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Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

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Brought to you by the investigators athttp://www.columbinefamilyrequest.orgIn December 2000, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s department released the results of their investigation, the largest criminal investigation in the history of the State of Colorado. The 80 investigators involved followed up on over 4,000 leads. Along with their report, the Sheriff’s Department made available over 11,000 pages of evidence. Here, for the first time, we present all these pages as searchable .pdf files.
GORDON, J _ •••••• 1 JC.Q01· 001901
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GORDON, J_ •••••• 1 _.~~~.M~.

JC.Q01· 001901

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Page 3: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001· 001903

Page 4: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION I Rqx:rruns AgUlCY Reporting omcee t.,ilK Kepotl 1"10

SUPPLEMENT X ICSO CSCHOSHKE 99.7625COl'.U'I«:lrn,gc~ Rt:lflOl" No lcum j ... .aml:Vl~<ll l' eport vltHt I W! l\eport

CONT.#2034 5·5·99ClassutcaUOtl Ot'fense Sl.linlS: Open Ex"'P""""'Y Cl<atro R~Case: Review

~'-~~ifl.Cation Cleared by Arrest UnfOllllded Closure

I ~o I Brand Name IDescription ISerial No

Value IValue IValueStolen R"",,_ D~


WITNESScrrange, Spencer 10-19-805484 S, Hoyt SI. Littleton, Co, 303 979-0265

Narrative:On 5-4-99 I contacted Grange whoadvised me that he has known Klebold sinceelementary school. Hewas never on a first name basis with either Klebold or Harris. Both were in his fourth hourcreative writingclass this semester and Kleboid had been in his math class last semester. Grange has never had anyoroblems with either individual and Grange is not an athlete,

No further information,


Officer :signaluHl Un1t Number tiupervisor Initials and uete Page_l_

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On 5/13/99, Spencer Grange, DOB 10/19/80, 5484 SouthHoyt Street, Littleton, Colorado was advised of the identity ofthe interviewing Agent, and the nature and purpose of theinterview. He provided the following information.

On 4/20/99, Spencer arrived at the Columbine HighSchool at approximately 7:10 a.m. He went to thecommons/cafeteria area, and sat at table H. He sat at this tablewith his brother Daniel Grange, and two other brothers, Aaron andSpencer Wright. They sat there until their first class whichbegins at approximately 7:30 a.m. He did~t notice any duffelbags Or packages out of the ordinary in the cafeteria.

Spencer was in physics class when the shooting incidentbegan. An unidentified student opened the door to his classroom,and told the class that someone had been shot. At the directionof the class teacher, Mr. Manuelo, he exited the classroom. Inthe math/science hall, he saw a large crowd of students runningdown the hallway toward the east exit. He ran and entered aphysics storeroom in the vicinity of the physics classroom.While in this storeroom, he could hear gun shots. He remained inthe storeroom for a long While, until he and several others werelater evacuated by SWAT teams.

Spencer never saw anyone carrying any duffel bags orotherwise in the school on either Monday or Tuesday. Although hekne~ who Klebold and Harris were, (they were both in his creativewriting class), he didn't associate ~ith them. He thinks thatboth Klebold and Harris were in class on Monday, but certainlynot in class on Tuesday. He viewed them as outcasts, but didn'tthink they were part of the Trench Coat Mafia (TCl'l). He didn'tsee anyone known to him to be in the TCM on Monday or Tuesday.

He does use thename ~hich is GRANGE JR.does he use chat rooms.

Internet, and uses his Father's screenHe does not have an rCQ account, nor

JC..()01- 001905


FiI., 4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN 3286

by SA Russell J. Atanasio

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JC'001- O! 7

Page 8: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

pageL of I PagesDenver Police Depamnent


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~C:?,. COt,lnt'y Sta~. Zip Code

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!~~POOne Social- Security No. Date of Birth; Serial No.( <t>< I -971- 3372. I I //- e: 9:>...-5..___

City County SUne Zip ecce

Officer Taking Staten. It Serial No. IDot. lime

XQNCiI' 9't'-3Y y.. :2()- 'f'f Hours

Cm~i~" '"'~ ....;.;BeILoartion where statemem t.aken:

SA-,..LSummatY of Statement,

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I heve read the foragoing ststement and the facts contained therein are tru« to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains all of the facts or details of the incident. but only those tects about which I have beenaslcad.

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Page 9: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000



Defendant, Harris (Klebold

Date, April 28, 1399

.Deputy D.A.,

Docket lIIUmber,

Case lIIUmber' 99A062Investigator, Gallagher M.

Kyle stated

to stay down,

classmates went

saw Mr. Sanders

On April 28, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview with

Kyle GUIlU11ere, who is a sophomore at Columbine High School, Mr,

Gummere was in science class when the shooting occurred at Columbine

High School. Mr, Bruce Gummere (father) was also present during the

inte~riew, Kyle made the following statements,

Kyle stated he started his science class at approximately 11:15

A.M. He was in the middle of taking a test when he heard what

sounded like a bunch of people running, He heard explosions which

he later found out were pipe bombs.

Mr, Petersen their classroom teacher told everyone

The fire alarms went off and he along with his

to the door to get out. When he opened the door he

(teacher) bleeding.

Kyle stated they went back into the classroom and basically

hid, He heard more explosions and gunshots. Kyle stated he thought

somebody was playing a joke, Kyle stated they did not get out of

the classroom until approximately 4 P ,M, when swat members rescued






was asked if he heard

it was Hitler's birthday

Kyle stated he did not

to that effect,

a..'1ything or saw anything that

or something bad was going to

see anything nor did he hear


Page 10: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Kyle stated he had a black backpack and he left the backpack in

the science room. The backpack has his name in it.

'ilhen asked if he saw the gunmen he answered no. Classmates

David smith and Jen Smull stated they saw the gunmen. Mrs. Wyatt a

teacher also saw the ~~en.

Information: Kyle Gummere

DOB 11-8-82

5658 W. Ken Caryl Ave.

Littleton, Co. 80128


In addition Bruce Gummere told me he has another son identified

as Eddie Olsen, who is a jock. Eddie is a senior and attends

Columbine High School. He lives with his father. Phone number






Page 11: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


SUPPLEMENT 0/" I f4epofling A9~o<;;y T(!~.t> I ReportingO~ :.~. Cese "2n! N'7,1'<'-r6 ';,,<C,

Connectll'llJ Case Rape" No Victim NaJn$ Onglflal Aep;;mDale ';:7' "''''''' '9 .,;sp1

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JC-001· 001911

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Page 12: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


Page 13: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Pall" CASE NO _

DenverPolice DepartmentS TEMENT


o OflJcer OWllness 0 Person advised

,;Ie: ,.,9

JC..o01- 001913

I have read theloregoing statement and the tects contained therein ale true to the best 01my knowledge and beliet. Ido not maintain that it contains all olJl1e facts or details of the incident. but onty those facts about which Jhave been

asked. -7" {cite> { G,.I'9.... L'0.1. DAM

/S'"V'O ~M -r:Time Statement Cotnplt'Hed - .......7~'f--6"';gna=',..ur-.""of"'p.-.."-o-n-m.-:k-:-m-g-.,-.'-.mo.......nf.......----

Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000





Deputy D .A. :


May lB, 1999

Doc Ite t :Humber:

Case :Humber' 99A062Investigator: Gallagher M.


Witness' Aaron Hancey

DOB 8-16-81

6380 So. Fenton Ct.

Littleton, Co.


On May 18, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview with

Aaron Hancey, who is a student at Columbine High School. Mr. Hancey

made the following statements.

Mr. Hancey stated on April 20, 1999 he was in a science lab

room doing lab work when he heard people running and screaming. Mr.

Friesen came into the lab room and asked if anybody knew First Aid.

Mr. Hancey stated he did. Mr. Friesen t ock Mr. Hancey to Doug

Johnson's room where Mr. Sanders was located. Kevin Starkey another

student was helping Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Hancey stated Mr. Sanders was laying

floor. Mr. Hancey stated they gathered up shirts

Mr. Sanders' head.

face down on the

and put them under

Mr. Hancey stated he checked Mr. Sanders for wounds. Mr.

Sanders had fallen face first knocking out nis teetn. Mr. liancey

stated he cut Mr. Sanders' shirt off and observed two bullet

wounds. Mr. Sanders had a broken right clavicle. They put a

blanket on Mr. Sanders. He retrieved pictures from Mr. Sanders

1 JC.o01- 001914

Page 15: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

wallet and kept talkL~g to Mr. Sanders by asking him questions about

the photographs. The reason for that was to keep Mr. Sanders from

going into shock.

Mr. Hancey stated his teacher Theresa Miller was also in Mr.

Johnson's room. Ms. Miller called her family to tell them she was

alright. Mr. Hancey then called his dad to tell him he was alright

however, he needed help with Mr. Sanders. His dad was able to call

911 and that operator was able to give instructions an how to take

care of Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Hancey stated he kept putting pressure on Mr. Sanders

wounds to help control the bleeding. Mr. Hancey stated he stayed

with Mr. Sanders until the swat team arrived.

Mr. Hancey stated before he left he heard the swat team say

they were going to get a gurney up there to move Mr. Sanders out.

Mr. Hancey stated he never saw the shooters.


He did hear the

Mr. H~,cey stated he left his back pack in Ms. Miller's room.

The back pack contained school books and a calculator.

Mr. Hancey stated he also left his Burkenstock shoes in Mr.

Johnson's room.

Nothing further.



«> I f'- '1 7Date


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JC'OO1- 001916

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CONTROL NUMBER 4969Paul HaneyDOB 0219835884 W. Leawood Drive, Littleton, Colorado 80123Phone: 3037946658Student: Columbine High School


On 081599 I telephonically interviewedPaul Haney. Police. had not interviewed Haneyprior to this date. Haney was at school On 042099 in a science class with Ms. Williamswhen the shooting incident began. A student whom Haney could not identifycamerunning into the class and told them that somebody had a gun. Haney hid in the GreenRoom with 30 other students for about three hours until a SWAT team rescued them. Hewas escorted to Clement Park, then he walked to the Library and then he walked toLeawood Elementary where he was reunited with his parents. Haney reported to notknowing either Harris or Klebold, He never heard of the Trench Coat Mafia,Haney reported that he only heard loud noises on that day and that he saw nothing.



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Date"Deputy D.A.,


May 12, 1999

Docket :llUmher:

Case :llUmher:Investigator:


Gallagher M.


On May 12, 1999 this investigator conducted an

Kami Held, who is a student at Columbine High School.

the following statements.

interview with

Ms. Held made

Ms. Held stated she was in Mr. Johnson's science class taking a

test. She heard what sounded like people running. She heard what

sounded like somebody was throwing something against the windows.

Mr. Johnson went out to see what was happening.

and told all of the students to get down against the

Sanders was brought into Mr. Johnson's room.

MS. Held stated she did not see the gunmen nor did

gunmen talking. She stated the only person she knows

gunmen was Theresa Miller another teacher.

He came back

wall. Mr.

she hear the

who saw the

Ms. Held stated she had school items in her back pack.

Ms. Held stated she did not hear any morning announcements on

the school TV because Mr. Johnson turned off the TV before class


Nothing further.

Information: Kami Held

5232 W. capra Pl.


JC-001· 001919

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Littleton, Co.303-797-1591




Je.oO'1- 00'1920

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JC..o01- 001921

Page 22: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

FBI174A-DN-57419JCSO 99-1625Investigator: Glenn Moore - Golden PoliceDepartment / (303) 384-8080

RE, CONTROL # 33:22SOURCE: Sgt. Richard Webb I JCSD

LEAD: Interview Kristi Held aIld identify members of her bowling teamscneduled to bowlagainstHarris I Kleboldl Mortis I Dyl<:e!llllll on 04-20·99, (cross to lead #DN2161).

TELEPHONE lNTERVIEW:HELD, Kristi (DOB:052581)5232 W. Capri PlaceLittleton, CO 80123(303)797-1591

OS-17-99/12:35prnIn this telephonic interview HELD provided a consistent accountas had SABEY.

She also is 00 the team that bowledagainst the HARRIS / KLEBOLD / DYKEMAN and ,MORRIS team on April20 lJl

, first hour. Shesimilarly provided a list of her classmateson her team as classmates Carri SABEY, MikePAAVll.AINEN, and Eddie OLSEN.

HELDalso specifically recallsDYKE."v1AN as well as MORRIS bowling thatmorning, and that HARRIS and KLEBOLD were absent, anddid not see themat all thatday. She also volunteered that she thought MORRIS' flannel shirt and white t-shirtwerenot typical for him as he generally wears black. Sheadded that his hair was combed, butis typicallyuncombed and generallywearsa cap. Shesaidshe kneweach of thesestudentson sight by name. She felt MORRIS had beenquieterthan usual that morning,but thoughtit might have been due to HARRIS and KLEBOLD being absent. HELDcould not recall anyone asking MORRIS and DYKEMAN why H,a.RRIS and KLEBOLDwere absent that day.

