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Page 1: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor
Page 2: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences REGIONAL CONFERENCE SERIES IN MA THEM A TICS

supported by the National Science Foundation

Number 60


Gilles Pisier

Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences

by the American Mathematical Society

Providence, Rhode Island


Page 3: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor

Expository Lecture s from th e CBM S Regional Conferenc e

held a t th e Universit y o f Missouri-Columbi a June 25-29 , 198 4

Research supporte d i n par t b y Nationa l Scienc e Foundatio n Gran t DM S 84-01302.

1980 Mathematics Subject Classifications (198 5 Revision). Primar y 46B99 , 47B10,

46M05; Secondary 46B30 , 46J15, 46C99, 46L30.

Library o f Congres s Cataloging-in-Publication Dat a

Pisier, Gilles , 1950 -Factorization o f linea r operator s an d geometr y o f Banac h spaces . (Regional conferenc e serie s in mathematics ; no. 60) "Lectures presente d a t th e NSF-CBM S regional conference , Universit y o f Missouri -

Columbia, June 25-29 , 1984" -

Includes bibliographies . L Linea r operators . 2 . Factorizatio n o f operators . 3 . Banac h spaces . I . Conferenc e

Board o f th e Mathematica l Sciences . II . Title . III . Series . QA1.R33 no . 60 510 s [515.7'246 ] 81-1860 5

[QA329.2] ISBN 0-8218-0710-2 (alk . paper )

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Page 4: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor


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Page 6: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor


Introduction vi i

Chapter 0. Preliminary Results and Background 1 a. Genera l notatio n 1 b. An introductio n t o tenso r products . The approximatio n property .

Nuclear operator s 2 c. Loca l reflexivity 6

Chapter 1 . Absolutely Summing Operators and Basic Applications 9 a. Absolutely summin g operators 9 b. Applications t o Banach spaces 1 6 c. An introductio n t o duality theory . Integral operators 1 8

Notes and reference s 1 9

Chapter 2. Factorization through a Hilbert Space 2 1 a. Operators factorin g throug h a Hilbert spac e 2 1 b. A duality theore m 2 5

Notes an d reference s 3 0

Chapter 3. Type and Cotype. Kwapieh's Theorem 3 1 a. Type and cotype . Definitions 3 1 b. Kwapieh's theore m 3 2 c. Supplementar y result s 3 4 d. Type and cotyp e and th e geometry of Banac h spaces 3 8

Notes and reference s 4 0

Chapter 4. The "Abstract" Version of Grothendieck's Theorem 4 1 a. The factorization theore m 4 1 b. An applicatio n t o harmonic analysis 4 9

Notes and reference s 5 1


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Chapter 5. Grothendieck's Theorem 5 3 a. Preliminaries . Localization techniques . J^-space s 5 3 b. Operators on C( K )-spaces 5 4 c. Operator s on Lj-space s 5 7 d. Cotype 2 spaces and absolutely summing operators 6 2 e. Bes t constants. Krivine's proof 6 4 f. A proof o f G.T . using harmonic analysis 6 8

Notes and reference s 6 9

Chapter 6. Banach Spaces Satisfying Grothendieck's Theorem 7 1 a. G.T . space s 7 1 b. G.T. spaces of cotype 2 7 3 c. Quotient s of L l b y a reflexive subspac e 7 8 d. Bourgain's theorem on L x/H

l 8 3 Notes and reference s 8 6

Chapter 7. Applications of the Volume Ratio Method 8 9 Notes and reference s 9 5

Chapter 8. Banach Lattices 9 7 a. The Banach lattice version of G.T . 9 7 b. Ultraproducts. Factorization throug h an L^-spac e 10 1 c. Loca l unconditional structure . The Gordon-Lewis property 10 4 d. Examples of Banac h spaces without l.u.st . 10 8 e. Finite-dimensiona l space s with extreme l.u.st. constants 11 3 f. G.T . spaces with unconditional basis 11 4 g. Infinite-dimensional Kasi n decompositions 11 4

Notes and reference s 11 8

Chapter 9. C *-Algebras 11 9 a. The noncommutative version of G.T. 11 9 b. Applications 13 0

Notes and reference s 13 2

Chapter 10. Counterexamples to Grothendieck's Conjecture 13 5 a. Outline of th e construction 13 5 b. Extensions of a Banach space 13 7 c. The construction 14 0 d. Particular cases of the conjectures 14 5 e. Som e open problems 14 6

