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Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198





REVIEW ARTICLE Impact Factor (2014) – 0.815 by International Scientific Indexing (ISI) UAE


Thorat Vidhyashree Jagannath1*

1. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agadtantra Vyavahar Ayurved & Vidhivaidyak, Dr D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Reasearch Institute, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, 400076, Contact No. - +919224296144, Email- [email protected]

Article Received on - 1st July 2015 Article Revised on - 25th Aug 2015 Article Accepted on - 28th Aug 2015

All articles published in IJAAM are peer-reviewed and can be downloaded, printed and distributed freely for non commercial purpose (see copyright notice below).

(Full Text Available @ www.ijaam.org)

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Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198





REVIEW ARTICLE *Corresponding Author Thorat Vidhyashree J. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agadtantra Vyavahar Ayurved & Vidhivaidyak, Dr D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Reasearch Institute, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, 400076, Contact No. - +919224296144, Email- [email protected]



ABSTRACT: Ayurved is the science of life with the primary aim of maintenance of health. Health

of a person means health of physical & mind together. ‘Sadvritta’ i.e. code of conduct for keeping good or balanced condition of body & mind explains certain rules for maintaining a healthy state of body & mind like Ethical, Social, Mental, Moral and Physical conduct. Practicing these principles gives balance & peace to mind. Violating or ignoring these principles even may lead to development of criminal tendencies in some individuals. Now day’s crimes are increasing with alarming speed & can be seen from childhood. The reason behind this is development of criminal tendencies starting from early age. For the prevention of these criminal tendencies everyone should follow the rules of ‘Sadvritta’ or code of conducts. This article will give us a way to think about how we can prevent crimes which are arising day by day in society, how we can work on criminal mind itself to do not arise in person . If we succeed in this then only we can reduce crime rate in society & live healthy, stress less & happy life.

Key Words: Sadvritta, Crime, Pap karma, Ayurveda

INTRODUCTION Ayurved “the science of life” deals with various dimensions of human being. In this science psychological factors have been given equal importance as like physiological factors with respect to the etiology of various diseases.[1] All the therapies in Ayurved aim to provide complete health – physical, mental and spiritual. It is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease, but also a way of life that teaches us how to maintain and protect mental and physical health and achieve longevity. It describes the diet, behavior and rules and regulations that are beneficial or harmful for life. Ayurved has given major emphasis on preventive aspect. Imbalance in the functions of humors, tissues, wastes and senses disturb the mind. Mental upset is also due to excessive agitation or ignorance. This happens because of undue ambitions, hatred, jealousy, anxiety and fear which may further lead to development of criminal mind causing crimes in the society. To prevent this, one must follow ethical code of conduct i.e. ‘Sadvritta’. Aim & Objective: ‘To study Sadvritta (code of conduct) and its role in prevention of crime’ Conceptual Study: Code of conduct (Sadvritta): The personality of a person is enhanced by good conduct. This could be a personal conduct or social conduct. A self-review could help to judge one’s

conduct. Ayurved has discussed it, under the topic “Sadvritta” or ethical regimen. ‘Sad’ means good and ‘Vritta’ means regimen. This is code of conduct for keeping good or balanced condition of body and mind. [2] When the body possesses a sattvika (Purity) quality of mind, it directs all actions for the welfare of an individual. Rajasik (State between Sattvik & Tamasik) and Tamasik (Inertia) are harmful qualities of mind and are produced by ignorant actions. Such an unhealthy mind generates wrong judgments and misconceptions by the intellect and is responsible for producing diseases and also developing criminal tendencies in some individuals. Hence every attempt should be made to increase the sattvika quality of the mind. Ayurved prescribes certain rules for maintaining a healthy state of body and mind. The code of conduct can be divided in different types:

1. Ethical or Vyavaharika sadvritta 2. Social or Samajika sadvritta 3. Mental or Manasika sadvritta 4. Moral or Dharmika sadvritta 5. Physical or Sharirika sadvritta.

They are the principles of right conduct that are applicable to all people of all times and all places. Practicing these principles gives balance and peace to the mind. Violating or ignoring them makes the person agitated in thought and feelings. 1. Ethical Conduct (Vyavaharika Sadvritta) [3]: some of the rules are

Always speak truth. Do not get addicted to sensory pleasures.




Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198





Do not harm anyone. Try to control your passions. Observe self-control. Do not lose your self-control under any

circumstances. Speak pleasant and sweet words. Behave according to time and place where

you are residing. Control your sense organs.

