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Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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Brought to you by the investigators athttp://www.columbinefamilyrequest.orgIn December 2000, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s department released the results of their investigation, the largest criminal investigation in the history of the State of Colorado. The 80 investigators involved followed up on over 4,000 leads. Along with their report, the Sheriff’s Department made available over 11,000 pages of evidence. Here, for the first time, we present all these pages as searchable .pdf files.
Power Slave'sColumbine High School Tragedy Site Page 2 ofll qQ-"1ID':J.5 ,a,.lltos :rR JC-001· 000901
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The Following was wnnen By a Columbine High student Thecontent of this page was writtenentirelybythis student" ho is in no way affihated \';lth aDV group ororganization. The views

expressed on this site are mine alone and nobody elses

My name is Zach Johnston 11m a student at Columbine High school In Jefferson County ColoradoIt IS on this site that 1will t('. to exp.ain from rnv personal pointof view what happened to myschoolon April 20, 1999 Sorry If thegrammEr is belov, average, I really do notcare I spentabout 5minutes deciding what I wouiu wrue here. then rJUS! Ie: it ali out I "ill express myviewsas well asfeelings about this seermngl. unavoidable tragedy The thmgs I say arewhat I think or believe whathappened. Not actually what happened r \Viii only placehits and pieces of what1know on this site

I woke up at 6 10 a.rn on Apni :0, 1999 r had a falrly bad cold and a soarthroat, rdidn't feel likegoing to school but since m, mend was pickingme up 1didn't want to make herdrivefor nothing,'She arrived at my house and lIe proceeded 10 gore school at Columbine SeniorHigh. Since April20'5420, it was a day that rnanv students were supposed to love and enjoy for various reasonis. Heh.Various people told me "HlpP' -+:0 Zach'" and "ItS ~ 20 and I have an important date with youbow who" The day seemed pretty normal I think r faired well on my math testand we watchedCyranoDe Bergerac in Worlvi Studies .'\11,,[ math ! rushed to ml locker to meeta friend so we could

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-1Kgo out tor tuncn, I ne time was precisely II :UU and we neaced to my bouse because I dIdn't teet sowell and wanted to take someTylenol. At about 11:30 we headedback for school. We were headed.iorth on Pierce when suddenly we saw a police cruiser in the middle of the roadbeside a cargovanand a little Mazda. I figured"oh well another accident that could have been prevented and everyoneis over reacting," I had no idea how wrongI was. [ told the person driving to head in the Woodmarneighborhood so we could gel to school using my "stealth" route. We were then passed bya bunch ofkids in a White Cherokee who were honking and waving their armsat us. [thought to myself"Crapthey wanna beat me up and we cant get awaybecause her car is too slow" Thenthey honked ateveryoneelse so I felt a lot better I then told her to try a different way to school. We headed north onWadsworth then turned and went on Bowles where we eventuallygot to piecethestreet myschool isone. This is where I knew somethingwas very wrong,

Power Slave's ColumbineHighSchool Tragedy Site

Piece was blockedoff fromthis side of school as well. As we waited in a crowded intersection ascops desperately tried to guide traffic, I saw a horde of my fellow students running towards us.t~1'!;lled au Girl I knew and askedher what happene<i- S1iesmd"'Some~ in blackchargediatost!lbof~1f/j' eVdl)J\iiie!!'" I saw hundreds of"parentswho somehow foandout aboutall this.They were running every which way trying to find their sons and daughters, It 'was a terriblydisturbing sight. I'rememberspecifically one little girl from mycaoir ciess cryingabouthowshe s~w

Ill:l1 frieu4;get shott My first thought was to get home as quickly as possible to call myMomsincerknew she wouldfind out aboutall this before I would, so I did just that. We did a U tum and beadedback to myhouse r live about I mile from the school and counted 35 police cars passing us as wedrove, Ambulances and policecars barging over medians motorcycle cops weaving through oppositetraffic almostkillingthemselves Its actually quite amazing that police unitscan dosuch widefishtails and keepcontrol. By the time I got home and called mymom to tell her I was okay, the.hought of what was happening hadn't quite sinked in yet

My mend called her mom and aunt and stuff. When she got off the phone, shetold me her brotherand cousinwere still in the school somewhere. Her brother later calledand saidhe gotout but hercousin wasstill inside

I ran into the family room and turned on the TV Every station was covering the situation at myschool. Several stanons had Ariel shots that amazed me. Of course the mediablurted outa bunchofcrap about the situation that they knew nothing of; and basically madestuff upas they wentalong. Inever knew how much the media is full of crap about things until they talk about stuffI knowaboutpersonally

I live on top of a huge hil! overlooking the entire Denver Metro Areaandcould seethe school in thedistance 1counted5 helicopters and :2 planes circling the premises. I couldalsosee Clement parkwhere rons of parents desperately searched to find their children The southwest side Is the partof theschool [ could vtew. The Library and Cafeteria are both on this side. Apparently this is where all theaction was taking place The entire southwest side of the school is a huge glass window Severalwindowswere shattered. This is basically all I could see from here.

The TV said that there were still 900 some odd students left in the school with thegunmen This isabout half the population of the student body While I watched and wondered for myselfwhatwashappening, [ knewin my heart who was responsible for this massacre. About a month ago mymends

and I went out to lunch After lunch we had the same World History classso we would talk together,We wouldoften pass these 1 kids who wore trench coats. Everyone referred to them .< 'he "Trench

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Coat Matta" Mytnend (;aJereferred to them as t.~e "RarnmsremBoyz" Whatever you wanted tocall them, you couldtell they were different. Well, one day, Clae snarled a remarkabout Ramrnstein.nder his breath as we passedthese 2 guys. The short one who was named Eric Harrisconfrontedmyfriendabout it He said "Everyday you pass me and make fun ofme saying Rammstien sucks. Whydo you do this crapasshole? Whatdid I do to you?" My friend replied "Ohman yourso cool, you'remy idol!" Then Enc's friend Dylanapproached us seeming to back up his friend. I reallydidn't wantto get involved in a fight even though I knew these guys wouldn't stand a chance. I was afraidofthings they mightdo afterwards Erie was a short clean cut lookingkid and Dylan was a verytallskinnyguy with messed up hair He always wore the trench coat, a hat and dark sunglasses. The beIlrang and they left and we went into class. That was the end of the confrontation.

When I got my facts straightand figured out that 2 gunmen entered the school and killed severalpeople I knew, I figured the TrenchCoat Mafia was responsible. Manyhelplesscryingpeoplesaidthey recognizedthemas this group. I was shocked to understandthat my hunch was correct. Theyshowedthe pictures of Eric Harris and Dylanon TY Once I saw their pictures, I knewthey had nodemands or intentto leave Columbine High school alive.

This is the wayI think it happened. J have heard several stories from the media, friends, and others,but put this One together myself. .

Eric and Dylan didn't go to school on Tuesday April 20, 1999. They did attend bowling class early inthe morningtbough. Insteadthey entered the student parking lot at 11:00. Eric in hisblack prelude,and Dylan in his blackBMW325 that the media is trying to say makes him a rich, privileged kid It'sa crappy early 80s one and if you know what I mean about early Beemers, they do suck.They must.ave taken a few minutes to booby trap their cars and a few other cars as well. Oncethey were fully

suited up they openfire on kidsheading out in the parking lot that weregoing to lunch. Some sourcessay they had bodyarmorstrappedto themselves. They threw bombsoutside and oneeven blew up hiscar. After shooting outside theycharged into the Cafeteria where they must havesprayedbulletseverywhere. After shooting in the Cafeteria, they fan up the stairs, shot people in the Oh-so-familiar ­halls of ColumbineHigh School, then entered the Library, Of course, they threw bombs allover theplace inside as weU Nobody knows as of yet how long they were in the Library Scme kids go thereduring their lunchhour to study or get workdone, My guess is about 30 kids were in the libraryasusual that day. Theycharged into the Library, shot some people then stopped. I heard storiesof kidswhoescaped the library. Theysaid that the 2 gunmen told aU thejocks to stand up because "theyaredead:" the gunmen ~ISQ claimto hate minorities as well, I think that is bullshit. I Think they wantedto kill everyone theycould. I hearda story from one girl whosaid that one of them pulled outa knifeand said "1 have always wanted to kill someone with a knife" Then he put it away for some reason, Ihave a feeling it was Eric who said this I think they shot peoplehiding under tablesexecutionstyle.People say theywould laugh after they killed someone I guess when they figured they had enough"fun", they tooktheir own lives I don't know whether they were in the library for 5 minutes or 5hours After they shot themselves, a few survivors in the libraryran out.

I guess as the gunmen were entering the school, people could hear the gunshots and explosions Takemy word for it, my school is huge, so autonties didn't know where to go [guess Mr Sanderswasone of several teachers who was trying to guide students out of the school or at least to a secure areawithin He was unfortunately shot, but managed to stagger to a nearby Science room where one ofly friends cousinwas hiding. He walked in bloody and dying where he passed out, fell down and

broke hisJaw My friend's cousin tried to keep his air passageopen for some amount of time. Theysay he sat up but fell downagaina few times A few hours passed, and the SWAT team barged into

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tnt:' room anc cieareu everyone UUt. 1 ney sarc mar ivir. cancers nau to De It'LL mere stncc ne w~ J'R.unable to be kept conscious. It was shortly after this time that I believeMr. Sanders, my keyboardingteacher,died. He was also a girlsBasketball coach and a businessteacher

Across the hall from the science room,there was the Choir room, where60 students stayed for 3hours. Some moved ceilingriles to get fresh air in. A SWATteam eventually got themout as well

A guy namedNick,was somewhere in the school. He got into the ceiling and crawled to try to getout. The ceiling gave in andhe fell 20 ft. He was luckily toward the frontof the school, far oppositefrom where Eric and DyIanwere, so he was taken to safety.

I rememberseeingone studentat a window Obviously shot several times. It appeared that he wastrying to jump out the 2nd story librarywindowand end his pain. It wasthe most disturbingandmovingsight I haveever witnessed in my life. What the incrediblyignorantnews crew cameramenweren't seeingwasa fire truck just below the window that the boy was aimingfor. SWAT membersgrabbed himandcarriedhim off to safety, As he was taken from the window, his blooddrenchedsock touchedthe wall and smeared allover. I felt immense sadnessafter seeing this particular scene.The first version I saw wasthis kio tryingto jump and kill himself,I later saw a better angle thatshowedthe boy being pulledfrom the window. I guess the retard newscrew cut off the scene rightbefore the hands of the SWAT members came into view. I learned later that Hisname is Patrick, akid I have known since 2nd grade. He once made fun of my for buying Rebok Pumps in 3rd gradebecause theywere 5 sizes toobig.)

During the entiresiege, SWAT teams entered the school at various placesand rushed to get myclassmates out For all theyknew, they were rushing into the school with guns drawn and the killerscould be anywhere But, I knew that these 2 gunmen weren't sillykids influenced by games, and tv.They were trained and had planned out this entire day. Brooks, a studentI had a choir class withexplained howhe knew people involved in this "Trench Coat Mafia" At the time he spoke to meabout them, it hadnothing todo with anything. It was just a randomconversation that took placeseveral months ago. He told news crews that every time somebody messedwith them Dr teased them,they would go home and planthis thing out. It wasn't something they did after a goodday at schoolaccordingto Brooks, who hadno part in it.

About a year ago, I worked at a movie theatre with one of the Trench CoatMafia kids I wont list hisname sinceI don't think he hadanythingto do with this. He wouldconstantly complain about richjocks and otherstuff that is common to hear I figured to myself"just an angrykid venting somea.'1ger" Then one night he came into work and told me he had been chased in hiscar by so and so.Well, turns outso and SO were athletes from my school who don't seem to have anything betterdo tothan torment this dude

I can see why the fellow I worked with hated Columbine High School. I Can safely say that I don'tthink he took pan in the Terror that was created a few days ago I don't think he was a corrupt kideither. I thinkthatEric andDylan were the only ones involvedthat I knewabout Although nowpolice are saying they found 30 explosive devices in backpacks, underbodies,and Inside lockers, 50

they probably were not in it alone These devices had been planted beforethe gunmen entered theschool

If other members of this "Trench Coat Mafia" were treated like my pastco-worker, then this is theironly "motive" for doing what they did a few days ago. They were 2 outcastkidsthat were constantlymade fun of, and they finally snapped. What they were thinkingbefore they performed this horror


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WIll neveroe concervanre to anyone, rt rum notrung to 0" witnuoom or ~ual(e, t v or movies, It IS ":Jlr Jlf~all pain inside their heads thatthey couldn't deal with, Someblameparents, other students, the NRA, JI\or whatever No! They weren't man enough to deal with their misfortunes, so theytook the easywayout.

Duringthe disasterat my school The names ofthe dead where withheldfor various reasons, Havingan idea who was in that library was the worst feeling I haveever hadto deal with, A friend told methat Patrickhad been shot He was alive and taken to the hospital. Anotherperson told me thatRachel Scott was dead, I remember Rachel being a very warm, caring, a funny person. She was anactor, a smger, and had a longfuture ahead of her, It was all brought to a halt rrememberwhen wewere sophmcres whenwe hadto disect these baby pig festus's. She Was really scaredand shakingwhen they put the pig down in the disection tray, So r tied2 stings to the pigsarms and made itdance aroundand sing songs, Shethought it Was really funnyand soon startedcuttingthis poor deadpig apart in at! kinds of strange ways. She was also a very talentedsinger, She was an alto in mychoir class whenwe were sophmores. I heard thar the gunmen didnt actuallygo throughthe front ofthe cafateria, but insteadwalked around and up the stairswhere the mediashowed footage of all thekinds running out of the school. [ believe that the gunmenenteredthe upperdoors whereRachel anda boy nameRichardwere Richard was quicklygunned down, but didn'tdie, Richard says that heheard the gunmen ask Rachel if she believed in god, she said "yes" and theysoon ended her life,Rachel was a victim of a pair of outcasts pouring out their poison on innocent lives, I now knowthatif Rachel can perish,anyone can perish and there is nothingwe can do about it.

[ foundtremendous tormentwhenI rememberedthat a girl namedCassie was in the libraryat thistime for sure, I was absolutely sure she was in the librarywhenthe gunmen entered"

When I wasa sophomore, [ noticed a new girl in class, Apparently her name was Cassie and she wasvery prettyand quite, At the time I didn't take much nonce to her since myattentionwas usuallydrawn to Ms. Haggard who always caught me mouthing off or doing something I shouldn't have beendoing.Then we were givenan assignmentwhereyou had to picka partner and writeabout somethingI cannot remember I was absentwhen we chose partners, so I wrote about how I lovedsnowboarding, Each groupof 2 had to standup and read their paper I read mineand as usual wasyelled at by1'1,,"5, Haggard for screwingaround and not writing about the correct topic, Then Cassiestood up and read her paperalonebecause she didn't have a partner Itwas about howshe was newin Columbine HighSchooland she tried to explain how unfairit was to have to do a partnerassignment when you don't knowanybody She read her paper with great confidence and didn't carewhat anyone thought After she sat down, some students grumbled and whispered negativecomments Two of my friends even took pan in this sickening display, but not LThere wassomethingabout this girl that wrote this paper that caused me to stayquite. [ wanted to approach herand talk to her everyday of thatsemester after she read that paper, but I neverdid, I have never had aproblem goingup and talking to someone in my entire life until she camealong, Weeks past, thenmonths, then the semesterended,

Years past, and I still see Cassie In the hall periodically Then a few months agoA gir! i knewwho isfriends with Cassie told me I should talk to her because she said Cassie is reallynice and an over allcool person. r still had this fear of talking to her I didn't understand it. rcould probably go up to myprincipaland recite everybad word I knew,but [ couldn't evensay "Hi!" to this girl. Well,oneday,and I thinksomebody planned this, rwas after school in the photo room makingup work, whenshewalked in I figured "what the heck?" and went over and talked to her. I suppose she somehow knewthat r liked her She turned out to be one of, if not, the coolest person I have ever spokenwith. I could

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tell sne was nervous cecause sne prooacty znougnr I was someson: or rreax ror rerung ner ! rememeer.... J'11);;;'a paper she cant even rememberwriting. I didn't get any workdone thatday, btl! I didn't care. After -..Jl\.irne, she becamemore openand we talked more After this, I didn't really knowwhere to go Iwould greet her in the hall for the last time a few minutes before she enteredthe libraryon April10th, 1999.

