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COMTÉS UNIS DE PRESCOTT ET RUSSELL UNITED COUNTIES OF PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL ORDRE DU JOUR AGENDA RÉUNION DU COMITÉ PLÉNIER 12 mars 2014 10 h 00 _____________________________ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE March 12, 2014 10:00 a.m. _____________________________ 1. OUVERTURE DE LA RÉUNION 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 2. PRÉSENCES / ABSENCES 2. ROLL CALL 3. DÉCLARATION INTÉRÊTS PÉCUNIAIRES 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR 4. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 5. PÉTITIONS ET DÉLÉGATIONS À 10h Marc Charbonneau, directeur général Radio communautaire CHOD-FM 5. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS At 10:00 a.m. Marc Charbonneau, Director Community Radio CHOD-FM 6. SUJETS DES MEMBRES DU CONSEIL s/o 6. COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS n/a 7. SUJETS DES CHEFS DE DÉPARTEMENT Stéphane P. Parisien 1) Bilan de la conférence ROMA/OGRA et rencontres EOWC 2) Résolutions du comté de Hastings : Projet de loi 34 Loi modifiant le Code de la route et Projet de loi 69, Loi de 2013 sur les paiements rapides 3) Suivis prioritaires de l’AMO 4) Programme de stagiaire AMCTO Louise Lepage Gareau 5) Changement à la politique d’approvisionnement Marc Clermont 6) Amendement au règlement 2013-50 pour corriger une irrégularité retrouvée dans la description légale dudit règlement Anne Comtois Lalonde 7) Bilan d’activités des Services sociaux pour 2013 7. DEPARTMENT HEADS’ ITEMS Stéphane P. Parisien 1) Summary of ROMA/OGRA Conference and EOWC Delegations 2) Resolutions from Hastings County: Bill 34, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act, & Bill 69, The Prompt Payment Act 3) Action Items from AMO 4) AMCTO Internship Program Louise Lepage Gareau 5) Amendment to the Procurement Policy Marc Clermont 6) Amendment to By-law 2013-50 to correct an irregularity in the legal description found in the said by-law Anne Comtois Lalonde 7) Review of the Social Services Activities for 2013 8. SUJETS À HUIS CLOS 8. CLOSED SESSION 9. AJOURNEMENT 9. ADJOURNMENT




12 mars 2014 10 h 00



10:00 a.m. _____________________________








5. PÉTITIONS ET DÉLÉGATIONS À 10h Marc Charbonneau, directeur général Radio communautaire CHOD-FM


PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS At 10:00 a.m. Marc Charbonneau, Director Community Radio CHOD-FM




Stéphane P. Parisien

1) Bilan de la conférence ROMA/OGRA et rencontres EOWC

2) Résolutions du comté de Hastings :

Projet de loi 34 Loi modifiant le Code de la route et

Projet de loi 69, Loi de 2013 sur les paiements rapides

3) Suivis prioritaires de l’AMO

4) Programme de stagiaire AMCTO

Louise Lepage Gareau

5) Changement à la politique d’approvisionnement

Marc Clermont 6) Amendement au règlement 2013-50

pour corriger une irrégularité retrouvée dans la description légale dudit règlement

Anne Comtois Lalonde

7) Bilan d’activités des Services sociaux pour 2013


Stéphane P. Parisien 1) Summary of ROMA/OGRA Conference

and EOWC Delegations

2) Resolutions from Hastings County:

Bill 34, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act, &

Bill 69, The Prompt Payment Act

3) Action Items from AMO

4) AMCTO Internship Program

Louise Lepage Gareau 5) Amendment to the Procurement Policy

Marc Clermont

6) Amendment to By-law 2013-50 to correct an irregularity in the legal description found in the said by-law

Anne Comtois Lalonde

7) Review of the Social Services Activities for 2013




CHOD-FM 92,1 (202) 1111 Ch. Montréal, Cornwall, On K6H-1E1

[email protected]

613.936.2463 / 613.936.2568 (tél/fax)


CHOD-FM – La radio communautaire de l’Est de l’Ontario

Représentant : Marc Charbonneau ([email protected])

Raison sociale : Radio communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria inc.

Objet : Demande de subvention

But : La radio communautaire de l'est ontarien CHOD-FM a obtenu du CRTC et d'Industrie

Canada, l'autorisation de doubler sa puissance émettrice afin de rendre accessible son service

de radiodiffusion à plus d'une cinquante de communautés francophones supplémentaires des

Comté Unis de Prescott-Russell. Le signal sera également renforcé dans les communautés

francophones actuellement desservies dans les Comté Unis de SDG.

Le projet est évalué à 350 mil dollars. CHOD-FM est à la recherche d'une subvention unique

des CUPR pour concrétiser l'achat et l'installation de l'équipement d'ici juin 2014. Une

nouvelle antenne et un nouvel émetteur seront installés dans une tour située à Lancaster,

Ontario, et propriété de Bell Média. La contribution monétaire ne servira qu'à l'achat et à

l'installation du nouvel équipement nécessaire au projet d'augmentation de puissance tel

qu'approuvé par le CRTC et Industrie Canada. La gestion du projet est assurée par une équipe

de bénévoles appuyée de professionnels dans le domaine de la radiodiffusion.

Patrimoine canadien a versé une aide financière de 171,697 dollars au projet. La somme

supplémentaire de 175,000 dollars est recherchée pour concrétiser le projet. Une aide

financière de 100,000 dollars est proposée aux Comtés Unis de Prescott-Russell, soit 30% du

coût total. La Fondation Trillium, La Société de développement économique de SDG et La

Ville de Cornwall, ainsi que les Caisses populaires de l’Est ontarien comptent parmi les

organisations invitées à contribuer financièrement au projet d'augmentation de puissance de la

radio communautaire, CHOD-FM. La station contribuera de 5 à 10 mil dollars au projet, et

ses bénévoles fourniront des centaines d'heures à la bonne marche des opérations.

Le projet offre de nombreux avantages aux Comtés Unis de Prescott-Russell. Il permettra de

répondre, dans leur langue, aux besoins collectifs des communautés francophones des Comtés

unis de Prescott-Russell. Il servira d'outil de communication ayant pour but de représenter et

de promouvoir les activités, produits et services des organismes communautaires,

municipaux, publics et privés issus de nombreux domaines : socio-culturel, artistique,

communautaire, municipal, agricole, récréo-touristique, économique, etc.

La radio CHOD-FM favorise également l'intégration des citoyens francophones d'ici et

d'ailleurs à leur communauté, et la participation collective des citoyens aux enjeux de société.

Enfin, la radio agit comme système de communication de masse dans l’Est ontarien, au

service des intervenants de première ligne en situation d'urgence.

CHOD-FM est un organisme sans but lucratif incorporé depuis 1993 en Ontario. Il offre un

service de radiodiffusion 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine. La programmation en ondes

est financée par des activités commerciales publicitaires, des cours de formation en

journalisme, en animation, en programmation et en production audio, par des projets éducatifs

et sociaux, et par une campagne de levée de fonds récurrente qui remet aux auditeurs 90 mil

dollars de prix en argent comptant annuellement. D'autre part, CHOD-FM vient de compléter

en 2012, un projet d'achat, d'installation et de réaménagement complet de ses studios de

diffusion grâce à une subvention de 110 mil dollars de la Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario.

CHOD-FM est composée d'un conseil d'administration comptant des membres bénévoles élus,

des professionnels en radiodiffusion et en administration des affaires, et des bénévoles qui

contribuent, par la prestation de leurs services, aux opérations de la station en ondes et hors

des ondes.

La radio communautaire CHOD-FM est un organisme sans but lucratif. Elle constitue un

puissant outil de communication qui a été créé pour desservir les communautés francophones

de l'Est de l'Ontario. Les sondages des 10 dernières années réalisés par la firme Léger et Léger

démontrent le grand intérêt des citoyens pour leur radio francophone. Depuis les 10 dernières

années, plus de 60% des francophones des comtés unis de SDG écoutent CHOD-FM.

L’actualité, de préférence régionale, les activités/événements communautaires et la musique

francophone sont les principales motivations des auditeurs qui écoutent CHOD-FM.

Depuis 1994, CHOD-FM fait la promotion et appui avec succès des activités ainsi que des

initiatives communautaires, sociales, culturelles, récréatives, éducatives, municipales et

privées de tout l’Est ontarien. Elle favorise la participation collective des citoyens des

communautés de Prescott-Russell&SDG, et améliore leur qualité de vie. La radio est avec la

télé le média le plus populaire, puisqu'il rejoint plus de 85% de la population à chaque

semaine. La radio est particulièrement utile aux moins fortunés et aux 50% de citoyens

canadiens qui n’ont pas la capacité de comprendre un texte écrit suffisamment pour

fonctionner en société. (Statistiques Canada sur le taux d'alphabétisation des canadiens)

Chod-fm est la seule station de radio francophone établie dans les Comtés-Unis de Prescott-

Russell et SDG. Elle est également la seule à offrir une programmation divertissante au

contenu oral et musical principalement axé sur les intérêts de la population francophone de

l'Est de l'ontario.

La radio joue un rôle de catalyseur aux initiatives communautaires, publiques et privées.

Elle favorise le développement économique, récréo-touristique, social, communautaire,

municipal, patrimonial, et culturel des communautés francophones ainsi que leur

épanouissement dans leur langue.

Elle stimule le bénévolat et aide ainsi au développement des organismes, associations,

regroupements ainsi qu'aux institutions communautaires et municipales, par la promotion de

leurs activités et initiatives.

Elle favorise l'intégration des citoyens et des nouveaux arrivants dans la communauté.

Elle agit comme moyen de communication aux intervenants de première ligne en situation


Chodfm a démontré depuis 1994 qu'elle est autosuffisante et qu'elle possède l'expertise en

radiodiffusion pour assurer un service continuel. La contribution monétaire permettra non

seulement de fournir l'accès à la radio CHOD-FM à plus de 50 communautés francophones de

Prescott-Russell, mais également de renforcer la capacité financière, les ressources humaines,

et la prestation des services de l'organisme communautaire CHOD-FM radio.

