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Cosmic Chess Match & the Alien Phenomenon With L.a Marzulli

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Cosmic Chess Match & the Alien Phenomenon w L.A. Marzulli Show Times: 8PM ET / 7PM CT / 6PM MT / 5PM PT Show Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tribulation-now/2012/08/06/cosmic-chess-match-the- alien-phenomenon-w-la-marzulli Cosmic Chess Match & the Alien Phenomenon w L.A. Marzulli Join Kenneth, John and Cathy in the chat room while we welcome brother L.A. Marzulli to Tribulation-Now. L.A. Marzulli's latest book, The Cosmic Chess Match was released in the fall of 2011. The book covers the ongoing cosmic battle that has been waged in an unseen dimension for millennia and according to Marzulli is about to spill over into our dimension soon. Be ready. Be holy. God Bless You.
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Cosmic  Chess  Match  &  the  Alien  Phenomenon  w  L.A.  Marzulli   Show Times: 8PM ET / 7PM CT / 6PM MT / 5PM PT

Show Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tribulation-now/2012/08/06/cosmic-chess-match-the-alien-phenomenon-w-la-marzulli

Cosmic Chess Match & the Alien Phenomenon w L.A. Marzulli

Join Kenneth, John and Cathy in the chat room while we welcome brother L.A. Marzulli to Tribulation-Now. L.A. Marzulli's latest book, The Cosmic Chess Match was released in the fall of 2011. The book covers the ongoing cosmic battle that has been waged in an unseen dimension for millennia and according to Marzulli is about to spill over into our dimension soon.

Be ready. Be holy. God Bless You.


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I’m Not a Date Setter I’m a Date RE-SETTER!

13 Days Until the Month of AV is

Over “Rabbi Kaduri”



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THE GAME IS IN OVERTIME The two teams are Lucifer and his Minions vs. The Heavenly Office of God The referee is Our Father who art in Heaven GAME OVER

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Mark 13:32-37 32 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning — 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" NKJV Eph 5:27 (...) that He might present her to Himself a glorious church ["Bride"], not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. Rom  11:25    25  For  I  do  not  desire,  brethren,  that  you  should  be  ignorant  of  this  mystery,  lest  you  should  be  wise  in  your  own  opinion,  that  blindness  in  part  has  happened  to  Israel  until  the  fullness  of  the  Gentiles  has  come  in.  NKJV      

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 1  Cor  3:12-­‐15  Now  if  anyone  builds  on  this  foundation  with  gold,  silver,  precious  stones,  wood,  hay,  straw,  13  each  one's  work  will  become  clear;  for  the  Day  will  declare  it,  because  it  will  be  revealed  by  fire;  and  the  fire  will  test  each  one's  work,  of  what  sort  it  is.  14  If  anyone's  work  which  he  has  built  on  it  endures,  he  will  receive  a  reward.    NKJV          

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Watch Your Words Diligently



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Dr. Owuor Prophecy of planetary event that is going to happen above the Earth


From the Throne of the Lord. This past night, the Lord spoke with me and in that conversation the Lord, He lifted me up. He took me above the Earth, this past night and He took me into the deep space. We crossed a section which was one stratosphere and it is covered with cloud like substance that is another zone and then the Lord said, "Look at the moons". I looked toward my right, I saw several moons. At one point I thought they were planets because they were lit. On my right side..right deep into the planets and the moons they went far and I saw them line up, as they lined up...the

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moons, here above on this night...the Lord took me here above. And the way they were lined up...here and here and here and here. (motioning)

Then the Lord spoke, He said, I shall now put a new moon here. That was now on my left side. I saw the hand of Jehovah place a new moon and He said, it shall soon be discovered. What I am giving you today, you are soon going to see in your global news telecasts. I saw the process of creation. The voice of the Lord said, "Let us now go, but let us use another route". And we used a route in this direction, as we were now coming back down to the Earth. And as we were going in this direction, He brought me to an institution. It has a lobby area in that institution, I think a semi circle. And inside that space, there were small booths, in those booths, there appeared to be computers being used. Maybe doctoral students, astronomy, physics of the universe. I saw that the booths were unkempt. A door opened, a type of door with interlocking fingers (motioning) we came out and then I woke up.

