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Executive Summary David Hugenbusch & Thomas Neumann Cost-Benefit analysis of disaster risk reduction A synthesis for informed decision making
Page 1: Cost-Benefit analysis of disaster risk reduction...Assistance: Nina Geisler Hannah Egger Kai Mirjam Kappes Layout: Medienarchitekten Bonn Print: Bonn/Brussels, October 2016 3 Table

Executive Summary

David Hugenbusch & Thomas Neumann

Cost-Benefit analysis of disaster risk reductionA synthesis for informed decision making

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This paper was commissioned and funded by Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. – Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen.

Valuable input was provided by Dr. Markus Moke (Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.) and Dr. Jürgen Clemens (German Committee for Disaster Reduction).

Ms. Anne Neumann has provided highly valued support in the finalisation of the paper.


Authors: David Hugenbusch Thomas Neumann

Publisher: Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. Willy-Brandt-Allee 10–12 53113 Bonn


Phone +49 228 / 242 92-0 Fax -49 228 / 242 92-199

www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de [email protected]

Responsible for the content: Manuela Roßbach

Correspondence: Markus Moke ([email protected])

Assistance: Nina Geisler Hannah Egger Kai Mirjam Kappes

Layout: Medienarchitekten Bonn

Print: www.media-team-huerth.de

Bonn/Brussels, October 2016

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Table of contents

Executive Summary 4

1. Introduction 5

1.1. Increasing losses 5

1.2. What is Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)? 5

1.3. The significance of DRR 6

1.4. The investment gap 6

2. Objectives and structure of the paper 7

2.1. Objective 7

2.2. Structure 7

3. The tool CBA in the context of DRR 8

4. Methodological framework 9

5. Results 10

5.1. Study area, hazard and vulnerability 10

5.2. DRR measure and Impact Assessment 13

5.3. Monetary values 17

5.4. Presentation of the results 20

5.5. Sources of uncertainty 21

6. Results per hazard 22

6.1. Introduction 22

6.2. Landslides 22

6.3. Riverine floods 22

6.4. Droughts 23

6.5. Earthquakes (ground shaking) 23

6.6. Hydro-meteorological hazards 24

6.7. Multi-hazards 24

6.8. Storms 24

6.9. Coastal floods 25

7. Discussion 26

7.1. Study area, hazard and vulnerability 26

7.2. DRR measure and Impact Assessment 26

7.3. Monetary values 27

7.4. Presentation of the results 27

7.5. Sources of uncertainty 27

8. Conclusions 29

Bibliography 31

Bibliography case studies 35

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Executive Summary

This paper follows the UNISDR terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Terms used in this paper are:

Disaster risk reduction: The concept and practice of reducing disaster risk through systematic efforts to analyse and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and im-proved preparedness for adverse events.

Disaster Risk: The potential disaster losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur in a particular community or a society over a specified future time period. In scientific set-tings disaster risk is usually understood as a func-tion of hazard, exposure and vulnerability.

Disaster: A serious disruption to the functioning of a community or society involving widespread hu-man, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the af-fected community or society to cope using its own resources.

Exposure: People, property, systems, or other ele-ments present in hazard zones that are thereby sub-ject to potential losses.

Hazard: A dangerous phenomenon, substance, hu-man activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.

Recovery: The restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living con-ditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors.

Resilience: The ability of a system, community, or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accom-modate and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions.

Response: The provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a dis-aster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected.

Vulnerability: The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it sus-ceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard.

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I N T R O D U C T I O N 5

1 .   I N T R O D U C T I O N

1.1. Increasing losses

Annual economic losses and fatalities caused by nat-ural disasters are subject to large fluctuations and are strongly linked to extreme events such as the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, cyclone Nargis in 2008 or the Haiti earthquake of 2010 (CRED, 2015). However, there is a clear trend of increasing economic and human losses over the last 40 years (Sanghi et al., 2010).

There are several reasons for this trend. Firstly, a rising world population leads to the increased settlement of socially disadvantaged segments of the population in high-risk areas such as riverine flood plains or are-as with high probability of landslides. Secondly, hu-man-induced climate change leads to an increased fre-quency of hydro-metrological extreme events. These combined effects produce a growing number of disas-ters due to natural hazards (CRED, 2015).

1.2. What is Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)?

A natural hazard triggers a disaster when it hits vulnera-ble populations and man-made structures. The disaster risk is a function of the vulnerability of exposed elements and the hazard (see figure 1).

Before the early 19th century, natural disasters were widely accepted as God-given events until this view slow-ly changed and society identified nature as the source of disasters (Quarantelli, 2000). This hazard-centred per-spective triggered an emergence of preventive measures to limit loss and damage from disasters by containing the hazard through physical measures such as dikes or ava-lanche barriers.

Following this, society began to comprehend that haz-ards only become disasters if the exposed elements are vulnerable to the impacts of the hazard. Thus, vulnerabil-

ity became another central aspect of DRR. The vulnerabil-ity of impacted elements is a key factor that determines if a natural risk results in a disaster. For example, elderly people usually have fewer capacities to resist the adverse effects of a hazard, and thus are more vulnerable to it. Other determining factors of vulnerability that are com-monly cited are educational background, the level of or-ganisation, social and economic standing as well as eth-nic background (Wisner et al., 2004; Keating et al., 2014).

The acknowledgement of vulnerability as a determining factor in disaster risk has also influenced DRR projects by governments, NGOs, and international organisations through the addition of “soft” measures of DRR such as disaster preparedness plans, educational measures or early warning systems (Venton & Venton, 2004).



disaster risk



disaster risk



disaster riska b c

Figure 1: a) Graphical representation of the concept of disaster risk b) Reducing disaster risk by changing the exposure to the hazard c) Reducing disaster risk by minimising vulnerability

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I N T R O D U C T I O N 6

1.3. The significance of DRR

The cost-efficient nature of DRR is frequently acknowl-edged in scientific discourse and political statements. It is seen as a particularly effective way to limit damage and fatalities when compared to response and recovery (Shyam, 2013). For example, the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Opera-tions (DG ECHO) of the European Commission has iden-tified DRR as a key factor in effectively reducing the need for emergency assistance (Dedeurwaerdere, 1998).

