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CV- Sofia Monsalve English · Teatro Nacional of Bogota (Colombia) and directs a group of research...

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Personal Information Ana Sofía Monsalve Fiori Birth date: 20th of February of 1989 Birth place: Villa de Leyva, Colombia. C.C. 1.032.433.634 Address: Cra 34a #26a-31 Bogotá-Colombia Telf: 3183294136 -2446609 @: sofi[email protected] - [email protected] SOFIA MONSALVE FIORI Actress | Teacher | Anthropologist Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information Ana Sofía Monsalve Fiori

Birth date: 20th of February of 1989

Birth place: Villa de Leyva, Colombia.

C.C. 1.032.433.634 Address: Cra 34a #26a-31

Bogotá-Colombia Telf: 3183294136 -2446609

@: [email protected] - [email protected]

SOFIA MONSALVE FIORI Actress | Teacher | Anthropologist

Curriculum Vitae

Abstract Sofia Monsalve was born in 1989 in Colombia. She grew within an artistic family where, since the early age of 5, formed as an actress in the theatre group Teatro de la Memoria, directed by her father, Juan Monsalve. She participated in 4 different productions of the group and toured in Colombia, Honduras, Salvador and Ecuador. At the age of 17, she traveled to Europe and started a process of study and collaboration with the Odin Teatret (Denmark), directed by Eugenio Barba. During these years, she continued her academic carrier studying a bachelor and master degree in Cultural Anthropology in Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Simultaneously, she studied various disciplines and traditions of theatre with masters of theatre from all over the world. In 2008, she was invited as a member to the International Research Group The Bridge of Winds, directed by Iben Nagel Rasmussen. In this group, she carried out workshops, performances and cultural activities in different places of Europe and South America. In 2012, she studied balinese mask dance (Topeng and Gambuh) with the master I Wayan Bawa, from Bali.


Academic: (2015) Master in Discipline Etno-Antropologiche. (2011) Bachelor in Teoria e Pratiche dell’Antropologia Università di Roma Sapienza (Italy).

Artistic: (2008-present) Pupil of Iben Nagel Rasmussen. (2006-2015) Studies in the Odin Teatret with Eugenio Barba and the actors Else Marie Laukvik, Torgeir Wethal, Roberta Carreri, Julia Varley, Tage Larsen, Jan Ferslev, Kai Bredholt y Elena Floris. (2012) Studies in Balinese mask dance with I Wayan Bawa. (2006-2012) Studies of Brazilian Camdombé dances with Augusto Omolu. (1994-2006) Formation with Juan Monsalve and Teatro de la Memoria.

Workshops with: Regula Contra Regulam (directed by Raúl Iaiza y el Grotowsky Institute ) , Laboratorio di Altamira (directed by Pierangelo Pompa), Ana Woolf and Maria Porter (Zuzuki tecnique and theatre anthropology), Brigitte Cirla (lyric singing) and Ana Correa (Teatro Yuyachkani).

Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

Since 2008, she began to work as an actress in the creation process of Odin Teatret’s performance “The Chronic Life”, directed by Eugenio Barba. Since 2011, she took part in all the ongoing ensamble performances of the group (such as The Great Cities Under the Moon, Within the Skeleton of the Whale, Ode to Progress, Clear Enigma) touring in more than 20 countries all over the world. Alongside her work as an actress, she worked as a teacher of theatre training in several academic institutions, groups and seminars. In Odin Teatret, she also carried out activities of cultural exchange, organising numerous “theatre barters” in all the places Odin Teatret visited during the tournées. In this field of social theatre, it is to be noticed the direction of the Kenyan children group Koinonia Children Team, within the Holstebro FESTUGE 2015 (Holstebro’s Festive Week) organised by Odin Teatret in Denmark.

Currently, she works as a theatre teacher in Casa del Teatro Nacional of Bogota (Colombia) and directs a group of research in training techniques, whilst she prepares her solo performance “Dolls: Songs of a broken doll” in collaboration with Iben Nagel Rasmussen, from Odin Teatret.


Working experience Theatre

2008-2015 -actress of Odin Teatret in the performances The Chronic Life, Within the Sckeleton of the Whale, The Great Cities under the Moon, Ode to Progress and Clear Enigma directed by Eugenio Barba. Also participates in events and street parades. 2006 Ur-Hamlet, a performances of Teatro Mundi Ensemble - ISTA. 2008-to present, actress of The Bridge of Winds, en Concert The voices of the Wind, Ancestors, Ur-Nat and street parades, directed by Iben Nagel Rasmussen. 2009 actress in Amaro in nullo core of Regula Contra Regulam Theatre and the Grotowsky Institute. 2010 actrees in Don Giovanni, Scherzo per Servo e Padrone, of Altamira Studio Teater. 1994-2006 actress in Fabulario, Filibusteros: Opera Rock, Flor de Sangre, Dun- Los Movimientos del Director de Orquestra, dirigidos por Juan Monsalve.

Pedagogía teatral Teacher in workshops of theatre physical and vocal training for proffetional and amateur actors, since 2012-to present “The Wind Dance”: Workshop of Odin Te a t re t , p e r f o r m e d i n D e n m a r k (Holstebro, Aarhus), Italy (Rome, Milan, Lecce, Gallipoli), Poland (Wroclaw), Spain (Madrid, Cuenca) Argentina, Uruguay Brazil, Colombia, China, Malasya, Peru. Assistant of Iben Nagel Rasmussen in workshops of creation and training.

Cultural Exchange Organices theatre barters and meetings where theatre works as agent of social change barter is an exchange of artistic knowledge as dance, music, theatre, stories etc. from different cultural backgrounds, creating a collective feast that rebound the community. (2010-to present) in Denmark, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Italy.

Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori


ODIN TEATRET The Chronic Life

Dramaturgy and direction of Eugenio Barba

September 2011- November 2015

TOURS: 2015 Colombia (Bogotá); Denmark (Holstebro); Hungary (Budapest) 2014: China (Shanghai); Denmark (Holstebro, Århus);  Great Britain (London);  Italy (Gallipoli, Milano) 2013: Brazil (São Paulo);  Denmark (Holstebro); Germany (Freiburg);  Italy (Rome);  Uruguay (Montevideo). 2012: Denmark (Copenhagen, Herning, Holstebro, Rinkøbing, Viborg); France (Paris); Malta (St. Julian's); Norway (Porsgrunn); Poland (Wroclaw); Romania (Cluj-Napoca);  Spain (Madrid). 2011: Denmark (Holstebro); Italy (Lecce, Prato, Pontedera); Poland (Szczecin, Wroclaw).

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS: MITEM - Madách International Theatre Meeting (2015) FIDAE - Festival Internacionales de Artes Escénicas, Montevideo, Uruguay (2013) Malta Arts Festival (2012) PIT - Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival, Porsgrunn, Norway (2012) Festival de Otoño en Primavera, Madrid, Spain (2012) Festival Teatro Era, Pontedera, Italy (2011) 14th Theatre Meetings OKNO, Szczecin, Poland (2011) Contemporanea Festival, Prato, Italy (2011).


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

Within the Skeleton of the Wale

Dramaturgy and direction of Eugenio Barba April 2013- present TOURS: 2015 Denmark (Holstebro). 2014: Denmark (Holstebro, Århus);  Venezuela (Caracas) 2013: China (Wuzhen);  Denmark (Holstebro); Malasia (Kuala Lumpur)

The Great Cities Under the Moon

Dramaturgy and direction of Eugenio Barba March 2013 - present TO U R S : 2 0 1 5 C o l o m b i a ( B o g o t á ) 2 0 1 4 : D e n m a r k (Holstebro);  Poland (Wroclaw);  Venezuela (Caracas) 2013: Denmark (Holstebro); Italy (Ravenna)

Ode to Progress

Dramaturgy and direction of Eugenio Barba April 2013- present TOURS:2014: China (Wuzhen);  Denmark (Holstebro);  Italy (Gallipoli);  Poland (Wroclaw) 2013: Denmark (Holstebro); Malasia (Kuala Lumpur) INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS: Wuzhen International Theatre Festival, China (2014), Kakiseni Arts Festival, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia (2013)


Direction of Eugenio Barba, based of the texts Vita Amleti of Saxo Grammaticus. Performance created with and an international esemble of actors after one month of intensive workshops and rehearsals. In collaboration with masters from Japan, Bali, Brazil and Europe. August 2006 TOURS:Italy (Ravenna) Denmark (Holstebro, Helsinore) INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS: Hamlet Sommer, Helsingør, Denmark; Ravenna Festival, Italy.

THE BRIDGE OF WINDS Voices of the wind: multicultural concert

Collective creation, direction of Iben N. Rasmussen 2008 - to present TOURS: 2008 Denmark (Holstebro, Ryde); 2009 Denmark (Ringkobing); 2010 Colombia (Bogotà, Villa de Leyva); 2011 Denmark Holstebro; 2013 Denmark Holstebro; 2015 Denmark Holstebro; 2016 Italy (Poggio Mirteto, Roma)

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS: Festival de Danza en la Ciudad, Festival de Mujeres en Escena, Bogotà Colombia (2010).


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

Ur-Nat /Natur

Collective creation, direction of Iben N. Rasmussen produced by Teatret OMs 2nd International Theater Festival June 2009-December 2010 TOURS: 2009: Denmark (Ringkobing, Hvide Sande,) 2010: Colombia (Bogotà, Villa de Leyva)


Collective creation, direction of Iben N. Rasmussen Jannuary 2008 TOURS: 2008 Denmark (Holstebro)

TEATRO DE LA MEMORIA Dun, The Movements the Orchestra Director.

Dramaturgy and direction of Juan Monsalve Febrero- Junio 2006 FESTIVALES: Mujeres en Escena, Festival de Teatro Universitario Ditirambo (2006, Bogotà) Premio a mejor actriz del festival de Teatro Universitario Ditirambo

Flower of Blood

Direction of Juan Monsalve basado en el Popol Vuh Junio 2004 TOURS: Colombia (Bogotà), Honduras (Tegucigalpa) y Salvador (San Salvador).


Dirección de Juan Monsalve basado en fábulas tradicionales 2004 Season in the Red de Bibliotecas Publicas de Bogotá

Filibusteros, Opera Rock

Dramaturgy and direction de Juan Monsalve 1994-1996 Season in the Teatro Colsubsidio, Teatro Jorge Eliécer Gaitán and Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño (Bogotá, Colombia).


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

ALTAMIRA STUDIO TEATER Don Giovanni, Scherzo per Servo e Padrone

Dramaturgy and direction Pierangelo Pompa Project in residence Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium2010.

REGULA CONTRA REGULAM-Regola dei Laudesi Project of theatre research host by the Grotowski Institute of Wroclaw and directed by Raúl Iaíza.

Amaro in nullo core

2009- 2010 Poland (Brezinska, Wroclaw)


“The Wind Dance: Physical and Vocal Training for Actors” Workshops of physical and vocal

training for the actor carried out in: 2012, Colombia (Bogotá) with Nemcatacoa Teatro. Spain (Madrid)

in Residui Teatro. 2013, Malasia (Kuala Lumpur) within the Kakiseni Arts Festival. China (Wuh Zen) within

the Wuzhen International Theatre Festival. Denmark (Holstebro) with Altamira Studio Teater. 2013, Spain (Cuenca) with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Brazil (Sao Paolo) within the SESC FESTIVAL. 2014, Poland (Worclaw) in the Grotowsky Institute, Italy (Milano) with the CSO Macao, (Gallipoli) within the

festival I Mari della Vita. 2015, Colombia (Bogotá) Escuela del Teatro Libre. 2016, Peru (Lima) in the


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

ENSAD, Colombia (Bogotá) XV Festival Iberoamericano de Bogotá, Festival de Teatro Alternativo

FESTA-2016 and El Espacio del Cuerpo of Teatro Varasanta.

Casa del Teatro Nacional (2016-present) Teacher in acting training for 2nd year students.

“Odin Week Festival" Pedagogue of physical training. Done every year since 2013-2015, Denmark (Holstebro)

“Banquet of songs and poems” workshop for actors, dancers and musicians about the theatricalization of the urban spaces and local realities. Held with Elena Floris and Kai Bredthold. 2013 Argentina (Buenos Aires) with El Baldío Teatro. Uruguay (Las Piedras) with Teatro del Arca.

“The Singing Body and the Roots of the Voice” along with Iben Nagel Rasmussen and Elena Floris. 2014 Venezuela (Caracas) in the “Catedra Permanente Jerzi Grotowski” de UNEARTE

“En the Eye of the Heart” workshop of Theatre Anthropology directed by Juan Monsalve and Sofia Monsalve, 2013 Ecuador (Quito).

“Street Theatre” held with Elena Floris and Kai Bredtholdt. 2013 Malasia (Kuala Lumpur), organised by Masakini Theatre.

Assistant of Iben Nagel Rasmussen in the following workshops: 2010, Mexico (Guanajuato) “La danza del Viento” within the congress Los 7 Caminos del Odin Teatret. 2009, Poland (Wroclaw) workshops within the congress Meeting with Remarkable Women organised by the Grotowski Institute and The British Grotowski Project. 2014, London in the The Royal School of Speech and Drama University of London. Italy (Lecce) en Cantieri Teatrali Koreja.

Teacher in workshops of the Bridge of Winds 2016 Italy (Poggio Mirteto), 2010 Colombia (Bogotà) in the Festival de Danza en la Ciudad.

Cultural Anthropology for children. 2015 Denmark (Vemb). Lessons of cultural anthropology for children ages 11-12 of the Vemb School within the frame of FESTUGE Faces of the Future.


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori


FESTUGE FACES OF THE FUTURE Denmark (Holstebro) 2014 - Production and direction of the Kenyan children group Koinonia Children Team’s participation in the Holstebro FESTUGE 2015 (Holstebro’s Festive Week) organised by Odin Teatret in Denmark. The group did artistic activities in Holstebro and surroundings.

ODIN VERDENSORKESTER- with Kai Bredholt, Elena Floris, Erika Sanches y Sofia Monsalve. A group of theatre and music that travels to meet local artists, organising collective performances as banquet of songs and poetry. 2012 Norway (Porsgrunn), Denmark (Holstebro) with Aasagaarden y Trivselshuset, (Copenhagen) with Batida Teater. 2013 Italy (Roma) with CSA La Torre, Affabulazioni Teatro, Escuela de Teatro EUTHECA, Centro Social CIP, Il Vascello (L’Aquila) with La Casa del Teatro. Denmark (Fjialtring) with Tukak Teater, Rumanía (Cluj). Argentina (Buenos Aires) with the Teatro el Baldio. Uruguay (Las Piedras) con el Teatro del Arca. 2014 Denmark (Ry) Venezuela (Caracas) with UNEARTE.

BRIDGE OF WINDS: cultural barters with the local population. 2010 Colombia (Villa de Leyva), organised with Teatro Itinerante del Sol and the Municipality. 2009 Denmark (Ringkobing), organised by OM Teater. 2008 (Holstebro) as part of the HOLSTEBRO FESTUGE (Festiva Week).

TRANSIT VII. 2013 Denmark (Holstebro) Festival of the Magdalena Project. In collaboration with Patricia Ariza, from Teatro La Candelaria (Colombia), for the creation of “Catwalk”, a performance with and about women affected by gender violence.

2007 - Volunteer in the project Charta de Volterra, organised by the Hidden Theatre/Teatro di Nascosto, directed by Anneth Henneman, involving Members of European Parliament in order to increase awareness of the Political Asylum in Europe. The performance was presented with refugees from Kurdistan.

2005 - Volunteer in Programa de Educación de Cara al Mar of the OCEANARIO Islas del Rosario (Colombia). Direction of performance “El Pulpo Enamorado”, done with Afro-Colombian children from Rosario Islands.

2004 - Assistant director of Juan Monsalve for the project “El Pez Embotellado” done with Afro-Colombian children from Rosario Islands.

2001 - 2003 Volunteer in the Oceanario de las Islas del Rosario de Cartagena (Colombia). Works as dolphin trainer and performs the dolphin show for tourists visiting the Oceanario.


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori


2008 - present. The Bridge of Winds. Training in the international group of theatre research. The group gathers once a year to explore the actor’s techniques and theatre experimentation. Directed by Iben Nagel Rasmussen.

2008 - present. Training with Iben Nagel Rasmussen. The master has directed the physical and vocal training of the actress, working in sequences of actions and songs, theatre and dance scenes. Still today ,this master is a reference in the actress’ artistic research.

2014 - Spain (Madrid) Workshop with Maria Porter on Zuzuqui y “View Points” tecnique.

2012 - Indonesia (Bali). Studies in balinese dance with the master I Wayan Bawa from Bali. Learns the choreography of TOPENG Keras Manis.

2009 - 2010 Sessions of Regula Contra Regulam- Hosted by Grotowski Institute of Wroclaw and directed by Raúl Iaiza. The project gathers an international group of actors to research the relation between the actors training and the use of the voice and singing. Studies medieval polyphonic songs belonging to Laudario di Cortona (S.XII, S. XIII)

Workshops in the Odin Teatret:

2006 - (Ravenna, Holstebro, Helsinor) “Ur-Hamlet” 40-day workshop with Eugenio Barba, Augusto Omolu, Torgeir Whethal, Roberta Carreri, Julia Varley, Ana Woolf, Cristina Wistari, Brigitte Cirla, Akira Matsui y Franz Winter.


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

2007 - Holstebro (Denmark) training with Else Marie Laukvik; “Odin Week Festival”; “The Dance of The Snake and the Horizon of the Voice” with Roberta Carreri, “Relationship between text and actions” with Tage Larsen.

2008 - training with Augusto Omolú and participation in the Odin Week Festival.

2007-2008 Training sessions of Tadashi Suzuki tecnique and Theatre Anthropology with Ana Woolf (Argentina).

2007-“Transit V” Holstebro (Denmark). Participation in the workshops, work demonstrations conferences and talks at the Transit Festival of Magdalena Proyect. Workshop with Cristina Wistari (Balinese dance) and Ana Correa (Yuyachkani); workshop of voice and singing with Hellen Chadwick and Brigitte Cirla.

Acting training with Juan Monsalve and the sensible of Teatro de la Memoria.


2012 - 2015 Master degree in “Discipline Etno-Antropologiche” Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Graduated with an experiemental thesis in the field of Urban Anthropology “Madrid: un’etnografia surrealista del mondo di sotto” (Madrid: a surrealistic ethnography of the underworld) directed by professor Alberto Sobrero and Alessandro Simonicca.

2007 - 2011 Bachelor degree in “Teorie e Pratiche dell’Antropologia”, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università Sapienza, Rome, Italy. She graduates with a theoretical thesis “L’occhio dell’etnografo, lo


Curriculum Vitae Sofia Monsalve Fiori

sguardo surrealista” (The eye of the ethnographer, the surrealistic gaze), directed by professor Alberto Sobrero.

1999-2006 High school in FACE (Fundación para la Actualización de la Educación), Tenjo (Colombia).

1993 - 1999 Primary school in Colegio Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci, Bogotá (Colombia).


2015 “La voce dell’ultima, quel che mio padre mi ha lasciato” en Revista Teatro e Storia, Coor. Mirella Schino. Bulzoni Editore, Roma.


• Spanish and Italian - mother tongue

• English - advanced level

• Danish - intermediate level.

• Portuguese - intermediate level.

• French - basic level.

