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DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy...

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WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt iilfilil'B .low wnH C2 OcicrocH. HlRli ntiil l<»v tm poratufcit for lliii 24 lioiir period rndltiK al Q. Tiieltrtuy woro J12 uml dcKrooB. A Bcgional Newspaper Serving Six Irrigated OouoUcs in Idaho VOL. XV. N0.-61—5 CENTS Kraphlo~'8«r»le« ot »h» Unite TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1932 OFFJCIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER ilo o s e v e lt C alls U p o n W a lk e r to A n sw e r C h a rg e s D A iA N IGNORES E 10 PAIGH . Record of Teetimony y Requested, Mayor Is Informed SENDS LETTER Hr rAi;i, ii. kixh L'liHfil I'rp-<s S tiif/ CorrCHiMinili-nJ . ALBANY, N.,Y., (UP) —Mayor Juines' J. Walk- er of New York City ^^:as called, upon today ,by ..Gov. Franklin D; Ro,osp- velt to answer charges jireferred against him by Samuel Seabury, counsel to the Hofstadter New York 'C i^ investigatira . eomiiiittee. . ' 'UooK(>voli HPiit* II lo ite r lr> lUo 'nrayor roiiiiouMtii: iiii iiiiHWf>r i<>' t)i(< Si'iiTliiiry rli'iirKi’H niiil ulmi 'to flU'il Uy iw» N«»- Yi)rl; t’liy oruiinlxmloiiH. Tlio Kovpcuor liiformctl lln' May- or rliiii lu> Imil roimcHiiHl Bcxvlxiry i« forwiinl liliii till' trnnnnrl|ii of lOMilniniiy wlilcli lio kiivu liL'fcir« . till* cotiinilitui*. Tlic iluc-uiii(‘ii(A w.tilr.li Sfiil’iiry KOtil lo ilio, Governor iifU'i- tin* , Hofmmlior coinmltiec'H Invi'nHKH- tloii Of thu New York City K<>Y* , urntiimt u'oro atTomjmnli'il l)y » Hutiinmry fii whfdi SonJiiirj'nlJcK- <-il Hint \V«lkor’H tontliiiony uinl t.ilior w!<lciico l«!arlnjt,on IiIh nd-' iiilitlKli-aUon Allowed ho wnH itnCJt t lo hold offlcn. Heiihuo* chuvnfd ' ilml Walkur'ii ownorttliiiv of niock 111 II company _t1mt • liuld Bfrci't llKlii fixtiin.* Hi the'olty wim •iiiioiiffh III itnelf'lo illuowiillfy f'l"' ^ iindt'r tliu'-lii'v. SWE'SBiSINESS FIRST, SAYS ROSS Qovemor, DolegTito at Large, Occidcs Not To Attend Chicago Convention •nOISR -f- "Tlif Htnl(r\ IniHliK'KH comoH flr.ti.” Hiild (Idvcriuir C. Iii<n Rows Iti' uiiuoiiin'.liu' |i[h dc'cfiilou iiol to iiliunil noiniKiVuiUr mi- •lonnl rniivi'nMon in Cliliinuo'ui'Xi ock. . Thu Rovornnr whm i-liTtcil •» del. n(. liirRr- frniii Uy (lie «tiil»«, iiliiJ.rorm <-onv(>niliih iii WoIh- fr Jiitie 10. • “Thoro ■an* 1»a miiiiy niu'llt'rti neudiiiK’ iir>- 'iu*rnriii;il alii-nilcm lo Pornilt iiu' to go Id chli?in:i>." liii- (tovnrnor kuIiI, Highway niaiii'v^ ' IllllOltK .I'llO IlllHlllCflH oc-i'iipy* ItiR hin nitfniloii at pivx<-iii. UohK ' iUllllMKnl. NATIONAI, l.KAian: . Uiiii'i ....... oofinnooin— I 2 .Vcw York ....Mooo'20 !' IT l Jk^itcrlL-x: ilnlliihiiii, J»Uii»oii mid iinRiiNo; IliibliPlI and llouiiii. I'UtHl.iirRli .... :13I inooin— 7 n 'l iti'ooklyn ....... loi) ifii imi— 0 in -i ^JJntlcrlCH:- l-'roiicli. Qulnu iiiid Gnico; Sliixilo.. Sprnci’r, .Mooro iiod ' Traffic Restored ' Over Main Canal East of Hansen Trafric on U. S. 30 lilRhwiO' over tiKt nirtln lino i-antU lliico milcH - I'aia Of llnnKoii. hnit ilioon rcniorou. * Hliico ilie coniplotlou IhU week »iy Knn J. CnVJv'naRli, coiilruclor.'of a (oniiuiriiry -wooden ulriicltire over lh« mionm. lo replnco Iho lld-fooi * Mocl hrldae which von wrockoO. wli«n it wnH hit l>y a .Union Pacific ]|UX WO WCCkH 1050. t'liuiiiof iho niircau of Hlshwayii mil for the ronninictloh of 11 new brldBO over tlio caniil at n diiU‘_yel to ho net.- PI.KAIIS {iV \i:i'f . nowis—flcoreo J* Ray, Twin h'allM. Iiiiii • ploailed RiiUly In fod- ornl oouri hi.ro lo chtirifCK of poK- iickhIoii and iiiaiiufacljlro of Hauor 1111(1 w a s Hciiiencpd imy a fin- of Clio iinil to nervo four jiionih la JiiU. . ' / Chlr«Ko"......;....O20 00« OOrt— 2 C Phlladelpliln ..OLM 202 Olx— 11 If. UaiiQrIe»: OrlnieK. Kooi. Mo}-* iinrtr/hnii-ItcmKlcy; Hhcni. KrniiHiin nnd DnvlB. • NVESIATIOF 'Sodhios'jn Chac]i}Ioaship Bo»t Reaults In Storm o f. ■Proteflt;'. ■, •.VK\V YORK. lUP)r^A;i<lorm of proieiit- <hur»l .todoj> arniind Uiu i miwty occiipJcJ- wqrM'«, Jieavy. wolKhi JioxliiR ^hron«;o« nn-aftor- iiwlli of tlio richl In. whlcli :J«ck . Hhurliny vnii (twuntoil ,lho title p'AliitM. . . ' • •• npiiiandfl for an' invoHilRailon nf llio 'conduct of the' New' York Kialv fhixliiff CominlHfibn . worp * v:tlc(s| a<« n iiiiijoriir of the rInR oxpcriH ilonoiinced on ‘'tinfolrV tho .leclnlon which co«l/ Mnx ScUwel- . InK of riormnn};’ 'tho .cliatnploiiHhlp In lilR lS«romiil hoiiL iiRainil .Shorkoy in the now Jiowl on Lour IMnnd laHi niKht. . TIki clrniKO of Joe.Jdcotw,.« aser of the' Oommn,' thsL he,hn|I , linen lold two woflltn aKo '.Hut ' Onnhont Smith wan td'mforeeiand ihnc lilH ruhlitr cuulit noUiwla, led hporiomen lo.ItuiliiL Ihab.-tha charsc oflnafflclnnoyDndpreJactlce on, tlio part of.tho offlolnlii of tho r Now York'cdniniliiMlon’ttO: InycMtl* , Kiitcd. - y'; '’Jncol) R. cliarRoO . openly -that . '' SchmellnR had. hceU~''rohlioiV’ biit . -iinM ho did noL lo^fcnd to liook a hcarlnif of tho NOW 'V ork fltato'* .hoxlns i3i«w. i*r?ed Uiat froni all * npvenranceK.^^S^iimiUtiK ■ itftoitld , : liavo rucolvod tho^'OocHftin.. ” ; ;• . litu w urnm MuIdooii.Vwhp: ul<i Rliarkoy would be ftlvon. xuU .. cofniiiion ‘nil ;chaihMon.\ dDfundti] iho eonflucl' anil rtiicmoh ,bt the . . pCnctal«.VHb iiUd.hli;i.»ii.oi>li<<jn ,wa« that tho baltfo. lOtouW .'Imro . . been dqolarcU'-a Ur4f.> -; POLIIICAL BREAK BornirSbows No Disposition to Compromise ' Attitude To\^ard Hoover SAYS PLANK STANDS FOR ‘NAKED REPEAL Ad.miiufltraUdn Leaders Hope To Sell 'Senator On ‘■Straddle’' Plan nffiturk-x; Carroll. Johimon anil Ix>mlmrdl; firown, Pni«ii. rnink' hoii^p and Spolirer. Ilarenivc. I.CAfJliK a. ir. K I’hllndolphla 010 inf) ]fll_ l Hf c ChftiiKii ..........IS(I m 21*—fl I.t ti •Hattorlcfi: .Atnlinffey, Frclum, Uomrnel and Cochran)’; Frimli-r find Ornlip. . Ily Jiitliis VniiiclHoii I’tiltnl I'resH Staff t!iirrch|mndi'nt «-ASUlX(Jt»lN (in*) — S .11. iitar Wtllliini K. Ilnrnh. pnwi-ri'iil ,Uf<iiiilillt-n(i dr) Iriidrr. uiijicari'd '{<■ Ilf liinilii;: hh hnrk today imninxt imtlrliiuled , iidniliti^lrti. (Inn vffortK fa win hfm, im-r si.piK.rl I're«tilent Uar.»|.r'.i rr- cli'clhiii roniiialk'ii. The lilalio ornlor *iinro. ihiin, iiiic'o liiix Hplll with oiliiT piiriy liMdorH. iiiilkoil for a wlil1i>. I'liid thoii In tho fil'd K»ni- out on ilio Hiiinit) for till- ll.*imi>IU-ati l*r<'»l- dcntlal iu in i1no<>. ttiH iliiind.-rliiK voU-o wn.i ihe h1i-k.‘ Kiitl o f Ihi- I!I"X Il'iovor ninipalisii. . iliii 1i.« HliowM n o dlii[«»*>tloii 10 conipro- n>lno hlH dcchinilljin iliai, *li« <•««• not Hiiiniovi Mr. .Hoover on tho mMwit/fiH vr.miiiDon plank. Arciii- I'ar “Slniddle” 1‘lanl; Tho Ikii’c of »dmlnlHirnilnn lond- or» lien In iirK'iHiK wllji IloriiJi lhat lhi‘ Hoover "Mtraddle" pliinU douH noi iti'nnd for hut iiu'fety urutmm'n'io }i.‘i tiny clui'oHfi Ixlwi-fln fcdural and Hiaic proMlbllloii; and In poliitliii; 0111 that tjio pliink i*p(<elflculiy pro. vIdi'H Hint 110 niemhor of On* |Hirty'|j,,r ]•. u. .Me h.rimmid by It. . ii,o Unnk op, Borah kopi hln own rounHid uHim iti„ jniia> to .what ho will do In tin.- ......... .. IN c m m o , READt FOR P i f f BATTLE Former Governor of; New Yorlc Opcna Cnmpaign W ith At' tack Oil Dry Liiw OHEERINC THRONGS GREET NEW YORKER Desijpiales Jersey City Mayor Democratic Convention PJoor Lender I'lliiliiii I’. .AnderHiiii of Ailin'. i|iiiri|n<s N. ,'i. (iiImmi-). uat ••h'llcd prrKldi-iit of Koiai-y lii- Icrniitloriiil a| Hit- cohvi-nllun m>» hi'laif held hi Scnillo. Aiidi-r.rin l« I'liiilriaan of l<i>tiir) Inlrnni. Iliinal\ iiiauiixinc t'omnilKro and I' n f(irjin-r Uro prxsldcnl. FOUND BY P O S S E !.^ S riiiii' ciiii Ataf. (ID —n.riii.T Allrrd 1:. Siiillli •ipi-iifd liN niiiip:ilirM-l«day fnr llio 1)orn<i. rrallo |irovldinilliil nninlnnlloii nlMi II d'Milde liiirn-llod altni-k iiii prr.hiritllnli. Ifovr.linM-Kr-d ti(lrr>(|. dltliinal ri'iifiil nf II................... . I aiiii-iidnicnl, |iri‘i'cdi>d by Iniiiiuill* I III.' iinii-iiilmi-iii of the V.iMnid I III-I to IlMTI-IIM' tl>0 a lro h iillo roM. .i ti'iil Ilf Iruat bi-icniu'o-. ili-i:hiri'cl ho wdiilil h<^ United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy Armament Burden at World Parley ITALY APPROVES iVYREOUGlN Government Accepts Hoover Proposal At Geneva Conference World Challenged To Meet Crisis With Drastic Plan GIBSON SPEAKS ,■ fijr 1 I'llm . Pl'lll 24-Year-old.. Farm Hand Pacea'*^ Clinrge of Robbing Montana Banlc ; ” No Si-nind I'liiili'o --------- _ ja rliilii ;i vTIA.tMTY, .\l.inl-. i f l ' ) - - l iMdvoni.-ni MiiMliWH, l-l yc-iir dld| ..I I...... i>. I............. .... .. " VIllfJl.VIA .(MTV Miirli f.irni hand, wa-i lii Juil U. diarKnl Willi Iho, lobl.i-ry of iho! ri'-Kn nrnl .Naildna!' Iniiik iii Twlii'tiaic IlrldK(-H yi'Hicrdit.v. } .\f, A |r<).sHi> which foriiu-d liiiliitill-j 'ly iififp a Inindii liclil n|i wUU'li hnir in lioih'-r ti II Iho < •If III' 111- ivj),* '■Sldp Snillh'’ f Mild honaii a Ho rofiiMMl \!> would >ili|ili<ii'l| iiiiiiit; i-ainimlKii! IHT^oi; Execution of Boy Slayer Postponed GENI-V/X. (UP)—The U iiileii Sui'u>.-< is.juvpartM i to''scrap niinv than .‘iOO,- i non tnus itf 1‘Kisiing ship.s Hiijrh S. Gi!)sim. Uuitod ; Suites inini.'^ler lo Swil- ; norland, lolil the W orld :;Ai‘m.s con/'t‘rt‘;iec.‘ loday in j.|jiv.sc*niinji‘ a phin i'V ■prc'sidfni llnover t-or a ;onL‘-thinl VL'ihiclion of ar- iiiiainenUs by . all nations. ..hiiiiiiii. iin»‘o ii , Ill'- CO-OPERAIlOF VETERANS ASKEO A(lminiiitr.at6r Sends Letter To Former •Soldiers' Convention .SI’ltlS .-.-III loll < wtllliiiil'. S\N‘ niixn), il-l •) — Plea foe rii-<i|M'iralloii. fr dlitahled w;ir vi'h'raim u’liii are • liartlaHy or wluillv nl.lo 10 . for tlioniiielve:! w:i>i IIIai1<- Id IIIOlllllli rn of Ih e Oi-;- alilod Aiii'Tloai1 Voloraiiii of Iho ' H'oilil ii'd r, .T1 (III■Jr «nnvenaon KlllllV l.y H<ii. (■•r.nnk T. Iljnci. voh-iaiin- adniliiHlraKir. In ;I lellor K1 11le ro n v e n llo n . IIIlM-a axiuroil llii- vei.Taii« that lllc< v<'loniiiK ' 1iilnililisiraiidn will r'WlHlJ)I,- U> !»• iliiil o f n'vltiK Dint ilio l.ll rcl.-n, of 1 nary retrench* -iu.-nl. ddo-< not fall upon tho. no- COWKNTlll.N t'l.llSi:S IIKIIKII. I'lah, <n>l - niiit I'llhl for. 3)01 roll ................. .............. nn:t 20- r . Hatlerl<‘H: . Uxoalioo. AndrowH. i:ble and Tiiio. Wyali anit Kiu'l. Wuidili'iKion ■.......... ....................... 0-n Clovulnnil. ........... ......T...................«—I ■I rainal^ Ho d<«larrd In Iho Soimlo'thul It w-oiiTd'he liii- pOHHllllO to . prOVCUt I'l'lUI'U.Ot tlio italoon iindor/nny Kiilmiitiiic for Iho 3KHi amcndinonl. Ifo oli.trpd tliiit I’oHtiniislep 'General ■llrown. chlof iiolltlcal lluinommi for Pre»l- dent Hoovur. lold him ho ejciictled Iho naldon lo return and would prefer II to prweni Lonillllonn. rrlnrlplc t« Ui'tiioTcd TellinK of n uonvorwulon -wltli Hrown before the convention. IJor- iih wild: "I know ihoro aro a lot ,6f rino spun - tlicorlcH «lnt:o iho ChleiiRo coavonllou. )iiit ihero Ih no Ki‘t- tlnjc nwny froin tho fiiol lhat wiion mnniifacluro and huIc of In. losloantM Ih p6riiillH'd, ihu riiiida* Htonliil !>rJudj))e of iht> IKth aiucudtnent In romdved. Mr. Hrown arjtiiud lit our <»Mvcrsation ni» the Kinteti WJiild lio Klven Hi' •■IkIu to control the lli|uor tniftlc.' S(>nuior Feiw. Ropn...01i!o„ Inier-j [' icd found .M.-tlllKr«ii' ai in.. Jnllii!. Trmiltl.; niin'li near Uoudva. . >riiii|ii>w.H wii;i ddlui! farm I choioii al Iho Ilnur of UU :irre»l. He duuli'd any ooiitiecildii wl(h llio mKliory uulll • dfflcorK ImiaK'd Hii- car iiacd hy iho liaiidit hlihk-ii In 11 clump of treuH jilKiiii u iiillo fnini, ilu! rmioli Iuiiiho. ’ Tliu juaclrlno had horn iiiolvn In lliiKo i-arller In the week. Dlm-ovei-j' of Jo*7 In 11 hulllo hnrlud holilnd a chlokea conii iii till* Trnrfltlct rauRh late lu « nlBhi Hwolltd tlio loLil inoni'V reiiovt.-rod lo $1172. iii!<t $17 le:i:i than wan. tiikeu from tho linnk. Hausner-'To Arrive At Miami Tonight •MIA.MI. Kla.. (IJI’l—MrH. Slaiiley IlauHiicr, wlfo of Iho I'ollidi ininH- r.w.vi.,1 i.rowi, AClQlHic- flllT.. UrrJVcd tJl/H Bf^T- i»n\ersation HihI ,• atier Jeclod: "Uo wn* orRulnR for tin rlKlit of llie |ico|ile lo dcoldf." "I teni Kol/iff *0 Hi/> (Coflllniied on IMro Three) Resolutions Committee Reveals Sentiment for Ithmediate Modification »>• .MorrJj* J l c l u n r i i 'T r n r j r '■ Ijnltod .Vrtsu SInff CiirroKpondPHl «'apyrlRht 1032 hy Ihillrd^ l*resn) CIIK'-SflO.'Ill..*(L'I’) — Tlipre. is rdiiHiilenililr «ohlinii*nl oF tlu' rosdlilNonK coinmitleo d£ llio Denun'nitii! niilMtiiiil' mmvi'it- Tion in ftiyor of ;in immi-ilinic inodifiriitiim of tlio Volsicml net 1 poriiiil lilt’ mimiifnulnre and wtlo of bfor. ' 'I'liis• Ktnrlfniont \ni« rovcnled by iinswor>i;li) 11 United I’ross f|ni*nticiiniiiir«.siibmitf(*d to the im'iiibpi-s (ir-tlio I'ninmitfpi* thus fjir iiumoil. Tlie qni'Hlioiniiiirc iisUod Do ,\'on fiLvnp nioilirifiiiio^^ nf" tiip ;Vi)lsfend lU'f to jionnil tlu raamiTjictnfp of bopr? ’ Tmmfy - one ri-|ili(*M .luivi* lioen' jveotvcd. Of tlio'io nine w crri uiHiniiliribdly in favnr of Cftn'triwi loffJilixinR immediate- ly tli(> «nlp of.b^pr. l'^iiir wero (»f tlip opitrinn, rlint it could no! hp -iloni*' (ioiiHlitiilioiinHy. Oiii* woH opposVd on oilier Rrnu'ndx. Snvonvdid nol commit "ihomiiplre* deflullnly. In mom cnncn- the re* pllci spccKlcd ihe 'ibeer ohould he of tow I oleohollc content—I per cent or leii*; ; _ Four Favor Kepcnl Tnrthermore. of ihg neven wcO' Tour ,unqun1inodly favorod on'-«X-APtl-prohlbliIon IcanlnR*. . -jRh tlioy did not comni/t'tliem* .H^ves ; upon . .(lie quoAllon ot im- ^^(<ue-mod(ricalIon:. ' . ^ 'lliOfquciitlonTof- #omo >conicrci' slonM.action to pormll mBiiufaeturt (itid.Mlo of >b(or lit drawlnR much 'Ht(«DTron‘ h«n)'U io “Mim on iMiin aircoti"' :UDltfd, I’rcim corrcupond- niaklns'n' HUFToy ol opinion throuRhout the- cmtnlrj- the laot aeveral dnya; report hoor nmoiiR Hie t|ueiiHon« iip(icrnifl»t-<ti' {he nilndti of lartiP nniuheri) of votcrK. Pro- bihltlonlniii wondor If they wilt hi fared wlih a flicW_ln ConKvefo aRnhml'inoillfjeiitlop/of Hio Voh mead law. Tlio man of.more liberal vlbwH oif prohtblllon DrsuoH ihat lf nentlment favor* a chanRO, ilioiild bo tnndc now. .Ife Uiu formora'. aiirphiK Rmln nnd fiirulRh a prolific muco of now taxation. ’ < Advneiile Stnt^ Conlnit . aIho tho VMan-’dn'-MaJn Slrcet’ nHkn whoihor Ibb'llQlior traffle.wiU be rl<lurned 10 M(Uo control xhould tho IBth aifiondniont bo ropoalcd. Seven of Iho commlltco TOomhor* cxprenticd' ihomRelVo* In'favor of Mato control.' FourlCon inndo expreHfilon on thp jjoliit. Nono' prcNHcd nny belief, that, xhould tho ISlli' unicndmeut. tie repoaled. the tedoral covonimont nliould' rotiiln coutrol ot tho llQuor triUflc beyond roRUlatlon of IntcMliito'comtndrce; noplleit of oommlttoo mombem on' tho heflr ntioi*tloii“lni Mttnmary form aro M;follow»,:-.^; ... , (ConUnuod on t’Ajo. TUrco) ,nli Ilouu.; i>r ,I.Tsc-y I' iIislKiiiiii'O hy SniJlh ail hls-o.iiivi-ulloii riocit' loaiK-r. Ho arrlvod loiliiy rioni Now York. Iiiirrylni; ilirdiiiili u L'Ucorliiu iliriuic 111 tho l.it Salli' i>iroi-t i>lailon iiiid aiipcai'od an huiir lator lie'(oi'>> 20ii vi'porhTH'In^llii-fnilel (|iiiuti-fH of J 0 U011 STij’llno. oxei'Uilve dliouKir of Iho lli-iiionuili; nalliimil ..iiii- mKtfe. Anail .MrAdno IVIIh .SmaiiViirrlvuI. Hie “•loii" Iloo^e»eir lijirli .■iiiiiniiiiid «iis hi*r«* rrady (iir liii'.ltiess iind jj»«»IiWl)»e jjrriijil iitn |iiitoiitb>l., re - 4-nfim-enieiit, I’n rm e r Seen- taryi <if. Iho Treii<inry >VIIIIani ! (ilbliH .UeAdiio. SiiilthN piirt)’ In. »NI«d. lhat llifrc was no “stoiif iiiovenient iindi-r niiy nnd that. Sinltl>-'i'< hero to cot Ihe noniina* lion for hlniH-tf, •riio Srahh Intorvlew fn Slifl<i«(i'« licailnuarterN Jicruii with thlN kIioiii troni Iho .liai-k «f the rmiiii; "Woll, Govonior. what did you liiivo for lirtakJiiHt?", '•Mam anil oiuh." Sinllh Tcnlled IiroaioJy will •lay vniivoiKl Uo» dlMVll'l ,ai'ni'laiirl Tho llootor -tiKfliiviil. ' lenui- lo till- "iirld to aioi-l Hio I .. ........ . erl-l.' bj ('iillini; dunii. I >in niir ......... .. on-alod‘ 11 I iirofoiinil iiii|iro*->loij »hoii road I lo Hii- ui-nornl i-oiiirnls'lxu nil-' i.f Ihe ....... I; and denial liarlliilly.or whol- e for thcniMOlvpH ' :iil aid from iho •(iiinlen for rMIrf iinin Tid i;ri*nt.. n'ri wtl orid." lUntw •ciild I "II ihllc " CtliHoii i>il<l niiod on ino nx :i..liiiliil>.iraior, tt I faliod to (,n»- !liliiisl/o ihl» Hiiiiniioii iind to iirifo .\nu m kIvo ymir iiimoiii co-opern- Hon 10 thone ••udnivdrhis'to euro' iidnnaali-Iy fyr a-.^ (Ihinhled votor- iinalilo for tiiooi- MliiK Moxslon laio iTOCiK Jl)'. li. S. •an K.iiU, i-rowdi-d (mil, •'will tiro; iiiHoii of^lho world aad/elv.v-, , soars ? when ho arrlvoH joiilKht, Haiwner, rcKCiicd at hc Ifloailac a week on hl» plai raiuo down In Iho ocuaii. will be iltfii from tho tanker Oiree Sholl.: •von mllcii off Miami lonlnht. Mrn.j ffniiHiier wan accdniuanled ^y Cap(, ChpHter nudor and I-'iiiher Paul ipiiek. ...... pede 10 'thfi iront of Hie ____ hy IiraiidlxhlnR Snillh’o lypewritien jiaiiel- which mild: •'The IStli aniendiuont Nhoiild irvor have liei'ii.put luid the eon- liiiHon.~;It In uiiwdrldibU*. ' I nl- K'kcd II frout (he tiuio Ic wan (Irxt . (Contlmied (iii P.1R0 Seven) Children Disblose Cruel Treatment; Woman Sentenced (’lllCAt IliPl-M rH, Jennie niier nim idilay ind J2on tlno afier her two iitepchlldrpn lold III ('(luri o( tho loniireii to whleh who had unlijeeii-d ih'cni. •fhc clilldreii. frilo'fird iMcer, •II. iinil lilH Hlater Clnrii.' 12. toHll* • fled 11101; Hicpmoilior had: PnnlHlicil tikltrnrd liy hurnlnif hix lonKue wlUi a hi;ated knife. KiioclJi-d t;ianrn le.-ih out wlih ur flt*i. Hoii.t liflih wllh u lihiekHiiako vlifp. _ ■WaKi'il' Kdwiii d"fronrhl!n5lpep lo hiiy her whirkey. i'”oicod Clara 10 peddle home- hri'W. I «eiil< aftei iiHier wlin( woniiin fiid her own four ehll- dren woll hut balf-tUarved the niotherlei*« ydUiiK»terM. ‘'\\'.\s'HIM !TnN."nri’l -'A HWeeii- 111: nriiiid-^al lo I'odiioo Iho world'ii irni» Iiy ono-ililrd inul lltt a hiir- loa <if rroin 10 Id IT. tiillliiii dollam roiil Ihe shoulih-r.H of .the rdnimmi locil i.iiiay I'ly I*r.:-<h1eii( Iloi Jlie Windy City By Talburt n' fiKlitiiiif «ten|iiin baniii'd nil-’ der ilio piiiiio-iil. .Mr. Ihuner MiL'i:e-led Hial no| only land arniuiui-nl<i '■heiild be eat but Uml Ihi'tv Hhimlil he u oiie.lhlrd rediiethin In natal slreuuHi iiii* der exl-tlntf Im ilj Jo*el«. The I’lVwldcnfii nluii'war* niil- lined lodny iiy .Mr. Ildovi-r liefore a KMiall Kioiin ‘if ni‘w«|iapernien. lie rciid IiIh pro|>OHill. onipliaHltlnR Ihe fun lhat It loiic-Jiod all hranrheni "lloiaiiuds IM'l'tn.lle ^lelliod | AiionipHiiK Ici put new life In Ihe' laiTKliiK Coaev.i dlHuniiamenl eon-t rei'oiioo. Hie I’ri'Mlduiii doelared lhat' "Iho ihiio \x ooiiTFu-lien wo Hhonldj oiil HiruuKli Hie hriiHli aii|l adopl ixinio f,riia<{ and ilef<(i<(e m ethod <if 'ediieiuK the overwhelmlim linrden TO HIGH MARKS . Xot <iol>* wuu- Tiieiwlay tlio lonsem day of ihu yt-ur hiif || iviiH Ihe hoitcwi—until today. Old Sol hroiiKht Hie mereury nii to U2 .doRrTOs, ,tV«lnesday wnH even Ifoftor Ilian Iho dayiirt-vlouM.iiouilicm Idalii. H^s-elterluK under a Bfi.Ii doifreii temperature al 1:.10 dV;loL-k. Whleh Uireatened to ro evtii lilRher. , . MySTERVllN N im N K E ■I Can’t Toll You Her Name’' Aimee's Husband Inforins -^ Roportere"' of II llienl." ThlK." Mr; lloovor mild, “would ho Hie mdHL Initioriiint world Htop lhat eoiild he lakoii lo expedllo oe<t> uouili; recovery." Tho pi;opoj<ii!, on .hich offleial aiithdrliy. Ii> linked In no way with Hie prohiem nf war debiH. II waa aiiihorliollvnly Hinted that the Anuvlcaii deleuaiion ' haM not dlH« ciU'm-,1 wur deliu with Knroneun HlaieMineii. •OIJIflnlH hero held Ibi lo offer a trade nf wnr dohtH for dJ^nrniniDcnt, would bo InHultioR lo ihc nailoUH of IJuropo. .Suve'Twd nniiun The lIcMiver reduction ■plaji noi cut the man-power of Ainerloa'H uriny. li wan held that thiarls uh ready helow the MrenRlh the Kiiro. jiean nations will require for in lernnl police protection. An the naval culM uro li'nMcd or trenly oirenKih rajhor than actua: MtrenRih, ncrnpplns of exiitiluR ve«- Hels prohalily will Hoi ho ni.‘co*»nry. However, the avohlnncc of hulldlnR Ihe navy up 10 tho London treoty wrenRih prohahly would b (Ccntlnned on P ciro Three) Infant Son Born In Taxi Speeding To S. L. Hospital SAI/T I..AKB OITY (UP).All; tbft upoed-and ncHiie of a mod* ern eonveyan'ce. oftjild not eliMl Ihe Infant non of Mr. and Mm. J. n. Stone out ot brine'borti' In -u laxJcflJt.- ' "Stifp on It." shouted Stono aa ho ' u*hi*rc<l hlH w ife Into UiQ taJrt. I->1 aoodtollow. driver.. senHd the' nlttiatlon and “*l«>pbd.” OeiitleuiatlnR traffic 'policoiuen;; anit ''stop'' AlRns wj)ro.;lRnore<t: In Hio wlM rMe. ■. ; - ' ' r • . -luHi an'U ic <ar wan'xlpiriaK acrotR an Inierstwtlon. the balv <vaii.lisrn.’;A fov mlnutos later;. 'A pliysiolan admtnliitor«<}.'.first; 'aid Id UiI^ .txiicab ' ao<l-;th4h.’ ;took tho’mother nnd nQDawllnCf . By tienpRp li. [fM ln.. ' . riillod Preiis Nlaff, Corre«pond»nt. l.O.S A.NT.m>T!s (U P l — yC^wotn-, an -whOHo name "doMn;i nihlier": • and-il man In a rctl neckUo'wore. ' nddiHl'today to (ho AlrMdy ,!ncoh> . . KruoiiH cam aii.Uio trial of .M m ld' ' Si. Plerro’d |i«ft,oOO ^-bro^cU^oY liromlBo null aRaln’iil .navlii;-li?; (Iron- ^tan) Hiitton.. hiiHl)ana‘'.'i)C' - Ihu famfllblciiilo , ovhnirnmr.j i; Aliiieo S.ni|plo McP>or»on HiittopV i-onilniied.! i Thoy wero Jntmdured n« - pjju’i,' ', nlhlo witDMSOH a n d . lD ' IbO; ; t ^ t manner of mymery floUdn' by ■'dri'-;-. torncyn ntdlnR HuTton.lo cotfibaj tho charRCM that ho heirar«<1 St. Pierre' under opromlBOr of t'ttarf'-'.-" rlaRu. _Tlio, woman, plainly ;dreuel,''<-/ rui>he<t Inio ihn courtroom; JitbL W;-'?. loday'x ucHsion wim ectU ns' timleK;;) •way, I'onferri'd wJili Kutipn.-W iv';. atiorneya awl Ju«lBe‘I.«rtcr iRotli'i^-V and ihon wim htmdled. fnnn ,Hh6' courlroom and awo>* In nn .nolO'-^. lunbllo. V-' ; "Slio’a Buro .Rot .Bomo Btoff.- .ftll O-.;; elRht;* tho Mrpulont dtrfomlBm «Xr clt<dly told nnwRpi^nniHiV' ; tMo't f e l l . h e r n o m c —Jt matter, anyhow-^ui Hho surb tho fltuff." . • , Ijorln Andrtmm.. HuMotv’r icM tf 1.J; coiinael, nald 'Oio womati'VDu)d:b«^-- callotl In^er, He nld<iti)»;CBfli'» ftll -;;) tlio <way from. N<)»,.-y«rte.-,Cttrkl ' Klvo Im portant lBformatlon^.Ut>.na 'The.man In the red a ccnnUnt, ntlcndanlce'-amcet-iVlio;?! t»-tto-mftrrled;Mr»/St^.Plc*H>li»iij;; Ran Aor damiHco,,.»i«lt;;:pro? 11^11 he a wllnnfl. dorentw.N noy*- aald;- v v -They decUned-to;r*T»l<i biilM l'W a* uia.^bft.Mike}: /onnorly ono ot-:-th*:Bnw Dii$i si;;T>lrt‘Aj;\i;,'^KA?Wj55 ~ ■\VllK' tho;jiyr«erT«>l -woll-lnkea-edw^^^tt' or.- lUitt(>n.<nialtea.>i^ itrllcoJ.backrittKnk^.ip
Page 1: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

WjEATflfeR ■'V u ir , no clmtiRa lii tom pom tiirc.

iUiHt iilfilil'B .low wnH C2 OcicrocH. HlRli ntiil l<»v tm p o ra tu fc it fo r lliii 24 lioiir period rndltiK a l Q. Tiieltrtuy woro J12 uml dcKrooB.

