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慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的...

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Page 1: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建


Page 2: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建
Page 3: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建
Page 4: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

“In popular language, the name of this noisy, bustling, quarrelsome, discontented and insalubrious little island may not inaptly be used as an euphemous synonym for a place not mentionable to ears polite.” The Times of London, 1857

1857 年的英國倫敦《泰晤時報》(The Times) 將香港形容為一個乏善足陳的地方。

Solitary beginnings孤身創業

Page 5: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

There was little to recommend Hong Kong 160 years ago. A collection of buildings on the edge of a fine natural harbour, the island had been under British rule for almost ten years and the Kowloon

peninsula was still a rural corner of Mainland China.Yet a few hardy souls saw potential and persisted. One of those was William Bridges who, in 1851,

arrived here to practice law at the invitation of the Governor’s Private Secretary, William Mercer. As one of the colony’s first barristers, Bridges quickly developed a lucrative, albeit slightly unfair, practice by securing the exclusion of solicitors as court counsel. Feeding off the litigation which quickly flared in this uncomfortable and competitive outpost, he kept himself busy at the Supreme Court, soon acquiring a reputation as a strong and capable opponent. Dr Bridges, as he later became, also served as acting Attorney-General as well as Colonial Secretary from time to time.

Bridges left Hong Kong after ten years, by which time, Hong Kong’s commercial potential was undeniable. A robust trading post was coming into its own. The rule of law was gaining pace. And, thanks to Bridges’ pioneering spirit, a robust and dynamic legal practice had been born.

1842Hong Kong Island is ceded to Britain under the Treaty of Nanking香港島根據南京條約割


1844 Hong Kong’s Supreme Court opens香港高等法院大樓啟用

1846First horserace meeting is held at Happy Valley首次賽馬在快活谷舉行

1846The Hong Kong Club is established香港會所成立

1861American Civil War begins美國內戰爆發

1861Foundation of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce香港總商會成立

1874Deacons registers Hong Kong’s first trade mark的近律師行辦理香港的


After settlement, striking colonial architecture quickly began to adorn the “barren rock”.香港經過開拓後,賦有特色的殖民地建築物很快便開始為這片不毛之地添上色彩。











百六十年前的香港是個寂寂無名的地方 。當時優美自

然的海港沿岸聳立著一幢幢建築物 ,香港島被英國統

治將近十年 ,而九龍半島仍然是中國大陸的一片農村地方 。

然而 ,有少數刻苦耐勞的人已經洞悉香港的發展潛

一力 ,不斷努力奮鬥 。其中一位就是



的邀請 ,於一八五一年來港開業當律

師 。作為當時殖民地首位和唯一的大律師



表律師這一點 ,雖然看來有點不公平 ,但結果他的業務迅速

地發展為一行賺錢的生意 ,在這種生活不舒適及充滿競爭的

地方 ,很容易觸發訴訟事件 。


創他的事業 ,在高等法院忙個不了 。不久 ,他憑藉作為在法庭

上一位強而有實力的對手而名聞遐邇 。


士 ,期間也曾擔任香港政府署理律政司及署理輔政使司 。

十年後離開香港時 ,香港的商業潛力已經是無

容置疑 。貿易正要茁壯發展 ;法治精神也正逐步加強 。


的拓荒精神 ,一個強健和充滿活力的律師行

業已經誕生 。

Page 6: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Memories of a distant landFor over 160 years, Hong Kong’s “fragrant harbour” had to compete with the sweet smell of money as waterfront trade and commerce flourished. The island’s success led to harbour reclamation works that began as early as the 1800s.


成功後便進行海港填海工程,而填海工程早於 1800 年代已經開始。


Page 7: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建


Those responsible for Bridges’ practice after his departure elected to act as solicitors rather than barristers, following the separation of the professions after their temporary fusion. Operating from offices near the Supreme Court on Queen’s

Road, the Deacons that we know today was becoming a recognisable entity.While it is true that Hong Kong was rapidly growing away from its insalubrious roots, it cannot be forgotten that life here

through much of the 19th century was still not easy, even for the moneyed classes. The damp and heat of summer were almost insurmountable. Robbery was rife on Hong Kong’s ill-lit streets. Social and political unease also pervaded everyday living.