Notes and reference s 14 7

References 149

Page 8: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor


In 195 6 Grothendiec k publishe d a fascinatin g pape r entitle d Resume de la theorie metrique des produits tensoriels topologiques. Thi s paper , whic h i s no w referred t o a s "th e Resume" , ha s ha d a considerabl e influenc e o n th e develop -ment o f Banac h spac e theor y sinc e 1968 . I t containe d a genera l theor y o f tenso r norms o n tenso r product s o f Banac h spaces , describe d severa l operation s t o generate new tensor norms from som e known ones , and studie d th e duality theor y of thes e norms . Bu t th e highligh t o f th e Resum e i s a resul t tha t Grothendiec k called "th e fundamenta l theore m o f th e metri c theor y o f tenso r products " an d which i s no w calle d Grothendieck' s theore m (o r sometime s Grothendieck' s in -equality). Among it s man y consequences , i t implie s tha t ever y bounded operato r from L^ int o L Y factor s throug h L 2. Thi s theore m remaine d practicall y un -noticed unti l 1968 , whe n Lindenstraus s an d Pelczyhsk i revive d i t an d gav e a detailed proo f (cf . [L-P]) . Although ther e ar e now numerous simpl e proofs o f thi s theorem (cf . e.g . Chapte r 5) , it remain s a nontrivia l result .

The aim o f th e present lectur e notes is to describe the contributions made sinc e 1968 i n th e direction s opene d b y th e Resume . Although ou r titl e i s very general , we will limitat e ourselve s t o th e wor k whic h i s directl y relate d t o th e question s raised i n Grothendieck' s paper . The Resum e ends with a list o f si x problems wit h comments o n eac h o f them . Thank s t o th e considerabl e progres s achieve d i n Banach spac e theor y i n th e las t 1 5 years , thes e problem s ar e no w al l solve d (except perhap s fo r th e exac t valu e o f th e Grothendiec k constant) , an d thes e lecture note s wil l include th e various result s which led t o thei r solution . These six problems ar e actuall y al l linke d togethe r an d relate d t o severa l centra l questions . To summariz e simpl y th e content s o f thes e notes , we might sa y tha t the y revolv e around th e followin g questions : When doe s a n operato r u: X -* Y (betwee n tw o Banach spaces ) facto r throug h a Hilber t space ? Fo r whic h space s X, Y doe s thi s happen fo r al l operator s w ? W e wil l examin e th e particula r cas e o f operator s defined o n a Banach lattice , a C*-algebra , o r the disc algebra and H°°.

The topic s tha t w e cove r hav e man y connection s o r application s outsid e Banach spac e theory , an d w e hop e tha t the y wil l hav e eve n mor e i n th e future . With thi s in mind, we have tried t o make this material accessible to nonspecialists , so tha t ou r redactio n i s usuall y quit e detaile d an d self-contained . Fo r th e sam e


Page 9: Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences...It contained a general theory of tensor norms on tensor products of Banach spaces, described several operations to generate new tensor


reason, w e have deliberatel y kep t t o a minimum th e use o f th e dualit y theor y vi a the trace , sinc e w e fee l tha t thi s migh t tur n of f th e reader s wh o ar e no t familia r with it . Nevertheless , we urge th e readers wh o want t o go deeper i n th e theor y t o get acquainte d wit h th e principle s o f thi s dualit y (cf . [P I o r Pe4]). We shoul d mention tha t ou r restricte d selectio n ha s lef t ou t severa l importan t topics . W e refer t o [PI ] fo r th e genera l theor y o f operato r ideal s whic h wa s develope d b y Pietsch an d hi s schoo l sinc e the late sixties . The characterization o f L^-space s (o r subspaces o f L p o r subspace s of quotient s o f L p) b y operator theoreti c propertie s is a majo r omission . Fo r this , w e refe r th e reade r t o th e beautifu l pape r o f Kwapieh [Kw3 ] and t o it s references . Also , the factorizatio n theorem s o f Maure y (and th e importan t wor k o f Rosentha l [R2] ) ar e no t include d here ; w e refe r th e reader t o [Ml] . W e d o discuss , however , th e genera l theor y o f typ e an d cotype , but briefl y an d withou t proofs . W e wil l be mainly concerne d her e wit h typ e 2 or cotype 2 . I n general , w e hav e concentrate d o n th e proble m o f factorin g a n operator throug h L 2, an d w e hav e lef t ou t th e natura l extension s fo r th e factorization throug h L p. I n ou r exposition , w e will come acros s mos t o f th e lin e of investigatio n whic h forms th e so-called loca l theory o f Banac h spaces—i.e. , th e study o f Banac h space s by finite-dimensiona l methods . We have trie d t o indicat e in th e references , a s ofte n a s possible , th e ramification s o f thi s currentl y ver y active area .