Listen people, there is going to be a planetary event. Above, there is going to be a wondrous sign and wonder above the Earth. Listen to me, nations of the Earth...the Lord, He has spoken with me on this day, this 5th day of the month of August, 2012. The Lord has spoken to me, He has spoken to me about a planetary event that is going to take place, above the Earth. I see several planets and moons that are lining up in a straight line. They are going to line up, it may not be a completely straight line...but generally a straight line. Then there is going to be a discovery. The Lord has created a new planet and a new moon and the scientists, the Lord is going to open their minds now, to allow them to discover it. You will soon see it in your global news networks. When you see the planetary event, then you shall know that the mouth of the Lord, He has spoken and the Messiah, He is coming! For a glorious church! That these are the signs and wonders that the prophet Joel talked about, that would visit the Earth and the universe when he said that there will be signs and wonders in these days. In the sky, even above the Earth. Today, may it be known that from the mouth of the Lord, He has spoken. Shalom.  

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INCOMING OBJECT LIKELY CAUSE Saturday, 04 August 2012 15:59

Written by Kerry Cassidy DEVELOPING....

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Kerry's blog post 8/4 http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1238-military-evacuating-coasts-incoming-object-likely-cause.html

& revisiting (it's in Kerry's post) Planetary Emergency issued by NASA http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1238-military-evacuating-coasts-incoming-object-likely-cause.html

I have now spoken with Mike Harris's foreign intelligence source and verified that he has a scientific background and that he is convinced that the moon-sized object is headed this way and will pass as close as 1/3 the distance from the Earth to the Sun (if I understood this correctly) sometime between August 17 and September 26th. This recent article from NASA is only showing you the resulting affect and not the true cause which is, I am told this incoming object. I am told there have been 3 earthquakes above 6 in the last day or two and this morning we had a quake above 6 on the Argentina coast. Note: USGS has downgraded their quake magnitudes a factor of 1 in order to mislead the public. If you see a "5" be aware this is actually equal to a "6" on the Richter scale. There will also likely be some corresponding volcanism resulting from this passing. This source also verifies that we are not orbiting the sun as commonly thought but that

our entire solar system is part of a helical orbit and that Einstein in fact was aware of this. Dr. Bill Deagle has released information on the sudden evacuation of military bases along the coasts. They are saying this is in preparation for war but this is not true, according to this foreign intelligence source. The real reason for the evacuation according to

this source is the incoming moon-sized object. Note: I have not been able to verify military evacuation of bases along the coast at this time... Developing.... I am told the plates are going to move, that the area around Australia and Asia will be heavily impacted and that the West Coast can expect a tsunami 3 meters high...

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For the information from Deagle go here to listen. GO TO http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/nutrimedical/archives.php THEN GO TO AT THE TOP OF PAGE Nutrimedical Report Archives THEN GO TO AUGUST 2012 THEN GO TO August 03, 2012 (hour 3)

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• PLANET  X  WARNINGS  o You  Tube  /  Photographs  o Mashall  Masters  –  Planet  X  Forecaster  

§ Avebury  Manor  Crop  Circle  o Lucas  o John  Moore  o Camelot  –  Kerry  Cassidy  o Many  More  

• US  Destroyed  by  Nuclear  Missiles  –  WWIII    o HENRY  GRUVER  o AA  ALLEN  o TD  HALE  –  Dec  2011  Obama  in  White  House  

• EARTHQUAKE  WARNINGS  o David  Wilkerson  –  The  Vision  1973  o Dr.  David  Owuor  

§ West  Coast  Earthquake  § Disturbance  in  Great  Lakes  § East  Coast  Tsunami  (eastern  seaboard)  

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They  are  most  commonly  seen  in  the  North  West  of  Australia,  a  place  called  The  Kimberley's.  Which  is  basically  a  large  oasis  surrounded  by  the  harshest  desert  and  wild  ocean.    

Beings  some  of  the  closest  Australian  land  to  Southern  Asia,  it  is  likely  that  the  Aborigines  who  settled  in  The  Kimberley's  were  some  of  the  first  people  to  reach  Australia  over  some  50,000  years  ago.  Some  evidence  even  points  to  them  coming  up  to  70,000  years  ago.    

Aboriginal  dream  time  stories  and  cave  paintings  have  often  been  considered  more  myth  then  reality,  like  the  stories  we  find  in  the  teachings  of  modern  day  religions.  But  recent  discoveries  of  Animal  fossils  such  as  the  mega  fauna  have  revealed  that  some  of  these  stories  were  probably  once  accounts  of  real  life  events;  passed  down  by  thousands  of  generations.    

