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Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

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Strategic plan for Crystal Springs Uplands School.
crystal springs uplands school strategic plan 2009–2014 community scholarship unbounded spirit
Page 1: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

c r y s t a l s p r i n g s u p l a n d s s c h o o l

strategic plan 2009–2014

community scholarship

unbounded spirit

Page 2: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

Dear Friends of Crystal Springs Uplands School,

We are pleased to present The Strategic Plan 2009–2014

to the csus community. This plan emerges from three

years of effort, including the creation of a mission

statement, a long-term vision and strategic initiatives.

The planning process involved a variety of people, inter-

nally and externally, who worked diligently to affirm the

underlying values of csus, identify areas that distin-

guish the institution, and determine a set of priorities

that will direct institutional resources for the next five

years. The new strategic plan is meant to be a living

document—a roadmap that provides focus and direction

to ensure that csus builds a strong and vibrant future.

A good strategic plan is mission-driven; it is meant to be

a product and an emblem of who we are as a community.

Therefore, the first step in the planning process was

the creation of csus’s first mission statement. Working

in collaboration with administrators, faculty, parents,

students, alumni and the Board of Trustees, the new

mission statement reflects both the kind of learners we

hope to attract as well as the environment and experi-

ences we aspire to create.

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiatives

csus mission statement

At CSUS, we inspire motivated learners to lead meaningful

lives in a rapidly changing world. Our intimate, collaborative

community encourages students to pursue passions, explore

new interests, build confidence, develop compassion and

thrive in an environment of academic excellence.

Having crafted a mission that captures who we are, we began to look toward our

future. As part of the process, we referred to several resources including the

2008 California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Accreditation Report,

two Image Audits (2006 and 2008), board retreats, surveys of seniors and gradu-

ates, and nearly five years of community feedback.

As we imagine the school we would like to become in the future we are energized

by our tremendous strengths and by the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Our vision for the future of csus requires us to preserve the things that distinguish

us today: excellent academics and faculty, strong and supportive relationships

between and among faculty, students, parents and administrators, and the oppor-

tunity for our students to participate broadly as they pursue their passions.

All of these elements were used to inform an exciting future which includes a new

campus for a larger Middle School with a distinct program, a new curriculum that

is more global and better integrated to meet the needs of the 21st century, and an

educational experience that is broader in its offerings. We will strive to increase the

diversity and inclusiveness of our school in all of its constituencies to better reflect

the diversity of the communities in which we live. These strategic priorities became

the focal point of the plan and, as such, are highlighted in its core initiatives:

outstanding teachers and coaches world-class curriculumthe student experiencegrowthdiversity

Page 4: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

Our vision for the next five years is to

direct institutional energies towards the

continuation of meaningful experiences

inside and outside the classroom. These

changes will reflect the quality and depth

of instruction for which we are known,

while incorporating innovative curricula

and enhanced student experiences. csus

needs to navigate these changes with an

eye towards preserving its intimacy and

“smallness,” but also to distinguish itself

from an increasing number of private,

public and charter schools. In doing so,

csus will continue to thrive and enjoy

many years of prospective students eager

to enter its gates.

We look forward to a future replete with

new challenges and unparalleled opportu-

nities for csus. We are confident you will

want to take part in this exciting journey.