It is no surprise, then, that the Westerners living in Hong Kong at that time rallied to recreate some sense of their former surrounds. Born on 19 January 1847, the firm’s namesake Victor Deacon hailed from a small village called Ottery St Mary in Devonshire, England. Memories of that peaceful, rural place would later lead the firm to select the firm’s telegraphic address as “Ottery”, a somewhat beguiling name for those who did not know the story behind it. For many years, however, the address remained unchanged. While practicalities of communication have now replaced sentimentality, the firm to this day operates a pleasure junk called “Ottery”. It is a gentle reminder of the man who helped shape Deacons into the leading firm it is today.


Victor Deacon thrived on the challenges of his new life in the East.

Victor Deacon克服他在東方社會


Queen’s Road has long been a main thoroughfare of island traffic.皇后大道一直是港島交通的主要道路。

1876Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone貝爾發明電話

1879Thomas Edison invents the light bulb愛迪生發明電燈泡

1883Krakatoa erupts in Indonesia, the world’s greatest recorded volcanic eruption世界上有紀錄以來最大

的火山爆發 — 印尼克拉


1886The Statue of Liberty in New York is completed紐約自由神像建造完成

1888Peak Tram Railway is built山頂纜車建成

1889Gustave Eiffel completes the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France艾菲爾完成法國巴黎


1896Henry Ford builds his first automobile亨利福特生產他的



Ottery St M




Victor D


「 」


律師和律師這兩個行業經過短暫合併後便分家 ,而

離開後 ,負責其律師行業務的同事決定選擇

當律師而不是大律師 。現在我們所熟悉的的近律師行 ,當時

的寫字樓位於皇后大道高等法院大樓附近 ,已逐漸成為一間

大廣為人知的律師行 。

雖然香港確實從一個惡劣環境迅速發展起來 ,但不

能忘記 ,在十九世紀的香港生活 ,即使對於富裕的階層來

說 ,仍然不好過 。夏天的潮濕悶熱天氣幾乎令人透不過氣 。

在香港照明不足的街道 上打劫猖獗 ,每天的生活彌漫著社

會和政治上的不安 。

因此 ,當時居住在香港的歐洲人不其然聚集一起 ,

提倡重新創造類似他們以前周圍環境的熟悉感覺 。與本律師


生於一八四七年一月十九日 ,來自英


的小村莊 。他對那處


; 對於不熟悉這個名字背後故事的人來說 ,這倒

是個有點令人陶醉的名字 。多年來 ,這個電報地址仍保持不

變 。雖然現代實際使用的通訊方法已經將往昔的感性情懷抹

掉 ,但本律師行至今仍然將公司遊艇定名為

號 ,


行的人的一個紀念 。

Page 8: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Burgeoning prosperityUnion House, left (more recently Swire House and now 11 Chater Road) was a former location of Deacons’ office. While time may have changed the view, Deacons’ association with this central business district remains.




Page 9: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建


The clock tower on Pedder Street was a distinctive landmark, overlooking nearby low rise commercial buildings.畢打街的鐘塔是個獨特的標記,俯瞰鄰近的低層商業大廈。

It was on 7 July 1880, at the age of 33, that Victor Deacon arrived in Hong Kong on the Peninsula and Oriental steamship “Ravenna”. Admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong five days after his arrival, he promptly joined the partnership of Messrs Brereton

and Wotton, a direct continuation of Bridges’ original practice. While it had been just 19 years since Bridges’ departure, much had changed and the practice was now one of four firms of solicitors that were flourishing in Hong Kong.

Fuelled by the unusual combination of legitimate and contraband trade, the territory was growing and prospering. Fortunately, this new financial vigour also saw an increased commitment to build a city of repute, a distant bastion of western mores. A clock tower was erected on Pedder Street, a fountain in front of the City Hall, and a sailor’s home at West Point. Gas street lamps had become a long-established utility. The Suez Canal was now operative, cutting the journey time between Hong Kong and Europe. Banks, too, began to flourish, further feeding the mercantile spirit of this pioneer town.