2. Social Conduct (Samajik Sadvritta): In the society one should be careful about conduct. Speak softly, Start with smiling face. Speak politely with teachers, elderly and intelligent people. Behavior, social mannerisms are part of social conduct. 3. Mental Conduct (Manasik Sadvtitta): Always keep a self-interrogation about who am I? What is the purpose of life? Try to understand the real divine and eternal nature of our soul. 4. Moral Conduct (Dharmika Sadvritta) Dharma means good deeds that protect individual as well as masses. The attitude of all persons is to get the happiness, and this is not available without following the rules of Dharma and hence it is the duty of every person to carry out social duty. [4]

5. Physical Conduct (Sharirik Sadvritta) it includes hygiene, respect and gratitude, care of sense organs, and proper clothing etc. The one who behaves nicely as mentioned in Sadvritta becomes more divine and god always helps him. He lives good quality life. He gets moksha (Salvation). That he escapes from the cycle of birth and death. Being kind to others, giving donations to charity, controlling actions of body, mind and speech and treating everybody like oneself is good conduct. If one follows these rules and regulations he gets long and healthy life as well as wealth. Achara Rasayana is a code of good sociobehavioural conduct, such as worship to Gods (improves personality i.e., satwa), respect to elders and able, speaking truth, avoiding anger, avoiding excessive indulgence in alcohol, sex and excessive labor, keeping self-peaceful, speaking sweet words, and practicing mantra, japa, kindness to living beings, balanced sleep, regular use of nutritious elements of diet, being humble, kind and well behaved, practicing meditation and studying religious texts. By adopting these measures, a person can be free from the emotional disturbances and lives less stressful life and maintains the adequacy of these defence mechanisms.

What is Crime? : Crime is an unlawful act that impacts everyone, whether directly as a victim or indirectly through societal and economic costs. By understanding the causes of criminal behavior, it may be possible to change some of the factors and eliminate some criminal behavior. However, it is not simple, and understanding the behavior of the criminal does not necessarily eliminate criminal behaviour.[5]

Vagbhata has mentioned 10 types of Kayik(physical), Vachik(verbal) and Manasik(psychological) sins. Physical sins – 1) Violence 2) Stealing 3) Unethical enjoyment of sex Verbal sins – 1) untruthfulness or telling lies 2) complaining 3) speaking bad words or harsh words to others 4) giving good and bad opinions for the same person or subject Psychological sins – 1) organizing schemes for murdering or killing people. 2) Organizing schemes of taking wealth of others. All these sins may transform into any type of crime and avoiding these sins give better health of body and mind. [6] Development of Criminal tendencies: What causes a person to turn to a life of crime? Does the blame lie with the parents; is it society or medical mishaps? Many of us have heard the expressions, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", or "they're a product of their environment". These statements might apply to some, but there are many who are victims themselves and these statements are unfair. You cannot group all criminals with a shrug of the shoulders and then label them with catty quotes. Some are so hardened since birth that no amount of rehabilitation can help them and many do not want to be helped because they can only survive in a controlled environment. [7] To understand the thought pattern behind a criminal mind, it is important to consider all possibilities. There is no single cause of criminal behaviour. A combination of both genetic and environmental factors contributes to the thought process of a criminal. [8]

Examining the history of the person and the supporting facts of the crime lead to insight about similar criminals and their methods. There are so many explanations why some people turn to a life of crime. Many people who are brought up in economically depraved areas; their first memory of family is the crime on the streets. At a young age children are taught to defy the law and avoid being caught. And the better they become at evading the law, the more recognized they become by their "peers", and this gives them a false sense of acceptance. These children become so adept at criminal behaviour, that it becomes



Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198





their way of life forever, or as long as they live. [9]

For children who have a parent imprisoned, it can be devastating to their self-esteem. For whatever reason the imprisonment is for, it has an effect that can lie dormant until adulthood. To assume that a child, whose parent is imprisoned, will automatically follow in their parent's footsteps is an unfair assumption, but having a parent who is a criminal, can create a stigma on a child's life that they feel it's necessary for them to fantasize about the whereabouts of their parent. The shame can be unbearable for the child as well as the parent. The opposite can be true of a child who is brought up in a privileged environment; for whatever reason they can turn out to be hardened criminals. During adolescence, changing hormones and peer pressure can trigger anti-social behaviour that is irreversible. When this happens it can create a revenge seeking attitude and by acting on this attitude it brings about a negative justification; it only causes heartache, shame and regret. [10] DISCUSSION Correlation of Sadvritta with Crime: As earlier mentioned Sadvritta includes ethical, social, mental & moral conduct. Not following these conducts lead to development of criminal mind & thereafter these persons get into the action to do crimes. According to ethical conducts, we should not lose our attitude under any circumstances & if we lose our attitude then it can further lead to actions harmful to others & even to us, this is nothing but the crime. As mentioned in social conduct, never be jealous about the prosperity & even wealth of others. If this is so then that jealousy or that desire to get others money may create a situation to perform crime. Addiction of narcotic drugs, alcohol causes disturb mind & even physical actions lead to crime by harming others. One should always have soft speech, which will be appropriate as well as beneficial to us & even to others, never criticize or speak lie and if we behave opposite of this then that harsh speaking can start quarrel which may further lead harmful physical actions & crime. To do any act, beyond our limit is daring act which may create sometimes life threatening conditions e.g. if we show our daring in unnecessary way, to drive a car speedily. It can cause accident in which not only you but also your accompaniments may suffer this also a crime. Rash driving and breaking the traffic rules, unnatural competitions always lead to bad consequences. According to psychological or mental conduct, balanced mind is very essential. Health of body is dependent on health and balance of the mind. It is kept calm and under control by restraining

