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Page 1: COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT … bargaining agreement between international alliance of theatrical stage employees, moving picture technicians, artists, and allied crafts










OCTOBER 1, 2012 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

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FSN Arizona and IATSE-748

This Agreement is made and entered into and effective as of October 1, 2012, by and between

Fox Sports Net Arizona, LLC, “Employer” or “Company” and the International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists, and Allied Crafts of the

United States, its Territories, and Canada, AFL-CIO, CLC, and its Local 748, herein collectively

referred to as “IATSE” or “Union” as follows:

1. Recognition, Jurisdiction, and Application of Agreement:

a. Having been provided sufficient proof of majority status, Fox Sports Net Arizona, LLC.

hereby recognizes the IATSE as the exclusive bargaining representative and agent for

freelance operators employed in Arizona as technical production crew members in the job

classifications described below. This recognition agreement shall not be interpreted to

guarantee any work for any employee for any period of time. IATSE agrees that from

time to time, certain IATSE members who are freelance operators in Arizona may be

employees of other companies.

b. Inclusions: Technical Director, Audio A1, Audio A2, Audio A3, Video V1, Video V2,

Graphics Operator, Graphics Coordinator, Hard Camera Operator, Handheld Camera

Operator, Robotic Camera Operator, Jib Operator, Capture Playback Operator 3, Capture

Playback Operator 2, Capture Playback Operator 1, Score Box Operator, Redhat/TV

Timeout Coordinator (unless hired directly by a school or league), Senior Utility, Utility,

Phone AD, Stage Manager, Runner, ENG/EFP Grip, ENG/EFP Audio, and ENG/EFP


c. Exclusions: All other persons and categories are excluded, such as employees covered

under other collective bargaining agreements, maintenance personnel (e.g., Maintenance

Engineers), transportation personnel (e.g., Drivers), management and security personnel,

Redhat/tv timeout coordinator (where directly hired by a school or league), associate

director, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.

d. The agreement shall be applicable to all employees engaged through the Employer’s

office in Arizona to perform work within the job classifications or categories contained

herein. The wage scales and working condition provisions of this Agreement shall be

minimums and employees shall not be precluded from obtaining “better conditions” than

those outlined in this Agreement.

e. This Agreement is intended to cover the employment of the above technicians for

professional sporting events, and NCAA Division 1 (football and men’s basketball)

events. If the employer is engaged to crew events other than defined above, the parties

shall meet and confer with the union business representative as to the appropriate wages,

terms, and conditions for the event in question.

f. The Union recognizes that the Employer, at its sole discretion, will decide the nature and

extent of staffing, if any, that the Employer will provide.

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2. Union Security:

a. Within thirty (30) calendar days of initial hire of any employee covered by this

Agreement, the Employer shall notify IATSE of the name, address, social security

number, date of hire and classification of the employee. The Union shall, upon

verification of qualifications, offer to include such Employees onto the Referral List

under the provisions described in Section 5.

b. Employer agrees that it will deduct Union working dues from all wages earned by

Employees covered by this Agreement who have executed a valid dues deduction

authorization. The Union shall notify the Employer of the percentage of gross wages

owed, and will maintain signed dues deductions authorizations from each employee. The

Union will make such authorizations available to Employer effective with the start date

of this Agreement, and thereafter on an annual basis. The Union will also submit to the

Employer, on an ongoing basis, a list of all employees who have chosen to withdraw their

authorization of said check off forms. Employer reserves the right to cease the deduction

for Union dues from any employee from whom it receives a signed form withdrawing his

or her authorization so long as the Employer notifies the Union business representative

that it has received such notice. The Union agrees to hold the Employer harmless for the

unauthorized deduction of any Union dues.

3. Management Rights:

a. The Union recognizes the Employer’s inherent and traditional right to manage its

business, to hire and to direct the work force and to establish and modify the terms and

conditions of the employees’ employment, except as such right is expressly limited by

specific provisions of this Agreement. The exercise of these management rights is vested

exclusively with the Employer. The employer’s failure to exercise any function or right in

a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver of its rights to exercise such function or

right or preclude the Employer from exercising the same right in some other way. All

matters not specifically and expressly controlled by language of this Agreement may be

administered for its duration by the Employer in accordance with such policy or

procedure as the Employer from time to time may determine.

b. Specifically, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Employer has the

sole exclusive right:

1. To hire, suspend, transfer, promote, demote, and discipline employees and to

maintain and improve their discipline, efficiency, and quality of work;

2. To lay off, terminate or otherwise relieve employees from duty;

3. To determine the size and composition of the workforce and to eliminate, change, or

consolidate jobs;

4. To install new jobs;

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5. To direct the method and process of doing work and to introduce new and improved

work methods or equipment;

6. To make, modify, revoke, and enforce such work rules and regulations that in the

Employer’s opinion may be necessary or reasonable for the proper, safe, and efficient

conduct of the Employer’s business, provided such rules and regulations and their

enforcement shall not violate any express rights of this Agreement. Copies of all such

rules and regulations, additions, amendments, or revocations shall be given to the


7. To determine the location where work is to be performed;

8. To determine the starting and quitting times, the time for lunch and rest breaks, the

number of hours to be worked, and the work week;

9. To demand such other work requirements, so long as they do not violate the express

provisions of this Agreement, that directly or indirectly are deemed by the Employer

to be in the interests of the Client; and

c. Additionally, the Employer has the sole and exclusive right (1) to cease any or all

operations or services performed by employees covered by this Agreement, or (2) to

subcontract work but only pursuant to Section 4 below.

d. The parties agree that any arbitrator shall be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.

4. Subcontracting:

a. The Employer may not subcontract with third parties for the performance of work within

the scope of this Agreement unless the Employer determines that insufficient qualified

freelancers are available in the market and/or special skills or equipment is needed and

cannot be supplied by the Employer.

b. Before subcontracting, the Employer shall give notice to the Union of such intended

changes and the opportunity to discuss the situation before implementation, unless the

Employer's needs are immediate for an upcoming event. In all cases the Employer shall

inform the Union of any subcontracting in a timely fashion. The Employer shall inform

the Union of subcontracting needs at least 30 days before implementation or as soon as

practicable if changes are to be made with less than 30 days’ notice. The requirements of

this paragraph are not applicable to subcontracting caused by equipment limitations.