?ower Slave'sColumbine High SchoolTragedy Site

I have terrible regrets dealingwithCassie in particular. I haveno ideaand wiJl probably never knowhow long she was held in that library until either Eric or Dylanpulledthe triggerwithouteventhinking twice. One survivorfrom the library told me that when the gunmen got to her and held a gunto her head, they askedher is she believed in god. She stood up quickly and screamed "YESIBELIEVE INJESUS'" and they killed her, She may have beenone of the hostages destined to die bythe hand of one of the gunmen. I felt truly horrible when her name and picture flashed on my screenon April 21st, 1999 I hoped beyondbelief that I would havebecome closefriendswith her beforethat day Now this is impossible. I cannot explain, I was uncontrollably drawn to hersince she readthat essay One thingthat bothers me is the way that people think more highlyof her because she wasa dedicatedChristian. You see,various people who knewCassie madereference of how she used tobe into witchcraftand "into the dark side of things" whateverthat means. Do youknow what thismeans in reality? Thismeans that if Cassie had not been religious, these same people wouldfeel lesspain when she died. I am sorry if'you do not agree with me on this I thoughtthe worldofCassie,religious or not. I never knewCassie as wen as I would have liked. I am not a memberof her churchgroup, I knownobody in her family, but I do know one thing that many have overlooked. I knowthatCassie neverjudged a personbywhat they were, she judged them according to who they were. Thegirl who died for her faith will be remembered50 by many, but I will remember Cassieas a personthat befriendedpeople for who they are, not what they are or what theybelivein. I am a true exampleJf this. She didn't thinkany lessofme when I told her I was not religious. If anyone who reads thisknew Cassie and thinks lessofme for what I have just said, she was different from you, and you willnever understand.

Isaiah was a senior who I neverknew at all. He seemed to be a cool guy He wasblack and anathlete, so if he was in that library, there Is no doubt that the gunmen would targethim. He probablywould have had a long life to live. His dad kept his composure while talking aboutIsaiah on the TVHard to imagine.

Mark IS a boy that I have known since Kindergarten. He has a twinbrothernamed Mike Mark wasborn with a defect in his leg and arm. He couldn't run at all, but he couldwalk, and he could only useone of his hands We was in that library and was shot 2 times in the head and 2 times in the neck. Hesomehow survived, 1can only imagine that he win be even moredisabled the rest of his life. Thissickens me He satin frontof me in choir the day he was shot,but by the timehigh school camearound, I was no longer friends with him, I remember how he had dreams of beinga racecar driverwhen he grew up 1wonder if he still had this hope when he was in that library

There were countless other victimsboth injured and killedby Eric andDylan 2 days ago I am thesort of personwhostrives to be in control. Total control is my life goal. Watching the TV that dayseeing what the Gunmen hadbeen doing, I felt helpless. It is the first time in myadult life that 1haveever feit that there was nothing I could do My dad was specifically worried that I would have been In

school that dayand probably tried something stupid to stop/kill The gunmen. I would have to agreewith him on this one r look back at the time Eric and Dylan approached me and my friends, and rwish 1would have had someway of knowingthat they woulddo something like this. I probablywould have taken personal acuon to make sure it didn't happen.

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$the tnougnt or menus use i\1nr~. xacner. ana c.asste. being victims or this cnme naunrs meconstantly People say "thelibrary and had the gun pointed close to me" But one thing sticks in mymind more thun an,1hing A$ we were driving out ofthe parking lot ar school to go to lunch, I sawDylan and his old 325i He was entering the school like nothing was goingto happen Then Fmadeeye contactwith him fora splitsecond, and he looked at me "ith noemotion. I truly had no ideahewas soon going 10 perform the most hornble school massacre in history





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"::#' ,II.} 05 _

Lookingback at thatday, where the soundof trumpets played Hells song, I thinkabouthowhappy Iam that so manyof my friends and class mates still live to this day. r had a dreamof me being in thelibrary, I thought to myself"My god, Im going to die withouta chance!" then oneof the gunmenplaced the gun at myforehead "This is my chance!"and I grabbed the gun like I was trained so manyyears ago, and thenI awoke, Did i suceed in stopping him and suprising the othergunmen who wasnot looking? Ordid I perish? I keepthinkingabout how this couldhavebeen a possibility, but I amtruelyglad it wasnot. r havenotsaid a word dealing with the political garbage that is beingspewedabout by so manyheartless careerboosting individuals, I knowthe true answerto so manyquestionsthat orbit this tragedy. Throughout history people report individuals who arecrazy and sociallyunstable, Many murders come to mind. Eric Harris and DylanKlebold were two completely unstablemental caseswho werebound to act as they did from the start So goahead, blamethe guns, the lackof metal detectors, the parents, the video games, the other students, the lackofreligion in schools, orwhateveryour fancy Whatever makesyou feel better. I implore you, take it from me.Laws are madelogically to protect people, butwhat happens when peoplewhoare not logical exist in our world?


You cannot run from it

rfyooW(luld:lilie til help tbGre Ilffected by this trageay, head to myDonations Section. ''!:'

iohnstonliVdimensionaLcom If you have comments or thoughts about what I havewritten feel free,

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have read the foregcing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, !10 not maintain that it contains all of the fa<::ts or detaJis of the incident. but only those fscts about which! haye beenJSked.

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I have read the foregoing statement end the facts contained thetl!1in are tttJe to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains all of the facts or derails of the tnckient; cut only those facts abour which I have beenasked.

I I-- Oiiiil -- 0 AM

o PMT"',m"","'S"'t"'.,"'.m"'."'.,"'C""o'=mo"',=..."";l

JC·001· 000913

Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Denver por_ DepartmentSTATEMENT


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I have '-' the ft:tIegoing srarement and the facts conteinelt therein ara true to the best ofmy IcnDwledga and bellaf, Ido not 1I...,tJain thIIt it """rains. all of the facts or derails of the incident, but only those !ace about which I have beenasked.

Slgnmmt of ~n MU:ing Statemer1t

OPO366 1Rov. 2I9!i) JC..()01· 000914 ;IU~IIH!II00'

Page 15: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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i have ,.sa the foregoing $tStem""t and the facts contained therein are su« to the "- at my knowledge and belief, fao not maintain that ir contains all of the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts llbout which I have beenasked.

I I-- Ci"iO -- [J AM

=======0 PMriml!' Stati,ment CompkJ(ed


Page 16: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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JC·001· 000916

Page 17: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

LO"in"UATION 0Reportillg Ag~ncj' Rel'Ol1lng ornee C3Se RepcHt N(.'

SCPPLE"\1ENT X JCSO FELSOCI 99.i625·CI r-vcnecung Case- ReportNo Victim Neme Origtn,lI Repon: Date This Report

04-26·99Chi5Jill~JlIO'l X FIRST DEGREE MURDER cneese SIlH'lJ$: O}X"\. X Ellctptiollally c-l~rtd 0 Recommend Case- Review Cl

Reclawifteauon Cl Cl<:3n:d "y J..fri!;'\f 0 U"fool'lded o Ctosere Cl

f~g'TQIJiN;~' I Brand \iame I tle!'criplion TSOlrialNIJ ! V.hie j V~h<e' j V'a!'J!;StQlen R.l!W~\;~cl D.Jnu.getJ


Trent Charles Kames, dobi03-28-79

7247 South Allison Way

Littleton, Colorado 80128



Student at Columbine High School.

JC.001· 000917

At 1030 hours" on 04-21-99,1 contacted Trent Karnes at South Pierce Street and Leawood Avenue. in reference to a Murder

in the First Degree which occurred at the Columbine High Scbooi. located at 620 I South Pierce Street" at approximately 1130


Karnes informed me that on 04..10-99. he was in his vehicle. which was parked in the far southwest parking lot against the

south wooden fence" He stated between 1115 and 1120 hours, he heard gunshots coming from the building, At lim, he thought

someone was roofing. because he heard six to seven rapid gunshot' He informed me that h. then turned around and looked

toward the cafeteria. and observed a person standing on top ofthe exterior stairs located on the northwest Corner of the building

He stated this person was holding a rifle and leaning it on the fence,and shooting down toward the people eating lunch outside

the cafeteria. He then informed me that this person was a male dressed in a white dress shirt, black dress pants. and a thin black

vest He stated that another male was with him wearing a black trench coat and black pants" and had long hair and sunglasses

He stated he had seen this person before in school. He stated the first male In the white shirt would tire the rille, and then the

male in the trench coat would take three to four steps down the stairs. look at the victims. and then run back up to the person

with the rifle He stated at that time he would see the person with the rifle fire two to three more shots. and then the male in

the trench coat would go back dawn, look at the victim. and then come back up. He stated he saw two bodies laying down

outside the cafeteria

He stated he started his vehicle. drove down Pierce. and turned left on Elmhurst Avenue to drop off his friends, and then came

back and was stopped by the Sheriffs Office for safety


I 01f;,.,~ S,wtu1L m/ Unit '<umber Sepervtsoe lniuats :1;'1(1 Date <\SSI'gMd to Page 1i '/ ~

'/Jt:"C 3/[i I' //l U of 1! '~".~c'

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Page 18: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

C0NTlNUATION 0Reporting AgtrnCy ReportingOfficer Case R¢pcn No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO FELSOCI 99-7625-Cr "nneefing CJJ.~ Report NQ Victim NameOriginal Report DIre This Report

ll4-26-99Cbm;ifkad¢n X FIRST DEGREE MURIlER Qffimst Slill.1.i.~; Ope" X E~~Cl'lj\lf1alfy Cleared 0 RMloMmo:"d Case: Review 0

R«ialsifkllliofl 0 ('tetr~d hy ArtlI5! CJ Ul:lfl'll!'lded 0 O<i1HJrC 0

I~~ ~ QuI~liry I 'Brooo Narm:;I ISent) N(l $'&lllfl ! ValtJ!!" I value1 De~<:riptinn lmell Retolttrell D.ilmaroecl

Kames stated he had two people in his vehicle when he left the school property, one named "Mindy." and the other named

"Peter" He stated they are students at Columbine. but he didn't know their las' names. He informed me he would call me

when he contacted them so that rcould speak with them.

The approximate distance from Kames' parked vehicle and the person shooting the rifle, was estimated at approximately 100

to 200 yards.

OlSPOSlTION, Forward to Investigations.

JC·001· 000918')

0tFiu:r Sl'(.flJeNY I j/ 1/ I;rJJt Number SupervisorJnutarsand Dare Assigned To Pege ,jbe- ')11 of ,.1, / > It/' L.-'

:P.lc;"'''.L I I II\,\ H-;-IGHDR \ lC,:"1 ,Ell\. ICES I 0'f1'ER i "SAFJ ·V9S JCSD'lci"7.t

Page 19: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

JCSO /199.1625Colltl'Ol #1«;1

Imerview Trent Charles KarnesAdd...... 1241 S AlIi""n Way

Littleton, CO 80123Home pilona303·913·0119

Senior at Columbine Hlgb School

Imerne., with TrentKarneson 05.06-99 by Inv lin Reutaler, Colorado StataPatrol, at "l'lltox. 8 loam athisresidence Present 10.the roomwithuswas Mrs Karnes. Trent's mother,

T""" saidthat heen 1l4·2(J.99 he.,as in scboot andhad PsycholollY for J" hour andGym fur4~ hoor Hesaidhe got out of Gymearly and went to the cafeteria Trentsaid he hadto doeonltllllnity service in thecafeteria l esked himwhat that w.. about and he said thatbego' caught .moking in scbool so he had '0hall' 'ha janitor. by wheeling "ound the wastebasket. H. saidhegotto ,he cafitteria about11.l5am andwas looking' forthe janitor named fllll, Hesaw soma friend'.f!lis, Mincly PolIoclc: and a guy withIhe lastname. Evans, and theywamed a ride.

Trent said he leri ebe cafeteria, andwem to hi' car ebour 11 200m Hesaid.. \heywere getting irno the oar,a redNissan Semra, parked in ,he senior10'#216, facing.,,,>til, theyhoard gun shot. Trent saidhe say2people at 'he top of the stair. I askedhim to deserib.them H. saidtheguy on th.lan was wearing blackpants, a trenchcoat, sungtssses, andhad brownhairand waswearing either a Englishstyle leather cap withthekind of sbortvisor ,ha' snapsOr a ballcap He said thatMindy said :lila thollllht he hada handguo, buthe didn't see on. Co ~ic:. on Tr..,..t!l cnr a-lllVB7~ :::n<.

Trent saidthat the guyOIl 'he righthada semi-automalio rill. and he had it settingon the chainlinkfence.Thi, guy w.. wearingbl""k dress pant'" likeDockers, a wlti,. short .1..... ,bin and a blackdress vest overthe 'holt Trem said thisguy w.. shorterthan the other Trent saidhe didno' get. good look at thisguy'.face, bu; he think!; he had seen himbangingout withthe trenchcoat group,

Trent saidthat he saw one ldd I'UllJling backwards UJ' the hill with a ,mil. on hi. fa<e He saidthat the kidw.. wearing a wllite shirt and faded bluejean shorts, and hejust sort of stopped to watch Trent said that b.doesn't think that the kidwas • part of anyt!Un& Just that at tsst. tboy thought It was a joke He saidthat hesaw other peopleJ'Ulllliog.hat were smiling Trent saidthat he saw • girll.ying en a grosll)l patch and Infrontof her wasa large sizedhoy. H. saidhe thought theyhadbeen shot

Trent said 'hey leftthe school andhe dropped olfMindy andEv......ear Weaver and Pierceand that he methismomfur lunch

I showed a photoarray to Karnes and read the photoadmonition. H. picked photo 114 as po.sibly'he guywith the sunglasses that w.. withthoshooter

I also showed a diagram of the scbool '0 Karnes and ..kedhim'0 mark wherehia car was parkedand wherehe saw the two guys, the girlon the ground, and 'he guyrunning backwards H. marked thesethingson thediagram

This interview wasconcluded

Report prepared by Inv Till Reuteler #7394...-:7 -::-/ )Mayll,l999 ~~

Coloradc Stat. Patro!700 Kipling Street, Denver. CO 02\5


JC-001· 000919

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'-14 - 1toJ.:>




CC4"'1.& ~ <:O~f ,~




Q • AND SOUTH PARKiNGLOTS..."~ .............~ APRIL 20,1999"",cb"...,,...u DRAWN BY SPECIAL AGENT R. GLENN



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05/01.0/0,0, .::Jf\



Page 21: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


JC-Q01· 000921

Page 22: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Interview Devin Ka'1lo1 DOBI021981Address 10842Mill HollowRoad

Littleton, CO 80127Home phone }OJ.697·0219

Senior", Columbine HighSchool

Interviewwith Devin Kathclon Q5..Q4..99 by Inv JillReuteler, Colorado State Patrol ar approx 8 30am athis residence Present in the room with us was Gai! Kathol, mother ofDevin

Devin Kathn! said that he went '0 class at warren Tech on Q4.21)..99, ondthat his teacher illIdkept him alittlebit later than normal He said thathe drove to Columbine HighSchool arriving about] I loam Hesaid mat he usually ate lu""h withRachel Scon and RichardCastaldo

Kathoidrivesa 1988silverToyota pickup with. rollber Mrs Gail Ka'hol provided a CO registrationindicating the ownerof the velUeI.1IS Derek Kathcl, Devin', fathar and showing CO license pia,. I0343RTDevinKashcl said that he pulled into IDS patkhtg spot. #217In the southwestcomer of tbe senior lot by thesoccer field Katholsaid there was a red Celebrity or Cavalier On one side and that the parkingspace On theother"d. wasempty He saidthat the vehicle thot uSUlllIy parked onth. side that was empty waseitherasilvercolored fuji sizeChevy pickupor a gray colored Toyota 4RuMer

