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Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as...

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By: Tabah Maulinda S 20110540024 Clause Phrase Part of Speech
Page 1: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

By: Tabah Maulinda Sari20110540024



Part of Speech

Page 2: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.




An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending with terminal punctuation such as a period.Example: -We study English.

-English is an international language. -She has finished working.

Also called subordinate clause (anak kalimat), dependent clause is a series of words containing a subject and predicate but do not yet have a perfect understanding, and can not stand alone, meaning that depending on the pads of other words (Main Clause). Example: -I will go if you go.

-She won't come unless you invite her. -I enjoy my job although I work long hours.

Page 3: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

1. Noun clause2. Adjective Clause3. Adverbial Clause4. Main Clause5. Coordinate Clause6. Equative Clause

7. Exsitential Clause8. Nominal Clause9. Reference Clause10. Relative Clause11. Subordinate Clause12. Final Clause

Here are 12 kinds of clause

Page 4: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Noun clause is a clause that is use as a substitute for noun or functioning as a noun.

– Examples :

I know where he lives. s v o

(noun clause)

Dani doesn’t know if he is married. s v o (noun clause)

1. Noun Clause

Page 5: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

2. Adjective Clause

• An adjective clause* modifies a noun. It describes or gives information about a noun.

• Example noun adjective clause

• I met a man who is kind to everybody

Page 6: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Exercise 1Combine the two sentences to make one, using an adjective clause.

For example, "I met Mary in the hall. She is a tour guide." becomes "I met Mary, who is a tour guide, in the hall."

1. Q: The man was sick. He looked very pale.A: _______________________________

2. Q: He was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded.A: _______________________________

3. Q: A nurse was nearby. He called to her.A: _______________________________

4. Q: The nurse called a doctor. He came quickly.A: _______________________________

5. Q: The doctor asked him to lie down. She looked very worried.A: _______________________________

6. Q: She gave the man an injection. It made him go to sleep.A: _______________________________


Page 7: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

DefinitionAn adverbial clause is a clause that has an adverb

-like function in modifying another clause.Discussion

An adverbial clause is likely to be distinct in its syntax or verb morphology.

Example :• Linda needs the pen which is expensive. main clause : Linda needs the pen. subordinate clause : which is expensive.

3. Adverbial Clause

Page 8: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Exercise 2In this exercise, your task is to choose the correct subordinating conjunction

to fill the space at the beginning of the adverb clause.

1. We keep our bread in the fridge, ________ it doesn't go bad.a. since b. so that c. although d. after

2. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian, ________ it has a picture of a beaver on it.

a. since b. so that c. though d. before

3. ________ Volkswagen cars are cheap, they last a long time.a. because b. in order that c. although d. after

Page 9: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

4. You should give the iron time to heat up ________ you iron your clothes.a. because b. so that c. before

5. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains, ________ the ground is rough and hard.

a. because b. so that c. even though d. before

6. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing ________ they don't get hurt.a. because b. in order that c. though d. after

7. You will have to pay higher insurance ________ you buy a sports car.a. if b. so that c. although d. Before


Page 10: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

4. Main Clause

Definition A main clause is a clause that

– may stand alone as a complete sentence, and- expresses the focal predication when

occurring in a complex sentence.Example:*He kept quiet in order to avoid trouble.

Page 11: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Every main clause will follow this patern:+ = complete thought

Example:1. Lazy students whine.

Students = subject; whine = verb2. Cola spilled over the glass and splashed onto the

counter.Cola = subject; spilled, splashed = verbs.

3. My dog loves pizza crusts.Dog = subject; loves = verb.The important point to remember is that every sentence must have at least one main clause. Otherwise, you have a fragment, a major error.

Subject Verb

Page 12: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

5. Coordinate Clause

Definition A coordinate clause is a clause belonging

to a series of two or more clauses which:1. are not syntactically dependent one on

another, and2. are joined by means of – a coordinating conjunction – a connective, or– parataxis.

Page 13: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

• I will go home and he will go to work.• John likes hamburgers, but Mary prefers hot

dogs.• We might go to Seattle, or we might go to



Page 14: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

6. Equative Clause

Definition An equative clause is a clause

which describes a feature of its subject. It contains a subject complement and, typically, a copula.

Example:• He is a doctor.• She is the queen.

Page 15: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

7. Existential Clause

Definition An existential clause is a clause,

having a distinctive grammatical structure, which expresses the real or imagined existence of an entity.

Discussion An existential clause often introduces

an entity into a discourse.