5. Hiring and Hiring Practice:

a. To the extent that the Employer is in need of qualified persons to perform work covered

by this Agreement, the Employer, in its sole discretion, shall use its judgment in

evaluating such persons’ qualifications in making hiring decisions. The Employer agrees

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to hire based on fair and equitable criteria. The Employer is not obligated to recognize

seniority when hiring.

b. The Union agrees that it is and will continue to be an open union, that it will keep its

membership rolls open, and will offer membership to all eligible employees engaged by

the Employer. The Union agrees not to impose any fees in excess of the maximum fees

required of members of the Union upon eligible employees of the Employer who wish to

join the Union or wish to be represented by the Union.

c. If an employee has been offered an event to work and the employee confirms that such

assignment, the employee may not cancel unless a replacement satisfactory to the

Employer has been found. The Employer shall assist the freelancer by providing names

and phone numbers of other workers that would be acceptable replacements, but it is the

responsibility of the employee to find the replacement. This article shall not apply to

cancellations due to medical or other emergencies. The Union agrees that, if an employee

cancels for medical reasons or other emergency, it will assist Employer in obtaining

proper verification from employee. If the Employer agrees to accept responsibility for a

substitution, no further action is required on behalf of the employee.

d. The Referral List. The Union will maintain and provide to the Employer a Referral List

of qualified individuals as well as the positions for which each is qualified.

i. Inclusion by the Union of an individual on the Referral List constitutes a

representation by the Union that it has examined his/her experience and is

qualified to perform the job(s) indicated.

ii. The Union will accept to the Referral List all qualified Employees referred to the

Union by the Employer without discrimination of any kind regardless of Union


iii. Upon fifteen (15) days notice from the Union, that an employee has been removed

from the Referral List for failure to satisfy their financial obligations, the

Employer shall remove the employee from any confirmed assignments that

another eligible employee is available to fill. The Union will hold the Employer

harmless from any employee cancellation fees due to such removal.

iv. The Union shall immediately notify the Employer once such employee has come

into compliance and been restored to the Referral List.

e. Hire List. The Employer and Union shall maintain a Hire List based upon fair and

equitable criteria and applied uniformly to each person. The Hire List shall be determined

by the Employer and drawn from the Employees contained within the Referral List.

Preference of Employment will occur as follows:

i. The Employer will give preference of employment to individuals on the Hire List.

ii. In the case where the Hire List is exhausted, the Employer will refer to the

Referral List. The Employer reserves the right, in using the Referral List, to make

an appropriate determination as to whether there exists qualified or acceptable

candidates for crewing/staffing purposes.

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iii. The Employer may then hire any qualified candidate under the following


1. The Employer may hire any person for one Work Day outside the Referral

List, but such person must be referred to the Union for inclusion on the

Referral List if their performance was deemed to be acceptable by the

Employer; and

2. The Employer may hire anyone at any time even if not on the Referral List,

but such hires are limited an aggregate of ten (10) days of hire per year.

Employees who travel in from another market as part of a production or event

that takes place this region do not count towards this aggregate number of ten

(10) days of hire per year.

6. Discipline and Discharge:

a. The Employer maintains the right to make and modify reasonable work and conduct rules

and require their observance.

b. The Employer shall make their conduct rules available to the Union and any Employee

upon request.

c. Whenever disciplinary action is taken, the Employer agrees to issue a "Notice of

Termination" or a "Notice of Discipline" letter to the Union and affected Employee. The

Union agrees that the issuance of “Notice of Termination” and/or “Notice of Discipline”

letters is a management decision; however, no employee shall be disciplined or

discharged without just cause.

d. The Union also agrees that the Employer is not obligated to recognize seniority.

7. No Discrimination:

The Employer and the IATSE agree that in applying the terms of this Agreement there will be no

unlawful discrimination based upon race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national

origin, union membership, or other status protected by applicable law. Arbitration provisions

shall not apply to this Section (7) if an Employee has recourse via State or Federal agencies of

competent jurisdiction.

8. No Strike, No Lockout:

During the term of this Agreement there shall be no strikes or picketing by the Union or Lockout

of Employees by the Employer. It shall be understood by and between both parties to this

agreement that a lawful IATSE picket line, sanctioned by the International President, shall not

constitute a cause for discipline as defined by this Agreement.

9. Stewards:

The Union shall appoint one (1) steward for each production site if a qualified steward is

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assigned to work the production. In the event a qualified steward is not assigned to a production

site, the Employer shall contact the Union Business Representative for any issues that arise. No

steward shall be subject to penalty, discipline, layoff, or discharge for any act in the performance

of his/her duties as steward and acting by the authority of the Union, provided he/she continues

to perform his/her job responsibilities in an acceptable manner.

10. Access:

The Employer is not responsible for its venues’ restricted admittance policies, but the Employer

will use its best efforts to assist Union representatives with obtaining access to work sites if the

access is for a proper business purpose.

11. Grievance and Arbitration:

a. In the event that the IATSE or an employee covered by this Agreement contends that the

Employer has violated a provision of this Agreement, or the Employer contends that the

IATSE has violated a provision of this Agreement, the following procedures shall be


1. Within ten business days of the time the employee of the Union knew (or reasonably

should have known) of the event giving rise to the grievance, the IATSE must give

written notice to the Employer of the claim, but in no event more than three (3)

months after the event which gave rise to the grievance occurred. To the extent

grievances related to the timely and proper payments under the health and welfare

plan may be grieved, this provision shall have no application assuming such

grievances are not barred or preempted by the governing plan or federal law. The

failure to submit a complaint within the time periods specified shall constitute a bar to

further action thereon. The written grievance shall include the specific sections of the

Agreement which are alleged to have been violated, the date(s) or approximate

date(s) of the alleged violation(s), the facts on which the grievance is based, the name

of the individuals aggrieved (if applicable), and the remedy sought.

2. A representative of the IATSE and a designated representative of the Employer shall,

within ten (10) business days after service of a written notice of the claim, meet and

discuss the matter and attempt to effect a settlement of said controversy or dispute.

3. In the event that such controversy or dispute is not settled by the Employer and the

IATSE within twenty (20) working days after the written notice given pursuant to

paragraph (1) above, or within ten business days after meeting referred to in

paragraph (2) above, then such controversy or dispute resolution may be submitted to

arbitration. The demand for arbitration must be made in writing by the IATSE, no

later than forty (40) business days after written notice referred to in paragraph (1)

above. Each party shall bear the cost of the arbitrator’s fees and expenses.

4. The parties will attempt to establish a mutually agreeable panel of permanent

arbitrator(s) for the duration of this Agreement. If the parties are unable to agree upon

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such arbitrator(s), the arbitrator shall be selected from a lot obtained from the Federal

Mediation and Conciliation Service, or the American Arbitration association at

Employers’ expense, by alternate striking of names, with the Union going first.

b. The arbitrator shall have no power to modify, add to, or subtract from the terms of this

Agreement, but shall only determine whether the Agreement has been violated in the

manner alleged in the grievance, and, if so, what the remedy should be within the

meaning of the Agreement.

c. The decision of the arbitrator, within the limits indicated above, shall be final and binding

upon the grievant and all parties.

d. All time limits are subject to extension, but only by mutual written agreement.

e. The Arbitrator may use past practices or understandings in either interpreting, applying,

or expressing terms of this Agreement.

f. The grievance and arbitration procedure is to be the sole and exclusive remedy for any

alleged breach of this Agreement or any other grievable dispute relating to the

employment by the Employer of employees covered by this Agreement.