Kamel said thai he was about 10 step out of his vehicleand that he had started to open the driver's doorwhen he saw D-ylan Klebolc andEricHarris shooting at kids by the 3QCCer fleJd He: saidrhar he did not seeanyone get nitand he couldn't see tne kids that were beingsoot at. but he knew they were there becausehehad just seen them He said that he saw Dylanand Eric on top of the hill above the lunchroom and next tothe library by tho airlock He said that they both werewearing blackfatiguepants, blackT shirts, blacktrench coats and that he thought Dvlanhad his ball cap on backward He said Dylan was about 601 inheightand that he had him in an American Goverrsnemclasslast year

Kathol said that Eric was the shorter guy and he thought hewas aI>out 120. 150yards awayfrom Dylaa andEric and when I asked him if he ecoid see themwell enough to identitY themh. said that be had "exceilemvision" and that he "could see theirfaces wellenough. -,

Kethol said that he was in (he parking: lot for less than 5 minutesand he probably heard too rounds of semi­autom.atU; title fire He Said that he saw a rifle ,n Dylan's handsand Eric hada shotgun in his hands, but hewas not using it because he was throwingbombs Kaihol saidthar he saw Eric throw J bomos towardwhere Dylan's Cat was parkedin the senior parking tot He said that he saw Eric throw a bombon the roofof the library/cafeteria Katholsaid that he saw tbem walking towards the airlock as if the were going toenter tho building, they worecarryingthe rille and shotgun, and h. did net see them carryingany duffel bagsKathcl said he did no' see them actuallyenter the building

Katho! said that he saw another kid.who graduated last year. pull into the parking lot, behind him, drivingablueChevysnortbed picku-p truck Karbol saidthat last year, this guyused to park next to trim and d'lat hewas probably at the schoolto pick: up his girlfriend He said this vehicle left the schoolright before he did

Kathcl said that these events occurred in less that five minutes He said that he saw rwo campus securityofficerspuLl in front of rum Ina unmarkedred car and that he flashed. his beedligms at them. because theyhad himblockedinto the parkingspace ff1'ZJ?E4(;;;;:;I~

JC.Q01· 000922

Page 23: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Interview' DevinKatbolPage2

Kathol said he left rightailer the blueChevy truckand went to his Anal JeanetteStarkey', residence at 7439W Frost, wherehe callhi' mom He saidhe also called hi, girlfriend, Jill Baser>, wbo was '" hom. inbetween classes Kathot said that h. thought his cousin, Kevin Slarl:ey, alsoa student.. Columbine H Swasinscience class

Kathol stated tOll! anotherstudent, Zacn Heekierhad been harassing Kevin Alone pointKathoigot inHeckler', faceand told him to leave Starkeyalone I askedKathol whyHeckler was harassing Starkey andhe thought it was because Starkey', e,.girlfriend hadbecomeHeclcler'.giriIDend, This girlwas identifiedas DevonAdam" a friend of DevinKathol' sister,Kayla Kathol

Devin Katholwasshowna map of Columbine High 5<0001 and he marked where he parked histruck as wellas where he saw Dylan andEric and wheremeywere throwing bomb. I read Kall",1 the photo arrayadmonition and showed him a photo my of six" pictures and asked abe recognized the shooters Heimmediately chose photo number ~ as Eric, theperson he saw outside theUbrary on()4..20~99 at 11 15 ~

11 i 6a..~ Photo number 2 isa picture cfEric Harris Kathol wasshown another photo array and asked ifhe recognized the other shooter He immediately chose photo number 3 as Dylan. the otherperson hesawoutside the ~ibrary with Eric Hams Photonumber three IS a photoofDy!an Kleboid

I interviewed Kayia Kathot at the conclusion of the interview withDevin Katho!

Ina fbllcw-up conversation on ()5~05~99. Karhel related that someonekicked in the headligms of his carabout 1 months ago

This interview was concluded

Report prepared by Inv fill geuteler#7~J94May5,1999 ahM

ColoradoState l'1itrol (/'700 Kipling Street, Denver, CO 80'215


JC-001- 000923

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CoI"l'troJ ~ )l.f 0'::>...n:;

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JC.001· 000924

Page 25: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000



Page 26: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


~ntrol IlJ05

Interview Kayla Kathol DOBJOl2483Address. 10842 Mill Hollow Road

littleton, CO WI27Home phone30).697·0219

Sophomore at Columbine High School

Interview with KaylaKathol on 05-04-99by Inv fillReuteler, ColoradoState Patrol, at epprox 10 00"," ather residence Present in the room withus was Gail Kathol,motherofKayl.

Kayl. Kathcl said that she and her boyfriend, ZaehJo/mstonlell the school in her car around II 15atn on04-Z0-99 (Accordingto Jobnston'swebpage, they left the school.t II OOam) Siresaidthat her vebicle lsa gray Subaru Brat pickupwithCO license 98578RS. She said that sho parks in space 328 in tbeJunior101(actually Johnston's parking space). Kaylasaidthat ZachJohnslonsaid that he saw Dylan Klebcld driveupin his blackBMW aslbey were leaving Kayl. saidshe didn't see Dylan. (Al:<:ording10the web page,Jobnstonstates th.t he did seeDylan) Kayla saidthat they tried to go hack to school between 11 40 andII 45amand were uneh1e to because ofthe sheering Kayl. saidthat 'he and Zad! 10h0stonlell and werelookingfor her brother, Devin Kathol and her cousin. Kevio Starkey

Kayla said ,hat sheknewDylan Klebold becauseher friend, DevonAdams had tried to set her up with himKayi. said that she didn', wan, to go out with him Shesaid she also knew Eric Harris Kayl. said sheusedto pick up attendance at 8 loam in the Teoh Lab, and Eric Harris wes always in thereand ....,..., to foUowher out of the room Shedid ""t recallhim saying ."ytlling to her

Kaylasaid that Zach Hecklerand her cousin. Kevia Starkey, didn't get along She did recallan incident last'I"", whena historybook wasstolen fromStarkey', lockerand he had10 payfor it Kayta 'aid she thoughtStarkey'sex-girlfriend, Devon Adams bad given the locker combination to Heckler, and that Heckler stolethe book She thought that Adams and Heckler were boyfriend, girlfrieed Sire saidthat Heckler gotsuspended over the incident,

Ksylasaidthat Zach Johnstonis computer litetllte andcreated his own web ,ite eller the shooting Shesnowedmethe pagesthat she said she primed on the evening of 05·03·99 takenfromthe site The addressi. www dimensional oom/-johnston Shesaid that she occasicnally used her motber'se mailaddress [asked fur the account and Kayla and Gail Kathel saidtheylhought it was [email protected]. [asked Kayl.what names she used and she said, "bratgiri. mistressk:, and dreamlover" Shesaid t!lJlt dreamJover wasreally her mend, Steph..... Bertucci, who goes to school at SI. Mary', Academy

1askedKayiawho Johnston's co-...orker at the movietheaterwas and shesaid it wasBrianSargent Kaylasaidthat Johnstoncouldhe t...had at 303.979-5371 and Starkeyat 301.933·0412.

This. interview was. concluded

Report prepared by Inv JillReuteler~~_~At ,May 7, 1999 Q,L:f~r--­

Colorado State Patrol c;;r-'-700 Kipling Street. Denver. CO 80215



Page 27: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Power Slave's Columbine High School Tragedy Site Page 1 of 11qq-1lt> 2, 5

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'f~ S"l"im;r One of the Gunmen

JC·001- 000927

Page 28: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Power Slave'sColumbineHighSchoolTragedy Site

" ",. ',..,';,~;~~'~~u~~:;

Page 2 of 11q'!-1!o'd.5;:\I:- 1405 ::Jl1

JC-001· 000928

Page 29: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

PowerSlave's ColumbineHighSchool Tragedy Site Page 3 of 11qq-lft,~

.I/.ios. .:R

The Following was written Bya Columbine High student The contentof this pagewas writtenentirelyby this student who is in no way affiliated withany group or organization. The views

expressedon this site are nune aloneand nobody elses

My name is ZachJohnston. I am a student at Columbine High school in JeffersonCounty ColoradoIt is on this site that I will try to explain frommy personal pointof view whathappened to my schoolon April 20, 1999 Sony if the grammEris below average, I really do not care, I spentabout 5minutes deciding what I wouldwrite here, then Ijust let it all out [will expressmy viewsas well asfeelings about this seemingly unavoidable tragedy Thethings I say are whatI think or believe whathappened. Not actuallywhat happened ! will only placebits and pieces of what I knowon this site

I woke up at 6' 10a.m on April 20, 1999 [had a fairly bad cold and a soar throat. I didn't feel likegoing to schoolbut since my friend was picking me up I didn't wantto makeher drive for nothing.She arrivedat my house and we proceeded to goto school at Columbine SeniorHigh. SinceApril20is 4'20, it was a day that manystudentswere supposed to love and enjoyfor various reasons, Heh,Variouspeople told me "Happy ~ 20 Zach!" and "its4 20 and rhavean important date with youknow who." The day seemed prettynormal. I think[ faired well on my math test and we watchedCyranoDe Bergerac in World Studies After math [rushed to my lockerto meet a friend S<1 we could

JC·001· 000929

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-:ltll.105~go out tor Iuncn, 1lie ume was precisety 11'00 and we headed to my house because I cicnt reet so

well and wanted to take some Tylenol. At about 11:30 we headedbackfor school, We were headednorth on Pierce when suddenly we saw a policecruiser in the middle of the road beside a cargo vanand a little Mazda. I figured "oh well anotheraccident thatcould have been preventedand everyoneis overreacting," [had no idea how wrongI was. I told the persondrivingto head in the Woodmarneighborhood so we could get to school using my "stealth" route. We were tben passedby a bunchofkids in a WhiteCherokee who were honkingand waving their arms at us. I thought to myself"Crapthey wannaheat me up and we cant get away becausehercar is too slow"Then they honkedateveryone else so I felt a lot better. [then told her to try a differentwayto school. We headednorth onWadsworth then turned and wenton Bowleswhere we eventually got to piece the stteet my school isone. This is where I knew something was very wrong.

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Piece was blocked off from this side of school as well. Aswe waited in a crowdedintersection ascops desperately tried to guide traffic, I saw a horde ofmyfellowstudentsrunningtowards us. Iyelled at a Girl I knew and asked her what happened. She said "Someguys in black charged intoschooland just shot everyone!'!" I saw hundreds ofparentswhosomehowfoundout about all this.They were runningevery which waytrying to find their sons and daughters. It was a terriblydisturbingsight. I remember specifically one little girl from mychoir class cryingabout how she sawher mend get shot. My first thought was to get home as quickly as possibleto call my Mom since Iknew she would find out about all this before I would, so I did just that. We did a U turn and headedback to my house. I live about! mile fromthe school and counted35 policecars passing us as wedrove. Ambulances and police cars bargingover medians motorcycle cops weavingthroughoppositetraffic almost killingthemselves Its actuallyquite amazing that police units can do such widefishtails and keep control. By the time I got homeand called my mom to tell her I was okay, thethoughtof what was happeninghadn't quite sinked in yet.

My friendcalled her mom and aunt and stuff Whenshe got off the phone, she told me her brotherand cousin werestill in the school somewhere. Her brotherlater calledand said he got out but hercousin was still inside.

I ran into the family room and turned on the TV. Everystationwas coveringthe situationat myschool. Several stations had Ariel shots that amazedme. Of course the media blurted out a bunch ofcrap about the situation that they knew nothingof, and basically madestuff upas they went along. Inever knew how much the media is full of crap about thingsuntil theytalk about stuff I know aboutpersonally

I live on top of a huge hill overlooking the entire DenverMetro Areaand could see the school in thedistance I counted5 helicoptersand 2 planescircling the premises. I couldalso see Clement parkwhere tons of parents desperately searched to find their children The southwest side is the part of theschool 1could view The Library and Cafeteriaare bothon this side.Apparently this is whereall theacnon was taking place The entire southwest side of the school is a hugeglasswindow Severalwindows were shattered.This is basicallyall I could see from here.

The TV said that there were still 900 some odd students left in the school with the gunmen. This isabout half the populationof the student body. While [ watched and wondered for myselfwhat washappening, I knew in my heart who was responsible for this massacre> Abouta month ago my friends

and I went out to lunch. After lunch we had the same WorldHistory class so we wouldtalk together.We wouldoften pass these 2 kids who WOre trench coats. Everyone referred to them as the "Trench


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Coot Mana". My mend Cale reterred to them as the "Rammotem Boyz". Whatever you wanted tocall them, youcould tell they were different Well,one day,Clae snarled a remark aboutRammsteinunder his breath as we passed these 2 guys" The short one whowas named Eric Harris confrontedmymend about it. He said "Everyday you pass me and make fun ofme sayingRammstiensucks" Whydo you do this crap asshole? What did I do to you?" My mend replied "Oh man your so cool, you'remy idol!"Then Eric's friendDylan approachedus seeming to back up his mend" I reallydidn't wantto get involved in a fight even though I knew these guyswouldn't stand a chance. I was afraid ofthings they might do afterwards. Eric was a short clean cut lookingkid and Dylan was a verytallskinnyguywith messed up hair. He alwayswore the trenchcoat, a hat and dark sunglasses, The bellrang and they left and we went into class, That was the end of the confrontation,

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When I got my facts straight and figuredout that 2 gunmenenteredthe school and killed severalpeople I knew,I figured the Trench Coat Mafia was responsible. Many helplesscrying people saidthey recognized them as this group, I was shockedto understand that my hunch was correct. Theyshowedthe picturesofEric Harris and Dylan on TV. Once I saw their pictures, I knew theyhad nodemandsor intent to leave Columbine Highschool alive,

This is the way I think it happened, I have heard several stories from the media, mends, and others,but put this onetogether myself..

Eric and Dylan didn't go to school on Tuesday April 20, 1999 They did attend bowlingclass early mthe morningthough. Instead they entered the student parkinglot at 11,00 Eric in his black prelude,and Dylan in his black BlvlW 325 that the media is tryingto say makes him a rich. privileged kid It'sa crappy early 80s one and if you know what 1mean about early Beemers, they do suck. Theymusthave taken a few minutes to boobytrap their cars and a fewothercars as well, Once they were fullysuitedup theyopen fire on kids heading out in tbe parkinglot that were goingto lunch. Some sourcessay they had body armor strappedto themselves, They threw bombsoutside and one even blew up hiscar, After shootingoutside they charged into the Cafeteriawhere they must have sprayedbulletseverywhere After shooting in the Cafeteria, they ran up the stairs, shot people in the Ob-so-farniliarhalls of Columbine High School, then enteredthe Library, Of course, they threw bombs allover theplace insideas well Nobodyknowsas of yet how longthey were in the Library Some kids go thereduringtheir lunch hour to studyor get workdone, My guess is about 30 kids were in the libraryasusual that day They charged into the Library, shot some people then stopped, I heard storiesofkidswhoescaped the library, They said that the 2 gunmentold all the jocks to stand up because "they arecead!" the gunmen also claim to hate minoritiesas well, [ think: that is bullshit, I Think: they wantedto kill everyone they could. [heard a storyfrom one girl who said that one of them pulled out a knifeand said "Ihave always wanted to kill someone with a knife" Then he put it away for some reason. Ihave a feeling it was Eric who said this, 1think they shot people hidingunder tables executionstyle.People say theywould laughafter they killedsomeone. I guesswhen theyfigured they had enough"fun", they tooktheir own lives, I don't know whetherthey were in the libraryfor 5 minutes or 5hours Afterthey shot themselves, a few survivors in the library tan OUI.

1guess as the gunmen wereentering the school, peoplecould hear the gunshots and explosions Takemy word for It, my school is huge, so autonties didn't knowwhereto go, 1guessMr Sanders wasone of several teachers who was trying to guidestudentsout ofthe school or at least to a secureareawithin, He was unfortunately shot, but managed to staggerto a nearbyScience room whereone ofmy friends cousin was hiding. He walked in bloody and dying wherehe passed out, fell downandbroke hisJaw My friend's cousin tried to keep his air passage open for some amount of time, Theysay he sat up but fell down again a few times A few hours passed, and the SWAT team barged Into

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'1C\.ll..d~"I!-N'05ine room anc creareu everyoneout. tooy SCiIU tmu NIT oaneers nau to oe I~tl mere since fit:' was J'f\

unable to be kept conscious. It was shortlyafter this time that I believe Mr. Sanders, my keyboardingteacher, died. He was also a girls Basketball coach and a businessteacher.