A Bcgional N ew spaper Serv ing S ix Irr ig a te d OouoUcs in Idaho

VOL. XV. N 0 .-61— 5 CENTS ■ Kraphlo~'8«r»le« o t »h» Unite TW IN FALLS, ID A H O , W EDNESDAY, JU N E 22, 1932 O FFJCIA L COUNTY N E W SPA PER

i l o o s e v e l t C a l l s U p o n W a l k e r t o

A n s w e r C h a r g e s


. Record of Teetimony y Requested, Mayor

Is Informed

S E N D S L E T T E RH r r A i ; i , ii. k ix h

L'liHfil I'rp-<s S tiif/ CorrCHiMinili-nJ

. ALBANY, N .,Y ., (U P ) — M ayor Juines' J . W alk ­e r o f New York City ^ :as called, upon today ,by

..Gov. F ranklin D; Ro,osp- velt to answ er charges jireferred against him by Sam uel Seabury, counsel to the H o fstad ter New York 'C i ^ in v estig a tira

. eomiiiittee. . ''UooK(>voli HPiit* II lo iter lr> lUo

'n ra y o r roiiiiouMtii: iiii iiiiHWf>r i<>' t)i(< Si'iiTliiiry rli'iirKi’H niiil ulmi 'to

flU'il Uy iw» N«»- Yi)rl; t ’liy oruiinlxmloiiH.

Tlio Kovpcuor liiformctl lln ' May­o r rliiii lu> Imil roimcHiiHl Bcxvlxiry i« forw iinl liliii till' trnnnnrl|ii of lOMilniniiy wlilcli lio kiivu liL'fcir«

. till* cotiinilitui*.Tlic iluc-uiii(‘ii(A w.tilr.li Sfiil’iiry

KOtil lo ilio , G overnor iifU'i- tin*, H ofm mlior coinmltiec'H Invi'nHKH-

tloii Of thu New York City K<>Y*, u rn tiim t u'oro atTomjmnli'il l)y » Hutiinmry fii w hfd i SonJiiirj'nlJcK - <-il Hint \V «lkor’H tontliiiony uinl t.ilior w!<lciico l«!arlnjt,on IiIh nd-' iiilitlKli-aUon Allowed ho wnH itnCJt

t lo hold offlcn. Heiihuo* chuvnfd ' ilm l W alkur'ii ownorttliiiv of niock

111 II company _ t1mt • liuld Bfrci't llKlii fixtiin.* Hi t h e 'o l t y wim

•iiiioiiffh III itn e lf 'lo illuowiillfy f 'l" ' iindt'r tliu'-lii'v.


Q ovem or, DolegTito a t Large, Occidcs N o t T o A ttend

C hicago Convention

•nOISR -f- "T lif H tnl(r\ IniHliK'KH comoH flr.ti.” Hiild (Idvcriuir C. Iii<n Rows I t i ' uiiuoiiin'.liu' |i[h dc'cfiilou iiol to iiliunil noiniKiVuiUr mi- •lonnl rniivi'nMon in Cliliinuo'ui'Xi

ock. .T hu Rovornnr whm i-liTtcil •» del.

n(. liirRr- frniii Uy (lie«tiil»«, iiliiJ.rorm <-onv(>niliih iii WoIh- f r Jiitie 10.• “Thoro ■ an* 1»a miiiiy niu'llt'rti neudiiiK’ iir>- 'iu*rnriii;il alii-nilcm lo Pornilt iiu ' to go Id chli?in:i>." liii- (tovnrnor kuIiI, Highway niaiii'v^

' IllllOltK .I'llO IlllHlllCflH oc-i'iipy* ItiR hin n itfn ilo ii a t pivx<-iii. UohK' iUllllMKnl.

NATIONAI, l.K A ian :

. U iiii'i ....... oofinnooin— I 2.Vcw Y ork ....Mooo'20 !' IT l

Jk^itcrlL-x: ilnlliihiiii, J»Uii»oii mid iinRiiNo; IliibliPlI and llouiiii.

I'UtHl.iirRli .... :13I in o o in — 7 n ' liti'ooklyn ....... loi) ifii imi— 0 in -i

^JJntlcrlCH:- l-'roiicli. Q ulnu iiiid G nico; Sliixilo.. Sprnci’r, .Mooro iiod

' Traffic Restored ' Over Main Canal

East of Hansen

T rafric on U. S . 30 lilRhwiO' over tiKt nirtln lino i-antU lliico milcH

- I'aia Of llnnKoii. hnit ilioon rcniorou.* Hliico ilie coniplotlou IhU week »iy

Knn J . CnVJv'naRli, c o iilru c lo r.'o f a (oniiuiriiry -wooden ulriicltire overlh« m ionm . lo replnco Iho lld - fo o i

* Mocl h rld ae which v o n wrockoO. wli«n it wnH h it l>y a .Union Pacific ]|UX WO WCCkH 1050.

t'liu iiio f iho n iircau of H lshwayii m il fo r th e ronnin ic tloh of 11 new

brldBO over tlio caniil a t n diiU‘_yel to ho net.-

PI.KAIIS { i V \ i : i ' f . n o w is —flco reo J* Ray, Twin

h'allM. Iiiiii • ploailed RiiUly In fod- ornl oouri hi.ro lo chtirifCK of poK- iickhIoii and iiiaiiufacljlro of H auor

■ 1111(1 w as Hciiiencpd imy a f in - of C lio iinil to nervo four jiionih la JiiU. . ' /

Chlr«K o"......;....O20 00« OOrt— 2 CP hlladelpliln ..OLM 202 Olx— 11 If.

UaiiQrIe»: OrlnieK. Kooi. Mo}-* iinrtr/hnii-ItcmK lcy; Hhcni. KrniiHiin nnd DnvlB. •


'S o d h io s 'jn Chac]i}Ioaship B o» t Reaults In S torm o f .

■Proteflt;' . ■ ,

•.VK\V YORK. lU P)r^A ;i<lorm of proieiit- <hur»l .todoj> arniind Uiu

i m iwty occiipJcJ- wqrM'«, Jieavy. ■ wolKhi JioxliiR ^hron«;o« nn -a f to r-

iiwlli o f tlio rich l In. whlcli :J«ck . Hhurliny v n ii (twuntoil ,lho title

■ p'AliitM. . . ' • ••npiiiandfl fo r an' invoHilRailon nf

llio 'c o n d u c t of th e ' New' York K ialv fhixliiff CominlHfibn . worp

* v:tlc(s| a<« n iiiiijoriir of th e rInR oxpcriH ilonoiinced on ‘'tinfolrV tho .leclnlon w hich co«l/ Mnx ScUwel-

. InK of riormnn};’ 'tho .cliatnploiiHhlp In lilR lS«romiil hoiiL iiR ainil

■ .Shorkoy in the now Jiowl on Lour IMnnd laHi niKht. .

TIki clrniKO of Jo e .Jd co tw ,.« a s e r of the ' Oommn,' thsL h e ,h n |I

, linen lo ld tw o woflltn aKo '.H ut ' O nnhont Sm ith wan td 'm fo re e ia n d

ihnc lilH ru h litr cuulit noU iw la , led hporiomen lo.ItuiliiL Ihab.-tha

• c h a rsc oflnafflclnnoyDndpreJactlce• on, tlio p a r t o f .th o offlolnlii o f tho r Now York'cdniniliiM lon’ttO: InycMtl*

, Kiitcd. • - y ' ; •' ’Jncol) R. cliarRoO . openly - th a t

. ' ' Schm ellnR h a d . hceU~''rohlioiV’ biit . -iinM ho did noL lo^fcnd to liook a

hcarln if o f tho NOW 'V o rk fltato'*• .hox ln s i3i«w. i* r?e d U iat froni a ll

* npvenranceK .^^S^iim iU tiK ■ itftoitld , : liavo rucolvod tho^'OocHftin.. ” ; ;•

. litu w u rn m MuIdooii.Vwhp: ul<i Rliarkoy w ould be ftlvon. xuU

.. cofniiiion ‘nil ;chaihM on.\ dDfundti] ih o eon fluc l' anil rtiicmoh ,b t the

. . pCnctal«.VHb iiU d.hli;i.»ii.oi>li<<jn■ ,wa« th a t tho b a ltfo . lOtouW .'Imro

. . been dqolarcU '-a Ur4f .> -;

POLIIICAL BREAKB orn irS bow s No D isposition to

Compromise ' A ttitu d e T o\^ard Hoover


Ad.miiufltraUdn L eaders Hope To Sell 'S en a to r On

‘■ S traddle’' P la n

nffiturk-x; C arroll. Johimon a n il Ix>mlmrdl; firown, P n i« ii. rn in k ' hoii^p and Spolirer. I la re n iv c .

I.CAfJliKa . ir. K

I’hllndolphla 010 inf) ] f l l _ l Hf cChftiiKii ..........IS(I m 21*—fl I.t ti

•Hattorlcfi: .Atnlinffey, Frclum, Uomrnel and Cochran)’; Frimli-r find Ornlip.

. Ily Jiitliis VniiiclHoii I’tiltn l I'resH Staff t!iirrch|mndi'nt

«-ASUlX(Jt»lN (in*) — S .11. ii ta r Wtllliini K. Iln rnh . pnwi-ri'iil ,Uf<iiiilillt-n(i d r) Iriid rr. uiijicari'd '{<■ Ilf liin ilii;: h h hn rk today im ninxt im tlrliiuled , iidniliti^lrti.(Inn vffortK fa w in hfm, im -r si.piK.rl I 're«tilent U ar.»|.r'.i rr- cli'c lhiii roniiialk'ii.

The lilalio o rn lo r *iinro. ihiin, iiiic'o liiix Hplll w ith oiliiT piiriy liMdorH. iiiilkoil fo r a wlil1i>. I'liid thoii In th o fil'd K»ni- ou t on ilio Hiiinit) fo r till- ll.*imi>IU-ati l*r<'»l- dcn tlal iuini1no<>. ttiH iliiind.-rliiK voU-o wn.i ihe h1i-k.‘ Kiitl o f Ihi- I!I"X Il'iovor ninipalisii. . iliii 1i.«HliowM no dlii[«»*>tloii 10 conipro- n>lno hlH dcchinilljin iliai, *li« <•««• not Hiiiniovi Mr. .H oover on tho

mM wit/fiH vr.m iiiD onplank.

Arciii- I 'a r “Slniddle” 1‘lanl;T ho Ikii’c of »dmlnlHirnilnn lond-

or» lien In iirK'iHiK w llji IloriiJi lha t lhi‘ Hoover "Mtraddle" pliinU douH noi iti'nnd fo r hut iiu'fety urutmm'n'io }i.‘i tiny clui'oHfi Ixlwi-fln fcdural and Hiaic proMlbllloii; and In poliitliii; 0111 th a t tjio pliink i*p(<elflculiy pro. vIdi'H Hint 110 niemhor of On* |H irty '|j,,r ]•. u. .Me h .rim m id by It. . ii,o Unnk op,

Borah kopi hln ow n rounHid uH im iti„ jniia> to .what ho will do In tin.- ......... ..

IN c m m o , READt FOR P i f f BATTLEF orm er Governor of; New Yorlc

Opcna Cnmpaign W ith A t' tack Oil D ry Liiw


D esijpiales Jersey C ity M ayor D em ocratic Convention

PJoor L ender

I'lliiliiii I’. .AnderHiiii of Ailin'. i|iiiri|n<s N. ,'i. (iiImmi-). u a t ••h'llcd prrKldi-iit o f Koiai-y lii- Icrniitloriiil a | Hit- cohvi-nllun m>» hi'laif held h i Scnillo. Aiidi-r.rin l« I'liiilriaan of l<i>tiir) In lrn n i. Iliina l\ iiiauiixinc t'omnilKro and I ' n f(irjin-r U ro prxsldcnl.


riiiii'c i i i i Ataf. ( I D — n .riii.T

A llrrd 1:. Siiillli •ipi-iifd liN niiiip:ilirM-l«day fnr llio 1)orn<i. r ra llo |irovldinilliil nninlnnlloii nlMi II d'Milde liiirn-llod altni-k iiii prr.hiritllnli. Ifovr.linM-Kr-d ti(lrr>(|.dltliinal ri'iifiil nf II................... .

I aiiii-iidnicnl, |iri‘i'cdi>d by Iniiiiuill*I III.' iinii-iiilmi-iii of the V .iM nid I III-I to IlMTI-IIM' tl>0 a lrohiillo roM.

.i ti'iil Ilf Iruat bi-icniu'o-.ili-i:hiri'cl ho wdiilil h<

United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy Armament Burden at World Parley


G overnm ent Accepts Hoover Proposal A t Geneva


World Challenged To Meet Crisis With

Drastic P lan


,■ fijr 1 I'llm . Pl'lll

24-Year-old.. F a rm H and Pacea'*^ Clinrge of Robbing ■

M ontana Banlc ; ”

No Si-nind I'liiili'o

--------- _ ja rliilii ;ivTIA.tMTY, .\l.inl-. i f l ' ) - - l iMdvoni.-ni MiiMliWH, l-l yc-iir d ld | •..I I...... i>. I............. .... .. "

VIllfJl.VIA .(MTV Miirlif.irni hand, wa-i lii Juil U. diarK nl Willi Iho, lobl.i-ry of iho! ri'-Kn n rn l .Naildna!' Iniiik iii T w lii'tia ic IlrldK(-H yi'Hicrdit.v. } .\f,

A |r<).sHi> which foriiu-d liiiliitill-j 'ly iififp a Inindii liclil n|i

wUU'lihnir in

lioih'-r tiII Iho < •If III'

111- ivj),*'■Sldp Snillh '’

f Mild honaii a Ho rofiiMMl \!>

would >ili|ili<ii'l| iiiiiiit; i-ainimlKii!

IHT oi;

Execution of BoySlayer Postponed

G E N I-V /X . ( U P ) — T h e U i i i le i i Sui'u>.-< i s . ju v p a r tM i t o ' 's c r a p n i in v t h a n .‘iOO,-

i n o n tn u s i tf 1‘K is i in g s h ip .s H iijrh S . G i! ) s im . U u i to d

; S u i te s in in i.'^ le r l o S w il- ; n o r la n d , lo l i l t h e W o r ld

: ;A i‘m.s c o n / 't ‘r t ‘;iec.‘ l o d a y in j.|jiv.sc*niinji‘ a p h in i'V ■ p rc 's id fn i l l n o v e r t-or a ;onL‘- t h i n l V L 'ih iclion o f a r - i iiia in en U s b y . a l l n a t io n s .

..hiiiiiiii. iin»‘o i i , Ill'-


A(lminiiitr.at6r Sends L e tte r To Form er •Soldiers '


.SI’lt lS .-.-III loll < wtllliiiil'.

S\N‘ n iix n ) , il-l •) — Plea foerii-<i|M'iralloii. fr dlitahled w ;irvi'h 'rai m u’liii are • liartlaHy orwluillv nl.lo 10 . for tlioniiielve:!w:i>i IIIai1<- Id IIIOlllllli rn of Ihe Oi-;-alilod Aiii'Tloai1 Voloraiiii of Iho

' H'oilil ii'd r, .T1 (III■Jr «nnvenaonKlllllV l.y H<ii. (■•r.nnk T. I ljn c i.voh-iai in- adnili iHlra Kir.

In ;I lellor K1 11le ronvenllon .IIIlM-a axiuroil llii- vei.Taii« th a tlllc< v<'loniiiK ' 1iilnili lis ira iidn willr'WlHlJ)I,- U> !»• iliiil o f n'vltiK Dintilio l.ll rcl.-n, of 1 nary retrench*

-iu.-nl. ddo-< not fall upon tho. no-

COWKNTlll.N t'l.llS i:S IIKIIKII. I 'la h , < n> l -


I 'llh l


3)01 roll ................. ..............nn:t 20- r .Hatlerl<‘H: . Uxoalioo. AndrowH.

i:b le and Tiiio. W yali an it Kiu'l.

Wuidili'iKion ■ .......... .......................0- nC lovulnn il. ........... ......T...................«—I

■I r a in a l^ Ho d<«larrd In Iho Soim lo 'thul It w-oiiTd'he liii- pOHHllllO to . prOVCUt I'l'lUI'U.Ot tlio italoon i in d o r /n n y Kiilmiitiiic for Iho 3KHi amcndinonl. Ifo o li.trp d tliiit I’oHtiniislep 'G eneral ■ llrown. chlof iiolltlcal lluinommi fo r Pre»l- dent Hoovur. lold him ho ejciictled Iho naldon lo re tu rn an d would prefer II to p rw en i Lonillllonn.

r r ln r lp lc t« Ui'tiioTcdTellinK of n uonvorwulon -wltli

Hrown before the convention. IJor- iih wild:

"I know ihoro a ro a lo t ,6 f rino spun - tlicorlcH «lnt:o iho ChleiiRo coavonllou. )iiit ihero Ih no Ki‘t- tlnjc nw ny froin tho fiiol lhat wiion m nniifacluro and huIc of In. losloantM Ih p6riiillH'd, ih u riiiida* Htonliil !>rJudj))e of iht> IKth a iucudtnent In romdved. Mr. Hrown arjtiiud lit our <»Mvcrsation ni» th e Kinteti WJiild lio Klven Hi' •■IkIu to control th e lli |u o r tn iftlc.'

S(>nuior Feiw. Ropn...01i!o„ In ier-j ['

icd found .M.-tlllKr«ii' a i in.. Jnllii!. Trmiltl.; niin'li near Uoudva. .

>riiii|ii>w.H wii;i ddlui! farm I choioii al Iho Ilnur of UU :irre»l. He duuli'd any ooiitiecildii wl(h llio mKliory uulll • dfflcorK ImiaK'd Hii- ca r iiacd hy iho liaiidit hlihk-ii In 11 clum p of treuH jilKiiii u iiillo fnini, ilu! rmioli Iuiiiho. ’

Tliu juaclrlno had horn iiiolvn In lliiKo i-arller In the week.

Dlm-ovei-j' of Jo*7 In 11 hulllo hnrlud holilnd a chlokea conii iii till* Trnrfltlct rauRh la te lu « nlBhi Hwolltd tlio loLil inoni'V reiiovt.-rod lo $1172. iii!<t $17 le:i:i than wan. tiikeu from tho linnk.

Hausner-'To Arrive A t Miami Tonight

•MIA.MI. Kla.. (IJI’l — MrH. Slaiiley IlauHiicr, wlfo of Iho I'ollidi ininH-

r.w.vi.,1 i.rowi, AClQlHic- flllT.. UrrJVcd tJl/H Bf^T-i» n \e rsa tio n HihI ,•

a tie r

Jeclod: "U o wn* orRulnR for tin rlKlit of llie |ico|ile lo dcoldf."

"I teni Kol/iff *0 Hi/>(Coflllniied on IMro T hree)

Resolutions Committee Reveals Sentiment for

Ithmediate Modification»>• .MorrJj* J lc lu n r ii 'T rn r jr

'■ Ijnltod .Vrtsu SInff CiirroKpondPHl« 'apyrlR ht 1032 hy Ihillrd^ l*resn)

C I IK '-S f lO .'I l l . .* (L 'I ’ ) — Tlipre. is rd iiH iilen il ilr «ohlin ii*nl oF t lu ' rosdlilN onK c o in m itle o d£ llio D en u n 'n itii ! niilM tiiiil' m m vi'it-

T ion in f tiy o r o f ;in im m i-ilin ic in o d if ir iit iim o f tlio V o ls ic m l net 1 p o r iiii l lilt’ m im iifn u ln re an d w tlo o f b fo r . ''I'liis• Ktnrlfniont \ni« rovcnled by iinswor>i;li) 11 U n ited I’ross

f|ni*nticiiniiiir«.siibmitf(*d to the im'iiibpi-s (ir-tlio I'ninmitfpi* thus fjir iiumoil. Tlie qni'Hlioiniiiirc iisUod

Do ,\'on fiLvnp nioilirifiiiio^ nf"ti ip ;V i)lsfend lU'f to j io n n i l tlu ra am iT jic tn fp o f b opr?’ T m m f y - one ri-|ili(*M .luivi*

lioen ' jv e o tv c d . O f tlio 'io n inew c r r i u iH in iilirib d ly in fa v n r of C ftn 'tr iw i loffJilixinR im m ed ia te ­ly tli(> «nlp o f .b ^ p r . l'^ ii ir w ero (»f tlip o p itrinn , rlin t i t co u ld no! h p -iloni*' (ioiiH litiilio iinH y. Oiii* woH opposV d on o il ie r Rrnu'ndx.

Snvonvdid nol com mit "ihomiiplre* deflullnly. In m om cnncn- the re* p llc i spccKlcd ihe 'ibeer ohould he o f tow I oleohollc content— I per cent o r leii*; ; _

F o u r Favor Kepcnl T nrth erm o re . of ihg neven wcO'

Tour ,unqun1inodly favorod

on'-«X-APtl-prohlbliIon IcanlnR*. . - jR h tlioy did n o t comni/t'tliem *

.H^ves ; upon . .(lie quoAllon o t im- ^ ^(< ue-m od(rica lIon :. ' .

^ 'lliO fquciitlonT of- #omo >conicrci' slonM .action to porm ll mBiiufaeturt (itid .M lo of >b(or lit draw lnR much 'Ht(«DTron‘ h«n )'U io “Mim on iMiin a irc o ti" ' :U D ltfd , I’rcim corrcupond-

n ia k ln s 'n ' HUFToy o l opinion

throuRhout the- cm tnlrj- th e laot aeveral dnya; report hoor nmoiiR Hie t|ueiiHon« iip(icrnifl»t-<ti' {he nilndti of lartiP nniuheri) of votcrK. Pro- bihltlonlniii wondor If they wilt hi fared w lih a flicW _ln ConKvefo a R n h m l'in o illfje iitlo p /o f Hio Voh mead law . Tlio man o f.m o re liberal vlbwH oif prohtblllon DrsuoH ih a t lf nentlm ent favor* a chanRO, ilioiild bo tnndc now. .Ife

Uiu formora'. aiirphiK Rmln nnd fiirulRh a prolific m u c o of now taxation . ’ <

Advneiile Stnt^ Conlnit. aIho tho VMan-’dn'-M aJn S lrce t’ nHkn w hoihor Ibb'llQlior traffle.w iU be rl<lurned 10 M(Uo co n tro l xhould tho IBth aifiondniont bo ropoalcd.

Seven of Iho com m lltco TOomhor* cxprenticd ' ihomRelVo* I n 'f a v o r of Mato c o n tro l .' FourlCon inndo expreHfilon on th p jjoliit. Nono' prcNHcd nny belief, th a t, xhould tho IS ll i' unicndm eut. tie repoaled . the tedoral covonim ont n liould ' rotiiln coutro l o t tho llQuor triU flc beyond roRUlatlon of IntcM liito 'com tndrce;

noplleit of oom mlttoo mombem o n ' tho heflr ntioi*tloii“ lni Mttnmary form a ro M ;follow »,:-.^; ... ,

(ConUnuod on t ’Ajo. TUrco)

,nli Ilouu.; i>r ,I.Tsc-y I ' iIislKiiiiii'O hy SniJlh

ail hls-o.iiivi-ulloii riocit' loaiK-r.Ho arrlvod loiliiy rioni Now York.

Iiiirrylni; ilirdiiiili u L'Ucorliiu iliriuic 111 tho l.it Salli' i>iroi-t i>lailon iiiid aiipcai'od an huiir la to r lie'(oi'>> 20ii v i'porhTH 'In^llii-fnilel (|iiiuti-fH of J 0 U011 STij’llno. oxei'Uilve dliouKir of Iho lli-iiionuili; nalliim il ..iiii- mKtfe.

Anail .MrAdno IVIIh .Sm aiiViirrlvuI. Hie “ •loii"

Ilo o ^e» eir lijirli .■iiiiiniiiiid «iis hi*r«* rrady (iir liii'.ltiess iind jj»«»IiW l)»e jjrriijil ii tn |iiitoiitb>l., re - 4-nfim-enieiit, I’n rm er S een- taryi <if. Iho Treii<inry >VIIIIani ! (ilbliH .UeAdiio. SiiilthN piirt)’ In. »NI«d. lh a t llifrc was no “stoiif iiiovenient iindi-r n iiy nnd that. Sinltl>-'i'< hero to cot Ihe noniina* lion fo r hlniH-tf,•riio Srahh Intorvlew fn Slifl<i«(i'«

licailnuarterN Jicruii with thlN kIioiii troni Iho .liai-k «f the rmiiii;

"W oll, Govonior. w h at did you liiivo for lirtakJiiHt?",

'•Mam anil oiuh." Sinllh Tcnlled

IiroaioJy will •lay vniivoiKl Uo» dlMVll'l

,a i'n i'la iirlTho lloo to r -tiKfliiviil.

' lenui- lo till- " iirld to aioi-l HioI .. ........ . e rl-l.' b j ('iillini; dunii.I >in n iir ......... .. on-alod‘ 11I iirofoiinil iiii|iro*->loij »hoii road I lo Hii- ui-nornl i-oiiirnls'lxu


i.f Ihe

....... I; and denial

lia r lliilly .o r w hol- e for thcniMOlvpH ' :iil aid from iho •(iiinlen for rM Irf iinin Tid i;ri*nt.. n'ri wtl orid." lUntw •ciild I

"II ihllc" CtliHoii i>il<l

niiod on ino nx :i..liiiliil>.iraior, tt I faliod to (,n»- !liliiisl/o ihl» Hiiiiniioii iind to iirifo .\nu m kIvo ym ir iiimoiii co-opern- Hon 10 thone ••udn ivd rh is 'to e u ro ' iidnnaali-Iy fyr a-. (Ihinhled votor-

iinalilo for tiiooi-

MliiK Moxslon laio iTOCiK Jl)'. li. S. •an K.iiU,

i-rowdi-d (m il, •'will tiro;iiiHoii o f^ lh o world aad /e lv .v - , ,

s o a r s ?

when ho arrlvoH joiilKht,Haiwner, rcKCiicd a t hc

I floailac a week on hl» plairaiuo down In Iho ocuaii. will be

iltfii from tho ta n k er Oiree Sholl.: •von mllcii o ff Miami lonlnht. Mrn.j

ffniiHiier wan accdniuanled ^ y Cap(, ChpHter nudor and I-'iiiher Paul


...... pede 10 'thfi iro n t of Hie ____hy IiraiidlxhlnR Snillh’o lypew ritien jiaiiel- which mild:

•'The IStli aniendiuont Nhoiild irvor have liei'ii.put luid the eon- liiiH on.~;It In uiiwdrldibU*. ' I n l- K'kcd II frout (he tiuio Ic wan (Irxt

. (Contlm ied (iii P.1R0 Seven)

Children Disblose Cruel Treatm ent; Woman Sentenced(’lllCA t IliP l-M rH , Jennie

niier nimidilayind J 2on

tlno a fie r he r tw o iitepchlldrpn lold III ('(luri o( tho lon iire ii to w hleh who had unlijeeii-d ih'cni.

•fhc clilldreii. frilo'fird iMcer, • I I. iinil lilH Hlater Clnrii.' 12. toHll* • fled 11101; Hicpmoilior had:

PnnlHlicil tikltrnrd liy hurnlnif hix lonKue wlUi a hi;ated knife.

KiioclJi-d t;ian rn le.-ih ou t w lih ur flt*i.Hoii.t liflih wllh u lihiekHiiako

vlifp. ■ _■WaKi'il' Kdwiii d"fronrhl!n5lpep

lo hiiy her w hirkey.i'”oicod C lara 10 peddle home-

hri'W. I«eiil<

aftei iiHier wlin(woniiin fiid her own four ehll- dren woll hu t balf-tUarved the niotherlei*« ydUiiK»terM.

‘'\ \ '.\s 'H IM !T n N ." n ri’ l -'A HWeeii- 111: nriiiid-^al lo I'odiioo Iho world'ii irni» Iiy ono-ililrd inul lltt a hiir- loa <if rroin 10 Id IT. tiillliiii dollam roiil Ihe shoulih-r.H o f .the rdnimmi

locil i.iiiay I'ly I*r.:-<h1eii( Iloi

J l i e W indy C ity By T a lb u rt

n' fiKlitiiiif «ten|iiin baniii'd n il- ’

der ilio piiiiio-iil. .Mr. Ih u n er MiL'i:e-led Hial n o | only land arniuiui-nl<i '■heiild be eat but Uml Ih i'tv Hhimlil he u oiie.lhlrd rediiethin In n a ta l slreuuH i iiii* der exl-tlntf I m i l j Jo*el«.T he I’lVwldcnfii n lu ii 'w ar* niil-

lined lodny iiy .Mr. Ildovi-r liefore a KMiall Kioiin ‘if n i‘w «|iapernien. lie rciid IiIh pro|>OHill. onipliaHltlnR Ihe fu n lhat It loiic-Jiod a ll hranrheni

"lloiaiiuds IM'l'tn.lle ^lelliod | AiionipHiiK Ici pu t new life In Ihe'

laiTKliiK Coaev.i dlHuniiamenl eon-t rei'oiioo. Hie I’ri'Mlduiii doelared lh a t' "Iho ihiio \x ooiiTFu-lien wo Hhonldj oiil HiruuKli Hie hriiHli aii|l adopl ixinio f,riia<{ and ilef<(i<(e m ethod <if 'ediieiuK the overw helm lim linrden

TO HIGH MARKS. Xot <iol>* wuu- Tiieiwlay tlio lonsem day of ihu yt-ur hiif || iviiH Ihe hoitcwi—until today. Old Sol hroiiKht Hie m ereu ry nii to U2 .doRrTOs,

,tV«lnesday wnH even Ifoftor Ilian Iho dayiirt-vlouM.iiouilicm Idalii. H^s-elterluK under a Bfi.Ii doifreii tem perature a l 1:.10 dV;loL-k. Whleh Uireatened to r oevtii lilRher. , .

M y S T E R V l l N N i m N K E

■I C an’t Toll You H er N am e’' A im ee's H usband In fo rin s -

R oportere"'

of II llienl."ThlK." Mr; lloovor mild, “ would

ho Hie mdHL Initioriiint world Htop lhat eoiild he lakoii lo expedllo oe<t> uouili; recovery."

Tho pi;opoj<ii!, on .h ich offleial a iithdrliy . Ii> linked In no way with Hie prohiem nf w ar debiH. II waa a iiihorliollvnly Hinted th a t t h e Anuvlcaii deleuaiion ' haM not dlH« ciU'm-,1 wur deliu w ith Knroneun HlaieMineii. •OIJIflnlH hero held Ibi lo offer a trade nf w n r dohtH for dJ^nrniniDcnt, would bo InHultioR lo ihc nailoUH of IJuropo.

.S u v e 'T w d nn iiu n T he lIcMiver reduction ■plaji

noi cut the m an-pow er of Ainerloa'H uriny. l i wan held th a t th ia r ls uh ready helow the M renRlh the Kiiro. jiean nations will req u ire for in le rnnl police protection.