HELD then described also being in Mr. MANDEllO's Physic's class with CatriSABEY. She provideda similar account asSABEY hadregarding her observations asthe shootingbegan. Sbe described SABEY opened the door to the class asstudentsbegan runningdown the hallway. She heard SABEY ask the students whythey wererunning and their response that there is a shooting or that there was a gun.

At this time she said Mr. MANDEllO directed theminto theadjacent storage room.A couple of minutes later the teacher in the adjacent classcame in and told themto getout of the school, They then left through the Science classroom and Tech-Lab, thenoutthe exit by the Counseling room to the Public Library.*" New leads generated:

Teacher MANDEllO

*. Existingduplicate lends:Student Kristi HELD: CN# DN3322Teacher CRAM: CN# DN2880 & DN3343TeacherFRIESEN: CN# DN2481Student Mike PAAVlLAINEN: CN#DN2161Student Ed OLSEN: CN# DN2071

_f<Jf __

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JC·OO1. 001923

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WITNESS INFORMATIONControl Number 4970Peter Henderson DOn 1012828090 S. Upham se, Littleton, Colorado 80123Phone: 303 979 0662Student: Columbine HighSchool


On 081799 I telephonically interviewed Peter Henderson. a student at Columbine HighSchooLPeter told me that the police regarding this incident had not formally interviewed him.Peter was at school on April 20. 1999. He was in a science class; his teacher was Ms.Williams. Whiie in class he realized something was going on in the school when studentsbegan to run wildly in the hall and was screaming. He recalled a teacher running intO hisclass and told everybody to get down. then she left. Peter could not identify this teacher.Some students began to find safer places to hide so he went along. He and severalstudents finally ended up in the Green Room. in the science section.He and the other students wailed in the room for about three and half-hours until theywere rescued by SWAT. He was escorted out of the cafeteria. then was driven by policeto Clement Park. After waiting at Clement Park for a short period. he was driven toLeawood Elementary where he was reunited with his parents.Peter did not know Harris or Klebold, but had seen them on campus before. He reportedto having no prior knowledge of this incident, He did not see the shooting, nor theshooters he only heard the loud noises.He said that he thought either Harris or Klebold were talking outside the door he washiding behind. He heard their voices.


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JC·001. 001925

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Case No, _

Cowtty St~.

Social Security No.

DenverPolice DepartmentSTATEMEJIT


hd \ '\1'\ 1

Summary of Statement:

page__ of _

I have read the foregoing statement and the facts Cbntained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.do not maintain that it contains ail of the facts Of details of the incident. but onjy tnose facts abour which J have beeasked.

JC·001· 001926

__ / __1_­Dot.

TII1"U" 5tatemonr Completed

{)PO 366 tnev. 2/95)


D PM~IQJlStUtB . St.-rem4Mlt

IlmlmlllilBl1• 0 6 0 C

Page 27: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

· I .


Date cr uanscnpncn 6/8/99

Courtney Herivel, date of birth May 6, 1983, 8017 WestCaley Place, Littleton, Colorado, telephone number (3031933-7243, was telephonically interviewed. After being advised ofthe identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of theinterview, Herivel furnished the following information:

Herivel is a Sophomore at Colu~~ine High School. Herfifth period class is biology with Miss Williams. The class isheld in Science Room 11. On April 20, 1999, Herivel was in herfifth period class with Miss Williams. They were approximatelyten minutes into class when they heard students running in thehallway outside the classrocm. Three or four students ran intothe biology classroom screaming. This group included ElisaEncinias. Right after the students entered the classroom a maleteacher, possibly Mr. Craft or Mr. Friesen, stepped into theclassroom and told everyone to get down. The teacher then wentback out into the hallway. All the students got down underneaththeir tables. The students then began to move to the back of theclassroom toward a door that leads to the greenroom. As Herivelwas moving toward the greenroom she heard three gunshots comingfrom outside in the hallway. After hearing the gunshots, thestudents all moved into the greenroom.

The greenroom is the closest science room to the stairsleading down to the commons/cafeteria. The greenrooom has twodoors, one exiting to the hallway known as the Math/sciencehallway. The other door leads into Science Room 11. The door tothe hallway was locked. That door does have a window but aposter had been taped against the window. The greenroom doeshave one window that looks out onto the student parking lots.

After all the students got into the greenroom, MissWilliams closed the door to the Science Room 11. She then leanedagainst the door. Herivel was laying on the ground. Shecontinued to hear gunshots and could feel explosions shaking thefloor. The students in the greenroom were watching their watchesor a clack. Herivel thought the shooting within the school wenton for approximately an hour. They continued to hear gunshotsand feel explosions. Herivel never looked at her watch to put aspecific time on an event. She did hear What she thought wasgunmen walking around outside in the hallway. At one point, she

Inv~tig-il.lionan 5/7 /99 (telephonical

Control Number #DN:' '.~'

Filel 174A-DN-57419 and Jeffco #99-7625

by SA John M. 81vig/rns

Dale dictatM 6/3/99

This document contains neither recommeneaucns nor oonclusiQ[J3 of the FEU It is me property of 1M FBI and is loaned ,

il and its coruems are net to be dislri1'U\ed outside your agencv JC·001·001927

Page 28: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


Continuation of FD~m of Courtney Herivel

heard who she thought was a gunmanthem in here." She's very POS:l.t:l.veand not the word "yo". Herivel washearing that statement.

Herivel never saw any ~~nmen while she was in herclassroom or the greenroom. No additional students came into thegreenroom after Miss Williams closed the door. The group wasrescued at approximately 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. by a SWAT team.

Herivel did not know Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold. Shedid know Robyn Anderson. Anderson sat in front of her inAccounting class during the Fall semester. Another student namedPete (Last Name Unknown) (LNUl, possible a Senior, was also inthe class and talked German to Anderson. Pete LNU and Andersonmay have dated.

JC·001· 001928

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Page 30: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION 0lle_.Afl'!'<:y Ropomn. 0f!1= Case RJ:pOrt No


Connecting CaseR~n No. Victim Name Original Rtport Dale This Report

- 05-19-99Cl.. .no, X First Degree Murder Oikn:sc SWW: Op(on x """""'''''''~C...... o Re<:omm~d Case: Review oReclwillea.riot1 o C1llM'l!'dby Amst 0 Unfblll'lded Cl CWSUle 0

1m: I Quami~llkanQ Name' IDesmptWn I~N4 ~alur> I Value I V!Jwo,,"~ Rccovcre¢ Ollmaged



7434 South ZephyrCourt

Littleton,Colorado 8GI28

(303) 972-3703

Student: Columbine High School


Same as above

Bus: Porter Hospital

2525 South Downing Street

Denver. Colorado 80120

(303) 778-5840


1785 South Irving Street

Denver, Colorado 80216

(303) 934-4109


On 5-18-99, at about 1900hours,I respondedto 7434 SouthZephyr Courtto contactand interview witness Jeffrey Hofer. Jeffrev

Hofer's mother, witness Lynn Hofer, was present during this interview,

Jeffrey Hoferadvised me that on 4-20-99 he went into the cafeteria of ColumbineHigh School at approximately 1030 hours.

'effrey said he does not have a 4th hour class so this is when he goes to the cafeteria. Jeffrey advised he was carrying his

I OfficerSignature Unit Number S\rpervisor Initials: and Dale Assigned To

Jc..c01. 001930

Page 1

or :!

ASAF3 419-8 JCSDtJ6-1'~

Page 31: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION c Rl:portmg ASene:v Reponms:om~ Case Rt?Ort No


C"nno:ctirtS CaseReport No vicem NameOriginal Re;x>rt Date ThisReport

05-19-99C '''00 x First Degree Murder OffetU4' Sww: ()pril X E.~tPlIQtlAi''\' C1cvtd 0 Recommend Cese: Review 0

~l.d$ilkaaoo 0 C!~ byA.m:sl 0 Ullfmmdcd 0 Closure 0

"~I I i ~mpllQn I sma~ N<lVaJu: I VilUl:' ~ Vaillt

No Qv.aMty !bodN_ Slohm ; Reo.wmd Dariiii!!~

backpack. whichhe describedas a blue Jansport with a tan bottom on it. He said he later left this backpackin the Scienceroom

whenhe ran outof ColumbineHigh Scbool. Jeffrey Hofer showed meon a diagramof the cafeteria at Columbine HighSchool

whichtable he had been sitting at. Jemey showed methat he had beensitting at either tablenumber"W" or table"VV ..This

table is located in the middle ofthe cafeteria fromnorth to southand on the far west end next to the windows of the cafeteria.

Hesaid at the time he was in the cafeteriahe was with the followmg students; RobbyWhisher, Chris Whisher, JoshChavez.Pat

Nevile,TrentCarney.and Jerry Miles. Jeffrey Hofercouldnot recallwhichseat he had been seatedat nor could he remember

whichdirection he was facing whileseatedat the tablein thecafeteria. ] showed a pictureof the duffle bag and thepropane lank

that was later recovered in the cafeteria ofColumbine High School to Jeffrey Hofer. After lookingat the photograph. Jeffrey

Hofersaidhe did not recognize these itemsand did notseetheitemswhilehe was in the cafeteria pnor to the shooting incident.

JeffreyHoferadvised me that on 4-20-99 he leftthe cafeteria of Columbine HighSchoolbetween 1105 to I110. andwentto the

second level of the school to his science class

.effrey Hoferadvised he was in his science class for approximately ten mmuteswhen he heard several people runningby the

outsideof the classroom and screaming. He saidsome students ran into his scienceclassroomand advised that they wanted to

hide in this room. These studentsnames ate unknown to Jeffrey Hofer. He said some of the students and/or the teacherasked

them why they wanted to hide in the classroom and they said that someone had been shot outside in the hallway or downstairs

Jeffreyadvised that the students got underneath the desks. as the teacherof his class. Ms. Mosier. locked the doors leading into

andout of the classroom, He saidJUS! prior to thedoorsbeinglocked. two more girls ran intothe roomand then all the students

sat on the floorat the front of the classroomand hadthe lightsturned off, Jeffrey said the reason why they were sitting in the

fromof the classroom was due to the fact that if the suspects were to lookinsidethe classroom they would not be able to see the

students who were hiding.

Jeffrey Hofersaid he was in this classroom with the otherstudentsfor approximately three hours before being rescued bv the

SWAT team. He said during this time he heard approximately 20 gunshots that he believedwere from a large caliber firearm.

He said he believedthe shots were corning from the hallway in frontofhis classroom. Jeffrey said he also heard three to four

explosions outsideof his classroom,however,he didnotknow where in the schoolthey camefrom for sure, Jeffrey Hofersaid

that after he was hiding in the classroom with the otherstudents for approximately y, hour to 45 minutes,no other shots were


Officer Stgnarure Unit Number Supervisor ~nitials am'! Date Assigl'led To Pagt •....n ... \L"-'" ~,J .§:o.... or ~

I')RiCjS"i.- I p..;VESTIGA TOil: \' 1(''':1MSEll.V1CE.S I OTtlER .=J ASAF34198JCSDl1674JC-001-

Page 32: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

COi'ITINUATION 0A-cporting Aprn;y Reporting Offi,el' Case Rie;)OfI No

SUPPl.EMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-YCQrmectini C,ue Repo" No. Victim Name Origillat Report DaieThis RciJOft

05-19-99c """" x First Deg..... Munier Off=tJM $uI_~ {)pm X ~ti~ly Cl=-rtld o Re-commll:nC Case; Review C;

Ree,...uiiicttion Cl Ctcarai by "rnm a Ultfoond«l o ctoSUft o

l~ IQl,QIlltiry I6~ Name I OesC'fl'PI'irnl ISmlllNov~", I V11~ 1- VWI!"Sk}~m R~cY~ l~

heard, nor was there any other explosions heard. Jeffrey Hofersaid that when SWAT rescued them. the students rescuedran

downthe hall to the from of the schooland acrossSouthPierceStreet to a school bus that was near LeawoodPark. Jeffrey said

the students got onto the bus and the bus took them to Leawood Elementary School.

Jeffrey Hoferadvisedme that prior to this incident he did not know who Eric Harris or Dylan Kleboldwere and in fact said he

hadnot heardof the "Trench Coat Mafia." Jeffreysaid he probably has seensome of the trench coat students in the hallways.

however. he does not recalldoing so. JeffreyHofersaidhedoesnotknowof anybody else who maybe constructingexplosive

devicesand/orpossessing firearms. Jeffrey Hofersaid on4-20-99 hewaswearing a blue Poloshirt, tan shorts. and Midas tennis


1asked Jemey Hofer if'be knew whatme thought of the day wasover the Rebel News Network (RN'N) on 4-20·99. Headvised

me that the thoughtofthe day was something aboutthe date,4-20,and then somethingto the effectof "you wishedyou weren't

.ere." He said this was in the morning at approximately the 2nd hour ofthe class day. so therefore it was approximately three

classes before the incident took place.

J gave Jeffrey Hoferand his mother.Lynn Hofer. my business card and advised them that if they wanted to see a JCSQ Victim

Advocate they could call me and 1 wouldmake the necessary arrangements for them to do so

DISPOSITION: Case remains open. pending further investigation.

OfflcerSignat1.lrt Unit Number Scpeveor Imuels andDate AssignedTo

.n1 .........1 """"""lOn' ......

