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D41 Newsletter February Edition

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D41 Newsletter February Edition
COTP & Mentoring Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8 In this Issue Editors Note Pg 2 COTP Pg 4 - 12 ‘CON’ TESTS Pg 13 - 14 Memories Forever Pg 15 - 17 Are you Crazy? Pg 18 - 19 #ThankyouMyMentor Pg 20 - 24 Goa Marathon 2015 Pg 25 Editorial Team Pg 27

COTP& Mentoring

Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8In this IssueEditors Note Pg 2COTP Pg 4 - 12‘CON’ TESTS Pg 13 - 14Memories Forever Pg 15 - 17Are you Crazy? Pg 18 - 19#ThankyouMyMentor Pg 20 - 24Goa Marathon 2015 Pg 25Editorial Team Pg 27

Editor’s Note

Dear Readers,

The newsletter Editorial team presents before you the February Edition of D41 Monthly Newsletter.

The contest season is here and every contest apart from the contestants requires an organizing team and mentors for guidance. In this edition we have covered the Club Officers Training program held throughout the district to hone the skills of the Club Leaders and also to serve as a platform where club officers across the division come together to share the best practices.

As you flip the pages, you will also find Toastmasters acknowledging and thanking their mentors for their unconditional love and guidance.

I dedicate this edition to a series of amazing people and mentors we all have met because of our association with TI, to people whom we have worked with, managed sessions with, disagreed with, partied with, have learnt from ,have mentored, have been mentored by and finally to those because of whom we joined and are still continuing my journey as a Toastmaster.

The six essential leadership attributes:

Set high standards; live your standards and mentor those who follow; create and share a vision; make the hard choices when necessary; be visible and outfront; and instill hope in those who follow.

-- John Di Frances

In this edition we have covered a host of articles from members across the district penning about their experience, Thank you mentor selfies and groupies, Club Officers Training Program.

Please feel free to mail me your feedback or recommendations at [email protected] are also invited to share your articles /photographs or snippets for the 'Fun Corner'

Keep contributing, Keep learning and Happy Reading

Namrata SrivastavaD41 TI Newsletter EditorToastmasters International, Reg 13

2Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Division A and CDivision A and C Governors Anurag Jindal and Mukesh Kulothia did a fantastic job in organizing joint OTP for club officers of A&C. Arun Mittal played role of MC of the meeting and managed to start the meeting on time. Even though it was a foggy day in NCR, enthusiastic club members came on time. By looking at level of motivation, I am sure all of them are going to put their best efforts in achieving at least Distinguished Clubs.

The OTP has also shown excellence in adherence to the agenda in terms of timing and full credit goes to able leaders of Division A & C: Anurag, Mukesh, AG Arun, Vasu Attreya, Arta Thanapati, Rishi Kant, Amit Shroti.

Kudos to XL India for giving their venues, which is perhaps one of the best venue.I look forward to attend many more joint events of Division A &C. Three cheers for all members of Division A & C


4Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made


5Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are MadeDivision DThe Division D OTP Reflections kicked off in style. The dynamic duo emcees Sujata and Anand ensured that the audience was enthralled. Great sessions, well packaged, but the best part was the Division Council Meeting.All the club leaders attending were committed and actively participating. The NITIE team played a wonderful host to Toastmasters across the district.

Division D Governor Jai Chaurasia and his team of Area Governors Suneel, Sujata, Mohit, Ron and Vipin conducted the OTP in style.

LGET (S) Brillian SK made sure every moment was captured with his newly arrived selfie stick.Loads of learning with dash of fun and heaps of selfies is what the Division D OTP was all about.


6Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Division EThe Division E Officers training program, Chief Judges's training program and contest management program took off- much like the Mumbai Marathon-with a sprint in our step and a festive air. The registrations crossed 190 and the executive committee members, toastmasters, trainers and guests took their places at 10.00 am sharp.