1.4. The investment gap

Unfortunately, despite the scientific and political dis-course in support of DRR spending, the actual invest-ments in DRR typically do not match the significance attributed to it. Globally, government spending on DRR measures is often limited with the majority of disaster related spending being allocated to response and recov-ery measures (Benson & Twigg, 2004; Hochrainer-Stigler et al., 2011; Mechler et al., 2014; UNISDR, 2011).

According to an assessment by GFDRR and ODI, between 1991 and 2010, governments, NGOs and international organisations spent a total of 13.5 Billion USD on DRR. The expenditures for recovery and response in the same period totalled 23.3 Bil-lion USD and 69.9 Billion USD, respectively (Kellett & Caravani, 2013).

The literature reports numerous possible reasons for this investment gap in which political considerations play a crucial role. Firstly, DRR projects are often difficult to justify to the public. This is partly due to the fact that the benefits of DRR take shape as avoided damage and remain largely unnoticed by the general public. Mean-while, generous spending on response and recovery draws considerable public attention (Keating et al., 2014; Vorhies, 2012). Secondly, the positive consequenc-es of DRR usually occur over long time scales, if at all. Politicians, on the other hand, are subject to legislative periods of three to five years which often shifts their fo-cus onto the short-term demands of the general public (Vorhies, 2012; Hochrainer-Stigler et al., 2011). Finally, another common argument is that political decision makers are unable to present sufficient proof of the eco-nomic and social benefits provided by DRR.

The estimation that every one USD invested in DRR saves seven USD in disaster response, allegedly coming from the World Bank, enjoys a certain ce-lebrity status in this context. To this day, this infa-mous figure is repeatedly quoted in a DRR context:

á “It highlights that every dollar of foreign aid spent on averting and mitigating disasters saves an average of US$7 in humanitarian disaster response.“ (UNOCHA)[1]

á “A widely cited figure used by the World Bank states that each dollar invested in DRR saves seven dollars in disaster response and reconstruction.” (NGO VOICE)[2]

á “Every dollar invested in preparing for natural disasters today can save seven dollars in recovery costs (World Bank).” (OXFAM)[3]

á “The World Bank estimates that every dollar spent on risk reduction saves US$7 in relief and repairs.” (Development Initiatives)[4]

Der genaue Ursprung dieser Aussage ist jedoch ungewiss, und die Weltbank selbst hat sich in-zwischen von dieser Verhältniszahl distanziert (Shreve & Kelman, 2014).

[1] http://www.unocha.org/top-stories/all-stories/un-launches-video-sav-ing-lives-through-preparedness

[2] http://www.preventionweb.net/files/33631_33631voicedrrn-5finallowresolution.pdf

[3] https://www.oxfam.org.au/2015/02/dis-asters-are-increasing-on-a-global-scale/

[4] http://neo-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/news/Aid_investments_in_disas-ter_risk_reduction_press_release.doc

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2 .   O B J E C T I V E S A N D S T R U C T U R E O F T H E PA P E R

2.1. Objective

A substantial number of case studies are available that investigate the efficiency of a huge range DRR meas-ures for all kinds of hazards. However, for two main rea-sons, it is only partially possible to draw general conclu-sions from them.

Firstly, the case studies are usually highly contextual (e.g. with regards to the measure, hazards, geograph-ical setting) which limits the transferability of the results. Secondly, the available data is intricate and scattered with widely differing methodologies. Conse-quently, there is a need for a comprehensive overview of existing case studies as well as a standardised meth-odological framework to allow for direct comparison between the case studies.

The objective of this paper, commissioned by Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V., is the development of a struc-tured synthesis of available case studies to create gen-eralised statements about the economic efficiency of DRR. Furthermore, the goal is to present results specif-

ically for different hazard types to allow for a compari-son of DRR across all hazards.

This paper provides Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. with a robust empirical base, founded on available literature, about the efficiency of DRR. The results can be used to inform politicians, decision makers, donors, and IFIs about potential efficiency benefits of DRR.

This paper does not aim to aggregate the results of the case studies into a “universal” end result (see the abovementioned infamous figure by the World Bank). Such an aggregation, whilst attractive for communi-cating results to media and the public, cannot be justi-fied from a scientific point of view (Hawley, Moench & Sabbag, 2012; Mechler, 2005; Godschalk et al., 2009). As mentioned above, the highly contextual nature and methodological inconsistency between cases would render such aggregated results as meaningless. The comparison and generalisation of results are thus done with due diligence.

2.2. Structure

Benefit-Analysis (CBA) in a DRR context. The second section establishes a methodological framework which allows for direct comparison of the case studies. We recommend applying this framework for future case studies for improved scientific rigor. The third section presents the results of the assessment of the case stud-ies. The fourth section contains our discussion and our conclusions are presented in section five.

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T H E T O O L C B A I N T H E C O N T E X T O F D R R8

3 .   T H E T O O L C B A I N T H E C O N T E X T O F D R R

CBA is an appropriate method for the assessment of the economic efficiency of DRR measures. It provides a decision making tool for comparing scenarios with or without DRR in place. A favourable CBA result for a DRR measure can be a strong argument for investment (Ganderton, 2005; UNISDR, 2011). Ideally, it should be used to select the most efficient from a portfolio of pro-jects. Furthermore, CBA is an established and proven tool in public decision-making processes (Chadburn et al., 2010) and in some countries, for example, Germany, it is a statutory requirement (Brockmann et al., 2015).

The Hyogo Framework for Action (UNISDR, 2005) calls for further development and improvement of CBA methods in a DRR context and its increased use in case studies. However, CBA is methodologically complex and should be seen as a decision facilitator rather than the sole criterion for decision making. It should be ap-plied within a wider decision framework that includes social, ecological and cultural concerns (Venton & Ven-ton, 2004; Mechler, 2005; Mechler & The Risk to Resil-ience Study Team, 2008).

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M E T H O D O L O G I C A L F R A M E W O R K9

4 .   M E T H O D O L O G I C A L F R A M E W O R K

In the following section, we propose a methodologi-cal framework for CBA in DRR which outlines the cru-cial steps in carrying out a CBA. We recommend that this framework is used as an orientation for future case studies. The framework does not require that all steps and methods are thoroughly executed. Rather, it should be seen as a comprehensive outline of steps

and methods for consideration when conducting a CBA case study. Crucially, it can be used to identify steps and methods that are not incorporated in the case studies due to methodological difficulties or poor data condi-tions. This flexible nature makes the framework univer-sally applicable. The steps and methods are listed in the following table and further explained in section three.

Figure 2: Steps and methods of CBAs in a DRR context.