ORi(jf''''t !ltillrsrlGATOR Vlct1M 5ER\.'Icrs t QrHlOi<; JC.001·001932 ...J " J .../98 JCSDiI6'74

Page 33: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000





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Page 34: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

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JC·001· 001934

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Page 36: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


On 051299, this Investigatorspoke to a subject identifiedas:

Hoppe, Sunneeooa 06208123 Golden Eagle Ln.Littleton. Co. 80! 27Ph# 303·978·1747

Sunnee advised the following:

That au 042099, Sunoee was in scaool at CRS on the day of the incident,

That within two hours after the incident began. Suenee was at the public library in Clement ParkAndsaw_ walking from the vici11Jry of the lake behind the library, toward the front ofthelibr~

That Sunnee stated that she could not give me tbe exact time that she saw"'cause she hasloS! all concept of time for that day (042099).

That based on tbedirectionth'-was walking, Sunaee assumed that be had come from eHSand thought thatwas unusual because be is nota student there anymore.

That Sunnee described the clothingtba.was wearingas black pants, a tie dye shirt, and ablack baseballcap turned backwards.

That when Sunneewas askedif she saw any logo's on_l1a.t, she statedthat she didn't notrecall seeinga logo tharday, although a usuallywears a black (baseball) cap with a whiteJagermeisterlogo on it

Tbat Sunneedid not speakto. that day but Slated tbar she bas known. for about 6years and is 100% sure tbar it washe.

That Sunneedid not see_at any ather ume on tbat date (042099)


Page 37: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Agency Reporting Officer Case Report No


ConnectingCase Report No V~tim NameOnglnal Report Date- This Re;:>ort

CONTROL NUMBER 4596 070199c, ~ X HOMICIDE OftmK Slatll.i: Opt:n X EXU'Prn.:maliy CJe.n:<J 0 Recommend C~, Review 0

lt~llm1i~rlli D CleaR'(!by 'J't'e$l 0 Unfuundt'd 0 Closure 0

!~·T Qu;anliry TBNm1N.mtI r~riPllOll I $1;nal Nil ~~~ I Value I ValueR«rwet'ed Dwm~«f







On JUly 1, 1999, I interviewed Sandy Hoppe by telephone, She said that her daughter Sunnee Hoppe, was not at home. She

said that her daughter Sunnee had already been interviewed by detectives who had interviewed. Val Schneer. Sandy Hoppe

id that Sunnee had told the detectives that she had seen....at the school on the day of the shooting, Sandy Hoppe

said that she would prefer that her daughter not be interviewed a second time if it is not necessary



JC-001- 001937


rage },

11 of

Assigned ToNumber Supervisor Initialsand DaleUmt

l"NtS'NG .... TOR

Page 38: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001· 001938

Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

FBI #4-DN-57419JEFFCO CASE #99-7625CONTROL #3574

LAURA HORNBAKER7459 S. Depew St.Littlelon, CO. 80218303.978.9293

05/24199, liDO hrs. Laura Hornbaker was interviewed by Detective S.c. Shott #72049(DPD) at her home at 7459 S. Depew St.

Ms. Hornbaker stated thai she attended her 51b period biology class and was in one of thescience rooms when the incident occurred. She said that Mrs. Williams is her teacher andthe classroom she was in is across the hallway from the library. Her class hours werefrom l l: 15A.1IIf 10 12:05PM and she is on the B lunch schedule. Ms, Hornbaker staledthai while artending class (11:20AM-l L25AM), she heard noises corning from thehallway that sounded like people running. Jason Baer, a classmate, went to the door andlooked out. heard gunshots and saw people running. He alerted the class and the teacherinstructed everyone to duck under their desk. Ms. Hornbaker said that at that time. shecould also hear gunshots corning from some area in the school, She said that after severalminutes under the table. Mrs. Williams escorted the class into the adjoining "GreenRoom" where the class hid for approximately 3 hours when the SWAT team entered andlet them OUI. Ms. Hornbaker said that while in the green room, she could hear shootingand explosions corning from the area of the library, She did not witness any of theshooting or see any of the gunmen.

Ms. Hornbaker said that she did not go into the cafeteria on the day of the incident andshe did not see anyone bring in a duffel bag of any kind nor did she see one lying on thefloor anywhere. She does not know either Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold personally or bysight She stated that she was aware of the Trench Coat Mafia and has seen the group inthe cafeteria in the past and they usually congregated near the vending machines.

Ms. Hornbaker stated that she left her backpack in the biology classroom on the floornear her assigned seat. She described her pack as a blue "Jansport" and it should containschoolbooks and papers with her name on them.

Ms. Hornbaker said that she heard from her friends that Josh Ortwine witnessed theshooung and he was telling everyone that hesaw~hooting a gun.

The information control sheet given to this investigator revealed that Ms. Hornbakercould have been sitting in the cafeteria with Adam Kyler and Garvin Aracili Ms.Hornbaker stated that she does know either of these students or why Adam Kyler wouldsay that she was sitting at his table.

JC.001- 001939

Page 40: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000



Page 41: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTI~UATION 0Reponm, Ageocy Reporting' 'meet Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETEf,SON 99·7625-WVictimName0rig1rud .ktp;.,

._,-nnw. ill is R¢pOrt~ Contleetin8 Case Report No


"'-.--Clwitka!ion X Fint Degree Murder OtftMC $WId: 0p!:Il X t0t6l1y CI«W1ld " Recommend Case: Review D

aecianit1calion 0 OeRdby!lJ"nl1t 0 "m""""" c CI"""" 0


I_Nol~ IOwu'rtit! I~Name 4~ I R: VaJ!Jt I Valueeco"t1eCl ~ge4



5595 West LeawoodDrive

Littleton, CO 80123

(303) 797-8673

Student: Columbine High School


Same as above


Sameas above

Bus:3545 South Tamarac Drive

Denver,CO 80217

(303) 694-2700


On May 17. 1999. at about 0900 hours. I responded to 5595 West Leawood Drive to contact and interview witness Aubren

Hummell Hummell's mother.witness Patricia Hummell, waspresent duringthe interview The interview was in reference to

L'Je shootingthat occurred at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999

Aubren Hummell saidon 4-20-99 she wentto thecafeteria atColumbine High School during the school" 4th hourclassbecause

she does not haveclass at that time. She said she did not remember whattime4th hourstarts so she was unable to tell me what

time she arrived in the cafeteria. I showed AubrenHummell a diagram of the Columbine High School cafeteria She showed

meon thisdiagram wherethe tablewas locatedthat she sat at, and identified litis table as "LL." Table"LL" is on the east side

JC 001 001941

QfIlCH Signature Unit N~, St.l.pe1'\'lsof .Initial;;:mdOat¢' As5ignedTo ! Pag< 1

~"l" . .-A ll:......" Iof-.l=. ....-1 l.QRJ{;f7',,,,,- lTI'''g.snC;,\TOtI. \ 1(11\01 SElwrCES IOTHfR ASAD 4!9SJCSOl1674. .

Page 42: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION 0Repming AgenCy """"';." om", Case Report No


Cormecung CaseReport No vtcnm NameOriginal Report Date This Report


First Degr.. Murderl-lMiftcatiCfl • 0ffcn3c Stlt\l1.~ ~ X Exctplion4ily Clt-arc'd. 0 R~ommend Case: Review 0

R~domifil:iUioo 0 Clwed by ,~l'teSl 0 Ullfcundtd 0 Closure 0

f~~ 1QuMtlty I 9fandNarw: I~riPlio" I seric No ;r;~~ I Vallie I vetee rRC'I'<)"~nN Damaged

of the cafeteria and approximately in the middle of the cafeteriafrom north to south. Aubren Hummell said this table she sat at

is in row 3 and this is the rOW that is closest to the stairway that leads upstairs to the second level ofCo.umbine High School

Aubren Hummell said she was facing in an easterlydirection whileseated at this table. She said that she was with the following

other students while in the cafeteria: Lisa Steepleton, Kim Mohrbacher, Dan Mohrbacher, Tyson Knapke, David Schulte, Ryan

Morill. and she said there may have been other students at the table, however, she did not know where any of them sat on that

particular day. Aubren Hummell said while she was in the cafeteriaduring 4th hour there were approximately 40 people in the


Aubren Hummell said after 4th hour. she left the cafeteriaand went upstairsto the second level of the high school and went into

her 5th hour class (Science class with Mr. Mosier). Aubsen Hummell said while she was in the science room she heard "a couple

of pops" and then she heard the fire alarm go off She said the reacher believedat this time the incident was real becauseof the

pops heard before the alarm going off. Aubren Hummell said. female teacher (unknown name) told the class, "He has a gun ..

Aubren Hummell said Mr. Mosier told the science class students to crawl on the floor to the hack of the classroom so the suspects

would be unable to see them should they look into the science room.AubrenHummell said the students did what the teacher told

them to do She said another teacher. Mr Will, who has a classroom next to Mr. Mosier's room. opened the door between the

twoclassrooms 50 he couldwatch bothclassrooms at the same time

Aubren Hummell said that bullets (unknown how many) were coming through the door from the hallway to the interior of this

classroom She said Mr Mosier looked at her and said to her. "You'll be okay" Aubren Hummell said the students who were

hiding in this classroom hid for approximately 4 to 4 I/~ hours until they were rescued by the SWAT Team She said the students

were directedby the SWAT Team to exit the school by the Englishdepartment door. and the students did so, then ran aWJ) from

the school and crawled through a hole in the fence It was unknown which direction the students ran from the school

I showed Aubren Hummell the photograph of the duffle bag and the propane tank that were located in the cafeteria after the

incident. She said she did not see either items prior to the incident

Aubren Hummell told me she did not knew who the "Trench Coat Mafia" was prior to this. incident She also said she did not

Number Sup«V1R\r Initials end Date Assignc-d Tc

JC.o01.001942",SAn ,1198 JCSf)r1614

Page 43: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION 0ReponingA.ge!WY ReponingQtfmr Ca$¢R~N(j

SUl'PLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-WConnecting Case Report No Victim Narm: OJiainal Report DateThis, Reporr


L IdSlflCallOll x Fint DegreeMunier O~ S/lW$: Open x E:~oorJly ClClll'¢d 0 Re<:ommernl Case: Review 0

~msifkatio!! 0 Clam! by ""'" 0 Unfu\llftded 0 Closure o

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know whosuspectKleboldor suspectHarris werepriorto the shooting, She couldnot provide any information about the"Trench

CoatMafia:' Aubrensaid she does not knowof anybody elsewho may manufacture explosive devicesand/orpossess firearms

She said she does not know anyone with a double piercedeyebrow,


AubrenHummell told me that while she was in the room hiding, a teacher, Mr. Freizen, came into the classroom with lOIS of

bloodon his arms, Aubren Hummell saidthis bloodwas from Mr. Freizenhelpinganother teacher, Mr. Sanders,who had been

shot by the suspects.

AubrenHummellsaid she left her backpack, a green/black Northface, on top ofa science table when she left the school.

I gave AubrenHummell and her mother,PatriciaH\lI'l\n\eIl, by business card and told them if they wanted to speak to a JCSQ

Victim Advocate in the future to call me and 1would makethe necessary ..rrangements for them,

DISPOSITION: Case is open, pending further invesngation,

OfficerSignature' unit Numbtr Sepervuce buuats and Dale Page J.

cram JC·001- 001943 ASAFJ ..41?8 JCSDfl6j.4

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JC..(}01· 001946

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SUPPlE~EMTll REPORT ay ~ETECTIVE JICISOW,1110 contacted •• '/!~II! .as Ooug Johu., •• hiol'91 tuch~r, J.hnson.d,i"d the f.1l0.i,g,

That h. "I i' scieace ro.. Il, lceat,d at th, s..lhmt c.mr .f lh'b,ildi,g on Eh. uoper lml,

That h' h'ard nois,s, tn" h,ard sh.ts.

That h' I" , .al. s,hj.ct, ••aring , hl.cl t'shirE, ;'11' to 1'10, thinh'ild,

That ne assist!d in dra99in~ Oayt Sanders out of onE area and inta a loreStlClJr~ area.

Th,t Sand'rs .as bl,~di,g fr•• th, ••uth.

Thai Eh••i,d•• .., sh.t ••t i, biologl roo. II,

That other Emhmi Th.m, Imer. and li'h long ,I,. mi,t,d .itOlO,i,g suders.

JC.001· 001947

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Deputy D.A.:


May 3, 1999

Docket Number:

Case Number:


). n t.;99A052

Gallagher M.


On May 3, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview with

Doug Johnson. who is a science teacher at Columbine High School. He

teaches in science room number three. Mr. Johnson made the

following statements.

Mr. Johnson

commenced at 11:15

stated on April 20, 1999 at fifth hour

A.M., he was giving his students a test.


Mr. Johnson stated he heard what sounded like someone throwing

tennis balls against the windows on the Dutside. He stated he went

over to the windows out he did not see anything. He looked down

towards the cafeteria and saw kids come streaming out of the

cafeteria. He thought that it was some kind of senior prank.