Page 16: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

The clause construction “there + verb [typically be] + noun phrase” forms an existential clause, as in:

-There was a man.


Page 17: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

8. Nominal Clause

Definition A nominal clause is a

subordinate clause that functions as a noun phrase.

Example:• I know that he is here.• From where I stood, I saw the horse.

Page 18: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

9. Reference Clause

Definition Here are two senses of a reference clause:

1. A reference clause is a clause with an argument that, in a marking clause elsewhere in the sentence, is signaled as being co referential or not to the argument of the marking clause.

2. In a language having a switch reference system, a reference clause is a clause with an argument, which is typically the subject.

Page 19: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Definition A relative clause is a clause which describes

the referent of a head noun or pronoun.It often restricts the reference of the head

noun or pronoun.

Discussion A relative clause is not necessarily a

constituent of the noun phrase containing the head noun it modifies.

10. Relative Clause

Page 20: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

A relative clause will begin with a relative pronoun [such as who, whom, whose, which, or that] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why]. The patterns look like these:

+ + = incomplete thought

+ = incomplete thought



Page 21: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

• The plumber arrived who we had called earlier. (Who we had called earlier has been extra posed from its normal position after plumber and is not a member of the noun phrase containing plumber.)

Examples (English) • The man who went• Passengers leaving on Flight 738

Source: Comrie 1989 143–144


Page 23: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Definition A final clause is the last clause in a

clause chain. It is distinguished from medial clauses by a difference in verb morphology.

12. Final Clause

Page 24: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.


Page 25: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.


DefinitionA phrase is a syntatic structure that consists of more than one word but lacks the subject-predicate organization of a clause.


• She bought some spinach when she went to the corner store. • Lightning flashed brightly in the

night sky. • They heard high pitched cries in

the middle of the night.

Page 26: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

DefinitionAn adpositional phrase is a phrase that

has an adpotition as its head.

Adpositional Phrase

Page 27: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

1. Postpotional phraseA postpotional phrase is an adpositional phrase which a postposition is the head. The postpotional follows its complement.The phrase is an exocentris constuction that functions as an adjectival or adverbial modifier. The complement to the postpotition is typically one of the following:

a. Nounb. Noun phrasec. Pronoun

2. Prepotional phrasePrepositional is an

adpositional phrase which a preposition is the head. The preposition precedes its complement.

The phraseis an exocentris construction that functions as an adjectival or adverbial modifier. The complement to the preposition is typically one of the following:

a. Nounb. Noun phrasec. Pronoun

Example:– On the bus– To town– On the other hand

Here are 2 kinds of Adpositional Phrase

Page 28: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

DefinitionA noun phrase is a phrase that has a

noun as its head.Example:• Ali went to the store for some books.• My new car near the tree is old enough.• The desk in this room is small.

Noun Phrase

Page 29: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Adjective Phrase

Adjective phrase is a phrase that is used / functioning as an adjective, given the nature of the noun or pronoun.


Books in black and red were the clerk's delight.The girl with long hair is my friend.

Page 30: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Adverbial Phrase

Adverbial phrase is a phrase that is used / function as an adverb, which describes a verb.

Example:Henry fishes in the big lake.He put the money into his pocket.

Phrase adverbial can also be used to express (express) some relationships, such as expressing relationships of time (expressing a relation of time), place (where), manner (how), degree (level / degree), cause (cause and effect), purpose ( purpose / intent), condition (condition), or a concession or contrast (opposition).

Page 31: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Exercise 3In this exercise, each question has a sentence with an underlined phrase. Your job is to identify what TYPE of adverb phrase this is.

1. It rained hard yesterday.a. manner b. place c. time d. frequency e. purpose

2. I bought the glue to fix my broken lamp.a. manner b. place c. time d. frequency e. purpose

Page 32: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

3. Janice placed the chair next to the window.a. manner b. place c. time d. frequency e. purpose

4. Joe buys flowers for his wife every week.a. manner b. place c. time d. frequency e. purpose

5. Surfing is a popular sport in the summer.f. manner g. place h. time i. frequency j. purpose


Page 33: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

DefinitionA pronominal is a phrase that function as

a pronoun.Note: The term pronominal is also used as an adjective to mean “of, constituting, or resembling a pronoun.”

Example (English)That’s not the one I wanted

Pronominal Phrase

Page 34: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Invinitive Phrase

Invinitive phrase is s a phrase that contains the infinitive and infinitive phrases can be used / serves as a Noun, Adjective or Adverb.