An the naval culM uro li'nMcd or tren ly oirenKih ra jh o r than actua: MtrenRih, ncrnpplns o f exiitiluR ve«- Hels prohalily w ill Hoi ho ni.‘co*»nry. However, the avohlnncc of hulldlnR Ihe navy up 10 tho London treoty wrenRih prohahly w ould b

(Ccntlnned on P ciro Three)

Infant Son Born In Taxi Speeding

To S. L. HospitalSA I/T I..AKB O ITY (U P ).A ll;

tbft upoed-and ncHiie of a mod* e rn eonveyan'ce. oftjild no t eliM l Ihe Infant non o f M r. and Mm. J . n. Stone o u t o t b r in e 'b o r t i ' In -u laxJcflJt.-' "Stifp on It." shou ted Stono aa ho ' u*hi*rc<l hlH w ife Into UiQ taJrt.

I->1 aoodtollow . d river.. senH d th e ' nlttiatlon a n d “*l«>pbd.” OeiitleuiatlnR t r a f f ic 'policoiuen;; an it ''s to p '' AlRns wj)ro.;lRnore<t: In Hio wlM rMe. • ■. ; - ' ' r •. -luHi an 'U ic <ar wan'xlpiriaK acrotR an Inierstw tlon . th e b a lv <vaii.lisrn.’ ;A f o v m lnutos later;.

'A pliysiolan admtnliitor«<}.'.first; 'a id Id UiI . tx iic a b ' ao<l-;th4h.’ ; took th o ’ m other n n d nQDawllnCf

. By tienpRp li . [ fM ln .. ' . r iillod Preiis Nlaff, C o rre«pond»n t.

l.O.S A.NT.m>T!s (UPl — yC^wotn-, an -whOHo nam e "doM n;i n ih l ie r " : • an d -il m an In a rctl n e ck U o 'w o re . ' nddiHl'today to (ho AlrM dy ,!ncoh> . . KruoiiH cam aii.Uio tr ia l o f .M m ld ' ' Si. P lerro’d |i«ft,oOO ^-bro^cU ^oY liromlBo null aRaln’iil .n a v l i i ; - l i ? ; (Iron- ^ tan) H iitton.. hiiHl)ana‘'.'i)C' - Ihu f a m f llb l c i i i lo , ovhn irnm r.j i; Aliiieo S.ni|plo McP>or»on H iittopV i-onilniied.! i

Thoy wero Jntm dured n« - pjju’i,' ' , nlhlo witDMSOH a n d . lD ' IbO; ; t ^ t m anner of mymery floUdn' by ■'dri'-;-. torncyn ntdlnR H uT ton .lo cotfibaj tho charRCM th a t ho heirar«<1 St. P ierre ' under opromlBOr o f t'ttarf'-'.-" rlaRu. •_ T lio , woman, plainly ;d r e u e l , ' '< - / rui>he<t Inio ihn courtroom ; JitbL W;-'?. loday'x ucHsion wim e c tU n s ' tim leK ;;) •way, I'onferri'd wJili K u tip n .-W iv '; . a tiorneya aw l Ju«lBe‘I.« rtcr iRotli'i^-V and ih o n wim h tm d led . fn n n ,H h6' courlroom and awo>* In n n .no lO '-^ . lunbllo. V -' ;

"Slio’a Buro .Rot .Bomo Btoff.- .ftll O-.;; elRht;* tho M rpu lon t dtrfomlBm «Xr clt<dly told nnw Rpi^nniH iV ' ; tMo't f e l l . h e r n o m c —Jt m atter, a n y h o w -^ u i Hho su rb tho fltuff." . • •

, Ijo rln Andrtmm.. HuMotv’r ic M tf 1 .J; coiinael, nald 'Oio w om ati'V D u)d:b«^-- callotl In^er, H e nld<iti)»;CBfli'» ftll -;;) tlio <way from . N<)»,.-y«rte.-,Cttrkl ' Klvo Im portan t lBformatlon^.Ut>.na

'T h e .m a n In the r e d a c c n n U n t, n tlcndanlce '-am cet-iV lio ;?! t» - tto -m ftrrled ;M r» /S t^ .P lc*H > li» iij;; Ran Aor damiHco,,.»i«lt;;:pro?11 11 h e a w llnnfl. dorentw.N noy*- a a ld ;- v v

-They decU ned-to;r*T »l<i b iilM l'W a* uia.^bft.Mike}:/o n n o r ly ono ot-:-th*:BnwDii$i si;;T>lrt‘Aj;\i;,'^KA?Wj55~ ■\VllK' tho ;jiy r«erT «> l ‘ ‘ -w o ll- ln k e a -e d w ^ ^ ^ tt ' or.- lUitt(>n.<nialtea.>i^ itrllco J.back rittK nk^ .ip

Page 2: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

Page Two, ■ . . .


D i N ’S m H IN G ? 'OEFEftis mm


W H X B E A F I G H T I I ^ f f l i y i i P K ) N ” - - S l l WAmerican's Left WinsDecision in Battle for T itle

lly ST r.V ItT C.VMKttON VnUi'il' I’n'MH .SjiortH rd l tn r

N E W Y O R K ( U P ) - j a c k S h a r k e y to d a y c h a l ­l e n g e d t h e h e a v y w e i g h t f i g h t e r s o f t h e M p rk l t o c o n ic a n d g e t t h e w o r l d ’s e h u m p iq n s l i i p h e to o k f ro m M u x

' S c h m e l i n g l o s t n i g h t —^ a t i t l e m a n y c r i t i c s s a id s h o u ld h a v e r e m a i n e d t h e G e r m a n ’s.

W i t h i n 15 m i n u t e s a f t e r t h e tw o j u d g e s d c c id e d J a c k h a d d e f e a t e d t l i e d a r k h a i r e d G u m u in — t h e r e ­b y r e s t o r i n g t h e t i t l e to t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s — S h a r k e y a n n o u n c e d h e w o u ld b e a “ f i g h t i n g c h a m p io n .”

“ I w 6n t h e t i t l e h o n e s t - * ---------------- -------------------------------l y , ” h e s a i d . “ N o w I w u ll «•“ "d e f e n d i t . . I ,w i i i b e

- f i g h t i n g c h a m p i o n . ” Uovomi ii.m.in-ii ih<insui»iW h n t- m n t t p r f n 'h imw n a c m a i l e r l o n im

th e b o o s t h e c r o w d g a v e th e d e c i s i o n ? W h a t m a t ­t e r t h e p r o t e s t s o f rfo e J a c o b s , S c h m e l in g ’s m a n ­a g e r ; w h a t m a t t e r h i s o w n c l o s e d l e f t e y e ?

L e f t W i n s T i t l e " I "Was n o t h u r t , ” h e

s a i d . “ I a m g o i n g b a c k to B o s to n a n d w i l l d e c i d e o n

. m y n e x t p l a n s . B u t y o u c a n s a y . f o r m e I w 'ill k e e p o n f i g h t i n g / '

S h a r k e y d r o v e h i s l e f t h a n d . t o th e , h e a v y w e f g b t c h a m p io n s h ip o f t h e w o r ld . •

- - The- 73,0(H) tti IIiP .tintvMnllinpn Sijunn* IJjjnlPii »tn«I

•- ...............‘ndfclied, o ttfu (ipntlK’llru ll / ,Ih f iro5> lluit n m 1» Otnface o t 1ii<* jniitiK rJ tlnn . .Soiur*Um«H i t >Tii<( pa lnfiil. ■ O dicr

llnteit U iTOH JiiNi a tonlnlixlnir f i l l .trhlcli >ii(irkrtl tli(> (■erninn

.clmmiilttn.In tlio la(o roiin<is, Slmrkoy'x

lo f l ijocmed Id Ibne Hit .iiHnjf. Sdim ollnfc niHlu-d. 21o JiU>l>eU »

Hull lind il)cci» nlmoMt iloU In oa rly rniindH. Ilo fliulKxl u linrd rlRbl w ltlcli |)«rrc<l SIiiirKc)’ iiiidClARCd lilir -lofL V>X. 1

lu ' fncti SclunoU ns camo tiiick «» flirani; t l i a t n l Uio ‘cIoho— nii Oio «rowd waltcMl tciiBoly io r tlic vcr- d iet—Itoro wcro iiK erm ltlcnlvlicerti fo r “I lu r r M ialo." W licn llib ile- c'lflloii w an itlinouncL'd Ik>oh, m l ' crolU u n i l . Juom Krculvd l(. TIic. Jj'crH iiiiri>rlbed. fo r Sha rkuy )iad

■Ixifin ilio •cnllm oK ctl ravorlto.■Tlio-crow il wn» rfot Jinppy tim l

:OiuibanL SniKli,. Uio rcfurco. nml ■OcorKO K elly, a JiidKi*. o v n rn iln l 'O im rloy KlottilMon, wtio tlio iir lit BclimcilnR liod -won.

Joo Ja co b a , SclimolinK'ii niaiin- Bur. calloil Uio iderlKlon n •Toli- l)ory." H o recnllcd d ia l InHt wcuk liD, tlireatenm l .to kcop liju frw u tlie rhijc If " a rorinJn w na .-:rcroroo; T oday ho paid lio 'm ean t O tinlioat Sm lili.

(tpw anl . of jiormiiiKJummftl -Jnlo (tie iiifnit," foiiKlil fu r sNitN, nnd Klood a t th e laxt

n 'lrhln 'ir n (|iinr1(>r of“ “ ■■ V .

Onrdiiiiils Advnnco F fom Sixth . To F if th P lacc; Dodgers

I n Tio F o r Third

rciwd «u»rftnl nnuM''f;<

In fuel, ililt; «iii‘ i-Iiow virtiiiilly piilil fo r Oil! niHs' iitiwl.

.Scliiiir-lliiK iMitiTcil (lilt rliiu ni'X- . V HPi'Uird jk liu|i[iy s<-li(Kdl>oy. TliroiiKli curly riiiin<lH lie iiiHlliiK. Slinrkuy I'liii-rnl ncowlliiK and. riiiik'NH.

.Srlinit'dlti).- ('i>iifiiM-d I t v n t a ll Slnir'H<7 iit tiu- diil-

wU !(*• Hint \m \i U‘( tn n n nniiitniitl) Srliiiii'IliiK*^ face. JIp na» »m llic dt'fi-iislvr.II i.lntnitn itlrliin- nt «Iii> run- ti«Md«>r niiltitiic fo r eiti> Hium* pionxlilp to riiiiic im. I lls riulit nm i nuH held o irkcd . n 'n dy t» ' fro, >mt ncTfr M-riiicd to liiivc im ynhero fii inn T licro wn« Illtio cxrlluinunl 1«

llic rluK, » r 111 tliu crowd. Kohi Injf Mcomed-

And Hii l l wont 'ii|> to llio lOili round. Tlicii ScIiiiipHtiK iK'oiiic'il T«i\U llia l \it) Unti i> U'tt’. U t' \ylvil

A fow^ilnicH and li tvorkod. I-'roni tlion oti. tlm IiIk U m t I"' line ,ninr<t of n fliihi. S liarki’y'

Ipfi oyo liPKHii to <rlo»i‘.. ’Tlic worm tridililu I Jmd wHli

SclitneHtiK." Sliarkoy Hiild ... wardii. ••wnn Hint lip lill ho faiitcaiiltiK.. _

llic H lh nnd IT.Ili <roiitid< (here roal llv-HniM-. Sli.irk.^- HPomod rlrcd,

A harkoy, (lio lK>r(!r, mndp M ar mlMK frequently. Onc» Max had jwrfcct. si'i to r r n im ri vtKlit lUipnrciit. Jlo Kccmod th a t tlio liloiv lu) •trlril ... . . . . . . . . .liroiiKlii^ IniiK'itiT 'tiflraitiip o f ll» woiiknemi. '

Sclinii'llni; pcokcil and Iwmini' cd nw ay n( llio rotit<'iidiT':i li'fi cy<!. a lnuH i Hn^liii; It In lliii /li ia l roiind.

T lio crow d WH». ctieorliiKflKlit vndcd. All »va:( MK-m .......'tiiiniitirJvK lii'ld ii|> lilii liand luid lunoiuicpd:' . • '

•T h e w inner nnd Hie ni'W . . TIioi'k a ll llic cro u il could lioar.

Tlicro •^xns Himiill—clioprn iictd Jyoni. RtitirlJcy hail lo riKlu off lilii

.Vi:\V YOHK. (ITi')--TlH! Now Vorli Ulaiilii n-Krirl , Hiiii Dizzy lii'iin <'linnB<'d liln niiiid al»»n di .siTiIni: (111! .' i. J^iulH {'.irdlniilx. fo r Itii- ii'tiitK'i'aMic'iiliil T fxan liiriin l to till* wriPH yi'Hiordiiy anil l>laHti-ri'(,l aiioilu 'r <*.i<ri-ai on to ilii- wavi’rln u 'IV rrjinca.

no;iii' pliclicd HO ad ro itly tliiit llio L'ardn .downed lliii f.’laiilH,Id 1, inarkliiu' tlio ix'oond Mnilj vliiiory of tlic CiirdH oviir N w Vorlc. n n d l l i u OlaniH' iliird KinilRlit ditfcal.

'riilii v ictory niovrd llii' CariN from hIx iIi to flftli pliu-c In ih<- uloxo N ational Ii-ai;iio race nnd Jo.'llcil tlio Olaniii Hilll fiirlliur front tlio-iioiinani coiirHU.

Tlio ClilcaKO . CnliM Htroltlied tlii'lr IcnKiii' Icadcrxlil)) to 'tw o onu-lnilf Knnicx liy fIerc.allnK the I’lilltji-.i. II* to .1. w lillo tlio iiccoiid- liln<.'<> ItoHton IlrnvoH dro|)|unI ii II 1') .T docUIan' U> Cincinnati.

(^Iinck Klein drovi- iiiii lil» lUtli lioiiu-r (if lUpHcniion w lih one innn on *lii till- firxl liinlnK, to itlve ilin 1‘lilllles a hvo-nin lend.

I'Voddy Hclnmcli pitelied nnd Iiiilted ilie Ilroiiklyn DodKPrn Into a lie fo r Ihird place w ith I’lttH- tjurKh, (lownlnK the I’lrntcH, ll it; "2. Ilelninch'H hnnii>’ riin ttod idnule n rtin in tcd for th ree nini'.' i n Ih'f Anierlcnii IciiKiie. Ilnliu Wallieric rriirlir^l hovcii ’«Porel«iH IiiiilnKH for phllndelphla hu t weak* eii(Ml In the olKlitli and the Chi' .'au» VVIillo .Sox liiinchvd Ihreo 'o( he ir Hovcn htiH tj> down tlu> A tl i ''

lo lln i. :i t<) 1.A tr ip le liy (lenrxc Ulil. idnrh '

h liiln ;: In tint clKhlh Innliij;. i:av< lie D elro ll TlKCrn :t lo 2 victory )ve>i th e llcnton Iteil Sox. Wunli- liiKton {)oiiiiRPd a ir lo o f Oleve- lanil i>llcherH ttir ia hlt« lo down tli<- Indlanii, 8 lo f., llahe Hnth nnd I/>ii CehriK drove In iiinu niii» fo r Ihe V ork YankeesUH (Iloy be.1t (lie St. I<oiiii> nrownn. I I to S. . ■

. ohiiniplon;--Inipiiy itial iffier rlKlit ycacH of effort lo Rain tliu title , iifie r loiKlrfK awav four chanceH iit Ilte ehiiinploiiHljIii flnnlly ivaii a ‘'rlinnip." ,

f v e s , A <R.-fH oCK M O R-ToM ,I A M S U R E I C A *i riA W P L E

^ 'ibL lR C A S E ~ V e S -v 'l 'v J lU L a - t A K £ ctiAn<as o r - f f l e c a s e • I MVseuT. --i.yitfrH cF

^ I S i S S r C L E A R E D t i P J ' • A/dD A T T oB

■06 Oli-T -To m V , PLACe. 'tbM K SH 'T A T - fe K i ‘ — ciF c o t i R s e

, V 6 lJ V"J1UI- B e u lB l-U A R M E P { . ~ - I

LQ O K Tan AMV -T R o O B lE —

■ - B V vO A V ,

' Writelf■Plan to P l ce Betting Machines on Golf Links'

lly I le n r j MeI.eHiorf tinlle'd J'rfMH S ln ff C arre ipondent

OiriCACO (UP) ~ ll »vn.s w liii 'f t dOHl-of iturprlAu nnd rcR ret iha you r curri«ip(indent re:id wheru ilio offlclald of 'tho national op?n coif tou rnam en t hud reftiiied the Kenoiwih o ffer of a Bronp i.f nioli)iierH net tip part-inninol inaclilnen on th e cluh t;rnundH.

'rh u offlclnln, It Booniii 10 mo, ‘ th e chnnco of u llfetlnio and threw(I dirwiV eohl.' b n .w hat in'oiindH? llccuuHu Kamhtlni; dorti nu t Ko with tho iwllto sumo of «olf?, . Hardly •tial. belnn nH’thcrc la nioro Kntnhl- m x oil onii SnnUtiy n t u m ajor chili thiin lU tho KentUfky dnrhy on « KoOd year.

Profit fo r ('lull U lakoii no far-noeliiB person to

iieo w hnt Uie hetllnB inaehlneH wonid moan lo Kolf. They would work a three-w ay Mjcnofli ~ cliibii. plriyern and npoctatom . Ah I under- aland It. .the mohHloni Konoron.ily offered tho Krpah Mondow cliib a Hllce of each dny'a Intake. Thift ru t. o r h lte, .would havo oniUiled >’reiiU MeudowH to idiow n iirbfli, w ithout (urnInK tlie ooiirnc Into a a o rt of na llonal ronveniloii. fo r ho i cloK vcii^OTH. walking illlok

lomi peddlom .'nnd o the r Kcntle- m en more often e'oiinccied w ith the la rn lv a l midway than a R o lf 'tu n r ' nam ent. Since J ouuh retired , hold-

m ujur tournalnenl htm been Iftldlni '■ ■ "

haven 't eaten alnco laxt l-'ohruary. would alniply ro w ild. T hey 'd nhoot (ifi’M and a ll ovnr (he place. .Saturally , ihlx w ould clvo ilio ciw- ton io rs ' a b e tter n in fo r Iholr nianny, nnd averyhody w ould iho happy.

Iliw 1.1 “SfHucle In”Veil. rrcHh ^ lendow 'a ircatniei

o f th e IHiBton tnol>fl(ern will i down a>i a very sorlouH 4)lundor.

XAJ'IOXU. l,KA(jnKClilhK I , V i . 'L . . .

ciiicuRo .......... • 20 .Uoiil

O F F i l f O f l l O l F i R E N O I P

D cm paey’s Busineas M annfo r iBcg^ins N egotia tions To

S ign .S harkey

«v:n(». N tv.. — X« «tfer of «1IH),01M) for a ( ich t b e iu ii'ii ■Iiurk Shiirkey, ni-tr heav jK elith t rlinniploii, and Mu‘ i r ln n e r of n liont lien* Jn ly * liet»N 'H Max Itae r, C alifo rn ia, and KInir l.w in -xky. (:iilc<i|ti>. hoH >'<H‘ii mnile liy l.eoniird S a c k s biiHlnen’i ninruiio’r fo r J a c k Denlpsey.

Sacks * Hnid" Jio nn u ld IicRin ncKiitliitlonh n( once n lU i nn oyo (o HlmtliiK ilie liont lie ra on J.alior Uny. . . •

ilnilit m anner in w hich tho Qontoii hoyii ir ifd (o noil ( lio ir vltin . I talliliiK to a nink lnR m uscler tO;- dny .-ljc w as ve ry b itten in hla con- demnatlnn xif w h at bo termed "tljOHo cliunay en ate rn muKH."

"D id yon read .” Ihlit .p a rty nald, "lio\^* ihoHo- IIOHton dopeu went nljont' Kcttinif ih e ir mnchlncii In t Yon did. eh? W ell, w asn 't th a t tho dnmbcHi th ln c yon over «aw7 W hat did they mean by nxkinR (boRii mnaH If lhey conld n tovo-In? Yon

judvatico propanitioiia ouil ■l«maKeH.ion,wo,„iu}..'«hor th e vindoWB outI lr ip R tn n ln i; ProK

The parii-mntuer tnncblnea would be a n rea t lioon for the playerH. Kor w itli ih d r cu t, o rW ie , o rn llr c . th e homo cluh would bo ab le t<> m ake Ibc (Irnt p rico worth Hhoot« Ini: fo r.-I Uiink Ih o 'f ira l iiriM In

Tueuilay. -boat liell o u t of tho jiecrotary on ■Wednesday, njid drop- jied in on'T tiurH day and aaked 'om w here Ihey w anted th e Tnuciilno* «et «p."

UrooWyn .. ......... ;INiiitliurKh ...... .S(. Loui,i ; ..........\e»- York .......t 'ln e iiin a il ...........

A^IKItlCAN.N ow 'Y ork ......... ............17PhiladuIiii.Ui ............... sr.. a? ..

Clovolauii . S t ; Ixiiita , ClilcaKO ... iloiiton ....

...... 21 .IS ,3!ia

■ t'OA.ST l.I'AGI/Kllnll.xnvood ...... ........ ....^«I’o r t i a i n f ..................•-...•■Ifl^iitl JjlnvU'

Ani:<‘te;iO akland .....S c iiirle . .......S a c ra nii'iiio •MIhhIoiih ■.....

.,,.41, .ia x<?,: „.,nR .1:1 .-nia


F 3 U f » N S•. « iE 7 0F \ t513W , T ^ / ' .RCiRMSZED

i • •UAlSr OOU)N KlCECWUOHOOD., ]$ pECbGMflEP ASTkB <3R e A l ^


ejr.fioESA BojrcM H6KAUt>SWI)KWtES

HE Saddles and PRlD L^ WS ItoRSe AW WOES yJEtUr.

H E.ftft'S^A 'D EERC*^' .HtSJtoftSEu)irFt7?lEAiD'OF A lariat A^^O.A •


OaplNQ! 198 WHILE twJITM6 • •fC>$CPPLVMHSrtbR,ALO&&:iJCi . CMAR'.HE A \/Ef^EP A OEER., ' APAV

W!> SApflE


■ WOt> F cW lcvC

B y L a u f c r

\Vhen tho club In- dcHccndhiK In 1 Iho chip Hhot. Iho p a th o f Ihe club- 1 Jicnd mnnt ihe n a lto n o d .n u It renchco,tho bottom of tho arc.

Tiio clubhond ahould flnlHh near .10 Kroiind, btivlni: traveled from im pact atmniir horlxonta lly inKtcad ') of ab rnp tly U|iward. Thiii Ih con- • iJrtereil t!iu Hoynote o t iru o WtUni? - a round Iho croon. I t decreaHOH tho innrKin 'of e rro r becauKO tho cluh . ; liead renminii ioiiRcr In tho pinne of the bail. *

T ho awipR. In w hich IJio wrliiln only a ro iiKcd. reaullii In a oharp ’ aiiccnt of thu club, caiiKcd by a iita« .• llom iry lefi nm i. Thin forceti Iho ImndH'and wrifllB lo hrettJc nbniptly.

To flatten the a rc . allow txith liaiidH and armii to co forward ,-IUi Ihc clirh tis Iho bail Ih xtruck.

........ .. . . D r. Fudtrr, y o u r ■UeppntlnWo Fool.............................. .. like inoil.iSpeclnllxt fo r 10 y n t , r«mofcii

Mayiio a cnind. Hut co rta in ly n«, c o riu and cnllon.ien from 2 fee t W m ore tiinn tbnt. W ith the m achinoii, 81. XnllM trim m ed nnd yoiir feet -in operation, a* i>rlio of 20 o r 30 maKWiKpa free. A rch s tipp o rt D8c. Krand could ho offered. And boy. L ocadun 3Iarke(4^rla oppoHiU) Klec* w ould yon HOC iiomo plain and fnjicy I tr ie :llake ry r—A dr.

,, Al-tcrW HAUOS AKJD APHS ‘n>. 0 0 R)RUJARD.


IVJlK.'STM.Na A T D M ^ \ a — AuKUtt i .Sopp.

-•(!, I'u rtin iid i Ore.. Uiroy^X'blcC. W ar' KoRle. 180, .M onl'rcnir.ootN . <Iit, tw o ' o u t of th ree fnllM. Juan iru iub ro to , 1S2, Woxico Oliy. lwo| fuiln. o v e r IJcmh Oriniea. IM), IJod- ton . ManH.; Kn>«l K iipfer. 17r>. P h ilade lph ia , tom ejl Kriink Hill. 370. Lo.i AUBoloa; BHIy Ilonioiioff, 143, J^okHon, MlsH,..won ove r Tuf- fy .Nfc.Muilen, HS. D aliaa. •


'W ille tho e ltp h a n t lit produc* ■ Injr ono offHprlnK. an -oyHler ' ab le to lay I.OOQ.OOn.QiiO cki;b;

B o x i n qi f i e s a l t s


DHNVUin, (U P )—O onvinied. Ihiit

■ Jp iJx -S o m n o n iiK M lc ln tl W rf y ; | j . n r .a .lo rk ,. d ropped dead l ic r e 'la j i t {'hy

w h ile liHicnini; to u broadiroHt oC!./,,., Ihc cliat«n)lon»ililp iiKhL

•'.My Oo;l. ’S barkcy hu» lout.” C arey c rle il durluK thu Mtli roiind of tho tflKhi. .J te ixroHO rr.«n hlK c h a ir , to ttered a fuw nli-]in; and fell ,tn th e floor,

W hllo hki danirhter fran tica lly tolophoned lo r n pnUce iiurRCon.l th e rad io a nnouncer xboiitn l word of SliarUey'H viciory.

O ari'y did no t l i e a r - h n wn« deadi

. H r I 'n llod , P r e « ,.S'HIW' YOllK — O ard rn Howl—

Juck S U arkoy .-209,. n :« to u , won wnrld'M heavywuiBtit tl l le ,froui Afiix SelimellnK. 18ii, Oorioany, on ir>>roiiiui doeislou; CliarlcH- Itutz- hiff, I 'H ti, Diilnlli, defented llann

■Blrkl^^ I 'l l , Oitklnnd. C a lif.' ir.);Jerncy

defeatid V incent Piirrllle, :!0:i, ArKcntlna (:•); I.on Unrlin, JUt. .N’ow York, deroaletl Je rry I«avele<!, 2nfi,'I.«nK Iiiliind CC);('har. ley Herlnti5;«*r. IS.l, Canada, dc. fo iled Juck M cCartliy. 180, lioA- ton (6 ): Tommy W abh . 107%,

1 .08 ANOBt..ES ~ Tom Patrick, l"r,, LoH AiiKideH. defeated Dyna- m llu Jackiton. i:U :''L os AnBelen, leclinlcitl knockout, (8).

• MftlC9.V0 — Ssm m y Hrown. 1M- pound Fresno b<ixer. won from Jo e OalvlH, 132, bsii AncelOK, by a knockout ’!■'> iiccouiIk a fte r the b e ll fo r Iho Jlm l round. _

CA^IUKN MAY CHANfJK N.l.MK CAMDU-V, Me,, t lJ P l— lt Ik coij.

ipnrplatc<I'Hnnilii(f"thli«“ low ii'C uni: d«n>tiy.the-Hcft, 10 avolii conIu> Hlon. nB there a re IC o th e r Cani- dui^ii In the United Staten.

TI^K I.AU(JK.ST H A M m iH dEIt .Sandwich !>' T ilH .VUKTiMVKST on (oaxled bnn f a r 'l . 'c . T ry onr, IwutbM fur cunifiiH. (IKILL <;APK.'


■yATioKAi iB X ftb i;'' '; - .U .11.E .

St. Louln ....0.10 101 000— -5' 8 0New Y ork ......OlWoOOOOl— -l.'O 1

llatierie<i: Dean and M ancuno; M itchell, Lu<|iie, '.Mooney and !!0K^

!»IttBhnri:li ... 200oiionon— 2 S. 2lirookiyn ....... 12(J 200 3Jx— . 8 '1

IlatlerlcH ; SwKi, Spvhcer. lion* non, OliaiiRon, and Q m co; lle ln iach nnd SnkeforU i. , ,

N O T I C E ! !d A^IOE

F IL E R j

OhlcoKo ' ........ ;ti0051fl051—12 1PhK udelphia ..200 001000— ;i. j'J 2

na t(o rIvn : Malone nnd i la r tn e t tr Uonite. n e rJy und V. Dttnlu. ;•

iSaltorierf: Kt>lp, CunnlnKhatn and I.«m bardl, Horfiruvc; . l ira n d t unU S pohrcr.

A^rERICAS IffMOUFJ •~ l t ; i l ;E . 'Wnnfilnstnn .nosooooso—Win a

n i6vclan«l .....010000 020— 3 0 0 ‘ ’O a'ite rles: Drown nnd S poncer; nudAcll o n d Sew ell.^

S'ew Y ork .,..10510010.1—11 32 0St. •IxiiilH ......100002<10— .S 12 0

BatterlcH : m itfln p nnd D ickcy:; lilnobn ldcr;am l re jisough .



VANDALS i p m C E S j r.Tenlnff T ickets $ 1.00, Also .ShiKle T lckels .

FliK K! &'r<KTen>nK TIrki-tH nnit 10 TIrn ('oTcrx

,.,,000 200 000— 2 ■ oiotli

iiaolR'.Sorrell a n d lla j-w orih ..

P liiindo lph ia ..001000 000— 1 ' fl 11 'OhftnRo .... :..ooo oou Oitx-j : 7 a

Jtu tiericn : WalherK and io d i - ran e ; Ca. t.oD and D erry; '

^ l ^ ' l a x p a y e r s^ | |lE i .A S T DAY; FOR .PAYMENT' OF TH E LAST HALF OF ;THE 1931 CUR- ; , RENT TAX IS JUNE 25TH

Delinquent taxes fov years 1928 and 1929 will be advertised in SeptemBer/ 1932 ■and if not paid before January first, 1933 property will be subject to tax .deed to county. ' .

b i l l

Yes, Mr. MotoTist w e will pQ> your Tepair

I Fy o u u s e

t h e ’

Q u a k e r S t a t e

P l a n o f

i n s u r e d ' •

L u b r i c a t i o n .

T h i s o ffer i s n 't a m can ing lesa ','guarantee.V ^ Q u a k e r S ta te re a lly d oes toko t h e re sp o n s ib ility _ l.

fo r th e p e rfo rm an ce bC 'its ’ oilb a n d greoscB in' y o u r c a r . \T h e .p l a n ? I t ia b r ie f ly ex p la in e d in T h e '

•Q u ak cr-S ta tem en t below . . . . A d o p t th is ,p lim n o w .- I t proves Q u ak e r S ta te M o to r Dlla a n d Superfln* G r e b e s a re th e oijea fo r y o u r ca r.


1 . BccauBo you r c

S * B rands dllTor grea tly In qim llty ; wc u r»o -tb iit you Uie Q uaker S ta te , bu t. we .d o 'n o t a ttem p t to prove Itii nuperlor- I ty by claim s alone. In iitcad, we «ay;g . I f you will uao only (Juak tr S ta te lubrlcantn In you r c a r

■and luiopt ,lh« .Q uaker S ta le P lan 0/ A iitH ealioti. wo will supply you w ith a ono-year G uarantee Insured In T h o Traveler* Indem nity Com pany of H artfo rd , Conn., which ajc- reos to ,pay the cuitom ory ce«t o f repa iring o r replacing nny burned-out a n d inoperativo IcarlnR s resultinK from fau l­ty o r 'litsu fllcion t lubrication.

Perfected m otor oUa ond Krcaac* to m eet fu ll ?cf|ulro- , meiita of nll.seaRons fo r cach p a r t of every m ake of c ar.

S i. M otor o il m ade from 100» I»cnn»ylvanla c r .u d c .o il: » )>ure I t 'd o e # 'n o t requ ire ftcld '

• trea tm en t whicli l e tK t i s '’«n oil’s ollineai. 1 ■'JJ . By' costly, e x tra ro fin lps proccMct, Q uaker S ta te r e m o v , e# the q u a rt of th in , useloM oil of lit tle o r no lu b ric a tln e value ■

— which rciualna tti cv'«cy g a l - ' Ion of o rd inary m otor-‘oll— and replaces.th la w aste w ith > q u a rt o f r ich , full'bod led luU rIcanL ,. F o u r fu ll ( |u a r ta ' of Bcmilne. hcat.raaU tln ir «ulirl»- catlon in every-tfallon.

H o w t o g e t t h e Q u a k e r S t a t e

" I n s u r e d G u Q T a n t e e ”A sk fo r a f re e copy o f th e boo k le t .‘T h e S to ry -' r o f In su re d 'L u b r ic a tio n .” T h is w ill ^ v e you th e com plete-, d e ta ils o f th is , ttnusual- o a c r .