Hazard Analysis Impact Assessment Analysis Period

DRR Focus Value assignment anddamage types

Dealing with uncertainties

Study area


Vulnerability Analysis

DRR Strategy Evaluation type

Presentation of the results (e.g. as cost-bene�t-ratio, bene�t-cost-ratio, net present value, internal rate of return)

Sources of uncertainties

Which values are exposed to what risk?

Which measure is implemented and how does it a�ect the disaster risk?

Which costs and which bene�ts are considered?

How are the results presented?

How are methodolo-gical limitations and poor data conditionshandled?

Study area, Hazard, and vulnerability

DRR measure and Impact Assessment Monetary values Presentation

of the results Uncertainties

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R E S U LT S10

5 .   R E S U LT S

A total of 117 available case studies from the last two decades (1996 – 2015) were assessed for this paper.

5.1. Study area, hazard and vulnerability

Study areaThe case studies vary significantly regarding the extent of the area of investigation and the related level of de-tail. They range from a small village of a few hundred in-habitants benefiting from a water retention basin for ir-rigation to 22 EU member states gaining improved dikes.

A CBA needs a clearly defined area for the analysis. Ideally, this area should be defined by administrative borders or by the impact zone of the hazard.

The majority of the case studies were based in South-Asia (India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives) as well as South-East –Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). There are also a number of case studies Europe (particularly Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and the USA. Sporadic case studies have been found for other European and Asian

countries as well as South- and Middle America and Australia/Oceania. With some exceptions in Eastern Africa, no case studies were found for this continent. The map below shows the distribution of case studies and the types of hazards they considered.

HazardThis paper follows the EM-DAT hazard classification of the Centre for the Research on the Epidemiology of Disas-ters (CRED)[1] with the addition of two further categories. The first additional category is multi-hazards created to include those case studies which include DRR measures to address a range of hazards. The second category is hy-dro-meteorological hazards, this category is introduced to incorporate case studies that consider meteorological services including all hydrological, meteorological and climatological hazards.

[1] See http://www.emdat.be/classification



Riverine �oodsCoastal �oods

Earthquakes Storms














Saint Lucia




Sri LankaThailand






Bangladesh TaiwanNepal














Saint Lucia




Sri LankaThailand






Bangladesh TaiwanNepal

Figure 3: Overview of hazards in the case studies (n=109, case studies with transnational study area are not shown, national studies are mapped in the centre of the respective country, base map changed after http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/world/countries_shp.zip)

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As shown in figure 4 case studies were not found for all hazard categories. In fact, many hazards are missing from our data including volcanic activity, extreme tem-peratures, tsunamis (being a sub-category of earth-quakes) and wildfires. Whilst this gap does not suggest that case studies within these categories do not exist it is an indication that case studies are primarily conduct-ed for hazard types and not others.

Figure 4 shows the results[2] of all case studies sorted by hazard category. The individual results for each haz-ard category are further explained in section 3b.

CRED defines six groups of natural hazards – ge-ophysical, meteorological, hydrological, climato-logical, biological and extra-terrestrial. Each of these groups comprises of a number of hazards types and sub-types. Storm, for example is a hazard type in the “meteorological” category and is further divided into tropical storms, ex-tra-tropical storms and convective storms.

Hazard AnalysisMost of the case studies identified only perform a basic hazard analysis, this is often due to poor data conditions resulting in the utilisation of existing secondary data from other projects or statistics from NGOs and govern-ments. In most cases, the source of the data or the sur-vey method is not specified. The most comprehensive

[2] Please refer to section 5.4 for an explanation of benefit-cost-ratios

data was found almost exclusively in riverine flood case studies which often use official gauge data.

18 case studies collect primary data through field visits and surveys. They usually refer to specific historic events of high magnitude which are retained in the memory of the local communities and where a wide range of data is available. Example case studies utilising this approach include the 2002 Elbe flooding (Förster et al., 2005; Gocht, 2004), the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (Venton, Venton & Shaig 2009), the 2007 Cyclone Sidr (Subbiah, Bildan & Narasimhan, 2008) and 2005 Hurri-cane Katrina.

The hazard analysis is a central step for CBA in DRR. It determines the intensity and frequency of harmful events within the analysis period. The step defines the requirements of the DRR project and is crucial for the calculation of the expected benefits.

From an economic perspective the implemen-tation of a DRR project only makes sense when there is a sufficiently high risk of potentially harmful events in the analysis period (Mechler & The Risk to Resilience Study Team, 2008).

Vulnerability analysisThe vulnerability of a society depends on a multiplicity of social, economic, political, cultural, institutional and physical factors. Thus the results of the vulnerability analysis are highly site-specific. There is no established

Geophysical Hydrological (61) Meteorological

Earthquake (Ground shaking)


Storm(Convective storm, extra-tropical storm)

13Riverine �ood

42Coastal �ood




Multihazard Climatological Hydro-meteorological

Combination of morethan parallel hazards


All hydrological, meteorologicaland climatological hazards combined



Figure 4: Count of case studies per hazard (n=117)

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value 24value 57.8value 60

value 24.7value 58value 61value 116value 1,800

value 36.7

value 30

value 40.85value 558.87

value 21.64value 30.22value 38.21value 86.94

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201

StormsvCoastal �oods


LandslidesRiverine �oods


Case study results arranged by hazard

Mapping of the bebefit-cost ratios

Result is a single value

Resultis a rangeResult is a range with most probable value stated



FID182FID183 FID178FID181 FID180FID179 FID113FID139 FID112FID119 FID104FID137 FID125FID108 FID126FID124 FID116FID123 FID111FID117 FID114FID109 FID134FID107 FID100FID133 FID106FID121 FID102FID138 FID120FID103 FID135FID131 FID136FID101 FID129FID115 FID122FID118 FID110FID130 FID140FID127 FID132FID186 FID105FID128 FID145FID146 FID149FID147 FID151FID152 FID153FID148 FID154FID150 FID165FID162 FID157FID161 FID155FID163 FID158FID160 FID156FID159 FID164FID172 FID170FID168 FID173FID166 FID176FID167 FID177FID171 FID169FID175 FID174FID141 FID194FID192 FID188FID195 FID196FID144 FID193FID143 FID142FID198 FID209FID200 FID199FID215 FID211FID202 FID216FID184 FID214FID212 FID208FID210 FID213FID187 FID191FID197 FID190FID189 FID185FID201 FID203FID207 FID205FID204 FID206




B E N E F I T - C O S T - R A T I OC






Figure 5: Case study results arranged by hazard (n=117)

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R E S U LT S13

or standardised way of conducting vulnerability analy-sis and the approaches in the case studies vary signifi-cantly in extent and scientific quality.