Documents inclus dans cette présentation

DOC 1 : Licence de Chod-fm

DOC 2 : Décision du CRTC

DOC 3 : Patron de rayonnement

DOC 4 : Décision d’Industrie Canada

DOC 5 : Entente de principe avec Bell Média

DOC 6 : Ventilation des dépenses

DOC 7 : Soumission de Nautel sur émetteur

DOC 8 : Soumission de Nautel sur émetteur

DOC 9 : Soumission de GTI sur le renforcement de la tour de Lancaster

DOC 10 : Soumission de Pippin sur émetteur

DOC 11 : États financiers de Chod-fm 2013

DOC 12 : Membres du Conseil d’administration de Chod-fm

Décision de radiodiffusion CRTC 2012-180

Version PDF

Référence au processus : Demande de la Partie 1 affichée le 20 janvier 2012

Ottawa, le 26 mars 2012

Radio communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria inc. Cornwall (Ontario)

Demande 2012-0031-0

CHOD-FM Cornwall – modifications techniques

1. Le Conseil approuve la demande présentée par la Radio communautaire Cornwall Alexandria inc. afin de modifier le périmètre de rayonnement autorisé de l’entreprise de programmation de radio communautaire de langue française CHOD-FM Cornwall en augmentant la puissance apparente rayonnée (PAR) moyenne de 19 200 à 34 167 watts (PAR maximale de 45 600 à 60 000 watts), en changeant la classe de B à C1, en augmentant la hauteur effective d’antenne au-dessus du sol moyen de 39 à 106,7 mètres et en déplaçant le site de transmission. La mise en œuvre est conditionnelle à la confirmation du ministère de l’Industrie (le Ministère) énoncée au paragraphe 3 ci-dessous. Le Conseil n’a reçu aucune intervention à l’égard de la présente demande.

2. Le titulaire indique avoir mené une enquête révélant que de tels changements sont nécessaires puisque les résultats démontrent qu’une portion de la population franco-ontarienne, soit l’auditoire cible, éprouve des difficultés à capter le signal de CHOD-FM.

3. Le Conseil rappelle au titulaire qu’en vertu de l’article 22(1) de la Loi sur la radiodiffusion, la présente autorisation n’entrera en vigueur que sur confirmation du ministère de l’Industrie (le Ministère) que ses exigences techniques sont satisfaites et qu’il est prêt à émettre un certificat de radiodiffusion. Par conséquent, à défaut de recevoir cette confirmation du Ministère, le demandeur ne pourra mettre en œuvre les nouveaux paramètres techniques approuvés dans la présente décision.

Secrétaire général

*La présente décision doit être annexée à la licence.

300, rue Slater Ottawa (Ontario)K1A 0C8


19 décembre 2012

La Radio Communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria 1111, chemin Montréal, bureau 202Cornwall (Ontario)K9H 1E1


Au nom du Ministre, j'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que La Radio Communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria est par la présenteautorisé à modifier les installations d'une entreprise deradiodiffusion existante comme suit:

Indicatif d'appel: CHOD-FM

Endroit: Cornwall (Ontario)


Coordonnées: 45°03'48" lat. N 45°10'33" lat. N du site: 74°40'01" long. O 74°31'38" long. O Canal et fréquence: 221B *(L) 92.1 MHz 221C1 *(L) 92.1 MHz Puissance apparente 19,200 watts(moy) 37,034 watts(moy) rayonnée: 45,600 watts(max) 60,000 watts(max)

Hauteur d'antenne effectiveau-dessus du niveau moyen du sol: 39 mètres 106.7 mètres

Diagramme de rayonnement: directive identique

Polarisation: circulaire identique

Exploitations secondaires: stéréophonique identique

sans surveillanceDécision du CRTC, n° de référence: 2012-180



*(L) = L’entreprise propose devra se conformer aux limitationssuivants:

1) paramètres proposés incluant patron d’antenne (domestiqueseulement)

2) PAR de 1.5 kW et HASM de 117.5 m ou l’équivalent vers lecanal 220A* à Plattsburgh, NY (Az.=121.5/)

3) PAR de 2.9 kW et HASM de 117.5 m ou l’équivalent vers lecanal 221B1 à Port Henry, NY (Az.=146.7/)

4) PAR de 18 kW et HASM de 117.5 m ou l’équivalent vers lecanal 221B1à Derby Center, VT (Az.=95.8/)

Les promoteurs de systèmes d'antennes et les exploitantssont invités à installer et à entretenir leurs systèmes,comprenant s’il y a lieu, les antennes, les haubans, feux et (ou)peinture d’obstacles, etc, en conformité avec les exigences deTransports Canada et NAV CANADA.

Vous pouvez maintenant procéder aux modifications desinstallations de l'entreprise conformément aux renseignementsindiqués au mémoire technique daté du 4 octobre 2011 et réviserle 26 avril 2012 et le 18 octobre 2012. Tout changement àl'entreprise approuvée (c.à-d. emplacement, paramètres,équipement, etc.) doit être présenté au Ministère pour find'autorisation et au CRTC (où nécessaire) pour fin d'approbation,avant de commencer la construction. Au cours de la période deconstruction, il vous incombera de tenir le Directeur de districtdu Ministère pleinement informé de l'avancement des travaux. Vous pourrez communiquer avec le Directeur de district de votrerégion à l'adresse et au numéro de téléphone suivants:

Industrie Canada Edifice Bell Canada Bureau C-100160 rue Elgin, 11e étageOttawa (Ontario)K2P 2P7Téléphone: (613)998-3693



Votre ingénieur-conseil en radiodiffusion doit aviser leDirecteur de district (à l'adresse ci-haut) des essais en ondesau moins trois semaines avant la date prévue des essais, aveccopie à l'administration centrale. L'autorisation pour lesessais doit être obtenue du Directeur de district. Cetteautorisation ne sera émise que pour les installations autoriséeset approuvées. Les essais doivent débuter au moins troissemaines avant la mise en service (la procédure à suivre lors desessais est annexée à la présente).

Afin d'assurer la compatibilité avec les servicesaéronautiques (sécurité) de la région, un système de surveillancedes émissions secondaires sera mis en place pendant les essais. Veuillez noter également qu'aucune émission régulière sur lafréquence 92.1 MHz, n'est permise avant que cette surveillancen'ait lieu et que les résultats n'aient été évalués. De plus, la compatibilité FM/NAV/COM peut être réévaluée, sur réception del'avis précité, et les conditions de surveillance peuvent êtrechangées

En plus, une analyse du Ministère a indiqué qu'il y a unpotentiel d'exposition à des niveaux d'énergie qu'on préditdépasser la norme établie par Santé Canada au Code de sécuritén°6. Par conséquent, des mesures de niveaux d'énergieradioélectrique autour du site de l'antenne seront requises. Siles mesures indiquent que la norme est dépassée, le requérantdevra prendre des mesures correctives afin de respecter le Codede sécurité n°6.

Suite aux essais en ondes réussis, les renseignementssuivants devront être soumis par votre ingénieur-conseil enradiodiffusion:

- un mémoire décrivant les installations physiquesréelles des appareils radio;

- une déclaration à l'effet que les appareils radioopèrent selon l'autorisation reçue.

Ce mémoire et cette déclaration devront parvenir au bureaudu Directeur, Demandes techniques en radiodiffusion, Ministèred'Industrie, Jean Edmonds tour nord, 300, rue Slater, Ottawa(Ontario) K1A 0C8, au moins trois jours ouvrables avant la dateenvisagée pour la mise en service.



Le Ministère émettra un certificat de radiodiffusion lorsqueles conditions de construction et d'essais ci-haut mentionnéesseront satisfaites.

Pour assurer la résistance de la construction, le Ministèrerecommande que tous les pylônes et bâtis d'antenne soient conçus,fabriqués et érigés conformément à des normes canadiennesreconnues et que l'on retienne les services d'un ingénieur destructure. En plus, le diagramme de l'antenne directive doit êtrecertifié à l'aide d'essais de champ, de modèle réduit ou d'uneméthode technique reconnue.

Veuillez agréer l'expression de mes sentiments lesmeilleurs.

Directeur Direction du Génie des services de radiodiffusion

Paul Vaccani

c.c. CRTCSogitec



Une fois que la construction des installations autoriséesest achevée, le gestionnaire du bureau de district doit êtreavisé des essais en ondes au moins trois semaines avant ledébut des essais d'émission (à moins d'indication contraire dans la lettre d'autorisation). Il est nécessaire d'obtenirla permission du bureau de district du Ministère pour lesessais.

Au cours des essais en ondes, la station en cause devras'identifier, préférablement à des intervalles de quinzeminutes, et indiquer au moins son indicatif d'appel, safréquence et son emplacement. Dans le cas des stationsréémettrices ne pouvant pas produire les renseignementssusmentionnés, il incombera au radiodiffuseur d'informer lepublic de la mise à l'essai de la nouvelle station. Ilpourra, par exemple, publier dans la presse locale un avisdemandant de communiquer avec lui si des problèmes debrouillage survenaient. Le radiodiffuseur doit se conformeraux consignes des représentants des bureaux de district, desbureaux régionaux ou de l'administration centrale duMinistère.

La portée et la durée requises des essais en ondes enconditions réelles dépendront principalement des risques debrouillage pour les stations de radiodiffusion existantes oud'autres services radio. Ces détails des essais serontfixés de concert avec le gestionnaire du bureau de districtcompétent peu après l'envoi de la lettre d'autorisation.

A la suite aux essais en ondes réussis, le requérant doitcertifier au Ministère, au moyen d'un document signé par uningénieur compétent, que la station peut être exploitéeconformément au mémoire technique approuvé. Le requérantpeut alors demander l'autorisation de commencer laradiodiffusion normale.



- -


From : Yul Lem

À 'MARC CHARBONNEAU', Robert Edgley, Luc Pernot

This is to confirm that Bell Media (CTV) agrees in principle to allow Radio Communautaire Cornwall-

Alexandria Inc. (CHOD-FM) to co-locate their new FM radio transmitting facility at the CJOH-TV-8 transmitter site in Cornwall (Lancaster), Ontario.

If Radio Communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria Inc. (CHOD-FM) is successful in obtaining the necessary

regulatory approval for such a facility, Bell Media would be willing to discuss a technically and financially acceptable agreement which would allow them to utilize the site.