Mr. Joh..'"lson stated he walked back towards the front of the

classroom to have a seat. As he was looking out the window to the

west he saw teachers Richard Long and Teresa Miller formerly Teresa

Lara peaking around the corner looking west.

Mr. Johnson stated he then saw Dave Sanders another teacher.

Mr. Sanders staggered over to Mr. Long and Teresa Miller. Mr.

Sanders had blood allover his face, hands and chest area. Mr. Long

brought Mr. Sanders into Mr. Johnson's science room and laid him on

the floor face first.

Kent Friesen another teacher came into his room and took off

his shirt and put it on Mr. Sanders to help stop the bleeding.

1 JC·001· 001948

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Another student identified s Aaron Haney, who knew first aid came

over to help.

Mr. Johnson stated he dialed 911 using the science room office

phone. He also went over to Frank Petersen's room to advise him on

the situation. They told the students in both rooms to get down and

stay away from the windows. He and Mr. l?etersen turned tables

upside down to form a wall for the students.

Mr. Johnson stated he and Teresa Miller wrote on a white board

"Bleeding to Death" and placed the board in the window. It was at

this time Teresa told him there were kids in the school with guns.

Mr. Johnson stated he thought there was just one kid at the time.

Mr. Johnson stated he saw a kid who in his opinion was

nonchalantly trying to get in teacher Bev Williams classroom. He

described this kid as being slender 6 foot tall wearing a short

sleeve dark shirt and black slacks.

When asked if he could identify this person

stated he only saw the silhouette and could not identify

Mr. Johnson stated he did not know if this kid was

a student. When he could not get in to Bev Williams

went back down the hallway where the gunmen were.

Mr. Sanders

his face.

a gurl."nen or

classroom he

Mr. Johnson stated he then wen through the back doors of

science rooms 4,5, and 6 to go over to teacher Doug Kraft's

classroom. After looking out the north door he did not see anyone.

He looked back towards the north corridor and he saw smoke.

Mr. Johnson stated he still did not hear any explosions or

gunshots. He grabbed a table and put the table behind the door to

block entrance to the room. After returning to his room he went

JC.001· 001949

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back into Teresa's room when he heard a shotgun blast coming from

Doug Kraft's room.

Mr. Johnson stated he stayed in Teresa's room where they heard

more gunfire. It sounded like they were shooting in the biology

room. Someone threw a molotov cocktail and Teresa was ahle to put

it out. They started hearing more gunfire and explosions coming

from the library and commons area. The fire alarms went off.

Mr. Johnson stated they were eventually rescued by a Pol ice

Swat Team.

Mr. Johnson stated he left his coat in the science room. His

coat contained his wallet which had approximately $160.

Mr. Johnson gave this investigator a student enrollment list:.

He also advised the following teachers helped in this ordeal. They

are identified as Doug Kraft, cappi Wyatt, Elizaheth Schenider,

Teresa Miller formerly Lara, Chris Mosier and husband, Kent Friesen,

Mr. Petersen, and Al Cram.

In addition Mr. Johnson told this investigator that one of his

students identified as Chris Epling was dating Nate Dykeman. He

knew Nate Dykeman, Brain Sargent, and Tod Davis were Trench Coat

Mafia members.

Infornmation: Doug Johnson

DOB 12-18-49

14062 W. Cornell Ave

Lakewood, Co. 80227




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r- J-9Date

JC-001· 001951

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SCI-3 Classroolll, Period3



DOUG JOHNSON,Columbine High School teacher, 14062 WCornell Ave., Littleton, Colorado, (303) 986-0907

Agent JERRY W MEAl'<S, Colorado Bureau ofInvestigation, 690Kipling Street Denver,Colorado,80215, (303) 239-4211.

June 17 through June 25, 1999


A packet of interviewrequests was received from Sargent J.J'WEBB of the JeffersonCounty SheriffDepartment on June 14.1999 The packet contained a revised list of students and CHSteacher, Doug Johnsonthat were suspected of being inside Scienceroom #3 at the time of the shooting. This report contains asynopsis ofthe interviewsthat were conducted with the students onthe provided list The Reporting Agent was advised to referenceall student lead sheets under the room teacher lead number. Themain lead sheet for CHS teacher, Doug Johnson is #4440

A phone interview was conducted with CHS teacher DougJOHNSON on June 24, 1,}99 JOHNSON was in his summerhorne in Grand Lake, Coloradoat the time of the interviewJOHNSON stated he was in science room #3 when the shootingincident started He Slated his class of students had been taking atest for approximately 10 minutes when he heard a couple ofmuffled sounds from the hallwayarea outside his classroom Helooked out the south windows of the room and saw severalstudents running south from the cafeteria area He saw no peoplewearing trench coats or dressed in black clothing, and he statedthere may have been a police car outside, but he did not rememberJOHNSON opened his classroom door and saw CHS teacherTeresa MILLER hiding along the wall looking towards the libraryHe thought there was son of high school prank going on A fewseconds later he saw CHSteacher Dave SANDERS staggeringdown the hallway towards his classroom He stated SANDERSwas then assisted to his classroom doorway by MILLER and CHSteacher, Rich LONG He stated SA.,"<'DERS was covered with

JC·001· 001952

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blood and appeared to be missin. s. ,.eeth He originallythought SANDERS hadbeen attack, 'y a lone student with a 22rifle or something like that JOHNl':' 11'1 stated SANDERS came

.into SCI-3 (science room #3) and collapsed onto the floorJOHNSON stated he had all the kids in his class move to the backofthe room, and get down He stated several of the students beganadministering first aid to SANDERS. JOHNSON statedSANDERS said nothing that he heard JOHNSON stated he wentto 5C1-2, west of his room and tipped several of the tables over tomake a wall. JOHNSON stated he went to the phone andattempted to call 911, however, the phone was busy JOHNSONstated he made a small sign on a dry erase hoard stating "onebleeding to death" and hada student hold it up in the window

JOHNSON stated he then looked out into the hallway a he saw amale he described as 5·9 to 6-D tall, 160- PO pounds stooping overslightly in the hallway He stated the male he saw in the hall hadno hat, a black tee shin, black pants, and was not wearing any typeof coat JOHNSON stated he did not see the male with anyweapons and did not get a look at his face He stated the male wasacting very calm, unlike everyone else he had seen in the schoolsince the incident started He stated the male was looking into thewindow of SCI-l JOHNSON stated CHS teacher FREEZANcame to SCI·3 for a moment and then left to get some helpJOHNSON stated Teresa MlLLER was now on his classroomphone trying to get some help JOHNSON stated he warned to tryand get around behind the male dressed in black he had seen in thehallway so he went through the common access doors fromclassroom SCI-3 to rooms SCI-8 and 9 While JOHNSON was inSCI-g, CBS teacher Doug KRAFT'S room, he stated he looked outinto the hall a saw smoke coming up from the commons area Hestated there were kids in most of the rooms he went through to getto room SCI-9 He told all the kids to stay down and stay quietJOHNSON stated after seeing the smoke in the commons area hedecided to go back to hIS room He stated he made sure KRAFT'Sclassroom door "1lS locked and he left through the back access notthe main hall IOl-ll'SO\,; Slated as soon as he left the KRAFT'Sclass, SCl-8. he heard a blast coming from the north door ofthatroom One or two minutes later JOHNSON stated he heard asecond blast from the area where he had come from, SCI-2 & 3He knew the bad guys were In that area so he got down with thestudents m room. SCI-9. and kept them quiet JOHNSON statedKRAFT may have seen a bad guy, but he was not sure

After being in S(I·9 for approximately 'iz hour to 45 nunutesJOHNSON stated called Teresa MILLER to check on SANDERS

JC-001- 001953

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Lead #4455

and the students in that area. He stated MILLER and the studentswere watching the TV with the sound muted and she was lettinghim know what was going on JOHNSON stated the swat teamcame through the classroom doors at approximately 3 25 p m Hestated he and the students he was with were escorted through thecommons area and then to Clement Park

Several ofthe students from JOHNSON's classroom wereinterviewed and the following is a synopsis oftheir statements

CHS student, Michael Kennedy ROTOLE, DOB 09/18/82, 8938W Brandt Dr , Littleton, Colorado, (303) 933-0094 MikeROTOLE was interviewed at the school on June 18, 1999 MikeROTOLE was with his father during the interview and walk­through ROTOLE stated he was in Doug JOHNSON'S classwhen the incident started on April 20, 1999 JOHN SONS room isSCI-3 He stated they had just started class and wereapproximately !O minutes into a test when he saw CHS teacher,MILLER come to the SCI door and speak to JOHNSONROTOLE stated JOHNSON went out into the hall and then carneright back in ROTOLE stated he heard one loud boom andseveral shots He stated JOHNSON told the students, "get down,get down", and everyone got down towards the back of the classHe stated he looked out the south window and could see kidsrunning out the south COmmons doors, and several cars weredriving out ofthe lot He stated he did not remember for sure if hesaw Officer Neil G..>JU)NER, but he did see a Jefferson CountyPolice car in the lot

A few minutes later ROTOLE saw CHS teacher FREEZAN enterclassroom SCI·3 from the hallway He stated CHS teacherSANDERS came in to the classroom directly behind FREEZANand imrnediatelv fell to the floor ROTOLE stated FREEZA.,"I andCHS teacher MILLER were trying to assist SM'UERS ROTOLEstated he heard SANDERS ask tor help

ROTOLE stated JOHNSON made a sign that stated "one bleedingto death" and ROTOLE held it up in the window towards theparking lot ROTOLE stated a couple of students that he did notknow ran into the classroom after SA.,'-I'UERS had come in Hestated a student named Daniel LN-UNK stated there were two menwith trench coats on, shooting people ROTOLE stated he leanedthe sign in the window and got down with the other students in theroom He could hear load boom type sounds and shooting comingfrom the commons area ROTOLE stated he thought the lights inthe classroom were'on' He staled MILLER tipped several ofthe

JC-001- 001954

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Lead #4441

tables on their sides to make a wall in front of the studentsROTOLE stated SANDERS kept trying to get up, and severalstudents were taking shirts and applying pressure to SANDERSwounds ROTOLE stated JOHNSON and FREEZAN Slated weregoing to go get those "bastards" and both teachers left the roomROTOLE stated students,Kevin 8TARKEY and Erin HANSKYcontinued to help SANDERS He stated MILLER was on thephone in classroom SCI·3 He stated MILLER kept looking outinto the hall and several of the students told her to keep the doorclosed ROTOLE stated he continued to hear shots and theyseemed to him to be gettingcloser He stated MILLER looked outin the hall and told the students to "be quiet they're coming"ROTOLE stated he heard some banging and pounding in thehallway and thought he saw two people walk past the SCI-3doorway He stated MILLER gavethe phone to student, ErinHAl'!CHY and she went into the science storage room to the eastofclassroom SCI-3

At approximately I 00 P m ROTOLE stated he heard the last 5 or6 shots from a gun He stated the sound carne from the libraryROTOLE stared MILLER was backon the phone with police andshe would say "ok, the swat team will be here in 20 minutes, butthey did not come ROIOLE Slated the SWAT team Came in theroom at approximately 2 00 P m., after MILLER made the studentsscream so SWAT knew where they were He stated SWAT camein and made all the students put their hands on their beads. form aline, and walk out of the room ROTOLE stated SWATwould notlet the students carry SA."TIERS out or stay with him He statedSA."IDERS was still alive when the students left He stated he hasseen some of the TC\I in the school before, includingKLEYBOLD, however, he does not remember seeing HARRISROIOLE staled they were all led out ofthe school by the SWATteam, through the commonsarea

CHS student, Jonathon FreemanBALLARD, DOB 4114183,5506S Garrison St , Littleton. Colorado. (303) 972-3331 JonathonBALLARD was interviewed by phone on June 17, 1999BALLARD gave a consistent report of the events inside the SCI-3classroom as the above ROTOLE interview BALLARD stated hewas in Doug JOH};SON'S class when the incident started on April20, 1999 BALLARD Slated soon after they heard shots the lightsin the classroom were turned off He stated everyone remainedquiet while JOHNSON was gone with FREEZ,,,,-N BALLARDSlated Jen SMULL stated she saw KLEYBOLD shooting in theschool She told BALLARD that she saw smoke in the room to theeast of the classroom they were in BALL."'-RD stated he kept

JC-001- 001955

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hearing noises in the ceiling area, He stated he never saw theshooterswhenthe incident started,but he knew KLEYBOLD fromschool He staledKLEYBOLD always wore a Boston Red Soxbaseball cap throughthe school BALLARD stated he never met

,HARRlS before, but he had seen several of the students that weretrench coats throughoutthe school year He stated he has neverbeen a friend with any ofthem BALLARDstated one ofhisfriends; Erin SPEARsaw severalof the TCM students at CoryFREEZANS housetwo daysbefore the shooting