5.2. DRR measure and Impact Assessment

DRR StrategyOf the 117 case studies reviewed in this paper, 65 case studies analyse preparedness measures, 41 analyse prevention measures and only 2 case studies analyse risk transfer studies. The remaining case studies as-sess a combination of parallel measures that follow different strategies. The prevalence of preparedness case studies is partially explained by a lack of efficient prevention measures to reduce exposure to certain

hazard types. For example, earthquake hazard pre-vention measures would require the separation of the hazard and man-made structures through resettle-ment.

The results of the case studies (figure 5) suggest that preparedness measures are on average more cost-effi-cient than prevention measures.

DRR measures can follow three distinct strategies – prevention, preparedness and risk transfer (Mechler & The Risk to Resilience Study Team, 2008). Some examples are given in table 1.

Prevention measures seek to reduce or (as far as possible) avoid exposure by containing hazards and adverse events. Preparedness measures are designed to reduce vulnerability by making arran-gements for the impact of hazards. Risk transfer measures transfer and spread risk more widely.

Table 1: DRR strategies


E F F E C T á Reduce risk á Reduce risk á Transfer Risk


á Physical works like dikes (to prevent floods) or irrigation systems (to prevents droughts)

á Land-use planning á Economic incen-tives for pro-active risk management

á Early warning systems á Building codes á Contingency planning á Shelter facilities á Networks for emergency response

á Information and education

á (Re-) insurance of public infrastructure and private goods

á National and local reserve funds

DRR FocusThe majority (73 of 117) of the case studies reviewed assess structural DRR projects, only 32 case studies explore non-structural measures, and the remaining case studies assess a combination of structural and non-structural measures.

Structural DRR is predominant in most hazard types. Notably, the case studies reviewed concerning hydro-logic hazards, coastal flooding and landslides exclu-sively considered structural measures. However, sever-al studies emphasise the advantages of non-structural

The vulnerability analysis assesses a at risk in the study area. The objective is to estimate the potential damage generated by the expected hazards in the study area within the analysis period.

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measures which usually require fewer resources than structural measures. In fact, a number of case studies investigating riverine floods and storms consider early warning systems to be a very promising non-structur-al measure (e.g. Subbiah, Bildan & Narasimhan, 2008; Holland, 2008).

One case study of an NGO implementing drought DRR in southern and eastern Africa operated under a limited budget which only allowed for non-structural low-cost measures. These measures included the establishing of self-help groups in Ethiopia (Venton et al., 2013) as well as crop diversification, water conservation, and provi-sion of drought resistant livestock in Malawi (Venton et al., 2010). The CBA results of the measures suggest a very favourable cost-efficiency.

Non-structural measures are predominantly imple-mented (and analysed) in more recent years particu-larly following the release of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA, 2005). With the exception of four case studies all CBAs of non-structural measures have been conducted after 2008.

The data suggests that non-structural measures are in general more cost-efficient than structural measures. The percentage of non-structural case studies with a benefit-cost-ratio of above 1 is higher. Additionally, the share of non-structural case studies with exceptional-ly favourable results is higher than for structural case studies.

Measures can be structural or non-structural. Structural measures are physical constructions that are targeted at reducing the direct adverse effects of hazards. This includes dikes or earth-quake resistant buildings. Non-structural measu-res include knowledge transfer, capacity building and codes/norms. Concrete examples are land use planning and knowledge building in local communities. Early warning systems are also non-structural measures.

Impact AssessmentThe benefits of DRR include avoided losses and dam-ages to man-made structures such as buildings, prop-erty, machines etc. as well as the avoidance of fatal-ities, injuries, pain, business interruptions or the loss of or damage to culturally and historically important items (Ganderton, 2005).

This is to compare the potential impact of an adverse event within the study area with and without DRR in place.

Additionally, DRR projects can have intrinsic value. For example, planting mangroves can be an effective measure to tackle coastal floods (International Federa-tion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2011). At the same time, the mangroves can also increase and protect biodiversity, act as a carbon sink and help re-duce erosion. Those co-benefits can provide additional arguments in favour of DRR and should be considered in a CBA.

Most DRR projects reviewed target all inhabitants within the study area. The key exceptions are case studies that look at securing schools against effects of earthquakes (Chiu, Hsiao & Jean, 2013; Kunreuther et al., 2012; Valcárel et al., 2013) or those DRR measures to mitigate the effects of drought specifically for the semi-nomadic Beja (Khogali & Zewdu, 2009; Interna-tional Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Socie-ties, 2009b; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2012).

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B E N E F I T - C O S T - R A T I OC










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201value 57.8

value 21.635value 24value 30value 30.22value 38.205value 86.94

value 24.7value 36.7value 40.85value 58value 60value 61value 116value 558.87value 1,800



PreventionRisk transfer PreparednessPreparedeness and prevention combined

Case study results arranged by DRR strategy

Mapping of the bebefit-cost ratios

Result is a single value

Resultis a range

Result is a range with most probable value stated

Figure 6: Case study results arranged by DRR strategy (n=117)

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R E S U LT S16

B E N E F I T - C O S T - R A T I OC










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201



value 20value 24.7value 36.7value 40.85value 57.8value 58value 116value 558.87

value 21.635value 24value 30value 30.22value 38.205value 60value 61value 86.94value 1,800

StructuralNon-structural Combination

Case study results arranged by DRR focus

Mapping of the bebefit-cost ratios

Result is a single value

Resultis a range

Result is a range with most probable value stated

Figure 7: Case study results arranged by DRR focus (n=117)

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R E S U LT S17

5.3. Monetary values

Evaluation typeFigure 7 shows the results of the case studies sorted by evaluation type. In total, there are 77 ex-ante case studies and 21 ex-post case studies. Combined case studies are not displayed.

Ex-ante case studies generally display a wider range of uncertainty. There is also a weak indication in the data that DRR in ex-ante case studies perform better than in ex-post case studies.

Value assignment and damage types

In the case studies for structural DRR, unsurprisingly, the expenditures are predominantly defined by the construc-tion costs. For non-structural measures, the costs that are most frequently assessed are staff expenses, material, and production costs.

