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D K TGOODS - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-08-17/ed... ·...

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I I f I I o»lier-Baiiey's Quieting Syrup renteetbing, makes sick and weak cliUdren t tor . . Strong tve3.mother8,)ce3t.jlay and:night. Is a "-*-• --""-"- .;, Only25 cent*..**»**' iclne.fbr children. •urn ^p0?.BEANDKimS PJLLS. -" 'Age'-ls-not claimed as ainerit, only as.a sign of intrin- sic-worth; •' . .'-.*,: .. F -The*eally U3efulartlcle lives on wlthaBtrong vitality, tfieTpoorone "languishes for a time anathea-goes out.ea- sily: Branafe"th?s Pills:are evenprecribedby greatphy- sician's wheibthe bowels call loudly .for help, because thej nevertalMo open and give relief. >:• fiunafeasof thousands would consider It:acalamity If these safe-faaily Pills could not be obtained^ It has. been officially settled that more of Brandretli's Plllsare Bold thau.-all otherpilla put together. Merit sells them. BrandretWsPUls'possess-.qnalitees which'restore eve- ry organ ana fibatin. the body to perfect health; are purely, vegetabl'e"aha safe.for.every period of life. irrnoip'aMLgeno'jr, BrSnareSh Honse, New Tori. ' tyee ''B./BrandVeth," in white letters, in the ; Goyerit-: menVstamp. ' ' • ' ' 8||b^l ipi is as certainly cured as 'In-, termittenttentFever,, and as ,ce.rtainly'p're^ vented as Small-Pox."—Rev. Ohas. Bj King, I,X. D.i etc. : KINO'S CisSprescrSistion of Rev; Oiris. E. Krad^M. !S>i i. X>., &c, foe the prevention-and cure of ' CON8UMPTI ON Eor the Kadicalonrepf Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh,and all affections of. the Lungs j Throat and Air Passages ; for General &n4 3pedal Derangements of the Neuvoug i3ys- tem ; for Disorders of the Blood ; and for all functional Blsordera of the Stomach and.Boweis. The prepared Prescription Increases-trie strength ana deepens the color of the pale blood. It subdues_ the Fe- ver and ChiliSy and diminishes the expectoration. It checks tKe night sweats always in from' seven: to four- teen days. The appetite is invigorated and th"e patient rapidly gains flesh; the cough and difficult breathing are speedily.relieved ;. the. sleep becomes calm and re- freshing ; tli'e evacuation regular and uniform- All the general symptoms of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Ac,, disappear with, a r.eally astonishing rapidity. The prescription should be uted in every, disease; by whatever name-tnown, in which there is exhibited any derangement ofteenervous or blood systems. It is un- equalled infemale disorders, scanty or Suppressed Menses, 'Whites, &c: The Sreparea prescription is both the best and most economical raeaicine.that can be taken, l'he average dose is two t'easpoonsful, taicen once a day. The patient Irontorttie Blood; Anodynes fer the nervous irritation Acids for the NigHt Sweats ; or Whiskey or Cod liver Oil for. tha wasting. Its-Specific Action.i3>upon the Con? stitutibnarCondltibn, anathrough'this condition -ppoS he whole series o'f Symptoms. 8TATSMENT. fKOM PATIENTS., 4c. College Hill, Cincinnati:—I.'Was-in the last stages of Consumption. In ten days after taking the Prescription my, Chills, Night Sweats, Fever &c., decreased andfinal- lyaltogether disappeared. . A mere Skeleton, before, now well storea.T7ith-£esh. My restoration is' a znar.vet to:all who Snow me.—airs. C. Ii. "Wfight. Your Prescription saved my daughter's life and has probably, saved me hvmdreds o£doUats.-rr-Rev..E,Humph- K'NC'S' i f r e ^ f o r the benefit we have received from youi; Prepares Prescription.—Key. P. Peregrine, Eloss- burgh,Penn. Every one to whom I have recommended it has bene- fitted much by Its.use;-r-lSev. C. D. Jones, Haclne, Wjs. The Prepared Prescription, is put up.in a $1 bottle,,and is sold in'Ogdensburgh. by J, 0. Sp.rague^ and. B. O. Xam- phear and'by Druggists generally, or orders may be ad- dressed to the Sole Proprietors, OSCAR G. MOSES « Co. 27 OortlandtrBtreet, New York. Consultation free. A circular, containing testimonials of many cases'- success- fully- treated, will be sent free, by mail-, to all who. will write for-it. . (sfelOdifcweowly)' 1S03. 1847.. lSCS. In l'S02.the.granQfather of Dr. Tobias introduced the Venetian Liniment inEngland: It was a success altho the price, wai a Guinea a. Bottle. . His late Majesty Will- iam IT, used it for Chronic Kheuqiatism and was entirely curedj.after suffering for two years, his attending phy- sicians being unable to effect a cure, ana he wrote a let- ter of. thanks which is now in possession of my uncie in Liverpool. I have offered £100 sterling for that letter but it was refused. In ISMIputit out in the United States, and now, in 1S6S, tlTe sale is immense. Thou- sands of families are never withoutit. It is safeand in- nocent to apply externally or take internally. 1'or 21 years I have warranted It to cure the following com- plaints : Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Colic, Cramps, Vomiting and Sea Sickness, taken internally and Chronic Rheumatism, Burns, Outs, Bruises, Old Sores, Toothache, Frosted .fleet, Swellings, Insect Stings, and pains in the Chest, Back and Xiinb3, externally. It never fails it used as directed ; for Cholera or Dysen- tery it is certain, if used when first attacked. Ko one once trying it will ever .be without it. SoM by Druggists. Price 50 cts and $1. Depot, No. 26CortIandtSi.,Neif York.. Sold by all ha Druggists and Storekeepers. (jy2id3taw&wlm'); PSOF. HAMILTOH'S SDOAK-COATED ROOT AND. PLANT PILLS—purely vegetable, and are the best in use. They cleanse the stomach, purify the blood and prevent dis- ease. ?bysiycians use them; and all who try them will use none others. Sold everywhere and by -B. O. Lam- phear, Ogdensbnrgh. • [37-S-ly] MAHEOOB : HOW LOST ! HOW RESTORED! Just published, ma- sealed-envelope. Price six cents. A iLectute on. the Natural Treatment, and Radical'Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual-Debility and impediments to Mar- riage generally; Nervousness', Consumption, Epilepsy, and lite ;' Mental and Hiyslcal Incapacity, resulting i from Self Abuse, S.c., by RoJ>t. J. Onlverwell, M7I>,, an-' thor of the Green Book, &c.. ' A. Soon to Thousands of Sufferers. ,: Sent unaer'seal, in a' plain envelope, toany address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps to 0HA3. J. C. KLINE, &C0,,12T Bowery, New York,| Post Office Box45S6. " , Also Dr. CulverweU's Marriage Guide, Price 25 cents., (my6d&w3m] We are having a great many inquiries for sewing inaehine3 from various parts of the coun- try, and as we cannot conveniently reply to them iall by mail, we have thought it proper to state our opinion in regard to them in this public manner. We have used Wilson's patent, man- ufactured by tho Wheeler & Wilson Manufac- turing Company, and we can say in regard to it that it is without a rival. It is simple, not easily put out of order when in proper hands, andj in point of effectiveness ( and finish, noother machine stands ahead of it. This famous Sawing Machine is highly appreci- ated the world over. We state this much in re- gard to the excellent machine upon onr own re- sponsibility. The Company have made and gold during the last three months about 13,000 machines, and are now producing and celling 130 per day."— Scientific Jkmericaii. '• Doads & Button, 67 Ford Street, are agents for the Wheeler & Wilson machines in this city. U-jy-No losa can be more fata,! to beauty, es- ipeciallj to the female sex, than the loss or the ^ijitiir j glossy-,' luxiiEia-nt Iiaiir is orie of -tbe most powerful of personal charms. When baldness or even a deficiency of thelmiv exists, wo natu- rally look for a dry and wrinkled skin, a faded complexion; when not. actually seen we see them in imagination. Why, then, not cultivate your hair ? Encourage it and strengthen it; if your hair is gray or white, the natural color can be restored by a few application of Mrs. S. A. Altars improved .(new style) Hair Restorer orMssing (in oiio bottle,) pn'ge %\, Eyery druggist has is. (aalSd-tu-tu-3-iwlin) <«p THE PEAELT GATES.—Pure white teeth and a isweet breath, issuing like perfume from the rose, through a pair of lovely lips), are, as Shakespeare says, "an excellent thing in a wo- man." To keep the pearly gates of the mouth always spotless, and the breath always fra- grant, it is only necessary to use the Sozodont daily. Spalding's GluOj always up to the sticking point. :ertropical fragrance rises in invisible clouds the moment a bottle of Phalon'a Flor de Mayo, the new-perfume for the handkerchief, 13 opened ; one single drop scents a handkerchief. Sold by all druggists. m ©x ir <? JK K.. ASIATIC CHOLERA. 27(6 Strongest Proof of Intrinsic Merit. Dear Sir: I should have acknowledged long agothe box of Pain Killer you had the goodness tosend me last year. Its coming was most provWentlal. I believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. The cholera appeared here soon after we received it. We resorted at once to the Pain Killer, using as directed for Cholera. A list was kept of all to whom the Pain Killer was given nnd our native, assistants assured us that 8 outof every 10 toTvhoin it was prescribed, re- covered. It has, too, been very useful in various other diseases It has proved an incalculable blessing to mul- titudes of poor people throughout all this region. Our native preachers are never willing to go out 011 their excursions without a supply of the Pain Killer. It gives them favor in the. eyes of the people, and access to fam- ilies anil localities by whom otherwise they would bo very indifferently received. Believe me, dear sirs, gratefuUy and faithfully yours,, J. ir. JOHNSON, [jy21d3tawAwlih] Missionary at Swatow, China. 0HE0NI0 DISEASES, SCROFUIA, ULCERS, 4c. It is well known that the benefits derived from drink- ing of the Congress, Saratoga, anc'l other celebrated! Springs, is principally owing to the Iodine they contain., Dr. H. ANDER'S IODINE WATER, Contains Iodine inthe same pure state that it is feundl in these spring waters, but over 500 per cent more im quantity, containing, a3 it aoesljf grains to each fluid! ounce, dissolved in. pure water, without a solvent, a dis- covery long sought for in this country* and Europe, and! the best remedy known in the world, for Scrofula, Can- cers, Salt Kheuni, Ulcers, and all chronic diseases. Cir- culars free. I)r. n. Anders' Iodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINS- MOKE, Proprietor, SB Dej; St., N. 'ST., and by aU Drug- gists. ' '(jy2dlaw&wiw) ntotlie? Bailey's ftuictiiig Syrup tlio great quieting remedy for children teething, allays alB pain, cures wind colic, convulsions, griping, &c. Large bottles 25 cents. Sold by Druggists, Sola by J. C. Sprague. Xo tafiies.—If you require a reliable remedy, •^by not use 'tBe'tiest ? Experience naa proved that DR. MAS VST'S FEMALE PJZZS Have no equal, They are safe and sure inordinary cascB._ Price $1 per box. ' . ' T>R. HAJtYEY'S CfO£l>& TSMAZE PILLS four degrees stronger than the above, are'intehaeS for special cases.'.and may always be relied on. , J . Price J?iveDoUars per Box. , ^^luustrated private circulars sent free. Enclose •stamp. If you cannot procure the Pills enclose the money ana address Dr. J. BKYAN, 96 East 18 Street, New York, aad' they will be sent free from observation by return mail. : " ' (ap28ad8tawAwly) : BASOHELOS'S HAIK DTE. This splendid Hair Dye is the be3tin the: world! The only true and perfect Dye. Harmless, Reliable,Instan- taneous. IJTo disappointments. Ko ridiculous tints.—•; Matural Black-or. Brown.' Kemedieathe. ill effects of bad dyes.' Invigorates the Hair,'leaving it soft and beanti- ful. The gennine is signed William A. Batchelor. AU otb.ersare.mere imitations, and shpuid.be avoided. Sold; by all artigjrfs'ts ana perfumers,' Factory 81 Barclay St.^ •VewTork. \''.. . (defaiwly) | PH&ION'S « PAPHIAN JjOXION,' For Beautifying the Skin and: Complexion. RSM0VK9 ALL Eruptions, Sreekles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, Taw, &a., and, theSJcin Soft, Fair a%& Mooming. For LadieB In the Nursery it Is inyaluoble. For Gentlemen after Shaving it has no equal. "Paphlan lotion 1 ' Is the only reliable remedy for dis- eases and blemishes of the Skin. PHALON'S "PAPHIAN SOAP" -for lite Toilet, Nursery ;and Bath. Will not. chap thie Skin. Erice 25 cents per cake. Flor <lo irrayo. Flor de Mayo. A New Perfume jor the Handkerchief. Exquiste, Del- icate, Lasting Fragrance. PHALON & SON, New York. Sold byaUDruggists. (mh21deodly) r ic'an House, BOSTON, MASS. THE LARGEST FIBST GLASS HOOSJ? Vertical'Railway, Suites and Single Apartments, 1 with. Batting ana Water convenienciea connecting; Billiard ITallB, Telegraph Office and Cafe. (jeiluttfth-B-8m) LEWIS EIOE A SON. Oiily'SS Cents f«>r targe Bo»tles.--MothJ er Bailey's Quieting Syrup for children, which greatly by all Driiggiste Sold by J. C. Sprague, ^BrThe.beBtmeaicineiiitheporld is 2Qr. iLangley's Root and Herb Bitters—long a triedand s'tandard remedy. for'Ltver Complaints, Billions diseasss, Humors of the BloodandSkin, Jaundice ani Dyspepsia, Indigestion^ OostiveBess, Headache, and all diseases, arising from Dis- ordered Stomach, Torpid Liver, or Impure Blood. They -cleanse thesystein,.pufify and new-create tlie blood,re- store the appetite/build up ana strengthen the whole BoSy. CKEQ. O. GOODWIN &GO.