GREASING K A ^l*ln« d\climl Ainonnl. o f d m s s c IlKPd ‘ ^

Stay and W atch the Job Done Right

Lind Autom obile Co.h l i l r l i in to w . lo r D e i ^ B eny and N orllicaU e lw lr im .p iT U ,

DIilrlhD tom fbr A .-C . Sparlt IMuRH,, o n Fille r* .. S p c fd o n . c tem . FoM l»iitup«, A tr C Ifan . «r»,. Qas ^8lfIlllM>r(^ A n m « lo n , O il' Ooorroft. Ileflex. SfKaals end Kemo Carbon T*moT«rM

PA nxS n iO N B 898*.

lia rrl.ion rad la to rx . ' LOTeJor S lintk -A b to rix ri. i IT® j*U o buvo Ilesd llR bt L enses . hqA Kojrs fo r .'All U a k u qf C m .

OFFICE Md- sriop' puo7ne-tn

M o t o r q i L s a n d g r e a s f s :

Page 3: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

Wodnesfey, June ,22,1D32''

S T P A R T fd r a e B o r i

FOR C A ilD A IE SW . C. P o r te r I s Ohairmftn Of

Convention H old Eoro TuDsdnj

Committee Members rjiRpvcal S e n t i m e n t

For Modification

. I’liiirurni u( tlio SucluIiMt tlchol In Twill ]<'ul]it'Coiiiil>-, n t <>iiicotiiit; or c:iiiilliliili-H i)ronl(k-(l over

, W. C. Porle r . 'an cliulnniiti. wIili n . If. 'F rccdliclni uh Hucrctiiry, w is uOopluil Tucndtiy,' no fotUiWii:

(Contliiiiuit Hroin I’nRtt Ooo)

Kavorulilc l» IcciillzltiK «uto of b f« r:

J . hV I'flftniT . WlHi-r»iiHlii— "Tfio VolHlrnil ,iirI nli<)util 1ii< uiiiuiuIimI (o IKTIIlit lIlK Kllk' of four por COIlt Ix’o r Ijiu It nliDiilil lie tiixcd im iiu 10 liicri-iiHc KOveriimi'ititU rcvciuir.” , Wlllliim -A. OiiiisiDi^k. Mli-lilRiin—

"T lie nciiiocruilc ixiriy xlionid utl* viK'itIo Iliii nioilUlPnIldtr (iC tUo V(il- HlL'iiiI ac t Id iioriiiii llii- rcKUliilnl nnil liiKtily (axvil miIc of (ou r t’cr co n l'lu 'o r." •

MIcUllul l..'.lKoc, lllltirilK — ‘Tlio le ]iliitf«riu Hluiiild , Favor


llHxIlflnilloii ii( llip VoltilL'ait , j |tu n i i l t Uif innm ifatliiru o£ lliroe.

lnT .ci-iil lii-pr," .1 •;wu II,„ n o m n . . o r ...0

I-ull» count)'. SocliiliBt imrt.v. In niii)<il.,ntioi.i lo il,.> .•omniln.;o lu>| convention a»Homl>Ic<l ’ liorol>r «l(i‘ .............. ......................................

' -------— __

if5 UTTl.'E .U W N cm CEO -

WO ^ % f W E C V ; IW THE %V1V '----- ■ r

q . i m O W S i fsVJO EAC« ^AI^;u'TE, T M t IKi TV‘SL_&fi^.

■11 c.E'T'b \ . o w £ ,R — r. \ ,


,\|P1\, C, lillllhiti; f o r i i ’).ii(jii.|liiK i;iTi-,-t,iry. -Mik, W. mij)-])ly jii'1‘11'lui.''. -Mr-', St> iilii'iis; I'aiiil V n'fi ivihiin'nu ui-rr ~i-i vnl

Ij.. ,M.-:.la:iii". Kimlil-y J. K. Ila)..'!',

,Ma> hWII

■ Mhl.r.VcuIm


j Membcra of Orm Fam ily ! A tten d Liiwn P a rty j S u n d ay '


; ✓f'll.KU (S[M-.:iall ; I'l.iii" ritarli'-- O nii 1 I .If a ranilly j-i'i■ link cUiiiicr Siiiiiliiy


17 Holstein Oows O w ned ' ^ 7 A. J . Jiiffels Tops 340 .

PoTind F a t M ark '•

Mr, ami M|.i.

convention a»Homl>Ic<l ’ liorol>y xlfl' c laro Uio roUotvine tirlnelplvK, to n n and pUhIkuh. ii |ioii wtilcli t!io cniidldotvK will r o bu(oro llic itoo* Vlo or (lie eoiinly for tho lr siiffraKO In Novctnlier: .

"Wo rcufflrm tiiir alluKliiut'c’ well unnunclutcd prlticliiluK of lliu n:i- llonul SocliitlKt iiariv of Ainorlra.

" In inldltloii wo unk ilio votcM I iKti (liomiiolvcH wlili tliu party <i 0 -iv'orkcrn I)oc»iii<v Ilic ciiiiltitllxl

nyHlcm n( uxjiloltnlton In iil iiii cud.'"Wo iloclaro tlio vrlncljilort o r ilio,

coopornilvc I'oimnoiiwcultU motto,

wo«in mil pi . . . ., l>ni lio liaH voiimI coiinlHliuuly f'” '! 111‘OKniiim ciililni; for loicullzj^ilua ofj lici'r iiiilijctjt lo laxalloM, I

Sm i:itor Wlici'ler. .Mniilanii. — ‘'I ' favor lao'llfli'alliiii o f tliu VoliiK'ixl| a n to itvriiill ”.T.*> ‘Uuur and wo lux II fo r rcvvniip."

Sciailur l’lll[iiuii, .Vuviidii—lie

:<:T(i.V <S|i.’(;1h). Io lUu’ ' whn’ i- WicnlaK TiiiH'iO •I'll.' rc«liiiiTc<J

mi'l'- ll.il>i.-li. Iic-i'l . . f ' l : i:0WB-(.wnctl

1 ' 'nil''i ' 's ' l a - li" flf.Ht v far Ini.\ l|<‘" l rc«lHtr>; lf«t

III, f'iTi ' iiDiiii'lp ' of • j.niinda nf,f.»t. A v ii>. ll<iliiii'lii-i'V!onlnu ( .\iiu-rlru ij ] thtr

. -lan.i.r 111 !lU m r Iiillliiiii:.i .lay ! nilil tlii> .i-M.vvii'. ....... ;>v Itjisnll QllM<U '

!{u|. »ii.> yi..|.i<vi i;:.8:.i tviunUii ;.,.f ■■-■at !<illh and 11*7.8

lirriiiKliDiit tliu prcHL'ni ni'HHloii of CoiiKrofn. I•Morliort li. HoltiU!H. Maino

•'Pt'iuHnv 1'1‘pciil. CcHiKr(‘K»i hIiouUI [fix iHc iii-rnilucil'iilu<fiollc; conii'a tj

"Wu iluiiiiiuci Unit tiovornniuni l>i‘ ax r. xi'MHlljlR pi'i-ci'ntiiKc. iilillzcd lo Hucuro Uic k^caI ludiiK*| JaniCM I’,'l.uuiuy, Viirinoiii - - " I '

. tricii w lilc li'are (It proHunt prlvalelyl nivoi- MiiidlMualliiii of tlui V<ilHii'adl owned; for, the wliolo pooplo: iliati iiui .(» pi-rmli iliu xnlii o r bcvr a t ii; tlicy J)o opurnted for n»c value uud | xonHllilc |)iT«rrnlaKi\" no t (icciiniiilulivc prorilit, | Jm ncn P. iH-iiiiiy, Vi-nnoiil —

"Wo iiifUucrlbo. lo any Iuwk ilait t;ivor.uioiliflciiilna of lli(> VolHivail| liiivo ii«i l.liuir cndii lliii grndiiiil bill <irl lo pprniit (bo xiilu of licur itiid' upcody re tu rn to tlio pcopio or lliclr >vli\i* pcndhiK repenl." . riltlilti lo ocononilc xeciirliy. Wlllluiti K. TIiaiiiaH. Coniifrlli!

"W e doelitro (ho theo ry o f lliii —"Tim Vulxtenil ucl Hlionld Hiicrod rlKblj* o f p roperly nljovo mialiried by OoiiKroxn lo pe rm it llio

■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V xiilo o f 'Im er aiKl llKlii,.wlnrrt w illiln;i I'liaxoanblu aoii-ln(7>xli-atln;^ ali'o-

' liolli; ru iiten i nx U enilroly> wKliln

• lu

.liiinian nccdii Imn hocii' exploded l>y I lie evcndi or recon l yearx.

"Wo cinlin tbo p rlncln le (but (lie ..............iiiillon, H(»to, county and cliy' biui tlie p^u'i-r:< of (N iiu i.

.(liu rlKht to nmko any liiw ib:it nc-j (■iifavonJilc to Ibe loKallziiili compllHlied ilia w ell. lieliiK of (JiCjOr bi'or:K rcnlesl num ber or eUizbnx. '

d lJ . S. OFFERSr ed u c eI roen

"To b.loHi'pli C. D’Miibunuy. WyoniliiK—

. . w o'''M odiric itdoa of lliu ViilHlcad act ' poliil w ith jirldo lo llio bappenliiK>i|t<' tiermli boi-r wliliiiiii cbiinKlni:] hi fo ro icn 'co iiuU laa ,unil lo M lUjlbn conHlltuilini would bo ho ib dlh-| w aukoe and o ilie r cUIch In Milx na>! bonu.-<i iiud. ini>crcv|iv<i." ilion o t rooenl yejirx w hore Ibo Su- Jo«(>ph‘ j C. Carxun. J r . . Oreadii— !T j------ .c lallm pbllOHOithy liavlnR. been, piil '■MoiHflcutlon, In liii|>riipor im ilcr' •y " " '''’'" ! ' 5-,lniii.imo.ininInio piurllal urartlop him d c m o n - |" » ^ '« ''" " i" ‘i“l>n''»i-" |iliirlnK tbn n ex t <lei-iuh-.Htrated iba MiicccHxtiil worklnn « f l. Senalor KIiib. i;t iih — 'T do iiu i;. T be I'reMldeiii, prijiioxed llin fol-

(Coulliiued from TaRO Onit)

ilie Viil-’ I'lwluK five primprijiioxi

icllifoi li

(liQ privately ow ned public iillllllcx, S caalo r lllll. Wa#liliiKlou—"I J>e- "Wo, llic nomlneuB o f .lh e pouiity i llevo It Ik doubtful I f ' th e Volxleiid.

SoclnllKl p a rty of Tw in r'allx. ho ri'-.ac i can lie lUDillfled hurnre (liu .IXIli liy declnro wo xland on the fullow -ianieiidiiient Jx.'.eliotiKeil.? 'Inic pIcil«eH of Ibo p ln ifonii: Sena to r Neely, W entW lrB lnliL—

"Thfti If wo a ro elocled lii office, Man enaxltJfently voted uipilnxt-ef- wo coUKlder ouriielveii llie obeiHcnl fo ris in le«all*e liee.r.K e rv n n u .o f (lie people and tlieir rulern :

•T h at wo will lo thu hciil of iibllltlcH fiorvu Ibo IntoreniH of the Ki'eat nm iorlly of ih e rcophi in overy way-p.oiiHiblo:

"Tliiit wo will a id th e cooperalivu liixtllitiloiiH. not Inconxlxtent wllli

' KOnural Soclalltil iiniutice anil theory:

•T iint wo 'W ill c je e u le a ll la'S"-%vlthaiil xpeclal prlvJIeKen tu 'nny* one: and th u l wo w ill axxlrti clllnn and towns to xeenre ib e lr own ciil- lecllvo pub lic nurvlco iitllllleii' an. w ater workx. cleulrlc power, ijilllx, inlnoii. coul am i wood yurdx.

wbli'h Wf are a lt HlKUiiiorlex.Hilly laean lliai llie uatloiin of tliu World liave a x rm l th a t they will ■iKi'^tlieh' arum xDlrlv for di-fenxe.

TIdti ipdi»;lliiil Hhmild bn n irr li'd out mil iialy 'liy broad Ken* ei'iil eiiin la araianieni liui by In* l:reaxlni: ibc i-iiniiianulvi: power of ‘bird," <l>*ri'ii»e tlii'ouiili dci’ri'i^>,(M In tliu pciwrr <if iiitayK.

T lir iinn'aiai'MIs of llio worJil biivc Kniwii an In t:<-iti!ial nuituiil ndatlun Ii> ikivIi iilbor. And, tipealc Ink' Kt-iK-nilly, narli ii-la llv liy xhuiihl Ikv jiri'nervf'd In aiakln ;; redncllonx,

" I, Till- irilui-tliinn niiiHt III! roal and iH.xIiIvi', TIu'y effect eeii- lioiiile relli'f,'

■Ti. Tberc an> iUi<-i- pi'iihlciiix lo i di'iil » llh . I.nnd torecx, iilr forepn mill iia.viil torccx. T bey a r e > n l l l . iln s ii liiii-r-c<iiinci’teil. Xi> p a ri of lluij linii'H i

11 III iImuii* ' _ .

jii'ono 'aln wbii'h I aiiilii! tu n lio illn-. Oiiiib Oavlx n ir r ie d ’ «rr< liZ:li arno^-liitcil »Uf Innii llir n llii'r.” :<>im. ,Mi'!I, lliiiiioy waH |>ti-

A fter iniuiiirnilln;: ilioie prlni;l* ' ‘ I 'h an a iit.ir ilv r kih- i prl/.-, lilvH, (ho I’rusliluai. di'i-larcd; D.ililly nrlTinblUi'nlx w iti? m-ia hI.

"lliiM.-d on Ilii'Sr iirliii-^iiloH, I iiro*. Th<> ' MlKli>liiir>- Micli-iy ai<l |ii>ii<r lliaL lUc iiriilx ot ib i' w<irld| Tbiirixliiy afliTni.iiii ill ibc Imaic kIiduIiI 1)0 rrdai'.-d by u n irly o iii-; >if Hrx, Kliii Mai

i"d mo , jwiundH, uf .< iii.iili* ib e lr ’Tl>e- K-.j and fonr-yrfar

. . . -liiried, fourby ili<- llcilxtelii iin'Jorll.

I. prcivUi'i ipille popular tor.: :ni «•«■/)«• Mic'JiJ.JneftJis' ilaliii: n 'l 'on lx -In a ixiolc

luniiiii- r,’i.'li Ksir aiiil .M-rve ax an luvalii*'■ y.-atn alil III iirov1n« h>Td ulri-u and

lititldiii^ II ««iiiil lii'iHiillnR' pro- »i''d ill ;;iiiia. I’rovh'loii Is nuidi: for lha y, I civiiiiii.it \ ciiiii'i^iiaflon t.t renln-

Uic low ^lrodue- I- hr. hail in;; laiiciirr.I- :!ni<i rcU iovluK ,ihen '

II I.... ... »r I;iiiilr> i.ii i b c ' ii'iiiii ilu- h -rd luii.kH- and ntlxlni:tiiurlii'l nil Krliliiv. III:!, Ilio »;oliiTaI av.'raKe <ll>nll(y Ot lllll

! .m ::lii 'ic i- 'i iili-o fur ................... I. Tc. .l.iic, iil)oni U p e r c e n tIlf 111- ilolriiolii) in' the lie rd 'tc -ithim- 1..... . 'vr-.ili-d m il by Ir.ivlntT

T llliT IM K S WANT A D S,:H irir r.'Slxiiy |alI)l^rx onneelled.

r i m i<s ,

, n , sh .«I'liali'. Tbo CiilIowliiK I

, .Mr», C. :illl: I,', a ilt i- ‘ ‘'“ nil’tn il 'dwaiil:: 'Ih violin; icadin;;!.. .\lli » II Ilio r<tini <'*'>'«1’-i'ii- i>lay. " .\ l.lloiiiiui'llnioil I ' ii'c Q tiandry." by MomIiiiiic. or* w rre ' tii llllaii. C, I'Vliri'nliin '

1 ,„„j ■ Wyyal. Tbbi > ■ I .■loril.in «l .1

.Ideal. Mr», lbivi> liri'Hidolll. M

I rrliil-y, .\ltxx

I"......1 foil. I

II X, na ii.oly II.- SllCUVi-lr

II. i>. lla;:lo W.vKal; I.-.-

FOR SALE(H ..-.s.C ck- ICiiainel f u r W a lln ’ W ou thvoH c. a iu i . F u r n i t u r e . iCti.sy lo u p p ly . Ul! c o lo n , 1*CT i |i i n r t

95cM O O N ’S

K R E N G E L ’ SH A R D W A M & SH O P '

Eluetricnl Supplies, Pipo & J ^ p e PittipgB ••

. Fairl')uiiIcs-.Morso Eqpt.

. -■ PHONU 120a -

phniio and toleRrapb. IrrlKallon and fan n m arketing . »nd w lih .d n c re* c a rd to aan lln llon , In ivuter xiipply. w ill w o rk '‘fo r be tto r roadx. alleyx and BtrooUi.'public park» . luitulor- luinx, nniJ Xof th e cotnforiii. con- T cnlbnceii and Pluy or a ll will “bo on7 himi). w o a re . fKTunii to oinpToy labo r n t llio previiIlinR ' ralo o( Union Hculo or -wnfjoii a l a ll public

----- -workx. a n d .u ro opponod to prlvatu• eontrncilnij. W prlc w ilt ,bu under­

taken a t once a n d paid for by labor liouf.ehooUH p rin ted <by Iho ooui- niimiO'* Thin m edium o t excbuuRo to bo ICRal tundor for n il dcblo:

" In nddillon lo llio forcRolUK wo aino pledRO oiirxolvcK (o w ork (o* wardx tho, cnil tim i Uio fallowlnR lininedliito dootand li'o- aeconiptlHli- od: TM h d em and, is Uiut llio sov- ern inoni not u Ju s l irrlcu ro r ' tbo furators* p ro d u c ls /'

l»r. i ’i w i w T j w ^icpmilflijlo KiiDl • H pcclallxt fo r lO y rn ^ - ' rcmoreiii

coniii iiDil .cnllom irs frvm S feet for 81. Nnllit trim m ed, a n d . r m r - .te c t l________ ^ .OUn I


lCrin(liiii|H| from i’liKO Ono)

u e s t i o n

verxailon In full." Ilorali rcMunied. i " t xald th a t I .f ; r inonlhn Iiad’ Oecn underiaklnic to dovlxe a pliia ih a i w ould p ro ic e lil ry xiuieH anil liroven l re tu rn of the xaloon.

" I xald I had niiidu I’om o |>rn-__ reKTi'rdlu«^_prot!cilon ,_ l»in

IbuL 1 Imd. rcnelicd ihu coneln. nion tlial. onue we iep illzcil ilio Kftle. choro' wax nu way- to prevent relHini c f Uiu xulmm. Mr.- Jirown I'opiledi. I . think you ar;; riKlit. O n re .Mate l». |KTiii1t(ed , you cnn'l lirovenl th e »aloon. 1 exi>ecl lo nets Ihe r e lu r n 'o f Iho wiloon iinil. I wouTd ra lbe r liave it llinn tbix xltiiullon.''

tr ie . H a k o ry ^ A d r .,-

$ 3 . 9 5tb u y n 'a 40 lb, i l l now ooltOB mallroxB wllb a buoU Rrnd« of Uchlnc. N ollilue bq jlo r for- Ihc mono)' matli). • 'W o buy Mnl- trcBsos; Bo(Ji..nnd SprinR s U; Uio cnrloud and ,can- na*« fo r .moQoy. . •

T rado It) T oor (»ld. M V lm i . ■ '-B t MnOX'S- '

VALUE;S t h a t r e a l l y T A tK ; ;P R IC E A N D M E A JSIT i-:^ '.‘'-'

s i i s . o o 3i 2[5; o d8 1 3 5 . 0 08245.00

.8315.008i:iS5 i0p 8295100 82SO.OO-:

l 8 1 2 S i O O 8I25iOO8225.008335.00

LIBERAL TRADES, JEASY: TERMS W i l l i t p a y y o u i f y o u p a y m o r e ?

Union Motorr D E A t E K

']u:8 rord Coupe ...1028 Vo(il Kordor S ^ a n ...1023 ro rU ^luninena Coirpo1530 I 'o rd T udor Sodan .,.I M l t'c rd Coupe1039. f'Mrd T udor Smlanmail f o r d pel-iuxo 6ctlan ..,1930 M ym outh Sporl noadx lo r 1988 •Whlpiwl 3Jx

,«o d a n 1529 Pon r.l'IfJcup •,*'

Opon Can ....................1330 Fo rd P ickupCloxod cab ...................1030 F o rd T ruck , 1C7 D ual WhcolB.

-Tw iirFatfrM »ho

t k e y a r e

- Y O U ’RK R IG H T ; . . ih c r c ’s o n e th in g t h a t s t a n d r o u t a b o u t C h este rfie ld ; T h a t is . tbeyWe M ild e r .

T h i s m e a n s C ii'estcrfields a re n ’t h a rsh . I t nicafisth e y ’re n o t s t r o n g ,o r h eav y . ___

C a r ly i n th e d a y d r la te a t n ig h t y o u 'l l f in d th a t C h e s te r f ie ld s ,p lea s in g . T lic y u re m ilda n d y e t th e y sa tiify ! '

W h a t ’s m o re th e y ta s te b e tte r , to o . ' T i ia t 's i t . . . m i ld e r a n d b e t te r ta.stel Thej^e a rc tim tw o oOi* • s c in d lh g m erits o f C h cste rfic ld l , , .

P lu s . . . a th i r d im p o r ta n t a d v an tag e . C he.stcr- f ie ld s a r e a s p u r q .a s th e Kvatfer y o u d r i n k . . . a s p u r e as s c ie n c o x a ^ im a k e th em .

Page 4: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

nruH o KVKfbro tim e9. tw in f a l i s - S i ta a '. •yredhesiay, Jiine:22i' 1932

. m i l NBA r*at« r«

ftb lto b M Bla DMTI

I t e u r ^ l M « ^ n d

DlLTi • w «*k ki :sft> Uftln A vanus Kftat. Twin lOabo. or IDAUO TiMtea r o u u a u i s o co .

nd a u a >U]I U k tu r In th* Tw in tr«lli P oa ta ttto ^ Aitrit l » » . Ona»f Act oC Coa«r«is, Marob ». U?». ___

___.n Advftno*..Ulz M entha . On* Tea

D r U all, I>arabl» 1>< AdTBDOa, On* T«ar. »4.0<;i^ ir ( a 'C o * a ( nepr«Aan(atlv»—A. W. StrP*". (no., kan Kranciaoo. SdAroD ‘W a#.; ro rtlan d . BBCurlty BldK.; Loa AngBlett. W naurn rac ltio Hlfli.

BM tirB llcDrMtntiitlvtK—TIioB. F . Ci«rk A Co.. lao.. . , S0{i-»7 a «tng 81.. Mew York_____________________

' . PLANKETY PLANK!I Senator Borah has done the expected.

Idaho Kei/ublicanism having its hands full as it is, now has, as the result of the national j)rohil:)ition platfonn,' the Senator’s diatribe and a few other things quite sufficient to keep it in a stew from no\y

. until the votes are counted next November.Senatore. Thomas and Congre^m an Smith, arch-

supporters of the Hbwver administration are j>laced iri the. menacing position of receiving the mss-fii-c. They cannot follow* both the President and ttie Sena­tor, and they are now candidates for rcelection on the'.Iateiy adopted i)latform of the Grand Old Party which contains a modifrcation clause whicli they heretofore have strongly oj)j)osed, not cveit countcn- imcing thoughts of a'referendum.

^Ndw-;Bibrah wlt^^ great document by do-rtpuhcin^ it and -its framere l)ecausc It is too wet, while^^icholafi Murray Butler, in a wringing state- iiieritisays the plank artd as well as the i)latforin it­self, should'be repudiated.

I. says 8* of the 97 were ;ofiice-holdei's and up.ward of 400 of the-con-!,.'He. says 87 of the 97 delegates from New York

T.... M re ;ofiice-holdei's and up.ward of 400 of the-con- .. VQ|ndori’s delegates were officeholdei's, whicli ho de- rsBcnfa'es'as *'repugnenfto Republican traditions.” Well | , h'e-bught toi Icnow. . .

’Butler'-continues by isaying lie had been deluged ■ -1 vWth te l e ^ m s from ail over the country, the general

; tenor of which is: “We’re through. No m atter what . thc'. Democrats, do, it can’t jjossibly be as l>ad as il'what tjse Eepublicans have done.”

■'•Andj.the university president^ a stern Republican ■ minii,ypu,;add5 this: “The Deinocral.s ajipear to have j^a;wealth-of material fortlie jircsidency and there is ^'aJ.de^Hli'. of leaders in our own. Twenty-five yeui-s ^ago.Vwe ha!d all,the talent. Now tlu; Democrats have

• ■'••.'f'TKe plank adopted at Chicago was sired l>y iiuid-; ^.;4J^ead o u t of cowardice.'liistead of having gotten

. I’ pvrfpf.the ijrohibiton muddle, we are only deeper in! ’ '■'thaii ever.” . , I

'Borah maintains on the other hand that the i)lanU' .; rs^jells the death-kneli'of'prohibition and* believes his| *^)jartynow is unalterably for repeal, a situation liei'• cannot reconcile,,and one which he de])lores. • iTiist liow he and Mr. Butler and Mr. Hoover can

^ togetlier is hard to determine. Tndy the thing is. a.riiess., ’ ,

As was pointed out in these columns the day after LMthe-pJatfonn was adopted, tJ)e plank cerUiinly is ,;;‘eyqlutiohar7 . And what is more, the reverberations ' are apparently without end.I; ; W6-shall-presefrtly hear more of the matter

, A PARALLEL'CASE F O R 'G m iA N ^ •'/■Probably history never exactly repeats itself, Iiut

' riow^and then it comes close enougli to give nervousshudders. .•ViRight now students of the Eurojjean situation are

themselves, if Republican Germany is about■ i

; toycfblTow.'the course steered by Republican France in ' ^ 5 ; , There are two or three little indications that it

(• ri)^>^;;arid, if it doe.s all a lover of peace can do is ■/ p ray -that history'w ill repeat Itself so far but no V farther.',’ ,' ' .■ \ ^ In 1818 Fi’ance.was a republic. NapolciUi Bona- “ parte had been gone for nn)re than three decades, f and wit]} him ,had gone—as Frenclmien saw it—all , df/the glory and prestige that France had had under ‘ the^'first empire.

rin;that.year, the'Fi-encii elected as their j)resi- ..derit-Prince Louis Napoleon, nephew of Bonapaite. T he ; election-came as a climax to a turblent year

• . 6t'revpliition—a year not greatly unlike tha t whichGermany is livirig through now. And shortly after

, ,. Jiis,ieIecUon, Louis Napoleon changed France from a .republic to an empire and had himself proclaimed

' emperor.> • •■.The emperor then led his nation into an en-atic

foreign, policy tha t culminated in the Franco-Pnis- .siari W ar, in which France suffered a crushing de- .feat=ahd almost declined to the ))Osition of a second- :<cla6s'pDtver., * ■

4. The parallel ^yitb niodem Germany is inescapable.Germany has lost her emperor,, as France had lost

her Napoleon. Hard times have followed liis de- .p iu iu re/ The power and the glory that the nation■ Ithew -undbr him have flitted over the liorizon. A■ p o .w e^ l clique of army officers and. aristocratic

land:bwne'rs wan'B the monarchy restored, jjrecisely. as/:wM: the case in France in 1848.

, ''-^Furthennore, it is consUmtly reported tha t the son {rf-'fiiezCXTkaiser, the former Crown J^rince William'

of Germany shortly, with’• *^.Vi)ii:i'B^denburg :resigning to make way for him./ W4IHain does Jiot deny it. I t is. an open'secret that

. V tn e t J i^ e r s w ant him to.‘ ' would' happen then? Restoration o f . the'i^fibKenzolIem / figh t to regain the lost

. ^.ifpliaiceJn-the 8^^ w ar with' F ra n c e -th e pos-,!9^^Utie& 'are ominous. We can only hope tha t in this

j^history.will not even come close to repeat-

«». 46 liinl, IK. SlJ!0-!l« rn-MUli'oii aVl ■ >’»nla. o t mil-torliil i j r Jl',i ynnlH ._ot .iJWncIi iiiitiurlul.' ('tiiilniKt fo r 'y cH tc u Ha « iiil Hioovi'H, y in ti «r muincii iii iiii 'r la l, o r >tu-liict> iiiiilcrliil fiir'till nlZUH.

SImpUriuil IIIiiHlruloil (iiuCrucKonH (or cudInK iind ituwlriK a ro Inolmlrd wlUi cacli iittticrn. T lioy r Ivo com- plnlo illrocilotia fo r m akloR Uioai (ircuiion. «

All you liitvo to «lo to obtiiln ft paKorn uf llilti n llrnc tlvo iiioilul li to MviiU ir>c III colii.i lO 'lIiu Jdaliu Ivvcnini; TltiivH.

JCJrttHy, W ’ilfrp (a vrlU i rcry p lnlnly mi ondi pndo rn ordorHl your niitno iinil itdilrcflu and site .

Now Kaalilon M akiiilnc. cliock full b t tliQ liitcot P a rl» tiiyJo tiowB. lo^ctlscr with color

The iBiistprjGity aiid.Counly


2 7 .Y E A R S A G O(.'uloMl'l I 'n m l. wfio niliipiMl Jli-i

'i'w lti rultii III )»ij| wlilli) cu roMlv wimi. iH a 'I'wlii Kiillit vlnltnr. Ilu Juij) I>fCi) a of U hco Ihcdiitil')- fo r 12 yeiii'H utid roi:ently iiotil lil« nincli te> l'*riiiitc',Slcinicii- liurK for llu Hiiy« llic TwltiP .i IIh will iivi'iililtilly Ixit/tC tlWffttritullvi> |>;irl o f Idaliu.

X S.tEA R SA G OLMIiih'vk Slulln 1'l-itIiiu, A<lii Walk-

(id itfva Sxifront, Aniin U JuxkIu WarrliiKloji. unit Mlita

M ijllo MiiirBOiw, •Tncoiiiii. Wii»li., iinil till) I’nliivoKH Ualiuii’ Iluldor of I’lilcHtliiu enjoyed ii idciili: h»1). |jcr (It Uluo tlilii wcuk. TlioI'rlnciwei iiltcndt-d ko11ci!l* In l i i l l . U>niin. a jic J<iiy» I f CiiHrorHlu Jiaii iMiL'U n plane uh Uliii! I.akcti. tliu wti»l« wurlil wniild knuu' uliuiit It.

At u inuctliiK of llio board »r d l.. fi’Ctoi'K f,t llio ro iilliorii ldir]ii> Tiilr jijiHOClnlloii, holil tlilH week, di-flii-. Ito nttipK w oro inlicii for iJiv lit<lil> liiK Ilf a lilK raco mcot Ju ly :i-r.. JJornvmbH nil iivur' llio -wi'Ht a rc In- CLTciitcd in tli<! racf-H an<t iralnhiK iniH lirnn iiiiilvr way u i tlio tru'c’l; .

Page 5: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

nrAH0. EVENlKg.'TIMES;‘! I ^ ^ FAIX5, IDAHO TaRoTTr®-

F f l R J U R n m A L

Adft C ounty J u r i s t ',To Oc- ciipy’ Bench In D istrict

. - ■ .Court. Hero

Tliroo cascH iiro ncliciliilcd lo Hio Iiciinl 111 »llntr|« i courl Ijuroro It Jury uomiiicnidiis MunOiiy, iic* <.ttr<lliii; .10 n a ilcn iJnr .kcI iR'Kiliiy by, JmlKo W. A. Uitbuoclc.

As Juilgo Ujtrt»ci)cl< iH (liKiiiinll* ftctf 111 Horvo la Uiu tlr«i tm o Kdiuiliilcd, Jii.lKus ClmrluH !•'. Knulncli o t Ailii t:uimi>' will xcrvo 11 1h Htiilwl. A venire. ,<MfaTOiil Ilinti tlm i HOW niil)]eui lu will, 1k «xpi4tw l to 1)0 iiKCHtiury'un iic-

I cminl o f uuoUior of lliu chkcn, liivdhiuK ' |>:irllc)i, wliu 'hiivu la-cn rcccmly ht'cu iltlKiinlu In Olntrlcl I'lm rl actloiiii lioro.