Across the hall from the science room, there was the Choir room, where 60 students stayedfor 3hours. Some movedceiling tiles to get fresh air in. A SWATteam eventually got them out as well.

A guy namedNick, was somewherein the school. He got into the ceiling and crawled to try to getout. The ceiling gave in and he feJl20 ft. He was luckilytoward the front of the school, furoppositefrom where Eric and Dylan were, so he was taken to safety.

r rememberseeing one student at a window Obviously shot several times. It appeared that he wastrying to jump out the 2nd story librarywindowand end his pain. It was the most disturbing andmovingsight I have ever witnessedin my life. What the incredibly ignorant news crew cameramenweren't seeing was a fire truckjust below the windowthat the boywas aiming for. SWAT membersgrabbedhim and carried him off to safety. As he was taken from the window, his blood drenchedsock touchedthe wall and smeared all over. I felt immensesadnessafter seeing this particularscene.The firstversion I saw was this kid trying to jump and kill himself,Tlater saw a better angle thatshowedthe boy being pulled from the window. I guess the retard news crew cut off the scene rightbefore the hands of the SWAT memberscame into view. I learnedlater that His name is Patrick, akid I have known since 2nd grade. He once made fun of my for buyingRebok Pumps in 3rd gradebecausethey were 5 sizes too big.)

Duringthe entire siege, SWATteams enteredthe schoolar various places and rushed to get myclassmatesout. For all they knew, they were rushinginto the school with guns drawn and the killerscould be anywhere. But,1knew that these 2 gunmen weren't silly kids influencedby games,and tv.They were trained and had plannedout this entire day Brooks,a student I had a choir class withexplained howhe knew people involvedin this "TrenchCoat Mafia". At the time he spoke to meabout them, it had nothingto do with anything. It was j ust a randomconversation that took placeseveral monthsago. He told news crews that every timesomebodymessed with them or teased them,they would go home and plan this thing out. It wasn't somethingthey did after a good day at schoolaccording to Brooks, who hadno part in it.

Abouta year ago, I worked at a movie theatre with one of the Trench Coat Mafia kids. Twont list hisname since I don't think he had anythingto do with this. He wouldconstantly complainabout richjocks and other stuff that is commcn to hear. I figured to myself 'just an angry kid ventingsomeanger" Then one night he came into work andtold me he had been chased In his car by so and so.Welt, turns out 50 and so were athletes from my schoolwho don't seem to have anythingbetter do tothan torment this dude.

I can see why the fellowI worked with hated Columbine High School. I Can safely say that I don'tthink he took part in the Terror that was createda few days ago. I don't think he was a corrupt kideither I think that Eric and Dylan were the only ones involved that I knew about. Although nowpoliceare saying they found30 explosivedevices in backpacks, WIder bodies, and inside lockers,sothey probably were not in it alone. These deviceshad been planted before the gunmenentered theschool.

If otber members of this "TrenchCoat Mafia"were treated like my past co-worker, then this is theironly "motive" for doing what they did a fewdays ago. They were 2 outcast kids that were constantlymade fun of, and they finally snapped. What they were thinkingbefore they performed this horror

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WIll never De concervame to anyone. it naa notnmgto co WlID uoom or I.'WlKe, 1 v or movies, tt IS .. IIfCfSJ'"5R

all pain inside their heads that they couldn't deal with. Some blame parents, other students, the NRA,or whatever. Not They weren't man enough to deal with their misfortunes, so they took the easywayout.

During the disasterat my school The namesof the dead where withheld for various reasons. Havingan idea who was in that librarywas the worst feeling I have ever had to deal with. A mend told methat Patrickhad been shot. He was alive and takento the hospital. Anotherperson told me thatRachel Scott wasdead. I rememberRachel beinga verywarm,caring, a funny person. She wasanactor, a singer, and had a long futureaheadofher. It was all broughtto a halt. I rememberwhenwewere sophmores when we had to disect these babypig teams's. She was really scared and shakingwhenthey put the pig down in the disection tray, So I tied 2 stringsto the pigs arms and made itdance around and sing songs. She thought it was reallyfunnyand soon started cutting this poor deadpig apart in all kinds ofstrange ways. She was also a verytalented singer. She was an alto in mychoir class when we were sophmores, I heardthat the gunmendidnt actually go throughtbe front ofthe cafateria, but instead walkedaround and up the stairs wherethe media Showed footageofall thekinds runningout ofthe school. I believethat the gunmen entered the upperdoors whereRachelanda hoy nameRichard were. Richard was quickly gunned down,but didn't die. Richard saysthat heheard the gunmenask Rachel ifshe believedin god, she said "yes' and they soon ended her life.Rachel was a victim of a pair of outcastspouring out their poison on innocent lives [now knowthatifRachelcan perish. anyonecan perishand there is nothing' we can do about it.

I foundtremendoustorment when I remembered that a girl named Cassie was in the libraryat thistime for sure. [ was absolutely sure she was in tbe librarywhen the gunmen entered...

When I wasa sophomore, I noticeda new girl in class. Apparently her name was Cassie and she wasvery pretty and quite. At the time I didn't take muchnotice to her since my attentionwas usuallydrawnto Ms Haggard who always caughtme mouthing off or doing somethingI shouldn't have beendoing. Then we were given an assignment where you had to pick a partner and write about somethingI cannot remember. I was absent when we chosepartners, so I wrote about how I lovedsnowboarding, Each group of 2 had to stand up and read their paper. [ read mine and as usualwasyelledat by Ms. Haggard for screwingaround and not writingabout the correct topic Then Cassiestood up and read her paper alone becauseshe didn't have a partner. It was about how she was newin ColumbineHigh School and she tried to explainbow unfair it was to have to do a partnerassignment when you don't know anybody, She read her paperwith great confidence and didn't carewhat anyone thought. After she sat down,some studentsgrumbledand whisperednegativecomments. Two of myfriends even took part in this sickeningdisplay, but not 1. There wassomethingabout this girl that wrotethis paper that caused me to stay quite, I wanted to approach herand talk to her everyday of that semesterafter she read that paper, but I neverdid. I have neverhad aproblem goingup and talking to someone in my entire life until she came along. Weeks past, thenmonths, then the semesterended,

Yearspast, and I still see Cassie in the hall periodically, Then a few months ago A girl i knew who isfriends with Cassie told me I should talk to her becauseshe said Cassie is really nice and an over allcool person. I still had this fear oftalking to her I didn't understand it. I could probably go up to myprincipaland recite every bad wordI knew, but I couldn't even say "Hi!" to this girl. Well, one day,and I think somebody planned this, I wasafter school in the photo room making up work, when shewalked in. I figured "what the heck?" and wentover and talked to her. I suppose she somehowknewthat I liked her. She turned out to be one of, if not, the coolest person I have ever spokenwith, I could


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tell sne was nervous oecause sneprooamy tnougnr 1 was someson or rreax tor telling ner 1 rememoer"Ilj~a papershe cant even rememberwriting. I didn't get anyworkdone that day,but I didn't care. After v~

time, she becamemore openand we talked more. Afterthis, I didn't reallyknow where to go. Iwould greet her in the ball for the last timea few minutesbeforeshe entered the libraryon April20th, 1999.

I have terrible regretsdealing withCassie in particular. I have no idea and will probablyneverknowhow long she was held in that library untileitherEric or Dylanpulledthe triggerwithouteventhinking twice. One survivor from the library told me thatwhen the gunmen got to her and held a gunto her head, they asked her is she believed in god. She stood upquicklyand screamed "YES IBELIEVE IN JESUS!"and they killed her. Shemay havebeenone ofthe hostages destinedto die bythe handof one of the gunmen. I felt trulyhorriblewhen her nameand picture flashedon my screenon April 21st, 1999. I hoped beyond belief that I wouldhave becomeclose friends with her beforethat day. Now this is impossible. I cannotexplain, I was uncontrollably drawn to her since she readthat essay. One thing that bothersme is the way that people think more highly ofher becauseshe wasa dedicatedChristian. You see,variouspeoplewho knewCassie madereferenceofhow she used tobe into witchcraftand "into the dark sideofthings" whatever that means. Do you know what thismeans in reality? This means that if Cassiehad not been religious, these same peoplewould feel lesspain when she died. ram sorry if you do not agree 'With me on this. I thoughtthe world of Cassie,religiousor not. 1never knewCassieas wellas 1wouldhaveliked.1am not a memberofher churchgroup, I know nobody in her family, but I do knowone thing that many have overlooked. I know thatCassienever judged a personbywhat they were, shejudgedthem according to who they were. Thegirl who died for her faith will be remembered so bymany, but1will rememberCassie as a personthat befriendedpeople for who they are, nOI what theyare or what they belive in. I am a true exampleof this She didn't think any lessofme whenI told her I was not religious. If anyone who readsthisknew Cassieand thinks less of me for what I havejust said, she was differentfrom you,and you willnever understand.

Isaiah was a senior who I neverknew at all. He seemed to be a cool guy. He was black and anathlete, so if he was in that library, there Is no doubt that the gunmen wouldtargethim. He probablywould have had a long lite to live. His dad kept his composure whiletalking about Isaiah on the TVHard to imagine.

Mark is a boy that I have known since Kindergarten. He has a rwinbrother namedMike. Markwasborn with a defect in his leg and arm. He couldn't run at all, but he could walk,and he couldonly useone of his hands. We was in that libraryand was shot 2 times in the head and 2 times in the neck. Hesomehowsurvived. I can only imagine that he wilt be even moredisabled the rest of'his life. Thissickens me. He sat In frontof me in choir the dayhe wasshot,but by the time high school camearound, I was no longer friends with him. I rememberhow he had dreams of being a racecardriverwhen he grew up. I wonder if he still had this hopewhenhe was in that library

There were countlessother victims both injured and killedby Eric and Dylan2 days ago. I am thesort of personwho stnves to be in control. Total controlis my life goal. Watching the TV that dayseeing what the Gunmen had been doing, I felt helpless. It is the first time in my adult life that I haveever felt that there was nothingI could do.My dad wasspecifically worried that I wouldhavebeen inschool that day and probablytried something stupidto stop/kill The gunmen. I wouldhave to agreewith him on this one. 1look backat the time Eric and Dylanapproached me and my friends, and Iwish I would have had someway of knowing that they woulddo something like this. I probablywould have taken personalaction to makesure it didn't happen.

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tile tnougnt or mends lIke Mark, Kachel, ana t:assle, oemgvrctrms or 1IliS cnrne haunts meconstantly. People say "the library and hadthe gun pointed closeto me" But one thingsticks in mymind more thananything, As we weredriving out of the parking lot at school to go to lunch, I sawDylanand his old 3251. He wasenteringthe school likenothing was goingto happen. Then I madeeye contact with him for a split second,and he lookedat me with no emotion. 1trulyhad no idea hewas soongoing to perform the mosthorribleschool massacre in history.

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Looking back at that day, where the sound of trumpets playedHells song, I think about howhappy Iam that so many of my friends and class males still live to this day, I hada dream ofme being in thelibrary. I thoughtto myself"My god, Im goingto die without a chance!" then one of the gunmenplacedthe gun at my forehead "This is mychance!" and I grabbed thegun like I was trainedso manyyears ago,and then I awoke, Did i suceed in stoppinghim and suprisingthe other gunmenwho wasnot looking" Or did I perish?I keep thinkingabout how this could have been a possibility, but I amtruely glad it was not. I have not said a worddealing with the politicalgarbage that is being spewedabout by so many heartlesscareer boosting individuals. I know the true answer to so manyquestionsthat orbit this tragedy. Throughouthistorypeople report individualswho are crazy and sociallyunstable. Many murders come to mind. Eric Harrisand Dylan Kleboldwere two completelyunstablementalcases who were bound to act as theydid from the start. Sogo ahead, blame the guns, the lackof metal detectors, the parents, the video games, theother students, the lack of religion in schools,orwhateveryour fancy. Whatever makesyou feelbetter. I imploreyou, take it from me. Laws are madelogicallyto protect people, but what happens whenpeople who are nor logical exist in our world?

You cannot run from it.

If you would like to help those affected by this tragedy,head to my DonationsSection

[email protected] If you have comments or thoughts about what I have written feel free.

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Denver Police Department

Metro Gang Task Force

Dale: 05·02-99To: TheJeffersonCounty DistrictAttorneys OfficeForm: Detective TerryDemmel 78007- AssignedWithTheColumbine LawEnforcement Task Force

Supplementary Repon

Ref: Interview with Columbine Sophmorestudent t'fike Kenny DOB 07-27-83 by phoneat [303J 973-4303 .

On 05·01·99 a14:30 P.M. Denver PoliceDetective TerryDemmel, assigned with the Columbine LawEnforecement Task Force, interviewed Columbine Sophmore student M"Jke Kenny DOB 07·27·83 byphone. Mike reported thathe and friends Arthur Curtis. Brian Stepp and Jason Brehm were on thesoccerfieldplayingsoccerwhen theysaw fire crackers goingoffby theupper doersnext to theLibrary.Theyobserved a partyina blacktrenchcoat with black pants;Mike statedthathe was approximately100yards away. Mikereported that the guyhad a TEe9 in his hand, a person wearing a white T-shirtandblue jeans wasabout10 feet behind the guy in the trench coatand theyboth appeared to be together.

Mikestated thathe wasn't sure if the guyin the whiteshirt wasshooting anything or not. Thepartyinthe trench coatand the white shirt then turned their attention towards theboys on thesoccer fieldand theperson in the trenchcoatbeganshooting at them and theycouldherethe bullets whizzing past. Theboys tookoff running andMikereportedthat he lookedback approximately 10 seconds laterto see anexplosion on the roofwith smoke comingfrom thesite.

When Det. Demmel askedMike ifhe thought it was possible that theparties in the trench coatand whiteshirt could have thrown something up onto the roof he answered that " Yes " hedid thinkfrom wherethe twO were snmding thattheycould easily toss something onto theroofand thathe didnotseeanybody on theroof at the that time.

Mike reportedthathe and theother boysran to a house at 6337 So. TellerSt. where a woman let themstay in her garage. Lakewood PoliceOfficer ChuckPowell contacted themthere at 1:40 P.M. and tooka written statement from Mike. That statement is attached to this report. In thatstatement Mikewritesthat as they ran they could seesmokeand more explosions coming from either theroofor patlcing lot.

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CONTINUATION 0Reporting A!i¢T1cy Rep(lrting: om¢« Casi: Report \/0

SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Erzen 99-7625Connecting-Cue Repon No. ViClim NameOriginalRc~ Date This Repolt

DN 4972 08-12-99"lcation c First Degree Murder ~SlalllS~ ()pm X fu:~tIcnally eldred 0 Reernnmcnd Case: Review o

R,,,,,llS'iin.:ari;:m 0 Clomd byArmt o UnfulUldbi c Closure o

J15: IQu.a:1liry 'I BnmdName IDe;crlptioo I Serial No. f~1: I ~llj'.le I Valuecv~ D<lrna!!:!n


King, Melanie, 006105-24-819003 West Cross Drive, #15Littleton. CO 80123H: 303-904-8144

Business Address: Graduate- ColumbineHigh School

(Parental Information)

King.Roy9003 West Cross Drive,#15Littleton. CO 80123H: 303-904-8144B: 303-236-2628


On August 12, 1999between the hours of 1030and 1040, I hadan opportunity to speak with Melanie King inreference to the Columbineincidentthat occurredon April 20, 1999. Melanietold me that she had left schoolprior tothe incident occurring. Melanie stated after she wasreleased from her fourthhour Foods class which was taught thatday by a substitute teacher, Mr. Sneddon, she walked downthe mainhallwayto the west exit, walked down the stairsjust outside the cafeteria. and proceeded out into the semorparkinglot. Melanietold me that she believed it wasbetween11:15 and II :20 a.rn. when she reachedher vehicle, which wasparked in the senior lot, space #4. Melaniestated she proceededto drive from the seniorparkinglot and as shewas passingthe junior parking lot, she recalledseeingDylan Klebold dressed in his black trenchcoat and he was walking from the parking lot in the directionof thehighschool. Melanie went home for lunchand it wasn't until she tried to return to the school, that she found out aboutthe shootingincident.