The two conference conveners: TM Leo Kurians Paulose and TM Deepti K'l led the brigade with aplomb. The location: ZS associates Magarpatta, the managing team: young toastmasters from ZS

Where Leaders are Made

associates led by TM Siddharth and ably assisted by the PR and registration team.

The Agenda: DTM Prasad Sovani gave an incisive talk on whether as toastmaster you are a client, member or owner... The division council meeting gave an overview of the DCP status and the Presidents' discussion regarding challenges and rewards gave an insight into the practical difficulties faced by clubs.

The breakaway sessions were conducted by senior toastmasters and were eagerly appreciated. Our Past Division Governor Chandana Erande conducted the Chief Judges' and the contest management training program. A much needed website navigation was given to us by Sameer Naik and Ramakrishna Reddy gave us the why, what and how of Moments of Truth.

A power packed OTP and the takeaways were: everybody welcomes a mentor and many names were exchanged for a mentor- mentee session, several leaders emerged who were energized to take on roles and carry the mantel forward.

I thank everybody who helped in making this program a success: the names are too many to list...so here's to Division E!

7Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made

By DTM Beena Mandrekar,Division E Governor

8Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made

COTPDIVISION E - 6It all began with an early morning call (3am). Not from Obama in anticipation of POTUS, but the cab driver asking me to get ready for the flight to Goa.

Umesh Padmanabha and Ashley Lobo were there up, bright and early to pick me feom the airport. We went to Umesh and Sharmila's house where a lavish breakfast comprising of Idlis, cakes, fruits, juices and tea awaited us.

It was good catching up the ever so enthusiastic Farida Dsilva Dias, Akbar Khan and the Members from Mandre Beena Mandrekar and Hemant.

The session began with MoC Renita Alvares ensuring that every soul is wide awake especially considering it is a Sunday and Morning time in GOA.

It was a great fun and learning time at the COTP for Area E6. Education sessions on How to write a speech, Using Rhetorics in speech and Why objectives are important ensured the triad was completed.

9Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Following these sessions were the Officers Training and CJTP Training which saw a participation of 60+ members from across clubs in Goa. A sumptuous meal followed at the ICG as memories of Oration 2014 flashed before my eyes. Met with one of the founders of Daan Divas (the event previously known as Joy Giving Week) to discuss possibilities of association..

An informal discussion on sharing best practices for speeches ensured a perfect icing on the cake.

It was good to see the enthusiasm, spirit and passion amongst the new babies NIT, Mapusa and a to be chartered club. Bidding goodbye with a hope to meet them again probably for something that I love Marathon in March where the team Goa is planning to participate...

I take back wonderful memories, new friends and learning.

Thanks to Poonam Rathod Navin Raj Abraham Lavina Melvani Vikrant Murudi Viresh Vazirani Manish Gosalia and everyone else (sorry I am unable to tag everyone) present for making me feel at home.

Till we meet again! "Keep Learing, Keep Sharing and Keep Growing" Sharmila please note ;)

By Brillian SKLGET South, D41Toastmasters International

10Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made

COTPDIVISION F & HH'appy 'F'amily Going Green

One of the unique and memorable day for all the Toastmasters in Hyderabad was 25th of January 2015. The trainer for the CJTP is TM Sunil Khunteta while the JTP session for ISC and TT was taken up by TM Mani Shankar Rajan and TM JJ Chaitanya. It was so meticulous and detail, that everyone came out well prepared for the upcoming contest season. A Key note address by Chandra left everyone inspired and motivated. The new set of OTP trainers, TM Purna Chandu, TM Sudarshan Singh, TM Debasis Patra, TM Vikram Chandra, TM Kiran Murala, TM Prathima and TM Navneet Peri made sure all the club officers are well equipped to execute their duties. The event is hosted by the BACI Hyderabad Toastmasters Club who graciously took care of all the arrangements to give everyone a conducive environment for learning and interacting.