Amy C. RichardsHead of School

Dan Rudolph President, Board of Trustees

Jill Grossman Chair

Susan Alcala ’81

Sarah Boisseree ’09

Phil Carpenter ’85

Ken Considine

Andrew Davis

Christy Dillon

Steve Dow

John Draper

Andrea Edwards

Maggie Fongheiser

Taylor Francis ’10

Debbie Fried

Jamie Gates

AJ Goldman

Rachel Goodrich ’92

Kit Halvorsen ’08

Kent Holubar

Debra Hunt

Diane Isola

Kathy Jany

Pradeep Jotwani

Bao Lamsam

Cynthia Lang

Bill Lautner

Lori Livingston

Gorretti Lui

Rachel Madding ’09

Marc Metcalf

Holly Myers

Patty Raleigh

Chris Read

Amy Richards

Javier Rojas

Dan Rudolph

Kristi Spence ’59

Mieke Tonn

Abby Wilder ’73

Suzanne Wilsey

Tom Woosnam

Dan Rudolph President

Anne Avis

Bruce Bean

Steve Dow

Linda Feng

Jamie Gates

Rachel Goodrich ’92

Jill Grossman

Vicky Heron

John Jarve

Pradeep Jotwani

Bao Lamsam

Randy Livingston

Gorretti Lui

Sherry Madding

Laird McCulloch

Marc Metcalf

Fred Middleton

Laurene Powell

Patty Raleigh

Amy Richards

Billy Schwartz

Chi-Hwa Shao

Kristi Spence ’59

Sarah Stein ’93

Millie Wenzell

strategic plan and mission statement committee members

2008-2009 board of trustees

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our missiondevelopment


keeping pace


our vision for the future

Page 6: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

Great teachers share three attributes: they know their subject and are passionate about it; they understand how students build knowledge; and they care deeply about their students’ intellectual progress. As csus moves

into the second decade of the 21st century, our first and foremost challenge is

to continue to retain, hire and inspire outstanding teachers. We need to provide

teachers with exceptional resources including compensation, benefits, professional

development and mentoring, while setting the highest standards for performance.

csus must also ensure that its curriculum is keeping pace with a rapidly changing

world. What our students will need to know, what they will need to be able to do,

what they will care about and who they are will change. In its report, “Forecasting

Independent Education 2025,” the National Association of Independent Schools

encourages member schools to explore and develop, “programmatic sustain-

ability.” Schools must become “more focused on the skills and values that the

21st century marketplace will seek and reward, and less narrowly isolated in a

traditional disciplinary approach to teaching and learning.” Ongoing review of

the curriculum, with an eye towards innovation, is an institutional priority.

Consequently, csus must become a school that feels bigger. The world our

students will inherit will be smaller and flatter, and will possess an inter-

dependency not seen in any previous generation. Hosting outside speakers,

presenters and scholars/artists-in-residence will enable students to learn from

outside experts. Using technology to partner with schools around the world, and

collaborating with institutions of higher education on innovative programs, will

broaden our scope of learning and our students’ horizons. We can also help our

students better understand their roles and responsibilities as global citizens

by providing them with opportunities to become involved in the world beyond

our campus. Activities such as community service, service-learning projects,

internships, research opportunities and increased school-sponsored travel

will help attain this goal. Global citizenship carries with it significant chal-

lenges including serious environmental issues. The School will adopt practices

that reduce our carbon footprint, waste and consumption. Our hope is that our

students will learn to be responsible stewards of limited resources.

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | our vision

In addition to outward thinking, we must also look inward to create an optimal

student experience. csus is a place where caring for students is everyone’s

responsibility. The meaningful relationships that develop between students

and teachers are a defining attribute. Relationships like these must proliferate

throughout the campus. In an era of heightened expectations regarding achieve-

ment, when stress and performance anxiety punctuate students’ lives, a strong

and interconnected student support system is crucial. This support system must

involve the students’ advisors, the guidance counselor, Director of Academic

Support, college counselors, administrators, teachers and parents. Student

support, however, entails more than formal, traditional systems. Building com-

munity spirit, creating opportunities for fun, and making time for reflection all

contribute to our students’ emotional well-being.

Our strong sense of community is also built upon a commitment to diversity which

enriches the educational experience and supports our mission. csus aspires to

have students, teachers, coaches and school leaders who reflect the diversity of the

communities from which we draw our families. Enhanced financial aid resources,

outreach initiatives and programs that promote inclusiveness are essential to

achieve this goal. csus looks forward to a future when we can enroll any well-

qualified student regardless of their ability to afford tuition. As a school with a

capped enrollment and a small endowment, this may be our biggest challenge.

One means to becoming more diverse is to increase the size of the student

body and school community. Growth will also enable numerous programmatic

benefits and objectives. In spring 2007, the Board of Trustees’ Growth Task

Force determined that csus should grow by adding a new site for a larger Middle

School with a distinct program. By keeping the Upper School on the current

campus with an additional 100 students, the School will be able to broaden its

academic course offerings. Expanded enrollment also creates a more vibrant

social atmosphere. In addition to increased financial stability, having more

long-term csus families adds to the strength of the community. Maintaining

our intimate, nurturing community and low student-to-teacher ratio is essen-

tial. The active pursuit of a second site is an ongoing and exciting initiative, one

that will transform the csus experience.