Melanie was asked if she was positive on identifying Dylan Kleboldas the individual she saw walking in theJuniorparking lot. Melanie stated there was no doubt in her mind that was Dylan, she knew Dylan from school. Melanietold me that she only knew him by first name, but again, there wasno doubt that was Dylan Klebold. Melaniewasasked if Dylan was WIth anyoneor if he was carryinganything whenshe saw him in the parking lot Melanie statedshe did not see anybodywith him and she only looked at himbrieflyand he didn't appear to be carryinganything. Atthis point, Melanie was asked if she ever heard any gunfire or sawanyonefiring any weapons while she was atColumbine High School, and she stated she did not.

JC-001· 000942

Unit Assigned To


Page 43: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION 0Rej'lOrting Agency Reporting Officer Case: Repon Nu

SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Erzen 99-7625Col'lltCeling CaseReport No VisumName 0rigW1 R<:port DawThisReport

DN4972 08-12-99C 'mi(;:;tjon 0 First Degr.. Murder ot'blHs~ Open , E..tGcprU:lflslly Ct.re4 0 Recommend Case: Review o, AifW.iltitm 0 CltMed by Am:sl CJ UllJClIJIdc<j 0 Closure 0

!~ IQuaDrity IBrand Name ID&ripOOD ISWJNo ~= I Vallie I varu:Recovued Oamaacd


FBI Case #4·DN·57419, DN #4972.


Case open pending further investigation.

JC..o01- 000943

omq'rure Unit Number Supervisor Iniuals andDau: A!signed To Page 1 !". , I:J1?"L ';;"'57

of ! IOR!Gi:"'AL AI L'i~~STIC,,-roR: \'ICl1:.lSEJt\-jCES IOTHJHt I ASAF341~8 JeW/16i4

Page 44: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


Jc..o01- 000944

Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


offenD: MURDERVictim: SCOTT...." 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY,"V ... , 1197 GIF..SON


""", 99038856e..., 05/06/99h!_t 1 ot 2-K-V' 1144~~ln3~~~1'1

---------------------------------~-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jefferson County Sheriffs O.R., 99-7625FBI control number: 174A-DIV-57419

SUBJECT: KLAPPER, Kari AnnDOB: 11/09/818946 West Prentice' AVe.Littleton, co. 80123(303) 973-924:1.

PARENTS:MOTHER: Pat KlapperFATHER: Gary Klapper


On April 29th I was interviewing Columbine student Lacey Hohn. Durin~the interview Lacey said that a student Kari Klapp~r might have walked pastthe shooters just prior to the beginning of the shooting. I identifiedKari from the student roster, and made an appointment to interview on May6th at 0800 hours.

On May 6th at 0745 hours I arrived at 8946 West Prentice Avenue andconducted an inter,iew with Kari. Kari related that she is a junior atColumbine High School, and was at school on April 20th. She continued tosay that she had walked up the stairs that lead from the parking area tothe west main level entry along the outside of the school. Kari relatedthat when she reached the top of the stairs, at about 11:1SAM, she noticeDylan (KleboldJ standing near the entry to the building. She said thatRachel Scott and Richard Castaldo were also sitting on the side walk nearthe enterance having lunch. Kari said that they always have lunch there.She related that she spoke briefly to Rachel and Richard, and as shestarted to walk down the side walk to the "pit" she noticed that Dylan hadleft and a male subject she believed to be Eric Harris was standing there.

She advised that she was not entirely sure the subject was Harris. Sheadvised that he was wearing a white t-shirt, black pants with blacksuspenders and he was holding a gun at his side with both hands. Karisaid that she was not really sure what kind of gun it was. Kari relatedthat it did not register about the gun for a second. Kari stated that shehad walked about 10 feet when she heard a series of very rapid shots behindher and an explosion. She said she briefly turned and looked and saw

Harris shooting down the stairs in the direction of the parking lot. Kari


Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

... 9903S8S6I.All::EWOOIl CO PP .... 2 of 2Supplement 05/06/99 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY

further advised that after hearing the shots and explosion and lookingtoward the source of the sound she observed a large cloud of grayishcolored smoke coming from the area of the parking lot. Kari said that shestarted running and ended up at the picnic area to the north-west of theschool. She waited there for a brief period of time when someone said"they're coming this way". At this time they jumped the fence intoClements Park and went to the parking lot where she got a ride with afriend, Evan Onis. Kari said that after leaving the lot the took a girlhome (she did nat know this persons name) and then went to Wills (a friendof Evan) house. There she called her parents.

Kari stated that just before the shots the only people at the top ofthe stairs was Harris, Rachel and Richard.

Kari stated that she was not in the cafeteria at all on the morningof April 20th. She reported that neither Harris or Klebold had a duffeltype bag when she encountered them just before the shooting. She alsoadvised that neither said anything to her just before the shooting. Kariadvised that she has spoken to Klebold before in school and he had jumpstarted her car once for her. She advised that Dylan seemed very normalduring her contact with him. She advised that she did not know Harris,She also said that she did not socialize with either or anyone in thegroup. Kari stated that her friend, KRISTA HANLEY, was closely associatedwith the Trench Coat Mafia. Kari said that she had spoken to Krista oftenbefore April 20th and that Krista had said nothing to her about anythinghappening on that day. Kari said·~hat after the shooting she spoke toKrista and Krista seemed very shocked that Harris and Klabold had donethis. Kari advised that she had heard no rumors about trouble on April20th before that day.

Kari could provide no further information and my interview concludedat: 0820 hours.

"-'n<' 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY PriM•• , 05/07/99 17:12,,"g••n" 1514 HINKLE, GEORGE 05/07/99 13: 23--------------------------.. ----.------.--------------------------·---'EOR'

JC-001- 000946

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Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000



CRt. 99-1162IN,. 9908504Detectives. 1150/2260


Jeffeo Case #99-7625

F.B.I. Case #174A-DN-57419

Control Number 2772, Assigned 05-03-99, Kreutzer/watson.

On 05-11-999 I called the pager of the message on thepager was quite interesting. The message is that of machine gun fire, carssquealing their tires and people screaming. I took the time to meet JasonLallement in person due to the very nature on the message on his pager.

I met with Jason Lallemenc at his residence,7.5.2.S.wiii.•oititiaiwiailiPili.•••1.ttleton, co. Jason explained his relation to.

He played various computer games with Klebold fromtime to time. The games they played were similar to "Doom". They usedcomputer modems to play these games and this is why his number wa sin hispossession.

Josh added he had a class with Klebold and last talked to him theFriday prior to the incident. The class was creative writing. He knewHarris also, but didn't talk much to him. Harris was in the same creativewriting class, he sat behind him often. Josh stated he thought Klebald wasa nice guy.

I then talked to him about the message on his pager. He felt therewas nothing wrong, it is a beginning of a music album. He has had it ontheir for a long time and never gave it any thought. Josh's thought to itwas he sees nothing wrong with it and he has not done anything illegal. Icontinued to approach the message as this is of interest to us being theinvestigation involves shooting of persons.

I spoke to Josh briefly about his activity after high SChool. Heindicated he has no plans at this point. He will be graduating shortly.

JC-001- 000948

Officer I Number I Date Supervisor INumber IDate Page I # of #

Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


SUPPLEMENT iiiCoo Meling Case Re$:>ort NQ

-C ...lion D 1 J .... j;.AeeJ<lS:sitlca!iol'l [J j1_\$#'I'/IC1P.

i Offense S:a1l!!t Openi Cleared by Arrut

o Exee:ptionally Clearedo Unro1Jnded


Re<:omm&t\d Ca~: Review 0Clcsu/'9 0

r Serial No.

CQrdI44" -t 100011'1TJifJ{,.l/leiJt w I TN ~Q~Hv4 L~~M~~1

1 :floc$' ~, (,1 'l'f'JI,-/A I'L.'i 'f r- ?;l)1/ .

Q,t; ,fr;~1.- ""'~....N €v4"i( 'r1'S40V

aVI A.--"<I'?iN1!1. t<:-4A1. r-o:

l..II~'-l/'< !f"r;1TIhP NO /<.rfj I!i fAll!

C(-I/">f fl;. 0-&'< 11I(f. •

C ",,~I'>l i '" i7 ' ;0IHU-.1+4. MW

JC-G01· 000949

Un!l A!ls;gn!ld To "Pa9'l' .j


Page 50: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


JC·001. 000950

Page 51: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

WVI'W f fnUJ"l, IIV'~ I T~~-' I~~;ECKE~"~"'Q

SUPPLEMENT XX 99.1625·BCOMe1:tiDg Cue Rq.cn. No

I~7IPTE ~~TIMSIUe l!uttl;~

04.26·99Classification I Off_ S""", Open Exceptionally Qea,red R""""""'" Use: Re-.iew

-!-,tdll'!8iikalion i Cleared by A.ttest Un!""""," C""""1"

I BraadNa~ TDescription mr Serial No.V~ue f Value , Value

No Stolen ~ Dm"""


At 0800 HI'S on this date. I conducted an interview with CHS student Brandon E. Larson at his home7766S, Saulsbury 8t. 978-9028, Both parents Darrell and Patriciawere present at their request Brandon toidme the following of his account of the incident which occurred on 04-20·99:

'-Ie. along with fellow students JeremyZele andSabrina? were in the south lot of the school at about 1115-lrs preparing to go off campus for lunch, Brandon noticed a fallow stUdent he recognized as Eric HarrisNalking north through the south lot which is very common. Harris was wearing a black trench coot and ajarl< ball cap with embroidering with the bill to the front. Harris was carrying a black duffle bag and as alsoNearing dark colored pants. They left tor lunchand heardaboutthe incident on the car radio,

Brandon who is a football player, does knowof a group calling themselves the Trench Coat Mafia, He'sknown the believed members to stick by themselves and often sit in a comer of the cafeteria. He reportsnever being bothered by reM members, norhas he hadany problems with them. Brandon has no ideawhy there may have beenalleged threats against him.

JC-001- 000951


Page 52: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

File 174A·DN·57419InvThomas Wilson, DITTF

April29, 1999

Patricia Larsonwas contactedin regards to information recovered during a searchwarrant of Eric Harris' room.

Patricia Larsonstated the addresswas their old address from July 1997, At lhattime her son, Brandon Larson, was a football piayet at the high school. She did not think therewere any problems between Brandonand Harris,


Brandon a.m::rs was contacted and stated he was cu.r:rentiy a football playeron theJunior Ymiry FootballTeam, On the day of the shooting Brandon was away from the school atlunch.

Brandon has also given a detailed interviewto Dan Dunnebecke,West MetroTaskForce.

Re: DN1580

JC.()01. 000952

Page 53: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


JC·001· 000953

Page 54: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

Plfge_i_ of .;:-

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

f"-"!>i J:l I"NA - AN - S 741'1-:I"e.s QA '1'i' ..,<. t.!"

Case N'o. DN I", I (

Na"" {Last,. ,...." Making Sta1etMm~

"'. thAb /f\..1,J (l.cM-£:, o Officer Witneu 0 Person advisfJd

{~~sm.~ City County 1.00ZtpCod.

(~()s:(. ::s C.ON,,~-....nN /....I.N~ l.::l<\~-r LI""I"l....n .. '" T~ ~O(1.?>

Rfl;Sidonr,:q PharM: , t~~ono Social Security !'io, Dataifr~ty&jriai No.130313<f7·'2,...<.{1....Ilusir>oG S___

CItY CountY IState tip Code

.s'"T....C~ I

l)T~Sana; No,

lil"'~1 t:il h1 Time1;;"'""1 • ~ "'w ooCl""A,<,O ..., S-c (" l" {~O<::> Hou($

Concerning _~~ 3t:

/{.5. jlOC3UOn wllefe staU:ment taken:

c:!..c \--. M. '3' ,..,G"

Summ...,ofS nene

D€?, WOOr:.wftHl I"-'iLr,L.,f1 b-""W "''tl d,~ ~"'t+w. N 'N r+r. ~ 1~"" IN 0tc'

PL,;; s <;-'We.::: Of- (~S Mo-I~ I ,ea:;(,!"YV'\~, 4.--I.D f=1+""'1+« I Q<+M.l..<.-.s.,

c. (+Ai) :;"1 A--1 <,-'V -;;';"ffl-r If,;- ~"<=1) h 5a.~o ... A-....<> Nt:. fi.., ~"7 or~,.fY>t, .IN H15 9<.j t1/1"l"S<.l<!>'5'"!1 G>h-,-~! 6>t..e-.:w C/ff'r-o M,S'5""!l Ht~ h~<;'7

T ...... c, <!,"","",S''''5 II+<.<'N f'+.7"7 e:"'W 0 eo l+r S 3''f' POrx,a 0 Q.<..-+ s s , Q.t+.4-0

fJrl(QD Qt+'A1l IAJI:n'V1' Pb'v...lN::;7A(.lS 1tM::"N 70 f/:, $ ~ I", 7("1"'; S'c:W/dR

U1 (SMae ~ 2.0) I,).j"""''''l(.f; /'fl.",," Jt:::"'f'.I' fl/'IA-Rdl.c.lf+A(1)7 Wi........"""" IfG W~~

bt:""..,Jr... r::; 60 70 w."....r<l.H DF-~ (!fl-.tv\"'vs ltV, "tl(, -r; M C!.+s'1t-«: M<;-r

Q:.!+A-<::. ~c, ::J&F A-t 7~- f2.A-1t. vJ~ T~ (L;~""I'7t:'D ~1.1I·:~'-7' (!.~

/rrJ IJ "J'"<!'f'i' &7 / N70 Ilq,4-O'.5 l!.t;,<: ~ 8~'G"" Ch.< 7 A-s (l.t+,+il Pi) ,-,-",1)

() <.(7 D11-ftN ¥<...",,"'eOt..J) W~ P,-!'_L.I,...r1o tr-l ro i<+ii (....,7 J fh-.,Ne'! I...J

I have read !he to/egoing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the be$t af .tty knowledge and bellef, Ido nor ml.l.int.ain that it CIJntJ'Jins sil 01 the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts abOUT which! have beenasked.

__1_._1_-...late CAM

JC-001- 000954

Signature of"Person Mak.~t'lg Statement

111I11 mil mllIlilllllll'0600'

Page 55: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

,.-Pago"'Z.- 01-':':>'---_ Pag•• Ca.. # _

Summary of Statamant tcont.) -:-__--::--__-:-:- ..,..... _

l3 LA-~iC. iE.t:-NCW & '-'7. t-~ q Fl.-I PP,="':D (\ P-I'-" D1.... A-.-.i A.~ It

H-I <N'J <l~1 6Jt.~ (N '" -r~'"'N D.e~"'" c.ru.7 ~ 7tf-5 I.....s'7" A-.vt::, 7;.

c~ [~S itJ """"....... L>1 L.~ tLw:~r-£) s: ""Co.., ~,,5c..rtocL k...""<7

ttl ~~. Q.~ ~P~3 7", b1~ A-o &'L'c:. l~:) &N p,.

/+Nt:, :T,,.,Y+<,...lS. ~...l-A--i.l ~N S Tote ~Ao:S.., 15i'l'S~A-<..I.. ft<-. Cl fu07""kt..

lc-~ '-I ,;.>s T J:+->47 1::"1 t,..A-r.J A.,-..; I:> I::~ e ike \ (~~ {....1 /", ":0<..\1i:"O tIV .

LU t-h.rnJ C!. t+<\-Q /"lI-W' So 7"" t i '- f1.,N b t:> U s <.{~ M <.h,.A.'7

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b"TJI~c, Q..~ Dae.:> pJ""", 4sscc..u'I'{ S' IfJc7,+ b1 t..A--.-J 0'<'

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I have read the foregoing statement and the facts conrained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. fdo not maintain that it contains all of the facts or derails of the incident. but only those facts about which I have beenasked.

