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Creating Escalations in Siebel. This training covers the...

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Creating Escalations in Siebel. This training covers the new case escalation process (as an incident or RFA), as it effects Siebel users and is a part of the overall E2E Problem Management Process project 1

Creating Escalations in Siebel. This training covers the new case escalation process (as an incident or RFA), as it effects Siebel users and is a part of the overall E2E Problem Management Process project


In this training session, you will learn:

• How this training relates to the E2E Problem Management Next Generation Process training

• You will understand the changes to the Incident and RFA creation process in Siebel

• You will also see updates to various Incident related fields on the Service Request Detail screen


By now you should have already viewed the E2E Problem Management Next Generation Process training. This training covered the changes in the overall GXS Problem Management program and it was aimed at a company-wide level. Many of the terms included in the training you’re viewing now were discussed in that training. If you have not yet viewed this self paced online training, go to the indicated URL to watch it.

This escalation process training session is a follow-on to that training and is aimed at the Siebel user community and front line support staff.


Incident and RFA Escalations


You should already be familiar with the current Incident and RFA escalation process. In today’s Siebel, you can create an SM Incident from within a Siebel Service Request, and you can also create a Request for Assistance (RFA for short) for either another Siebel user or an SM user. These are 2 distinct processes, with different user actions in Siebel to complete. With this update, these tasks are simplified and consolidated into a single process...


Shown here is how you do things today within a Siebel Service Request. If you need to create an SM Incident from Siebel or link to an existing SM Incident, you would use the fill button on the SM Incident # field to search for the Incident. If instead you wanted to create an RFA, you would use the Request Assistance button near the top of the screen and then complete the pop-up form that appears.


These 2 actions have now been consolidated into a single step, just click the new Escalation Assistance button regardless of whether you want to create or link to an SM incident or create an RFA. Yes it looks like the same Request Assistance button as before, but it’s got a new name and all new super powers!


When you click the Escalation Assistance button, you will see the pop-up form shown here. Some fields will be filled out initially, others will be blank and will need your input. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk. The key things to notice here are the updated fields Escalation Type and Escalation Requested, which we will discuss more in the upcoming slides. The SM RFA # field has also been changed to just SM #. All other fields remain the same as they are today.


There are 3 escalation types to choose from:

• Request for Assistance

• This is a basic request for help, a ‘business as usual’ RFA, you need assistance from another team or person but it does not meet the criteria of an Incident

• Incident

• An Incident is defined as an unplanned interruption to an IT service or reduction in the quality of an IT service which is not working as designed. This includes but is not limited to bugs/defects

• Major Incident

• A major incident is defined as an incident which requires a response that is above and beyond that given to normal incidents, such as cross-company coordination, management escalation, increased communications, etc. This will almost always result in an escalation call and management attention.


If you select an escalation type of Request for Assistance:

• Escalation Requested – specify the team that should receive this RFA. Note that the ‘RFA –’ prefix is present on all values, this will be removed later, possibly as early as June

• Owner – if this RFA is to go to a specific owner, select that person here

• Comments – enter your question or request here. If you leave this blank and this RFA is going to SM, the contents of the SR Description field will be used.

• Remember that the RFA would go to SM if you direct it to either the Development or Operations teams


If you select an escalation type of Incident

• Escalation Requested – specify the team that should receive this Incident. The ‘RFA –’ prefix is present on all values here as well, this will be removed later as already indicated

• Owner – if this Incident is to go to a specific owner, select that person here

• Comments – enter your question or request here. If you leave this blank, the contents of the SR Description field will be used.

• SM # - if you need to reference an existing SM Incident, select the incident here. Note that if you do this, the field values that you complete on this form will not override values in existing Incident


All Major Incidents will be escalated to Operations. If you select an escalation type of Major Incident:

• Escalation Requested – Escalation Requested – this will force the assignment to the group “RFA – Operations”, due to the definition of a Major Incident

• Owner – this will force to the Ops queue as shown here

• Comments – enter your question or request here. If you leave this blank, the contents of the SR Description field will be used.

• SM # - If you need to reference an existing SM Incident, select the incident here. Note that in this case, only Incidents flagged as MajorIncidents will be displayed on the incident listing. Also as already indicated, field values on this form will not override values in the existing Incident.


There are a few other details that you should be aware of:

• For RFA’s and Incident escalations, if an Owner is selected that resides on Siebel, a new Activity record will be created for the SR and it will be assigned to the selected Owner

• For RFA’s and Incident escalations, if an Owner is selected that resides on SM, a new SM Incident will be created and it will be assigned to the selected owning team. The exception to this would be if an existing SM Incident is indicated. In that case, the existing incident will be updated rather than a new incident being created. An Activity record will still be created in the Siebel SR

• Speaking of Activity records, New Activity types for escalations will appear in the SR. These are:

• Assistance Requested – for RFA’s

• Incident Requested – for Incidents

• Major Incident Requested – for Major Incidents


• All Major Incident escalations will be sent to the Operations queue in SM, that cannot be overridden

• There is a one-to-one relationship between Siebel SR’s and linked SM Incidents, this means that you can only link an SR to a single Incidents or Major Incident.


Service Request Detail Screen Updates


So what else is changing? In order to support the changes already described in the Problem Management process and in this training on the Siebel escalation process, some field changes are necessary on the Siebel Service Request Detail screen. The changes are minor and are described on the next screen…


This is the Issues Information section of a typical Service Request screen. Some slight changes can be seen in the highlighted portion of the screen as shown above…


• Major Incident – this field will be checked if the escalation request indicated that this was a Major Incident. You cannot manually check or uncheck this box.

• Incident Criteria button – this button was moved to the right on this screen and now contains new information…


Clicking the Incident Criteria button provides specific definitions for what is considered an Incident and a Major Incident. Use these definitions when deciding what type of escalation assistance to request. If it doesn’t fall into the description for either an Incident or Major Incident, then it should be considered a Request.


In conclusion, the E2E Problem Management Next Generation Process is a key GXS initiative, and this training on Creating Siebel Escalations is an integral part of that project. The process of escalating a Siebel SR to another team, regardless of whether they use Siebel or SM, has been simplified. It’s now just one click for everything. The escalation types have now been lined up with the current definitions of Requests, Incidents, and Major Incidents, in alignment with the overall problem management process.

If you have any questions please get with your manager, and thank you for viewing this training.