Ttie Ju ry wilt l>o Hunitiuncil fur rtl 10 o'c]och SJohJh}'

m ornlns, tlio flrKl mho on Uic cul- oiiiliir l>clti|; ( lin t u f J . N. .Mulynailx v.>. Tw in PuIIh Ciinul^i;OHrimiiy. W'nltor*. I'urr>’ .& Tlioman . iiru iilUirnt'i-n (or Ihv'plitU tllK . J . H. Iiotliwell l» iliu coti)|u iiy aiionicy. Tlio Vnuo IhvqIvch illsimio over jiii>*iiicni for tunnclliii; work.

vr. l». iVt'tl'cIl Vl. UX 'VH. Ji- w . 'r<!bl>cu' 1» (lie Hocond eiine,',/( . Jii-.’

- liiR liriiiifiiil In lui lUtcroiii '^u r v ’ iiovor iluniii|;08 ullbRcit to liuvo licen aifxtnlncU l»y Mr«. Kro'ii'cli In nil iimoiinfljllo ucvldvnt near Him*...... n .i- jt._.II ./.!>,* *1. . . .____ ir

OUT OUR WAY ■ By Williams G.0.P;C0NVEN1NO K [Y SN A IIO iL ,m m

1 iinS jilc'lKVH iirf ' ranminloiin nnu .1J

....... . liiM>lli<i tSr., C lU I.t. l.'AKK. • I.-.


Wi.' iHMl cMi-li of *iiriic-lvi’ti 111 riindiu-l <mr varnnni oUii w iiM I'l'ciiKmili'iilly iiw N con-' nli U-til n lili I'ltii'lonl ii(lnitlil:ilriill»ii

jo f <iiir ni'Vi'iiil mill'111 lUiil• ■ ■ [riiil I” I'nipluy iinlv Knrti cIit Ii'uI

P ro m u lg a lo P a r ly I ............ .. i-mlnll llu- I'Xin'iira'.^ I.t I>nrP rin c ip le !: • I*'-'-....... Tlml '


li'Url. louiulivr

i-fti<l.-liii'Otlii|>- iiimI li'Kiii-|:iiiinliiis(ran<inH n

I till- [Ei'i>ii!>1Un>liJ":

will f.l:iMil

. liiir-

'InliurK cciiii'a l .■(iiiiiiiliici'

Tui'pduy nlf^lil 'ri'i’>?)vr<i nml iiilopt iiliilfnriii iiiiUiiillU'd liy

iiiliiiT iniiiU'ii m'............... . I'Ui'lli-r

I*. C.'sin.'iic'hi'n prirsldod i

III- lil»il>1 i^i.li'll r.r r

I'l'fuHoN a:i lii'iw fcn llu ' viirjoi I'onnty iirf>i-i«<. m> Hint kiicIi Imk' ni'i'.'i iir tlw—<‘(iitiii>' lany lir in line iril wlllKiul ittiillii-alUm!* jif I'lr

, . | l i n l n r l i i l iv r cmu'Iuk'. nliil i


I'linvi'iilloii Ilf'I till- iliiy. .‘I', I'tdiMiy <'linlr- [i:i

' adiiillii'ii' ruiinlv wIMi llii- i^ri'aU

I'Ki i|ls|>^iri-li nail wlih Mil- ?-ni:ilIi"il

. 'rill' niinilni-<-’K t nnvi-nilon. hnd a» lu rUiilrinaii. it. IC. Itiililiir. ■ilicrlff iiiiil [nr ui’n r l u r y . .Iti'v. riiiirli'K \V, Hoiili. I'limilm: fur riiaaiy trra«n ri‘i’.

'Dll' I'liinniilii'ii wIiU'li iliTu' n|i and KiiiiialUcd llu* tilairomi. whli-li •u;i't iiiloiiicKr. ounipr*’'i'<J I'-- iiiiif, iivasocnilas aiioriioy caiidl- dati-: K. S, l!i‘ll. riuiiiliiK f'lv iiro -

i )iat<' liiilKc: and llnnd il p\\'. M vrrllt.•k/llK

News in Brief

Ik Hnucht. MOOD ur tlil» lichiK for licniunal' liijiir^uo, ntlcHcil to liiivu lii'cn HUBlulii'od, uiiil JHt85’for «x-j liL-niii'H. TIiIh KUlt iH d ll' iinuniiadi I Ilf uii iioddcn l wlilcli rvsiiUvd In

rccenl tr ia l here ItrouKlii liy Mr. and Mm. .Ilorolil Kouiili; nKnIiiiil' >rr.' and ■ Mra. Tcltbcii. lor o)lli‘cllr>n lit i)Vcr '»lii,liOi» In dam-

' aiiCK. 'I'liu Jury iiwnrdvd lUu iilaln. Ilffji 'iOilU toxullicr n 'ltli |:tuU fur injury lo tlie Koinii» car.- •

Thu (hlrtl cane un tlic uik-nilar la for collcclloii of n miin iillCRcJ iliiu ICriK'i't V. M iilundcr from C. A. l im k y , «[■ Hi. I’liy/riwil fo r l>ro- ditco Is Uiu IhihI« of lliu ncllmi. tlliaimian & Ulmtnnnn iiru ulto r- ncyn fur IliO i>Iulntirf uinl J^lin \V. .U ruhiini ri:|>rcaonla ilic* ilii-

AdialltfU To Yci ||os)illa{

J iiiImoii .0 . Clark. Twin l'’all«. liai lifun ndiiilllinl mi ii .(lallcnt a t tlio vctcrnnH’ lion|>I(iit iiC

Ni’i'illi’cnifl <‘liil> lo .Mit I .. Till- Ni'cilleci-nti rlnli w in i___Kililay aflcrnoon wlili .Mm, .Mai;i;lu llohn . r>'JS Tlilril avi'iim.' norlli. '

H M G L IN IG S'W ell B tiby’ nnd ■Prc-Schoor

Exfim lnations To Bo Qlvcii By Oouniy H ealth U nit

StarthiK l-'rldikv. Ju ly 8. Hio Twin KjiIJm coinily heaUli null will con- iliict a HOrlCH o t '"w o lt liitliy" uiid "tirc-acliool" clliilu i tliroufiUnut tlio ronaty diirlni; July- iitid Aub;iii'>i It

. wnii nnuoiincod W cdnwdny. Tlwso ••lltili'H (irovldc- fo r pliysktil cx nalliin of c liltilrcn. ])ul no li nient fcr .uUmcntn. Wliuru dotocUi nro foiiuil, the. m ill offlclulK rccoin- inoHit corrccllouB ' liy .fiinilly pliysl*

Tliiuiu clliilcii nro III lliiu w ltli ilio lii'allli iiroRram.' tinil Iioto bDon m iim lly HUCccHHfiil .In jwst yearn.

• Dr. GoorKO Hnllpy. licad of Uio Ktill; MfK. 5)nitl] jmdM I»xllclon W olfo will lio In cliurKu-

(niiUcM'wlIl be cohilncie'd n l bov- v ia rc cn icrH o v e r tbo coiiiiiy. lo bo announced la lc r . acRlslrutlonn for ilm vxaiiiluatlauH jD iw t fio Insulifju lidvancc. IXoBlnlnim In eucli < .niiuilly 'W'in'’lio ' iiiinolnlcd.

All Infauls v f . i t i i i county c lilldrcn o t t<rQ>iictiool. uko nru ci;«IWc to r ilicM otrda ppiiiihintl-- -

i i a s o G i m tC IO I IS M D A Y

, F on iic r R csldeiita o f.^ iiokoyc S tn to F la n A nnual E ven t

A t: PU cr

r in i t (if iliu nntiiial'P lenlc inuct- liiKH o f rcHliloiUH 'o f yd icr nlnlox win bo liolil til tho eonniy fair

' KrnnndK Sunday . ’Tlilo In rovoiiJed In tlio uijnuuneo*

n ic n l.o f tliQ Olilo Hoclely Hint .nil fornior Ilnckoycn and tbolr rniullIcK

• 'n r o Invllcd to piirHclpiilo In tbu ■ niinuul -picnic J iin c .20 nt Pllor. •

Iviicb. fam ily Ia diolni; (uikcd to liiInK n .lm a k e t lunch iind aerirlco nnd ii) J)0. on hiuiil at la o’clock

' K. 0 . W allor, Kllor. l.i‘ prCBldo;il of (bo i;roup; C. 1C. Miiuwii iH vluo* preKlduat; .Mrx., W . Jl. DartiriTd; Twin I'nllji iH Hccrctury: nnil Mrn. W, H . nu rkho ldcr. 'TwIn FnllB. 1" Iri'omtrer. , •

H. C. H ow ell Ih cliiilramn br tho jiroRFiifli comm1t]ec. ■

Jury Blames Movie S tar’s Adopted Son

I . 0 S A N dB biM .-^U P j' — - rncklcss d rIr ln R .au d .DCcHceuco .of H nroh rL .' llo n jo u . -20, flddplcil'noti o f tlio Mcrech' n iur,.‘Adolph M«iUou.

llie Ju ry w M ^lo ldU hnl Monjou w m JnloxJcated u n a wa* d rlrjaff “ be-

; twcon ,78 a n d SO mllen a n bour." l^lii au tom obile cm sbeil tb o niRhl

IsHurd I.U'vnM- Til .Mnrry

A lii.'itUKC’ to wi'd ivaii li.aucil.'i Hio rff lc i' lit Ibu county ri;uorili Tucmlay' to (!. A. i:<inrail , a i i„ , l io rirudu SlKSon, ‘ bulb ot T w in!


Counljr and Lcginlnlivc Cixii- didiitc-i P iirtic ipa tc lu .

C onvention

Mit of a iion-parllsai anil Ilio a.b(i1lnbM)i!iil ol

pi'iibaio JuiIkc;•'Tbal wo advocatii Ibc reduction |

of niibool (■xpunncH, and iTCoiiiniuiid I Ibiit llio otfli'o;! of,(.'oMiiniiiHlohcr of | ediiiiatliin lynl I'lalo iu p e rl iiie n ilo n '' of iinlillc initlriiclbia idiiiuld I’O i l iMtoiidai'il; ' 'C' ' ’Tii;il WI- un'liiriii! ibu hUiIii IX 'I 'lk nuiry latv and I'ccouinicnil tlinl ItJB b(! HironKiliciic'l and i-xU'iulcd tii;H liiclndi- llu- i - l i T i l n i i S l a l u a n d ig

co}Hni)£iwmf;i. JimilrcH of! tbo puiirc anil I'unnliiblvH. ihuai (^liinliinilni: parly aiiii'IilneM. nfUiidi' liiillliciaiiH and'pliii-laK «ovoriinioiil i ia llii! Iiandh of llii’ |><n>p1c: i

'•’ni.ri ui) fiiyor. iKnliir m (i-) illllunM ii,K ib r iiii'si'iii. till- i',\ion*i

i l i i p U ' d ! i l e c d i i wi dL'lIll'

I fi.ltnw.i:•■W'l'. llll- Itl'pU'

Tor Mil- varluns <• 'I'wla l''itli» I’-unni:...... a>i piiividi'il:iilli|ii anil ...........

ii'aii Miiiniiii niiy otrii'CH Iiliilio. Iiiivini.'

}• law, lii-ri'liy « lliu followliv;

M o n th ly R e p o r t o f H o sp ita l S u b m itte d

iii'i\.iTill- n'pi'11 >ir llii- I'l'unl.vli"n|illal [or .^lay. ,uilirMllIr(l liy Ml"i> (ii'orKla Maxwi-il. nup i'rln li'a ilrai.

jn.r.ns.7,^: whlii- llu> r<‘i.-iiui'- waa

Si'v.^ily-fivi' ........... Is .. ...........iiiid-li'il III llii' hixlllHliun ilni'iiiu llii-llinnili mill nil Wl-lr ili'U'liaruni,T b n v wi-n- four ...... and llir<-i.xnriiical ilvallis, 'I'Ui- ti'poil k 'viiiIn IbiTL-'wcro m; ini'Jor opinnlloiia per-

C H E E S 3 ' Last Times TONIGHT!

f.v n:iisi).\DR. YEA.LAH — ^ E X 1N 8 T R U C T 0 R -

t • ,\Mi- LIVING A R T IS T MODELS i>y Tilt-: sr.nn:


m ; j’, \ |{ . \ i i ; s i n n v s M i i i i i s ’lm .n ils ,tM i >v'o ,m k >


NO »m; t'.MUji i(! ,\ii.Mn"i'Ki*-9.30 P.M.


“ CONSOLATION MARRIAGE”willi l^ tE N E D U ? ( ^

lIllllM .Unn lia s

Jobik I*iirlnb, Iliinmni. iiniliTw cnl an CMicrKciirj' operaHoii n( (lia Twin K nih county Kcneral huHidtnl WeilncHday niornlnK-

^;idcr)y .Miin Ihirli-d .U I'HiT Ccnii'fcrj-

Z. T . Ilayca. So. who, illed Tuoii-i da.v lit Ibc Twill Kallii coiinly k<-I>- Oral linitpllal, wni b n rk d Wciliicn- ilny aflcrnoon u t :!:3U oVIoclc a l llio I 'llo r ceaictcry. TIic WIilio iiior* lua ry w«h In cbnrcp,

.^lllllnry. ('i>IIe;;u C'lMK-h VlsIlK

JudMjii T im .......... fa r ilic;i'piinHylvnuIn M ilitary ,<m i I I c k o . ObcHlcr, I’a,. acconiDanlcd 'by .Mm,. Tlinni. IniK.arrived for a vIhH w ith bin jwrcnlH, Mr. and JIn i. A. TImin.

......n i u n ty anil IckIhIiiiIvc otficoj •'Timl ■ Twin l ’allti i:oiialy »luMitit Tuesday itllc rnooa . follow,t; i tii' rclaibiirKcii m r llu ' blKliw]iy

' butit will! llx .................. anil"Thu C onrenllon of llii! Dcino- i-rnili; CnndidnH’fi In Tw in l-'allH County hereby linnonni'ci* tlic tot- Iwii’lij); d c flloH ulnifDrHj: ,

••n.! It rc«olvcd: Tlini ,wu pleilKO' o u r Hiippnrl to Ilic national Drnio- v ia tic nonflnccM.niul convi'a llhn; .

•'Tiial we a rc In nccord with nnd vnilry Ibu iiUnifonii of Hie tlcino- r ra tic iiariy. . . . .. .i . .i.-

10 Iliu Ml , , ,"T hat «••• faviir low er IIcoiiho,

feen on Kiimll iiiitonKildle?* mid lilKb-'' c r la.x on xinKo ami connnerrluf - ir tirk llni'fl iiKlnK our biKliway.t.; '1

"T hat wi! bollove tiu il. exlHtlnc' blKliwayx Kbunld bu kep t In cxcol- lent repa ir , but ibat (nrtbi.-r oxion- ■ilvc buM'dfn;; <if new 'lilKiiwuvK fboulil in: curiiilU-(i tor tbu pruiicnt.

Hiirplns nioai'y from i^ii'io* llcoiiiiCH iibonid

.‘ila ie ConvoiiiliHi a t Welhor, J -..- ........1').. lu;!:!. ,1 llni’ t n x ................................................

''Ttiiil wo cn ilon i^ ' and - HUiipurt. Inr iiHcd In rctlrinK i'xIhiIiii; otillKii* Ilia iirei'i'iit Dcniocrjilic udnilnii>tra-. tlonn:lion In Iblit S talo : I. "T lnu we nrjju ttlnic roKtilatUia

"That wc pledRc ourHclveH 'to nnd c 'ln lrn l of Itic Kanolliie Inilini- htrlui economy: to Uic counollda*, try wllliln tlie biirdi'rn of o u r o la lc: lion and abollHhiiicni of all im- «nd tliu ix-lurn of ii portion iif tlic iieeefsnry iifflcw and to relief o t KnM.llno lax to, Ihu, conntlcit Ii nnJiiKt inxntlnn oii tanii.lanilB ; : wbicli U orlKlnaifix.'

■ 1.,. f i.,i.

)ll»(ury uf l)epr«^->lun!t Outliia-d Ily A'orth

IJoprcMHlunH (Iironsh w hich Ihu Itnltcd SiutvK baH iiimxed nliicu the rirxl onu in tlio curly clKhtoenUi ccntilry, wuro coniprultunalvely out* lined by Cliarlcn A. N orth, T w in

I'nllK- n tlorney, n t itie U otnry club

OIIHn' Conllniii-H In ip n u cm i'n t

Coiillnned iinproTcmcnl In . . . . condition of W. 1). (illlln. ^V'olu<} u ttorney. nnd former rcn ldcu i of Mlcr. who Mcned an n tto rney gcn- c rnl du ring tho term IDSS-no, In ra tioned troit> tbo vuturam i'Jioitjillal u t IJoIhq .whcro hu IniH .been u pii- tlciK for tbo iiam novoral w eeks.

.CnrJfl .Vccomiianirs .VJcro lloiiie . . '

iMIhm » lloB»nar)’ Mcl^lwiiln bin< retu rned from n vlnlt w lili h tr unelc. Jniiiox WllllnmBOn, I’liloiiHe. Wiuth. 8ho uIho vUHciI lu Moh- w w and ol)tor N jribiTH lOnbo liolhlH for .tlio punt Iwo wcekM, .Mr. WUIIauiiton rcium oil w ith .bur nnd I d ' vlHltlne blit KlHtor, Mm, ThoinuH .MclillmOn.

'Tiuit wc bpllevo lh« finli atul Kanic deintrUncnl nbould bo imdcr jlie direction of

to ,

.................. itolpbin Is III'Partlxaii like the porpol.ic.,

w ltlionl' Hinall w hale.

""•■Tbat ->VC ndvociac lIuU I.nbllci rUtV.\(.'Y IS t.'IOll'I.KTK » ullllilex bo reiiu lrcd to obo th e ' U 'hcn )o ii I'n*. In tb e (Jrlll i'nfi xnmo vpiuntlou (o r laxntloa tbnV'U! Iluutb^i. tixcil In • n itc mnkln;.*. niilnc Ihol _____winiu ratio aa In ileiormlnhiK Ibui . " -------------- -- "valiio of farm- la n d n -a n d oibor; liropiTtleii, I

‘'T hat we ank (b ill nil power hIIoh bo w ithdraw n from entry, and lu . tbo future only be diitpoiicil of liyi ICKlHlailve euac tm on i. nnil tliiu on*, dcveloiicil Kllc>i‘ now filed upon bu .liroinptly dovclopcil o r rcvcrlml lo tbo S tale : • . ,

"Tliat wo odvoo ilu the iitioliHli-: tuent of th e c a b in e t .lo rm of kov- oriiment In Idabo ;

"Tliul wc urKO tho roductloQ of jndleial dlHtrlcta a n d (lie ottublJnr*|

Name Jurym en F or ~ U tah iMurdef T rial

OiIANTI, Utuh, llr t 'J — T ho todl- i)Uii nnd |>rolonKod ta sk of uulcct- Ins u Jury, iicnrcd on end lu to to­day In Iho tr ln l of Moudun Drup* or, jTJUHfr laltofvr who' In cUttFucil w ith the inu rdor of .iVndrcw N. llJurroKnnrd.- promliiont iiom hcrn Ulnh llvcTitockninn and b tinkor. ..~UDlutM untoraoen de lay Inter* voncH, Iniifcintlon wore (h a t thv Jury wonld • be completed lioforo c o u rt udjouriin today nnd th a t liiklnR of ICNtJmon)', by (ho iiiu(o w ill Oefilu f in tt ihlnfi.-lombrruw.

I^otary- Delegates . H ear W esternerSiaA TTbB. (UP) — .T he dcprcii-,

alon is n o t » cnlnstropbo. b til rath* or n cballotsBO lo -build ibottor and ntronftor. Uavld J. Ite'cHC,’ sov o rn o r of (h() necond d is tric t of Uotar>* fn*- lern titlonal. .(old tliu dctcgutoH In convention hero todn^-. ' |

"T ho dop rcttlon . c anno t n ffcc t ' cbnractcr,". nold - tbo VontUfo. Cnllf.. Jlo ln rlan . VU n tny .rob you o f w hnt you have b u t not of w h n t> o itZ _ . t r . __> .

4)6llcf llm t R otary 1ji " a n o ld m an 'a club” -liy -gc(llns .In now. younK 4)1ood Into th e ir rfltikn;

Dr.'Bo/»BV«r,S;Ctie F o o rS p ee la l* l i t .! • n n o T ln ff 'c o m s a n d ' cal>' louscf.' Bolb feet l o r one dollar.! B oom .8, OTBr r fn ^ y .H tn rp r r rA d T .

Listen In , TONIGHT

OVER_KTFIP rd n i 7 to 7:30

, to tliu rud iu cuncert ut


MORRISONin iy V E it


A. W ILTON PECK,Twiti ro ll.' '

' - Soloist 'Kliunnorcd bfl

the. v o ;g ..u e :

D ora .K oIson.VnnouDCIn^ i l i p 'inoat- spectaca*

• la r cfcnrttneA itile '-'T he Voyne liaa e v e r o ffered., Yen will aniait>d a t | 1m> rem a rk ab le '» ! • ;uea in .H tr le * t l i a t . o re t l n v n correc t. , . ;

O S M M Iirow—2 f e a t u r e s

.K ID N A P P E D ’llu l i a d ' (<• (u rn rn ti'iiinn lo luMin n Roiid i t l r l 'n l iu needed u Ruiid'MtupiiIn);!

L A D Y 'claudS tte';

COLBERT V. EDMUND tO W E ■ .S tiia rt-E riT in

■ ) Added F ^ l n n Krora kUiilnK Uio , cnnTiiV to, kUaJpff jinc ll A in y "

“The BIj TIME]

■■fiZUfcLYt - v - T h e t a a T ( C onslanee’ Cni

P R E - I N ¥ g B I T © R l r



W E D . T H U R . F R i . S A T -' ^ ARE ■

S U P E R - ¥ A L U E

M a n y S p e c i a l P u r c h a s e s F o r T h i s E v e n t

A S , W E L L A S : -



; !

i iM

T o S a v e M a n y D

Page 6: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt



f H o W l io r 'n Nolo: Hon> l« h cmi. tinun tlon o f .ltic trnvt-1 K-tk-r ot O cne Ahorrt. T b IhPrtlls nm n, who Ims Jui,i n.mrtiwl

II •'vKli Mm. AliMH from lui cx- — tOMjvo nu lo Jour.),y„ , ' Bt « ‘'np A licrii '

. IVom Suntu t v wo «lrovo ovur fo L a s VoRttH lo ticu (ho coiiii(r»

„ and the .Jow n. Thin lilphwny Ix 7r., milca lonB mid jmvcd nil Uio wuy.

nn 9 " , «"< i **'® pasiKKJ 7>cfo« Kiun«, iin old m ission uJmndnncil

„ noout 107c. U In locntcd In a llt- . lie vullbj' nml jiurrounJMJ m i

cIJfM and m ounuiln iicrnkH nnU In " - c r y tm p o iln s bIrM.

A t I tim e ihlii very, lu rg o pueblo o r xoiUomonl.. 80 ,paBBC<l-*ho I>ldK«iu nincli. nn

on rly - «lay po st w liero overland alagiMi ohunscil horsOK nnd nIo|ii

_>voro inaUo to r ihp hIrIiL T lirn ■ ■an Komo onrlyMlay incllnn n«Iit IHK <tono nC .Jhta pinco. U ,l» verj mucdi coiimierclnU*r<l Jodn)-. nv i vontM for (I d rink oc w nicr »it ^ tlio cld veil and oormi otiioi


lio TiiornliiRI iiouili and

inly 10 liiHcrl|>ilnn II N ational Menu

f«ol hiRh anil haii tho apiiciir: o f « Krcrd cvikIIc. On t/io north «Wo iiro lii»crl|)llonB or tivo <jt tlio ciirly Kovernors of Ni>w Jloxlci/, Tho old' M t ftjjfr In JCDO. A n y a iw liuu In «lqut)l nn lo thlH iluii-, I linvr a Hn»i> iilmt oC thin rock anil Movpral olhc-r wrlllum j i,n tl,h

l iIhiit >

Siicaks o( Ciirniiaclolldx lit t > In

1 Ity -V ■llry

VOKnn ..............njCRt. A n oM raiJrwirf

I ' to o m any 'kItIii i ■\Vo ro in rneil lo

lo f t Ihoro t l io 'n o x l inoruk InR lu a a o ld to rquolno mli

, dldn '4 Uo?conU Info » . liui lioiichl a l a v aiunplcs o t llio .o rc . On tUo w a y to Alborqiioqiia w o nn\v and

• ’ »» wbW »onio p o t 'c r y Irom tlio Jn-«Jlani). .

, T h ey w ould, litivft lll tl« uliBller#'tnndo ntonK tho road slilo nnd

, iwoiild s to p uny ono aud ovrryono ; 'V‘. t o - t r y nnd aoll. l( no t

80 Kood. th6n . Uii>y would trado. 1 m w nyn "InHlcd." A

, , - m alclicn. can o{ lonialoci -or lelRHroU. nnyilH ns u..-.

. cou ld p lck you r owxi. po ttery It you •'Icnw r Jiow.” • ,

On To AltJcniuNiiio V K ot. be ing IntcreAtcd much li ' ; . .ipJrJcB wo only «lAycd over wiRjit )i

lAtborouctiuo, Iiu i oiiv.' a lot of tliu♦ . DliK'o In tho morulni? Iioforo wl- i ^ . Joft. T hU Ifl "ono sood town." Very < '^ » ‘lbusy ovory Uino I liavo laoon

' th ro u g h ihoro, a n d liolnK on tin " ' ■ th ro iiR h ' hJsliwny from coast li

co iial U l>oi}«tti o f «oino wonUor- ' - ' l u l Ksurint park* .:.'n '••1' F rom horo w* drovi

• 'OI<I T ra ils hlsfi'^Jiy. ti tow mlnutcH a i 1

■ oW m ud rtllnVto nnd ___to look o{, w ry mucJi /n affwrtloi.

♦■/iri igoudi Miero in tho Sky .lilKh C ity, an old iDillan vllliiKe » ltu .

'II* -I a in J oD « rock a llUJo »v«r 300, , , ■ Toot 1ilRh on»r

firs tw iii'h CDroniidc- ............... .Miixico lit N W , f.-iklnff JanilH tr •th<> iiamo Ht Si»iin and i>niiil»ll«h' InK n ilo thrniiKh nil tliU jia rt ol

......... 'liJ. J'Vir lO.S years In^url|.(lm l Hofk o r H I, .Mm

ilio Simiiii

K. K. I 'ra to r . 8. tl; Kirad ... J. .S. Klniex . •1. 0 . Iliirnliiirt 0. J. JriliniititiA, T. lUiii .....<!iiy J., fClnui'. n . W. W illiam Maiido M. KIp Oen. n. H urt .. II. f t '.M.myon K. J. I'-lncb .. U ohfrl Hiiy) .. JaincH I., nil)-]

(>iiK llloom , II. M. H oller «•. K. .Mallory J. I), Tiit^kor

Terry I 'ralo r .MorHO

n P/wJICccvaii ........M ■Mill,rock K. W. •Miin.li t’, J. Ilidlovl

ii'll I’oiir I{|-)li0 l,

W. !•:. Ymr, <5lbb...,

-- - .................... Jdiiti. . .p a r t l y irnvoUnK ihroiiKli. To.liiy H iiilk-M n o rlli Ik a va ry lilKlily Ciiltlwjioil llttlu ,Mornii»n vnllfy.

At Zn'nla .1C inlfi-» w rn t and.Ktlll In tlio duncrl, can iriidlnK DOMt nnd ii |il«<> , , in>cn hiilli licrori' iiu y o f j)jo .Sj}:in* iHlrlCxploriini had net font lil thin

Id bollove mo. .11 lookiKl m l tn(o onu o r (iicaoi

tr.*u>liiR I'UHi and n»w liom now In fiirn llu ri'. Ilio old k ivoro uinliiK on ilw Unoi .... rhoHliiK the “ mK" and a lso ".Vol)- by -Pwliit," ami w ere ox|iori« ii •‘unJJlHR n Jwjoibule" Jn ibu rjooi ThiH placo c f Ziitilu wan bu ilt cn Tllrely o f iloho lir l tk . b u t waiin'

, pliiHleriMl over tike Uio, Indians’I iia1>llaix In llio noriJi nnrt n t iliii'

diiilo. o r an iclenn aR llio IndlnnH’ Vlftccs a t Toiw. ' ko wc drove bIIII i>ciith lo St. JoUmi. 'Arlz., and over Into Uin I’o lrltled P c res t , anoihei' N'atlonnl M onunicnl.

rM rlflril Forest • ■

lopptng for

n o t HO. Rood

T lio I'\)rOBt ]h lilnk, Htnndins

ot. .. bn

ff. A. f}ft.VcllI ........ChiiK. C o e r r .............■Mar;:iirot Tluiinii-i 'C. (f. /V lUvfU'Imi Uni K lmliroucli ....I'rrd Itloloy ............Hurry Stnlili ..........Jim U’IIkoii ............Hiirr.v lia rry ............Jake Shank .........Mrs. YfmnianH .'.....I'Vcil I.lltJ! ..... - ,, „

J. M, Mi-nulri!I S. S tniirt ..........[-Ted I’l'tei-Hon .......UiiiiH DovIh ..............\y. M l la w tn l .....

.Aliiert Ilrowii .......

........... IiftckH'iih ..JK’enrfnBon .

I'\ J . Miir«baU . . '\V, D, llf rn d o u .. m St!«ri,m cr

A. I l f l f o r ty ..........A. S|folico ..........

. A. tiiow o ........l-:d Ilyard ...........II. T. \\'o«l It. !•:. SlnreboiiH

Mlil'uiiniiito o f bclnK a Ior h00'Ji.c><'n kiiiir a t ono lim e. None of iho trer<i 1 l''ri'il Kluninc} •aro Hiandlni:. only iwJiero It tookn | N’h li Scbnildt •. BH tlioiu^h the inin of Iora had Hnhn ....ra ised them troui tbu bnltpui nj i , Nowkui an yon ho« In r iver lioomii. The <-• WurHter Oovortiim-Hf hn« a cll»todl«n I n >f''Coilllt<

vory ciucom.; •V'!''''J“H. WIJi(JOUH

chnrfio 1 aiioantlnK quantlont

You ki


u h llo D Iber. » t loiirlsln canio li

from (Jio Oolclon S in lo aiiil till ilmy. n>nld do V

‘ ttcr«», w ith only ono way to Rot on top . Uioy nnhed u« J l n jdveo Ir

. s o lip and neo tb o w ay they lived, liu l a s w o bad aeon bo lter looklnc

' • ndobo bouHca wo bouRUl «ome pot- t o r y Jniilca<], ,

. Homo tw o inlloH o r m oro from '' lio ro In. llio "JSnwhantisd Mesa” ot

th 6 Bonio nppoam ticeB .ijui a Htllo;' "lilK hor. TIiCHO'iwo rocku cover

n b o u t tlirco o r fou r ncrcs of • Rroiinil (ind »<nmt ou t .very vroni-

In iu a In iho dosorl. a n d they a ro nboiit tw enty m iles back off from

‘ tJio roMl. Wit}} notlilnK 'lo aeo bu t i>firif)ed liocullar rock form allonn and n i brook; f.n JItcio b it 'npookoy, nolblnR butj«i>na' dir Ira lJs to /ollow , ono mu«t bo care* th e "tMlii fu l and n o t Rot o f t tbu rlRbt road. ciitlnR pi Aa Iho .ilud lanu w in 't "Suvy’” o r and him

. don’t know how " fa r u mllo Is." ou t 4o t i .n m k o s no dlfforoncu liow far you ;in lteii. ib

nak itiem if U Ib five. elRbt o rii-lR lii ftir tw elve mlloK, th«y will sa.v " ’tjo n t lo r t lies lo

•lohh ^ tellaeI-:. K. lIouK ......IldiaiT DIp IiI .. . •S. (!. McRlnnln.)rvlltn .. ...... I ,.

Schiipblcy .

•were. Jii«i jwk Uie i

•boy can tubis.iltcaUy. tblB , m .w

komctblni;, liku tin >arty illKcUHslnR the

■ Uciy ilortliii

‘ V. ic; MorKan

UoiniblV Itilh

n b u t didi

■ ^V. V. S t i in n .........( 1., R ,Mor»f! ......:

' i i ? . . ' I l ^ u l ' b r l K o n . CnrJ i:

Tbi* I 'a ln li'il Iii>si-r1

»inu- f ive”., iloa'L ijepcnit

(tmiii Infortuatlon.