In 1882, Deacon was admitted as a partner, thus adding his own name to the firm’s. In just two years, he had quickly become respected as one of Hong Kong’s leading conveyancers. Residing in a two-storey house on the north side of Arbuthnot Road, Central, he was known for his good-natured and convivial manner. A lover of fine wines, his home became the venue for regular Saturday-night poker parties, which generally lasted into the small hours of the morning and at which Governor Sir William Robinson was a frequent guest.

Hong Kong was entering the period of growth which would see it through the early 20th century. For over 20 years, until his departure from Hong Kong in 1906, Deacon brought renewed focus to a legal practice which would continue to bear his name in perpetuity.

1898The Star Ferry Company is established天星小輪有限公司成立

1898Britain acquires the New Territories on a 99-year lease英國租借新界99年

1901 Sweden awards the first Nobel Prizes瑞典首度頒發諾貝爾


1903Wright Brothers make first flight at Kitty Hawk, USA萊特兄弟在美國小鷹市


1904 Hong Kong trams run for the first time香港電車首行



Victor D







「 」

一八八零年七月七日 ,


歲 ,他乘坐鐵行輪船的

來到香港 ,五

日後獲認許為香港律師 ,隨即加入


組成的律師行 ,而這間律師行就是起初


在師行的一個直接延伸 。雖然

離開不過十九年 ,但該

律師行已發生許多變化 ,並已經成為當時香港四間業務蒸

蒸日上的律師行之一 。

香港在夾雜合法和走私貿易的特殊環境帶動下 ,發展

日益蓬勃 。值得慶幸的是 ,這個新興的財富力量同時令香港


。在畢打街樹立了鐘塔 ,大會堂前面建造了噴水池及西環興

建了水手館 。煤氣街燈已成為歷史悠久的公共設施 。蘇彝士

運河啟用後 ,縮短了歐洲與香港的旅程時間 。銀行也開始發

展興旺 ,更配合了這個先驅城市的商業氣息 。

於一八八二年成為合伙人後 ,他的名字便加

入本律師行的名稱內 。他在短短的兩年內已迅速成為受人

尊崇的香港著名物業轉讓律師之一 。他居住在中環亞畢諾

道北面的一座兩層高洋房 ,以和藹可親 、熱情好客的個性

見稱 。他喜愛品嚐美酒 ,而且定期在家中舉行週末晚上的

撲克牌派對 ,派對通常持續至零晨時分 ;而港督威廉 .羅

便臣爵士是派對的常客 。


期 。直至

於一九零六年離開香港 前的二十多年來 ,他

為法律服務重新確立焦點 ,他的名字在法律界將永垂不朽 。

Page 10: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Moving with the timesClinging to the edge of the island, Hong Kong’s central business district was becoming a distinguished and comfortable environment, including a cricket club on what is today the site of Chater Garden.




Page 11: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Built in 1843, Hong Kong’s original Supreme Court was designed as an Exchange, a proud testament to international trade. Standing on Queen’s Road, where the Queen’s Theatre now stands, it was a grandiose structure with an imposing

columned façade. Following its completion, however, a depression in foreign trade rendered the building somewhat redundant and the Government was able to acquire it for just HK$30,000.

Unfortunately, the court’s interior had little in common with its exterior. The Daily Press of 1870 reported, “It is quite evident... to any candid enquiring mind that the designer of the... Supreme Court room has studied nature very successfully – so much so, in fact, that you may enjoy the privileges of the open air inside the court in almost any kind of weather.”

Just four doors away at 29 Queen’s Road, Deacons’ offices, too, were facing a few problems. In 1894, the office had to be temporarily vacated due to an invasion of rats. A later change of location in 1901 seemed to work well for the firm. In new offices closer to Ice House Street, the firm found itself separated by just a narrow alley from Messrs Johnson Stokes and Master. According to reports from the time, “communication in case of need was frequently obtained by vociferous shouting from one window to another.”