^ Boston. Sold by. all Druggists. ,,. , . (mhj.?djbyjjn) ' DTE. This Bplenaid Hair Dye Is the best In the world; the onlytrue and perfect Dye ;, harmless, reliable and in- stantaneous \ no disappointment; noridiculous tints; remedies th'ejll effect- of' bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the hair soft; and beautiful black or, brown.. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig Pactory^ 16 Bona St., New York. : ' • » : ' [ap3d*w6m] "BLESSI3SGS BRIGHTEN AS THE! TAKE. THEIR '--- •' I'EJ&ST:" .) •.tfioineviriends.and aUtieenjoyments of lifeseenvin- :flnitelyimore.dear to the sufferer from ner,v.oa8 debility •when-theprbabilityasihat ere lqng;,,he'.must leave them forever. When, the health has become impaired, and .the strength is failing, then life looks more alluring. Stim? ulants are the only means of of restoration in cases of nervouS'Sebility. . The:great,difficulty has been to.pro' vide a stimulant possessing not only medicinal meritj but one affording ipermanent.relief If Hostetter's Stof nuich Bitters isxesorted to in such cases, its beneficial effect! will soonjbecome apparent in the buoyancy of 8piritr>and;renewed' strength of .thei Mtherto. dejected patient '^Experience has prove!this ipr.epaiatlon; to be "The Kem'eay of the Age," for NerVQus!Debilityi, pa well as all aiseases^arising from- derangement;of the atomacli uidliver.. i • ' . ' .. { I Perion3~advanced in life, and feeUng-the]hand.pf time weighing Jieaviiyjupon them-,."with all .its- jattendsnt'-illsi Will fihdin thff use- of Hostetter's Celebrated. Stomacli Bittersrr-an. elixir that will instil new life fnto their - *eina" restore, itba.measnre, the ardbr, and energy of more youthful days ; build up their shrunken forms^ani givehealth and vigor.-to their remaining years. Those who are in the Iea3t afflicted with Dyspepsia,. Ague 1 , •Langu()r,.Naus>av or any oti^er ^troublesome, and idanj- Kerous oisease, sH-rsirigifom.a disordered 'system, should JOUVEN'S Inodorous KI3D Glove Cleaner! wiii Instantly clcaii Kid Glove*, without injuries the most delicate color and is entirely frco from tiny Odor. The Gloves can be cleaned on the hand and worn im- mediately. One bottle will save you tlie price of a oloz; en pairs of. Gloves. - I ' ' For' sale by all Druggists and Eancy Goods Dealers. | None genuine -without the signature of F. C. WELLS .& CO., 1£|2 Fulton St., N.T., ' (mhl0d6m) . Wholesale Agents. OGDENSBUKG, K. T. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOU:. At a meeting of tbeBaltimore Conservatives, leld on the evening of the 12th, it waB deter- lined to support Grant and Colfax. A com- mittee was appointed to draft an address to the Conservatives of Maryland. Delegates to the Assembly District and County Conventions. At the Republican caucuses for the town of 03- wegatchie and city of Ogdensbnrg, held on Fri- day andSaturday, the following delegates were appointed :— Town Delegates—Assembly Convention: D. S. Giffin, J. Robertson, and J. A. Ferguson.— County Convention : C. Dubois, A. B. Laubing, and John Pickens. First Ward—A. B. James, Peter Robertson and A. A. Babcock to Assembly District Con- vention. H. R. James, E. N. Merriam and 3. Y. Chapin to County Convention. Second Ward~Assembly Convention: W. C. Alden, G. W. Mack and Gardner B. Chapin.— County Convention : 3. L. Jones, R. B. Lowry and J, W.T|ercy. ThivA Ward—W.I. Proctor, George Parker and Z. B. 33rTdges to A s s e m b l y X>istricC Con-v-en- tiou. K. W. JudsoD, E. N. Persons and A. M. ilerriman.to County Conveillidli. All delegates were empowered to appoint aub- Stitutes in case of inability to attend themselves. Fire in Black The dwelling house of Robert Kay, in the Black Lake District, with ail He contend, wfta destroyed by fire on Thursday. No insurance: The family had been tothis city and hnd return- fed home to find their dwelling in flames. be a meeting of the 0. B, B ( 0, this (Monday) evening, at 9 o'eldck. Eagle Hall—To-Night, Hsselmayer's first Magic and Musical fehter- tainment in this city will be given at Eagle Hall, to-night. A friend who had the pleasure of at- tending one of the Professor's entertainments at Montreal, pronounces it most wonderful and worthy of a ci'owded house; Boat Meeting. There will be a special meeting of the Athlete Boat Club at their rooms, this, Monday,evening, at half past eight o'clock. A full attendance 13 requested. X,. B. BDRT, Sec'y. August IT, 1SCS. Base Ball. The friends of the National game of Base Ball, will meet at Lisbon Center, on Saturday the 22d of August 1868, to play and organize a club. Time of, game. 2 o'clock, r. M. MANY ADMIRERS. " Lisbon Center, Aug. 15,1868. Water Pipes. The water pipes are now going down rapidly. Up to Saturday evening about 4,000 feet had been put down. Hereafter the gentleman having charge of the pipe-laying expects to put down a mile a week. Billiard Saloon. The new Billiard room, in Baabrouck's block, will be open for visitors this evening. It is the best appointed and furnished room in the northern part of the State. Burst Up. Howe's TranB-Atlantic Circus and Menagerie, which recently exhibited in this place, is nowat Cape Vincent in a state of collapse. The rainy weather, expensive company and hard times in Canada were too much for the state of its finan- ces. Sheriff Johnson, of Watertown, runs the establishment at the Cape, in behalf of a Boston company, and finds the expenses much larger than the income. Theanimals of the meat eat. ing persuasion require seventy-five pounds of fresh meat daily. Tho J?e/ojwe?' suggcBts tlrat the concern be taken to "Watertown and sold -at auction, us it would afford a rare opportunity to purchase pets for family use. The elephant T»ouia be a "bigthing" to take care of children. Nice Apples. W. J. Smith of Depeyster, has tickled the editorial palate with a specimen of Early Har- vest apples. Depeyster can grow good fruit and Mr. Smith has the trees. Another Sound Democrat. An out of town Democrat, saidin our office on Saturday, "I have always voted the Democratic ticket, but I can go it no longer. I would aa soon vote for Satan himself as Seymour. I shall vote for Grant." "Things is workin" up this way. .«. Base Ball. MOKLEY, August 12th, 1868. A sharp and very interesting game of Base Ball came off to-day upon the grounds of the " Clumsy Club," between the Clumsy B B. C. of this place, and the lazy B. B. C. of Norfolk. The Lazy club is anything but what its name indicates,butit could not stand the tremend ous pitching of McKenzie, combined with the splendid catching of Witherbee. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the Norfolk boys expressed themselves as highly pleased with the gentlemanly treatment which they received at the hands of the Morley boys. The Clnmsy's are hard boys to beat, and will doubtless make it "hot" for some of the crack clubs of thi3 vicinity before snow falls/ Many thanks are due to John Miller, Esq., of Canton, for the prompt and impartial manner in which he rendered decisions. Below we give a score of tho game. uiTatuavio uvuii/ UUUK I**W w~~»j^--•—-* -;j Uy increasing ydartoy year, is aufficient in itself to a arm .fliemos.t skeptical. ' ' (au5d*!»2w) » i : •-- ;- . - - •• . •• \ -IHTSaVE tire ehiiaren.^Multitnaea of .them .Buffer, linger, »nd diej.because of BinWorms. Theonlyieffect- :ual remedy for these mo3ttrduble»ome and dangerons,of »11worms inchirafen oraauliai H found in. Dr. Gould'» Mn-Worm Syrup: Purely vegetable; >ssf« and certain.— A valuable cathartic; and Beneficialitoiliealth. aKO.10. GOOPWIN* CO., Boston, and all Druggist!!. ' •>. •.t-- • • -•• • > (mliX7d*w6m) 1 WHEN YOU BUY, GET TIIB BEST. THoWpsoii •&$' Are solo Agents in Ogdei>3burg, for the "Family, Fayoiiio?,' -?.- Weed machine. The simplest ana best. Least liable to get out of order ana the.,beat Hemmer, Stitcher anil Feller in,u3e. The Agency of'the Weed Machine is how at our store instead of at J. AlIendorph'B, as formerly. I ..•• .,•'.• tj : , , . , ' . i i .... . , I i ••' C J i N y V t e i T iSfe'' 3E5«l*:©jr*is,, ! "Xn Ola Favorite,'trfeaia.ml.apprbved-for years'. . ^Oall before purchasing elsewhere ana get a gooa Ma chine and a good * * s a > - £ ljy23aSwly.] •7: .:.l:?r-->> H0 £ ps0N gi No. 9 Eagle Block, Ogdensbiirg. CLTJMST. Witherbee, c. Oorey, 2d b. Whitney, 1st b. Newton, 3d b. UcKenzie, p. SpaulSing, s. s. Baker, 1. f. O. E. LAZY. O.. B 2 6 Eag'an, 1st b . 1 4> 1 3 2 Town, s. 8. 2 8 '8-'Castle, c. 3 4 2 Drew, 2d b. 2 4 3 Mitchel, r. f. 3 2 2 Austin, p. 3 5 1 Hale, 3d b. 3 N,WhUne7,r. ! f. 2 3 Wilbcr, c. f. 8 Fenton, c. f. 2 3 Gandrews, 1. f. 4 0 21 U 21 16 INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 Lazy—1 1 1 0 1 4 2 0 0—16 Clumsy—5 4 G2 1 1 4 0 2—24 ITMT CATCHES—Lazy 8. Clumsy 8. MUFFED 'BALLS—Lazy 3. Clumsy i. PASSED BAixs-r-Lazy 'j. Clumsy 6. UMPIRE—John Miller. SCOREKS FOR C. B. B. C—Rob't Scruton. " L. B. B. C.—K. C. Brinckerhoff. Time of game, two hours and fifteen minutes. jgyVallandigham is stumping Illinois for Seymour and Blaiv. He made a speech in Con- fess, on the Gth of July, 1861, just before the lattle of Bull Run, in which he uttered the fol- owing atrocious sentiment, which dug his lolitical grave: "Then, Sir, I ainnot a Southern man either— aWimigh in. fjiiis most unholy and unconstitutional crusade agawt tho Soiifli, in the midst of the m- sumdwi and murder to which she has been sub- tectj and -with -wliiclx slie is s t i l l -tlireatened-=r-«izZ& 'he torch of the incendiary and the dagger of the tuauk smpendd over- Mv-^rtif. most cordial lympalJdes are wliolly with lier." PHEDICMON.—In the year 1268, the following prediction was made by the astronomer, Thomas Moult. In 1868, the spring' will be mild and beautiful, the summer dry and warrn; the au- irnin will be temperate- and profitable- for a.i| ;rops, which will yield well. Wheat will bo ilentiful and cheap in all countries. After AU- ;ust the vintage will be good and plentiful gen irally, causing wine to be cheap for which all he Christian world must thank God. : ^ * . —L— "Good-Bye, Finnesjans!" Irishmen, during the present campaign, will :O well to Temember the celebrated speech hieli Prank P. Blair—the copperhead nominee or the Vice Presidency—made in the Fenian ixcitement of 18GG. At the time that many Irishmen were leaving the United States for Ire- and, Prank happened to bo on a little bender, ivhen he made, the following speech: "Good- bye, Finnegans. You: go out with whole hides; we don't care how you come back. May you have a safe journey out, and along one—so long that you can never get back !" And this is the man whom the Democracy present for the suf- frage of Irishmen ! "We imagine they won't akc him down in very large doses. HP"Aunt Susan, 'aboutf seventy years old,' is "unanimous" on man. She says if all the men were taken off she'd make arrangements for her funeral right away. She also says, "suppose aU the men were in one country and the women i another, with a big river between them; Good gracious! what, a lot of poor women would be drowned!" Governor Fenton has appointed Gen Patrick II. Jones, the present clerk of the 3ourt of Appeals, Register of the city of New 'ork, in place of Charles G. Ilalpine, deceased, it is understood that the fees of tho office will >e passed over to Mrs. Halpine by General Tones. Advertising. There is nb doubt that the great lever in the intension of a business, in these go-abead Limes, is advertising : but the immense popular- ty of that tiulebrated remedy for dyspepsia, liv- r complaint, nervous debility, etc., .Boofiand's German Bittera, is not so much owing to the fact that it has been extensively advertised, as ti3to the greutmerit of the article. Aworthless rticle may thro' publicity, acquire a short lived oloriety, but it requires the basis of true merit n order to sustain itself for any considerable ength of time. Hoofland's German Bitters has ieen known to the American public 'for more ;han twenty yeara; each day adding some new roof of its virtues and great curative proper- ies. This Bitters is entirely free from all alco- holic admixture. Hoofland's German Tonic is a combiaation of ,11 the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure !anta Cruz Rum, orange, anise, etc., making a preparation of rare medical value. The Tonic is used for the same diseases as the Bittere, in ases where some alcoholic stimulus is necessary. Principal Office 631 Arch St., Philadelphia, 'a. Sold by druggists and others, everywhere. {gl put off with anyother whenyou jail for Barrett's Hair Eestorative, in eightoz. jottles. SfpYVistuVs Balsam of Wild Cherry is "a lombinntion and a form indeed" for healing and luring diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. [t cures a cough by loosening and cleansing the ungs, and allaying irritation; thus removing the ;ause, instead of drying up the cough and leav- ng the disease behind. mm A TERRIBI.T; TRUTH.—Caustic solutions for Ca tarrh drive the disease upon the lungs. Dr. Kennedy's Permanent Cure for Catarrh is suc- cessful, because it soothes and heals the ulcer- ated membrane of the nosu and throat, It is sold bo druggists. BY TELEG-RAPH. NRVT YORK, 15.—American Gold 1.46J. YORK, H.