In the studies reviewed, the most frequently assessed di-rect tangible damages relate to buildings, agricultural ar-eas, equipment, and infrastructure. The most commonly

assessed indirect tangible damages include business in-terruptions and loss of income. The value of these indi-rect tangible damages can be significant. For example, a study by Padgett, Dennemann & Gosh (2010) on an earthquake resistant bridge in Missouri, USA conclud-ed that, if the bridge was destroyed, the indirect tangi-ble damages accrued through longer alternative driving routes could be 5-20 times higher than the direct tangi-ble damages.




Structural damages, inventory loss, loss of agricultural land

Production downtime, business disruption

Loss of life, injuries, destruction of cultural heritage

Increased vulnerability, loss of con dence, migration, disruption of school attendance

For a CBA, both costs and benefits need to be ex-pressed as monetary values. The costs are the ex-penses that accrue for the DRR implantation (e.g. construction and staff expenses).The benefits are the sum of avoided damages through the use of DRR measures. There are different categories of damages. Damages are tangible when they have a market value (e.g. construction material, equipment, services or farmland). Intangible dam-ages, on the other hand, don’t have a direct market value i.e. they cannot be bought. This includes social damages including fatalities, injuries, increased vul-

nerability, traumata, or feeling insecure. It also in-cludes other damages such as loss of biodiversity and habitats. The process of assessing intangible damag-es and assigning monetary values in order to incorpo-rate them into the CBA is usually complex.

Additionally, damages can be direct or indirect. Direct damages are an immediate consequence of the dis-aster such as fatalities or damage to buildings. Indi-rect damages, on the other hand, are highly elusive and result from the aftermath of the disaster, such as production downtimes or migration (Kousky, 2012).

Figure 8: schematic representation of damage categories

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B E N E F I T - C O S T - R A T I OC









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201

value 30value 41value 58value 60value 559

value 24value 37value 61value 1,800

Ex postEx ante

Case study results arranged by evaluation type

Mapping of the bebefit-cost ratios

Result is a single value

Resultis a range

Result is a range with most probable value stated

Figure 9: Case study results arranged by evaluation type (n=98, combined case studies are not displayed)

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In the cases reviewed for this study, intangible damages were often unassessed. The category incorporated most frequently (n=26) was human life. This is commonly as-sessed using the individual’s foregone earning capacity (by estimating future income) and the willingness-to-pay approach. Values vary considerably between cases, rang-ing from 35.000 USD (Hallegatte, 2012) to 6.000.000 USD

(Kunreuther et al., 2012; Hochrainer-Stiegler et al., 2011). A significantly higher number of structural case studies (twice the number than those of non-structural studies) assigned a monetary value to human life. In some cas-es, study results only produced efficient DRR cost ratios if human lives were factored in.

A contentious point in DRR CBA is assigning a value to human life (including injuries, traumata or deaths). This is because in addition to the methodological complexity, there are also ethical concerns (Mechler & The Risk to Resilience Study Team, 2008; Benson & Twigg, 2004; Cropper & Sahin, 2009).

Analysis PeriodAnalysis periods ranged between 7-90 years, with the majority of cases falling between 35-50 years. Some case studies (n=14) did not state an analysis period.

Results showed that analysis periods used for DRR in North America and Europe were longer than those in African, or Southern and South-Eastern Asian studies (see figure 8).

The data also suggested that the analysis periods in ex-ante case studies were on average longer than those used in ex-post case studies.

Analysis periods ranged between 7-90 years, with the majority of cases falling between 35-50 years. Some case studies (n=14) did not state an analysis period.Results showed that analysis periods used for DRR in North America and Europe were longer than those in African, or Southern and South-Eastern Asian studies. The data also suggested that the analysis periods in ex-ante case studies were on average longer than those used in ex-post case studies.

Analysis period in years (rounded)






no data














Saint Lucia




Sri LankaThailand






Bangladesh TaiwanNepal














Saint Lucia




Sri LankaThailand






Bangladesh TaiwanNepal

Figure 10: Overview of analysis periods in the case studies (n=109, case studies with transnational study area are not shown, national studies are mapped in the centre of the respective country, base map changed after http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/world/countries_shp.zip)

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R E S U LT S20

In most instances the analysis period is defined by the timeframe in which the DRR (or its longest living part) delivers benefits. For example, in the structural measures this could be defined by the productive lifespan of the structural elements. When referring to non-structural DRR timeframes, this could be deter-mined by the decreasing impact of training sessions.

Another approach is to use the project length as a proxy for the analysis period. However, the benefits generated by DRR generally accrue for considerably longer periods than the project length.

DiscountingDiscount rates were applied in 98 of the case studies and ranged from 1.3% - 20%. The majority of cases (n=69) used rates between the range of 7% and 12%.

In most cases, the discount rates applied in Europe and North America were considerably lower than those used in Latin America, South and South-East Asia, and Africa.

Discounting refers to the process of assigning a lower weight to a unit of benefit or cost in the future than to that unit now. In discounting, we place a higher value on the present than the future. Typically, CBAs take account of this time preference by applying a discount rate over the costs and bene-fits over the analysis period. The further into the future the benefit or cost occurs, the lower the weight attached to it (Pearce, 2006).

5.4. Presentation of the results

The expected benefit-cost-ratios are in 102 of the 117 above the value of one – i.e. 102 case studies expect that the benefits of the assessed DRR surmount the costs. This can be seen as a strong argument to allocate more

money to DRR in this period of limited public resources. The results are presented separately for each hazard in section 6.

The cost-benefit-ratio is determined by dividing the DRR costs through the DRR benefits. The result is presented as a ratio (such as 1:10 or 1:2) like on map scales. A project is considered efficient if the divisor is bigger than one (i.e. when the benefits are higher than the costs).

Fairly often the result is also stated as benefit-cost-ratio for which the benefits are divided through the costs. In this way of representing the results a project is efficient when the result is above one. In this pa-per we use the benefit-cost-ratio to present the results.

There are other ways of presenting the results like the net present value or the internal rate of return.

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5.5. Sources of uncertainty

In conducting a CBA for DRR there are a number of sources of uncertainty which include poor data conditions, the assessment and mone-tarisation of vulnerable values (especially for intangible and indirect values) or the application of a discount. There are no agreed standards on which discount rate to choose even though it can potentially have a big impact on the final result. The same applies for the determination of the analysis period.