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So  it  is  not  impossible  to  believe  that  if  these  drawings  are  not  based  on  humans  they  could  be  based  on  some  other  real  life  thing.

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"The people will run out of the forest. Those, who hide themselves at the "Fuchsenriegel" or at the "Falkenstein", remain spared. Who survives must have an iron heading. The people become ill, and nobody can help them... however it will continue, and what follows then, is the end of the world. Sky and earth burn, because it is the time, when everything comes to an end. And this time will be, when the wild hunt with fire and sulphur

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roars over the country. But it is still long time, till it will happen, then no humans will know anymore, where "Zwiesel" and where "Rabenstein" (German towns) have been. Of all frights the this will be the last. When the people fall off the bank like the flies off the wall, the last time begins. It will be horrible." ........ WW3 "And after the second great struggle between the nations will come a third universal conflagration, which will determine everything. There will be entirely new weapons. In one day more men will die than in all previous wars combined. Battles will be fought with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will occur. With open eyes will the nations of the Earth enter into these catastrophes. They shall not be aware of what is happening, and those who will know and tell, will be silenced. Everything will become different than before, and in many places the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third great war will be the end of many nations."









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Jeremiah The Destroyer brings Aliens in Chariots swifter than Eagles

Jeremiah  4:13  13 Behold, the destroyer shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.  

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 2 Esdras 15:28

28 Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the east:

29 Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble.

40 The great and mighty clouds shall be puffed up full of wrath, and the star, that they may make all the earth afraid, and them that dwell therein; and they shall pour out over every high and eminent place an horrible star,

41 Fire, and hail, and flying swords, and many waters, that all fields may be full, and all rivers, with the abundance of great waters.

42 And they shall break down the cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees of the wood, and grass of the meadows, and their corn


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PLAY  –  Carpenters  -­‐  Calling  Occupants  of  Interplanetary  Craft  

PLAY  –  UFO-­‐Alien  Yahweh  Prophet      PLAY  –  The  Fourth  Kind  Movie  Trailer  

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 WWIII  –  Thermonuclear  War  Headlines  BREAKING  NEWS  






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PLAY - China Strongly Reacts to US Sanctions

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Israel Distributes Gas Masks in Reaction to Syria’s Threat of Chemical Warfare The United States and Russia issued warnings to Syria after its Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi delivered a subtle, but clear threat last week. “No chemical or biological weapons will ever be used … unless Syria is exposed to external aggression,” Makdissi said, acknowledging for the first time that these weapons of mass destruction exist. In response to the threat, the Israeli government is handing out thousands of gas masks per day to Israel’s civilians, who are preparing for the worst. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Home Front Command has warned that there is not enough time and money to provide gas masks for everyone in Israel. Israel may also inoculate its soldiers and emergency care workers against smallpox and distribute drug kits door-to-door to Israeli families. The kits may include antibiotics for anthrax.

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An Israeli child learns how to put on a gas mask. To ensure that children know how to protect themselves in the event that terrorists or Syria launches a rocket attack with chemical warfare, the IDF dispatches Emergency Situation Instructors to day schools to teach them proper procedures. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have made it clear that Israel would be ready to destroy Syrian weapons stashes to prevent terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and Hezbollah from raiding them and using them against Israel. Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel would intervene if these weapons fell into the hands of Hezbollah. “In the moment we see that the Syrians transfer chemical and biological weapons to Hezbollah, this is a red line for us and from our point of view it‘s a clear ‘casus belli [Latin, justification for war],’” Lieberman said. “We will act decisively and without hesitation or restraint,” he added. “It will be a completely different ball game and we hope for the understanding of the international community. (Arutz Sheva)”

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PLAY - Khamenei Warns Iran's Top Leaders WAR IN WEEKS  

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 PLAY - RT - Medvedev_ 'Russia may have to strike preemptively  



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Is anyone paying attention

• AA Allen 1954 Vision US Nuked by Missiles • David Wilkerson "Fire rolling down the streets of

New York" • Dimitru Duduman - Vision Angel of Lord - US Nuked

by Submarines • Henry Gruver - United States Nuke by Russian

Submarines • Pastor TD Hale (Dec 2011) - Angel Shows United

States Nuked (burned) and Obama in White House

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• Reuters - May 17th, Medvedev Announces Russia Reserves Right to Use Nuclear Weapons if West Attacks Syria or Iran

• Russian Nuclear Capable Bombers Stopped Off the Coast of California

• And NOW

Two  Russian  strategic  nuclear  bombers  entered  the  U.S.  air  defense  zone  near  the  Pacific  coast  on  Wednesday  and  were  met  by  U.S.  interceptor  jets,  defense  officials  told  the  Free  Beacon.    It  was  the  second  time  Moscow  dispatched  nuclear-­‐capable  bombers  into  the  200-­‐mile  zone  surrounding  U.S.  territory  in  the  past  two  weeks.    