'30'Ht A t araniA we nRaIn In’ • nod Rot on tho wronR road and j

— - ' w ound n |i In ft (utnbor comp omuy ’ tm * ' «*i tjnclc’ In tb o niounlalnB. Wo drovo nbo iil tw enty mllca ou t o f our wny

oil 7,erq BO It made n« chnnKO «iir ‘ ■ tr ip , ih row lnx «b o ft a. whole day

, tiy nilH.tliti; thin roiid. ko wo drove OallDjf. TbN IH aiio lber ra il­

ro ad inw n, and .lltio a ll o t tbiin . It ■Jim- I„ innuy and flo t very miaypy. bu t

' ‘ Jjusy, fix u rn a ll tho In rccr lo n n ii 'd l alonB the blBli-wtiy. Thoro it* nul'.v,

','y^.»^alk , o f dopre««lon dow ' ‘ '

' Indlni

KOOd Vlitbo I

! ,.\VVli,-.Murphy ..Marry H a l l '......

■ I W. C,- M orr)« .. 'f ii .y T. Swoi-i-

I o f iti(«''Vllll!nn T uylur vo Inio li.ll-rO rvllI K-eli* . , , I'X'l m orn lnc S e rlbner .vo ranin to *'')■'> H'l’iliiy ....i very Ititer-i I'""'''*" JobnHtii I red. Kn‘y .-^ ''“"*‘ ••

BlrcleblUK J'oynoldiim iles and ‘J " '" .......

ihlnlnR juiit ■aH ihu de«- ;■0. A. Cli

. . . . .,1,- .oad r*"''It he foiinil o iit^ ! ; '" ' ' nipJpy lonH yInK no roads bnti;',*''*;! IlnMc.n

UIKl p .lfk .-.I)/- ' ircto .ot land llcH

'.M. K. Illcnm i f'fc.) n in to n .II. Slintt ......I'Vnl .M eyer . »•. .1. .Vcwlau ■hch Thoiiiiis<

, lylie fin'eca. iiof.woiifd ra the r ibem Tor an>- road;ib('M> In lhat

If,,,1.1 .( tm lJ rt f<ir Moritc^iiiiIh. WMal a lierc. and 1i 'wiin

c rt Jhjil I >va« bwiillfiK for a l«\d m no « wny V«t.T I iIh ("inniry Is I'm ! "koIhw In">r i)ij;j«lic»l i>e»r)/l''d ri«,-Ur im-t*,' pottery and tho'■'Hone;*.”Ilhoncti lot me HiMlo r lc b t bore ............ ..nil »»w , »«« 1* » ■gTi-at ......Ii'll!.:r «lt)«-n iber.* than In T w lin .i, o . .i!nr„nrd „ allK, Idaho.. Von know iimiie In -j j„h ii Ibixlcr ........... wiHi'i Btand for wbiit in*i f', thinnlnK hf—

rn Iud1an» do. and ih a i lsi|{i,i|i ||................................. l ’i'lv«HV‘ r m . I t ' ■

In Oil»railo.i on us. They have lIortiM. I Ihink hiul bftca. l.olH, I will in ido

.„ V.. ,,,0 aldowalkii In i-iini-ti iiad buK« ml n o t , any iioltrry ' Uioi ] ..i in>- llfi- am Hvy I'u c l'to ' Indian'*, j (T i. tti

u 'o ‘1 1 ! K ' r T l " y ^ r ^ T m i 'T iM m i W-V.VT ADS,

A # S“' S•njoy r

U S O A L A D V fiB T lS E M E N ’iU

PR O CEED IN G S OF T H E BOARD O F COM M IS­SION ERS, TW IN FALLS COUNTY, IDA HO.Tn'lK Fitilit, tilriim. »«;»/) A. .M,. .Mny ;-,s;b,

H K tJn .A lt A l 'I in . SKSSIOX T ho IJoanl tif Coiiniy CoinmlsHloners met a i ih ls tinii'

lo rci.'e«« here tofore taken, all ^ le nilievK ami tlii‘ Cli-rk prei 'I’lio llonrd resinned Iheir work ii > a Konrd i>r Caiiva><Kurii. i

' a ll o f Iho -N'oteH cast, In Ibe p rim a ry I'li'i 'ilnn I’nd made the eerllf lea te . wblcb was iitlestcd by llio I 'le rk and tnyw ardr

S oc rc la ry of Stnfe.

,f , . Nam eO rr Cbapninn . ..........H a rry 8 . K essler ...G ninford P . M ix ........Jaiiicii r . I’o p c ..........O«von T . S tra tto n ..

. . W. -f.'. A lw orth ..........T liomnx C. 'CoCllnI r a i l . 'M h n io n ...........ICd C; 'n icb .H aro ld U . Ycamnna .

. C. n c a i t o i t..i: a co tR o n . H i l l ...........

v ic to r I 'c lcraen ........yr»ncl»-M . DlBlIJno ....

^ ^ . I J d w l t i M. H olden .....e r.jt . .W illiam A. MorRan .

E m ory A. O w e n ..........O. ’B. IJow onF ra n k lin O Irn rd ..........W . W . Goblo .....

,H a rry .C . Paraom i .....'•’M yrtlo P .-E nklnK .....

n o r t H . MlllerJ-i:t....:.;..'R c t ta r.:-3 fo rH a_____W . G . Hufloman ..........W . H . S im o n s ............T . *Z>aii Coonor-Tty....^•E. C. Da»l» ........ ..........J o h n a -n o b B rtflo n .....

.1 ' W . JL -T u ra o r - ...........T . W in d ic .................

• ' l l a r r y AV. U n r r j ' .......-gv. S . a in r t ln .......— ~W '.- a ,Vl*«>n---------------C orn 'Ij..Si(irot)a —

■Inlni (Irrgory W. .M. Conlilln

I'- nyurd ■ II. WH^i.n

It. K ,M«r.'hcni: Khvciod Hea'-tii Walti>r Cole

II I fan il

. Represent

. Hoprenoni

. RfljircFent

. I .lentennnt (iovernor

. Jim tlct. Ru'prome Com. lusilco-K nprenio Com. JuHtlce Siiprenu' ('o iii

. Seere lary of Slat

, fn spee io r of ‘Mint


. Slat la lo t.... . S ta to S ena to r ...................... S ta te Keprenentatlvo

Stn lo itepri'nen tatlve S ta io nep resen tn llve

> llepren

niy Tro.’u i i i r r r ........ .

....... ir.l5

....... IBSl

...... ,J9G»....... 162«...... J i n

........HS7......... Itrt7


W, H; Snydei Ilrrry n iu

(^irl Domriaic I.ec Murphy t-.'. J. Colbert A, 1>. Ilonch .

.1. M. Iilnmnd I'Vanh Klnffn< Alhort I»ul*loi

IDAHO EVEWNG TIMEg.' TWIN FitfJiS; IDAHO;-.. a i io r l f t . .. Sheriff

.. i 'ro liale JndKu


'oniinlsHli.•irturnlhhli...........'y iwiiilriflr/ni'r l)ln .•ominlRSloner I)U

K ^ttorn(/y ....dent of Hchooh nor iJiKtHrc I . ncr DlHtrlei i .•

r . ’ iio.....lOd&l ....17*2....m s



iitillcK of I’cace, ’I'w ln Kall«..,„nstlc e o f I’eiLce. T w hi Falln.....ustluo of I’.eaeo, T w in I'VlIn.....ni'iirii of Peace, T w in b'alls,...-iiKllce (If I'caco, T w tn I''n(lti.....

t. T w ill F alla .....I viiLO. T>k-lu Kalla.^...

------------- - I'<-<tcp; T w tn .......IiiKllre Ilf IVare. T w iti KallH......itiHllci- o f I’eaee.'T w ln n ills . '....,Ii);.U ru«r T w hi KiitlJi......J u s il ie of I’eace, T w in R ilhi......UiHllce of I’linee. T w in b'nllu......JtiHtlro of 1'e.iee, U nbl...............JUKtlro of I’eaec. Iluh l...............-.IitBlfeo of I’earti. Huhl,...............JiiBllco of I’caco. UnbI.................liiKlIre of I’wicn. IlubI......... r.....Jii;.tlcu o t l-eace. Unbl................JiiHllco of I 'c are .nnh l .... .........

o f f’eace, ftiitil.......... !,...

,S|. WlHcman ....■:>iiUlorhack......

I ... !• -MorchouHo _S. ai >rInR...............

'»{-. f , W lW n .- - ....J . .\i. ’S teo lsm lih

, ■,...........| \ - A . M orrlnon ., C. l». ro o b lc r ......I,. .J, J i f a lo n o .......O rv lllo C reed .....

orlHK ...........T ru e ............

tsi-iiti irInK .............C irtiK JJow or ......

I Mm. 1*1 Vjd C ln toII.-rry O u H c a n .......S. a t tc r ln u ' .............A. t:,'R uyn '» liIn ....

. w . N. 0»l>b ...........I-'. S., Cappol • .........

■ nivatWB*ra iK u r I'Jlinj'oVl ...J . M. S hank ..........

JlL irry H arry . . . . . . .H. A. D fX cal

IJlvclblBs ......(Id P llcm an .......

.....liin nivolblsH ..._ |S n i l lo r ln s ............Ui.M. V. Sw lK or ......l i e . A. U udy .......... ..llO llv o r M arnfien . .l i M, A. PeN eal .......-

STl’Jolin IvUBtls ......... ..

!. Kniil...I. .liiilil...r. Jim ,I. .. ■. Ulllil....

IJiihl ... llnh).. linhl . . nnlil...,

!. ntibi...

'alte Fearn

, Howell .K C. Davl

Losuji Tom Ilee.1 a . lu x to r II. iV. l-m* ..

|lf .“ Hnek ,W. K. Cox . .

I Dare K e m e r '.refin f»enney J'f-uMci'itlf; . ,

■'llor..■! J-lle

.t\w ilrn t)J r e..... JUKtlro o t I’eae..... J iim ltv o f I’cuc.... o f I'eav.... JiiNlU-i! o f I'rlie.... of I’rac.... .luiuteu of I’eac..... JiiHtlre of l-eac..... .Iiiittlce of Peaee. n 'ln i.... Ju i;tl('0 o t P ea fc . Hulil.... Ju iillrc of Poaee. Hnlil........lusili-o of Pcnec. Hulil..... ..... JuiiUco of Peace. I3a«t Wid,.... JiiNlleo of Peace, H ast Bad...., Ju stice of Poare. ICa^t Und. .. , JUHlltro o f Peace. K nsi l-;nd .... JuHtlro of IViice. I-:a»t Knd, .... J iin tlre of Pcace. ICaKt Und

J(i«{|c(‘ o f f't 'ace, Kn«{ j;«d.... JuHtlee of PciLce, Kaot ICnd..... .luiillce o f Peace. ICam Knd..... Ji/dllcp o f I'caco. JJJid.

JiiKtIre of. I’l-ace, Hast CTd. .... .liiKlice of I'oace. Hii«t ICnil.

.. Jiislhro of pence. HolllKtor, .IiiKiIrp of Pcace. HolllKior..

... .rnittlri" of Peaee. H ollimer.

.„ Jnsillcp of Pence, riollliitor.

... JuM Ire o r pence.OtolllK ter.

..„ JUHtlce of I’eai'e, Jlollhitor.

..., .Iuiitli:n of Pcace„ llo l lls to r .

.... .IUBti(.i. o t Poaee. JiolH sirr.. ... Jiistl-je of Peace. Hol||8l<-r.. .... Jiisil;< ' of peneo, llolll.itor.,...... o f Pence. ............................ JiiHili:e. o f Peace. Kilor............ .IiiHilee of Peace. 'F ile r .........., o ( I'v'iwe, F 'I 'i

.TiiiUke of I’faee. l-'He . .hiHiIre of Pcai

... .lUKilve lit I’w . .In-.llce o f IVai

... i.fuiitlcn of i’cai

... > iw ilcu of I’ttai ... Ju« ileo of l*ea(u..ruL- ... W onntable. Twin Kalla ... CoMWivUlft. Twlw l*<iUn

. <,*onsfithlo. Twin rnllB „ Conufoble, TwIiM-'nllii,... Cm mtahle, T w in F a lls .,. CoriHiiihlc, T iflti l-'.‘ll/<.. CoiiHlable. T»iln F<ilh', CoMsliihlo. Tivln F a lls

Cnnsiabk', Tw in m il* CooBtalde. Tw in 1-*all8

.. Coniitable, Tw in F alU

. t;on!itahtc. Twin J-'nlla„ . (;oust«bkv lltihl .............. Conslahli!, Hulil ............, CoMolablo.-Hnhl— ........

.. CoHHjnble. •Uubf . . : .......

. ronsiab lo , IJubl ,•..........,. tionm nblo. lliilil ....... Constn-Me. Ihihl .....:........ Conslahle. lUlbl .......... I'oiiKlable; nuh) . ,

(jBjjBjjibJe, JJiiJi) .. .. Coniilable. Ituhl ......... ronslnW e. JUiW . ..... Comilalde. Hiibl ............, tlonatablc, Iliilil ............

Unlil ___. CoiiHmblo. ...... .............., CloiiBinble. riulil ..........., C'oiwlable. H«\>t ...........

(.'onsiohlc. KnsI Knd ....L'litit Mini ..

. croumutile. i.iiM i-;n<t

. CotiHlahle, Kast |.;nd . Coji.ijj-hle. JCii/l, fromiiiihle. l.:aHt Knd ...... tromilahle, Kast Knd ..,. Conoiirhlo. Kuiil Kml

Coiintabli'. l->iHl Knd .. (^instable. Kaiit Knd Coiiutnble. Kjisi Knd Ci>niitablP, llo llliiter

. roiia lalile , llo llliiter .( 'onitlnhle..1{ollhiler .. .

, cronidnlife. ffofHafcr .., t'onntalde, HiilIlHler ..... (Nmsiable. lIolllHter ..... ir m x ia lM iM IlK trr ... foiiKtable. n u l

•. Ilanucn .. •. H annon ... •. IIolllAier .. H o m .ie r .. Klnrt)orly .. KImburly .. Klmherly

I..ueorno . •. I.uccruc ..V Alaroa ...... M arou ...... M aria ...... MarlaiiKb . M iirlan r-, .. Uocft r ^ •• » ''K er,,n„• ?*°K'.r^on


ihiiowort H iomotz

•. ’IlubI No. .. 'R uht No.

Iluhl Ko. ..- n ab i No.. ’n 'Jh; \(r.. .Iluhl No.. .Iluhl No.■ Iluhl. 'I lu h l No.■ Iluhl No.• Iluhl C^o.. Iluhl No.• ->co.- Iliilil No.

.. K. r*.


Wednesday, Jnhe'22; 1982‘

IIKSIJJ/TS (»F I'A^V.tS.S OF V()T>:s ~v -nil.-Tftll ItKPriJI.IUAy VAXDilKTFS

.1, Weiiloy llolVlen .....i.fohn T/iofnaK ..............[AddfKon r . 'S m l . t l i ........

ny ron I). nnfen'Jiacb .■•C. A. DollHJ/jicn .....! T, n a ,I Io y I^ c ...............

I ln rlrnm S. V arlnnW. \v . D e a l ...........l.’rcil IC. I.nkcm i ..........K. O. U nlle lt .................(JeorRC O. B a rra tt ....Fred J . HabcocU-.........M yrtle n . .......................Mm . 13. SlounenlicrR .Slflwari C a h ip lic ll___

I W on W ca i ............I .M. J . Sw ecley ____ ..

U Jlc f :. I’. I‘a

. tliirltiK .................Tom Jll.slop ......Kffle "M, ih’nlklnn ,.

'IbR ,...............W. A. M lnnl«^lt.........Alhurt P u t t ie r ____Frank , K ic ffncr ......Mrs, W, A. I 'nioon .

. H. U iw renco ....A. C, V le io r ....... ...ScottprlnR .................r . ,M. H o l.e rts o n .......

K. J . vMulono ... . crInR

I.ec U lc h llc l itc r .....

....... .. (Uiiinti.ble. Filer


.............CoiiMinhie,' n i c r "

.............CoiiHiiilile, F iler ..

........CHHstuhle.' w ie r

<rr o.1I.MrlT : :.MA- - T^vlll l*allH No. I

..... . ....Twta Fnllii No. I

............Twin FnllK No. 1

......... ...Twin FnllM No. 1• • . Twlij Falls .Vo, ”

... Twill Fallrt .No. a .

... Tw in l.- iIlH, No. 3 .. T n in h':iltu So . I. Twin F a lls No, I , ,. Twin j.'nlln ,Vo, .| ' .. Twin J.'iiJlH N». & . .. Twin n i l i s No. 5 . .. Tw in Falls No. r. .. Tw in FaIIh No. t! ... Twin Falls No. l> ... Twin FallH No. fi.. Twin l.'nil* No. 0 ... Twin h-iiIU ,\o . 7 ,.. Twin F ulls No. 7 .. Twin FallB No. 7 .

.. Altenilalo .......

.. IlcrReP-............... ......-. CnRiicfnrd ................. D i» j;e fo rd ...... ............. CaMleford. ................ C lorer ........................,. .Ciovor ......................... .C lo v e r ....... .............",.. neop Creek ................ Filer ............ .............

11 K. M. I’ottyarovoI),n . If. n iJJJusbam ___i | . \ . II. .loKciK......... :.... .llt;im n. W . H onk ....... ..

ie{ It, K. n o b le r '.............. ..I). C. Kennliion ......... .Inland S. Stcwsu-( .........F. 8.- n e ll ..... ...............K. ShononborRcr ...U. W. lludlcuon- .........K. V. U araou ...............fioso J . WiiMin ..... .tr, A. H ntflclil ............. .W. J . llolinen ...............

,T . l i Moore - .....;.... .(J . F . C ordes ..................

Sam pson ______ _. . . .„ D ra k o .....- ...........I I i. J . JobiiKou ............. ..I H aro ld Win, M crrlu .!w . .sr. T b ifllo n ...........II, M. H o lle r ..... .........n . ..\r..W R R«or ............

ly sw opn ;....... .........I . . K 'M ohn. .......iKd AHhloii ........ .........l i lu d lu D o n '.............. .........

C. H eyiw lds ...........I!. Iitjyd............. .........

!S. W. Oolf .....................Catea' ...............

. . . . . . DcNeitl ..............I). J . T ay lo r ................J. i.'f. ({IU. ..................■\V, -It. P .irker T______Chas. Coker .... ............« . U*. GnKor .................Uoy_ JeniilnRK ........I ln lir Ycainanii .............CUcHlcr 'UHcIOIkx .......(ic^. n a lla rd ' -......'Hudolidi JoRola ______J . JJoVflr ................ ..F. J . .M ar«biJl ....... ......\V- 'A., «IU ...................AI7)0rt.. IJrown ' ................Noah •Swcrtrlnlceii .......W. M. M arlin ...............W, a -fltorutloD ...........II. K. T o ile r ....... ;........llo w a n l PoiiKlai' ..........S. S . Davhi .,... .............

O. .H ill ..... ................, . . . P . IlcckTVith ..........P e lo .T jirs e n ................

[MaRtuiii .l^ iraen _____It. R, 'MoreliouKe ........K. H onnlock .................Daln K unkel ...........O rvlllo Creed .. ,. . . R. n . c :o h i . ......................A. P . floneb ........... ......

IV. K . MorRan ........ ......IT. S t Unlrd ....................A rlh h r K. SehlatcnH. W . CrttTCit ................

|W . P . Shinn ....................j n J r . Rnyborii .....C nrl D oniro3c ..............\ \ \ & IJ lll ........................O rv lIIo . Crood ...............M urphy ............I-X K u llo r ....... . .JoJih JfcW fllah ................Davo, S harp .... ...............H ay StroiiR ...............W ..N , CJMw ....................Chaa Cokor .............. .P . V . AhliinlHt ..............o . JI. C Je ro cu t................C. y . .])r«W, ..................Ooo. Ititllnrd ..................Den A ndoruon ................

,M. r. M cOulrn ..............J a c k TbotnpHon ............iChnH P ryan ............ ........J . 3L iBunch ..................

|W . M. Couklln - ............N. A .. Olaen ...................J . K . flj-ard ■.....................Jo h n CreKory .... ......... .J o h n llL m d ..............i.Veal DnuKhorty .......... .iM arHliall llnrnhousoB, U enRtock ...... ............T . J . Shaw .......................

. Ofnec ;«{»jled S la tM Senolor

- tinCtcd SiatcH S ena to r ....• .H crrcsetifutlvo In ConRreiiH

•• <*ovQriior ........................^ fc n /ea n n t G o v ern o r ..........ju s t ic e of S iilirom eT oiirt...,

•• Jufitlco of S nprom e Court ... •» foecroinry o f i i in io .........■. S ec re iary of s ^ t u ...............- S taio A u d ito r.................•. S tate TroUHoror

A tlorney O encm l ........Supl. o f Pirhllo rn str . .....

.• Supt. o t Pub lic In a tr ...........•• Iniipccior-of iMInm.................. S taio SeniWflr -.........................•. Stall) Sena to r-;............... Stnfo KoprcHcnIailvc ....... h la to IU^prcIlcntlltlvo ............ S lato •Ilepresonlntlvn ............ I{c{>rcfi<in(ach’o ............ S lain llcirrcH entatlve .

'■"imiy T reiiB urcr ..............


Ir«. T . M. KnlRbt. j .o h n c . Hurvoy ...U ..P » il* lo r ................

A- M lnnick .....------lorluK ..............Curlylo (PIfkuJ .......W. • li. Ijiw ronco ..Scnllorllig ................S . a . M cA nloy ........J. ir. IJarjiea .........WIVbnr H ill ...........ScntterlnR ................M. .M. OatcH ...........U K. M cNamara .

,J t. C. M orse .............| 0 . L. Th(*npgon ....

C. KalU ..........y . s l o o .............

itlurlnK ..............1. ShloldH. J r . ....tll« rtnR ..............V. SwtKur ...........A. ............A. McNinnara .....

I slf. f{£iytiorn .......|ScattorlnR . ...............

5. ijiu lonbac l: .: r t Scvorcnff .......urlnR ................. Dftvls .............

lesi M yers ...--.i lto rln i; .....

'K. -li' IUi>lH>i')f I - .^^.^PIcrce ,, [Fred lClu»mryi-t

.K. Morcboa!) , . . I-:. MorRtin .jc . K. r.reen ...., . Ilo.srt .........N-o Vote*.,..........Hyrani RcK oll T. T. ItntlldKO .<*. V. T rno .......C. V. O arnion .. .Marlin i.Mlller ...

.: 'nwin hillM 'N o.

.. U idu J?^Uu No..

.. TwJn F-allu S'o;

.. T w in I''nl|H .No.

. T w in t^IlH .Vo! 6 ■!

.Murlni .. Deep .. Casllci

Iloa(!w.. ItoHOWl

U l.lM t0 petition of Kit IJdcfl for

. She riff..• S h e r if f ...... AHscssor

e judKo' iitlUK A ttorney

. ProRcculInK A U oriier !....... S u p c r /n te n d o n fo f ScIiooIh , . (^m m bislonor D l.itrk l .No,


.... conUllit ........ .............

....I I'IC |;,‘J '}'« •’’"u'-d for c<mHldor.-illon.peililon wiiu Rranted lu

....i:'22j ’w •■"».»<»« <>r 115.00 .pcr moiiih

.... 827;“" *' " a a lo u m l.th a t wild .potlilou- • e r wan blind and uiiablu lo hup-

jiurl blujBoJf. .A I-LynA NTK Ui- WHIOM’.S

PKXSIOX T ho aj.plkaHoM o f AencH" '■ ■■■ a -WldoWii Penal


.... r.ii2|


.... n4S‘a l tlibi tlino piviionted -to . tho rS un ire r. is.OU: M iller,. Luluclm--.,

.... {iCljbuard. and a flc r duo-eoj)nJ|]oral)u)i:^lD,Pl>; l^ioorc, H, f l . tS.Od; a fa r-

....•\SGt iiiid ' exm nlnuilon a pension waHjRenaiorn, U lllo M. JJ5.0H: MorrlH

.... l>.*2lsrantcd to the iiald polltlonor m M. A. »IO.W>; filort. I.othn, »10.0»: ... :!l2,tU o uniuuul. c.f SJU.UU V»r J . 1>. .Muaro. G w it o... tC i.T b e rirat wiirivint to bo draw n Jl'MHi; MurpHy. iFrank, W aller. ■ .I<S^ In her favor Juno Ix t. 10^2. Unu.Qd;- M w o M « . M. J .■'Mud «n«M V ’S PlfSSUf.'V St.’SPK.VJ»K» NleholB, IlhoilB, JJO.ODr yjo luon .

A t tbis Hnfo appeared hefore tU o,A ndrew p . JlO.oO: Oh1.oard -Mrs. H ertha llu f t, -who a i a i - ............................

, ed th a t «he Intended (o‘ be «bHcnl ■■■ • from Tw in 1- ills couniy wlibln • — ■! Iho next few inoniba. Thoreuiian

" . ‘ th e b u a iJ o rd e red ' the ni>nio ol - tho iiald illertha 'H nff »trlckeii

, Crum ll\o pe»»ltm dU|-l)iR auch ' .lom porary .il.Bcnce.

• yiuiKit Foit sui'p TO ui; c«sl.' .MBXl’KII T » ItF l 'IIV P u »'A1'V

MrJi. il. -o i’Vl‘u.wir'J«linHitm*li-A-.D. .410.011; Jchniitou. J . W. IIS.OI); ICImbrciiiRb, A. F. J 8 0 0 ' U n ih o rl. J . E, U „ ,w e ru .t.o ra J 'l JIO.UO; LarKO. J . J* faT.(f(i; /.rfirsen. Mr«.. t<,r» b . IIO.W; Leap, jMrs. i.M. A. ,|Jil.OO; U rtter. Z. M. »2C,0I): l.yncb. 'A. J . *l</M: .McCllmana. Aflntro Jio.oo; .MoDormott. John. > 15,01): ,MeUwcn. ' A, F . S r., JIO.OO: tMcOowan. U. M.

........I -^IV^iaalor, W. A. <10,00;wiL.).Markbam. w . B .-«o .oo ; .U iw hall. thogS iim rer, JS.OO: Miller, '

.. ConinilfiBloi,. CoroHor...... C o ro n e r .....

ir D lilirlct No! ir n ia lr le t .Vo.

.... Jwi'lJeo of Jbi) T » l«..... JuiiUco of Iho Peaco .;.... Ju silco Of tho, d’eiieo ..................Jw allfo o f ibo 'i 'c a c o ..............••..-.JiislIcQ o f i b e Peal-e ............—..JuHllco of tbu P cace .............— Juntlco o t th e P eace . IJnlil ,.... J n a i l tp o f tho P eaco .............. . .JiiHlfifc o f Iho Peace ...........-.,.JuBllce o f tho I>eac: ...........JilBllee o t ilie Pence ................... JmiUee of Ih o P eace '................ Jnatlce c f ibe 'P eace ................. Juiillco o t Iho -Pi^aco ........... ..... J iislleu c t iJio Ponco ................JuH llce o t the P e a c o ...... ......:..JiiHtice o f Iho Poaco...JmiUco o f ihe Pcaon .............

...JuH tlce o t tho P eace ...... .....JiH tlce o f (ho /•cnee ,....'...........JuuHro o t the Peace. .....!........ . . .J u d l lc e o f Ibo Peaco .. . . J iih'Ico c t tito Peace .... ...............lustlce of Ibo Peaco, llau l l i...Jn id lco o f tho ■J'cace ...............,Jii»IIcu o f Jhn PcHCfl ...............JnsH ce of 4ho P e a c o ...............,..JiiBllce c f . ih o Pcfieo ................JijHlire...JnsU ri...Junlle^....JMsUci

o f Ibo Pc..... I f Ibe iPenco o f the. il’eiice

.MBis'lTl) T(i I tK U O V K lt'cO rN ^ IX lIKFU.VtT

. Tbo m a ile r .ot. InnlltuilnR .....i, [ to r ami oa behalf of (bo Couni}-

- I for 1111} r<tcovory <if C oun ty We-' 'biMltB In Iho F irm .Vailonul Itank

.1 o t T w in K l l , . c o m l.m S nJr Jie^irJflK; juiil

I WIIKIWJAS. Uie C ounty ,|oeius It joxvedlcnt to liiBtltuio Kuch an ae- Usn- In tho l)J«tJ-Jci Coiirj o f thin •llslrlui:

I THli3lll.a'X)IlB. D1-: IT JIESOLV- |1:D: T h a t Iho ProaecutlJis A tlor- hey. O. W. .^Vlthiui. aifd J . \V. Po rt- '

I Cr «w. and they hereby iborlzoii U) In stitu te iih

h ' they-deem bust.. The above resolnilon ' and ordur |WiiH offered H,y CommlsHlonor Cco- ilt. J In n . onil iieeoHiled il)y iCinn-

S. I». HalJoe J^ f lu ........Clian Coper .... Frc»l K estcr ...

ni-y Ilnyhori O. AUon .... T*. H aleh .... Muimcr .......

A’, a . IPII.........>calterl»R ____;. A . N orth ....kuitlerlnR .......V alter Fenm att

a H. O. .Milner ..., 2 Geo. lllcei ____, J W alle r Doniroa

E d .T o lb c r l .» _ . a T « n ' JIlslop ....

J2C B tfla W alklnii nr. n o « r J . w iinon

a .w . « . -H ill...... ..

....'jnsllco .o t the 1>cai

.... JusUco of the iPoaee. Iloll...J tiiillco .o f the Peaeo,_,.JiiHllro o f Iho Pcaoii ....Ju s tice of Ihe I W o , Ji'llei.. . J ubIIco of the P eace .............J iihUco of tbo PeiiRo ____.. J.w llee of the Peaco ............ JiisUi-o o t th e Poaeii .........

....Jnaflco oC ti i r :P o a e o ..........

........... C-msltiblo. T w ill n ilb ............ CoUHfoble ........................... . Comitahio .................................. Comilablo .................. ............. Conalablo .................................. Consfiulifo ................................. Coimtnhle. l ln h l .................. Con»lnblo, D u h l ................... ConKtaftJo .......................- ....... Conulable ................................... Conalabl*} ............................... Ciiiiatalilo .................... ........... C onslohlo ................................... CoiiBtxiblo ...... ......... ................ ConKtflblo .......•...... ................. CoUHliihlo .................................. ConHtnhle ................................. Con«iui*lo, lijm i Jinii ,........... ConHltiblo ....... .................

... Conul.-ilde ........................

.... Conxtnble ................ ........CoOKlJiblo ........................

... CouHiablo ........................

... ConstJtlde ........................

... CouHtable, IlolllH ter ...

... ConalAldo ........................... Conatdblo ........................... Conulable ........................... Con’irtnble ........................-. Consiuble ........................-..Cotittlabrt!, H to r .............. Confltablo ....................

Constable .......................... Con»tJifiJo ............................ ConBtiOtlo .......................... ConBloMe

UKPL-BMCAX P U tX lN t-T COSIJIITTEKaiAX......... ................................. Tw in il- ill»i'^<0 . 1

— ......... ................. .......... T w in FallH..So; 1 .................................................... T w in h'allB N o. 2 .........

Twlti J'\»ll» Ko. 2 ........

O’vMallcy. Dan ?J0.«0: lu -n .. li. • 0 . JIP.OO; PeijilJelWl.

... K. nfl.oO; PenuocU,. J ftm w 'M. tlu .uu : PerklMH. 11. 12.1’liiii.y, O. P. JlO.dtt!. -P o n m re . John <8,00: 3*rcti>TUnn. A lbe rt T .

i»lu.uO; auiblnHon, J.- D. |2u.00: iTtOKcraon. CcorRoW. $10.00; $ c o -~ ’ field, 13. i . .?10.00: Sfloord. c i W. t l 0.u0; , a i u r p . AVtnu tto.QO: sitiaw. ThomaH I .?lo.«o: Siultli. J lo n ry t tg .w . S»vu, Mth, Malvlmi »lU.ttO:

.SteveuB, iBsne It,' IIC.OO'; 6 tralh .Mrn, M ary no.oi); Sunfmow. WIN ,

'l /a n i Siitlon.* J ' . « ' . «10.00;Tadloek. Oliver C. Jift.oo: T h n t.

.Marllui, C. 4Ut,(lO; Tliorw-......... H*. SIO M ; Tfckncr. li. M,.