If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yul Lem | Senior Director, Transmission Engineering

CTV Inc. | t 416.384.6343 | f 416.384.6339 | [email protected] 9 Channel Nine Court Scarborough, ON M1S 4B5

(202) 1111 Ch. Montréal, Cornwall, On K6H-1E1

[email protected]

613.936.2463 / 613.936.2568 (tél/fax)

Ventilation des dépenses

Renforcement de la tour : $13,282.97

Installation de l’antenne : $65,355.57

Antenne Sira : $31,871.42

STL : $7,654.69

Taxes : $15,361.40

Émetteur de 10Kw $66,850.00

Émetteur de 5Kw $41,696.00

Équipement connexe des émetteurs $79,665.00

STL et installation $10,000.00

Installation émetteurs $16,658.95

Total $348,396

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

QUOTATION Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Date: June 5, 2013 Cornwall, ON Quotation No.: 13NVLT0058A Page: 1 Reference: Attn: Marc Charbonneau

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

FM Transmitter System 1 NV10LT NV10LT – 10 kW Analog FM Transmitter:

(180 - 264VAC 1 phase / 3 phase, 312 - 457VAC 3 phase, 50/60 Hz)

Includes integral digital exciter. Features: * Broadband design

* Broadband Hot Plug Power Modules * Hot Plug Power Supply Modules * Overall efficiency, typical: 71% * Built-in SCA Generators (2) and RBDS/RDS Coder. * Comprehensive monitoring, including spectrum analyzer, and control to the module level and extensive logging through Nautel's Advance User Interface (AUI). * Programmable pre-sets for audio source, power and frequency configurations selectable via local or remote control. * Fully Digital Exciter with AES/EBU, analog and composite inputs.

SPECIAL price to CHOD-FM – NV10LT transmitter, as above $ 49,500.

- The above price includes the Nautel Standard Warranty for Four (4) Years on the transmitter at no additional charge.

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada [email protected]

Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Quotation No.: 13NVLT0058A Page: 2 Reference:

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

Options _ NVLT- Remote Interface Option for NV LT: Optional REMOTE card for interfacing the parallel remote control INTRFC ports for NV Light. Mounts inside the top front

door. Provides LED status and pushbutton control of all parallel control lines. $450.00

_ NVLT-UPS UPS Interface Option (Low Power - for INTRFC-LP NV3.5-NV10LT). Allows the connection of an

externally provided UPS for powering controller and exciters. $750.00 _ ORBAN Orban Inside - The functionality of the new

INSIDE Orban 5500 five band and two band processing built on a card which mounts in analog VS or NVLT series transmitters and controlled via the AUI webserver. Does not include Orban's stereo generator, composite clipping or TU BS412 multiplex power controller. It works with L&R, AES/EBU, LiveWire, ShoutCast and USB player inputs. $1,200.00

NVLT Transmitter Spares _ NVLT-PA NVLT-PA: Spare NVLT Power Amplifier $630.00 _ NVLT- NVLT-Preamp: Spare NVLT Preamplifier Preamp $135.00 _ NVLT-PM NVLT-PM: Spare NVLT Power Module $4,650.00 _ NVLT M/A NVLT Main/Alternate Exciter kit: Provides Exciter kit hot-standby M/A exciter functionality to the NVLT $5,700.00 _ NVLT- NVLT-Exc/Ctrl: Spare Exciter/Control Exc/Ctrl Module $4,980.00 _ NVLT-Fan NVLT-Fan: Spare NVLT Fan $30.00 _ NVLT-PS NVLT-PS: Spare Power Supply Module $1,095.00 _ NVLT-MOD NVLT-Mod Ctrl: Spare Exciter/Control Module $1,500.00

Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Quotation No.: 13NVLT0058A Page: 3 Reference:

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

_ NVLT-Site NVLT-Site-KIT LP: Site Spares Kit, NV3.5LT, KIT LP NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $120.00 _ NVLT-STN NVLT-STN-KIT LP: Station Spares Kit, KIT LP NV3.5LT, NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $2,100.00 _ NVLT-FILTER NVLT-FILTER KIT LP: Spare Air Filter Kit, KIT LP NV3.5LT, NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $129.00 _ GPS SYNC GPS Reference for High Stability AM and Synchronous FM installations. Provides both 10MHz and 1 pps reference $1,890.00 _ NVLT-UI Spare UI and UI Interface Board $375.00 Accessories NAX188/02C AC Line Surge Protector (3 phase/1phase: 200V-415V) 200V-415V provides supplementary transmitter site protection using

metal oxide varistors (MOV’s) from line-to-ground. Wall mount enclosure intended for strategic installation near main service entrance.

200-240V L/N or 200-415V L/L. $790.00 _ TOROID Transient protection toroid kit including two 3 3/8” KIT (85.7mm) and four 1.5” (38mm) toroids $48.00 _ TOROID Toroid Kit for 3-1/8” Heliax:Consists of (2) 4.165”ID KIT 3-1/8 and (4) 0.75” ID Ferrite toroids. $123.00 _ HANDBOOK Additional Technical Manuals Covering: site and pre-installation, operating instructions, theory of operation, testing and adjustments, troubleshooting, parts and wiring information, electrical and mechanical schematics. $ 230.00

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .


CONDITIONS OF SALE The items and services quoted on the face hereof are offered subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. No modifications or additions to these conditions will be recognized by NAUTEL unless specifically agreed to in writing by NAUTEL. These terms and conditions shall take precedence over any purchaser's terms and conditions which appear on any order issued pursuant to this quotation.

ACCEPTANCE This quotation, when signed by the Buyer, shall constitute an order by the Buyer ("Purchase

Order") when given to NAUTEL and accepted in writing by NAUTEL at its office located at the address set forth on the face hereof. When so accepted this Purchase Order shall constitute the only contract between the Buyer and NAUTEL for the purchase and sale of the articles covered thereby upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. This agreement shall be deemed to have been formed in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada/State of Maine, U.S.A. and shall be governed by the laws thereof

CHANGES Changes in the specifications on which the purchaser's order covered by this quotation is

based will not be accepted unless requested in writing and such changes agreed to by NAUTEL in writing. Such changes may be subject to additional charges.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS VALIDITY This quotation is valid for 30 days from today’s date. MANUFACTURE NAUTEL reserves the right to manufacture equipment in any company plant, unless

specifically stated otherwise. PRICES Prices quoted are in Canadian Dollars, Ex works NAUTEL. Prices are exclusive of all

duties, taxes, insurance and freight charges unless otherwise stated. ERRORS Stenographic and clerical errors are subject to correction. Unit prices will govern in the

event of an error in price extensions. TAXES Unless otherwise shown, and indicated as a separate item herein, the prices specified do

not include any sale, excise, occupation or use taxes which may be applicable to this transaction. It is understood and agreed that in addition to payment of the prices specified herein, the Buyer shall reimburse NAUTEL the amount of any such sales, use or excise taxes not included herein which may be assessed against and become payable by NAUTEL in respect of the Buyer's Purchase Order.

PAYMENT TERMS Payment by cash transfer or certified cheque in favour of Nautel Limited, 25% deposit

with order, balance 5 days prior to shipment. BANKING Banking, negotiation or other use of Buyer's down payment shall not constitute an

acceptance by NAUTEL of this order, unless accepted in writing per the provisions stated under ACCEPTANCE.

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

BANK ACCOUNT: Wire transfer payments may be made to: Nautel Limited

The Royal Bank of Canada Clayton Park Branch 271 Lacewood Drive Halifax, NS B3M 4K3 Bank #/Transit #/Account # 003 05783 1025 170 SWIFT: ROYCCAT2 IBAN: 003102517005783 ABA: 021000021

Tel: (902) 421-4919 / Fax: (902) 421-6135

CANCELLATION Except where otherwise agreed upon in writing, orders once accepted are subject to a

cancellation fee which shall be the greater of any loss or expense incurred in relation to booking, processing or any material ordering and/or manufacturing related to the subject order or a 10% cancellation fee.

SHIPMENT Unless specified by the Buyer, NAUTEL will select the carrier to ship this Purchase Order.

Buyer shall pay all shipping and insurance costs, and C.O.D. charges (when applicable), unless otherwise provided for on the face of this document.

Buyer shall have full responsibility to file any necessary claims with the carrier for shipment. If any articles are lost or damaged in shipment, it shall be the Buyer's responsibility to file any necessary claims with the carrier.

Shipping Time Equipment is estimated to be available for shipment from factory

within 30-60 days of receipt of A) Order and Downpayment B) All engineering information

subject to confirmation at time of order. PENALTIES AND DELAYS No penalty clause of any kind, in any specification or order, will be effective unless

specifically approved in writing by NAUTEL. NAUTEL shall not be liable for any damages, expenses or consequential damages caused by any delay in, or inability to complete, the manufacture and shipment of any equipment or articles called for under this Purchase Order if such delay or inability is caused by labour difficulties, fire or other casualty, act of God, acts of the public enemy, transportation difficulties, NAUTEL's inability to obtain equipment and materials from others, governmental interference or controls, or any other cause beyond the control of NAUTEL.

LIABILITY NAUTEL shall not be liable to the purchaser, or to any other person, firm or corporation, for

any direct, indirect, or consequential damages or injury of any kind or character unless otherwise stated. Additionally, it is a condition of all sales that NAUTEL shall not be liable for any damage or personal injury resulting from faulty workmanship or defects in any equipment supplied to NAUTEL by any other party and incorporated into the goods supplied by NAUTEL pursuant to this quotation.

WARRANTY The equipment is warranted in accordance with NAUTEL’s standard Warranty terms

included herewith.

24 Hour Answering Service 902-823-3900 Toll Free 1-877-662-8835

WARRANTY by Nautel Limited/Nautel Inc. (herein after referred to as Nautel)

Nautel Limited/Nautel Inc. hereinafter referred to as NAUTEL guarantees all mechanical and electrical parts of the equipment for a period of thirteen months from date of shipment, provided the equipment has been installed, operated and maintained in accordance with NAUTEL's recommendations and the equipment has not been misused, neglected or modified. NAUTEL's liability is limited, at the absolute discretion of NAUTEL, to repairing or replacing equipment that is to the satisfaction of NAUTEL to have been found defective.

1. Properly qualified technical personnel must install maintain and repair the equipment in accordance with Nautel

recommendations and good engineering practice.

2. A "Part Failure" shall be deemed to have occurred when the part has become defective, or does not have the

characteristics required for the specified equipment performance:

(a) when the equipment is operated within the design parameters, and

(b) when the equipment is installed and adjusted according to NAUTEL's prescribed procedures as stated in the instruction manual.