Let u s no w revie w th e content s o f thes e notes . I n Chapte r 0 , we introduce th e projective an d injectiv e tenso r products an d th e approximation propert y (i n shor t A.P.). Amon g th e si x problem s a t th e en d o f th e Resume , th e firs t an d mos t famous on e wa s th e approximatio n problem : Doe s ever y Banac h spac e posses s the A.P. ? Enfl o [E ] gav e a counterexampl e i n 1972 , whic h opene d a ne w er a i n functional analysis .

In Chapte r 0 , w e hav e insiste d o n th e necessar y distinctio n betwee n nuclea r operators an d element s o f th e projectiv e tenso r product , whic h i s essentia l i n Chapter 10 .

In Chapte r 1 , we present in detail the basic theory of /^-summin g operators an d its firs t application s t o Banach spac e theory: Fo r ever y ^-dimensiona l subspac e E of a spac e X, ther e i s a projectio n P: X - * E suc h tha t ||P| | < yfn an d a n isomorphism T: 1%-> E suc h that | |7 | | \\T~l\\ < yfn.

In §c , we briefly introduc e ^-integra l operator s an d som e rudiments o f dualit y theory, bu t thi s i s no t use d i n th e sequel . W e not e i n passin g tha t th e Radon -Nikodym propert y (whic h is crucial t o compare integra l an d nuclea r operators ) i s not discusse d a t al l here; we refer th e reader t o [D-U] for thi s topic. In Chapte r 2 , we give the Lindenstrauss-Pelczyhsk i criterio n fo r a n operato r t o factor throug h a Hilbert space . This can be viewed a s an applicatio n o f th e Hahn-Banach theore m provided a certain dualit y theore m i s explicited; w e do thi s in §2.b . In Chapte r 3 , we introduc e th e notion s o f typ e an d cotyp e an d prov e Kwapien' s theore m tha t every space of typ e 2 and o f cotype 2 is isomorphic to a Hilbert space . The theor y of typ e an d cotyp e provide s a usefu l scal e t o measur e ho w clos e a give n spac e i s

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from a Hilber t space . We briefly revie w the main point s of thi s theory in §3.3 (we use onl y th e extrem e cases o f typ e 2 or cotyp e 2 in th e sequel) . In Chapte r 4 , we prove a factorization theore m which links Kwapieh's theore m and Grothendieck' s theorem: I f X* an d Y ar e of cotype 2, then every approximable operato r fro m X into Y factor s throug h a Hilber t space . Thi s resul t play s a crucia l rol e i n th e construction o f Chapte r 10 . As an application , in §4.b, we show that Sido n set s in the dua l o f a compac t Abelia n grou p G ar e characterize d b y th e fac t tha t the y span a cotyp e 2 spac e i n C(G). Thi s generalize s a n earlie r resul t o f Varopoulo s [VI]. I n Chapte r 5 , w e concentrat e o n Grothendieck' s theorem , whic h w e ab -breviate G.T . Chapte r 5 contains a t leas t fou r proof s o f tha t theorem . In §5.a , we briefly introduc e ^-space s (ther e i s more informatio n i n §§8. b an d 8.c) . We ar e mainly concerne d her e with th e case s p = 1 and p = oo . This allow s us t o stat e and prov e G.T. in the framework o f [L-P] : Every operator fro m a n 2£ x spac e into an ££ 2 spac e is 1-summing. Thi s is proved i n §5.c . In §5.b we give the (somewha t dual) formulatio n abou t operator s define d o n a C(AT)-spac e o r o n a n o^-space . We trie d t o give explicitly al l the various forms i n which the theorem can be used , and w e distinguishe d carefull y betwee n th e eas y par t (whic h w e cal l th e "littl e G.T.") an d th e mor e delicat e par t o f thi s theorem . W e firs t giv e a proo f derive d from th e mor e "abstract " resul t o f Chapte r 4 , bu t §5. d contain s anothe r proof , more direct an d o f independent interest .

In §5.3 , we include Krivine' s proo f o f G.T. , whic h give s th e bes t know n uppe r bound fo r th e constant K G. I n problem 3 in th e Resume, Grothendieck aske d fo r the exac t valu e o f variou s constant s (se e 5.3 fo r details) ; thi s is the only proble m which i s no t completel y solve d (bu t o f course , i t i s probably th e leas t importan t one!). In 5.f , w e give a very quick proof o f G.T. , based o n a property o f th e spac e Hl

9 du e to Pelczyhski and Wojtaszczyk . In Chapte r 6 , w e stud y th e Banac h space s satisfyin g G.T. , whic h w e cal l G.T .

spaces. We include several characterizations of thes e spaces, but we insist more on the a prior i smalle r clas s o f G.T . space s o f cotyp e 2 . Th e latte r enjoy s nice r stability properties and includes all the known examples of G.T . spaces. In 6.c, we show tha t i f R i s a hilbertian (or , more generally, a reflexive) subspac e of L l9 the n LY/R i s a G.T. space of cotype 2.