Yet that arrangement, too, was to last only a few years. In 1904, the firm took residence in the recently-completed Prince’s Building, a luxury four-storey edifice at 1 Des Voeux Road on the new Chater reclamation. Regarded as the most handsome and modern building in Hong Kong, Prince’s Building was a prestigious address. Times were improving, too, for the Supreme Court. In 1912, it entered its new premises in what is today the Legislative Council building. A new century was in full swing.

Deacons early offices were just doors away from the original Supreme Court (on the left) putting the firm at the heart of Hong Kong’s legal community.的近律師行以前的寫字樓距原高等法院(左)只是幾扇門之隔,令的近律師行在


1905 Einstein formulates his Theory of Relativity愛因斯坦提出「相對論」

1907 The Law Society of Hong Kong is incorporated香港律師公會成立

1912 Titanic sinks鐵達尼號沉沒

1914 Panama Canal opens巴拿馬運河啟用

1928 Alexander Fleming invents penicillin弗萊明發明盤尼西林

1928 Hong Kong’s Peninsula Hotel opens香港半島酒店開幕

1929 US stock market crashes美國股災

The Daily Press

港原有的高等法院大樓於一八四三年興建 ,原本是

設計成為一座交易所 ,作為國際貿易的輝煌象征 。

它座落於皇后大道 ,即現時皇后戲院的所在地點 ,是一座

正面有圓柱的宏偉建築物 。不過 ,當建築物竣工後 ,對外

香貿易開始滑落 ,令該建築物似乎再沒有實際需要 ,而當時

的政府只花了港幣三萬元便將它買下來 。

可惜的是 ,法院宏偉的外表和其內里並不匹配 。一八


報道 :

頗明顯 地


率 、好尋根問底的人眼中


然的研究是十分成功的 ,其成功的程度 ,是幾乎在任何天氣

下 ,你也可以在法院內享受到仿如置身室外的感覺 。


字樓 ,位於 皇后大道二十九號 ,同樣面對著一些困難 。一八

九四年由於鼠患 ,寫字樓被迫暫時空置 。於一九零一年的寫

字樓搬遷似乎對的近律師行帶來了一點意想不到的方便 。的

近律師行的新寫字樓鄰近雪廠街 ,與孖士打律師行只是一巷

之隔 。根據當時的講法 :

有需要時 ,通常只要從一扇窗向

另一扇窗大聲叫 ,便可以互相溝通 。


次搬遷 。一九零四年 ,的近律師行遷入剛剛落成的太子大

廈 。太子大廈是位於新遮打填海區德輔道一號的四層高豪

華建築物 ,被譽為香港最華麗及最現代化的大廈 ,是有名

的地點 。在同一時期 ,高等法院的環境也有所改善 。一九

一二年 ,高等法院遷入現時為立法會大樓的新大樓內 。一

「 」

」個新的紀元已經全面展開 。

Page 12: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

A time of warThe Japanese occupation of Hong Kong united the residents of Hong Kong. Despite the trying times, the people of Hong Kong battled on, remaining resolute and laying firm foundations for future years of tenacious hard work and industry.




Page 13: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Much like Hong Kong, Deacons grew steadily throughout the early 20th century. The First World War made little impact on the territory,

other than a temporary shortage of solicitors as men signed up for the war effort. Yet, with the dawning of the 1940s, it became obvious that new troubles were stirring, on a far larger scale than the world had previously known.

As Europe disintegrated into bloodshed and conflict, Asia, too, fell into chaos. In 1941, when Hong Kong surrendered to the Japanese, the foreign community became prisoners of war, held under harsh conditions. Wai-Chiu Hung, Willie, the last remaining member of the firm, fought valiantly to keep the office running, but ultimately the office was requisitioned, although many of the firm’s files, papers and books were saved and today form a unique archive of a period of Hong Kong’s professional history.

Many of the former members of the firm returned to face a chaotic situation when the war ended in 1945. Yet there was little time for reflection. The practice would simply have to be rebuilt, just like the lives of millions of other people around the world.

