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Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau

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  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau






    AHMED SALAU, ) Case No. 4:2014cv02500

    P. O. BOX 6008, )

    PRINCETON, WV 24740. )


    Plaintiff, pro se )


    vs. ) COMPLAINT



    C/O MG Robert Ashley, Jr.,

    448 Christy Avenue,)

    Building 22408,

    Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613)







    Plaintiff Ahmed Salau, pro se, for his complaint alleges as follows:

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau



    This is an action for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress

    arising out of defamatory Statements made by the Defendant Constance Agregaard

    about Defendant Constance Agregaards dealings with Plaintiff. As detailed herein,

    Plaintiff is entitled to actual damages, compensatory and punitive damages,

    damages for pain and suffering as a result of Defendant Constance Agregaard s

    actions, exemplary damages, special damages and other damages. Substantial parts

    of the events alleged herein took place in Arizona. The most recent and substantial

    events took place in Arizona and as such Arizona law applies herein. Plaintiff

    requests a jury decide these claims.


    This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action based on

    diversity of citizenship pursuant to 28 U.S.C 1332(a).

    Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C 1391(b) because a substantial

    part of the events or actions giving rise to Salaus claims arose in this district.

    Salau has incurred harm in this district as a result of Agregaards tortious

    conduct, and Agregaard expressly aimed her tortious conduct at this district.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau



    1. Plaintiff, Ahmed Salau is a natural person and is a resident of

    Princeton, West Virginia. Plaintiff majored in chemistry and psychology

    and had a minor in women and gender studies. Plaintiff is also a

    professional research associate, co-author, co-investigator on a number

    of ongoing scientific projects that have been published in peer-reviewed

    journals published by reputable organizations like the American

    Chemical Society among others. Plaintiff also had another job as a

    student customer service assistant at the University of Missouri Campus

    Dining Services. Plaintiff was also involved and/or is a member of

    numerous groups on campus including but not limited to STOP


    SPEAKS, PSI CHI, THE FOOD BANK, GREEN DOT, Foundation for the

    International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC),among other

    organizations. Plaintiff is also the Founder, President and Chief Executive

    Officer of PARIS Angels a mentoring program for at-risk youth.

    2. Defendant Constance Agregaard, Constance Agregaard is a natural

    person and is a resident of Sierra Vista, Arizona.

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    3. On or about August 2012, Plaintiff and the Defendant Constance

    Agregaard started working at Integral Resources Incorporated.

    4. On or about September 1st2012, Plaintiff and the Defendant

    Constance Agregaard start a consensual romantic relationship & move

    in together.

    5. On or about September 15th2012, Petitioner and Defendant Constance

    Agregaard meet Plaintiffs family and Defendant Constance

    Agregaards family.

    6. On or about September 30th2012, Plaintiff and Defendant Constance

    Agregaard visit the Family Health Center together and are informed

    that the Defendant Constance Agregaard is pregnant.

    7. On or about October 1st2012, the Plaintiff and the Defendant

    Constance Agregaard visit Plaintiffs attorney friend Olayinka Hamza

    for the weekend.

    8. On or about October 12th2012, Plaintiff and the Defendant Constance

    Agregaard decide to break up.

    9. On or about October 14th2012, the Defendant Constance Agregaard

    falsely reports to the Police Department that she had been raped by

    the Plaintiff. To with: Ahmed Raped me

    10. On or about October 19th2012, the Plaintiff is arrested by the Police

    Department and is in jail for seven months.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    11. In May 2013, the Defendant Constance Agregaard recanted her

    statement to the police, after being confronted with insurance

    receipts, phone records and time stamped photographs that disproved

    her rape allegation.

    12. The Defendant Constance Agregaard continues to make these false

    and defamatory statements and remade them in June 2014 to Mr.

    Lowe specifically stating that, Ahmed raped me

    13. Plaintiff was informed by Mr. Lowe that the Defendant Constance

    Agregaard made the statements.