-T roH »r. WIHlam »lt).00; IV aiidervori, W. s . *10,00: Wiw;- ''poiiar, >lm. Jam eii.# 20.00: W aku- ,loy, (J. H . •«\0.00; W all. A . B. 1*10.00: ■Wheeler, C. A. *IG.OO; UVb/iokor. ille tify jW.flfl; W W t- cwnb, Allen* 510,00: W ilte . f*. A. -

.............StO.OO; WWlo, H unry. WH- ,action I I'h , IMury' J 8.M ; W»»am/io. i'frn.

iJill*a.bMll »20.00: YalM. LOVI *8.tW. ,A L 1.«\VA^•CK O F .W ID O xrS-----------

I'pSWSHT h o board n e x l . proceeded lu

examine wldow'n punitlonn, aiitl ^nforcd tlmC w arrautii bo driLwn

Her K. J. .Finch, nvjih tho IB followii; C ba lnnun JnuicBirncB "ay e ." Coninil«Hlouor«ir.......V ................ . ...... .

i : r '’•,.*'*"ch ‘■ A yo.",C onunl«slonerl'“ CollowInK o rd e r a im<ieo. ll. H a r t "Ayo." • j-.mounl«......................... Achcjrtiftcfi, • fttfby, Alnii-

o rtli, Tboresa, *:u.00i AlKor U r- ,.u la^»l5 .t> 0: - Allen. Mr.i. W lllo . f w M r AadroH, /rf«. Batf-Ijoy, ,Mra. Hose Wnnm *20,00: , ^ rn c s , :G ra c o jlo.Oi); luuca, Mr«. , 1’carl t lO M ; V leley;' Ocf(?3«n, JlO.lMi: Uronor.\M r«. Ualay » ic ,00: C berry lloiKy *lo,«0 ; Co*. aeorR lu

!nU.OO;;,l>«jjJoJs, ^tar».trol »20.t)W; Ipojvney. lU iura H u o .oo j j> o « r„ .. jin s , y ile iilo iBahel *in.U0 : IM rp ,

'i'KTmos ■ fim co^soul^Al'lt>^I OF (;U»MON s o a o u i . I)tM>

T Illt'IM .NO. i:i a n d X ». 33 . j'erB onally and by lu tle r np.' pearcd \jcforo ibo boivnJ. Mra. llust)‘ I. Wlliion. Comity tsupurluicudent

>f i>choolB, uml dedvured certain licililo'i.i idKucd by uleulorB o t Cuiiunnii Hchool UlttUlctn N«. U un<] No.. 2S. TIiOHc petltfonB ro-iluo»t the Okxird o t County CiBii-,,pg v ile illo h a h c l *tn,00; 1M«> Al^Blouttrn to c ;» ll-an c lccil» tt jjcatrlce.'JJO .Ou; FW icr,-W rn. AK‘

atDrMiOd rffstrtcw <ti dcclU e.^p„ jlO .W ; Floyd. Vloln. JlO.ttO: uoMilou of w liofliur tbo ulwro-l^:.,.^’,,.,. .. --------

.. i ’w ln Fivlls No. S .

.. T w in FaJlB N o. 3 .

.. T w in Fadln N o. 5 . .. T w ia Fikllft. No. 8 ., .. Tw in F a lU S o . i . - T w in FftJIn No. 4 ., .. T w ln .F a tU No. 4 ., .. Tw in F h lb No. 4 .,

. . . . - UUOMllon of whetHiur tbo u iw o «akl dlutrlcti; «hould ilie cviutoll

Idaltnl In to oiw illmrlct.Put-Buant to Section S o f O ia ,..

• ur 31C of Uio IU21 S tw lo n U w o, Uie hoard n t lbl« tJofo rh v o iiotlco th a t they would bo ld ,m open IteurliiK on U iu-nutajtlon u i loioo A. M.. J u ly ja . 11)32, u i

le any eloeior w ith in Ibo boun- -..liCH of e ither c f ihu flforoaald ■liitrleta nnlKbt a p p ea r a s d t e

henrd fo r oc n ita ln si an clecllon 'lelnK bold fo r Ibo afoftam ld im r- Pooo; ’


T he board a t ibl* il«m y roccaj- d to ............... ..............................

-frcncli, M>B.' KatbDrlno. *iC.OO; O llmer, Malde Mary »JO.Oli; UriJid- HUif<, Mrs. A. M. *10,00: H aRorer. Mrs. l^dward *10.00; H Inilor. C'lm. Limna «1(>.00: I Io r r . Mra. S tiry , *10.00'; H ntjbell, Cenevlovo f2S.00; H urIics, :»larlei J . ;a ;.0 0 : . H1I4. ' Nancy ISIIon 110.00;- JollnHton. I lcn a *25.00: Jonea, Mrif. K . 1-3.. *16.00; K liindt. K atie, *10,OO: L :i KurRcy. Mrs.- C. C. IIC.OO: Lcwl*.

,f>aiira tW.OO; Wnlhcrir. A nna H." I*IS.OO;-.Martin. JtiiiaK t*lS.OO;-Mc> . Ica lbe , H altio »20.00:- .VcCauley. 'f i i i l ie r *10.00: d tej-er. DorotUy *ir..oo: Miller, Oortrude, *10.00:’ M lntun. L ucy K . »lo,oo.;‘ More>

u . jw io vrrxvaci'i land, Jlftw. fJorls; *1S.OO: W ort, nine O IJ .<\Ke I'onnlonsi,.Mm. l-MUli $S3.0Q; M u m iw u .'M tt. , ed w urran ta d raw n In Mao, *30.00: NelBoa, Mrs. VlrRlnla,

lio .flo : i'owBim. itw ry ,A.*1S.00;PetorBon; Mrn. Kato *1[>.00: P ro it ; 8 u»tc *10.W ; Poai-Knt, 'Mrii. .MabcJ, t x - o o : I tm ilo ro . C arr/o *2G.UQ‘. ReltvboW, Mt». '*20,00: noBo, .Mr«. J. W . *l<^.00; Salm on, Mnt. I). A. *20.00;. S a t ' te rw hltc, Dlola, *15.00; Schm ld l.. Mrfu- KU«1,- TIG.OO; S tam irew , M ary JdBll, *JC;00; SHobo. Marllift K t l l o o ; smiiu-, VelTSft- M ay. *3S.oo;, SmItUwlck. Rim. S iva , * l6,oo; S^eaTlnjteB. -Mrs; l^ciSa *10.00: T ate. Jeaslo M; *1S.00:

Uotly J 2H.0OK 'W ciiHnB. .Mr#, N ellie *20 ,00 ;:' )V c*t.'B dllo . *20.00; Vowiff, - Bmnia . 410.01) ; .* KlilndoQ. Alrii.- >l.t>lu- iH ay $20.00.

I’F.NMONK von nUNl>Bden. B it. *15.00: a ia lo r ateph*

. n aye»teri W. O . .*30.00: •*Thom M . (Mtb. j . X *15,00} -walk*w . - v n A nty.oo; 'vyeecb. CbaB. « . *20.00. ;.

T b e re \ie ln c no iu r lh e r InwinonB ) come before' tb o Board o t Ihlfl

l iw w , a rece*«»waB taken tin tii ■ the iioiira of 10:00 o’cloclc A . i f .

^Jnno 1. in s2.J JAMKft U nAilNEB, C h a irm a n - • M lw ii HAUttY C .l 'A n eo N S .C lP rk

|im d ordeuM ...iiofollowlnfc o rd e r nnd jtm ouuu,-

iKCr, W atile, JlO.Ott: Alvey, .....o n , *10.00; A rn, S , *20,00; Avery, J m , h . $ jo.oo; Ufckloy. Hobqoca. *10,00; UolcJier, Mr« A lvareita. ^10,00; B ird Peler *I«.00: •Blalioi., A lfred. *10.00; Ulankeni.blp, J . T . *g.oo: iJrlRht Jacob C. *10.00; :lirow n, WrB Jtm ies, ? io ,00;. H iibler. ■ Kunlco. »-W.(HI; nush. 8 . I.-.*lll.(iO» -fVi(t|c

- . . . *8.00; C a rU o b i .J : J . *lo,0o; Capron. OtIs.M . Jlfi.OO; Chapman;

Chlldem . Oimlly E . n o .oo ; ConverJie. E . II, 410 .OO; IlBake, J . w . C. *25.00; DoUoard, J.- » . ptffMO: D oitm a. I^luldah MO.OO: I.>:klp«.,w . H.-;*G.oo; IFln^

. John J . J io .00: K raxer. C hai. - . $10.00:. .O abhnrt. M m . J . p . « 0 .00 : Oee. A notln. *20.00; Orlf- tin . ^Villlam II. .'*10.00: C lam , Jolin n , *m w »; O rif/lth , J . .ftLi *10.00; Coldflwortliy, l l . H . *10 00' Italnllne,. C. W. *10.00; H alherf; JV jB k BL *10.00:. JlurrlM. M a U 110,00; H oore r. Mn«. Adoaa. *lo.0o ; HJ-der. lioe. »lo.oo: Jam en. I .u ih . or, *10.00; Joy , John , *20.00; Joa- kina. Mn«. N ora. *20.00; Jonnlnm ., C. o . *20.00; Johnson , J , P. *16,00;

Page 7: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt


W A N T A D P A G EW l ^ O l r t ! ^38


Each.lDMrtlon, p ir lino— -M B ra rr oU ier day, MCh Isu iw

tlon . por *•monlh,-- o re r r Uan*, •

oacU Inw n lon , p o r lJno-_04 } lr w onllio ' coMTttct. <Tor7

s iuo . eacli iM crtJon; p « r ,

T woItb moolhi* contrK rt. overjr iBDuo, «aeh In ser­tion, p e r llQo .

No ads U kon to r I m U ian S llsoa, Ulnlmiim d ia r 80_ _ ^ C

— B A I I Q A I N - ur 2 1 x 3 0 Wooil nroU iort

T brcshom tron i <100.00 -to ♦400.00. Now C lipper, lloclonnor* .1100.00 hixo fo r o n )y |Q2,00: C tfll 'n l 1<18 <ih Avo. W « it ftftor Ju n o 21« .

Wood lirotlinrN Itin u il ia r Co.

New Today

r o u SALB-vMolIno Qcan P lnn t- \ naorlnK-McCornitck po ta to or

corn ciiIllvxiLor. Ooo<J »h jiow. 100 l)U. Trobl iJnrloy. A. W. DoVIohoi H nillo B. J% 30. Fllor.

F O n SA L S -C A rIoa4 o f M u m c o Kftlsomlno Id bulk. Buy w bnt you wont and b r in e back w b a t you b a re loft. Wo loan you ' a bruah free. Ptttnt p rtcca rcducod. Moon’t

S A L E - llu y dorrlck ; clmap. VllloKo lllRckHmltlivSImt). IClnOmrly.

KUIl>«9IIKD A IT . w lili oloctrlc Ico <box. »20 p o r m onth, r.on linil Avo. .S'ortli.

WANTICD— I'nri Um« niiloi.ln.ly

.SJ*KfJ.U>I'ernmnpiilrt $:*.r.o nn.l up. SIii

|ioo und'flnKor-.wavo KOc. Slmnj • Miiircol 7Ec. Wo I»|)ccliilli0 In

n il lii'aniy w ork lIcckHtund licuu iy SJioit. 1‘liono TW-'M 163 tl^ilA vc. K.

ClassifiedSITU A TIO N S W A N T E D

W A N T E D — Odil Jo b H -o f any k ind . Call AxHoclntnd Cli W ni. J . Ilrown.

FRUTTB AND T H aE T A B L E SC n H fU lI ia AltR IlIP K a t Cryfl-

ta t SprlnKii Orcjinrd, r i lo r , M a C«J9. Drlntf your, ow n conlutnorn J 'Ick Uifan youreclC for He & ,4 c lb

S m A m D tU lX E S l mllo nor F lv o , Point. 3Ce Qnl. B r in s co la inoro and pick.’ Pliono 0180-; TI. L. P rntor.

W A N ^ m m S O E L L A N E O T J aW ANTED .'1-0 BUY— 1000 c a f i

■lo w reck. Farm oni A uto Supply, UaoO P otU Dopt. Phono S2(i V.

r o B M li iiiil ia l leo i ii

AUTO UOOK aL A S S. Wind- ib iu ld i, and vrindov g lass. -Nc cbarso for so tt ln s slasn . Phono S. M oon's P a in t & ru rn l tu re Store.

U8 BD FUltNITUlUa — Kltchi rablnol, stoves, tables , chairs , ru and davenports ,p riced lo ac.. Moon'fl P a in t nnd. F u rn tlu re Store.

SESrt«3AN U I3L , CUBAPEST AND ' DfclST TOBAT.M&VT FO R POTATOES. D lrro w U rothoraSeoi Store. •

FOU 'SAt>I>-^I!ny in iibnck. i f . lliinibo. 2 mIloH So. Soi P«rk.

TOR SA JJ3 — A lfalfa Imy ii rhock. 2Ui nilion i-uhi on Klinburl: Uoutl. C. A. Ikikor.

APARTM BNXS F O R B E N TTHRISn: nqO M fum islicd nloO

orn opt; Now low ratcB. Uuuirato' AplN. 2nd Avo C.

ROOM S rO B REN TI'O R lia X T — NIco fro n t k

n icctrlc h o i w nlcr and RariiKo Q cutlomon urofcrnxl. Pluino


• H 0U B B 8 PO B B E N T

L 0 8 T AND FOU N DiiT H A Y B D -P aIr of m a rf s . a l.ay

Mid n bjnclc. Mnno# cloKcly roncli. ?il, NhoU a ll around, 'tvtiiKlil bU' iweo!i_lJOO a n d I.IIOO. P h o n o 3G

• TAICEN UP—WKbt Je rse y co ■t o r C >-earu uUI, n lio rlhorn , brand.' Inau lro a l S bo rlffa offi T w in Palls .

F O B BALE OR T R A D Ep p n SAJ^ra OR TIIA D B — 30

-ChlRchllln nnd No\v Z unland -b r a b b lu u -w in tflko a cow o r liay In trade . W rite U. 13. Tl«>y, J e -

W a TRADE. . Buy. o r eoll k inds o f used fu rn itu re , atoposin d ranges. G el o u r p rice s . P h o n e -------5, M oon's F a in t £ F u rn itu re S to re . ".<07


> ' tlie DlHtrlct Cnurl of tli JJIovcnlli.Jw H clnl D lstrle i s>t tli ainlQ o f Iilalio' In and, fo r TwU I'allH County. . • Indi'iicnduiit School niHlrlct,

o. C; T w in FnllH County, Tda- i>, u niunlcl|ial coriioriitloii; .

1'lt.ln llff,

jighwi eoutli o f ShOAlvdne and . 'i :0< n & C<>l)elnK 10.04S

........ the atoosovelt HiKhwnyWcHt o f Slioohonu, In Lincoln,

Jerom o a n d QoodlMK Cou:

nponcd' .1Htaled

itOH.PrnponnlA w ill hd

publicly TCftd a i tho loiir.

PlanH. flpeclflPiillonB, foi on trac t. prnpoKal fonnii and other nform niion may bu oblainoil n t tho ifflco of the B ureau of HlRhi^'ays, iolfio, Iiinho. uuii ^roni 1’. ll. WIi' «u . OlHirlct ICuKlnuor. SiiOHlmnu

Idaho, a n d oro on fllo fo r oxaml lallon a i tlio Qfflceii o f tl'io Ahho :iaiod annnra i C ontrocloni, S a lt

I.nko,-U tuh. nnd Siw kane, W ash. A chnrKQ of two doiiarH ( J2.00) will ho made for cacii Hnl o f p la n s ant' HiiecUli-ntlorm, Pnym ont to ho nindi

' imyiihio lo tho Hnpari if I’liUllo WorkH. Slum <}

Idaho.All propnuaiH -niiini lie niailo oi (I foriUK fiirnlHhRd. and inn iit'bu uncd 'by Iho bldOor w ltli hlii nrii Id poHi ntdcu addntiH.Tho rlKhi l;i rcMi'i-vud to rcjcct

nil proHpoaolK, o r to iircopt ibu pro- poiiai o r propoinilit'drRiiivd hi'Hl ' Iho S ta te of. Idaho.

No'|>roponnl w ilt b e conHtdorod unl»‘(iii accoinimniod by nn accoiH' <ib1o I»roi>o»al O unronty In aniount c<|iml U) f ire pe r t (CTo) of thn to tu i a tnotint of propoNai. Thill Rim rnniy m ay bi •orm of fa) oiiHb. (I.) ji cortlflod !hoi;lf draw n on nn Idaho bank

.................to tho CouinitiiKlii

'Today’s Markets and Fina ncial News

W M E A IN.Y. Stocks

N'HW YOllK. Ju n e 22 m arket dom 'd IrrCBulaiAmerican Cun ..............Atncrlrnn Sopor Power

. ' I Aiiinrifau T o liiic ro '......, ' ■; . . . • . I American Tol, &*Toi. .

CIUCSACO. Ju n e :2a ; (UP) — ,A Anacnmia Copper ........Inlu biiyInK inovaniunr>morn tbnn Aicli.. T opeka & Santarecovered (bo oarly Ioshc.i on (lin Atlantic Itcrin ln i; ........Hoard of Trndo loday, inllyl«K , Auburn A iito ..................tho 'inn rkcr from tbo oponln« hoi- Haltlnioro A Olilf) back th a t h.nd dropped n il il.;- HonUi* Avlallon livurlos of w hciit, and rye, to now

for Oio yoar. Tho buylni m him luti'd liy • rojHirtji o

il)Lick riiHt !>(>'


m arketmeors and yenrlinuB, inomiy stronu

- - iiKh Homn xalcs killlnR ai>al; id w ater fill" cnn»lderp<l, looks

hiKbor; som e bnyorx liiddlni; lownr i-botweon RmiloH but a ll lutor*

Kood clcar-


tcntinl dmiii liuylnK 4)y

profit .1 dn>-r

1 %c hlKhor I .to T4« lo< iiinxpd lo ■

) In ilio rlliu

Chi.. Mil,. SI. I*. * CbryKlcr Moiorn .C’lilcH Service ......(.•oninion. & Soiiibi Con. o n of Doliiw; Dnl’nut I).! Ncinoi IClorirIc P. * h . .. IClcrtrlc ihind & {

.{Jencral iJ lcrtr lr jlJpni'ral Koodn ....' ........ ...I _

. 2Ii%3% NRW YOllK. Jim o 22 (UP)

/U tor nioviiiR baclt |iind forih in rela tive ly narrow ranKt- mo«i

P V iilK -.day . ih» Mook mnrki-i r a i l ....1;^ n i'n r lb« c-ioax.' mom li-adr

li'Dvorlni; I 'n rlle r 1o« kps." t ' I i»i*for<> tlip la ic rally , lici •flai ' Rpvoral IcadorK brok»‘ tln 'lr 2'4'loiiM boor inarki't Iowk.2 t'l'v forrcd tiiadu ti nuw •1'^ Klnc' 1!MH nt nn. off

lait:c<inaled ' lh< low !<ln


lini:ire: $.S.26 puld for !»(M poimd y«i

iicorn: 'boBi JipuvIph <.nriy 18; bold hlKlier; larR.Hy $T to 16:

HH cows ve ry dull, oihorH stoady; Ih iiironK 10 lUc blgb<>r am l>TH iibont Hirndy; oulHldo 01 liiliiy Haii<.URo bullH 13.40; mu!> ,I(TM Jfi t(» jn ; RPli'clPd kind

IC.OOO; niarkul 10 IOC 'hiRhi-r,IIP MKiKii rai'kl

Hiciuiy 10 iiiroaK, lOo ciioiro ■KiU'poiiiidorH ja.ur>. r.o poiindnrx ii> ) l ; mo radoH |3.i;n down; packli

A L l l f f l l i pN C m G f l , : i i PI P M Y B A T i

fContlr.iicd from Poise One)


IkIii< (1 Sli.llU do»

proitoxed and prophesied Hs failu re and Hlalcd iliut It w ould 1)0 proved ti) bit th o jireiUi'st oiirso ever nut ovor on an iinaunrcciinK pi'oolo.

" I foiiKlit It w hen U w as un> . . . .ponuliir to luVo th u t s id e of the

momii liKbi I.HKUc In iiiany> p a ris o f niy a « n - ............... .......................d In ninny o th e r s ta tr -


(JItAIN TAItLK Oi'lICAflO. .tune 22 (III*)—Oriiii

IV Itra t- July, ol July. n. Scp l„ 'o Sopi;. nlior.......


■ |f:n()dynir Tiro ..............iiilorniillonni liarvo:.i.:i

lln to rnatliinn l T; Jt T.jKonnccoti ......................

I l.o\vo"« incoriKiriiii-d ., .MoniRoniPry W nrd .....

, l'.ifikard..Moior» .........; I’nruMioiini i'liiiiix ....

' 1Vmi,-y ..................II. I L ....................

„ i:!2 5 i. off 214 iX'llHH. >>51 raliird lo n Hnii.ll

;“ (amlv«>thi‘rii niod<‘ \ip tm ri

■ <c) «i bldJur'H bund.U iH ilio piiriKjHO of tbo Com' - isnlonor 10'build iho iniprovom out| -.Si I ibo.sbarioiit tim e ctnialHlani w ith "

Rood couHifacilnn.'Ni'c<isnary pt)uip. mcnt and odccllvo orcuni/u llo ii will ho loiilKied upon.. I)ni.fd June 17. 1932. i ' ' ' . •

• J . n . STR.MMKII. ' D IreuiorotJilR bwnyK .O. R . .MckiajVUY,,

ComnilHiiifinor ofP iild lo Workn.


Open ItlHh J.ow CIik. d .;.|7 « • n iA 4i:% 4K’AV „.|7 '.i IKM. 'IS'.. ...................Id „r.nw r.0%. r.o^u- |.„ re o n „ow 50 r.0l4 r>'''^ ..liiadlo('or ) ;« f AnuVrira.....I K.dlh Oridu-iim .

lUeynoU'/ Tolmci'o 11, .,,2!1% nil 2!1% 2;ir; Safowa>''SloroK ............,:uvj afifc ;ii»<. nn; .scitm iiociun-k ........ ....3l<:-;i 32',; . l l l i s tandard o n of Calif. •,

iSUindnra Oil of ,N. J . .I Sill'll tfiilon Oil ...........

R eal E state T ra m fe n

— {.porj-o NORr lo : $10. Ini 22 iiJid r

23, Voalmiiu'ii nddltUm to FallH. '

JJoed— AhL- T.

10 2(i-% 20 :i)Oi ‘:2W ' 22»i

CHlCAOO. Ji: Ifruin rlo.iii: '

W heal: lied h (>. 1 hard -lO'^c o, 2 ba rd pari, Corn: No. 2 :

yitllow a i '^ c : nin: uS'O. U y.dow 3114<-.

Oalu: No. 2 v whllo 2» 10 21 llyo: .S'o iiali-i Harlny :io to TInioihy J2,7n CioviT ?!l.2r, t

CAsn OKAIN( IIP )—<’;iHh

Livestock0(!|IK.N I.IYKSTOCK

OODUN, Uiaii. j.in .- 22 (HIM (ITS OA) — iloHi.: Itecvlj.iM 2;v

,1 101. U . OXI J-i.lii on fow oholco l<

) 10 2r,i) lbs, j:i.7r. t» »■lRlii« and KrailoM uroi

down, bu lk howh »:',2: . - $2,7:.,

C ullio; lie.... . 211.

Ill n .' 111,21:,

(Ira VO Kller.

Dpfld—Jarob I- 'bPlh fl. Cniiihor.


M ll lv l irv IIIIMI.S „ Ni:\V Y01U<. Jiino 22 (U P) • ••;'''C lo«lnK ':^"■'"1 lllbDrty ,3>5ii 101,2. F irn t 4,1

llDU.ir). Kirill .|',la .lOUR. Kourib ................ 102,12. Troamiry 4*,1« 104.28.

;i. block 1. !)2,27.

. :wiii :tn,;iu. 3Si« ... . M Of -IS March, u iif , . 1IS.13. 3'^H !H.4. :U

INVK.STMl-XT T I trS T rnlxbod by Sudlt-r, Kpnori

t irn l'b and ( ''i,)'. TrUHt siiiireo, 'bid — ....

UKXYKU MKTAl. DIKVMR. Ju n o 22 (U P). - Leail

: iillvcr 27%.

POUTLAXI) CASH WIIKAT I'DllTUV-Vl). Jnii'il 22. (UP) —

ilii: Konii lllueiitwn. bar;l whilo

I’llU TI.A M i I.IYKSTO(K I’OitTU-VXI). Or.'., Juno 22 (KPl

— lloi:«: M .ilniaici li.li), m;irk.'i iin:liil>1<- HloiKiy; on>- riirload lllilo;i>oi KiKiri of i-Iioli-o (4.<:ri; hnlli drlv<'-luni la« }t.r>ii to •14.';,''.. Iiii'liidlnr. m>im<2:11 pininii w..|,;liN ai

.•1.1VOH II

the U nion. And w hen every w eapon 1 ■ nr na rrow minded inlolorancn was lurnod aKainm mo. 'I carried tbo . bnniicr wbi n tho ivrmy w a" nmall, I

nd ib o .o p * :ion 'blllor. <1 low for ihi)

i-iil of liio IHtb a (MoHilonnu

V th ru ond itionn l-r

mlnal. <ju<>tll.> dlris.'!;

-'.idy.liidliiK I ,

S lirep: K-iliamlfd 20110, aboniIn ir d rlvolnx: noihliiK 10 >|i<-iiU ni »old oarty . indioaMoat. fnily


.iwiMiR 10 liio p a rty i n. snilib "aid lie Avns Inter* : I economic ohoHilons, conid ; whai ho w ould urise on tbo '

Ion antli h*> saw the repo rt 'oKoliiiluOH riMninillee.

l>pnUK p la n k r ’ anf III

"A ro M il for rep o rte r Halted,

-W U y n o \ "" I a in 't makln" <i

■ be xvby in lou lot Siiiiih

"W luii do y..iJiuJk JTO-I'.hii],,!,,,,,;,/ laiiu

la lk i'i.

tcaily a i woidi i>wii t:\ to I:

}2.f.O d;>wu. ipoi.; lU vfl o r inarln 'l,

Iiet. r.oao lo . Duiiv St. Joiicph niurl'

ChUmKo niarkol, .'

> II.

H dei-ll

■I IA.32S. im-lndlti

Ijilcaiiy to woa , anil yearlln:;H ; boif.'rn $ri.r.ii-$i ‘Ive:ilK $r>.r>0.

.Sbc'oj.: Ilere i ! ree l., .Salable , jfi'o<li;rii: iiinibs ,<'la««e?i Hleaily:

Mr<i:ini;lilor 'lam i

W rlie an lionost. c lea r. ooncUo Ifojiii and nomijiati! inn."Mow many bul‘

riirn i lop ".Tbaf lioponilsjdelri-aioM can Ihlnh."

I 1,C<10 d l ' .Snilili a rronced hoiirH for resu lar...

X w ill 11 1

olbeituid. concliidlne

Ilf ilui roKtoHi KparrlUK-iionts iiroHldeniinl candidate over pu t ’ <• llcb ii'd n freoli clROr. mopped

1u»d hla hi'ow. tilted his Hlruvv h a t book rted au'tl«'M to Bhlpprfii'-’' ” ' ' headed for tho CIMihiko A thlclio :

cilppod lainUi n hold’ slrldo .load Kruln fed yo.irliuKH

wex down frun

i.o s A .v(n:i,H s m v k s t o c k(IllICAtJO l,lVi;.ST«CK

CniCA OO , Jun i‘.22 ......................... (f.Si)A) — (.•ullle' :ir.o11,000. Slftw. woak to 2ri0 lower 27:1. «lnw; fed kIo than T iiosday’ii hont jirleoii; nolb-^

■•oiimi ToJUiH fed »7.C0; Rood uriiHH

.................... ...................AHkinc ar/innd 4C.fiO for Idaho

.buclcH inoiiHy

loadii <10 to 90 pound nalivvH Rrad InK Rood to cbolcc «6,75 lo JC.2C V p«ckcr.i: p o r t deck lo ts JC.lii) 10

'«(■ 10 )n,n0; ibrowoutH »4 lo $r.;, , ebol6( fed yenrilncH l.ld ?4.7r.; fewfat uwoM *1.60 to 12. . ......

Caltlo S.ono: calvoH. 2.a00; fairly

J1.0U; |3,r.0 dow n. Culvo 1!*2. alow, Htcudy;

$4.C>U.t'..r;ii; •inotablo to tT.OU.• SiiPKp COO;.Iatni> hlRhor: tw o deckH

Mr.i. H en ry Jot ;l A. R

Dcfcndanlti.Xollco la hcruby Riven liia i on

Junu 20, 1932, A w rit o f a ltacb inen i w as iHSUCd out o f iho nbovo en­titled c o u rt In the iibovo un lltlcd icilon. a ttacblnK the property of bo above nam ed dufundani fo r the mm'oC $2n85.2.S and inlorcHl.

IN WITNKSS WrlClSil;FX)F, I bavc icrcunlo Kot niy hand and tb o ’Hcal >r thiH C o n n tb ls 201I1 day of June , 1932. •(SEAL)

HARRY C. PiUlSONS, C lerk of D istr ic t Court.

By KU.USK J . 3M1TII, Dopnly.

.VOTICK TO COXTUACTOK.S .Scaled proponahi w ill ibo rccclvcd

by Iho Commisiiloner o f Public Workn o f th e Sinto o f idiilio. n t thu office o f tJio ConiinldHioncr o f P u b ­lic W orkn in BoIkc, Idaho, u n til two (2) o 'clock p. n l. on tho 28th day o t June , 1932, fo r iho conHtruction of n road m ix o iled su rfa ce on P . A. P . 121-A. B & C and R A . P . 122-A. I) & C bolni: 37.786.m ilca o f tlio Saw ­tooth P a r k IllRbw ay H orlh o t Shoi ihono: F . A . P . 123-A & C bolnR

illes o f tho Snwlootli Pnrh

CLASSIFIEDDljRECT©RTResponsible B usiness F in n s a n d Professional OfHcies of T w in F a lls A lphabetically A rran g ed

f p t Q u ick Refe^encq.

AUTO T O P ^ O D T WOBESrO U ; SALE—W lN b sm E L I) ‘ D

door s itu s - A uto to p i «Dd -eiir> m n . r« % lr. c *n .»M ,oM . e4t t r a i ro p ilr in g . TbomoU . T o p and Body W orks, bacH o t -DBacflland.

; AUTO DOOB GLASS• rO R eA L E oA U TO -.D O O R .O U iS S ■ W M 'ah Io l< to & W indow- O laas;

No le h a T so jfw se tU n ff.‘M ooa'a . P o in t * y o m ltu ro Stora--;



and callin* c a rd s /.a n sra 'fed op • p rin ted . M any to r w c i s ty le s to

cbooso fi’om. Call a t th e • E ven- In s T im es >of(lce. S&fi‘U a ia ATe. East.T e<0plniP0-38.— ............. ‘


W B1X3 .D m iX G D . ANY SIZED holes: •'■Dampstrr jpuBipa. M, I *

' B eaib ., T w la i r a lU . : id a . Phona


W caUyas.M da:>o, . to d s n

p A n r a N Q . f t D E o o a A T m a

, WANTED — C a rp « ite r Work; Pa ln tlo s . K alflom lnins a n d P aper

■Hftt>Blnff--’.'P lionQ -6. ‘H oon’fl'T A ln t ft P u rn llu ro Store.

P L U M S m o A N D E E A T IN a

TIOUB' PLUMBINO -A K ^ T I N O C a Sbow room s a u d -sh o p s . 136 m iird -ATO. E as t P bone 283.


Insuro-'cO B fort.-p laa 'w e a r .'N o w oconooijr p rices. T w in n i l s 8bo« i R e p a l r l n s . 132 .-'Sbo. . W. JPhgoe.'3C' ■


W RITE ;TKNNEY ESTATE, <3000- ' In S i'Id a . today. F Ito abro eoi

you w a a t, tU W i----------- .*

K E IT II H O TEL NEW MANAGE- ' tnent. Lobby s e rr lc e . H o t Cold

<vator. ^ M ala A r ^ -B. Batha


m edium to ROod 7tl poiiud lorn lamlm «.7r.-jr,,iHi.IIni,-H 3.';o, Includini: 2i-l dlrecl. oady: 200 pound Calif. Rraln

fcdH *3,7:.: ijnolablo lop $ i,2n.



p lIE R R Y d id not need to look a t tb o e lenature of tho te tte r. She

had recoenlscd her m other's band-' w ritln s . ' .

• Somothini; slipped from he r fin- Bors nnd dropped to tbo floor os ■bo opened th e onvoluqe. A row. folded’- s tr ip o l 'p a lo ,biue psper. Cherry picked I t 'u p ) un­folded IL Sbo road: "Payl.lo! tho order o t Coali—IDOO." ■.........,

A cbcek from -the :P lr# l National Bonk tor ,|Sqoi; Ob. > b a t would Dan eayT , Fl'ya hundred dollars would-pay a ll the ir bills and Icove a ;baIaneo w ith w b lc b .to s ta r t sav lnsa occount. t l would buy tbo new su it Dan really needed. Five hundred do llars—why U was a to .tunel," C h e r r y tu rned lo tbo-le tter.

