiness $laces

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- &eter"ination of Ta) &ue &ates- Assin4actory Calendars to 7usiness 8laces

    &etails of theconfiuration

    4or co"pany code ST7/ the surchares have 'een co"'ined withthe withholdin ta) codes

    -.!.:.!.- 6aintain Ta3 Due Dates for Ta3 T)es

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- &eter"ination of Ta) &ue &ates-Baintain Ta) &ue &ates for Ta) Types

    &etails of theconfiuration

    4or co"pany code ST7/ the surchares have 'een co"'ined withthe withholdin ta) codes

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 9< of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.:.: Creation of %emittance Callans

    -.!.:.:.1 6aintain Document T)e

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- Creation of =e"ittance Challans-

    Baintain &ocu"ent Type&etails of theconfiuration

    &ocu"ent Type SA is 'ein used for T&S postins

    -.!.:.:.- 6aintain 4um"er /rou)s

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- Creation of =e"ittance Challans-Baintain ,u"'er /roups

    &etails of theconfiuration

    -.!.:.:.' Assign 4um"er %anges to 4um"er /rou)s

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- Creation of =e"ittance Challans- Assin,u"'er =anes to ,u"'er /roups

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Assined ,u"'er =ane 29 to ,u"'er /roup 29

    -.!.:.:.! 6aintain 4um"er %anges

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-

    5)tended ithholdin Ta)- Creation of =e"ittance Challans-Baintain ,u"'er =anes

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Assined ,u"'er =ane 29 to ,u"'er /roup 29

    Uncontrolled when printed

    TATA Consultancy Services 9D of 63

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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    -.!.:.7 $osting of 5itolding Ta3 Certificates from Customers

    Benu 8ath %B/ C%, versionL%ndia ocali!ation Benu-Ta) &educted at Source-5)tended ithholdin Ta)- 8ostin of ithholdin Ta) Certificatesfro" Custo"ers

    &etails of theconfiuration

    Assined ,u"'er =ane 29 to ,u"'er /roup 29

    -.!.:.< 5itolding Ta3 Certificates


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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0


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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    000010006 3016 0000100221


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    Financial Accounting Configuration Manual Version 1.0

    ,o ear 4ro"nu"'er To nu"'er

    currentnu"'er 5)t

    1 DDDD 1000000000 1DDDDDDDDD 1000000000

    -.< %e)orts

    Standard Settins "aintained

    -.= 6essage Configuration

    ,o confiuration done(