12. Minimum Condition:

a. Wages: The minimum wage rates shall be as outlined in “APPENDIX A.”

b. Work Day: A regular work day shall be computed by totaling the number of hours

between the time an employee reports to work and the time the employee is dismissed at

the end of such work day, including meal periods.

c. 10 Hour Minimum Call: All Employees shall be guaranteed at least ten (10) hours of

paid work, at least equal to their daily rate for live remote events listed in “Appendix A,”

except as noted in “i” below.

i. The Company may designate a five (5) hour minimum call for set days and wherein

a craft is hired to perform non-broadcast operations (example – a graphics prebuild

by graphic artist). It being further understood that on a set day no content is

broadcast or recorded for broadcast.

d. Call Times: Call time is a minimum of six (6) hours prior to air for all positions on set up

days. The Employer and the Union’s Business Agent shall meet and confer if exceptions

are needed. The Union will not unreasonably deny requests from Employer to modify call

times, including call times with less than the aforementioned six (6) hours prior to air,

based on a client’s needs. Call time shall be a minimum of seven (7) hours prior to air for

TD, Audio A-1, CPO3, CPO2, CPO1, and Video Controller (V-1).

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e. Work Week and Overtime:

1. The work week shall be Monday through Sunday and shall consist of up to any forty

(40) hours of work. The work week starting and ending days may be modified from

time to time at the sole discretion of Employer in order to meet any changes in payroll

systems. Any change in the work week days must be given by written notification to

the Union at least thirty (30) days before the change goes into effect.

2. Employees with a ten (10) hour minimum call, any elapsed hours in excess of 10

hours in any one work day or actual hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any

work week shall be compensated at one and one half (1.5) times the regular rate of

pay hereinafter provided in Appendix A.

3. Employees shall receive double their regular base rate for all hours worked in excess

of twelve (12) elapsed hours from his/her in time on any work day.

4. It is specifically understood that there shall be no pyramiding of overtime pay and

other premium payments made under any of the provisions of this Agreement.

f. Meal Periods:

1. All meal periods shall be compensated and will be one (1) hour in length. The meal

period shall be scheduled as near to the midpoint in the work day as possible.

2. In the event a crew member misses a meal break or incurs a delayed meal break due

to work, he/she will be compensated an additional hour at one and one half (1.5)

times their straight time rate of pay.

3. If an Employee works over fourteen (14) elapsed hours, in addition to premium pay, a

second one (1) hour meal break shall be due. If a second meal is not provided, an

additional one hour at double time shall be paid.

4. A meal will be provided for those Employees who are not able to take a break. Such

meal will be paid for by the Employer.

g. Double Headers and Multiple Events:

1. A regular double header will have a fourteen (14) hour minimum call with overtime

being paid after ten (10) hours of actual work in accordance with the overtime

provisions of this Agreement.

2. A “day-night double header” shall be paid as two (2) minimum calls.

3. Employees who are engaged for two (2) separate events in the same day (e.g.

baseball/hockey) shall be paid as two (2) minimum calls. The overtime provisions

after 10 hours in one work day do not apply until ten hours have been worked.

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h. Rest Period:

1. The Employer will grant rest periods during television program rehearsals or relief

periods for each job function during an extended television broadcast including but

not limited to a pre- and/or post-game show and baseball double header.

2. Employees shall be given ten (10) continuous hours off between the time of dismissal

and reporting for the next day’s work. This rule shall only apply to employees

traveling from Company assignment to another Company assignment, unless early

travel is at the employee’s request and later arrangements are available. If less than

ten (10) hours in between call are given, the employee and the company shall

mutually agree to one of the following:

a. A premium of one and one half (1.5) times the employee’s rate shall be paid for

hours invading the ten (10) hour rest break;

b. The Employer can give an adjusted call time. The adjusted call time will also

count as the employee’s “in” time for the day;

c. The Employer shall provide nearby lodging; or

d. Transportation to or from home, the event location, or the airport.

i. Canceled Calls:

1. If the Employer cancels an assignment of a previously booked employee the

employee shall be compensated one half (1⁄2) of his/her day rate for less than

seventy-two (72) hours’ notice and a full day rate for less than forty-eight (48) hours’

notice. If the Employer offers (or finds a third party to offer) the employee another

job during that same time period, no additional fee shall be due as long as the job

compensation and time period remain the same. Additionally, the event must be

within the same greater metropolitan area as the originally booked event.

2. Force Majeure. In the event that operations are temporarily curtailed in whole or in

part, neither party shall be liable in damages for any delay or default in performing

hereunder if such delay of default is caused by conditions beyond its control

including, but not limited to Acts of God, strikes, wars, riots, or events which

frustrate the purpose of broadcast or make it impossible to continue operations.

j. Parking:

The Employer will work with clients to arrange parking. If Employees incur parking fees

for any particular engagement, the Employer will reimburse the employees for the actual

cost. The Employer has the right to designate appropriate lots for such parking. Traffic

and/or parking violations incurred while utilizing a personal or rental car for company

business will not be reimbursed.

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k. Holidays:

1. The following shall be deemed holidays, irrespective of the day of week on which the

holiday may fall: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day,

Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.

2. If an employee is engaged to work or travel on any of the holidays listed above, the

employee will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times his/her

applicable rate of pay for the daily guarantee. Employees shall be paid time and a half

(1.5) their holiday rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the minimum

guarantee. Two (2) times their holiday rate of pay for all hours worked over 12 hours.

l. Payment of Wages:

1. At no time shall the duties of any employee covered by this Agreement include the

handling of Employer cash.

2. The Company shall institute the practice of sending detailed information to each

employee providing a breakdown of all monies and benefits paid and deducted for the

previous pay period.

3. Employer shall maintain a regular payroll period and employees shall be paid on a

twice monthly basis, assuming employees have performed work during the half of the

month corresponding to the pay date.

13. Crafts:

a. The Employer retains its sole and exclusive rights under Section 3 – Management Rights

of this Agreement. However, thirty (30) days prior to implementing any substantive

changes in past practices with respect to staffing/manning or skill requirements resulting

from changes in production requirements, the Employer shall give notice to the Union of

such changes and the opportunity to discuss the situation prior to implementation.

b. If during the life of the Agreement new technology or additional equipment is added to

the skills, functions and requirements of a particular job function, the subject shall be

referred to the Labor/Management Committee for discussion.

c. The following are craft descriptions:

1. Technical Directors: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing

the visual portion of a telecast. The Technical Director (TD) shall have the required

skills to program and operate the required switcher, DVE’s, Record / Fast Forward

channel outputs, still store, and other related equipment necessary to the fulfillment of

his/her job skills/responsibilities. Additional skills include but are not limited to:

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layout of the monitor wall and tallies, coordination of the tech schedule, and

performing fax and transmission checks.

2. Audio A-1: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in

Charge and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing the audio

and communications portion of a telecast. The Audio A-1 shall have the required

skills to program and operate the required audio board and other equipment related to

mixing, editing, dubbing, transferring, routing, and patching of the required audio,

communications, and RF portion of a telecast and to operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills/responsibilities.