In order to achieve this exciting vision for the future of csus, we believe that

we must focus our institutional energies and resources on the following five

strategic initiatives.

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outstanding teachers and coaches

csus is known for academic excellence—a reputa-

tion that is built on our ability to retain, attract and

develop a team of inspiring educators, inside the

classroom, on the stage and on the playing field.

In order to enhance this reputation as an institu-

tion of high-quality education, we are committed to

maintaining and building a community of creative

and dedicated teachers and coaches, and providing

them with necessary compensation and professional

development opportunities. We are also dedicated

to fostering our collegial culture of mutual respect

and support that makes csus an outstanding place

to teach.

The faculty is fantastic at this school. I’m comfortable asking questions in class, the teachers make themselves available to us

outside of class, and there is always more than one person I feel comfortable speaking with to help me resolve

whatever difficulty I face.

—Middle School Student

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 01

goal To retain, attract and develop outstanding teachers and coaches by

providing competitive compensation and benefits.

action steps01 Continue to conduct annual comparisons with competitor schools on

compensation and benefits practices including salaries, bonuses, medical

insurance, housing, tuition remission, sabbaticals and retirement.

02 Conduct regular faculty surveys to prioritize compensation and benefits.

03 Evaluate benefit options to meet individual needs and circumstances.

04 Develop a compensation philosophy that can be shared publicly and used

as a recruiting tool.

goal To refine and enhance professional development opportunities.

action steps01 Assess the current professional development program.

02 Identify new professional development vehicles that nurture growth

and innovation.

03 Create a professional development plan with current and new initiatives

identified, prioritized and funded.

The academics are challenging and meaningful—and the atmosphere for students and parents is truly one of community. The communication among faculty, administration, students

and parents is the best that I have ever experienced.

—Upper School Parent

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 01

goal Maintain the highest teaching and coaching standards by providing

performance assessment and feedback to foster continuous improvement

and accountability.

action steps01 Evaluate current assessment practices for new and veteran teachers.

02 Extend current teachers’ assessment practices to include coaches.

03 Create a plan to utilize fully teacher and student evaluations.

04 Provide meaningful feedback mechanisms and timely improvement

action plans.

05 Evaluate the staffing levels required to develop, implement and maintain

a systematic assessment plan.

goal Develop the next generation of academic, artistic and athletic educa-

tors by providing proactive mentorship and opportunities for leadership at

every stage of tenure.

action steps01 Evaluate how new educators are mentored.

02 Develop a systematic mentoring program.

03 Evaluate the staffing levels required to develop, implement and maintain a

systematic mentoring plan.

04 Identify leadership and enrichment opportunities for teachers, coaches and


outstanding educatorscontinuous improvement

professional development

competitive compensation

leadership opportunities

Page 11: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014

The teachers at Crystal all genuinely love their subject and their students. They stay

after class and they offer extra help to anyone. If you have a teacher who is truly inspired by what they teach, it is hard not

to be intrigued yourself. —Upper School Student

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world-class curriculum

csus must ensure that its curriculum is keeping pace

with a rapidly changing world and offer programs

that are vibrant, engaging and relevant. Although

21st-century learning takes place in traditional class-

rooms, it also occurs in venues outside conventional

boundaries. As schools become “green,” buildings

transform into potential laboratories. Similarly,

school-sponsored community service, service-

learning projects and volunteerism can expand a

student’s perspective. At csus, we seek to provide

our students with well-crafted and meaningful experi-

ences that allow us to stand apart from other schools

and broaden our students’ horizons. Therefore, on-

going review of the curriculum, with an eye towards

innovation, is an institutional priority.

world-class curriculum 21st century global citizen

the world beyond CSUS

curriculum review

civic engagement

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 02

goal Create a systematic method of reviewing departmental scope

and sequence.

action steps 01 Require each teacher/department to review and regularly update their

respective scope and sequence.

