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Click to edit Master title style School Board FY 2018 Budget Retreat January 14, 2017
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Click to edit Master title styleSchool Board

FY 2018 Budget Retreat

January 14, 2017

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Click to edit Master title styleFY 2018 Budget Retreat Agenda

• Overview of State requirements • Overview of budget development process• Historical Funding information• Salary adjustment recommendations• Department requests – Staffing• Department requests – Non-Personnel• Local Composite Index (LCI)• First Look: Governor’s Proposed Budget

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Click to edit Master title styleState Code Requirements

§ 22.1-92. Estimate of moneys needed for public schools

• It shall be the duty of each division superintendent to prepare, with the approval of the school board, the estimate of the amount of money deemed to be needed during the next fiscal year for the support of the public schools of the school division. The estimate shall set up the amount of money deemed to be needed for each major classification prescribed by the Board of Education and such other headings or items as may be necessary.

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Click to edit Master title styleState Code Requirements

§ 15.2-2503. Time for preparation and approval of budget; contents.

• All officers and heads of departments, offices, divisions, boards, commissions, and agencies of every locality shall, on or before the first day of April of each year, prepare and submit to the governing body an estimate of the amount of money needed during the ensuing fiscal year for his department, office, division, board, commission or agency.

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Click to edit Master title styleBudget Development Goals

• Develop a budget that aligns with and supports the division’s Strategic Plan and focuses on identified outcomes in the plan’s priority areas

• Develop a budget that supports the identified needs of the division

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Click to edit Master title styleBudget Development Process

• October – November 2016: Meet and discuss needs of individual cost centers to begin development of Superintendent’s Proposed budget

• November – December 2016: Evaluation of cost center requests by Superintendent’s Cabinet to determine needs of the division

• January 2017: Presentation to School Board to determine prioritization of needs

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Click to edit Master title styleEnrollment History Summary

10,137 10,248

10,503 10,549 10,671 10,748

10,998 11,116

11,303 11,431 11,459








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

September 30 Enrollment




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Click to edit Master title styleFY18 Budget – Historical State Funding

Fiscal Year (FY) State Budget Enrollment 9/30

2009 $32,785,545 10,249

2010 29,486,608 10,503

2011 28,154,118 10,549

2012 26,597,814 10,671

2013 27,371,795 10,748

2014 27,461,499 10,998

2015 31,249,910 11,116

2016 31,834,391 11,316

2017 31,692,035 11,431

Total Change from FY09 to FY17 ($1,093,510) 1,182

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Click to edit Master title styleEnglish Language Learner (ELL) Population

School Year Total ELLs

2009-10 199

2010-11 250

2011-12 331

2012-13 392

2013-14 485

2014-15 510

2015-16 541

2016-17 628

Total Change in ELL Enrollment SY10 to SY17 429

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Click to edit Master title styleSpecial Education Student Population

School Year (Dec. 1) Number of Students

2009-10 1,551

2010-11 1,549

2011-12 1,548

2012-13 1,538

2013-14 1,582

2014-15 1,572

2015-16 1,630

2016-17 1,715

Total Change in Special Education Enrollment SY10 to SY17 164

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Click to edit Master title styleFY18 Budget Priorities – Salary Adjustment

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

Rich, rewarding experience for professionals

Step increase for teachers and 1.5% increase for all other staff (including FICA)


Rich, rewarding experience for professionals

1% Salary increase for all staff $850,000

Rich, rewarding experience for professionals

1.5% bonus to all staff in Dec. 2017 (Governor’s budget recommendation: December 2017 one-time bonus for SOQ-funded teacher and support positions – anticipated state funding to offset this is projected to be $368,000)


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Budget Priorities Ranking Exercise:

• Salary Adjustment Recommendations

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Click to edit Master title styleFY 2018 Budget Priorities – Personnel

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

High studentachievement for 21st

century success

Increase elementary instructional andteaching assistants to 7.5 hours per day to align with school day


High studentachievement for 21st

century successIncrease ITRT contract from 203 to 208 days $15,000

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Click to edit Master title styleFY 2018 Budget Priorities – Personnel

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

High student achievement for 21st century success

Addition of 1.5 FTE: Convert 3 current 0.5FTEs in Gifted and Talented to 3, 1.0 FTE positions to service all elementary schools


High student achievement for 21st century success

Addition of 3.0 FTEs: One School Improvement Specialist (SIS) at each middle school


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Click to edit Master title styleFY 2018 Budget Priorities – Personnel

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

High student achievement for 21st century success

Expansion of Pre-School program to additional school site:• Increase 1 Speech Language

Pathologist from 0.86 FTE to 1.0 FTE• Part-time Instructional Assistant• Increase 1 Special Education Resource

Teacher from 0.86 FTE to 1.0 FTE


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Budget Priorities Ranking Exercise:

• Staffing Requests

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Click to edit Master title styleStrategic Plan Initiatives: Budget Priorities

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

High studentachievement for 21st

century success

Playground and fence at DJ Montague (additional pre-school site)


Safe, secure, and welcoming climate for students

Continuation of bus replacement plan: 2 buses necessary to maintain bus replacement cycle