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An  earlier  intrusion  by  two  Tu-­‐95  Bear  H  bombers  took  place  near  Alaska  as  part  of  arctic  war  games  that  a  Russian  military  spokesman  said  included  simulated  attacks  on  “enemy”  air  defenses  and  strategic  facilities.    A  defense  official  said  the  Pacific  coast  intrusion  came  close  to  the  U.S.  coast  but  did  not  enter  the  12-­‐mile  area  that  the  U.S.  military  considers  sovereign  airspace.    The  bomber  flights  near  the  Pacific  and  earlier  flights  near  Alaska  appear  to  be  signs  Moscow  is  practicing  the  targeting  of  its  long-­‐range  air-­‐launched  cruise  missiles  on  two  strategic  missile  defense  sites,  one  at  Fort  Greely,  Alaska  and  a  second  site  at  Vandenberg  Air  Force  Base,  Calif.  

Russia Begins Increased Submarine Patrols Off the Coast of the United States http://www.examiner.com/article/russia-begins-increased-submarine-patrols-off-the-coasts-of-the-united-states

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"On  June  1  or  a  bit  later  we  will  resume  constant  patrolling  of  the  world's  oceans  by  strategic  nuclear  submarines,"  Russian  navy  Commander  Adm.  Vladimir  Vysotsky  said  Friday.  This  in  apparent  response  to  the  “threat”  posed  by  the  United  States  which  has  adopted  a  “pre-­‐emptive  war  strategy”  and  is  considered  by  Russia  military  and  intelligence  officials  as  the  single  largest  military  threat  to  Russia  and  world  peace.  

Unconfirmed  reports  suggest  that  Russian  nuclear  submarines  will  patrol  off  the  coast  of  the  eastern  United  States  to  act  as  a  deterrent  to  the  growing  American  threat.  

“The  Russian  will  also  ‘bird  dog’  US  Naval  aircraft  carriers  and  battle  groups  when  they  patrol  the  world’s  oceans.  Make  no  mistake  they  do  this  to  because  of  American  wars  over  the  past  10  years.  Most  American  don’t  seem  to  understand  or  comprehend  that  the  US  has  been  accused  of  serious  war  crimes,  that  include  such  things  as  “crimes  against  humanity,  wars  of  aggressions,  violations  of  international  laws,  genocide,  terrorism,  financing  terrorism”,  just  to  name  a  few  (see  article:  “Will  the  ICC  Act?  Indictment  against  NATO”  http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/16-­‐11-­‐2011/119646-­‐indictment_second-­‐0/  ).  

Location:  Moscow,  Russia  

55.756980895996  ;  37.615009307861  

“These  are  very  serious  allegations,  backed  up  by  evidence”,  says  Roger  Gravano  of  Charlotte,  a  human  rights  activist.  “Mainstream  media  here  in  the  United  States  will  never  report  real  news”,  he  said.  


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1. Nibiru / Planet X "Signs in Sun, Moon Stars" 2. Dome of the Rock UFO? 3. Why are they Disabling Nuclear Weapons? 4. What are Holy Watchers? 5. When God is sending "beings" from the "ends of the Heaven" who are they? 6. Why did the Sumerian "gods" use Space Ships 7. Why are there Gigantic Alien Space Craft around the Sun shootings laser beams at each other  











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Jeremiah The Destroyer brings Aliens in Chariots swifter than Eagles

Jeremiah  4:7  7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.    

The  Destroyer  Should  come  in  a  time  when    Israel  will  believe  in  ‘’  a  peace  process’’  and  be  suddenly  fooled  by  it:  

 10 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.  

11 At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem, A dry wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people, not to fan, nor to cleanse,  

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12 Even a full wind from those places shall come unto me: now also will I give sentence against them.  