3. NAUTEL shall provide replacements for all "Parts" at no cost to the Customer when they become defective during

the warranty period, and upon the return of the defective part.

4. In the event that a "Part" fails during the warranty period and causes damage to a subassembly which cannot be

readily repaired in the field, the entire subassembly so damaged may be returned to NAUTEL for repair. The repairs will be made without charge to the Customer.

5. Written authorization must be obtained before returning any equipment or goods for any reason. Equipment or

goods returned under this warranty shall be delivered to NAUTEL's premises at the Purchaser's expense. Where no-charge warranty replacements or repairs are provided under items 2 or 3, NAUTEL will pay that part of the shipping costs incurred in returning the part/assembly to the Customer.

6. Nautel cannot warranty, guarantee, or be responsible for

(a) defects or failures caused in whole or in part by abuse, misuse, unauthorized repair attempts, or unauthorized alteration or modification of the equipment.

(b) equipment built to customer specifications that is later found not to meet customer needs or expectation.

(c) performance of equipment when it is used in combination with other equipment not purchased, specified, or approved by Nautel.

(d) damages and performance limitations due to outside forces such as lightning, excessive heat or cold, or high corrosive environments.

(e) Changes made by personnel other than Nautel authorized personnel, including charges incurred.

7. NAUTEL shall have the privilege of investigating whether failures have been caused by factors beyond its control.

8. NAUTEL shall in no event be liable for any consequential damages arising from the use of this equipment.

9. This warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties of NAUTEL and NAUTEL does not assume, nor is any other

person authorized to assume on NAUTEL's behalf any other obligation or liability.

All equipment being returned to NAUTEL and all requests for repairs or replacements should be marked with a Nautel provided RMA number and addressed to the appropriate Nautel facility.

Nautel Limited Nautel Inc. 10089 Peggy's Cove Road 201 Target Industrial Circle Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4 Bangor, ME, USA 04401 Tel: 902-823-2233/Fax: 902-823-3183 Tel: 207-947-8200/Fax: 207-947-3693

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

QUOTATION Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Date: June 5, 2013 Cornwall, ON Quotation No.: 13NVLT0059A Page: 1 Reference: Attn: Marc Charbonneau

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

FM Transmitter System 1 NV5LT NV5LT – 5 kW Analog FM Transmitter:

(180 - 264VAC 1 phase / 3 phase, 312 - 457VAC 3 phase, 50/60 Hz) Includes integral digital exciter.

Features: * Broadband design

* Broadband Hot Plug Power Modules * Hot Plug Power Supply Modules * Overall efficiency, typical: 71% * Built-in SCA Generators (2) and RBDS/RDS Coder. * Comprehensive monitoring, including spectrum analyzer, and control to the module level and extensive logging through Nautel's Advance User Interface (AUI). * Programmable pre-sets for audio source, power and frequency configurations selectable via local or remote control. * Fully Digital Exciter with AES/EBU, analog and composite inputs.

SPECIAL price to CHOD-FM – NV5LT transmitter, as above $ 34,500.

- The above price includes the Nautel Standard Warranty for Four (4) Years on the transmitter at no additional charge.

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada [email protected]

Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Quotation No.:13NVLT0059A Page: 2 Reference:

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .


_ NVLT- Remote Interface Option for NV LT: Optional REMOTE card for interfacing the parallel remote control INTRFC ports for NV Light. Mounts inside the top front

door. Provides LED status and pushbutton control of all parallel control lines. $450.00

_ NVLT-UPS UPS Interface Option (Low Power - for INTRFC-LP NV3.5-NV10LT). Allows the connection of an

externally provided UPS for powering controller and exciters. $750.00 _ ORBAN Orban Inside - The functionality of the new

INSIDE Orban 5500 five band and two band processing built on a card which mounts in analog VS or NVLT series transmitters and controlled via the AUI webserver. Does not include Orban's stereo generator, composite clipping or TU BS412 multiplex power controller. It works with L&R, AES/EBU, LiveWire, ShoutCast and USB player inputs. For dual exciter installations- two processors needed. $1,200.00

NV Transmitter Spares _ NVLT-PA NVLT-PA: Spare NVLT Power Amplifier $630.00 _ NVLT- NVLT-Preamp: Spare NVLT Preamplifier PREAMP $135.00 _ NVLT-PM NVLT-PM: Spare NVLT Power Module $4,650.00 _ NVLT M/A NVLT Main/Alternate Exciter kit: Provides EXCITER hot-standby M/A exciter functionality to the KIT NVLT $5,700.00 _ NVLT- NVLT- EXC/CNTRL: Spare Exciter/Control EXC/CNTRL Module $4,980.00 _ NVLT-SITE NVLT-SITE-KIT LP: Site Spares Kit, NV3.5LT, KIT LP NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $120.00 _ NVLT-STN NVLT-STN-KIT LP: Station Spares Kit, KIT LP NV3.5LT, NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $2,100.00

Nautel Limited To: CHOD-FM Quotation No.:13NVLT0059A Page: 3 Reference:

Schedule of Equipment Unit Price Total Price Qty Model Description CDN Dollars CDN Dollars

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

_ NVLT-FILTER NVLT-FILTER KIT LP: Spare Air Filter Kit, KIT LP NV3.5LT, NV5LT, NV7.5LT or NV10LT $129.00 _ NVLT-FAN NVLT-FAN: Spare NVLT Fan $30.00 _ NVLT-PS NVLT-PS: Spare Power Supply Module $1,095.00 _ NVLT-MOD NVLT-Mod Ctrl: Spare Exciter/Control Module $1,500.00 CNTRL _ GPS SYNC GPS Reference for High Stability AM and Synchronous FM installations. Provides both 10MHz and 1 pps reference $1,890.00 _ NVLT-UI Spare UI and UI Interface Board $375.00 Accessories NAX188/02C AC Line Surge Protector (3 phase/1phase: 200V-415V) 200V-415V provides supplementary transmitter site protection using

metal oxide varistors (MOV’s) from line-to-ground. Wall mount enclosure intended for strategic installation near main service entrance.

200-240V L/N or 200-415V L/L. $790.00 _ TOROID Transient protection toroid kit including two 3 3/8” KIT (85.7mm) and four 1.5” (38mm) toroids $48.00 _ TOROID Toroid Kit for 3-1/8” Heliax:Consists of (2) 4.165”ID KIT 3-1/8 and (4) 0.75” ID Ferrite toroids. $123.00 _ HANDBOOK Additional Technical Manuals Covering: site and pre-installation, operating instructions, theory of operation, testing and adjustments, troubleshooting, parts and wiring information, electrical and mechanical schematics. $ 230.00

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .


CONDITIONS OF SALE The items and services quoted on the face hereof are offered subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. No modifications or additions to these conditions will be recognized by NAUTEL unless specifically agreed to in writing by NAUTEL. These terms and conditions shall take precedence over any purchaser's terms and conditions which appear on any order issued pursuant to this quotation.

ACCEPTANCE This quotation, when signed by the Buyer, shall constitute an order by the Buyer ("Purchase

Order") when given to NAUTEL and accepted in writing by NAUTEL at its office located at the address set forth on the face hereof. When so accepted this Purchase Order shall constitute the only contract between the Buyer and NAUTEL for the purchase and sale of the articles covered thereby upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. This agreement shall be deemed to have been formed in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada/State of Maine, U.S.A. and shall be governed by the laws thereof

CHANGES Changes in the specifications on which the purchaser's order covered by this quotation is

based will not be accepted unless requested in writing and such changes agreed to by NAUTEL in writing. Such changes may be subject to additional charges.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS VALIDITY This quotation is valid for 30 days from today’s date. MANUFACTURE NAUTEL reserves the right to manufacture equipment in any company plant, unless

specifically stated otherwise. PRICES Prices quoted are in Canadian Dollars, Ex works NAUTEL. Prices are exclusive of all

duties, taxes, insurance and freight charges unless otherwise stated. ERRORS Stenographic and clerical errors are subject to correction. Unit prices will govern in the

event of an error in price extensions. TAXES Unless otherwise shown, and indicated as a separate item herein, the prices specified do

not include any sale, excise, occupation or use taxes which may be applicable to this transaction. It is understood and agreed that in addition to payment of the prices specified herein, the Buyer shall reimburse NAUTEL the amount of any such sales, use or excise taxes not included herein which may be assessed against and become payable by NAUTEL in respect of the Buyer's Purchase Order.

PAYMENT TERMS Payment by cash transfer or certified cheque in favour of Nautel Limited, 25% deposit

with order, balance 5 days prior to shipment. BANKING Banking, negotiation or other use of Buyer's down payment shall not constitute an

acceptance by NAUTEL of this order, unless accepted in writing per the provisions stated under ACCEPTANCE.

CANADIAN DOMESTIC QUOTATION Subject to attached Terms of Offer d / m / y d / m / y

Issued by: Date 05/06/2013 Accepted by: Date / /

Gary Manteuffel Director, National Accounts, USA and Canada Please Print

Nautel Limited 10089 Peggy’s Cove, Road, Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4

Tel: +1.902.823.2233 Toll Free: 1-877-662-8835 Fax: +1.902.823.3183 [email protected] M A K I N G D I G I T A L R A D I O W O R K .

BANK ACCOUNT: Wire transfer payments may be made to: Nautel Limited

The Royal Bank of Canada Clayton Park Branch 271 Lacewood Drive Halifax, NS B3M 4K3 Bank #/Transit #/Account # 003 05783 1025 170 SWIFT: ROYCCAT2 IBAN: 003102517005783 ABA: 021000021

Tel: (902) 421-4919 / Fax: (902) 421-6135

CANCELLATION Except where otherwise agreed upon in writing, orders once accepted are subject to a

cancellation fee which shall be the greater of any loss or expense incurred in relation to booking, processing or any material ordering and/or manufacturing related to the subject order or a 10% cancellation fee.

SHIPMENT Unless specified by the Buyer, NAUTEL will select the carrier to ship this Purchase Order.

Buyer shall pay all shipping and insurance costs, and C.O.D. charges (when applicable), unless otherwise provided for on the face of this document.

Buyer shall have full responsibility to file any necessary claims with the carrier for shipment. If any articles are lost or damaged in shipment, it shall be the Buyer's responsibility to file any necessary claims with the carrier.

