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Citymapper Presentation

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Improving the app By Ash Patel UX Designer

Improving the app

By Ash Patel UX Designer

Brief:Suggest what you'd like to improve in the app. Best if you DESIGN IT, share a link to a screenshot, wireframe, sketch, napkin.

Think about where we should go next as a company.


(Bold word, Citymapper.)

How do I define improve?

How do I define improve?

What should I improve?

How do I define improve?

What should I improve?

Where do I think citymapper are going?

Defining ‘improve’

Discovery: Defining ‘improve’

Let’s talk to the users…

Discovery: Defining ‘improve’

Let’s talk to the users… ..and send out a survey to gather some insights on their behaviours and motivations for using citymapper.

To understand that if we are to improve anything, it needs to benefit them and work with the way they engage with citymapper.

Discovery: Defining ‘improve’

..and send out a survey to gather some insights on their behaviours and motivations for using citymapper.

Let’s talk to the users…

Survey objectives

Discovery: Survey objectives

Discovery: Survey objectives

1. To recruit high frequency citymapper users for further study

2. To understand what mode of transport would benefit from an improvement


See the survey questions:

Discovery: Survey objectives

1. To recruit high frequency citymapper users for further study

Discovery: Survey guerrilla research


View the survey questions:

Survey results

15 respondents

Discovery: Survey results


View the survey results:

15 respondents

100% live in London

Discovery: Survey results


View the survey results:

How often they use citymapper 15 of 15 respondents

Daily users…

Discovery: Survey results

What mode/s of transport do daily users check the most:

Discovery: Survey results

2 of 10 3 of 10

What mode/s of transport do daily users check the most:

Discovery: Survey results

Discovery: Survey results

Which transport should I focus on?

Discovery: Survey results

Which transport should I focus on?

P1 - “most up to date times for any nearby bus stops”

P2 - “In London, it seems to work best for tube and bus schedules.”

P3 - “Has been the most accurate especially with live bus data”

…hmm. Bus data seems really good. Could be a good challenge…

Discovery: Survey results

Challenge: To further improve the bus data for daily users of citymapper

Discovery: Survey results

Discovery: Survey results

What did users say about transportation problems facing their city?

(I’ll need to take this into account as I’m improving the bus service)

Q. What do you feel are transportation problems facing your city now and in the next 5 to 10 years?

P1 - “Delays due to heavy traffic/numbers of vehicles.”

P2 - “Large crowds in underground causing tubes to be temporarily closed”

P11 - “Passenger numbers is a major issue…”

P4 - “Disruption from competitors & increasing populations.”

P5 - “More and more congestion on the streets…”

Discovery: Survey results

London Congestion

“Traffic volumes may rise significantly in the next two decades. The GLA estimates that the population will grow by almost 1.3 million by 2031.”



Discovery: London Congestion

“Traffic volumes may rise significantly in the next two decades. The GLA estimates that the population will grow by almost 1.3 million by 2031.”



Discovery: London Congestion

that means more bus users…

Diary Study

To understand more about daily bus user habits I asked one respondent to participate in a diary study…

Discovery: Diary Study

To understand more about daily bus user habits I asked one respondent to participate in a diary study…

a diary study is a qualitative technique for collecting data on what users have done or experienced (much like a personal journal)

Discovery: Diary Study

Participant: Linda Yeng Lives: London Frequency of citymapper use: Pretty much every journey Primary mode of transport: Bus Duration of study: 3 days

Discovery: Diary Study


Discovery: Diary Study


All entries can be read here:

- ACTIONS: “Check my step tracker to see how many steps I've done today & if getting off a stop earlier would help achieve my step count since I'm not walking"

- THOUGHTS: “Wish I had walked - journey was quick”

Day 1 - Key insights

Discovery: Diary Study


All entries can be read here:

- ACTIONS: “Check my step tracker to see how many steps I've done today & if getting off a stop earlier would help achieve my step count since I'm not walking"

- THOUGHTS: “Wish I had walked - journey was quick”

Day 1 - Key insights

Opportunity: Connect step tracker to countdown steps till end of bus journey

Idea: Step tracker integration

Discovery: Diary Study

- ACTIONS: “None. I know this route, bus on time & I’m not running late"

- THOUGHTS: “Can't believe I forgot my pass - how am I going to get home?”

Day 3 - Key insights


All entries can be read here:

Idea: Step tracker integration

Discovery: Diary Study

Day 3 - Key insights

Opportunity: Send user notifications before setting off for their commute to remind them to take essentials with them?


All entries can be read here:

- ACTIONS: “None. I know this route, bus on time & I’m not running late"

- THOUGHTS: “Can't believe I forgot my pass - how am I going to get home?”

Idea: Step tracker integrationIdea: Pre-journey reminders

Discovery: Diary Study

Idea: Step tracker integration

Idea: Pre-journey reminders

Assumption: Integration of step tracker info to work with buses will help overcrowding by users getting off bus more to walk part of their journey

Design: Feature

Design: Step Tracker Integration

“I believe that integrating fitness-tracker api into the citymapper app, will allow frequent bus users who use fitness trackers, to see their step counts for certain journeys and assist them to reach their daily goal.

I know this to be true when I see users interacting with the app and getting off the bus more, or earlier to complete their step quota.”


Design: Step Tracker Integration


(owns a jawbone)

“I believe that integrating fitness-tracker api into the citymapper app, will allow frequent bus users who use fitness trackers, to see their step counts for certain journeys and assist them to reach their daily goal.

I know this to be true when I see users interacting with the app and getting off the bus more, or earlier to complete their step quota.”



Design: Step Tracker Integration

Lots of fitness tracker use in the UK…594 votes

Design: Step Tracker Integration

Fitness tracker selector.

Design: Step Tracker Integration

Design: Step Tracker Integration


1. Show step counts for each part of journey

Design: Step Tracker Integration



1. Show step counts for each part of journey

2. Show steps counting down as destination gets closer

Design: Step Tracker Integration

“It'd be good to have congestion mapping on this”



1. Show step counts for each part of journey

2. Show steps counting down as destination gets closer

Design: Step Tracker Integration




1. Show step counts for each part of journey

2. Show steps counting down as destination gets closer

3. Congestion between stops displayed to user by thicker marking. Also step amount shown to user for walking the congested part of the journey.

Next Steps

Next Steps

1. Need to recruit fitness tracker/daily citymapper users for further testing.

Next Steps

1. Need to recruit fitness tracker/daily citymapper users for further testing.

2. Understand what fitness tracker api to launch test with.

Next Steps

1. Need to recruit fitness tracker/daily citymapper users for further testing.

2. Understand what fitness tracker api to launch test with.

3. Understand feasibility of integrating congestion feedback.

Thank You.