    14. The Defendant Constance Agregaards statements have beenwidely

    distributed on the internet and in newspapers world wide.

    15. The Plaintiff is forever damaged by these statements.

    16. The Plaintiff has lost multiple jobs and business and educational

    opportunities because of the Defendant Constance Agregaards lies.

    The Defendant Constance Agregaard lost the jobs he had when he was

    arrested and every job ever since because everyone thinks he raped

    the Defendant Constance Agregaard which he IN FACT did not.

    17. The stigma caused by her statements has completely destroyed the

    Plaintiffs image and caused him intense emotional distress.


    The Defendant Constance Agregaard ended up keeping the child and

    has subsequently kept the Plaintiff from having anything to do with

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    his child. The Plaintiff believes upon true belief that the Defendant

    Constance Agregaard sold the child for money.

    19. Several members of STOP TRAFFIC and Women and Gender Studies

    students have heard Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements.

    20. Several members of Plaintiffs church The Baptist Student Union have

    heard Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements.

    21. Several co-workers and supervisors have heard Defendant Constance



    22. Plaintiffs Advisors have heard Defendant Constance Agregaards


    23. Members of PSI CHI have heard Defendant Constance Agregaards


    24. Members of Green Dot have heard Defendant Constance Agregaards



    Members of On the Rock have heard Defendant Constance AgregaardsStatements.

    26. Plaintiff never raped Defendant Constance Agregaard.



    (Slander Per Se Injury to Professional Reputation)

    27. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 25 as if fully set forth at length herein.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    28. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements and publications

    described herein

    (hereinafter called Statements) concerned Plaintiff and were false.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    30. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    31. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were slanderous per se

    because they injure

    Plaintiffs professional reputation.

    32. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    33. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    34. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri

    at large, The Chemistry Department of the University of Missouri, The

    Psychology Department of the University of Missouri, the Women and

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    Gender Studies Department at the University of Missouri, STOP

    TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and

    Green Dot. In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation. In addition individuals

    will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay

    consequential and incidental damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment

    interest costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Slander Per Se Injury to Personal Reputation)

    35. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 33 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    36. Defendant Constance AgregaardsStatements concerned Plaintiff and

    was false as a matter of fact.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    37. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    38. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    39. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were slanderous per se

    because they injure

    Plaintiffs personal reputation.

    40. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    41. Defendant Constance Agregaard false and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    42.Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of the bar manager

    and her subsequent actions.

    43. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of

    Missouri, The Chemistry Department of the University of Missouri,

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    The Psychology Department of the University of Missouri, The Women

    and Gender Studies Department at the University of Missouri, STOP

    TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and

    Green Dot. In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation. The Defendant Constance

    Agregaard had dedicated significant time and effort into to the City

    and community of Columbia. Defendant Constance Agregaards

    statements permanently damage Plaintiffs reputation in Missouri and

    all over the world. Plaintiff will soon have to leave the world of

    academia and will likely face difficulties in obtaining employment at

    another university as a result of Defendant Constance Agregaards

    false and defamatory statements.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering

    Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental

    damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest costs of suit and

    attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this honorable Court deems


  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau



    (Slander Per Se Accusations of Criminal Conduct)

    44. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 44 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    45. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements concerned Plaintiff and

    were false.

    46. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    47. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity with malice.

    48. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were slanderous per se

    because they allege Plaintiff was engaged in criminal conduct.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards statements accused Plaintiff of

    engaging in a pattern of behavior that is criminal and punishable with

    up to 30 years of incarceration at the Missouri Department of


    50. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    51. Defendant Constance Agregaard false and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    52. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of our roommates

    and coworkers.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri

    at large, The Chemistry Department of the University of Missouri, The

    Psychology Department of the University of Missouri, the Women and

    Gender Studies Department at the University of Missouri, STOP

    TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and

    Green Dot. In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation. In addition individuals

    will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay

    consequential and incidental damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment

    interest costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Slander By Implication)


    Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 54 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    55. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements concerned Plaintiff and

    indicates the existence of other facts which are defamatory.