—Two officers of the Twenty- ;hird Precincc were conveying aprisoner to the tation-house, on Saturday evening, when they were set upon by a gang of rowdies, and their prisoner was rescued. An>hour after, the same officers arrested a ring leader of the gang, and were again assaulted, but being reinforced made good the capture. The two officers who reinforced them, how- ever, were seriously injured. F. Eeare, the prisoner, was hold in §1,000 bail. An attack on the police was also made by rowdies in Brooklyn. The obsequies of R. W. Broswell Fisk, who, for many years, was an eminent member of the Masonic Fraternity, took place yesterday at St. Ann's Church, 18th street. The funeral was attended by members of all the lodges in this jurisdiction. The Temains were deposited at Cypress TII11 Cemetery. Kev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., and three other clergymen, with city congregations, preached open air sermons in various parts of the city yesterday, generally to well behaved and de- corous audiences. It is ascertained that agents of the French Government have been actively engaged in dif- ferent parts of this country during the past three months in purchasing long forage for the French army: Horses, suitable for cavalry and artillery purposes, have also been purchased by them.— A considerable amount .of long forage has al- ready been shipped to New York for tranship merit across the Atlantic. TimeB.special says: No doubt now exists but that the future policy of this Government toward Mexico -will be the establishment at no distant day of a protectorate over that Kept/ : .c. It is probable that the Mexican Government will very soon take initiatory step in this matter by legis- lative action and that the departure of Minister Kosecrans will be delayed nntil further informa- tion is received on the subject. It is not improbable that as a remuneration for the proteetorateship, several of the Northern Mexican States, tho real estate of which is now mostly owned by'citizens of the United States, will be ceded to us. Herald special says : The President, in con- sequence of the shooting affray of the negro Zouaves, in Washington, on Thursday, has reit- erated his order for the disbandinent of the militia in the district. The order was given to Gen. Grant last No vember, but he has not obeyed it* "The Presi- dent has notified the Secretary of "War of the fact. Instructions will accordingly be given immediately to Gen. Canby. ¥HBELER & .WILSOFS BUKHETS. Ashes—Market nominal at [email protected]. Cotton—Market firm at 2?@29i for M. tf. t Flour—Receipts 14,138 bbls. Markel dull. Sales6,100bbls.at [email protected] sup.finestate and western [email protected] for choice ex. state; 8.60@10.'75 for common, to choice extra_ west ern; [email protected] common to good shipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio. Rye flour quiet at [email protected]. Wheati-Receipts 7,000 bushels. Markel steady. Sales 27,000 buBh. of choice No. 1 Spring ai 2.15; white Can. 2.60. Corn—Receipts 104,000 bushels. Market dull. Sales 24,000 buah. of choice mixed western at [email protected]. > , •• Oats steady at 82@83 for Western. Pork—Market closed heavy. Saies l,2S0TDarreiB at 28.50@28 : B6 new-megs; Beef quiet. •.'•'' '•'• AMUSEMENTS. arvest Dance, at H. O. Ma»on'« Hotel, Depeyster, frl- day Evening, Aug 21. harvest Dance, at Burnham'a Hall, Dekalb Village, Fri- day Evening, Aug. 28. 300,000 WITNESSES TESTIFY THAT W X G- ]VLa,oliiiie ARE TflE BEST. Tills Machine receives the Highest Premium over 82 i. at the Great Paris Exposition, Tho only one received by any Sewing Machine Com- pany. HA who intend purchasing Sewing Machines ihould call and examine the "Wheeler & Wilson. It is nrlvalltid hi excellence. d i . w Blelgs, Secretary of tlie American Institute says : . There is emphatically but oneSewing Machine, and that is "Wheeler * "Wilson's. T am thoroughly satis- fiedof tlie fact and have recently purchased one for my »wn family. DODDS & BUTTON AGENTS, J0DSON BANK BUILDING, GT FORD ST. QEO. A. DODDS. [apl8d&wtf) JNO. BWTTON. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS Great Reduction in Prices. Owing to the depressed condition of the market I now itfer my immense stock of D KTGOODS Consisting of Black & Colored Silk*, Alexander, Frcncli &; Xrinlk Poplins, Black A- Colored iirenadlnes, Black :y Colored Alpacas. GCN6HMIS, PIQUES, FRENCJK .TACOHETS, Organdies, And iii fact everything in the line of Dress Goods at 25 per cent below our former prices. JUST RECEIVED 200 DOZ. HOOP SKIRTS At Prices that cannot betoeatin Northern New York. MILLINERY GOODS Of all kinds at wholesale And retail. In this particular, branch we defy competition and will not be undersoil E3g is no hUTnbug,bnt facts which can be proved by calling at M. FRANK'S, (diw 53 Ford Street, Ogdensburg. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Johnson Bros. AT THEIR HEW STORE, t3T STATE STREET, Have jnst opened and are now offering for »alo a splen- did Summer stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, AT PRICES THAT BEPlf COMPETITION. THE STOCK EMBRACES iit tlie Proni a Shoe lace to the Wneat Work made. g T W e manufacture to order French ana American Calf Boots and Shoes, Sewed or Pegged, atTteasonatile Bates. ^ i AND SEE POK YOUKSELVES. Next Boor to the Post Office, State Street. Ogdensburff. (je3dSw2m) JOHNSON BROS. iBfcKP^iHisf . !A GENEJUTJ ELIICTJON IS TOBEHELD m, TBS J\. Oounty-bf Stf.tiiwretfceoii the thlru day of-Novem- >er next,1868, atwhichare tobechd»entheofHc3r»men.r Lioned inthe notice from the Secretary of State, (a copy )f which is hereunto annexed, 7 ) viz : A Governor In the place of Kenben B. Fentbn. A Lieutenant Governor, in the place of Stewart L. Vooirord. A Canal Commissioner In the place of KobertO. Dorn. An InspoctoKofiSSteiPrlsoii^'tathe place. 3>t<Henry . Barnum. A Clerk ef the Court of Appeals, in the place of P»t- ct Henry Jones. All whose terms of office will axpire on the last day of ecember next. Thirty-three electors of President and Vice President if the United States. A Representative in the Forty-flr3t Congress of the MteaEtate»,,for4h;e flwenteenth Copgresrionil pjBr: rlctV-composed- of {he"ramhtie's of SS;' Ifawrence and- franklin. lounty OJicere^-AZsoto VeJSUcleA for said Oownty. Three Members of Assembly. A Special Surrogate in the place of Heber Sykes, ap- ointed to fill vacancy occasioned by the removal* from jie county of Elam R. Paige. A Superintendent ol the Poor in tlie place of Julius 'udson. Two Justices of theSeselons 'In the-placeif.of Silas laldwln and; George G.Simons. ••-•••>- Two Coroners in the place of Grosvenor Swan and fohn B. Furness. All whose terms of office will expire on the last day of iecember,next. WM. B. TANNER, Sheriff. The followiBg:l8 the notice referred to.as received^from, *e Becretory«orBta« ^-jjj-Qy-^• ^Qg^ *** f "* FOR S H E OR TO iCENT FOR A IERH OF 1TJSARS. T HAT WBEL KNOWN FARM BBAUTIFUI.T,Y SIT^ Bated on the River St. Lawrence and next but one to the town of Prescott, on which the toll gate is bullti comprising 128 acres, more or less. The farm is we! wooded, watered, fenced, and cultivated. It has over IS acres of a hop yard in a high state of cultivation, togetl> er with a new hop kiln and store house, 24x86, of thj most Improved design, for drying, storing and pressing hops with a new screw press and alinecessary apparatus. There is also onthe premises a new stone dwelling house',oheandahilfstorles,;of a most convenient de- sign. The main or front building is 44x84 with a cellar the entire size. The back building, is 60x80, alto one and a half stories, comprising dining room,1utch'en and dormitories overhead, with a never failing wellatkitch"- en back door. The frame barn Is 50x80 ft. square ana surrounded by 200 feet of stone stables and sheds, form- ing three sides of a square and on an inclined .plane,, open on the south to the sun. There is a lawn' fronting the dwelling, surrounded by an English white-thorn hedge of over 3,000 quick-sets. Also a young orchard with a number of bearing fruit trees. : The farm will be sold together with the farming, uten- sils on moderate and easy terms of payment to suit all concerned. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. , THOMA8 DISSETT. J N. B.—The proprietor will guarantee to protect an] kop yard from the ravages of the hop louse, if his ad vice and plan is adopted and strictly followed. (ST-4S-1;) >,!.-.-'••. •' ••--•• . ...g... T- ROOFINa SLATE. JOHN GALT, Wholesale Dealerin Roofing Slalts; Sole Agent for N SW YOKE SLATE CO., MIDDLE GRANVILLE 6UteCo.;at,Mlddle.GtanviUe,N..'T.\ JEafcle Blate Co., O.M.\J)avey,* - Co; rtoa Joseph, Sheldon, Vennoni who manufacture a superior Red, Purple, Green and Va rlegated Slate. Also Agent for tne Chapman and Lehig Slate Co.'s of Pennsylvania, who manufacture superior black Slate. . „ - . . -. ' General Office 21 and SS, Tenth Avenue, wwTork.— Western Office, 66 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. AU orderi filled promptly and »t the lowest market rates. Send for Circular. JOHN GALT, (SS-SS-Sm) SI and 2S Tenth Avenue, Mew Tork. THE. Will commence its Fourteenth Annual SeBtlon, on y,^ ar«, address; W. WO HUDSON At Claveraok.N term openf ~- iii£ vorcatali ;|r; ^JBjKfi^isjpi, ; t .. „..,: Voi the Standard and'OmcUiilveiiof 8KTU0WBS & BLAIR. AiKolRrpr.eTeiyIibi«ry:«icli!f..wog? of pres= nt interest and permanent- value. 'No Democrat or ritnout resd :the best op- 1 fid"for circu- ^ ^ ^ f OFFIOK OF THE SECRETART OF gTATB, f 'o tlie SlLentf of 17te County of St. Jiwwrence.- Sir : Notice is hereby given that at the general elec. [onto be held In this State on the Tuesday succeeding beJlrst'»Ionaa'y'6rNovsmber;*§t, tlie foUowtog qflV- ers are to be elected, to-wit: A Governor iftjt^e place of, Keuben^E. jenton. A Lieutenant Governor ffii the- place 61 Stewart L. Woodforil. A Canal Commissioner Izi tlie place of Hobert C. Sorn. An Inspector of State Prisons in place of Henry A. Sarnum. A Clerk of the Court of Appeals in the place of Pat- KAll whose; termi.bf o£&ce will expire on the laat'day if December next. " ' " """ ~ Thirty-three Electors of President and "Vice Brcsldea .f the United states. A Representative in the Fony.-flrst Congress of the United States, for the' Seventeenth Congressional Dis- trict, composed of the counties of St. Lawrence and Franklin. Cownty Officers—Also to de elected for said County. I'hree Members of -Assembly... . „ A SpeclalfSurro^fejfi.Itttlie'platte-of HeJ>er;-Sykes ap- pointed to fill va&ncy occaslorief'tij tlie : removal from the County of Mam-fe'-Palfce. : •"•' A Superintendent of the Poor, In the place of Julia: "•"udson. Two Justices of Sessions in the place'of Silas Baldwin and George G. Simons. Two Coroners in the place of Grosvenor Swanand ohn B'.Ixiraessl , « All'>Khgseterm3)of office will expire on Uie last dayiof Decemhecpext, J . _J You are-without delay to deliver ^copy of the above notice to the Supeijyis6f"orrorie '.67 tK% Assessors of each town or ward in youY corm'ty"; S,od also to cause a copy f said notice to be published in all the public news: papersminted inyour county; once a %eek, nntil ffiS electibn;" BespeOUulry yours, &c.,~ ; f?r"; '-.-'' , ; '.I ' r, ; '•:,: HOMBE ^,-NIILSON, •' :[a'n5aiawiwta)i'' " 'Secretaryof Stater- NOTICE. OF S AXiE,..'; Custom House,"dga'ensljiir . Collector's Office, .Augli,_lS68. N OTICE IS HBUEBY - GSvSlN •-THAT* 'THE following,described merchandise seized for being il- egaily impprteaintd the. United Statesi.will besoldat public auction, in pursuance of the provisions of the act )? the 2d of April, 1S44, and 1 tlie aineiidnient-thereto, passed February 28th, 180^;, and oftti&act:blthe '8th o Au"gust,lS16. and of the act entitled "an act further to prevent a'mnmrilnfc* ' ----' T '^ '-" -""" -' " Custp: the'2i. in the:fbrenooni-viz: 2 bottles, whiskey. S bottles brandy. 2'lbs tobiicc'p;4- 11 bottles brSndy-2 carpet bags. 6 bottles brandyr^ can- teens whiskey. 9 lbs dried currants. 1" lbgreen feaj, 1 pall and 30 lbs. butter, lot of old cornelian stones.' 1 gillcaii,gin, 1bottle-brandy. 1 ','J. •' [aulldlaw-Tu-Stj, &EO. i?AHEER, Cellector. Ayer's Cathartic 'Pills, aU Medicine. the purpdisea. of a 'Laxative Perhaps no one .medi- cine is so'-uiuversalry re> quired uy everybody, as " a cathartic, nor was. ever" -anyibeltore so universal/ ly ^adopted mto use, in every cormtryandamong alliclasses, as this mile but' efficient -purgative Piiit'- ffiiS obvious fea>. son.is, tttat ; iiis a mqre^e* liable an&Tte more effec- tual remedy than any . . other.' Those who have tried it, Enow" that it cured'them; thos'ewno have not> know that it'Ciires-th'cur iieighbor^s/antljfrieiidaj and all know tuatTvhat-it does once it does always -i-tliat itnever foils through any TauM or neglecto'S its composition. We have thousands upon tho.u- sands of certificates of iieirremarkalile cures of thV following complaints, but such cures are tnojvriai. every .neighborhood, and we need not publish them, Adapted to all age3 and'isbnditions in;all : cKihates; containingneither calomel or any Seleteriousdrug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. . Their sugar coating "preserves them ever fresh andmatea them pleasauttotake,ivliilebemgp.urelyvfegetablo no harm canarise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful .infiuencej on. the internal viscera to purify tlie Wood and stimulate i; into healthy action—remove the obstruction's Of the stomach, Trowels, liver, and oflier organs..of the body, restoring their irregular actiontohealth, and liy correcting, wliereyer,tiiey exist, such derange- ments asaretheiirstorigiivofdisease. . r r; - •' TWinTitn directiibns' are given in. the wrapper on tae "box, Tor tile follpvriiis coinpla3iits,^vliicli tliese Pills rapidly cure:— : "" ' For n.ri»iiop«ia or ImiigeRtion, tistlcss- ness, I^nisha'r ™aio»« of-Appotitte, they should be taken moderately to stimulate tlie stom- ach and restore itsihealthy toneiand action. For Iiiver Complaint arid its various syinp- toms, Bilious Hcanlacbe, Sick Bcailaclic, faumilicc or Chrecn Sickness, tBilioos Colic and Bilious levers, tliey shouliTbe ju- diciously taken for each case, to.coteect the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause-it.