CHS student,Elizabeth Anne MULLEN, DOB 4114/83, 5506 SGarrison St., Littleton, Colorado, (303) 972-3331 MULLENwasinterviewedby phone on June ]7, 1999 MULLEN gave aconsistent report of the events inside the SCI-3 classroomas theabove ROTOLE interview MULLEN stated she was in DougJOHNSON'S class when the incident started on April 20, 1999JOHNSONS roomis SCI-3 MULLENstated they had just startedclass and were approximately !O minutes into a test when sheheard two shots fromthe hallway area She saw CHS teacher,Jl,1lLLER come to the SCI door and speak to JOHNSON andJOHNSON went out into the hall for a moment. then came rightback in to the classroom She staled JOHNSONtold all thestudents to get downon the floor because someone in the school isshooting MULLEN stated eRS teacher, SANDERScame into theroom and he had beenshot She stated teachers and students weretrying to help him Shedid not hear SANDERS say anythingMULLEN heard more shooting from the hallway and could alsohear students screaming She stated a few students came into theclassroom from the hallway

Mln.LEN stated the teachers tipped several of the desks over.students kept helping SA.'mERS. the lights were turned off, andshe could still hear shooting and explosionsfrom the stairwell areaMV'LLEN stated after eHS teachers FREEZANand JOHNSONleft to get help. CHS teacher MILLERstayed in the room Shestated MlLLERtried to get help from someone on the phone, andkept looking down the hallway She stated lv[ILLER turned to thestudents and said, "they' re coming. everyonebe quiet Mt:LLENstated she and the other students remained quiet, and she heardMil.LER tell CHS teacher WYATT, "I know who they are. theygo to our school" Ml,l.LEJ'i stated she heard the glass break inthe door to the east of their class and she saw some smoke A fewminutes later Ml,''LLE:'J stated MILLER went into the room nextdoor, and put out the fire with a fire extinguisher

JC-001- 001956

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Lead #4445

MULLEN stated the TV was turned on but the sound was muted,so she and the other students were watching the news about theincident She stated the last two shots she heard were atapproximately 12: 10or 12: 15p.m. She stated MlLLER remainedon the phone, SANDERS was still talking, andexcept for the firealarms everythingwas pretty quiet MULLEN stated she could nothear what SANDERSwas saying. MULLEN stated she thought acouple of hours passed and MlLLER kept telling the students theSWATteam is coming in 20 minutes, but they would not comeMULLEN stated MILLER finally told the students to yell real loadso the SWAT team could find them, so they did MULLEN statedthe SWATteam entered the classroom a couple of'rninutes later,and made all the kids and teachers put their hands on their headsand form a line She Stated she and the others were led out oftheschool through the commons area MULLEN stated they were toldto leave SANDERS, and he was alive when they taken were out ofthe area by the SWAT team.

ML'LLEN stated the sprinklerswere going off in the commonsarea, and the floor was coveredwith backpacks She stated sheand the other students were led out the west commons door, andshe saw a body on the ground near the bottom of the west concretestairs MULLENStated she saw a second body on the ground nearthe top of the steps She stated both bodies were obviouslydeadShe stated she and the others were put in police cars and taken toClement Park MULLEN stated she did not know either of theshooters She stated the only people she knew that dressed in darkclothing were Patrick MCDUFFEE and his girlfriend, JessicaRUSCH MULLE~ stated she has not seen MCDl}FEE 10 a longtime, and she had never seen him with any type ofweapons

CHS student, Christine N KA1'<"E, DOB 711/83, 6984 W NicholsPI, Littleton, Colorado,(303) 914-9565 K.'u'lE was interviewedby phone on June 17, 1999 KANE gave a consistent report of theevents inside the 50-3 classroomas the above ROTOLEinterview, Lead #4455 K.-'u'lE stated while she and the otherstudents were taking their test, someone knocked on the door Shestated whenJOHNSON opened the door she heard 5 or 6 gunshotsfrom the downstairscafe KA.'IE stated she and the others gotdown on the south side of the room She stated she did nOI hearM! SA."<UERS say anything when he came in the room, he justcollapsed onto the floor She stated he had been shot twiceKAt'IE describedthe same events as previouslydocumented in thisreport concerning the tipped over tables, MILLERS actions, thelights being off in the classroom, and the glass breaking in thedoorway to the east of their room KANE stated just before the


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glass broke sheremembered bearingtbe door handle"jiggle",KANEstated she did not see anyone with a gun. She stated sheheard Mr. SANDERS stating, "I'm not goingto make it, tell mydaughters I lovethem" KANEalated it was quiet for 2 ~ to 3

, hours, and shedid not hear anymore gunfire She stated the lastshots sheremembered hearing were a littleafter noon, and soundedlike theywere belowthe sciencerooms.

KANE stated she did not knowHARRIS, and bedonly seenKLEYBOLD aroundtbe school a couple of limes, Shestated theonlyother studentsheknewthatdressedin dark clothinga lot wasMarla FOUST KANEstatedFOUST bung out with someoftileTCM last year. She statedFOUSTwas verynice, and she neversaw her or anyotherTCM studentswith weapons.

~7?Jerry W MeansAgentColorado Bureau of Investigation


Page 59: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

SC!.3 Classroom. Per",;L.Ilm:1


Referenced to Control #4440

NOTE. This report contains addition student interviews from Mr. JOHNSON'S classroom.These students could not be contactedwhenthe original lead sheet was completedThe following list of lead numbersand students should he referenced to the originalclassroom lead number of 4440.

Lead #4454- DUSTIN G RISSMILLER, (303) 913-0821Lead#4458. SARAH F WOOD, (303) 195-1069Lead #4456- EMILY A SETILE, (303)972·1218Lead #4442- ALYSA J BERNARD, (303) 948-1273





DOUG JOHNSON, Columbine High School teacher, 14062WCornell Ave, Littleton, Colorado, (303) 986-0907

Agent JERRYW MEA."<S, ColoradoBureauof Investigation, 690Kipling Street, Denver, Colorado, 80215, (303) 239-4211

July 14 through July 17, 1999


The following is a synopsis of the origioallead sheet interview witb Mr, DougJOHNSON.

ASSIGNMENTSYNOPSIS A packet of interview requestswas receivedfrom SargentJ J

WEBB of'the Jefferson County SheriffDepartmenton June 14,1999 The packet contained a revised list of students and CHSteacher, Doug Johnson that were suspected of being inside Scienceroom #3 at the time of the shooting This report contains asynopsis of the interviews that were conducted with the studentsonthe provided list The Reporting Agent was advised to referenceall student lead sheetsunder the roomteacher lead number Themain lead sheet for CHSteacher, Doug Johnsonis #4440

JC-001- 001959

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A phone interview was conducted with CHS teacher DougJOHNSON on June 24, 1999. JOHNSON was in his summerhome in Grand Lake, Colorado at the time of the interviewJOHNSON stated he was in science room #3 when the shootingincident started. He slated his class of students had been taking atest fur approximately 10 minutes when he heard a couple ofmuffled sounds from the hallway area outside his classroom Helooked out the south windows ofthe room and saw severalstudents running south from the cafeteria area. He saw no peoplewearing trench coats or dressed in black clothing, and he statedthere may have been a police car outside, but he did not rememberJOHNSON opened his classroom door and saw CHS teacherTeresa MILLER hiding along the wall looking towards the libraryHe thought there was sort ofhigh school prank going on A fewseconds later he saw CHS teacher Dave SANDERS staggeringdown the hallway towards his classroom. He stated SANDERSwas then assisted to his classroom doorway by MILLER and CHSteacher, Rich LONG He slated SANDERS was covered withblood and appeared to be missing some teeth He originallythought SANDERS had been attacked by a lone student with a 22rifle or something like that JOHNSON stated SANDERS cameinto SCI-3 (science room #3) and collapsed onto the floorJOHNSON stated he had all the kids in his class move to the backof the room, and get down He stated several ofthe students beganadministering first aid to SA."WERS JOHNSON statedSANDERS said nothing that he heard JOHNSON stated he wentto SCI-2, west of his 100mand tipped several of the tables over tomake a wall JOHNSON stated he went 10 the phone andattempted to call 911, however, the phone was busy JOHNSONstated he made a small sign on a dry erase board stating "onebleeding to dearh" and had a student hold it up in the window

JOHNSON stated he then looked out into the hallway a he saw amale he described as 5-9 to 6-0 tall, 160·170 pounds stooping overslightly in the hallway He stated the male he saw in the hall hadno hat, a black tee shirt, black pants, and was not wearing any typeofcoat JOHNSON stated he did not see the male with anyweapons and did not get a look at his face He stated the male wasacting very calm, unlike everyone else he had seen in the schoolsince the incident started He stated the male was looking into thewindow of SCl-l JOHNSON stated CHS teacher FREEZA,"Icame to SCl-3 for a moment and then left to get some helpJOHNSON staled Teresa MILLER was now on his classroomphone trying to get some help JOHNSON stated he wanted to tryand get Mound behind the male dressed in black he had seen in thehallway so he went through the common access doors from


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Lead #4454Ref #4440

Lead #4458Ref lead #4454

classroom SCI.3 to rooms SCI·g and 9 While JOHNSON was inSCI·S, CHS teacherDoug KRAFT'S room, he statedhe looked amintothe hall a sawsmoke coming up from the commons area Hestated there were kids in most of therooms he went through to getto room SCI·9 He told all the kids to stay down and stay quiet

.JOHNSON stated after seeing the smoke in the commons areahedecided to go back to Iris room. He stated he made sure KRAFT'Sclassroom door was locked and he left through the back access notthe main hall JOHNSON stated as soon ashe left the KRAFT'Sclass, SCI·8, he heard a blast coming from the north door of thatroom One or two minutes later JOHNSON stated he beard asecond blast from the area where he had come from, SCI·2 & 3He knew the bad guys were inthat area so he got down with thestudents in room, SCl-9, and kept them quiet. JOHNSON statedKRAFT may have seen a bad guy, but he was not sure

Afterbeing in SCI-9 for approximately ,6 hour to 45 minutesJOHNSON stated called Teresa MILLER to check on SM'DERSand the students in that area He stated MILLER and the studentswere watching the TV with the sound muted and she was lettinghim know what was going on JOHNSON stated the swat teamcame through the classroom doors at approximately 3 25 p.m Hestated he and the students he was with were escorted through thecommons area and then to Clement Park

Severalofthe students from JOHNSON's classroom wereinterviewed and the following is a synopsis of their statements.

CHS student, Dustin Graham RISSMILLER, (303) 973-0821RISSMILLER stated he was in SCI room #3 when the shootingOCCUlTed His statementof the events is completely consistent withother students interviews included in lead #4440, and the aboveJOHNSON interview He stated he never saw anyone with a gun,and denies any previous knowledge of the shooting,RlSSMILLER stated be has never been associated with any rCMmember

CHS student, Sarah E WOOD, (303) 972-3331 WOOD wasinterviewed by phone on July 14, 1999 WOOD stated She was inSCI room #3 when the shooting OCCUlted. Her statement of theevents is completely consistent with other students interviewsincluded in lead #4440, and the above JOHNSON interview Shestated she never saw anyone with a gun, and denies any previous


Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Lead 114456Ref. Lead #4454

Lead # 4442Ref. Lead #4454

knowledge of theshooting, WOOD stated she has never beenassociatedwith anyTCM member

CHS student, EmilyA. SETI'LE, (303) 972·7278 SETI'LE wasinterviewedby phoneon July 14,1999 SETTLEstated SheWall

in SCI room#3 when the shootingoccurred. Her statementoftheevents is completely consistent with other students interviewsincluded in lead #4440, and theabove JOHNSON interview Shestated she never saw anyone with a gun, and denies any previousknowledgeof the shooting, SETTLEstated she has neverbeenassociatedwith anyTCM member,

CHS student, AlysaJ BERNARD, (303) 948-7223 BERJ"<ARDwas interviewed by phone on July 14, 1999 BERNARDstatedShe was in SCI room #3 when the shootingoccurred Herstatementof the events is completely consistent withother studentsinterviewsincluded in lead #4440, and the above JOHNSONinterview She stated she never saw anyone with a gun, and deniesany previous knowledge of the shooting, BERNARDstated shehas never been associated withany TCM member

JerryW Means.......__.n.gent

Colorado BureauofInvestigation

JC.001- 001962

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JC·001· 001963

Page 64: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION J Ke>mmng Agtll(y ~ontl'\i Viti m '-He xepon f 0

SUPPLZMEN, X JCSO LOCK 99-7625COl\M¢ungUM:--,r-epmt~ ICrlm .~ .po

'" s ""0TOWNSEND 5/11199

ClliSSlfica~ X HOMICIDE OffenseStatus: Open X ExceptlonallyCleareC Recommend Case: Review