    56. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    57. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    58. Defendant Constance Agregaard has no reasonable grounds for

    believing the truth of her Statements.

    59. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with stalking her asserting as fact, no prior interaction

    with him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    time stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    60. Defendant Constance Agregaard false and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    61. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of our roommates

    and co-workers.

    62. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri

    at large,

    The Chemistry Department of the University of Missouri, The Psychology

    Department of the University of Missouri, the Women and Gender

    Studies Department at the University of Missouri, STOP TRAFFIC, The

    Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and Green Dot. In

    addition individuals will be less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a

    result of his tainted reputation. In addition individuals will be less likely

    to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering

    Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental

    damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest costs of suit and

    attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this honorable Court deems



    (Slander Reckless Disregard/Malice)

    63. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 61 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    64. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements concerned Plaintiff and

    was false.

    65. Defendant Constance AgregaardsStatements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    67. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    68. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    69.Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with getting her drunk and raping her asserting as fact

    that, he raped me contrary to and inconsistent with the statements

    of the bar manager and the Defendant Constance Agregaards

    subsequent actions.

    70. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri

    at large, The Chemistry Department of University of Missouri,

    The Psychology Department of University of Missouri, the Women and

    Gender Studies program at the University of Missouri,

    STOP TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI,

    and Green Dot. In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation. In addition individuals will

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    be less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted


    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay

    consequential and incidental damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment

    interest costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Libel Per Se Injury to Professional Reputation)

    71. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 69 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    72. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements concerned Plaintiff and

    was false.

    73. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    74. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    75. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were libelous per se

    because they injure Plaintiffs professional reputation.

    76. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    77. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    78. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of the bar manager

    and her subsequent actions.

    79. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage

    Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri at large, The Chemistry

    Department of the University of Missouri, The Psychology Department of

    the University of Missouri, the Women and Gender Studies Department at

    the University of Missouri, STOP TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On

    the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and Green Dot. In addition individuals will be

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay

    consequential and incidental damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment

    interest costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Libel Per Se Injury to Personal Reputation)

    80. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 78 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    81. Defendant Constance AgregaardsStatements concerned Plaintiff and

    was false as a matter

    of fact.

    82. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    83. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    84. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were libelous per se

    because they injure Plaintiffs personal reputation.

    85. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    86. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    87.Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with getting her drunk and raping her asserting as fact

    that, he raped me, contrary to and inconsistent with the statements

    of the bar manager and her subsequent actions.

    88. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of

    Missouri, The Chemistry Department of the University of Missouri,

    The Psychology Department of the University of Missouri, The Women

    and Gender Studies Department at the University of Missouri, STOP

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and

    Green Dot. In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation. The Defendant Constance

    Agregaard had dedicated significant time and effort into to the City

    and community of Columbia. Defendant Constance Agregaards


    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, and further ordering Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay

    consequential and incidental damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment

    interest costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Libel Per Se Accusations of Criminal Conduct)

    89. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 87 as if fully set forth at length herein.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards statements concerned Plaintiff and

    were false.

    91. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    92. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity with malice.

    93. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements were libelous per se

    because they allege Plaintiff was engaged in criminal conduct.

    94. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements accused Plaintiff of

    engaging in a pattern of behavior that is criminal and punishable with

    up to 30 years of incarceration at the Missouri Department of



    Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    96. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    97. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with getting her drunk and raping her asserting as fact

    that, he raped me , contrary to and inconsistent with the statements

    of the bar manager and her subsequent actions.

