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CTE ADVOCACY: BUILDING SUPPORT FOR MEANINGFUL APPLIED EDUCATION EXPERIENCES. Edward A. Shafer, Director CTE Technical Assistance Center of NY. IT IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS. Being a Thought Leader Its not about you; its about them Counter intuitive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Edward A. Shafer, DirectorCTE Technical Assistance Center of NYCTE ADVOCACY:BUILDING SUPPORT FOR MEANINGFUL APPLIED EDUCATION EXPERIENCESIT IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPSBeing a Thought LeaderIts not about you; its about themCounter intuitiveIt is not what you are selling; it is what their questions are and the answers you provide about what they need to get doneListening is not about being quiet; it is about being present in the dialogue Thought LeadershipA CTE thought leader is an individual or organization that colleagues, businesses, parents, students, districts and even competitors recognize as one of the foremost authorities in CTE, resulting in them being the go-to individual or organization for

Thought leaders inspire others to act to take the next step in their journey Thought LeadersIdentify the questions that colleagues/districts/external audiences are asking. Identify them all. Then prioritize them.

Answer those questions across multiple formats and multiple channels in a way that adds value to their audiences.

Give to Get Share what they know, avoid being proprietary and refer the audience to other solutions

Make it interesting. There is a return on interesting. Educate them? Yes. But try to entertain them in the process. Tell stories. Use examples

Invite customers to participate: Survey, interview and dialogue with the key audiences.

The Metaphor to Raising Money

Educators vote, get incorporated into budgets or receive a request for service.

Its about relationships

Fear of rejection

You cannot blame the donor/decision maker

You can keep score (you need a metric)

IMPORTANT SHIFTS IN CTE ADVOCACYVocational CTEAd hoc IntentionalSolo PartnersSome students All studentsFrom kids CommunitiesGeneral Audience TargetedStories Facts (logic/emotion)Investment Return on investment

What is Your Message?College and Careers?

CTE or just for your program(s)?

To promote CTE and your programs and to whom?

What are your current efforts?

Alignment of the efforts to the message?

Make this a five minute opening activity and process the results pair and share7CHALLENGE OF MESSAGINGThemes and agendas

Staying on message

Problem of narrow interests

We know more than we can do

Complexity cannot be explained

CHALLENGE OF MESSAGINGLay a bread crumb trail

Dramatize events

See the same individual in multiple contexts

Rehearse and repeat explanations

Simplify and rationalize

Develop familiar administrative mechanisms (how do you manage this)

Syracuse MessagePromote all secondary programs, including CTE, as equally rigorous pathways for high school students.Provide parents and students with information using various media, middle school presentations, and visits to career education programs to explain program quality, opportunity for postsecondary education, and paths to employment.

Natural Partners/Customers

BusinessParents, students and FacultyCentral Office and Board of Education/BOCESSuperintendents and local Boards of EducationElementary, Middle and High School PrincipalsPost secondary education providersAcademics who help you with Program ApprovalAre there others?

Who are your customers?Unnatural Partners/CustomersCivic Groups-Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.

Community Foundations

Economic Development Council

Chambers of Commence

Regional Teacher Union Leadership

Are there others?

Press Fear of the Press

Editorial Boards

Solicited and unsolicited op. eds.

Reporters need stories

Social Media

PoliticiansWhy would you like to meet with the politician?Make contactGet readyGather your materialsBe preparedBe flexibleBe tolerantBe respectfulStay focused Dont underestimate the staffFollow up

Board of RegentsUnified Approach

Crosswalk of Advocacy

The Professional Associations outgun us!Social Studies on Regents SubstitutionInformative lesson and the model for our actionemail, social media and cell phone numbers


Work from the unified messageStrategiesDefine Your Core Message

Establish long term and short term goals

Enlist district/BOCES public information staff

Prepare core materials, videos, PowerPoint's and social media messaging

Develop a critical contact list and use it regularly

Have the students help i.e. graphic design and computer tech

The Base CTE MessageWith thanks to ACTEClarity. Consistency. Connectivity. The baggage of vocational education

Proactively shape the message for CTE

Clarity and consistency in our message are critical

Flexibility and adaptation, while maintaining the core CTE value proposition & messaging