Shipping Time Equipment is estimated to be available for shipment from factory

within 30-60 days of receipt of A) Order and Downpayment B) All engineering information

subject to confirmation at time of order. PENALTIES AND DELAYS No penalty clause of any kind, in any specification or order, will be effective unless

specifically approved in writing by NAUTEL. NAUTEL shall not be liable for any damages, expenses or consequential damages caused by any delay in, or inability to complete, the manufacture and shipment of any equipment or articles called for under this Purchase Order if such delay or inability is caused by labour difficulties, fire or other casualty, act of God, acts of the public enemy, transportation difficulties, NAUTEL's inability to obtain equipment and materials from others, governmental interference or controls, or any other cause beyond the control of NAUTEL.

LIABILITY NAUTEL shall not be liable to the purchaser, or to any other person, firm or corporation, for

any direct, indirect, or consequential damages or injury of any kind or character unless otherwise stated. Additionally, it is a condition of all sales that NAUTEL shall not be liable for any damage or personal injury resulting from faulty workmanship or defects in any equipment supplied to NAUTEL by any other party and incorporated into the goods supplied by NAUTEL pursuant to this quotation.

WARRANTY The equipment is warranted in accordance with NAUTEL’s standard Warranty terms

included herewith.

24 Hour Answering Service 902-823-3900 Toll Free 1-877-662-8835

WARRANTY by Nautel Limited/Nautel Inc. (herein after referred to as Nautel)

Nautel Limited/Nautel Inc. hereinafter referred to as NAUTEL guarantees all mechanical and electrical parts of the equipment for a period of thirteen months from date of shipment, provided the equipment has been installed, operated and maintained in accordance with NAUTEL's recommendations and the equipment has not been misused, neglected or modified. NAUTEL's liability is limited, at the absolute discretion of NAUTEL, to repairing or replacing equipment that is to the satisfaction of NAUTEL to have been found defective.

1. Properly qualified technical personnel must install maintain and repair the equipment in accordance with Nautel

recommendations and good engineering practice.

2. A "Part Failure" shall be deemed to have occurred when the part has become defective, or does not have the

characteristics required for the specified equipment performance:

(a) when the equipment is operated within the design parameters, and

(b) when the equipment is installed and adjusted according to NAUTEL's prescribed procedures as stated in the instruction manual.

3. NAUTEL shall provide replacements for all "Parts" at no cost to the Customer when they become defective during

the warranty period, and upon the return of the defective part.

4. In the event that a "Part" fails during the warranty period and causes damage to a subassembly which cannot be

readily repaired in the field, the entire subassembly so damaged may be returned to NAUTEL for repair. The repairs will be made without charge to the Customer.

5. Written authorization must be obtained before returning any equipment or goods for any reason. Equipment or

goods returned under this warranty shall be delivered to NAUTEL's premises at the Purchaser's expense. Where no-charge warranty replacements or repairs are provided under items 2 or 3, NAUTEL will pay that part of the shipping costs incurred in returning the part/assembly to the Customer.

6. Nautel cannot warranty, guarantee, or be responsible for

(a) defects or failures caused in whole or in part by abuse, misuse, unauthorized repair attempts, or unauthorized alteration or modification of the equipment.

(b) equipment built to customer specifications that is later found not to meet customer needs or expectation.

(c) performance of equipment when it is used in combination with other equipment not purchased, specified, or approved by Nautel.

(d) damages and performance limitations due to outside forces such as lightning, excessive heat or cold, or high corrosive environments.

(e) Changes made by personnel other than Nautel authorized personnel, including charges incurred.

7. NAUTEL shall have the privilege of investigating whether failures have been caused by factors beyond its control.

8. NAUTEL shall in no event be liable for any consequential damages arising from the use of this equipment.

9. This warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties of NAUTEL and NAUTEL does not assume, nor is any other

person authorized to assume on NAUTEL's behalf any other obligation or liability.

All equipment being returned to NAUTEL and all requests for repairs or replacements should be marked with a Nautel provided RMA number and addressed to the appropriate Nautel facility.

Nautel Limited Nautel Inc. 10089 Peggy's Cove Road 201 Target Industrial Circle Hackett's Cove, NS, Canada B3Z 3J4 Bangor, ME, USA 04401 Tel: 902-823-2233/Fax: 902-823-3183 Tel: 207-947-8200/Fax: 207-947-3693

5035 North Service Road Unit D12Burlington, ON. L7L 5V2Telephone: 905-331-8501 Fax: 905-331-6711



Radio Communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria Inc.

Site Name: Date: June 20, 2012GTI Job #: Customer: CHOD-FMGTI Quote # : Shipping to: siteSOW : Attention: Marc Charbonneau

Item Qty Activity/Description Unit Cost

Extended Cost

1 Supply tower structural reinforcing as per Varcon drawings $13,282.97"CTV-11034" sheets 1-8 consisting mainly of the following:

from 53.3m to 65.5m.- New 3/4" guy wires at the 91.4m level- Includes revised structural analysis for updated antenna loading

2 Installation of the tower modifications and new FM antenna as follows: $58,887.57- Mobilize crew to CTV tower site at Lancaster, Ontario;- Rig tower for modifications and antenna installation;- Install Sira FMC-03/3 at 113m & install 120m of 1 5/8" air heliax;- Install customer provided STL antenna and 100m of 1/2" heliax;

Lancaster, ON

Q12-07-0017Antenna Installation

- Tower leg reinforcing horizontals (mid panel horizontals) bolt-on

- Replace guy wires at 91.4m level & install 8 bays of mid-panel horizontal reinforcing;- Perform tower mast plumb and guy tension adjustment.

3 Supply Sira FMC-03/3 antenna system (3 bays of 1 panel) $17,389.73

4 Supply 120m of Andrew HJ7-50 1 5/8" air heliax, & 100m of 1/2" foam heliax c/w $14,481.69hangers, hardware, ground kits, hoisting grip, and (2) 1 5/8" EIA connectors

5 Antenna installation supervision & commissioning, $6,468.00Test/Tune new FM antenna

6 Supply FM antenna mounting brackets & Pipe Mount for STL antenna $7,654.69Estimated shipping for antenna is $3850 by ocean freight. Airfreight is available at an additional cost.

Terms and Conditions of Sale: Total before tax: $118,164.65Prices quoted are FOB factory; freight if provided is only an estimate. HST $15,361.40Payment terms: 35% with order, balance of material upon shipment, 25% of installation upon crew mobilization, balance due upon completion. Total: $133,526.05


Pippin Technical Service Ltd.307A Gladstone CrescentSaskatoon, SK S7P 0C7


Quote No.:






Sold To:

Marc1111, Chemin MontrealCornwall, ON K6H 1F1Canada


CHOD-FMMarc1111, Chemin MontrealCornwall, ON K6H 1F1Canada


Business No.: 10421 0026 RT0001

Ship Date:

Item No. Quantity Unit Description Tax Unit Price Amount

1 1 Broadcast Electronics FM10S solid state 10 KW transmitter c/w FXI exciter

ON 57,735.00 57,735.00

Freight ON 1,425.00

ON - HST @ 13%HST 7,690.80


Shipped by

Sold By:

Total Amount



(Préparé sans vérification - Voir l'Avis au lecteur)


Avis au lecteur 2

États financiers

Bilan 3

État du déficit 4

État des résultats 5

Notes complémentaires 6


Avis au lecteur

A partir de renseignements fournis par la direction, nous avons compilé le bilan de la Radio

communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria Inc. au 31 août 2011 ainsi que les états des résultats et du

déficit pour l’exercice terminé à cette date. Nous n’avons procédé ni à une vérification, ni à un

examen de ces états financiers, par conséquent, nous ne pouvons en assurer l’exactitude et

l’intégralité. Le lecteur doit donc garder à l’esprit que ces états risquent de ne pas convenir à ses



Embrun, Ontario

le 28 février 2012




AU 31 AOÛT 2011

(Préparé sans vérification – Voir l’Avis au lecteur)


2011 2010

Court terme

Encaisse $ 21 811 $ 6 381

Comptes à recevoir 41 442 27 346

63 253 33 727

Immobilisations (Note 1) 4 198 5 248

$ 67 451 $ 38 975


Court terme

Comptes fournisseurs et frais courus $ 87 703 $ 58 950

Revenus reportés - 9 709

87 703 68 659

Déficit – page 4 (20 252) (29 684)

$ 67 451 $ 38 975

Au nom du Conseil d’administration

______________________________ Administrateur

______________________________ Administrateur





(Préparé sans vérification – Voir l’Avis au lecteur)

2011 2010

Solde au début $ (29 684) $ (22 905)

Redressement d’années antérieures (1 216) (6 060)

Solde redressé (30 900) (28 965)

Bénéfice (perte) net (te) 10 648 (719)

Solde à la fin $ (20 252) $ (29 684)





(Préparé sans vérification – Voir l’Avis au lecteur)

2011 2010


Publicité $ 150 929 $ 169 422

Bingo 142 966 51 183

Cotisations de membres 255 -

Dons - 215

Subventions 13 546 2 785

Autres 317 -

308 013 223 605


Amortissement des immobilisations 1 050 1 312

Assurances 2 867 2 764

Commissions 44 283 26 351

Déplacements 2 200 -

Droits et redevances 4 512 2 250

Électricité 14 001 16 085

Entretien et réparation 6 286 4 010

Frais de bingo 118 650 67 273

Frais de bureau 824 1 130

Frais et licences d’affaires 219 2 212

Frais de production 2 094 1 875

Honoraires contractuels 80 498 68 441

Honoraires professionnels 3 467 6 960

Intérêts et frais bancaires 570 812

Intérêts et pénalités sur taxes - 856

Publicité et promotion - 225

Salaires et avantages sociaux 3 788 9 480

Téléphone et internet 12 056 12 288

297 365 224 324

Bénéfice (perte) net (te) $ 10 648 $ (719)





(Préparé sans vérification – Voir l’Avis au lecteur)

2011 2010


Amortissement Valeur nette

Coût cumulé aux livres

Équipement de studio $ 105 717 $ 103 503 $ 2 214 $ 2 768

Équipement de bureau 32 501 30 970 1 531 1 914

Antennes et émetteur 150 040 149 587 453 566

Discothèque 14 179 14 179 - -

Améliorations locatives 46 406 46 406 - -

$ 348 843 $ 344 645 $ 4 198 $ 5 248

CHOD-FM : Budget d'opération 2013-2014


Revenus publicitaires : $ 100,000

Levée de fonds Bingo Radio : $ 160,000

Projets éducatifs : $ 040,000

Subventions : $ 030,000

Total : $330,000


Assurances $4,000

Commissions $30,000

Droits et redevances $6,000

Électricité $14,000

Entretien et réparation $3,000

Frais de bingo $125,000

Frais de bureau $2,000

Frais de déplacement $1,500

Frais de formation $2,000

Frais et licences d’affaires $2,000

Frais de production $2,000

Honoraires contractuels $60,000

Frais bancaires $1,000

Publicité et promotion $1,000

Salaires et avantages sociaux $30,000

Téléphone et internet $12,000

Frais Location $6,000

Total : $301,500


45,000 km2Population:


103**excludes separated cities and towns

Eastern Ontario:The Road to RenewalThe Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus’ financial

studies demonstrate the challenges facing rural

Eastern Ontario communities, including an

overwhelming need for infrastructure investment

and fundamental limits to raising revenue.