Additional skills include but are not limited to: running and interfacing of multiple

building-to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other interconnect cabling and performing fax

and transmission checks.

3. Audio A-2: Shall work under the direction of the Audio A-1, Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing

the audio portion of a telecast. The Audio A-2 shall have the required skills to setup

and troubleshoot microphones, intercom, and cabling related to the audio,

communications, and RF portion of a telecast and operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills/responsibilities.

Additional skills include, but are not limited to: assisting/relieving the A-1 with

his/her direct skills as may be required and running and interfacing of multiple

building-to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other interconnect cabling.

4. Audio A-3: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Audio A-1, Engineer- in-

Charge, Crew Chief and/or others to implement his/her instructions for use of

parabolic or other specialty microphones that require the use of a dedicated operator.

The Audio A-3 shall have the required skills to cable and assist with set up and

operation of parabolic or other specialty microphones that require the use of a

dedicated operator. Additional skills include but are not limited to: assisting the

Audio A-2 with cabling set up.

5. Video V-1: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in

Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing the image

portion of a telecast. The Video V-1 shall have the required skills to execute camera

and video cabling, connections, and patching; to maintain images to broadcast

standards; and to operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to the

fulfillment of his/her job skills and responsibilities. Additional skills include but are

not limited to: running and interfacing of multiple building-to-truck, truck-to-truck,

and other interconnect cabling.

6. Video V-2: Shall work under the direction of the Video V-1, Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

providing the image portion of a telecast. The Video V-2 shall have the required skills

to execute camera and video cabling, connections, and patching; to maintain images

to broadcast standards; and to operate/perform other related equipment/services

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necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and responsibilities. Additional skills

include but are not limited to: assisting/relieving the V-1 with his/her direct skills as

may be required; running and interfacing of multiple building-to-truck, truck-to-truck,

and other interconnect cabling.

7. Graphics Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

providing the graphics portion of a telecast. The Graphics Operator shall have the

required skills to program, operate, and download the required graphics elements

(manually or via download). The graphics operator will use a generator/computer to

create, program, edit, and display graphics and operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and


8. Graphics Coordinator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Graphics Operator, Associate Producer, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to

implement his/her instructions for coordinating the graphics portion of a telecast. The

Graphics Coordinator shall have the required skills to assist the Graphics Operator

and/or coordinate the required graphics used on air and operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and


9. Hard Camera Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

providing hard studio-type camera operations. The Hard Camera Operator shall have

the required skills to cable, assemble, and operate hard studio-type video cameras;

assist with cabling, setup of video monitors and lighting, telestrator, and radar/speed

gun. Operators shall have the ability to assist the Video Operators and truck engineers

in troubleshooting and to operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary

to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and responsibilities. Additional skills include

but are not limited to: running of multiple building-to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other

interconnect cabling.

10. Handheld Camera Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer,

Director, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

providing handheld camera operations. The Handheld Camera Operator shall have the

required skills to cable, assemble and operate handheld video cameras; assist with

cabling, setup of video monitors, lighting, telestrator, and radar/speed gun. Operator

shall have the ability to assist the Video Operators and truck engineers in

troubleshooting and operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to

the fulfillment of his/her job skills and responsibilities. Additional skills include, but

are not limited to: running of multiple building-to-truck, truck-to-truck & other

interconnect cabling.

11. Robotic Camera Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

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providing remote-controlled camera operations. The Robotic Camera Operator shall

have the required skills to cable, assemble, balance, operate, and tear down the

robotic style camera crane as well as the ancillary equipment that goes with the

robotics. The Robotic Camera Operator shall have the ability to assist the Video

Operators and truck engineers in troubleshooting and to operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and

responsibilities. Additional skills include but are not limited to: running of multiple

building-to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other interconnect cabling.

12. Jib Camera Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her directions to provide

quality Jib Camera maneuvers. The Jib Operator shall have the required skills to cable,

assemble, balance, operate, and tear down Jib style camera crane as well as the

ancillary equipment that goes with the crane/jib. The operator shall have the ability to

assist Video Operator and Engineers in troubleshooting and to operate/perform other

related equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and


13. Capture Playback Operator 3: Shall work under the direction of the Producer,

Director, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief and/or Tape AD/Tape Producer to

implement his/her instructions for providing record/playback/slow-motion

(hereinafter “slomo”) operation of videotape machine(s) or digital recording device.

The Capture Playback Operator 3 (CPO3) shall have the required skills to record,

slomo, and playback recorded elements and to operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills

and responsibilities. Additional skills include but are not limited to: monitor and

router labeling and layout and organize and assemble melts.

14. Capture Playback Operator 2: Shall work under the direction of the Producer,

Director, Engineer in Charge and/or Crew Chief and/or Tape AD/Tape Producer to

implement his/her instructions for providing record/playback/slomo operation of a

multi channel digital recording device. The Capture Playback Operator 2 (CPO2)

shall have the required skills to record, edit, slomo, and playback video elements and

operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of

his/her job skills and responsibilities. The Capture Playback Operator 2 will also have

the required skills to operate specialty replay technology including but not limited to

Super-Motion and XMo playback controllers. Additional skills include but are not

limited to: monitor and router labeling and layout and organize and assemble melts.

15. Capture Playback Operator 1: Shall work under the direction of the Producer,

Director, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief and/or Tape AD/Tape Producer to

implement his/her instructions for providing record/playback/slomo operation and

playlist execution of a digital recording device. The Capture Playback Operator 1

(CPO1) shall have the required skills to record, edit, slomo, playback, construct, and

execute elements/playlists and operate/perform other related equipment/services

necessary as well as manage asset management devices such as the X-File to the

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fulfillment of his/her job skills. Additional skills include but are not limited to:

monitor and router layout and organize and assemble melts.

16. Score Box Operator: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director,

Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for

providing score box computer operations. The Score Box Operator shall have the

required skills to setup and operate the required computer; input statistics and graphic

elements (manually or via download); and to operate/perform other related

equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and

responsibilities. Additional skills include but are not limited to: setup and

troubleshooting of radar/speed gun.

17. Senior Utility: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in

Charge and/or Crew Chief and/or others to implement his/her instructions for

assisting camera and/or other operations. The Senior Utility shall have the required

skills to cable and assist with the operations of all video, audio and lighting

equipment; provide active cable assistance to moving camera operators during all

phases of camera operations; assist other crew and truck engineers in troubleshooting

and perform other related services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and

responsibilities. Additional skills include, but are not limited to: running of multiple

building to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other interconnect cabling; setup of monitors,

radar/speed gun, and telestrator (also including sets and stage materials). Additional

responsibilities of the Senior Utility will be to assist the V-1 in patching the truck,

patching the building, as well as assisting the Audio department in patching and set

up of microphones during the set up and strike portion of the shift. The Senior Utility

will assist in the training of new Utilities as well as be the point person for managing

the other Utilities on a shift. A Senior Utility cannot be used to replace the staffing

norms for the video and audio crafts.