Most steps in CBA are prone to uncertainties and it is essential that authors highlight those sources of uncer-tainties appropriately in the case studies (Forni, 2014). It should also be described how each of these uncer-tainties have been dealt with, respectively.

82 of the 117 case studies perform a sensitivity anal-ysis. The majority of them (54 case studies) varied the

discount rate followed by altering assumptions in the hazard analysis (39 case studies). Assumptions made for assessing costs and benefits are varied in around 30 case studies. Some authors (17 case studies) also varied the analysis period.

Only 21 case studies take into account possible impacts of climate change (seven riverine flood, five multi-haz-ard, four storm flood and drought as well as one storm case study).

In order to take into account the uncertainties inherent in CBA a last step of the CBA should be preforming a sensitivity analysis. In a sensitivity analysis the author varies a number of parame-ters (one at a time) along their range of credible specifications to assess their impact on the final result.

A well performed sensitivity analysis allows the author to test the robustness of the results (Woodruff, 2008; Tuan & Tinh, 2013).

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R E S U LT S P E R H A Z A R D22

6 .   R E S U LT S P E R H A Z A R D

6.1. Introduction

This section positions the general results of the previous sections in their specific hazard context and thus provid-ing a more nuanced picture of the efficiency of DRR for the analysed hazards.

For some hazards, the sample size is very limited whilst in other cases, there is a large body of literature to draw upon.

6.2. Landslides

Case studies exploring landslidess were limited (n=6) therefore, generalisations of the results should be treated with caution. All case studies reviewed in this work reveal a ratio of benefits and costs which are close to or even below the economic equilibrium. However, it is pertinent to highlight that all case studies concern-ing this hazard were located the Swiss and Austrian Alps. These locations generally already benefit from a high degree of protection. Consequently, additional protection measures are increasingly costly and rais-ing the protection status is often associated with a low overall gain.

The six case studies suggest that mass movement DRR is inefficient with associated costs exceeding expected benefits. However, this assumption is only valid for the aforementioned study areas and the specific preven-tion measures which have been analysed. It is surpris-ing that we were unable to locate additional literature referring to cost-benefit studies in other mountainous regions around the world.

The mass movement category includes hazards such as avalanches, rockfall, mudflow and debris flow, all of which are downhill shifts of surface material being moved by gravitational force.

6.3. Riverine floods

Case study literature availability was highest for the haz-ard type of riverine floods (see Figure 10).

Of the 41 case studies reviewed, 9 had ratios which were below the economic equilibrium (bold verticla line). Of

StructuralNon-structural Combination

Mapping of the bebefit-cost ratios

Result is a single value

Resultis a range

Result is a range with most probable value stated







value 57.8

value 60




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201

B E N E F I T - C O S T - R A T I O

Case study results of riverine flood DRR arranged by focus

Figure 11: Case study results of riverine flood DRR arranged by focus (n=41, in ascending order)

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R E S U LT S P E R H A Z A R D23

those case studies performing below the economic equilibrium, 8 had a structural focus whilst only one non-structural measure was not proven to be econom-ically efficient.

Structural measures can include large infrastructural projects such as construction and strengthening of dykes and polders, redirection of river channels, the raising of buildings, and the construction of highly re-sistant buildings. Most non-structural measures can be summarised under the header of early-warning

systems. Usually, non-structural measures are applica-ble for protecting against a wide range of threats. They are also usable in situations not directly linked to DRR, as a result, non-structural measures are often more ro-bust and can usually be realised with lower costs com-pared to their structural counterparts.

Riverine floods (floods along rivers) are is that hazard that triggers disasters most frequently.

6.4. Droughts

The results of the available drought case studies vary greatly. Whilst some case studies (n=2) are just above the economic equilibrium other case studies in this cat-egory report results which are among the economically most advantageous across all hazard categories (n=5). The results of the drought case studies point overall in the direction of high economic efficiency. This case study research suggests that drought DRR has prov-en to be cost efficient over a number of measures and therefore offers a promising outlook.

Result interpretation suggests higher efficiency in non-structural DRR measures than in structural ones. Even under very optimistic circumstances a benefit-cost

ratio above four was not achieved through structural measures (e.g. construction of wells, pumps, and dams). However, non-structural measures were reported to be highly cost efficient. Measures such as training and ed-ucation, diversification of agriculture, provision of seeds and foundation of disaster management committees as well as the (structural) construction of community gar-dens report a consistent benefit-cost ratio above 25.

Droughts are a creeping hazard. They are usually defined as a lack of rain over a defined time or the absence of rain over specific, location-de-pended, periods.

6.5. Earthquakes (ground shaking)

From a purely economic standpoint, earthquake (ground shaking) DRR is difficult to justify. Compared to other hazards, earthquakes ranked lowest. Of the case studies reviewed (n=11), the majority of cases (n=9) performed at a level that was either close to the economic equilibri-um or contained parts of the measurement range which were considerably below a benefit-cost ratio of one. Ad-ditionally, there was minimal improvement in the eco-nomic performance even where avoided fatalities were monetarized and included as a benefit.

Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. Their geographic domain can be determined fairly accurately. On the other hand, the determination of reoccurrence rates is very challenging.

Throughout the world, earthquakes are the hazard responsible for most fatalities – how-ever, this number also includes fatalities from earthquake triggered tsunamis. This section only considers DRR measures to reduce impact of earthquake related ground shaking.

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6.6. Hydro-meteorological hazards

All case studies focused on the setup and enhancement of hydro-meteorological services (n=12) report bene-fit-cost ratios of above one. Indeed, in most cases, the value is far above the economic equilibrium with the majority of results ranging between three and six. Con-sequently, we determine that it is worthwhile to invest in such measures. The improvement of hydro-meteor-ological services is particularly worthwhile in countries with a high human development index[3], such as the U.S., Australia, and Finland. This is in contrast to the general observation that the efficiency of DRR in coun-tries with high HDI scores is on average lower than in countries with a low human development.

Despite these highly performing cases, none of the

[3] In this study the development status or state of development is defined by the human devel-opment index (HDI): http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human-development-index-hdi

studies reviewed included a consideration of present or future climate change threats. Since climate change is expected to alter hydro-meteorological patterns and increase the frequency of extreme events (extreme rainfall or no rainfall over long periods of time) the incorporation of these threats into cost-benefit ratios would likely yield even higher results.

