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CPC SEPTEMBER 2009 Fall 2009.pdf · (Numbers 6:24-26) One of God‟s great blessings is the way he...

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1 CPC SEPTEMBER 2009 A monthly publication for the members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church THE FALL GUIDE TO THE HAPPENINGS AT CPC



A monthly publication for the members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church





Dr. Randy Working, Pastor

Bob Russell Jr., Director, Contemporary Worship

Jennifer Congdon, Director, Children’s Ministries

Andrea Milnar, Director, Youth Ministries

Jason Monsman, Evangelism Director

Jessica Paradise, Office Manager

Sue Congdon, Organist, Web Administrator

Jerry Gibson, Custodian

Karen Perko, Children & Youth Assistant

Chimes Editor


Table of Contents

4. Pastor‟s Page By Dr. Randy Working

6. Children‟s Ministries

8. Youth Ministries

10. Worship/Evangelism

12. Prayers & Events

13. Session Highlights

14. Christian Growth

15. Adult Ministries

Worship Times

Traditional: 9:30 am

Contemporary: 11:00 am

Contact Information

Christ Presbyterian Church

12419 Chillicothe Rd.

Chesterland, OH 44026

(440) 729-1688




Pastor‟s Page

Dear friends,

God has given us so much, from provision for our physical needs, to the freedom we enjoy, to the friendship and support in our family of faith. In fact, from the beginning un-til the end of time, all of God‟s work is a blessing, because all that he does is right

and true.

The Bible records many words of blessing.

One of these instances is related in the book of Numbers:

May the LORD bless you, and keep you;

May the LORD make his face shine to upon you,

and be gracious to you;

May the LORD turn his countenance to you and

grant you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

One of God‟s great blessings is the way he speaks to us in his Word. The Scripture is how we meet God, and it tells us that God always takes the initiative in reaching out to contentious and sinful human beings who are nevertheless deeply loved. It tells us that God‟s love is so great he pre-ferred to come to earth in the person of Jesus and to die rather than to lose us. In light of that great love, let me leave you with this blessing, my prayer for you this season. It is a benediction, slightly modified, from the Reverend Darrell Johnson, Professor of Preaching at Regent College in Vancouver, and soon to be installed as pastor of First

Baptist Church there.

Whenever you open the Bible, may you do so ask-ing of the text, “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”, and may you experience the text leading

you beyond the words to the Word himself.

By Dr. Randy Working, Pastor


doer of the Word and not

just a hearer.

May your experience of Jesus be as wide and long and high and deep as that of the apostle Paul (“to me, the least of all saints, this grace was

given, to preach the unfathomable

riches of Christ.”)

May you live in the power of the Holy Spirit, and

may you always have the confidence that when you read God‟s Word, he speaks to you, and that when God speaks, some-

thing always happens.

And in that something, may you be surprised by


With love for you in Christ,

Pastor Randy

May Jesus meet you and give his life to you, caus-ing you to live out “the obedience of faith” to which the text calls you. Like Jacob who became Israel, may you wrestle with not only the text, but with the God

of the text.

As you read the Bible, may you be filled with the disci-pline of Matthew, with the spontaneous enthusiasm of Mark, with the prayerful compassion of Luke, and with the intimacy and adoring wonder of John—so that you too can only call yourself, “the disciple

whom Jesus loved.”

May you live out the prac-tical wisdom of James, because you, too, are a

Join us in worship

this fall as Randy

Working continues

teaching on the

Book of Matthew.

One of God’s greatest

blessings is the way He

speaks to us in His Word.


Keys for Kids

A children’s devotional


Psalm 37:30-31

The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart; his feet

do not slip.

Matthew 12:34-35

You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in


With his books scattered all around, Austin hunched over the library table. "May I sit here?" asked his sister Shelly. Austin nodded and kept reading. "Isn't this rain yukky?" Shelly whis-

pered, looking out the window.