R' ficarion Cleated by Arrest Unfounded Closure~

ltc,. I-f Description ISerial No

Value IValue IValueNo BrandName Stolen Recovered Damaged

Witness:Jordan, Preston6376 South Ingalls StLittleton, CO 80123Ph: 303-798·7201


INVESTIGATION:On 5/11/99, I met with Preston Jordan at his residence reference the Columbine shooting. I asked Prestonif he was in the cafeteria during the shooting and he said, no, he was in the Science room. I asked if he'dbeen in the cafeteria at all that morning and he said he had been In there during fourth hour. I asked whenfourth hour was and he said he was there between 10:15 and 11 o'clock. I then showed Preston a diagramof the cafeteria and asked him to show me where he was sitting. Preston circled table "XX" and marked an"x" where he had been seated at the table. I asked Preston if while in the cafeteria he had seen anythingout of the ordinary, and he said no, he did not I asked if he had seen any duffel bags in the cafeteria andheo~id, "no". I asked if he heard any shots from the cafeteria and he said "no". I asked Preston to tell mewh, ad happened that day. Preston said after he left the cafeteria he went to his fifth hour class, which isScience. He said he had been in that class about 10 minutes when the door of the classroom opened andhe heard shots fired and a "bang". Preston said the teacher from the adjoining classroom had opened thedoor between the classrooms and at that time he heard screaming and another "loud bang". Preston saidat this time the class ren down the Science hallway to another door. When they got to the door someoneslammed the door of the classroom and yelled "they have guns". Preston said the students then went backto the Science room and locked the door. Preston said that they stayed in the classroom for approximatelyfour hours, until the SWAT team was able to get them out of the room. I asked Preston if he heard anyshooting while in the classroom and he said yes, he heard numerous shots and explosions. Preston saidthat While In the Science room there was a bullet that came through One of the walls and through a posterhanging on the wall. I asked Preston if anyone was hurt during this and he said "no". I asked Preston howmany bombs he heard while he was in the Science room and he said he believes aporoximately eight andthat each one shook the floor. Preston said he heard "a lot of gunshots". I asked Preston if he ever sawany of the shooters, and he said no, he did not. I asked Preston if he talked to anyone who knew how manyshooters there were or who they were and he said, no, he did not. Preston said that he heard from anupper classman that the shooters were shooting "jocks" Preston said that he played some Lacrosse forColumbine and always wears a Lacrosse hat. He said that he took the hat off, so the shooters would notknow he was a "jock", if they came into the Science room. I asked Preston if he knew who Eric and Dylanwere and he said, no, he did not, until this happened I asked if he had seen any of the Trench Coat Mafiaon Monday or Tuesday. He said on Monday he remembers seeing a stecent silting at the Rebel corner,we,,';ng a black trench coat, a black beret, combat boots and a pair of black army pants. I asked if he couldde, oe this student and Preston said he was approximately 5'10' and had blonde hair and that's all heknew

011 ecervecr InltiaJ$: and aleJC..o01.001964

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CQNTINUATION I ~AFJlCY R#pQmllg Offi<!t::~c__.""

SUPPLEMENi x rcso LO!\{ 99-7625.....iJl1Il~tlll$\",_ KiIplll1 l'fO «mm£'Iamit' lJfl@JlW j @OTt -" " .

TOWNSEND 5111199Cta5.$jt'icmioo X HOMICIDE Offense StanlS~ Open ; n'r '.illl)'Cleared R\!tomrne:nd Case: Review

R' ification ClomdbyA_ L h' CloSUft

r-r... IBrandName t Description

- Val"" IVaJ.ue l f Valw;No k ';;' Stolen Recovered Damaged..".~

I asked Preston if he had left anything in the cafeteria andhe said 110, he had not, but he did leave hisbackpack in the Science room. I asked what type of backpack and he said Itwas a blue Nike bag. I askedif he had seenor talked to any of the Trench Coat Mafia on MOI1day or Tuesday and he said, no, he did not.i asked if he had heardanything from anyone aboutanyothersuspects, bomb making or buying of guns.Preston said no, but he did heara rumor that therewas approximately 50 shooters. I asked whathe waswearing that day and he said bluejeans, a bluetee shirt and a bluedress shirt. I asked Preston if he knewanyone with a doublepierced eyebrow and he said, no, he did not. I asked if he remembered hearing anyunusual announcements prior to the shooting and he said, no, he did not. I asked if he could provide anyfurther infonmation regarding the Trench Coat Mafiaand he said no, hecould not. I asked Preston if therewas anything else he could tell me that wouldhelpmy investigation of this case and he said he couldn'tremember anything eise at this time.but that he would call me if he remembered anything. I gave Preston abusinesscardand told he and his parents to call mewithany furtherinformation. At this time the interviewwith Preston Jordan was concluded.

Number ceervrsor imtiaJs aM Date

JC·OQ1·QQ1965~ Paoe_C

01_2_~ ...__ .•~'_ AI/""'" ';

Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

JC-IIO'\ - 0019

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Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001- 001967

Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000



Defendant. Harris/Klebold

Date. May 13, 1999

Deputy D.A ••

Docket Number.

Case Number.

Investigator,99A062Gallagher M.


On May 12, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview with

Christine Kane in reterence to the above case. Ms. Kane made thefollowing statements.

MS. Kane stated she is a sophomore at Columbine High School.

She was in Mr. Johnson's science class taking a test when the sheheard somebody scream. It sounded like people were running. Thenshe heard a lot of gunshots.

Mr. Sanders another teacher came into their science room and hewas cevered in blood.

Ms. Kane stated she went to look outside through

and Mr. Johnson her teacher teld everybody to get down.lett the room.





Ms. Kane stated she never saw the gunmen.boy in Mr. Petersen's class Who told her that

white T shirt throwing bombs up on the roof.

did not know the boy'S na~.

However, there was a

he saw a person in a

Ms. Kane stated she

Ms. Kane stated she had her school books and a calculator in

her back pack which she left in the science room.

Nothing further.

Jc.o01.001968Information: Christine Kane


Page 69: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Doa 7-1-B3

6984 W. Nickels Pl.

Littleton, Co.


Investigator Date

JC-001- 001969

Page 70: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000



Page 71: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


Denver PolleeOepanm,/\STATEMENT


o PeI'S(ln advl_




,J~ M,s¢,-;-

Signature or person making statemem

f have read the foregoing statement and the tect« contained Iherein are true 10 the /;Jest of my knowledge and /;leliel. I'0 not maintain that it contains a!/ 01 the lac!s or delaUs of Ihe incidenl, buf only those facts about which Ihave been

.sked.?:, I "'C: I~{ 0... ~ DAM


Ti"", sllul",~Ie'ed tp PM

JC-001- 001971

Page 72: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


Contn)I~UD1ber: 1083

On 05-()4..99 at about 1100 hrs., this Investigator responded to 9431 E. Hialeah PI. andcontacted:

KANE, PATRlCKDYLANDOB: 07"{)8-82Home Phone: (303) 933-3023

Kane related he was in his scienceclass, the one closest to the ballway. Ms Williams wasthe instructor. 'They heard nmning in the hallway and went to the door to see what washappening. They thought it waspossibly a senior prank. Kids were nmning upstairs andsaid there was a kid with a gun. Thenthey heardgunshots.

'The whole class then went into the green room. Ms Williams was with them. 'There weresome other kids that ran into their room from the commons. There were three to four ofthese kids in the room.

'The teacher was up against the door and the door to the ball was locked. 'They stayed onthe floor and did not say anything. This Investigator asked Kane ifhe ever heard anyoneoutside the room yell anything? Kane heard one guy yell, "I want to die today." Kanenever saw anybody outside Or anyof the shooters.

Kane did hear the bombs going off and possibly the cops shooting. He said the copsshooting was more systematic instead ofrandom.

This Investigator asked Kane ifhe knew the suspectsand he said not personally. He sawthem around the school. He previously had heard them referred to as the "Trench CoatMafia." Whenone of the girls from the commons ran upstairs, she said it was them. Shesaid she saw a few guys in black trench coats. This Investigator asked Kane if he knewthis girls nameand he said no.

In regards to the second period, this Investigator asked Kane ifhe heard anything differentover the announcements. Kane stated he is in photography during the second hour. It isnoisy in that class and he was possibly in the dark room.

Kane indicated most of his friends were in the cafeteria at the time and ran out right away.After about two to three hours in the room. theyheard the shooting stop then the SWATteam coming.

This Investigator asked Kane how he knew it was the SWAT learn and he replied theyheard someone yelling to get their shields up. Some kids then yelled to the SWAT team.After the door was opened, they walked downstairs and went out through the cafeteriadoor bythe kitchen.

JC.Q01- 001972

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Control Number: 1083

The kids were instructed not to touch anything. Kane said there were two dead peopleoutside. Once outside, theywere patted down.

Kane related when they went to school yesterday, all the kids got with the teachers theywere with duringthe incident. KaneindicatedMs. Williams would know the names oftheother three kids. Kane related the suspectsnever attempted to enter the room that he wasawareof.

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CON1ll0L l'fllMBER:~

WITNESS: PATRICK DYLANKANE.OOB: 1N32. Sludc:m. 9431 W Hialeah Pl LllIIclDn. Co.80123,303-933-3023

INTERVIEWER: Agent SCOTTMUNDlNE. Colol'll.do Bweauof IlM:Sligatien,690Kipling. DeDvcr.ce, 303·239-4211

DATE: 4120199

PLACE OF INTERVIEW; 8_t (lIIrlting lot NorthofCoI_High ScltooI

1'llll !lI:pmtini A&em (RA) was oneof ""'""""'" LawEIIft>~ porsoll1ld assiJllCd l/) i.oleMewstudemli hclng brou&ht out of lho scbool ill DPD pmtOI cars. KANE was illlm'icwcd aIIll !ll:3lCd.lhol'ollowmg; !hat beWll$ in Biolo&yclass at lhotime oflllc incidall wbcn he bam! someonesay "gun".KANE said !hat he and _ other stlIdenl$ hid ill. storagI: lCOIIl.. Hedenied seeing lIlc "bid guy-$" butbam! someone illsido lho scbool sbou1!hat it was lhobIaoI< tmIdl ooat. JPIYS

Page 75: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC.001- 001975

Page 76: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 105/17/1999

Reported Date Q4/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

Ret # 99-12067Type )\.SSTO)\.

Location 5201 S PIERCES~

DET56 05/17/1999 crS1399/E~

JCSD 99-7625CONTROL #3225

On May ~l> 1999 Investigator Duane Eaton of the Arvada policeDepartmenc was assigned investigative lead #3225. The sourcelisted for this information was Karen Joyce~ McMahon, whoseaffilia~ion was listed as Jefferson County Sheriff's Office victimadvoca~e, The narrative portion of the form advised that ColumbineHigh School student Pamela Karakusis was at Columbine High Schoolon April 20, 1999. The source advised chat Karakusis couldidentify a third shooter involved i~ the incident. The narracivealso advised that Karakusis was very fearful about talking toinvesciqators and fears for her safety because of the Trench CoatMafia -Investigator Eaton was assigned the task of interviewingPamela Karakusis.

On May 13, 1999 at approximately 1130 hours, InvestigatorEaton met with Pamela Ann Karakusis (DOB 04/02/84) at herresidence, 6302 West Cross Drive, Lakewood, Colorado. Also nresentduring ~he interview was Karakusis' mocher, Barbara Karakusi~ {DOBQ3/22:,!S2}. Said interview was conducted in che living room of theKarakusis residence.

Ka~~k~sis advised Investigator Eaton that she is a ninth gradestuden: at Columb~ne High School and ~hat th~e is her first yearattend~n2 columbine High Schoel. She advised Invest~gator Eatonthat she was not acquainted with or ever socialized with EricHar=is and Dylan Klebold She advised Inves~igator Eaton that shehad never heard of them and would not even have known them bysight. She advised that she had never even heard of the TrenchCoat Ma':la

On April 20, 1999 Karakusis advlsed Investigator Eaton thatshe arrived at school at approximately 0735 hours She advisedthat he= mother dropped he~ o:f at schoel. She advised that her:irst hour class was a comp~ter class with teacher Mr Stoklen.She adv~sed tha~ her second hour class, which she believes began atapprQx:mately 0825 bour~, was an Engl:sh =~ass which was taught byMs Haggard. She advised that third hour class began atapprcx~mately 0925 hours and that was a math class taught by Ms.Layman and that fQur~h hour class beginning at approximately 1020was French class taught by Ms, Lutz She advised that this is heronly class in which there would have been students other than ninthgrade~s She advised that she believed there were juniors andsenicrs in this French class Inves~:gatar Ea~Dn asked Karakusisif she waS aware of any Trench Coat Mafia members and/or associatesin this class or if anybody in this class wore trench coats orclOthi~g associated with the Trench Coat Mafia. Karakusis advisedI~ves:lga~or Eaten that al~ the persons in her French class dressedvery nlcely and ra~her preppie. She did not recall any personswearing trench coa~s in French class.

JC.001• 001976

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/CourA $'Arvada Police Depa n


Page 205/17/1999


Ref # 99-12067 Reported DateType ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET.6 05/17/1999 051399/EATONiKK

/ "999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

Karakusis advised that her fifth period class was EarthSciences and she believed that her classroom was science room #6.She advised that that teacher of this class is Mr. Will, Karakusisdoes not know Will's first name. Karakusis advised that atapproximacely 1120 to 11~5 she heard a loud explosion outside ofthe classroom, She advised that the teacher jokingly made acomment about Mr, F'riezen Hprobably blowing something up in thechemistry lab," Karakusis advised that this explosion was llreallyloud. II She advised that the expfcs Lcn made evezryone in herclassroom jump and it sounded as if it was close by. She advisedthat the explosion shook the walls and the floor. She advised thatshe heard students scream~n9 outside of her classroom. Karakusisadvised Investigator Eaton that at this point, she believed thatthe explosion might be part of a senior prank.