"'Go Green' was not just a theme, instead a rhyme which kept ringing through the time at the Second Season of OTP/JTP/CJTP of 'H'appy 'F'amily Toastmasters in hyderabad" - Chandrashekhar DP

The extraordinary achievement that was brought up by the event organizers, headed by TM Darshan Khanna and team is to have a go-green theme, a pre-event competition which ran asking for

11Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

TM Darshan Khanna and team is to have a go-green theme, a pre-event competition which ran asking for thoughts on " how you can go green in your own way " to the pebbles that were given replaced the traditional paper food coupons showed showed how detail did the organizers have executed the theme of the day. All the Toastmasters are given Green Dress code and are also provided with Digital Certificates. The presenters and the guests were provided with a sapling and a thought on how to adapt "Go Green" as a way of life. Post the event there was a follow-up again by the event chair who came up with a brief schedule for the next seven days to make sure the idea becomes deep-

rooted in everyone's mind. Division Governors TM Sita and Srinidhi had made sure, as they did throughout, that every role is given to a first timer and is suitably mentored by a Senior Toastmaster. A paper less conference was once a dream, it is thrown down now as a reality, where not a single paper was wasted during the whole event, which once again have proved that if a Toastmaster decides to do something constructive the whole community will strive to achieve that collectively.

Ravi Teja MarrapuDivisions F and H

12Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made


The Division G OTP and CJTP were roaring successes. Great training sessions by our new trainers, a grand venue, and excellent arrangement, and a productive council meeting.Extremely proud of our Division G Governor Vishal Churiwal and his Area Governors Ritesh Osta and Atrayee Bhattacharya. Kudos!

Area Governor Mouli Malakar was missed.Extremely touched by the warmth and sweetness of our members and club leaders.The energy of our attendees was infectious, all in all great learning in moments of fun.

13Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

“Are the printouts placed on the chair?” asked the Contest chair, “All in place!!!” i replied, being the chief SAA, a role i played more than 15 times in my Toastmasters Journey, i rechecked all my material beforehand. The audience started to fill in, while the contest chair rehearsing her script was checking the arrangements. Cheif judge then arrived, and the role players briefing is done, everyone is now waiting for the “CONs” or the Contestants. As they arrived, everyone started wishing them and all the concentration was suddenly on them. Chief Judge was busy with his secret judges and briefing the contestants, while i breifed him about the waiting room of the evaluation contestants. Timers are settling down, certficates and the trophies too are ready. As we are about to begin the event, the mike suddenly stopped functioning just then

and the main light too had gone off, i started running for the technicians, ordering them quickly findian alternate mike while changing the main bulb of the hall, keeping a spare always helps! It took luckily not more than 5 minutes, and we started the contest only that much late.

Once it started everything went in one smooth flow, where the timers, contest chairs, contestants, judges and SAA Team all working exactly as they are asked to. I could see a sense of excitement in a guest's face on the professional way the contest is being conducted. The third speech contestant choked in the beginning but found out a way to cover it up with excellent humourand made a great attempt. The evaluation contest then started with the Test speech. SAA and the Chief judge seemed very busy while calling the Evaluation contestants one by one. As an SAA, taking their scripts and handing it over to them again always felt like school exams!!! It is only when the last contestant entered the room did all of us sat down for a moment.

�CON� TESTSBy Ravi Teja MarrapuADP Hyderabad Toastmasters Club

Where Leaders are Made

14Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Soon the contest is over and the chief judge is busy with the vote counting and certificates, and in the meanwhile the interview of the “CON's” is underway. A funny moment though to see how much releived each one of them is and the spicy questions just added to the joyful atmosphere. Finally, the most awaited results are out with the Chief Judge nagging a bit with the usual “The First prize goes too!!!” bit, the role players are duly awarded with a certificate and a photograph. As the gathering met for the last time everyone congratulated the winners and wished them the best of luck for the next stage.

Though the Contests are essentially for the “CON's”, it is also about the people who help them be the CONs for the day. A Toastmaster Contest is an excellent example which shows, when a team of people decide to co-ordinate among effortlessly towards a common goal the results are always amazing.

Thank you Toastmasters for these amazing contests, from which i have learned the importance of role-playing and team work.