    98. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri at large, The Chemistry

    Department of the University of Missouri, The Psychology Department of

    the University of Missouri, the Women and Gender Studies Department at

    the University of Missouri, STOP TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On

    the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and Green Dot. In addition individuals will be

    less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, pre-judgment and postjudgment interest and further ordering

    Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental

    damages, costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Libel By Implication)


    Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 98 as if fully set forth at length herein.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    100. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements concerned Plaintiff and

    indicates the existence of other facts which are defamatory.

    101. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    102. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    103. Defendant Constance Agregaard has no reasonable grounds for

    believing the truth of her Statements.


    Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    105. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    106. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with getting her drunk and raping her asserting as fact

    that, he raped me, contrary to and inconsistent with the statements

    of the bar manager and her subsequent actions.

    107. Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint and

    permanently damage

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri at large, The Chemistry

    Department of the University of Missouri, The Psychology Department of

    the University of Missouri, the Women and Gender Studies Department at

    the University of Missouri, STOP TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On

    the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and Green Dot. In addition individuals will be

    less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, pre-judgment and postjudgment interest and further ordering

    Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental

    damages, costs of suit and attorneys fees,and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Libel Reckless Disregard/Malice)

    108. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 106 as if fully set forth at length herein.

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    109. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements concerned Plaintiff and

    was false.

    110. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were widely published

    and not privileged in any manner.

    111. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements were made with

    reckless disregard of their truth or falsity and/or with malice.

    112. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    113. Defendant Constance Agregaard false and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    114. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of the bar manager

    and her subsequent actions.


    Defendant Constance Agregaards statements forever falsely taint andpermanently damage

    Plaintiff in the eyes of The University of Missouri at large, The Chemistry

    Department of the University of Missouri, The Psychology Department of

  • 8/10/2019 Constance Agregaard False Rape Ahmed Salau


    the University of Missouri, the Women and Gender Studies Department at

    the University of Missouri, STOP TRAFFIC, The Baptist Student Union, On

    the Rock Church, PSI CHI, and Green Dot. In addition individuals will be

    less likely to associate with Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    In addition individuals will be less likely to associate with

    Plaintiff as a result of his tainted reputation.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will

    fairly and reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their

    conduct, pre-judgment and postjudgment interest and further ordering

    Defendant Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental

    damages, costs of suit and attorneys fees, and further equitable relief as this

    honorable Court deems just.


    (Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress)

    116. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs

    1 to 114 as if fully set forth at length herein.

    117. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements and conduct were

    extreme and outrageous. So outrageous as to shock any marginally

    literate persons sensibilities.

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    118. Defendant Constance Agregaards Statements and conduct have

    caused Plaintiff to suffer severe emotional stress.

    119. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, no prior interaction with

    him, he raped me that night, contrary to and inconsistent with time

    stamped photographs that show otherwise and her subsequent


    120. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact, he raped me that

    night, contrary to and inconsistent with the events that followed and

    time stamped photographs.

    121. Defendant Constance Agregaard falsely and as a matter of fact charged

    the Plaintiff with raping her asserting as fact that, he raped me,

    contrary to and inconsistent with the statements of our roommates

    and our coworkers.

    122. Defendant Constance Agregaard knew and intended that Plaintiff

    would suffer severe emotional distress as a result of her Statements

    and conduct.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this honorable Court to enter a judgment

    against Defendant Constance Agregaard awarding compensatory damages in

    the amount of

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    $1,100,000.00 plus punitive damages in an amount that will fairly and

    reasonably punish Defendant Constance Agregaard for their conduct, pre-

    judgment and post-judgment interest and further ordering Defendant

    Constance Agregaard to pay consequential and incidental damages, costs of

    suit and attorneys fees, special damages, exemplary damages and injunctive

    relief that the Defendant Constance Agregaard refrain from further defaming

    Salau and further equitable relief as this honorable Court deems just.

    Respectfully submitted,


    Ahmed Salau

    Plaintiff Pro Se

    P O Box 6008

    Princeton, WV 24740Phone) 5403151147 Fax) 5403016034 [email protected]

    Dated : Princeton, West Virginia November 27th, 2014.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