18. Utility: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in Charge,

and/or Crew Chief and/or others to implement his/her instructions for assisting

camera and/or other operations. The Utility shall have the required skills to cable and

assist with the operations of all video, audio, and lighting equipment; to provide

active cable assistance to moving camera operators during all phases of camera

operations; to assist other crew and truck engineers in troubleshooting, and to perform

other related services necessary to the fulfillment of his/her job skills and

responsibilities. Additional skills include but are not limited to: running of multiple

building-to-truck, truck-to-truck, and other interconnect cabling; setup of monitors,

radar/speed gun, and telestrator (also including sets and stage materials).

19. Phone AD: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in

Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for coordination

between the remote site and master control. Additional skills include but are not

limited to all timing of production elements, etc.

20. Stage Manager: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer

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in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing

management of on-air talent. The Stage Manager shall have the required skills to

assist talent and to operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to the

fulfillment of his/her job skills and responsibilities.

21. Runner: Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer in

Charge and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing assistance

to the production staff. A valid driver’s license is required for this position. The

Runner will not operate technical equipment.

22. ENG/EFP Grip: Shall work under the direction of the ENG/EFP Camera or Audio,

Producer, Director, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her

instructions for providing assistance to an ENG/EFP recording. The ENG/EFP Grip

shall have the required skills to cable and assist operations of all video, audio, and

lighting equipment related to an ENG/EFP recording and/or the fulfillment of his/her

job skills/responsibilities.

23. ENG/EFP Audio A2: Shall work under the direction of the ENG/EFP Camera,

Producer, Director, Engineer in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her

instructions for providing the audio portion of an ENG/EFP recording. The ENG/EFP

Audio A-2 shall have the required skills to setup and troubleshoot microphones and

cabling and assist in lighting related to an ENG/EFP recording and/or the fulfillment

of his/her job skills/responsibilities.

24. ENG/EFP Camera: Shall work under the direction of Producer, Director, Engineer

in Charge, and/or Crew Chief to implement his/her instructions for providing the

video image portion of an ENG/EFP recording. The ENG/EFP Camera shall have the

required skills to setup and troubleshoot camera and digital image acquisition and,

where practical, to assist in lighting related to an ENG/EFP recording and/or the

fulfillment of his/her job skills/responsibilities.

d. All Craft Positions: All Craft Positions are required to participate in the timely

completion of event setups and teardowns. The primary responsibility of each individual

is to complete the setup/teardown tasks specific to his/her particular craft position.

However, once primary setup/teardown tasks are completed, all crew are expected to

assist other craft positions to allow for the timely completion of the setup/teardown


14. Working out of Classification and Extra Duty:

An employee whose call was for a given classification but is then assigned by the Employer the

duties of higher paid classification shall be paid at the rate of the higher paid classification except

for relief operations of twenty (20) minutes or less.

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15. Training and New Technology:

a. The Employer and the Union both agree that it is important for employees to continue to

advance their skill and abilities. The employer and the employees shall reasonably seek

training programs as afforded by and as desired by the Employer. The Employer shall

decide compensation, if any, for such training programs.

b. No employee shall be asked to train another employee without prior notice and

agreement on compensation. The employer will not add training people to perform actual

work unless a full crew is working an event.

16. Joint Training Committee:

The Employer and Union agree that advances in technology require a forum to discuss and

resolve issues related to the training of Employees covered by this Agreement. To that end, the

parties hereby establish a Joint Training Committee. The Committee will research and develop

training programs which are of mutual benefits to the Employer and Union. The Committee

members will include members selected by the Union Membership and assigned by the

Company. The Committee will meet and confer at a time mutually agreeable to both parties.

17. Travel:

a. When Employees are asked to report to a distant location, the following shall apply:

1. Hotel, cost of common carrier, cabs, tolls, rental cars, gas and parking shall be

reimbursed at the actual cost to the employee, subject to the timely reporting of

receipts. Actual receipts will be provided to the employer for reimbursement.

2. A per diem of (IRS declared rate as adjusted from time to time) shall be paid to each

employee per day (inclusive of travel days).

b. Expenses will normally be billed directly to the Employer. However, on the occasion that

may not be possible, the employee will have to pay the cost and be reimbursed and the

employee will be notified in advance of such cost.

c. Employees traveling by common carrier shall be compensated at one half (1/2) of his/her

day rate if the time spent traveling to or from a remote location does not exceed five (5)

hours. If time spent traveling exceeds five (5) hours he/she shall be paid his/her 10-hour

minimum call rate of pay.

d. “Dark” or non-work day(s) while on location will be compensated as follows: The

Employee will receive five and one-quarter (5.25) hours pay at the individual’s hourly


e. Travel time is considerd to start one (1) hour before scheduled departure of the common

carrier and end upon reasonable arrival at the event location or hotel.

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f. Employees who travel by personal car shall receive the following allowance based on

miles traveled from the center of Phoenix (Central Avenue and Washington Street) or

Tucson (Speedway and I-10), whichever is closer to the employee’s residence. This

personal vehicle travel allowance includes passengers of a carpool.

1. More than 50 miles, less than 90 miles - $25.00 each way.

2. More than 90 miles, less than 130 miles - $45.00 each way.

3. More than 130 miles, less than 180 miles - $75.00 each way.

g. In addition to the personal vehicle travel allowance, the driver/vehicle owner will also be

compensated for mileage at the maximum rate allowed by the IRS, as adjusted from time

to time. Compensation for mileage shall be calculated from center of Phoenix (Central

Avenue and Washington Street) or Tucson (Speedway and I-10); whichever is closer to

the employee’s residence. Mileage for residents of Tucson traveling for work in Phoenix

or residents of Phoenix traveling for work in Tucson shall be distance between the city

centers (112 miles).

h. Employees will not use personal vehicles to transport equipment or perform any

Company business.

18. Health and Welfare:

a. IATSE National Health and Welfare contributions shall be as follows:

1. For each hour worked by an employee or paid for by the Employer, the Employer

shall contribute the to the IATSE National Health and Welfare Plan on behalf of each

covered employee:

From October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013 - $5.75

From October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 - $6.00

From October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 - $6.25

From October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 - $6.50

2. Alternatively, an employee shall receive a daily Health and Welfare contribution

equal to ten (10) hours at the rates set forth in this Subsection (18a) if engaged for

work on a Studio style show and subject to the minimum call provisions of the Studio

Show Sideletter.

b. IATSE National Annuity contributions shall be as follows:

1. Employer shall contribute to the IATSE Annuity Fund on behalf of each employee an

amount equal to 3% of such employee’s gross wages paid by Employer or earned by

the employee under this Agreement.

2. Alternatively, an employee shall receive a daily Annuity contribution equal to 3% of

his/her daily rate, set forth in Appendix A, if engaged for work on a Studio style show

and subject to the minimum call provisions of the Studio Show Sideletter.