By Ravi Teja MarrapuADP Hyderabad Toastmasters Club

ADP Hyderabad Toastmasters Club Contest

As I hit the bed on 31st January, Saturday, I was very excited. The reason being the annual Mulund Toastmasters day picnic the following day. It was much with anticipation that I said bye to the family who were mostly sleeping early morning and left for the venue to catch the bus, Mulund Gymkhana. When I reached there about 7.30, most of the members had already reached. I could catch the sense of excitement and anticipation among all of them.

Where Leaders are Made

As the bus left with about 29 members, we somehow knew it was going to be a fun filled day. The bus journey itself was full of laughter, action and drama. Some interesting snacks including the delicious kachori was served. We played dumb charades and antakshari making the journey itself enjoyable. We had members coming with movie names which were freaky, challenging and perhaps even non-existing! We had one member mimicking the roadside vendor selling cold-drinks and tea / coffee to the point of perfection! The bus reached the K Star Woods Resort in Karnala in quick time. It was beautiful and green with lots of open space. Though the

Ankit Singh,Mulund Toastmasters Club

MTC Spring Safari 2015

to Karnala:

Memories for ever!

15Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

16Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

breakfast was ready, we rushed to the lawn. We had a game of cricket and frisbee to build up a good appettite! Even the slides and see-saws were not spared! The breakfast was simple puree bhaji but we really dug into it. After the breakfast, we headed for the famous Karnala Bird Sanctuary. Once we had seen the birds, some of the members decided to trek towards the Karnala caves. The others stayed back and played games. I was always a keen trekker and chose to be with the group that walked up. The climbing up on the rocks was tiring but good fun and we stopped at several places for selfies, group photgraphs and refreshments carried by a member. I have a knee problem and it was the walking down on the return which took a toll on my knees. But

the trek brought back lot of my college memories where I was part of an avid trekking group. We all met together at the sancturary and left for lunch at the resort. It was a good meal

8Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

indeed and I enjoyed the chicken curry. Nobody was in any mood to rest. The games like cricket and frisbee continued. Then we all got together and played some interesting team games. It was just like a good old school picnic. Some managed to spend some time in the pool. Some played table tennis. Before we knew it was time to leave! As we got into the bus, we were perhaps tired but totally thrilled with the wonderful time we all had. There was lots of singing and clapping on the way back too. The excomm members and the organizing team were thanked for a well organized outing. When we got off at the last stop, one of the most wonderful picnics had come to an end. After all the good byes and handshakes when I was returnig home, I felt fortunate to be part of this wonderful bunch of people called the toastmasters.

Ankit Singh, VP- PRMulund Toastmasters club

17Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

18Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

In the Nov 2005, I was reading an article in a Newspaper. It was about a man who swam across the Arabian sea. "Can I do it?", asked a voice in my head. Back then , even in a 15 meter pool I had to stop twice to catch my breath. I wasn't even acquainted with freestyle swimming. Another voice in my head said," Are you crazy?"

That is when this 'crazy' idea germinated in my mind.

I started learning freestyle watching "YouTube" videos; But it wasn't until nine years later that I mustered up enough courage to ask a swimming coach for help. It was June, 2014. I was too afraid to ask him and I was worried. At 34 years age, I wasn't getting any younger, I had never participated in competitive sports and the coach would definitely say, " Are you crazy??"

Where Leaders are Made

On the contrary, he decided to take me under his wing. Then the training started and it was the happiest period. I could see a drastic improvement in my stamina and strokes. I swam more than 300 km in a period of 6 months !!!

Finally when I was both mentally and physically prepared, I decided to reveal my secret to my parents. They were too stunned to say anything. I could see the question lingering in their eyes ,"Are you crazy?"

They sensed that I had already made up my mind and did not object. It was my wife who not only took the idea positively but also ended up endorsing it.

