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Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Giving Challenge Millionaire Mentors Program What Will YOUR $1,000,000 Idea Be? Mentor: Rev. Michael Beckwith Twelve world-famous millionaires share their private secrets for generating $1,000,000 ideas...without accepting a single dollar in return...and show you, step by step, how you can create one, too…All while saving over 4,000 children’s lives! James Cameron Bob Proctor Jack Healey Rev. Michael Beckwith Mark Victor Hansen Wyland Robert Kiyosaki Bill Harris Dave Bach Dr. Ken Blanchard Stewart Emory Lynne Twist www.unstoppablegivingchallenge.com © 2008 Unstoppable Foundation. GIVING
Page 1: Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Giving Challenge Millionaire ...ready to receive, and so if the opening is only a little bit open because doom and gloom is where you are vibrating,

Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Giving Challenge

Millionaire Mentors ProgramWhat Will YOUR $1,000,000 Idea Be?

Mentor: Rev. Michael Beckwith

Twelve world-famous millionaires share their private secrets for generating $1,000,000 ideas...without accepting a single dollar in return...and show you, step by step, how you can create one, too…All while saving over 4,000 children’s lives!

James Cameron

Bob Proctor

Jack Healey

Rev. Michael Beckwith

Mark Victor Hansen


Robert Kiyosaki

Bill Harris

Dave Bach

Dr. Ken Blanchard

Stewart Emory

Lynne Twist


© 2008 Unstoppable Foundation.


Page 2: Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Giving Challenge Millionaire ...ready to receive, and so if the opening is only a little bit open because doom and gloom is where you are vibrating,





Cynthia Kersey interviewing Reverend Michael Beckwith – Mentor #3

MS. KERSEY: Hi. My name is Cynthia Kersey and I would like to welcome you to the

Million Dollar Idea online course: How to Develop a Million Dollar Idea to Change

Your Life and Change the World. I'm excited to bring you twelve interviews of teachers,

philanthropists and business leaders who are going to show you their strategies, not only

for generating wealth and prosperity, but also how to generate ideas that can make our

world a better place, and, of course, the intention behind this entire course is to raise a

minimum of a million dollars and build at least 40 schools in Africa.

Every expert, every mentor involved in this course is doing it not for financial

compensation, but really as their way to give back and to support this initiative, so I'm

very grateful for our next teacher for his generosity, his support, his leadership, and I'm

also deeply grateful for you the listener because you are the one who cares enough to sign

up for this and share it with everyone that you know because each person that signs up

for this is making a direct contribution to building schools in Africa, and as we do that,

we are a part of ending the cycle of poverty in this world through education, so thank you

so much for your participation.

Tonight's mentor is a man who I have deep respect and appreciation for and he is a

master at helping others raise the bar of what is possible in their lives and to create ideas

that include, prosperity, abundance, health, wellness, contribution and nothing less than

spiritual transformation. Reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith is a world leader, teacher,

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founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center. He is the co-

founder of the Association for Global New Thought and the Season for Nonviolence and

Reverend Michael is one of the featured teachers on The Secret. He is the innovator of

the life visioning process, a powerful process that anybody can use to design a life that

really inspires them, and his latest book, which I'm very excited about, is called Spiritual

Liberation Fulfilling your Soul's Potential, and it was just released on 11/11. I just got

my copy and started reading it. It is awesome! It is a must read for everyone who is

seeking inner freedom and liberation, and I don't know anybody who is not looking for

that, so I'm getting a copy for everybody I know.

It is really my honor and with deep appreciation to welcome Reverend Michael.

Welcome Michael.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: It is my joy, Cynthia, to be with you on this

wonderful call as we speak about opening ourselves up to the brilliant ideas of the

universe. It is wonderful to be with you as it always is.

MS. KERSEY: Thank you. You know what I love and appreciate about your being on

the call is you're going to bring a different perspective when we are talking about being

big in the world and generating whatever it is, if it is wealth or abundance or creating a

difference, it really does start by going within, and so I would like for you to share with

the listeners - what do you recommend for people who want to create this abundance or

prosperity or make a big difference on the planet? How do you recommend they go

about that?