I I-- -o.iil -- 0 AM

~'""""=",.,..,"'=='" [J PMTime Statement Completed Signatuteof ~SQ(l Makil'iQ Statement

JC.o01· 000955

Page 56: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

p;,g".3> ofDenver ponce Department


Cas" NO._.....:;.::s;.~L _

N£t~.. It.aat, First, MiddleInttia! t Makini} Statement 15:

~ " ... 1..< ,.., H-Ao 0 Officer 0 Witness 0 P$r:ron adviHd

~l>,,,,.mceStrut Address CIt'( County I$tate Zip Code

R.sidence Phone I~U8ineSS ?hOO&

Ci"'~-No. Date of Birth! Serial No,

t 1 ( 0 }.: 7""

BuaiMSS Street Address County !state Ziti Cod"

01ficer Taldnq St.uement Serial No. ~oatB TimeHour>

COl'1(Jeming an incidem occurring at::. jLOca1ion where statement taken:

S"mmary of Statement:

c.~ ~,-:::.--rtffl-~ bt:~ fh..to

~""'" '" I N<.."1---'U"-'-P5=-ef:1e:..-_. _

c..,~ ~ A fl:,,,,,v..1if: tJtS~ $"<!"Nl"4 1:>",1../,..1(" A tJt:I'\N:3> 6J..1:lMMS7

~ (/'hE $'(ll-!CQI... "f'1't"e V<E:t+,,,-u; ei=l'U.>"""":-' 70 z..r..e.# 4t..~,-(;"(

c~ ~'1""-It"'7J TIf-t.l-'1 ~7 $-,v<I; ~~ A-c..o. iN 'ft:"", p~'V!. S;1~i.'5W~=: 13....-'1 IV", A-:5 S I ... N etl Fin. [1+<::7[, <;;~"W '0 L (;'')1.,( b L A-N A"vj) 1;:;./4C-

AL"",,:,!!.4-7 7i'!';' S'C!ricot... A, 4<;<.."'<7 3: '10,4. M 1"-1 0,£.0<">(. 7", w-rSPf+.CIif'; (!..i....<> 5E -zo 7ttr::. Sur-ooL.

t have lead the loragolng statement and the tects contained therein are true to the best of ,ny knowledge and helief. Ido nor maintain that n ctJnrain-s a1l cd the facts or derails of the incident" but only those facts about which f have beenasked.

I I-- ~-- CAM JC.Q01· 000956

o PMSJgnatu:e ot Person Making Staterna.-,t

OPO 368 (fkv Zl95! I111111 1lI11 III 1111111111111'0600'

Page 57: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

, I ('"'Page _'1_ of_....__ Pages case , _

Summary of Statement Icont.] ---------------=-------f''T---­4- 1~ H-(.,d A-7 70L"irCo.LJ1 !AJ,64-t"S A-r S:'-I"i~"">1" R.~"1"1

12-ttA-fJ h i ~ NCJ7 5'",,""""2~, W '+u J~ {", Itt::> g~,,-< "-/..C~rtS 5 I ()N 76I-C Ili\ O,I.rJ, ....d.. eN<- (.'Nr"~.,-fOO1 'T'""I¢S .

c.~ Wau r4 W !:hI~ 23kN (loS C!J,..p (B*t. '" """"'<.<:)5) If. 8 u'tCK.. ,

(! i:> Co. (.. A..t. <... t;;'"sS. .s-t+c"t.7-~ oF1i:" If<="'!.l S ti"t e'7 4-.vo ~....... :r~s ~ -rIf€])1 t.:¥'- ~ ~t+o01 ("-'(,s.

t tieve read the foregoing statement and the facrs contained therein are true to the best ot my knowlfJdge and belief, Ido not maintain that it contetns all of the facts 01details of the incident, but only those tecte about whlcfll have beenasked.

__ 1__1_-Date 0 AM

o PMTI'F.,m=."S"',,=,eme==nt"Co7.m:::.:c,.=t.~d SignatlJ(e of Parson Makino SU't"''''''''M

JC·001· 000957

Page 58: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

114 (ICase No._-..:._...:.. _Denver Police Department


Page s: of <;;

Name 'Last. fim, Middle1nitiaOC!. MaJdnoStatement is:

~ GoHL-ll" tHH::. 0 Olf_ a w""... 0 Person al;iviaed

Re", ...$nce Strut Address CitY Co..,ty jSf3te Zip Code

Residence PticneI~-

Sodat Security No. OaM of Birth i Serial No.I I '{' :Business Street Address City County iState Zip Code

iOfficer Takinq Staremem Sofu1iNo. 10.... l1me


Co.ncsrt\inq an lncideot nceun\ng a.t= jlOCaOOn wbecc: mtement taken:


f! ~-/..A-Ij [;,1¥1 &n A-c ho..-:> "-J<:r1 e:;r;; ,J',,·'I'fJ....-v<- 7~ t N <. 7", A.v t Q """"

t"""",.:-Q sc DA-1v" T -.(S'1 Be'f"<o~ ~ N(;M. •

f have read the /Dragoing ststemen: end the facts contained therein are true to the best of my J,;nowledge and belief, ldo oet mairrlain that it cont:ttins aJJ ot rhe facts Of details ot the incident, but only those facts about which 1 have beenasked,

1_._1_-"al. CAM


JC.()01· 000958

Siifl.anue of PersQ."'l MaiUng: Statement

OPO 366 (Ftc" 1/951

Page 59: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

D60 It L &7 U'" coCJ"-'J?)

"j)"'''-l'''b t'+F-r<£€V£CNI


c.lf<'rll' l~'7 OF l,...crT

(P~S$"> D~ <-Aor-»

...I::,sl I'</A- ON -S7'-l1't

::rc. Sa J;t '1'1-1 f., '-S

1>1 411'rJ'; [2""7<£I "!1u Lo-r I,.) 8MW

JC·001- 000959

Page 60: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


JC.001· 000960

Page 61: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUAnON CIReporting Agetlcy Repolting Officer Case Reprn"t No

.SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99·762S·LCotltlet:(illiC.J.Se Report No Victim NameOriginalRep(ll'1 DateThis Repol"l

-- COLUMBINE 05-06-99c .,,'" X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Ofl'er"ltS!M"S: ~1'I X £x~til;ll!lIjl)' C!~~ 0 Recommend Case: Review 0

Re.....~>ilic:atiol'l 0 Clnrt'd by A17eot 0 UlIfll\;ltlded; o Closure o

Ilrci' I Q.....nnty !Brua Name I ~l'iptiQfl I Str+,INt> ¥t~t~ I vaee , ValueRl:'('C'Jet«f DMntiged


On 05-04-99,at about 3:30 p.m., I spoke with Denver Police Detective Mark Woodward referenceColumbine studentChad

Laughlin, as followup on DN1567. Marktold me that hehadpreviously interviewed Chad Laughlin as follow upon ON 16 IL

and submitted his report to FBI Agent Mike Barnett, Team 3 Coordinator. Mark told me that no further interview was

necessary, and that DNl567 could be canceled.

P1SPOS!TION; Refer to DNl61 1.

JC·001- 000961

I' ;C;;~ t'nw Number Supesv.sor tnitials and Date ASSigned To,i Page 1

lA/V, a,;!!> I0' 1

I '1!<l,,;:"Al !1:'>i\'£H1G(,TOR vlrlM sesctces IOTHU ! ASAf:J .+/98 JCSO/16'14

Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


JC·001· 000962

Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

" ,


CR #


.cacemenc to

.he ccunt.y of )!~apahoe.

'~is s~atsme~c is vcl~~ta~f an~ ~5 made by me withou~ t~~eac cf p~~~scme~~, a~d

,~ u..'"'llaW=ul coe::cion, i~fluenc$ 0::: iz:.d:u.ceme:r~.

_________________ C:"~y

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.:..cez:.se, _ Vi!: * Damag2 S

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Page 64: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


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Page 65: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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JC.o01· 000965

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1'7- r'"'~-'

"5'/3/'1 ';0'1 19 U e) ·

7',1:/11/1'"' '1

Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CO"TINl: ATlON 0Rcportlnl! \\'''!r[\\;! j 'q,,,,",O"k,, C&i<e il,;pol"( ~u

tof1,\;PP\;E\ll :iT X JeSO :VICFADOEN 99-762S-PI~0'''''''' C.." "P<'" '0 Vrcum Name Onillnal Repcrt D::;n,: This Report

COLUMBINE H.S•• ET AL 115-11S-99-".,'" X FIRST DECREE MURDER Olr::n!., SWtJi; OM" X FXCeplJ(HIllllr C;e~d 0 Recommend CJSt: R(l'leW 0

·{r;l:iMir'i~;j.tj¢o'! = Ck:lmb1"-rt:~( 0 l.,;l'It"Ctl~ij 0 Clcscze 0

11m!r 1)<I"<>tll" I 3l"1lfid "i!me I Dtscri;:Oli?!1 j }e"~l ,'1",

VWU( I Value. I ""'I\le'" S(Olen Recu-eree ,::J4mag;o;\


DATED 05-03-99


7:93 South Vance Street

Linleron, CO 80123



On vlcnday. :'vta} 3. 1999, at. about0900 hours. I went to "':':93 South Vance Street, to meet "yahTiffany Joe Lien.for the purpose

lnnter\~e'.'dng her concerning the Columbine High School shconng.

Witness Len reid me that on April ~O. 1999, at '7 00 a.m .. she arrived ill Columbine High School tor the purpose of going to

her classes Lien stated that she went to first, second, third and fourth period. Lien stated that her fourth period science class

ended at ( \ 10 hours and that she walked immediately (0 the cafeteria and got her food and went outside, Lien stated that sue

sat outside on a concrete pad in the south west comer outside the cafeteria. Lien stated (hat she had lunch with Tesa :--"elsoo.

Lien stared that at about 11:'0 hours. still outside. she sat down and began to ear her lunch. Lien stared thalli::; hours. she heard

what she thought to be firecracker noises coming from the west, Lien stated that she observed a gunman come down the steps

located on the 'West side of the cafeteria. Lien stated that the suspect came down to the area JUStnorth of the chain linkfence b;.

(hesteps Liendescribed gunman number one as a white male. tall. approximaretv6'0", 1'7¥ 18years of age with dark long curled

up brown hair. down the back and over the ears with 0 black baseball hat worn backwards> A black r-shirt, blackjeans and a

black trench coat, black combat boots with. his pants tucked in and the jack-et unbuttoned. Witness Lien stated that the suspect

had no gloves. nor maskon, Lienstated thatgunman number one carried a blackgun. which was larger thana hand gunand was

holding it \..jth two hands. describing J hand gun similar to Tech 9 Lien stated that she observed the gun being fired rwice.

shooting toward the borrornof the stairs Lien stated she observed Ann Marie Hochhalter get shot in the back, stating that she

-w bloodcorning from Hochhalter; back. Lienalso slated thatshe saw LanceKirklandget shot in the leg Lienstated thatshe



'um'".f'''''''''' tranau,""::>a" \S$l!lned To I <,q. !

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" ;:~T:C"\ cdt 'C~:\l -ea- " :S I """,.,

IJC-001- 000967

Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CO,'II1'INlJATl0N 0l{¢p!J(\1ll\l --\,!!t::'l('::- R~OrWI~ Otricer l.:.l$<: i{t:purt 'xo

SLPPLE'vlE'IIT X .JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625·PL"t'U'I(Cling Ccse Report"i'J vreum Name Origjnal R¢P011 DaHl This Repor't

- COLUMBINE H.S., ET AL 05-115-99,

~"l<;rt X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Qf~llk Slal\l~: (Jptn X E::t<:'Il91il)(lllll'!' Cf<;'$,t(j o !ttl;¢mmel'ld Case: Revlew ~

~eJ:I;'I<nlliea~!'I - C1tll~ by ';'rr=M c lJ.nlO>JrWerl 0 Closure U-Com I I I ooeript\Oll ISorrilll:-JQ

'.dUll j V:.;jllt.1 V~Ii><1""...tf "ual'll;f\ 6n"'Q :-lVl1lt SIQhm R1Xo'·~r~. D#1'Hljll:tl'

knows that Kirklandgot shot in theleg becauseshe saw bloodcoming from his leg and Kirklandgrabbing his leg,

Lien staled at this time. she and Nelson ran back into the school and into the bathroom located in the cafeteria. Lien stated that

she stayed in the bathroom for approximately 40 minutes standing on the toilets, so that the gunman could not see their legs if

they came into the bathroom. Lien stated that during the 40 minutes in the bathroom. she could still hear shots being fired in the

cafeteria. estimating approximately 20 shots. Lien stated that she also could hear loud hanging noises approximately ten in

number and that the bathroom was shaking and the sprinklers and the firealarm had gone off Lien slated that she could J 1,01c,::

say ing, "I hate you." Lien also stated that she heard J voice state. --ram guarding the top of the stairs."

Lien stated that after about forty minutes the gunshots were no longer being heard In the cafeteria, but now they were being heard

upstairs. Lien stated that she felt this was the appropnate urne to leave and exited the bathroom at which time she saw smoke

in the cafeteria and her and "\le!son ran out the foreign laoguage hail emergency exit (ina run to the: seminary located at Pierce

and Pcik Streets. Lien stated that once at the seminary on Polk and Pierce. students. to include herself. began looking through

it 1998 Cclurnb-ne High School year book. at which time she believes that she observes IT photoot_ Lien stared J(

that time she believed gunman number one was~Ui that now she ..vas not us sure as she was on 04--'::0..99 Lien

stated that she was approximately TWenty to twenty..five fee! away from gunman number one and looked at him tace to face ~or

approximately =5 seconds. frozen in her tracks.

lien stated that she has not seen Eric Harris since last semester when she sued to see him during second period and that she ;'15

never seen Dylan Klebold. Lien stated that during last semester-second period. she would see in the cafeteria. approximately

"seven or' them, three of them wearing trench coats," Lien stated that approximately three of them would always be \\enring

trench coats.

Lien stated that she believes gunman number one used to be a srudent at Columbine High School. but has since then dropped

Out prior '0 04-:0-99 and that she has seen him in the school before,

'DOlTIONAL INFOR-'VIATION: Lien said that she left her backpack, described as nav~ blue Jansport, containmg "oaks,

';1 "

vumcer i 'iupt:nfsor (mlillis ,JfH,J' Dale

SJ'It-I HHE'l:

JC.o01· 000968


Page 69: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTlNlJAnON cR=f!ort!J"lgA~ ! ;1':P0r'l'lrll? Olflcar Cue R<pur! .....c

Sl??LEME:"T X JCSO I MCFADDE:'I' 99-7625-PCv!1lwt!iltg CJ.lSe Reoorr ,,,"Q Victim:.lameOrigi!'\!ll Repon: Date This Rep<m

COLUMBINE H.S •• ET AL 05-05-99-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offtl\5eSlatll'l' Qll"f1 X E,,<:,"prioMI1~ Cj"~ cs; ,':HUlTl Retommend C.1$e' Review 0

RCCi'l$Sllkll(i,,,, o C1~\;l\'J,cr1'$'! C l;niotm<itd o Cloliure 0

I~gt IQ\lMtit" I 9l'2t1d veme IDmril'lllCfl I $C'll'bl;.fQVlAle I Val~ ! ValueS~Ole" RecO\'treG LlllmJl!!f(i

J-ring binders, her wallet and school [D outside she south cafeteria doors in the concrete area, Prior to concluding the interview.

I showed witness Lien two photoline upswhich! marked number oneand numbertwoon theback of eachlineup. Witness Lien

was unable to identify any ofthe gunmen on eitherphotolineup and requested that [bring her more line ups if that was possible.

DISPOSITION, J will be contacting wrmess Lien at 1830 onMay 3. 1999 to show her additionai Iineups Caseopen. pending

further investigation.