02 Require each department to read the entire departmental scope and

sequence to identify strengths and weaknesses and determine any changes.

03 Present a written report of scope and sequence to the Division Heads by

January of the review year.

04 Prior to adding a new course, obtain approval from the Department Heads.

goal Develop and implement a systematic approach to designing and

evaluating curriculum that anticipates the changing needs of the 21st-cen-

tury global citizen.

action steps 01 Use the results of departmental systematic scope and sequence reviews to

identify necessary curricular changes.

02 Maintain a permanent Curriculum Committee of faculty and administrators

charged with designing and evaluating curriculum.

03 Study the design and development of innovative curricula including visits to

other schools, review of professional literature and consultation with experts

in the field. Implement new ideas and courses as appropriate.

CSUS was the richest educational experience I’ve had—the best teachers and classmates in 19 years worth of schooling. What I learned there has stuck with me the most and has contributed to my success everywhere else.


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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 02

goal Explore innovative learning environments that support new programs.

action steps01 Continually investigate how students learn best, including research on brain

and cognitive development and its impact on school architecture and learn-

ing environments.

02 Assess our classrooms, studios, theater and non-traditional learning spaces,

and ensure they are eqqiped with the furniture, technology, lighting and

fixtures that optimize learning.

03 Assess how to partner with schools and students around the world through

the use of technology.

04 Assess how to physically “green” the campus and how environmental sus-

tainability can be integrated into student learning, especially in areas such

as technology, environmental science and physics.

goal Provide students with opportunities to involve themselves in the world

beyond CSUS.

action steps01 Increase the curriculum offerings by supporting, encouraging and assisting

students seeking alternative educational experiences.

02 Develop a program that brings outside speakers and scholars/artists-in-

residence to campus.

03 Partner with institutions of higher education on innovative programs.

goal Evaluate and enhance opportunities for civic engagement, service

learning and community service.

action steps01 Explore service-learning opportunities as part of the curriculum review.

02 Expand the existing grade-level community service program.

03 Research and publicize community service opportunities available to

our students.

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I am encouraged to learn and bring new things back to my classroom. We are given

the means and opportunity to hone our craft. ‘Lifelong Learning’ isn’t just about

words in the school’s philosophy; the faculty embodies it.

—Faculty Member

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the student experience

The csus Mission Statement articulates the critical

importance of enabling students to pursue passions,

explore new interests, build confidence, develop

compassion and thrive. csus must ensure that its

environment and programs provide students with

engaging intellectual and personal experiences,

while allowing students time for reflection, extra-

curricular activities and social lives. Providing flex-

ibility so that students may achieve their own sense

of balance, helping students find their voice as they

navigate choices, and creating an environment in

which fun and surprises are woven into the fabric of

their school life, will help our students lead emotion-

ally healthy lives.

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 03

goal Collect, monitor and evaluate meaningful feedback from students and

alumni about their CSUS experience.

action steps 01 Create consistent mechanisms that give students a voice in shaping their

CSUS experience.

02 Evaluate the staffing required to develop, implement and maintain a system-

atic feedback loop.

goal In light of student feedback, evaluate, refine and enhance existing

student support services.

action steps01 Assess CSUS’s academic, emotional, advisory and college counseling services.

02 Identify new programs to enhance service offerings.

03 Create a student support services plan with current and new initiatives iden-

tified, prioritized and funded.

04 Explore new methods of advising students that enable them to make appro-

priate academic, athletic, fine arts and extracurricular choices.

The sense of community is one of the school’s strongest attributes. At Crystal, kids work together to prepare for major tests, support each other at sporting

events, and attend every major performance night.


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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 03

goal Develop a new Parent Education initiative that ensures that parental

expectations are aligned with CSUS’s philosophy and approach to learning.

action steps01 Assess current opportunities for parent education.

02 Create a new program that educates parents about CSUS’s resources as well

as community and cultural values.

goal Foster and enhance an environment that encourages school spirit and

meaningful bonding experiences.

action steps01 Develop new programs to enhance offerings which may include community

service, athletic and arts, and intra- and inter-school activities.

student services student support

meaningful feedback

parent education initiative

spirit and fun

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You may have pegged yourself as an artist or an athlete, but at Crystal you quickly

learn that you are beyond categories and labels; there are so many ways to try new

things. The runner is also the lead guitarist in the school jazz band;

the actor is a soccer star. —Upper School Student

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The active pursuit of a second campus has the poten-

tial to transform the csus experience significantly.