Connecting with the audience in ways that matter to them

We all know that, unfortunately, CTE continues to carry the baggage of "vocational education" in the eyes of manyincluding many in positions of influence. While we are making significant progress, it takes some time for external audiences to "catch up.We should apply lessons learned over the years to proactively shape the messaging for CTE. We need to define ourselvesand gain control over the messaging about CTE.In order to help others better understand what CTE is todayand where it's headedit is important that we bring clarity and consistency in the way we talk about value, impact and outcomesand the vision for CTE that binds us together.We can each adapt the message to meet individual circumstances and situation, but the core value propositionand the core messagingfor CTE need to be clear and consistent.Just as importantly, this messaging needs to connect with the people we're talking withso that we help them understand why what CTE does matters to them.The new CTE brand messaging initiative that has been spearheaded by NASDCTEc gives us the tools, resources and effective messaging we need to present the CTE story with clarity, consistency and connectivity. But it can only be successful if this becomes a community-wide initiative.

The CTE Value Proposition The time for CTE is now

CTE addresses what America is concerned about

CTE is developing Americas most valuable resource: Its people

Critical to help key audiences connect the dots

We're all part of this initiative

CTE is more relevant today than perhaps at any other time in its history.CTE can have a direct and profound impact on the real and immediate issues concerning our nationworkforce development, economic vitality, global competitiveness, student achievement, school reform, college-going rates and technical proficiency.CTE is developing America's most valuable resourceits people. Helping them gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation and real-world experience they need to prepare for the high-skill, high-demand and high-wage careers of today and tomorrow.But it's our job to help people understand that....to help them connect the dots. To show how CTE is positioned to contribute to a successful future of our nation and its people. That is the CTE value proposition.It takes each and every one of us who support CTE to tell this story. And we need to tell it in a way that connects with peoplethat they can understand and support. We need to get people on our sideand have them advocate and "CTE-vangelize" for us.The Core Principles of the CTE Vision CTE is critical to ensuring that the United States leads in global competitiveness.

CTE actively partners with employers to design and provide high-quality, dynamic programs.

CTE prepares students to succeed in further education and careers.

The five core principles of the CTE Vision are:CTE is critical to ensuring that the United States leads in global competitiveness. Innovation, performance, new ideas and entrepreneurship make America competitiveand that's what CTE is all about.CTE actively partners with employers to design and provide high-quality, dynamic programs. Business and industry is whom we serveand having their involvement is pivotal to our successand theirs.CTE prepares students to succeed in further education and careers. Student achievement is fundamental to CTE. We are focused on creating an engaging student experience that makes education matterin the classroom and in one's career.The Core Principles of the CTE Vision CTE is delivered through comprehensive programs of study aligned to The National Career Clusters Framework.

CTE is a results-driven system that demonstrates a positive return on investment.

CTE is delivered through comprehensive programs of study aligned to The National Career Clusters Framework. Career Clusters gives CTE structureand ensures that what we're doing is always in the best interests of students, business and industry and the future of our nation.CTE is a results-driven system that demonstrates a positive return on investment. CTE is all about accountabilityand we are continually striving to gather the data and establish the standards and metrics needed to document success and value. The CTE vision is driving the new brand initiativeand is reflected in the messaging, materials and strategies that have been developed.The Key Target Audiences for CTE Messaging CTE story has wide appeal, but our efforts are focused on four key audiences:

Business and industry: The CUSTOMER for CTE

Policy makers: The FUNDING SOURCE for CTE

Affiliate & Advocacy Groups: The PARTNERS for CTE

Media: The MEGAPHONE for CTE

There are many audiences for CTE, including parents, students, and many others. And they are all important to us. But this effort is especially targeted to four key audiences that can help CTE achieve its objectives and have a significant impact on our ability to influence opinion, encourage action and increase advocacy for CTE:Business & Industry: The ultimate CUSTOMER for CTE...Interested in a skilled, sustainable workforce, bottom line performance and global competitiveness. We need to invite their engagement, involvement and advocacyand get them to speak out on behalf of CTE.Policy Makers: The FUNDING SOURCE for CTE on a federal, state and local level. They are interested in revenue, jobs, workforce development, student achievement. They want data on CTE's return on investment, not just anecdotes. And it can't be just CTE telling this storythey also need to hear from business, industry and others.Affiliate and Advocacy Groups: The PARTNERS for CTEfrom CTSOs to CTE teachers to membership associations and more. While we each have our individual policy objectives, constituencies and agenda, a rising tide lifts all boatsand we all benefit from having our audiences understand more about why CTE matters. Media: The MEGAPHONE for CTE. They are interested in what their audience is interested in, which is an opportunity to craft the CTE message that is in tune with the news of the dayand the specific interests of the audience....the general public, a trade association, a specific industry...we must match the message to the medium.When we talk with audiences, we must always provide a reason that what we're saying is importantTO THEM! We need to help them answer the "so what" question in their minds. And the answer to the "so what" question will change depending on the audience.