While the tram tracks remain, the Supreme Court building (right) today houses Hong Kong’s Legislative Council.



Faster ocean-going vessels and new shipping routes strengthened international trade and shortened travelling times to Europe and America.更快的遠洋輪船及新航線促進了國際貿易及縮短了通往歐洲及美國的航程時間。..........................................................................................................................................................


1936 Kai Tak Airport comes into service啟德機場投入服務

1945World War II ends第二次世界大戰結束

1949Mao Zedong founds the People’s Republic of China毛澤東成立中華人民


1953Hong Kong suffers its worst fire at Shek Kip Mei香港發生本地歷來最嚴


1953Hillary and Tenzing climb Mount Everest希拉里與登京格攀登


1957USSR launches Sputnik I, the first satellite蘇聯發射第一顆人造衛

星「史潑尼克 1 號」

1969Apollo 11 lands on the moon太空船「太陽神 11 號」



近律師行像香港一樣 ,在二十世紀初穩步成長 。

在第一次世界大戰期間 ,除了由於男子需要參軍

以致律師一度出現短缺外 ,大戰對香港的影響輕微 。不

過 ,隨著四零年代開始 ,新的危機明顯地 正在醞釀 ,而

的且規模比當時世界已知的更大 。

正當歐洲各國發生殺戮和衝突 ,變成四分五裂之際 ,

亞洲亦陷入戰亂中 。 一九四一年 ,香港向日軍投降時 ,外

國人成為戰俘 ,在惡劣的環境下遭監禁 。當時最後一位留



師行的運作 ,然而寫字樓最終被日軍征用 , 不過本律師行

的許多檔案 、 文件和書籍被保全下來 ,且形成今日香港一

段專業歷史的獨特檔案 。

當戰爭於一九四五年結束後 ,本律師行的許多前僱

員重返舊地時只見一片混亂的局面 。然而 ,他們沒有多少

時間回顧往事 。的近律師行的業務需要重新建立 ,就像當

時世界各地成千上萬需要重建新生活的人一樣 。

Page 14: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

The birth of a tigerThe financial and legal communities grew in mutual support, commanding prime positions in the territory’s already prosperous central business district.



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Deacons partners and staff hold a party to mark the occasion of Sir William Shenton’s retirement in 1936.的近律師行合夥人及員工於1936年舉行派對,慶祝William Shenton爵士榮休。..........................................................................................................................................................

While the war years may have finished, their consequences would be far-reaching. The social and political landscape, both in Asia and around the world, had changed forever. It was a time

of movement and re-focus, of new values in an altered society. For Deacons, too, that meant a new social order. Willie, who had fought so loyally to keep the office running after all other members of the firm had been imprisoned, was made partner, only the second Chinese partner in the firm’s history. Soon after, Wong Wai Pat became the firm’s first Chinese articled clerk, later becoming partner in 1959 and the firm’s first Chinese senior partner in 1974. He remains with the firm to this day.

With the advent of political upheavals in China, the wealthy traders and merchants of Shanghai and other Chinese cities began flocking to the territory. It was a new, inherited wealth for Hong Kong, rapidly building upon its own successes as a trading post and port. Having long been known for its work in trusts, conveyancing and shipping, Deacons was now able to fully extend itself to serve Hong Kong’s escalating legal needs.

It had been a long, hard struggle, but 100 years had seen Hong Kong grow from simple roots into a dynamic territory of enormous potential. The world was watching and would not be disappointed.