JC-001- 000969



Page 70: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

C01HINt'ATION 0Reporting ~g:.;ncy Rtp;mifl$Gtticer '.'.lS1: R~por: \'u


Connecting CJSe Report '10 Victim J\lltl'M udginat Repore Dace This R~pun

COLUMBINE H.S., ET AL 05·05·99- XC, .1U\:Hl X FIRST DEGREE ,~IURDER O/ellSeSmtW; Ocen E.'G:~iorWly Cl~ ,~ Recommend Case: Review oit.:e!a.>>Jti\;;jIIM C C1llll"i!<ib:,~: a Vrub:!Jadlld C Cl{j~\lr\'! Cl

:"m ! , Srat\d :'<1l.m'l" I Ot:s!:riplio!l ~ Serial NoV~!J<e , \i:l.i-t1t. j '.';'JI..\t

.'.(1 i Il\JMllit:i Stl.llen Re<;O"~fell i Oam~d


DATED 05·03·99


On as...03~99. at about 1830 hours, r returned to rhe residenceof Tiffany Lien tor [he purpose ofshowing her addmonai pnoto

line ups concerning the shooting at Columbine High School. Prior to showing Lien anv tine up. I marked each line ~n on th~'

back with a number starting with the number three through fourteen, The follo-wing occurred reference line ill'S three :hrough






'10 !D

Lien stated "I think [(5- number six:' 63 percent sure,


3\ '1010

9\ No ID

:01 No ID

II) No lD

1:1 :<olD

13! "IoID

1~1 '10 lD

ADDITIO'l ....L INFOR.\!ATION: Witness Lienstated that she remembered that the gunman number had J 10' ofacne arcund

is mouth and nose area othi:; face.':

JC.o01· 000970

Page 71: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTIN\;ATION 0R~pljrting >\ge[\cy Reponll'lgOfficer (J';¢ Repcn \l(l.


("Jjnrt~..:til'l16 Case Report No vtcumNamtOriginaJ R('?O!t Dm This R«loft

COLUMBINE H.5••ET AL 05-05·99[lCll.lion X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offt~ SW\l.!; ~J1 X i:!:x,e-pMl'l411 v Clt!Wd 0 Reccmmend Case: Review a

R«i.:amlQtkm 0 C!t'llf~h:-"\(1!!$f c l'mollm;Uod " CIQS\ire 0

(~:i' I()llarmt: ! Brand ~i.l1T\fl I Descrinticn ! S~ri4i:'ill< VakYe I Vahlt I 11llh.eSmkl'\ Re\:oW.!'tld Q;.llmag:~

DISPOSITION: Case open. pending further investigation,

4.ssigrrd To

JC-001- 000971


Page 72: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

{'QNTl'1UATION 0Reponing A~ern;~ RllPOftillg Officer CJ$<': Repon: \0

4~PPLEV!E"T X JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625-QC T111l'cm~ CJ.S~ Report ;>.10 ViClim :-lame Onginal Report DaleThis Report

COLUMBINE H.S.. ET AL 05-05-99, F,I'C;llje", x FIRST DEGREE MURDER mTrn:;e SrtlllJs: Open X E.1C~j'XiOl'i~lli Ck~rlld r:J Recommend CU9i::: Re',le\\ --K~~~s>ifi;;~"JIl o Cl=-=c by AIT"'-!lt o L'n\oonulld o Ctosurc c

uee I I 8'1;M ~atl'h~ 1Description ISerial ~Q ~l~~ri r V-.li,,~ 1 \ ~i~~'\0 i;I.lMiJit:- Reece..r~ O'lm:l~ll.:i


DATED Q5-03·99


On 05-03-99. at about 1830 hours. r returned 10 the residence ofTiffany Lien for the purpose of showing her additional photo

line ups ccecermng the shooting at Columbine High School. Prior to showing Lien any line up. I marxed each line up on the

back '.vith a number starting \\ ith the number three through fourteen The following occurred reference line ups three through



31 No ID

-II No lD

j, :-;0 10

6 i Lien stated "I think it' 5 number six." 65 percent sure.

71 No lD

81 No ID

9) No lD

101 No ID

r I, No lD

121 No ID

13, No lD

Hi No lD

ADDITIO'iAL INFOR,\IAT10N: Witness Lien stated that she remembered that the gunman numberhodalor of acne around

his mouth and nose area othis face,,

! t ';!;'-':;J.1L;r~

rL {.!ilt 'cureber SfJper\ isor Initial:>and J)C\( I \;'~;:;r1<:,tl Tu IP,¥, !, -

/(! ~i(.(, ·/7 ! SZ;1 f-,'" ~

,I ( :,. I ~z:" :1 :., 1-" , JC-001· 000912'is ,Iem 11'> ...." ,


Page 73: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

co,,<nNUATTON 0Reponl!\g Agem.;. Reponing otnce Case Report \0


C'JlW;luing C;J5eRtt'KH1 No vjcnm NameOriginal Report Dere ThisReport


,llt;tti('I'l X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Off~l\s.: $Ull\lii~ OPel'l X EX~~liiJ(j'ii: CIt"Jred 0 Recommend Case: Re\;~\ .:J

R~~:~$~iil,;,snon C C'<tu,d b)o -\rrnr 0 l.,-.I;;nmd,¢<l 0 Closure C

!(em ! , Br:lffil ~lI-(\1.o r Der,crij1rioll I 5~r~;.in \ .. 111<: \,~ I Dl,i,'::'"'.:" IXlil!'llil~ Sml",., R<<:tl~¢:1:'d

DISPQSITION: Case open. pending further investigation.

JC-oo1- 000973

I' ",ni,n 'i';:.n::l.~Uf': Lnrt :-iumber $I>per\i"Of \'0itiJ\~ 'ltl<.} DJe \;s5'~r,<:d Tc,i'a,;.: .



! . I . . ..' .... ,,, ''''.'' j ."", i ;~A.F) ~ 'J"I IC...U 1(1-./

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000




Special Agent in charge phoenix FieldDivisionTITLE OF INVESTlGA1l0N:

Columbine High School Shootin !BombingCaslt Number Report #

795030 99 0009

TYPE OF REPORT' (CheckAppliCiibkl Soxes)




Matthew C. Traver SA/Denver II 11/05(99ReVIEWED BY IName) REViEWED BY (TrUe and Office} REVIEWED BY{Dats}

Robin King RAe/Denver IIAPfiROVEO BY (Name) APPROVeO SY (Title and Office) APPROVeO ey (Dat~)

Christopher "P Sadowski SAC/Denver II

DESCRIPTION OF ACT!VITY:Inte~Jiew with Tiffany Lien.

5\"NOPSIS:On ~lj4/~9, SA Traver concacted Tiffany Lien at her residence, ~ith her parents pre$ent.At this time Lien sta~ed that the picture she was shown of Dylan Klebold did look like theindividual she saw wich a firearm at columbine nigh School on 4/20/99


1. On 11/4/99, SA Traver contacted Tiffany Lien at her residence located at 7293 S,VanceSt. Littleton, Colorado, SA Traver had contacted Lien by phone earlier, and both of herparents were also present.

2 At this time. SA Traver went over with Tiffany Lien the previous description of theindividual she had witnessed on 4/20/99 Lien had described as a white, male, 5'0", 17to 18 years old, with dark long curled up brown hair, down the back and over the earSwith a black baseball hat worn backwards. A black t-shirt, black jeans, black trenchcoac, with pants ~ucked in~o black boots and jacket unbuttoned. She alsc remembered himcarrying a black colored firearm that WA$ larger than a hand gun, and was holding itwith both hands. She also stated thac ~he gunman had bad Acne. She saw the gunman shootAnn Marie Hochhalter and Lance Kirkland.

3 SA Traver then provided photos that had been taken from the cafeteria video camera,After looking at photo #53, from packet A, Frye stated that the image of Dylan Klebolddid look like the person he saw shooting people outside of the school on 4/2Q199 Shestated that the person she had preViOU..,lievedthe shooter to be wasShe stated that the person she saw and nave similar physicalc~~racteristics (In a preVlQU$ intervlew, ~ r ._ iewing a 1998 yearbook, she h4a. d....belie'led the shooter co be I Lien s t a t ed -r.ha t she was familiar with. •

JC-001- 000974

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Page '2 of2 Pages

~ecause she used to see him during her off period. She had never seen DylanKlebold, which may have caused her to believe the person she saw was ............~However after further consideration of the image in the photo, Lien stared that she wascertain that the person she saw in Photo#S3 froM Paeket A, was the individuAl she sawon 4/20/99, shootlng students outside the High School.



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JC-001· 000976

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Special Agent in ChargeDivision

Phoenix Fielc;l



page 1 of1 Pages


columbin. High School Shooting/aombingCase Number

195030 99 0009

I Repett#


TYPE OF REPORT' (Cm,Ck Applicable Boxes)



SUllMlTTED BY(Name) SUllMITTEO llY (TItle ondOffice) SUBMiTTED BY (D"'.)

Matthew C, Traver SA/Denver II 06/18/99REVIEWED BY (Name) RiVlEWEiD IY (nil9 and Office} REVIEWED 6Y (Ost.,)

Robin King RAe/Denver IIAPPROVED BY IName) APPf\OVED BY (TIUs and Office) APPROVED BY (D.",)

.Christopher P. Sadowski SAC/Denver I!

PI§CR!PTIQN Qf APT;VATXlTelephone interview with Nancy Lindsey, a citizen walking in clement Park at the time ofthe incident.

SD!9PllIS;On 5/17/99, SA Traver contacted Nancy Lindsey, who saw a suspicious man in the park at thetime of the Columbine lncident.Ii'A.!tRATIva,1. Lindsey stated that she substitute teach~s in Jeffco Earlier in the day she had subbed

at Dear Creek Middle School, she finished there a~ about 1045. She went to walk aroundJohnson Lake at Clement Park.

2. While ~alkin9 she was wearing headphones and listen~ng to the radio, that is how sheheard about the shooting at ColumbL~e. She stated that she just stood in amazement ferabout a minute, then when she turned off her radio, she heard three gunshots"

3. Then she saw a guy walking over Columbine Hill. This happened about 2 to 3 minutesafte~ she heard the radio report.

4, The man was about 50 yards away and looked at her and smiled. He appeared to be in hislate teens or early twenties. He was carrying some type of tripod in a canvasenca$ement, and a gym back that did not appear to be very full.

S, Lindsey did not think anything of it because he was not running just walking.6. Lindsey finlshed her walk and headed for her car. she wanted to go to Stony creek

elementary school, because that is where he chlldren attend schooli. When in the parking lot, two girls came running into the parking lot scYeaming that

someone has a gun and is shoo~ing.



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Page 2 of;:; sa es


JC.o01· 000978

Page 79: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION ClReportina Agency Repomng Officer C.Repon No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO ERZEN 99-76Z5-DDDDCOl'l.l'lt;:(::1ing Case R<pon No Victim Name Original Report n.teThis Report

DF~623 08-11-99i-=-

Cc .:anon X FIRST DEGREE MURDER (,) ffense SlaW: Op<n X E1I;ceplioniUh' Clea:M " Recommend Case: R.eview oRIltJusllicstlrm o C~by"~ o LTnfoultdc " Closun: o

'~ IQtMllril)' -TBl'1nQ Name rD~pnOll t ScriillNo ¥.= I R ValliI' I Vtll.ll!¢C~ Dariiag«J.


LlNDSEY, NANCY C., D08109-08-51

10084 W. Lake Dr.

Littleton,CO 80127

(303) 973-1279

Work: Substituteteacher at Jefferson CountySchoolDistrict


On 08..03-99, between the hours of 1238 and 1301, I had the opportunity to speak with Nancy Lindsey in reference to the

Columbine incident that occurredon 04-20-99.

'laney was contactedby SpecialAgentMatthewTraver,whoworksfor the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,and Firearms. I had

contactNancyto get someadditionalinformation inreferenceto theinitialstatement thatsheprovidedto SpecialAgentTraver.

Nancyexplained thaton04-20-99, she hadtaughtclassesas a substitute teacheratDeerCreekMiddleSchool. NancyleftDeer

Creekat about 10:45 a.m. and proceeded over to Johnson Lake, which is just to the west of ClementPark. She told me that

sheparkedher van overnear HopsMicrobrewery whichis locatedat ChansonPlaza. I askedNancy if she couldrecallabout

what timeshearrivedat JohnsonLake. Shetoldmethat it was no laterthan 11:00 a.m. Nancystartedwalkingaroundthe lake

tellingmethat she had a headsetradio on and shewas listeningto KHOW radio stationand Itwas about 1115a.m, when the

radio station reportedthat there were two gunmen on the roof at Columbine High Schoolwith grenades. Nancytold roe that

she had just started up the walk path, which is just to the west of Columbine Hill where she stopped in amazement over the

news report. After stopping, she turned her radio off and told me that she heard the sound of three gunshotscoming in the

direction of Columbine High School. I askedNancyIf shecouldsee thehigh schoolwhenshe stopped. Shetold me thatdue

to the fact she was behind Columbine Hill, shecouldnot seethe high school and shenever lookeddirectlyat the highschool.

WhileNancywas facingeast toward Columbine Hill, she observeda whitemale in his late teens, early 20'swith brown hair,

fair complexion, telling me he was average height, about5'10', anywhere from 160 to 170 pounds,wearing bluejeans. She

tated that the individualwas about fifty yards away from her. She madeeye contactwith him and that he smiledat her. I


Vnit Assigned To

JC.o01- 000979

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CONTINUATION 0Reporting Apc'l Reporting Officer Case Report Nn

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO ERZEN 99-762S-DDDDCOMectlngCase Report No Victim NameOriginal hpQrt Date This Report

D" '623 08-11-99,....X FIRST DEGREE MURDER x('1... _ .~lIritll\ Ol'klWl SlallIS~ Open E:((:epIiCMU)' Cleared Cl Reeommmc Case: Review Q

R,:,clu&ificnioo 0 C~byArml Q Vltiow\4od Q Closure 0

l~;j' IQulnhtr Ierand Name IOflcriplk1n ISttialNo ¥= J V;wt- I ValiteRff:<w~ Ollm~d

asked Nancy ifthe individualwas carryinganything. Shesaid that in one hand hewas carrying a large duflle bag,in the other

hand h. had a smallertype nylon bag about four feet in length,telling me that she had no idea what was contained insidethe

bags. I asked Nancyif she ever observedany type of firearmassociated with this individual, She stated she did not. I toldher

that Special AgentTraverhaddocumentedinhis reportthat the individual wascarrying sometype of a tripodand a canvasbag.

She told rae that she never saw a tripod, abejust took it for granted that he was probably a photographer and he had camera

equipmentinside thebags, Nancystatedthat the individual appearedtobe walkingtowardthe top of ColumbineHill,at which

timeNancyturned and started walkingback toward her van. I askedif she couldtell me where the individualwent. She told

methat after she startedback towardher van, she lost sightof the individual and has no ideawhere hewent. Nancywas asked

if she could provide any additional informationreferencea clothingdescriptionon this patty. I specifically asked her if she

observedthis party wearing a dusteror trench coat, dark in color. She told me that she would have rememberedthat and this

individualwas not wearing any typeof a trench coal. When NaIlCY returnedto her van at about 11 :30 a.m. she described

-eingtwo teenage girls run past her van and they were yellingthat someone was shooting in the parkingat Columbine High

School. After Nancy left Johnson Lake, she proceeded over to the McDonald's at Southwest Plaza and then went to Stony

Creek Elementary where her children attend school. I again verifiedat this tittle with Nancy that she did not observe any

firearms associated with the suspiciousindividualthatabedescribedin thisreportandthatafter she turnedand startedwalking

back toward her van that she losn;igbt of the individual. Nancyalso told me that while she was listeningto KHOWthat 'he

remembers a second news broadcast which told that authorities were investigatinga reported bomb in the area of Kipling

Avenue and ChatfieldAvenue.



DISPOSITION: Open, pending further investigation.

QfY-~ c Unit Number Supervisor t.'1itials andDate I"Mgn«I To ,

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Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

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Summary of Statement teont.l .t.M1a.jQ"'·:LI'..!e.'=--L!N~,o=,~~<:s.-,L.-.:£.-'~~~ _

I have read the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein iJre true to the best of my knowledge and belief, Ido not maintain that it conteins all of the facts Dr detEu1s of the fncldenrf but only those tecte about which I have beenasked.