- For Ilfncnter.r or n i a r c b o e a , Uiit .one mild dose is generally required. For IMicumattem, Cout, Orarcl, Palpi tation of *Iic Heart, Pain in the Side, Back and Koine, they should be continuously tafcen, as required, to. change tlie disSasedcactionof tlie system. With such change those ceuhplaints disappear. ",-.a.'.-•-«'•• - •• For »rop»y and Dropsical 8wcHin«» they should be taken, iularge anafrequent-dosgs.tp'prff. ducethe-effecrofa drastic purge." •. •": ij'.^i Tor Supj»rc»sion a large dose shouldilje'takeri as it produces tho desired effect by sympathy; i .'» As a Dinner Pill, take one' ovtmy-Bitt* totpror mote digestionanajelieve the stomach'; .'.•• ' J: :,'••- -toroccasional dose stimulates the"stiomach-and bowels into healthy action, restores thfelippetife, and invigorates the system-.'- Hence M'is open a&- vantageous where no seribus> derangement ''exists. One who leelstolerablyweD, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him' feel deciaeaiy'be'tter,.from their cleansing and renovating effect on/the diges- tive apparatus. ; • . ;. " .4 T. C. A.TXS& &CO ZOWXJX,!,. MASS., ViS : . T ABraS.fAEEPABraOUEASNOTjqE. " THE SE All VEEBAti MMA'EB'EIIIIJI . (Warranted Jrench.) ". ^'i, .. Theaa Pills, so celebrated'ffiany years agio In Paris, foi the relief of female irregularities and afterwards BO no toriquis for their'criminal employment in ! the^factice'of abortion, arenbw offered for sale for the first, wne In America. They have been kept in cbmparativ^qSscurity^ from this fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau,.-f 8 a phy- tician isi Paris, of great wealth', ahastript cpiijcientlBi! principles, and has withheld them from generalise, lest' they slitrald ^e employed for unlaiTfal porjipses'; "ia oy'er* oomlrie Female Obstructions, Klling r of trie ""Wom6. and on slight exertion,, Palpitation of the BeaJtr, fiys.teriBs 4c, and will effect a eurewjieh 'ill other means tey£ •failed'; ;and although a powerfatremeay, do ;^p,t'CO!Qtain. calomel-or anything hnrtful".tb the.constitution."" ' ? - • To marriefladies and yqung';'girls\,#hu' .Mve;_njpfei eenTegiiiatea;tliey arepec^iliarly4Mted. Tiieywiil^' short tiine, bring on the-inontfily period' JjfitifiezBla. --.--— •. • • .-..•-•- .; -;,-. .-•;:;.- ~c:~ &r.^ to ^roqnee a miscarriage; - -: •- . ~. s --• is'cah'oBtaWa boxsealea Kbm 'theha'^eB-' oPShi cnriousl Venelpiifig One-HoMHndisixppBtaKe^jimpi to M. WjM^edMBBai.GeneralAge'nVfortiMte.d^ytss and Canaaas, at-Albany, S.'Tl, or to" any a^noriaei Agent. . .... ..-'-.','• '. fr--"" gold by.'J. C. Sprague, B. O'.'tainpheararid'pi'ffraibacji THIS' Dclamarre'* ~ r l'reDareffBy&iEASciEEBtBnBOHi, T _^_ paris, aEahighly recoinniende.dil)y.,tlie{ e^i I'aenlty pf France. -•, .. . "•';••'-'\ ;• Are a most energetic and.effeclent Eemei ;Sp,erina'torrli(ea of .Semlnja. ^Teajinessj .'™ iai Weakness.adsingfrom'secretHabitsorgexualExcfcssel Belaxatlbn* of "the Gemtii.Qrganf.; ,'W'eakSpiHe,;V"Iji&e 1 or"Brick-duat" deposits |id.the; tjrlne;,';ViSlky. i)is- chargeiit'ii^Janaai.the g6"a|tl» train of '&$&$ SrlSins 'from Oveinse dfEicesses. * ,' y v ',j -. ' APampttlet, contaipms,JalJ^attic.ularB.''«ltfrDlre< Uonsarid "' ' ---*-•--•---• ^—-- - am " lI.4ffaTof:c6»fctbanv-bne r wh».wl.. ... .., . . . . *Boies Jo'i*$Si . ASK FOB' DELAMAEBE'S SPECIFIC P l t M , ANfl '* ...' flit lr 1|)fV A '' nmrrBinn '' 1 '' •'*" •' * ""' - 0U1U*UJT • u ' v u e j i n u w mail; secwely. staled j Of th6 fpecSfiCd^prlCC"by tuiS ttuycrwircu*»gciJWJt,vf MJ-VU* ible-Proptletdrs, OSCAR G. M08ES 4 CO., 2T'Cortland StreetNew'York. -• -JiO.Spragneand*;O.rli»mphea! Agents for Ogdiensbiffifhi2I..T;.'-S '•'/. XstSOatweowly).! MILOH, OK or Eight'Weeks. ai) ;; •-: » WITHIN- ''' •'"''rF'T''<-"' r ^\!.'\';'. \V MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE ,N.Y. STAMfOS^INSf&DM.-^£fJBoff. f intelUjjent In- tructloChUtU "" '' standing o'f the issues before tbe, ;e ing it. Agents are eTerrwhere^ttn« portunlty. to ihake money^ever -p&e. larii «id'»ee;otir nber«l.«cnn»;»Bdi the work. ~Addres<- UmiBftiglW!- 00-, 441.Broom6gitiefclir.iy..'.: }J& ;,) j^Qgji^itKafisif For the StandatiiliiTOMillMffit Mn> SGltux- JJUXZ C(?£^4^K"*^Efdlspehsable.' •to/VinBttmdetEtand.- ing of tiie.politlcal^luaes^'l^e day->ndendors^d'.by the .leaders'bf tne^BepUDli&n';paHyV ' '.The'"claims 1 "of this- statesman totliegratiiade.of the nation are to clearly set forth inHhYs"volnrieithjtnqne''of i his admirers can afford to.-bVw|tlioiitAcopy.~,"Se'nd foccifculars: and.^£e our>lU)erarterjm8Sania.a5TuIl "aescrgUSn 'bfHUs^-great worte-'*SaafesS vDSifBD STATES PUBEIBHENffiCO No. 411 Broome St:?'NewTork. 5?/T;." A curious BJ»i|k,' .~lw,' '".'^".*.'.. AbeanttiiiliylUaitfafea^fcv6rj¥«:tnbfi»»ad ow lars, sent free on receipt of>50 cents by addressing t~'~. "i ••-• Dr.JOHN VANDEHEOOL. No. 80 Ollnton.PUoe, New Tort Oiftf. COTTAGE HIM. "SEHiRART;—Kr Lewis J^ on an : 4'climate unijirpasied. t^GEOt T. IOTi^tte ST. Seven pe^e'entfirst^znortsftge: .bpndsO February .and August coupons. Theearnings of the complete *• Koad tbPil5t3n^arenoCmoretb:anthentere tire mortgage. Tlie prpceecle ,bf tkeBe bbndB«e adding to tlie secttrity every day. *Uver "^8,001)^000 "Kave. been spent on tneproperty^and ! h6t r overl$2i000jp00 Jof '.b^)hdi issued thus far. Tlie constantly lncreMlng traffic ot carrying Ore, Trtth the_prpspecjj_6f cbn&olffig alfthetrav' el from St. Xiouis'to .the> So^i^ierii' .^tates, ensures &M enormpna.,ihct>nle. .She ,X>irector^ q^m..el£htrientiis of the stockforinvestment and are;iinterested to enrich the property as well as to economize its expenses. , " ' iaOSJLittti;g&Mei$'Pfr/hoj&S]av: We, the undefslgnea, ^ofagfliy' fecbmmeiid''tliese' 7 per cent raortgage bbnds.otjthe St. louls.andlron lloun- tain Railroad, asja good security;. .3?h : e. ^evecue of the Boad will be large^' r and/tne'!adia&i&tratlon of'the affairs o{ the. Company is in ,capa6ie and experienced liancl;, and"-is Is entitledto the^grea^strconffdencfof'tne pulH 1 JaiheB'Sl'Tliomats; Mayor of St;5fepnls.-'*"'"' .J^ohn. 3. Koe,.PreB't St.Xpins 'CBamber of. C,9_ ISl'W. Fox,,Pr>8identSt.;E6ms3B)arft of¥rade?* , Barton Bates.Bfes. NdrtirJfliEBpnrLKaUroad.. ._ J.H. BrlWqn.^reSi'NatfBaiilcftrState bf'siou-' •-"-*• , "VKm.'Ii.- Ew&g; Pre's. of UkeMer. N...B.mo.fgt, t.(jui3. ' J Geb> H. Rea, Pres. SeconffMtional Bank, St.- 'fcJi'*•- Jas J5Eads'i0hief J3ng $iB^@ and 111 JJriSge Co , Pre. SecMtal Bank, St.- 'fcJi*- Jas. J5..Eads,',i0hief J3ng. $i.jB^@ and 111 JJriSge Co. Geos W. Taylor, Pres: i?abif|c : fiaiu-oid i -(bf-Mo!)' ^"'• J ^Vm.Tassig,Pfei.:'Tr.adea|ati^^t l Louis.;.. . ", ^.ohn •% iioiiberger, J ^ f i ^ ^ '• ' 'AdpiphiMi^i Adpiphi»sMeui;^ Sobert"BartK,-'Pfes; , 2?ew" , - .- . , 2?ew E.'Dl Morgan 4 Go W V B d S G ..pie3 es;. German "YofJs~R.ef . ••J. H:-Swif d f T c ; NJ Phelps,;— E.'Dl Morgan 4 Go. •• J. H:-Swift -Isaac ; NJ Phelps,;— W. V. Brady ; S. Gandy f TCT. Blodgett.;- &'. S.IJno-; Geo. D. Thelps:. ; .; (CJ* ' "'•" r' k ^ ' PampEIets With details can:!b\' had at lhe> New Tork Agency. ^Alimitednumber."bf Bond'sjrillbe Bold' at the lo#'prlce of 85, giving%Ke -'accrneafctieresti-'tb'tBeUfiyi er. Parties liviDg'oiitoi; the'cltyi-inoti having corresr pbhaents here, caii send'-ttieifiunasto,ttie CasHef of theBankof the'Stee.of NewyOTk.aiid'fiionas will be returned by express, free of. charges. M g. &-.MA : RaUAHp,YiCe'yresjgimt, 43 TValLSt. .Chemical iplectrb' Silver plat&igSlnia; .make/i^ tdsfare as'good'as new."j Jf'or'sa!e : by .druggi Samples for trial WnVfr^e ; by: xaaiXyonrxe "*"_ m.' 'i ^*^~ " * J _. \' ^~" ' ***-— - -^ "j; i-^ 'OO77" - T lit _ trial BenVfr^e^by: ;jnail>on|T'eceiDt."oi Scents to pay for , sacking yuid rpbstage. ~&£$rk*i~J. .Chemist,'; iSQ^hn; S.tre.ejj i gbri.'^Connrfr ^ ; Willingtoworlrtenftours a day atJQie rate pfj$5 ;wlll find steady emplojjneht by calliDgr 6n, or ajaafessing Secretary, otthe Mechanics and Traders JExchapge, JSo. 51'libertyiSt.jNew.York., ,' ,• '/- ~'",,' : , , And will seU"mof e for the money thah.any "* '" ' - ' ' »-i * i -trf ^ .^STpuriD.ducementsfor'-f6rmirig-'Ciu!JB _are more toah doible that of any establiahment Intfe Country.' For the proof of Jhia assertipn,- pleasfe'examifie.i''6 : iii? terms to AgeiftSj'wflich are as follows: ' '" "_' £ead carefully and.compa.Te with the terms.for getting •up clubs as Edverti8ed'by ftther establishmeMii ' Any person sending™ Two dollars can- receive for tlie same a selection from- -the- following articles.: 1'wo ^not one) 00 picture Mof<*coo Albuma, 2'pdiri (not one pair)of Congress Bopts,-2pieces (not l)of Pants Pat- tern^ (not 15.5 bottle Kevolying.Caitor, 2 ; (not 1) worst- eaBreat:fast Shawls, orany2--articles (notl)teomoar exchangeiisfcf"• ~ '...••J':"- => ' We will also send 2tf piiriledf' notices of arlicles for sale at $1 each. ' ' - Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the same aselectlon•ffom.the.'follbwlngarticies: lovdsBeX,aine,ltflil|Smar^nies.quilt,2 (notl) 100 view Turkey Morocco Albums, 20 yds. Sneeting. Wool Square Shawl, 2,sets (npti)*GoldiJos6ffi Studs a <notl) Hair Guard ChainsVwiihgoiaplatea" trimmings. (TBe trimmiDgs of, these cBains are advertised by other con- cerns as Gold', which.laa deception, as they are, all of tSem gold platedO 2'(not"l) silver platedi tiaiia Biitter DiEhes., 2.(notl)siver plated, 5 bbietle'BeVoiylhg "Bas- tors, 2 sets (not 1) steelBladed Knives arid'Forks;'2 - (hot lyWbrstea'Promenaae Shajfls, 8 (hot one)' ladies 1 " lbng goiaplatedehain3,:3(npti). ladies' Eolid gold Double Rings, a (not l^gentg!.heavy chiied gold plated SingE. (These rings are''advertised:by other concerns as solid gold.whiphisafraucl^ipottlhepublie.) &(hotl) black Work Boxes or. writing aekss,,2"(nbt ..1) extra quality balmoralSkirtsi, Si' sets- (not 1) of JS*relry ana Sleeve Buh tons tOjmatch, 8 (not 1) superior Turkey Morocco Shop- ping.Bags, : ;3 paltsiKiotl) ladftiss 3BainbrM) : £ooiS. We will-also sena *J,grinted nptices of articiesifbf sals :at$leachi '• • " . - ; . ' , " Any person senaingifjye Dollarsi, (not six) can re- ceive for the same * eelection ffbnitae,foli6wing.articles : A black'OTcolored "'Alpacca DreEa Pattern, or a 1 ' Poplin Dress Pattern^ 1 Piece-bf JBrpjrn. or Bleached Sheeting, 1 engraved, i&x bbtHej Key6jylng,Ciastgr,'.iySi,' Buper- fine Casslmere, extra heavy, large sized White Quilt, 1 pair •Gsnt's l CalfBoots,.*y.as good wool'frocking; 2 (not 1) begtquality BaKaoralf Bits an aghtday-Clock,inade by Sfethl'honMS,i4ifast aoilble wiath cloth: for ladies' sacks or cMlBren?s;wjar,,S.siiver plated" calce> or card basket, far muff or capej wool; or long shawl, splenaia 1 clasp Family Bible, 4 yds 1 (not 3) a.euble width water proof clo.aking,. ?;ieta each, (not ong) Ivory Handle Knives, with eilver plated forksj 1 set of Lace Curtains ; We ¥iil:also_ eggd 60: printei notices of articles for sale at one dollfir eacfr.' '' ' ••••=-> Any person sett4ing.'Ten Dollar* can. receive for the sam'e.aselectjonjfrorD. the follofrlhg articles: Tiyas (not 4) double width-cloth for-clbaking.pr coating, & (not 2) bleached llnen'table cibtha wiih"2 '{apt i) dozen linen aima* napkins, Sp.yds,(npt^5j( heap1 carpeting* lS'yds, extra qualisy black or colored Alpaooa dress patferns,,14 yds extra quality poplin dress pattenuT silver hunting qasea watcn, new (not second hanaeajj 2 aba (not i) ' iypiy handledsteeLbladeiknives aiiafofks.i pr superi- or wool'blapkets, nice fur miijr afia^ape, .2 (not 1) en- graved silver plated ice Pitchers, 9 y3a (not f><c) wool easshnere for suit, 2 dbz, (not J) Rogers' beat silver P. forks, common sense sewing machine <the real article not a base imitation as used by bther concern^), 4 (hoi 2) honeycomb quilts, 1 2 (not' yip'iendld clasp Family Bi- bles. - ' "" We we will also sena prmted notices for 120 articles : for sale at one dollar each. • . - - - quality of other concern Bhe.aameira^ wana in jgoiootorafr.t * J h e s is better {tan those' "uiea by any tlie country. We are of the opinion thnt, after reading the above advertisement, some parties will ebmetbthe conclu3lon.lhat,they, .have been grossly swindled by,8omelof-ihe?6Gfijii'iift!;conce>n3ijiiilus city. We cannot offer to-the persbirjsenciirig us the largest amount of money for a month, a gilt of money or watches r as that is a violation of the law against lotte- ries 5, but in addition to the above Uberal terms, We will' sell to anyprie wliomay send- us ten> dollars, eleven ar- r'^aBa&getlis^#'to-l^'SeM&oii^(ier': tio1|Bffrom-^r^aBa&getlis^.#to-l^Se : i1ia'fbf'|20 : WwUl'seU-22'artfcIes'fr6m> list, allto-be sent inohe order. Sloney sent inregistered 1 letters or by a postal money order, or a draft,,at our risk. Catalogues sent to any address. P. S.—^AgentBwillplease notify us what firms have agents in their town or city and they will receive our most sincere thanks. THOS. h. KENNO & GO., >-->. j.-. -<r T ff<t"^4il^y!l?;'3^?Btigoj!toii|M fc LIFE, IISIIEMCi 00, 212 Broadway, New«York. All forms of Life and Endowment Policies issued; Thirty days grace allowed in payment of preminmt. Note taken for oae-lialf the premium.. ,_ .. '• AU- policies nbh-forfeiting after two yeifs. : ' v Jlkll^ollbfeS ffieontestable'afterlve yearsf Dividends declared and paid annually. The last Ulyiaena on Lift Policies was SO per cent. JAMES SIMONDS, Agent, -., G m t Western Eallway,Gffice, . '„' Ogaeniburg, NsiT.