1971Hong Kong’s population exceeds 4 million 香港人口超越4百萬


Hong Kong’s first cross-harbour tunnel is opened香港第一條海底隧道


1972Jardine House is completed and is Hong Kong’s tallest building康樂大廈(現稱怡和大



1974Chinese archaeologists discover terracotta warriors in Xi’an中國考古學家在西安


管戰亂的日子已成過去 ,但戰爭所帶來的後遺症郤

是深遠的 。亞洲以至全球的社會及政治面貌已經發

生不能逆轉的變化 。在變遷的社會中 ,這是一個進取 、重新

確立焦點及定立新價值觀的年代 。對的近律師行而言 ,這也

盡意味著一個新社會秩序 。在二次大戰期間 ,當本律師行的所


擢升為合伙人 ,成為本律師行歷史上僅第二位華人合伙人 。

不久 ,黃維弼加入本律師行成為首位華人見習律師 ;一九五

九年成為合伙人 。並於一九七四年成為本律師行首位華人高

級合伙人 。直到現在 ,黃律師仍繼續為本律師行服務 。

由於中國發生政治動亂 ,上海及其他中國城市的

富裕商人開始湧入香港 。香港繼承了這一筆新的財富 ,


起來 。當時的的近律師行一向以信託 、物業轉讓及船務

業務見稱 ,此機遇正好能夠讓其把業務伸展 ,以滿足當

時香港不斷上升的法律服務需求 。

經過長期艱苦的奮鬥 ,香港在過去的一百年 由一


會 ,舉世觸目 ,備受讚賞 。

Page 16: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

The changing face of Hong KongDay-to-day life was becoming more colourful and hectic. The population grew with new immigrants keen to share in the success of this intriguing territory and its promising future.




Page 17: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

The Kowloon-Canton Railway clock tower has seen Hong Kong develop from colonial outpost to bustling metropolis.九廣鐵路鐘樓見證著香港從一個殖民地發展成為繁榮的大都會。..................................................................................................................................................

Times change. Progress and development necessarily begin to erase the past, perhaps in few places as quickly as Hong Kong. By the 1970s, the territory was rapidly becoming a powerhouse of industry and commerce,

and with it the scenes of old Hong Kong were slowly disappearing.In 1962, Deacons moved from the historic Prince’s Building, which by that time had been zoned for demolition. It

was the beginning of another cycle of growth. Indeed, the firm’s new offices in Union Building (later Swire House and today the location of 11 Chater Road) were once again indicative of the firm’s growing stature. Already Central was becoming a place of concrete canyons, the colonial low-rise buildings of yesteryear giving way to the soaring land prices and commercial demands of Hong Kong’s new business dynamic. For Deacons, property transactions became just one aspect of a thriving practice, which had also begun to serve the territory’s surging finance and corporate deals.

Hong Kong had matured rapidly and, with it, the legal community had developed, too. By the mid-1970s, Deacons was a busy full-service business law firm and a highly-respected name in commercial circles. One can only imagine that Deacons’ founders would have been very surprised had they known what they were setting in motion so many years before.

1979Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Railway system opens香港地下鐵路啟用

1980Deacons celebrates 100th anniversary of Victor Deacon’s admission to practise law的近律師行慶祝

Victor Deacon 獲認許為


1984Joint Declaration is signed, agreeing to “one country, two systems”中英聯合聲明簽署,同


1987“The Last Emperor” wins ten Oscars「末代皇帝」榮獲十項


1989Berlin Wall is dismantled柏林圍牆被拆毀

著時代的變遷 ,社會的進步與發展難免將過往的痕

跡抹掉 ,但也許很少地方像香港能夠抹掉得如此般

快 。到七十年代時 ,香港正迅速發展成為工商業中心 。與

此同時 ,香港的舊貌也逐漸消逝 。

隨一九六二年 ,當時舊太子大廈已經被劃為需要拆卸 ,

的近律師行因此遷出上址 。此舉標誌著另一個成長期的開

始 。事實上 ,本律師行設在於仁行後來易名為太古大廈,


持續增長的象征 。當時 ,中環已經逐漸變為滿佈混凝土街道

及建築物的地方 。隨著香港新商業動力的推動 ,地價及商業

需求持續上升 ,昔日富有殖民地色彩的低層建築物再無立足

之處 。的近律師行所處理的地產交易只佔本身蓬勃業務的

一環 ,而且開始為在香港激增的金融及公司業務提供服務 。

香港正迅速成長的同時 ,法律行業亦已經發展起

來 。到七十年代中期 ,的近律師行已經是一間提供全面商

業法律服務的律師行 ,業務繁忙 ,是商界中一個備受高度

尊崇的名字 。我們可以想像 ,假使的近律師行的創辦人知

道知道他們多年前所開展的是甚麼事業 ,他們一定會感到

十分驚訝 。

Page 18: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

An Asian identityThe centre point of Asia, Hong Kong has become a dynamic hub for the entire region. Deacons – a Hong Kong institution and market leader today – has likewise created a network stretching across Asia.