Austin jumped as a clap of thun-der startled him. "Uh huh," he muttered. "Now leave me


"This rain will ruin our family re-union," Shelly complained. "We'll be stuck inside listening to Uncle

George's stupid jokes. We . . ."

"Will you shut up?" Austin de-manded loudly. The librarian gave him a stern look. "Can't you see I'm working?" continued Austin, speaking softer, but with

a threatening glare.

At the supper table that evening, Shelly's complaining increased. She listed all the problems the rain caused her. "I wish it never

rained!" she declared.

"Places where it never rains are

called deserts,

dum-dum," Austin told her. "That's what my report is about. Deserts are so dry that hardly any plants can grow there. The mesquite tree sometimes sends its roots hundreds of feet into the ground to search for water. When it does rain, the barrel cactus swells with water and then shrinks again as it uses the

water. And the ..."

"Austin told me to shut up at the library," tattled Shelly, interrupt-ing her brother. Austin kicked

her under the table.

"Austin! You know better than to

talk like that!" scolded Mom.

"Well, she's always a pest,"

grumbled Austin.

Mom frowned. "Watch your tongue, Austin," she said. "I've noticed that you've been having

trouble with it lately."

"Austin, maybe you need to be more like that mesquite tree and barrel cactus you told us about, maybe you need to 'drink' more deeply from God's Word," sug-gested Dad. "In fact, we should all have a thirst for His Word. It would be nice if we were as mo-tivated to read the Bible as those desert plants are to get water. If we were swelling up with God's Word, good words would be coming out of our

mouths and we'd have a desire

to get along with one another."


What kind of words come from your mouth? Your words reflect what's in your heart. Read God's Word, think about it, and ask Him to help you understand and obey it. As His Word fills your heart, good thoughts, words, and actions will come out.

Children’s Ministries


Summer Sunday School 2009

And our experiences

During the month of July we did a study on Moses‟ life.

We started when he was a baby and was rescued

from the hands of Pharaoh all the way to when he led

his people out of captivity to the Promised Land. On

August 9th and 16th the kids enjoyed watching a movie

on the life of Moses…and, of course, you can‟t watch

a movie without popcorn!!!

Movie Comments:

“Look Ms. Jen the golden calf!”

“There is when God parted the sea!”

“They are being so mean to those people!” (talking about when the Israelites had Moses‟ people as


“Why did they have to put blood on their door?”

“They were in the desert for 40 years?”

God was really

at work here!

Jen Congdon

Children‟s Ministries Director

[email protected]


YOUTH Andrea Milnar

Youth Ministries Director

[email protected]

Love God. Love People. Serve the World.

Youth Group Style.

“God is good, all the time.” This famous quote could not have been truer than when the youth groups headed to Whea-ton College, IL for mission camp. On July 20, six teens, Joel and Melissa Gear, Matt Levine, Krista Lupas, Eric McCaslin, and Jonathan Moritz along with three adults, Andi Levine, Eric Milnar, and my-self, loaded into a 12 passen-ger van and headed out to mission camp. All we knew of our “mission” was that it would be with 22 kids ranging in age from 5 to 12 years old at a low income housing apartment. We would be with them for three days. Little did we know that those three days would

change our lives.

On the first day we arrived at the Marion Park apartments it was completely chaotic. We had planned a VBS day with a lunch break. Through a crazy name game we quickly learned their names and ages and split them into two groups. This is where the relationships began to blossom. In the after-noon we shared the story of Jonah and the whale complete

our trip to the county fair.

On day two we joined the camp on a bus and headed out to the DuPage county fair. During the ride, Melissa heard two young kids talking. A 7 year old named Aziza asked 5 year old Heaven if she be-lieved in God. Aziza was con-cerned because another girl had told her God wasn‟t real. Before Melissa could jump in Heaven began evangelizing saying “God is real and He loves us! Don‟t listen to Ce-lina. God loves you!” WOW! Melissa was blown away by the thought that this little girl would share her faith to an older girl. What a life lesson. When Melissa told us this story all I could think was how many of us shy away from sharing our faith with people above us whether in age or at work. God calls us to have faith like little Heaven and share it no matter what others may think. The rest of day two was all about building relation-ships with these kids and we had a great time. Krista said she felt like a proud mama as she watched her “kids” ride the

rides at the fair.