I f

• I


o»lier-Baiiey's Quiet ing Syruprenteetbing, makes sick and weak cliUdren t

tor„ . . Strongtve3.mother8,)ce3t.jlay and:night. Is a"-*- • --""-"- .;, Only25 cent*. .**»**'iclne.fbr children.

•urn^ p 0 ? . B E A N D K i m S PJLLS. -"

'Age'-ls-not claimed as ainerit, only as.a sign of intrin-sic-worth; •' . . ' - . * , : ..

F-The*eally U3efulartlcle lives on wlthaBtrong vitality,tfieTpoorone "languishes for a time anathea-goes out.ea-sily: Branafe"th?s Pills:are evenprecribedby greatphy-sician's wheibthe bowels call loudly .for help, becausethej nevertalMo open and give relief. >:•

fiunafeasof thousands would consider It:acalamity Ifthese safe-faaily Pills could not be obtained^ It has.been officially settled that more of Brandretli's PlllsareBold thau.-all otherpilla put together. Merit sells them.

BrandretWsPUls'possess-.qnalitees which'restore eve-ry organ ana fibatin. the body to perfect health; arepurely, vegetabl'e"aha safe.for.every period of life.

irrnoip'aMLgeno'jr, BrSnareSh Honse, New Tori .' tyee ''B./BrandVeth," in white letters, in the ; Goyerit-:

menVstamp. ' ' • ' '8||b^l

i p i is as certainly cured as 'In-,termittenttentFever,, and as ,ce.rtainly'p're^vented as Small-Pox."—Rev. Ohas. Bj King,

I,X. D.i etc. :


CisSprescrSistion of Rev; Oiris. E. Krad^M. !S>ii. X>., &c, foe the prevention-and cure of • '

CON8UMPTIONEor the Kadicalonrepf Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh,andall affections of. the Lungs j Throat and Air Passages ; forGeneral &n4 3pedal Derangements of the Neuvoug i3ys-tem ; for Disorders of the Blood ; and for all functionalBlsordera of the Stomach and.Boweis.

The prepared Prescription Increases-trie strength anadeepens the color of the pale blood. It subdues_ the Fe-ver and ChiliSy and diminishes the expectoration. Itchecks tKe night sweats always in from' seven: to four-teen days. The appetite is invigorated and th"e patientrapidly gains flesh; the cough and difficult breathingare speedily.relieved ;. the. sleep becomes calm and re-freshing ; tli'e evacuation regular and uniform- All thegeneral symptoms of Consumption, Asthma, BronchitisAc,, disappear with, a r.eally astonishing rapidity.

The prescription should be uted in every, disease; bywhatever name-tnown, in which there is exhibited anyderangement of tee nervous or blood systems. It is un-equalled in female disorders, scanty or SuppressedMenses, 'Whites, &c:

The Sreparea prescription is both the best and mosteconomical raeaicine.that can be taken, l'he averagedose is two t'easpoonsful, taicen once a day. The patient

Irontorttie Blood; Anodynes fer the nervous irritationAcids for the NigHt Sweats ; or Whiskey or Cod liverOil for. tha wasting. Its-Specific Action.i3>upon the Con?stitutibnarCondltibn, anathrough'this condition -ppoShe whole series o'f Symptoms.

8TATSMENT. fKOM PATIENTS., 4c.College Hill, Cincinnati:—I.'Was-in the last stages of

Consumption. In ten days after taking the Prescriptionmy, Chills, Night Sweats, Fever &c., decreased andfinal-lyaltogether disappeared. . A mere Skeleton, before,now well storea.T7ith-£esh. My restoration is' a znar.vetto:all who Snow me.—airs. C. Ii. "Wfight.

Your Prescription saved my daughter's life and hasprobably, saved me hvmdreds o£doUats.-rr-Rev..E,Humph-

K ' N C ' S 'i f r e ^ f o r the benefit we have received from

youi; Prepares Prescription.—Key. P. Peregrine, Eloss-burgh,Penn.

Every one to whom I have recommended it has bene-fitted much by Its.use;-r-lSev. C. D. Jones, Haclne, Wjs.

The Prepared Prescription, is put up.in a $1 bottle,,andis sold in'Ogdensburgh. by J, 0. Sp.rague^ and. B. O. Xam-phear and'by Druggists generally, or orders may be ad-dressed to the Sole Proprietors, OSCAR G. MOSES « Co.27 OortlandtrBtreet, New York. Consultation free. Acircular, containing testimonials of many cases'- success-fully- treated, will be sent free, by mail-, to all who. willwrite for-it. . (sfelOdifcweowly)'

1S03. • 1847.. lSCS.In l'S02.the.granQfather of Dr. Tobias introduced the

Venetian Liniment in England: It was a success althothe price, wai a Guinea a. Bottle. . His late Majesty Will-iam IT, used it for Chronic Kheuqiatism and was entirelycuredj.after suffering for two years, his attending phy-sicians being unable to effect a cure, ana he wrote a let-ter of. thanks which is now in possession of my unciein Liverpool. I have offered £100 sterling for that letterbut it was refused. In ISMIputit out in the UnitedStates, and now, in 1S6S, tlTe sale is immense. Thou-sands of families are never withoutit. It is safeand in-nocent to apply externally or take internally. 1'or 21years I have warranted It to cure the following com-plaints : Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Colic,Cramps, Vomiting and Sea Sickness, taken internallyand Chronic Rheumatism, Burns, Outs, Bruises, OldSores, Toothache, Frosted .fleet, Swellings, Insect Stings,and pains in the Chest, Back and Xiinb3, externally. Itnever fails it used as directed ; for Cholera or Dysen-tery it is certain, if used when first attacked. Ko oneonce trying it will ever .be without it.

SoM by Druggists. Price 50 cts and $1.Depot, No. 26CortIandtSi.,Neif York.. Sold by all

ha Druggists and Storekeepers. (jy2id3taw&wlm');

PSOF. HAMILTOH'S SDOAK-COATED ROOT AND. PLANTPILLS—purely vegetable, and are the best in use. Theycleanse the stomach, purify the blood and prevent dis-ease. ?bysiycians use them; and all who try them willuse none others. Sold everywhere and by -B. O. Lam-phear, Ogdensbnrgh. • [37-S-ly]


Just published, ma- sealed-envelope. Price six cents.A iLectute on. the Natural Treatment, and Radical'Cureof Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, InvoluntaryEmissions, Sexual-Debility and impediments to Mar-riage generally; Nervousness', Consumption, Epilepsy,and l i te ;' Mental and Hiyslcal Incapacity, resulting ifrom Self Abuse, S.c., by RoJ>t. J. Onlverwell, M7I>,, an-'thor of the Green Book, &c.. '

A. Soon to Thousands of Sufferers. ,:Sent unaer'seal, in a' plain envelope, to any address,

postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stampsto 0HA3. J. C. KLINE, & C0,,12T Bowery, New York,|Post Office Box 45S6. " ,

Also Dr. CulverweU's Marriage Guide, Price 25 cents.,(my6d&w3m]

We are having a great many inquiries forsewing inaehine3 from various parts of the coun-try, and as we cannot conveniently reply to themiall by mail, we have thought it proper to stateour opinion in regard to them in this publicmanner. We have used Wilson's patent, man-ufactured by tho Wheeler & Wilson Manufac-turing Company, and we can say in regard to itthat it is without a rival.

It is simple, not easily put out of order whenin proper hands, andj in point of effectiveness(and finish, no other machine stands ahead of it.This famous Sawing Machine is highly appreci-ated the world over. We state this much in re-gard to the excellent machine upon onr own re-sponsibility.

The Company have made and gold during thelast three months about 13,000 machines, andare now producing and celling 130 per day."—Scientific Jkmericaii.

'• Doads & Button, 67 Ford Street, are agents

for the Wheeler & Wilson machines in this city.

U-jy-No losa can be more fata,! to beauty, es-

ipeciallj to the female sex, than the loss or theijitiir j glossy-,' luxiiEia-nt Iiaiir is orie of -tbe mostpowerful of personal charms. When baldness

or even a deficiency of thelmiv exists, wo natu-rally look for a dry and wrinkled skin, a fadedcomplexion; when not. actually seen we seethem in imagination. Why, then, not cultivateyour hair ? Encourage it and strengthen it;if your hair is gray or white, the natural colorcan be restored by a few application of Mrs. S.A. Altars improved .(new style) Hair RestorerorMssing (in oiio bottle,) pn'ge %\, Eyerydruggist has is.


THE PEAELT GATES.—Pure white teeth and aisweet breath, issuing like perfume from therose, through a pair of lovely lips), are, asShakespeare says, "an excellent thing in a wo-man." To keep the pearly gates of the mouthalways spotless, and the breath always fra-grant, it is only necessary to use the Sozodontdaily.

Spalding's GluOj always up to the stickingpoint.

:ertropical fragrance rises in invisibleclouds the moment a bottle of Phalon'a Flor deMayo, the new-perfume for the handkerchief, 13opened ; one single drop scents a handkerchief.Sold by all druggists.

m © x ir <? JK K..

ASIATIC CHOLERA.27(6 Strongest Proof of Intrinsic Merit.

Dear Sir: I should have acknowledged long ago thebox of Pain Killer you had the goodness to send melast year. Its coming was most provWentlal. I believehundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. Thecholera appeared here soon after we received it. Weresorted at once to the Pain Killer, using as directedfor Cholera. A list was kept of all to whom the PainKiller was given nnd our native, assistants assured usthat 8 outof every 10 toTvhoin it was prescribed, re-covered. It has, too, been very useful in various otherdiseases It has proved an incalculable blessing to mul-titudes of poor people throughout all this region. Ournative preachers are never willing to go out 011 theirexcursions without a supply of the Pain Killer. It givesthem favor in the. eyes of the people, and access to fam-ilies anil localities by whom otherwise they would bovery indifferently received.

Believe me, dear sirs, gratefuUy and faithfully yours,,J. ir. JOHNSON,

[jy21d3tawAwlih] Missionary at Swatow, China.

0HE0NI0 DISEASES, SCROFUIA, ULCERS, 4c.It is well known that the benefits derived from drink-

ing of the Congress, Saratoga, anc'l other celebrated!Springs, is principally owing to the Iodine they contain.,

Dr. H. ANDER'S IODINE WATER,Contains Iodine in the same pure state that it is feundlin these spring waters, but over 500 per cent more imquantity, containing, a3 it aoesljf grains to each fluid!ounce, dissolved in. pure water, without a solvent, a dis-covery long sought for in this country* and Europe, and!the best remedy known in the world, for Scrofula, Can-cers, Salt Kheuni, Ulcers, and all chronic diseases. Cir-culars free.

I)r. n. Anders' Iodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINS-MOKE, Proprietor, SB Dej; St., N. 'ST., and by aU Drug-gists. ' • '(jy2dlaw&wiw)

n to t l i e? B a i l e y ' s ftuictiiig S y r u p t l iogreat quieting remedy for children teething, allays alBpain, cures wind colic, convulsions, griping, &c. Largebottles 25 cents. Sold by Druggists,

Sola by J. C. Sprague.

Xo tafiies.—If you require a reliable remedy,•^by not use 'tBe'tiest ? Experience naa proved that

DR. MAS VST'S FEMALE PJZZSHave no equal, They are safe and sure in ordinary cascB._

Price $1 per box. ' . 'T>R. HAJtYEY'S CfO£l>& TSMAZE PILLS •

four degrees stronger than the above, are'intehaeS forspecial cases.'.and may always be relied on. , J

. Price J?iveDoUars per Box. ,^^luustrated private circulars sent free. Enclose

•stamp.If you cannot procure the Pills enclose the money ana

address Dr. J. BKYAN, 96 East 18 Street, New York, aad'they will be sent free from observation by return mail.

: " ' (ap28ad8tawAwly) :BASOHELOS'S HAIK DTE.

This splendid Hair Dye is the be3tin the: world! Theonly true and perfect Dye. Harmless, Reliable,Instan-taneous. IJTo disappointments. Ko ridiculous tints.—•;Matural Black-or. Brown.' Kemedieathe. ill effects of baddyes.' Invigorates the Hair,'leaving it soft and beanti-ful. The gennine is signed William A. Batchelor. AUotb.ersare.mere imitations, and shpuid.be avoided. Sold;by all artigjrfs'ts ana perfumers,' Factory 81 Barclay St.•VewTork. \ ' ' . . . (defaiwly) |

P H & I O N ' S « P A P H I A N J jOXION, '

For Beautifying the Skin and: Complexion.


Eruptions, Sreekles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, Taw,&a., and, theSJcin Soft, Fair a%& Mooming.

For LadieB In the Nursery it Is inyaluoble.

For Gentlemen after Shaving it has no equal.

"Paphlan lotion1' Is the only reliable remedy for dis-eases and blemishes of the Skin.

PHALON'S "PAPHIAN SOAP" -for liteToilet, Nursery ;and Bath. Will not. chap thieSkin. Erice 25 cents per cake.

F l o r <lo i r rayo.F l o r d e M a y o .

A New Perfume jor the Handkerchief. Exquiste, Del-icate, Lasting Fragrance. PHALON & SON, NewYork. Sold by aU Druggists. (mh21deodly)

r ic'an House,BOSTON, MASS.

THE LARGEST FIBST GLASS HOOSJ?Vertical'Railway, Suites and Single Apartments,1

with. Batting ana Water convenienciea connecting;Billiard ITallB, Telegraph Office and Cafe.

(jeiluttfth-B-8m) LEWIS EIOE A SON.

Oiily 'SS Cen t s f«>r t a r g e Bo»tles.--MothJer Bailey's Quieting Syrup for children, which greatly

by all Driiggiste Sold by J. C. Sprague,

^BrThe.beBtmeaicineiiitheporld is 2Qr. iLangley'sRoot and Herb Bitters—long a triedand s'tandard remedy.for'Ltver Complaints, Billions diseasss, Humors of theBloodandSkin, Jaundice ani Dyspepsia, Indigestion^OostiveBess, Headache, and all diseases, arising from Dis-ordered Stomach, Torpid Liver, or Impure Blood. They-cleanse thesystein,.pufify and new-create tlie blood,re-store the appetite/build up ana strengthen the wholeBoSy. CKEQ. O. GOODWIN & GO. Boston. Sold by.all Druggists. ,,. , . (mhj.?djbyjjn) '

DTE.This Bplenaid Hair Dye Is the best In the world; the

onlytrue and perfect Dye ;, harmless, reliable and in-stantaneous \ no disappointment; no ridiculous tints;remedies th'ejll effect- of' bad dyes; invigorates andleaves the hair soft; and beautiful black or, brown.. Soldby all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied atBatchelor's Wig Pactory^ 16 Bona St., New York.: ' • » : ' [ap3d*w6m]

"BLESSI3SGS BRIGHTEN AS THE! TAKE. THEIR'--- • ' I'EJ&ST:" . )•.tfioineviriends.and aUtieenjoyments of lifeseenvin-

:flnitelyimore.dear to the sufferer from ner,v.oa8 debility•when-theprbabilityasihat ere lqng;,,he'.must leave themforever. When, the health has become impaired, and .thestrength is failing, then life looks more alluring. Stim?ulants are the only means of of restoration in cases ofnervouS'Sebility. . The:great,difficulty has been to.pro'vide a stimulant possessing not only medicinal meritjbut one affording ipermanent.relief If Hostetter's Stofnuich Bitters isxesorted to in such cases, its beneficialeffect! will soonjbecome apparent in the buoyancy of8piritr>and;renewed' strength of .thei Mtherto. dejectedpatient '^Experience has prove!this ipr.epaiatlon; to be"The Kem'eay of the Age," for NerVQus!Debilityi, pa wellas all aiseases^arising from- derangement;of the atomacliuidliver.. i • ' . ' .. {I

Perion3~advanced in life, and feeUng-the]hand.pf timeweighing Jieaviiyjupon them-,."with all .its- jattendsnt'-illsiWill fihdin thff use- of Hostetter's Celebrated. StomacliBittersrr-an. elixir that will instil new life fnto their

- *eina" restore, itba.measnre, the ardbr, • and energy ofmore youthful days ; build up their shrunken forms^anigivehealth and vigor.-to their remaining years. Thosewho are in the Iea3t afflicted with Dyspepsia,. Ague1,•Langu()r,.Naus>av or any oti^er troublesome, and idanj-Kerous oisease, sH-rsirigifom.a disordered 'system, should



Glove Cleaner!wiii

Instantly clcaii Kid Glove*, withoutinjuries the most delicate color

and is entirely frco fromtiny Odor.