Karakusis advised Investigator Eaton that there was a secondexplosion shortly after the fi~st She advised that the secondexplosion was not as loud as the first and that the fire alarms hadstill net activated. She advised a~ this point the classroomteacher ordered everybody to leave and exit the building as theywou~d for a fire drill, She advised that ~he teacher told them allto exit the school through the ca£eteria which is the fire exic forthat pare of the bUilding She advised that at this point theteacher advised that he feared che school was blowing up¥~rakuais advised that as she ex~~ed the classroom, the hallway ~n

the scie~ce room was already jammed wi:n students. Karakusis useda red ink pen to mark a map of the school showing where shebelieved she was and how she at~empced to exit the school and howshe eventually did exit the schoel

Karakusis advised Invest~gatcr Eaten that due to the number ofstudents in the hallway of the scie~ce area, she was unable to exitthe appropriate direction and teok another hallway into the mainhallway She advised that she followed the other students exitingthe building and went down t~e stai~Nay f~om the upper leve~ to thelower level cafeteria area Ka~ak~s~s advised that the stairwaywas very crowded and she was ab~e to make it co the lase landlng orla~ding closest to the mai~ floo= of the cafeteria. She advisedthat or. this land~ng there ar~ rai:i~gs and you can see into thecafete~ia area Karakusis advised :hat there were a lot o~

students at the top of the sta~rway attempting to ge~ down thestairwell She advised that there were numerous studentsscreaming. Karakusis advisee that she dld not recall hea~ing anygunshots or any more explosions wh~le she was at~ernpting to ey.~t

the builciing through the cafece~:a

Karakusis advised Investigator Ea:on that while she was onthis last landing before descendin~ the stairway onto the mainfloor of the cafeteria, she heard what she believed to be gu~shots

corning from the cafeteria area She described the gunfire as "alot of shots I very steady" She adv i aed t.ha t; more e e coenc s beganto sCream and sca~~er l~ a~l directicns Karak~sis advised


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PIRNARR Arvada police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 3Q5/17/B99

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status R.TFType ASSTQA

~ocation 6201 S PIERCE ST

nET66 05/17/1999 051399/EATON/KK

Investigator Eaton that ahe did not observe any suspects ehoocingin the cafeteria area but only that she heard gunshots and believedtha~ they were being fired in the direc~ion of the stairs. Sheadvised that she believed she heard shots hitting areas of thestairway. Karakusis advised that all the students on the stairwaybegan running upstairs in an attempt to get away from thecafeteria.

Karakusis advised Inves~igator Eaton that as she got to thetop of the stairs on the second level, she heard what she bel~eved

to be gunshots coming from the hallway in front of the library.She advised that she is absolutely positive that there was gunfirecoming from the hallway in front of the cafeteria. She advisedthat she is positive that the gunfire ~as being direched towardsthe hallway near the sc~ence area due to the fact that she heardclanking sounds and believes it was b~llets hitti~g the lockers inthe hallway. Karakusis advised :nves~igator Eaton chat she did notsee any suspects shooting fi~earms and that there was too muchcommotion and students pushing and shoving for her to really seewhat was taking place.

KarakuSkS advised Investigator Eaton that at this point shebegan fcllowing othe~ studen~s back into the hallways near thescience area Karakusis advised tha~ she came in contaCt with anolder male who she believed to be a teacher at the school. Sheadvised that th~s teacher had what appeared to be blood on hisclothing_ She advised that she la~e~ saw this person at one of thechurch memor~als and he adv~$ed her :hat the blood on his clothin9was from teacher Sanders, whom he had helped move out of the mainhallway Karakusis advised that thlS ~eacher directed her andother students back into the sc~enCe area and pushed he~ and othersinto a small of:~ce!s~orase room i~ the science area She advisedthat she cannot recall exactly where ::'is racm is but that it hadscience supplies, desks, dir~ and a sink in it, She advlsed thatthis teacher pushed her i~to the ~ocm with 1: other students andtwo tcache~s. Karakusis advised :~ves~igatc~ Eaton that the onlypersons she could recal: be~ng i~ t~is room w~th her was teacherM~ Will, Brittany Berry and Sa~a A::ison. Karakusis describedAllison as a sen~or who was tQ have beer. In choi= class at thistime but had come ~nto ~h~ science area to wcrk on a schoolproject:

Karakusis adv~sed Investiga~c~ Eaton that she believed she andthe c~her students entered chis storage room/of!ice atapproximately 1135 tc 1140 She advised cha~ they a:l stayed i~

this room until apprcx~macely 1600 hou~s when they were rescued bya SWA~ team She advised that s~e a~c the o:he~s in the room triedto stay q~iet so that the suspec:z wo~ld nct locate them Sheadv~$ed that she was sltting near a male studer.: whose name isu~known who told her tnac he was very knowledgeable about guns.She advised tha~ this male $t~dent was describing wha~ kind of gunshe believed were being fired by wha: t~JPe of sounds they were

JC-001- 001918

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 405/n/l999

Ref 11 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE £T

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET66 05/17/1999 051399/EATON/KK

hearing. Karakusis advised Investigator Eaton that his ramblingbegan to bother her and scare her and she moved away from him.Karakusis advised tha~ while they were hiding in the storage room,she would occasiona~ly hear students screaming and then gunshotsfollowed by quiet before she could hear more gunshots. Karakusisadvised :hat at one point, which she believes was approximately1220 to 1230, there was approximately 10 to 15 minutes of qu~et,

She advised that this period of quiet was followed by two to fourgunshots and then complete silence. She advised that she heard nomore explosions or gunshots until the SWAT team evacuated them fromthe school.

Karakusis advised Investigator Eat~n that one of the teachersin the room kepc telling her and the o~~er students that the roomwas locked and not to worry. She advised that she did not believethis to be true due to the fact that t~e door opened aut and thatwhen they were rescued by the SWAT team, the SWAT team had not hadto force the door open but just pu~leci i~ open. Karakusia advisedInves~igacer Eaten that as the SWA7 ~eam made entry into the room,they asked all the students if any of t~e suspects were h~din9 inthe room w~ch them and searched all the studenLs for weapons, Sheadvised tha~ they were then taken out ~~rough the school to an exitthat exited onto Pierce Street,

Karakusis advised Investigator Eaton that a friend, cassieSadusky f9;1-01S7} told her thaL she had been in the cafeteria whenthe inc~dent bega~. Karakusis advised :nvestigator Eaton that shebelieves he~ friend Saausky may have hac a chance to observe agunman ~n the cafeterla as she was atce~ptin9 to take refuge in acafeteria restroom, KarakU$~6 advised Investigator Eaton thatSadusky advised her thac she did net recognize the suspectedshooter as anyone that she was ac~ainted with It should be notedthat Invest~gator Eaton has filed a~ i~vest~gative lead inreference Sadusky

Karakusis advised Investi9a~or Eaton that her soccer coach,Peter Hcr7ach, advised he~ and o~h€r$ that at One point he had beeni~ the main office portion cf the schoo: building and advised thatSOmeone had b~en in the ma~n of=ice area shooting a gun

Ka=akusis advised Investigator Ea~on that between the end offourth period and the beg~nning of f~f~~ period, she had hurriedinto the library in order to locate a~ Eng:ish bock she needed tof~nish an assigr~ent. She advised thar she could not recall thename of the book, Karakusis advised that she spoke with thelibrarian about the book though she ca~~ot recall the librarian'Sname She advlsed tha~ the librarian told her to come back laterduring the day and she would attempt to locate the book forKa~akusis Karakusis advised Investigator Eaton that while in thelibra~y, she was net paying at~ention to her surroundings due tothe fact that she waS i~ a hurry to make it to fifth period class

She d:d advise, however, tha~ while ~n the llcrary she did net


Page 80: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

PIRNllRR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 505(17(1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04(20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

DET66 05/17(1999 051399(EATON(KK

notice anything OU~ of the ordinary or anyone acting euapicio~sly.

As Investigator Eaton concluded the interview with Karakuais,she advised Investigator Eaton that she is adamant and is posi~ive

that there were at least three shooters involved in the assault atcolumbine High School. She advised that though she did not see anyof the shooters, she positively believes that there were threeshooters.

It should be noted that Karakus~sJ mocher, Barba~a Karakusis,had suspicious activity informacion for Investigator Eaton and thatinformation will be included in a separate report. InvestigatorEaton concluded the intertiew with the Karakusisee at approximately1222 hours.

JC·001- 001980

Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


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JC·001· 001981

110 I I""" '"


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Page 82: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001· 001982

Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000





Date, 5-3-"

Deputy D.A.,

Docket N1.uDber,

Case N1.uDber' 99A062

Investigator, J.Burkhalter


Megan Kellogg, dob 5-23-83

7504 S. Platte View Dr.

Littleton, CO

Ph. 303-972-1167

Control # 1579

This investigator met with Megan and both her parents at her home.

This interview was due to a follow up lead sheet.

Megan stated she was upstairs in the Science area with Ms. William's

class. They heard screaming and one boy, Jason or Justin Eaer, went

into the hallway to see what was happening. They returned to the

classroom and yelled: "run". About 25 students and Ms. Williams

went to the storage room of the classroom and shut the door.

Megan stated she grabbed Alicia Encinias and went into the storage

and got into a huddle.

Megan stated she heard gun shots coming from the hallway and one of

them sounded big and loud like a big gun. She stated other shots

sounded small and she could hear them hit the lockers in the

hallway. After a while the shooting stopped.

Megan stated she heard someone in the hallway and it sounded like

they were on the stairway between the cafeteria and library. The

person yelled: "I'm going to kill you all." She then heard someone

going down the hallway of the science classrooms.

Jc..o01- 001983

Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Megan stated the time lapse of shots seemed about one hour apart.

She thinks they started up again from the library hall or downstairs.

Megan stated they stayed in the storage room about 3 1(2 hours and

they could hear the swat team coming from the science hall area.

Megan also stated the storage room had two doors covering their

glass doors with posters. The hallway door was locked and the

classroom door didn't have a lock.

Megan stated she didn't ever see the suspects and knows them from

seeing them in the school halls during passing from class to class.

Megan stated she felt the explosion vibrations on the library wallside in between gunshots.

Megan further related how she heard the fire alarm before she ever

heard any gunshots.

Megan also related that her friend, Alicia Encinias told her she,

Alicia, saw Joe Stair in the cafeteria prior to the shooting. Megan

stated she didn't see Joe Stair.

Meg~~ stated she hasn't talked to the press.

Meg~~ left her backpack in

a Eddie Bauer, black with

on it in the front pocket.

the science class room. She stated it is

her school parking receipt with her name

~er house keys with a Hawaiian key chain.

The interview was concluded at this time.



Page 85: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001- 001985

Page 86: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Ca.e No, _Denver Police Department


ljp Code

Zip COOl'

IDate of Birth: Serial No,

County Stat~

Sodal S&curtty No.

Makin9 5u.tt\rrn,nt i$:

o Officer CJi,. Witness



Summary of Statement,

pago__ of__

'if\;'0'3. '

,In <;;;\1otS· 'Ne""S'l:Q.!.Aect jh me $/q)YQqe l'!5Dl"CI fur obolet 3 hY:'? ~~ ~

, iti I C, "\l'\io± 9\L.!::j «oille *" lOid (I~ to hOld q!r i1ClJ11ds up, theni

\ilf went Clmvn 1D W ?\l1ffj)ym en tbo 5tf1lts wr:Yt;. vve pQsseCi':;Dwe t:J CPO cYi rtv? co.rpet- ir t1'I.W Ii,)' /AtJlt;-- cifwn to -(Jvi 11 mch/fllrn \>J\are we were cDlC! (:):> V1.A.Y1 u,p m s r-Qii'S l.VIb\/ we f'fQW&dmore ptJ~ct' T."XC:pO, ~ we (an 1M> tf\-t? SieUrs ~ I pu:gd t:vw pxile;on the h 1\. ~ CI'\ {:r\l? SII),£ ('if ~ rop of t:/3Q S'1;{1I lIS. Tnf(I I1t

J have read the ,':oregoing staTement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains aJiof the facts or derails of the incident, bur only those facts 800Ut which! have beenasked.

Jc.001- 001986 I~I~ II~ 11111 III! 1111 ill!• 060 0 .

Page 87: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000



ExC1lpti!:ln&lly~ 0 Recommend Case, RtMew 0Unfounded 0 ClOmiM 0

kH.L;~'l. U?~. r ~'-~ ==-~K~';"-P2R" ;ro" rS; <l'~ : ,3<)~ "'h, A.r~:l... ffi:z.. ';:;.bh~ k ..._.. L.f."I'l':t;~.J ~ ,fO/",,"!

J,; JutftSn4 h17mJ "' ,--q ~- ,- _ ~ _ _ _ _ __ ." ~ - _

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J1l'b..-~""!"10""lhi-~_~~.A:r>Li;>.._..Q!I.~ ,$."~~~"~ ..~~~.