Example:•To learn English, you must practice everyday.•He is good man for you to know.•He has been warned not to do that again.

Page 35: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Part of Speech

One of a group of traditional classifications of words according to their functions in context, including the noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection, and sometimes the article.

Page 36: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

• Nouns• Verbs• Pronouns• Adjectives• Adverbs• Prepositions• Conjuctions• Interjections

Eight parts of Speech

Page 37: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Nouns are the names of person,things or place.The use of the noun can be the subject of the sentences,object of verb nd object of prepositions.

Example :• The names of person• Adam malik• KH.Abdurrahman Wahid


Page 38: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Verb are words that express an action,event or state. Kinds of verba. Actions verb express mental or physical actionsb. Linking verb make statement by connecting the

subject and predicate in a sentence.Example : I am student Her daughter becomes a docter. Dina appears clever and wise.


Page 39: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more noun. It may stand for a person,place,thing or idea.1. Personal pronouns : I, me, mine, you, your, yours,

he, him, his, she, her, hers, etc.2. Demonstrative ptonouns : that,this,these,those3. Interrogative pronouns :

who,what,which,when,where,whom,whose,why4. Indifinite pronouns : anybody,

anything,everything,someone, something.


Page 40: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.


This is my car. We build a house ourselves. The girl whom I met yesterday had left foe

Jakarta. She didn’t say anything.

Page 41: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Exercise 4Fill the gaps with whom, whose, or who's.

1. The young lady…………sitting over there is very fashionable.2. That's the student………notes I used to study for the exam.3. The people………….we met at the hotel were very helpful.4. I apologized to the man………….car I accidently hit in the

parking lot.5. This area has many expensive, new houses. Obviously, they

are for people…………incomes are quite high.6. The child…………..the doctor examined on Friday has

completely recovered.


Page 42: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Adjective are words that are use to describe, identify or quantify a noun or a pronoun.

Example:• Knives are sharp.• Crocodiles have big teeth.


Page 43: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Adverb are words that are used to describe verbs, adjective or adverbs.

Type of Adverbs can be divided into six kinds :1. Adverbs of Manner : Beautifully, calmly, carefully,neatly

etc2. Adverbs of Place and Direction : away, north,east,in solo

etc3. Adverbs of Time : ago,last week,today etc4. Adverbs of Frequency :always,never,rarely,etc5. Adverbd of Degree : indeed, in fact,slightly etc6. Adverbs of Modality : likely, maybe,probably etc


Page 44: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.


Speak slowly,please I will there tomorrow Rini is always busy on Sunday Lulu is often absent from school Your house is very expensive Maybe I should meet her now

Page 45: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Preposition are words that are used with a noun or pronoun that are placed in front of them to show a relation between these words with another part of sentence, such as at,on, in,into,for,from,of etc.

Example : the book for him is new the student are in the classroom


Page 46: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Exercise 5For each space, type in the best preposition. Choose the best preposition from the words in brackets. If no preposition is needed, type an underline

"_" instead.

1. Don't worry. I'm sure we can rely (for/on/_) him to get us (to/at/_) there (at/on/_) time.

2. I can't sleep because I'm not accustomed (for/to/_) going to bed early.3. I'm not sure where they live. Their house is either (in/on/_) Pandora

Avenue or Johnson Street. 4. Although Robert and Andrew are brothers, they are not alike. In fact,

one is quite different (to/ from/_) the other. 5. Helen is a nurse in the emergency ward of a busy hospital. Each day she

has to deal (out/with/_) lots of accident victims. 6. Would you like to go (to/in/_) downtown with me after class? 7. Before the guest speaker's lecture began, some of the students helped

bring extra chairs (in/into/_) the classroom.


Page 47: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Conjuctions are words that are used to connect words or a group of words or sentence. The conjuction include such as and, but,or,yet,although etc.

Example :•Although agnes is sick,she decides to go to work.•I had a headache last night,so I went to bed soon


Page 48: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

Interjections are word which are used to express surprise,shocked,or warning.

Example :•Came on!•Bravo•Fantastic!•Farewell!•Good luck•How wonderful!


Page 49: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.


• http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms

Rozikin,Badiatul.2011.30 hari mahir bahasa inggris.Yogyakarta: Think.

Riyanto,Slamet dan Emillia NH.2010. A handbook of english grammar.Yogyakarta : Pustaka pelajar.

Page 50: Clause Phrase Part of Speech. Clause Independent Dependent An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, beginning with a capital letter and ending.

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