Finally on 18th of Dec, 2014 I took my first dive into the sea near Elephanta Caves. The plan was to swim from Elephanta caves to

Are you crazy !By Sameer PatilTCS Maitree Toastmasters Club

19Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Gateway of India. It was estimated that it will take around 3 hours to cover the distance of 14km. I was escorted by a boat carrying my coach , observer , parents , wife and six years old son.

The sea water was nothing like the water in the swimming pool. It was much heavier hence I was floating effortlessly. On the other hand I was moving oscillating half a feet due to waves. The water was so dirty that I could not see even 3-4 feet below the surface. During the swim I was surprised by lot of floating debris.

At the end of each hour, I took feeding break where I was have to eat while floating in the water without touching boat or any person. Coach kept assuring me that we moving at the right speed and not to worry. I swam effortlessly for almost 3 hours . The last half an hour was the biggest challenge. I could see the Gateway of India, my destination but could not reach it . I was completely exhausted

and was drawing every ounce of energy left in my body to complete the swim. My hands hurt and my legs had cramps. Thena thought came into my mind. I am really crazy. When all of colleagues are sitting comfortably in the office I am struggling to reach the shore. Is this all really worth it ? Nevertheless, I kept putting one hand in front the other, pushing myself towards my destination.

Finally I touched the staircase of the Gateway. At that very moment I realized that all those efforts were worth taking. Those endless training sessions, the pain, the cramps, the uncertainty and the courage to believe that I could was all worth it.

I am not a crazy person after all. I happen to be just a normal guy who was chasing a dream for 9 years !!!

Sameer PatilTCS Maitree Toastmasters Club, MumbaiDivision D

#Thank You My Mentor

Kriti PrajapatiMumbai Toastmasters Club, Division D

I found one more thing which money cannot buy. It’s mentor! God always sends an angel when you realize you need one. You are that one angel for me Shruti Pandit. Thank you for all the things you do for me. Your mentoring has made me a confidence speaker. Blessed to have you as my Mentor! ?#?ThankYouMyMentorInitiative? ?#?District41?

Sometimes the best things in life come when we do best things for others. When I look back on my journey I don't think I have done something that great which resulted in you being in my life. And that's why I call myself lucky. You taught me the most important lesson of life, “the language of heart which says - There is always something positive hidden in every moment of our lives." My journey of toastmasters is incomplete without you. You are the best Mentor one can have. Thank you Coach Vikram for everything you do for me. Blessed to have you as my Mentor! ?#?ThankYouMyMentorInitiative? ?#?District41?

20Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Amoli BhonslayThane Toastmasters, Division D

I am grateful to have lovely mentors in my life who are always there with me when I am in need and who will inspired me when I need it most. Thank you Toastmasters. In this journey we where met unknowing but then our ways come across and we become family.

Where Leaders are Made

Shruti JainDivision B

Let me take this opportunity of mentor's month to thank my love my mentor Dr Reet Arora. Before every speech of mine, the way she holds my hand so tightly so warmly as if she's transferring all her positive energy to me and after every speech, the way she gives me the hug full of affection, proud and warmth. And trust me, no winning certificate can ever match that hug and that broad smile.

She will make you fall in love with herself but more than that she will make you love yourself.She will give you the broadest smile and she will actually give it to you because after few seconds, you will realize wearing that broad smile on your face.

She is a fairy and will cast her spell on you and you will find yourself better and better and happier everyday.

Thank you Reet Ma' am.Thankyou so much for all those smiles, for all those hugs, for all those insights, for just being there.

Love you :-)

#Thank You My Mentor

21Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made

#Thank YouMy Mentor

Sagar Agarwal,Pune , Division E

I recently came through a fabulous quote, which says, "A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future, and believe it can be obtained" and after reading this beautiful quote i thought to take a moment to thank my mentors for helping me in my endeavor in Toastmasters.

I knew nothing about Toastmasters Program when I had joined in 2012. I only had one aim

that is, to improve in public speaking, but, would it have been possible without the mentors? My first and one of the best mentor, TM Jaideep Solanki, not only led a helping hand in public speaking but also did provided helpful suggestions to add to the moments in life. Even today, he is at his best, he is always available to any help that I may need from him. Thank You TM Jaideep.