The Gloves can be cleaned on the hand and worn im-mediately. One bottle will save you tlie price of a oloz;en pairs of. Gloves. - I' ' For' sale by all Druggists and Eancy Goods Dealers. |None genuine -without the signature of

F. C. WELLS .& CO., 1£|2 Fulton St., N.T., '(mhl0d6m) . Wholesale Agents.



At a meeting of tbe Baltimore Conservatives,leld on the evening of the 12th, it waB deter-lined to support Grant and Colfax. A com-

mittee was appointed to draft an address to theConservatives of Maryland.

Delegates to the Assembly District andCounty Conventions.

At the Republican caucuses for the town of 03-wegatchie and city of Ogdensbnrg, held on Fri-day and Saturday, the following delegates wereappointed :—

Town Delegates—Assembly Convention: D.S. Giffin, J. Robertson, and J. A. Ferguson.—County Convention : C. Dubois, A. B. Laubing,and John Pickens.

First Ward—A. B. James, Peter Robertsonand A. A. Babcock to Assembly District Con-vention. H. R. James, E. N. Merriam and 3. Y.Chapin to County Convention.

Second Ward~Assembly Convention: W. C.Alden, G. W. Mack and Gardner B. Chapin.—County Convention : 3 . L. Jones, R. B. Lowry

and J, W.T|ercy.ThivA Ward—W.I. Proctor, George Parker

and Z. B . 33rTdges t o Assembly X>istricC Con-v-en-tiou. K. W. JudsoD, E. N. Persons and A. M.ilerriman.to County Conveillidli.

All delegates were empowered to appoint aub-

Stitutes in case of inability to attend themselves.Fire in Black

The dwelling house of Robert Kay, in the

Black Lake District, with ail He contend, wftadestroyed by fire on Thursday. No insurance:The family had been to this city and hnd return-fed home to find their dwelling in flames.

be a meeting of the 0. B, B( 0,

this (Monday) evening, at 9 o'eldck.

Eagle Hall—To-Night,

Hsselmayer's first Magic and Musical fehter-

tainment in this city will be given at Eagle Hall,to-night. A friend who had the pleasure of at-tending one of the Professor's entertainmentsat Montreal, pronounces it most wonderful andworthy of a ci'owded house;

Boat Meeting.

There will be a special meeting of the AthleteBoat Club at their rooms, this, Monday,evening,at half past eight o'clock. A full attendance 13requested.

X,. B. BDRT, Sec'y.August IT, 1SCS.

Base Ball.The friends of the National game of Base

Ball, will meet at Lisbon Center, on Saturdaythe 22d of August 1868, to play and organizea club. Time of, game. 2 o'clock, r. M.

MANY ADMIRERS. "Lisbon Center, Aug. 15,1868.

Water Pipes.

The water pipes are now going down rapidly.Up to Saturday evening about 4,000 feet hadbeen put down. Hereafter the gentleman havingcharge of the pipe-laying expects to put down amile a week.

Billiard Saloon.

The new Billiard room, in Baabrouck's block,will be open for visitors this evening. It is thebest appointed and furnished room in thenorthern part of the State.

Burst Up.

Howe's TranB-Atlantic Circus and Menagerie,which recently exhibited in this place, is now atCape Vincent in a state of collapse. The rainyweather, expensive company and hard times inCanada were too much for the state of its finan-ces. Sheriff Johnson, of Watertown, runs theestablishment at the Cape, in behalf of a Bostoncompany, and finds the expenses much largerthan the income. The animals of the meat eat.ing persuasion require seventy-five pounds of

fresh meat daily. Tho J?e/ojwe?' suggcBts tlratthe concern be taken to "Watertown and sold -atauction, us it would afford a rare opportunity to

purchase pets for family use. The elephantT»ouia be a "big thing" to take care of children.

Nice Apples.

W. J. Smith of Depeyster, has tickled theeditorial palate with a specimen of Early Har-vest apples. Depeyster can grow good fruit

and Mr. Smith has the trees.

Another Sound Democrat.

An out of town Democrat, saidin our office onSaturday, " I have always voted the Democraticticket, but I can go it no longer. I would aasoon vote for Satan himself as Seymour. I shallvote for Grant." "Things is workin" up this

way.. « .

Base Ball.

MOKLEY, August 12th, 1868.A sharp and very interesting game of Base

Ball came off to-day upon the grounds of the" Clumsy Club," between the Clumsy BB. C. of this place, and the lazy B. B. C. ofNorfolk. The Lazy club is anything but what itsname indicates,butit could not stand the tremendous pitching of McKenzie, combined with thesplendid catching of Witherbee.

The utmost good feeling prevailed, and theNorfolk boys expressed themselves ashighly pleased with the gentlemanly treatment

which they received at the hands of the Morleyboys.

The Clnmsy's are hard boys to beat, and willdoubtless make it "hot" for some of the crackclubs of thi3 vicinity before snow falls/

Many thanks are due to John Miller, Esq., ofCanton, for the prompt and impartial manner inwhich he rendered decisions.

Below we give a score of tho game.

uiTatuav io uvuii/ UUUK I**W w~~»j^--•— -* -;j — —

Uy increasing ydartoy year, is aufficient in itself to aarm .fliemos.t skeptical. ' ' (au5d*!»2w)

» i : • - - ;- • • . - - •• . • • \

• - IHTSaVE tire ehiiaren.^Multitnaea of .them .Buffer,linger, »nd diej.because of BinWorms. Theonlyieffect-:ual remedy for these mo3ttrduble»ome and dangerons,of»11worms inchirafen oraauliai H found in. Dr. Gould'»Mn-Worm Syrup: Purely vegetable; >ssf« and certain.—A valuable cathartic; and Beneficialitoiliealth. aKO.10.GOOPWIN* CO., Boston, and all Druggist!!. ' •>.

• . t - - • • - • • • > ( m l i X 7 d * w 6 m ) 1


THoWpsoii •&$'

Are solo Agents in Ogdei>3burg, for the

" F a m i l y , Fayoi i io?, ' -?.- W e e d m a c h i n e .

The simplest ana best. Least liable to get out of orderana the.,beat Hemmer, Stitcher anil Feller in,u3e. TheAgency of'the Weed Machine is how at our store insteadof at J. AlIendorph'B, as formerly. I

. . • • . , • ' . • • t j : , , . , ' . • • i i

. . . . . , Ii

••' CJ iNyVte iT • iSfe'' 3E5«l*:©jr*is,, !

"Xn Ola Favorite,'trfeaia.ml.apprbved-for years'. .

^Oall before purchasing elsewhere ana get a gooa Machine and a good * * s a > - £

ljy23aSwly.]• 7 : . : . l : ? r - - > >

H 0 £ p s 0 N g iNo. 9 Eagle Block, Ogdensbiirg.


Witherbee, c.Oorey, 2d b.Whitney, 1st b.Newton, 3d b.UcKenzie, p.SpaulSing, s. s.Baker, 1. f.

O. E. LAZY. O.. B

2 6 Eag'an, 1st b . 1 4> 13 2 Town, s. 8. 28 '8-'Castle, c. 34 2 Drew, 2d b. 24 3 Mitchel, r. f. 32 2 Austin, p . 35 1 Hale, 3d b. 3N,WhUne7,r.!f. 2 3 Wilbcr, c. f. 8

Fenton, c. f. 2 3 Gandrews, 1. f. 4 0

21 U 21 16


1 2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9Lazy—1 1 1 0 1 4 2 0 0—16

Clumsy—5 4 G 2 1 1 4 0 2—24ITMT CATCHES—Lazy 8. Clumsy 8.

MUFFED 'BALLS—Lazy 3. Clumsy i .

PASSED BAixs-r-Lazy 'j. Clumsy 6.UMPIRE—John Miller.SCOREKS FOR C. B. B. C—Rob't Scruton.

" L. B. B. C.—K. C. Brinckerhoff.

Time of game, two hours and fifteen minutes.

jgyVallandigham is stumping Illinois forSeymour and Blaiv. He made a speech in Con-fess, on the Gth of July, 1861, just before thelattle of Bull Run, in which he uttered the fol-owing atrocious sentiment, which dug hislolitical grave:

"Then, Sir, I ainnot a Southern man either—aWimigh in. fjiiis most unholy and unconstitutionalcrusade agawt tho Soiifli, in the midst of the m-

sumdwi and murder to which she has been sub-tectj and -with -wliiclx slie i s st i l l -tlireatened-=r-«izZ&'he torch of the incendiary and the dagger of the

tuauk smpendd over- Mv-^rtif. most cordiallympalJdes are wliolly with lier."

PHEDICMON.—In the year 1268, the followingprediction was made by the astronomer, ThomasMoult. In 1868, the spring' will be mild andbeautiful, the summer dry and warrn; the au-

irnin will be temperate- and profitable- for a.i|;rops, which will yield well. Wheat will boilentiful and cheap in all countries. After AU-;ust the vintage will be good and plentiful genirally, causing wine to be cheap for which all

he Christian world must thank God.: ^ * . —L— •

"Good-Bye, Finnesjans!"

Irishmen, during the present campaign, will:O well to Temember the celebrated speechhieli Prank P. Blair—the copperhead nominee

or the Vice Presidency—made in the Fenianixcitement of 18GG. At the time that manyIrishmen were leaving the United States for Ire-and, Prank happened to bo on a little bender,ivhen he made, the following speech: "Good-bye, Finnegans. You: go out with whole hides;we don't care how you come back. May youhave a safe journey out, and along one—so longthat you can never get back !" And this is theman whom the Democracy present for the suf-frage of Irishmen ! "We imagine they won'takc him down in very large doses.

HP"Aunt Susan, 'aboutf seventy years old,' is

"unanimous" on man. She says if all the men

were taken off she'd make arrangements for her

funeral right away. She also says, "suppose aU

the men were in one country and the women i

another, with a big river between them; Good

gracious! what, a lot of poor women would be


Governor Fenton has appointed Gen

Patrick II. Jones, the present clerk of the3ourt of Appeals, Register of the city of New'ork, in place of Charles G. Ilalpine, deceased,

it is understood that the fees of tho office will>e passed over to Mrs. Halpine by GeneralTones.


There is nb doubt that the great lever in theintension of a business, in these go-abeadLimes, is advertising : but the immense popular-ty of that tiulebrated remedy for dyspepsia, liv-r complaint, nervous debility, etc., .Boofiand's

German Bittera, is not so much owing to thefact that it has been extensively advertised, asti3to the greutmerit of the article. A worthlessrticle may thro' publicity, acquire a short livedoloriety, but it requires the basis of true meritn order to sustain itself for any considerableength of time. Hoofland's German Bitters hasieen known to the American public 'for more;han twenty yeara; each day adding some newroof of its virtues and great curative proper-ies. This Bitters is entirely free from all alco-

holic admixture.Hoofland's German Tonic is a combiaation of

,11 the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure!anta Cruz Rum, orange, anise, etc., making apreparation of rare medical value. The Tonicis used for the same diseases as the Bittere, inases where some alcoholic stimulus is necessary.Principal Office 631 Arch St., Philadelphia,

'a. Sold by druggists and others, everywhere.

{gl put off with any other when youjail for Barrett's Hair Eestorative, in eightoz.jottles.

SfpYVistuVs Balsam of Wild Cherry is " alombinntion and a form indeed" for healing andluring diseases of the throat, lungs and chest.[t cures a cough by loosening and cleansing theungs, and allaying irritation; thus removing the;ause, instead of drying up the cough and leav-ng the disease behind.

mmA TERRIBI.T; TRUTH.—Caustic solutions for Ca

tarrh drive the disease upon the lungs. Dr.Kennedy's Permanent Cure for Catarrh is suc-cessful, because it soothes and heals the ulcer-ated membrane of the nosu and throat, It issold bo druggists.

BY TELEG-RAPH.NRVT YORK, 15.—American Gold 1.46J.

YORK, H.—Two officers of the Twenty-;hird Precincc were conveying a prisoner to thetation-house, on Saturday evening, when they

were set upon by a gang of rowdies, and theirprisoner was rescued. An>hour after, the sameofficers arrested a ring leader of the gang, andwere again assaulted, but being reinforced madegood the capture.

The two officers who reinforced them, how-ever, were seriously injured. F. Eeare, theprisoner, was hold in §1,000 bail.

An attack on the police was also made byrowdies in Brooklyn.

The obsequies of R. W. Broswell Fisk, who,for many years, was an eminent member of theMasonic Fraternity, took place yesterday at St.Ann's Church, 18th street. The funeral wasattended by members of all the lodges in thisjurisdiction. The Temains were deposited atCypress TII11 Cemetery.

Kev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., and three otherclergymen, with city congregations, preachedopen air sermons in various parts of the cityyesterday, generally to well behaved and de-corous audiences.

It is ascertained that agents of the FrenchGovernment have been actively engaged in dif-ferent parts of this country during the past threemonths in purchasing long forage for the Frencharmy: Horses, suitable for cavalry and artillerypurposes, have also been purchased by them.—A considerable amount .of long forage has al-ready been shipped to New York for transhipmerit across the Atlantic.

TimeB.special says: No doubt now exists butthat the future policy of this Government towardMexico -will be the establishment at no distantday of a protectorate over that Kept/ :.c. It isprobable that the Mexican Government will verysoon take initiatory step in this matter by legis-lative action and that the departure of MinisterKosecrans will be delayed nntil further informa-tion is received on the subject.

It is not improbable that as a remunerationfor the proteetorateship, several of the NorthernMexican States, tho real estate of which is nowmostly owned by'citizens of the United States,will be ceded to us.

Herald special says : The President, in con-sequence of the shooting affray of the negroZouaves, in Washington, on Thursday, has reit-erated his order for the disbandinent of the militiain the district.

The order was given to Gen. Grant last November, but he has not obeyed it* "The Presi-dent has notified the Secretary of "War of thefact. Instructions will accordingly be givenimmediately to Gen. Canby.



Ashes—Market nominal at [email protected]—Market firm at 2?@29i for M. tf. tFlour—Receipts 14,138 bbls. Markel

dull.Sales6,100bbls.at [email protected] sup.finestate

and western [email protected] for choice ex. state;8.60@10.'75 for common, to choice extra_ western; [email protected] common to good shippingbrands extra Round Hoop Ohio.