Day three, which was our last day with the kids, was bitter-sweet. On the schedule was a

with a craft leftover from one of our VBS‟s many years ago. We also got to share the birth story of Jesus and a few of the miracles he performed. I asked the kids to raise their hands if they had ever heard of Jesus and only about 5 kids did so. The kids were then split into 6 groups led by each of our stu-dents to pray. The first day ended with the kids making salvation bracelets, coloring pictures of Jesus, and enjoying personal pictures of Jesus‟ life drawn by Pastor Randy


“What is church?”

That evening after the worship and message we had our “church time”. It‟s a time to dis-cuss the day, pray, and review the next day‟s schedule. It was then that some of the students mentioned that the kids they prayed with said that they were Muslim. I was shocked. This explained why so few raised their hands in response to knowing Jesus. We then prayed for all the students and


When Taha, one of the five year olds, asked me “What is church?” I didn‟t know what to say. I still don‟t know if my answer made any sense. What I do know is that the love we shared with him and the other children will not be forgotten. The gifts we gave them for school will be a constant mem-ory of that love. The Bibles

they took home to share with their families will tell the stories they heard. The popsicle picture frames and group picture we gave

them will be an image they can look at to see Christ among them. So if asked again “what is church?” this time I think I would answer, we are the church; the hands and feet of Christ Jesus who show His love to the people of this world by our words and ac-


half day VBS and then we would head out to a commu-nity pool. We spent a lot of time in prayer because this would be the day we shared the gift Jesus is for us and what a faith in Him truly means. Unfortunately only half the kids came that day due to different conflicts. The nice part was we were able to spend more one on one time with the kids. I shared the story of Christ as the Son of God and we handed out New Testament Bibles to each of them. Each student was paired with one or two kids and we all looked up John 3:16 and we read it. We sang “Jesus Loves Me” and prayed with them. The students then spent some quality time with them before we left for the pool. We planted a small seed with the hope that the Holy Spirit is just beginning in their


So during this week we loved God through corporate wor-ship, quiet times, service, and prayer. We loved people by hanging out with kids that needed love and friendship. We served the world by shar-ing the love of Christ with kids who had never even heard of

Jesus before.

“I loved all the

’God time’.”

Matt Levine

Focus on the Cross


On Saturday August 8th we attended Focus on the cross. The event had 120 teens from 15 local churches joining together to praise God, study His Word, and lift up prayers as one body. Thank you to all our prayer warriors who prayed and sup-ported this event. CPC was on the ground floor for planning and prepara-tion this year and we are looking for an even bigger event next year! Praise



Worship What is Missional, and How

does it Impact Worship?

No doubt, when we hear unfamiliar words, we all get a little nervous. When changes happen that we feel are somehow attached to these strange words, many of us are understandably fearful. I have been hearing (and over-hearing) a number of things that, as the Elder of Worship and the Director of Evangel-ism/Outreach, I feel this article

will address.

Not too long ago, as we began the search for a new pastor, our church conducted a Mission Study. That study helped the congregation iden-tify the areas we felt were our strengths and our weak-nesses. One of our great con-cerns was the attraction and retention of younger families. It was with this, and a number of other ideas, that our Pastor Nominating Committee began its journey. A journey which ultimately led Christ Presbyte-rian Church extending a call to Dr. Randy Working to be its

next Pastor and Head-of-Staff.

At his arrival, Pastor Randy introduced a new term to the vocabulary of this con-gregation: Missional. The Presbyterian Global Fellow-ship website defines “missional church” this way: “In short, the phrase „missional

church‟ refers to the fact that „mission‟ is not a program of the church but rather the very reason for the church‟s exis-tence: as the church, we are who we are because we have been called and sent by God in the power of the Spirit to be witnesses to Jesus Christ in all that we do (John 20:21; Acts 1:8). We exist as a result of and for the sake of God‟s mis-sion to redeem humanity and manifest the reign of Jesus Christ in all creation. The church doesn‟t exist for itself. Rather, it exists for God‟s

Kingdom mission!”