Page 19: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

Hong Kong’s rise heralded a new era across the Asian region. Asia was becoming a land of opportunity for business and industry the world over, a byword for potential and a promising star of the future. Long-established law firms from London and

New York were arriving, following the flow of international banking and commerce that was giving Hong Kong new prominence in world affairs. Fortune was once again smiling on Hong Kong, for the territory was rapidly becoming both a regional hub and the de facto gateway to China. Hong Kong’s reversion to Chinese Sovereignty in July 1997 further consolidated this unique identity.

Deacons had opened its first office in China in 1986 making the firm one of the first foreign law firms to gain a presence in the PRC. Hitherto, Deacons had established representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou of the PRC. When Deacons’ clients’ needs and interests cross borders, Deacons’ service follows.

The firm’s enduring presence bears testament to the success and prosperity of its clients. Despite the economic challenges that the region has faced, Deacons’ presence remains strong and vital as it looks to the future.

Formerly the French Mission building, this distinctive redbrick and granite structure dating from 1917 is now home to the Court of Final Appeal.



1990The Basic Law, Hong Kong’s post 1997 constitution, is promulgated頒佈香港1997年之後的


1991The World Wide Web is introduced推出萬維網

1997Hong Kong becomes a Special Administrative Region of the PRC香港成為中華人民共和


1999Deacons is voted Best Hong Kong Law Firm的近律師行獲選為全港


2001Beijing secures the 2008 Olympics北京成功申辦2008年


2001Deacons celebrates its 150th anniversary的近律師行慶祝成立


2003China and Hong Kong are hit by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)非典型肺炎於中國和香


港的冒起標誌著亞洲地區已進入一個新時代 。亞洲漸

漸成為世界上工商業的福地 ,充滿發展潛力和前景 ,

是明日之星的象征 。隨著國際銀行金融及商業的發展 ,香港

在國際事務上嶄露頭角 ,歷史悠久的倫敦及紐約律師行亦紛

香紛來港開業 。福又重至 ,香港迅速發展成為亞洲區樞紐及通

往中國的大門 。香港於一九九七年七月回歸中國主權進一步

鞏固了此獨特的身份 。


處 ,成為進軍中國的首批國外律師行之一 。迄今 ,的近

律師行在中國的北京 、上海及廣州均設有駐代表處 。當

的近律師行客戶的業務需要及權益跨越國界時 ,的近律

師行的服務便隨之而至 。


盛 。雖然亞洲區曾經面對各種經濟挑戰 ,當的近律師行

展望未來時 ,其存在仍然強大且極其重要 。

Page 20: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建


A dynamic city, a dynamic firm. Deacons is proud to have played a role in making Hong Kong what it is today.


紮根現在 展望將來

Back in 1851, amid the dust and heat of that colonial outpost, who could have imagined how things would turn out today? It has been an extraordinary journey, both for Hong Kong and for us as a firm. As our clients’ needs have become increasingly

diverse, we have kept pace with those needs, moving forward with our clients to become a dynamic award-winning law firm. As we look to the future, we can say with confidence that the Deacons name has become synonymous with quality and commitment. The integrity and professionalism which have kept Deacons at the forefront of legal practice for one and a half centuries remain an integral aspect of the firm’s culture today.

Since 1985, we have resided in Alexandra House, progressively taking more floor space to accommodate our expanding team of lawyers. Now with more than 500 people in Hong Kong, Deacons has become the oldest and the largest independent, full service business law firm in Hong Kong with a proven track record in many disciplines. And yet the firm continues to grow, nurturing the legal talent of tomorrow to ensure that clients in future years can always rely on Deacons.