13 Behold, the destroyer shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.



God  Sends  Extraterrestrials  for  Judgment  Isa  13:2-­‐6    "Lift  up  a  banner  on  the  high  mountain,  Raise  your  voice  to  them;  Wave  your  hand,  that  they  may  enter  the  gates  of  the  nobles.    3  I  have  commanded  My  sanctified  ones;  I  have  also  called  My  mighty  ones  for  My  anger  —    Those  who  rejoice  in  My  exaltation."      4  The  noise  of  a  multitude  in  the  mountains,  Like  that  of  many  people!  A  tumultuous  noise  of  the  kingdoms  of  nations  gathered  together!  The  Lord  of  hosts  musters  The  army  for  battle.    5  They  come  from  a  far  country,  From  the  end  of  heaven  —    The  Lord  and  His  weapons  of  indignation,  To  destroy  the  whole  land.      6  Wail,  for  the  day  of  the  Lord  is  at  hand!  It  will  come  as  destruction  from  the  Almighty.    NKJV      Jer  5:15-­‐19    Behold,  I  will  bring  a  nation  against  you  from  afar,  O  house  of  Israel,"  says  the  Lord.  "It  is  a  mighty  nation,  It  is  an  ancient  nation,  

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A  nation  whose  language  you  do  not  know,  Nor  can  you  understand  what  they  say.    16  Their  quiver  is  like  an  open  tomb;  They  are  all  mighty  men.    17  And  they  shall  eat  up  your  harvest  and  your  bread,  Which  your  sons  and  daughters  should  eat.  They  shall  eat  up  your  flocks  and  your  herds;  They  shall  eat  up  your  vines  and  your  fig  trees;  They  shall  destroy  your  fortified  cities,  In  which  you  trust,  with  the  sword.      18  "Nevertheless  in  those  days,"  says  the  Lord,  "I  will  not  make  a  complete  end  of  you.  19  And  it  will  be  when  you  say,  'Why  does  the  Lord  our  God  do  all  these  things  to  us?'  then  you  shall  answer  them,  'Just  as  you  have  forsaken  Me  and  served  foreign  gods  in  your  land,  so  you  shall  serve  aliens  in  a  land  that  is  not  yours.'    NKJV        


Chapter  1    1  The  words  of  the  blessing  of  Enoch,  wherewith  he  blessed  the  elect  and  righteous,  who  will  be    2  living  in  the  day  of  tribulation,  when  all  the  wicked  and  godless  are  to  be  removed.  And  he  took  up  his  parable  and  said  -­‐Enoch  a  righteous  man,  whose  eyes  were  opened  by  God,  saw  the  vision  of  the  Holy  One  in  the  heavens,  which  the  angels  showed  me,  and  from  them  I  heard  everything,  and  from  them  I  understood  as  I  saw,  but  not  for  this  generation,  but  for  a  remote  one  which  is  for  to  come.    3  Concerning  the  elect  I  said,  and  took  up  my  parable  concerning  them:    The  Holy  Great  One  will  come  forth  from  His  dwelling,    4  And  the  eternal  God  will  tread  upon  the  earth,  (even)  on  Mount  Sinai,    [And  appear  from  His  camp]    And  appear  in  the  strength  of  His  might  from  the  heaven  of  heavens.    5  And  all  shall  be  smitten  with  fear    And  the  Watchers  shall  quake,    And  great  fear  and  trembling  shall  seize  them  unto  the  ends  of  the  earth.    6  And  the  high  mountains  shall  be  shaken,    

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And  the  high  hills  shall  be  made  low,    And  shall  melt  like  wax  before  the  flame    7  And  the  earth  shall  be  wholly  rent  in  sunder,    And  all  that  is  upon  the  earth  shall  perish,    And  there  shall  be  a  judgment  upon  all  (men).    8  But  with  the  righteous  He  will  make  peace.    And  will  protect  the  elect,    And  mercy  shall  be  upon  them.    And  they  shall  all  belong  to  God,    And  they  shall  be  prospered,    And  they  shall  all  be  blessed.    And  He  will  help  them  all,    And  light  shall  appear  unto  them,    And  He  will  make  peace  with  them'.    9  And  behold!  He  cometh  with  ten  thousands  of  His  holy  ones    To  execute  judgment  upon  all,    And  to  destroy  all  the  ungodly:    And  to  convict  all  flesh  Of  all  the  works  of  their  ungodliness  which  they  have  ungodly  committed,  And  of  all  the  hard  things  which  ungodly  sinners  have  spoken  against  Him.  