!'beL L"l' ~>.JC!dn'i.~~::·N:;L . .;~ .~~ I ~·w .7Jtfrk .a...~ /JhJJ,3 1:k>Y.!.Y.-1- b1.i....'l.~ - -_~_ J~'I4· 'I:: SM.8.t.L.. .c;..e;,AI Sihin•. ~l'iT"..1:'~ .~.~. ~ "-'~~. ~,,",.-.i TIl~.~~

In.IT2. 0lJt 1'M!!.t. S / w: ~. 'f1t.fbI fJ. P ":I1j~_. Oi.trSi.D.E: ..:.Ytt:ht:.I.r.IJhj. ~~~~ L

SW.!1h£:> .Si:h£SI9P!. .~" .Jkf:!l.eL~.L"'7.g>,J.~ p?I:h, ..71It::!J. A .!Jmr.... 7"<i<l'<.....

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JC.001· 001987


Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

KOTTER, M.==...... -

JC-001.00 1988

Page 89: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

CONTINUATION 0Repornng Ag;ncy ReponingOfFcff C~R~l'tNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO GALu:;n 99-1625RRCOfmecting Case Repon No vjenm Name Original Repel"!

>--_. Date Th!s Repon

CONTROL NUMBER 4591 062899- ,~,,-

,~M X HOMICIDE Ofk!llt sana: Opm X 1;> 'f Cleueu o Recornmenrl CMe' Review 0

RC'C1lWiflC:lltiQl\ D Cle\Ired~ AfTeSl c ·foundoed o Closure 0

J~ f Outntlly I Ilmlld NAme 1-,00 V.t1lU' r! Vm~ I V,llt!e" Seri;l:INc 5rollffi Recove'*<1 Damag.e.;j



8497 S. Upham Way

Littleton, CO. 80128

(303) 948-6450


On June 23, 1999, I spoke to Megan Kotter by telephone. I asked Kotter ifshe could tell me what she remembered about the

incident at CHS Kotler said that she had been in her 5 hour class with her teacher Mr Manuellc She said that she heard

gunshots and saw and heard people running down the hallway. She said that she and the majority of her class were able to run

Jut of the classroom and out ofthe school.

Kotter said that she heard some explosionsas she was running out of her classroom, but did not hear anything after that because

the fire alarm went off and It was very loud. Kotter said that she ran out of the school and ended up in the smokers area. She

said that she had to climb over the fence and ran to Clement Park. KOllersaid that she then ran to the Columbine library Kaner

could provide me with no additional Information.


Open. JC-001· 001989

Page 1

of !

Number SupervisorInitIalsand DateUnll

ASAfJ 41'98JCSDft674


Page 90: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


KUCERA, D------

JC-001· 001990

Page 91: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Denver Pollee DepartmentSTATEMENT

Page.IPageL of_-!-_

,.•,8 llast, First, MidQle InithllJ Making ~tatement is: ~

)(~ A J>~.I~A -;;r;:;,f 0--':er --. ~Witll$$.$ o P"ri:on adwsed

Resme~i~treet Addless litV ICc::: IState Zip Code

71 ? ,IV, ......-",Li'4"'.....1" 7>/. -r11i:r_ - ""'... ,-_ J .... V'Aeskhmr;;$ Fhono 1~;RPho'1 Social Security Nc. Oat. of Birth I Ser~al No,I , ...., I "!Pf/i"~btP/'>" f" '1)"1, r ...."? sa~ . '3;> • .,'11'".~ ~;J'7 7~'" 36u$iness Stteet Ad4tu$ City COUflty IS;: Zip Code

V;I-'" ,,17k,A> ,.~"AL ' A ft


Offk:er Tal<.ing Statement pi. Serial No, l°<lto Tittle

I./p.t.(... /'r,,~ - 0/ .:k>' !IP '/fJ / :.-". 'J HounJ

Co:::;eming an incidem occurring 111: IlocatioO where $tatem,;aken:' .......~ #. > (! c """"(;,.Is ~

Summary of Statement.

\ \QQ..b \0 S>~ ~&O nO. 3=)LQ\~Y( ~ko~ D.. ::\U;o: y \ ~+

rp..\ I:> "3'btc> )


\;,.,1)0,6 0:

::+n. ~c\ ~N >+';1 ,os, m b,l A-Il 0

:-Ct. \\ PAY4D


1have read the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and betiet. 1do not maintain that it contains all of the facts or deUnls of the incident, but only those facts about which I have beenasked,

:':". ?;;, ITime Statement Comp~eted



OPO 365 1Rev 2!95] JC-001- 001991 IIII~ I~IIIIIII~ 1m 1111• 0 6 0 0 •

Page 92: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


.CRIME REPORT 99-12067



JC-001- 001992

Page 93: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

PIRNARR Arvada Pclice/Ccurt SystemArvada Police Department


Page 104/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

04(23(1999 042299!DOLL!SH

!This nar=a~ive connects to Jef=erson County CR#99-762S}

On 04/20/99 at approximately 1145 hours, IO (Det. Doll) wasadvised of shots being fired at Columbine High SChoel, 6201 S,Pierce St., in Jefferson county. 10 was later advised chat severalpolice af=icers had exchanged gunfire with at least two gunmen andthere were also repor~s of explosions, possibly from explosivescarrled by the sU$pec~s. This information was obtained by IO fromtelevision repor~s and other officers who were relaying what theyhad heard being broadcast by wa7 of television and radio

At ap9roxima:ely 1315 hours, IO was told to re$pond toColurr~ine Rlgn School to assisc of=ice~s the~e wich theinve5~igat~or. IO, De~ Boat~ight, and Ofc. B=ian Thompson leftthe Arvada Police Depar:~ent together at approximately 1325 hours.TO was aware that De~ec~ive$ Greubel, vonderohe, and Sgt. Creagerwe~e a:so responding t~ the a~ea. 10 was told to go to Cleme~t9

Park Loca t ed at acnroximatelv BcwLes l;"ve. and Pierce St . wher-e thecommand post had b~e~ escab:lshed 10 arrived there atapproximacely 1405 hours Ie joi~ed other officers in the area ofthe ccmmand pose to await his ass~gnment, IO was ul~i~ately askedto assist w~th the incerviews of witnesses that were beingevacuated =rom :he school

A: app~oximately 1507 hours, IQ rne~ Deidra Jay Kucera (DOB:03/27/83) who had JUSt exited a J~ffe~50n County police vehicle,After obtain~n9 identification, IO asked D. Kucera to explain whathac happened 10 notes D Kucera was visibly upset In heri~~tia: 5ta~eme~~, she saic t~at she was in her biology clas$taf.~ng a test, when s~e ~eard s~nshcts and an explosion. She sawst~de~~s t=y to a wc~~ded tea~her and D Kucera and o~he~

stude~ts rema~ned ha~=icacied in ~hei= classroom for three hoursbefore be~ng evac~ated

~ct~ng t~at D Klice~a had appea~ed tQ have calmed by thispoi~~, :0 told D Kucera thac TO wished co ask a few de~a~led

ques:~cns a~c~: ~he inc~ds~: and ~ K~cera agreed to answer lO'sq~es~~cr.s When asked to esci~ate ~~e~ t~e inc~dent started, D.Kucera said it was approx~mately 1120 hours She recalls thisbecause sne wa~ taking a ~est in her 11:5 biology class She hadjusc ~carced tak~ng the test when she heard the fighting andgu~S~otS ~he~ asked whe~e thiS c~as5 was loca~ed, D Kuce~a sa~d

~~ 15 i~ t~e sc:ence ha:: i~ ei:her room S or 10 She said she isi~ M~ Pe:e~so~'s c:ass

IO asked C Kucera tc desc=ibe the fighti~9 she heard before~he g~~s~cts D Kuce=a recalls hea=ing males yelling at eachether A: this point, Mr. Peterson le=L the classroom, apparentlyto he~p cor.~=ol what sounded like a fight in the hallway. D.xccere heard a female teacher yell, "stop" and she then heard agu~S~ct and ~hi5 teacher ran into the classroom next to D. Kucera'sc::'a ss:,,;:;om She then hearc a loud "beom" which shook the floor and

JC.(}01- 001993

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PIRNARR pxvada police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 204/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DETS 04/23/1999 042299/DOLL/SH

set off the fire ala~ms

D. Kucera describe~ her classroom as having a common door withthe classroom ~r~t the female teacher had r~n to. This teacher,whom D. Kucera dces not know t but describes as wearing a brightorange shirt, entered D. Kucera's room by this common door and toldche students to gec down. She closed their hall door and then leftfor her classroom.

D. Kucera heard numerOUS gunehocs that sounded very closeShe said all of the initial gunshots sounded like they were firedfrom inside the schoel. She late: heard gunshots that sOw~ded likethey were outside of the building.

After the female teacher returned to the adjacent classroom,D. Kuce~a saw tcache~s car=ying another teacher into this reomalso This teacher had been shot a~d D. Kucera thought he was shoton th~ arm. Male st~de~ts used thei= t-shirts to t~l to stop thebleeding and to make the wounded ~eacher comfortable, Theremaining students huddled in a ccr~er on the floor and anotherteac~er helped erect a barricade with tables. When aSked who theseother teachers were, D, Kucera only knew the name of Mrs Wyatt,who remained w~th the wounded teacher D, Kucera only knows thewounded t eacher as being the "keyboa::::ilng" teacher. D. Kucera saidthey waited i~ the reom for three ~ours before be~ng evacuaced bythe police.

When asked i! D. Kucera saw ar.y of the shooting or who wasdc~ns ~~e shoot:ng, she said she d:d net. She said, however, thatsome cthe~ $~ujents ehough: t~ey saw someone ou~side of theclassroom door, b~t t~ese subJects die noe enter and D. Kucera didnot see who these people were

D Kucera mentioned that her mo~her had paged her. ro gave D.Kucera a ce:l tel~phcne and she was able to speak with her mother,Ka=e~ Stair, tc advise her she was alrig~t. 10 then asked DKucera ~o write a brief sta~emenc abou: what she saw and heard andtc $~gn ~n~s s~ateme~t. D. Kucera d~d this, fiuishing the w=ittenstatement at approximately 1531 ho~~s. IO then escorted D Kucerato th~ nor~h e~d of the wes~ parki~g lot of Clements Park, whereother students and teachers were waitlng to speak with VictimAdvcca:es and to go home 10 cancucted no addi=ional interviews att!:l:f.$ time.

Page 95: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000





!leputy !l.A.,

Harris/KleboldMay 7, 1999

Docke t litUIIII:>er'Case litUIIII:>er'Investigator,


Gallagher M.


On May 7,

Deidra Kucera,

Kucera made the

1999 this investigatorwho is a sophomore atfollowing stataments.

conducted an interview withColumbine High school. Ms.

MS. Kucera stated she did not hear any thing unusual or seeanything on the school TV on April 20, 1999 the day of the sheoting.

Ms. Kucera stated on April 20, 1999 she was in Biology taking atest. Mr. Petersen was her teacher. At approximately 11: 20 A. M.

she heard yelling in the hallways. It sounded like two boys were


Ms. Kucera stated she heard a female teacher yell stop. Thisfemale teacher then came into the biology room and took Mr. Petersen

out in the hallway.



Kucera stated she heard aThe fire alarms went off

for the door.


explosion that shook theall the students started

The female teacher told everyone to get back in the classroom.There was someone in the school with a gun. The female teacher told

them to get down on the floor.

Ms. Kucera stated the students in Mr. Petersen'sthe students in Doug Johnson's class. Both classes

move over to the Corner of Mr. Johnson's room.

class joinedwere told to

JC·001· 001995

Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

Ms. Kucera

Sanders. However,

tables around him.

stated they were in the same room with

she could not see Mr. Sanders because they



Ms. Kucera stated later on when the students were turning

tables on end she was able to peek out a crack of the room and she

saw someone trying to get in the room. She saw a fire with smoke in

the hallway. She did not know the person.

Ms. Kucera was asked if any of her classmates could identify

this person. Ms. Kucera stated Jen Smull. and another girl named

Aarron said they could identify this person.

Ms. Kucera was asked if she knew Eric Harris

Klebold. Ms. Kucera stated she did not know Dylan Klebold.

Eric Harris one time. Eric Harris parked his car next

Heckler and Zack introduced her to Eric.

The interview was conclude.

or Dylan

She met

to Zack

Information: Deidra Kucera

DOB 3-27-83

7327 W. Fremont

Littleton. Co.


2 of 2


5" - 1- 9' <;


Page 97: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000

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Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000
Page 99: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


JC-001· 001999

Page 100: Columbine Report Pgs 1901-2000


SUPPLEMENT ~Vi~lm Name Ongmal ~port

Qfhlll"l5& StatU$~ Open I!Jt ElCCeptiol'\l\lliy Cieareo

Cleared by Anast 0 tJnfcun<1«1

ii Serial No.

o R$OOITlm&oo Case: Review 0o C"'sure 0

I v""'~ IVaNe I VilJueStmet'l Recovered ! Damagea

WI.ryKS;:LAc.€:1-~ac" A..,\)u..J ~'B ~?f G-J '17"7 ;,~~

"1'1/(... S <. f! ¢;(~ 1,6Jk!.t "'~'17!f>.,J ~ ~ Iz-f


JC.001.002000 IP"'~-Iet (I