3. In addition to the mandatory uniform employer contribution for all eligible employees,

each such employee may elect to defer part of his/her salary, subject to statutory

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limitations and the rules of the Annuity Fund, and the employer will transmit those

salary deferrals to the Annuity Fund by the 10th day of each month following the end

of the month in which the covered services were performed.

c. The Employer shall make the following defined pension plan contributions to the IATSE

National Pension Fund on behalf of each employee:

1. From October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2015 - $10 per day worked.

2. From October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 - $11 per day worked.

d. Employer contributions shall be made by separate check to the “IATSE Health and

Welfare Fund” and the “IATSE Annuity Fund” and the “IATSE National Pension Fund”

no later than the 10th of each month in respect to all employment during preceding month

for which contributions were payable. In conjunction with each such payment, Employer

shall submit a remittance report showing the names of the employees for whom

contributions are being made, their social security numbers, dates of employment, shifts

of employment by them, and the amount of contributions paid for them.

19. Separability and Savings:

If any clause of this Agreement shall be determined to be illegal by a court or other tribunal of

competent jurisdiction, it shall be severed from this Agreement such that the rest of the

Agreement shall not thereby fail or be rendered null and void.

20. Entire Agreement:

This Agreement is entered to cover all matters affecting wages, hours, and other terms and

conditions of employment and all similar or related subjects. During the term of this Agreement,

neither the Employer nor the Union will be required to negotiate any further matters affecting

these or any other subjects not specifically set forth in this Agreement, whether subjects were

discussed or were within contemplation of either or both parties at the time they negotiated this

Agreement. There are no understandings or agreements which are not set forth in this Agreement,

and any future understandings or agreements are valid and enforceable only if reduced to writing

and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

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21. Term of Agreement:

This Agreement shall be effective upon execution and shall expire on September 30, 2016.

Negotiations for amended terms of this Agreement shall begin upon written request of either

party, no later than sixty days before expiration date.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Starting rate, herein, shall be applicable for a maximum of an Employee’s first seventeen (17)

events worked.


Hourly Rates Starting Experienced


10/1/12 -


10/1/12 -


10/1/13 -


10/1/14 -


10/1/15 -


Technical Director $41.07 $54.76 $56.13 $57.67 $59.26

Audio A-1 $41.07 $54.22 $55.58 $57.10 $58.67

Audio A-2 $24.66 $33.46 $34.30 $35.24 $36.21

Audio A-3 $10.82 $14.42 $14.78 $15.19 $15.60

Video V-1 $34.20 $45.60 $46.74 $48.03 $49.35

Video V-2 $28.98 $38.62 $39.59 $40.67 $41.79

Graphics Operator $33.26 $44.99 $46.11 $47.38 $48.69

Graphics Coordinator $18.05 $24.07 $24.67 $25.35 $26.05

Hard Camera Operator $27.27 $36.34 $37.25 $38.27 $39.33

Handheld Camera Operator $29.42 $39.23 $40.21 $41.32 $42.45

Robotic Camera Operator $32.30 $43.07 $44.15 $45.36 $46.61

Jib Operator $38.94 $49.03 $50.26 $51.64 $53.06

Capture Playback Operator 1 $35.92 $50.41 $51.67 $53.09 $54.55

Capture Playback Operator 2 $28.98 $43.62 $44.71 $45.94 $47.20

Capture Playback Operator 3 $28.98 $38.62 $39.59 $40.67 $41.79

Scorebox Operator $12.56 $16.73 $17.15 $17.62 $18.10

Redhat / TV Timeout Coord. $22.60 $30.90 $31.67 $32.54 $33.44

Senior Utility tba tba tba tba tba

Utility $13.85 $18.43 $18.89 $19.41 $19.94

Phone AD $19.00 $25.34 $25.97 $26.69 $27.42

Stage Manager $16.15 $21.54 $22.08 $22.69 $23.31

Runner $9.50 $12.67 $12.99 $13.34 $13.71

Daily Rates Starting Experienced


10/1/12 -


10/1/12 -


10/1/13 -


10/1/14 -


10/1/15 -


Technical Director $410.70 $547.60 $561.29 $576.73 $592.59

Audio A-1 $410.70 $542.20 $555.76 $571.04 $586.74

Audio A-2 $246.60 $334.60 $342.97 $352.40 $362.09

Audio A-3 $108.20 $144.20 $147.81 $151.87 $156.05

Video V-1 $342.00 $456.00 $467.40 $480.25 $493.46

Video V-2 $289.80 $386.20 $395.86 $406.74 $417.93

Graphics Operator $332.60 $449.90 $461.15 $473.83 $486.86

Graphics Coordinator $180.50 $240.70 $246.72 $253.50 $260.47

Hard Camera Operator $272.70 $363.40 $372.49 $382.73 $393.25

Handheld Camera Operator $294.20 $392.30 $402.11 $413.17 $424.53

Robotic Camera Operator $323.00 $430.70 $441.47 $453.61 $466.08

Jib Operator $389.40 $490.30 $502.56 $516.38 $530.58

Capture Playback Operator 1 $359.20 $504.10 $516.70 $530.91 $545.51

Capture Playback Operator 2 $289.80 $436.20 $447.11 $459.40 $472.03

Capture Playback Operator 3 $289.80 $386.20 $395.86 $406.74 $417.93

Scorebox Operator $125.60 $167.30 $171.48 $176.20 $181.04

Redhat / TV Timeout Coord. $226.00 $309.00 $316.73 $325.43 $334.38

Senior Utility tba tba tba tba tba

Utility $138.50 $184.30 $188.91 $194.10 $199.44

Phone AD $190.00 $253.40 $259.74 $266.88 $274.22

Stage Manager $161.50 $215.40 $220.79 $226.86 $233.10

Runner $95.00 $126.70 $129.87 $133.44 $137.11

Contract Year 1, October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013, rates represent 2.5% increase over prior year rates

Contract Year 2, October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014, rates represent 2.5% increase over Contract Year 1 rates

Contract Year 3, October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015, rates represent 2.75% increase over Contract Year 2 rates

Contract Year 4, October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016, rates represent 2.75% increase over Contract Year 3 rates

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Glossary of Terms and Definitions

1. Add-ons: Productions or shows other than the main event, after the main event has ended

and is, to the viewer, listed as a separate show.

2. Deal Shows: A facility stand consisting of at least three (3) consecutive days and, on the

second day or on a day within the stand, other crew or craft personnel utilize the facilities,

then the original crew or craft personnel return.

3. Manned Camera: A camera that is pointed, moved, zoomed or focused by an operator either

by manual or robotic means during a production.

4. Booth/Scoreboard Camera: Classified as a "manned" camera when controlled by the Video

V-1 and used for the purposes of shooting talent in an announce booth environment and may

also be used to shoot a scoreboard or clock when it is not shooting announce talent.

5. Clock Camera: A camera that is used during production to shoot a clock or scoreboard.

6. POV Camera: An “unmanned” camera that does not move after its initial set up and shoots

anything other than a clock or scoreboard and is not under control of the Video V-1.