J__/__Date CJ AM

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JC-001· 000984

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Jc-001- 000985

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JC.()01· 000986

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Jeffrey Dean Marquardt DOB 08124/81

7701 S, Depew Way, Littleton CO 80123


Columbine Senior

On4-30-99, JeffMarquardt returnedmy calls reference the incidentat Columbine.

Marquardt stated that he had

known Dylan Kliebold since about the thirdgrade and had played little league baseball on the

same team. Marquardtstated that he and Kliebcld werenever really friends hutknew eaca

other. Marquardt was in calculus and bowlingclass withKliehold. Marquardt statedthat Harris

was also in howlingclass and believed that Kliehold andHarris were on the same teambut was

notsure. Marquardtstatedthat his team had playedKliebold and Harris's team a coupleof

times but had neverhad any confrontations. Marquardt stated that he has no interaction with

Harris of'Kliebold but mightsay "Hi" in passing, but nothingfurther.

tared that he had been a Jeffco Explorer for a time and

didnot know if Kliebold was aware ofthat, or if it had any impact.

Marquardt stated that he had went to bowlingclass themorningof the incident. He had not seen

Harris or Klieboldat class the morning of the incident. Marquardtadded that he wasnot evenat

theschool at the timeof the incident.

JC-001- 000987

:::;;~(;-'oReport by: number/date'

UZ- /.?12­( /

ApproVedby: Dumber/date:

qvPage I of I

Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

DenverPolice Department

Metro Gang Task Force

Date: 05-07-99To: The Jefferson County DistrictAttorneys OfficeFrom: Detective Terry Demmel 18007-Assigned with the ColumbineLaw EnforcementTaskforce

Supplementary Report

Ref: Interview with Columbine SeniorstudentJeffrey MarquardtDOB 08-24-81

On 05-05-99 at 7:40 PM. Detective Terry Dernmel, assigned with the Columbine LawEnforcementTaskForce, contacted Columbine Seniorstudent Jeffrey Marquardt at hishome. Jeffreys grand parents werebothpresent for the interview. Jeff reported that onTuesdaythe 20111 he had 5!Jl hourlunch and was leaving the schoolssenior parking lot as apassengerin his friend Chad Laughlins darkgreenMitsubishi Galantwhen they passedDylan Klebold who was drivingin. Jeff stated thatDylanwas drivinghis Black BMWand was wearing his coat that he always worealongwith a blackbaseball cap that wasturnedaround back wards [ whichis how Dylanalwayswore it l . They passed him atthe locationthat Jeff markedon the map that is included with this report. Jeff gave thetime as approximately 11:14 A.M. staring that It was threeor four minutes after they hadbeen released from class at 11 :10A.M. Jeffreyincluded that his friendChad waved atDylan but did not get a reciprocal waveback

Jeffreystated that hehad knownDylansince he was 10or 12 yearsold and had playedwith him on a little leaguebaseball team. Dylanwas in Jeff s 2nd hour Calculus class thissemesteras well as last semesterand Jeff bowledwith bothEric Harris and DylanK1ebold in the schoolbowlingclass. Jeff Slated thatEric would throwthe ball out fromhis chest,not bowl like normal, and thought it was an attemptto drawattention tohimself. He statedthat when Eric got a strike that he would give a Hiel Hider salute­every time. Jeff also saw Chris Morris do theHiel Hitlersalute a coupleof times.

Jeffrey reported thathe had noticeda behavioral changein Dylanthe prior several weeksbefore the incident. He stated that Dylan was normally a very goodstudent but had beenfallingasleep in the 2ndperiod class each day. The teacher kept threatening to throw himout of class if he fell asleep again but neverdid. And therewere times in thai severalweeks that Dylanappeared unusually hyperand full of energy.

JC-001· 000988

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Jeffand his friend Chadwent to Chad'shouse toplaypool when Chad's mother calledtelling themnot to go backto school as news reports were thata shooting was takingplace.

Jeff described himselfas an acquaintance of bothEricandDylan butdid notconsiderthemto be good friends. He hadnotheard anyrumors in school Of anything thatwouldhavegiven an indication of whatwould happen thatday.


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Jc.o01- 000991

Page 92: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000


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JC-001· 000993

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JC-001· 000994

Page 95: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION 0ReponingAgency t Reporting Officer Case Ri.!pcrlNQ

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO J MCFADDEN 99-1625-TConnecting Case Repon No 'liclim Name Ori&in~l Report DaleThi5Report

- 1)5-10-99C1a.M,~C-Ilri(j1'l X FIRST DEGREE MURDER otfef\!it $tma: Open X Ex<:tPllotlttlly CltarN 0 Reeeme end eng; Review 0

RecIJlUiflc.1fiet'l 0 CJ~lL"e(J by AITe51 a Unfmmde!,l a Cl'.'JMi!1: a

J,~ I I I~ri?liOO , Sul..j Nt> ¥~~~ I Vah,'t 1 V;t!llll':-w QlIMlil)' flul'I<I Namll: R,e;;:;,wmd o.:m~'Ccl



PHONE: (303)987·\004


On Friday, 05-06-99, I interviewed Andrew Marton on follow-upof the Columbine High School shooting, control #1533,

1 arrived at Marton's residence at approximately 1000 hours, and began the interview. Marton explained that his title at

Columbine High School was Campus Supervisor. and that his responsibilities at Columbine High School were to bevisible. and

maintain order in the school, excluding criminal violations, Marton stated that his position at the school is plain clothes, non­

armed, non-certified position, and that he has been at ColumbineHigh School for approximately one year, beginning in the Fall


Marton said on 04·20-99, Tuesday morning, he started work ar 0700 hours. Marton stated he entered the school throughthe Art

room to his office, room #ADM~6" Marton stated he immediately went to the surveillance camera. videotapes, and pulled the

tapes, replacing them with new ones. Marton stated that dailyhe wouldtake the tapes out in the morning and replace them with

the prior week's tapes, Marton stated videotape cassettes were only kept for one week, and then taped over. Marton said there

are timers on the surveillance cameras that started at 1700hours. through0600 hours, Marton stated there was a camera for the

Library which raced out, one facing the Principal's Office door, and one in the area of Science #3 which viewed the rear

commons area.


JC-001- 000995AssignedTo


Number Supervisee Initials andDateUnit


Marton stated that after completing his duties with replacingthe tapes, that he went on his rounds throughout the school. and at

approximateI, 1100 hours. he and Deputy Gardner went to Subway at Coalmine and Pierce to purchase their lunches, Marton

statedthey returned back to the school and parked on the northside of the school facingnorth, and ate their lunch, Martonstated

while theyate thelt lunch, theywatchedthe student smokers. Marton slatedafter theyfinished their lunch at approximately 1I 18

hours, that the custodian called them via the school radio, and that the custodian,Jay, advised Deputy Gardner or Marton needed

, return to the building, to which they advisedthey were on theirway. Martonestimatesthe nme as approximately 1118to I \20


Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION 0ReportingAgency Reponj"'S Offiut Case ReportNQ

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625-TCOnl.'lCClil'lg Case Report No Victim Name Original Report DateThis Report

- 05-111-!l9Clo... e;.ll.liQrl: X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OffeMt' SMIt\&: Opttl X E~eptiQllaJly CkM:d o Recommend Case: f\cview 0

, 'iLatla:uifl<::lrtiol'l 0 Clwtd h)' Aif!:!! 0 Ullfoullllell 0 C10$l.lre 0

I',m I . I j De5.;;iptiol\ ISerialNO) £a\yt I ViiJlIlt r V:a.!u~~10 Qlllttlltty ernn.;l N'am", lC,etI R~w(lV'lred Oam;l,pd

hours. Marton stated approximately five seconds later, PeterHorvath, called them via the radio, and advised Deputy Gardner

andMartontharthere has beenan explosion. Marton statedat this timetheyweredriving in frontof the schoolentering thesouth

parking area. Marton then advisedover the leSO radio, Dispatch advised that a female studentwas downin the studentparking

lot. Marton advised the dispatcher continued to state thatshotswerebeingfired. Martonstatedhe noticedstudents running away

from the commonsarea. Marton stated they went into the Seniorparking lot at approximately IIZI hours, and heard shots.

Marton statedhe observed a cloudof smokein the southwest cornerof the parkinglot. Martonalso statedthat he couldhearthe

gunfirecoming from the area of the Library in their direction. Martonstated the gunshots appeared to be from a shotgunand

a smallercaliber type weapon. Martonstated Deputy Gardnerdrovehis vehicleto the southwestcomer of the parking lot,and

advised the dispatcher (Code 33). Manon advised that Deputy Gardnerparkedthe patrol vehicle in the southwestcornerof the

Seniorparking lotand got out, and positioned himselfalongside a whiteBlazerto takecover. Marren statedhe followed Deputy

Gardner, hiding just to the rear of Deputy Gardner. Marton stated at this time, he was hearing gunshots in the Library. and

"bserved gun flashes and windows breaking, Marton stated he observed a lot ofbackpacks on the west side of the cafeteria,

Marton stated at approximately 1124 hours, responding deputiesresponded to the west side of the school. Martonstatedthe

responding deputies were approximately lOayards westof the westentrance to the school. Marton stated he was advisedby

Deputy Gardner that Deputy Gardner could see bodiesby the west entrance.

Marton stated he observed the gunman come out of the west doors upper level. Marton described the gunman as a white male.

15to 17yearsof age, approximately 5'07"to 5'OS', thinbuild, wearing a blackbaseball bat (backwards), a white t-shirt, a black

longsleeved buttondownshirt(unbuttoned), whichwasapproximately downto his thigh, lightbluepants,black shoes(unknown

type), carryinga long rifle on his right side hip level, walking westup the sidewalk from the west doors, shooting randomly at

students in the Senior parkinglor. Marton stated Deputy Gardnershot at the gunman located on the west side. approximately

four times with his servicerevolver. MartonstatedDeputy Gardner told him that he might have hit the gunman. Martonsaid

after Deputy Gardner told him this, he observed the gunman having problems with his gun. Marton stated he then saw the

gunman go between the setsof doors onthe west sideof the building and begin working on his gun. Marton statedaftera short

period of time.thegunmanagainstartedshooting at he andDeputy Gardner, Martonstatedthe gunmanfired approximately four

or five shots,two of whichhit the car theywere hidingbehindin the windshield. Martonstatedthe gunmandidso by shooting

'Tom behindthe door through the broken glass, Martonstated again,Deputy Gardner tired approximately four shotstowards

Offi~er Siilt3wre Unit Numb;r Supervisor lnitial$ ami Date MsignedTo Page •~!lJ1 of f

<."'J(il':-.',il I NVE.5T1G .....TOR VlCTlM stiRvlCES I 01HEK

JC-001- 000996' JCSDi16r4

Page 97: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION 0Rt'pol'tiflg. Agency Reporting Officer Case Repon No

SUPPLE.1VlENT X JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625-TCOMllcting Case ReportNo Victim Name Original Report Date This Repcrr

- 05-10-99c;~ ,.;:ll.tmn X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Orftn .. Statu$: o~ X EMeptJmmJly Cle~d 0 Recommend CAse: Revlew 0

if-A!';!l\SStfiC'I,(i0l! D Ckutli t>':< Am!$i i:l Ul'rfoond'lld 0 Closure D

I"m I I I ~!llion I$t"riIJ N" ¥t~~ I ~a!\ie I Vah.l¢NQ Ql»r>lIl'Y Bmld Nlme: (lY:erW Dil-ffill!ld

the gunmanlocatedin the west doors. Martonstatedhealsoobserved the two responding deputiesjust westof the westentrance

firing at thegunmanalso. Marton statedthatthe gunman then went intothebuilding and outof his sight Martonsaid afterabout

15or 20 seconds, after the gunmanretreatedfrom thewestdoors,the windows in the Librarybegan to breakout Manon stated

againthat himand DeputyMartonweretakinggunfire from the Library. Marton estimatedapproximately 6 to 8 shots, bywhat

he describedas a gunshot and two from a rifle.

Marton stated the above activities occurred within five minutes.

Martonsaidwhilestill takingcover behind the white Blazer, he received a call via the radiofromJohn Curtis,custodian, Jay and

Tony,who were locatedin the cafeteria office. Marton advised the above individuals to stay in the kitchena.'1d lockthemselves

in somewhere. Marton statedthat it wasquietfora while andtheycouldhearno gunfire. Martonstatedone to two minutes later,

"e heard what he describedas a bombgoingoff in thecafeteria. Marton statedthe explosion was loud, and the ground shook.

Martonstatedhe could observea small firein the cafeteria, describing it 8' by 10'< Martonstatedhe alsoheard explosions in the

distance, believing theywere comingfrom thewestsideinterior of theschool. Martonstatedheobserveddeputies, SWATTeam

members.and a fire truck rescuing injuredpeople. Marton statedwhilelookingup to the Libraryfrom where he was, he believed

he could see what appeared to be another gunman. describing him taller than gunman # I <

Marton statedhe observedthe gunman, described above, forapproximately 20 seconds,and that he could not YO the individual

otherthan described above. Martonstated he believes hehearda totalof fourto fiveexplosions insideme school. Marton stated

while maintaining coveroutsidebehindthewhite Blazer in theSeniorparking lot, thaihe heardapproximately six to sevenshots

inside the Library. Marton statedbe believes the shooting inside the schoolstoppedat approximately!215hours. MartonSlated

whilein the Seniorparking lot, heobserved whathedescribed as a whitemalewitha bright shin on, on the roof, believed to be

an employee of the school or a contractor. Manon stated rescues of the injured occurred approximately 45 to 50 minutes after

the incidentbegan. Marton statedhe didobserveamalestudentexitingthe lower levelof me cafeteriaby the servicedoor, grab

his leg as he exited the door, andexited into the parking lot, believingthat this individual had been shot Marton stated be

believes that he and Deputy Gardner stayedin that samepositionuntil approximately 1500 hours, when they were advised to

-ontact the commandpost in person to assist SWATTeam members with information.JC·001· 000997

Offccer 5igni.Uure Unit j N'mbe' Supervisor Initials andDere AssignedT" Page "f'1M of ~

(~'''-l l r>Vr.S'IG"TDR VKT!M SERVICES lonn:!t I ASAF34198 JCSnll~';'4

Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

CONTINUATION 0Reportmg Agency R~rtingOffio:r Cue Report N(I

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MCFADDEN 99-7625-TCcnneclitig Case: Report NQ, Victim NameOriginal Rtport nereThis Report I05-10-99

f0-CI... ~21i(;ln X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Ol1elt5eSWus: Optm X t;X'-1lpl!Ql1l1Hy Cldt'Cd 0 Recommend Case: Review 0 IRedl$$i EktliOIl 0 Cl~by~t C; Ul'Ifullndtd 0 Closure o [

(~:r IQUlDttity i BfWld NI1lt\~ IDescriptJm'i I Seri.tJ NoVlllue i ~j~ I Vame I-, vered Dal'll~gtd:


Marton stated he remembers seeing four to five propane tanks in the cafeteria behind the cafeteria line on a metal shelf. Marton

said it is unknown the purpose for these propane tanks. Marton stated he was approximately 160 to 165 feet away from the

gunmen. and would be unable to make a positive identification of the gunmen,

During the interview of Marton,! asked him to show me on a map of the school the locations discussed above. (Attached)

DISPOSITION: Case open, pending further investigation.

JC-001· 000998

Officer Signature Unit Number ISUp'rv',,, lniti'/s and n". Auigned- To P",g~ ~

/ .. A 'f ~

OiU"C'r-;.\t I iNVES1'1C_'\TOR "lC11M ~r;:RVICfS I OnlER I ASAFJ.v9S JCSDfl674

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JC-001· 000999

Page 100: Columbine Report Pgs 901-1000

\!alUlluama 8d

Aoewiew ClClO$~fe 0

Otfell~ Slaw$; Open E.:lC&ptiOllauy CJltlOfedClaarlKl by AReSl 0 UtlIOtH'tdl'ld-

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c/I Connecting Case Rape" No

JC-001· 001000



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