In short, this is evangelism, or reaching out (outreach) to our local community. This very much fits with the “attracting” aspect of the Mission Study‟s findings and, I believe, if we are attracting young families (and people in general) to CPC, we will see an increase in retention of our current friends and family. Dr. Working had given us a word to de-scribe something previous leadership had identified as an area we wanted to improve, prior to his joining us on our


The position I now hold, that of Director of Evangelism/Outreach, which was sug-gested by Rev. Dick Shipley, has another unfamiliar term attached to it; perhaps two

Continued on page 16

strange terms. “Evangelism” is sharing the Gospel with people who are non-believers, or who may have never heard of Christ and His atoning work on the Cross. “Outreach,” al-though not as specific, is a functional synonym of evan-gelism, yet it is far less threat-ening to those who would benefit from being evangel-ized. Outreach, from a busi-ness stand-point, is getting your “product” in front of peo-ple in a way that raises their opinion of your company. Us-ing those terms, evangelism is offering the gift of Christ and the everlasting life that comes with accepting Him in a way that reflects His love to them,

even in their unbelief.

The creation of this po-sition, and my hiring to it, by the Personnel Committee, re-flected their agreement with the congregation that we wanted to reach outside of our property and offer rescue to people who are lost and hurt-ing; people who need JESUS! Evangelism, or outreach, is at the very heart of the missional concept. We reach out, we are evangelistic, and we are mis-sional, that we might “be wit-nesses to Jesus Christ in all

that we do.”

It is at this point that be-

ing missional, or being an out

Jason Monsman

Worship Elder

[email protected]


“Love God. Love People.

Serve the World.” – Love


(Part 2 of a 4 part series from July/August issue of


“One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, „Of all the commandments,

which is the most important?‟

‘The most important one,‟ answered Jesus, „is this: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.‟”” -Mark 12:28-

30 (NIV)

“Love the Lord your God…” seems pretty simple and straight-forward, doesn‟t it? Have you ever stopped to consider, however, the depth of what Christ is telling us in this passage? All of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, all of our strength. Is this simply shorthand for “give it all you‟ve got,” or is there something more to Je-sus‟ inclusion of each of these four aspects in His re-sponse (which is, inciden-tally, a quote from Deuteron-

omy 6)?

In the paraphrased ver-sion of the Bible, the Message, the four aspects of the com-mandment are rendered a little differently. These slight vari-ances, I think, give us a little deeper insight into the subtle implications of what Jesus

means in His response.

The first aspect, as it is translated by the NIV is to love God with all our heart. The Message says to love God with all our passion. When I read this, it makes me think of the part of me that has an emotional love, or affection, for God. This is the “feeling” part of loving God. Loving God in this way includes recognizing that He meets outside needs that cannot be met anyone or anything else. It is this type of love that moves us to lavish praises upon Him. Loving God with all of our hearts, with all of our passions, is what inspires us to write and sing hymns. It is this type of love that leads to worship, desiring to be in his


Next, Christ calls us to love God with all our spirit. “Prayer” is the word used in the Message. Once we are in the presence of God, drawn there by the love within our hearts, our passions, we begin to realize things that stir our spirits. We are, once showing

affection for god, able to rec-ognize how holy He is, and our own falling short of that holiness. At this point, we show our love through our prayer. We bring to God the needs we, in our hearts, have realized only he can satisfy. Loving God with our spirit, our prayer, implies communica-tion. We are to love him in a way that allows us to lay our-selves bare without fear of