Through the EOWC, communities are coming

together to find solutions that will help grow local

economies and reduce costs. But we cannot go it

alone. We’re all on the road together.

Municipalities spend less than half of what they need on infrastructure

Recent Spending:

From 2000 to 2011: The biggest drivers of increased costs by 2020:

Infrastructure Gap:

Rising Costs:

• Capital Assets Managed: $8.7 billion.• Rural Eastern Ontario roads would stretch 1-1/2 times around the world.

• The EOWC is exploring ways to reduce costs through regional approach/sharing.• Provincial-municipal partnerships are needed to deliver services and contain costs.

$400 million/yr

Transportation Protection

Health/Emergency Environment

Need to Spend:

$1.07 billion/yr

Municipalities’ costs are outpacing CPI and population growth

Spending on roads and bridges increased 93% from 2000 to 2011 – still not enough

Number of households sharing costs to repair 1 km of road.


76% 70%

59% 53%




population growthConsumer Price Indexincrease in municipal operating budgets

2000 2005 2011



Capital Infrastructure Investment


Rural Eastern Ontario

Rural Eastern Ontario

Ontario Rural Eastern Ontario

OntarioAcross Ontario

$556 million existing debt

~$575 million remaining

• Permanent, targeted support is needed to maintain infrastructure.• Municipalities need greater flexibility/support to raise revenues.

• The EOWC’s economic development strategy targets jobs, training and expanding local tax base.

Total Debt Capacity $1.14 billion– would not cover one year of needed spending

Municipalities have a limited tax base and are less able to borrow

Eastern Ontarians face greater personal financial limits

Older population Less reliant on employment income

Household income

Limited Ability to Raise Revenues:

Limited Capacity to Raise Taxes:


land is fully taxable

$75,202 $85,772

One in five is a seniorPer cent of total income from employment



Our average household income is lower than all of Ontario


Tel : 613-966-1319 Fax: 613-966-2574







Hastings County Administration Building Belleville, Ontario

February 27, 2014

WHEREAS Bill 34, is An Act to Amend the Highway Traffic Act, which will give municipalities more tools

to collect more than $1 billion dollars in outstanding Provincial Offences Act fines;

AND WHEREAS Bill 34 was introduced into the Legislature in March 2013 and has only had three hours

of the required twelve hours of debate to move forward;

AND WHEREAS all three parties appear to support the Bill;

NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the County of Hastings hereby requests Premier

Wynne, Mr. Hudak, Leader of the Official Opposition and Ms. Horwath, Leader of the Third Party, to work

together to ensure that this Bill is passed and given Royal Assent before the current session of the

Legislature ends;

AND FURTHERTHAT the M.P.P. of Prince Edward-Hastings be asked to support the interests of property

taxpayers in Hastings County by supporting passage of this Bill as soon as possible.


Tel : 613-966-1319 Fax: 613-966-2574







Hastings County Administration Building Belleville, Ontario

February 27, 2014

WHEREAS Bill 69, The Prompt Payment Act, presents serious financial concerns for all municipal, public

and private sector construction projects;

AND WHEREAS this Bill has received Second Reading and is about to be considered for clause by

clause review at the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Members’ Bills;

AND WHEREAS it has received the support of all three parties in the Legislature;

AND WHEREAS The Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Eastern and Western Ontario Wardens’

Caucuses, the Ontario Home Builders Association among others have voiced their opposition to the Bill in

its current form;

AND WHEREAS the County of Hastings equally shares these same concerns of the Bill;

NOW THEREFORE LET BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the County of Hastings hereby wishes

to formally express its strong opposition to Bill 69 as it is currently written as well as its support to AMO,

the EOWC and the WOWC for advocacy on this matter;

AND FURTHER THAT County Council authorizes the Warden to write to the Leaders of all three parties

in the Legislature asking that the Bill be amended to protect the financial interests of property taxpayers in

the County and across the Province;

AND FURTHER THAT County Council authorizes the Warden and CAO to make representations before

the Standing Committee;

AND FINALLY THAT the M.P.P. for Prince Edward-Hastings be requested to support the County’s

position and that he be asked to urgently meet with County officials on this matter.


AMO Breaking News - Joint and Several Liability


March 4, 2014

Legislature Supports Motion on Municipal Liability Reform – More Municipal Action Needed

On February 27, 2014, MPPs from all parties supported a motion calling on the government to reform joint and several liability. Passage of this resolution marks a significant milestone in the municipal campaign for reform. Now that the issue has captured the attention of the Legislature, it is time for your municipality to consider the endorsement of a more detailed legislative solution.

Nearly 200 municipalities supported the motion introduced by Randy Pettapiece, MPP for Perth-Wellington which called on the government to implement a comprehensive, long-term solution no later than June 2014. Many more also wrote to the Attorney General, the Honourable John Gerretsen in response to AMO’s February 7, 2014 call for support.

Currently, the Ministry of the Attorney General is consulting municipalities and the legal community on a comprehensive long-term solution. The Ministry describes three options below:

The Saskatchewan model: This modification to joint and several liability was adopted in Saskatchewan in 2004. Under the Saskatchewan model, where there is a shortfall due to one defendant being insolvent and the plaintiff’s own negligence contributed to the harm, the shortfall is to be divided among the remaining defendants and the plaintiff in proportion to their fault. This model would apply to all types of defendants in all types of negligence claims.

The Multiplier model: In road authority cases (auto accident cases in which a municipality is sued for breach of duty to maintain a public road), where there is a shortfall due to one defendant being insolventthe municipality would never be liable for more than two times its proportion of damages, even if this means that a plaintiff does not fully recover. Because this rule has the potential to result in a seriously injured plaintiff being unable to fully recover, the proposal would be limited to municipalities and to the specific subset of cases that municipalities tell us impose the most significant and unfair burden – road authority cases.

The Combined model: The Saskatchewan model and the Multiplier model could be combined. In a case in which both models would apply – a road authority case involving contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff – the Saskatchewan model would be applied first. The Multiplier model would be applied if needed to ensure that the municipality would not be liable for more than two times its proportion of damages.


AMO supports the adopted of the "Combined model" listed above. This places some reasonable limits on the damages that may be recovered from a municipality under limited circumstances. It is a significant incremental step to address a pressing municipal issue.

The Ministry of the Attorney General is seeking your comments by April 16, 2014. We urge all municipalities to express their support for this combined model. This includes municipalities which supported either the Pettapiece motion or AMO’s form letter of February 7, 2014.

Below is a draft letter for municipalities to submit to the provincial government by April 16, 2014. Please add your community’s voice of support to this solution.

The Honourable Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario Legislative Building - Room 281 Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1

The Honourable John Gerretsen Attorney General McMurtry-Scott Building 720 Bay Street – 11th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2S9

The Honourable Linda Jeffrey Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street - 17th Floor Toronto ON M5G 2E5

Dear Premier, Attorney General, MMAH Minister:

[I or we] support the government’s consideration and adoption of measures which limit the impact of joint and several liability on municipalities. Specifically, we understand three options are under consideration – the Saskatchewan Model, the Multiplier Model, or a third model which combines both.

I write to you in support of this third Combined Model as described by AMO’s March 4, 2014 policy update. We support AMO’s advice to the government that such changes would represent a significant incremental step to address a pressing municipal issue. This places some reasonable limits on the damages that may be recovered from a municipality under limited circumstances.

The provisions of the Negligence Act have not been updated for decades and the legislation was never intended to place the burden of insurer of last resort on municipalities. It is entirely unfair to ask municipalities to carry the lion’s share of a damage award when at minimal fault or to assume responsibility for someone else’s mistake.

For this reason, [I or we] support the adoption of the Combined Model under consideration. We strongly encourage the government to immediately proceed with legislation which gives effect to this model.



AMO Breaking News - Province Proposes Provincial Oversight of Municipal Government

From: AMO Communications <[email protected]> Date: 6 March, 2014 10:17:41 EST To: Parisien, Stéphane P <[email protected]> Subject: AMO Breaking News - Province Proposes Provincial Oversight of Municipal Government


Wynne Government Embraces Provincial Oversight of Municipal Government

Today, Ontario’s Premier, Kathleen Wynne, stated that her government intends to create new municipal accountability measures and assert greater Provincial oversight over municipal government. 

Municipalities would be required to either create new processes to review complaints about service delivery, or choose to have service complaints investigated by the Office of Ontario’s Ombudsman, Andre Marin. Furthermore, municipal service complaint processes and investigations carried out by anyone other than the Provincial Ombudsman, could be subjected to “review” by his office.

We will share further details about these proposals as they become available.

AMO fully supports efficient and credible oversight of municipal services and governance. Public trust, accountability, transparency and integrity strengthen municipal government. However, AMO rejects the Wynne Government’s vision of how best to achieve it. 

The Ontario Government would layer Provincial oversight and new administrative processes on municipal government. It represents duplication and inefficiency, and importantly, it suggests that Wynne’s Government does not trust in the capacity of municipal government to expose and address questions about performance and integrity. 

No one knows what it would cost municipal government to fulfill these new responsibilities. But new costs are inevitable, the administrative burden is likely to be substantial, and municipalities and their citizens should expect more red tape. 