We com e her e t o proble m 5 i n th e Resume . A stronge r formulatio n o f thi s problem wa s give n b y Lindenstraus s an d Pelczyhski , wh o aske d whethe r th e ^ - spaces ar e th e onl y space s satisfyin g G.T . Th e abov e resul t o f 6. c (du e t o Kisliakov an d th e author ) gives a negative answer t o thi s question (an d a fortior i to problem 5 ) since the quotients L x/R ar e never ^-spaces whe n R i s a reflexiv e infinite-dimensional subspac e of L v

It i s rathe r eas y t o giv e concret e example s o f hilbertia n subspace s o f L x: fo r example, th e spa n o f th e Rademache r functions . However , i t i s mor e delicat e t o produce " very large " suc h spaces . Fo r thi s purpose , w e presen t i n Chapte r 7 a method base d o n volum e estimates whic h yield s a n orthogona l decompositio n o f l\n int o tw o part s whic h ar e uniformly (wit h respec t t o n) isomorphi c t o /£ . This

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result originates in the work of Kasin, but the method was developed in [Sz2] and [S-T].

We als o giv e i n §8. g a n infinite-dimensiona l versio n o f thi s decomposition , obtained recently by Krivine.

In Chapter 8, we turn to Banach lattices and start by a reformulation o f G.T. in this context . I n 8.b , w e introduce ultraproduct s wit h severa l simpl e illustrativ e applications. Problem 2 in the Resume asked whether a specific property (involv-ing tensor norms) was always satisfied. This was answered negatively by Gordon-Lewis [G-Ll] . Thei r pape r showe d tha t thi s propert y (no w calle d th e G.L . property) provide s a usefu l criterio n t o decid e whethe r o r no t a give n spac e is isomorphic to a Banach lattice (or more generally to a space with l.u.st.). This is the subject o f 8.c ; in 8.d, we show that, for p = £ 2 , the Schatten classes Cp do not have the G.L. property (cf. [G-Ll , Sc]). Many more spaces without l.u.st. are now known. Moreover , on e ca n construct , fo r an y n, a n ^-dimensiona l spac e wit h l.u.st. constan t greate r than S^/n , for som e S > 0 independent o f n. This "wors t possible" cas e ca n b e exhibite d i n 8. e ver y quickl y (followin g [F-K-P]) , usin g Chapter 7. In §8.g, we show (following [L-P]) that an atomic Banach lattice which satisfies G.T. must be isomorphic to lx(T) fo r some set T.

In Chapte r 9 , we present th e C*-algebrai c versio n o f G.T. , a s conjectured b y Grothendieck. Her e we mainly follow [Pi7 ] and Haagerup' s work [HI] . This was problem 4 in th e Resume . I n §7.b , we discuss (withou t proofs ) severa l applica -tions of these results to the theory of derivations and representations of C "'-alge-bras (cf. [Bu, CI, C2, H2, H3]).

Finally, in Chapter 10 , we construct (following [PilO]) several Banach spaces X such tha t X ® X = X ® X. Thi s give s a negative solutio n t o th e sixt h an d las t problem i n th e Resume . Grothendieck conjecture d ther e tha t thi s could happe n only in the finite-dimensional case . The reader who has reached this point will be rewarded t o find tha t al l the results used in the construction have been included (with complet e proofs ) i n th e preceding chapter s (mainl y i n Chapter s 4 , 7 and 6.c).

Each chapter is followed by a notes and references section where the reader will find th e credit s fo r th e correspondin g results , a s wel l a s som e additiona l com -ments. I n general , w e give reference s i n th e tex t itsel f onl y fo r th e statement s which we quote without proof.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Thi s is an expanded versio n o f lecture s delivered a t th e C.B.M.S. Conference hel d in June 1984 at the University of Missouri-Columbia . It give s me grea t pleasur e t o have thi s occasion t o than k th e organizers o f thi s meeting and, in particular, Elias Saab. I am also very grateful t o Nigel Kalton for his help with the manuscript. I am grateful t o P . Wojtaszczyk an d U . Haageru p for helpfu l editoria l comments . I woul d lik e t o than k als o Kare n Robinson , DeAnna Walkenbach, Karen Brewer, Susan Freie, Suzy Cook, and Regina Teson for their typing of the preprint version.

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