Later, I met these two Toastmasters who I term as Mentor Buddies. They've been tremendously good friends of mine and when they mentor me, it's like, Friends putting in their two cents for me to make room for improvements. Thank You TM Aniket Rai and TM Rajiv Pingale.

Last but not the least, when I heard his speech in Toastmasters Club of Pune-West i was spell-bounded. A perfectly pitched delivery with humor sprinkled absolutely brilliantly. I had decided that i would definitely want to have one more mentor who could help me with my speeches and having a perfect speech delivery on stage. He has been an extremely great mentor and a great friend who could definitely put in his thoughts for helping his mentee. Thank You TM Suman Chakraborty.I'd like to quote before I bid a bye "One of the most important factors as you enter into this relationship of mentor-mentee is your openness to feedback and willingness to work on specific items your mentor will point out". Thanking All my wonderful Mentors, Jaideep, Aniket, Rajiv and Suman for providing a helpful hand in my spectacular journey.

Where Leaders are Made

22Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Namrata SrivastavaTCS Maitree Toastmasters Club, Mumbai, Division D

Its the mentor's month and let me commemorate it by talking about two Toastmasters who have played an exceptional role in my life.

He is a guiding light and is someone who makes me realize my potential. There are times when I am unsure of my capabilities but his trust and faith in me steers me to fulfill tasks and accomplish the unexpected. Bright, talented, enthusiastic, vivacious, handsome (as many girls have reported wink emoticon) and a true leader …......Thank you Mohit Chhabra for being my mentor and guiding me in all walks of life.

The other person whom I want to thank is technically my mentee but I draw inspiration from him and seek his guidance regularly. He is my confidant and a friend beyond the premises of Toastmasters. A logical thinker with unbiased opinion, he has proved his mettle as a Club Officer, District Officer, conference organizer, speaker, mentor and beyond. Thank you Chinmaya Dave for being the friend I can always bank upon.

#Thank You My MentorWhere Leaders are Made

23Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Where Leaders are Made

24Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Ashutosh ChaturvediTCS Maitree Toastmasters Club Mumbai, Division D

Dear Surabhi Kinariwala,

Thank you for teaching me that every speech is not a "contest" speech. And motivating me when I almost gave up the hope of becoming a better communicator. And thanks for devoting your time and being kind and patient, while correcting my mistakes. Your constant feedback and suggestions like reading books, delivering book talk and writing diary have been wonderful for my growth.

I feel really grateful and honored to have you as my mentor.

Neha Agarwal

Rishabh - The happy go lucky personality. Jolly natured, ever-ready to help. Mentored me in speeches, reports, etc. If you are attempting any speech or taking any role, he is there to motivate you. Not just this, "He is the one who makes you feel- you were the best, you are best, you will be the best".

Dushyant - Mentor not just within the boundaries of Toastmasters, but also within the four walls of office cubical. Calm and composed personality of Dushyant, makes me feel as if I can reach out to him for any problem, any time. Over the past one year, more than manager he has become a friend and a guide for me. "Dushyant - I am writing good words for you. Please take care of my appraisal.":P

#Thank You My Mentor

Goa Toastmasters would like to Thank El Shaddai Charitable Trust for organizing the marathon in such a wonderful way. They enjoyed participating as a team of more than 20 in the 5Km dream run and was thrilled that they could complete the same successfully :).

Goa Marathon 2015

Where Leaders are Made

25Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8

Namrata Srivastava

Poonam Rathod

Arijita Paul

Sagar Agarwal

log on to: http://www.d41tm.in/

"Disclaimer: Although great care has been taken in bringing out this issue, we apologise for any inadvertent errors or omissions. The newsletter

contains individual's views' District 41, the District Governor or the Editor may not

subscribe to the same. You may report errors, miss-outs and suggestions to

[email protected]."


Where Leaders are Made

Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8Feb 2015 Issue Vol 8