The CTE Brand Promise Career Technical Education promises an unrelenting commitment to:

Continually improve the relevance and value of an education;

Prepare students for success in both career and college, by employing Career Clusters; Continually improve the relevance and value of a student's educational experience; Prepare students for success in both career and college, by employing Career Clusters and their curriculum framework to ensure contextual learning and academic standards that reflect the goals and interests of all learners;

The CTE Brand Promise (Cont.) 3. Provide a highly skilled, sustainable workforce;

4. Provide dynamic, innovative leadership; and

5. Serve as a strategic partner with secondary and postsecondary educators, business and industry so the nation is globally competitive.Career Technical Education promises an unrelenting commitment to:Provide American business and industry with a highly skilled, sustainable workforce;Provide dynamic, innovative leadership for the nation's educational system; and Serve as a strategic partner with secondary and postsecondary educators, business and industry to strengthen America's competitive position in the global economy.It's important to note that the real promise is an "unrelenting commitment" to do these things. That is the true power of the CTE brand promiseand the challenge to ourselves.In order to convey the brand promise in a compelling way, this CTE messaging initiative has created a memorable, effective and adaptable brand theme and brand image that communicate with all audiences...

CTE: Learning that works for career and college readiness. Secondary CTE students are more informed and focused when they enter college

Through Career Clusters, student can craft educational pathways for success in college and careerCTE: Learning that works for career and college readiness. How does CTE accomplish this? For one thing, career exploration is an important component of CTE.CTE students are more informed and focused when they enter collegeand that can accelerate graduation and save tuition money.Through Career Clusters, students can craft educational pathways for success in college and career. These are attributes totally different than those related to business and industry, but still accurate in terms of what CTE is doing. And to people for whom career and college readiness are important, they resonate....they connect. Here's another example...CTE: Learning that works for business and industry CTE creates a skilled, sustainable workforce

CTE provides the technical knowledge, and employability skills

CTE links students and potential employers

Career Clusters allows business and industry to collaborate and develop dynamic programs reflect B&I needsCTE: Learning that works for business and industry. What does that mean? It means...CTE creates a skilled, sustainable workforce for the nation's employers.CTE provides the technical knowledge, work ethic and employability skills needed for global competitiveness.CTE brings students and potential employers together to drive innovation and world-class performance. Career Clusters offers opportunities for business and industry to help develop dynamic programs that create their workforce for the future. These are CTE attributes that speak directly to a business audience. They "work" for this audience. Let's look at another example...CTE: Learning that works for our communities. CTE prepares the next generation of skilled workforce, innovation and leaders for all communities

CTE develops local entrepreneur

3. CTE improves the ROI in education on the federal, state and local levels

CTE: Learning that works for our communities. CTE is preparing the next generation of skilled workers, innovators and leaders across the nation.Entrepreneurship is a significant component of CTEand that leads to further innovation and local business development.CTE is ensuring that the investment made in educationincluding locallyis paying off.CTE is about the "know how" and "how to" that will continue to build America coast to coastand border to border.

CTE: Learning that works for... ...student achievement

...our economy

...global competitiveness

...our stateYou can see how this brand theme can be adapted for a wide variety of issues and audienceswithout losing its core messaging...that CTE is learning that works! CTE is learning that works for student achievement...For our economyFor global competitivenessFor our stateIn fact, the CTE initiative includes state-specific versions of the new CTE logo and theme line that substitute the name of our state in place of the word "America." This helps bring the CTE messaging even closer to home.What is Your Plan?Lay it out on one page or lessWhat is your message?Who do you want to impact?Who can help?What are 5 key actions you can incorporate into your work day/week/month/year?How will you measure success?

Questions, Comments and Considerations