Being able to love God without being afraid of ridicule or rejection opens us up to lov-ing God with all our minds, all of our intelligence. We can let God use our minds, the intel-lect He created. Engaging with His Word, Scripture. Reading it and doing our best to understand it, knowing we need not be embarrassed of our lack. If we come wanting to be filled with the knowledge of God, He is faithful to provide the filling. Loving God with all of our mind finds strong ex-pression in 1 Peter 3:15, “... Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Our preparation to give the reason for our hope is the act of loving God, with all of our intelli-


Loving God with all your

Continued on Page 17

Jason Monsman

Evangelism Director

[email protected] Evangelism


Pig Roast... 3:00-7:00pm

Sept. 13

Covenant Players... 9:30am

& 7:30 Sept.13

Meeting… 9:15am Monday,

Sept. 14

Sunday School ...

begins..9:30am September 20

Sunday School ...

begins...September 20

See You at the Pole... Sep-

tember 23 at 7:30am at your

local schools.

Cleveland Indians Game...

with YFC September 26

Youth Group...Mondays @


Prayerfully Consider:




Wednesday, Sept. 16

Contemporary Wor-

ship...Tues./Thurs. @ 6:30pm

& 9:00am Saturdays

Pastor’s Bible

Study...Wednesdays New

Time! @10:30am. Begins

Sept. 16

Chapel Circle...11:00am

Wednesday, Sept.16

Women’s Bible Study...Beth

Moore‟s study of Esther. Tues-day 10:30am & Thursday at

6:45pm. Beginning Sept.15

Men’s Fellowship Group...Wednesdays 6:30am

@ Arabica in Chesterland &

8:00 am Saturdays





-City Mission trip

-"How to Start Spiritual

Conversations" and Christ-

mas Movie Night (Late No-


-Off-Campus Outreach Bible


-"What is Missional?" class

for members/friends of CPC

-serving other off-site meals

-Football and Valentine-

related events

-Small Group and Commu-

nity growth


Our next meeting will be our annual joint Elders/Deacons meeting on Septem-

ber 16, 2009 at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted

Alan Lupas

Clerk of Session

College Student Address


If your college student is head-ing out for their first year, has graduated from college or is heading to graduate school, please notify us so we may update our current list. As many of you know, all under graduate college students receive a $10.00 gift card for Halloween and Valentine‟s Day. Birthday cards are currently sent to all college students. We want to let them know that although they cannot be with us each Sunday, we still hold them

close in our hearts.

Contact: Beth Bouchek


[email protected].

games, inflatable playroom, and the Euclid Beach Rocket Car for families to enjoy. We hope it will be a great way to reach out to the Chesterland commu-nity at large to let them know about CPC and our mission. We thank Jason Monsman and Pastor Randy for their leadership to make this to hap-pen. Come out and help sup-port CPC. We will need volun-teers to help with set-up, park-ing, clean-up, and other activi-ties. Please contact Jason for

more information.

Jason Monsman gave us an update on what‟s been happening with our Worship Committee. We‟re very excited with where we are going as a church. Jason said major ac-complishments this past year included getting the new clavinova piano, getting new software to help in worship services, and our Fourth of July prayer service. We are also looking to get new

hymnals in the near future.

We talked about some upcoming events. On October 9- 11, 2009, we are looking to bring in John McWilliams from Campus Crusade for Christ for a potluck dinner, bible study seminar and a special worship service. More details will be

out soon.

Our session met on July 15 to discuss various pro-grams and upcoming events in the life of our church. Pastor Randy continued our Bible study from “The Emerging


A motion was passed to create a task force to complete the information transfer for the on-line membership directory. This will make it easier for members to be in touch with each other for various church activities. We are looking to protect confidential information like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. that may be published on the web site. We thank Sue Congdon for all of the great work she does on our web


We are very sad to say goodbye to Trish Lawrence as our Choir Director. Trish is re-tiring as of 8/9/09 and we wish her the best. We are planning a celebration of her talent and leadership over many years with our traditional worship service between services on 8/9/09. Please join us to thank Trish. We will be looking to find an interim director


The first annual CPC Chesterland Cook-Out is on! We will be hosting this com-munity outreach event. There will be great food, live bands,

Session highlights


Christian Growth

Chapel Circle

“Small Women’s Bible


What: Study of Romans

When: 11:00am September,


Call the church for details:


Please join us!