Rye flour quiet at [email protected] 7,000 bushels. Markel

steady.Sales 27,000 buBh. of choice No. 1 Spring ai

2.15; white Can. 2.60.Corn—Receipts 104,000 bushels. Market

dull.Sales 24,000 buah. of choice mixed western

at [email protected]. > , •• •Oats steady at 82@83 for Western.Pork—Market closed heavy.

Saies l,2S0TDarreiB a t 28.50@28:B6 new-megs;Beef quiet. • . ' • ' ' • '•'•

A M U S E M E N T S .

arvest Dance, at H. O. Ma»on'« Hotel, Depeyster, frl-day Evening, Aug 21.harvest Dance, at Burnham'a Hall, Dekalb Village, Fri-day Evening, Aug. 28.



W X G-

]VLa,oliiiieARE TflE BEST.

Tills Machine receives the Highest Premium over 82i. at the Great Paris Exposition,

Tho only one received by any Sewing Machine Com-pany.

H A who intend purchasing Sewing Machinesihould call and examine the "Wheeler & Wilson. I t isnrlvalltid hi excellence.

d i. w Blelgs, Secretary of tlie American Institutesays : . There is emphatically but one Sewing Machine,and that is "Wheeler * "Wilson's. T am thoroughly satis-fied of tlie fact and have recently purchased one for my»wn family.



QEO. A. DODDS. [apl8d&wtf) JNO. BWTTON.



Great Reduction in Prices.

Owing to the depressed condition of the market I nowitfer my immense stock of


Consisting of

Black & Colored Silk*,

Alexander, Frcncli &; Xrinlk Popl ins ,

Black A- Colored i i renadlnes ,

Black :y Colored Alpacas.



And iii fact everything in the line of Dress Goods at 25per cent below our former prices.



At Prices that cannot betoeatin Northern New York.


Of all kinds at wholesale And retail. In this particular,branch we defy competition and will not be

undersoilE3g is no hUTnbug,bnt facts which can be proved

by calling atM. FRANK'S,

(diw 53 Ford Street, Ogdensburg.




Have jnst opened and are now offering for »alo a splen-did Summer stock of

Boots, Shoes, Gaiters,AT PRICES THAT


iit tlie

Proni a Shoe lace to the Wneat Work made.

g T W e manufacture to order French ana AmericanCalf Boots and Shoes, Sewed or Pegged, atTteasonatileBates.

^ i AND SEE POK YOUKSELVES. NextBoor to the Post Office, State Street. Ogdensburff.

(je3dSw2m) JOHNSON BROS.

iBfcKP^iHisf .!A GENEJUTJ ELIICTJON IS TO BEHELD m, TBSJ\. Oounty-bf Stf.tiiwretfceoii the thlru day of-Novem->er next,1868, atwhichare tobechd»entheofHc3r»men.rLioned in the notice from the Secretary of State, (a copy)f which is hereunto annexed,7) viz :

A Governor In the place of Kenben B. Fentbn.A Lieutenant Governor, in the place of Stewart L.

Vooirord.A Canal Commissioner In the place of KobertO. Dorn.An InspoctoKofiSSteiPrlsoii^'tathe place. 3>t< Henry. Barnum.A Clerk ef the Court of Appeals, in the place of P»t-ct Henry Jones.All whose terms of office will axpire on the last day ofecember next.Thirty-three electors of President and Vice President

if the United States.A Representative in the Forty-flr3t Congress of the

MteaEtate»,,for4h;e flwenteenth Copgresrionil pjBr:rlctV-composed- of {he"ramhtie's of SS;' Ifawrence and-franklin.lounty OJicere^-AZsoto VeJSUcleA for said Oownty.Three Members of Assembly.A Special Surrogate in the place of Heber Sykes, ap-

ointed to fill vacancy occasioned by the removal* fromjie county of Elam R. Paige.

A Superintendent ol the Poor in tlie place of Julius'udson.Two Justices of theSeselons 'In the-placeif.of Silas

laldwln and; George G.Simons. ••-•••>-Two Coroners in the place of Grosvenor Swan and

fohn B. Furness.All whose terms of office will expire on the last day of

iecember,next. WM. B. TANNER, Sheriff.

The followiBg:l8 the notice referred to.as received^from,*e Becretory«orBta« ^ - j j j - Q y - ^ • ^ Q g ^ *** f "*


THAT WBEL KNOWN FARM BBAUTIFUI.T,Y SIT^Bated on the River St. Lawrence and next but one

to the town of Prescott, on which the toll gate is bullticomprising 128 acres, more or less. The farm is we!wooded, watered, fenced, and cultivated. It has over ISacres of a hop yard in a high state of cultivation, togetl>er with a new hop kiln and store house, 24x86, of thjmost Improved design, for drying, storing and pressinghops with a new screw press and alinecessary apparatus.There is also on the premises a new stone dwellinghouse',oheandahilfstorles,;of a most convenient de-sign. The main or front building is 44x84 with a cellarthe entire size. The back building, is 60x80, alto oneand a half stories, comprising dining room,1utch'en anddormitories overhead, with a never failing wellatkitch"-en back door. The frame barn Is 50x80 ft. square anasurrounded by 200 feet of stone stables and sheds, form-ing three sides of a square and on an inclined .plane,,open on the south to the sun. There is a lawn' frontingthe dwelling, surrounded by an English white-thornhedge of over 3,000 quick-sets. Also a young orchardwith a number of bearing fruit trees. :

The farm will be sold together with the farming, uten-sils on moderate and easy terms of payment to suit allconcerned. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. ,

THOMA8 DISSETT. JN. B.—The proprietor will guarantee to protect an]

kop yard from the ravages of the hop louse, if his advice and plan is adopted and strictly followed.

(ST-4S-1;) > , ! . - . - ' • • . •' ••--•• . . . . g . . . T -


Wholesale Dealerin Roofing Slalts; Sole Agent for

NSW YOKE SLATE CO., MIDDLE GRANVILLE6UteCo.;at,Mlddle.GtanviUe,N..'T.\ JEafcle Blate

Co., O.M.\J)avey,*-Co;rtoa Joseph, Sheldon, Vennoniwho manufacture a superior Red, Purple, Green and Varlegated Slate. Also Agent for tne Chapman and LehigSlate Co.'s of Pennsylvania, who manufacture superiorblack Slate. . „ - . . -. '

General Office 21 and SS, Tenth Avenue, wwTork .—Western Office, 66 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y.

AU orderi filled promptly and »t the lowest marketrates. Send for Circular. JOHN GALT,

(SS-SS-Sm) SI and 2S Tenth Avenue, Mew Tork.


Will commence its Fourteenth Annual SeBtlon, ony , ^

ar«, address;W. WO

HUDSONAt Claveraok.N

term openf ~- i i i £


; | r ; JBjKfi^isjpi,; t.. „..,:Voi the Standard and'OmcUiilveiiof 8KTU0WBS &

BLAIR. AiKolRrpr.eTeiyIibi«ry:«icli!f..wog? of pres=nt interest and permanent- value. 'No Democrat or

ritnout resd:the best op-1 fid" for circu-


'o tlie SlLentf of 17te County of St. Jiwwrence.-Sir : Notice is hereby given that at the general elec.

[onto be held In this State on the Tuesday succeedingbeJlrst'»Ionaa'y'6rNovsmber;*§t, tlie foUowtog qflV-ers are to be elected, to-wit:A Governor iftjt^e place of, Keuben^E. jenton.A Lieutenant Governor ffii the- place 61 Stewart L.

Woodforil.A Canal Commissioner Izi tlie place of Hobert C. Sorn.An Inspector of State Prisons in place of Henry A.

Sarnum.A Clerk of the Court of Appeals in the place of Pat-

KAll whose; termi.bf o£&ce will expire on the laat'day ifDecember next. " ' " """ ~

Thirty-three Electors of President and "Vice Brcsldea.f the United states.

A Representative in the Fony.-flrst Congress of theUnited States, for the ' Seventeenth Congressional Dis-trict, composed of the counties of St. Lawrence andFranklin.Cownty Officers—Also to de elected for said County.

I'hree Members of -Assembly... . „A SpeclalfSurro^fejfi.Itttlie'platte-of HeJ>er;-Sykes ap-

pointed to fill va&ncy occaslorief'tij tlie: removal fromthe County of Mam-fe'-Palfce. : •"•'

A Superintendent of the Poor, In the place of Julia:"•"udson.

Two Justices of Sessions in the place'of Silas Baldwinand George G. Simons.

Two Coroners in the place of Grosvenor Swan andohn B'.Ixiraessl , «All'>Khgseterm3)of office will expire on Uie last dayiof

Decemhecpext, J . _ JYou are-without delay to deliver ^copy of the above

notice to the Supeijyis6f"orrorie '.67 tK% Assessors of eachtown or ward in youY corm'ty"; S,od also to cause a copy

f said notice to be published in all the public news:papersminted in your county; once a %eek, nntil ffiSelectibn;" BespeOUulry yours, &c.,~ ; f ? r " ; ' - . - ' '

, ; '.I ' r, ; '•:,: HOMBE ^,-NIILSON, •':[a'n5aiawiwta)i'' " 'Secretaryof Stater-N O T I C E . O F S AXiE,.. ' ;

Custom House,"dga'ensljiir. Collector's Office, .Augli,_lS68.

NOTICE IS HBUEBY - GSvSlN •-THAT* 'THEfollowing,described merchandise seized for being il-

egaily impprteaintd the. United Statesi.will be sold atpublic auction, in pursuance of the provisions of the act)? the 2d of April, 1S44, and1 tlie aineiidnient-thereto,passed February 28th, 180 ;, and of tti&act: blthe '8th oAu"gust,lS16. and of the act entitled "an act further toprevent a'mnmrilnfc* ' ----' T ' ^ '-" -""" - ' "Custp:the'2i.in the:fbrenooni-viz:

2 bottles, whiskey. S bottles brandy. 2'lbs tobiicc'p;4-11 bottles brSndy-2 carpet bags. 6 bottles brandyr^ can-teens whiskey. 9 lbs dried currants. 1" lb green feaj, 1pall and 30 lbs. butter, lot of old cornelian stones.' 1gillcaii,gin, 1 bottle-brandy.1 ','J. • • '

[aulldlaw-Tu-Stj, &EO. i?AHEER, Cellector.

Ayer's Cathartic 'Pills,aU

Medicine.the purpdisea. of a 'Laxative

Perhaps no one .medi-cine is so'-uiuversalry re>quired uy everybody, as

" a cathartic, nor was. ever"-anyibeltore so universal/ly ^adopted mto use, inevery cormtryandamongalliclasses, as this milebut' efficient -purgativePiiit'- ffiiS obvious fea>.son.is, tttat;iiis a mqre^e*liable an&Tte more effec-tual remedy than any

. . other.' Those who havetried it, Enow" that it cured'them; thos'ewno havenot> know that it'Ciires-th'cur iieighbor^s/antljfrieiidajand all know tuatTvhat-it does once it does always-i-tliat itnever foils through any TauM or neglecto'Sits composition. We have thousands upon tho.u-sands of certificates of iieirremarkalile cures of thVfollowing complaints, but such cures are tnojvriai.every .neighborhood, and we need not publish them,Adapted to all age3 and'isbnditions in;all: cKihates;containingneither calomel or any Seleteriousdrug,they may be taken with safety by anybody. . Theirsugar coating "preserves them ever fresh andmateathem pleasaut to take,ivliilebemgp.urelyvfegetablono harm can arise from their use in any quantity.

They operate by their powerful .infiuencej on. theinternal viscera to purify tlie Wood and stimulate i;into healthy action—remove the obstruction's Of thestomach, Trowels, liver, and oflier organs..of thebody, restoring their irregular action to health, andliy correcting, wliereyer,tiiey exist, such derange-ments asaretheiirstorigiivofdisease. .r r; - •'

TWinTitn directiibns' are given in. the wrapper ontae "box, Tor tile follpvriiis coinpla3iits,^vliicli tliese

Pills rapidly cure:— • : "" 'For n.ri»iiop«ia or ImiigeRtion, tistlcss-

ness, I^nisha'r ™aio»« of-Appotitte, theyshould be taken moderately to stimulate tlie stom-ach and restore itsihealthy toneiand action.

For Iiiver Complaint arid its various syinp-toms, Bilious Hcanlacbe, Sick Bcailaclic,faumilicc or Chrecn Sickness, tBilioosColic and Bilious levers, tliey shouliTbe ju-diciously taken for each case, to.coteect the diseasedaction or remove the obstructions which cause-it.-

For Ilfncnter.r or n iarcboea , Uiit .one milddose is generally required.

For IMicumattem, Cout, Orarcl, Pa lp itation of *Iic Heart, Pain in the Side,Back and Koine, they should be continuouslytafcen, as required, to. change tlie disSasedcactionoftlie system. With such change those ceuhplaintsdisappear. • ",-.a.'.-•-«'•• - ••

For » r o p » y and D r o p s i c a l 8wcHin«» theyshould be taken, iularge anafrequent-dosgs.tp'prff.ducethe-effecrofa drastic purge." •. •": ij'.^i

Tor Supj»rc»sion a large dose shouldilje'takerias it produces tho desired effect by sympathy; i .'»

As a Dinner Pill, take one' ovtmy-Bitt* totprormote digestionanajelieve the stomach'; .'.•• ' J: :,'••-

-toroccasional dose stimulates the"stiomach-andbowels into healthy action, restores thfelippetife,and invigorates the system-.'- Hence M'is open a&-vantageous where no seribus> derangement ''exists.One who leelstolerablyweD, often finds that a doseof these Pills makes him' feel deciaeaiy'be'tter,.fromtheir cleansing and renovating effect on/the diges-tive apparatus. ; • . ;. " .4



THE SE All VEEBAti MMA'EB'EIIIIJI. (Warranted Jrench.) ". 'i, ..

Theaa Pills, so celebrated'ffiany years agio In Paris, foithe relief of female irregularities and afterwards BO notoriquis for their'criminal employment in!the^factice'ofabortion, arenbw offered for sale for the first, wne InAmerica. They have been kept in cbmparativ^qSscurity^from this fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau,.-f 8 a phy-tician isi Paris, of great wealth', ahastript cpiijcientlBi!principles, and has withheld them from generalise, lest'they slitrald ^e employed for unlaiTfal porjipses'; "ia oy'er*oomlrie Female Obstructions, Klling r of trie ""Wom6.


on slight exertion,, Palpitation of the BeaJtr, fiys.teriBs4c , and will effect a eurewjieh 'ill other meanstey£•failed'; ;and although a powerfatremeay, do ; p,t'CO!Qtain.calomel-or anything hnrtful".tb the.constitution."" ' ?-• To marriefladies and yqung';'girls\,#hu' .Mve;_njpfeieenTegiiiatea;tliey arepec^iliarly4Mted. Tiieywiil^'short tiine, bring on the-inontfily period' JjfitifiezBla.