Safe, secure, and welcoming climate for students

Snow removal $300,000

Safe, secure, and welcoming climate for students

Addition of trailer at Jamestown High School: $80,000 in one-time setup costs and annual rental of $2,500 per month


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Click to edit Master title styleStrategic Plan Initiatives: Budget Priorities

Strategic Plan Priority Description Estimated Cost

High student achievement for 21st century success

Expansion of personalized learning laptops in Middle Schools to include all grade levels (8

thgrade at HMS and

BMS – 600 laptops) and student laptops in support of High School Pathways programs (300 laptops)


High student achievement for 21st century success

Virtual Learning Program (VLP):• Edmentum contract renewal for development of

WJCC Courses $30,000• Increased stipend cost $100,000


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Click to edit Master title styleStrategic Plan Initiatives: Budget Priorities

Strategic Plan Priority DescriptionEstimated


High student achievement for 21st century success

Expansion of Early College program at Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC)


High student achievement for 21st century success

High School Science and Middle/High School Social Studies textbooks


Accountable and Trusted Leadership

Assessment & Analytics Tool $40,000

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Budget Priorities Ranking Exercise:

• Non-Personnel

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Click to edit Master title styleStrategic Plan Initiatives: Budget Priorities

Strategic Plan Priority DescriptionEstimated


Accountable and TrustedLeadership

Redistricting consultant and plan $150,000

Accountable and TrustedLeadership

Strategic Plan redesign and creation $30,000

Accountable and Trusted Leadership

Translation Services for division documents $25,000

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Click to edit Master title styleHigh School Pathways Program Needs

Needs Estimated Cost

Staffing in 2nd year of implementation at WHS – 4 FTEs $ 300,000

Staffing in 1st year of implementation at JHS – 1 FTE 75,000

Staffing in 1st year of implementation at LHS – 1 FTE 75,000

Instructional Resources/Technology – WHS, LHS, JHS 75,000

Transportation 60,000

Total projected need $ 585,000

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Click to edit Master title styleLocal Composite Index (LCI)

• The composite index is a state formula that outlines the ability of each locality to pay for public education

• A change in the LCI adjusts funding received from the State

• As the LCI increases, State funding goes down

Locality 2014-16 2016-18

Williamsburg 0.8000 0.7747

James City County 0.5632 0.5641

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Click to edit Master title styleChanges in LCI: 2001-180





















































2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 2017-18

James City County Williamsburg

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Click to edit Master title styleEnrollment: Revenue & Staffing• Estimated revenues and staffing allocations are derived from

enrollment projections• Options are:

– Governor’s Proposed Budget– Low Enrollment Projection– Most Likely Enrollment Projection

• WJCC Core Staffing Allocation– Elementary: K-2: 20:1 (Cap: 23); 3: 22:1 (Cap: 25); 4-5: 25:1

(Cap: 28) – Middle: 18.5:1 – High: 20:1

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Click to edit Master title styleEnrollment: Revenue & Staffing

Governor's Budget


Future Think

Low Projection

Future Think

Most Likely Projection


Projected FY2018 11,577 11,459 11,569

Sept. 2016 Enrollment 11,431 11,431 11,431

Projected Increase 146 28 138

% Change 1.3% 0.2% 1.2%

Increased teaching staff based upon enrollment option

# of teachers 6 0 5

Estimated Cost $ 450,000 $0 $ 375,000

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Click to edit Master title styleGovernor’s Proposed FY2018 BudgetFY 2017


FY 2018

EstimatedChange ($)




State Sales Tax - Local 12,894,444 12,867,380 (27,064) -0.2%

State Revenue

Standards of Quality (SOQ) 29,778,514 30,184,735 406,221 1.4%

Categorical/Incentive 1,913,521 2,776,715 863,194 45.1%

Total State Revenue 31,692,035 32,961,450 1,269,415 4.0%

Grand Total (State + Sales Tax) 44,586,479 45,828,830 1,242,351 2.8%

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Click to edit Master title styleNon-Negotiable Increases

Description Governor’s Budget

Health Insurance Increase (Estimated: 5%) $ 795,000

Non-Negotiable Increases:

VRS Employer Rate change from 14.66% to 16.32% and

VRS Retiree Health Insurance Credit changed from

1.11% to 1.23%. Total VRS % increase of 1.78%

Other: Contractual (New Horizons, General Insurance); Principal for James

Blair Middle School; addition of ESL teacher; addition of 4 special

education teachers and 3 special education teacher assistants; shift in

funding from grants to local; increased contractual cost obligations, etc.



Subtotal 3,200,000

FY 2018 Governor's Budget Revenue Impact 1,242,351

Revenue Impact – after non-negotiable increases ($1,957,649)

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Click to edit Master title styleEnrollment Options: Revenue & StaffingLow Projection

Governor's Budget Revenue Impact $ 1,242,351

Health Insurance/Non-Negotiable 3,200,000

Revenue Impact - Non-Negotiable Increases ($1,957,649)

Increased teaching staff based upon enrollment projection:

# of Teachers 0

Estimated cost $0

Reserve (contingency) teaching positions:

# of Teachers 5

Estimated cost $ 375,000

Revenue Impact - Non-Negotiable + Staff ($2,332,649)

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Click to edit Master title styleSchool Board

FY 2018 Budget Retreat

January 14, 2017