A Path for Prayer

Did you know we have a wonderful new place to spend time with God on our church campus? West Geauga High School senior Jason Puruczky has completed his project, a renovation of our church‟s outdoor prayer path, toward the requirements for the Eagle Scout rank. Jason himself approached us with the idea, and with the concurrence of our appropriate elders, planned, developed, and directed others in completing the pro-ject. The path begins in the woods adjacent to the parking lot and recycling bin. Jason‟s work included surveying the wooded site, sketching alternative routes, soliciting a local landscaping busi-ness for donations of tanbark, recruiting volunteers, and direct-ing the physical labor, which included cutting overgrown branches, removing organic debris, placing logs for borders, repairing and painting benches, digging holes and placing markers, and spreading tanbark across the approximately 300 yards of pathway. As a finishing touch, Jason landscaped and planted flowers to mark the entrance to the path. He labored on the project for some six weeks for an average of five to eight hours a week. Jason demonstrated a great degree of initiative, creativity, and courtesy as he progressed with this project. In addition, he ac-complished for us a project of great interest, helping us restore what many others had established in years past. We‟re grateful for Jason‟s generosity toward us by helping make space for God. Why not spend a few moments in prayer as you walk the path?

Women’s Bible Study

The women of CPC will have another opportunity to study Beth Moore‟s video Bible Study on the book of Esther. There will be two sessions, the Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group facilitated by Barb Albrecht at 10:30m, and a new Thursday Evening Bible Study Group at 6:45pm led by Andrea Milnar. Classes will run simultaneously. Sign-up in the Fellowship Hall. If you need a study book or childcare please indicate such on the sign-up form.


John McWilliams from Campus Crusade will be at Christ Presbyterian Church October 9 to 11 for a special teaching event, open to all. John is an ordained PC(USA) minister; he pastored two Presbyterian Churches in the North-east for 21 years before moving into full-time mission work. John and his wife Barbara both serve with New Life Bible College in Moscow to train pastors and Christian leaders. John has also taught in various Bible colleges of Campus Crusade in Latin America and elsewhere. He is collaborating with Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina to create afford-able media for the training of pastors and Christian leaders worldwide. The event is free for members and friends of the church. Come learn how to grow in your faith and make a difference in your life! Sign up in the fellowship hall after services, or by calling Jessica in the church office.


Friday: 6:00 P. M. Dinner 7:00 P. M. Seminar 1: "What Does It Really Mean To Forgive?" Saturday: 9:00 A. M. Continental breakfast 9:45 A. M. Seminar 2: "How Do I Share My Faith?" 10:45 A. M. Break 11:00 A. M. Seminar 3: "What In The World Is God Doing?" AFTERNOON BREAK 6:00 P. M. Dinner 7:00 P. M. Seminar 4: "Faith: Small Word/Huge Results." Sunday: Preaching at both Services.

Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

Do you wish we offered a class or study that is more specific to your

needs? Or maybe you're interested in

hosting a class here at CPC.

Then Please contact Lori Battles

[email protected]


the Clavinova electric piano to our sanctuary has already brought a higher beauty to the Traditional Service, and con-tinues to do so as Sue Cong-don‟s skillful hands discover new functions and uses. One way we are hoping to increase the excellence in worship at our Traditional Service is by selecting a new hymnal to re-place our current, ragged or missing books. These hymnals will include more hymns (while preserving our old favorites) in arrangements that are appro-priate for the wide variety of voices in our congregation. We are also very hopeful that we will add to the number of mem-bers who are participating in the choir. This will not only lift the sound of the choir, but also make us a more attractive community to those yet to join our family, as they see our membership joyfully participat-ing in the worship of the God

we proclaim.