The category of hydro-meteorological hazards is introduced to describe case studies that con-sider meteorological services. These services provide predictions for meteorological and hy-drological extreme events and can also be used to extrapolate climatological trends.This category comprises all hydrological, mete-orological and climatological hazards.

6.7. Multi-hazards

Although the literature stresses the value of DRR meas-ures which are applicable across a range of potential hazards, this sentiment is not reflected in the case stud-ies reviewed. This review located a rather limited num-ber of cases on multi-hazards (n=10) and of those cases, half had value ranges that stretched below the eco-nomic equilibrium. This may be linked to the increase in uncertainties and complexities which occur when mul-tiple hazards are considered in combination. For analy-sis of these measures, each individual hazard plus the interconnectedness of the hazards must be assessed. Nonetheless, all case studies result in average ratios

which are above the economic equilibrium. This is a promising result and can be used as justification for sup-port of further research on the economic efficiency of multi-hazard DRR measures.

Multi-hazard case studies assess those hazards which as deemed to be spatially overlapping or those hazards identified as interrelated. Hazards found in this category may be triggers for other hazard types.

6.8. Storms

Case studies addressing storm-related DRR (n=13) gen-erally performed well, only one study reported a bene-fit-cost ratio below the economic equilibrium and a limit-ed number (n=4) reported a range close to one. A number of studies (n=3) reported very promising benefit-cost ratios with one study reporting a ratio of above 500. Re-sults of the analysis varied with some case studies close to one and others well above the economic equilibrium.

Generally speaking, the results are promising and point towards cost effectiveness of DRR against storms.

Storms are meteorological events. They are the hazard responsible for the highest damage globally.

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R E S U LT S P E R H A Z A R D25

6.9. Coastal floods

Many of the coastal floods case studies extracted (n=13) for this review performed well. A number of studies report ratios significantly above the economic equilibrium, and only two case studies reported bene-fit-cost ratios (either individual measurement points or a value range) of below one. All case studies analysed measures were structural in nature and focused on pre-vention strategies.

Coastal floods are triggered by strong onshore winds. Either extra-tropical storms or tropical cyclones push water in the direction of the coast-line potentially leading to coastal inundation.

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D I S C U S S I O N26

7 .   D I S C U S S I O N

7.1. Study area, hazard and vulnerability

Literature suggests that DRR has greater cost efficiency in countries with a low HDI score. This imbalance may be due to highly concentrated populations within these countries (Ganderton, 2005). Additionally, it may be linked to, the greater macroeconomic damage caused by natural hazards relative to the gross domestic prod-uct in countries with low HDI scores. In highly devel-oped, industrialised countries, macroeconomic damage relative to the gross domestic product is generally low (Keating et al. 2014).

Although it is hard to assess which underlying factors cause this trend, plotting the results of all 117 cost-benefit analysis against the HDI of each country reveals a trend of rising cost effectiveness of measures to reduce disaster risk in those coun-tries with lower HDI scores which suggests that DRR is, on average, more successful in countries with a lower HDI.

Results of this analysis suggest a limited range in the focus of cost-effectiveness studies, with the majority of case studies reviewed focusing on riverine floods. Whilst we accept that riverine flooding research is the hazard which impacts the largest proportion of people world-

wide (2.5 billion or 55 % of all people affected between 1994 and 2013) and would, therefore, expect it to fea-ture significantly in the literature. There are other haz-ards, such as earthquakes or storms, which have greater implications for casualties than riverine flooding hazards (CRED, 2015), as a result of the seriousness of these im-pacts, we had expected to identify more of these DRR case studies. For other hazards such as tsunamis and forest fires, we were unable to locate any case studies. Whilst this paper is unlikely to have captured all available literature, we conclude that current research is heavily focused on a limited number of hazards and we recom-mend that future research efforts be focused on expand-ing case studies to address a broader range of hazards.

In considering the economic cost effectiveness of DRR, the results of this analysis determines that DRR preven-tion measures in droughts and hydro-meteorological hazard events are cost effective. However, for all other hazards reviewed in this study, we did not find econom-ic efficiency in all case studies observed. In some cas-es, the economic input is sometimes not offset by the potential or actual economic savings generated by the preventive measure. These results do not imply that we should reject disaster prevention measures altogether, as preventive measures are often ethically justifiable and may be required by mandate in some countries.

7.2. DRR measure and Impact Assessment

There are substantially more structural prevention measures described in the literature which may suggest an increased number of these measures on the ground. We attribute this to three related factors; firstly, from a methodological standpoint, it is harder to assess the benefit of non-structural measures. Secondly, it can be difficult to attribute positive outcomes directly or indi-rectly linked to a prevention measure, particularly as the most successful prevention measures will result in complete disaster avoidance. Finally, the line between non-structural disaster prevention measures and gen-

eral measures to enhance the livelihood or knowledge base of a community or society are often overlapping making it difficult to distinguish between the two goals. For example, an education program to improve access to the local labour market may provide disaster prevention through enhancing community resilience towards external stressors such as natural hazards.

Nonetheless one should not conclude that the presence of fewer case studies is a sign that fewer non-structural DRR measures are being implemented in practice.

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7.3. Monetary values

The results of ex-post case studies are usually charac-terised by a large margin of uncertainty. Additionally, we might interpret the (hypothetical) cost-benefit suc-cess of ex-ante case studies as an intrinsic element of such case studies in that they overestimate the success of a measure before it is actually realised. The same is true for the project lifetime. On average, we found sub-stantially longer project lifetimes in studies of ex-ante risk reduction measures.

We acknowledge that the assessment of intangible and indirect damages presents substantial uncertain-ties and methodological challenges, often resulting in them being omitted from the assessment. On the contrary, it is relatively simple to reliably quantify the direct costs of implementing a DRR measure. This gap in the ability to calculate costs and benefits suggests that the ‘real’ value of DRR measures is systematically underestimated resulting in imbalanced cost-benefit ratios (Vorhies, 2012; Woodruff, 2008). Some studies go one step further stating that prevented intangible and

indirect damages are considerably higher than damag-es which can be easily quantified in monetary terms (Dedeurwaerdere, 1998; UNISDR, 2011).