emotions like anger, fear & greed. If these emotions are not in control then there can be chances of development of criminal mind. “Mana Eva Manushyanaam Karanam Bandha Mokshayoh”[11] – for all the deeds of a man the root cause is Manas. It promotes him to do either good or bad deeds. If his mind is predominant with Satva it leads to good activity. On contrary if it is full of Rajas and Tamas he will suffer from various diseases and fall into darkness & even can turn into crime. If there is feeling like loneliness, not peaceful & happy surrounding then person may feel depression. Due to this, mental illnesses like schizophrenia i.e. split personality which is one of the major causes of homicide in today’s era. Also hallucinations, delusions are responsible to produce crimes due to defective mind or psychology. Such mental disorders also inspire affective persons to do suicides. Disorders like manias e.g. Nymphomania & also not following conducts how to behave with women may lead to cases like rape, sexual harassment etc. Pragnyaparadh (One of the trividhrog hetu) is basically a cause for all these bad & illegal acts to occur. [12] Prevention of crime by Sadvritta: Obeying ethical conducts i.e. making a habit of doing all that is good and avoiding all that is bad, acting always in a courteous and polite manner, having control on our Indriyas can prevent criminal tendencies to develop. Following social mannerisms & behaviour e.g. behaviour towards women is necessary for reduction of cases like rape. For making good deeds, every individual should give some part of his wealth and energy for the betterment of society. Avoid the company of bad people or who hate the society and also the rulers because these are going to reduce further criminal tendencies. Do not make a quarrel with a person who is stronger than you. To have control over one’s mind spiritual understanding is very essential and it is achieved by following good diets, conducts and self-realization. The one who behaves nicely, as mentioned above, become more divine & there will not develop any type of criminal tendencies and he gets long & healthy life as well as wealth. Aggressive behaviors are very common in preschool children; usually they tend to disappear in the years between preschool and elementary school. Socialization with peers and teachers help children to change behaviour toward “others”, in some children though this type of aggressive behaviour can instead increase and become violent, through several other steps, they can become antisocial, and then they can become serious violent offenders. We can help children to get free from this climate & explain them rules &



Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198





regulations of Sadvritta & benefits which we get after obeying the rules. Addition of these codes of conducts in School health programme even in education will play a major role in creating satvika minds in children. With this we can develop satsat vivek buddhi in children which helps to prevent wrong practices that may lead to criminal tendencies. CONCLUSION Obeying the rules & regulations mentioned in Sadvritta play major role in preventing development of criminal tendencies which in turn further lead to crime & one can achieve long and healthy life in terms of physical, psychological and social aspect. Implementation of regimens of Sadvritta gives us new aspect to look, behave and think at the world which can results in decrease in criminal tendencies and we can have a society which is really healthy by all means.


1. Tripathi Bramhanand, Charak Samhita, Chaukhamba Prakashan Edition 2004, Sutrasthan chp. 1/ 55, p. 26-27.

2. Tripathi Bramhanand, Charak Samhita, Chaukhamba Prakashan Edition 2004, Sutrasthan chp 8/ 17, p. 196-197.

3. Tripathi Bramhanand, Charak Samhita, Chaukhamba Prakashan Edition 2004, Chikitsasthan chp 1/ 30-35, p. 69.

4. Garde Ganesh K., Vagbhatkrut Ashtang Hriday (Sarth Vagbhat), Edition 2006, Sutrasthan, Chp 2/19-20, p. 9

5. http://www.ehow.com/about_4673548_causes-criminal-behavior_.html, Accessed on 04-Jan-2014

6. Garde Ganesh K., Vagbhatkrut Ashtang Hriday (Sarth Vagbhat), Edition 2006, p. 4.

7. http://www.actforlibraries.org/how-people-become-criminals-7/, Accessed on 04-Jan-2014

8. http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/jones.html (Genetic & Environmental Influences on Criminal Behavior), Accessed on 06-Jan-2014

9. http://www.actforlibraries.org/how-people-become-criminals-7/, Accessed on 04-Jan-2014

10. http://www.actforlibraries.org/how-people-become-criminals-7/, Accessed on 04-Jan-2014

11. http://www.vedabase.com/en/bg/6/5 12. Tripathi Bramhanand, Charak Samhita, Chaukhamba

Prakashan Edition 2004, Sutrasthan 11/ 41, p. 243.

CITE THIS ARTICLE AS – Thorat Vidhyashree J., Role of Code of Conducts of Life (Sadvritta) in Prevention of Crimes, Int. J. Ayu. Alt. Med., 2015; 3(4):194-198 Source of Support – Nil Conflict of Interest – None Declared


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