Assigning oversight authority to the Office of the Ontario Ombudsman, a provincial appointee who is based at Queen’s Park and who reports to Ontario’s Legislature, has the effect of transferring local municipal accountability to the Province. AMO is curious to see whether the opposition Conservatives and New Democrats will support that, or reject the invitation to micromanage municipal government. 


Municipalities are committed to accountability and transparency. Public trust is one of our greatest assets. A municipal government that lacks public trust has every reason to earn it, and good government is best served when local municipalities meet that goal independently.

Over the past decade, the Ontario Government and municipal governments have respected one another as willing, able and capable partners. AMO wants the Wynne Government, and opposition leaders, to be clear about their vision for future provincial and municipal relations, and the capacity of municipal government. Our vision has not changed: municipalities are looking for leadership that partners with municipal government, respects them, and believes in them.

PLEASE NOTE AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member municipality's council, administrator, clerk, and treasurer.  Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required.  We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of our various broadcast lists.

DISCLAIMER These are final versions of AMO documents.  AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.

6 1 0 , 2 6 8 0 S K Y M A R K A V E N U E • M I S S I S S A U G A , O N • L 4 W 5 L 6

P H O N E : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 4 • F A X : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 5 WEBSITE: WWW.AMCTO.COM

February 18th

, 2014

Via email.

Mr. Stéphane P. Parisien

Chief Administrative Officer

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell

59 Court Street

P.O. Box 304

L’Orignal, Ontario K0B 1K0

Dear Stéphane;

AMCTO is delighted to inform you that the United Counties of Prescott and Russell has

been selected to participate in the 2014-2015 term of the Ontario Municipal Management

Internship Program.

Your municipality was selected on the basis of your capacity and willingness to provide a

quality hands-on learning experience in a wide range of municipal operation areas as

outlined in your application. The selection committee was impressed by the work plan as

well as the level of commitment shown by your municipal administration and council.

The high standard of the many submissions received made the decision a very difficult

one. We are confident that the Host Municipalities that have been chosen to participate

this year will provide a meaningful, high-level, learning and growth environment for

these future municipal leaders.

Internship candidates bring forth a fresh perspective and innovative ideas that will help

add value to your municipality. The focus of the program is based on understanding the

overall management responsibilities of a CAO, the senior management team and

departmental managers. Activities within the program should be directly relevant to this

overall management lens. This is supplemented by your commitment to mentor and

coach the intern for the duration of the term.

6 1 0 , 2 6 8 0 S K Y M A R K A V E N U E • M I S S I S S A U G A , O N • L 4 W 5 L 6

P H O N E : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 4 • F A X : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 5 WEBSITE: WWW.AMCTO.COM

Please find enclosed in your package the following:

1. Applications of Intern Candidates

We have created a link to a back end webpage where you access Prospective Intern

Applications who have met the basic eligibility requirements stipulated by the program.

Your municipality can begin to arrange for interviews with your preferred candidates.

Municipalities are expected to complete their hiring process by April 30th

, 2014.

Once you have selected and entered into a 1 year employment contract with the selected

intern, please notify Rick Johal, Director of Government Relations & Legislative

Services ([email protected]) or 905-602-4294 ext. 232.

2. Contract

Attached are two copies of a contractual agreement to be executed between your

municipality and AMCTO. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the

program including disbursement of program funds and reporting requirements. Please

execute as soon as possible and return both copies of the agreement to the attention of:

Rick Johal, Director of Government Relations & Legislative Services,


2680 Skymark Ave. Suite 610,

Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6

3. Other Pertinent Information

Start Date

Interns are expected to begin their internship ranging from June 1st to July 31

st. The exact

start date is to be negotiated between the host municipality and intern.

Orientation Session

The intern’s designated mentor/co-mentor will be required to participate with the intern

in an Orientation Session prior to the start of the program (in May of 2014).The

orientation will focus on program curriculum, introductions, program details and

objectives, answering questions and concerns. Interns and mentor(s) will have the

opportunity to meet other program participants to discuss the program, network with each

other and meet AMCTO staff.


The intern’s mentor/co-mentor will also be expected to review and sign-off on intern

reports and assignments submitted to AMCTO at the end of each business area module,

6 1 0 , 2 6 8 0 S K Y M A R K A V E N U E • M I S S I S S A U G A , O N • L 4 W 5 L 6

P H O N E : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 4 • F A X : ( 9 0 5 ) 6 0 2 - 4 2 9 5 WEBSITE: WWW.AMCTO.COM

as well as complete (along with the intern) and submit to AMCTO a year-end survey and

report at the end of the program.

Hiring the Intern

AMCTO does not hold the expectation that you will hire your intern at the completion of

the internship; however the end of the internship does not restrict the municipality in any

way from continuing the intern’s employment after that date. The municipality may wish

to extend their contract to have the intern finish projects and of course are welcome to

approach the intern with a job offer or encourage him/her to apply for a position within

the municipal corporation at the conclusion of the internship year. If you do not intend to

hire your intern, you are encouraged to assist and support your intern in his/her search for

another municipal position.

We expect very shortly to be making a formal public announcement regarding the 2014-

2015 participating Host Municipalities and the interns selected. Following completion of

the hiring process, we will also be developing for dissemination a media release that will

profile the selected municipalities as well as their interns. Upon the public release of this

information we encourage you to share this information via your communication


We appreciate the commitment from your municipality to provide a valuable work

experience for your intern. We are confident that the commitment of time will prove to be

a worthwhile investment in light of the tremendous value that the interns will provide to

your municipality and ultimately to the field of municipal administration. Thank you

again for your participation in this program.

If you have any questions or require any additional information about the Municipal

Internship Program please contact Rick Johal, AMCTO’s Director of Government

Relations & Legislative Services by phone at (905) 602-4294 ext. 232 or by e-mail at

[email protected].

Best regards,

Andy Koopmans

Executive Director

AMCTO - The Municipal Experts


Schedule A

Terms of Reference

Municipal Internship Program

The Municipality agrees to:

1. Recruit and enter into a one year employment contract, covering the duration of the intern program year, with an intern selected from the short list of candidates provided by AMCTO.

2. Develop a customized workplan to the satisfaction of AMCTO using the

template provided by AMCTO as a guide. The workplan is to provide a framework for ensuring that the intern is exposed to a variety of municipal duties, and gains an understanding of municipal structures and operations. All activities in which the intern is engaged during the program year must be directly relevant to the overall management perspective. Ensure the workplan has been reviewed and had input from all the departmental managers that will be involved in the internship program.

3. Submit the final workplan to AMCTO by July 31, 2014. 4. Use the workplan developed under (2) to guide intern activities for the

duration of the internship. 5. Appoint a senior management employee to mentor/supervise the intern

over the period of the internship.

6. Inform AMCTO of the date the intern commences employment. 7. Communicate to staff within the municipality the role and responsibility of

the intern.

8. Permit the intern’s mentor/supervisor, or designate, to attend the Municipal Internship Program orientation session facilitated by AMCTO. All expenses incurred by the mentor/supervisor are the responsibility of the host municipality and cannot be allocated to the internship grant.

9. Permit the intern’s attendance at all Internship Program training sessions

and/or workshops facilitated by AMCTO and/or the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and FedNor.


10. Submit Interim Reports/Assignments to AMCTO on a quarterly basis per

an agreed upon schedule, to be reviewed prior to disbursement of funding allocations.

11. Have the intern’s designated mentor/supervisor review and sign off

progress reports developed by the intern at the completion of each program module (placement in each key operation area of the municipality), for submission to AMCTO.

12. Monitor and ensure the completion of the workplan by the intern in the

prescribed timeframe. 13. Expend the total amount of the grant for the purposes of providing the

intern a comprehensive training opportunity. A grant of $20,000 that must be used for the intern’s salary will be disbursed to each host municipality in equal quarterly installments. The program will provide up to an additional $5,000 to cover ancillary expenses related to the Internship that may include; travel and accommodations for the intern to attend training programs, workshops, and conferences prescribed for the intern as part of the program experience. Host municipalities and/or interns are required to submit original receipts to AMCTO in order to be reimbursed for expenses.

14. In collaboration with the intern, submit an end of year evaluation report to

AMCTO within 30 days of completion of the internship program year. The final reports will include:

A summary of the Intern’s year’s activities

Recommendations for program enhancements

A financial report outlining how the funding was allocated

Completion of the Mentor and Intern year end survey


Eligible Expenses for 2014-2015 Internship Grant



Maximum: $20,000

Benefits may not be paid out of the $20,000 salary portion of the grant.


Maximum: $5,000

Each host municipality is provided up to $5,000 to be used to cover expenses incurred by its intern specific to fulfilling the expectations of the program during the year. Allocation of these expenses is to be determined by the host municipality in consultation with its intern. No part of the $5,000 expense portion can be allocated to salary or benefits. Host municipalities and/or interns must submit original receipts to AMCTO in order to be reimbursed for expenses.


AMCTO and Ministry Workshops (MMAH & FedNor)

Attendance at prescribed AMCTO and Ministry (MMAH & FedNor) Workshops are a required part of the Program for the interns. All expenses associated with having the interns attend these workshops (e.g. accommodation, parking expenses, mileage) can be allocated to this component of the grant.

Expenses for the intern’s mentor/supervisor to attend meetings are not eligible to be covered by the grant.


Attendance at Conferences

Interns are to be permitted to attend at least one AMCTO conference during the year, as well as one MMAH and or FedNor regional conference

All expenses associated with having the interns attend these workshops (e.g. accommodation, parking expenses, mileage) can be allocated to this component of the grant.

Expenses for the intern’s mentor/supervisor to attend conferences are not eligible to be covered by the grant.


Relocation Costs

The host municipality may choose whether it will cover any of its intern’s relocation costs.