The timeframe over which cost and benefits are ana-lysed has a substantial influence on the overall result of the cost-benefit analysis. This has particularly im-portant implications for the discounting rate and the degree of uncertainty. Firstly, discounting over long timeframes can lower the economic value of a DRR measures. Secondly, the inherent uncertainties of the cost-benefit analysis increase alongside longer time-frames (Kull, Mechler & Hochrainer-Stiegler, 2013). Hence, a reasonable timeframe is of utmost impor-tance in accurate analysis, however, the determination of this criteria is lacking in scientific rigour.

The same lack of rigour is also present in defining rea-sonable discount rates, which despite their substan-tial influence on the final result, have no standardised guidelines.

7.4. Presentation of the results

In addition to the cost-benefit ratio, there are other mathematical concepts to evaluate costs and benefits. The most frequently used of these alternative meth-ods are the net present value and the internal rate of return. All three methods assess the economic profit-ability of DRR measures. Any of the three methods is equally appropriate for assessing whether the benefits exceed the costs for any DRR measure. Nonetheless, to retain compatibility between results, this study focuses

on case studies which report the economic profitability in the form of a cost-benefit ratio.

It is desirable to define one method of presenting results which any cost-benefit case study should fulfil. Indeed, some case studies report more than one method to en-able the comparison with other case studies (see e.g. Mechler & The Risk to Resilience Study Team, 2008).

We found promising outcomes for DRR CBA in non-structural DRR measures particularly for droughts and hydro-meteorological hazards. Fur-thermore, this study found that droughts and hy-dro-meteorological events had the most efficient cost ratios of cases reviewed, which may point to a link between improved performance and the utilisa-tion of non-structural measures. This suggests that

there is untapped potential in pursuing the use of non-structural measures across other hazard cate-gories. Moreover, non-structural measures are more flexible and adaptable when compared with struc-tural measures (Keating et al., 2014; Van Niekerk et al., 2013). As a result, we recommend the use of non-structural measures in cases where substantial uncertainty exists within the hazard analysis.

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D I S C U S S I O N28

7.5. Sources of uncertainty

CBA is a powerful tool to assess the economic efficien-cy of DRR. Nonetheless, as outlined above, the results should be treated with caution because methodologi-cal nuances have a substantial influence on the overall procedure to assess cost and benefits. To effectively uti-lise the results methods should be explicitly outlined alongside a transparent overview of any data processing.

We consider the following points to be essential in ad-dressing methodological uncertainties:

á Highlight sources of uncertainty;

á State reasons for all assumptions made;

á Express all types of damage which have not been included in the analysis and the reasons for the exclusion; and

á Conduct a sensitivity analysis.

These points provide the reader with the necessary tools to interpret the results correctly and help avoid the assumption that the CBA results are set in stone.

DRR targeting extreme natural hazards is usu-ally associated with high investment costs and large uncertainties about future hazard occur-rence. However, many societies live with high frequency and low magnitude events which constantly erode livelihoods and inhibit eco-nomic progress (Moench & The Risk to Resil-ience Study Team, 2008). Our results determine that focusing on these low frequency and high impact events might yield highly (economic) efficient disaster prevention measures, particu-larly in regions with a low human development index. Due to the limited prevention measures currently in place, new implementations can create substantial benefits and encourage sustainable development in the region (Hoang Tri, Adger & Kelly, 1998; Subbiah, Bildan & Narasimhan, 2008).

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C O N C L U S I O N S29

8 .   C O N C L U S I O N S

This paper has analysed 117 case studies and provides a comprehensive overview of DRR efficiency. Structur-ing the case studies along a consistent methodological framework allows a comparison of the results and their assumptions across all case studies and allows us to draw general statements concerning the cost efficiency of disaster prevention measures.

The key results are summarised below:

á DRR pays off – Based on 117 case studies, 102 report average cost-benefit ratios above the economic equilibrium. This is a powerful argument for future investments in disaster prevention.

á Non-structural measures are on average more cost efficient than their structural counterparts – A greater proportion of structural measures fail to reach the economic equilibrium. Half of all structural measures (n=34) are either within their lower uncertainty margin or below the economic equilibrium. This result was significantly lower for the non-structural measures (n=3 out of a total of 32). We believe that non-structural measures are more flexible and robust in addressing future DRR uncertainties.

á DRR prevention and preparedness strategies are equally efficient - Based on all 117 case studies no discernible trend preferring either prevention or preparedness measures is visible.

á The lower the HDI of a country the higher the economic gain of DRR measures - On average there is a higher gain from DRR measures in countries with a low HDI compared to highly developed nations. This is a powerful argument for the expansion of DRR measures in world’s poorest countries. The significance of this result is enhanced if we consider that in the past, case studies utilised high discounting and assumed low durations of effect in these countries. However, countries with a low human development index are underrepresented in the case studies.

á Ex-ante evaluations usually assume longer DRR lifecycles and calculate higher benefit-cost ratios in comparison with ex-post evaluations - On average, ex-ante evaluations estimate a higher

efficiency of DRR than ex-post evaluations. Or conversely, ex-post evaluations may systematically underestimate the benefits of a disaster prevention measure. We also found shorter durations of effect (on average) in ex-post analyses. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate a study which compared the two evaluation techniques across a single case. This represents an empirical research gap and hinders the ability to validate the methodological consistency of cost-benefit analyses.

á The CBA results could be influenced by the entity conducting the study - We divided the analysed case studies according to the contracting authority. Usually, relief organisations and independent research institutions (i.e. think tanks) conduct the cost-benefit analysis themselves. This can lead to results bias resulting in higher benefit-cost ratios compared to results from university research published in the peer-reviewed literature.

á The estimated DRR lifetime is on average considerably lower in countries with a low HDI than in countries with a high HDI - There are substantial differences in the average expected DRR lifetime between countries with a low HDI and those with a high HDI. The DRR lifetime is likely influenced by the type of the implemented measure. As a result, we may observe lower lifetimes on DRR measures where low HDI countries lack the resources to invest in long-lasting, large-scale DRR measures.

This paper presents a methodological framework for a structured analysis and cross-project comparabili-ty of economic efficiency in DRR. This framework may be used to conduct future cost-benefit analyses to en-hance the significance of future case studies and under-pin the value of DRR by applied research. In considering the next steps, there is a substantial short-term need to

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conduct additional case studies based on rigorous sci-entific standards. In the long-term, we recommend the creation of a worldwide result database of CBA in DRR. A database would improve predictability of DRR efficien-cy based on certain characteristics such as DRR project type, study area, hazard, focus, strategy etc. The EM-DAT database for disasters could be used as a reference.

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