."M y dear. Cherry.” her roethi hsd w rllleo;' *^It baa been.-a loos timB-atDCs rvo 'heard 'troD ) ydu-sQd 1-luvo-been so woi'riod. Sarab Is badly crippled w ltli -‘neurltia and

..uDat»le-to-lraT»^the;liODia. -I'-bare no taean i of reaeh in s you'oxeept ssodU bU .nato beeauce of promises

.1 mado your father. 'H o 4 « 1 iU U r- re fu s r s 'lo h av e you r ■name m«n* tloDCd-anil th e sltuatlen .la very bsrd . ■ -.

“1 can n o t 'e n d u ro th e tboaght th a t you-m ay be In w ant, perhaps Bclually su ffe rloc .' Tbo enclosed

‘Cbsek Is lo buy a ny th ln s a t a ll tb st yoir may need. ‘Consider I f a ^ed- dint; p rn e o t >t you w ish—altbousb I c e n a ln lrn e v c n th o u sb t my dauBb- te r - Woiild> b e ’m arried ‘ir ltbou t e itb sr o fib a i ' parenta present and by .a ja illeo -o r tbo peaeel' Cberry. d s r lln r , 'th a la s t m ontb has-beeii'a te rrlf lc -iln U a on m e .' -1 ■can 'only w ait « s d p r a r -tbat aomq l in e tb it te rrib le trobb le lm ay bo lifted. I t only l eould know you a re well and Bot-tn-Dted. Ihgr and Blgbt 1 tbiiilc about you. "May Qod keop.youl— .Your LoTlns Mother."' T hougbltu lly Cberry studied the cbeck.'-Fire hundred dollara seemed a lo t o t money .sow . Two n on tb s befora It w ould Ifavo been only tbe prieo o t a few -dresses. How bed he r m other m ansied to send 'sucb a s ^ rn l .Cberry.vknow b e rrfa th e r se ru tln iied « bousebold nceonats. paid a l l 't b o .bills. I t muit.'^bKTe required scbenlnB « n d U ra. Dlioi was Dot ltts 'a o rt io 'a e b im a . '

M other!". Cherry said to horsolf. " I 'l l w rlle he r and send tbo Ic ttc r 'to ‘Sarah. 1 don 't w ant

r tbtnklnR Dnn and I a ro.pov- :y-fllrlcl(cu. b'oIoE a round - In

I tho

voiope. She addrcsseil I t to .M ra. rob O'Fallon and linisbod I t'w ilb ' itamp."T hfrel” th e elrl sished aloud.

••IfuAll a

check I•sly* *Five hundred dollars — FIVE

HUNDRED DOLLAItS!"You can ’t loke it!" n! email

'olco In tUo hack o t her b rain was InalBtlnE. "You aren’t starvioK or

)1d o r beipicss and you can’t ad- lit to your muiher or anyono elao

th a t Dan doesn 't make eiiouKb to ako care o f you. You 'caii't 'accepi his money and adm it your mur- ■lago isn 't a huccms!"

p H E rtR Y sank to tho davenport. ^ T here wore a ll tbo tbinga.w hich th a t money could do for h e r and Dan. « I t could hardly have come a t

more opporluno tUne—tho rent ,be paid. Dan's now su it , the

money ho bad borrowed."Take iti*' a second voice, equal­

ly fa r aw ay,,seemed to ’arsuo- "Ac­cept i t as a w oddtD i'preaeat. You wouldn't oven bore to 'te l i D sn—1"

Tli'oro ! l t was! She had known dll-alonB w bat was bolilibc.

back from ceeptlnx tho money, bad 'kDonn.,'Dan .would never

asreo to ta k e money from b e r par- enls. - Doa was .proud and b lile r s llll o v e r 't t i ln f s rber fa th e r 'h a d said on t^o^oDiyoceasIpn when ibe two bad mot. Tbis fCOO was real­ly b s r 'ta th e r ’s money thouBb Itw aa "er-m o ther who sent IL

'.••You-can't do i C tJ)o Orst toIco rmicd. ' •^It's your loyalty to Dan

tba l'a a t stake. You can’t .d o ,tbe one thlBE 'you know, be wouldn’t w ant you to.*'

Well, th e re ’ was no n ie^sittlnB there s ta r ln s i r t h o cbeck., Tbo breakfast disbes-wero to be washed and the ' laundry ssdl: Cberry had a : tu l | day 'a work a h e a d . ' 8be so t to b e r teet, rolded.-tbe>ebeck-and slipped It back In to .tb e envelopo. Tlien she placed it in the top draw ­er o t th e b is cheiU Sbe would de- cIdo;wbat to do later. '

Tbo'.dlsbes w are f a lU n s , stacked on tbe sb e it th a t served a s a k itch­en table. Cherry, drew a pan of steam inc. aud iy w ater and . besan to ply tbe d ish mop.

A fter th e dishes w ere . w aibsd and p u t away-sbe besab enersetleal- ly to cican tb e Ilv lns room. ' Sbe worked a s . tboush c e tlin s - tha t room d e a n were tbo one im portant th in s In tbo world.

She flalsbod w itb tbo U vlns room. She collected tho laundry and p u t It ou t t o r 't b e driver. Just^bofore 1 o'clock, when she -w as about to s i t down to a th ic a l 'lu n c b 'Cherry w ent to th e cbeat and so t ou t. her molber’a le tte r. • , - ; - : Sbe took paper 'and-pen a n d ‘lnk and 'aat dow n a t tbo ta b le . ' Five d ln u te s la te r ib o folded tbo '^beek I n l t t r - l h e 'n o t e sbo h « - w ritten

.and aea led -tb sm bo tb ‘-ta'-ah:

wholo iblnc , without w aiting to cat. she slipped

1 her bat and cost nnd tVaiked to le corner post box.Another week and i t would bo

jno. Tbo sky was deep' sapphire today, the clouds like down. Sun- diine sblm merod back from window .isnes and ih o -w h ile pavement. Cbcrry.wnllied slowly, cnloyinic tho froib a ir . '

C i m had dropped tiio le tte r into box nnd sta rted bock up Iho wlien A noisy police ambu­

lance paiscd. ' A m inute lolor ;auRht 'h e r b reath. Tho

ambulance had baited in fron t er homeiTbo e lrl walked faster. The am-

•bulancowas backod to tho door now.iterod tbo house and a

woman camo ou t tbo door.Cberry bbsan to run . ‘'W hat Is

117" Stio asked rbe man in - th e . seat. ’'W hai'a h e p p en b d f

'Don't know, m a'am . ;B m onaticy

lUlodl"■ to I tbo

:all."A Kroup

by tho noise formed

jf- tb o t ambuia:___InijnlsitlvD '-BemHircIs

the sidew alk. Cberry rushed up :he steps. T ho woman by tbe door ffss anoUier tenan t w bom 'Sbe bad loen bu t nover/berb/'o apeken-to.

"W hst's bappened r’ ' t h e s iskcd.

•'U 's Miss Jam ieson," the other told ber. ‘’S l lo 'b a s 'th a t lUUe room oil tbe top floor. Took aome kind o t poison."

*'0b, how borrlblel'* '“ Ii’il be a .,m ercy , i t abe d6ess't ve.” C herry 's in to rm aot continued

somberly. "Sbe'a been 'ou t o t work.' Hasn’t psid b s r r e n t to r -three weeks. - T hat’s 'w by tb e jsn l to r hap­pened to CO n p ita lrs a n d ’knock a t her door. Oeiiove me, 1 know w bat It's like to bo .ou t o t w ork w ith do friends!", - '

door ^opened’ a n d tbo two women' s ie p p o d -as id e .''T w o 'm en bearlns a ^ itre le b er,- came out, Tbero was a f isure 'on tb e stretcher, eallre iy covered- except fo r the pale face w ith l u fram e o t dark hair. T be <yci( were'closed b tit tbe face waa contoHed aa tbbusb .frompain. ........... ' ' ■'. InsUnctlTely C b e rrt drew l T he crowd o t-w atchers on tbe alde- walk bad Increaaed.-C berry wanted to tell th em 'to .B O «w ay .'T ha t poor s i r l - s u r o iy ln --b sr. au tfsrlnc ib e was entitled lo privacyl They were ta k ln s lieT lo ft t fo ip lu l t b ' t r y 't o iave b e r.ll te ; Would ^ba liteT . If tbe doctors aucceeded-would'she be sratefu l to ih e m f , , .' ' ' - “ll 'a —so tsrrlbls.'*< C berrr aald

brokenly. “ L et's Bo'tasld'e.” '- - The o the r .w om aa,:foilow ed.ber. Mr. B erem an .'tba la a ito r. sttftrd In tbo en trance , b a l l ' ‘Welt, tt 'a too bad," he sa id , ' l l ’a k baS‘th I a |i to ba r* bappsa l a . a c a p a r t n s n t .

hopo they w on't eet a 'lo to t-ru m o rs a tartcd—"

■Do'tbcy th ink sb s 'il- s e t- .w e lir Cherry asked.

Mr. I^ r jtm a n . Inelinod hla bead tkepti'.itliy. “ Who knows? She iln 't been e a lln s much for a Ions tlRio I Kuets. The i!o:(<ir said she tind a chance. ThbC'o a l l . . Site h a sn 't looked so well fo r a couple a ion th s.''

'^H asn't abo any fricndsT l n : t thoro anyono a t all to help b e r t”

•Tbo Jan ito r shook bio .head. "Not slnoo sha's been hure.*' he said. "I've nev er seen tier w ith anyooe.

Tho note abo left tiild Uiere wasn’t lyono to notify.""B ut I t doeen't -seem rlitbt-1**

Cberry besau.

rp H B other woman p u t a hand on tho s ir i 's a rm .' "T hey 'll do

oVerylblDs th a t can bo done to r her botpital,’' she sa id , " tt 'a

charity cases like th is one and rleb tolka th o t so t the-best care. Tboy'll sa to her. It there 's a n y way to ■j IL"

They w ere r ish t o t course. T here aa no th in s fo r Cherry to do biit

so 'upB tairs -to her own apartm ent. Lunch w as w altlns tb o ro -b u t she knew she couid notLeat.

•T hIs-i<w haro you Ilro ,-lsn 't 117“ tho o the r woman said wben tb fy had reached-the second floor land-' Ins. *'Tou’d be tter llo down for a while. -Look so rt o t w orn ouL Would you like m e to b r in s you a cup of t e a r • ■

C berry thanked ih sr-bu tirb fo sed . T bo w om an-sald she was Mra. Mo­reau ond lived on tho th ird floor. Cherry ,proiblsed to come up to see ’le r somo alternoon. .

T he dpartm ent bad neveraeem ed inch a ' ' refuse. C berry entered. ;lo8ins the door, behind ber.' The

{am lliar room w ltb iU b r is b t colora a n d com fortab le ''fu rn ish lB sa bad ' never-lookgd'so a ttrac tivo . 'Obr «By- had she and Dan considered tbom- •eJvea. poor! They w ore younk. T h ey -b ad heallb. T b e y fb id eaeb; ith e r.

Tbrounbout.tbe afternoon C herry ' w as unable to r id he rse lt of the memory o t Miss Ssmieson'a w hite f a c e . . A t 4 o'clock sbe w ent down sU Ira to ask the Jan ito r’s w ife i t th e re hod beea any repo rt from tbe hospltaL

- I t abo lives tb ro u sb 'tb e nlsbt,** Mrs. B ersm aa told her, •“t b e r »ay sba 'il s e t welL Tbe poor s i r i l Yes, It’s too bad—too' bad-^** -' ' -

There, was no th in s to be 's s loed for .Mlsa Jam ieson .o r anyone else by s ta ad ln s there and d lscussins w b a l’bad 'happened . Cherry w ent ba ek ;to 'lh e second floor.' D lnner'W as rsady ,-w altln s to be p u t on '.the U bie w bes 'D an arrived a t 6 o’clock., Cberry heard him w bistliO B-la Ibe hall a s d rao*to ; open 'the door. :

•’Hello. darilD S-* ' she besaa . bn t tb e w ords died on h e r llpa. • • >.

Daa. rh illlp a e n tered ,, b is face a l lsb t w ith e s e l t s m e n t ' ' *’lTeUo. C berry .'' W ait til l you seo ,;w bat

>»00l<IlOSTON*. Jiine 22 (UP) .— An-

flcipntlon o f n ir th c r improvomcni Iho KOOdH m orkcl silmulalon

L-onfidonce In c u rr c n t ir Quoi-odwool. ModcrHlu to nmall (ittantlllo.^ if 04h and finer ond Mii 60k <i>iall- y lo rrlto ry wooIh tnbvu n litllo tioro frcu ly Umn la s t w eek with lonm hoiinQH. ConcesfilonH-nro not la read ily cJ)lalna1>Io a« d iirins

tbe prcvloiiH fow wfckfl ccpecUliy on thu crndeii fo r which dumaud ha*. rccMitly, lendod to hroadon.


L o c a l M a r J k e t s

T be fo llow lns m arke t quotations aro corrocti-d dally by ibe Idaho E vcnlns T im es and represen t tbe

(ToBa Poatia^). ■

22 (UP) holdovorH id holforH

lo:id Kooil 8101 o;.rlinK' «Icoih ':oWH «|U0Ublu,union to mt‘d - '

Kraden quotable

r.O, boidovcrx ;40-3r>ri i)oin\d •bolo' vcaterii

NironK tn 2rx:

’1 iK)iind rted ;


ral Rraden

i A t The Theaters ]'.SHOW AT JOE.K’.S UOXV

TIIKATKIt A T T H A m CROWDS = mwICR last u ish t Jo o -K 'a . Roxy

•' te r wsiH Jammoil lo tho doors , le a r Dr. Y««-I.n1i. tho sex In . ; e ic r . In hin lci.'luro. In tho I

niith Iniit irlKlii Iho doom o t : 'tlioa tor wern to rn from the ir ‘

1ilm;<>H and li wax ha rd to helievo i. Hint IIICKO were mun in t h d r , r ig h t - ' HOUHCH. Acconllni: lo ManaRcy Joe . 1 K nf Jno-K ’ii Itoxy thoator a Rons 1 o f .n ihoii/tanii lli tlc kld-dlos ranR* ini; In nRo from 4 to 'lO yonm of ' nKo a m moru ri-owjiiulile and- uso > l)0l t0r H^nHc Ihnn a honlo o t liOO fliii Kruwn men. Dr. Y ra -I.a li .wm j n iipear twicv iiRaln tonlR liL for ib^ j laiil liinoH Iho flrsi ahow 'fo r wora-

on ly liUirts n t GHO aud tlio soc- :1 »how far mou only n ta rts a t

0:30 .11. m. Tho II. K. O. picture, •’Coniwlailon MarrloKu" featurlnR

Diiniiti nnd iliu Fox .M ovlc. nowii conMltuto tho picture if thy program .

Experts Interpreb , , i Testimony of Deaf ; and . Dumb WitnessM '


CHTCACO, Jimn 22 (UP)—Poln^ 3CS—On tra c k 230 cam ; arrlvob

: iihlpmvnla 7S0: m arke t abou ..idy to -weak: Kouthorn Trium piis nd Cobblerx )1.3S to ^2.-10;Iw nalcH oUicni to Qiutlc.

KANSAS CITY, Mo.. (U P )—Tho :tlon o f .N'ortnnn D. a iu n t. doat u ic . in kiliinK h is fo rm er friend. ;

L nuls Coleinan. wan descrlbe il-ln crim inal court today— n slo ty Mlihoiit words.

T w o jfilKii InnRuaao oxpfirUi w.«l» : jm idoypd by tiie c o u rt to in te rp re t ibo loHtlmony of deaf a n d .dum b - wiiwenncH for tho- Jurym en;: T M :; ipuclnloni, •most o f .them do4ti^ miitcH. w ore allow ed 10 d isetiss tbtf-' frlu l on ihc lr finRors aa IhoylJatC; iti tho courtroom . ,

H u n t surrcndored to police the-; liKht o t March. IC^qborU y after-bO '

iiml sh o t Coleman to-dCAth .InrUhi- homo. ■ ' ' '-'.'rv ,

'•J wam.cd him tim o iand»':tiBj6 offain to quit p a y in s a tten t io n to n y - wite.'r H unt w rote la hIn a lia ra c m t ' lo ofticor*. "Out ho w ou ldn 't do=Jl.'V

9tM . Itho b e s t available Informalloo. T bo 'p rice* 'are^sub jec l to cbanfo w ithout noUco by tbe dealers, bowevor. Readcrn are urged to w atch tb e na tiusa l m a tk e u , w itb wblcli th e se local m arkets w ill rise and fa ll .

B u m n rnicES . •ffbcat

Dlcklow :__ _F e d e ra t io n ----- -


LlRlit hens, nndor l b s . , L esbom bonn, 3 lbs. up .,... llro llo rs _______________

BeansG reat 'N orlhcm . No. 1 . G reat N ortbom , No. S ..


Common A lfalfa, p e r e w t -41 0 .0 0Rod C lover, p e r c w L ________|8 i!0

• - T o ta toesRussoU, No:'>l _____Now pota toes, lb.

.ProdneeB u tterfat

B y - -O iJ l te a 'I m s D abo I tu th . triaffted r tw ic d .- )'untlnB 'fo r ; H -.o :T iin i, In W ta:'

L ou .C ohris w alked and m a d o : t£ > bosne ru n . ■ a c c o u a iln s -.-for ru n s . In to u r - t lm e a .a t bat,.'. -

AI SImmoaA w en fh iU es iL in td ir - tlfl>'e8:up. ''•'■■'■flcv

lUIII T err^ ‘jtvenl'!biltle«8 in trJea. :

H ac k Wilson w alk ed anii. tallM-;i>I tw o tim esyjit

' K ^ T » 'm S T '2 0 'i r E A 1 ^ , . .^ ' '§ > i. PO R T .WORTH; T«x.;,'tO T)

fflppea red a althplo::.ta*»k,.'whon,tlIb‘>i^ S ' c a re ta k e r w as-b rdered -to ,Jaok 'ub .;> £

c ity ha ll.- But vwhen 'too . !*#ntfltoLvi c a r ry o u t hW-orden»AJiafcbuld*tiOt;-'.- f ln d -o n y keys: .-Por-.S O -.toara '/'" c i ty . 'h a i r bad ' Eano 'u n io c lc ^ '- i no m em ber o f th e ''p r (* e i if .r ii i l cou ld romombor h a t in g , aeob-;, k e y s;- .-

L lrestoek Choice lis :b t-bn tebe rs , K O -to • 210 pounders — :------ :.„ .— ;.8 U c

Page 8: DAiAN IGNORES United States Offers to ReBuee Heavy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF091/PDF/... · WjEATflfeR 'Vuir, no clmtiRa lii tompomtiirc. iUiHt

.ety and Clulb . New'sCeremony Couple Marries -

Unites Couple' In Nevada City

\\V<lnitlil[iy iilornlrii; m S:;ll) Mi«. h\ .1. DHl. aim M. i:. DitlllllK.' ................. vli I., An. i ......... . .[.i,,.,. ,vIk, In jrMIhh <!.trlni(li. HlhxiM. iliMi«hl.'r «>f Twin KiiIIk vv.t ,- tuiirri.'cl Jim .-L-i .Ur,.. J.mi;; „i><( ' ..... ......... 'Mr. mill WrK. U \V. Slx«<ni. iiihI hi ICIiio, ............. Jii,..iin- .•..iiri, .Mtn. -Mh-.' M il..... .. >vc-io in 1 " ,Of!orK»C<mr«.l, »or> or Mr. .111.1 Mni., JhilllMi: N ir. KniiiK I . . ' t h . - i.ft;.lv. \ i r , . <*, V, ^■X. 1>. Conriul w ell' iin irrlril. Ml)** ,S1m|i1i;im. Twin fun iiiT nlinv- '' j 'l f " . Ali'!', i.ciiik iumI .Mr», l)!iiii 'Hii r r I'lic huh

lijA U O 'liV liN iN a TIM Eg, TWIN FAIXS. ro A H q^ . . _

a“ 1 ' S v v w|v ,rl w :.. kU-,-11 till IlK- -l-ll oil'll* b ■ ■

„f If.Nc.ar, . l |. .i ,l r t jir.-sltllJIili. h- t nfl|rl;iJ lii.l,,

' Mlldruil WllliiiiiiK-wax lirUifxiiiillil iirv ;;.-iirr:il. ini.l .Mr. Oollli

Snil Harolil SlMnon. Iiroilicr <>C Itii: irii'^ niuiiiiu>'r nf ilii' irlilc. Iic»I IiilMi. I SliKi' i Tr1«|ili(in» nml

, • ' Tlift brlilo -worn n KO'vn of wlill" <'tiiii|>(iiiy.Hllk Incc «iviT I k lit liliir miiln iin'1 Tliry w m - lUTcmiiMiiiii'il i.i Kiko n corniiut of «yrliiKii, mul rw rK -'l liy Mni, Di'll. hioiIht cif i lir Ijriilr;

- 1 1 IioiKiUL-t or brhk-'K iiikI OiiliiOia Aiihroy lUillliir, llnls.'. I.iriilu-r .>r . roiiRH tici) wIlli wliliii mill!. Till* III)' ;ii'jilft:riiiiiii, iiinl .MIh» I.ih'OIi' ' lirlilimtmilil wn» frii.-ko .rin a wracli AIi.t ii. Tw in Kali.;,

c.liiffpn (iTniK. iitiil c iirrlr.l .Iwn'i .Mr. iiiiil Mrn. Dcillliu;iiniiH (inil 0]>liollii I ; Ik...... .. i lirlr tr•. J’rucri'dliiK tin* crr<.niiniv M rtt.'In f:ii!ii lliitinii wiiii; '•() l*riimi.<c .Mi'" I" Urui). .Ni-v.; iinil

■ a iid «it l lif cliiiio of ilic m 'r\Ixivo Yon T iiily ." .Mr». It.w

.))1iiyi'il I./<i1i<'ii[;rlirH w<'i|diiiK K iliu l)rl(lnl i>ariy ciiicri'it ilii' lix'-

. •IfC'III• l.nml: E '

r.M \ .Mi^sti'Ai, .n - n t .K T s -VAXV t.IT-KTS ,

<?rr:iiliiK iiniiKiol li Ml Uy ll.-\-; Ol.'ii JliiVton. '|ia»i.ir ■»n»l.'a1 i.'ii ai il...

Ilia l''lrsl ClirlHllaii rh iir rli. n ii'silay afl.'rlio; ii. r<l l.vlllli- Hie w rv lfc was iiroci'i-iiliiK. '' i" AncciiHlaii IO|il-<ti|(il (iiillil. Tln' i.'Olnli ptaycil "T u a U’lltl •1'n -s .iilalln ii <.r ii !>i>|i'- .•l..-..l,-rill.’.l:omr« mill ihAiiiIi'h In iir<>riii>liiii luMMllfnl lla*-ti» anil t.ili.-r■i.riilnl lliif lioiili'. A w.xlilliis ti'Hi!’<'U<.l.l <M|iil|)n>Mil. \va« nnxh- mlcfnHl.wnH » .'rv i-.li(i ilii- lirldal ‘Ini'Hiu iti<- atliTiioim «>

irly, U<‘V. mill Mr«. (i1.-n H iiiidii. M rn-li.’ .Mrn. (Jr<iru<- .'^iivmiin' ;u»l .Mr;<. W’. .Mr. J.nil H'<-i-lvv.l ilir unlli i<ip ami .\li».

A. t.. fiiiira if. M r.'lu n l Mr». Alinr l ‘. ilt<- i-tiilir’l>l'-rrilirii'Vi'. criiiiiliiar.oiii. n t (he

tiridc. w-lui liavc li.-cn n iarricil r-.'. Voniii;.'r innniciaNi* «.f iln< .-liy y .'iir.i: Mr.'<. ll(i?»' CIhIi nnil Mlxa furnli-lK'il a |inn ;iaiii <if liiirrf»i

C'tnratl. iiml n irli'iy . .Mixn M ary l!.n>vi-r.Mr. mill Mni. (N>nra<1 liifi .Wcil* |ilayi'<l a idano miUi. T w o violin

im a wi'ildln:: ,tr l|i lii 1ln- Hi'lrciliiim »< ti' idiiy.'ii • by Mlt^ Snwtooili inoiiimUiiM. . Ili0.-a I 'lirro ii. a<-c-iMpaiili'd liv

• ♦ ■!■ + M ir: O. 1*. Uiiviill. anil Iwo vtiralOK f 'I . n t i nnniliMia w rrr rninj: l.y -.MIms II.i Ii-

.IM> I.UIHIK i:VK.\T.S ■ .r la i . .Mci’oy. a .............................. I i.yT lio Jiiiilo r W. II. w in 'ilrM. Unvall. .I;u'li I»vl!;lii. i . '-

'lioiil ilii> n-cn liir I'xcnltivo. ami <'iiai]jaiil''i| Iiy Mr:>. nwl:-.lii. ]day<'il nn iyn r m'«'iliif: Tlinrwl.ny cVraliij; iwci .............. .Ill nip lionici o f ,Mrn. Ilaynioml M nii-' Aii rxiinlMlti- I'-nhT iilcn- of ms- iilii-c cii di-i'iirali-d lln- r<'(i'<-r<liliii'al la-

T lin W uinctrii r’on-lr.ii Miii«!r>n- 'lilr. ,Mr». r . II, I'vyor a inl .\lr». IC. a ry HiJjiuy of tln> .Mi>iIiimII>u K|il«. ll, AMiinin iiri-nlilH Jii lln ' :illvn copiii c liiin 'li 4vlll iiii'i'i w IiliM i'ji. iiiTVlcMvi.J .-n .. NI«'r>«tii. r.(i;i .sU ili" avi'iiiK' r.Mm. Ni-«<OI s. Wl«ln .......».'<rtii. ^ Iiiinidiiy iirirrnnoii. man of rll"

li>rh‘n>ii-i'l(a ' the 1. KlUoillrc III

II.- |ili'l!lr i.inl' .Ml-,.. 1.1;.-........................................................ .Mr>. (Ifir.iin and .\lt..,ll- ill T w in I'-all;. W illiam l‘-H.m.Ji, in . l u r t , . .I'r H r

xv.'ddim; (I l | i ' . iilc rin llia in il. .Mv>.. K..ill.-via.' Mill,: .Mrs. ........ . S am id .\ .V.!-

. '.nd .Mr-, l>an .'^l.'r.T, I'll-■I' Un.'sl,, . f 111.- IoiIkc.

....... . i

v ! G ir ls E le c te d T o I'.v; P o s itio n s A t P a u l

_ 'r A r i . . (S i.... .......... i : ui.i.i-

i:n d iia (fil n-'iiii lln' AUiloa Sl;.l<‘ Niirniiil M'li.iol mill a le a i ilii-lr Imaiivi In I'aul, Tli.'y ii.iiti Iniw

ill I'i.iil f..'(i(ii>( f.ir

iio^nial liav.' al;..i

■xltiiirnlH w ere PiM'Vod.I lo •i.'i.niM w rr r .Mm. I'n iil Kroncli..Mr*. WHlliiin lliin to r. .Mrii.'lUinry Sii.lili 111..! Mr.i. O. W. I’aiil. Tlic.Inly ........ will Ik- licldhmiK' i.r Mir. C.>iyrlo>. Coif.

Ollii <‘ii)rnroy. h:;ii or .Mr. aii.l Mr«. iSiNju'ir.'.-ri ailVndlim lln- lllldo m'tiool iir l lif ciiitKD’iii .'h iiri'li a i ICnKi'nc.

arrlvi'd .......... a ’ t w (lay*ir,; i. 'n . ‘ viKllc'il Ills ,.lm.-r anil

I raiiilly. .Mr. ami .Mrs. Kn-d Holt. l.-rK on ill Monnlnln lli

,\lr. and Mr.., W illiam l!«:-k nm lj' ll'ini'-.na llnlli'iitiirrk, Irf i I'ikI w < 'ok |u_ for Si'.fiil.', W;ihIi.. wliiTr- Mr. _ ■ lli'cli will a llrn d KrlKMil. Tlii-y •.v.'iil by u iiy Ilf I ’o rlla ii.l 'vlic-rc ilii-y iiii.'iid.'il i lir KO!<i- I'V.ttlval.

'.MV. and .Mi'h. John l.umly aild Mhii Kiiiiiia ZalllHl. of MarKli.lll- hiwii. I.iwii, ;iri- vliifilni: iii ilii> ln:al>' of ,\fr. timl .Miv. .Icsiu' Jlrau*. i-ii. TIu'y will. ,ali.'> vi-.ll Mr. and .Mr>. I'M' (.iiiiily .T? .’ama.-* J-’.-rry, and Mr. ami .Mnt. \Vali<-r I'liii-rii*

('lil.-,'i. Ml-.,

IIIla:.I. iw.i 'v ..a n .i l.-arlu-r In i il 'in , Idalio. .-ii'rlvi-.l lii-ri- lli<- IV.•••I" |.i I’Kil: a fl.T lior farm

i-iilii. TIii'V 'v lll •Imlli iP lnrli r 'i.irion liv .Iniii' 2r> w lini lii-r

. I 'o r l.

(•b. nl': Mr». U. I.. I 'r .ila l

'.MO.'TOW i r i ’) • :ilUl-r.i>r 1 mlliK",.n lH'lll'V.‘ll a "

rilii'.l h.T'- -A’lili Ja iir.‘-bl»lorl<- " o'• -a.'iliy .la r l iy .»

, liavo. Ill ilii> dli.roMTy of

.inaminolli :>l!iill i<l^in .-.viH'illll.in nf I .......................S:-li-n.'i'.'Tlii- >diiil1 In.'lnillni: imdini _ Is m ori-'llian iliv<’i- iii i<-t.‘ wliI.-.jB

mllllmoi o f ' - " ifflidiil:. >ii;ii

Ili-li^lilni Mill b in II Aviuiilcn idi< IiMlnsirv. SImi'K a rc niaili* for li I'a l '.iti<"‘ ami .f«i; ..lil[iim'Hl lo j " ^ Krain'1-, tl rinany nnil ilu* Ni‘i lu 'r - l[ | himlri.*


I T P U T S M O N E l

Everything Washed - Flatwork IronedGive yourself u holiday— savo m oney a t the some time. Send all your w ashing lo us for Thrif­ty Service J W e wa-sh everythins .in the bundle spotlessly clean. W e return the w earing apparel ready to iron; A nd we iron the f la t w ork -^ the big, hard-to-do p a rt of the bundle. T hrifty lakes w ashday out of your home; T hrifty puls m oney inlo your purse. T ry it. Telephone— wii’ll send fo r your bundle.

T h e tolal cost of home washing, plus hom e iroii- inj; the flat w6rk

$1.26Includes cost- o^ .soap, w ashing • powder, bkMng, w ater, coal an d eleclric curren t, plus upkeep and in terest on equipm ent in­vestm ent.


10 P O U N D S

T he cost of TH RIFTY SERVICE for the sam e b u n d l e — ev try lh ing washed, fla t work ironed, the real of the bundle re ­tu rned damp, ready to starch, iron o r hang up to dry. A verage bnudle, 1 9 pounds . . .

95?i5 cents per lb.

, 6 cents per l b .

N A T I O N A L L A U N D R Y (S? D R Y C L E A N E R S

' ' ■ ■ P h o n e 7 8 8 - T w i n F a l l s—J - A L S O A T n U I I L . J E R O M E , G O O D IN a , S H O S H O N E ancl B U R L E Y L A U N D R Y

. ' ' Wife Saving Stations' ' ' , "

o f M I S S


E S S E S IT h u rsd ay , ' F r id a y A n d S a t u r d a y


14 to 52

D R E S S E S a n d •


As' usual, one ,person’.s loss is another person’s gain. •• •A short lime ago Iwo ia n l ts closed in Spokane, W ashington. T he m anufacturers of Miss

Spokane dresses were financially embarrasced as a result. In o rder to raise cash quickly, they offered their entire-filock of m ade up dresses and pajam as a t H A LF PR IC E. Falk’s bought a con.siderahlc quantity, for iheir atores. NOW we pass this sav ing on lo you, in this big SPECIAL S A L E . . .

R e g u t a r $ 1 . 9 5 M i s s - S p o i c a n e p r i n t J r e s s f o r j u s t $ 1 . 0 0 S i z e s 1 4 l o 5 2 .

Three Day Event— Thursday, Friday and Saturday


J E W E L R Y !

S ' A - L E ' | .

D e p a r tm e n t S to re . ' -. " T w n F ail« , I d a h a

A S W . V . V V . V . V . W . ' V V - W . V - V . V V A W . V V W . W . V . V W . V