7. Layover: For all productions, a truck layover consists of a production truck’s interior

equipment remaining in their same state of operation and set up from one broadcast event

day to the following broadcast event day.

8. Double-Header: Any production where a second game and broadcast occur within two (2)

hours of each other at the same site in the same sport with the same equipment set up.

9. Day-night Double Header: Any situation where a game and broadcast occur during the day

and another game and broadcast occur at night at the same site in the same sport with the

same equipment set up.

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Working Conditions

1. For the purpose of the “Manned” camera count, the number of robotic camera operators shall

be used to determine the number of “Manned” robotic cameras. A “Booth/Scoreboard”

camera does not fall into this “manned” category unless it is used elsewhere in a production,

other than for the purpose of shooting a scoreboard or clock, and the V-1 shades or controls

the camera.

2. Video V-1 shall not count “clock cameras” in the total amount of cameras under their control

nor charge extra for them.

3. Video V-1 will shade/paint, etc....up to nine (9) cameras including no more than six (6)

“manned” cameras, a “booth camera,” and two (2) clock/POV cameras.

4. If a show has more than eight (8) “manned” cameras, there shall be a qualified Video V-2

hired. If a qualified Video V-2 is hired, the additional charges for “extra cameras” are voided.

When there are less than eight manned cameras, and the situation requires additional cabling

or the Video V-1 believes additional staffing is required, a consultation will take place

between the Video V-1, Union’s Business Agent, and the Employer prior to the event.

5. A standard show with a single Audio A-2 shall consist of the following: one (1) announce

booth, one stand up position, and standard effects equipment. On a show where there are two

(2) or more “on camera” positions used at the same time or back-to-back, the Employer shall

engage at least two (2) or more Audio A-2s; two audio assistants shall be employed on

productions utilizing RF announcing equipment; and audio assistants shall not be asked to

perform duties out of classification unless compensated as otherwise set forth in the

Agreement. At least one Audio A-2 will be employed for each production.

6. Robotic Camera Operators shall receive a call time the same as the earliest crew member for

the event. Robotic Camera Operators shall not be required to operate more than two (2)

cameras at any one time or set up more than one system.

7. When the robotic system is required to be fully struck, the robotic operator will be released

following the event and before the post-game show.

8. Operators shall not be assigned to run more than two (2) machines “sources” for replay

purposes, hot load or commercial playback at any time. For the purposes of the “source”

count, each playback channel utilized counts as one (1) source.

9. If more than seven (7) record inputs are used in the capture/playback room, a minimum of

three (3) operators will be employed. A Capture Playback Operator shall not be responsible

for more than six (6) total record and playback channels (operating in 4 record / 2 playback

or 3 record / 3 playback).

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10. If a Capture Playback Operator is required to operate more than 4 record and playback

channels in a replay only capacity, they will be paid at the minimum of a CPO2 rate.

11. Accessing the Record Trains: Accessing the record channels of another show’s playback

system will only be done at the discretion of the Capture Playback Operator. Refusal by an

employee to access the record channels from another show shall not be grounds for penalty,

discipline, layoff, or discharge.

12. If a Capture/Playback system with more than six (6) input/output channels is to be introduced,

the parties will negotiate over the appropriate terms and conditions for such use. Additionally,

if there is any deviation from the current staffing norms the parties will also negotiate over

such staffing changes.

13. If a late call individuals’ (e.g. Score Box, Stage Manager, and Phone AD) call time is

adjusted to earlier than three (3) hours before the game/event start time, prior arrangements

will be made with that individual.

14. For Score Box Operators, any hours worked before the regular three (3) hours prior to air

shall be paid at time and one-half (1.5) times the employee's base hourly wage.

15. Utilities shall only be asked to operate a Booth camera when it does not conflict with their

assigned duties (ex. a utility supporting a handheld camera or video utility). Operation of the

camera shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes, and he/she will be compensated as set forth

under Appendix D – Schedule of Fees.

16. All Handheld Camera Operators shall be assigned dedicated Utility workers, except when the

handheld is in a location that it cannot move during the event.

17. Layovers: Upon agreement of the Union or an individual basis, call times can be adjusted

appropriately. The Union will not unreasonably deny requests from Fox Sports Net Arizona,

LLC to adjust reasonably the call-in times.

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Schedule of Fees

1. An additional $25.00 per “manned” camera for manipulating/shading more than six (6)

“manned” cameras, except as otherwise stipulated in Appendix C, “Working Conditions.”

2. If there is no Graphics Coordinator, then an additional compensation of $50.00 will be

provided to the Graphics Operator.

3. An additional compensation of $10.25 per hour shall be added to the base rate of any Utility

technician performing ENG/EFP Grip duties at a remote site.

4. An additional compensation of $15.38 per hour shall be added to the base rate of any Audio

person performing ENG/EFP Audio duties at a remote site.

5. An additional compensation of $15.38 per hour shall be added to the base rate of any

Handheld Camera Operator performing ENG/EFP Camera duties at a remote site.

6. An additional compensation of $25.00 per segment will be paid for operating the Super Slow

Motion (handheld “Supermo”/“Super Slomo”) and any handheld camera using an RF

transmission system at a remote site. Such segments are discreetly identified as pre-game,

game, and post-game; the compensation for which shall be cumulative.

7. An additional compensation of $25.00 will be paid for each additional robotic camera over

two (2) cameras.

8. Any Employees not engaged as a Camera Operator will receive additional compensation of

$25.00 for operating booth cameras for twenty (20) minutes or less.

9. An Audio A-1 who is working on a production utilizing Surround Sound 5.1 or greater shall

be compensated an additional $50.00 on the set-up day for such production.

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Health and Safety

1. Utility workers shall be given adequate space to work at each job site.

2. The Employer recognizes the need to provide employees a safe and healthy working

environment. If safety equipment is required by OSHA for an assignment, then the Employer

shall provide such equipment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, employees will supply any

personal effects, e.g., steel-toed boots, required by OSHA.

3. The Employer recognizes the employer representative on site will reasonably have working

knowledge of the technical/equipment requirements for the broadcast and will make that

information available to the crew chief or steward.

4. Adequate cool water will be made available at the truck location from the start to the end of

the work call.

5. A break of at least five (5) minutes will be given for all crew inside the trucks will be

scheduled within thirty (30) minutes prior to air time. This break is to allow personnel to use

the rest room and stretch their legs. Breaks may be staggered if required by production


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Sideletter #1

Travel Letter

Consistent with industry past practice, if an employee is transported in to the jurisdiction of a

local union of the IATSE from another IATSE local union’s jurisdiction where Fox Sports Net

Arizona, LLC or any subsidiary or DBA of the Employer holds a collective bargaining

agreement with the IATSE, the following shall apply:

1. The wage, benefit, travel, and per diem sections of the CBA of the Employee’s home

local shall travel with that Employee.

2. The working conditions of the CBA that the Employee travels to shall apply (e.g. rest

periods, meal breaks, staffing, parking, etc.).