So, with a definition of “missional” that shows it re-flecting our desire to reach out and attract people to accepting the good news of Christ, we show that it does have an im-pact on our worship. Being missional inspires us to wor-ship at the highest standards conceivable. Our family is blessed to have two, diverse, expressions of worship by which to praise God, and that increases our ability to attract new believers into His arms. Being missional does not, however, dictate the style in

which we worship. Worship style flows from the congrega-tion, and what they feel best expresses their love for God. If we are good leaders and stew-ards of God‟s people, this will


reach church, impacts the worship life here at CPC. We want to be witnesses to Christ in every aspect of our church life. We want to give testimony to the beauty of Christ, the Glory of the Lord, and the Wonder of the work He has accomplished, in eve-rything, but most desperately in our worship! It is with that understanding that the Wor-ship Committee has taken many actions to raise the level of excellence in both worship services CPC offers. Services we offer to reflect the diversity of expressions within the wider

Body of Christ.

The steps we have taken to raise the excellence in the Contemporary Service in-clude integrating the use of multimedia (which includes the purchase and use of MediaSh-out presentation software) to display song lyrics and convey the Gospel in new ways. It also includes evaluating the repertoire of the Praise Team; retaining songs that are time-less and done well, and adding songs that are theologically rich and can be presented with the level of excellence we ex-pect. Perhaps the largest step taken to ensure the quality of worship in the Contemporary Service was the provision for retaining a certified audio tech-nician, who ensures that the individual voices and instru-ments blend in the most beau-

tiful way possible.

The recent addition of

From page 10


This oneness with God, the

wholeness of that bond, leads

us into the idea and practice of

the second phrase of our new

slogan: “Love People.” We will

dig deeper into that next

month. It will deal with how be-

ing an outreach oriented

church, should cause us to

care more for each other as

the family of God."

energy, or strength, flows from

loving Him with all of your

mind. Once we have loved the

Lord with all our minds and

have prepared ourselves to

give reasons for our hope, we

can then set out to share those

reasons. Loving God with all of

our strength is, perhaps, the

most outward expression of

our love for Him. Whether it is

physical or mental expenditure

of energy, or strength, this is

when we do things, out of love

for God, to bring glory to Him.

It is at this point, in lov-

ing God with all our energy,

where we come full circle in

the four aspects of Jesus‟

command to love God with

every aspect of our being. In

the most basic sense, the

Lord‟s restating of Deuteron-

omy 6:4-5, is a call to love God

with everything we‟ve got. In

order to do that, however, we

must understand all of the fac-

ets that comprise that love.

Once we open ourselves to

loving God in all four of these

ways and begin using them

together, our love for Him will

find a new depth. In this depth

of love for God, we find a one-

ness with Him; we begin to

have His strength, His mind,

His Spirit, and His heart.

From page 11

Next Chimes articles due

September 20

Karen Perko

[email protected]

Prayer requests

Dee Eichele

(440) 729-9973

[email protected]

What is Christ Presbyterian


We are a family called to share

the Good News of Jesus

Christ. We do this through call-

ing others to personal faith in

Christ, equipping them as His

disciples, and inviting them

into loving relationships. In all

we say and do, we seek to

demonstrate the love of God.

Find out more about us

We warmly invite you to join

our church family and hope

you will let us know how we

can support you. Please call

the church office, or indicate

your desire on the blue atten-

dance pad on Sundays.

How to contact us

Church office hours are

9:00am-4:30pm Mondays

through Thursdays


(440) 729-1688


[email protected]


(440) 729-3733

Birthday & Anniversary announcements

Copies available in church Fellowship Hall


For Trish

For many years you’ve led the choir.

With talent, skill and grace.

Your joy in leading singers

Is revealed upon your face.

You encourage us to focus

On God’s spirit as we sing,

For delivering His message

Is the most important thing.

You’ve been our guide, our teacher,

Our inspiration, and our boss.

We’re sad that you are leaving …

The church will feel the loss.

Wherever God may lead you,

Remember this small wish:

May music fill your heart and soul

With God’s rich blessings, Trish.

Sue Congdon August 9, 2009


Love God,

Love People.

Serve the World.



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