Bilan d’activités des Services sociaux de 2013 Page 1 5 mars 2014

Bilan 2013 des Services sociaux Activités Ontario au travail

Demandes d’aide sociale (Intake)

Demandes de renseignements téléphoniques

Demandes reçues en ligne

Demandes complétées avec entrevues de vérification

cédulées en 2e étape

Total d’appels téléphoniques et demandes en ligne

(moyenne de 10 demandes par jour)

4 443


1 301

5 832


2013 Alfred- Plantagenet

Champlain Nation Hawkesbury Hawkesbury- Est

Clarence- Rockland

Casselman Russell TOTAL

janvier 138 87 65 410 27 229 59 90 1105

février 137 83 61 420 24 223 62 93 1103

mars 148 85 58 415 24 235 67 108 1140

avril 151 90 58 409 22 234 61 109 1134

mai 146 89 51 398 21 236 62 106 1109

juin 147 90 53 391 20 231 58 110 1100

juillet 133 88 46 395 26 236 56 108 1088

août 129 82 65 387 23 201 59 99 1045

septembre 127 89 47 384 23 216 59 105 1050

octobre 130 88 44 391 23 223 59 97 1055

novembre 133 85 46 394 25 220 60 103 1066

décembre 139 86 48 404 26 222 58 108 1091

Moyenne mensuelle de la charge de cas pour 2013 était de 1 091.

102 dossiers OAT ont été revus et transférés au bureau POSPH dans les délais requis.

51 demandes de funérailles ont été payées pour l’année 2013 pour des résidents de Prescott et Russell recevant des prestations OAT (3), POSPH (32) ou autres à faible revenu, comme du Régime de pension du Canada (16).


(parent de 16 à 25 ans)

Charge de cas

Nouvelles références



Moins de 18 ans Charge de cas

Nouvelles références



Centres d’accueil

Nouvelles demandes 174

Fermeture de dossiers 136 Non-admissibles / retraits volontaires 70

Bilan d’activités des Services sociaux de 2013 Page 2 5 mars 2014

RA / Fraude

Révision de l’admissibilité

Plaintes d’allégations reçues 212

Enquêtes complétées 243

Paiements excédentaires (O/P) créés 102 916,72 $


Programme de soutien financier à la famille

Nouvelles demandes

Dossiers fermés



Nombre de dossiers actifs

Remboursement du Bureau des obligations familiales de l’Ontario


93 868,90 $

Révisions internes


Tribunal d’aide sociale

Demandes de révision interne complétées

Demandes d’observations écrites complétées pour le Tribunal de l’aide sociale

Présences aux audiences du Tribunal de l’aide sociale

Dossiers de réexamen des décisions du Tribunal (3e étape)





EVP Dossiers revus 217

Programmes d’aide

Total de personnes aidées à faible revenu

Fonds d’aide d’urgence aux impayés d’énergie 111

Programme provincial de banque d’aide au loyer 53

Programme d’urgence des sans-abri

Programme d’aide aux impayés d’énergie (LEAP – Enbridge, Hydro One, Hydro Hawkesbury, Coopérative Hydro

Embrun, Hydro 2000-Alfred)

Demandes refusées ou non-complétées (revenus élevés, autres programmes disponibles)

Total des demandes d’aide reçues

1 851



2 247

Sessions d’information Nombre de nouveaux participants qui ont visionné la bande vidéo explicative du programme OAT dans P.R. (environ 7 minutes)

Trousses remises aux nouveaux participants



Éducation Nombre de personne inscrites aux écoles pour adultes afin de compléter leurs études secondaires (67% à L’Orignal et 33% à Rockland)


Bilan d’activités des Services sociaux de 2013 Page 3 5 mars 2014


Moyenne mensuelle de personnes qui font un placement communautaire Dossiers référés au Centre de services à l’emploi de Prescott et Russell

((CSE) pour les participants aptes au travail) Nombre de placements rémunérés avec le CSE (participants qui ont

trouvé un emploi d’au moins 24 heures/semaine) Nombre de placements rémunérés avec incitatif avec le CSE (maximum

de 1 500 $ à l’employeur)

39 358



Emploi Moyenne mensuelle de participants actifs dans leur recherche d’emploi

Nombre de participants rencontrés pour renouveler leur entente de participation (généralement aux 3 mois)

Pourcentage de participants qui ont touché un revenu d’emploi

Pourcentage de participants qui ont quitté OAT pour un emploi



15% 30%

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Services de garde familiale agréée

Agence de garde en milieu familial

Nombre de responsables de garde avec qui l’Agence de garde en milieu familial a un achat de services. (Ce nombre représente une moyenne annuelle) Ces responsables offrent un service de garde pour une moyenne annuelle de 162 enfants et de ces 162 enfants : 78 enfants reçoivent une subvention aux frais de garde 77 enfants sont de parents payants (non subventionné) 7 enfants dont les parents reçoivent Ontario au travail



Services de garde

Les Comtés ont un achat de service avec 15 exploitants qui offrent un service de garde. Ils opèrent une ou des garderies dont les clients de subventions aux frais de garde peuvent être admissibles à un service de garde.

Nombre d’exploitants / opérateurs Nombre de sites / garderies

Trois nouvelles garderies ont été fondées en 2013 Centre d’animation parascolaire au Jardins des Câlins à St-Albert Centre d’animation parascolaire au Jardins des Câlins à Casselman

(École St-Paul) Centre d’animation parascolaire au Jardins des Câlins à Casselman

(École St-Euphémie)

15 37

Subventions aux frais de garde

Nombre d’enfants dont la famille reçoit une subvention aux frais de garde dans les Comtés unis. (Ce nombre représente une moyenne annuelle) Région 1 (Hawkesbury, Champlain, L’Orignal, Hawkesbury-Est, etc.) Région 2 (Clarence-Rockland, Wendover, etc.) Région 3 (Casselman, Embrun, Russell, Nation etc.)

466 105 215 146

Investissement permanent dans le cadre de la Stratégie Meilleur Départ. Implication directe avec le programme de la journée prolongée en partenariat avec les conseils scolaires de notre

région et le ministère de l’Éducation. Récupération des argents par Internet, carte de crédit, Interac et paiements préautorisés pour les frais de garde

provenant des parents. Création d’une trousse d’information pour les parents payants. Depuis juin 2012, les intervenantes en Services de garde complètent l’évaluation financière du client.

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Centre de la petite enfance GPR

Centre de la petite enfance

Visites d’enfants au CPE de Casselman Visite de parents au CPE de Casselman

Parents et responsables de garde ayant participé aux ateliers et/ou formations

Total des visites d’enfants au CPE Casselman et ses sites satellites

Total des visites de parents au CPE Casselman et ses sites satellites

6 539 3 567


13 416

7 230

Enfants à besoins spéciaux : Nous avons desservi 193 enfants à besoins spéciaux

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Qualité de service - Services de garde

Actions Améliorations aux garderies/équipement Améliorations pour santé et sécurité Formations offertes par les Services de garde Cours Premiers soins Rencontres de groupe du Réseau des Services de garde Rencontre du comité des éducatrices

Nombre 34 garderies 10 garderies 6 formations 42 personnes 6 rencontres 1 rencontre

Des améliorations furent apportées aux 34 garderies, soit avec de gros équipements et/ou de l’équipement pour agrémenter la programmation.

Du support financier pour des formations offertes gratuitement au personnel des garderies.

Suite aux demandes reçues, des améliorations au niveau de Santé et sécurité furent accordées.

Les Comtés unis ont versés du matériel éducatif à 34 garderies.

Rencontres aux deux mois avec les 16 exploitants du Réseau des Services de garde des CUPR.

Des rencontres et visites régulières avec les directions des garderies pour assurer une bonne communication et implanter la qualité dans les services de garde respectifs.

Des rencontres multiples avec nos partenaires en éducation pour aider l’implantation du programme PAJE.

Formation offerte pour appuyer la mise en œuvre du programme de jour prolongé PAJE.

Création d’un comité d’éducatrices de la petite enfance pour l’accompagnement de la mise en œuvre du cadre d’apprentissage.

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Services de logement

Services de logement Déménagements Causes défendues au Tribunal du logement

56 7

Les Services de logement ont effectué 108 inspections d’unités semi détachées des rues, James, Portelance et Taché à Hawkesbury ainsi que sur la rue Boyd à Vankleek Hill. 68 inspections d’unités d’immeubles à logements multiples au 675 avenue Portelance et 69 avenue Derby à Vankleek Hill ont également été faites.

Au cours de l’été 2013, les Services de logement ont reçu 28 demandes de permission pour l’installation de piscine/barboteuse/trampoline. Cette année, nous avons exigé une preuve d’assurance responsabilité pour les piscines. Des inspections ont eu lieu tout au long de l’été afin d’assurer la sécurité et la conformité des installations des piscines.

Les Services de logement, avec la participation des services d’incendie locaux, ont complété les exercices d’incendies avec les 170 ménages demeurant dans nos cinq immeubles à logements multiples ainsi que du projet de la Villa St-Paul à Plantagenet.

Les Services de logement ont également assurés le suivi de 46 inspections électriques réalisées par l'inspecteur de l’Office de la sécurité des installations électriques (l’OSIE) pour s’assurer que nos logis soient conformes au Code de sécurité relatif aux installations électriques de l’Ontario.

Les Services de logement continuent d’assurer l’administration de la Corporation de logement à but non lucratif du Village de Plantagenet depuis le mois de mai 2012.

Activités/Dîners communautaires: le 24 octobre 2013 au 69 rue Derby, VKH; 10 locataires présents. Présentations et musique. le 12 décembre 2013 au 472 rue Church, Russell; 15 locataires présents. Présentations et musique.

Visite mensuelle de tous les immeubles pour ainés : Depuis le mois d’avril 2013, l’agente de Relations communautaires est à la disposition des locataires pour de l’aide ou pour répondre à leur questions pour une durée de 30 minutes par immeuble. Les dates sont prédéterminées donc les locataires sont au courant de ces dates de visites.

Plan et lutte à l’itinérance

Le plan décennal sur la lutte à l’itinérance et le logement abordable a été complété en octobre puis envoyé au ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement en novembre. Il est maintenant affiché sur le site Web des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell.

Programme de rénovation Ontario Rénove

Nous avons versé 119 326 $ en rénovations dans le volet programme de Rénovation Ontario. 15 ménages ont bénéficié du programme dont 3 réparations pour accroitre l’accessibilité et 12 pour des réparations urgentes.

Nouveau Programme d’investissement de Logement

abordable de l’Ontario

Nous avons conclus 49 nouvelles ententes de Supplément au loyer sur le territoire des Comtés unis. En tout, avec le programme PILAO, 82 ententes avec des propriétaires privés ont été conclus. Une somme de 157 000 $ fut versée dans ce volet pour réduire le coût de loyer en 2013. Le subside varie de 76 $ à 230 $ par ménage.