Employees that travel in from another jurisdiction shall not count against any accumulated

number that applies to a local Union’s referral roster waiver.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Sideletter #2

Labor – Management Committee

A Labor-Management Committee shall be established. The committee shall meet at least

annually to discuss issues brought before it. Any member of the committee can submit issues for

committee consideration.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Sideletter #3

Graphic Coordinator/Associate Producer

During the 2007 negotiations, the parties discussed the career progression of certain Union and

Non-Union employees regarding the intersection of the Graphics Coordinator and Associate

Producer job functions. As a result of these discussions, the parties agreed to the following:

1. As an exception to the Recognition and Jurisdiction clause contained in Article 1, the

Employer may engage staff employees to perform Graphics Coordinator duties with

the following limitations:

a. The staff employee must be a full time (benefits eligible) employee of Fox Sports

Net Arizona, LLC.

b. Not more than twenty percent (20%) of available shifts will be worked by staff

employees in this capacity.

c. The staff employee will not be paid less than the Graphics Coordinator rate as

contained in Appendix A of the Agreement.

2. If an Employee covered by this Agreement performs duties which include Associate

Producer functions which are not covered by the Recognition and Jurisdiction clause

contained in Article 1 the following will apply:

a. The Employee will not be paid less than the Graphics Coordinator rate as

contained in Appendix A of the Agreement.

b. The Employee will receive full benefits contributions for all hours worked or paid,

as outlined in Article 19.

3. As a direct result of this Sideletter, the existing Graphics Coordinators will not have a

material loss of existing work.

4. This Sideletter will be regularly reviewed and discussed as a part of the existing

Labor/Management Committee meetings.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Sideletter #4

Studio Style Shows

If an Employee is engaged to work on a studio style show that is being produced in an actual

studio setting the Employer has the option of utilizing minimum calls that are less than ten (10)

hours as provided for in Section 12 (Minimum Conditions) of this Collective Bargaining

Agreement. There are three such options:

1. A four (4) hour minimum may be utilized when a single broadcast of no more than thirty

(30) minutes takes place;

2. A six (6) hour minimum may be utilized when a single broadcast of no more than sixty (60)

minutes takes place call; or

3. An eight (8) hour minimum call may be utilized when there are multiple broadcasts of any

length take place.

For any such call selected, the daily rate (as opposed to hourly rate) for IATSE Health and

Welfare, Pension, and Annuity fund contributions shall be applicable per Section 18 this

Collective Bargaining Agreement.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Sideletter #5

Remote Productions – FS1 and FS2

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Sideletter #6

Hiring Practice Clarification Detail below reflects the December 20, 2010 clarification regarding Section 5 – Hiring and Hiring

Practices of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”), initially dated February 1, 2008, and asserted

herein to extend to and through the current Agreement, unless otherwise modified by the parties. 1. The CBA, provides that preference of employment must be given to those properly registered

for employment on the Employer’s Hire List. 2. If no qualified person is available on the FOX Hire List, the Employer shall next evaluate

whether a qualified employee is available on the Referral List (the global hire list of all

employers signed to a CBA with Local 748 / IATSE International). 3. If the Employer determines that no qualified person is available on the Referral List a notice of

"Off List Hire" must be submitted to the Business Agent of the Union immediately upon

determination that no such qualified individual is available. The Off List Hire notification shall

indicate whether the individual being hired as a local hire or on a travel hire basis. The Off List

Hire notification shall be sent to the Business Agent of the Union by E-Mail, Fax, or U.S. Mail

(the Union will indicate to the Employer their preference). 4. The Off List Hire shall at all times be subject to all provisions of the CBA between the parties. 5. Off List Hires shall be submitted to the local for addition to the Employer’s Hire List if the

individual’s employment was acceptable to the Employer. The additional cost of traveling an

employee from outside the market can be grounds for the Employer finding that inclusion on

the Hire List or Referral List is not “acceptable”. 6. For the purpose of evaluating a new employee in the market, the Employer may elect to hire the

employee for one (1) work day outside of the Hire or Referral List. If the person’s work was

evaluated as “acceptable by the Employer they must be submitted to the Local for placement on

the respective hire and referral list. 7. In addition to the Off List Hires described above, the Employer has the sole discretion to hire

any person independent of any criteria in accordance with Section 5(e)(iii)(2). It is understood

that such discretionary hiring is limited to an aggregate of ten (10) individual day hires per

calendar year. 8. Technicians traveling into the market as employees of another Region or employer for an

“away feed” event are not subject to the terms of Section 5. 9. Crafts: Preference in hiring should be given to experienced persons listed in a specific craft

unless the craft is exhausted. 10. For example, if an A2 position is open, first consideration should be given to the experienced

A2's listed. If the craft list is exhausted, persons from another craft may be used in those

positions (ie. a Camera Operator working as an A2) to prevent the additional cost of traveling

those positions.

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11. If a person works multiple crafts on a regular basis, they should be added to all of the crafts

they work regularly. If they work in a craft only a few times per year, this is not necessary as

long as they are on the referral list (ie. a Utility who is occasionally hired as a

Runner). Addition of an operator to the Referral Roster is an indication that the operator is

experienced and should be paid the experienced rates set forth in the CBA. For the purposes of

hiring it is assumed an A1 is a qualified A2, an EVS operator a qualified Tape operator, a

Camera operator is a qualified Utility, a Stage Manager is a qualified Runner and a Chyron

Operator is a qualified Font Coord, thereby not requiring double listing. 12. Training: Any technicians being trained in a new craft must be reported to the Business Agent

as an official Trainee. It is preferred by the Local that the Trainee have at least one (1) shift of

training with an "experienced" operator in the new craft before operating solo as a Trainee at

the Trainee rates and conditions set forth in the CBA (however, this is not required). The

addition of the technician to the new craft listing will not be necessary until the technician has

met the "experienced" qualification set forth by the CBA or are deemed “experienced” by the

employer. If a person is temporarily working in another craft (ie. a Camera operator working as

an A2) they must be paid the experienced rate at the position hired for. 13. Temporary Bumping Up: For hiring purposes, the position a person was hired for is what is

checked against the Hire and Referral List. If during a shift a technician is bumped up to a

higher paying position, the provisions of the CBA must be followed for the higher position. The

technician will remain “On-List” even if they are not on the Referral List for the position

bumped up to.

For Fox Sports Arizona, LLC For International Alliance of Theatrical

Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts




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Sideletter #7

Senior Utility

During the 2013 Negotiations, the parties developed a baseline job description for the

classification of Senior Utility. It is the intent of the parties to utilize this position to identify

Utility Technicians that have the aptitude and desire to train in higher skilled job classifications.

The parties herein agree to schedule a meeting within one month of the execution of this

Agreement for the purpose of outlining this new initiative and to thereafter meet once per quarter

in the course of developing and implementing such Senior Utility craft until such time as a

standard and practice for the position are determined and underway.

By:____________________________ By:____________________________

Its:____________________________ Its:____________________________

Date:__________________________ Date:__________________________

Local 748, International Alliance of

Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture

Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts