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Well, you are speaking of something that is very

important. That is, I think everyone that is on the planet wants to make a difference on

the planet. Everyone wants to live in the field of plenitude and abundance and prosperity

and generosity, and everyone within them, whether they are conscious of it or not, wants

to break previously set standards, break any precedents that may have been established

where generosity, compassion and love are concerned, so whether a person knows it or

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not, they are not just here to take up space, but they are here to go beyond their

predecessors on the planet and to reveal not only a kind and global world, but they are

here to reveal and unleash the total gifts of their being, so as they begin to know that and

as people -- as people are listening right now they begin to be conscious that while they

are really here is to live an unprecedented life. Now they can be available to receiving

ideas that are proliferating the universe, which is a manifestation of the order and the

harmony of the mind of God or the evolutionary impulses that governs the universe or

whatever words you want to use there, that this is filled with ideas, and these ideas whole

and complete waiting for the right condition to come into fulfillment, to come into

expression, and that condition is us. That condition is our consciousness. How we think.

What we believe. How we act. And so we are here to, one, we are here to live an

unprecedented life; two, we are surrounded by ideas; three, we get to determine whether

our soil is fertile or not. The soil is not determined whether it is fertile or not. It is not

determined by external conditions or other people's thoughts. This is determined by us,

so you use the word, we have to go within, and that is where it begins. We stop on a

regular basis, and we place before us certain questions knowing that the law of the

universe says, ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door

shall be open. So you begin to ask, what is trying to emerge in my life? You can ask

what idea is seeking to emerge that is going to be beneficial to my life or beneficial in the

world. You can phrase that anyway you want, but if you are sincere in your asking and

then you become sincere in your developing the inner software, which is confidence,

which is earnestness, sincerity. The inner software of stick-to-itiveness. If you are

sincere, then these ideas will take root and been to express themselves in the most

profound way.

MS. KERSEY: I love the intention of creating an unprecedented life. So basically what

you are saying is, the ideas are all around us, and basically what we need to look at is

fertilizing our soil, so that we can bring them forward, and so talk to me about how do

you recommend people fertilize that or really be able to be open to bringing these ideas

into reality.

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REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Right. Let me hit it from two ways. One,

Ruffle Emerson coined a phrase -- I think it was Ruffle Emerson. The phrase is called or

the word is, endogenous. As opposed to indigenous. Indigenous means that something

can flourish in a particular environment or something comes from a particular place.

Like there is a plant that might be indigenous to California that wouldn't necessarily

come into great fulfillment in Alaska, so we would say that plant was indigenous to

California and could survive there. Now, a spiritual being having a human carnation, that

is us, we are endogenous. That means we create our own environment from within

ourselves, so when you say, what is it that we need to do to have these ideas to move into

us, we have to go in and begin to feel that sense of worthiness. We have to begin to feel

that sense of completeness. We have to begin to feel that sense of, that inner desire that

something wants to be expressed from completeness. Not incompleteness, but from

completeness. We have to begin to go in and feel within ourselves that we are connected

to life itself. Now, from the sense of completeness, sense of confidence and, again,

coupled with asking the right question, the ideas – the whole brilliant ideas that are

everywhere can now find a place within us to begin to express. This is really what the

life visioning process is about. This is what true prayer is about. It is what true

meditation is about. It's what real affirmation and declaration is about. It is going within

and allowing the soil of our soul to be so fertile that nothing is impossible with us. That

the deep inner feeling is that I'm worthy. I'm available. I am open. I'm ready. I'm

receptive and I'm calling it forth. What would you have me do? This grand idea, how

would you express it through me? And this could be in any area. Could be in the area of

prosperity. Could be in the area of philanthropy. It could be in the area of education. It

could be in the area of health.

MS. KERSEY: You know -- I'm sorry.


MS. KERSEY: I love what you are saying because, as you say, you have to feel it. I'm

thinking some people might be thinking, well, I am not thinking it or they might be

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feeling fear or a lot of other things. Separation, despair, anxiety, and basically what you

are saying is, the way that we feel that is to really engage in our spiritual practice, prayer,

meditation, affirmation and holding that vision.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Absolutely. The feeling tone -- seeing, being an

endogenous being we get to create -- actually create -- we get to get in touch with that

deep intrinsic feeling of wholeness that is within us, and the spiritual practice is

maintaining that space in the face of obstacles and hindrances, obstructions,

circumstances, situations, people, places and things. People sometimes collapse and go

into an emotional tone of negativity and of worry and of doubt, give up, forlorn. They go

into those spaces when circumstances do not look the way they think that they should, but

we have the capacity to maintain that feeling of connection and openness anyway, you

see. That is being an endogenous being.

MS. KERSEY: I love that because, it really becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we

move into death, doom and desperation, that is what we experience.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Absolutely. Self-fulfilling prophecy. It

becomes a match of correspondence from the universe can only give you what you are

ready to receive, and so if the opening is only a little bit open because doom and gloom is

where you are vibrating, that will be the extent of the universal flow, even though the

universal flow is inexhaustible, unlimited and always seeking to express itself. We will

only be receiving just a little bit of it and it will be at the level of doom and gloom and

worry and fitfulness, which is not ordained by the presence of God, nor is it ordained by

the universal flow. That is us doing it to us.

MS. KERSEY: So committing and really setting an intention for everyone listening that

they are going to live, create an unprecedented life understanding that the ideas are

infinite and really getting ourselves so that we can be receptive, and that is through

prayer, mediation, affirmation, so as that develops, what would you see as the next step?

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REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: I think an individual has to live perpetually and

ask the empowering questions and then go on -- be on a perpetual appreciative inquiry,

and what I mean by that is, our life experience is determined by the questions that we ask

consciously or unconsciously, and until we wake up, we have a tendency to ask questions

such as why me? Why is this happening? What is wrong? And who is to blame? That

is kind of the normal conversations that people have. Why me? What is wrong? Who is

to blame? You know, we hang in these particular spaces, and if we ask that question,

then the universe answers that question with all manner of garbage.

MS. KERSEY: Big old long list.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: It is a long list. It is called the sea of mental

garbage and the universe plunks these thought forms out of the mental garbage and says,

this is why you can't succeed.

MS. KERSEY: Right. You are a loser.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: You are a loser and you know you are a loser

and you feel like you are a loser. It is all because we are asking the wrong question, so

when we begin to shift the question and we begin to ask instead, questions like what's

real or ask the question, what power and what gift and what talent within me is trying to

rise up and express, we begin to ask the question, what good is here that I presently

cannot see. The moment we ask a question, the filters that have been blocking that

answer begin to be removed simply by asking the question, so if I ask, what good is here?

What support is here? What resources are here that I presently cannot see, then my mind

starts to look for that.

MS. KERSEY: That is awesome.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: It starts to look for the resources. It starts to

look for the support. It starts to look for the good that is here because it is here. We live

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in a universe, not a diverse or a triverse. We live in a universe in which the good is omni

present, everywhere present, so if we are not feeling supported, it means that we have a

filter between us and that which is trying to come in and support us, but if we ask, what is

the good? Where is the good? What is the good that I presently cannot see, the filters

start to be removed.

MS. KERSEY: It is interesting because on the news, they are not asking those kinds of

questions, right? It is totally what is not supporting us. What company is going under?

Who needs to be bailed out, and I think what you are saying is so powerful and really

asking, stop looking through the filter of doom and gloom and really looking at what is

available here. What support do I have, and you are right. All sorts of things will come

forward as a result of that question.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: And so often they are right there in your field,

but you can't see them. It is like if you say, I can't find my keys. I can't find my keys and

they are sitting right in front of you, but your affirmation and your filters, I can't find my

keys, I can't find my keys so you keep moving your keys looking for them, and then you

stop, you take a breath and you say, where are my keys? And you find them because

you've come out of the filter of I can't find. I can't find, or I always lose, I always lose.

You see, and you are right. When you look at the traditional commercial driven, you are

inundated with what is called normal thinking, which is what is the worst thing that has

happened today. What is the worst thing that happened today in the world? What is the

second worst thing? What is the third worst thing, and then a little tidbit of something

sweet maybe.

MS. KERSEY: At the very end. The hero.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Very end. Little sweetness of your day, but

don't forget. That flu is coming around, so give you something else to worry about, right,

before you sign off.

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MS. KERSEY: Don't get too happy.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Don't get too happy. There is more negative

coming tomorrow. Tune in. We'll tell you and we will put it to a soundtrack that will

indelibly imprint it on your mind.

MS. KERSEY: Absolutely.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: So if you look at this, the average person is

basically giving themselves their own bad news. They are taking this habit and they are

asking those questions, what is wrong and who is to blame, you see, and how can I fix it.

MS. KERSEY: Even in this environment, I look at how I've participated in my own

financial decisions, and it is like, okay, great. Now I'm going to make different choices.

I am not blaming, and even in that conversation, but really moving towards solutions, and

when I do that, I feel so empowered. I'm excited. I've got a plan versus being a victim to

everything that is happening around us. I mean, we've all participated at some level if we

are experiencing challenges.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: It is like the difference between willingness and

willpower. If, in fact, you've entered into a spiritual practice, as you've just described,

and then you say to yourself, I need to clean up my diet or I need to start an exercise

program or I need to sit down and allow creative ideas to come to me. It happens rather

gracefully, but if you say, I'm going to change my diet. I am going to exercise. I'm going

to create a business without spiritual practice, then you are trying to make something

happen and there is no spiritual practice and it becomes very difficult, but when you stop

and you breath, you ask the right questions, you connect then the intentions that you

established for yourself, they happen a lot easier because they are an extension of that

sense of connection that you now have.

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MS. KERSEY: Absolutely. And you know the theme of this, Reverend Michael, is

really about raising money, giving, being of service, and I think it is such a beautiful

conversation. I've heard you talk about it and I'm so inspired by it, but when people can

come to a place every day, how can I serve? How can I be a giving value? How can I

love? How can I support? Coming from that perspective versus how can I make money?

How can I get? Energetically, when we come from giving a service, we activate that law

of receiving.


MS. KERSEY: I want you to talk about that a little bit.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: You are hitting right on it in terms of when you

ask these right questions and you up level your vibration. How can I serve? What I

teach, one of the things I say is, when you do this inner work, you make an evolutionary

leap from inquisitive to appreciative, and the mind, the normal mind, is always trying to

get in order to be happy, but once you pop through and see the way it really is, you move

into an awareness of appreciation rather than acquisition, and then once you are in full

appreciation that there is boundless resources and boundless good and boundless love and

boundless prosperity everywhere, you ask the question, how can I give? How can I

serve? How can I release this life energy? And when the universe starts speaking to you,

how does it speak to you? Through ideas. It gives you whole ideas that totally begin to

lead, guide and direct you in a language and in a way that you can understand through

intuitive hunches, through ideas coming to you that seems like out of the blue, gentle

spiritual nudges. What I call the angel of eternal progression. Whispering in your ear.

That you are more than meets the eye and there is more of you that is trying to come out.

All of this is because you've create a correspondence with the fact that the universe is for

you and not against you. There is just so much within us that is trying to escape, and, my

God, we should let it.

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MS. KERSEY: Absolutely. You know, I was curious when you were saying that. What

kinds of ideas have really juiced you or gotten you really excited?

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Interestingly enough, when I was a young boy,

11, 12 years old, I used to sit in front of my house. There's a tree at my house. A friend

and I would look up and look at the stars at night. Look at the leaves and interestingly

enough, we would talk about how we could change the world. How we can bring peace

to the planet. How we can bring a sense of unity, so now a number of years later, those

ideas that that little boy had are still the same kind of ideas that move through me, so a lot

of the projects that I'm involved in, whether it is working with the whole Dalai Lama and

working with the synthesis project or whether it is philanthropic ideas that are happening

for Agape, regardless of the idea, specifically whether it is a television program, whether

it is releasing a book or DVD set or putting together a wonderful retreat or a workshop or

they all carry the frequency of helping humanity wake up to the God given potential that

is within them, so there are specific ideas that come in the form of some of my books.

There are specific ideas that come in the form of a wonderful philanthropic humanitarian

project that we are going to launch in a few years. Where Agape is going to have its own

credit card that is going to be tied to a foundation. When people use it, it is going to

serve to end hunger on the planet.


REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: There is the Agape mediator national, which is

being launched to uplift humanity and all mediums. There are a number of ideas that

emerge, but it is all in service to waking up. It is all in service to people being inspired

enough to have ideas. As a matter of fact, that is one word we should probably look at

and that is inspiration because if people can stay inspired, inspired means, of course, the

breath of God, the breathing to you. God is breathing to you and inspiring. God inspires

us. The universal one inspires us with ideas, and oftentimes people don't put themselves

in a position to be inspired. They put themselves into those pity parties and those doom

and gloom conversations, and rather than putting themselves in a position to be inspired,

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like listening to this phone call, as a matter of fact, you put yourself in a position to be

inspired, your vibration is lifted and then there is an idea that's there. Where did it come


MS. KERSEY: You get a rise. The idea to expand. I mean, this idea has evolved over

six months and every day I am so inspired by what I'm doing. Despite everything that is

happening outside, I am inspired. I'm grateful. I'm excited, and I think that is what you

are talking about when you are living from a place of bringing ideas forward that really

make a difference.


MS. KERSEY: It is exciting.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: You are bringing up also the idea that every idea

that comes through us from the universe it is infinite, so it keeps on growing. It doesn't

have a shelf life, so just as you say for the last six months this idea has been growing, it is

going to continue to grow. It is going to morph. It may become something else. It may

develop another tributary. It may develop other branches and then other leaves and then

it may develop whole other trees. The fruit may fall on the ground. Look like it is dying

and then another tree emerges from the seeds. That idea continues and so when an idea

hits us, we can see only a limited degree of what that idea has in store for us and the

manifest realm and also in the realm of how it is going to change us. Like, you are

probably not the same person today that you were six months ago.

MS. KERSEY: That is so true.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Because the idea changed you. It brought out

talents and gifts and levels of confidence and made you shed things that no longer serve

you. In order for the idea to come forward, you had to get rid of some things and you had

to gain and activate things. So it is a process that is continuing, so inspiration -- we get

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inspiration. We get an idea and we catch a vision, the person that got that inspiration is

not going to be the same person that manifested that vision. There is going to be some

changes along the way.

MS. KERSEY: Really. I mean, that is the prescription, I think, for this time is get

inspired about something.



REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: And you can see all the young people who are

inspired around this election that was a page turner in human history. The inspiration

brought about such transformation and that is what it can do for us.

MS. KERSEY: I told you I went to, and he is one of the in country partners Free the

Children Craig Kielburger. I went to their conference where there were 8,000 young

people. Teenagers. Talk about inspired, clapping and yelling and all standing for the

elimination of poverty, extreme poverty in their lifetime. I mean, even when I think

about it, it inspires me. When we are around people who are -- who want to make a

difference, who contribute, not only does it inspire us, but it raises our vision of what is


REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Absolutely. Absolutely. As the old saying

goes, high tied lifts all boats, and so when we are inspired, that activation lifts us and

when we are lifted up, we lift someone else up. It is quantum. As I am lifted up, I draw

all into the same field. Into the same vibration.

MS. KERSEY: What do you recommend for people when their idea -- they've got an

idea. They are all excited. They are building a team. They are doing their spiritual

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practice. They've got their affirmation and let's say it is not going as they thought it

should go.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: What do we do when our plans aren't going


MS. KERSEY: Right. Exactly.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: You know the old phrase, God laughs at our

plans. Want to make God laugh, show God your plans. Generally speaking, when we are

bumping up against something, it may be time for a course correction really looking to

see if we have our inner alignment with what we say we want to be or what we want to

do, and oftentimes it is a signal that we are being prepared to grow a certain quality that

we don't quite yet have, for that particular plan to come to fruition, so when there is a set

back, it is not the universe's denial. It is generally an indication that there is someplace

within us that needs refinement because we have to grow. As I teach you can't have what

you are not willing to become in consciousness, so, therefore, you can begin to ask with

those kind of situations, what is it that I need to shed? What is it that I need to release?

What do I need to let go of in order for this idea to manifest, and if we are honest and

without censorship, we begin to notice qualities and thoughts and beliefs and habits and

judgments and opinions that don't serve this idea that is trying to come forward and then

we have to be willing to let go of those opinions and those ideas and those habits and

those perceptions, and as we grow, then the blockage, the hindrance, which is emblematic

of our state of consciousness begins to dissolve. Oftentimes we are being taught patience

and perseverance, which are strong qualities for leadership and strong qualities for

individuals who are entrepreneurial, strong qualities for people who have a vision and

want to live an unprecedented life, you have to have patience and perseverance. So when

things don't go our way, those are some qualities that are -- without giving up, those are

some qualities that are trying to grow in us.

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MS. KERSEY: Exactly, and you really can't do anything extraordinary without those


REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: No. You would be blown around like a leaf in

the wind, unless you have some perseverance and some strength and some stick-to-

itiveness and some patience as well.

MS. KERSEY: Well, I want to honor -- I know that you have a limited amount of time

right this second and I just want to honor that, and I guess the final question, what would

you like to leave the listeners of this course? They are here to learn and also to contribute

to making the world a better place. What kind of thought would you like to leave them


REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: I want to go back to this idea of unprecedented

life for a moment, and basically say that on some level, if they haven't yet claimed that

for themselves, then they are selling out on their soul. They have entered into this

particular time of history on the earth plain to do something that has never been done

before individually or collectively and they have to begin to think along those lines in

order to radiate into their life substantial ideas that take them beyond themselves.

I also want individuals to know that they are already complete. That everything that they

would need, want, hope for and desire to move forward in their life, it is already really

within them, and that I don't want them to think that they are moving to accomplish

something or to complete themselves. I want them to think about themselves as

completion to completion. Glory to glory. Just as a seed is a complete seed. It is not an

incomplete oak tree. It is a complete seed. It is a complete acorn, and then when it dies

to its acornism, it becomes a complete little sprout, and when it dies to being a sprout, it

starts to become a tree, it is a complete tree, so it is not incomplete in any stage. It is

complete to complete. We need to hold that space for ourselves that we are at some stage

of our development. We are complete on our way to another completion. Everything we

Page 16: Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Giving Challenge Millionaire ...ready to receive, and so if the opening is only a little bit open because doom and gloom is where you are vibrating,


need is within us and that we are here to live something that is unprecedented, so we

don't get stuck in status quo or high mediocrity masquerading as excellence

MS. KERSEY: I love that. Well, I'm inspired. I think just the concept of living an

unprecedented life is really powerful and it is inspiring, and I appreciate so much your

willingness to come and share with everyone here, and to our listeners, thank you for

your participation and really take these ideas. We've already heard from Bob Procter and

Mark Victor Harrison and now Reverend Michael and just start really looking at what is

that idea that wants to emerge in me; what is it -- how can I serve humanity? How can I

really bring my gifts into this world in a way that just will inspire my life, and also just

continue to be on your path. I encourage you to get Reverend Michael's book Spiritual

Liberation. It is an awesome book because I think that is really the journey for all of us

to become free.


MS. KERSEY: So I really appreciate you very much for taking your time, for sharing

with us, for the leadership that you have given to us, to me as a member of your church,

and I just appreciate you and have very deep love for you, Reverend Michael.

REVEREND MICHAEL BECKWITH: Thank you so much, Cynthia, and you are

definitely a valued member of the Agape community and I appreciate this opportunity to

spread a little of Agape love.

MS. KERSEY: Absolutely. And speaking of spreading the love, you guys are hearing

the third interview. Share this program with people. Encourage them to go to

UnstoppableGivingChallenge.com. Share it with all of your friends. The money goes

directly to building schools in Africa, so thank you all.

Thank you, Reverend Michael, and just continue to be unstoppable. God bless you.

Thank you so much. Bye-bye.