In spring 2007, the Board of Trustees’ Growth Task

Force concluded that the addition of a dedicated

Middle School campus would allow csus to focus on

the needs of 10- to 13-year-olds and enable greater

flexibility in schedules, staffing and courses. Adding

100 students to the Upper School on csus’s exist-

ing campus also brings numerous programmatic

and social benefits for our older students including

additional elective courses in the arts and sciences,

increased foreign language options, an expanded

athletic program and a broader social pool.

I believe all students would benefit from more students per grade in the Upper School. The increase would bring more

opportunities for friends, a wider range of views, more diversity, more participants for arts and athletics, and more

course variety. Crystal is fantastic but the social dynamics sometimes feel too limiting.

—Upper School Student

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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 04

goal Actively pursue a new Middle School site and determine site priorities.

action steps

01 Continue to research potential sites while refining and evaluating priorities.

02 Assess viability, create initial site drawings and estimate financial costs as

sites are identified.

03 Conduct a fundraising feasibility study.

04 Continue to educate the CSUS community on the progress and benefits

of growth.

05 Continue to monitor the competitive landscape—as well as the current

campus—in the context of adding a Middle School.

goal Begin the purchase, building and financing process of a new site.

action steps01 Enter into a purchase contract with an 18-month contingency process.

02 Ensure that entitlement is secured, neighbors consent, costs are appropri-

ately estimated, and financing/fundraising is achievable.

03 Begin construction plans including developing blueprints, evaluating con-

tractors and obtaining approvals.

goal Maintain a culture of one school.

action steps

01 Once a site has been identified, assemble a team whose charter is to main-

tain a culture of one school.

02 Identify characteristics to preserve.

03 Institute new traditions building bridges between two campuses.

04 Maintain an optimal student/teacher ratio.

growth of our school

maintain a low student–teacher ratio

culture of one school

new Middle School site

programs and offerings

Page 22: Crystal Springs Uplands School SP 2009-2014


The families of the mid-Peninsula area, from

which csus students are primarily drawn, represent

broad diversity in terms of race, culture, ethnicity,

religion, sexual orientation and family economics.

A school community that reflects this diversity en-

riches the educational experiences of our students

and supports csus’s mission. While progress has

been made to increase the diversity and inclusive-

ness of the csus community, there is more work to

be done on both fronts.

If I could have changed anything about my Crystal experience, it would have been a more diverse student body and faculty.


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strategic plan 2009–2014 | initiative 05

goal Continue to increase the diversity of the CSUS community including

students, faculty, staff, administration and the Board of Trustees.

action steps01 Assess support for student economic diversity and create a Financial Aid

model that balances diversity goals with resource capacity.

02 Strengthen outreach initiatives to assure we communicate the value and avail-

ability of a CSUS education to every segment of the mid-Peninsula community.

03 Assess the potential cost and impact of increased transportation support to

improve access to CSUS for students from underrepresented groups.

04 Broaden hiring and Trustee recruitment efforts to increase the diversity of

the adult population at CSUS.

goal Continue to improve the inclusiveness of the CSUS environment so

that every student and adult feels like a valued member of the community.

action steps01 Expand and enhance programs that support and retain students from under-

represented groups.

02 Expand and enhance anti-bias and inclusiveness training for both students

and adults in the community.

03 Expand and enhance community service activities that develop inclusiveness

and civic responsibility among our students.

04 Ensure that our curriculum, pedagogy and communications strengthen the

inclusiveness of the CSUS community.

diversityfoster an inclusive community

enrich educational experiencesincrease diversity

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unbounded spirit

the student experience


world-class curriculum

outstanding teachers and coaches


s t r at e g i c p l a n 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 4

Crystal Springs Uplands School400 Uplands Drive, Hillsborough, California 94010

(650) 342-4175 | (650) 342-7623 fax


our vision