At a time when many hold themselves out as being experts on Hong Kong and China the facts speak for themselves. We have our roots in Hong Kong from where we have grown and prospered. We have a history that has shaped us into the thriving and successful firm we are today. It is a privileged heritage. It is an identity that we are proud to call our own.

Page 21: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

2004Deacons wins the “Investment Funds Law Firm of the Year” and “Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year” awards的近律師行獲選為「全年




2005Deacons is the first international law firm with three licensed offices in mainland China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)的近律師行是首家在中




2006Deacons is awarded Hong Kong Law Firm of the Year at IFLR Asian Awards的近律師行榮獲「國際




2007Deacons is the Legal Business Asia Pacific Firm of the Year的近律師行獲《法律事



2009Deacons is ranked as a Global 50 for the 6th consecutive year的近律師行連續第6年

名 列 全 球 ( 律 師 事 務

所)50 強

2009Deacons wins Asia Legal Business M&A Deal of the Year的近律師行榮獲《亞洲



2010Deacons is Managing Intellectual Property Hong Kong Law Firm of the Year for the 4th consecutive year的近律師行連續第4年




顧一八五一年 ,在這個殖民地的塵土

和熾熱中 ,有誰會想到香港會有今日

的成就呢 ?對香港和我們作為一間公司而

言 ,這是一個非常特別的歷程 。我們的客戶

回有愈來愈多不同的需要 ,而我們已經掌握這

些需要 ,與他們同步邁進 ,成為一間充滿活

力 、屢獲殊榮的律師行 。展望將來 ,我們滿

有信心地說 ,的近律師行的名字就是代表優

質服務及不變承諾 。誠懇及專業態度曾經將


位達一個半世紀 ,而這些特質今天仍然是本

律師行文化的重要一環 。


往歷山大廈 ,而且逐步擴展 ,佔用更多樓層 ,

以容納人數不斷增加的律師隊伍 。的近律師

行在香港現時有五百多名員工 ,已經成為香

港歷史最悠久及規模最大 、提供全面法律服

務的律師行 ,在多個業務領域都具有卓越往

績 。然而 ,隨著本律師行的繼續發展 ,本律

師行致力培育未來的法律界精英 ,以確保客

戶總是可以永久信賴的近律師行 。

雖然很多人自視為香港和中國的專家 ,

但事實往往勝於雄辯 。我們植根於香港 ,一直

與此地一同成長 ,一起創造繁榮 。我們的歷


律師行 。這是一筆我們獨有的遺產 。這是我

們本身引以自豪的身份 。

Page 22: 慶祝本行成立160週年 - Deacons€¦ · 十 年 前 的 香 港 是 個 寂 寂 無 名 的 地 方 。 當 時 優 美 自 然 的 海 港 沿 岸 聳 立 著 一 幢 幢 建

D e a c o n s

5th Floor , Alexandra House , 18 Chater Road, Centra l , Hong Kong

Tel +852 2825 9211 Fax +852 2810 0431


電話 +852 2825 9211 傳真 +852 2810 0431

Suite 11, Leve l 8 , Tower W1, The Towers , Orienta l P laza ,

1 East Chang An Avenue, Dong Cheng Distr ic t ,

Bei j ing 100738, People ユ s Republ ic of China

Tel +86 10 8518 2338 Fax +86 10 8518 2339



電話 +86 10 8518 2338 傳真 +86 10 8518 2339

Unit 2801, Raffles City , 268 Xi Zang Zhong Road

Shanghai 200001, People ユ s Republ ic of China

Tel +86 21 6340 3588 Fax +86 21 6340 3788


電話 +86 21 6340 3588 傳真 +86 21 6340 3788

Room 1818, 18th Floor , South Tower , Guangzhou World Trade Center

371-375 East Huan Shi Road, Guangzhou 510095

People ユ s Republ ic of China

Tel +86 20 8778 5678 Fax +86 20 8777 0488



電話 +86 20 8778 5678 傳真 +86 20 8777 0488

www.deacons .com.hk