- - . - - — •. • • .-..•-•- . ; - ; , - . . - • ; : ; . - ~c:~ &r.^

t o ^roqnee a miscarriage; - - : • - . ~. • s --•is'cah'oBtaWa boxsealea Kbm 'theha' eB-' oPShi

cnriousl Venelpiifig One-HoMHndisixppBtaKe^jimpito M. WjM^edMBBai.GeneralAge'nVfortiMte.d^ytssand Canaaas, at-Albany, S.'Tl, or to" any a^noriaeiAgent. . . . . . ..-'-.','• '. fr--""

gold by.'J. C. Sprague, B. O'.'tainpheararid'pi'ffraibacji


Dclamarre'* ~ r —l'reDareffBy&iEASciEEBtBnBOHi, T_^_

paris, aEahighly recoinniende.dil)y.,tlie{ eiI'aenlty pf France. -•, .. • . "•';••'-'\ ;•Are a most energetic and.effeclent Eemei

;Sp,erina'torrli(ea of .Semlnja. ^Teajinessj .'™iai

Weakness.adsingfrom'secretHabitsorgexualExcfcsselBelaxatlbn* of "the Gemtii.Qrganf.; ,'W'eakSpiHe,;V"Iji&e1

or"Brick-duat" deposits |id.the; tjrlne;,';ViSlky. i)is-chargeiit'ii^Janaai.the g6"a|tl» train of '&$&$ SrlSins'from Oveinse dfEicesses. * , ' yv',j -. '

APampttlet, contaipms,JalJ^attic.ularB.''«ltfrDlre<U o n s a r i d " ' ' - - - * - • - - • - - - • ^—-- -am" lI.4ffaTof:c6»fctbanv-bnerwh».wl.. ...

. . , . . . . *Boies Jo'i*$Si .ASK FOB' DELAMAEBE'S SPECIFIC P l tM, ANfl

'* ...' flit l r1|)fVA ' 'n m r r B i n n ' ' 1 ' ' •'*" •' • * ""' •

- 0U1U*UJT • u ' v u e j i n u w

mail; secwely. staled jOf th6 fpecSfiCd^prlCC"by tuiS ttuycrwircu*»gciJWJt,vf MJ-VU*ible-Proptletdrs, OSCAR G. M08ES 4 CO., 2T'CortlandStreetNew'York. -• -JiO.Spragneand*;O.rli»mphea!Agents for Ogdiensbiffifhi2I..T;.'-S '•'/. XstSOatweowly).!

MILOH, OKor Eight'Weeks.

a i ) ;; •-: »WITHIN-

' ' '

•'"''rF'T''<-"'r^\!.'\';'. \V



STAMfOS^INSf&DM.-^£fJBoff.f intelUjjent In-t r u c t l o C h U t U "" ' '

standing o'f the issues before tbe, ;eing it. Agents are eTerrwhere^ttn«portunlty. to ihake money^ever -p&e.larii «id'»ee;otir nber«l.«cnn»;»Bdithe work. ~Addres<- UmiBft iglW!-00-, 441.Broom6gitiefclir.iy..'.: }J& ;,)

j^Qgji^itKafisifFor the StandatiiliiTOMillMffit Mn> SGltux-

JJUXZ C(?£^4^K"* Efdlspehsable.' •to/VinBttmdetEtand.-ing of tiie.politlcal^luaes^'l^e day->ndendors^d'.by the.leaders'bf tne^BepUDli&n';paHyV ' '.The'"claims1 "of this-statesman totliegratiiade.of the nation are to clearlyset forth inHhYs"volnrieithjtnqne''ofihis admirers canafford to.-bVw|tlioiitAcopy.~,"Se'nd foccifculars: and.^£eour>lU)erarterjm8Sania.a5TuIl "aescrgUSn 'bfHUs^-greatworte-'*SaafesS vDSifBD STATES PUBEIBHENffiCONo. 411 Broome St:?'NewTork. 5?/T;."

A curious BJ»i|k,' .~lw,' '".' ".*.'..AbeanttiiiliylUaitfafea^fcv6rj¥«:tnbfi»»ad ow

lars, sent free on receipt of >50 cents by addressingt~'~. "i ••-• Dr.JOHN VANDEHEOOL.

No. 80 Ollnton.PUoe, New Tort Oiftf.



on an:4'climate unijirpasied.t^GEOt T. I O T i ^ t t e

ST.Seven pe^e'entfirst^znortsftge: .bpndsO February .and

August coupons. Theearnings of the complete *• KoadtbPil5t3n^arenoCmoretb:anthenteretire mortgage. Tlie prpceecle ,bf tkeBe bbndB « e addingto tlie secttrity every day. *Uver " 8,001) 000 "Kave. beenspent on tneproperty^and!h6troverl$2i000jp00 Jof '.b )hdiissued thus far. Tlie constantly lncreMlng traffic otcarrying Ore, Trtth the_prpspecjj_6f cbn&olffig alfthetrav'el from St. Xiouis'to .the> So^i^ierii' .^tates, ensures &Menormpna.,ihct>nle. .She ,X>irector q^m..el£htrientiis ofthe stock for investment and are;iinterested to enrichthe property as well as to economize its expenses. ," ' iaOSJLittti;g&Mei$'Pfr/hoj&S]av:

We, the undefslgnea, ^ofagfliy' fecbmmeiid''tliese' 7per cent raortgage bbnds.otjthe St. louls.andlron lloun- •tain Railroad, asja good security;. .3?h:e. evecue of theBoad will be large ' rand/tne'!adia&i&tratlon of'the affairso{ the. Company is in ,capa6ie and experienced liancl;,and"-is Is entitledto the^grea^strconffdencfof'tne pulH

1 JaiheB'Sl'Tliomats; M a y o r o f S t ;5 fepn l s . - ' * " ' " '.J^ohn. 3. Koe, .PreB' t S t . X p i n s 'CBamber of. C,9_ISl'W. Fox,,Pr>8identSt.;E6ms3B)arft of¥rade?*

, Barton Bates.Bfes. NdrtirJfliEBpnrLKaUroad.. ._J .H . BrlWqn.^reSi'NatfBaiilcftrState bf'siou-' •-"-*•

, "VKm.'Ii.- Ew&g; Pre's. of UkeMer. N...B.mo.fgt, t.(jui3.' JGeb> H. Rea, Pres. SeconffMtional Bank, St.- 'fcJi'*•-

Jas J5Eads'i0hief J3ng $ iB^@ and 111 JJriSge Co, P r e . S e c M t a l Bank, St.- 'fcJi*-

Jas. J5..Eads,',i0hief J3ng. $i.jB^@ and 111 JJriSge Co.Geos W. Taylor, Pres: i?abif|c :fiaiu-oidi-(bf-Mo!)' ^"'•J

^ V m . T a s s i g , P f e i . : ' T r . a d e a | a t i ^ ^ t l Louis.;.. .", ^ .ohn •% i i o i i b e r g e r , J ^ f i ^ '• ' 'AdpiphiMi^iAdpiphi»sMeui;^

Sobert"BartK,-'Pfes;, 2?ew", - .- . , 2?ew

E.'Dl Morgan 4 GoW V B d S G

..pie3es;. German"YofJs~R.ef

. •• J. H : -Swi fd f T

c;NJ Phelps,;—E.'Dl Morgan 4 Go. •• J. H:-Swift -Isaac;NJ Phelps,;—W. V. Brady ; S. Gandy f T C T . Blodgett.;- &'. S.IJno-;Geo. D. Thelps:. ; .; (CJ* ' "'•" r'k '

PampEIets With details can:!b\' had at lhe> New TorkAgency. ^Alimitednumber."bf Bond'sjrillbe Bold' at thelo#'prlce of 85, giving%Ke -'accrneafctieresti-'tb'tBeUfiyier. Parties liviDg'oiitoi; the'cltyi-inoti having corresrpbhaents here, caii send'-ttieifiunas to, ttie CasHef oftheBankof the'Stee.of NewyOTk.aiid'fiionas will bereturned by express, free of. charges. M

g . &-.MA:RaUAHp,YiCe'yresjgimt, 43 TValLSt.

.Chemical iplectrb' Silver plat&igSlnia; .make/i^tdsfare as'good'as new."j Jf'or'sa!e:by .druggi

Samples for trial WnVfr^e;by: xaaiXyonrxe"*"_ m.' 'i ^ * ^ ~ " * J _ . \' ^ ~ " ' ***-— - -^ " j ; i-^ ' O O 7 7 " - T lit

_ trial BenVfr^e^by: ;jnail>on|T'eceiDt."oiScen t s to pay for , sacking yuid rpbstage. ~&£$rk*i~J..Chemist,'; iSQ^hn; S.tre.ejj i gbri.'^Connrfr

^ ;Willing to worlrtenftours a day atJQie rate pfj$5 ;wlll

find steady emplojjneht by calliDgr 6n, or ajaafessingSecretary, otthe Mechanics and Traders JExchapge, JSo.51'libertyiSt.jNew.York., , ' ,• '/- ~'",,':

, , And will seU"mof e for the money thah.any "*' " ' - ' ' »-i * i -trf ^

.^STpuriD.ducementsfor'-f6rmirig-'Ciu!JB _are moretoah doible that of any establiahment Intfe Country.'

For the proof of Jhia assertipn,- pleasfe'examifie.i''6:iii?terms to AgeiftSj'wflich are as follows: ' ' " "_'

£ead carefully and.compa.Te with the terms.for getting•up clubs as Edverti8ed'by ftther establishmeMii '

Any person sending™ Two dollars can- receive fortlie same a selection from- -the- following articles.: 1'wo^not one) 00 picture Mof<*coo Albuma, 2'pdiri (not onepair)of Congress Bopts,-2pieces (not l)of Pants Pat-tern^ (not 15.5 bottle Kevolying.Caitor, 2; (not 1) worst-eaBreat:fast Shawls, orany2--articles ( n o t l ) teom oarexchangeiisfcf"• ~ ' . . . • • J ' : " - =>' We will also send 2tf piiriledf' notices of arlicles forsale at $1 each. • ' ' -

Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for thesame aselectlon•ffom.the.'follbwlngarticies:

lovdsBeX,aine,ltflil|Smar^nies.quilt,2 (notl) 100view Turkey Morocco Albums, 20 yds. Sneeting. WoolSquare Shawl, 2,sets (npti)*GoldiJos6ffi Studs a <notl)Hair Guard ChainsVwiihgoiaplatea" trimmings. (TBetrimmiDgs of, these cBains are advertised by other con-cerns as Gold', which .laa deception, as they are, all oftSem gold platedO 2'(not"l) silver platedi t iai ia BiitterDiEhes., 2.(notl)siver plated, 5 bbietle'BeVoiylhg "Bas-tors, 2 sets (not 1) steelBladed Knives arid'Forks;'2-(hotlyWbrstea'Promenaae Shajfls, 8 (hot one)' ladies1" lbnggoiaplatedehain3,:3(npti). ladies' Eolid gold DoubleRings, a (not l^gentg!.heavy chiied gold plated SingE.(These rings are''advertised:by other concerns as solidgold.whiphisafraucl^ipottlhepublie.) &(hotl) blackWork Boxes or. writing aekss,,2"(nbt ..1) extra qualitybalmoralSkirtsi, Si' sets- (not 1) of JS*relry ana Sleeve Buhtons tOjmatch, 8 (not 1) superior Turkey Morocco Shop-ping.Bags,:;3 paltsiKiotl) ladftiss 3BainbrM):£ooiS.

We will-also sena *J,grinted nptices of articiesifbf sals:at$leachi • '• • " . - ; . ' , "

Any person senaingifjye Dollarsi, (not six) can re-ceive for the same * eelection ffbnitae,foli6wing.articles :A black'OTcolored "'Alpacca DreEa Pattern, or a1' PoplinDress Pattern^ 1 Piece-bf JBrpjrn. or Bleached Sheeting,1 engraved, i&x bbtHej Key6jylng,Ciastgr,'.iySi,' Buper-fine Casslmere, extra heavy, large sized White Quilt, 1pair •Gsnt'slCalfBoots,.*y.as good wool'frocking; 2 (not1) begtquality BaKaoralf Bits an aghtday-Clock,inadeby Sfethl'honMS,i4ifast aoilble wiath cloth: for ladies'sacks or cMlBren?s;wjar,,S.siiver plated" calce> or cardbasket, far muff or capej wool; or long shawl, splenaia

1 clasp Family Bible, 4 yds1 (not 3) a.euble width waterproof clo.aking,. ?;ieta each, (not ong) Ivory HandleKnives, with eilver plated forksj 1 set of Lace Curtains

; We ¥iil:also_ eggd 60: printei notices of articles forsale at one dollfir eacfr.' '' ' ••••=->

Any person sett4ing.'Ten Dollar* can. receive for thesam'e.aselectjonjfrorD. the follofrlhg articles: Tiyas (not4) double width-cloth for-clbaking.pr coating, & (not 2)bleached llnen'table cibtha wiih"2 '{apt i ) dozen linena i m a * napkins, Sp.yds,(npt^5j( heap1 carpeting* lS'yds,extra qualisy black or colored Alpaooa dress patferns,,14yds extra quality poplin dress pattenuT silver huntingqasea watcn, new (not second hanaeajj 2 aba (not i )

' iypiy handledsteeLbladeiknives aiiafofks.i pr superi-or wool'blapkets, nice fur miijr afia^ape, .2 (not 1) en-graved silver plated ice Pitchers, 9 y3a (not f><c) wooleasshnere for suit, 2 dbz, (not J) Rogers' beat silver P.forks, common sense sewing machine <the real articlenot a base imitation as used by bther concern^), 4 (hoi2) honeycomb quilts,12 (not' yip'iendld clasp Family Bi-bles. - ' " "

We we will also sena prmted notices for 120 articles: for sale at one dollar each. • . - - -

quality ofother concern

Bhe.aameira^wana in jgoiootorafr.t * Jhe

s is better {tan those' "uiea by anytlie country. We are of the opinion

thnt, after reading the above advertisement, some partieswill ebmetbthe conclu3lon.lhat,they, .have been grosslyswindled by,8omelof-ihe?6Gfijii'iift!;conce>n3ijiiilus city.

We cannot offer to-the persbirjsenciirig us the largestamount of money for a month, a gilt of money orwatchesr as that is a violation of the law against lotte-ries 5, but in addition to the above Uberal terms, We will'sell to anyprie wliomay send- us ten> dollars, eleven ar-

r'^aBa&getlis^#'to-l^'SeM&oii^(ier':tio1|Bffrom-^r^aBa&getlis^.#to-l^Se:i1ia'fbf'|20:WwUl'seU-22'artfcIes'fr6m>list, allto-be sent inohe order.

Sloney sent in registered1 letters or by a postal moneyorder, or a draft,,at our risk. Catalogues sent to anyaddress.

P. S.—^AgentBwillplease notify us what firms haveagents in their town or city and they will receive ourmost sincere thanks. THOS. h. KENNO & GO.,>-->.. j . - . -<r T ff<t"^4il^y!l?;'3^?Btigoj!toii|M



212 Broadway, New«York.

All forms of Life and Endowment Policies issued;Thirty days grace allowed in payment of preminmt.Note taken for oae-lialf the premium.. ,_ ..

'• AU- policies nbh-forfeiting after two yeifs. : 'v Jlkll ollbfeS ffieontestable'afterlve yearsf

Dividends declared and paid annually.The last Ulyiaena on Lift Policies was SO per cent.

JAMES SIMONDS, Agent,-., G m t Western Eallway,Gffice, .

'„' Ogaeniburg, NsiT.
